Elements of the subject environment of the academic discipline. Ergonomic support of the information-subject environment of the primary school classroom. How the development environment is created

The subject-developing environment is a set of material objects for the development of the child, subject and social means of providing various types of activities for pupils. It is necessary so that children can fully grow and get acquainted with the world around them, know how to interact with it and learn independence.

The concept of a subject-developing environment

It promotes the development of independence, initiative and gives children the opportunity to realize the abilities that they have. The subject-developing environment improves the experience of the child's emotional and practical interaction with other people, and also helps to raise the cognitive activity of all children in the group.

It consists of:

  • large playground;
  • gaming equipment;
  • toys;
  • different types of gaming paraphernalia;
  • game materials.

These funds should be in a special room, hall or in the courtyard of the kindergarten.

How is the development environment created?

During this stage, it must be remembered that the subject-developing environment should give place to the development of educational, upbringing, stimulating and communicative functions. The most important task is the desire to increase the independence and initiative of the child. Such an environment should be spacious and pleasant for children, meet their needs and interests. The design of objects and their shape are also important: they must be safety-oriented and appropriate for the age of preschoolers.

The creation of a subject-developing environment includes an important aspect: the change of decorative elements, as well as the allocation of places in each group for experimental activities of children. The color palette should be based on warm pastel colors so that the atmosphere is light and does not “press” on the pupils.

As for the subject-developing environment of the group, changes should occur in it depending on the age of the children, their characteristics, the period of study and, of course, the educational program.

The developing object-spatial environment should be open, subject to adjustment and development, and not be a closed system. It is good if it is regularly updated and meets the current needs of the kids. In any case and under different circumstances, the space around the kids should be replenished and updated in accordance with the requirements for the pupil.

Based on this, when creating this environment for any preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological factors of interaction between participants in the educational process and the general atmosphere, including design

The principle of positions in interaction

It is based on communication between parents and educators with children. It is quite well known that confidential conversations and open communication between adults and children are carried out on the basis of the principle of spatial communication “eye to eye”. An appropriate subject-developing environment will provide an opportunity to get closer and equalize the positions of children and adults. It will be appropriate to use a variety of furniture, namely corners, podiums and slides.

Activity principle

It gives an opportunity for an adult and a child to jointly participate in the creation of environment, which will be easily transformed and changed. It is possible to equip group rooms with workshops, sand and water centers using screens.

During the organization of common activities, it is necessary to select materials that have the ability to activate. They can be technical devices, magnets, toys, magnifying glasses, springs, beakers, models, scales, and you can also provide various natural materials for experimentation and study.

The principle of stability-dynamics

This principle contributes to the creation of conditions that are allowed to change in accordance with the mood, preferences and capabilities of children. Playrooms are needed for different age groups, and a stability zone needs to be created for toddlers.

The developing object-spatial environment must be properly equipped. Preschool educational institutions need to make sure that there are toys, furniture, storage containers, podiums for relaxation, as well as collapsible structures. This room should be filled with a variety of items, and also have a lot of free space. You can create themed areas, put upholstered furniture and make it part of the game.

The principle of flexible zoning and integration

It is necessary to build non-overlapping spheres of activity and give children the opportunity to do different things at the same time, and at the same time not interfere with each other. They can be easily distracted and do not always concentrate enough on their activities.

Faculty students do not always clearly understand what the subject-developing environment includes. A presentation, which is often held in a preschool educational institution, - The best way to visually demonstrate to future teachers game centers and different zones (theatrical, speech and literacy, sports, experimentation and research, communication and building-constructive games), which enable children to unite if they have common interests. Also, preschoolers need a place of rest and solitude.

Gender principle

The subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution gives kids the opportunity to express themselves, taking into account their abilities. To do this, it is appropriate to have materials that will take into account the interests of all children. They should be informative and entertaining for both boys and girls. It can be games, some tools for various creative works. Girls need items that will develop their femininity, and boys need something that will evoke the "spirit of a man" in them.

The principle of combining various elements

AT this case what matters is the aesthetic organization of the environment. Everyone knows that basic information is perceived by a person through vision. Therefore, the subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution deserves a serious attitude, and it needs to be given enough attention.

Speech development environment of the group

Classes of this nature should be carried out in free space so that the child can change his position. Basically, this playroom should have a soft surface on which to place upholstered furniture. You can arrange various games with your own story, which you will need to play with the help of adults.

