Model of mineral formation. Modern educational systems as a space for implementing the ideas of innovative teachers. New quality of higher education

REPORTS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2007, volume 416, no. 4, p. 538-542



K. V. Chudnenko, O. V. Avchenko, and I. A. Aleksandrov

Presented by Academician V.V. Reverdatto September 20, 2006 Received September 28, 2006

Currently, the assessment of temperatures and pressures for the formation of mineral associations and fluid composition is mainly based on the phase correspondence method. This method is a calculation on a thermodynamic or experimental basis of a certain stoichiometric mineral reaction, minal ratio or complex of such reactions, with the help of which estimates of the PT conditions and the fugacity of volatile components are found.

At the same time, there is a fundamentally different way in solving the problem of geothermobarometry, based on finding the minimum of the Gibbs free energy of a physicochemical system on a set of certain restrictions. The development of a method for minimizing the thermodynamic potential for geothermobarometric purposes led to the formulation of the problem of geothermobarometry in a non-equilibrium set of mineral systems with or without fluid participation as an inverse problem of convex programming. The implementation of the proposed approach in application to the modeling of mineral associations in metamorphic rocks of the granulite facies was outlined in the work. The performed study made it possible to demonstrate the determination of the oxidation potential in such mineral associations, in which the determination of oxygen fugacity by the phase correspondence method is either impossible or difficult. In the present work, the minimization method is developed in the geothermobarometric formulation for the case of solving the problem, when there is a set of samples from interbedded rocks of different composition, and there is confidence that the mineral associations

tions are formed at close values ​​of temperature and pressure. The possibility of including in the model several samples of interbedded rocks of different compositions containing different mineral associations, which were formed under close PT conditions, will allow one to obtain the most reliable temperature and pressure estimates.

Thus, in general view geothermobarometer can be represented as a multi-reservoir model consisting of k systems, k e K, where K is a finite set of systems (samples) under consideration. In each system, a dk-known (observed or experimentally determined) vector of molar quantities of phases of the k-th system is determined. In other words, the vector dk is the quantitative mineral composition of the rock. The vector element dk - (dka) is the molar amount of the phase with index a:

dka, aeFk, k e K,

where Ф,; - is the set of phases of the k-th system.

Let us set the area of ​​temperatures and pressures, to which the values ​​of the desired temperature belong

T and pressure P. Denote by 0T = (T, P) the two-element vector of temperature and pressure. Then a priori the given area can be denoted as:

De = (0/0-< 0 < 0+}, где О- = (Г, P)T и 0+ = (T+, P+)T -нижние и верхние границы задаваемых интервалов по температуре и давлению. Конечную выборку

vectors 0 from D°0 will be denoted by D0 with D0.

Finding the optimal value of the vector 0 is associated with the need to solve the inverse problem of convex programming, i.e. determining such a temperature and pressure that minimizes the criterion function - the sum of the squared deviations of known (given) and calculated at various values ​​of temperature

Institute of Geochemistry. A.P. Vinogradov Siberian Branch Russian Academy Sciences, Irkutsk

Far Eastern Geological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok

temperatures and pressures of the molar quantities of the phases of the system:

/ - xk)2 * xv) J

k e K, be De, (1)

xv - vector of molar quantities of phases, determined as a result solutions in direct problem of convex programming minimization of the reduced isobaric-isothermal potential

G(xkv) of the k-th system with De fixed in e, kk is the vector of normalizing coefficients of the k-th system. The vector element Kk is also defined as

dka: Kka, a e F, k e K. The vector of normalizing coefficients makes it possible to take into account the influence in the criterion function of different-caliber values ​​of the molar quantities of phases of systems (their differences can reach several orders of magnitude) by giving all phases the appropriate weight factors. We will assume that always % > 0.

Thus, the solution of the inverse problem is reduced to solving a series of direct problems presented in parametric form, which allows one to identify the parameters (temperature and pressure) that minimize the desired criterion function on some finite sample set of optimal

values ​​xkv induced by a finite sample set of parameters in e De. At the selected point of the PT-region, the equilibrium composition of all rocks of the considered non-equilibrium metasystem is calculated, each of which, according to the principle of local equilibrium, corresponds to its own minimum Gibbs free energy. Based on these calculations, the integral criterion function (1) is calculated. The search for the minimum of the criterion function is carried out using the golden section method. It should be noted the high reliability, reliability and economy of this method in solving deterministic problems.

