What are antonyms briefly. To help the student: definition, types and examples of antonyms. Antonyms in Russian proverbs

Antonyms (gr. anti- against + onyma- name) - these are words that are different in sound, having directly opposite meanings: truth - lie, good - evil, speak - be silent. Antonyms, as a rule, refer to one part of speech and form pairs.

Modern lexicology considers synonymy and antonymy as extreme, limiting cases, on the one hand, of interchangeability, on the other hand, of opposition of words in content. At the same time, synonymous relations are characterized by semantic similarity, while antonymic relations are characterized by semantic difference.

Antonymy in the language is presented `narrower than synonymy: only words that are correlative on any basis - qualitative, quantitative, temporal, spatial and belonging to the same category of objective reality as mutually exclusive concepts enter into antonymic relations: beautiful - ugly, many - few, morning - evening, remove - bring closer. Words of other meanings usually do not have antonyms; compare: house, thinking, writing, twenty, Kyiv, Caucasus. Most antonyms characterize qualities ( good - bad, smart - stupid, native - alien, dense - rare and under.); there are quite a few that point to spatial and temporal relationships ( large - small, spacious - cramped, high - low, wide - narrow; early - late, day - night); fewer antonymic pairs with quantitative meaning ( many - few; single - numerous). There are opposite names of actions, states ( cry - laugh, rejoice - grieve), but these are few.

The development of antonymic relations in vocabulary reflects our perception of reality in all its contradictory complexity and interdependence. Therefore, contrasting words, as well as the concepts they denote, are not only opposed to each other, but are also closely related. Word kind, for example, evokes in our minds the word evil, distant reminiscent of close, accelerate- about slow down.

Antonyms for "are on extreme points lexical paradigm", but between them in the language there may be words that reflect the indicated feature to a different extent, i.e. its decrease or increase. For example: rich- prosperous - poor - poor - beggar; harmful- harmless - useless - useful . Such opposition implies a possible degree of strengthening of a sign, quality, action, or gradation (lat. gradient- gradual increase). Semantic gradation (gradation), thus, is characteristic only of those antonyms whose semantic structure contains an indication of the degree of quality: young - old, big - small, small - large and under. Other antonymic pairs are devoid of the sign of gradualness: up - down, day - night, life - death, man - woman.

Antonyms that have a sign of gradualness can be interchanged in speech to give the statement a polite form; yes, it's better to say thin, how skinny; elderly, how old. Words used to eliminate the harshness or rudeness of a phrase are called euphemisms (gr. eu- good + phemi- I say). On this basis, sometimes they talk about antonyms-euphemisms, which express the meaning of the opposite in a softened form.

In the lexical system of the language, antonyms-conversives can also be distinguished (lat. conversion- change). These are words expressing the relationship of opposites in the original (direct) and modified (reverse) statements: Alexander gave book to Dmitry.- Dmitry took Alexander's book Professor accepts credit for the trainee.- Trainee surrenders credit to the professor.

There is also intra-word antonymy in the language - the antonymy of the meanings of polysemantic words, or enantiosemy (gr. enantios- opposite + sema - sign). This phenomenon is observed in polysemantic words that develop mutually exclusive meanings. For example, the verb depart can mean "to return to normal, feel better", but it can also mean "to die, say goodbye to life." Enantiosemy becomes the reason for the ambiguity of such statements, for example: Editor viewed these lines; I listened to divertissement; Speaker misspoke and under.

By structure, antonyms are divided into heterogeneous (day - night) and single-root ( come - go, revolution - counter-revolution). The former constitute a group of proper lexical antonyms, the latter - lexico-grammatical. In single-root antonyms, the opposite of meaning is caused by various prefixes, which are also capable of entering into antonymic relations; compare: in lie down - you lay down, at put - from put, per cover - from cover. Therefore, the opposition of such words is due to word formation. However, it should be borne in mind that adding to quality adjective, adverbs of prefixes not without- most often gives them the meaning of only a weakened opposite ( young - not young), so that the contrast of their meaning in comparison with non-prefixed antonyms turns out to be "muffled" ( middle-aged It doesn't mean "old" yet. Therefore, not all prefix formations can be attributed to antonyms in the strict sense of this term, but only those that are extreme members of the antonymic paradigm: successful - unsuccessful, strong - powerless.

