What are unstressed vowels in a word. Unstressed vowels

Root spelling.

Task A13 tests your knowledge of the rules by which you determine which vowel to write in the root. In accordance with these rules, the roots are divided into three types:

Let's start from the very simple rulechecked vowel in the root who you met in second grade.


A checked vowel in a root in an unstressed position is checked by stress in a single-root word.

Trap #1!

You cannot check vowels in the root with a verb with the suffix - YVA-(-IVA-):

choirOshey - prihorBUTwWILLOWtsya.

As you can see, there is an alternation of sounds, and you can make a mistake.

Trap #2!

In modern Russian, there are many parallel words from the Old Russian and Old Slavonic languages:

inOROta - privRAtnik,

XOROthread - ohRAon the,

hOLOthen - sLAthen,

XOLObottom - prohLAYes.

As you probably understood IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CHECK THESE WORDS WITH EACH OTHER. If in the checked -oro-/-olo(Russian word) - looking for a single root with –oro-/-olo. Do the same with the words on - ra-\-la-(Old Church Slavonic).

The Russian language is full of words that cannot be checked with stress. Some amount of us obliged know when you leave school the rest are looked up in the dictionary. Spellings that cannot be checked by stress are calledunverifiable.

ab…tourist - ?

in ... torina - ?

or ... ginal - ?

Roots with alternating vowels - one of the hardest! You need to know them by heart! Learn these examples.

The wording of task A13 can be different:

  • In which row is the unstressed checked (unchecked) vowel of the root missing in all words?
  • In which row in all words is the letter missing (the letter is indicated)?
  • In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root, checked by stress, omitted?

Algorithm of actions No. 1.

1. In each answer option, highlight the roots.

2. Fill in the missing vowels in alternating roots.

3. For the rest of the words, try to find test words in which the stress falls on the gap.

4. The remaining words appear to be dictionary words. I'll have to remember how they are written !!!

Parsing the task.

In which row in all three words missing the same letter?

1) absolute..fierce, stop..benet, look around

2) aviation..company, sk..drunk, pl..vets

3) automize, page..most, to..sleep

4) b .. lag, renewing .. coming, s .. living

Option number 1.

Abs..fierce, stop..lbenet, look around..

The first word is dictionary (absolute), the second is verifiable (column), the third is alternating at the root (in an unstressed position it is written -A-).

Option number 2.

Aviak..company, sk..drunk, pl..vec.

The first word is dictionary (company), the second is verifiable (kopit), the third is interleaved (swimmer is a word that needs to be remembered!).

Option number 3.

Auto..tize, page..most, to..sleep.

The first word is checked (automatic), the second is checked (strict), the third is alternating (touch - depends on the final consonant root, remember the vowel - touch, but touch).

Option number 4.

B .. lag, update .. vlya, s .. living: the first word is dictionary (balagur), the second is checked (new), the third is alternating (depends on the final consonant root, remember the vowel - LAG, but FALSE).

In this way, the correct option is number 2 (the letter O is inserted everywhere).

Action algorithm.

1) In each answer option, highlight the roots.

2) See if the vowel is really missing in the root, and not in the suffix or prefix. If such a word comes across, then this option is already wrong.

3) Have to remember alternating roots. Without knowing them, you will not be able to cope with the task!!! Exclude variants with alternating roots!

4) For the remaining words, try to pick up single-root test words, that is, put the place of the pass under stress.

5) Eliminate those options where test word not selected. Apparently, you have encountered a dictionary word.

Remember! A task with such a formulation does not imply that all the missing letters in the answer options are the same. In the correct answer, the missing vowels may be different. The main thing - all three words must be on the same rule.

Parsing the task.

In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) r ... vegetative, peresk..chil, vn..small

2) d ... lines, nap .. Denie, in ... give

3) erase, zakl ..nayu, pon ... mother

4) tv..rchestvo, dist..lat, start..nat

We follow the algorithm. Selecting the roots:

1) r ... st tedious, re sk…h silt, ext…m al

2) d…l others, on p…d enie, c…d at

3) with t…r et, for cl ... n ay, by n…m at

4) tv…r quality, race st ... l ah, on h…n at

We made sure that all vowels are missing in the root. We find alternating roots.

