L and Maltseva Russian language. L.i. maltseva n.m. Smerechinskaya Russian language. everything for ege. book i. theory exercises thematic tests dictionaries. publisher maltsev d.a

This manual includes tests compiled in accordance with the requirements put forward for the level of knowledge of high school students in the Russian language, and focused on preparing for the unified state exam.
Tests are divided into the following topics: Vocabulary and phraseology (Test 1), Morphemics and word formation (Test 2), Morphology (Test 3), Spelling (Tests 4 - 8), Syntax (Test 9), Punctuation (Tests 10-13), Norms of the modern Russian language (Test 14), Means artistic expressiveness(Test 15), Complex text analysis (Test 16).
Each test is given in eight (8) variants, the same in terms of the complexity of the selected material. Options, depending on the topic, contain from 7 to 14 tasks. As tasks, sentences from both classical and modern works are used.
The manual contributes to the expansion and deepening of students' knowledge of the Russian language and can be used by teachers both for control and as a source of home exercises.

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1 Textbooks of the ANO "Publishing House" Narodnoye obrazovanie "are approved for use in educational institutions by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 16 from L.I. Maltseva N.M. Smerechinskaya RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Everything for the Unified State Examination Book I theory exercises thematic tests dictionaries Publisher Maltsev D.A. Rostov-on-Don Public Education Moscow

2 CONTENTS From the authors... 7 SECTION I. THEORETICAL MATERIAL AND EXERCISES Speech. Language norms Orthoepic norms Lexical norms Morphological norms Syntactic norms(building a sentence with dee participle turnover) Syntactic norms (Norms of agreement. Norms of control. Construction of sentences with homogeneous members. Construction of complex sentences) Syntactic norms (replacement of a subordinate clause by a participial phrase) Word formation Morphology Spelling Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of different parts of speech Spelling of roots Spelling of prefixes Spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н-/-НН-) Spelling NOT and NI Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words Syntax Sentence. Grammatical basis suggestions. Subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence Sentence. Types of sentences by the number of grammatical foundations. Types of complex sentences by means of communication of parts

3 4 Contents 5.3. Types of subordination in the phrase Types of sentences by the presence of main members: two-part and one-part sentences Complicated simple sentence Complex sentence Punctuation Punctuation in compound sentence and a simple sentence with homogeneous members Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members) Punctuation marks in a complex unionless proposal punctuation marks in complex sentence Punctuation marks in sentences with allied and unionless bond. A complex sentence with different types of communication Speech.Text Means of communication of sentences in the text Functional and semantic types of speech Vocabulary Expressiveness of Russian speech SECTION II. THEMATIC TESTS Word formation (The composition of a word. The main ways of word formation.) Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test

4 Content Test Spelling Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Syntax Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Punctuation Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Language norms Test Test Test Test Test

5 6 Content Test Test Test Test Test Complex text analysis (I part of the examination paper) Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Complex text analysis (II part of the examination paper) Test Test Test Test Test Difficult cases pronunciation of words and their forms Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language (paronyms) Dictionary of literary and linguistic terms Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs and adverbial expressions Answers

6 FROM THE AUTHORS This manual aims to help students prepare for the unified state exam in the Russian language. The manual consists of 2 books. The first book of the manual contains two sections and dictionaries. The first section of the manual has nine paragraphs. Each paragraph contains links that indicate what kind of knowledge is tested by a particular task of the examination paper. The paragraph also includes rules, comments and exercises. The rules allow you to quickly repeat the material studied in the Russian language lessons. The comments give recommendations for completing tasks similar to those contained in the examination paper. Each exercise includes 15 tasks, compiled in accordance with the requirements put forward to prepare for the unified state exam. The second section of the manual contains thematic tests on the main sections of the subject "Russian language" included in the examination paper. The test, depending on the topic, consists of 5 7 tasks and allows you to check the readiness for the exam in the Russian language. The first book of the manual is supplied with the following dictionaries: 1. Difficult cases of pronunciation of words and their forms. 2. Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language (interpretation of the meanings of paronyms). 3. Dictionary of literary and linguistic terms. 4. Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs and adverbial expressions These dictionaries will help you prepare for a number of tasks in the exam. The second book of the manual also contains two sections: Section I: Training tests. Section II: Preparation for the implementation of part 3 (C). 7

7 SECTION I THEORETICAL MATERIAL AND EXERCISES 1. Speech. Language norms 1.1. Orthoepic norms A1 must be able to correctly determine the placement of stress in the word and word forms. Commentary There is no general rule for the preservation and shifting of stress in Russian. If you find it difficult to choose the place of stress in a word or word form, then you should refer to orthoepic dictionary. This manual contains a dictionary Difficult cases of pronunciation of words and their forms (p. 294). This dictionary includes the words and forms of words that most often make mistakes on the exam. Exercise 1. Indicate the word in which the letter denoting the stressed vowel is correctly highlighted. 1. 1) dry 2) typed 3) created 4) awakened 2. 1) bent 2) clean 3) contract 4) white 3. 1) funds 2) occupied 3) adolescence 4) short 4. 1) plowing 2) kitchen 3) nap 4) long ago 5. 1) willow 2) happy 3) sorrel 4) completely 6. 1) flyleaf 2) encourage 3) serve 4) cold 7. 1) improve 2) intercession 3) flint 4) reward 8. 1) elections 2) ashes 3) fledge 4) sip 9. 1) green 2) repeat 3) August 4) scoop 10. 1) sentence 2) significance 3) scooped up 4) clean 11. 1) sorrel 2) provision 3) relieve 4) busy 8

8 1. Speech. Language norms 12. 1) lived 2) news 3) raised 4) started 13. 1) colossus 2) gypsies 3) parterre 4) claws 14. 1) airports 2) convocation 3) conscientious 4) litter 15. 1) conscious 2 ) uncork 3) rubber 4) shoe Lexical norms A2 one must know lexical norms, that is, be able to use the word correctly in accordance with its exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility. Commentary The most important condition for the normative nature of speech is the correct choice of words, their lexical compatibility. Often, difficulties in choosing words are associated with an insufficiently clear distinction between semantic shades or grammatical features similar-sounding words with the same root (the so-called paronyms). The manual contains a Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language (p. 301). When doing exercise 2, refer to this dictionary. This will help you remember the semantic shades of paronyms and give practical experience in the ability to determine the lexical compatibility of paronymic words with other words of the sentence. Exercise 2. In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1. 1) There is a deep well in the corner of the yard. 2) At the meeting, the parents of our class discussed a number of important issues. 3) The harsh voice of the teacher immediately interrupted our pampering. 4) In the spring, the nomads drove their herds to the grassy steppes. 2. 1) This type of insect has hard, strong wings. 2) At the end of the performance, long applause turned into an ovation. 3) These organic properties substances we have already studied. 4) The lecturer spoke in a simple, understandable language for the audience. 3. 1) The artist dipped the needle tip of the brush into white paint. 2) In this place, the air smells like the grassy freshness of sedge.