The subject-developing environment of the group should be equipped for such games: they can be stored in special racks or boxes that will be available to children. When working with young and middle-aged children, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to manuals and materials that are related to the development of vocabulary.

Comprehensive measures

Because in modern society there are many changes, both economic and social, the development of the subject-developing environment should be based on education, in connection with which the requirements for its quality should also increase. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement comprehensive measures. The subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution consists of different elements, each of which performs its own functional role.

In order to achieve a result, it is necessary to create certain conditions in the preschool educational institution and improve the system of everything pedagogical process. In particular, it is necessary to organize a good environment for the development of children's activities. The developing subject-spatial environment should be distinguished by one of the main nuances - pedagogical support for children's activities.

How to create a developing environment at home?

The constructions should be based on the principles of distance, activity, stability, creativity, flexible zoning, individual comfort, independence, and openness. In order for the child to develop comprehensively at home, it is necessary to organize the creation of a subject-developing environment and provide appropriate places.

This will develop speech and physical development, teach mathematics. It is necessary to pay attention to the location of objects in the room: children should move freely, relax, play and interact with adults in the lessons of comprehensive development.

How to organize a developing environment in a preschool educational institution in connection with

Into the program structure school education a new FGOS was introduced. In this regard, questions about the organization of the subject environment, which gives development in preschool educational institutions, have become quite relevant.

The subject-developing environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard includes work with preschoolers. The development of their activities are games. This contributes to the fact that the interest of practicing teachers in the constant change in the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution is increasing.

GEF requirements for the subject-developing environment

It must ensure maximum implementation educational development. The organization of a subject-developing environment should imply:

Requirements for the organization of a subject-developing environment in the light of FGT

Subject-developing environment kindergarten should improve the baby's physical functions, form sensory skills, help gain life experience, learn to compare and arrange phenomena and objects, and gain knowledge on their own.

The child develops in the process of learning, during which he is active and engaged in some kind of activity. It is organized by the teacher various forms communication with others. To do this, a special pedagogical environment should be created, where the child will live and study independently.

Subject-developing environment junior group should provide children with opportunities to identify different personality traits and development opportunities. Quite often it turns out quite the opposite, and the space provided to children can become an obstacle that prevents them from showing their unique abilities.

The general educational program of these institutions is based on the principle of integration, which is carried out in accordance with the age and individuality of the pupils. It is very important to implement all the basic rules in a timely and correct manner - this will enable the child to develop.

At each age, the baby has its own characteristics and preferences, so their constant dissatisfaction can lead to disastrous consequences. If the interest and curiosity of children are constantly not satisfied, then it will end in passivity and apathy. The upbringing and development of a child is a laborious, painstaking and difficult process, therefore a negligent attitude in this matter is unacceptable.

The concept of environment Educational environment is not a new concept. It is associated with the educational process as part of the general environment that has active interaction with it and significant mutual influence, i.e. the environment significantly influences the educational process, while the process also influences the environment, changes it and adjusts it to itself. AT recent times, due to changes in education, interest in the educational environment has grown significantly, and they began to assign a greater role and importance than before. The very concept of the educational environment was also subject to rethinking, consideration from new positions and in new aspects.

Among the aspects in which the educational environment is considered, the following stand out, in particular: 1. The level of the environment: the general educational environment; subject educational environment - environment educational subject; educational environment of the institution - school, university, etc.; personal educational environment. 2. Type of environment, structure, content. In accordance with different levels The educational environment is differentiated in its study as a phenomenon and factor of education.

Subject educational environment V. Dronov defines subject information and educational environment as an open pedagogical system formed on the basis of information educational resources, computer teaching aids, modern means of communication, pedagogical technologies, and aimed at the formation of a creative, intellectually and socially developed personality.

Subject Educational Environment A subject information-educational environment may have a construction principle based on a multi-environment approach. The essence of which is that the PIOS consists of sets of environments. The most common environment is the information environment. Against its background, three environments interact: the environment of interaction of participants educational process(subjective environment), resource and technological. Functioning in unity, they ensure the effective flow of the educational process.

Subject Information and Educational Environment of the Course of Mathematics Based on general concept of the subject information and educational environment, an idea has developed that can be considered under the information and educational environment of a mathematics course. The subject information and educational environment of a mathematics course is a reality that arises as a result of the active work of the student in mastering the mathematical content, and the teacher who organizes and supports this activity.

