Perspective planning in the older group of childhood. The work program of the educator. Daily planning for the program "Childhood". Senior group. Program for installation via the Internet. Theme of the week: "My home, my village, my country"

Long-term planning is based on an exemplary basic general education program preschool education under the editorship of T. I. Babaeva, A. F. Gogoberidze, Z. A. Mikhailova, the main general educational program of preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1 Berezka" of the village of Mostovsky municipality Mostovsky district for 2014 - 2015 academic year subject to federal state requirements





Long-term planning is based on an exemplary basic general education program

preschool education under the editorship of T. I. Babaeva, A. F. Gogoberidze, Z. A. Mikhailova, the main general educational program of preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1 Berezka" of the village of Mostovsky municipal formation Mostovsky district for 2014 - 2015 academic year year subject to federal state requirements

Thematic perspective planensures the full development of pupils in all major educational areas, and

namely in the areas of communicative-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development against the background of their emotional and moral well-being, a positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and towards other people

The leading objectives of the work program "Childhood, ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, Z. A. Mikhailova are:

creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood,

the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics,

preparation for life in modern society, to schooling,

ensuring the safety of the life of a preschooler.

These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

The work program takes into account 3 interrelated lines of child development, these are:

1. line of feelings;

2. line of knowledge;

3. line of development of independence and creativity of children.

These lines are a distinctive feature of the exemplary basic general education program "Childhood".

In each section of the work programline of development of social and aesthetic feelingsis an essential part of the upbringing and development of the child.

The result of mastering the line of knowledge is the solution of cognitive tasks by the child, intellectual readiness for school.Line of development of independence and creativityenriches the experience of independent children's activities.

To achieve the goals of the work program, the tasks of raising and developing children of the sixth year of life are of paramount importance:

  1. Strengthen the health, temper and develop motor activity of children;
  2. Develop cognitive activity children,master the means and methods of cognition, enrich the experience of activity and ideas about the environment;
  3. Cultivate independence and develop the desire for self-assertion and self-expression;
  4. Develop creative manifestations and imagination in artistic, visual and gaming activities;
  5. Enrich social ideas about people, hometown, country.

In the work program, the distribution of topics of classes is carried out by weeks. During the week, a complex of various types of specific children's activities is united around a single "theme".

Purpose of complex-thematic planning:

  • make the life of children more interesting, and the educational process more motivated;
  • eliminate overload of children;
  • to make the child's perception of the world in the unity of the diverse connections of relations;
  • to promote the development of such skills by children that in the future would allow them to determine their goals, make decisions and act in typical and non-standard situations;
  • to promote the rallying of public and family preschool education (organic inclusion in the holidays and preparation for them of parents and legal representatives of children).

Working programm compiled taking into account the approximate daily routine in kindergarten for children of the older group (see the program "Childhood", p. 206).

The work program consists of sections:

We develop the speech of children.

First steps in mathematics.

The child discovers the world of nature.

Social world.

A child in the world of fiction, visual arts and music.

Game educational situations

a week




Speech development

Up to 25 min*

Mathematical development

Up to 25 min*

social world

Up to 25 min*

natural world

Up to 25 min*

Preparing for literacy

Up to 25 min*

The world of art and artistic activity: modeling

Up to 25 min*

The world of art and artistic activity: drawing

Up to 25 min*

The world of art and artistic activity: design, application

Up to 25 min*

(* - the duration of play educational situations is determined taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the current play educational situation)


  1. Doronova T. N., Yakobson S. G. Teaching children aged 2-4 years to draw, sculpt, and apply in the game;
  2. Kutsakova L. V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. Moscow, 2008
  3. Gurovich L. M. and others. The child and the book; "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" St. Petersburg, 2000
  4. Shumaeva D. G. How to be good at reading;
  5. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. Abstracts of classes in senior group; Voronezh, 2010
  6. Malysheva A. N., Ermolaeva N. V. Application in kindergarten. Yaroslavl Academy of Development;
  7. Korotovskikh L.N. Plans-summaries of classes on the development of mathematical representations in children before school age, St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2011;
  8. Shvaiko G.S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten. Moscow, 2002;
  9. Voronkevich OA Welcome to ecology. St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2011;
  10. Gorbatenko O.F. Complex classes with children of middle and senior preschool age under the section "Social world". Volgograd, 2002.

recommended for educational planning
work with children

1. Belousova, L. E. One, two, three, four, five - we begin to play! Games and activities for preschool children using stroke pictures: a methodological guide for kindergarten teachers. institutions / L. E. Belousova. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2003. - 184 p.

2. Together I grow up with a doll: cognitive-playing activities with children 2–7 years old / ed. O. R. Meremyanina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 221 p.

3. Davydova, O. I. Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child / About. I. Davydova, S. M. Vyalkova. - M. : TC Sphere, 2008. - 112 p. - (Together with children).

4. Dybina, O. V. The unknown is nearby: experiments and experiments for preschoolers / O. V. Dybina, N. P. Rakhmanova, V. V. Shchetinina; ed. O. V. Dybina. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M. : TC Sphere, 2010. - 192 p. – (Child in the world of search).

5. Childhood : Integrated educational program preschool education / T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva [and others]. - St. Petersburg. : LLC "Publishing House" Childhood-Press ", 2017.

6. Natural science, art, art work: thematic planning classes / ed.-comp. V. Yu. Dyachenko [i dr.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. - 271 p.

7. Acquaintance children with Russian folk art: class notes and scenarios of calendar and ritual holidays: a methodological guide for preschool teachers educational institutions/ aut.-stat. L. S. Kuprina, T. A. Budarina, O. A. Markeeva, O. N. Korepanov . - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 1999. - 384 p. : ill. - (Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture).

8. Ivanova, A. I. Natural scientific observations and experiments in children's garden. Man / A.I. Ivanova. - M. : TC Sphere, 2005. - 224 p. – (Development program).

9. intellectualdevelopment of preschoolers. Games for dreamers / ed.-comp. N. I. Filimonova. - St. Petersburg. : KARO; Minsk: Four quarters, 2004. - 112 p. : ill. – (Materials for a specialist of an educational institution).

10. Kazakova, T. G. Develop creativity in preschoolers: abstracts of drawing, modeling, appliqué classes: a guide for educators of children. garden / T. G. Kazakova. - M .: Education, 1985.

11. Calendar and folk holidays in kindergarten. Issue. 2. Spring / ed.-stat. G. A. Lap-shina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. - 111 p.

12. Kartushina, M. Yu. Folk holidays in kindergarten / M. Yu. Kartushina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007. - 320. - (Together with children).

13. Klochanov, N. I. Road, child, safety: method. rules manual traffic for educators, teachers elementary school/ N. I. Klochanov. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2004. - 152 p. : col. incl. - (Series "From kindergarten to school").

14. Knyazeva, O. L. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. Program: teaching aid / O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 1998. - 304 p. : ill.

15. Kozlova, S. A. My world: introducing the child to the social world / S. A. Kozlova; Kataeva, L. I. Correction-developing classes with preschoolers / L. I. Kataeva. - M. : Linka-Press, 2000. - 224 p. : ill.

16. Komarova, T. S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten: book. for educators children. garden / T. S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Education, 1991.

17. Complex classes with children 3–7 years old: formation fine motor skills, development of speech / ed. N. L. Stefanova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 261 p.

18. Komratova, N. G. The world in which I live: method. allowance for familiarizing children aged 3–7 years with the outside world / N. G. Komratova, L. F. Gribova. - M. : TC Sphere, 2006. - 144 p. – (Development program).

19. Kondrykinskaya, L. A. Fiction in the development of creative abilities of older preschoolers / L. A. Kondrykinskaya, T. N. Vostrukhina. - M. : Scriptorium 2003, 2006. - 232 p.

20. Kryukova, S. V. I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing. Programs for the emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age: pract. allowance / S. V. Kryukova, N. P. Slobodya-nick. - M. : Genesis, 2000. - 208 p. : ill.

21. Kurochkina N. A. Children and landscape painting. Seasons. Learning to see, appreciate, create beauty / N. A. Kurochkina. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press. 2004. - 272 p. - (Library of the program "Childhood").

22. Kurochkina, N. A. Children about book graphics / N. A. Kurochkina. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2000. - 190 p. : ill. - (Library of the program "Childhood").

23. Kurochkina, N. A. Acquaintance with still life / N. A. Kurochkina. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 1999. - 112 p. - (Library of the program "Childhood").

24. Mathematics before school: a guide for educators det. gardens and parents. Part I: Smolentseva A. A., Pustovoit O. V. Mathematics before school. Part II: puzzle games / comp. Z. A. Mikhailova, R. L. Nepomniachtchaya . - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2003. - 191 p. : ill. - (Library of the program "Childhood").

25. Mikhailova, Z. A.


October, 1–2-Iweeks

Complex "Monkeys in the circus"

I. Introduction.

Instructor . Guys, today we will go to the circus and watch the circus monkeys.

· "Monkeys are walking around the arena" -walking one after the other.

· "Monkeys walk" goose step "" -goose step, hands on knees.

· "Monkeys go" like herons "" -walking with high knees.

· "Monkeys go" like bears "" -walking "like bears" on the outside of the foot.

· Monkeys run like wolvesrunning with a wide jump step.

· "Monkeys jump like hares" -forward jumping.

· "Monkeys getting ready to perform" -walking one after another and building along gymnastic benches.

II. Main part.

Instructor . Now the monkeys are warming up before the performance.

General developmental exercises.

1. "Monkeys train their hands."

The benches are lined up. Children on them sit one after another at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

I. p. - sitting astride a bench, legs bent at the knees, hands on the belt.

Performance : 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - arms up, 3 - arms to the sides, 4 - and. P.(Five times.)

2. "Monkeys make bends."

I. p. - the same.

Performance : 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - tilt to the left, touch the floor to the left of the bench with your fingers, 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides, 4 - and. n. The same to the right side.(6 times.)

3. "Monkeys reach for the leg."

