Without him in the first case. Introductory turnover. Introductory words, phrases and sentences. Putting punctuation marks. Definition of opening turnover

Spelling of the words "also" and "similarly" depends on what part of speech we have. The rule is this: the union is written together, the adverb with the particle is written separately.

Separate spelling

It is correct to write “same” if “so” is an adverb and “same” is a particle. They are used to compare objects.

  • She strove to be like a friend in everything: she painted her lips just as brightly, spun in front of the mirror for a long time and drawled her words in a mannered way.
  • It was April, and the snow was still falling in flakes outside.

Clue: try to insert after "the same" the phrase "like".

  • Same as me She hates cream.
  • Animals just like people who know how to love.

Consolidated spelling

"Also" is a union that was formed by merging an adverb with a particle. It needs to be written fluently.

  • The artist was nervous before the performance, there was also excitement in the hall.
  • The dollar, like the euro, also continues to grow rapidly.

Clue: the union "also" can be replaced by another union - "and".

  • The artist was nervous before the performance, and there was excitement in the hall.
  • And The dollar, like the euro, continues to grow rapidly.

Ask a question

The spelling of the word also depends on the question. To the adverb with a particle, you can ask the question “how?”. But such a number will not work with the union, since it is not independent part speech.

Dropping a Particle

Consider this proposal:

  • My day went the same as yesterday.

Keeping in mind that the particle "same" gives only the effect of amplification, let's try to discard it. What did we get?

  • My day went the same as yesterday.

The proposal was not affected at all, which means that in this case"the same" should be written separately.

Now another example:

  • My friend loves sushi and rolls, I also love Japanese food.

Let's try again to drop the same. And here's what we get:

  • My friend loves sushi and rolls, I love Japanese food so much.

There is clearly something wrong with the offer. No wonder, because in this case we did not discard the “same” particle, but tore off a piece of the union! Remember: in such a situation, our word is spelled together.

At the same time, if you replace also with the same, the meaning will not change. This is a compelling reason for continuous writing.

  • My friend loves sushi and rolls, I also love Japanese food.


The following synonyms correspond to the adverb with the particle “same”:

  1. in the same way
  2. similar,
  3. like,
  4. as well as,
  5. as well as,
  6. like,
  7. it seems,
  8. equally
  9. similarly.

The union "also" can be replaced by the words:

  1. too,
  2. equally,
  3. at the same time,
  4. in the same way.

Remember that a well-chosen synonym can solve a number of spelling problems.

Hard case

There are, however, difficult situations when the meaning can be determined only by a broad context, which includes several sentences, or by intonation.

  • The girl was also very beautiful.(This girl was as beautiful as the other.)
  • He was also determined.(And he was determined.)


Our words have their own punctuation features when written in writing. For example, after an adverb with the particle "same" the word "like" often follows. We are used to the fact that a comma is usually placed before "how". But this is not always fair. Let's look at examples:

  • I, like most students, count on a scholarship.

(= I, like most students, count.)

  • I, like most students, count on a scholarship.

(= I count in the same way, to the same extent.)

We hope our article helped you understand the difference between the conjunction "also" and the adverb with the particle "same". Always pay attention to the context - it will help resolve any difficulties. And also do not forget to be guided by the rules and tips. And for dessert - an instructive linguistic tale.

On the power of friendship

Once upon a time there was an adverb So and a particle Zhe. So she always shunned Zhe, because she considered herself superior to her.

- I am an independent word! And who is she? said Tak, turning up his nose.

But she silently endured insults and sometimes even left the offer so as not to be next to the arrogant Tak. Perhaps they would never have become friends, if not for one case.

Union And once fell ill. So much so that he could not get out of bed and take his rightful place in the sentence: "And friendship is important to us." And after all, as luck would have it, all his closest friends left - there was no one to replace the unfortunate one! Then the words decided to gather advice.

- How can we be! If I does not get into a sentence, it will lose its meaning!

- Sorry poor thing. But we can all lose our jobs.

And all the words quietly wept. Suddenly, Tak came up to Zhe and, lowering his head, whispered:

- I'm sorry. Let's be friends. I know we can help.

Zha smiled affably, held out her hand to Tak, and said:

Friendship is also important to us.

And then a miracle happened: the proposal made sense! The words raised astonished eyes to their former enemies and beamed. They are saved!

Since then, Tak and Zhe have become such friends that you can’t spill water. And if they ended up in a proposal separately, they still supported each other.