Subject Information and Educational Environment of a Mathematics Course The result of learning in the conditions of a subject information and educational environment should be not only the mastery of the sum of mathematical knowledge and skills by each student, but also the formation of universal learning activities and personal experience. This result can be achieved if the teacher learns to manage cognitive activity every student.

At the level of general pedagogy, didactics, psychology, the educational environment is considered as an objective phenomenon of education, its forming components, invariant properties and relationships are studied. Here you can list such famous scientists, teachers, psychologists as S.D. Deryabo, V.P. Lebedev, V.A. Orlov, V.I. Panov, V.V. Rubtsov, V.I. A. Yasvin and others.

General understanding of the educational environment The educational environment is defined as a set of factors that determine the learning and development of the individual, the socio-cultural and economic conditions of society that affect education, the nature of information and interpersonal relations, and interaction with the social environment. That is, the educational environment is determined by the significance of the impact (with direct and feedback) factors and conditions of the social environment on education, the results of educational processes, the nature of interpersonal relationships, the intellectual and socio-cultural development of the student.

The informational nature of the modern educational environment is one of its most important properties, invariant regardless of the interpretation of this concept. In the age of global informatization, the recognition of this property is not only necessary for understanding and researching the content of the educational environment. It is also necessary for the practical use, transformation, development of the educational sphere, the development of the methodology of education and the realization of its goals in modern conditions. Therefore, the educational environment is often called the information educational environment (IEE) and it is considered in this context.

IEE As a basis for the concept of IEE, we will take its definition in the Standard (as its legal interpretation and expression): “Information and educational environment educational institution includes: a complex of information educational resources, including digital educational resources, a set of technological means of information and communication technologies (ICT): computers, other ICT equipment, communication channels, a system of modern pedagogical technologies that provide training in a modern information and educational environment.

IEE Definition by O.I.Sokolova (pedagogika/andreev/andreev9.html): “Information and educational environment (IEE) is a pedagogical system (PS) plus its provision, i.e. subsystems of financial and economic, material and technical, legal and marketing, management”.

1. IEE should be considered only from the standpoint of the activity and development of the pedagogical system, the effective use of the internal factors of the educational sphere, as well as their expansion. 2. Consideration from the standpoint of the "pedagogical system" unequivocally entails the primacy of the study of a system that is homogeneous in terms of level - the general educational IEE. 3. Consideration of IEE should be carried out not only from the standpoint of its organization and management of its resources, but also from the standpoint of creation, information and methodological solutions to the problems of preparing and consuming these resources within the education sector, the “pedagogical system”. ios

The teacher is the natural intelligence that activates the IEE, and with it, all its potential participants in productive interaction with it. It is the teacher who brings the “mechanism” of the ITS into action, involving his students (subjects) and the information objects necessary for this action - the resources and technologies of the ITS.

Teacher A subject teacher must develop and implement an abstract image of the educational process, an abstract educational process in the context of the implementation of IEE functions in the system of this subject education. Because the teacher is at the center of relationship systems: Pedagogical system- teacher - educational process (learning), Knowledge (subject competence) - teacher - student, then the most important function of IEE for him, implemented by him, is the teaching function, including classroom and other intra-school academic work and out-of-school work through IEE (its educational and extra-curricular component).

In the classroom and out of the classroom practical work students need to plan a relatively large reliance on electronic means, EER presented on CDs as supplements to basic textbooks, in electronic libraries and IOS media libraries, in media libraries of recommended Internet portals, etc. It is necessary to independently and consciously immerse the subjects of education in a certain (indicated by the teacher) subject environment, where their research activities are deployed, where they are given the opportunity to operate with models of the studied objects, processes and phenomena. Several goals are also achieved here, in particular, the following are developed: cognitive and motivational competence of students; the ability to search for and work with environmental information (personal information competence, media competence); the culture of constructive dialogue with the environment is an information subculture.

According to the level of the electronic form of implementation of the subject aspect, the following is recommended: 1. You should use a computer with an interactive screen to a greater extent, prepare (with the participation of students - they study computer science) and show presentations on the topics studied. 2. Use standard EER, multimedia, audiovisual means, involving in the work more personal means of perception of students.