I. p. - sitting astride a bench, legs straight, hands behind the head.

Performance : 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - tilt to the right leg, touch your toes with your fingers, 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides, 4 - and. n. The same to the left leg.(6 times.)

4. "The monkeys are trying to stand on the bench."

I. p. - standing facing the bench, arms along the body.

Performance : 1 - step with the right foot on the bench, 2 - lower the right foot to the floor, 3 - step with the left foot on the bench, 4 - lower left leg on the floor, turn around and repeat the task.(6 times.)

5. "Monkeys make a" corner "".

I. p. - sit on the floor with your back to the bench, hands are held with a grip from above by the edges of the bench.

Performance : 1-2 - raise straight legs up and forward, 3-4 - and. P.(7 times.)

6. "Monkeys are jumping."

I. p. - standing sideways to the bench, arms along the body.

Performance : 1-8 - jumping around the bench on two legs, 9-10 - pause, 11-18 - jumping again, 19-20 - pause. Jumping one after another moving forward.(4 times.)

III. Final part.

Instructor . And now the monkeys are playing.

1. Mobile game"Back the ball."

Children stand in a circle facing the center at a step distance from each other. They choose the driver, counting in a circle to 5: the fifth is the driver. He goes to the center of the circle, calls one of the players by name and throws the ball on the floor so that it bounces in the right direction. The one whose name was called by the driver catches the ball and hits it (slaps with his palm), standing in one place. The number of hits of the ball is by agreement, but not more than five, so that the children do not have to stand waiting for a long time. After hitting the ball, the player throws it to the driver. The game continues until someone drops the ball. The one who dropped the ball takes the place of the driver.

You can play 2-3 balls, then choose 2-3 drivers.

2. Calm walking.

Instructor . So we looked at the training and performance of circus monkeys. Any skill loves work.

Changes and additions

October, 3-4-Iweeks


November, 1–2-Iweeks

Complex "You are my friend, and I am your friend"

I. Introduction.

Entrance to the hall and formation in one line.

Instructor . I know that you are friendly guys. Today, do all the exercises in pairs, together with a friend, helping and supporting a friend. Your friendship will become even stronger!

· "Together it's fun to walk" - pair walking.

· "And running together is even more fun" - running in pairs.

· “And how fun it is to jump together!” -jumps in pairs around the hall.

Building in a column in pairs in the middle of the hall.

II. Main part.

General developmental exercises.

1. "We must measure strength."

I. p. - stand facing each other, put forward the right (left) leg, arms bent at the elbows. Palms and straight fingers touch.

Performance : 1-8 - alternately straighten and bend your arms, 9-10 - and. P.(4 times.)

2. "Let's look out the window at each other."

I. p. - stand with your back to each other at a distance of one step, legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.

Performance : 1-2 - lean forward, look through the "window" at the partner, 3-4 - and. P.(6 times.)

3. "We swing on a swing."

I. p. - stand facing each other, holding hands, feet hip-width apart.

Performance : 1-4 - for each count, the couples alternately squat low, 5-6 - and. P.(6 times.)

4. "Strongmen".

I. p. - sitting on the floor facing each other, feet touching, hands in support behind.

Performance : 1-3 - resting on your feet, simultaneously raise your buttocks, 4 - and. P.(6 times.)

5. "House".

"We will build a strong house, we will all live in it together."

I. p. - lying on your back head to head, hold hands.

Performance : 1-2 - raise your legs until your feet touch each other, 3-4 - and. P.(6 times.)

6. "Let's jump."

I. p. - become facing each other, legs together, hands arbitrarily.

Performance : 1-4 - jumping in place, 5-8 - jumping with a turn around from each other, 9-12 - walking in place.(4 times.)

III. Final part.

Instructor . The turn has come, it's time to play for us, kids!

1. Mobile game"Catch up with your mate."

Children stand in pairs on one side of the hall: one in front, the other behind (retreating 2-3 steps). At the signal of the instructor, the first ones quickly run across to the other side of the hall, the second ones catch them (each with their own pair). When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

2. The task "Walk in pairs."

Children walk in pairs, not holding hands, four steps on their toes, four on the whole foot (20–30 s).

Instructor . Well done! You are true friends.

Changes and additionsfor the 2nd week ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

November, 3-4-Iweeks

Complex "Flowers"

I. Introduction.

Dark forest, bright meadow

Walking is normal.

We walk one after another.

So as not to crush the flowers,

You need to lift your legs.

High knee walking. Walking next to each other.

We walked among the trees

Walking "snake".

Suddenly we saw the field!

If only you knew -

How quickly we walked.

Walking at a fast pace.

We are looking for flowers


December, 1–2-Iweeks

Complex "Winter walk in the forest"

I. Introduction.

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

Instructor . Today we will go to the winter forest. The path in the forest is narrow, stand one behind the other. When I say "Snowstorm!", you turn around, say "Z-z-z!" and move on.

Children perform.

II. Main part.

“So we came to the meadow. Let's get in a circle and warm up.

General developmental exercises.

1. "We warm ourselves."

I. p. - legs together, arms to the sides.

Performance : 1-2 - bending your arms at the elbows, grasp at the same time right hand left shoulder, and with the left hand - the right shoulder, say: "Wow!", 3-4 - spread your arms to the sides.(8 times.)

2. "Trees sway."

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms raised up.

Performance : 1-2 - torso to the left, 3-4 - torso to the right.(4 times each side.)

3. "Strong blizzard."

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back.

Performance : 1–2 - tilt down, make a semicircle with the body in left side and with your hands touch the left heel from the outside, saying “Z-z-z!”, 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - tilt down, make a semicircle with the body to the right side and touch the right heel from the outside with your hands, pronouncing the sound "Z-z-z!", 7-8 - and. P.(6 times.)

4. "Let's warm our feet."

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body on the floor, legs together.

Performance : 1-2 - raise straight legs up, at the same time raise your head, without taking your hands off the floor, blow on your feet, 3-4 - and. P.(7 times.)

5. "Let's warm our hands" - a breathing exercise.

I. p. - the main rack.

Performance : 1-2 - spread your arms to the sides - inhale, 3-6 - as you exhale, clap in front of you with your arms extended forward.(7 times.)

Rebuilding in one column.

III. Final part.

“So we came to the meadow. How brightly the sun shines! Snow sparkles in the sun!

1. Mobile game"Snowstorm and Sun".

At the signal "Snowstorm!" children run scattered around the hall; to the signal "Sun!" squat, depicting large snowdrifts. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

2. Mobile game"Hares in the forest".

For the game, “hares” and “fox” are selected, the rest of the children are “trees”. Children representing trees stand at a distance from each other, allowing them to hold hands. The "fox" lives in a "hole" at the edge of the "forest" (on one side of the hall). "Hares" live in the "field" (on the other side of the hall). "Hares" need to get into the "forest" (on the other side of the hall), but the "fox" is hunting for them. She tries to catch the "hares". "Fox" is prevented from running by "trees": children take each other's hands, squat, bend over, wave their hands. "Hares" between the "trees" pass freely. The game ends when all the "hares" move to the opposite side of the hall. Starting the game again, the children again choose "hares" and "fox".

Specifications for the game: the number of "hares" and "foxes" may be different, depending on the number of players; the more "foxes", the more difficult it is for "hares" to run through the forest. The whole course of the game depends on the "trees". Children playing the role of trees should carefully observe the actions of the “fox” and constantly change the position of their hands, rebuild; caught "hares" until the end of the game are in the "fox's house" and do not take part in the game.

Exit the hall to the music.

Changes and additionsfor the 2nd week ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


January, 2-Ia week

Complex "Hiking in the forest on skis"

I. Introduction.

Children enter the hall to the music and are built in a semicircle.

Instructor . Today we will visit the winter forest again. Need to practice. There are such snowdrifts that you can move through the forest only on skis. We walk carefully trail after trail so as not to go astray and learn how to ski.

Walking in a column one at a time. At the signal "Skiers!" loose walking with imitation of skiing. The signal is repeated several times by the instructor.

Building in three links.

II. Main part.

General developmental exercises.

1. "Skier".

I. p. - the main rack.

Performance : 1-6 - wave your arms back and forth, bringing forward alternately right, then left hand, 7–8 – i. P.(6 times.)

2. "Where is the ski track?".

Performance : 1-2 - turn to the right, take your hand back through the side, say: “Behind!”, 3-4 - and. n. The same to the left side.(3-4 times in each direction.)

3. "Fix your bindings on your skis."

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms below.

Performance : 1-2 - tilt forward to the right leg, make movements with your hands, as if correcting the fasteners, say "Corrected!", 3-4 - and. n. The same to the left leg.(4 times for each leg.)

4. “Fell! Gotta get up!"

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, legs together.

Performance : 1-2 - sit down, helping with your hands, without taking your feet off the floor, 3-4 - and. P.(6 times.)

5. "Let's get warm."

I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms to the sides, palms up.

Performance : 1-2 - crossing bent arms in front of you (hugging yourself), slap at the same time with the left hand on the right shoulder, and with the right hand on the left shoulder, say "Wow!", 3-4 - and. P.(7 times.)

III. Final part.

Instructor . You already ski great! A playful game will cheer you up even more.

1. Mobile game"Two Frosts".

Two drivers are selected (Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose). Children stand on one side of the hall. Drivers stand in the center of the hall. At the instructor's signal, both Frosts say:

We are two young brothers, two daring Frosts:

I am Frost Red Nose, I am Frost Blue Nose.

Which of you will dare to set off on a path?

All those who play in chorus answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!”. After the word “frost”, all the players try to run across to the other side of the hall, and the Frosts try to “freeze” them, that is, touch them with their hands. "Frozen" stop and stand until the end of the run of all the other players. The two Frosts count who they have frozen, after which these children join the rest of the players. The dashes are repeated 2-3 times, after which new drivers are selected and the game resumes.

2. Game of low mobility"Edible - inedible".

Instructor . Our hike is over, we are in kindergarten.

3. Walking in pairs. "Skiers" return to the group.

January, 3-4-Iweeks

Complex "Wintering Birds"

I. Introduction.

Instructor . Today we will go to the forest and see which birds are left to spend the winter. Let's draw these birds with you and show their gait.

