Methods for studying personal qualities. List of positive moral qualities of a person. Groups and templates

What qualities of a person, besides positive and negative, are distinguished in psychology and where is this classification applied? Why is awareness of this issue needed and what benefits does it bring? What does the concept of "personal qualities" include? What are they like? The answer is below in this article.

Reason largely determines the qualities of a person

What gives knowledge about the qualities of a person

Awareness and literacy in is a kind of weapon. The ability to use it helps to avoid trouble and fight your enemies - both internal and external.

Mastering knowledge in the field of personality traits allows:

  • increase your own level of self-awareness;
  • a deeper understanding of society;
  • learn to prioritize correctly
    and build relationships with them.

When applying for a job, when meeting a person of the opposite sex, when interacting with people on the streets of an evening city, the first task is always to find out who is in front of you, what kind of person he is. How to interact with it. And what will this or that tactic of behavior bring in the end. It is impossible to understand another without first understanding yourself. On the other hand, assessing the personal qualities of other people allows you to compare yourself with them.

How are personality traits classified?

Personal qualities are a complex of complex components of both biological and socially conditioned components of the personality. Full list can be found. In this article, we will consider the main qualities of a person. They demonstrate all the features of internal mental properties:

  • individual passages of internal within a person
  • a complex of states and properties of a single individual;
  • character traits;
  • temperament type;
  • features of behavior;
  • the nature of communication and;
  • attitude towards oneself, etc.

Also, the personal qualities of a person include the ZUN system: knowledge, skills, skills.

Personal properties have different classifications:

Before proceeding to the analysis of certain aspects of the personality, it must be remembered that any classifications in this matter and the assessment of personal qualities are very conditional. This is explained by the fact that everything in the world is relative, even the concept of good and evil. The division is based on generally accepted moral and moral norms. We will agree that we will attribute the word “conditionally” to each definition: conditionally positive, conditionally negative, etc. For example, aggressiveness is a conditionally negative characteristic. It will backfire in one situation, but in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, it will be the only true one.

Negative qualities of a person

Negative personality traits are properties that are undesirable for the person himself and those around him and that require correction, which are undesirable and. There are very many of them. A complete list could make up a small pamphlet. Here are just a few of them:

  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • coarseness;
  • laziness;
  • tendency to depression;
  • aggressiveness;
  • hatred;
  • impatience;
  • passivity;
  • weak will;
  • cowardice;
  • touchiness;
  • slovenliness.

These and similar personal qualities of a person determine their appropriate summing up: a sloppy person will look untidy and recreate an appropriate atmosphere around him. Irresponsible - work poorly and let yourself and the team down.

Positive qualities of a person

The positive qualities of a person are a category of a person’s inner good, which brings both him and those around him positive experiences and a sense of satisfaction. The full list of positive qualities will be no less impressive. We will also mention just a few:

  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • diligence;
  • patience,
  • a responsibility;
  • peacefulness;
  • friendliness;
  • loyalty;
  • unselfishness;
  • honesty;
  • self confidence.

There are no ideal people: the owners of only positive qualities exist only in fairy tales. However, there are a lot of those in whom the positive qualities of a person predominate. Often the presence of these properties is the personal qualities of a leader. Thanks to them, leaders are able to win over, gain trust and lead.

For those whose character is dominated by the negative qualities of a person, there is good news: flaws can play the role of a “kick” to a rapid leap forward and inner growth. It is available to everyone.

Volitional personality traits

Volitional qualities personally
formulated goals. Let's touch on the main ones.

Purposefulness - the focus of a person on the chosen result of activity. This property is divided into a strategic variety and a tactical one. The first is, in general, the actions of a person from the presentation of their moral positions, values ​​and ideals. The second is the movement of the individual "in steps", from one micro-goal to another until the result is achieved.

Initiative - a person's focus on the manifestation of something. Usually precedes the beginning of a volitional act. This property is possessed by independent individuals. Initiative is associated with independence.

Independence is a voluntary and active attitude of a person to make decisions in accordance with his principles and beliefs.

Will - is not considered an innate quality, but is considered as a quality, the formation of which occurs on the basis of a person's personal choice.