From a computational point of view, there is no guarantee

that the resulting optimal solution хв will be unique with respect to the parameter vector в, which is especially typical for systems with a fairly wide PT-region of stability of any particular paragenesis (Fig. 1). Therefore, it is extremely important to consider several mineral systems at once in one area of ​​the metamorphic stratum, represented by rocks with different compositions of coexisting minerals. Determining the optimal value of the criterion function in this case will represent the minimum of the total value of the calculated functions for all k systems. The more diverse the composition of the presented rocks (systems), the higher

5000 6000 7000 8000 P, bar

Rice. Fig. 1. Stability fields of individual mineral associations of metamorphic rocks of the OG-6 outcrop in PT coordinates: a - sample. 6-8; b - arr. 6-5; in -arr. 6-6; Mr. arr. 6-2; d - arr. 6. It is clearly seen that the mineral association of metapelitic gneiss (samples 6-5) is stable in a very small PT region, compared with the mineral associations of amphibolites (samples 6-2 and others).

Table 1. Mineral associations in metamorphic rocks from outcrop OG-6

No. arr. Rock Mineral associations Note

OG-6 Garnet amphibolite Gr + Hb + P1 + 0 + 11m Very little secondary B^ is Ap,

OG-6-2 Amphibolite Hb + P1 + 0 + 11m There are Brb, Ap, SN

OG-6-5 Biotite gneiss Gr + Bi + Р1 + 0 + 11t Present Ar, O1, Mz, late

OG-6-6 Garnet-biotite gneiss Gr + Hb + Bi + P1 + 0 + 11m There are Ap, O1, 7d, late Yuz.

OG-6-8 Garnet amphibolite Gr + Hb + P1 + 0 + 11m Presence of Ar, very little probably late

Bi and Yuz, SY, Ru.

Note. Gr - garnet, Hb - amphibole, P1 - plagioclase, Bi - biotite, Q - quartz, Ilm - ilmenite, Ap - apatite, Zr - zircon, Sph - sphene, CH - chlorite, K^ - potassium feldspar, Ot - orthite , Ru - pyrrhotite, Mz - monazite.

Table 2. Chemical compositions of metamorphic rocks from outcrop OG-6 on the right bank of the river. Gilyuy

No. arr. syu2 TiO2 A12O3 FeO Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O H2O- P.p.p. Р2О5 Amount

OG-6 51.81 0.67 15.00 9.08 2.10 0.00 8.48 8.99 1.72 0.61 0.88 0.35 0.19 99.88

OG-6-2 50.14 0.84 13.98 10.11 3.06 0.45 6.65 10.21 1.98 0.99 0.04 1.00 0.19 99.64

OG-6-5 61.08 0.91 17.25 6.25 0.57 0.10 2.85 2.82 3.33 2.53 - 0.77 1.33 99.79

OG-6-6 65.09 0.42 15.52 3.76 - 0.04 2.52 6.09 4.02 0.73 - 0.14 1.08 99.41

OG-6-8 50.69 0.89 15.62 10.17 2.37 0.16 6.88 9.03 1.91 0.54 - 0.15 1.57 99.98

Note. Rock analyzes were carried out at the Far Eastern Geological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, analytical chemist L.V. Nedashkovskaya.

the probability of obtaining a unique solution for temperature and pressure, taking into account the integral nature of the criterion function.

We will show the possibilities of the method using the example of one well-studied outcrop of metamorphic rocks on the right bank of the river. Gilyui, where we observed an interbedded member of volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks metamorphosed under conditions of amphibolite facies. These rocks belong to the Ilikan series of the Stanovoy metamorphic complex, which forms the structural-facies zone of the same name in the central part of the Dzhugdzhur-Stanovoy block. The age of metamorphism in this region, according to indirect data, is estimated at 1.9 billion years.

The studied samples are represented by amphibole–biotite, garnet–biotite gneisses, amphibolites, and garnet amphibolites (Table 1). The thickness of individual layers containing different mineral associations varies from meters to tens of centimeters. Chemical analyzes breeds are given in table. 2. All mineral associations were studied by I.A. Aleksandrov on the JEOL-8100 microprobe at the Far East Geological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chemical analyzes of the minerals that make up the mineral paragenesis can be sent to interested readers upon request. Calcium-rich amphibolites and garnet amphibolites are represented by four types of rocks (Tables 1, 2), while calcium-poor rocks are represented by one sample of garnet-biotite gneiss (sample OG-6-5, Tables 1, 2).