1. "Daws" - walking with a gymnastic step.

2. "Crows" - walking on toes, hands on the belt.

3. "Doves" - walking on heels, hands "shelf" behind the back.

4. "Sparrows" - walking in a semi-squat, hands on hips.

5. "Owls" - slow running with arm swings.

6. "Titmouse" - fast running on toes.

Well done, and now training.

III. Main part.

General developmental exercises. Complex "We are funny birds."

Irina Sycheva
Long-term planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard "Childhood"

Complex-thematic planning GCD in the senior group, taking into account GEF

Topic: "Today - preschoolers, tomorrow - schoolchildren".

Timing: September, 1 week

Target: to introduce children to the autumn holiday - the Day of Knowledge; to form knowledge about the school, interest in school, cognitive motivation, consolidate knowledge about children's garden as the closest social environment; develop friendly relationships between children; create a positive emotional relationship children's garden and its employees; to cultivate respect for the work of the teacher.

Activities Cognition (FEMP)

Topic: "Properties of Items".

Target: to form the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects.

(22 p. 16, zas. 1)

D/I Theme: "Magic bag".

Target: to consolidate the ability to find signs of similarities and differences in objects.

(22 p. 17) Work (communication)

Topic: "Let's play in Kindergarten» .

Target: to ensure the development of a rational way of washing tea utensils as a holistic labor process. Contribute to the development of attention, the development of friendly relationships in the game. (16 p. 108) Modeling subject

Topic: "Funny people".

Target: sculpting a person of different shapes, transferring simple movements. (18 p. 16)


Topic: "Funny portraits".

Target: cutting an oval out of paper, decorating a hairstyle with a broken appliqué.

(18 p. 18)

IP (ut. hymn.)

Topic: "Golden Forest".

Target: exercise children in general developmental exercises.

IP (peppy hymn.)

Topic:"Lepim Pinocchio".

Target: invigorating anthem. with elements of breathing exercises and acupressure.

(28 p. 36) Speech development

Topic: "Retelling the tale "The Fox and the Cancer".

Target: to teach children to coherently and consistently and expressively tell a fairy tale without the help of questions from the teacher.

(27 p. 41, task 1)

CI Theme: "I treat"

Target: development of speech and communication skills.

(14 p. 57)

Cognition (The world)

Topic: "Who is educating us?"

Target: cultivate respect for employees kindergarten, desire to help them; clarify knowledge about the profession of a teacher.

(7 p. 22, task 1)

D/I Theme: "Where was Petya?"

Target: activate the processes of thinking, recall, attention; cultivate respect for working people.

(6 p. 105) Safety

Topic: "First of September".

Target: to consolidate the presentation of the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of schooling, the need to follow the rules of the road.

(11 p. 11) Drawing

Topic: "Happy summer".

Target: drawing simple scenes with the transfer of movements, interactions and the relationship between characters.

(18 p. 20) OIC

Topic: "Walking and Running".

Target: walking with hand movements; slow running with high knees.

PI Theme: "Trap in the Circle".

Target: to exercise children in running in compliance with the rules.

PI Theme: "Knock down the skittles".

Target: exercise in rolling the ball, while running.

(19 p. 198) Diploma

Topic: "The letter a".

Target: vowel sound A, letter A. Determining the place of sound in a word, dividing words into syllables, symbol syllable. (29 p. 12, class 1)

IP Theme: "Show letter".

Target: definition of a word with an A sound.

(29 p. 15)

Reading thin. liters

English fairy tale "Three pigs" in the processing of S. Mikhalkov.

(27 p. 170)

Interaction with families: Drawing up a socio-demographic passport of families (questionnaire, testing)

Topic: "Autumn time, eyes charm"

Timing: September, 2nd week.

Target: to teach children to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, to conduct phenological observations; to expand ideas about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature; cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the natural world.

Educational areas Cognitive development Social and communicative development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Speech development

Activities Cognition (FEMP)

Topic: "Properties of Items".

Target: 1) consolidate children's ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size, material, purpose)

2) clarify ideas about the shapes of geometric shapes

(22 p. 19, class 2)

CI Theme: "Beads".

Target: to form the ability to identify patterns.

(22 p. 22)


Topic: "Long-awaited meeting".

Target: to create in children a sense of the joy of communication, a sense of a single family, mutual goodwill and emotional upsurge.

(5 p. 115)

HRE Theme: "School".

Target: choice of school attributes, clothes; participation in competitions for future first-graders.

(1 p. 100) Modeling subject

Topic: "Our favorite toys".

Target: modeling from 5-8 parts of different shapes and sizes in a constructive way with the transfer of characteristic features.

(18 p. 22)


Topic: "Colored palms".

Target: cut along the drawn path; composing images and compositions

(18 p. 24) IP (morning hymn.)

Topic: "Summer Fun".

Target: Strengthening health during the game. (24 p. 70)

IP (peppy hymn.)

Topic: "Funny boys".

Target: improve mood, raise muscle tone.

(28 p. 37)

Topic: “I save health, I will help myself”.

Target: exercise in walking, running, moving in different directions. (21 p. 71) Speech development

Topic: "Interview at the autumn forest".

Target: to teach children to ask questions, to answer them correctly; enrich sensory experience through speech; to consolidate the ability to express their thoughts in full sentences.

(8 p. 18)

CI Theme: "Whose house?" (27 p. 57)

Target: to teach children to use various grammatical forms when naming people and animals.

Related publications:

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Long-term planning taking into account the GEF in the preparatory group Theme of the week: Russian folk toy. Educational areas Content Methods and technologies 1. Physical development - Maintain interest.

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Long-term planning "Development of speech" according to V.V. Gerbova in the second junior group in accordance with the GEF DOE. The development of speech according to the Armorial. Month. A week. Topic. Occupation. Literature. Software content. Joint activities in the GCD process. Job.

Long-term planning according to GEF. September, middle group 1. Educational area "Social and communicative development" 1.1. Socialization, communication development, moral education. Subject Content.

Approximate long-term planning for GEF for January (preparatory group) January 09.01.17 -13.01.17 Topic: “Winter wonders. Leprosy of Mother Winter ”Purpose: to expand and enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter.

Image Library:

2012-2013 academic year

1. Theme of the week: “Goodbye, summer. Hello Kindergarten!

(1st - 2nd week of September)

Educational area / type of activity

Theme, literature



(speech development)

"Kindergarten" (53, 18)

1. Teach children to answer questions.

2. Develop vocabulary on the topic, mechanical memory, attention.

3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other and kindergarten workers.

"Toy Story"

1. Coherent speech: teach children to write a story about toys describing their appearance;

Vocabulary and grammar: activate words denoting actions and states (verbs); learn to agree adjectives with nouns in gender and number;

Sound culture of speech: to fix the pronunciation of the passed sounds: y, a, g, k, c; learn to pronounce the sounds s, s in words correctly, highlight words with these sounds in speech.

2. Develop ideas about the meaning of the terms "word", "sound"; the ability to listen to the sound of words.


(mathematical development)

"Autumn Colors" (56, 57)

1. To consolidate the ability to isolate individual objects from a group, to see many and one in the environment and describe observations using the appropriate words.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes.

2. Cultivate children's imagination.

3. Cultivate respect for nature.

"Mickey Mouse Journey"

1. Consolidate the ability to compare groups of objects using the overlay method. Improve the ability to group objects.

2. Develop the ability to work with your right hand from left to right when laying out objects.



productive (drawing)

"Pictures for our lockers"

1. To teach children to determine the idea in accordance with the purpose of the drawing (picture for the locker). Clarify the idea of ​​​​the purpose of the dressing room.

2. Develop independence, creative activity.

3. Raise interest in kindergarten.



productive (application)

"Flowerbed" (collective)

1. Learn to make a flower from 2-3 paper forms, beautifully combining them in color, shape and size; show how to decorate a flower. Learn how to hold and perform operations with scissors.

3. Cultivate accuracy, perseverance.




"Beetles in a flower bed"

1. Learn to sculpt beetles, transferring the structure. Fix the method of sculpting a hemisphere.

2. Develop coordination in the "eye-hand" system, synchronize the work of both hands.





"Mushroom meadow"

Physical Culture/


"Meeting Autumn"

1. Exercise in walking with a “snake” between spaced objects, exercise in running with a “snake”.

2. Develop endurance.

"We are fast and agile"

1. Exercise in running in pairs in different directions, in a straight line.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

Introduction to the group room

1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the name of the materials from which the objects in the group are made. Recall the properties of paper.

2. Develop speech, observation.

Acquaintance with the properties of wood and metal.



(local history)

"Our Favorite Kindergarten"

(54, 30; 13, 19)

1. Form ideas about the employees of the kindergarten (nanny, janitor, laundress, music director, physical education instructor, nurse, etc.), about the labor processes performed by each of them, and tools.

2. To develop the cognitive interest of children in the work of adults in kindergarten.

3. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide all possible assistance.

2. Theme of the week: "My home, my village, my country"

(3rd – 4th week of September)



(speech development)

"Autumn" (53, 20)

1. Teach children to answer questions using a picture plan; expand vocabulary on the topic "Autumn".

2. Develop the ability to form nouns in the singular and plural, as well as nouns with diminutive suffixes, select words-signs for the noun, accompany speech with movements.

3. Cultivate love for Russian nature.

"Vegetables" (53, 21)

1. Teach children to answer questions; expand the vocabulary on the topic.

2. Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in the singular, speech with movement; expand the vocabulary on the topic.

3. Cultivate curiosity, interest in the material being studied.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

NOD №1 (2, 51)

1. Learn to compare two groups of objects by superimposing and applying, to find the same.

2. Develop imagination, the ability to see characteristics items.

GCD №2 (2, 53)

2. Develop imagination, observation, ability to decide logical tasks, make a pattern by combining color and shape.

3. Cultivate restraint, attention.





"Home for Queen Tassel"

1. Continue to teach children to depict objects consisting of rectangular and square parts; independently choose one of the proposed house options for the image and the color for painting the walls and roof.

