The best traditions of the Russian education system. Traditions and innovations in Russian education. Employers - the main condition


1 Mnemic processes 5

1.1 Essence and types of memory 5

1.2 The concept of mnemonic processes and their composition 7

2 Traditions and innovations in education 14

2.1 Traditional education 14

2.2 Innovation in education 17

2.3 Criteria pedagogical innovations 23

2.4 Distance learning as an innovation 25




In the course of his life and activity, solving the practical problems that confront us and more or less deeply experiencing what is happening, a person, without setting such a goal or task specifically for himself, remembers a lot, much is involuntarily imprinted on him. As the human activity in which it is performed becomes more complex, it is necessary not to rely on random luck. involuntary memorization, set yourself a special task of memorization.

If we talk about memory not only as a collective term for a certain set of processes, but as a single function, then we can only talk about some very general and elementary ability to imprint and - under appropriate conditions - restore sensitivity data, that is, that can be called a mnemonic function. Memorization, recall, reproduction, recognition, which are included in memory, are built on this basis, but are in no way reduced to it. These are specific processes in which thinking in a more or less complex and sometimes contradictory unity with speech and all aspects of the human psyche are very significantly included.

The study of mnemonic processes as the main components of cognitive activity in psychology determined problem control work. The relevance of this problem is caused by the need to study memory as the ability of the nervous systems to perceive the surrounding reality, store the perceived information in the form of impressions, and, if necessary, reproduce the necessary exactly or in your own words.

The problem and its relevance made it possible to form a topic in psychology "Mnemic processes (memory: memorization, preservation, forgetting, recognition, reproduction)".

The purpose of the control work is to study mnemonic processes. The following tasks follow from the set goal: 1) to consider the essence and types of memory, 2) to study the concept of mnemonic processes and their composition.

Now there is a lot of talk about the innovative development of education, about the priorities of innovation. It is difficult to argue against this, and it should not be. It is appropriate not to lose good, effective traditions.

Traditions in education should be understood as the established elements of the content, means and technologies of training and education, which are transferred from one generation of educators to another.

Innovations are new phenomena in education that have arisen in the most modern (late) period of its development.

There are such conclusions when stability in education acts as a synonym for traditions, and, therefore, stability is a negative phenomenon in education. The incorrectness of such reasoning is obvious.

Thus, the study of traditions as well-established elements and innovations as new phenomena in pedagogy determined the problem of control work.

The relevance of this problem is the need to create a broad concept of education and upbringing, which would appeal to a living person, where the requirements to teach, develop the abilities of the mind, nurture and refine the moral sense of a person would merge together.

The problem and relevance made it possible to form a topic on pedagogy: "Traditions and innovations in education."

The purpose of the test is to study the traditions and innovations in education.

The following tasks follow from the set goal: 1) to characterize traditional education; 2) reveal the essence of innovative education; 3) determine the criteria for pedagogical innovations; 4) consider Remote education like an innovation.


1.1 Essence and types of memory

Along with other cognitive processes, perceptual and intellectual, mnemonic processes are distinguished (from the Greek "mnema" - memory). Mnemic processes act as components of a person's cognitive activity and are inextricably linked with his intellectual activity and perceptual processes.

Memory - the process of preserving past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activity and return to the sphere of consciousness. Memory connects the subject's past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive function underlying development and learning. (10, p.115)

The essence of memory, its great importance in human life and activity, as well as the scope of phenomena included in this concept, are quite obvious. In general psychology, memory is defined as a person's reflection of experience through memorization, storage and subsequent reproduction. From this definition it follows that memory includes a whole system of processes - the processes of memorization, preservation, reproduction, and, which must also be taken into account, the process of forgetting. They are different in their orientation, functional role and basic patterns.

Like any other mental phenomenon, memory is divided into a number of main types. Firstly, share voluntary and involuntary memory. They differ, respectively, in the presence or absence of a special - conscious goal to remember something. If there is such a goal and it is realized by a person, then there is arbitrary memory; if it does not exist and memorization occurs in addition to awareness, along with the solution of any other tasks and the performance of other actions, then memory acquires involuntary(mechanical, "automatic") character. Secondly, memory is divided into motor, emotional, figurative, verbal-logical. motor memory- this is the memorization, preservation and reproduction of various movements and their systems. emotional memory- memory for feelings, emotions, evaluative relations to reality. figurative memory- this is a memory for integral visual representations, for images and pictures of the outside world. A special variety and the highest manifestation of figurative memory is eidetic memory. At the same time, a person not only remembers any image, but also, as it were, sees it in all the smallest details. Verbal-logical memory how is her the most important species- this is a memory for verbal, semantic, sign information. Thirdly, memory is divided according to the attribute of the analyzer that provides information for memorization, and allocate visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic memory. AT- fourth, according to the time of storing information, memory is divided into long term and short term. Unlike long-term memory, which is characterized by long-term retention of information after repeated repetition, short-term memory is characterized by a very short retention time after a single and very short presentation, as well as immediate reproduction.

A specific type of memory that has features of both short-term and long-term memory is RAM. This is a system of mnemonic processes that ensure the memorization, preservation and reproduction of information that comes in the course of performing actions and which is necessary only to achieve the goal of this particular action. Finally, depending on individual differences mnemic processes, there is a division into types of memory - visual-figurative, verbal-logical and combined (intermediate) types. The first of them is characterized by the best development of visual-figurative memory. It is more common in people of the so-called artistic type (more emotional, impressionable, prone to direct and concrete perception of reality). The second is characterized by better development of verbal-logical memory. It is more common in people of the “thinking” type (prone to a rational, objective and generalized perception of the world). The combined type includes elements of the first two, both of which are quite strongly expressed, and is therefore optimal.

Thus, all these and many other general psychological patterns are studied in a special section of psychology - the psychology of memory, which is currently one of the most developed areas of psychology. All of them, of course, are significant for any professional, including managerial activity. (1, p.465)

1.2 The concept of mnemonic processes and their composition

Mnemic processes act as components of human cognitive activity and are inextricably linked with perceptual and intellectual processes. Memory images are called representations.

Memory- the process of fixing, preserving, subsequent recognition and reproduction of past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activity or return to the sphere of consciousness. Memory as the basis of mental activity occupies a special place among mental cognitive processes, ensuring their continuity and uniting them into a single whole. It connects the subject's past with his present and future. Lack of memory - amnesia. (8, p.37)

The main processes of memory: memorization (imprinting), preservation, reproduction, recognition, forgetting.

memorization- a generalized name for the processes that ensure the retention of material in memory. There are two types of memory: voluntary and involuntary. (8, p.37)

In the case of involuntary memorization, a person does not set himself the task of remembering this or that material. Memory-bound processes perform operations here that service other activities. As a result, memorization is relatively immediate and is carried out without special volitional efforts, preliminary selection of material and the conscious use of any mnemonic techniques. At the same time, the dependence of memorization on the purpose and motives of the activity remains in this case as well.

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva

Faculty of Biology, Geography and Chemistry

Traditions in teacher education

Completed by a 1st year student

Tributs E.S.

Checked by: Zhuravleva O.P.

Krasnoyarsk, 2015

education pedagogical distance learning


1. Traditional education

2. Innovation in education




Traditions in education should be understood as the established elements of the content, means and technologies of training and education, which are transferred from one generation of educators to another.

Innovations are new phenomena in education that have arisen in the most modern (late) period of its development.

There are such conclusions when stability in education acts as a synonym for traditions, and, therefore, stability is a negative phenomenon in education. The incorrectness of such reasoning is obvious.

Thus, the study of traditions as well-established elements and innovations as new phenomena in pedagogy determined the problem of control work.

The relevance of this problem is the need to create a broad concept of education and upbringing, which would appeal to a living person, where the requirements to teach, develop the abilities of the mind, nurture and refine the moral sense of a person would merge together.

The problem and relevance made it possible to form a topic on pedagogy: "Traditions and innovations in education."

The purpose of the work is to study traditions and innovations in education.

The following tasks follow from this goal:

1) characterize traditional education;

2) reveal the essence of innovative education;

3) determine the criteria for pedagogical innovations.

1. Traditional education

The main principle of the modern concept of education is the interpretation of the ideal of education through knowledge and cognition. Proceeding from this, education is a way of transferring the socio-cultural experience of mankind, one of the main components of which is science. (5, p.186)

In any education, a lot is assigned to memory, to the process of knowledge, preservation and reproduction of tradition, to the repetition of the past.

Tradition, unlike memory, works with the historical past, with the past of the once former, with the past present. Tradition does not let the past pass, it blurs the line between the past and the present, it keeps the presence of the real past in the lasting present. (4, p.123)

The Soviet school focused on vocational training she tied life success a person with the extent to which he is able to master a profession that is useful and necessary for society and realize himself in social production. At the same time, the focus on knowledge was the dominant feature of the Soviet school. The school provided fundamental training that involved the development of universal abilities - thinking, creativity, collectivist qualities, which allows you to see the profession not in a narrowly operational way, but on a large scale, which means not to be a slave to the profession: Soviet specialists were "generalists", they easily mastered related professions . The Soviet school did not set the task of introducing the child into the life of tradition. Moreover, the ideology implemented in school education deliberately created barriers in the minds of new generations for the perception of those values, the source of which is the culture-forming tradition of Orthodoxy. So, for example, one of the most important categories of self-consciousness - human dignity - in the church tradition is associated with the education of such a quality as humility. This concept was excluded from the educational thesaurus of Soviet times, and human dignity was revealed through the category of pride - in the Orthodox tradition, this concept is opposite to humility, just as sin is opposite to virtue.

In post-Soviet Russia, two opposing processes can be observed. On the one hand, there is a reduction of the "knowledge" model of the school to the "information" model. The school is faced with the task of adapting students to the labor market. Orientation to the labor market displaces the understanding of the uniqueness of the human personality, its high purpose, its talents and abilities from the educational sphere. Only those abilities should be developed that will allow solving the problem of adaptation.

At the same time, the understanding is being strengthened and growing that vocational training is only a part of the education system. The goals of education are much more significant and include a person's awareness of the purpose and meaning of life, his destiny in this world and responsibility for his life in the face of eternity. The task of education - to ensure the historical continuity of generations - is formulated among the main priorities of the National Doctrine of Education.

To ensure this priority, it is necessary to build new cultural foundations of national education, it is necessary to build the goals of education hierarchically, to consciously determine the goal of introducing new generations into the life of tradition as hierarchically dominant. It must be recognized that these culturally compatible foundations of education will necessarily be connected with the Orthodox tradition, open to the spiritual experience of the Church.

In order for the school to be able to solve the problem of mastering the tradition, it is necessary to ensure the development of the following content elements in the educational process:

1. Work experience;

2. Experience in creative activity;

3. Values ​​and meanings of tradition;

4. Experience of interpersonal communication based on the values ​​and meanings of tradition;

5. The experience of spiritual life, the conditions, the acquisition of which is transmitted in the forms of tradition.

If the school does not provide this, it does not fulfill the task of mastering the tradition. However, it should be understood that the school alone is not capable of accomplishing this task.

This task is not solved by the school and not even by the education system, understood institutionally, according to the wording of the Law on Education, as a system of institutions, educational programs and management.

A person is educated by culture - a set of forms developed in line with the main traditions that determined the historical life of the people. In the upbringing of a person, in addition to school, the most important role should be played by the family and the Church.

However, institutionalized education has a significant role to play here. After all, if a school puts up barriers to gaining experience of spiritual life, if it conveys not traditional, but some other values ​​and meanings, all the more contrary to traditional ones, it becomes an instrument for destroying tradition.

The system most adequate to the task of transferring tradition continuing education. The system of continuous education is interpreted as a continuous process of life, in which educational institutions are included at a certain level, from preschool to postgraduate. Not a person goes to school, but a school enters a person's life. The unity and continuity of the process is ensured by the goal of preserving the transmission of the development of tradition. In the system of continuous education, this goal is a backbone element. If this goal is not there, there is no continuity.

The system of continuous education built in this strategy should be aimed not only at providing a person with an educational minimum corresponding to his age and the interests of society, but also at creating conditions for the spiritual development of a person, which every citizen of the country can use. It should ensure the inalienable right of the individual to the accessibility of Russia's thousand-year-old spiritual heritage and the moral experience of generations for all citizens of the country, regardless of their family traditions and social status.

Summing up this brief overview of trends, searches, inevitable conflicts between the unknown and the familiar in the difficult and controversial process of transition to new era development of Russian society and its educational sphere, it can be argued that this result is generally positive. Hope for the best is already supported by the fact that there is an opportunity to freely discuss and evaluate what is happening. More and more people, including teachers, come to the conclusion that much in the fate of the people and themselves depends on them - on their independence, professionalism, readiness for action. The time will come for a calm evolution, and the relationship between innovations and traditions in pedagogical science and practice will also stabilize.

2. Innovation in education

The word "innovation" is of Latin origin. In translation, it means renewal, change, the introduction of something new, the introduction of novelty. The concept of "innovation" (innovation) is defined both as an innovation and as a process of putting this innovation into practice. AI. Prigozhin, who studies the problems of the formation of innovations in pedagogy, considers innovation as a process of purposeful activity of people-innovators.

Studying the theoretical provisions of the innovation process, we can single out the concept of the "life cycle" of innovation, which proceeds from the fact that innovation is a process that takes place over time. This process goes through certain stages, which differ in the types of activities that ensure the creation and implementation of innovation. To date, the scientific literature has developed the following scheme for subdividing the innovation process into stages:

The stage of the birth of a new idea or the emergence of the concept of innovation; conditionally, it is called the stage of discovery, which is the result, as a rule, of fundamental and applied scientific research (or instant "insight").