Personal professional qualities

It is influenced by such qualities of a person that can be called: the personal qualities of a leader. There are several categories:

  • verbal component - is responsible for the ability to understand the meaning of information transmitted by words;
  • numerical - the ability to quickly solve arithmetic examples in the mind;
  • trigonometric - the ability to mentally see in 2-3 dimensions;
  • visual - attention to detail, equal to the children's game "find 10 differences";
  • proofreading - the ability to quickly correct words, numbers;
  • coordination - the ability to quickly coordinate fine and gross motor skills of the arms, legs, as well as good motor coordination;
  • visual - the ability to coordinate the direction of gaze with the movement of the legs, arms;
  • comparing - susceptibility to color and its shades, the ability to see and distinguish them;
  • learning ability - the ability to grasp the meaning, the ability to reason, the ability to draw correct conclusions (general intelligence).

Special professional qualities

Each of these properties is considered in accordance with professional significance. For example, a person who is not able to distinguish colors (color blindness) is contraindicated in driving. The leading economist will not take a person with low rate numerical ability.

It is also necessary to list such personality traits, without which mastering professions, in principle, will be impossible:

  1. Properties of an individually typological nature (endurance, physical strength, lability nervous system) - in other words, stress resistance.
  2. Analytical properties that allow you to acquire unique abilities over time. Example: "technical hearing" - the ability without instruments, only based on experience, to understand the cause of a mechanism malfunction.
  3. Mindfulness - directly depends on the interest and desire of a person to have up-to-date information about reality, to adequately assess it.
  4. Psychomotor - special properties and perception of a person, which he is guided by when choosing a course of action for implementation. It also includes the speed of analysis and the ability to quickly analyze the situation and make decisions. As practice shows, this skill trains well.
  5. mnemonic qualities. Associated with memory. Professional memory is also freely trained.
  6. Imaginative features - the ability to imagine and complex thought processes
  7. Volitional qualities - they are not mandatory for every profession, but they are always necessary to overcome difficulties in the process.

Moral qualities of a person

Morality is a set of rules of a person voluntarily accepted for himself, which is of decisive importance in the behavior of a person and him towards himself and others.

It is formed by the influence of many components:

  • family values;
  • individual experience;
  • school influence;
  • society.

Within the definition, there is a differentiation into such subspecies as:

  • racial;
  • religious;
  • humanistic.

The role of moral positions is important for any social groups. There is an opinion that racists, fanatics and others lack moral principles and moral qualities. This judgment is erroneous and unscientific. Also, according to research, such social groups have genetic roots and cannot always be controlled by a person.

Personal qualities are nothing more than the components of character, its features. Development personal qualities contributes to the fulfillment of a person, making him versatile. Personal qualities allow you to respond correctly to external stimuli and in spite of everything to succeed in your activities. This is a way to efficiently use internal resources.

The level of development of personal qualities

Each person is born with a certain character and a set of personal qualities that determine the characteristics of behavior and life priorities. Throughout life, some qualities change under the influence of various factors, some remain for life.

Psychologists say that the main stages of character formation occur in the first five years of life, then they are somewhat adjusted based on life circumstances.

The main indicators and criteria that form the level of personality development include: the ability to actively life position, the level of responsibility, the direction of the way of life, the level of culture and intelligence, the ability to manage emotions.

Many depend on personality traits. aspects of life, from selection to activity priority for . If a person is aware of the need for a better standard of living, he will try to achieve what he wants. This is helped by just such personality traits as the ability to adequately assess reality and one's capabilities. Even when not high level innate characteristics of a person, but with the realization of one's individuality, there is always the opportunity to decide on an activity that will most fully reveal a person's abilities. Moreover, if desired, there is always the opportunity to develop personal qualities.

The development of a child begins at birth. This is a multilateral process of interaction between parents, society and self-development. The main responsibility, of course, rests with the family. Here begins the knowledge of oneself as a separate individual, cognizes different variants interactions with other people and response options.

To date, the opinion has been established that all manifestations of human character are acquired in early childhood. At this time, three key groups of personality traits are laid. Depending on the period of life, there is a formation of ways, styles of behavior and tools for interacting with other people.

Factors in the development of personal qualities

As soon as the child begins to perceive himself as a separate individual, begins to realize his place in the world around him, the process of development of basic qualities begins, including the development of the sensory sphere of life. There are several key factors that indicate the beginning of the process:

  • active and appropriate use of personal pronouns;
  • possession of self-service and self-control skills;
  • the ability to describe their experiences and explain the motivation of actions.

Age of onset of personality formation

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear the age of the beginning of the formation of personality. Psychologists indicate the age of two to three years. However, it cannot be said that nothing has happened until this moment. There is an active preparation and formation of individual preferences, communication skills, temperament. By the age of five, the child fully perceives himself as a separate person with individual characteristics, who is in an active relationship with the surrounding reality.