In both cases, the value of the money material, i.e., the commodity that functions as a measure of value, would change, and therefore the expression of commodity values ​​in prices would also change, and consequently the mass of circulating money that serves to realize these prices. We have already seen that the sphere of circulation of commodities has a gap through which gold (silver and money material in general) penetrates there as a commodity of a given value. The presence of this value is already assumed in the functioning of money as a measure of value, i.e., in the determination of prices. For example, if the value of the measure of value itself falls, then this is primarily manifested in a change in the price of those commodities that are exchanged for a precious metal as a commodity directly in the places where the latter is mined. However, a significant part of other commodities, especially at the lower levels of development of bourgeois society, for a long time continues to be valued in terms of the now illusory, outdated value of the measure of value. But as commodities enter into value relations with one another, one commodity infects another, and the gold or silver prices of commodities gradually equalize according to proportions which are determined by the values ​​of the commodities themselves, until finally all commodity values ​​are valued accordingly. new value of the monetary metal. This leveling process is accompanied by a continuous increase in the amount of precious metals flowing in to replace the commodities directly exchanged for them. Therefore, to the extent that these new, corrected prices are distributed among commodities, or to the extent that the value of commodities is valued in the new value of the metal, which has fallen and continues to fall to a certain point, the additional mass of precious metal necessary is already available to the same extent. to implement these new prices. A one-sided observation of the facts that followed the discovery of new deposits of gold and silver led in the seventeenth and especially in the eighteenth century to the incorrect conclusion that the prices of commodities rose because more gold and silver began to function as a medium of exchange. In the following, we will take the value of gold as a given value, which it actually is at the time of price establishment.

Thus, under this assumption, the mass of the medium of circulation is determined by the sum of commodity prices to be sold. If we further assume that the price of each commodity is given, then the sum of the prices of commodities will obviously depend on the quantity of commodities in circulation. Indeed, one does not need to rack one's brains in order to understand that since 1 quarter of wheat is worth 2l. Art., then 100 quarters will cost 200l. st., 200 quarters -400 f. Art. etc., and consequently, with the mass of wheat, the mass of the money which, when it is sold, exchanges place with it, must also increase.

If we suppose that the mass of commodities is given, then the mass of money in circulation will increase and decrease with the fluctuations of the prices of commodities. It rises and falls depending on whether the sum of the prices of commodities rises or falls as a result of a change in the magnitude of prices. At the same time, the prices of all commodities do not have to rise or fall at the same time. An increase in the prices of a certain number of leading commodities in one case, a decrease in their prices in another case, is sufficient to noticeably raise or lower the sum of prices of all commodities in circulation to be realized, and consequently to attract more or less money into the sphere of circulation. Whether the change in the prices of commodities reflects a real change in their value, or is merely a fluctuation in market prices, the effect on the mass of circulating media is the same in both cases.

Let there be given a certain number of unrelated, simultaneous, and therefore spatially coexisting sales, or partial metamorphoses, for example, 1 quarter of wheat, 20 yards of linen, 1 bible, 4 gallons of vodka. If the price of each of these commodities is 2l. Art., therefore, the amount of prices to be realized is 8 f. Art., then a mass of money equal to 8 pounds sterling should enter into circulation. But if the same commodities form the links of the series of metamorphoses we have studied above: 1 quarter of wheat - 2 l. Art. - 20 arshins of canvas - 2 f. Art. - 1 bible - 2 f. Art. - 4 gallons of vodka - 2 fl. Art., then the same 2 f. Art. put into circulation all these commodities one after the other, realizing their prices in succession, hence these 2l. Art. realize the price sum of 8l. Art. in order to end up in custody in the hands of the distiller. They make four turns. This repeated movement of the same money expresses a double change in the form of the commodity, its movement through two opposite stages of circulation and at the same time the intertwining of metamorphoses of different commodities. The opposite and complementary phases of this process cannot occur side by side in space, but must follow each other in time. Certain periods of time therefore form a measure of their duration, i.e., the speed of circulation of money is measured by the number of revolutions of the same monetary units for a given time. Let the process of circulation of the above four commodities last, for example, one day. The sum of prices to be realized would then be £8. Art., the number of revolutions of the same monetary units per day - 4 and the mass of money in circulation - 2 pounds sterling. Thus, for the circulation process for a given period of time:

the sum of the prices of goods

- = mass of money,

the number of revolutions of the same-name monetary units

functioning as a medium of exchange. This law is of universal importance. During a given period of time, the process of circulation of each country embraces, on the one hand, a multitude of disparate, simultaneous, spatially adjacent acts of sale (respectively, purchase), or partial metamorphoses, in which the same money changes place only once, or performs only one turnover; on the other hand, the same process encompasses a set of many, partly parallel, partly intertwined, more or less rich in links, series of metamorphoses in which the same money makes a more or less significant number of revolutions. Total number turnovers of all currency units of the same name in circulation gives, however, the average number of revolutions of a single unit, or average speed circulation of money.