2. Develop techniques for painting with paints in one direction, with the whole brush, with a separation from the paper near the contour of the picture; encourage children to make additions to the drawing that enrich its content.

3. Cultivate the ability to protect visual materials.





"Colored house" (3, 30)

1. Continue to teach children to use scissors - “by eye” cut wide strips of paper into cubes (“squares”) or bricks (“rectangles”). Show the method of dividing a square diagonally into two triangles to get the roof of the house. Generate interest in composing a composition from self-cut elements.

2. Develop an eye, a sense of form and composition.

3. Cultivate independence, confidence in their skills, accuracy.




"Log Cabin" (8, 44)

1. Exercise in rolling a piece of plasticine between the palms. Learn how to build a house out of molded logs.

2. Develop imagination.

3. Cultivate responsiveness and goodwill.





"Houses, sheds" (10, 13)

1. Teach children to make houses from building material. Exercise in the use of spatial concepts, in distinguishing and naming colors.

2. Develop independence in finding ways to design.

Physical Culture/


"The Autumn Rains Are Coming"

1. Heal the child's body with the help of imitation movements and actions.

"Funny Photographer"

1. Learn to perform exercises for the legs in order to increase the amplitude of swing movements. Form posture in exercises for the body.

2. Develop the dexterity of the hand, phalanges of the fingers.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

Reading art.


"Reading poems about autumn"

1. Continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works.

2. Develop creative imagination, expressiveness of children's speech.

3. Cultivate interest in reading.

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

“We’ll tell you a little about the rules of the cat”

1. Repeat the rules of the road; consolidate and systematize knowledge on the topic "Safety in road, rail and air transport."

2. Develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in games.

3. To educate children in the rules of behavior and communication in public transport.

3. Theme of the week: "Animal World"

(1st – 2nd week of October)



(speech development)

Story based on the painting "Cat with kittens".

1. Coherent speech: teach children to compose a story from a picture together with a teacher and independently;

Vocabulary and grammar: learn to correlate words denoting the name of animals with the name of their cubs; activate words denoting actions (verbs) in children's speech.

2. Develop the ability to compose short story on a topic from personal experience.

3. Cultivate the ability to listen to the teacher.

description of toys. Peekaboo"

1. Coherent speech: to teach children when describing a toy to name its signs, actions, to link sentences together;

Vocabulary and grammar: to consolidate the ability to correlate the names of animals with the name of their cubs, to exercise in the use of the forms of the singular and plural nouns denoting babies

animals, to form ideas about the prepositions for, under, on, in, the skills of their use in speech;

Sound culture of speech: strengthen the articulatory apparatus, develop the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds with, with * isolated, in words and phrases; learn to pronounce the sound with a long time, on one exhale.

2. Develop the ability to clearly and distinctly pronounce words.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

"Let's treat the squirrels"

1. Exercise in distinguishing colors and shades.

2. Develop the ability to compare sets.

3. Raise a caring attitude towards animals.

"Forest Adventure"

1. Consolidate the ability to compare objects by length, use words longer - shorter, long - short in speech.

2. Develop the ability to compare two groups of objects.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.





"Grass and bushes for rabbits"

1. Continue to learn how to draw grass, rhythmically placing strokes on the surface of a sheet of paper; learn to depict a shrub with berries and flowers.

2. Develop the ability to apply strokes and draw long and short straight lines in different directions.

3. To educate children in a good attitude towards game characters, to arouse a desire to help them.





"Rug for bunnies"

1. Learn to lay out patterns from paper strips, familiar objects: houses, trees, bushes. Consolidate previously learned knowledge about the rules of gluing and working with scissors

2. Develop independence.

3. Raise interest in the application in children.





1. Continue to teach how to sculpt animals, to betray in modeling the features of the appearance of a hare. To fix the techniques of sculpting an oval, lubrication.

2. Develop a sense of form and proportion.





"Forest Kindergarten"

3. Cultivate the ability to play communication.

Physical Culture/


"Beasts, prick up your ears"

1. Teach children to convey the image of an animal in motion.

2. Develop initiative.

3. Cultivate independence in choosing ways to achieve the goal.

"Seeing the Birds in Flight"

1. Exercise children in walking and running with various tasks.

2. Develop dexterity and speed of reaction to changes in the environment.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

"What do I like to play"

1. To form ideas of preschoolers about toys (ball, cars, dolls, mosaic, building material), their purpose, essential features (color, shape, size), about the materials from which they are made; show children the history of the development of the ball; introduce the rules for handling metal toys, small toys and parts.

2. Develop the ability to work in a team.

3. Cultivate respect for toys made by adults for children to play.



(local history)

"Autumn in the forest" (13, 33)

1. Repeat the signs of autumn. Learn to solve riddles.

2. Cultivate children's interest and love for native nature, to focus on the beauty and richness of the Russian forest, its inhabitants, to awaken aesthetic feelings.

3. To cultivate the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest connections between them, to convey in statements one's attitude towards animals.

4. Theme of the week: "The ABC of security"

(3rd – 4th week of October)



(speech development)

"Transport" (53, 59)

1. Expand the vocabulary on the topic. Fix the formation of the plural of nouns, pronunciation compound words. Learn vocabulary.

2. Develop the ability to answer questions adequately; relate speech to movement.

"Storytelling by Set" of toys

1. Coherent speech: teach children to compose a story using a set of toys;

Vocabulary and grammar: to activate in the speech of children words denoting the qualities and actions of objects; learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns in the plural form;

Sound culture of speech: fix correct pronunciation isolated sound h.

2. Develop the ability to distinguish different intonations by ear, use them in accordance with the content of the statement.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Practice counting within 5, distinguish and name the numbers 1,2,3,4,5.

2. To develop ingenuity, imagination, the ability to reason, prove.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. To form an idea of ​​what a person has two and one each; learn to distinguish between parts of the day.

2. develop attention, memory, intelligence, analytical perception, creative thinking.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.





"Wheels and traffic lights"

1. Enrich the content of games in railway. Learn to make attributes for games, understand the meaning of green and red traffic lights. Learn to draw a traffic light according to the idea.

2. Develop interest in visual activity.

3. Cultivate safe behavior on the road.






1. Continue to learn how to hold scissors correctly and act with them, cut a strip of paper, getting new shapes.

2. Develop the ability to rhythmically arrange squares on a strip, alternating them in color.

3. To cultivate responsiveness, sympathy for game characters, to arouse a desire to help them.




“Here our train is going, the wheels are knocking”

1. Learn to make a collective composition of a train and wagons. Show how to divide a bar into equal parts.






1. Give ideas about freight transport; exercise in its design, in the analysis of samples, in the transformation of structures according to given conditions.

2. Develop the ability of planar modeling.

Physical Culture/


"Learning Technology"

1. Learn the simplest rules of the road with children. Teach children to drive in a straight line in compliance with the rules of the road.

2. Develop children's ability to ride a tricycle on their own.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

"Colorful Cars"

1. Teaching children to run easily. Practice jumping from hoop to hoop. Introduce the concept of "line".

2. Develop the ability to maintain a stable body position at rest and in motion.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

Reading art.


"The story of the Russian folk tale"Swan geese"

1. To teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling, to notice and understand figurative words and expressions in the text.

3. Raise interest in fairy tales.

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"Introduction to the rules of the road"

(55, 15; 54, 46)

1. Expand children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street, clarify the purpose of the "Safety Island".

2. Develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained about the rules of the road in games, dramatizations.

3. Cultivate safe behavior on the road.

5. Theme of the week: "National Unity Day"

(1 - 2 week of November)



(speech development)

Naming the action and quality of objects. Formation of Dialogic Speech Skills»

1. Coherent speech: teach children to ask questions and answer them on their own;

Vocabulary: to activate in children's speech words denoting the qualities and actions of objects, to learn to select accurate comparisons;

Sound culture of speech: to learn to understand and actively use the intonation of surprise, joy, question in speech, to listen to the sound of words, to highlight the given sound in words.

3. Raise interest in the native language.

“Talking about a topic from personal experience. Didactic game "Let's arrange a room for a doll"

1. Coherent speech: to teach children to speak on a topic from personal experience proposed by the teacher;

Vocabulary: learn to correctly name pieces of furniture, introduce them to their purpose; clarify the concept of "furniture";

Grammar: to learn to understand and correctly use prepositions and adverbs with spatial meaning in speech: in the middle, near, at, on the side, in front; activate complex sentences in children's speech.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

2. Develop attention, creative imagination, the ability to draw logical conclusions.

3. Cultivate perseverance.

1. Practice counting up to a given number.

2. Develop combinatorial abilities, creative imagination, logical thinking.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.





"Decorate the strip with flags"

1. Learn to draw rectangular objects, create the simplest image rhythm.

2. Develop the ability to carefully paint over the drawing with pencils using the technique shown. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.





"Leaf fall and starfall"

1. Learn to create plot compositions from natural material - dried leaves, petals, seeds. To introduce the phenomenon of contrast in the visual arts.

2. Develop a sense of color and composition.

3. To cultivate interest and respect for the nature of the native land.




"Treats for the Holidays"

1. Encourage you to make cakes according to your performance.

2. Develop the ability to pinch the edges of the resulting shape with your fingers, decorate products with a pattern using a stack.

3. Cultivate interest in modeling.






1. Exercise in the construction of solid buildings with floors by building bricks on paper models, making floors from plates, building superstructures on floors, decorating roofs. Exercise in distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes, in shading.

2. Develop design skills, imagination and creativity.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Physical Culture/


"Throwers, Throwers"

1. Teach children to throw the ball on the ground and catch it. Introduce the technique of throwing the ball at the target during the game "Get in the hoop."

2. Develop the ability to roll the ball.


1. Exercise walking on toes, heels, the outside of the foot with small and wide steps. Repeat days of the week.

2. Develop endurance.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

"Introduction of children to the general concept of "transport"

1. Introduce children to the general concept of "transport". To teach children to distinguish various signs of objects, to compare them.