A person is influenced not only by family, but also by society, school, friends. This environment, of course, leaves its mark on the behavior and formation of the child. However, the foundation, the foundation can only be laid by close people. It is they who set the benchmarks and show the ways of interaction within the family and with other people. Since the child is not yet familiar with the rules of behavior in society, he focuses on relatives and takes an example from them. Therefore, very often there are many common features in children with their parents. Often the child completely copies the behavioral model of the parents.

Each person is unique, he is a person endowed with certain features that distinguish him from others. These features are called personal qualities: some of them are given from birth, others appear during life. One part of personal qualities has a positive orientation, the other - a negative one. The latter can greatly complicate family life, professional area. But not all negative qualities are easy to get rid of - you have to work hard on yourself. That's why great importance has a diagnosis and identification of personality traits.

Manifested in the characteristics of temperament and self-esteem

Personality structure

To better understand the qualities of a person, you need to disassemble the structure of personality. It consists of 4 parts:

  1. Temperament is an innate genetic trait that is inherent in every person. Based on them, you can say a lot about a person, adjust the direction of his life. There are 4 types of temperament: choleric (impulsive and touchy), sanguine (sociable and open to everything new), phlegmatic (balanced and calm), melancholic (prone to solitude). Even in the same situations, representatives of one or another type of temperament behave differently.
  2. Mental processes are how he perceives the world, how he reacts to unforeseen situations, how developed his imagination is, what he is afraid of.
  3. The experience and skills that people acquire turn into habits, style and demeanor.
  4. The attitude of the individual to the events around her. It depends on the worldview, the level of consciousness, the observance of social norms.

Qualities influence the formation and development of character

Most elements of the structure are difficult to change, their abrupt change can occur due to the impact of extreme circumstances. Movable elements, if necessary, can be adjusted by working with a specialist.

Why you need to know personality traits

To identify, realize, accept or change personal characteristics is necessary for:

  • self-knowledge and development;
  • understanding other people;
  • recognition of options for inappropriate attitude towards oneself;
  • search for a loved one;
  • career advancement.

Classification of personal qualities

They can be classified according to various bases. The most common is the division into positive and negative. Positive qualities are characterized by their indisputable benefits that they bring to the owner of the qualities and to the people around him. Negative ones always bring harm to the subject himself and his environment.

Positive personality traits

They are divided into several groups. Those that do not depend on events and interactions with others include:

  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • friendliness;
  • optimism;
  • patience;
  • honesty;
  • courage;
  • attentiveness;
  • diligence;
  • accuracy.

Qualities that are manifested when interacting with other people, when any events occur:

  • sociability;
  • a responsibility;
  • masculinity;
  • generosity;
  • prudence;
  • erudition;
  • sense of tact;
  • upbringing;
  • self confidence;
  • practicality.

The indicated properties of a person can be called basic, they can be divided into smaller varieties.

Negative personality traits

The list of qualities coming from the depths of the personality itself:

  • laziness;
  • touchiness;
  • anger;
  • selfishness;
  • stubbornness;
  • pessimism.

Properties that characterize a person in the process of activity, communication with others:

  • deceit;
  • coarseness;
  • jealousy;
  • cowardice;
  • hypocrisy;
  • greed;
  • envy;
  • careless attitude towards things.

The classification is carried out conditionally. Certain personality traits can be positive in some situations, and negative in others.

It is known that our shortcomings are an extension of our virtues.

Personal qualities in the professional field

Your qualities directly affect your work and success.

The value of personal qualities in business circles is priceless. They are:

  • increase labor productivity;
  • strengthen interpersonal relationships in a collective;
  • clearly build a vertical boss - subordinate;
  • cause an increase in sales;
  • help climb the career ladder;
  • stimulate the emergence of new ideas.

Among positive personality traits that are indispensable in professional activity , can be distinguished:

  • responsibility - the ability to take on obligations and be independently responsible for them;
  • perseverance and perseverance - the ability to bring things to the end, despite the difficulties;
  • diligence - strict execution of all assignments and orders;
  • organization - the ability to subordinate all circumstances to the fulfillment of the main goal;
  • initiative - making new work proposals;
  • sociability - the ability to find mutual language with colleagues and business partners;
  • mindfulness - self-control over the correct performance of labor duties;
  • punctuality - fulfillment of all orders on time;
  • purposefulness - a vision of the final result and competent progress towards it;
  • stress resistance - the ability not to respond to negative situations from the outside.