1) r ... st tedious, re sk…h silt, ext…m al

2) d…l others, on p…d enie, c…d at

3) with t…r et, for cl ... n ay, by n…m at

4) tv…r quality, race st ... l at, on h…n at

Knowledge of alternating roots gives the result. There is only one answer left - number 2. We will check it out: d ... lines - dol, attack ... attack - attack, in ... give - I know.

Means, The correct answer is option #2.


1. In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) storage..nitel, dynamic..mic, met..orology

2) splitter..litelny, k..smonautics, deputy..ret

3) kill..ditsya, s..mpathy, escaping..guying

4) fire..fly, load..load, an..lytic

2. In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) zast..lyu, collaborator..ratel, h..mpionat

2) calculation ..st, op..opening, resolved ..clamed

3) p..rila, post..army, bl..sleep

4) medieval..kovy, size..style, content..naughty

3. In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) copy .. menator, parade .. ksalny, floor .. look (cat)

2) av..ngard, morning..mbovat, fire..ran

3) phil..rmonia, rest..verify, irrelevant..

4) c..remonia, zag..rely, inapplicability..snowiness

The Russian language is one of the richest in the world. At the same time, it is considered a structure with a complex grammatical structure. Therefore, very often the pronunciation of words does not determine their correct spelling. There are a lot of examples of such a mismatch: in the word "salt" the unstressed vowel at the root of the word "o" is heard and pronounced like "a". How to be in this case? How not to make mistakes in such spellings? In the article we will consider these issues in more detail.

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

Almost all doubtful cases fall under one rule or another. Complexity is often created by unstressed vowels at the root of a word. There are several ways to resolve this situation. In the simplest version, spelling should be checked with a related or somewhat modified word. The result should be a design in which the dubious sound is in a "strong" (impact) position. If such a word exists, then the letter in question is said to be the unstressed vowel being checked at the root of the word. For example: cities - city; water - water. But this method of checking spelling is not suitable for all cases. For example, the word or the spelling of the letters o-e after the sibilants is not established in this way. For example: burn - waste, silk and gooseberries. Nevertheless, the main part of the roots in Russian words is written in accordance with the morphemic principle of Russian spelling. It states that the spelling of the constructive elements of a word is independent of their pronunciation.

How to check unstressed vowels in the root of a word?

There are simple steps by which the writer will be able to check a dubious case. To set which letter to use, you need:

Find the root in the word (for example, sick - the root is "bol").

Choose a related word with an emphasis on the problematic vowel (it hurts - it hurts).

A special case is the letter "ё", which is always in a "strong" (impact) position. This means that in the words of the same root in a weak position we will write "e". For example: spring - spring, stars - star, raid - to fly.

The definition of an accented vowel at the root allows you to correctly write all the same-root words: spring - spring - spring, sea - sea - overseas.

Dictionary cases

When an unstressed vowel at the root of a word cannot be verified in the above way, one should turn to reference literature. The spelling of such "difficult" cases should be memorized. These words in Russian do not obey the general rules and are therefore called dictionary words. And knowing the correct spelling of one such speech element allows you to correctly write all related constructions. For example, take the words wagon, sofa, vaseline, vinaigrette, archaeologist, president, excavator. In these cases, the verification bases cannot be picked up, but their spelling can be remembered. What does this give us? We will know the spelling of all their cognates and derivative forms: wagon - wagon, wagon driver; sofa - sofas, sofa; vaseline - vaseline.