The stage of invention, that is, the creation of an innovation embodied in some object, material or spiritual product - a sample.

The stage of innovation, at which the resulting innovation finds practical application, its refinement; the stage ends with obtaining a sustainable effect from the innovation. After this, the independent existence of innovation begins, the process of innovation enters the next stage, which occurs only under the condition of susceptibility to innovation.

In the phase of using the innovation, further stages are distinguished:

The stage of dissemination of innovation, which consists in its widespread introduction into new areas.

The stage of domination of innovation in a particular area, when the actual innovation ceases to be such, losing its novelty. This stage ends with the appearance of an effective alternative or replacement of this innovation with a more effective one.

The downsizing phase of an innovation associated with its replacement by a New Product. (9, p.408)

Innovations, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to be managed.

In the context of an innovative strategy for a holistic pedagogical process, the role of the school principal, teachers and educators as the direct carriers of innovative processes increases significantly. With all the variety of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problematic, modular and others, the implementation of the leading pedagogical functions remains with the teacher. With the introduction of modern technologies into the educational process, the teacher and educator are increasingly mastering the functions of a consultant, adviser, and educator. This requires them to have special psychological and pedagogical training, since in the professional activity of a teacher not only special, subject knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, teaching and education technologies. On this basis, a readiness for the perception, evaluation and implementation of pedagogical innovations is formed. (7, p.492)

The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change: innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. (7, p. 492)

In understanding the essence innovation processes two major problems of pedagogy lie in education - the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of introducing the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science into practice. Consequently, the subject of innovation, the content and mechanisms of innovation processes should lie in the plane of combining two interconnected processes, considered so far in isolation, that is, the result of innovation processes should be the use of innovations, both theoretical and practical, as well as those that formed at the intersection of theory and practice. All this emphasizes the importance of managerial activity in the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations. The point, therefore, is that the teacher can act as an author, developer, researcher, user and propagandist of new pedagogical technologies, theories, concepts. The management of this process ensures the targeted selection, evaluation and application in one's activities of the experience of colleagues or new ideas and methods proposed by science. The need for an innovative orientation of pedagogical activity in modern conditions development of society, culture and education is determined by a number of circumstances. (6, p.215)

Firstly, the ongoing socio-economic transformations have necessitated a radical renewal of the education system, methodology and technology for organizing the educational process in educational institutions different type. The innovative orientation of the activities of teachers and educators, which includes the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations, acts as a means of updating the educational policy.

Secondly, the strengthening of the humanization of the content of education, the continuous change in the volume and composition of academic disciplines, the introduction of new academic subjects require a constant search for new organizational forms and teaching technologies. In this situation, the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the teaching environment increases significantly.

Thirdly, a change in the nature of the attitude of teachers to the very fact of mastering and applying pedagogical innovations. Under the conditions of strict regulation of the content of the educational process, the teacher was limited not only in the independent choice of new programs, textbooks, but also in the use of new methods and methods of pedagogical activity. If earlier innovative activity was reduced mainly to the use of innovations recommended from above, now it is becoming more and more selective, exploratory in nature. That is why an important area in the work of school leaders and education authorities is the analysis and evaluation of pedagogical innovations introduced by teachers, the creation of conditions for their successful development and implementation.

Fourthly, the entry of general educational institutions into market relations, the creation of new types of educational institutions, including non-state ones, create a real situation of their competitiveness. (7, p.494)

The modern school has accumulated rich pedagogical experience, which should be implemented in specific pedagogical activities, but often remains unclaimed, since most teachers and leaders do not have a need to study and apply it, there are no skills and abilities in its selection and analysis. In real practice, teachers often do not think about the need and expediency of analyzing their own pedagogical experience, the experience of their colleagues.

Pedagogical experience can be massive and advanced. Advanced pedagogical experience is historically limited, since at each new stage, with the expansion of the material, methodological, personnel and other possibilities of the school, new requirements for pedagogical activity arise. At the same time, advanced experience also carries some enduring elements that replenish the treasury of pedagogical science and practice. The position of the teacher plays an important role in the creation and transfer of best practices, therefore, when analyzing and disseminating the leading provisions of a particular experience, it is important to take into account the influence of the subjective factor, predict options for its assessment and transmission to teaching staff. In pedagogical experience, as nowhere else, objectively valuable and individual are intertwined, but not everything deeply individual in pedagogical activity can become the property of mass practice. What remains is that which constitutes the realm of the unique and unrepeatable in the individual, which creates a new experience.

The innovative orientation of the activities of teachers includes the second component - the introduction into practical pedagogical activity of the results of psychological and pedagogical research. The results of scientific research in pedagogy and psychology for school workers often remain unknown due to the lack of timely information. In special works by V.E. Gmurman, V.V. Kraevskoro, P.I. Kartashova, M.N. Skatkin and others, it is shown that the implementation of the results of pedagogical research involves a special familiarization of practitioners with the data obtained, the rationale for the expediency of their implementation, and the development on this basis of the need to apply scientific results in practice. This is possible under the condition of specially organized training in the methods and techniques for implementing scientific recommendations with prompt methodological, advisory assistance from specialists.

In this regard, the question arises as to who can and should be the distributor and propagandist of new pedagogical ideas and technologies. To study and disseminate the experience of an individual teacher and the experience of a school, the results of scientific research should be groups of trained teachers led by a deputy director for scientific work or head teacher of the school.

The need to create such groups is explained by a number of circumstances. Firstly, the author of a pedagogical innovation, or any constructive pedagogical idea or technology, is not always aware of their value and perspective. Secondly, he does not always consider it necessary to implement his ideas, as this requires additional time. Thirdly, an innovation in the presentation of the author does not always receive sound scientific and methodological instrumentation. Fourthly, when the author presents his innovations and through their implementation on the part of teachers-colleagues, a reaction of "rejection" may appear due to personal characteristics, both of the author and his colleagues. Fifthly, this group is able to take on the functions of not only implementation, but also subsequent analysis and correction, both in relation to an individual teacher and the teaching staff. Sixthly, such a group carries out pedagogical monitoring - systematic selection, screening out of new ideas, technologies, concepts based on the materials of domestic and foreign press and the experience of universities. Management of implementation activities does not exclude the participation of the author himself in such work, on the contrary, it creates conditions for the maximum use and stimulation of his individual creative abilities. (7, p.496)

Thus, the innovative pedagogical activity of a teacher can be considered as a complex, purposeful process of creating, disseminating and using pedagogical innovation, the purpose of which is to satisfy the interests of people in new means, which leads to certain qualitative changes in the system of organizing the educational process in an educational institution and ways to ensure its effectiveness. , stability and viability. In the conditions of the school, the efforts of the creators and distributors of pedagogical innovations are combined. In real practice, the nature of innovation processes is determined by the content of the results obtained, the degree of complexity and novelty of the proposed proposals, as well as the degree of readiness of practitioners for innovation.

3. Criteria for pedagogical innovation

The formation of an innovative orientation involves the use of certain criteria to judge the effectiveness of an innovation. Taking into account the existing experience of research in pedagogy, it is possible to determine the following set of criteria for pedagogical innovations: novelty, optimality, high performance, the possibility of creative application of innovation in mass experience.

The main criterion for innovation is novelty, which is equally relevant to both the assessment of scientific pedagogical research and advanced pedagogical experience. Therefore, for a teacher who wants to be involved in the innovation process, it is very important to determine what the essence of the proposed new is, what is the level of novelty. For one it may be really new, for another it may not. In this regard, it is necessary to approach the inclusion of teachers in innovative activities, taking into account voluntariness, characteristics of personal, individual psychological characteristics. There are several levels of novelty: absolute, local-absolute, conditional, subjective, differing in the degree of fame and scope. (7, p. 496)

The introduction of optimality into the system of criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations means the expenditure of effort and resources of teachers and students to achieve results. Different teachers can achieve equally high results with different intensity of their own work and the work of students. The introduction of pedagogical innovation into the educational process and the achievement of high results at the lowest physical, mental and time costs testify to its optimality.

Efficiency as a criterion of innovation means a certain stability of positive results in the activities of teachers. Manufacturability in measurement, observability and fixability of results, unambiguity in understanding and presentation make this criterion necessary in assessing the significance of new techniques, methods of training and education.

The possibility of creative application of innovation in mass experience is considered by us as a criterion for evaluating pedagogical innovations. In fact, if a valuable pedagogical idea or technology remains within the framework of a narrow, limited application, due to the peculiarities and complexity of the technical support or the specifics of the teacher’s activity, then it is unlikely that this case we can talk about pedagogical innovation. The possibility of applying innovations in mass pedagogical experience in initial stage is confirmed in the activities of individual teachers and educators, but after their approbation and objective evaluation, they can be recommended for mass implementation.

Knowledge of the above criteria and the ability to use them in assessing pedagogical innovations create the basis for pedagogical creativity.

An analysis of the specialized literature and the experience of schools indicates the insufficient intensity of the application of pedagogical innovations in the practice of educational institutions. There are at least two reasons for the lack of implementation of pedagogical innovations. The first reason is that an innovation, as a rule, does not pass the necessary professional examination and approbation. The second reason is that the introduction of pedagogical innovations is not previously prepared either organizationally, or technically, or psychologically. (7, p.497)

Thus, a clear understanding of the content of the criteria for pedagogical innovations, possession of the methodology for their application allow both individual teachers and heads of educational institutions to objectively evaluate and predict their implementation. The haste in introducing innovations more than once led the school to the fact that the recommended, often from above, innovation after some time was forgotten or canceled by order or order.


The processes of memorization, preservation, reproduction and the process of forgetting and many other general psychological patterns are studied in a special section of psychology - the psychology of memory, which is currently one of the most developed areas of psychology. All of them, of course, are significant for any professional, including managerial activity.

What is common to all these diverse processes, which are usually combined under the term memory, is that they reflect or reproduce the past previously experienced by the individual. Thanks to this, the possibilities of reflecting reality are significantly expanded - from the present it extends to the past.

Unfortunately, when people talk about an innovative way of developing education (can there be any other development?), they often reject traditions as such. At the same time, traditions are identified with backwardness, inertia in education.

There are also such conclusions when stability in education acts as a synonym for traditions, and therefore stability is a negative phenomenon in education. The incorrectness of such reasoning is obvious.

Traditions, like innovations, are different, that is, both positive and negative. It is more correct and competent to speak about the dialectical unity of traditions and innovations in education.

More and more people, including teachers, come to the conclusion that much in the fate of the people and themselves depends on them - on their independence, professionalism, readiness for action. The time will come for a calm evolution, and the relationship between innovations and traditions in pedagogical science and practice will also stabilize.

The innovative pedagogical activity of a teacher can be viewed as a complex, purposeful process of creating, disseminating and using pedagogical innovation, the purpose of which is to satisfy the interests of people in new means, which leads to certain qualitative changes in the system of organizing the educational process in an educational institution and ways to ensure its effectiveness, stability and viability. In the conditions of the school, the efforts of the creators and distributors of pedagogical innovations are combined. In real practice, the nature of innovation processes is determined by the content of the results obtained, the degree of complexity and novelty of the proposed proposals, as well as the degree of readiness of practitioners for innovation.

A clear understanding of the content of the criteria for pedagogical innovations, possession of the methodology for their application allow both individual teachers and heads of educational institutions to objectively evaluate and predict their implementation. The haste in introducing innovations more than once led the school to the fact that the recommended, often from above, innovation after some time was forgotten or canceled by order or order.

Distance learning as an innovation is increasingly developing in the world educational practice, which is due to the transition from the informatization of education and other activities of the society of its post-industrial period of development to the construction of an information society and is based on the success of the development of information and telecommunication technologies. It is safe to say that DL is in demand today and, therefore, will develop rapidly. Indeed, for its development now there are all the possibilities, both technically and intellectually.


1. E.K. Krasnukhina Innovations and education. Collection of conference materials. Series "Symposium", issue 29. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2003 - p. 215

2. Internet magazine "Eidos". Kraevsky V.V. Innovation and tradition - two poles of the world of education - 2003.

3. Pedagogy: Proc. Handbook for student teacher. textbook institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov - 3rd edition. Moscow: School-Press, 2000 - 512 p.

4. T.I. Simonenko Innovations and education. Collection of conference materials. Series “Symposium”, issue 29. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2003 - p.215

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    Benefits of using multimedia information technology in the classroom. Recommendations for the development of multimedia presentations. The concept and technologies of distance learning. Types of teaching materials used in distance education.

"National traditions of Russian education: values ​​and meanings"

XXVI International Christmas Educational Readings
"Moral values ​​and the future of mankind"
January 23, 2018, White Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Moscow

The national traditions of education of any country are the basis of the pedagogical system and are based on the national ideal of the people. The national ideal is not associated with any ideology or project of an ideal society, but always permeates the history of the development of the people, the nation from the very beginning of its genesis and is manifested in the best achievements of its culture and moral principles. It is the core of civilizational identity and has the property of continuity, since otherwise it is impossible to preserve any form of identity. The new always replaces the old, but at the same time retains its core and individual elements. This is how the principle of dialectical synthesis is realized and the transfer of social and cultural values ​​from generation to generation is ensured.