Definitely negative personal qualities in the business environment are:

  • conflict;
  • hypocrisy;
  • arrogant behavior;
  • slowness;
  • laziness;
  • overconfidence;
  • slovenliness.

In vacancies for applicants, certain requirements regarding personality characteristics are set. Different professions require exactly the opposite properties. Categories of leaders can not do without recruitment leadership qualities- responsibility, flexibility, determination, self-confidence, efficiency. For some employees (accountant, clerk), such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness, scrupulousness, patience will be fundamental.

Evaluation of the personal qualities of an employee

The manager can assess the personality traits of the applicant for the position by reading about them in the resume. A potential employee should give this paragraph of his resume considerable attention, but their description should not take up more than half the text and you should not exalt yourself. You should try to objectively treat your qualities, the emphasis should be on those personality traits that are somehow related to the proposed work. According to this indicator, the boss will evaluate whether this candidate is suitable or not. It is better if the description is supported by specific professional achievements.

Personal qualities play an important role in all spheres of our life. They can be both positive and negative. To negative sides did not create problems, you need to fight them, working on yourself.

The business qualities of an employee are his ability to perform certain labor duties. The most important of them are the level of education and work experience. When choosing an employee, be guided by the benefits that he can bring to your company.

Personal qualities characterize the employee as a person. They become important when applicants for one position have business qualities on the same level. Personal qualities characterize the employee's attitude to work. Focus on independence: he does not have to do your job, but he must cope with his own to the fullest.

Business qualities Personal qualities
The level of education Accuracy
Specialty, qualification Activity
Work experience, positions held ambition
Labor productivity Conflict-free
Analytic skills Fast reaction
Rapid adaptation to new information systems Politeness
Fast learner Attentiveness
Attention to detail Discipline
Flexibility of thinking Initiative
Willingness to work overtime diligence
Literacy Sociability
Mathematical thinking Maximalism
Customer interaction skills persistence
Skills business communication Resourcefulness
Planning Skills Charm
Report preparation skills organization
Oratorical skills Responsible approach to work
Organizational skills Decency
Enterprise Devotion
Professional Integrity integrity
scrupulousness Punctuality
Ability to handle multiple projects at the same time Determination
Ability to make quick decisions self control
Ability to work with large amounts of information Self-criticism
strategic thinking Independence
Striving for self-improvement Modesty
Creative thinking Stress tolerance
Negotiation / Business Correspondence Tact
Ability to negotiate Patience
Ability to express thoughts exactingness
Ability to find a common language industriousness
Ability to teach Self confidence
Teamwork skills Equilibrium
The ability to win people over purposefulness
The ability to convince Honesty
Good external data Energy
Good diction Enthusiasm
Good physical form ethics

The choice of qualities

If more than 5 characteristics are entered in the resume, this is a signal that the applicant is not able to make a competent choice. Moreover, the standard “responsibility” and “punctuality” have become commonplace, so if possible, ask what these mean. general concepts. A good example is the phrase " high efficiency” could mean “ability to work with a lot of information”, while you were counting on “willingness to work overtime”.

Such general concepts as "motivation to work", "professionalism", "self-control", the applicant can reveal in other expressions, more specifically and more meaningfully. Pay attention to incompatible qualities. To verify the honesty of the applicant, you can ask to illustrate with examples the characteristics indicated by him.

Negative qualities of an employee

Sometimes they are also included in the resume by the job seeker. In particular, such as:

  • Hyperactivity.
  • Excessive emotionality.
  • Greed.
  • Vindictiveness.
  • Impudence.
  • Inability to lie.
  • Inability to work in a team.
  • Restlessness.
  • Touchiness.
  • Lack of work experience/education.
  • Lack of sense of humor.
  • Bad habits.
  • Passion for gossip.
  • straightness.
  • self-confidence.
  • Modesty.
  • Weak communication.
  • The desire to create conflict.

An applicant who has written negative qualities in a resume can be honest, or maybe reckless. Such an act does not justify itself, but if you want to know the possible problems with this applicant, ask him to list his negative qualities. Be ready to give the person an opportunity to rehabilitate himself and present negative qualities in a favorable light. For example, restlessness indicates easy adaptation and quick switching from one task to another, and straightforwardness indicates the benefits that he can bring when making a deal.

Be ready to give the person an opportunity to rehabilitate himself and present negative qualities in a favorable light.