Double Doubtful

We found out how one unstressed vowel at the root of a word is checked. And if there are two such letters, then what to do? For example, in the words thrash, shout. In such cases, you should again act according to the rules. It is necessary to select related structures: thresh - hammer, thresh; voices - voice, polyphony. Thus, we can formulate a rule for ourselves called "an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, which can be checked by selecting a related speech element." In these cases, the letter must be heard clearly, as it is under stress. If there are two doubtful letters, several related speech elements should be selected. In one, the stress will fall on one unstressed vowel, and in the other, respectively, on the other, as shown in the examples above.

The letters "o" and "a"

For many, the alternating unstressed vowel in the root causes difficulties. This is due to some discrepancies in the rules for certain speech elements. For example:

KOS - CAS, where "a" is written, if there is a suffix "a" behind the root (to touch - to touch).

FALSE - LAG, where we write the letter "o" before the consonant "g", and we write "a" before the consonant "g". Example: put - lay.

CLONE - CLAN, where in an unstressed position we write only "o". Example: bend over.

TVOR - TVAR, where in unstressed position write "o". Example: creator (the exception in this case is utensils).

GOR - GAR, where "a" occurs in the word only in a "strong" position. The letter "o" is used in an unstressed position. Example: tan, tan.

ZOR - ZAR. We write, on the contrary, under stress the letter "o". AT weak position the letter "a" is used. Example: dawn - dawn. Exceptions here: the dawn bird, (decided) to roar.

RAST - ROS, where in the position before the letter combination ST and the consonant Щ we write "a". In cases where "s" is used, "o" is used before it. Example: grow up, grow up. But at the same time, they grew. As exceptions, remember: sprout, usurer, the name of the city of Rostov, male name Rostislav, teenage, industry.

EQUAL - EQUAL, where "a" is used in words with the meaning "equal in some respects", and "o" - in words with a meaning on a flat surface. Example: level, equation.

IOK - MAC, where MAC is written with semantic meaning dipped in liquid, and IOC - let the liquid through. Example: dip, but get wet.

The use of "e" and "and"

For alternating root vowels E-I rule spelling is the same for all identical roots - we write the vowel AND if there is a suffix A in the root position, in its absence we put E:

BIR - BER: remove - remove;

DIR - DER: rip off - rip off;

WORLD - MER: freeze - die;

PIR - PER: unlock - lock;

TIR - TER: wipe - wipe;

ZHIG - ZHEG: set fire - burned;

STEEL - STEL: spread - lay;

BLIST - SHINE: shine - shine.

Spelling letters O-Yo after hissing

In such cases, in strong position we write the root vowel letter E, if the vowel E appears in the root when changing the word. For example: cheap - cheaper; perch - perch. The same rule applies if, when the word changes, the stress goes to the next syllable: bangs - forehead; twine - twine. In all other cases, the letter "o" should be written in the root after the hissing.

Other combinations

Today in Russian there are roots with non-vowel combinations -ra-, -re-, -le-, -la- and others that came from the Old Slavonic language, which correspond to full-vowel root letter combinations -oro-, -olo-, -ere-, - eat-. Words containing such letter combinations do not require stress checking, they just need to be recognized. Examples: city (Russian) - city (art. Slav.); health (Russian) - health (art. glory); youth (Russian) - young (old glory); gold (Russian) - gold (art. Slav.); shore (Russian) - shore (art. Slav.); tree (Russian) - tree (art. Slav.); helmet (Russian) - with a helmet, stunned (art. Slav ..); milk (Russian) - milky (St. Slav.). Most often, such full-vowel and non-vowel combinations of letters are immediately determined and, as a rule, do not cause difficulties. However, not all such correspondences can be restored in the modern Russian language. Examples: cow - crava; frost - scum. In some words, the second version of the Old Slavic root was preserved only in others. Slavic languages. An example of an Old Slavonic root in Russian is preserved in the word Bologoe - the name locality. The original word is "good".