The current geopolitical state is characterized by confrontation between the West and Russia, and this is not just a conflict of civilizations, but a war of civilizational antagonists. “The civilizational antagonist is not just an adversary, but the embodiment of world evil. The rivalry of civilizational antagonists is a struggle for annihilation.” A tough confrontation is being waged with the use of new, primarily non-power technologies - information, economic, cognitive. This is a war of values ​​and meanings, the purpose of which is not just to discredit national ideals, but to destroy them and plant their own, axiologically directly opposite ones. On the arena of civilizational confrontation, the West and Russia clashed, the values ​​of liberalism and individualism, on the one hand, and traditionalism and catholicity, on the other. It is impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully, if only because “there are differences in the genesis foundations of Russian messianism with the dominant idea of ​​saving the world and the Western planetary project – world domination. In one case, the world must be saved, in the other, it must be subdued.”

For the Russian people, the national ideal is Holy Russia. It was through Orthodoxy that the inhabitants of Russia separated themselves from the rest of the world, felt the uniqueness and originality of their people. Not "good old" (like England), not "beautiful" (like France), not "sweet" (like Italy), not "above all" (like Germany), but "holy". The chronological framework and even the geographical outlines of Holy Russia cannot be determined, since the ideal of holiness on Russian soil was, is and will remain forever, as the highest peak of the spiritual growth of man, society and the state.

Therefore, despite the dramatic and even tragic events of the past century, not always consciously, and sometimes covertly, the national ideal of the people, as the core of historical memory, was preserved in the best works culture and traditions of education, which ensured the self-preservation of the people in the face of persecution, repression and war.

Until recently, myths about the West were cultivated in Russian society. In particular, about the possibility of Russia's "entry" into the Western world, and on an equal basis. Periodically, this idea became the leading one in public policy, as it reflected Western-centric thinking and the desire of the elite for the consumer standards of Western countries.

After 2014, the situation escalated sharply: the war of civilizational antagonists took sharp forms. In the new political realities, Russia declared its sovereignty in a polycentric world. President of the Russian Federation V.V. On December 31, 2015, Putin signed the Strategy national security countries where the priority of traditional values ​​is clearly indicated, including in the education of young people. Therefore, the return of the education system to the national educational ideal has become an urgent task of maintaining the country's security.

At the same time, the process that “opened the way” for Western values ​​and technologies in Russian education was already launched in the post-Soviet period at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. and by now more than one generation of children have passed through the “renewed” Russian school. “Liberals talked about common standards of Western values, conservatives about a common Christian platform. Both of them were wrong. Russia has always been a different from the Western, a special civilization. Her value system was different, and even alternative to the West,” says prof. V.E. Baghdasaryan.

The "liberals in power" did what their predecessors the Bolsheviks did not encroach on - the eradication of the moral guidelines of the former system, which became unfashionable "retro-morality". To ensure success in this endeavor, two theses were voiced:

  • education is only education, which destroyed the basis of the traditional educational system, which considers education as a single process of education and upbringing;
  • the totalitarianism of the former (Soviet) system, manifested primarily in personal lack of freedom. Well, the most free from totalitarianism is, of course, the Western world, so its values ​​should become both our property and the property of our children.

The attempt was partially crowned with success: instead of educating duties, respect and friendship, care and mercy, the education of rights, tolerance, leadership and consumerism was implanted. The result turned out to be threatening - the spiritual and moral degradation of society and the dehumanization of the individual.

Why did the new values ​​and moral ideals turn out to be so destructive specifically for Russia, while in their homeland (in the West) they are not so catastrophic? Because in Russia they do not correspond to the moral educational ideal, which is in no way connected with ideology and cannot be introduced from outside, but grows out of the moral ideal of the people, as its distinctive mental trait or civilizational dominant.

The inversion of key moral concepts, undertaken as an attempt to “implant” Western values, would be difficult without the use of the principle of substitution, since open lies and deceit are too obvious. Substitute (from Latin substitutio - replacement) was originally a special legal term for a reserve heir. Then the boundaries of the concept were expanded to the idea of ​​the interchangeability of one product with another, and then the principle of substitution entered the practice of social relations. In fact, we are not talking about the implementation of a real deed, but about obtaining personal satisfaction, that is, the development of what is called passions in religious practice. In pedagogy, the principle of substitution turned out to be a convenient tool for changing the vector of personality education, as well as the nature of interpersonal relationships. The next step is to replace the value orientations of both the individual and the family. Behind the signboard of the similarity of concepts and identity lies a crafty substitution of moral categories and life meanings [see more details 2].

This problem is as old as the world and is repeated in the life of everyone, starting with Adam and Eve, who wanted to become “like gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5), but instead “the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they are naked” (Genesis 3:7). Although the consequences of these and similar attempts are very tragic, they, thanks to the principle of substitution, do not seem so, but, on the contrary, look attractive. But in the conditions of the modern civilizational war, the substitutional approach acquires a particularly sharp character, since the choice of value-semantic orientation is precisely that key link, on the strength of which the future of not only an individual, but society as a whole depends. The substitution of the true value of spiritual and moral education with an imaginary surrogate is a deliberate action, since the ultimate goal is to replace a way of life based not on virtue and moral consciousness, but on vice and depravity, on base meanings of life, on false spiritual guidelines.

Here one could talk about the distortion of the understanding of the essence of spiritual and moral education, such categories as freedom, conscience, love, etc. But we will focus on only one example - distortion of the principle of hierarchy, as an axiological (value) basis of the universe.

Here we highlight 2 aspects: the connection of hierarchy, beauty and harmony; and what is proposed (and is already “working” in the youth subculture!) instead of a hierarchy.

  1. For a person brought up on humanistic values, the hierarchical principle seems to be unequal, as restricting freedom, suppressing the individual, subordinating the power of another. Such an understanding always causes in any audience (teacher or student) the rejection of the idea that beauty is impossible without hierarchy. Hierarchy, like violence and totalitarianism, cannot be beautiful - this argument is always repeated in discussions in courses for teachers or classes with students. Indeed, in interpersonal relationships hierarchy can be based on different principles: fear (then it is slavery), contract (mercenary). But in Orthodoxy it is based on love and therefore cannot be ugly. Pedagogical correction of the understanding of the Christian essence of the hierarchical principle, as experience shows, is possible by introducing an "intermediate" concept of harmony: beauty is always harmonious, harmony is ordered, as well as hierarchy. The analysis of the concept of harmony leads course participants and students to understand the beauty of hierarchy. But it is difficult to understand and accept this principle, because the understanding of love as a sacrifice has been largely lost, and the education of sacrifice in a consumer society is a complex pedagogical problem.
  2. The opposite of hierarchy is heterarchy (from the Greek heteros - another, alien and archia - power, control) - literally "that which is under the control of another." As you know, “in heterarchical systems, elements are in diverse, but equivalent in relation to each other, links, therefore, such a system is structured not according to the principle of unidirectional progression (as in hierarchical systems that have subordination), but according to the most diverse links, the choice of which is determined by an outside observer. Any heterarchical structure does not have a core dominant and therefore is perceived as incomplete, imperfect, contradictory. In relation to society, this concept reflects modern relativism, when there is no single absolute principle (in the case of spiritual and moral education - an absolute moral ideal), and the system of relations is structured by the individual depending on his personal attitudes.

Humanistic (relativistic) pedagogy sees the goal of education as the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, which excludes its hierarchy (spirit-soul-body) and does not provide clear (absolute) criteria for personal moral choice(good evil). At the same time, it is known that the absence of a hierarchical core foundation leads to a confusion in the individual consciousness of the criteria of good and evil, and the situational choice is determined and justified by the current need, which leads to the relativity of moral and vicious. It is the problem of choosing the vector of personality education (all-round development or hierarchical structure ) is an ideological choice between the principles of humanistic (relativistic) and Orthodox pedagogy, the moral values ​​of the "consumer society" and Orthodox moral culture in the formation of personality and interpersonal relationships.

The pedagogical aspect of heterarchic relations lies in their complementarity (from the Latin comper - to supplement). It is impossible to grow a whole personality on relative values, therefore such an individual seeks to satisfy his functional complementarity at the expense of the Other, while not feeling any gratitude towards him, because he believes that he is owed more than he himself can give. Under such conditions, responsibility for one's life choice is not formed, and infantilism, emotional immaturity and a lack of ability to perceive the world from points of view other than one's own are observed in the structure of the personality. This is the way of cultivating egocentrism, which underlies many life tragedies, both for individuals and modern family generally.

Here are examples from the criminal chronicle of just one week of the recently begun 2018: tragedies in schools - January 15 - Perm, January 17 - Chelyabinsk region, January 19 - Ulan Ude. It seems that soon the teaching profession will become as dangerous as the military profession: the front line is already passing through the school.

What can we observe in these tragedies in common: incomplete families or stepchildren, attacks on those who are younger and on teachers; the lack of real good deeds in the life of the attackers and the enthusiasm for the Internet. This leads to falling "under the control of another", a passion for the criminal and nationalist subculture and imitation of the "heroes" of a similar American attack. The problem of moral ideal, distortion life values and meanings, intra-family relations and the absence of children's and youth associations, etc., etc. What measures are proposed? Basically, prohibitive and preventive, i.e. external in relation to the essence of the educational process.

While we will prove to officials the importance and argue with them about how many years spiritual and moral education should continue at school and on what values, while we will train teachers to teach the “narrow” subject “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” at the so-called fighter" to work with any separate textbook, even a very good one, and not to integrate "Orthodox culture" (see note) into the education system based on the value-anthropological approach, our civilizational antagonist will invent more and more sophisticated ways of influencing the axiosphere of the individual.

We are far from victory, but to know what good is is only possible by separating it from evil and calling it by its proper name.


The term "Orthodox culture" in relation to the school subject is in quotation marks, as it is conditional and combines training courses, disciplines, modules with different names. They have a single value and worldview basis - the Orthodox Christian doctrine, the patristic understanding of spiritual, moral and artistic culture and are implemented in the education system with the participation of organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church. All these disciplines are aimed at the spiritual and moral education of children at the choice of their families on the basis of the historical and cultural traditions of Orthodoxy, but without involving students in the educational process in religious practice (“teaching religion”) and their mandatory confessional self-identification.

Sources and literature

  1. Bagdasaryan V.E. Russia-West: civilizational war. M.: FORUM: INFA. M. 2017.
  2. Rozina O.V. Moral categories in today's wihavanni: zumisnapidminachivipadkova substituciz? // Science notes. Series "Psychology I Pedagogy". Thematic entry “Spiritual and moral development of the young generation. Vinyanii i zarubizhniy dosvid". Ostrog, 2013, Vip. 23, pp. 215–222
  3. Rozina O.V. Orthodox culture at school: the formation and development of professional competencies of a teacher. 2nd ed., rev. and reworked. Moscow: Science and Word, 2015.


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Materials of the interregional research forum March 15-16, 2012


UDC : 001 (091) : 470. LBC 74.57 + 60.3 + 63.3 (2R - 4Br)

O.A. Sidyaikin - acting director of GOBU SPO VO "VET"

T.V. Lavrova - deputy. director for scientific and methodological work, Ph.D. L.M. Radishevskaya - head. library T65 Traditions and innovations of modern vocational education - the basis for the development of Russian society (on the occasion of the 340th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great as part of the Year of Russian History):

materials of the Interregional Research Forum, March 15, 2012, Voronezh / Voronezh Energy College. - Voronezh: GOBU SPO VO "VET", 2012. - 394 p.

Traditions of domestic professional education in the context of the Russian historical process, current trends in the development of the Russian educational space, modern approaches to solving problems of improving the quality of professional training of graduates are considered.

UDC : 001 (091) : 470





L.I. ANISCHEVA, Director, Ph.D., Honored Teacher of Vocational Education of the Russian Federation Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College, Voronezh, [email protected] At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the economic growth of the state is determined by the leading role of scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main factors of production. At the same time, the task of achieving high economic results could not be solved without reorienting the country's economy to an innovative development path. At present, innovation activity has been proclaimed as a priority direction of the state economic policy.

From the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures state support educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs” it follows that educational innovations should be understood as the creation and implementation of innovative educational programs, which are new qualitatively improved technologies, methods and forms of education.

The moment of rethinking the ongoing changes in the economy and society as a whole, the search for the optimal educational model in this transitional situation is extremely important.

It is believed that the current crisis in education is a natural consequence, reflecting the contradiction between the educational model that served industrial culture and the emerging signs of a new type of culture. The presence in Russian society of social groups of different cultural ages “entails the need to preserve, to the extent appropriate, the traditional and instructive educational models and makes it necessary to build innovative model education, adequate to the signs of post-industrial culture”.

Thus, we can state:

1. Modern education systems are subject to powerful external influences (a rapidly developing economy, high technologies, the Internet, the dynamism and inconsistency of social processes, the blurring of the values ​​of modern Russian society).

2. Education, knowledge, intelligence should become and are already becoming the determining resource for development and new economy, and society as a whole.

professional educational systems(IPOS) should adequately respond to these challenges, seek and find constructive managerial, technological and pedagogical solutions problems.

The system of secondary vocational education, having passed a long historical path, has become a powerful factor in raising the educational, cultural and technical level, comprehensive improvement Russian image life, one of the ways to implement the social policy of the state at the present stage.

Thus, secondary vocational education not only provides a specialty, but also creates conditions for further advancement of the individual in the educational system.

innovative activity is the fierce competition that almost every team that provides services in the field of education has to face.

Today they are obliged to independently take care of maintaining competitiveness, monitor and predict the situation in the educational market, the behavior of the main and potential competitors, the emergence of new scientific and technological achievements, etc.

the innovative environment of an educational institution, in the formation of which, along with competitiveness (marketing), the ability to organize the entire process of obtaining knowledge and transforming this knowledge into a product that is in demand in the market of educational services acquires an ever-increasing role.