Antonyms, as already mentioned, usually form a pair correlation in the language. However, this does not mean that a particular word can have one antonym. Antonymic relations make it possible to express the opposition of concepts in an "open", polynomial series, cf .: concrete - abstract, abstract; cheerful - sad, sad, dull, boring.

In addition, each member of an antonymic pair or antonymic series can have its own synonyms that do not intersect in antonymy. Then a certain system is formed in which synonymous units are located vertically, and antonymic units are located horizontally. For example:

smart - stupid to be sad - to rejoice reasonable - stupid to be sad - to have fun wise - brainless to yearn - to exult

Such a correlation of synonymous and antonymic relations reflects the systemic connections of words in the vocabulary. The interrelation of ambiguity and antonymy of lexical units also points to the consistency.


A special place in the Russian language is occupied by antonyms - words that are opposite in meaning. Antonymy reflects the essential aspect of systemic connections in Russian vocabulary. modern science about language considers synonymy and antonymy as extreme, limiting cases of interchangeability and opposition of words in content. At the same time, if semantic similarity is characteristic of synonymic relations, then semantic difference is characteristic of antonymic relations.

The existence of antonyms in the language is due to the nature of our perception of reality in all its contradictory complexity, in the unity and struggle of opposites. Therefore, contrasting words, as well as the concepts they denote, are not only opposed, but also closely related.

The subject of consideration in the abstract will be the use of antonyms in Russian.

Abstract tasks:

Consider the definition of antonyms;

Analyze the relationship of antonyms and polysemy;

Consider and generalize the functions of using antonyms in Russian.

When writing the abstract, educational and teaching materials on the Russian language and culture of speech. The abstract consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Antonyms in Russian

Antonyms (gr. anti - against + onyma - name) - these are words that are different in sound, having directly opposite meanings: truth - lies, good - evil, speak - be silent. Antonyms, as a rule, refer to one part of speech and form pairs.

Antonymy in the language is presented narrower than synonymy: only words enter into antonymic relations that are correlative in some way - qualitative, quantitative, temporal, spatial and belonging to the same category of objective reality as mutually exclusive concepts: beautiful - ugly, many - little, morning - evening, remove - bring closer. Novikov L. A. Antonymia in Russian. M., 1993., S. 35

Words of other meanings usually do not have antonyms; cf .: house, thinking, writing, twenty, Kyiv, Caucasus. Most of the antonyms characterize qualities (good - bad, smart - stupid, native - alien, thick - rare, etc.); there are many that indicate spatial and temporal relationships (large - small, spacious - cramped, high - low, wide - narrow; early - late, day - night); fewer antonymic pairs with quantitative meaning (many - few; single - numerous). There are opposite names of actions, states (cry - laugh, rejoice - grieve), but there are few of them.

The development of antonymic relations in vocabulary reflects our perception of reality in all its contradictory complexity and interdependence. Therefore, contrasting words, as well as the concepts they denote, are not only opposed to each other, but are also closely related. The word good, for example, evokes the word evil in our minds, the word distant reminds us of the near, to speed up - to slow down.

Antonyms "are at the extreme points of the lexical paradigm", but between them in the language there may be words that reflect the indicated feature to a different extent, i.e. its decrease or increase. For example: rich - prosperous - poor - poor - beggar; harmful - harmless - useless - useful. Such a contrast implies a possible degree of strengthening of a sign, quality, action, or gradation (lat. gradatio - a gradual increase). Semantic gradation (gradation), thus, is characteristic only of those antonyms whose semantic structure contains an indication of the degree of quality: young - old, big - small, small - large and under. Other antonymic pairs are devoid of a sign of gradualness: top - bottom, day - night, life - death, man - woman.