The problem was formulated as follows: to find probable estimates of the RT in the considered nonequilibrium megasystem of metamorphogenic mineral associations formed at close values ​​of the RT, if the approximate molar (volume) amounts of minerals in each mineral paragenesis are known. At the input to the task, we asked chemical composition rocks from the table. 2, the molar amounts of minerals in each rock, and the range of RT was chosen, in which the search for optimal RT values ​​should be carried out, provided that their values ​​are close or the same in each mineral association.

The calculation was performed using the Selektor-S software package. The range of the desired parameters: 500-720 ° C in temperature and 4000-80

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Kuchma A.S., Khudolozhkin V.O. - 2015


    V. A. Bychinskii, M. I. Kuzmin, A. V. Oshchepkova, E. P. Solotchina, and K. V. Chudnenko - 2015

  • 1. general characteristics educational models

    1.1 Traditional model of education

    1.2 Rationalist model of education

    1.3 Humanistic (phenomenological) model of education

    1.4 Non-institutional model of education

    2. Universal information system Internet

    3. Features distance learning

    4. Comparative analysis of modern models of education

    5. Glossary of basic concepts

    6. Literature:

    General characteristics of education models

    Within the framework of educational paradigms, various models of education arise. There are currently four main models of education in the global educational process:



    Humanistic (phenomenological),


    Let us give a general description of these models.

    Model(lat. Modulus - “measure”, “sample”) - a system of objects or signs that reproduces the most essential properties of the system - the original. Models can be real (physical), ideal, mathematical, informational, graphic.

    The traditional model of education is a model of systematic academic education as a way to transfer to the younger generation the universal elements of the culture of the past and present. First of all, this means a set of basic knowledge, skills and abilities within the established cultural and educational tradition, allowing the individual to move on to the independent assimilation of knowledge, values ​​and skills of a higher order.

    The student is considered as an object to which a system of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities needs to be transferred. Education sets as its task, first of all, the impact on the mechanisms of memory, and not the thinking of students. The purpose of such education is the formation of a personality with predetermined properties. The results are expressed in the level of her training and socialization.

    The main didactic unit in this model is the content of education. The education system is considered as a state-departmental organization, which is built on a departmental principle with a strict centralized definition of goals, content of education, nomenclature educational institutions and academic disciplines. At the same time, everything educational establishments supervised by administrative or special bodies.

    Rationalistic model of education focuses not on the content of education, but effective ways assimilation of knowledge by students. The ideology of the modern rationalistic model of education is based on the behavioral concept. This model assigns students a relatively passive role. By acquiring certain knowledge, skills and abilities, they acquire an adaptive "behavioral repertoire" necessary for an adequate life arrangement in accordance with social norms the demands and expectations of society. In the rationalistic model there is no place for such phenomena as creativity, independence, responsibility, individuality.

    Thus, behavioral goals introduce a spirit of narrow utilitarianism into education and impose a mechanical, uncreative course of action on the teacher. The teacher must follow the prescribed pattern, and his activity turns into training students to solve problems, perform tests, etc. The main methods of such training are teaching, training, test control, individual sessions, correction.

    The rationalistic model of education provides, first of all, the practical adaptation of the young generation to the existing society and production. It must be taken into account, however, that any educational program duty to be aimed at providing the "behavioral" aspect of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Humanistic (phenomenological) model of education to the center educational process puts the identity of the student and his development as a subject of life. It is focused on the development of the inner world, interpersonal communication, dialogue, on psychological and pedagogical support in personal growth.

    The model assumes the personal nature of learning, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, respect for their interests and needs. Representatives of this direction deny the view of the school as an "educational conveyor". In their opinion, education should most fully and adequately correspond to the true nature of a person, help him manifest and develop what is inherent in nature, and not form a personality with predetermined properties. It is necessary to create conditions for self-knowledge and self-development of each student, to provide as much freedom as possible in choice and self-realization.

    The humanistic direction implies the freedom and creativity of both students and teachers, as well as the individual's right to autonomy of development and his own trajectory of education.

    Representatives of the humanistic model of education do not differ in unity of views. Within the framework of this model, there are many concepts of education: humanitarian-educational, student-oriented, axiological, projective, pedagogical support, cultural studies, etc. But they are united by the fact that they recognize the priority of personality development over learning, and knowledge, skills and abilities are not considered purpose of learning, but a means of developing students.

    Non-institutional model of education focuses on its organization outside social institutions especially educational ones. This is education "in nature", in the conditions of parallel schools, with the help of the Internet system, distance learning, " open schools”, “open universities”, etc.