These tasks have acquired particular importance at the present stage of modernization of education in accordance with the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following the joint meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation and the Commission for Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy.

Any system - and an educational institution is no exception - only then successfully develops and adequately responds to the demands of the environment (forms this environment), when it is dynamic, has a clear development strategy, setting consistent goals and successfully solving intermediate tasks.

In addition, one of the most important tasks for the development of an educational institution is the formation of an environment that would reproduce and carry out a targeted search, preparation and implementation of innovations that ensure the competitiveness of an educational institution. The main elements of the innovation environment include:

actual innovation, i.e. a set of scientific and pedagogical results or a product of intellectual work of teachers of an educational institution;

producer of competitive products (teaching staff), which acts as a consumer of certain pedagogical, technological, informational and other innovations:

investors financing the entire range of works to provide the manufacturer with the required innovations:

the appropriate infrastructure of the institution, which allows to solve the problems that arise during this process.

Innovative activity in the education system has its own specific features, both in scientific theory and in pedagogical practice. Innovations cover the content of education, technologies of education and upbringing, organizational forms, management methods.

Innovations as a multidimensional phenomenon in the field of education have their main focus - a qualitative renewal of pedagogical activity.

The most convenient approach to assessing the diverse work of teachers is a rating system that uses indicators for various areas of activity.

The rating assessment of the activities of the teaching staff and structural divisions of the college was introduced in order to stimulate the growth of their qualifications, professional activity, as well as self-assessment of the results of educational, educational, methodological, research and educational activities. It provides operational control over the course of the educational process and the implementation of the college work plan in its various areas.

The rating system for evaluating the activities of teachers and structural divisions of an educational institution is the management tool that allows you to reasonably generate incentive payments based on the results of work for the academic year based on indicators that reflect accreditation requirements for the main activities of the college.

compliance of the content of the assessment with the priority areas of college development;

- objectivity and reliability of the received information;

- publicity, efficiency and systematic evaluation;

The rating mechanism stimulates the collective creative energy of teachers, forms an interest in the results of work, provides opportunities for self-development, initiative, co-creation, psychological and pedagogical comfort for each participant in the educational process.







O.A. SIDYAYKIN, acting Director Voronezh Power Engineering College, Voronezh, It is no coincidence that when defining the subject of the Interregional Research Forum at the Voronezh Power Engineering College, which is held in the Year of Russian History, we turned to the personality of one of the outstanding statesmen of Russia - Emperor Peter the Great. It was during his era that education acquired paramount national importance.

To a certain extent, it can be argued that it was thanks to Peter the Great that a system of vocational education arose in Russia in accordance with the urgent needs of the 18th century - navigation, Pushkar, command and other schools were created, which were under the jurisdiction of the relevant state bodies. Subsequently, graduates of these educational institutions occupied leading positions in the civil and military service, became active reformers.

The Petrine era created unique opportunities for the personal growth of talented people from various segments of the population. One of the most striking examples, as you know, is the biography of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. At present, this system is talked about using the well-known expression “social lifts”, but initially the implementation in Russia of this unique idea of ​​using the potential of representatives of various social groups to solve pressing economic and political problems, including these people in the state administration apparatus, occurred during the reign of Peter the Great.

Education was welcomed in the era of Peter the Great, the development of general literacy and spirituality was seen as a priority state task, and this far-sighted approach led to grandiose results.

In modern Russia, the urgent task of providing all sectors of the economy with qualified personnel in accordance with the requests of employers largely depends on the quality work of educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

Throughout the entire period of development of the Russian system of secondary vocational education, its feature was the focus on close interaction with the leading employers in the industry, providing for their involvement in all aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution - from content to organizational. It was this specificity that allowed educational institutions to meet the professional level set by potential employers and ensured a high percentage of employment of graduates in their specialty at specialized enterprises.

At the present stage, the revival of traditional ties with employers and the building of effective models of interaction in various areas takes on a new perspective. In conditions when the most dynamically developing enterprises and organizations focused on long-term perspective development in their industry seek to find reliable partners in providing professional staff, SVE educational institutions have a real impetus to develop in the direction of coordinating their activities taking into account these interests.

The most important directions of the technical school's strategic development are those, the solution of which will allow the educational institution to maintain and increase its competitive advantages during the period of modernization of the regional system of vocational education.

Among them:

vocational education, taking into account the requirements of GEF 3;

Expansion of joint activities with enterprises of the electric power and construction industries, organizations and institutions in order to improve the system of professional training of personnel for the region's economy;

- maintenance and development of the material and technical base of the technical school.

Interesting, useful and promising was the recently launched cooperation between the Voronezh Power Engineering College and Siemens Transformers LLC, which took place thanks to the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region, of which the College is a member.

industrial zone, which opened on February 28, 2012, will serve as the basis for the future production energy cluster of Siemens in the Voronezh region, and we are proud to take part in the human resources of this enterprise.

The working group of the technical school, in accordance with the order of the employer - JSC "Siemens Transformers" - developed a professional training program "Transformer Assembler" for training students from the undergraduate students of the technical school for subsequent professional training under the program was coordinated with the technical and personnel management of the enterprise, taking into account the functions reflected in job descriptions and requirements for specific competencies of employees, taking into account the specifics of the equipment. A feature of the program is preparation for work on modern equipment installed at the employer's enterprise, and the inclusion of a section that provides training in a foreign language for successful work with technical documentation and imported equipment.

The developed program has passed the licensing procedure in Rosobrnadzor and is included in the annex to the current license of the technical school. In accordance with the agreement, the training under the program will end in June 2012. As part of the implementation of the agreement, not only financing by the employer of the activities of the teaching staff is envisaged, but also the acquisition of equipment and materials necessary for the educational process. The working group prepared development projects and included in the publishing plan of the technical school guidelines for the study of all disciplines of the program.

Back in May 2011, Siemens Day was held at the Voronezh Power Engineering College with the participation of the company's management, to which graduate students of specialties in specialized areas were invited. According to the results of the interview, 4 graduates of the technical school received invitations to work at Siemens Transformers LLC.

In September-October 2011, the Siemens Human Resources Department conducted a series of phased interviews with students of the technical school, as a result of which the most motivated students were selected.

Technical school agreements were signed with Siemens Transformers and individual agreements for students with Siemens. The signing ceremony was attended by representatives of the Siemens Headquarters, who highly appreciated the project that had begun and the prospects for further cooperation, including the possibility of creating a Siemens Vocational Training Center on the basis of the technical school.

Since November 1, 2011, a group of students of 3-4 courses of the specialty "Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings"

are trained under the program "Assembler of transformers".

Training is conducted by teachers of 3-cycle commissions of the technical school and masters of industrial training. In April-May of the current year, trainees will start their internship, including at Siemens.

One of the students of the technical school (Galiev Ruslan, who yesterday was awarded a diploma "For the best report in the section "Science. Technique. Energy" of the student scientific conference as part of the forum") is currently working on a graduation project, the topic of which was determined with the participation and consultation Siemens experts.

According to the terms of the agreement with Siemens, our students receive a worthy additional scholarship (2000 rubles per month), which, among other things, is used to pay for foreign language courses, which they will need when working on foreign equipment and with technical documentation.

Teachers of the technical school receive additional payment, including for methodical work, which in terms of its volume and intensity significantly exceeds the standard workload of a teacher, because the learning process is carried out entirely with the use of multimedia technologies, sets of handouts for all disciplines, modern control and evaluation tools have been prepared.

Cooperation between the Voronezh Power Engineering College and Siemens Transformers LLC is an example of effective interaction between a modern industry enterprise and an educational institution for us. It demonstrates how clear, mobile and mutually beneficial such interaction can be. Our students - students of the "Transformer Assembler" course will not only complete their secondary vocational education in their main specialty in the near future, but will also receive a unique employment opportunity in a sought-after profession at one of the dynamically developing modern enterprises in the region.

The teaching staff of the technical school received a new impetus for their professional development, realizing that their qualified work contributes to the development human resources region.

The partnership of the technical school with Siemens Transformers LLC

there is a real future - the technical school is ready to continue training at the request of the employer, not only under the "Transformer Assembler" program, but also in other professions in demand for the enterprise, as well as in advanced training programs for employees.

Cooperation with Siemens Transformers LLC

allows us to hope that the graduates of the Voronezh Power Engineering College, who have completed a professional training course in a sought-after area, will make a worthy contribution to the development of the enterprise and will perform their tasks with high quality for the benefit of our economy.

Realizing that only together with colleagues from the leading educational institutions of the Russian Federation, in the course of exchanging experience, participating in significant projects, we will be able to meet the requirements that modern society imposes on us, we are interested in cooperation in all relevant areas.

The student conference held yesterday within the framework of the Interregional Research Forum confirmed that we have chosen the right path - our colleagues from educational institutions of the 3 federal districts of Russia, who came to us at the head of student delegations, also show professional interest in problems close to us. And we hope that business meetings within the framework of forums like ours will lead to long-term cooperation in the future.

In November 2011, the technical school joined the long-term work on the project "Modernization of the system of primary and secondary vocational education for the training of specialists in the field of energy" as an associate member of the Interregional Industry resource center(MORC) on the basis of the Cheboksary Electromechanical College (ChEMK) to ensure effective joint activities with employers in the Energy industry within the framework of network interaction with leading educational institutions in Russia.

The methodological council of the technical school approved the work plan of the GOBU SPO VO "VET" in the MORC, including: preparation of proposals for the development of professional modules, analysis of the needs of employers based on the results of the survey, approbation of modules in the educational process of the technical school, participation in the social and professional expertise of modules.

Inclusion in the activities of the SOC project provides a number of unique opportunities, including:

- monitoring the personnel needs of employers in the energy sector;

Gaining experience in the development of professional modules commissioned by the employer in popular areas, approbation of their own module, as well as modules developed by other project participants, in the process of training students;

Use of proven modules for further implementation of additional educational programs.

In March of this year, in two groups formed from undergraduate students, the approbation of two modules “Installation and maintenance of gas infrared industrial heating installations” (developed by the technical school together with LLC “Gaz Prom Montazh”) and “Measurement of technical parameters during instrumental inspection of an object” begins energy audit” (developed by the Cheboksary Electromechanical College).

When developing a professional module working group The technical school closely cooperated with profile employers in the field of gas economy, they confirmed the relevance and relevance of the competencies provided for mastering during the course of training in the module.

Representatives of the teaching staff of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh State Pedagogical University became the experts of the developed modules.

We consider the development and implementation of modules not only as a current production task solved within the framework of the MORC project, but also as an opportunity for the teachers and staff of the technical school to acquire new, highly demanded professional competencies.

Among them is the ability to flexibly approach the solution of non-standard tasks, effectively use information resources, work in microgroups, and clearly build professional interaction. The experience of cooperation with reputable forward-looking ones clearly demonstrates to us that such business qualities are inherent in the members of their teams, and that they are one of the conditions for their dynamic development.

Network interaction within the framework of the MORC project allows the technical school staff to gain invaluable experience in developing modular programs, master new technologies, learn modern approaches to organizing the educational process and preparing methodological support.

In the implementation of the strategic directions of the College's activities, it is important to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region, of which the College became a member in November 2011. Already today it can be argued that all those projects in which the technical school participates today were largely due to those contacts with the leading employers in the region that arose with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region, including its specialized committees.

A project is being discussed to create a Center for Professional Training and Advanced Training of Personnel for Priority Areas of the Regional Economy on the basis of the technical school, which will make it possible to organize mobile training of graduates in related programs in accordance with the requests of employers, as well as assist in the retraining of already working employees.

The relevance of the creation of the Center is due to the need to consolidate the activities of regional enterprises, institutions and organizations of the region, vocational education institutions for professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in accordance with the needs of the economy of the Voronezh region.

The goals of the Center's activities are to be the coordination of interaction between employers, vocational education institutions and state bodies to provide the regional economy with qualified personnel in the face of changing labor market needs.

The main activities of the Center:

Expanded monitoring of the qualitative and quantitative needs of employers in the region for qualified personnel with the assistance of the relevant committees of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region;

development, coordination with employers and licensing of professional training and advanced training programs;

Inclusion of the most demanded developments of the Center in the regional bank of additional educational programs (including for professional retraining of unemployed citizens and within the framework of regional targeted programs for other categories of students);

Long-term planning and organization of training for students of various categories (workers, specialists and business leaders; entrepreneurs; unemployed;

students, teachers and employees of vocational education institutions);

Organization industrial practice college students and internships for teachers and masters of industrial training at the enterprises of the leading employers in the region and within the framework of international cooperation programs;

- holding seminars, conferences, trainings, career guidance events.

The grounds for the creation of the Center on the basis of the Voronezh Energy College are:

qualified personnel for the electric power industry and the construction industry of the region;

contributed to the development of partnerships with leading employers in the region;

Experience in developing and implementing professional training programs at the request of employers (Siemens Transformers LLC, Gas Prom Montazh LLC);

- qualified teaching staff;

functioning of the Center (computer laboratories, production workshops, assembly and conference hall, canteen, hostel).

The current academic year has become a year of change for the Voronezh Power Engineering College - the forms of work are changing, approaches to it are changing, new partners appear, new ideas appear and are implemented. The status of the educational institution itself has also changed.

To achieve the goals of the activity, the staff of the technical school has to work harder, look for ways out of new difficult situations, follow new paths, learn new things every day.

Only one thing has remained unchanged - the Voronezh Power Engineering College is just as in demand among applicants and their parents, as it was many years ago, it is just as necessary for the developing economy of the region.

We should use all the huge potential of our educational institution - personnel, material and technical, reputation created over many years - in order to become a worthy partner for regional community employers so that by joint coordinated efforts to carry out professional training of demanded specialists.