9 10 SECTION I. Theoretical material and exercises 3) In order for the body to master food faster and better, it must be well prepared. 4) Irina's oily smile made me feel uncomfortable. 4. 1) Prefabricated furniture was brought to the store. 2) The doctors found that the soldier has an organic disorder nervous system. 3) Having received a good, understandable answer, the teacher praised Igor. 4) The grassy roof of the barn did not save us from the rain. 5. 1) Again, the rain pounded on the roof, making melancholy autumn. 2) There were already a lot of people at the assembly point. 3) This small touch was an organic element in the overall composition of the picture. 4) December has the longest nights. 6. 1) Deep social processes have touched all aspects of society. 2) In this place, the herbaceous vegetation consisted of ferns. 3) Irina Viktorovna asked the student a leading question. 4) The color scheme of the silk curtain matched the surrounding interior. 7. 1) Katya carefully examined the color illustration. 2) The future seemed to me only in a rainbow light. 3) A few hours later, a leading bridge connected the banks of the river. 4) Without the help of the sciences, it is difficult to master advanced production methods. 8. 1) Ivan Ivanovich said that he was very pleased with this understandable child. 2) Fortunately, the iris of the eye was not damaged. 3) The employees were given the task of mastering new technology labor. 4) Depth charges are a great danger to the submarine. 9. 1) This national team has many good players. 2) The fishermen of the seiner do deep-sea fishing. 3) For that time, harsh reprisals against prisoners were commonplace.

10 1. Speech. Language norms 4) In this situation, Olga was driven by proud aspirations) Among his comrades, Alexei was known as an incorrigible idealist. 2) With the help of a special sign, Ilya marked a wooded hill on a topographic map. 3) Needle crystals of snowflakes glisten in the sun. 4) Soon assembly work began in our workshop) And then the sister realized for the first time that she had made an irreparable mistake. 2) Warm dreams come true only when you strive for their implementation. 3) The masonry of the building was so strong that it had to be called out. 4) The needle branches of the pine were covered with snow) Grandmother threaded a thread into a small needle eye for a long time. 2) The old man stopped smiling, and his face again assumed a stony expression. 3) Everyone looked at Vova as an incorrigible eccentric. 4) Soon diplomatic relations were restored between Russia and Turkey) Proud people often do not cause sympathy among others. 2) Doctors are people of the most humane profession on earth. 3) The majestic expanse of the steppe opened before my eyes. 4) I opened the box and saw a turtle comb in it) In the distance there was a call of a bird. 2) The economic movements of this young man made a proper impression on our coach. 3) Predatory destruction of forests can lead to an imbalance in nature. 4) Victor gave a number of convincing arguments, and we agreed with his opinion on this issue) Olga's logical act aroused the approval of her sister. 2) Our frequent meetings did not bring relief to my soul, but gave rise to an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety. 3) The teacher looked at the students with icy eyes and left the classroom. 4) This student is able to concisely and accurately formulate his thoughts. eleven

11 SECTION II THEMATIC TESTS WORD FORMATION Test 1 1. Which word contains the prefix YOU-? 1) high 2) native 3) tower 4) high-rise 2. Which word does not have the prefix WHO-? 1) return 2) lead 3) appeal 4) mature 3. Which word does not have the suffix -YAN-? 1) water 2) clearing 3) mica 4) peasant woman 4. Which word has the suffix -IVA-? 1) plow 2) live 3) spill 4) fill 5. Indicate the word consisting of a root and a suffix. 1) battle 2) ability 3) deepen 4) training 6. Which word has a zero ending? 1) credulity 2) stone 3) instruction 4) plow 7. Indicate the method of formation of the highlighted word in the sentence. In the steppe, not far from the linden park, the small river Kamenka gleams in a sloping gully (K. Paustovsky). Test 2 1. Which word contains the prefix VOS-? 1) forbid 2) oriental 3) delight 4) delight 2. Which word does not have the prefix DO-? 1) to the top 2) finish 3) kindness 4) sentinel 3. Which word does not have the suffix -UShK-? 1) club 2) top 3) freckles 4) cheesecake 206

12 Word formation 4. Which word has the suffix -CHAT-? 1) flirt 2) vaulted 3) distinguish 4) meet 5. Indicate the word that has a root, two suffixes and an ending. 1) solitude 2) break 3) darkness 4) extra charge 6. Which word has an ending? 1) in advance 2) glow 3) far 4) high 7. Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. In the evening, the whole family gathered in the living room. Test 3 1. Which word does not have the prefix B-? 1) inspiration 2) inhale 3) after 4) push in 2. Which word contains the prefix DO-? 1) valiant 2) trust 3) good 4) speaker 3. Which word does not have the suffix -OB-? 1) gifting 2) acting 3) nesting 4) thunderous 4. Which word has the suffix -CHAT-? 1) onion 2) spongy 3) explosive 4) checkered 5. Indicate the word consisting of a root and a suffix. 1) redundant 2) precise 3) conductor 4) string 6. Which word has an ending? 1) on time 2) for free 3) tightly 4) brotherhood 7. Indicate the way the highlighted word is formed in the sentence. From the apple tree, the color flies around thick (M. Isakovsky). Test 4 1. Which word has the prefix B-? 1) echo 2) invasion 3) introduction 4) counter 2. Which word does not have the prefix U-? 1) take away 2) accommodating 3) solitude 4) stress 207