(local history)

"City - village"

1. Introduce children to the concepts of city, village. Learn to find the differences between them. To acquaint with the work of adults in the city and village.

2. Develop the ability to compare, compare, draw conclusions.

3. Cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards your village

6. Theme of the week: "Healthy"

(3rd – 4th week of November)



(speech development)

"Parts of the Body" (53, 61)

1. Expand the vocabulary on the topic; teach children to coordinate the numeral with the noun.

2. To develop the ability to answer the question with a full answer, to form the plural of nouns, nouns with diminutive suffixes.

3. Cultivate accuracy.

"Storytelling from the picture "Dog with puppies"

1. Coherent speech: lead the children to compose a small coherent story based on the picture. learn to compose a short story on a topic from personal experience (by analogy with the content of the picture);

Grammar: teach children to form forms correctly genitive nouns;

Vocabulary: activate verbs in children's speech.

2. Develop the ability to compose a short story on a topic from personal experience (similar to the content of a picture).


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Exercise in the ordinal account, clarify ideas about the direction of the account.

2. Develop creative imagination, the ability to navigate in space, recognize symbols.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.

1. Learn to name numbers from 1 to 7; count and lay out objects with the right hand from left to right. To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes: a square, a triangle, a circle.

2. Develop combinatorial abilities, ingenuity, ingenuity.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.





"Brush of mountain ash, bunch of viburnum"

1. To teach children to draw a rowan brush with cotton swabs, and a leaf - by rhythmically sticking the brush pile.

2. Develop a sense of rhythm and color.

3. Raise interest in reflecting your impressions and ideas about nature in drawings.





"Zayushkin garden"

1. To teach children to create applique images of vegetables: carrots - by cutting a rectangle diagonally and rounding the corners, cabbage - by a clipping and overlay application. Arouse interest in the compilation of the collective composition "Zayushkin Garden".

3. To cultivate communication skills, interest in co-creation.





1. Continue learning to roll pieces of plasticine between the palms in a circular motion. Encourage sculpting plates according to the presentation.

2. Develop an interest in modeling.

3. Cultivate accuracy.





"Mushroom meadow"

1. Introduce design techniques from natural materials. Learn to make mushrooms from walnut shells and plasticine.

2. Develop the ability to analyze a sample, transfer the knowledge and skills acquired in working with one material to the process of making crafts from another material.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

Physical Culture/


“We want to be slim” (11, 31)

1. Teach children to do drawing exercises.

2. Develop the ability to maintain correct posture.

"Good Doctor Aibolit" (11, 47)

1. Introduce children to hardening procedures in the autumn.

2. Develop children's mental ability.

3. To educate cultural and hygienic skills in a play setting.

Reading art.


“Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Good Doctor Aibolit”

1. To learn to understand and evaluate the characters of the characters, to convey the intonation of the voice and character of the characters; lead to an understanding of the genre features of the fairy tale.

2. Develop the figurativeness of children's speech

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"Vitamins and Healthy Foods"

(16, 101; 55, 92)

1. Tell children about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health.

7. Theme of the week: "Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"

(1st - 2nd week of December)



(speech development)

"Name and description of clothes"

1. Connected speech: teach children to describe winter clothes;

Dictionary: to teach children to name winter clothes correctly, to form an idea of ​​​​its purpose; to consolidate the concept of "clothes";

Grammar: learn to use complex sentences in speech; agree adjectives with nouns in gender and number;

Sound culture of speech: learn to distinguish by ear and correctly pronounce the sound w, isolated, in words and phrases; select words for a given sound.

2. Develop speech, thinking, attention.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

“A story based on the painting “Tanya is not afraid of frost”

1. Coherent speech: to teach children to compose a short (of 2-3 sentences) story that reflects the content of the picture, according to the plan proposed by the teacher;

Dictionary: learn to select definitions for the words snow, winter, snowflakes;

Sound culture of speech: continue to learn to distinguish sounds in a word.

2. Develop the ability to select words for a given sound.

3. Raise interest in the native language.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Introduce the rectangle, learn to distinguish between a square and a rectangle. Practice counting within 7.

2. Develop combinatorial abilities, the ability to generalize and compare.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. Consolidate the studied material.

2. Develop attention, ingenuity.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.





"Frost patterns"

1. Learn to draw frosty patterns using different decorative elements. Improve the technique of drawing with the end of the brush.

2. Develop a sense of form and composition.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.





"Decorate a scarf with a pattern"

1. Continue to introduce the rules of working with scissors, learn to hold the scissors and act with them, cutting narrow strips of paper across into squares.

2. Develop the ability to carefully lay out prepared figures on paper and carefully stick them.

3. Cultivate responsiveness, the desire to help toys.




"Vegetables for the winter"

(5, 50; 6, 56; 3, 48)

1. Continue to teach the techniques of modeling familiar objects, using the knowledge gained earlier. To consolidate the knowledge of the concept of "vegetables".

2. Develop Creative skills independence, initiative.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.





"Construction from snow according to one's own design"

1. Learn to roll round snowballs, combining them into various shapes.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

Physical Culture/


"How to behave in the winter on a walk"

1. Introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street in winter. Exercise in movements to overcome obstacles.

2. Develop skills and abilities in balance exercises.

3. Cultivate a responsible attitude to the lesson.

"Magic Guest"

1. Exercise children in various types of rhythmic running and walking. Teach children acrobatic elements.

2. Develop skills and abilities in climbing and climbing.

3. Cultivate a culture of behavior in the gym.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

"Teaching children to solve riddles" (12, 40)

1. Consolidate knowledge about the various properties and qualities of objects.

2. Develop logical thinking; the ability to identify the main properties of objects.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the objective world.



(local history)

"Winter in the Kindergarten"

1. Introduce the first signs of winter. Fix the name of the native village.

3. Cultivate interest and love for native nature.

8. Theme of the week: "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

(3rd - 4th week of December)



(speech development)

1. To teach children to select an object that is necessary in meaning to a noun - words - signs. Expand the vocabulary on the topic.

2. Develop general and fine motor skills, logical thinking.

3. Cultivate curiosity.

"New Year. Christmas tree"

1. Expand the vocabulary on the topic. Learn to select words-signs according to mnemonic tracks.

2. Develop the ability to coordinate speech with movements; visual attention, memory.

3. Cultivate diligence.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Learn to make a rectangle out of counting sticks, find and name rectangular objects in the environment. Reinforce the concept of "more - less". Practice counting within 8.

2. Develop ingenuity, combinatorial abilities, the ability to generalize, transform, draw logical conclusions.

3. Cultivate perseverance.

1. Learn to name numbers from 1 to 8.

2. Develop creative imagination, ingenuity, the ability to recreate a model from a model.





"Our beautiful Christmas tree"

(5, 64; 6, 154-157; 3, 74)

1. Learn to convey the image of a Christmas tree in a drawing using straight and inclined lines. To form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extending to the bottom.

2. Develop the ability to use different colors, carefully laying one on top of the other. Develop aesthetic perception.

3. Cultivate love for nature.





"Holiday tree"

1. Learn to make an image of a Christmas tree from triangles. Arouse the desire to create a greeting card with your own hands.

2. Develop independence, a sense of rhythm and form.

3. Cultivate interest and respect for nature.





1. Continue to learn how to create expressive stucco images in a constructive way. Learn to plan your work.

2. Develop an eye, a sense of form and proportion.

3. Cultivate independence, accuracy.





"Christmas tree garlands"

1. Teach children how to make Christmas garlands.

2. Develop the ability to express yourself, creative activity

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

Physical Culture/



1. To introduce children to games and game tasks on a sled. Teach children to ride each other.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

"Dance in the New Year"

1. Teach children to walk and run in different directions between placed objects. Exercise in jumping on two legs, moving forward.

2. Develop coordination skills using non-traditional items.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

Reading art.


“The poem by E. Blaginin “What a beauty”

1. Help memorize and expressively tell a poem. To consolidate the children's understanding of the genre and language features of poems.

2. Develop the figurativeness of children's speech.

3. Cultivate a love for poetry

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"Neither at night nor during the day do not play with fire"

(14, 21; 16, 62; 15, 44; 55, 76)

1. To form in children an idea about the celebration of the New Year, the appointment Christmas decorations. Clarify ideas about dangerous situations leading to a fire. Introduce children to the telephone number "01" to call in case of fire.

2. To develop in children an understanding of the meaning and necessity of actions in case of fire.

3. Cultivate respect for toys.

9. Theme of the week: "Visiting a fairy tale"

(3rd – 4th week of January)



(speech development)

"Retelling of the tale" Bubble, straw and bast shoes "

1. Connected speech: learn to retell short story, expressively convey the dialogue of the characters;

Grammar: teach children to use exact names for naming baby animals.

2. Develop the ability to use the form of the imperative mood of verbs.

3. Cultivate friendliness, perseverance.

"Retelling of the fairy tale" Mouse and Bear "

1. Learn to retell a short fairy tale, expressively convey the dialogues of characters, learn to distinguish by ear and pronounce sounds correctly.

2. Develop the ability to sympathize, empathize, communicate kindly.

3. To cultivate mutual support, the joy of communicating with each other.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Learn to compare two groups of objects by adding a missing object to a smaller group or removing an extra one from a larger group.

2. Develop creative imagination, ingenuity, combinatorial abilities, attention.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. Practice counting within 9, learn to correlate the number with the number and countable objects.

2. Develop spatial imagination, ingenuity, the ability to compose transformation tasks.

3. Cultivate perseverance.





"Who - who lives in a mitten"

1. Learn to draw, revealing the theme of a literary work, conveying the character and mood of the characters. To acquaint with the methods of conveying the plot: highlight the main thing, depicting it larger in the foreground; convey both semantic and proportional relationships between objects.

2. Develop compositional skills.

3. Raise interest in illustrating familiar fairy tales with accessible visual and expressive means.





"Huts ice and bast"

1. To teach children to create different images of fairy-tale huts on the same applicative basis. Fix familiar cutting methods.