O.P. NEGROBOV, professor, d.b.s.

Voronezh State University, Voronezh, At present, the main direction of the policy of all states of the world is the concept of "sustainable development of mankind", awareness of the global environmental crisis.

The attention of the world community to the problems of biodiversity conservation was observed throughout the entire period of the formation of civilization, which was reflected in regional legislation, religious cults and ethical standards. With the intensification of anthropogenic influence, the destruction natural resources became catastrophic, which forced the public to develop measures to protect their habitat. Large-scale projects were triggered by the adoption of the International Convention on Biological Diversity at the international summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which stimulated the development of regional programs and activities on biodiversity.

Somewhat later, the concept of sustainable development was proposed, the interaction of man and his environment in connection with the awareness of the survival of civilization on a global scale.

biodiversity in our country and the adoption of the Pan-European Strategy for the Conservation of Biological and Landscape Diversity contributed to the development in Russia of a strategy, program and regional studies on animal diversity and flora. At the same time, methodological developments on this problem lag behind modern scientific problems. In the curricula and many recently published textbooks on ecology, conservation of wildlife is replaced by issues of technical or engineering ecology, measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of anthropogenic loads, social or chemical ecology, in many media, unfortunately, ecology is understood as pollution of the human environment.

In a broad sense, biodiversity is understood as a complex of landscapes and habitats, a variety of living organisms and their gene pool. The importance of animals, plants, fungi and bacteria in maintaining the stability of the environment, the influence of environmental factors on human health, purification of air, soil and water is intensively studied by ecologists, biologists, technologists, chemists, sanitary control services and physicians. At the same time, the weakest link in the analysis of the role of biodiversity in the human environment and in natural ecosystems is the biological component, i.e. mechanisms of species interaction in nature, their role in the transformation of substances, their detoxification, fluctuating changes under the influence of variable climatic and other natural changes, and even more so under the influence of xenobiotics.

One of the most important priorities for biodiversity conservation is the development of criteria for assessing biological resources, especially their values, which are not amenable to economic evaluation. The leading role of living organisms in maintaining the stability of the human environment, unfortunately, is not always appreciated by society, including the generation that did not have a formal environmental education.

The substitution of the biospheric worldview for the technogenic one is connected with the insufficiency of biological culture or the narrow engineering thinking of "polytechnical" areas.

Underestimation of the role of living organisms in nature, the formation of the human habitat, the circulation of substances and the cleansing of urbanized and man-made ecosystems forms numerous teaching aids and curricula, and penetrates into modern methodological literature.

The most important criterion for assessing the homeostasis of the human environment can be considered the health of the environment, the state of individual populations of animals and plants, their ability to settle, reproduce, and the stability of their ecological niches. Phenetic variability and fluctuating asymmetry at the population level, along with the criteria for the ratio of trophic groups, biological diversity, the ratio of biomass and productivity, population dynamics and saprobity of aquatic organisms, are indicators of the state of the gene pool of living organisms.

The strategic tasks of biodiversity conservation include the compilation of inventories of animal and plant resources, soils and landscapes of individual regions, biomonitoring of the state of the environment using test objects, analysis of subtle mechanisms of changes in organisms at the species and population levels, and the formation of a network of protected areas. The formation of a regional environmental policy should be aimed at broad information of various segments of the population about the state of biodiversity and the role of individual species, groups of organisms in the transformation of the consequences of human activity, in the inseparability of human health problems and the health of each of the species that live nearby humans or in the wild.

The ecological concept determines that the regional and global ecological balance is maintained by preserving the natural diversity of ecologically interconnected natural communities - the natural framework of ecological stability. The versatility of each natural resource: agricultural, forestry, water, hunting, recreational lands, to one degree or another, perform such an important function as maintaining environmental stability necessary for agriculture, forestry and hunting, ensuring proper recreation and healthy living environment for people and social economic development of society.

The environment-forming functions of natural communities are based on their ability to self-heal, as a result of which the destabilizing effect exerted on them is neutralized. The condition for preserving the ability of natural communities to perform their natural functions is their ecological connection with each other, which makes it possible for natural restoration of disturbed areas due to the migration of living organisms from neighboring areas that are better preserved.

There are 1.5 million species of living organisms in the world, at least 4-5 million species are not known to science, and according to some estimates, there should be about 30 million of them.

Several tens of thousands of new species of invertebrates, bacteria, viruses, fungi and algae are described annually. Even among the large forms of animal fish and birds, scientists are discovering new species. In recent decades, dozens of new pathogens of human and animal diseases have been described.

The list of harms of certain traditionally habitual human foodstuffs is being specified. For example, toxic substances dangerous to human health have been found in mushrooms common to the population and pigs, and cancer-causing components of carcinogens have recently been discovered in well-known brands of the Coca-Cola drink.

The problem of the influence of xenobiotics is extremely insufficiently developed; substances artificially created by man on the human body and living components of natural ecosystems. Most new xenobiotics have not passed toxicological tests. Of more than 8 million xenobiotics, in terms of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in biological objects, more than a hundredth of the lists of these substances have been studied. Bioaccumulation, biotransformation, exposure to low doses of toxicants, including heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, and even more complex effects of factors on the human body and components remain problematic. natural environment.

Given the poor knowledge of the biological relationships between the components of natural ecosystems and their compositions, it is now necessary, if possible, to preserve the elements of relatively undisturbed territories of natural biogeocenoses. Such territories, in addition to standards and model sites for researchers and samples of natural ecosystems for future generations, are reserves for the conservation of species of various organisms that replenish agrosystems disturbed by humans, artificial forest plantations or urban cenoses.

The ecological framework of the territories consists of a natural landscape complex and anthropogenically modified territories, usually associated with historically established types of economic activity. The basis of this framework should be a network of specially protected areas that preserve the biodiversity of these areas. These sites must be connected to ecological corridors must be connected to the European Ecological Network (European ECOlogical NETwork-EECONET).

The basis of the ecological frame is made up of key territories - the core of the ecological frame, which are connected by transit territories of migration of individual elements of ecosystems. These sites should be connected by buffer zones protecting key and transit areas from the impacts of human activities.

Development of a uniform and representative network of protected natural areas- one of the most important areas of optimization of the natural environment. Protected areas perform the functions of protecting the standards of landscape complexes of various ranks.

State reserves and national natural parks should be considered as protected examples of landscape areas within each landscape province. Terrain type references can be provided in landscape reserves, as well as reference types of plant associations and soil types in the respective botanical and soil reserves.

Typical, characteristic, rare (relic and endemic) and disappearing tracts and facies, as well as tracts and facies containing unique biological and geological-geomorphological objects can be protected as natural monuments.

Obviously, the greater the degree of human impact on the landscapes of the region, the higher the environmental need for the development of protected natural objects.

A unified continuous network of small (natural monuments) and medium-sized (zakazniks) protected natural complexes, together with nature reserves, can serve as a basis for landscape and ecological monitoring.

In this regard, protected natural objects should reflect the diversity of landscapes and its constituent parts a certain region and provide observation of the main trends in the development of natural complexes, changes in the geophysical and geochemical properties of landscapes, control the dynamics of biotic and abiotic variables.

When allocating protected areas, it is necessary to observe a number of principles or methodological techniques.

First of all, this is the landscape-zonal principle of taking into account the features of the landscape, natural area and climate. Among the principles for the location of small protected areas, one can name representativeness, i.e. representation of all types of ecosystems on certain territory, biological diversity as the basis for the stability and homeostasis of biota, the area required to preserve the species composition and a number of other regional and individual features of the territories.

Currently, it is necessary to develop a special concept for the conservation of biodiversity in the Voronezh region.

Formation of ecological culture of the population is one of the most important aspects of environmental policy. Of particular interest in recent times causes a humanitarian aspect, tk. it is he who presupposes a change in the system of values, a correction of the worldview, a restructuring of people's consciousness, i.e. formation of a new ecological culture.

The purpose of the national environmental policy in the field of education is:

the formation of a system of ideas among the population about the value of natural resources, the problems of maintaining the health of the environment, etc.;

the formation of a humane attitude to nature, which ensures the psychological inclusion of animals and plants in the scope of ethical norms;

teaching people to consciously use the unique potential that lies in spiritual communication with the natural world for their own personal development, shaping people's need for active personal support for the ideas of sustainable development and maintaining the health of the environment.

development by the population of ecologically safe methods of nature management.








IE AGEEVA, teacher of economic disciplines.

Usman Industrial and Technological College, Usman, [email protected] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2011 No. 61 approved a new Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015.

The purpose of the Federal target program development of education for 2011-2015 is to ensure the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the objectives of the Program are:

modernization of general education as an institution of social development;

bringing the content and structure of vocational education in line with the needs of the labor market;

development of a system for assessing the quality of education and the demand for educational services.

It is planned that the FTsPRO will be implemented in 2 stages. As a result of the first stage (2011-2013), sustainable models will be obtained for further mass implementation of transformations and evaluation of their effectiveness, scenarios for various educational institutions, regions, socio-economic conditions will be developed.

The result of the implementation of activities at the second stage (2014-2015) will be the mass introduction of all successful models and mechanisms approved at the end of the first stage of the FTsPRO, the availability of a new infrastructure in the educational environment.

Improving the quality of training of mid-level specialists, as direct organizers of production, is associated with the improvement of college education.

Accelerating the socio-economic development of the country on the basis of scientific and technological progress requires the reorientation of specialists from each enterprise and industry as a whole to an intensive production path, to finding and putting into action all reserves to increase its efficiency and product quality. The leading role in the fulfillment of the national economic task - the sustainable supply of the population with all types of food products - belongs to specialists Agriculture. High-quality training and retraining of personnel for the countryside is one of the most important conditions for the effective use of production potential and the operation of enterprises in self-supporting conditions.

During the transition to a market economy in Russia, the role and tasks of the accounting service of commercial organizations (enterprises) have changed radically. This is due, first of all, to a significant expansion of the rights of enterprises, which can now choose their own accounting policies, determine partners and types of business contracts concluded, conduct joint activities, create subsidiaries and affiliates, etc. When making decisions on these issues, the management of an enterprise has to weigh and compare their consequences, which involves constant contact with specialists in the accounting service. When entering into relationships with partners, enterprises must be solvent, which involves the submission of certain accounting financial statements, which become public, i.e. accessible to all interested business entities.

The development of new forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of enterprises has formed a new type of relationship for Russia - the relationship of the head and the owner. This was most fully realized in joint-stock companies, where the interest of shareholders in the results of the economic and financial activities of enterprises is becoming more and more active. To satisfy this interest, first of all, public reporting is ensured through its publication, distribution in the form of booklets and submission to state statistics bodies.

Accounting information is increasingly turning from a means of accounting and control into a means of substantiating decisions, and the effectiveness of the organization's activities depends to a decisive extent on the timeliness, quality and reliability of this information.

In recent years, the requirements for the range of knowledge that an accountant should have have expanded significantly. On the one hand, this is due external conditions: the dynamism and diversity of economic life have increased significantly, integration processes have intensified, the legislative framework and accounting standards have changed, within which an accountant must work, the taxation system is changing. On the other hand, the technique and technology of accounting has changed significantly, in particular, the use of economic and mathematical modeling, the latest software products, computer technology, information databases, search information systems etc. The accounting base itself began to orient the accountant to compare (calculate) different options and choose the one that is more adequate to the tasks and the state of production.

These functions of an accountant are becoming more familiar, fully comply with professional standards accepted in international practice, and supported by the experience of many countries around the world.

At the present stage, a transition to the development of agro-industrial production on the basis of various forms of ownership and types of management of enterprises should be ensured. For the successful solution of the tasks set for agriculture, the economic training of specialists is necessary. They must be able to identify reserves for increasing agricultural production, improving its quality, reducing costs and improving the management of enterprises. Economic analysis of their activities is one of the elements of production management. Agricultural specialists, business leaders must master the method and techniques of analyzing economic activity to identify the possibilities of the economy for a more rational use of resources, increasing production, increasing profits, and improving the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

A modern economist, manager, accountant, auditor must be able to modern methods economic analysis.

I focused on how practice-oriented training affects the quality of training of highly qualified specialists. AT curriculum 100 hours are allotted for the study of the AFHD discipline, including 38 hours of practical training. Workbooks have been developed.

Students have individual tasks based on the activities of actually existing enterprises in the Usman region. The educational institution has a production site (specific production units: tractor field-breeding brigade, cattle breeding farms, mechanized workshop, auxiliary production.

In the last 2 years, lessons have been held in production, where students can participate in the production process, and then specifically make calculations on the actual cost of production, the profitability of production in general and separately by cost items.

There is a binary lesson in production, which is conducted by the director Ivanov V.I., and the teacher of economics Ageeva I.E.

For 10 years, students have been active participants in the exhibitions of the Expocenter of the VSAU "Agribusiness of the Chernozem Region", the largest agro-industrial forums of the Chernozem Region, where they study the advanced efficiency of biotechnologies, processing industries, the latest equipment, technologies, credit, leasing, insurance. From exhibitions we bring the richest handouts for theoretical and practical classes.

Exhibition Hall of the VSAU Expocentre.

At the laboratory for the analysis of financial and economic activity, there is a circle in the form of a bureau of economic analysis, which provides an analysis of the enterprise as a whole and its divisions.

In the process of studying this discipline, students learn to process economic information presented in operational, accounting, statistical accounting and reporting; study the essence of economic phenomena and processes, find their interconnection and interdependence;

detail, systematize and model economic processes; determine the influence of factors, comprehensively evaluate the results achieved, identify reserves for improving the efficiency of the enterprise. All of the above allows you to train highly qualified specialists in the conditions of innovative development of the economy. Almost all graduates continue their studies at the Voronezh Argo University named after Emperor Peter the Great.