What is EOR and COR? Electronic educational resources (EER) are generally understood as a set of software, information, technical and organizational support, electronic publications, placed on machine-readable media and/or on the web. In the most general case, EER includes educational videos and sound recordings, for which a household tape recorder or CD player is enough to play. The most modern and effective for the education of EER are reproduced on a computer. Sometimes, in order to distinguish this subset of EERs, they are called digital educational resources (DER), implying that the computer uses digital recording and playback methods.

What is EOR and COR? The simplest EORs are textographic. They differ from books mainly in the basis of presentation of texts and illustrations - the material is presented on a computer screen, and not on paper. EERs of the next group are also textographic, but they have significant differences in text navigation. In the ESM, you can specify an unfamiliar term and immediately get its definition in a small additional window, or instantly change the screen content when you specify the so-called keyword (or phrase). Essentially key phrase- an analogue of the line of the book table of contents familiar to everyone, but this line is not placed on a separate page (of the table of contents), but is embedded in the main text. In this case, text navigation is non-linear (you view text fragments in an arbitrary order, determined by logical coherence and your own desire). Such a textographic product is called hypertext.

What is EOR and COR? The third level of EER is resources that consist entirely of a visual or audio fragment. It is worth noting that such ESMs are essentially no different from audio/video products played on a consumer CD player. The most significant, fundamental differences from the book are in the so-called multimedia EER. The concept of multimedia EER is understood as the possibility of simultaneous playback on a computer screen and with the use of sound of a certain set of objects presented in various ways. Of course, all represented objects are logically connected, subject to a certain didactic idea, and a change in one of them causes corresponding changes in others. To create multimedia electronic educational resources, the presentation of educational objects in many different ways is used, i.e. through graphics, photo, video, animation and sound.

New generation EERs are open educational modular multimedia systems (OMS). An important advantage of the new generation of EER is that they provide student-centered learning. Using an open educational modular multimedia system (OMS), teachers can develop their own author's training courses and individual educational programs for schoolchildren. In turn, digital educational resources (DER) are digitally presented photographs, video clips, static and dynamic models, objects of virtual reality and interactive modeling, cartographic materials, sound recordings, symbolic objects and business graphics, text documents and other educational materials necessary for the organization of the educational process. What is EOR and COR?

The DER has a structure in which the following are distinguished: base classes: COR rubricator; DER of a simple structure; DER of complex structure; COR metadata. The CER rubricator is a formal representation of a hierarchical tree structure corresponding to the table of contents of the course, the table of contents of the textbook, and the lesson plan. What is EOR and COR?

A simple DER is a DER that can be used as a whole and does not allow division into separate elements that could be used independently. Examples of simple DERs: article; illustration along with accompanying text; a book in the form of a set of scanned pages with a table of contents; audio recording, video recording; presentation in MS Power Point format; a separate media object of a training course made on a certain technological platform A complex DER is a DER consisting of elements that can be used separately as independent educational resources. Examples of complex DERs: a hypertext document with illustrations that can be divided into independent sections (parts, chapters); electronic training course on a specific subject (program), made on a specific technological platform or requiring a specific environment (player) for use; testing system; training apparatus; thematic directory. What is EOR and COR?

The use of electronic educational resources (EER) Acquaintance with modern EER and DER in mathematics, their features, the specifics of the activities for the selection and organization of lessons based on EER, we recommend starting with two federal collections (FCIOR and EC CER).

Use of electronic educational resources federal center information and educational resources (FCIOR) contains a collection of electronic educational resources of a new generation of modular architecture. Most of the resources are suitable for organizing frontal work using an interactive whiteboard. Among them are modules of informational, practical and control types. Resources are files with the .oms extension. To play them, you need to install a special software- OMS Player. Player distributions for Windows and Alt Linux platforms are freely available on the site of the center itself

The use of electronic educational resources The Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources (EC DER) contains a variety of educational materials - documents, presentations, spreadsheets, video clips, animations, etc. Catalogs and filters are available that allow you to select the right subject, the right class, assignment (teacher / student ). The teacher section contains guidelines for teachers on the use of the DER. The composition of the EC DER includes sets of DER for various teaching materials, tools learning activities(designers, simulators, interactive problem books, programs for plotting graphs) and tools for organizing the educational process. Various programs may be required to view resources, full list listed in the "Resource Viewers" section. All programs are freely available on the website of the collection itself:

The use of electronic educational resources The use of DER allows you to implement differentiated approach to learning, is a source of formation of individual educational trajectories, and not only given by the teacher, but also independently chosen by the student himself

GeoGebra GeoGebra is a free (GPL) dynamic geometry environment that allows you to create drawings in planimetry, in particular for constructions using a compass and straightedge. In addition, the program has rich opportunities for working with functions (plotting graphs, calculating roots, extrema, integrals, etc.) due to the commands of the built-in language (which, by the way, also allows you to control geometric constructions) The program was written by Markus Hohenwarter in Java ( works for large numbers operating systems). Translated into 39 languages. Fully supports Russian language. Currently being actively developed.

Literature: Vorontsov A.B. Zaslavsky S.V. Egorkina S.V. Project tasks in elementary school: a guide for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, p. Dronov V. Modern information and educational environment is the most important condition on the way to a new quality of education. Information and publicistic bulletin Enlightenment, special issue, August Ivanova E. Osmolovskaya I. Didactic aspects of the learning process in the information-educational environment. Information and publicistic bulletin EDUCATION, August Slobodchikov V.I. Educational environment: realization of the goals of education in the space of culture // New values ​​of education: cultural models of schools. Issue. 7. Innovator-Bennet colledge. M., S Fedorova M.A. Didactic characteristic educational space: multi-environment approach. Education and society, 6, pp Yudin V.V. Technological design of the pedagogical process: monograph / V.V. Yudin. - M.: University book, p.

It should be noted that the subject environment in our group has the character of an open system capable of adjustment and development. This suggests that the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, we replenish and update the objective world surrounding the child, adapting to neoplasms of a certain age.

The age of 3-4 years is a period of physical strengthening, rapid development of the psyche and the beginning of the formation of the main personality traits of the child. The situation in the second younger group should be, first of all, comfortable for the child. Young children do not respond well to spatial changes in the environment, they assume stability in this regard. We try not to rearrange the equipment in the group often, having previously planned the situation in the room before the children arrive. Children of the second younger group still do not know how to interact well with their peers, preferring to play side by side rather than together.

Each educational area aimed at the development of children's activities:



Cognitive research

- productive (constructive);



Perception fiction

Artistic creativity

Based on this, organizing a space-developing environment, we integrate all types of activities in it.

The subject-developing environment in our group is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. The placement of equipment in development centers allows children to unite in subgroups of common interests.

Our children are actively developing physical activity: walking, running, climbing. At the same time, the movement is still poorly coordinated: there is no dexterity, quick reaction, dodge. That's why spatial organization environment takes into account for the child the possibility of sufficiently wide, well-visible paths of movement.

For the play of children 5-6 years old, still significantly dependent on the external environment, sets (complexes) of game material are offered, in which all types of plot-forming toys (characters, operating objects, space markers) are presented.

We have this:

a cupboard with dishes, a stove and several dolls on chairs around the table;

a pair of doll beds, a locker with "bedding", a sofa on which both dolls and children can sit.

house-teremok - a screen, with a bench or modules inside, where soft toys-animals "live", children hide and arrange their "home"; here the game of an adult with children based on simple fairy tales unfolds.

· a thematic complex for various "journeys": a frame bus with modules-seats inside and a steering wheel on the front section.

The rest of the game materials are placed in low racks, mobile boxes on wheels, plastic containers that slide into the bottom open shelves cabinets, etc. As children grow older, i.e. by the end of the year, you can make sets of story-building material more mobile.

Ergonomics considers the "man - machine - environment" system as a combination of the following components: a human operator (a group of operators); machines (technical means, tools); Wednesday ( external conditions labor). Pedagogical ergonomics in educational system also highlights similar components: teacher (teachers); student(s); teaching aids (technical teaching aids, laboratory equipment, operating models, etc.); learning environment (classes). Some researchers single out such a component in the educational system as the information-subject environment.

The information-subject environment is a rationally organized learning space that enables the teacher to teach effectively, and the student to productively acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

Such an environment is formed by interconnected informational and subject parts. Information environment is a set of ways to use human knowledge. They make it possible to store, organize, accumulate, transmit and reproduce scientific, educational, educational and methodological information. The subject environment is a set of material means by which the educational process is carried out, that is, a room equipped with various types of educational equipment and adapted to the activities of the teacher and students.