2. Develop creative thinking and imagination.

3. Raise interest in folk tales.




"Cockerel, golden comb"

1. Learn to create an expressive image of a cockerel from plasticine and natural material.

2. Develop the ability to shape the composition.

3. Raise interest in experimentation.





"Construction from snow" Mink for animals "

1. Learn to sculpt minks from snow.

2. Develop creativity, imagination.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

Physical Culture/


"January in the yard"

1. To teach children to freely apply the acquired skills to express their impressions.

2. Develop flexibility in figurative representation exercises.

3. To instill in children the desire to enrich the expressiveness of their movements with the help of music.

"Farewell to January"

1. Repeat the individual movements learned in the classroom in January. Check the skills and abilities of children when performing sports exercises. Analyze the physical fitness of children, inform children and parents about it.

2. Develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

Reading art.


"Telling the Russian folk tale" Zimovye "

(6, 138; 57, 69)

2. Develop memory.

3. To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of a fairy tale.

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"The Tale of the Kolobok"

(55, 168; 16, 42)

1. To give children the idea that good looks do not always correspond to good intentions; to teach them to understand a situation that carries a danger, to respond correctly in such cases: to draw the attention of passers-by and adults to themselves, to be able to call for help, to be able to say “no” to the proposals of an unfamiliar adult.

2. Develop communication skills.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

10. Theme of the week: "Folk culture and traditions"

(1st – 2nd week of February)



(speech development)

"Didactic game" Parsley, guess my toy "

1. Connected speech: teach children to describe an object without naming it; develop dialogical speech, teach to ask questions and answer them;

Vocabulary: activate verbs, adjectives in children's speech;

Grammar: exercise in the formation of the names of baby animals in the nominative and oblique cases;

Sound culture of speech: continue to introduce the term "word", learn to listen to the sound of words.

2. Develop speech, thinking.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.


2. Develop the ability to select words-actions, words-signs, use the pronouns my, mine, mine in speech.

3. Raise interest in the topic being studied, respect for toys.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Practice counting within nine. Learn the techniques of mnemonics.

2. Development of the ability to identify the main features of objects, to find objects with given properties.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. Learn to name numerals in order, correctly correlate them with objects. Learn the techniques of mnemonics.

2. Develop spatial representations, analytical skills, mastering the concept of the final number.

3. Cultivate restraint, observation, attention.





"Funny Matryoshkas"

1. Learn to use the techniques of Dymkovo painting to decorate a matryoshka skirt.

2. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape, rhythm, proportions.

3. Raise interest in folk culture, aesthetic taste.





"Handkerchief Decoration"

1. Continue to teach children to highlight corners, sides. To consolidate the knowledge of round, square and triangular shapes. Learn to transform shapes by cutting a square into triangles, a circle into semicircles.

2. Develop compositional skills, color perception.

3. Cultivate interest in the cutting process, accuracy when working with glue.




"Merry Matryoshka"

(4, 71; 6, 115-116)

1. Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects using the rolling technique in circular motions.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.





"Forest Kindergarten"

1. Learn to organize space for design; design various items furniture; Combine buildings with a single plot.

2. Develop spatial thinking.

3. Cultivate the ability to play communication.

Physical Culture/


"Sled, sled"

1. Introduce children to playing exercises on a sled.

2. Develop strength qualities.

3. To cultivate independence when performing sports exercises, game tasks.

"Building a Fortress"

1. Practice throwing at a target. To acquaint children with game exercises when performing the main movement when throwing at a target.

2. Develop children's coordination ability.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

“Introduction to the properties of a tree. Russian nesting doll"

(12, 18; 13, 74)

1. Introduce the properties of the tree. Show the children how people use these properties in the manufacture of objects.

2. Develop observation, logical thinking.



(local history)

"Russian nesting doll"

1. Introduce children to Russian matryoshka. Arouse a feeling of admiration for the talent of your people.

2. Develop interest in folk art.

3. To cultivate love for one's Motherland, a sense of pride in one's people.

11. Theme of the week: "Our defenders"

(3rd – 4th week of February)



(speech development)

“Retelling of the story by Y. Thais“ Train ”

1. Coherent speech: teach children to retell a short story that they first read in class;

Grammar: exercise children in the formation of the genitive form of the plural of nouns;

Sound culture of speech: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the purpose of the terms "word", "sound", to learn to independently select words with the sound with.

2. Develop the ability to expressively convey the direct speech of the characters.

3. Cultivate friendliness, perseverance.

"Defender of the Fatherland Day" - activity - entertainment

1. Expand the vocabulary on the topic; train in the ability to coordinate words in gender, number, case.

3. To cultivate a feeling of love for one's country, a desire to stand up for the Motherland.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Practice counting within ten.

2. Develop combinatorial abilities, the ability to memorize.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.

1. Practice counting within ten, correlate the figure with the number.

2. Develop spatial imagination, imaginative thinking, the ability to identify the presence of several signs and the absence of one of them, the ability to make up a number of two smaller ones.

3. Develop the ability to work in pairs.





"Road for the Car"

1. Learn to carefully paint over the drawing with paints using a cotton swab. Encourage the completion of the finished drawing with various details: trees, bushes, houses.

3. To cultivate the desire to achieve a good result.





"Fast wing planes"

1. Learn to create an image of an aircraft from paper parts of various shapes and sizes. Show the possibility of modifying details.

2. Develop creative thinking.

3. Raise interest in technology and reflection of the received ideas in art activities.




"Funny Helicopters"

1. To teach children to sculpt air transport (helicopter) in a constructive way from parts of different shapes and sizes. Clarify the idea of ​​​​the structure and method of movement of the helicopter. Pay attention to the methods of fastening parts (lubrication, use of toothpicks or tubes).

2. Develop an eye, fine motor skills, consistency in the movements of the hand and eye.

3. Cultivate a desire to please dads (grandfathers, brothers) with their crafts.





"Daddy's Notebook"

2. Develop an idea, independence.

Physical Culture/


"Snow Builders"

1. To develop in children the ability to independently create conditions for classes.

2. Develop dexterity.

3. To educate the will, perseverance in solving creative and motor problems.

"Let's clap, let's drown"

1. Introduce children to the new complex exercise in pairs. Learn the verse with the children while performing the movements.

2. Develop the ability to perform acrobatic elements.

3. To educate the will, perseverance in solving creative and motor problems.

Reading art.


“Reading the story of Y. Dlugolensky “What soldiers can do”

(12, 71; 54, 43)

1. To learn to understand and evaluate the characters of the characters, to convey the intonation of the voice and character of the characters. To give children knowledge about the army, about the features of military service.

2. Develop memory.

3. Cultivate a sense of pride in your army.

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"I want to be like my dad"

1. Clarify children's ideas about the profession of a military, police officer. Teach children to use the phone to call the police "02" (remember the number).

2. Develop the ability to call the police (remember your first name, last name and home address).

3. Cultivate a desire to make gifts to dad, grandfather.

12. Theme of the week: "Women's Day"

(1st – 2nd week of March)



(speech development)

“The story of the painting “Mother washes the dishes”

1. Coherent speech: to teach children to compose a story based on the picture “Mother washes the dishes”;

Grammar: consolidate the ability to form nouns - the names of dishes;

Sound culture of speech: fix the pronunciation of the sound u, the idea that the sounds in the word are pronounced in a certain sequence.

2. Develop the ability to highlight this sound in words.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. Expand the vocabulary on the topic; to teach children to form words with diminutive suffixes, relative adjectives from the name of an object.

2. Develop the ability to select the right word according to the meaning.

3. Cultivate respect for mothers, grandmothers, sisters.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Learn to classify sets according to two properties: color and shape, size and shape.

2. Develop spatial imagination

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. Practice counting within ten. Learn to use words with opposite meanings.

2. Develop attention, the ability to group objects.





"Beautiful napkin for mom"

1. To teach children to draw patterns on round and square napkins. Show options for combining decor elements in color and shape (dots, circles, spots, straight and wavy lines). Show the dependence of the ornament on the shape of the napkin (acquaintance with the basic principle of arts and crafts).

2. Develop a sense of color and rhythm.

3. Raise interest in folk arts and crafts.





"Spring flower for mom"

1. Learn to create an image of a flower from paper parts of various shapes and sizes. Fix the techniques of accurate gluing.

2. Develop independence, a sense of color and shape.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.




"Flowers - hearts"

1. To teach children to sculpt relief paintings as a gift to loved ones - mothers and grandmothers. Show options for depicting flowers with heart elements. Learn to sculpt hearts in different ways: 1) model with your fingers: roll out a ball, flatten into a disk, stretch and sharpen on one side, press and smooth on the other; 2) cut out with a mold or a stack. Generate interest in framing stucco paintings.

2. Develop a sense of form and rhythm.

3. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Artistic creation/



"Congratulations card for mom"

1. Learn to fold the rectangle in half, decorate the craft with appliqué.

2. Develop an idea, independence.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy, love for loved ones.

Physical Culture/


How winter and spring meet

1. Introduce children to the folk holiday "Candlemas". Exercise in movements to the music on the street.

2. Develop the ability to use basic motor skills in game situations.

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

"Magic Twig"

1. Exercise in walking and running along limited area. Improve repulsion skills in long jumps from a place and from a run.

2. Develop dexterity, attentiveness in the game "Sparrows".

3. Cultivate a creative approach to the lesson.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

"Introducing children to the general concept of" dishes "

1. Teach children to distinguish and name items of utensils, group and combine items according to similar characteristics (as intended). Learn to form words by analogy.

2. Develop the ability to find differences and similarities between objects.

3. To educate in children respect for working people and respect for surrounding objects.



(local history)

"Women's Day"

1. Introduce the signs of early spring. To form ideas about the work of mothers.

2. Develop the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest connections between them.

3. Cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance to mom, take care of her.

13. Theme of the week: “We want to be healthy”

(3rd – 4th week of March)



(speech development)

“A story about a set of toys. Didactic game "The animals boasted"

1. Coherent speech: to teach children from a set of toys to compose a short story together with the teacher (the teacher starts the story, the children continue it); develop dialogical speech; Dictionary: to learn to understand the meaning of riddles, to correctly name the qualities of objects;

Grammar: to learn to use complex and simple common sentences in response to the questions of the educator;

Sound culture of speech: to learn to distinguish and clearly and correctly pronounce the sound h in words and phrases, to select words for a given sound.