The words of the modern Russian language, which entered it from Old Slavonic, often come with stylistic coloring (hail, breg, gold, and others), since they were an integral part of bookish, poetic speech, solemn and stilted. It was the literary and bookish sacred language of all Slavic peoples who lived in the 9th-11th centuries, into which the Bible was also translated from ancient Greek, and divine services were conducted in it. There are words of the Old Slavonic era, which, over a long time as part of the Russian language, have undergone changes in meaning, having lost their former sublimely solemn coloring, and have become ordinary, completely neutral in meaning, that is, they have acquired a new meaning. Examples: homonymous words head - head of the city, delegation and other things, and head - part of a publication, book, article.

It is generally believed that errors in the spelling of unstressed vowels are the most common. This is true.

You check the dictation in any class and you will always find 5 people who do not apply the rules, but write at random.

Errors occur for many reasons. For example, because the place of stress in the word is not recognized (there is no water; the waters of the river are flowing).

The root is incorrectly highlighted ("exposed", although it is correct "exposed", "luxurious", but "luxurious" is correct, the check is "luxury").

An incorrect selection of test words is made (the word "becomes" is checked through "groan", "stand"). Students confuse homonymous roots (homophones), depending on the meaning (to caress a kitten - to rinse clothes).

When choosing an unstressed vowel, it is especially difficult in cases where words are offered polysyllabic, consisting of 3-6 syllables (ideal..leaf, deaf..drinking, enriching..schenie, pol..mizizirovat). In addition, you need to be able to distinguish which group an unstressed vowel belongs to: checked, unchecked, or alternating.

Unverifiable unstressed vowels should be written only from memory or from a dictionary (virtuoso, to worry, sovereignty), and - to be recognized by special signs, using one or another condition for their writing (according to the stress, the subsequent vowel, lexical meaning or traditions): sunburn - sunbathing; attach − attach; get wet in the rain - soak up the ink; accept - accept.

Checked unstressed vowels are therefore "checked" because they must be checked. There are several generally accepted verification methods:

1. Change the form of the number: shoulder - shoulders, star - stars; forests - forest, snow - snow.

2. Change the case form: time - time, regiment - regiment.

3. Add or drop the suffix: winter - winter, top - top.

4. Choose a word from another part of speech: offend - touchy - offensive - insult.

5. Choose a short or full form adjective: sweet - sweet, pockmarked - pockmarked.

6. In verbs, we change the gender, person and number: graze - pass, wet - wet, fight - fight.

We never select a test word in the form of a verb with suffixes -yva- (-iva-), since they alternate vowels (late - late, but late!).

We check the word with full consent with the full-vowel form: hungry - hunger. Disagreement is checked only by a dissonant form: cooling - coolness.

In task No. 8 on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, it is assumed several wordings:

1) determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing,

2) determine the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing,

3) determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing.

Let's show ways to choose necessary word for each task.

An example of choosing an unstressed checked vowel from a series: suppose.

We argue as follows: in these words there are alternating vowels (assume: root -lag-lie-; sprout: word-exclusion), unverifiable vowels (harmonic and caftan). And in the word "attach..gat" you can write the letters I, E, I, since the vowel is in a weak position, that is, without stress. This is a verb, which is why we select a related word from another part of speech with the same vowel in a strong position (pres..gat means to take an oath, so we write I).

An example of choosing an unstressed unverifiable vowel from a series: effective..active, senior..pendy, motivate..virovat, gender..mize, remind..knowledge.

We argue as follows: most of all here are words with a checked vowel (effective - effect, motivate - motive, argue - polemic), there is also a word with the alternation I / IN "reminder". One thing remains dictionary word"scholarship".

An example of choosing an unstressed alternating vowel from a series: obl.

We argue as follows: we single out the dictionary word "gamble", we select a test for the words present - wears, realistic - real, utopian - utopia. It remains the word "tax" with the root -LAG-.

Try a quiz on this topic. Answers are attached at the end.