    Thus, in world pedagogy, the role of the “parallel school” is well understood - this is how radio, television, cinema, and the press are called, which systematically prepare special educational programs. For example, in the USA learning programs broadcast by about 200 TV companies and more than 700 cable TV studios. The Ministry of Education coordinates national educational radio and television programs developed and implemented by several educational centers.

    The use of mass media in education makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process. But many educators believe that these means should be used with extreme caution, since they relegate human contacts, live communication, which are indispensable in education, to the background. The dubious values ​​of mass culture, which are often carried by radio, television, cinema and the press, can destroy, rather than develop, the child's personality.

    The development of communication systems in the economically developed countries of the world has led to the emergence of universal information system Internet. This is a global electronic network that unites more than 40 million users of personal computers various countries, organizations and institutions. Web browsing is usually done either online or offline. Currently, the most used means of offline mode are e-mail, Internet festivals and newsgroups. The interactive mode has received a powerful development through the use of hypertext.

    The Internet system has dramatically expanded the possibilities of obtaining information, the term Internet education has appeared, which means teaching people with the help of software electronic devices. However, this technical innovation in education may have its own reverse side: mechanical "pumping" of information can lead to a decrease in the role of active cognitive (mental) activity of subjects of education.

    Internet- a global information system consisting of many interconnected computer networks.

    Development of new information systems led to the emergence of distance education, which is understood as a complex of educational services provided to the general population with the help of a specialized information and educational environment at any distance from an educational institution.

    Features of distance learning are:

    Individual communication between the teacher and the student in the mode of time close to real;

    The use of tutors, who act as a consultant and organizer, are personally responsible for each student;

    Student-centered nature of learning;

    Initially given positive motivation for learning;

    Approval as the main element of the educational process not only knowledge, but also information, as well as an independent search for the necessary information;

    The performance of the student as the main subject of the educational process (independent search for the necessary information, its processing, self-control, self-assessment of the quality of his education), the possibility of using multimedia tools (text, visual aids in statics and dynamics, sound), etc.

    Remote education allows you to solve the following tasks: ensuring the accessibility of education; creation of a system continuing education; improving the quality of education; ensuring functional literacy of the population; providing teachers and students with academic freedoms and increasing the level of their educational mobility; providing educational opportunities to persons with physical disabilities or for some reason unable to study in the traditional system; the possibility of implementing advanced education for especially gifted people, regardless of their place of residence; combining the potential of various educational institutions, creating their associations; integration and globalization of education, creation of a common educational space.

    New Information Technology lead to the creation of open educational institutions. Thus, traditional universities are moving to distance learning as additional education. Today there are 11 so-called mega-universities - the world's open universities, which annually enroll more than 100,000 students. A variant of the open university, the virtual university, uses satellite communications and the Internet to transmit course materials. This gives people living in different regions the opportunity to use the same resources.

    The number of people who have completed training without obtaining a diploma exceeds the number of students studying for a diploma by 3.9 times. This indicates that knowledge and information are increasingly beginning to acquire value in themselves, and not as a means to obtain a diploma, which radically changes the nature of educational motivation.

    Comparative analysis of modern models of education

    The described models of education have a number of advantages and disadvantages, according to which they can be combined into separate groups. In our opinion, it is advisable to highlight the traditional (formative) model of education, while the rationalistic model can be considered a variation of the traditional one.

    Thus, the traditional and rationalistic models do not put the personality of the student as the subject of the educational process at the center. The student is only an object of pedagogical influence. It is planned to standardize the educational process, in which learning technologies are focused mainly on the capabilities of the average student. Direct (imperative) management style is used learning activities students. These models of education are characterized by monologized teaching, underestimation of the role of initiative and creativity of the subjects of the educational process. Both models are aimed at the formation of a personality with predetermined properties and the transfer of content or learning methods in finished form.

    Since various varieties of the humanistic model of education recognize the priority of development over learning and are student-centered, a humanistic (personality-oriented) model of education can be distinguished as an integrated model.

    These provisions correspond to the opinion of E.V. Bondarevskaya and S.V. Kulnevich, who believe that “in general, we can talk about the existence of two main paradigms in modern education - formative (traditional) and personality-oriented (humanistic), each of which has its own specific set of private paradigms that reveal ideas about the purpose, content and process education and training".

    Glossary of basic concepts

    autonomy- ability to independence from external influences.

    Hypertext- a type of interactive environment with the ability to follow links that allow you to select the necessary information.

    Provider- Internet Service Provider.

    Self-actualization- the desire for the full identification and development of their personal capabilities, the transition from the state of possibilities to the state of reality.

    Tutor- teacher-consultant, leading the educational process in distance learning and simultaneously performing the functions of a teacher, consultant and organizer (manager) of the educational process.