Antonyms that have a sign of gradualness can be interchanged in speech to give the statement a polite form; so, it is better to say thin than skinny; older than old. Words used to eliminate the harshness or rudeness of a phrase are called euphemisms (gr. eu - good + phemi - I speak). On this basis, sometimes they talk about antonyms-euphemisms, which express the meaning of the opposite in a softened form. Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language: Lexicology.- M.: Nauka, 2000., P. 140

In the lexical system of the language, antonyms-conversives can also be distinguished (Latin conversio - change). These are words expressing the relationship of opposites in the original (direct) and modified (reverse) statements: Alexander gave the book to Dmitry. - Dmitry took the book from Alexander; The professor takes the test from the trainee. - The trainee passes the test to the professor.

There is also intra-word antonymy in the language - the antonymy of the meanings of polysemantic words, or enantiosemy (gr. enantios - opposite + sema - sign). This phenomenon is observed in polysemantic words that develop mutually exclusive meanings. For example, the verb depart can mean "to return to normal, feel better," but it can also mean "to die, say goodbye to life." Enantiosemy becomes the reason for the ambiguity of such statements, for example: The editor looked through these lines; I listened to the divertissement; The speaker made a reservation and under.

By structure, antonyms are divided into heterogeneous (day - night) and single-root (come - leave, revolution - counter-revolution). The former constitute a group of proper lexical antonyms, the latter - lexico-grammatical. In single-root antonyms, the opposite of meaning is caused by various prefixes, which are also capable of entering into antonymic relations; cf .: put in - lay out, attach - set aside, close - open. Therefore, the opposition of such words is due to word formation. However, it should be borne in mind that the addition of prefixes ne-, bez- to quality adjectives, adverbs most often gives them the meaning of only a weakened opposite (young - middle-aged), so that the contrast of their meaning in comparison with non-prefixed antonyms turns out to be “muffled” (middle-aged - it doesn't mean "old"). Therefore, not all prefix formations can be attributed to antonyms in the strict sense of this term, but only those that are extreme members of the antonymic paradigm: successful - unsuccessful, strong - powerless.

Antonyms, as already mentioned, usually form a pair correlation in the language. However, this does not mean that a particular word can have one antonym.

Antonymic relations make it possible to express the opposition of concepts in an “open”, polynomial series, cf.: concrete - abstract, abstract; cheerful - sad, sad, dull, boring.

In addition, each member of an antonymic pair or antonymic series can have its own synonyms that do not intersect in antonymy. Then a certain system is formed in which synonymous units are located vertically, and antonymic units are located horizontally.

For example:

Such a correlation of synonymous and antonymic relations reflects the systemic connections of words in the vocabulary. The interrelation of ambiguity and antonymy of lexical units also points to the consistency.

In meaning, but words belonging to the same part of speech. They have different spellings and sounds. It is very easy to determine the meaning of one antonym through another, it is enough to give it the form of negation. For example, a direct antonym for the word to speak - not to be silent, sad - not cheerful and so on. In this article, we will consider the concept of "antonyms" in more detail and find out their types.

General information

Due to the richness of the Russian language, there are many nuances and subtleties in any part of speech. Not without reason in schools and some higher educational institutions Numerous textbooks on linguistics are studied.

  1. It is noteworthy that, due to the ambiguity, the antonyms of the same word in different contexts differ. For example: old boar - young boar, old car - new car, old cheese - fresh cheese and so on.
  2. Not every lexical unit has antonyms. They are not, for example, in words sew, institute, book and so on.
  3. The main feature is the opposition of words that can mean:
  • attributes of the subject ( smart - stupid, evil - kind);
  • social and natural phenomena (talent - mediocrity, heat - cold);
  • states and actions ( disassemble - collect, forget - remember).

Types of antonyms

They are different in structure.

  • One-root antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning, but have the same root. For example: love - dislike, progress - regression. They are formed by adding prefixes (non-, without / with-, re-, de-, and so on).
  • Different-root antonyms are words that are polar in meaning and have different roots. For example: big - small, black - white.

In turn, the first type is also divided into: antonyms-euphemisms (loyally express the opposite, difference, for example: significant - insignificant) and enantiosemes (express opposition with the same word, for example: view(in the sense of seeing) and view(meaning skip).