13 208 SECTION II. Topic tests 3. Which word has the suffix -EB-? 1) dance 2) animate 3) demarcate 4) overcome 4. Which word does not have the suffix -YVA-? 1) tell 2) wash 3) look around 4) beat 5. Indicate a word that has three prefixes and two suffixes. 1) return 3) unfading 2) incompatibility 4) break 6. Which word has no ending? 1) at the beginning 2) respect 3) decision 4) refuge 7. Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. A week later, the investigation of the accident at the plant was completed (A. Tolstoy). Test 5 1. Which word does not have the O- prefix? 1) evaluate 2) obviously 3) charm 4) outline 2. Which word contains the prefix VZ-? 1) quarrel 2) platoon 3) seaside 4) bribe 3. Which word does not have the suffix -CHIK? 1) newsboy 2) boy 3) barman 4) money changer 4. Which word has the suffix -POINTS-? 1) asterisk 2) swallow 3) bun 4) Christmas tree 5. Indicate the word consisting of a prefix, a root and a suffix. 1) mortgage 2) easily 3) drought 4) intercessor 6. Which word has no ending? 1) substance 2) coat 3) abdomen 4) wing 7. Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. Near scattered villages smoked in the morning (V. Zhukovsky).

14 Word formation Test 6 1. Which word has the prefix O-? 1) security 2) hunting 3) essay 4) feel 2. Which word does not have the prefix VZ-? 1) run 2) borrow 3) adult 4) explosion 3. Which word has the suffix -IK? 1) critic 2) raspberry 3) key 4) doctor 4. Which word does not have the suffix -och-? 1) selective 2) needle 3) kayak 4) extramural Indicate a word consisting of a root and a suffix. 1) prone 2) draw 3) subvert 4) descending 6. Which word has no ending? 1) occasionally 2) scarf 3) mockery 4) base 7. Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. For some reason, they immediately disliked the newcomer in the class. Test 7 1. Which word has the prefix BC-? 1) counter 2) dry 3) germination 4) flash 2. Which word does not have the prefix CO-? 1) commit 2) consent 3) burned 4) contemporary 3. Which word does not have the suffix -EB-? 1) fire 2) beam 3) brown 4) manganese 4. Which word has the suffix -IN-? 1) pellet 2) picture 3) fireplace 4) name day 5. Indicate the word consisting of a root and a suffix. 1) original 2) rich 3) historian 4) shoe 6. Which word has a zero ending? 1) hare 2) heroism 3) song 4) beauty

15 210 SECTION II. Thematic tests 7. Indicate the way the highlighted word is formed in the sentence. In a few days, the poems spread throughout the country, and then became known to all literate Russia (I. Andronnikov). Test 8 1. In which word is there no prefix POD-? 1) ascetic 2) lining 3) tint 4) chin 2. Which word does not have the prefix OB-? 1) overview 2) pouring 3) offending 4) facing 3. Which word has the suffix -K-? 1) strong 2) strawberry 3) classic 4) customer 4. Which word does not have the suffix -OV-? 1) household 2) widower 3) age-old 4) palace 5. Indicate the word consisting of two prefixes and a root. 1) ghost 3) across the way 2) exploratory 4) immature 6. Which word has no ending? 1) mayovka 2) heaven 3) in a hurry 4) favorite 7. Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. The stars shone brightly above, and the waves beat softly against the rocky shore. Test 9 1. Which word has the prefix PERE-? 1) front 2) adopt 3) transition 4) quail 2. Which word does not have the prefix BOS-? 1) ignition 3) perceive 2) praise 4) educate 3. Which word does not have the suffix -EC? 1) guardsman 2) brother 3) end 4) blush 4. Which word has the suffix -K-? 1) thin 2) catchy 3) flat 4) Russian

16 Spelling 5. Write a word consisting of a prefix, a root and two suffixes. 1) neglect 3) mobility 2) length of service 4) meeting 6. Which word has no ending? 1) distinct 2) exemplary 3) probably 4) frog Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. The artist must strive for a balance in him of the power of imagination with the power of logic (M. Gorky). Test Which word does not have the prefix OB-? 1) deceive 2) facing 3) appeal 4) exchange 2. Which word contains the prefix PRE-? 1) traitor 2) prescription 3) limit 4) enterprise 3. Which word does not have the suffix -К-? 1) gourmet 2) cardboard 3) sonorous 4) plastic 4. Which word has the suffix -POINTS-? 1) news 2) shirt 3) shell 4) shoes 5. Indicate the word consisting of a root and a suffix. 1) goose 2) blank 3) boxer 4) transparent 6. Which word has no ending? 1) inspiration 2) meeting 3) meaning 4) drawing 7. Indicate the way the underlined word is formed in the sentence. From a distance, by the color of the greenery, it was possible to distinguish thickets of alder from birch groves and pines (K. Paustovsky). SPELLING Test 1 1. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which two letters H are written?

17 262 SECTION II. Topic tests 6. In which sentence the subordinate clause of a complex sentence cannot be replaced separate definition, expressed by participial turnover? 1) Usually a mirage appears in the form of rocks, bushes, trees that are reflected in the water. 2) Hungry sailors chewed on the ox skin that was used to cover the sails. 3) The mountain river, which rushes through the rapids, brings to the valley a huge amount of scraps of tropical vegetation. 4) In Mesopotamia there was enough fertile land, which gave rich harvests. COMPLEX ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT (I part of the examination paper) Test 1 Read the text and complete tasks 1 6. (1) (2) And the idea began to awaken in a person that love brings happiness only with reciprocity, and therefore, a person is obliged to pay the earth with kindness to her, sparing no effort and not stopping before the mysteries of nature. (3) a man in his darkness wondered for a long time how the earth manages to grow sweet and sour, spicy and bitter, red and green, how it manages to throw up some fruits on trees and groom others under its cover, the man understood the main thing: the earth is an affectionate mother him, who becomes an unkind stepmother if you do not lay hands on her, if you do not help her, if you do not fight for her. (4) Yes, time is the wisest teacher. (5) Man the consumer was gradually transformed into man the creator, and this transformation was accompanied by great and small discoveries of the laws of agriculture and fertility. (6) The earth generously paid man for this with good. 1 Which of the following sentences should come first (1) in this text? 1) The history of man, going back thousands of years, is inextricably linked with the earth.