Option 1

1. P ... tomki, obrat ... army, compr ... miss, zar ... stet, patri ... tic;

2. turn off ... wipe, wipe ... army, b ... chrome, k ... combination, grown ...;

3. close ... drink, earn ... sli, upstart ... chka, r ... ism, touch ...;

4. statement ... enrich ... enrich, ob ... gat, eg ... ist, s ... nthetical;

5. prom ... porridge, comp ... tanie, organizer ... adj ... say, immediately ...;

6. f ... lieton, take ... ryat (suit), one ... colon, pl ... vets, s ... rya;

7. r ... to pet, r ... vnina, stop ... lay, system ... matic, tr ... tuar;

8. sk ... choke, g ... roar, scorched ... scorched, l ... took, applied ... thread.

II. Determine the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

9. Application ... zhenie, phil ... rmonia, survey ... ryat, och ... vot, amazing ... vitilitel;

10. personal ... personal, waterproof ... waterproof, tr ... squeak, stop ... pouring, in ... rand;

11. zap ... wat, r ... sti, cover ... drink, client ... ent, r ... lender;

12. ax ... oma, sit ... put, prepare ... ret, op ... rallied, ur ... listen;

13. TV ... rit, scholarship ... nibble ... that, ot ... slo, win ... army;

14. ok ... to immlyat, och ... rove, favor ... zhenie, contending ... waking up, to ... Riphean.

15. Irish ... personal, pl ... sunya, d ... clamation, homage ... giving, sun ... army;

16. to increase ... to give, t ... rrasa, bl ... stet, enlighten ... to speak, vy ... to remove;

17. f…natism, salary…sli, p…wheelbarrow, recompense…yanie, honor…rank;

18. pol...mic, ex...menator, g...rich, sh...renga, sd...array;

19. izv ... vatsya, association ... nie, r ... usurer, p ... yzazh, kal ... ndar;

20. harden ... lose, academy, closed ... renely, warmed up ... roaring, exclamation ....

Checking test on the topic "Spelling of vowels in the root"

Option 2

I. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

1. Ur ... listen, tr ... merge, solvent ... r, upstart ... chka, k ... ridor;

2. grind ... to read, refuse ... to, engage in ... mother, philosophy, pr ... priority;

3. bow ... to bow, to stop ... to lay, to stretch ... to bend, g ... rnison, doctor ... rector;

4. combination ... tense ... zhenny, grown ... schennaya, p ... front garden, with ... rafan;

5. l ... conical, dying ... dying, z ... rnitsa, reward ... dit, vy ... chit;

6. t ... natural, split ... rut, vyp ... vka, solvent ... r, k ... nduit;

7. warm up, bl...steal, aesthetic, b...dirty, to...cooked;

8. reject…left, soothe, k…sat, gr…ndiozny, absolut…lute.

II. Determine the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

9. R ... vnina, k ... erased, water ... if, listen ..., show ... presentation;

10. dies ... dies, burns ... ganing, number ... number, op ... who has given, co ... schenie;

11. r ... sunok, see ... trite, k ... satelny, rub ... ryat, deaf ... drinking;

12. z ... rnitsa, pris ... gat, av ... ngard, z ... roar, r ... numbered;

13. ur ... attention, execution ... indelible ... claim, claim, sl ... fade;

14. lightness, with ... rhubarb, appearance, ... swaying, disposition ....

III. Identify the word in which the alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

15. You ... wives, regret ... leniya, in ... splendid, sympathetic ... tic, p ... splendid;

16. pretend ... rit, ch ... thief, decorate ... shchat, ok ... ldovat, in ... teran;

17. street ... live, hug ... hug, x ... rakter, xv ... slick, sm ... read;

18. mountain ... umbrella, middle ... union, unifying ..., to ... ntrast, sh ... kot;

19. jubilee ... ley, help ..., pl ... schiha, k ... ntingent, privilege ... legion;

20. to ... ramic, tr ... vogue, appeared ... curled, raised ... mother, architect ... tekturny.