    Email- data transfer to a specific email address subject to confidentiality.

    Phenomenon(Greek phainomenon - being) - an outstanding phenomenon, an exceptional, unique personality.


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    Description of the presentation Formation of deposits - Stages and stages of mineral formation by slides

    Formation of deposits - Stages and stages of mineral formation - Duration of formation of deposits - Depth of formation of deposits - Sources of mineral matter - Deposition of mineral matter of minerals

    Stage - a long period of mineral accumulation of one genetic process, for example, magmatic, pegmatite, hydrothermal or supergene. Typically, mineral deposits are formed in one stage, less often in two or more. An example of the latter is the upper parts of ore bodies, in the contours of which there are mineral masses of the deep (for example, hydrothermal) and supergene (caused by weathering) stages. Stage - a period of time within one stage during which the accumulation of minerals of a certain composition took place, separated by a break in mineralization from other stages. The criteria for distinguishing the stages of accumulation of mineral matter are: - intersections of early mineral formations with veins and veinlets of mineral matter of subsequent stages; — brecciation of mineral aggregates of an early stage with cementation of their fragments by the mineral mass of new (later) stages. Paragenesis (paragenetic mineral association - a joint occurrence of minerals due to a common origin. Mineral generations - mineral associations of successive stages of mineral accumulation. In such generations, the mineral composition can be completely different, completely the same or partially repeated. In the last two cases, they speak of several generations of the same the same mineral (for example, pyrite of the first and second generations)

    Duration of deposit formation Mineral deposits were formed for quite a long time, commensurate with the geological time of formation of rock complexes. This issue is solved most clearly for deposits of sedimentary minerals: salts, coals, sedimentary iron and manganese ores, weathering deposits. ▪ The sequence of Permian (Kungurian stage P 1) rock and potash salts of the Verkhnekamskoye deposit with a thickness of 350-400 m accumulated over 15-17 thousand years). ▪ Platform marine deposits of siderite-leptochlorite-hydrohematite legume-) oolitic ores in the cabonate-terrigenous deposits of the West Siberian basin (J-K-Pg-N), represented by flat-lying iron ore beds (up to 4 layers with a thickness of 2 to 20 m), formed in the time interval from 3 to 15 Ma (including breaks in sedimentation, fixed by partial erosion of both the ores themselves and the layers of terrigenous-sedimentary rocks underlying them. coal cover 50 -60 million years.

    ▼ For igneous and metamorphogenic deposits, this issue is solved less definitely with the use of methods of absolute geochronology; such studies show a wide range of formation times for these deposits. ▪ In short periods of time (up to tens of thousands of years), vein and stockwork deposits appear associated with granitoid magmatism. ▪ The duration of only niobium mineralization in the complex complex of alkaline-ultrabasic rocks and carbonatites Sokli in Finland (O-D 1) is estimated at 8.5 million years, and the formation of a similar Tomtor massif (R-V) - more than 80 million years. It should be emphasized that some chemical elements, participating in the creation of mineral-forming complexes of bodies of minerals, can pass from one geological (earlier) cycle to another (later) and therefore their age may be older than the age of the deposit. ▪ According to isotopic data, the age of lead in ores of pyrite-polymetallic deposits of Rudny Altai is much older than the Middle Devonian (Eifelian, D 2) age of the deposits themselves

    As we move from the earth's surface to the depth, the geochemical and petrophysical conditions of mineral formation change: the temperature (T) increases; pressure increases (P); the density of rocks (ρ) increases; the activity of oxygen (O 2) sharply decreases; the activities of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and nitrogen N 2 decrease); the activities of methane (CH 4) and hydrogen (H 2) increase; the phase state of water (H 2 O) and its density (ρ) change; brittle deformations of rocks are replaced by plastic ones.

    Levels of deposit formation depths Near-surface zone (0.0 – 1.5 km) All deposits of exogenous series, volcanogenic hydrothermal (including pyrite) deposits of non-ferrous and precious metals, kimberlite and lamproite pipes, carbonatites. Hypabyssal zone (1.5 - 3.5 km) Most plutonogenic hydrothermal deposits of various metals, skarn deposits of iron and copper, igneous deposits of sulfide copper-nickel ores, chromites, platinoids and rare metals. Abyssal zone (3.5 - 10.0 km) Pegmatite, albitite and greisen deposits, part of plutonogenic hydrothermal deposits, magmatic deposits of chromites and titanomagnetites associated with large deep plutons of acidic, basic and other magmas. Ultra-abyssal zone (10, 0 - Moho boundary) On continatite, andalusite, entah - about 40 km, under the ocean floor - 5-8 km Metamorphogenic deposits of disthene, sillimanite, andalusite, rutile, corundum, graphite, phlogopite. Here, deep metamorphic transformations of ore formed at higher levels (metamorphized deposits of iron and manganese) are experienced.