18 Comprehensive text analysis 263 2) The land on which man lived fed him with its wild fruits, cereals, herbs. 3) The earth was for man an arena of struggle with nature and his own kind. 4) The Earth seems to have consciously chosen man as its ruler. 2 What word or phrase should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? 1) Despite this 3) Just 2) Probably 4) And although 3 Which words are not a grammatical basis in one of the parts of the third (3) sentence of the text? 1) a person was surprised 3) a person enlightened 2) the earth manages to grow 4) the earth is a mother 4 Indicate the correct description of the fifth (5) sentence of the text. 1) simple complicated 2) complex 3) complex with non-union and allied coordinating connection 4) compound 5 Indicate the sentence in which there is quality adjective in superlative form. 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5 6 Indicate the meaning of the word time from the fourth (4) sentence of the text. 1) period, epoch 2) time of the year 3) a certain moment at which something happened 4) successive change of hours, days, years Test 2 Read the text and do tasks 1 6. in the northern rivers live freshwater pearl molluscs, in the mantle of which pearls are formed. (2) Now freshwater

19 276 SECTION II. Thematic tests 1) When 3) Really 2) So 4) Only 3 What words are the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text? 1) failures whipped up (sentence 3) 2) people can (sentence 11) 3) the writer became (sentence 8) 4) knowledge allowed (sentence 6) 4 Indicate the correct description of the eighth (8) sentence of the text. 1) compound 2) complex 3) simple complicated 4) compound with non-union and allied coordinating connection 5 Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word hoping from the fifth (5) sentence of the text. 1) verb not perfect look 2) real participle 3) imperfect participle 4) perfect verb 6 Indicate the meaning of the word passion from the fourth (4) sentence of the text. 1) disposition towards someone 3) great interest 2) inspiration, enthusiasm 4) falling in love COMPLEX ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT (Part II of the examination paper) Test 1 Read the text and do the tasks (1) Eternal, black night reigned over the edge. (2) Rotten mists rose above the marshy ground and hung in the air. (3) People were born, grew up, loved and died in damp darkness. (4) But sometimes breathing

20 Comprehensive analysis of the text 277 wind dispersed the heavy evaporation of the earth. (5) Then bright stars looked at people from a distant sky. (6) a general holiday was coming. (7) Once the stars in the sky burned especially brightly. (8) People crowded in the square and in mute reverence ascended in soul to the eternal light. (9) Suddenly, the voice of Adeil was heard from the crowd: My soul is languishing, she has no life and will in eternal darkness. (10) Who knows, maybe there is a way to the stars. (11) Let's go look for him, let's go look for light for life! (12) And many young men and women got up. (13) And they went after Adiel. (14) Let's go into the dark, formidable distance. (15) And darkness swallowed them up. (16) A lot of time has passed. (17) And then one day, over the dark edge of the earth, the sky was faintly lit with a flickering light, a bright dot flashed. (18) Adeel walked along the road with a quiet step and held high a star plucked from the sky by a beam. (19) He was alone. (20) He was asked: Where are the rest? (21) In a broken voice, he replied: Everyone died, paving the way to the stars. (22) The jubilant crowds surrounded the star-bearer: Glory to the one who brought the light! (23) Days have passed. (24) And with a cry a man ran out into the square. (25) In a frenzy of fury, he shouted: Down with the star! (26) We lived peacefully in darkness, we loved our sweet homes, our quiet life. (27) Light has come, and there is no consolation in anything. (28) He breaks into our houses, and now we see: they are all plastered with mud; the dirt ate into the walls (29) And others picked it up: Only grief and damnation brings people the light of the stars (30) And Adeel answered: This was not what I expected when I climbed the steep rocks to the stars, when comrades broke off around me and fell into the abyss (31 ) I thought: at least one of us will reach the goal and bring a star to the earth. (32) And in a bright light, a bright, bright life will come on earth. (33) But when I saw your life in the light of a heavenly star, I realized that my dreams were crazy (34) However, I can console you: my star does not shine for long. (35) A star plucked from the sky, carried down to earth, can only shine by eating

21 278 SECTION II. Thematic tests with the blood of the one holding it. (36) I feel that my life, as if by a lamp, rises through the body to the star and burns out in it. (37) And you can’t give the star to anyone: it goes out with the life of the bearer, and everyone must get the star again. (38) And I turn to you, honest and brave in heart! (39) Go on a long journey and bring new stars here. (40) And with their undying light, such a life as now will become impossible. (41) And those who are now in a rage throw themselves at the star, willy-nilly, will take up the reorganization of life. (42) Years have passed. (43) As before, people were born, grew, loved and died in damp darkness. (44) As before, life seemed peaceful and calm. (45) But deep anxiety and dissatisfaction undermined her in the darkness. (46) People could not forget what they illuminated with their fleeting light bright Star. (47) Every now and then the news spread that a certain young man or a certain girl had left their native nest. (48) Where? (49) Isn't it on the path indicated by Adeel? (According to V. Veresaev) 1 What does the hero's statement say: “And you can’t give the star to anyone: it goes out with the life of the one who carries it, and everyone must get the star again”? 1) The star, like a predator, takes the life of the hero. 2) The hero experiences a feeling of fear because he will die. 3) The hero is not a coward, so he does not want to give the star he brought to anyone. 4) Everyone must independently achieve the implementation of the goal set for himself. 2 Which of the following statements is false? 1) Sentence 28 explains and confirms the judgment made in sentence 27 of the text. 2) Sentence 2 contains a descriptive fragment. 3) Reasoning is presented in the sentences. 4) The sentences present the narrative. 3 Indicate the word that is used in the text in a figurative sense. 1) burned (sentence 7) 3) light (sentence 32) 2) ran out (sentence 24) 4) star (sentence 46)

22 Comprehensive text analysis 279 Answers to tasks 4 6 write down in words. 4 From sentence thirty-seven (37), write out the word formed in a non-morphological way. 5 Write a quality adjective from the first (1) sentence. 6 From the seventh (7) sentence write out subordinative phrase with communication control. Write down the answers to tasks 7 11 in numbers. 7 Among sentences 7 16 find a one-part definite-personal sentence. Write down his number. 8 Among the sentences, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer. 9 Among the sentences, find a complex sentence containing two subordinate clauses: tense and explanatory. Write the number of this offer. 10 Among the sentences, find one that is related to the previous one using lexical repetition. Write the number of this offer. 11 Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while doing the tasks. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