Information and subject environment modern school must be flexible so that the educational process can be restructured in accordance with the requirements of the time. In addition, it must necessarily contain the foundations for building the school of the future. Information and subject environment educational institution should become an environment for partnership, cooperation between a teacher and a student, as well as promote the choice of various forms of classes, comfortable modes of work and rest, the preservation and strengthening of the physical and moral health of the subjects of the educational process.

Pedagogical ergonomics highlights the following elements of the information-subject environment school office:

Rules of conduct in the educational space, ensuring personal and public safety;

Teaching aids (textbooks, study guides, visual aids, didactic materials), as well as methods of their storage and placement (specialized furniture);

Educational equipment (technical teaching aids, laboratory equipment, furniture);

Permanent and changing exhibitions study room.

There is a set of ergonomic requirements for content of the information-subject environment school classroom: pedagogical, psychological, organizational, informational, requirements for compliance with the specifics of the subject, age and individual characteristics; aesthetic. These include rules and guidelines that should maximize the implementation of the goal of the educational process - the formation of knowledge, skills, personality development, taking into account anthropometric, physiological, psychological characteristics schoolchildren.

Each element of the information-subject environment should be not only a source of information, but also a tool that contributes to the formation of general educational knowledge, skills, development of the student's personality, is the basis of his self-improvement. In addition, teaching aids should activate the attention of students, arouse interest, admiration, and affect them emotionally. Consequently, pedagogical requirements occupy an important place in the system of requirements for the information-subject environment of the educational space.

The group of requirements concerns security psychologically comfortable relationship between participants in the educational process, sufficient information, visual and auditory connections in the interaction of students with the learning environment.

The source of comfort in learning activities is the level of relations and mutual understanding between the participants in the educational process. Communication between a teacher and students should be based on humane and highly moral principles of cooperation, co-creation and subordination. Only under such conditions is it possible to educate a person who is able to think globally, make informed decisions, put them into practice and bear moral responsibility for their consequences.

Organizational requirements provide the proper order of work in the information-subject educational environment. They cover the internal rules of conduct and are based on the peculiarities of the organization of educational activities. Each teaching aid should have a clearly defined place, corresponding to the functional purpose, be easily accessible at any time during the lesson, equipped with guidelines by application.

A variety of sources of information causes difficulties in orientation for younger students. The content of the information what carries a certain element of the information-subject environment, should focus the attention of students, occupy a leading place in educational activities, and prevent distraction by other didactic means. To do this, unnecessary information is taken from the information field of students, since the means that do not carry a didactic load at a certain time should not be in the field of view of schoolchildren.

The information-subject environment must comply with the specifics of the subject (natural science or humanitarian cycle). They take into account not only the features of the academic discipline, but also the psychological position of schoolchildren in relation to it. For example, such a design of the information-subject environment in the classrooms of the humanitarian cycle is appropriate, which contributes to calmness and self-confidence. The study of exact disciplines requires concentration of attention, so the design of the classrooms is made concrete, expressive and clear. Accordingly, classrooms are designed for classes from several related or heterogeneous academic disciplines.

information-subject learning environment is adapted to the age and individual characteristics of children and their level of preparation. At the same time, anthropometric and psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren are taken into account. This is especially true for elementary school students, in which they change rapidly with age.

For the comfort of the information-subject environment great importance has an aesthetic content - artistic design (painting, sculptures, mosaics, stained-glass windows, etc.), the optimal color scheme of expositions, educational equipment, furniture and the entire interior, convenience and reliability in working with teaching aids, optimal distribution of brightness in the field of perception of visual information, the use of musical accompaniment of educational and labor processes and the like.

School age is a period of comprehensive spiritual development of the child, hypersensitivity to beauty. Children are vulnerable and emotionally sensitive. They perceive, first of all, those properties of objects that have an emotional impact on them, cause admiration. Therefore, the design of the information-subject environment in elementary school should be made clear and bright. So, the modern design of school interiors should contribute to the aesthetic education of children, develop their imagination, individual tastes, and awaken creative activity.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Petrovskozavodsk Secondary School"

Sarmanovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Speech at the meeting of the ShMO "Primary School"

A modern lesson in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard with the use of

subject-developing environment

Primary school teacher: Sharifyanova A.A.