Another group is also distinguished: contextual antonyms are words that differ in meaning only in a particular case. For example, in the author's performance: she had not eyes- a eyes.

The meaning of antonyms are as follows.

  • Opposite: they denote the polarity of actions, phenomena or signs. As a rule, between similar antonyms you can put a word with a neutral meaning: joy- apathy - sad, positive- indifference - negative.
  • Vector: they denote multidirectional actions: put on - take off, open - close.
  • Contradictory: indicate the polarity of objects, phenomena and signs, each of which excludes the other. put between them neutral word impossible: right left.

Functions of antonyms

In a sentence, antonyms play a stylistic role and are used to make speech more expressive. Often they are used as an antithesis (opposition, contrast). Example: "Who was nobody, he will become everything." Sometimes antonyms form an oxymoron (connection of the incompatible). Example: " Hot Snow", "Living Dead".

Antonyms are widely used not only in the titles of works, but also in proverbs and sayings.

Antonyms are words that belong to the same part of speech, differ in sound and spelling, and have exactly the opposite meaning. Belonging to one part of speech is not the only condition by which words that have an opposite meaning can be called antonyms; between these words there must be common feature, for example, when both concepts describe feeling, time, space, quantity, quality, etc.

In contact with


For example, "before" and "now". AT this case both words are adverbs, they have opposite concepts and refer to the same sign - the description of time ("when? now" or "when? before").

What Wikipedia says

Antonyms(translated from Greekαντί- means "against" + όνομα "name") are words of the same part of speech of the opposite lexical meaning having differences in spelling and sound: a lie - the truth, evil - kind, be silent - speak.

Words that are opposite in meaning have recently become the subject of linguistic analysis, which has significantly increased interest in the study of Tatar and Russian antonymy. In addition, this led to the emergence of a number of linguistic studies and various dictionaries of antonyms.

In the vocabulary of the language, lexical units are closely related not only because of the relationship of adjacency and similarity, but also because of the semantic variants of polysemantic words. They do not always contain a sign that can be opposed, therefore they cannot have antonymic relations in the literal sense, but in a figurative sense they acquire an antonym.

Thus, contextual antonyms can have antonymic relations with a direct meaning, carry an emphatic load and perform a special stylistic function in a sentence.

It is allowed to apply them to words whose meanings reflect qualitative opposite shades, while the basis of their meanings is always a common feature (height, weight, time of day, feeling, etc.); also, only those words that belong to the same stylistic or grammatical category can be contrasted.

Language antonyms cannot be words related to different parts of speech or lexical levels. Also among antonyms there are no numerals, pronouns and proper names.

The types of antonym concepts expressed include:

Types of antonyms by structure:

  • one-root- are formed with the help of prefixes that are opposite in meaning (for example: enter - leave) or with the help of prefixes added to the main word (for example: monopoly - antimonopoly);
  • heterogeneous- having different roots (for example: back and forth).

From the point of view of speech and language, antonyms are divided into two types: contextual and linguistic:

  • Language or usual antonyms take place in the language system (for example: poor - rich);
  • Contextual- speech, contextual, occasional antonyms arise in a certain context; often found in sayings and proverbs. In order to check or determine this type, it is necessary to reduce the opposite words to a language pair (for example: golden - copper half, or expensive - cheap).

Antonymic pairs are distinguished by action, they are proportionate and disproportionate:

  • proportionate represent action and reaction (examples: go to bed - get up, get poor - get rich);
  • disproportionate express action and its absence in broad sense words (for example: think up - think over, light up - extinguish).

Examples in language and literature

We quietly enter September ... into the forest frequent… in thick, there trees are not Judas ... without grumbling, without prowess; month of knot confusion, there good is staying with evil

In this example, contrastive correlates are applicable (rare - dense, good - evil). The following antonymic pairs belong to the same type of expressed concepts:

Consider other examples:

  • child - teenager - adult(countercorrelators);
  • come - go(one-root antonyms);
  • laugh - cry(commensurate antonyms);
  • win - lose(convertives);
  • counter-revolution - revolution(vector correlators).