Qualities for different professions

Certain professional qualities are needed in almost all activities. You can make it easier for applicants and at the same time narrow their circle by entering information about the desired characteristics in the job advertisement. For an employee in the field of promotion or entertainment, the main qualities are communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and win people over. The list of winning qualities will also include: charm, self-confidence, energy. In trade list best qualities will look like this: flexibility of thinking, customer interaction skills, ability to negotiate, work in a team, as well as quick response, politeness, perseverance, activity.

A leader in any field should be characterized by such professional qualities as organizational skills, the ability to find a common language and work in a team, resourcefulness, conflict-free, charm and the ability to teach. Equally important are the ability to make quick decisions, self-confidence, attentiveness and balance.

The strengths of an employee working with a large amount of data (accountant or system administrator): attention to detail, accuracy, quick learner, attentiveness, organization and, of course, the ability to work with a large amount of information.

The characteristics of a secretary include a variety of positive qualities: customer interaction skills, business communication, literacy, the ability to negotiate and business correspondence, the ability to do several things at the same time. Also pay attention to good external data, attentiveness, tact and balance, diligence. In any profession, responsibility, attentiveness and stress resistance are useful. But the applicant, inscribing such qualities in the resume, does not always take them seriously.

In any profession, responsibility, attentiveness and stress resistance are useful. But the applicant, inscribing such qualities in the resume, does not always take them seriously.

Evaluation of the professional qualities of an employee

In order not to waste time and money on testing new employees, sometimes companies evaluate them before hiring. For this, even special personnel assessment centers have been created. A list of grading methods for those who prefer to do it themselves:

  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Tests. This includes routine aptitude and aptitude tests, as well as personality and background tests.
  • Examination of the knowledge and skills of the employee.
  • Role play or case studies.

The role-playing game will help you find out in practice whether the applicant is right for you. Act out a day-to-day situation for his position and see how he copes. For example, evaluate his customer interaction skills. Let the buyer be your competent employee or yourself, and the applicant will show what he is capable of. You can set a goal that he should achieve during the game, or just observe the style of work. This method will tell a lot more about the applicant than the column "Personal qualities" in the resume.

When determining the evaluation criteria, you can be based on business qualities: punctuality, potential quantity and quality of work performed, experience and education, skills, etc. For greater efficiency, focus on the qualities necessary for the position for which the candidate being evaluated is applying. To be confident in an employee, consider his personal qualities. You can independently conduct an assessment in the form of a rating of candidates, placing + and - according to certain criteria, distributing them by level or awarding points. Avoid scoring errors such as bias or stereotyping, or overweighting one criterion.

Each person is endowed with a unique, own character from birth. A child can inherit certain traits from his parents, some show them to a greater extent, and some do not look like any of the family members at all. But character is not the behavior of parents projected onto the child, it is a more complex mental phenomenon. The list of positives is very long. In the article we will try to highlight the main character traits.


Translated from Greek the word "character" means " distinguishing feature, sign". Depending on the type of their psychological organization, people find their soul mates, build relationships, build their whole lives. A person's character is a unique set of mental characteristics, personality traits that play decisive role in different aspects of a person's life and are manifested through his activity.

To understand the character of an individual, it is necessary to massively analyze his actions. Judgments about character can be very subjective, because not every person acts the way his heart tells him. However, it is possible to identify individual stable character traits by studying behavior for a long time. If a person in different situations makes the same decision, draws similar conclusions and shows a similar reaction, then this indicates that he has one or another trait. For example, if someone is responsible, then his behavior both at work and at home will meet this criterion. If a person is cheerful by nature, a one-time manifestation of sadness against the background of general positive behavior will not become a separate character trait.

character building

The process of character formation begins in early childhood, in the first social contacts of the child with his parents. For example, excessive love and guardianship can later become the key to a stable characteristic of the human psyche and make him dependent or spoiled. That is why many parents are especially attentive to the upbringing of children. positive traits character. They get pets so that the baby can feel what responsibility is, instruct him to do small chores around the house, teach him to put away his toys and explain that not all desires and whims can be fulfilled.

The next step becomes Kindergarten and school. The child already has the main character traits, but at this stage they are still amenable to correction: you can wean a small personality from greed, help get rid of excessive shyness. In the future, as a rule, the formation and change of character traits is possible only when working with a psychologist.

Character or temperament?

Very often these two concepts are confused with each other. Indeed, both character and temperament shape human behavior. But they are fundamentally different in nature. Character is a list of acquired mental properties, while temperament is of biological origin. Having the same temperament, people can have completely different characters.