Today, as part of our fresh rubric “Literacy Minute”, I propose to discuss the issue isolation of introductory words in a sentence. I think I won’t be much mistaken in saying that each author uses in his writing introductory words - to a greater or lesser extent. However, novice authors often have difficulties with the placement of commas, not everyone knows in which cases the introductory words require separation, and in which they do not. It is with this question that we will deal with today.

Introductory words.

Usually, adverbs, verbs and other parts of speech act as introductory words, the main purpose of which is to express the speaker's attitude to what he reports. In sentences, introductory words are separated by commas. The simplest and most common way to determine whether a word is introductory is to deliberately omit it in a sentence. If after the omission the meaning of the statement does not change, then the word is introductory, but if the sentence has no meaning without it, then no. Let's look at the following examples:

Her words seemed to silence everyone.

Her face looked marbled.

Word it seemed, which appears in both examples, in the first case it is introductory, but in the second it is an integral part compound predicate. In the first sentence, it just expresses the author's uncertainty, some kind of implicit connection between the two events. And, of course, this word can be easily omitted without losing the meaning of the statement ( Her phrase silenced everyone).

A large group of different words can be used as introductory words. But there are words that at first glance seem to be introductory, but they never are. Consider an example:

This year will obviously be a rainy summer.

This year is bound to be rainy.

In terms of meaning, these two sentences are very close, but only the word obviously is introductory. It is also separated by commas.

The following is a list of words to memorize. These words are very similar to introductory words, but they are not, and there is no need to separate them with commas: perhaps, as if, all of a sudden, after all, here, hardly, after all, even, precisely, as if, just, certainly, necessarily, almost, only, supposedly. It is not difficult to remember them, especially since we usually write them without isolation anyway.

Types of introductory words.

All introductory words can conditionally be divided into several types, depending on what meaning they convey in the sentence.

1 . Most often, introductory words are used to indicate the speaker's varying degree of confidence in what he is reporting. For example:

It was definitely worth it to come in the morning.

It doesn't seem worth turning off the road.

This group includes the words: undoubtedly, undoubtedly, certainly, without a doubt, of course, certainly, indeed, it seems, probably, perhaps, perhaps.

2 . The second most common reason for using introductory words is to express the feelings and attitudes of the speaker to what he is reporting. In particular:

Unfortunately, I failed this responsible task.

The following words belong to this type: unfortunately, fortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately.

3 . It happens that introductory words serve to indicate the source of information that the speaker reports. In this case, the introductory phrase often begins with the words according to, according to, according to. For example:

In the opinion of the professor, the proof given was incomplete.

The source of the message can often be the speaker himself: in my opinion, in my opinion. Or the source can be undefined at all: they say, hear. For example:

They are said not to win.

The following words belong to this type: in my opinion, in my opinion, in your opinion, according to, according to the message, according to rumors, they say, hear.

4 . The next direction in the use of introductory words is to use them to streamline thoughts, as well as indicate their connection with each other. For example:

Firstly, this approach is extremely energy-consuming, and secondly, it is not feasible at all.

The option you proposed, on the contrary, suits both conflicting parties.

These include the following introductory words: finally, so, therefore, means, on the contrary, for example, on the contrary, firstly, secondly, thirdly.

5 . There are also sentences in which the introductory words indicate directly the way thoughts are formed. For example:

He blundered, to put it mildly.

The fifth type includes the following words: to put it mildly, it is better to say, in a word, in other words.

6 . Among the introductory words, there are those that are designed to attract the attention of the interlocutor. For example:

You see, this is not his last offense!

Here is a sample list of them: see (see), know (know), understand (understand), listen (listen). If desired, the name of the person whose attention you want to attract can be added to them.

It is worth noting that all of these meanings listed above can be expressed not only by introductory words, but also by similar predicative constructions (i.e., introductory sentences). For example:

The rain seems to be over soon.

The rain, I think, will end soon.

In addition to commas, dashes or brackets may well be used to highlight introductory sentences. Usually this is done in cases where the introductory construction is very common, contains additional comments and explanations, or for no reason at all. For example:

Alexei (the reader has already recognized him) was meanwhile gazing intently at the young peasant woman.

Here we are passing through our village once, years ago - how would you say, not to lie - about fifteen years.

Important notes.

The rule of isolation of introductory words and sentences has several very important notes.