Answers for option 1

1. patriotic
2. mow
3. fasten
4. get rich
5. caress
6. try on
7. systematic
8. grieve
9. Philharmonic
10. veranda
11. client
12. axiom
13. scholarship
14. luminary
15. sunbathing
16. glitter
17. thickets
18. rip off
19. pawnbroker
20. burnt

Answers for option 2

1. shaking
2. refuse
3. unzip
4. tense
5. reward
6. mysterious
7. aesthetic
8. soothing
9. campfire
10. quantity
11. drawing
12. avant-garde
13. claim
14. lilac
15. laid out
16. pretend
17. lay down
18. fusion
19. swimmer
20. lift

When the stress falls on a sound, then this sound does not need to be checked, and such a position of the sound in the stressed syllable is called strong. Unstressed vowels are heard indistinctly during pronunciation. Such sounds must either be checked or memorized. In our case, you need to write down such words to which you can pick up test words.

  1. Let's run;
  2. Tramp;
  3. Ways;
  4. Rainy;
  5. Milk;
  6. Painless;
  7. Gold;
  8. glitters;
  9. Trees;
  10. Honey.

Let's select test words for words with unstressed vowels

Unstressed root vowels are most often tested by stress. If a word cannot be checked by stress, then most likely it is a dictionary word. That is, we need to pick up such single-root words in which the unstressed vowel from the first word will be stressed.

  1. Let's run. Unstressed vowel "e" in the root. You need to choose a word where "e" will be under stress. For example, running or running.
  2. Tramp. Unstressed "o" at the root. In the word, this letter wanders under stress. Thus, wandering is a test word.
  3. Ways. Unstressed vowel "o" in the root. The key word is capable. In the word capable "o" is a percussive sound.
  4. Rainy. Unstressed "o" in the root of the word. In the word rain "o" is under stress. Therefore, rain is a test word.
  5. Milk. Here both sounds are fundamentally unstressed. The first sound cannot be checked, but the second one can. The test word is milky.
  6. Painless. An unstressed vowel in the root "o". The key word is pain. The "o" sound is stressed.
  7. Gold. Both sounds are unstressed. The second sound must be remembered, and the first one can be matched with a test word. Gold - the sound "o" under stress.
  8. Shines. Unstressed "e" in the root of the word. You need to choose a word in which "e" is under stress. Such a word is the word - brilliance.
  9. Trees. Unstressed vowel "e" in the root. The key word is a tree. In the word tree "e" is in stressed position.
  10. Honey. Unstressed "e" in the root of the word. Let's choose a test word. This word is honey. Despite the fact that the word honey contains the letter "yo", this word is a test word for the word honey.

I. Unstressed vowels in the root of the word, checked by stress

To correctly write an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, you need to find a test word - change given word or pick up a single root so that the unstressed vowel is stressed and pronounced clearly:

novelty - new

caress - caress

green - green - green

To find a check word:

1)… it is necessary to change the form of this word.

a) If the word (noun) with an unstressed vowel in the root is in the singular, you need to put it in the plural form:

window - windows

line - lines

nest - nests

b) If the word (noun) with an unstressed vowel in the root is in the plural, you need to put it in the singular form:

forests - forest

lakes - lake

snow - snow

c) If the word with an unstressed vowel in the root is a verb, you need to put it in the present tense:

cook - cook

trampled - trampled

shine - shine

d) If the word with an unstressed vowel is a verb, put it in another form:

soothe - soothe

approach - approach

to dry up - to dry up

answer - reply

2) …it is necessary to choose another single-root word that is the same part of speech:

path - path

top - top

house - house

3) …you need to choose a single-root word that is a different part of speech:

cold - cold

whistle - whistle

autumn - autumn


1. You cannot use the rule for finding a test word when writing words with alternating vowels in the root (see topic below).

2. Unstressed vowels oh ah cannot be checked by the form of verbs imperfect form on the - to be, - to be with percussion a:

to beg - asks (not: to beg)

to stab - stabs (not: to stab)

to scatter - to throw (not: to scatter).

II. Unstressed vowels not checked by rules

If it is impossible to find a test word for an unstressed vowel and this word does not have a root with alternating vowels, you should refer to the dictionary and memorize the spelling of such words: deserter, vest, suitcase, ferry, advertising, line, gate etc.