    The depth of the erosion cut is determined by the position of the bodies of minerals relative to the modern earth's surface. It is customary to distinguish three degrees of erosion of deposits: - initial (bodies of minerals have just begun to be opened up by erosion and the deposit is promising in depth); — intermediate (middle) and — complete (root parts of ore bodies are exposed on the surface and the prospects of the deposit to a depth are very limited)

    Graphic model of South African kimberlite pipes (according to J. Howson with simplification) 1 – volcanic cone tuffs; 2 - crater sediments; 3 – explosive kimberlite breccias (agglomerates, tuffs); 4 – intrusive breccias and kimberlites; 5 - rocks of the Karoo system (С 1 -Р-Т): a - basic lavas; b - shales, sandstones; 6 – Ventesdorp system (PR 1): a – andesitic lavas; b – conglomerates, quartzites; 7 - primary system (AR): a - shales; b – granite-gneisses; 8 – system boundaries; 9 – modern surface of pipes and sills in the Kimberley field. Parts of tubes: I - crater; II - diatreme; III - channel

    Sources of mineral matter Juvenile, associated with magmas of diverse composition of deep (lower crustal and upper mantle) generation and with "transmagmatic" (according to D. Korzhinsky) fluids. Diamonds in kimberlite and lamproite pipes, niobium and rare earth elements in carbonatites of complex ultrabasic-alkaline magmatic complexes. Assimilation, associated with the assimilation of the mineral matter of the surrounding rocks by the magmatic melt, that is, with the appearance of palingenic magma. Enrichment of alkaline magma in carbon due to its assimilation of surrounding carbonate rocks with subsequent formation of magmatic stocks of densely crystalline graphite in the peripheral parts of the syenite intrusion of the Botogol deposit (According to B. M. Kupletsky) ▼

    ▼ Borrowed by leaching of mineral matter from rocks by gas-liquid solutions of various genesis on the ways of their underground circulation. A recycling model for the formation of submarine sulfide deposits in a convective paleohydrothermal system, which assumes the capture of non-ferrous metals and other elements from the surrounding rocks, their transfer by a circulating heated sea ​​water followed by deposition in the hydrothermal outlet zone near the seafloor surface. (According to R. Hutchinson, W. Fife, etc.) Exogenous, that is, the removal of matter from the surface of continents in the form of suspensions and solutions into water basins of sedimentation (sedimentation). Dissolution and transfer of iron, manganese, aluminum, salts, etc. from the continents to the sedimentation basin with the formation of sedimentary reservoir deposits of these metals and other elements and compounds.

    Deposition of the mineral substance of minerals from mineral-forming media 1. From melts (magmatic deposits) - crystallization of magma minerals (crystallization or segregation differentiation) 2. From aqueous and gas-water solutions, gas solutions (magmatogenic and sedimentogenic deposits) - mechanical precipitation - biochemical precipitation - spontaneous coagulation - supersaturation and evaporation of solutions - chemical reactions various substances, which are in solution and interact with changes in temperature, pressure and other parameters, reactions when mixing solutions of various compositions and reactions of the substance of the solution with rocks— sublimation (sublimation) 3. The result of the rearrangement of a substance in the solid state (transformed, including metamorphogenic deposits) — decomposition of solid solutions — diffusion and filtration mass transfer

    main institution modern education is a school. It differs from other forms of education in the variety of training students, as well as in the special technologies used in the classroom. Fulfilling the "order" of society, the school, along with other educational institutions, trains qualified personnel for various spheres of human activity.

    Society's requirements for education are expressed in the system of principles of the state educational policy. Currently, the educational policy in the Russian Federation is based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education; priority of universal human values; the right of the individual to free development; general accessibility of education; attention of the education system to the needs of students; secular nature of education in public institutions.

    These principles determine the main directions of educational policy, as well as the nature of education in our country.

    The rapid development of science and related production technologies has put on the agenda the question of reforming both the structure and content of education. Among the main directions of the ongoing reform are the following: democratization of the system of education and upbringing; humanization and humanization, computerization, internationalization of the education process.