2. Develop dialogic speech.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag". Selection of words similar in sound "

1. Coherent speech: in the didactic game "Wonderful Pouch" to consolidate the ability to correctly name vegetables, describe their color, shape and other qualities;

Vocabulary: clarify children's ideas about vegetables;

Sound culture of speech: continue to teach children to listen to the sound of words, to distinguish sounds in words by ear, to find words that sound similar.

2. Develop the ability to highlight certain properties in vegetables, correctly classify vegetables.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Learn to correlate a figure with a number. Form temporary representations.

2. Develop attention, creative imagination.

1. Practice counting within ten. Fix temporary concepts.

2. Develop creative imagination, attention.

3. Cultivate restraint, observation.





"Cucumbers and Onions"

1. Continue to introduce round and oval shapes, learn to convey their features in the drawing. To consolidate the knowledge of vegetables and fruits, their health benefits.

2. To develop interest in the work of adults in harvesting vegetables and fruits for the winter.

3. Cultivate a careful attitude to food.





"Canned Fruit"

1. Teach children to hold scissors correctly, to act with them.

2. Develop the ability to cut a circle from a quadrangle, an oval from a rectangle

3. To cultivate accuracy at work, the desire to help adults.




"Let's help Dr. Aibolit cure cubs"

1. Learn to correctly convey the shape, structure, characteristic features of fruits in modeling, use the stack to convey expressiveness.

2. Develop a sense of form and proportion.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.





"Bridge over river"

(6, 132; 10, 37)

1. Learn to build a bridge, consolidate the concepts of "wide, long, low, narrow, high."

2. Develop pattern-building skills.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

Physical Culture/


"Pancake week"

1. Introduce children to the Shrovetide holiday.

2. Develop the main types of movements.

"Sunny Bunny"

1. To teach children to depict the sun, the sun's rays. Practice running combined with jumping.

2. Develop the ability to jump on one, two legs moving forward.

3. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards others.

Reading art.


“Reading funny poems “Fly - Chistyukha” by J. Bzhehva, “Dragon” by V. Berestov”

1. Continue to teach children to understand the content of the poem, humor. Help to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in the text.

2. Develop the ability to invent short stories according to the given plot.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"Vitamins and a healthy body"

(16, 102; 55, 92)

1. Explain to children how vitamins affect the human body.

2. Develop cognitive activity.

3. Nurture the need for healthy way life.

14. Theme of the week: "April Fool's Day, circus, theater"

(1st – 2nd week of April)



(speech development)

"Children's description of each other's appearance"

1. Coherent speech: teach children to write descriptions of each other's appearance, clothing (color, finish);

Grammar: learn to form the singular and plural forms of the verb to want, the imperative mood of the verbs to draw, dance, etc .;

Sound culture of speech: to give children an idea that the sounds in words follow each other in a certain sequence.

2. Develop monologue speech.

3. Cultivate friendliness, perseverance.

"Storytelling by Set of Items"

1. Connected speech: exercise children in compiling a story about objects and actions with objects;

Grammar: exercise in the formation of the name of dishes;

Sound culture of speech: learn to pronounce the sound h.

2. Develop the ability to clearly pronounce words with the sound h. Develop the ability to select words for a given sound.

3. Raise interest in the native language.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Learn to anticipate the result of activity.

2. Develop the ability to compare, imagination.

3. Cultivate perseverance, observation.

1. Exercise children in counting within ten.

2. Develop spatial imagination, ingenuity, ingenuity.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.





"Cat with Balloons"

1. To teach children to draw simple plots based on a literary work. Create a creative environment for free choice figurative and expressive means to convey the character and mood of the character (a cat that injured its paw). Fix the idea of geometric shapes, to form the ability to convey different forms in graphic and applicative ways.

2. Develop a sense of form and composition.

3. Raise interest in reflecting impressions about literary works in activity.





"Living clouds"

1. To teach children to depict clouds that are similar in shape to familiar objects or phenomena. Continue mastering the interrupted appliqué technique.

2. Develop imagination, attention and observation. Coordinate eye and hand movements. 3. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature, a sense of humor.




"Stars and Comets"

1. Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling. Arouse interest in creating a relief picture with stars, constellations and planets. Encourage independent search for means and methods of image. To acquaint with the method of mixing colors of plasticine, plasticine stretching.

3. Cultivate the skills of cooperation.






1. Continue to learn how to make crafts from natural material and plasticine; divide a piece of plasticine into parts. Exercise in orientation in space. To consolidate the skills of rolling a ball of plasticine.

2. Develop imagination.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

Physical Culture/


"Hurries to the street kids"

1. Exercise in climbing over objects.

2. Develop the ability to throw objects at a target.

3. To educate in children the ability to quickly navigate in the conditions of game actions using non-traditional objects.

"And it's April outside"

1. Exercise in jumping on two legs in different directions. Improve balance skills in walking on an elevated support.

2. Develop dexterity and speed in the outdoor game "Burners".

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

"Consolidation of generalizing concepts - toys, clothes, shoes, dishes" (12, 45,65,67)

1. Consolidate knowledge of generalizing concepts - toys, clothes, shoes, dishes.

2. To develop the ability to find essential features and, according to essential features, to generalize objects into one generic concept.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the objective world.



(local history)

"Moscow is the capital of our Motherland"

1. Clarify knowledge about the name of the capital of our Motherland. Get acquainted with the sights of Moscow.

2. Develop children's cognitive interests.

3. Cultivate love for one's Motherland.

15. Theme of the week: "Meet the birds"

(3rd – 4th week of April)



(speech development)

“Retelling of the story by E. Charushin “The Hen”. Comparison of subject pictures»

1. Connected speech: learn to retell the text of the story;

Vocabulary and grammar: learn to compare objects in pictures by size, color, select definitions, antonyms, coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

2. Develop the ability to select words that are similar and different in sound.

3. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen to a story.

"A story based on the painting "Chickens"

1. Coherent speech: to teach children to compose a short descriptive story based on the painting "Chickens";

Vocabulary: learn to compare (in appearance, behavior) a rooster and a chicken, a chicken and chickens;

Sound culture of speech: consolidate the idea that sounds in a word follow each other.

2. Develop the ability to independently select words that are similar and not similar in sound.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Strengthen the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10. Designate the number with the appropriate number. Introduce the two lengths of the object, length and width. Learn to distinguish these types of length.

2. Develop the ability to navigate the plan.

1. To consolidate the ability to compare two objects in two lengths at the same time. Introduce children to the oval.

2. Develop the ability to plan the premises.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.





"Brave Cockerel"

1. To teach children to draw a cockerel with gouache paints, beautifully combining shapes and colors. To improve the technique of using the brush: move the brush freely and confidently along the pile, repeating the general outlines of the silhouette.

2. Develop observation, a sense of color and shape.

3. Raise interest in reflecting your ideas about the world around you in fine art.





"Sparrows in the Puddles"

1. Teach children how to cut circles by rounding the 4 corners of a square in succession.

2. Develop creative imagination.




"Owl and Titmouse"

1. To teach children to sculpt pairs of expressive images, contrasting in size of the body and eyes. Clarify the idea of ​​​​the appearance and lifestyle of an owl and a titmouse. Continue mastering relief modeling. To create conditions for the independent choice of materials, methods of work and means of artistic expression.

2. Develop a sense of form and composition.

3. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of ideas in art






1. Strengthen the skills of working with scissors and paper. Learn to round the corners of a square.

2. Develop the ability to use glue and a napkin.

3. Raise interest in design.

Physical Culture/


"Petya, Petya, cockerel"

1. Teach children how to handle poultry.

2. Develop walking skills with high leg raises.

3. Cultivate courage, attentiveness, caution, accuracy in the relay race "Bring and do not break."

"Sparrows - jumpers"

1. Teach children running long jump.

2. Develop skills in walking and running with stepping over objects.

3. Cultivate dexterity and speed during the game "Homeless Hare".

Reading art.


"Reading the tale" How the Fox met the spring "

1. To learn to understand and evaluate the characters of the characters, to convey the intonation of the voice and character of the characters.

2. Develop memory.

3. To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of a fairy tale.

Security, Cognition/

cognitive research

"Let's tell Karkusha about dangerous objects"

(16, 56; 15, 40; 55, 163)

1. Invite children to remember well the main items that are dangerous to life and health, to help them independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such items.

2. Develop attentiveness, cognitive activity.

3. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen to the teacher.

16. Theme of the week: "Spring Festival"

(1st – 2nd week of May)



(speech development)

“Reinforcement of general concepts. Selection of words for a given sound "

1. Coherent speech: continue the formation of coherent speech skills (description of objects);

Dictionary: to teach children to select the words they need in meaning;

Sound culture of speech: teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds p, p * select words with these sounds; pronounce words and phrases clearly, using appropriate intonation.

2. Develop the ability to use generalizing concepts: "vegetables", "clothes", "furniture".

3. To develop the ability to identify and name the first sound in a word, to select words for a given sound.

"Didactic game "Find out by description", "What's gone?"

1. Coherent speech: teach children to write a description of a toy, naming its characteristic features;

Grammar: exercise in the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns;

Sound culture of speech: reinforce the idea that words sound, consist of sounds, that the sounds in the word are different.

2. Develop the ability to independently finish the word (determine the last sound) named by the teacher.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Strengthen the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10. Exercise in distinguishing geometric shapes.

2. Develop the ability to compare 4 strips in length, expressing the result in words. Improve your ability to plan a room.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.

1. To teach children to compare objects according to two types of lengths, denoting the results of the comparison with words. To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day and their sequence.

3. Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around.