Solid sign (b)

1) after prefixes on a consonant before i, yu, e, yo: porch, nuclear-free, turn up, etc .;

2) in compound words with first root two-, three-, four- before i, yu, e, yo: three-core, two-tier. In other complex and compound words of native origin, the letter b not spelled: detyasli, foreign language, half an apple, etc.;

3) in foreign words(also after prefixes or in compound words before i, yu, e): object, subject, adjutant, adjectivation, adjunct, rearguard, conjuncture, conjunctivitis, trans-European, pan-European, courier, injection, etc.

soft sign

I. Noun

soft sign spelled:

a) after consonants before letters i, yu, i, e, e in the middle of a word, if the pronunciation is separate (regardless of the origin of IP): scam ya– scam b[ya], soles uh- solov b[yi], b yo t - b b[yo] t, p ew- P b[yu], under ya whose - under b[ya] whose, p ye detal - p b[ye] detal, con ya k - con b[ya] k, entertainer ye– entertainer b[ye] and etc.;

b) in the case of not before iotated letters, if the preceding consonant is soft: bathhouse, shadow, polka, etc.

Note: the soft sign is also written after the letter R, Unlike Ukrainian language: prison, wrestling, storms, shell, kobzar, etc.;

c) at the end of nouns female 3 declensions, including after hissing w, w, h: steppe, game laziness, rye, silence, etc .;

d) in a combination of letters -yo- in IP of foreign origin (when pronouncing [yo] in place yo): broth, million, postman, battalion, chignon, champignon, pavilion, lotion, canyon, companion, medallion, seigneur, guillotine.

soft sign not spelled:

a) in R.p. plural IS feminine of the 1st declension with a basis on w, h, w, w and ending -a: many dachas, roofs, groves;

b) in R.p. plural IS feminine 1st declension on -n(i), if before -n(i) stands consonant : gris vnya– hryvnia, ba shnya- towers, vi shnya- cherries, etc.

Exception: kitchens, young ladies, hawks, villages.

II. Adjective

soft sign it is written:

1) in the feminine and neuter forms, as well as plural possessive IP after consonants before letters i, e, i: fox - fox, fox, fox; bird - bird, bird, bird, etc.;

2) before the suffix - sk- if the root ends in - l: general, angelic, Mongolian, etc.

Soft sign no spelled:

1) in short form masculine singular adjectives after hissing: burning, shining;

2) after letters R and n before suffix -sk(s): January - January, Kuban - Kuban and similar.

Exception: June, September, October, November, December, Tien Shan, day-to-day and IP, formed from Chinese and Vietnamese names (such as Taiwanese).

III. Numeral

soft sign spelled in words:

a) seven, eight (but: seventeen, eighteen);

b) 50 - 80, 500 - 900 (we write b in the middle of the IH data): sixty, six hundred, etc.

IV. Pronoun

soft sign spelled in the feminine and neuter forms, as well as the plural form of the possessive pronoun whose: I.p. whose, whose, whose; R.p. whose, whose, whose, etc. In indirect cases, a soft sign is written in masculine forms: whose, whose, whose, whose.

V. Verb

soft sign it is written:

a) in the suffix of the indefinite form of the verb -th and the indicator of the infinitive -whose: write, bake, cut, etc. (the question of the infinitive also contains a soft sign: what (c) to do?).

The soft sign is preserved in this form and before the postfix -c(i): smile, cut your hair, protect yourself, etc.;

b) in the endings -eat/-eat 2nd person singular indicative verbs, including before a postfix -c(i): you write, sleep, smile, dream, etc.;

c) in the forms of the 2nd person singular. and pl. imperative mood, including before a postfix -c(i): cut, hide, hide, eat and under.

soft sign not spelled

in endings em / -it, -ut (-yut) / -at (-yat) 3rd person singular and many others. numbers of the indicative mood (in questions to these forms, the soft sign is also absent - what is he doing?, what will he do?, what are they doing? what will they do?): reads, builds, smiles, breaks out, etc.