In 2009, the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Usmansk Agrarian College (now the Usmansk Industrial and Technological College) became the winner of the first round of the third competition of primary vocational and secondary vocational education institutions and the priority national project "Education". The name of the informational educational program is “Creation of an educational experimental agricultural company for the purpose of innovative development of soil-saving and health-saving technologies in the region. During the implementation of this educational program in 2010 and 2011, it became possible for students to have an internship in Germany (Baden-Wüttemberg.) Over the past two years, nine students from different departments of the college have completed internships. The research work of a student of the department "Economics and Accounting (by industry)" acquires practical significance

Tarasov Sergey, who had an internship from April 2 to November 20, 2011 in Germany.

Tarasov Sergei at an automated pig farm during Sergei at an exhibition of modern technology in Germany.

During the internship, students not only worked but also rested.

Currently, Sergey is preparing his thesis “Efficiency of land use in the context of land reform”, where he summarizes and compares international experience in land use in Germany and Grachevskoye CJSC, Usmansky district, Lipetsk region.



E.V. ALEKHINA, teacher of the Cycle Commission of Thermal Engineering Disciplines Voronezh Power Engineering College, Voronezh, Modern production equipment and full automation of technological processes predetermine the quality of specialist training and, accordingly, have a very large impact on the technologies and methods of teaching special educational disciplines in the format of an educational institution. To this end, the basis of education should be not so much the discipline as the ways of thinking and student activity. It is necessary to release a specialist who has received training high level and, at the same time, adapt it to the conditions of a specific production environment.

Active learning methods are considered to be those in which the student is forced to actively acquire, process and implement educational information provided in such a didactic form that provides objectively better results of learning practical activities compared to traditional methods. This suggests that the teacher and students are given a greater opportunity for creative cooperation, the main thing is to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

professional activity is an age category.

Basically, these are students aged 18-20 (III and IV courses). By this period of growing up, in comparison with the second year, they already develop a desire for the possibility of acquiring personal professional experience in the learning process and an interest in understanding how great is the distance between the knowledge gained and this experience. After all, the requirements of employers for a young specialist are now such that he must be ready to perform his professional duties from the first days of work. And in order to start working, he must have certain knowledge and practical skills.

The transition to the new federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education (FSES SVE) requires a change in the methods of teaching disciplines that provide the normative level in this specialty. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 270839 "Installation and operation of internal plumbing devices, air conditioning and professional competencies, which include the ability to:

- understand the essence and social significance of their future profession to show a steady interest in it;

- make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them;

– to search for and use the information necessary for effective implementation professional tasks, professional and personal development;

- take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks;

- independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training;

- navigate in the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities;

– organize and carry out production quality control of installation works;

- to supervise other employees within the unit when performing work on the installation of water supply and sanitation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems;

– to design elements of the engineering systems listed above.

So far, the professional modules of disciplines for the senior courses of this specialty are under development, since the students corresponding to it are first-year students.

The specialty 270110 “Installation and operation of internal plumbing fixtures and ventilation” remains relevant, on which the new Federal State Educational Standard, in my opinion, leaves a fresh imprint precisely in technologies and teaching methods.

Increasingly, in classes in disciplines, for example, “Fundamentals of ventilation”, “Systems and equipment for indoor microclimate”, “Production of work on the creation of microclimate systems”, along with problematic lectures and educational discussions, main goal which is the acquisition of knowledge by students with their direct and effective participation, I manage to use the following active teaching methods:

internship, didactic game, simulation training.

An internship provides for the performance of an official role, i.e. the element of modeling is the sphere of professional activity, and imitation applies specifically to the performance of a certain role (position of a specialist).

In the format didactic game the participant must perform actions similar to those that may take place in future professional activities. For example, a student receives a task from a teacher - to imagine that he is a representative of a company that some time ago supplied, installed and serviced ventilation equipment at a specific facility (it may be industrial enterprise, entertainment building, shopping mall, office building, cottage, etc.

P.). And in accordance with the schedule of technical inspection and maintenance of equipment, a representative of the company must arrive at the facility, where he learns that the installed equipment and the ventilation system, as a whole, work "somehow wrong ...". His task as a specialist is, with the help of instrumentation, visual inspection and knowledge, in principle, to assess the situation, check the design compliance of the air flow in the system and conclude, for example, that the air filter section increases as a result of heavy dustiness. pressure at the fan, the electric motor of which may fail due to overload, etc.

Simulation training with the help of computer support provides for the development of certain professional skills and abilities for the installation and maintenance of various technical means and devices.

Any situation of professional activity is imitated and a specific technical device is modeled. For example, in what sequence and with what tools it is necessary to perform a standard (or non-standard) installation of a household split air conditioning system, consisting of outdoor and indoor units, etc. An important goal is achieved:

theoretical knowledge through creative awareness turns into a kind of practical skills.

I would like to say a few words about the research method of teaching. Increasingly, it is referred to as a new game design technology. Although senior students of technical specialties of SVE at a certain stage of education in the most detailed way first get acquainted with course projects in special disciplines, and then, as a result, with a graduation project. These projects are the result project activities. The technology of project-based learning is focused on the creative self-realization of the student's personality and provides for the choice and justification of the project;

development of a settlement and explanatory note and a graphic part (2-4 sheets of A1 format); development of measures for labor protection and fire prevention measures; economic justification; project conclusion.

And, of course, it is difficult to imagine active teaching methods without modern computer technologies, which today are a means for providing educational material by students in order to transfer knowledge, a means of information support for the educational process as an additional source of information, a universal means of testing knowledge, a tool for development of the calculation and graphic parts of course and diploma projects, a universal simulator for acquiring professional skills in the practical application of knowledge (educational videos, animated videos, multimedia technologies).

The use of computer technologies in the system of vocational education contributes to the development of the student's personality, preparing him for a productive professional activity; intensification of the educational process in a professional school;

formation of professionally important qualities of a specialist.

The main purpose of SVE institutions is to meet the needs of the industrial sector in qualified specialists, develop and strengthen ties with employers, form new approaches in social partnership and increase the level of development of society as a whole.

The forms and methods of active learning contribute to the effective teaching of students the necessary skills and abilities, proving not only relatively minimal labor and time costs, but also the high quality of education.

I see my creative activity as a teacher in the most rational use of active teaching methods and technologies, which are aimed at the end result of the educational process - the training of a specialist who is able to successfully master new professional horizons, organize his own activities, determine the methods and methods of implementation professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality, as well as solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

Literature Batyshev S.Ya. Professional Pedagogy. - M .:

Association "Professional Education", 1997.

(Terminological Dictionary) // National Education, 1997, № Guzeev V.V. Planning for educational outcomes and educational technology. - M .: National education, 2000.

Polat E.S., New pedagogical technologies in the education system. - M: Enlightenment, 2001.

Chernilevsky D.V., Moiseev V.B. Innovative technologies and didactic means of modern vocational education. – M.: MGITs, 2002.


Electromechanical College of the Voronezh branch of MIIT, Voronezh, [email protected] In the new FSES of the 3rd generation, special attention is paid to the fact that the student has the right to participate in the formation of an independent educational program. This can be defined as a maximum program for a fairly long term. But even today we, teachers, can and must take into account the peculiarities of the worldview and psychology of the current generation of students, their individuality and even uniqueness. And for this we must use creative, non-standard individual approaches in working with students. Teaching creativity is perhaps best realized when organizing independent work students. Moreover, the standard draws our attention to the fact that the educational institution "is obliged to ensure the effective independent work of students in combination with the improvement of its management by teachers." At the same time, as stated in the standard, "extracurricular" work must be accompanied by methodological support and justification of the time spent on its implementation. In particular, according to the new recommendations of the Ministry of Education, students can be allocated from 30 to 55% of the time for the implementation of the educational program for the academic discipline or module for independent work. Thus, this is significantly more than in the previous SES.

Out-of-class independent work of students is the planned educational, educational-research, research work of students, performed outside the classroom on the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

I would like to focus on the following:

- What is a problem, how do they arise, and what are the possible searches their permissions.

A problem is a question that cannot be answered on the basis of existing knowledge. This is knowledge about ignorance. This is a contradiction between old and new knowledge: between new ideas, facts and existing theories. Human activities that allow him to successfully cope with certain problem situations are very diverse: we can endlessly make trials until one of them accidentally leads to a solution, we can use some experience.

teachers are creative people who are constantly in search and reorganization of their professional activities. Therefore, what I will tell you about today will probably not be a discovery for you, but it may help you remember, see and rethink already known techniques in a new way.

My report is declared as “The lesson is a problem. Lesson research. It is on them that I will stop.

The research approach to teaching is not a new phenomenon in the field of pedagogy. In Russia, the idea of ​​its use was first put forward in the second half of the 18th century, but it took more than 100 years for it to be in demand by the pedagogical community.

The research approach in teaching is a way of introducing students to the methods of scientific knowledge, an important means of forming their scientific worldview, developing thinking and cognitive independence. The essence of the research approach in teaching is:

a) in the introduction of general and particular methods of scientific research into the process of educational cognition at all its stages (from perception to application in practice);

b) in the organization of educational and extracurricular scientific and educational, search and creative activities;

c) in the actualization of intra-subject and inter-subject communications;

d) in changing the nature of the relationship "teacher-student - a team of students" in the direction of cooperation.

Research knowledge as a component of the content of education includes the concept of methods and techniques of working with information, is the result of cognitive activity aimed at the promotion, formation, explanation of patterns, facts, learning processes, education and development.

The method of conducting lessons - research is not new, it is developed well enough for naturally - scientific disciplines. For example, there is a classic lesson development - research in physics.

In teaching the disciplines of the socio-economic cycle, it is difficult to conduct classical lessons - research is difficult, the objects with which students work are mostly text.

But educational research differs from scientific research in that, first of all, it solves the problem of deep and lasting assimilation of program material, the formation of research skills in students. They arrange their research in the form of written papers or presentations (on electronic media) "Social science"

Method of research (independent) work: text analysis, charting Scope: almost all academic disciplines (facilitating the memorization and understanding of new concepts and terms, the development of collective decisions, the design of educational material).

Purpose: formation of understanding of any term, concept.

Tasks Training:

creating clear and understandable lecture notes;

maximum return on reading books / textbooks;

preparation for writing essays, course projects, diplomas;

facilitating the memorization of the material;

structuring the material;

generation of new ideas, creativity; collective solution of complex problems.


disclosure and development of the creative potential of students;

development of skills of introspection and self-diagnosis of personal creative and intellectual potential;

development of teamwork skills.

The advantages of all the presented forms of organization of research independent work of students:

For students:

the possibility of free creative expression;

application and selection of tasks of different levels of complexity and time consumption;

the possibility of raising the mark due to the manifestation of their creativity and accuracy;

the breadth of forms and means of performing work;

independent distribution of time resources;

Opportunity to participate in grading work.

For teachers:

application of an individual approach to students;

the possibility of differentiating tasks according to the level of complexity, based on the capabilities of students;

simplification of the stage of assessing students' knowledge, based on clear requirements that were initially presented to the work;

saving time on creating and checking tasks;

expanding or deepening the knowledge and skills of students through the use of their independent work.

Conclusion: systematic research independent work is one of the necessary conditions for the successful study of any subject, and everyone benefits from its widespread use: teachers, students and employers!

Literature Gabaidulina Sh. Research activity and ICT - the competence of students // Secondary vocational education. - 2007, No. of students' activities in the study of history // Secondary vocational education. - 2011, No.



E.V. ARALOVA, T.P. BOLSHAKOV Voronezh Energy College, Voronezh, In our time, when the amount of information in foreign languages ​​is constantly increasing, reading in a foreign language plays an increasingly important role, so one of the main tasks of teaching a foreign language in a secondary specialized educational institution is teaching reading. Without mastery of this type of activity, further use of a foreign language is limited.

As you know, reading refers to the receptive types of speech activity, since it is associated with the perception (reception) and understanding of information. The purpose of studying a foreign language in a technical school is to read, understand and translate texts on socio-political topics and literature in the specialty of medium difficulty using a dictionary. The essence of the process of reading in a foreign language is the search for information. The purpose of the educational reading exercise is to lead students to master the process of reading in a foreign language.

Teaching reading should be built in such a way that students perceive it as a real activity that has practical significance. In order to achieve the desired result, i.e. to teach students to read with a different purpose, (anticipation), contextual guessing, interpretation, ability to work with keywords, etc.

In more detail, we should consider the types of reading. The main types of reading are:

- analytical reading, which includes the dismemberment of linguistic material as a basis for understanding;

Synthetic reading is a holistic perception of the linguistic form of content, i.e. all attention is directed to understanding the main content on the synthesis of familiar elements.

Analytical reading teaches language by creating two bases:

linguistic and in the form of certain skills to work on the text.

The main task of analytical reading is to teach students to achieve a complete understanding of the text by analyzing words and grammatical forms.

The task of synthetic reading is to teach students to understand what they read without resorting to analysis and translation of the text.

This type of reading, of course, requires students to have a fairly strong knowledge of the language and some ability to use guesswork when reading a new text.

Reading is always analytical and synthetic in nature, that is, linguistic phenomena that cause difficulties are analyzed, and synthesis is carried out at the level of understanding the content of the text.

Texts for analytical reading should be quite difficult in terms of content, lexical composition and grammatical forms. Texts for synthetic reading should be simpler both in content and in form. After all, a student in the process of synthetic reading must understand the text without resorting to either analysis or translation into Russian.