23 280 SECTION II. Thematic tests V.V. Veresaev, using such a trope as (sentences 4.5), creates a mood of expectation of something unusual. The writer enhances this mood with the help of (sentence 6) and (sentences 12.13). And now, before the spellbound gaze of the reader, the image of a star-bearer appears, holding a star by the beam and surrounded by a jubilant crowd. The hero's attitude to life is conveyed with the help (sentence 32). List of terms: 1) personification 6) comparison 2) antonyms 7) gradation 3) epithets 8) metonymy 4) phraseological units 9) parcellation 5) inversion old homeland and now I understand that I always loved it, but something was always missing, and I could not only boast of it myself, but I didn’t really believe it when someone else said that it was so good. (2) Was it not in search of some new, better homeland that I wandered around the north and wrote down folk tales? (3) However, fairy tales and grandiose phenomena of northern nature did not help either. (4) Now that my whole homeland was revealed to me, I realized that even then I found my own there, in the north. (5) But why, among the great, almost daily discoveries, I grabbed just the northern honey, and so tightly that I wanted to tell how it was opened and what nice people opened it. (6) Now on my table in crystal vases under electric bulbs this fragrant, sweet, fragrant and healing substance plays with reflections, known to man a very long time and experienced in nature since the first bee found a flower somewhere. (7) But this substance, known and experienced in nature, was brought to us from a place where there have never been bees, and abundant honey contained in the nectaries of tundra flowers was inaccessible to man without bees. (8) This honey that is now glowing on the table can be said in full right

24 DICTIONARY OF DIFFICULTIES OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (PARONYMS) In the Dictionary, words are compared in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning. The dictionary entry reveals the meaning of the word in short definition sufficient to understand the word itself and its use in speech. Each word meaning given in the dictionary is illustrated by an example. In many dictionary entries, an analysis is given of the features of combining a word with other words. After some of the matched words, there is a "Pay attention!" section. It gives examples of combinations of paronyms with the same words that differ in meaning: dynamics of dialogue development of dialogue; dynamism of the dialogue liveliness, tension of the dialogue. SUBSCRIPTION The right to use something for a certain period, as well as a document certifying this right. Concert subscription. Sale of subscriptions. ABSOLUTISTIC Characteristic of absolutism, peculiar to absolutists. absolutist regime. AUTOBIOGRAPHIC Being an autobiography. Autobiographical story. AUTHORITARY 1. Based on unquestioning obedience to authority. authoritarian rule. 2. Aspiring to assert his influence, domineering. authoritarian leadership. A SUBSCRIBER One who has the right to use something for a certain period of time. Telephone subscriber. The subscriber does not answer. ABSOLUTE 1. Unconditional. absolute right. 2. Perfect, complete. Absolute silence. Absolute knowledge. AUTOBIOGRAPHIC That which contains only elements of an autobiography. The novel includes autobiographical facts. AUTHORITIVE 1. Having authority. Reputed Scientist. 2. Deserving unconditional, complete trust. Authoritative treatise. 301

25 302 Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language (paronyms) ADDRESSER The sender of a letter, telegram, parcel. ALLEGORICAL Based on allegory (allegory). Allegorical story. ARISTOCRACY Peculiar to the aristocracy or aristocrat. aristocratic society. aristocratic manner. TIMELESS Prematurity. The immaturity of death. VOICELESS A hollow sound made without a voice. Voiceless consonant. ugliness 1. Very ugly appearance, ugliness. He was ashamed of his ugliness. 2. An outrageous act. Please don't allow such nonsense in the future. UNRESPONDING 1. Not receiving and not giving an answer. An unanswered question, a look, a voice. Unrequited love. 2. Unable to object, contradict. An unrequited person, a child, a boy. CHARITABLE 1. Free of charge providing material assistance to those in need. charitable society. 2. Organized for the purpose of obtaining funds to help those in need. A charity concert. B ADDRESSER Recipient of a letter, telegram, parcel. ALLEGORICAL Containing an allegory. allegorical speech. ARISTOCRATIC Exquisite, sophisticated. The young man seemed too aristocratic. TIMELESS It's time for adversity. Timelessness of the beginning of the war. VOICELESS Without a voice, with a bad, weak voice. Voiceless singer. ugliness Property, quality, causing disgust. Igor was shocked by the ugliness of the street fight. IRRESPONSIBLE Unconscious of his responsibility, unwilling to answer for his actions. Irresponsible student, student. BENEFICIENT Having a good effect, bringing great benefits, good. Favorable climate, rain, work. Beneficial influence.

26 Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language (paronyms) 303 IMPROVEMENT Putting in order. Improvement of the territory near the house. BLOUSE A loose shirt worn without a belt. Blouse of the artist. SWAMPY Abounding in swamps, marshy. Marshy area. COMFORTABILITY Availability of conditions for a comfortable life. He was interested in the comfort of the apartment. BLOUSE Women's blouse. MARSH 1. Relating to the swamp. Swamp fumes. 2. Designed to work in the swamp. Waders. 3. Growing, living in a swamp. Wading bird. Note! The adjectives swampy and swampy can form phrases that differ in meaning with the same words: a swampy path is a swampy, damp path; swamp path a path through a swamp. Vagabond Pertaining to a vagabond, belonging to, peculiar to a vagabond. Wandering (s, -s) staff, hat, behavior. Constantly moving from place to place, wandering, nomadic. Wandering (th, -her) actor, troupe, existence. Note! The adjectives vagrant and vagrant can form phrases that differ in meaning with the same words: vagrant life life, like a vagrant; roaming life is a life associated with a constant variable of residence. WEEKDAY Not idle, worker. The adjective weekday is combined with a very limited range of words denoting the concept of time. Weekday. Weekday time. EVERYDAY 1. Not idle, worker. Weekday day, everyday clothes. weekday time. 2. Boring, monotonous, joyless. Everyday voice, answer, day. Everyday life, it's time. Daily assignment.