VI. Adverb

soft sign spelled at the end of adverbs after hissing: wide open, away, backhand, jump, completely, etc.

Exception: already, married, unbearable.

VII. Particles

soft sign spelled in the following particles: only, ish, vis, hear, I mean.

The use of the letter E

Letter E P looking for:

1) at the beginning of some Russian words: this, this, these, that way, commercials, hey, etc .;

2) at the beginning of borrowed words: evolution, egoism, instance, etc.

Note: initial root letter E persists even after prefixes: re-examination, save, etc .;

3) the beginning of proper names: Edward, Eleanor, Ella, Emma, ​​etc.

Note: in ancient borrowings it is written E: Eve, Euripides, Europe, etc.

4) in compound words at the beginning of the second root: two-element, political economy, etc.;

5) in compound words: TSB, thermal power plant, nuclear power plant, etc. (but UNESCO);

6) in the middle and at the end of borrowed words after vowels O and At: aloe, duel, minuet, poem, etc.

Exception: IP project and its derivatives (design, design, etc.).

In this way, in the roots word letter e is not spelled after consonants and after I, E(regardless of the pronunciation of the word): par those p - steam[ te] p, a not path - a[ ne]sthesia, and de quat - a[ de]quate, ne ns not - [ne] ns [ne] etc.

Exception: mayor, sir, peer, udege, Marietta, Associated Press.

7) in proper names: Myem, Wales, Puerto Rico.

The use of the letter E

Letter E P looking for:

1) after AND: Aviette, Ariette, hygiene, diet, Trieste, etc.

Exception: Marietta, Associated Press.

2) after BUT ( is written and uh, and E): m ae stro, tr ae ktoriya, f ae tone etc.

The spelling of such words is checked in a dictionary.

3) after consonants in the middle and at the end of words: dandy, cab, koine, model, meter.

Exception: mayor, peer, sir, udege.

4) in proper names: Dode, Bizet, Wagner, Pasteur, etc.

Exception: Baudouin de Courtenay, Huang He.

Note: The names of foreign newspapers and magazines are spelled differently.

4) in particles, prepositions and conjunctions: de, della, del, der, as well as in the words Sen and Ter: Luca della Robbia, Honore de Balzac, Saint-Simon, etc.

The use of the letter Yo

Letter yo(to denote the sound [o] after soft consonants) appeared in the Russian alphabet late, in the 18th century. It was introduced by N. M. Karamzin. The letter ё has not been widely used up to the present day: its spelling is considered optional. However, in some cases, the letter ё must be denoted.

1. To distinguish the meaning of words, for example: everything and everything, we recognize and recognize, case and case, sky and sky, perfect (participle) and perfect (adjective), etc.

2. To emphasize the stress in the surnames: Bokarev (and not: Bokarev), Dikarev (and not Dikarev), etc.

3. For correct pronunciation little-known geographical names: Olekma, Yoga, Mesha, Tesha, etc.

4. To indicate stress and correct pronunciation in special texts: in primers, in publications for elementary school, in textbooks on orthoepy, as well as in manuals for non-Russians.

AT borrowed words to convey iotated [o] is not a letter yo, and the letter combination yo or yo.

Combination letters yo used in the following cases:

1. At the beginning of a word:

a) in common nouns: yoga, iodine, iodine, iodine, iodine, iodoform, Yorkshire, iot (sound), iota (letter - not one iota), iotation, iotation, iotated, iotized, iotized, etc.;

b) c proper names or geographical names: Jovan, Jovanovtsch, Jovanka, Jozhef, Yorkshire, Yoshkar-Ola, New York, etc.;

2. In the middle of words after a vowel: major, district, microdistrict, mayonnaise, majolica.

The letter combination yo is written in borrowed words if the sounds [yo] follow the consonant: battalion, broth, companion, medallion, million, champignon, chignon, postman, pavilion, canyon, etc.

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