    Today, only such a model of education can be called truly effective, within the framework of which there is a departure from the authoritarian style of behavior of the teacher, a decrease in his role as a source of information and an increase in the role of the student in the process of mastering the information he receives. There is a different approach to the development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of education results - this is not only the knowledge gained by the student, but also the level of creative and moral development of his personality.

    (according to the materials of the online edition)

    Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.


    In the correct answer, the points of the plan should correspond to the main semantic fragments of the text and reflect the main idea of ​​each of them.

    The following semantic fragments can be distinguished:

    1) the role of the school;

    2) principles of educational policy in the Russian Federation;

    3) the main directions of the reform of education;

    4) an effective model of formation.

    Other formulations of the points of the plan are possible, which do not distort the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.


    1. From-li-chia:

    b) special technologies used in the process of taking over;

    2. Explanation, for example: the needs of society affect the term of study, the set of subjects and the requirements for the quality of school education.

    Another explanation may be given.

    In his speeches, the President of the Russian Federation has repeatedly emphasized that the availability of quality education is the key to the prosperity of our country. Give two explanations (arguments) to support this idea.


    There are two explanations (ar-gu-men-ta):

    1) the quality of the education that exists in a particular society largely depends on the pace of its economic and political development, its moral -sto-I-tion;

    2) in the conditions of the modern information society, well-educated people are required, without which it is impossible to achieve the prosperity of our country.

    Other explanations (ar-gu-men-you) may be given.

    What two differences between the modern school and other forms of education are mentioned in the text? Using the text and knowledge of the course, explain the meaning of the phrase: "The school fulfills the "order" of the society." Using the text, name any four principles of modern educational policy in the Russian Federation.


    1. From-li-chia:

    a) the diversity of training of students;

    b) special technologies used in the process of taking over.

    2. The needs of society affect the term of study, the set of subjects and the requirements for the quality of school education.

    3. The principles are named and an explanation of one of them is given, for example:

    1) humanistic nature of education;

    2) priority of universal human values;

    3) the right of the individual to free development;

    4) general accessibility of education;

    5) attention of the education system to the needs of students;

    6) the secular nature of education in state institutions.


    The right answer should contain the following elements:

    1. The position of the author: “only such a model of formation can be called effective, within the framework of which there is a departure from the authoritarian style of behavior of the yes-go-ha, a decrease in his role as a source of information and an increase in the role of the student in the process of mastering the information he receives.

    The position of the author can be given in other, similar in meaning, for-mu-li-ditch-kah.

    2. Pre-for-lo-same, for example: in the modern world, it is very important for a person to be able to work independently with in-for-ma-qi-her, to engage in self-ob-ra-zo-va - don't eat.

    Another suggestion may be made.

    3. Another explanation, for example: the model of education is effective, which ensures the high quality of knowledge of students, their admission to universities.

    Another explanation may be given.

    Within the framework of educational paradigms, various models of education arise. There are currently four main models of education in the world educational process: traditional, rationalistic, humanistic (phenomenological), non-institutional. Let us give a general description of these models 1 .

    Model(lat. Modulus - “measure”, “sample”) - a system of objects or signs that reproduces the most essential properties of the system - the original. Models can be real (physical), ideal, mathematical, informational, graphic.

    The traditional model of education - it is a model of systematic academic education as a way to transfer to the younger generation the universal elements of the culture of the past and present. First of all, this means a set of basic knowledge, skills and abilities within the established cultural and educational tradition, allowing the individual to move on to the independent assimilation of knowledge, values ​​and skills of a higher order.

    The student is considered as an object to which a system of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities needs to be transferred. Education sets as its task, first of all, the impact on the mechanisms of memory, and not the thinking of students. The purpose of such education is the formation of a personality with predetermined properties. The results are expressed in the level of her training and socialization.

    The main didactic unit in this model is the content of education. The education system is viewed as a state-departmental organization, which is built on a departmental principle with a strict centralized definition of goals, content of education, range of educational institutions and academic disciplines. Moreover, all educational institutions are controlled by administrative or special bodies.

    Rationalistic model of education focuses not on the content of education, but on effective ways of acquiring knowledge by students. Students play a relatively passive role. It does not provide a place for such phenomena as creativity, independence, responsibility, individuality. Students, receiving certain knowledge, skills and abilities, acquire an adaptive "behavioral repertoire" necessary for an adequate life arrangement in accordance with social norms, requirements and expectations of society.

    Behavioral goals introduce a spirit of narrow utilitarianism into education and impose a mechanical, uncreative course of action on the teacher. The teacher must follow the prescribed pattern, and his activity turns into training students to solve problems, perform tests, etc. The main methods of such training are learning, training, test control, individual lessons, and correction.