According to the purpose of reading a text, there are several types of reading:

1) Studying (study reading);

2) Introductory reading or reading with a general coverage of information (average reading);

4) Searching reading.

Let's take a closer look at each type of reading.

1) Learning reading or reading with a full coverage of the content - the most complete and accurate understanding of all the information contained in the text and its critical reflection. This is a thoughtful and unhurried reading, which involves a purposeful analysis of the content of the text being read, based on the linguistic and logical connections of the text.

The object of study is the information contained in the text, but not the language material. When studying reading, you can re-read, clarify, sometimes aloud, individual points.

The most important theses are highlighted for the purpose of further retelling, discussion, and use in the work. His approximate pace (lowest) is 50-60 words per minute. Texts are selected that are of cognitive value, representing the greatest difficulty for this stage of education, both in content and in linguistic terms.

2) Introductory reading - the entire text is read without setting to receive certain information, that is, reading for oneself. This type of reading is also called reading with a general scope of content (search) - you need to understand what is at stake. Requires the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary information. Only those new words that interfere with the understanding of the main thing are translated. The pace of introductory reading should not be for of English language below 180, for Russian below 120 words per minute (French - 180, German - 150).

For practice in this type of reading, relatively long texts are used. Lungs in terms of language, containing at least 25-30% of redundant, secondary information.

Usually read the title and the first paragraph. Requires quite highly qualified reader and possession of a large amount of language material.

To teach viewing reading, it is necessary to select a number of thematically related texts and create viewing situations. The speed of viewing reading should not be lower than 500 words per minute, and learning tasks should be oriented in the logical and semantic structure of the text, the ability to extract and use the source text material in accordance with a specific communicative task.

4) Search reading - focused on reading newspapers and literature in the specialty. Its purpose is to quickly find quite specific data in the text (numbers, facts, characteristics, etc.). The reader knows from other sources that such information is contained in this article, book. Therefore, based on the typical structure of this type of text, the reader immediately turns to certain parts or sections.

In educational conditions, this type of reading acts more like an exercise, since the search for this or that information is carried out at the direction of the teacher.

When working with a text, it must be remembered that it must be interesting, understandable, completed in volume and rather difficult. Teaching reading in a secondary specialized educational institution has its own characteristics, namely, it is necessary to acquaint students with the author, pay attention to the title, which, as a rule, has a “coded meaning”. Students should also be able to convey the information received, while reporting a personal position in relation to the content. To help the student, the teacher should develop a memo for independent reading of literature in English, which indicates how to read and translate the text, how to work with a dictionary, be able to find the main idea of ​​the text, express your personal assessment, develop a reading technique, do not forget about shock and non-stress vowels, intonation, etc.

Teaching reading should be carried out systematically at all stages of working with the text: the pre-text stage of work stimulates the motivation of students, the text stage solves the main problems. communication tasks, post-text teaches to express their thoughts in oral and written speech.

Let us dwell in more detail on teaching learning reading and consider the main stages of working with text in more detail.

1) The pre-text stage includes techniques that arouse interest in the text, activate students' knowledge about the world around them and give the teacher the opportunity to understand whether they have enough knowledge and life experience to successfully cope with the text. Students should be invited to talk about the proposed topic, listen to their ideas, and then give them Additional information which may be necessary for them to successfully understand the text. For example, the teacher provides information about the author and summarizes the content of the text as a whole. If students have the skills to recognize the type of text and the topic, they will be able to predict the content of the text. If students' assumptions are often confirmed, then they will not only read faster and more efficiently, but also get positive emotions from reading, which, in turn, will make them want to read more in English. As an exercise for this stage working with a text, the following can be offered: exercises for correlating the meaning of a word with a topic, exercises for expanding vocabulary, exercises for identifying and differentiating grammatical phenomena, exercises for highlighting key words in sentences, etc.

To remove language difficulties, students are invited to perform a series of exercises to develop language guesses that develop word-formation skills.

Anticipation and contextual guessing play an important role when working with text. You can use some practical techniques in English classes to develop forecasting:

It is necessary to use headings, photographs, diagrams, illustrations to help students what will be discussed in the text.

Write the key words and phrases on the board and see if the students can guess what the text is about.

Students should say how the sentences might end. Then read the correct answer.

Distribute text fragments to students, and then ask them to arrange them in a logical order, that is, 2) At the text stage, students perform exercises to extract primary and secondary information from the text by finding the meaning of the text, the lexico-thematic basis for combining semantic segments into a single whole. Exercises at the text level help to form the skills necessary to complete tasks in different types of reading. At this stage of working with the text, it is possible to offer exercises for dividing textual material into semantic parts, exercises for equivalent replacement, presentation of the main ideas of the text, etc.

3) At the post-text stage, the understanding of the content of the text is monitored and its interpretation is given. To check the actual understanding of the content of the text, exercises for teaching the interpretation of the text and to determine the cognitive value of what was read. Here it is necessary to offer exercises to check the understanding of the actual content of the text, exercises to teach the interpretation of the text, exercises to determine the cognitive value of what is read.

The teacher always approaches the assessment of text comprehension differently.

Teaching reading contributes to a deeper assimilation of English by students: students reveal their ability to communicate in English, assert themselves in their team; expand cognitive and professional interests, which will ensure success in future professional activities.

Literature 1. Weisburd M.L., Blokhina S.A. Learning to understand a foreign text when reading as a search activity//In.yaz. at school. 1997 No. 1-2. s33-38.

2. Maslyko E. A., Babinskaya P. K., Budko A. F.

Handbook of a foreign language teacher // reference manual, Minsk 2004, 520 p.




E.V. ARALOVA, T.P. BOLSHAKOV Voronezh Energy College, Voronezh, An essential condition for professional and educational - cognitive activity is self-determination of the individual, which is understood as a conscious assertion of one's own positions in problem situations. The introduction of modern teaching technologies makes it possible to use the educational and developmental potential of the English language as a subject to an even greater extent. Studying a foreign language, students become familiar with samples of world and native culture, are included in the dialogue of cultures, and develop by means of the language.

Since students at the technical school study English from 1st to 4th courses inclusive, texts about the countries of the language being studied are very important for them: about the United Kingdom, English weather and cuisine, about America, about the capitals of these countries, as well as studying the traditions of English-speaking countries. At the same time, students not only learn linguistic units different levels, but also culture, mentality of another people, features of everyday life. Students are also offered texts about Russia, our capital, the Kremlin, their hometown. It becomes possible to involve each student in an active cognitive process and apply knowledge in practice, a clear understanding of where, how and for what purposes knowledge can be applied. Students work together, in cooperation in solving a variety of problems, showing certain communication skills.

Students, as a rule, are interested in this and they are happy to search new information, which interested them: about the norms of behavior, customs, holidays of other states, then compared with the culture of their country. When considering the traditions of countries, such a feature as tolerance is formed - a tolerant attitude towards the diversity of socio-cultural behavior patterns, feelings of patriotism and national dignity develop.

When preparing for extracurricular activities in the subject, students are given the freedom to choose the material. At this time, we, teachers, have the opportunity to observe and take into account the emotional reaction of the participants of the event to the proposed tasks (willingly perform, reluctantly, calmly perceive either negatively or emotionally positively). The level of independence in choosing a topic is also manifested here; the desire and desire to participate, the degree of activity of each against the background of the group. So, while preparing for the extracurricular event “Christmas Celebration in Russia, Great Britain, Germany”, students are looking for differences between this religious holiday in our country and countries with a different religion. Such extracurricular activities make it possible to implement the socio-cultural component of the content of education through various forms of work with regional studies materials.

In parallel, we use such modern technologies as learning in cooperation, communicative - role-playing situational activities. Independent work activates cognitive activity students, forms their activity in the educational process.

The teacher needs to build the educational and research activities of students in such a way as to provide them with the opportunity to solve research problems that become personally significant for them. The activity of a student is always successful if both the teacher and the student are interested in it. All this contributes to the activation of the mental activity of students, strengthens their desire for research, and develops creativity. Business games in the classroom also help to create “personally-oriented situations” (“meeting of business partners”, “official presentation”, “business conversation in English”).

It is the game that is the social practice of the student's personality. It includes elements of competition, allows self-assertion, self-realization.

Reading texts about scientific and technical discoveries, achievements of mankind (topics: "Electricity", "Laser", "Metals", "Computers in our life") contribute not only to expanding knowledge on special subjects, but also to a broad analysis of human development of natural and social world, awareness of his place in this world. Thus, a spiritual personality is formed.

Also, we, teachers, have the opportunity to give independent work to students on a proactive basis.

This can be done in any course and applied in different forms. The most acceptable is the advanced work of a theoretical nature. The educational process should become a sphere of self-affirmation of the student.

The leading goal of student-centered technology is the formation of an active personality in the learning process, capable of independently building and correcting its educational and cognitive activity. The orientation of the teacher in the development of personality-oriented technologies is to develop the activity of the individual in the educational process. To implement the idea of ​​a personal approach, it is necessary to create conditions educational environment for full expression personal qualities student, solving his personal problems, searching for himself, giving cultural forms to this search.

In order to stimulate the search and research activities of students, it is necessary to constantly evaluate their work, praise and encourage their aspirations, find their own rational way of solving a problem, and help reveal their capabilities and abilities.

Abilities are found only in activity.

It is activity that stands between learning and personal approach. For students, the main educational activity. It should be diverse, covering the mental, practical, ethical, aesthetic, emotional and physical spheres, enabling students to express themselves, and most importantly, as natural and life-like as possible. Students independently study the theoretical material of individual topics or issues (analysis of documentary sources or preparation of reports on practical experience in the study area). The use of the method of advanced independent work in practice makes it possible to make practical classes more interesting, stimulate the search activity of students, and form a stable positive motivation for learning.

One of the important ideas underlying student-centered learning is the idea of ​​problematicness.

The learning problem should be of optimal difficulty.

The main thing is that when deciding problem situation the student restructures not only his actions, but also his motives and needs. An essential condition for professional and educational-cognitive activity is self-determination of the individual, which is understood as a conscious assertion of one's own positions in problem situations.

For a clear idea of ​​the level of cognitive interests of students, their current and potential opportunities, about life orientations, it is useful to conduct a questionnaire, which determines the further actions of the teacher in determining the forms of work during and after school hours. In turn, this helps to understand the student's own position and the formation of his personal qualities.

Therefore, when teaching a foreign language in a secondary special institution, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Formation of readiness to solve various problems.

Obviously, depending on the situation, the solution of a particular problem will be based on a whole range of knowledge, skills and abilities in certain areas. In order for this quality to be formed, it is necessary:

make teaching more problem-oriented;

more use of a reflective approach to learning. Reflection (from lat. Reflexio - turning back) - the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental acts and states;

to stimulate the trainees not only the ability to answer questions, but also to formulate their own questions;

to reconsider the traditional role of teacher and student in the classroom.

2. Improving bilingual communicative competence in communication, taking into account the socio-cultural differences of the modern world.

3. Development of the desire to learn throughout life, updating and improving the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in relation to changing conditions.

The student-centered learning under consideration is one of the important tasks for the development of secondary specialized education.

It not only forms the worldview of the individual, but also requires the manifestation of an active life position, the ability to defend one’s point of view, develops debating skills, which will be useful in the future: adapt in the social and professional sphere, work in a team, resolve problems and be able to quickly get out of difficult situations. situations.

Literature 1. Semushina L.G., Yaroshenko N.G. The content and technologies of education in secondary specialized educational institutions: Tutorial for teachers of institutions of secondary vocational education - M.: Masterstvo, 2001.-272p.

2. Kopylova V.V. Methods of project work in English lessons: Methodological guide .- M .: Bustard, 2003.p.

"BBK 94.3; I 43 14th International Scientific and Industrial Forum Great Rivers’2012. [Text]: [Proceedings of Congress]. In 2 vols. T. 1 / Nizhny Novgorod. state architect.-builds. un-t; resp. ed. E. V. Koposov - Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU, 2013. - 478 p. ISBN 978-5-87941-874-3 Editorial board: E. V. Koposov (responsible editor); Bobylev V. N. (deputy editor-in-chief), Sobol S. V. (deputy editor-in-chief), Vtyurina V. V., Kosse M. A., Gelfond A. L., Vinogradova T. P., Barinov A. N., Erukov S. V., Kolomiets A. M., Petrov E. Yu.,...»


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Arkhipova Olga Valerievna, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel Business, St. Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbSUE), St. Petersburg [email protected]

Zakharova Marina Valentinovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, English teacher, School No. 300, St. Petersburgmvz71 [email protected]

Ilyina Yuliya Borisovna, director of GBOU school No. 300, St. Petersburg [email protected]

Traditions of national education: understanding ideas through the prism of modernity

Annotation. The article deals with the problems of modern Russian education in the humanities, the traditions of Russian education and the ways of development in modern culture are comprehended.

Key words: education, ideas of education, humanitarianism, identity. Section: (01) pedagogy; history of pedagogy and education; theory and methodology of training and education (by subject areas).