Specification of control measuring materials for carrying out a unified state exam 2014 in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2 Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1. Appointment of KIM USE Control

Compiled by Faizova D.A., teacher of the Russian language and literature, the highest qualification category

Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2013 in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2 Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Specification of control

Unified state exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Draft Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2012 in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Specification of control

Specification of control measuring materials for carrying out diagnostic thematic work in preparation for the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (high school) 1. The appointment of KIM to assess the level of general education

Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2012 in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2 Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Specification of control

Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2016 in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE


Draft Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2011 in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1. Purpose of the examination work Control measuring materials

Private public educational institution"Venda" Secondary general education Work program Russian language grade 11 Moscow Explanatory note The program is designed to prepare students in grade 11 for

Specification of control measuring materials for the unified state exam in 2011 in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Unified state exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

THEORETICAL MINIMUM IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2 QUARTER Grade 5 1. What do you know about the homogeneous members of the sentence? 2. In what cases is a comma placed between homogeneous members of the sentence, and in which not?

Unified State Exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

9 Work program 1. The elective "Preparing students for the OGE in the Russian language" is intended for students in grade 9 and is designed for 34 hours of study load per training. The program is correlated with the requirements

Codifier of content elements, Russian language, grades 10-11 Section 1. List of content elements checked when completing the final control work in Russian in grades 10-11, compiled

Municipal educational autonomous institution "Secondary comprehensive school 86" DISCUSSED at the meeting of the Ministry of Defense Protocol of August 28, 207 /Musaeva N.B./ AGREED Deputy. director for water resources management

Approved at the meeting examination committee in Russian "11" November 2015 Program entrance test conducted by the Academy independently in the Russian language I. General information about language

In pursuance of the Order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the GO "Syktyvkar" dated 22.8.213 396, a city-wide action plan for preparing 11th grade students for the Unified State Examination in compulsory subjects in 213-214

General information about the language The role of language in society. Language as a historically developing phenomenon. Russian literary language and his styles. Phonetics, graphics and spelling Sounds of speech: vowels and consonants.

Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of graduate training educational institutions for conducting diagnostic tests in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Codifier of content elements


Annex 3.1. to educational program main general education Work program in the Russian language grade 7 basic level for the 2016-2017 academic year Developed by: MO teachers of Russian language and literature

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program "We speak and write correctly" for grades 10-11 is based on the federal component state standard secondary (complete) general education, approved

CALENDAR-THEMATIC PLANNING OF LESSONS academic discipline OUD. 01 Russian language and literature: Russian language Group 13- T (part-time department) Teacher: Pupaeva S.A. Number of hours per period

"APPROVED" Director of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements "AGREED" Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the FIPI in the Russian language Unified State Exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Codifier

Draft SPECIFICATION of control measuring materials for the unified state exam of 2010 in the Russian language 1. Purpose of the examination work Control measuring materials allow you to establish

2 it is necessary to formulate the answer and arrange it in the form of a word (phrase), a number or a combination of letters and numbers. 6. The number of tasks in one version of the test 40. Part A 30 tasks. Part B 10 tasks.

Addendum 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 08.12.2010. 1218 PROGRAM of modern independent assessment of Russian language Russian language PHONETICS. ORTHOEPY. GRAPHIC ARTS. SPELLING Sounds of speech.

Municipal budgetary educational institution Shchelkovo gymnasium of the Shchelkovo municipal district of the Moscow region APPROVED by order of the director 432 / OD MBOU of the Shchelkovo gymnasium of the Moscow Region dated August 29

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin" (FGBOU VO "SSU named after Pitirim Sorokin")

Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher vocational education National research university « graduate School Economics" Program of the entrance test in Russian

Explanatory note Present working programm in Russian for grade 7 is developed on the basis of sample programs and the author's program edited by M.T. Baranov "Programs of general education

I. Explanatory note 1. Annotation. The Russian language entrance test program is designed to prepare applicants entering the Non-State Educational Institution of Higher


CONTROL AND MEASURING MATERIALS AND EXAM PROCEDURE Examination in the discipline “Russian Language and Literature. Russian language" is carried out in writing at the expense of the time allocated by the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education for an intermediate

PREPARATION COURSES OF THE FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM AND THEMATIC PLAN FOR THE 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR of the distance course in the discipline "Russian Language" (preparation for the Unified State Examination) n/a Video lecture topic Content MODULE

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 7 of the city of Kirovsk" WORKING PROGRAM extracurricular activities"Culture of Oral and writing» Grade 11 Teacher:

The requirements for the Russian language have been developed for 2016 VIESU applicants entering the undergraduate program on the basis of secondary general education. The requirements are based on the federal state

The textbook provides the necessary theoretical information on the main sections of the Russian language course; exercises are given to consolidate the acquired knowledge and develop the ability to analyze language material,

Moscow 2017-2018 academic year GIA Exam Dictionary state final certification, an exam that involves a certain procedure. Unified State Examination state exam, form of state

2 I. PROGRAM CONTENT Phonetics. Orthoepy Vowels and consonants. Syllable. stress. Vowels are stressed and unstressed. Spelling of unstressed vowels. Voiceless and voiced, hard and soft consonants. Peculiarity

2. Semantic analysis of the text. The student is required to know the following topics: "Text as a speech work", "Semantic and compositional integrity of the text", "Text analysis". 1. Read carefully and thoughtfully

Text 3. (1) The girl's name was Alice. (2) She was six years old, she had a friend - a theater artist. (3) Alice could freely enter the theater courtyard, which was guarded by a strict watchman, and other children could not get into

Approximate planning of Russian language lessons in grade 7 Tutorial: "Russian language. Textbook for grade 7 "(authors compilers Natalya Beresneva, Natalya Nechunaeva). * Planning is made taking into account

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM for applicants Russian University friendship of peoples The program was prepared on the basis of federal component state standard of basic general and secondary (complete)

Payment order Name of equipment Quantity 1 Support schemes 59 1. Complex sentences. 2. Phonetics. 3. Compound sentences. 4. Vocabulary. 5. Complicated sentence. 6. Members of the proposal. 7. Synonyms, antonyms,

Exam procedure The Russian language exam is held in oral. The content of the questions and the level of requirements are determined on the basis of the mandatory minimum of the federal state educational

Name of sections and topics Contents educational material, practical work, independent work students Amount of hours Mastery level 1 2 3 4 Section 1. 10 LANGUAGE AND SPEECH. FUNCTIONAL STYLES OF THE LANGUAGE

ENTRANCE TESTS RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2018 PROGRAM Phonetics Sound as a unit of language. Pronunciation rules. Vowels and consonants. Classification of vowels and consonants. The ratio of sounds and


Methodical materials on preparing 9th grade students for the OGE in the Russian language Prepared by: Borshcheva N.A., teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Chehlomeevskaya School" 2. Semantic analysis of the text. From a student

Unified State Exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of general educational institutions for the Unified State Exam 2010

The program of entrance examinations in the Russian language for applicants entering the Ural State medical University Entrance tests in the Russian language are held in the form of a written

Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education National Research University Higher School of Economics Entrance Test Program in Russian 2017 Program


Calendar-thematic planning in _Russian language for grade 11 ( distance learning) for the 2nd half of 2018-2019 school year. Manual for Russian language classes in high school. Authors: V.F. Greeks,

Calendar-thematic planning in Russian for grade 11 (distance learning) for the 1st half of the 2018-2019 academic year. Basic textbook: Handbook for Russian language classes in high school.