March, 2014-2015 academic year

There is no such side of education, which would not be influenced by the situation, there is no ability that would be directly dependent on the concrete world that directly surrounds the child .... Whoever manages to create such an environment will facilitate his work in the highest degree. Among it, the child will live - develop as a self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will be perfected from himself, from nature .... E. I. Tikheeva

At the beginning of the new millennium, there was an urgent need to modernize one of the most important institutions of human socialization - the education system. The new school should meet the requirements of the time as much as possible.

A modern school is a place where a child gains experience of broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development.

Education as a whole is at a new stage of development. This is facilitated by socio-economic changes that present educational institutions with many complex problems.

Federal state educational standards of the second generation say that the school should develop an educational program in such a way that conditions are created for the disclosure of the inner potential of each child, his inclinations are taken into account so that the child can successfully adapt in today's real world: to create conditions for raising children with high moral, aesthetic and spiritual qualities; to create conditions for solving the problems of a healthy lifestyle of a student and his health.

So, the methodological basis of the second generation standards is reduced to the following model:

Teacher position:to the class not with an answer (ready-made knowledge, skills), but with a question.
Student position:for the knowledge of the world, (in conditions specially organized for this).
learning task - a task, solving which, the child fulfills the goals of the teacher. It may or may not match the purpose of the lesson.
Learning activities- managed learning process.
Learning action- the act of creating an image.
Image - word, drawing, scheme, plan.
Estimated action- I can! I can do it!
Emotionally - value assessment- I think in this way ... (the formation of a worldview)

Portrait of an elementary school graduate.

The most important features of a school graduate:

Morally and socially significant qualities (respect for one's native country, one's people, its history, awareness of one's obligations to society, other people, oneself);

Curiosity, activity in the knowledge of the world;

Willingness to act independently and be responsible for their actions, high level learning skills and activities.

The image of the graduate is friendly and sociable; consciously fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle, ready to study at a basic school.

An important direction of modernization Russian education is to preserve and strengthen the health of the younger generation.

Health is the most important condition for the successful realization of personality. The task of forming, preserving and strengthening human health requires the assessment and correction of methodological techniques and pedagogical technologies from a natural-scientific standpoint. This means, first of all, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of younger students at each stage of individual development and the obligatory observance of physiological and hygienic standards when organizing the educational process and extracurricular time.

Start systematic learning child at school is associated with a change in the social situation, social status, as well as a change in the leading activity.

The educational process must be organized in such a way that, on the one hand, educational and educational tasks are successfully solved, and on the other hand, the health of students is not harmed, the normal process of growth and development of the body is ensured, and its adaptive capabilities are expanded.

Logistics conditionsmust ensure compliance with:

  • sanitary and hygienic standards of the educational process (water supply, sewerage, lighting, air-thermal regime);
  • sanitary and living conditions (presence of equipped wardrobes, bathrooms, places for personal hygiene);
  • social and living conditions (presence of a teacher's room, equipped workplace);
  • fire and electrical safety;
  • labor protection requirements;
  • observance of terms and volumes of current and capital repairs.

Information and educational environment of an educational institution

The effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by a system of information and educational resources and tools that create conditions for the implementation of the main educational program (information and educational environment).

The effective use of the information and educational environment presupposes the competence of the employees of an educational institution in solving professional problems using computer technology.

Educational, methodological and information support for the implementation of the main

educational program

  • Requirements for educational and methodical and information support implementation of the main educational program include:
  • completeness parameters of the equipment of the educational process, including for each academic subject;

Parameters of the quality of the educational process.

Most of the time the child spends at school. This means that the development of a younger student largely depends on the rational organization of the subject-developing environment in the classroom. Everything matters here: the color of the walls, the furniture, the division of space into functional zones, the availability of space for independent games and the solitude of a child who is tired of being forced to constantly communicate with peers.

Complete and effective development child is possible only in a specially created subject-developing environment.

Therefore, the environment is important for the development of children. Everything that surrounds the child is not only a play environment, but also an environment that includes all specific children's activities. No child can fully develop only at the verbal level, outside the objective environment.

Subject-developing environmentis a system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development.

A properly organized subject-developing environment allows each child to find something to their liking, to believe in their strengths and abilities, to learn how to interact with adults and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is the basis of developmental learning.

A purposefully organized subject-developing environment in an educational institution plays an important role in the harmonious development and upbringing of a child.