Education is an organic part of human culture and at the same time creates culture. Culture and education are a complex whole. Comprehension of the phenomenon of education, determination of its specificity and disclosure of the potential for solving a complex of problems of our time acquire a special meaning today. One of the most important tasks is the task of comprehending the very essence of education in the broad context of the culture of society and its reproduction. The value and significance of education for modern culture is unconditional. "Modern technocratic computer civilization, the development of the market, consumption, success, the external arrangement of a person inevitably crowd out what we designate as a humanitarian principle." Humanitarian education is also being squeezed... Today, we note with annoyance the presence of negative trends and facts in the system of education at all levels. The deep crisis that struck the most important spheres of the spiritual life of mankind - education, art and science, led to the actual split of the single material and spiritual space of civilization, exerting a particularly strong influence on the state and development of education, which is increasingly losing its culture-forming functions, its influence on moral components. individual and social mentality. Such is the reality. And one cannot be angry with reality; one must study it, “do not cry, do not laugh, do not curse, but understand” (B. Spinoza). And today there is a need to comprehend the essence and specifics of liberal education in modern culture from the positions of analytical, research, conceptual. The peculiarity of the position of humanitarian education in modern culture lies in the fact that the old system of dominant features and values ​​is a thing of the past, and the new one has not yet taken shape. Now we are in a state where the old idea of ​​education has been shaken, has become unsteady, has become fundamentally permeable to various, often multidirectional influences, and the new one has not been found or has not yet received its distinct sound. Because of this, transformations are difficult, theoretical and methodological trajectories of reforms and modernization of the education sector have not been formed. At present, it is still extremely difficult to rely on the emerging idea of ​​a liberal arts education. But it is necessary. Today, “the idea of ​​education alone can hold everything together. Not only the specific form of education, but the idea itself is the answer to the question posed by history. And there comes a moment when you can no longer answer new questions, relying on old methods of action. Modern culture is undergoing global changes. According to Yu.M. Lotman, “this truth might seem trivial if the frequency of repetitions were proportional to the depth of understanding... We have to learn to live in a world that is unusual for us, a world that is rapidly changing, compared to which the dynamic XX century will seem comfortably still” . Yes, today, having lived one tenth of the 21st century, one cannot but agree with this statement.

The cultural situation of modernity is a picture of the constant birth of many and many forms, phenomena, innovations, phenomena, both mental and spiritual, both real and virtual. The world is changing rapidly, sometimes allowing even reflection on what is happening. Transformations in modern culture are both global and local in nature and, as a rule, affect the “world around a person”, significantly change the external, formal, technological side of life, often leaving the person himself at a loss, inability, unpreparedness for such changes. Today, thanks to the development of engineering and technology, a person knows the answer to the question "how?", but often does not find answers to the questions "what?" and “why?”, “for what?” in his life. Significant changes are taking place in the education system today. Undoubtedly, there is a growing interest in education issues, there are tendencies to popularize the concept of lifelong education, the emergence of multivariate educational models and technologies. At the same time, the pragmatic trend is growing, when education is primarily oriented towards the training of a qualified, competent specialist, a professional. It must be said that this idea is popular today both among young students and among pedagogical community. It is expressed in the desire to make education focused primarily on market demands, highly specialized, applied. The new systems and models of education offered to society today are largely formed spontaneously. The system of education, pedagogy, as well as other humanities, in most cases are deprived of the possibility of direct practical verification of their theoretical conclusions, or such verification requires a considerable amount of time. The more important are the indirect methods of determining the degree of persuasiveness of concepts and the viability of educational models. Among these methods is the theoretical understanding of the essence and specifics of liberal education in modern culture, as well as the correlation of the assumptions, concepts, theories and models put forward with the history of thought and culture. I think it can be argued that in general education is humanitarian in nature. “Real education is valid to the extent that it is humanitarian,” says Yu.V. Senko". We are in solidarity with this position and believe that a genuine education cannot be non-humanitarian. And the so-called "humanitarian component" is nonsense, which has become a commonplace of educational concepts. There is no "humanitarian component"; education is essentially humanitarian. Not only humanitarian education, but also medical, technical, natural science, military. Or it's not education, but something else.

One of the most important features of humanitarian education is its ideological orientation. Humanitarian education, unlike pragmatic education, is intended not only and not so much to convey and interpret the system of knowledge about the world according to current ideas, but to form a person’s personal worldview, to build the world of the individual. It is no coincidence, apparently, the metaphor often used in the history of pedagogical thought, when education is compared with the erection of a building, construction. In the humanitarian sense, true education is a truly creative activity for the "building" of the individual and the world as a space for revealing and realizing the inner meaning of human existence.

In education today there are ambiguous processes. And modern researchers give them their assessment. Thus, it is emphasized that the goals of the Bologna Agreement are focused on the creation of a large pan-European educational community, on improving the quality and attractiveness of the European higher education. However, in some cases it will be more correct to follow your own path of development. In addition, the educational models of foreign countries should be used more carefully, since these countries have a fundamentally different socio-economic environment and a completely different mentality of society. Determining one's own path of development of Russian education is not a declaration, not a slogan, not a search for originality for the sake of originality. This is an urgent need, because historically “Russian culture did not take over, but creatively disposed of the world's cultural wealth. A huge country has always owned a huge cultural heritage and disposed of it with the generosity of a free rich person. Yes, precisely individuals, for Russian culture, and with it the whole of Russia, is a personality, an individuality. Today's examples of direct borrowing, blind copying of samples alien to Russian pedagogy have nothing to do with creative interpretation. The Russian and European humanities and education are closely related, but their approaches to education differ significantly. Today, an ill-conceived and insufficiently substantiated policy in the field of reforming domestic education can give rise to irreversible and even catastrophic consequences. Modern reforms of domestic higher education largely show their failure due to the lack of development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of reform, underestimation of the influence of socio-cultural factors on the education sector, total neglect of taking into account the specifics historical development national higher education. The system of higher education of the “market” type has been chosen as the main guideline of the modern reform policy. This system operates in most industrialized countries of the world. Education in this tradition is understood as a sphere of educational services to meet the needs of the population and production structures, focused on personal choice, depending on individual goals, social aspirations and financial capabilities of citizens. Educational institution"market type" becomes mainly a management structure, an enterprise. And this enterprise is characterized primarily by "methods of finding means to achieve some specific goals." The Western model of education, the Western approach to education are based on the practical needs of modern society and are oriented towards the training of applied specialists. A characteristic feature is the practical orientation of training, where the main emphasis is on special education. Russia has no such traditions. On the contrary, its education system has never been only a sphere of production, a tool for the functional "processing" of a human resource, a service. Education in Russia has traditionally been a matter of state and church, determined by the idea of ​​education " perfect man”, spiritual education of a citizen. This tradition is rooted in Russian culture. In our country, education has always meant immeasurably more than learning. Real genuine education in Russia is, first and foremost, enlightenment in the deepest and most precise sense of the word. Note that the very concept of “education” is not a copy of the English “education” or the German “bildung”. This word comes from the Old Slavonic “image” to give a face, create an image, i.e. already in its semantics it carries the idea of ​​education aimed at the creation of man. The peculiarity of domestic education lies in the creation of a special concept of the personality's orientation towards the formation of a holistic scientific-materialistic worldview. Another striking cultural and anthropological feature of Russian education is associated with the archetype of the integrity of education, understood as a combination of educational, applied teaching, culturally identifying educational and anthropological developmental functions. Traditional for Russian culture has always been the consideration of culture as "an environment that grows and nourishes the personality" (Father Pavel Florensky). Unlike Western European thought, Russian humanitarian thought solved the problem of the meaning of human existence, freedom, love, and so on in a different way. The significance of education in Russian culture was determined by the focus not so much on "mind", "knowledge", "learning", but on "the construction of human souls and conscience" (G. Florovsky). The very same culture as a process "individual and going deep" initially "associated with personality and spirit...Culture means the processing of material by an act of the spirit..." (N.A. Berdyaev). The humanitarian principle was at the center of attention of Russian pedagogy, humanitarian principles were implemented in it, which involved the education of reason, conscience, a sense of citizenship and responsibility. Education was understood as a culture presented in the form of a pedagogically adapted experience. The specific features of Russian culture are anthropocosmism, existentiality, “ontological realism”, integrity and catholicity, its values ​​and potentials are determined by its anthropological orientation, as well as the nature of the ideal, which is the basis of personal self-improvement. This direction of Russian thought, terminologically defined as the "Russian idea", unites into one philosophical tradition thinkers who belonged to the most different directions humanitarian thought of Russia, Slavophiles, Westerners, Eurasians, revolutionary democrats, etc. Anthropological orientation of the philosophical searches of Russian philosophers (expressed in the anthropocentric fundamental works V.S. Solovyova, N.F. Fedotova, V.I. Nesmelova, N.A. Berdyaeva, P.A. Florensky, S.N. Bulgakov, Vyach. Ivanova, I.A. Ilyin, S.L. Frank, V.V. Rozanov and others) was also characteristic of Russian pedagogical thought expressed in various educational theories and concepts. . Education in the domestic tradition was understood holistically, universally, it included both upbringing, and teaching, and training. Upbringing inescapably accompanied the process of education, since the very activity of the teacher, his words, deeds, and thoughts always willy-nilly have an educational impact on the student. Another thing is how this upbringing becomes. It should not be forgotten that genuine education, which implies the synthesis of training and education, has its own laws. Education and upbringing proceed in different ways, are carried out in different ways and require different abilities and skills from the teacher, understanding the idea of ​​education. M.S. Kagan notes that “the very concept of “Teacher” has two meanings: “one who teaches knowledge of something” and “one who teaches to live in a certain way”. The effectiveness of these forms of pedagogical activity is due to the specific means immanent in each: communication, in one case, and communication in the other, or monologic and dialogic forms of communication between the teacher and the student. In the most abstract philosophical language, this difference is formulated as the connection of the subject with the object and the subject-subject (inter-subject) relationships of people. Thus, learning to know requires a special means of communication (connection of the subject with the object), and learning to live requires communication, dialogue between the teacher and the student (connection of the subject with the subject). Unfortunately, the very idea of ​​dialogue has been impoverished in our country. Everything turned out to be a "dialogue". In fact, the dialogue is a dramatic, internally contradictory form, it is both polyphony, and dissonance, and merging, and opposition, and unity, and disunity. It does not lead to an unambiguous interpretation, but to the formation of some very complex “single field”, in the space of which understanding is possible.

It should be noted that the Russian tradition is especially characterized by a special kind of patriarchy, the perception of an educational institution - a school, a university, an institute - as a Home. Warm relations develop in it, a sense of identity and belonging to common ideals and values ​​arises, self-identification with achievements occurs, worries about difficulties and shortcomings arise, a kindred attitude towards teachers, brotherhood and camaraderie. For Russian culture and domestic education, the essential issue has always been the question of the formation and preservation of the integrity of the spirit. This integrity was largely determined by the normative value orientations of culture and included an understanding of the humanitarian essence of pedagogy, the priority of the tasks of forming a holistic personality through the educational process. Man as a spiritual integrity was the subject of Russian pedagogy, and therefore special attention was paid not only to intellectual and professional, but also to moral and physical development personality. Let us conclude that, in general, the national culture is characterized by a tradition that unites the vectors of education and culture. A tradition that can be interpreted as a tradition of the “single field of the domestic cultural and educational space”.

Values ​​of a humanitarian nature are organically inherent in Russian culture itself. And today the task is to fully revive the humanitarian values ​​of our culture, their caring cultivation and preservation. Ultimately, the fate of Russian education is determined by the scale and degree of actualization of our cultural memory.

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Olga Arkhipova,Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professorat the chairof Hotel Managemet, St.Petersburg State Economic University, St.Petersburg [email protected] Zakharova, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, English teacher, School# [email protected] ilina,

Head, School No. [email protected] of domestic education: ideas consideration through themodern perspectiveAbstract.The paperdeals with the problems of the contemporary Russian humanitarian education, Russian educational traditions and their development in modern culture are overviewed.Keywords: education, educational ideas, humanitarity,identity.References1.Shor,Ju . M. (2007) “Humanitarnost" kul "tury i problema rossijskoj samobytnosti”, Dialog kul "tur i civilizacij v global" nom mire: VII Mezhdunarodnye Lihachevskie chtenija, 2425 maja 2007 goda, Izdvo SPbGUP, St. Petersburg, p. 152(in Russian).2.Aleksandrova,V. G. (2003) Hristianskoe uchenie i razvitie pedagogicheskoj mysli, Izdvo MGU, Moscow, p. 5(in Russian).3.Nikitin,V.A. (2004) Ideja obrazovanija or soderzhanie obrazovatel "noj politiki, Optima, Kiev, p. 10 (in Russian). 4. Lotman, Ju. M. (2005) Vospitanie dushi, “IskusstvoSPb”, St. Peterburg, p. 174 ( in Russian).5.Sen "ko,Ju. V. (2007) “Humanitarian osnovanie standartov vysshego obrazovanija”, Dialog kul "tur i civilizacij v global" nom mire: VII Mezhdunarodnye Lihachevskie chtenija, 2425 maja 2007 goda, Izdvo SPbGUP, St. Petersburg, p. 377(in Russian).6.Gushhin,V. V., Gureev, V. A. (2010) “K voprosu o sovremennom sostojanii avtonomii vuzov v Rossii”, Alma mater, no. 1, pp. 89(in Russian).7.Lihachev,D. S. (1991) Kniga bespokojstv, Moscow, p. 12(in Russian).8.Afanas "ev, Ju. N. (2000) “Mozhet li obrazovanie byt" negumanitarnym?”, Voprosy filosofii, No. 7, p. 39(in Russian).9.Bermus,A. G. (2008) Modernizacija obrazovanija: filosofija, politika, kul "tura, “Kanon+”, Moscow, p. 232(in Russian). 10. Kagan, M. S. (2007) Sinergetika obrazovanija, Progresstradicija, Moscow, p.222(in Russian).11.BimBad, B. M. (1994) .

Nekrasova G. N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the editorial board of the magazine "Concept"