1 . If the introductory word is preceded by a union a or but, then a comma between the introductory word and the union is not always put. Let's compare two examples:

The doctor has already finished the appointment, but, of course, he will look at a serious patient.

He gave his word, and therefore must keep it.

To determine the moment of setting a comma in these cases, you need to try to omit the introductory word. So the introductory word can be removed without a union only in the first example, so a comma is needed between it and the union. In the second sentence, this cannot be done, which means that the comma is not put.

2 . Very often, novice authors have difficulty in sentences with words but and finally. Remember that the word but is isolated only when cannot be replaced by union. Examples:

However, I knew that my results were still not high enough.

So far, however, the team does not have a clear picture of what is happening.

In the first case but easily replaced by union but, in the second, it is no longer possible to carry out such a replacement, which means that it is required to separate the introductory word with commas.

Word finally will be introductory in a sentence only when it does not have a spatial or temporal meaning, but indicates only the order of thoughts. Examples:

We all hope that this project will finally be implemented in the near future.

And finally, the main thing to pay attention to.

3 . In the case when the introductory word begins a separate construction (for example, a clarifying phrase), a comma is not placed after the introductory word. In other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is transferred to the end of a separate turnover.

I saw, or rather felt, that she was not indifferent to me.

(It's funny, but in this example the vaunted MS Word unambiguously hints to me that after the word more precisely a comma is needed. Well, this is just in time for the question that electronic literacy testing can not always be trusted).

4 . Among other things, a comma is not placed before the introductory word located at the end of a separate turnover. Example:

This weekend we decided to get out somewhere, out of town for example.

But in the case when the introductory word is in the middle of a separate construction, then it is separated by commas on a common basis.

Peter decided to declare his love, feeling, it seems, with his heart that she was not indifferent to him.

5 . If the introductory words are located before the turnover, beginning with the words how or to, then they are separated by commas. For example:

The day he lived seemed useless to him, in fact, like all life.

He thought for a moment, probably to find the right answer.

That's all for today. I hope you figured out the intricacies of separating introductory words. From myself I can say that this is only at first glance a complex and confusing question, but with practice, a sense of the language and the correct setting of commas will come. Subscribe to blog updates to keep abreast of all the latest articles. See you soon!


Þ slowness and passivity, - in the first case, he does what is needed, but all this is in slow motion, in the second case, he tries to do nothing at all;

Þ doubt and suspicion, - doubt is most related to the case, fact, event, and suspicion - to a person, person, employee;

Þ such concepts as impudence and shamelessness, cordiality and hospitality have more similarities than differences. However, there are some differences between them in meaning. The reader will be able to do this research on his own. Much can be said about the other words on our list.

And, the last tip, in this subsection.

Tip 5. Working with words from the list can only be productive if the reader is completely sincere with himself. , that is, it will not:

· to attribute to himself an "angelic character", the excess of his knowledge, and the characteristics of a professional "white and fluffy genius", in the fullness of the meaning of these positive words-characteristics;

· on the contrary, “to show down”, feeling like a being “black and shaggy”, knowing nothing, not understanding, generally unworthy of being among those worthy who are already “initiated” as lawyers.

So. It should be strongly emphasized that any extremes are dangerous, as a rule, and therefore undesirable, and, most importantly, unproductive, since they do not contribute to the full awareness of the individual's own personality and the level of its development. And this is absolutely necessary in order to have the right to call oneself a “developed personality”.

Question answer. But how does such a thing as a difficult employee fit into these reflections?


Reference. In the title there is a root for both words: - LABOR. This should hardly be surprising, since -WORK- really lies at the basis of all prosperity and the individual, and society, and the state. But it often happens that a person asks himself:

- Who is to blame for my troubles: myself? Or everyone around, but except for me?

Here, here it already appears new problem, to which we now turn. This is the problem of “self-discontent”. True, sometimes it turns into a problem of “self-admiration”.

People are divided into groups not only by age, sex, weight, education, level of upbringing, etc., but they can also be divided into two special parts: those who -

Þ 1. who: praises in his success mostly himself himself, and not those who surround him ("I know how, capable, comprehended, achieved, everything himself (a) ”, etc.),

Þ 2. who: blames others for their failures (“there are bad people around, stupid, stupid, goats, the same - black and shaggy”), but not themselves; or complains about his “miserable fate, blind chance”, etc.).

Advice. Consequently, it would be very useful for each of the students (readers) to realize their own, unique characteristics of these two tendencies, which can be correlated in general as follows:

· in my success, victories, achievements, etc., or, conversely, in my failures, failures, defeats, etc. - whose contribution is greater - personally mine, or those who surround me?