    The rationalistic model of education provides, first of all, the practical adaptation of the young generation to the existing society and production. It should be taken into account, however, that any educational program should be aimed at providing the "behavioral" aspect of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Humanistic (phenomenological) model of education puts the personality of the student and his development as a subject of life activity at the center of the educational process. It is focused on the development of the inner world, interpersonal communication, dialogue, on psychological and pedagogical support in personal growth.

    The model assumes the personal nature of learning, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, respect for their interests and needs. Representatives of this direction deny the view of the school as an "educational conveyor". In their opinion, education should most fully and adequately correspond to the true nature of a person, help him manifest and develop what is inherent in nature, and not form a personality with predetermined properties. It is necessary to create conditions for self-knowledge and self-development of each student, to provide as much freedom as possible in choice and self-realization.

    The humanistic direction implies the freedom and creativity of both students and teachers, as well as the individual's right to autonomy of development and his own trajectory of education.

    Representatives of the humanistic model of education do not differ in unity of views. Within the framework of this model, there are many concepts of education: humanitarian-educational, student-oriented, axiological, projective, pedagogical support, cultural studies, etc. But they are united by the fact that they recognize the priority of personality development over learning, and knowledge, skills and abilities are not considered purpose of learning, but a means of developing students.

    The non-institutional model of education focuses on its organization outside social institutions, in particular educational ones. This is education "in nature", in the conditions of parallel schools, using the Internet, distance learning, "open schools", "open universities", etc.

    In world pedagogy, the role of the "parallel school" is well understood - this is how radio, television, cinema, and the press are called, which systematically prepare special educational programs. For example, in the United States, about 200 television companies and more than 700 cable television studios broadcast educational programs. The Ministry of Education coordinates national educational radio and television programs developed and implemented by several pedagogical centers 1 .

    The use of mass media in education makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process. But many educators believe that these means should be used with extreme caution, since they relegate human contacts, live communication, which are indispensable in education, to the background. The dubious values ​​of mass culture, which are often carried by radio, television, cinema and the press, can destroy, rather than develop, the child's personality.

    The development of communication systems in the economically developed countries of the world has led to the emergence of a universal information system, the Internet. This is a global electronic network that unites more than 40 million users of personal computers from various countries, organizations and institutions. Web browsing is usually done either online or offline. Currently, the most used means of offline mode are e-mail, Internet festivals and newsgroups.

    The Internet system has dramatically expanded the possibilities of obtaining information, the term internet education, which means teaching people with software electronic devices. However, this technical innovation in education can also have its downside: the mechanical “pumping” of information can lead to a decrease in the role of active cognitive (mental) activity of subjects of education.

    Internet- a global information system consisting of many interconnected computer networks.

    The development of new information systems has led to the emergence distance education, which is understood as a complex of educational services provided to the general population with the help of a specialized information and educational environment at any distance from an educational institution.

    Features of distance learning are:

    Individual communication between the teacher and the student in the mode of time close to real;

    Usage tutors, who act as a consultant and organizer, are personally responsible for each student;

    Student-centered nature of learning;

    Initially given positive motivation for learning;

    Approval as the main element of the educational process not only knowledge, but also information, as well as an independent search for the necessary information;

    The performance of the student as the main subject of the educational process (independent search for the necessary information, its processing, self-control, self-assessment of the quality of his education), the possibility of using multimedia tools (text, visual aids in statics and dynamics, sound), etc.

    Distance education allows you to solve the following tasks: ensuring the availability of education; creation of a system of continuous education; improving the quality of education; ensuring functional literacy of the population; providing teachers and students with academic freedoms and increasing the level of their educational mobility; providing educational opportunities to persons with physical disabilities or for some reason unable to study in the traditional system; the possibility of implementing advanced education for especially gifted people, regardless of their place of residence; combining the potential of various educational institutions, creating their associations; integration and globalization of education, creation of a common educational space.

    New information technologies lead to the creation of open educational institutions. So, traditional universities are moving to distance learning as an additional education. Today, there are eleven so-called mega-universities - the world's open universities, which annually enroll more than 100,000 students. A variant of the open university, the virtual university, uses satellite communications and the Internet to transmit course materials. This gives people living in different regions the opportunity to use the same resources 1 .

    The number of people who have completed training without obtaining a diploma exceeds the number of students studying for a diploma by 3.9 times. This indicates that knowledge and information are increasingly beginning to acquire value in themselves, and not as a means to obtain a diploma, which radically changes the nature of educational motivation.