Success Stories

People with disabilities and special needs

Disabled people Disabled people with spinal injuries, lower limb amputations, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, people with limited vision, hearing impairment, mental illness, etc. It is not a person’s fault that they gave birth

Kuznetsov Alexey Viktorovich

Nine world-famous people with disabilities December 3rd, 2013 December 3 is celebrated as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. There are many examples of people with disabilities not only surviving, but becoming famous.

Disabled people known to the whole world

People who doubt their own abilities should definitely familiarize themselves with the achievements of famous disabled people. True, most people with disabilities who have achieved success can hardly be called disabled. As evidenced by their inspiration

Disabled people are PEOPLE with disabilities

Disabled people are PEOPLE with limited capabilities. People with disabilities, in Russian, disabled people, are everywhere. Limitation of opportunities leaves its mark on the character of such people. And, perhaps, the most striking feature is the desire to be well

Why do people want to amputate healthy limbs?

Over the past years, in America and Europe, more and more people are deciding to become disabled voluntarily. They go to doctors or get rid of healthy parts of the body that they consider “superfluous” at home. "Moskovsky Komsomolets" in general

10 Russians who built a business from scratch

Famous financial sharks who managed to build a business from scratch A whole book would not be enough to name and describe all the happy owners of billions of dollars in capital. Most of the participants in the Forbes rating lists are businessmen who have built

People with unlimited possibilities

Sarah Bernhardt The legendary Frenchwoman, who at the beginning of the 20th century was called “the most famous actress in history,” was on tour in Rio de Janeiro in 1905. This trip became fatal for Sarah: in the capital of Brazil, a woman injured her leg. Damage o


Examples of successful businesses from scratch

Many people are afraid to take the initiative, get involved in business or social activities only because they believe that success in this field is the lot of a select few. Actually this is not true. Biographies of successful individuals prove that starting the path to

» People with disabilities: 3 stories of victory over yourself

What do we know about how people without arms or legs live? What difficulties do those diagnosed with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome overcome every minute? Surprisingly, these are the people who have the strength and wisdom to motivate us - healthy, strong

The success story of automotive legend Henry Ford

A teenager with an interest in mechanics, persistent in his desire to fulfill his lifelong dream - to create a car for everyone. A man for whom nothing stopped him from revolutionizing the automotive industry and creating a company that will remain with him for a long time.

Henry Ford's Life Principles

Some people's life stories are simply amazing. They try to imitate them, they are envied, they are considered the favorites of fortune. But no one thinks that their success is not only luck, but also the result of grueling mental and physical labor, compliance with the rules

Disabled people who have achieved success

Society is accustomed to the fact that disabled people are described in the media as weak, helpless people who require pity. But real examples of physically disabled people who have achieved incredible success indicate absolutely

Conor McGregor, biography, news, photos - find out everything!

Conor McGregor is an athlete from Ireland, a mixed martial arts star. According to the authoritative pound-for-pound rankings at the end of 2016, he was one of the top three MMA fighters regardless of category. The fighter performs under the pseudonym Notorious.

Are there any disabled scientists?

How do people with physical disabilities work in science? Galileo Galilei (1564−1642). While improving the telescope, he ruined his eyesight. Galileo admired the sun and spent long hours looking at it, which caused the destruction of the retina. Last couples

People with disabilities who have achieved success (photo)

If you give up and don’t have the strength to conquer the next peak, remember the historical figures and contemporaries with physical disabilities who became famous throughout the world. It’s hard to call them disabled. People with disabilities possible