There are 4 types of temperament: impulsive and unbalanced choleric, unhurried and calm phlegmatic, light and optimistic sanguine and emotionally vulnerable melancholic. At the same time, temperament can restrain certain character traits, and vice versa, character can compensate for temperament.

For example, a phlegmatic person with a good sense of humor will still be stingy with displays of emotion, but this will not prevent him from demonstrating a sense of humor, laughing and having fun in appropriate society.

List of positive qualities of a person

The list of positive and negative qualities of a person is huge. Initially, all definitions regarding the nature and essence of a person, his behavior are subjective. In society, certain norms have been established that make it possible to determine how positive or negative this or that personality trait or its act is. However, there are superior qualities person, demonstrating his virtue and good intentions. Their list looks like this:

  • altruism;
  • respect for elders;
  • kindness;
  • fulfillment of promises;
  • moral;
  • a responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • perseverance;
  • moderation;
  • responsiveness;
  • honesty;
  • sincerity;
  • disinterestedness and others.

These qualities, along with their derivatives, constitute the nature true beauty character of a person. They are laid in the family, in the process of education, children copy the behavior of their parents, and therefore it is good well-mannered person will possess all these superior qualities.

List of negative qualities of a person

The list of positive and negative qualities of a person can be formed for a long time, since there are a lot of them. To assign a person the presence of a negative quality of character on the basis of his act or action alone will be fundamentally wrong. You can’t hang labels, even the most well-mannered and can really believe that they are endowed with, say, greed or arrogance. However, if such behavior is a pattern, then the conclusion will be obvious.

The list of negative traits, as well as positive ones, is huge. The most basic and common are as follows:

  • lack of will;
  • irresponsibility;
  • harmfulness;
  • greed;
  • viciousness;
  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • hatred;
  • selfishness;
  • intolerance;
  • greed and others.

The presence of such character traits in a person is not a diagnosis, they can and should be dealt with even in adult, conscious age, to correct behavior.

Character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people

We have formed a list of positive and negative qualities of a person. Now we will talk about character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people. The fact is that depending on in relation to whom or what a person performs an action or act, a specific individual feature of it is exposed. In society, he can demonstrate the following qualities:

  • sociability;
  • responsiveness;
  • susceptibility to someone else's mood;
  • respectfulness;
  • arrogance;
  • egocentrism;
  • coarseness;
  • closure and others.

Of course, a lot depends on the conditions in which a person finds himself: even the most open and sociable person may experience problems in communicating with a strict, closed and heartless person. But, as a rule, polite people endowed positive qualities, easily adapt in society and suppress their negative traits.

Character traits manifested in work

Building a person's career directly depends on the qualities of his character. Even the most talented and gifted people can fail because they are not responsible enough for their work and their talent. Thus, they only harm themselves and do not give themselves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Or, on the contrary, there are cases when the lack of talent was more than compensated for by special diligence in work. A responsible and accurate person will always succeed. Here is a list of the main such traits:

  • diligence;
  • a responsibility;
  • initiative;
  • accuracy;
  • slovenliness;
  • laziness;
  • negligence;
  • passivity and others.

These two groups of character traits actively echo each other, since labor activity and communication between people are inseparably linked.

Character traits that manifest themselves in relation to oneself

These are the features that characterize in relation to himself, his self-perception. They look like this:

  • feeling of self-worth or superiority;
  • honour;
  • arrogance;
  • self-criticism;
  • egocentrism;
  • self-love and others.

Character traits that manifest themselves in relation to things

Attitude towards things does not affect the building of a person's social ties, but it demonstrates and reveals the best or unattractive qualities of his nature. These are traits such as:

  • accuracy;
  • thrift;
  • scrupulousness;
  • carelessness and others.

Mentality, qualities of a Russian person

Mentality is a very subjective concept, and it is based on stereotypical thinking. However, it cannot be denied that certain features are inherent in a particular nationality. Russian people are famous for their cordiality and hospitality, cheerful disposition. The Russian soul is considered mysterious and incomprehensible all over the world, since Russians do not differ in the rationality and logic of their actions, they are often influenced by their mood.

Another feature of the Russian people is sentimentality. A Russian person instantly takes on the feelings of another and is always ready to share emotions with him, to lend a helping hand. It is impossible not to mention another trait - compassion. Historically, Russia has helped its neighbors on all frontiers of the country, and today only a heartless person will pass by the misfortune of another.