Question answer. For a creative and positive answer to this question, it is helpful to carefully read the following subsection, which deals in great detail with two questions:

· 1. how to learn to notice your own mistakes, pay attention to them, without any instructions from the outside, especially in the frequent case if the student has never consciously done this before;

· 2. how to finally learn to correct your own mistakes, after they have been noticed and compared with some model, which should be the goal in the work on the mistakes.

We should always remember that, as experienced experts say:

there are no desperate situations, but there are desperate people.

This is what we are talking about, but as a mechanism of the SC + TFR.


In order to fully, firmly, quickly and effectively solve any creative legal or cultural problem, it will be necessary to add to the creative process of solving it also a qualitatively functioning mechanism of self-control and self-correction (SC + TFR).

Reference. This mechanism consists of two parts: SK+SKR, where -

Self-control - there is that part of it, when a person controls his actions, comparing two results with each other:

a) actually received, in the course of its independent work,

b) necessary, according to the initial declared conditions;

self-correction - there is that part of it, when the researcher corrects his own mistakes, noticed by him during the work, achieving the most complete and correct solution of all possible for him at the moment.

Let's think. Self-control only highlights the error, indicates the presence of a certain flaw in the creative decision of a particular person. Self-control, by itself, does not lead to a reasonable, creative way out of a mistake. Obviously, self-control alone is not enough for a serious reassessment of one's own achievements and mistakes, successes and shortcomings in solving creative problems. But the one who solves this problem must certainly go further, namely: the noticed error must also be corrected. Such a rational way out of the final solution of the problem is called self-correction. In other words, each of us, as a person, must do for himself to correct his mistakes everything that he himself considers necessary in each individual case when using the SC + TFR mechanism.

Advice. On this path of teaching the culture of the cognitive process, the following steps of the researcher should be provided, namely. Researcher (student) himself -

Þ a) he prepares himself for solving the corresponding creative task,

Þ b) he checks himself, his thoughts, actions, independently discovering his own miscalculations and flaws in what has been done and what has been said;

Þ c) finally, he corrects his own mistakes, which he himself noticed.

So. Depending on how far the student has progressed along this path, he will be on different levels ascents to the cherished goal - to learn how to learn cultural learning. The lowest level is when the student does not yet know how to do anything. The highest level is when he has mastered the process completely and can work independently.

In a diagram, this process might look like this:


Let's think. The levels of functioning of the SC + TFR mechanism can be imagined as follows.

From this scheme it becomes clear that success under this system can only be achieved on the basis of a step-by-step program in which the individual rises up until he reaches the goal, which in this case is called "Culture". Then the whole mechanism of SK+SKR functions permanently. At the same time, it is clear that there are several levels in the operation of the SC + TFR mechanism, which are presented in the following table.

The levels of action (or non-action) of the SK + TFR mechanism depend on -

· how much the student as a whole is purposeful in order to systematically fix his attention on his own mistakes, without waiting for other people to indicate their appearance - once;

· to what extent the student himself is successfully trained in these control actions - two.

In other words, the main thing is how much the student owns that important and very professional skill, which can be briefly formulated in four words: IT IS MISTAKE, IT IS CORRECTED.

So. From the table it is clear that only level 3 gives the student the desired mastery of the entire mechanism of CK + TFR. It is also obvious that our example with the speech of a lawyer - X corresponds to level -0. It is in this primitive position that the discussion of any possible errors becomes completely meaningless, since it cannot lead to the slightest improvement in the overall negative balance in the assessment of a particular professional cultural legal activity, speech.

About such cases of primitive, stupid and fruitless conversations, there was once a saying: "Talking for the benefit of the poor." Its essence lies in the fact that there is no need to talk about the poor, talk cannot help them, cannot replace deeds. The poor need to be given real help: deeds, benefits, wearables, free meals, etc.

Example. There are people who, going to bed in the evening after a hard day, ask themselves:

- And what did I do today (a) useful in terms of creativity? - Didn't I do something shameful that day?

- And how can I correct all those errors that I myself (a) see with the naked eye?

- And why should I wait for comments from the outside, if I myself (a) can fix everything on my own, and faster, and better, and more efficiently?

Let's think. These questions, directed by a person to himself, are the preliminary element of the SK + TFR mechanism, which can later become a driving spring on the path to the full and effective functioning of the mechanism itself. Naturally, any professional human errors should be subjected to creative correction: legal, official, domestic, family ... any. And that without such an approach, it is absolutely impossible to become a true professional in your field. No wonder our ancestors used to say:

you can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.

But it should be noted. This work is not just about “drag”, but about taking into account all past mistakes in this work, and not making any, albeit similar, but new ones, so that the catch is at the same time very good - and quantitatively, and quality.