Steam systems

Antonyms usually form a pair correlation in Russian, as can be seen from examples in various dictionaries. However, this does not mean at all that there can be only one word that is opposite in meaning.

Antonymic relations allow showing opposing concepts in the so-called "unclosed" polynomial series (for example: concrete - abstract, abstract; cheerful - sad, boring, dull, sad).

In addition, each member of an antonymous series or pair may have synonyms that do not intersect in antonymic relations. In this case, a kind of system is formed in which antonymic units are located horizontally, and synonymous units are located vertically.

Here are examples of such a system:

  • stupid - smart;
  • stupid - reasonable;
  • brainless - wise;
  • headless - heady;
  • stupid - sensible.
  • rejoice - be sad;
  • have fun - be sad;
  • rejoice - grieve.

O vocabulary The child is well spoken by his knowledge of synonyms and antonyms. And with those, and with others, as a rule, children are not good enough. But there is nothing complicated in this. There is such a children's game of antonyms - "Opposites". One calls the word, the second selects an antonym for it. This game enjoys great attention from animators for children and even adults, and it is a frequent entertainment at holiday parties. So you can play antonyms with your child, and he will remember these words and show off his knowledge not only at the holiday, but also in his future compositions.

For starters, antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning. Dictionaries of antonyms are huge, sometimes even an adult does not know the meaning of some words in them, let alone the meaning of the opposite ... On this page we have collected for you only simple antonyms for in simple words, level elementary school subject to memorization by students of grades 1,2,3,4.

Brief dictionary of antonyms:

neat - slovenly
antonym - synonym
White black
turn pale - blush, darken
to shine - to twinkle, to dim
close - distant
rich man - poor man
big small
fast - slow
century - moment
correct - wrong
cheerful - sad, sad, boring
windy - windless
old - new
switch on switch off
inside Outside
question answer
east - west, west (sea)
sunrise - sunset
enter - exit
high Low
extinguish - kindle
smooth - rough
vowel - consonant
deep - shallow
speak - be silent
hungry - full
city ​​- village, village
bitter - sweet
hot Cold
warm - cool
dirt - purity
dirty - clean
do - mess around
day Night
dialogue - monologue
good evil
friend - enemy
hefty - frail
go - stop
heat - cold
hard - soft
closed - sociable
healthy - sick
green - mature, ripe
winter summer
sincere - hypocritical
truth - delusion, deceit
source - mouth
strong - fragile
sour - sweet
lazy - hard worker
superfluous - necessary
dexterous - clumsy
go to bed - get up
love - hate
to freeze - to warm up
peace - war, quarrel
many - few
mighty - weak
wet - dry
wise - stupid
soft - hard
hope - despair
deliberate - unintentional
imperturbable - unbalanced
uncomplicated - sly
new - old
plentiful - scarce
defend - attack
educated - ignorant
upset - comfort
sharp - blunt
courageous - cowardly, cowardly
frank - secretive
open close
obvious - doubtful
plus - minus
victory - defeat
hang up - take down
useful - harmful
put - take
benefit - harm
help - hinder
true False
truthful - false
picky - unpretentious
pleasant - repulsive
empty - full
fluffy - smooth
joy - sadness, sadness
difference - similarity
agile - slow
determined - unsure
timid - bold
Motherland, fatherland - foreign land
light - darkness, darkness
dawn - dusk
north - south, south (sea)
laugh - cry
save - destroy
sleep - stay awake
start - finish
full - hungry
hard - soft
dark - light
cramped - spacious
thick - thin
thin - thick
work - rest
difficult - easy
grieve - rejoice
assure - dissuade
gloomy - friendly
move away - approach
narrow - wide
intentional - unintentional
stubborn - obstinate
success - failure
sympathetic - indifferent
negligent - conscientious
brave - cowardly
frequent - rare
honest - mean
wide narrow
generous - miserly
bright - dim
furious - meek
clear - overcast, rainy