Russian language. USE 2014. Maltseva L.I., Smerechinskaya N.M.

This guide consists of two parts. Part I collected and systematized all the theoretical material necessary for preparing for the exam in the Russian language. In part II, 25 author's training tests are given, compiled in accordance with the codifier of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The manual contains applications that will assist in completing tasks C1.

This manual will be useful to all graduates preparing for the exam in the Russian language. It can also be used by language teachers in high school, both to control students' knowledge and as a source of home exercises.

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Table of contents PREFACE 7 QUICK REFERENCE 9 § 1. Phonetics and orthoepy 91.1. Letters and sounds 91.2. Some rules for the pronunciation of consonants 101.3. Some rules for the pronunciation of vowels 101.4. Orthoepic norms (stress in words and word forms) 11L4.1. Stress in nouns 111.4.2. Stress in adjectives 121.4.3. Stress in verbs 131.4.4. Stress in participles 13 § 2. Lexical meaning words 152.1. direct and figurative meaning words 152.2. Homographs. Homonyms. Homophones. Paronyms 16§ 3. Morphemics and word formation 173.1. Morphemes of the Russian language 173.2. Morphemic analysis of the word 173.3. The main ways of word formation 183.4. Determining the method of word formation 20§ 4. Morphology 224.1. Independent parts of speech 224.1.1. Noun 224.1.2. Adjective 244.1.Z. Numeral name 264.1.4. Pronoun 274.1.5. Verb 294.1.6. Communion 324.1.7. General participle 344.1.8. Adverb 354.2. Service parts of speech 364.2.1. Union 364.2.2. Preposition 374.2.3. Particle 384.3. Interjection 394.4. Onomatopoeic words 39§ 5. Spelling 405.1. Spelling of Roots 405.1.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word 405.1.2. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels 405.1.3. Spelling E,3 at the root of the word 415.1.4. Spelling of consonants at the root of a word 425.1.5. Spelling O-E (Yo) after words hissing at the root 425.1.6. Vowels Y-I after C in the root of the word 425.2. Spelling of prefixes 435.2.1. Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes 435.2.2. Prefixes for 3- and C- 435.2.3. Prefixes PRE- and PRI- 445.2.4. Vowels YiI after prefixes 455.3. Spelling of suffixes 455.3.1. Spelling of suffixes in nouns 455.3.2. Spelling of suffixes in adjectives 465.3.3. Spelling of verb suffixes 475.3.4. Spelling of present participle suffixes 485.3.5. Spelling -NI- and -Н- in suffixes of various parts of speech 485.3.6. Spelling 0, E(Yo) after hissing in 515.4. Spelling of endings 515.4.1. Personal endings of verbs. 515.4.2. Letters 0 and Е(Ё) after words hissing in the endings 535.5. Use of the spelling b and b 535.5.1. Usage and spelling b 535.5.2. Usage and spelling b 535.6. Continuous, hyphenated and separate writing 555.6.1. Spelling of compound nouns 555.6.2. Spelling of compound adjectives 565.6.3. Spelling of adverbs 575.6.4. Spelling of particles (except NI and NOT) 595.6.5. Spelling of particles NI and NOT 595.6.6. Spelling of conjunctions 615.6.7. Spelling of prepositions 63§ 6. Syntax 646.1. Phrase. Connection of words in a phrase 646.2. Sentence. The main and secondary members of the sentence. The grammatical basis of the sentence 666.2.1. Subject 666.2.2. Predicate 666.2.3. Minor members proposals 686.2.4. The grammatical basis of the sentence 696.3. Main types of offers 696.3.1. Simple sentence. Kinds simple sentences according to the purpose of the statement, according to the presence or absence of members of the proposal 696.3.2. Two-part and one-part sentences 706.3.3. Simple complicated sentence 716.3.4. Compound sentence 74 § 7. Punctuation 807.1. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (homogeneous parts of a sentence) 807.2. Punctuation marks at separate members proposals 827.2.1. Agreed and inconsistent definitions 827.2.2. Standalone Applications 847.2.3. Separate circumstances 867.2.4. Separate additions 887.3. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions not grammatically related to sentence members 897.3.1. Introductory words 897.3.2. introductory sentences 917.4. Punctuation marks in compound sentences 917.5. Punctuation marks in non-union complex sentence 927.6. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 94 § 8. Norms of the modern Russian language 968.1. Lexical norms 968.2. Morphological norms 998.2.1 Use of noun forms 998.2.2. Use of forms of adjectives 1058.2.3. The use of numeral forms 1068.2.4. Use of pronouns 1088.2.5. The use of forms of verbs and participles 1098.2.6. The use of certain prepositions 1098.3. Syntactic norms for constructing phrases and sentences 1118.3.1. Construction of sentences with adverbial phrases 1118.3.2. Replacing the attributive clause with participial phrase 1128.3.3. Management 1128.3.4. Approval norms 1148.3.5. Some errors and shortcomings in the construction complex sentences§ 9. Stylistics and speech 1199.1. Styles of the Russian language 1199.2. Functional-semantic types of speech 1209.3. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text 1219.4. Means of communication of proposals in the text 1229.5. Средства художественной выразительности текста 123УЧЕБНО-ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ ВАРИАНТЫ 130Вариант 1 130Вариант 2 140Вариант 3 149Вариант 4 159Вариант 5 168Вариант 6 178Вариант 7 188Вариант 8 197Вариант 9 208Вариант 10 217Вариант 11 227Вариант 12 237Вариант 13 246Вариант 14 256Вариант 15 265Вариант 16 274Вариант 17 284Вариант 18 294Вариант 19 304Вариант 20 314Вариант 21 323Option 22 332Option 23 341Option 24 351Option 25 APPENDIX 371I. Instructions for completing task C1 and criteria for its assessment 371P. Reminder: "How to write an essay?" 375III. Practicum: “Writing an essay” 382IV. Quotes 394V. Difficult cases of pronunciation of words and their forms 401VI. The plan of the examination work of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 408 LIST OF LITERATURE 415