There is another more modern saying about this.

Example. An amateur driver is driving along the technically blessed roads of Germany in the latest brand of Mercedes, and suddenly the car stalls, not wanting to respond to any tricks of its owner. The owner takes out the phone and explains the reason for the call to the mechanic who quickly arrived. He easily takes an experienced look at the already opened engine, takes out the screwdriver he needs from a special set, and, turning a small screw one and a half turns, puts the screwdriver back in its original place. Then he asks the owner to turn the ignition key, the engine starts, and the mechanic writes out a receipt for 100 euros.

Wow, - says the owner, - 100 euros for a turned screw ...

Well, what are you, - the mechanic affectionately answers, - for turning a screw - only half a euro, and 99 and a half euros for the fact that I know exactly which screw should be turned in this particular case.

Let's think. No, the British are not at all mistaken when they say that "everything is easy when you know how it's done." Yes, and the Russian people have contributed to the solution of this problem, defining:

“Yes, it’s not the gods who burn the pots, but the Masters!”.

And as a result, just like that, and it is in this sequence that they combine with each other:

1) the personality itself, 2) its culture, 3) its behavior -

As a general humanitarian quality of culture, once,

And how her professional quality, - two.

So. In any creative activity, the first place goes to the ability of the individual himself to control his own thoughts and actions on the basis of the SC + TFR mechanism, striving to raise his own professional cultural level of a lawyer, which has not yet been achieved in general, to a higher and higher level.

Question * Answer: - Is it possible in our time to deal with questions professional culture a lawyer without relying on the IC + TFR mechanism?

It is possible, but the result will be worse. Although practice shows that many direct participants in not quite creative processes do just that. But, of course, you don't have to.

So, our motto is: you can, but you don't need to. The use of the SC + CKR mechanism provides the professional with active dynamics in the process of solving the task, and, in the end, the overall efficiency inherent in the highest degree to every true master of his craft. Unless, of course, he is the Master. And with capital letter!

Let's think. Not without reason, we have a certain mysterious riddle applicable to the theory and practice of the formation of intelligence in the younger generation, which sounds like this:

“A lot can be taken away from a person, but there is something that cannot be taken away from him. What is it?". Many find it difficult to answer...

And the answer is extremely simple:

A person cannot be deprived of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Let's add: Without endangering the health of this person.

We spoke in this lecture about the multiplicity of the most diverse and important aspects of the formation of a professional culture for higher legal education. Only their enumeration takes about a page of text.

Advice. We will adopt our motto, which sounds philosophical, cultural, and professional at the same time, since it states that doing something illogical, useless, and even more harmful is indeed possible, but not necessary. And even more so: you should make it a rule: never do anything illegal, falling to one degree or another not only under the general censure of a set of spiritual cultural traditions of the country, but also under its persecution by the content of the relevant articles of its legal acts.

Question answer. And if you ask: - Why not, "if you really want to?". What should be the legally and culturally-logically correct answer to this question?

We answer as follows: - Because it is impossible, because in this case a deep professional and cultural deformation of the lawyer's personality may occur.

So. As a result of a deep professional deformation of the personality of a lawyer, his general and personal, and family, and even social and public trouble may well come. And it will probably come even before all the legal codes and their articles relevant to this court case come into force in relation to the defendant who has embarked on a shaky and slippery path of confrontation with the legislation of his country.

But this is already the most important topic of the next 4th lecture of our course.

Conclusions. L 3

A lot can be taken away from a person: material values, health, even life. But knowledge cannot be taken away. Even in exile, in poverty, in prison, the Master of his craft remains a specialist.

There are many examples of this. And therefore, the general cultural and production goal of each professional is the ability to improve their skills. This is exactly what the SC + TFR mechanism is aimed at, and the levels of its mechanism developed in this lecture. It is to this part of the lecture that the student should pay special attention.

Really -

knowledge, skills, cultural skills in including,

always stay with us.

test questions

Advice. It is necessary as briefly as possible, but at the same time and as fully as possible, to explain the content of those concepts and terms that are indicated below. Namely -

Culture and behavior. Styles A and B.

Capabilities. Imagination. Will. Conscience.

Creation. Individual characteristics.

Logic: deduction, induction, analogy. Intuition.

Smarties, smarties (I know / I can, I want / I can). Slow-thinkers.

Mind and ingenuity.

Factors: human, personal.

Difficult employee. Self-knowledge. Basic character traits.

Self-esteem: overestimation / underestimation. Independent expert.

It is not the gods who burn the pots, (and who?).

If something (or everything) is bad for me, then: - Who is to blame: me? Or all?