"Forest Mail Box"

1. Encourage to draw a mailbox by submission.

2. Develop children's imagination.

3. Cultivate responsiveness, the desire to help.





"What can be made from squares"

1. Continue to learn how to cut strips of paper into squares, make images of objects out of them and stick them on.

2. Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

3. Cultivate accuracy and perseverance.




"A boat floats on the river"

1. Learn to sculpt boats, cutting off the excess with a stack and completing the missing. Show the relationship between the methods of modeling and construction from parts.

2. Develop interest in modeling based on a literary work.

3. Cultivate interest in reflecting one's impressions of the world around with plastic means in stucco handicrafts and compositions.





"Bouquet of daisies"

2. Develop interest in this species labor.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

Physical Culture/


"We'll go early in the morning"

1. Continue introducing hoop exercises to children. Exercise in rolling the hoop and climbing into it.

2. Develop skills in throwing at a vertical target.

3. To educate the will, perseverance of children in solving the set motor tasks in game tasks with a ball.

"The month of May has come"

1. Show the children the various flag exercises. Learn to perform gymnastic constructions and rebuildings. Learn game exercises while playing badminton.

2. Develop dexterity and speed in the game of badminton.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

"Making riddles about objects familiar to children"

1. To teach children to look carefully at objects, to find those signs that are listed in the riddle. Consolidate knowledge about various subjects.

2. Develop the ability to guess riddles.

3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding objects.



(local history)

"Nature of Russia"

1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the nature of Russia, about the national costume, about Russian fairy tales, nursery rhymes.

2. Develop speech, attention.

3. Cultivate love for one's Motherland, a sense of pride.

17. Theme of the week: "The World of Nature"

(3rd – 4th week of May)



(speech development)

Didactic game "Wonderful bag". Storytelling »

1. Coherent speech: to consolidate the ability to write a description of an object, talk about its appearance, qualities and properties

Grammar: teach children to agree on nouns, adjectives and pronouns in gender;

Sound culture of speech: fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds p, p *, learn to hear these sounds in words, select words with these sounds.

2. Develop the ability to clearly and clearly pronounce words and phrases saturated with p, p *, pronounce the tongue phrase clearly at different volumes and tempos.

3. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen to the teacher.

"Didactic game" What has changed? Description of the toy»

1. Coherent speech: continue to teach children to describe the appearance of objects, their characteristic features;

Grammar: learn to use exact names for naming baby animals; draw the attention of children to the fact that not all names of cubs sound similar to the names of adult animals of the same species;

Sound culture of speech: to reinforce in children the idea that sounds in words are pronounced in a certain sequence.

2. Develop the ability to independently find different and similar-sounding words.

3. To develop the ability to participate in collective games.


cognitive research

(mathematical development)

1. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes. Improve the ability to see familiar things in objects geometric figures.

2. Develop the ability to create patterns, geometric shapes using sticks.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

1. Practice counting within 10. Improve the ability to compare up to 5 items.

2. Develop the ability to navigate the floor plan.

3. Cultivate cooperation skills.





"Merry bear"

1. Continue to learn to draw using the poke method, holding the brush correctly.

2. Develop aesthetic perception.

3. Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the character, the desire to give him a cheerful mood.





"The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling"

1. Learn to make images of fish from individual elements. Activate the methods of cutting circles and ovals.

2. Develop combinatorial and compositional skills.

3. Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around.




“Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs”

1. To teach children how to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying the characteristic features of the appearance, experimenting with art materials.

2. Develop a sense of form, the ability to compose.

3. Cultivate confidence, initiative, independence.





"Fish in the Aquarium"

1. Continue learning how to make crafts from natural material, connecting the parts with a piece of plasticine.

2. Develop interest in this type of labor, fine motor skills.

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

Physical Culture/


"In the gym"

1. Teach children to do exercises with a hoop. Exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench.

2. Develop speed using games and game exercises.

3. Cultivate a steady interest in the lesson.

"In the Meadow" (11, 214)

1. Introduce children to natural phenomena. Practice walking long distances.

2. Develop climbing skills in appropriate conditions.

3. To educate in children an attentive attitude to the environment.

Labor / labor

(subject-man-made world)

“Reading the story of V. Bianchi “The First Hunt”

1. Learn to understand the theme and content of the story, learn to understand and evaluate the character and actions of the characters. Continue to introduce children to fiction.

2. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the text, meaningfully answer questions.

3. To educate emotionally - figurative perception of the content of the story.



(local history)

“We learned the rules of life safety, we became children brought up” - entertainment

1. To acquaint children with the basic rules of the basics of life safety and good breeding - the rules of the culture of communication, eating, regime moments and personal hygiene, behavior in the clinic, etc.; contribute to the creation of a comfortable and safe atmosphere in the group of the children's institution.

2. Develop expressive speech, thinking, memory, artistic skills;

3. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Used Books:

1. Classes on the development of speech in kindergarten: Book. For a kindergarten teacher / F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova and others; Ed. O.S. Ushakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. -271 p.

2. Mathematics from three to seven: Educational and methodological manual for kindergarten teachers / Ed.-comp. PER. Mikhailova, E.N. Ioffe. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press", 2010, -176 p.

3. Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten. - M .: "Karapuz", 2010. - 144 p.

4. Kazakova T.G. Encourage creativity in preschoolers. – M.: Enlightenment, 1985. – 192 p.

5. Komarova T.S. Art activities in kindergarten. – M.: Enlightenment, 1981. – 192 p.

6. Bondarenko T.M. Comprehensive classes in the middle group of kindergarten. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2002. - 316 p.

7. Shvaiko G.S. Art lessons in kindergarten. - M .: "Vlados", 2000. - 144 p.

8. Doronova T.N. Teaching children 2-4 years old drawing, modeling, applications in the game / T.N. Doronova, S.G. Jacobson. - M .: Education, 1992. - p.

9. Novikova I.V. Application and construction from natural materials in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2010. - 192 p.

10. Kutsakova L.V. Classes on designing from building material in the middle group of kindergarten. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2010. - 64 p.

11. Glazyrina L.D. Physical culture - for preschoolers. - M.: Vlados, 2001. - 304 p.1

12. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality. - M.: TsGL, 2005, - 128 p.

13. Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. We live in Russia. - M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House", 2010. - 104 p.

14. Shorygina T.A. Basics of safety for children 5-8 years old. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 80 p.

15. Khromtsova T.G. Education of safe behavior in everyday life of preschool children. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. - 80 p.

16. Avdeeva N.N. Security: Proc. - method. Manual on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2005. - 144 p.

17. Childhood: an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.I. Mikhailova and others - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2011. - 528 p.

18. Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.

19. Knyazeva O.A., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 1998.

20. Reader for preschoolers 4-5 years old. / Comp. N.P. Ilchuk. - M .: AST Publishing House, 1996.

21. Preschooler 4-5 years old in kindergarten. How to work on the program "Childhood": Educational and methodological manual / T.I. Babaeva and others - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2008.

22. Tsvintarny V.V. We play, we listen, we imitate, we get sounds. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan", 2000.

23. Zvereva O.L. Parent meetings in preschool. - M .: Iris - press, 2009.

24. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. – M.: Vako, 2011.

25. Agayeva E.L. What does not happen in the world. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

26. Gorkova L.G. Scenarios for classes on the integrated development of preschoolers. – M.: Vako, 2005.

27. Potapova T.V. Conversations about professions with children 4-7 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

28. Alyamovskaya V.G. Conversations about the behavior of the child at the table. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

29. Dybina

30. Kulikovskaya T.A. Cleanliness and tongue twisters. - M .: Gnome Publishing House, 2010.

31. Anokhina I.A. Hardening of the child's body in the preschool educational institution and the family. – M.: Arkti, 2010.

32. Vorotilkina I.M. Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution. - M .: Publishing house NTSENAS, 2006.

33. Kolos G.G. sensory room in DOW. – M.: Arkti, 2010.

34. Berezina S.N. Number games. - M .: "Lada", 2010.

35. Smirnova E.O. The best educational games. – M.: Eksmo, 2010.

36. Agapova I.A. Sports holidays and fairy tales for preschoolers. –M.: Arkti, 2010.

37. Litvinova O.M. Physical education in kindergarten. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2010.

38. Gulyants E.K. What can be made from natural material. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

39. Polozova E.V. Developing simulators from junk material. - Voronezh, 2009.

40. Nikitina N.V. Matryoshka school. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009.

41. Convention on the Rights of the Child. - M .: RIOR Publishing House, 2005.

42. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". – M.: Omega – L, 2006.

43. Mulaeva N.B. Abstracts - scenarios for physical education classes for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2010.

44. Mosalova L.L. Me and the world. Summaries of classes on social - moral education preschool children. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2011.

45. Fesyukova L.B. Seasons. Comprehensive classes for children 4-7 years old. - Kharkov: TC Sphere, 2008.

46. ​​Nifontova S.N. A cycle of developing, targeted and thematic excursions for children 4-7 years old. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010.

47. Group traditions in kindergarten. / Aut. Comp. S.A. Shaposhnikov. : Volgograd, 2009.

48. Shipitsyna L.M., Zashchirinskaya O.V. ABC of communication. / For children from 3 to 6 years old. / - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004. - 384 p.

49. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1985. - 176 p.

50. Mulko I.F. The development of ideas about man in history and culture. – M.: Sfera, 2009.

51. Organization of children's activities for a walk. middle group. /aut.- comp. T.G. Kobtseva, G.S. Alexandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 330 p.

52. Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age: Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2011. - 128 p.

53. Formation of coherent speech of children 4-5 years old: planning, class notes, lexical material. / auth.- comp. L.N. Sweets. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 232 p.

54. Complex classes with children 4-7 years old. / auth.- comp. O.F. Gorbatenko. – Ed. 2nd add. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 202 p.

55. Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschoolers: classes, planning, recommendations. / auth.- comp. O.V. Chermashentsev. Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 207 p.

56. Korotovskikh LN Plans-summaries of classes on the development of mathematical representations in preschool children. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010.

57. Ushakova O.S., Gavrish N.V. Introducing literature to preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

58. Gusarova N.N. Little fairy tales and educational exercises for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2007.