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Table of contents
§ 1. Phonetics and orthoepy 9
1.1. Letters and sounds 9
1.2. Some rules for pronunciation of consonants 10
1.3. Some rules for pronunciation of vowels 10
1.4. Orthoepic norms (stress in words and word forms) 11
L4.1. Stress in nouns 11
1.4.2. Stress in adjectives 12
1.4.3. Stress in verbs 13
1.4.4. Participle stress 13
§ 2. Lexical meaning of the word 15
2.1. Direct and figurative meaning of the word 15
2.2. Homographs. Homonyms. Homophones. Paronyms 16
§ 3. Morphemics and word formation 17
3.1. Morphemes of the Russian language 17
3.2. Morphemic analysis of the word 17
3.3. Basic ways of word formation 18
3.4. Determining how a word is formed 20
§ 4. Morphology 22
4.1. Independent parts of speech 22
4.1.1. noun 22
4.1.2. adjective 24
4.1.3. Name numeral 26
4.1.4. Pronoun 27
4.1.5. Verb 29
4.1.6. Communion 32
4.1.7. General participle 34
4.1.8. Adverb 35
4.2. Service parts of speech 36
4.2.1. Soyuz 36
4.2.2. Preposition 37
4.2.3. Particle 38
4.3. Interjection 39
4.4. Onomatopoeic words 39
§ 5. Spelling 40
5.1. Spelling Roots 40
5.1.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word 40
5.1.2. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels 40
5.1.3. Spelling E,3 at the root of the word 41
5.1.4. Spelling of consonants in the root of the word 42
5.1.5. Spelling O-E (Yo) after hissing at the root of the word 42
5.1.6. Vowels Y-I after Ts in the root of the word 42
5.2. Spelling prefixes 43
5.2.1. Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes 43
5.2.2. Prefixes for 3- and S-43
5.2.3. Prefixes PRE- and PRI-44
5.2.4. Vowels YiI after prefixes 45
5.3. Spelling suffixes 45
5.3.1. Spelling of suffixes in nouns 45
5.3.2. Spelling of suffixes in adjectives 46
5.3.3. Spelling of verb suffixes 47
5.3.4. Spelling of present participle suffixes 48
5.3.5. Spelling -NI- and -Н- in suffixes of various parts of speech 48
5.3.6. Spelling 0, E (Yo) after hissing in suffixes 51
5.4. Spelling endings 51
5.4.1. Personal endings of verbs. 51
5.4.2. The letters 0 and E (Yo) after words hissing in the endings 53
5.5 Use of the spelling b and b 53
5.5.1. Usage and spelling b 53
5.5.2. Usage and spelling b 53
5.6. Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling 55
5.6.1. Spelling of compound nouns 55
5.6.2. Spelling compound adjectives 56
5.6.3. Spelling of adverbs 57
5.6.4. Spelling of particles (except NI and NOT) 59
5.6.5. Spelling of particles NI and NOT 59
5.6.6. Spelling unions 61
5.6.7. Spelling of prepositions 63
§ 6. Syntax 64
6.1. Phrase. Connection of words in a phrase 64
6.2. Sentence. The main and secondary members of the sentence. Grammatical basis of sentence 66
6.2.1. Subject 66
6.2.2. Predicate 66
6.2.3. Minor members of sentence 68
6.2.4. Grammatical basis of sentence 69
6.3. Main types of offers 69
6.3.1. Simple sentence. Types of simple sentences according to the purpose of the statement, according to the presence or absence of sentence members 69
6.3.2. Two-part and one-part sentences 70
6.3.3. Simple compound sentence 71
6.3.4. Complex sentence 74
§ 7 Punctuation 80
7.1. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (homogeneous members of a sentence) 80
7.2. Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence 82
7.2.1. Agreed and inconsistent definitions 82
7.2.2. Standalone Applications 84
7.2.3. Special circumstances 86
7.2.4. Standalone add-ons 88
7.3. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence 89
7.3.1. Introductory words 89
7.3.2. Introductory sentences 91
7.4. Punctuation marks in a compound sentence 91
7.5. Punctuation marks in non-union complex sentence 92
7.6. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 94
§ 8. Norms of the modern Russian language 96
8.1. Lexical norms 96
8.2. Morphological norms 99
8.2.1 Use of noun forms 99
8.2.2. The use of forms of adjectives 105
8.2.3. The use of forms of numerals 106
8.2.4. Use of pronouns 108
8.2.5. The use of forms of verbs and participles 109
8.2.6. The use of certain prepositions 109
8.3. Syntactic norms for constructing phrases and sentences 111
8.3.1. Construction of sentences with adverbial phrases 111
8.3.2. Replacing the attributive clause with participial turnover 112
8.3.3. Office 112
8.3.4. Approval norms 114
8.3.5. Some mistakes and shortcomings in the construction of complex sentences
§ 9. Stylistics and speech 119
9.1. Styles of the Russian language 119
9.2. Functional-semantic types of speech 120
9.3. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text 121
9.4. Means of communication of sentences in the text 122
9.5. Means of artistic expression of the text 123
Option 1 130
Option 2 140
Option 3 149
Option 4 159
Option 5 168
Option 6 178
Option 7 188
Option 8 197
Option 9 208
Option 10 217
Option 11 227
Option 12 237
Option 13 246
Option 14 256
Option 15 265
Option 16 274
Option 17 284
Option 18 294
Option 19 304
Option 20 314
Option 21 323
Option 22 332
Option 23 341
Option 24 351
Option 25 361
APPS 371
I. Instructions for completing task C1 and criteria for its assessment 371
P. Memo: “How to write an essay?” 375
III. Workshop: “Writing an essay” 382
IV. Quotes 394
V. Difficult cases of pronunciation of words and their forms 401
VI. The plan of the examination work of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 408