SK+SKR mechanism. Levels.

In their speech, people quite often use introductory constructions to show their attitude to what exactly they are talking about. When writing, the introductory turn must be highlighted with commas, and in oral speech such a turn should be highlighted intonationally. Let us consider in more detail some of the rules and features of the use of this type of construction.

Definition of opening turnover

An introductory turn is words, phrases and whole sentences that reflect the speaker's attitude to what he is talking about, or indicate These turns are part of the sentence, but are not their members, and also do not enter into a syntactic relationship with other members of the sentence and are not part of the proposal at all.

How to define introductory constructs

Since the same words can act both as an introductory construction and as an ordinary member of a sentence, you need to know exactly how such phrases can be defined in Russian. Examples will help you better understand this issue:

  • First, if you throw out the introductory construction from the text, then the meaning of the text will not be lost. Compare: "The enterprise may have already been reorganized" and "The enterprise may still be reorganized." In the first case given word is introductory, since the meaning of the sentence will not be lost, which does not apply to the second option. However this way validation is not always correct because the structure may persist. In this case, you should pay attention to the meaning of the phrase. For example: "Thus this problem was solved." If “in this way” is understood as “in this way”, then this is not an introductory phrase, but if it is understood as “so”, then this turn of speech should be considered introductory and it must be separated with a comma.
  • Secondly, the introductory words are not members of the sentence and therefore it is impossible to raise a question to them or from them. Compare: "I seem to understand everything now" and "She seems a little tired to me." In the first case, it is impossible to ask a question to the word "seems" and in this case it is an introductory word. In the second case, you can ask the question “What is he doing?”, And the word “seems” acts as a predicate.
  • Thirdly, one introductory word or phrase in a sentence can be easily replaced by another without losing the meaning of the entire sentence. For example: "She may have called her father herself and told her what happened." In this variant, when replacing “possibly” with “probably”, the meaning of the whole sentence will not be lost.

Also, when using some words and phrases as introductory constructions, slight difficulties may arise. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Words: by the way, in general, in short, in fact, in essence, in truth, more precisely - as introductory words

Words: by the way, in general, in short, in fact, in essence, in truth, more precisely - will be used in the sentence as introductory, if “speaking” can be added to them in meaning. Compare: “By the way, we are going to go to the forest tomorrow” and “This outfit came in handy for her.” Obviously, in the first case, the word "by the way" is introductory, since "saying" can be added to it, and it must be separated from both sides by commas.

Features of using "however" as an introductory word

"However" can act both as a union and as an introductory word. If “however” can be completely replaced by the word “but”, then in this case it is a union. For example, we wanted to come to visit, but bad weather spoiled all our plans.

If the word “however” is in the middle or at the end of a sentence and does not serve to connect two complex or parts of a sentence, then it acts as an introductory word and it is mandatory to highlight it in the text with commas. For example, we wanted to come to visit, but the rain, however, spoiled all our plans.

"Finally" as an introductory word

"Finally" can act as an introductory figure of speech. In this case, the word determines the order in which information is presented by the author. For example: "Firstly, he is young, secondly, he is strong, and finally, he is full of strength and energy."

If “finally” acts as a circumstance of time and can be replaced by “at the end” or “finally”, then this word is not an introductory one. For example: We walked for an incredibly long time and finally came out in the forest.

Phrases that are most often perceived as introductory constructions

Many believe that: literally, perhaps, in addition, as if, suddenly, in the end, in the end, after all, here, all the same, hardly, hardly, even, exactly, exclusively, as if, just, as if , besides, I suppose, meanwhile, by suggestion, by decision, by decree, approximately, approximately, therefore, moreover, almost, decisively, simply, allegedly, as if - these are introductory turns, but this is not so. These words and phrases do not act as introductory constructions and it is not necessary to separate them with commas.

Types of introductory revolutions by their meaning

All introductory words and phrases are divided into several categories, depending on what meanings express introductory turns of speech. Examples will clearly show the differences:

  1. Introductory turns that express an assessment of the degree of reliability of information (confidence, doubt): undoubtedly, of course, indisputably, in all likelihood, it goes without saying, apparently, indeed, others. For example: "All the villagers were really very nice people."
  2. Words that express the usual nature of the described event: it happens, it happens, as usual, as usual, as always, according to custom, and others. For example: "The New Year's party is held, as always, in the assembly hall of the kindergarten."
  3. Introductory constructions that express the emotions and feelings of the speaker: to joy, fortunately, unfortunately, to pleasure, to surprise, unfortunately, to amazement, to regret, to chagrin, to annoyance, the hour is uneven, strange, as if on purpose, what good. For example: "To my surprise, she came very quickly, and I did not have to wait long for her."
  4. Introductory words, which indicate the sequence of thoughts: firstly, secondly, on the one hand, on the other hand, therefore, on the contrary, finally, on the contrary, in general, however, in particular, by the way, by the way, so, therefore, therefore, moreover, thus, for example, so. For example: "Her smile testified not about beautiful life but, on the contrary, tried to hide all her misfortunes.
  5. Some of the introductory constructions indicate the nature of the statement: in a word, in a word, generally speaking, in short, so to speak, in other words, it is better to say, in other words, to put it mildly, roughly speaking, between us, to tell the truth, to say honestly, funny say others. For example: "To tell the truth, the dinner prepared by the new chef did not make much impression on me."
  6. Introductory constructions indicating the source of the reported information: according to the message, according to the words, according to the opinion, according to the information, according to the rumors, in your opinion, in my opinion, they say, according to my calculations, they say, as you know, from the point of view and others. For example: "According to the witness, the suspect was at home at the time of the crime."
  7. Introductory words that are directed to the reader in order to attract his attention: see, see, understand, understand, understand, understand, excuse me, imagine, forgive, do me a favor, please, remember, remember, have mercy, agree, listen, allow, notice yourself and others. For example: "Dumplings, you see, one of the most favorite dishes of students and bachelors."

Parts of speech in which introductory constructions can appear

All types of introductory constructions can appear in various parts of speech. By this criterion introductory constructions can be presented in such parts of speech as:

when using introductory structures

As mentioned earlier, introductory phrases and words in the text are separated by commas on both sides. In some cases, a dash will be used instead of one of the commas. If the introductory phrase was not fully implemented, then put a dash after it. For example: "On the one hand, they didn’t let me go to the party, on the other hand, I couldn’t miss it in any way, because all my friends will be there."

If the introductory word is located in the text before but before all homogeneous members sentences, you should use a dash instead of the first comma. For example: "TV, telephone, computer, refrigerator - in a word, all the appliances in the house worked properly, despite significant voltage drops in the morning."

Punctuation marks when using introductory sentences

Highlighting introductory sentences in the text can be done in several ways:

  • With commas. For example: "I'm sure she will be happy without me";
  • Using brackets. This method of highlighting is used if the introductory sentence acts as additional comments or clarifications to the text. For example: "My appearance (I noticed) confused everyone around";
  • With a dash. Also used if the introductory sentence is an additional remark or clarification to the text. For example: "Buyers - there were two of them - were very reserved."

The use of adverbial phrases and introductory constructions

People sometimes confuse introductory turns and other speech turns in Russian. Many people think that participial turnover- this is just a type of introductory turnover, since these types of structures have a lot in common. The use of adverbial phrases is similar to introductory sentences, moreover, if the adverbial phrase is omitted from the sentence, the meaning of the sentence will not change, just as when using introductory phrases. Despite this, these types of structures have a number of differences. Firstly, the adverbial turnover answers the question: “What did you do?” and “What are you doing?”, and it is impossible to put a question to the introductory phrase. Secondly, in a sentence, the adverbial turnover is determined by the circumstance, and introductory constructions are not a member of the sentence.

Differences between phraseological and introductory turns

Also, people often have doubts about sentences with Some people try to take a phraseological turn as an introductory one. However, it is not. Phraseological turnover is a stable in structure and composition, as well as a lexically indivisible phrase, which is perceived as a single whole.

Unlike introductory constructions, phraseological turns of speech in Russian in writing should not be distinguished by punctuation marks at all. It is also possible to put a question to the phraseological turnover, and, therefore, this construction is a member of the sentence. sentences with phraseological units should not be confused with sentences with introductory constructions, because these are sentences with different types structures.

The difference between comparative and introductory turns

In addition to all the above types of structures with introductory turns, they often confuse comparative turns and try to apply all the rules for them, as for introductory ones. Such structures are very different from each other. Comparative turnover, as well as phraseological and adverbial, is a member of the sentence, but always acts as a comparison. Comparative turns in Russian are not always distinguished by punctuation marks, so you can make a mistake by confusing comparative turnover with introductory.

All the above types of turnovers and the introductory turnover have one thing in common - this is intonational emphasis. It is this selection, first of all, that makes one doubt the correct definition of the introductory construction.

The use of introductory constructions in speech is simply necessary, since they indicate the emotional richness of the text and show the attitude of the speaker to the object of the conversation. It will not be difficult to determine, as well as correctly highlight introductory phrases in the Russian language, if you know all the simple rules that were described in this article.