Leading activity in primary school age game.

The created environment evokes in children a sense of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards school, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active learning, promotes intellectual development younger children school age.

The educational environment of primary school is:

  • modern comfortable furniture,
  • magnetic posters,
  • wooden handout didactic materials,
  • game aids,
  • software products,
  • constructors and more.

The subject-developing environment is organized on the basis of the following principles:

  • The principle of openness
  • Principle of flexible zoning
  • The principle of stability-dynamics of the developing environment
  • The principle of polyfunctionality.

Every year, a large number of first-graders enter the educational institution. The first year of a child at school is a period of adaptation in a new team, a period of psychophysical adaptation.

The beginning of systematic education at school, associated with a change in the social situation, social status, as well as a change in the leading activity, requires a certain psychological readiness of the child for school.

The educational process must be organized in such a way that, on the one hand, educational and educational tasks are successfully solved, and on the other hand, the health of students is not harmed, the normal process of growth and development of the body is ensured, and its adaptive capabilities are expanded.

The classroom should contain not only traditional educational, but also play space, school recreation and sports halls to provide an opportunity for physical activity. The educational space should be saturated with didactic and digital equipment that allows organizing various types of educational activities, work with children frontally, in pairs, in small and large groups.

Factors influencing the planning of the subject-developing environment of the educational institution:

1. Regional location of OS

2. Architectural and planning structure of the building and premises.

3. The influence of color on the psychophysiological state of a person.

4. Sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements.

Education in elementary school takes place in the same room. Such conditions determine the real possibility of using intersubject communications, since all visual materials and technical means are "at hand" of the teacher.

The game subject-developing environment includes: a large organizing playing field, playground equipment, toys, various kinds of game paraphernalia, game materials necessary for children's play activities. All these game tools are usually located not in some abstract game space, but in the game room.

The organization and use of the play area is a prerequisite for maintaining and improving the health of younger students. Classes in the play area have a positive effect on the general tone of the child, contribute to the training of mobile nervous processes, create a positive attitude and relieve static, psycho-emotional stress.

When designing a room, it is necessary to take into account the age, individual characteristics and needs of children of primary school age, the room must meet the requirements of multifunctionality, rational use of space, the relationship between color finishes and lighting, and the feasibility of interior landscaping. The space of the playroom must be organized in such a way that children can move freely in it, play, and relax.

Equipment children's playroomallows elementary school teachers to organize interesting leisure activities for children during dynamic pause, change. The versatility of the equipment in the playroom makes it possible to conduct outdoor games and develop the creativity of children of primary school age, along with this, it guarantees safety, since everything is made of soft, light, environmentally friendly materials.

The organization of a children's playroom at school allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: physical education, music, drawing, experimentation, stage fairy tales, arrange dramatization games.

The equipment of the playroom helps children to independently determine the content of activities, outline an action plan, allocate their time and actively participate in activities using various items and toys.

The subject-developing environment of a younger student may include the following zones:

1. Study area.

The training zone includes a three-section magnetic board, sets-pairs of "desk-chair", a teacher's workplace.

2. Sports and fitness area

The idea of ​​​​creating a sports and recreation area is due to the fact that children of primary school age are very mobile, it is difficult for them to sit still for 4 lessons, they overwork, get tired of a static image. At the same time, the posture is also disturbed, such physical abilities as flexibility and dexterity are not developed enough.

The sports and recreation area is, first of all, a gymnastic wall with a gymnastic board. There is also a massage mat on the floor, massage balls, rubber balls of various sizes, plastic dumbbells, skittles, as well as jump ropes, table tennis, a set of rackets, soccer and basketball balls, slides, a pool of balls, etc. are placed on the shelves.

The effectiveness of the sports and recreation area is very high. Any child, feeling tired during classes, can go to the sports area and independently massage the feet on a massage mat, hang on the bar of the gymnastic wall, or perform climbing exercises on the wall or board. On the gymnastic wall, children reinforce the skills acquired in physical education classes, perform simple acrobatic exercises.

3. Game center.

The game zone is intended for the organization of subject and plot-role-playing games. The floor of the play area is carpeted, so children can play while sitting. In this area there is a corner for boys and a corner for girls. Various toys are placed on the shelves: cars, dolls, doll furniture, tool kits, constructors, etc. In the corner there is a small folding table and a mirror attached to the wall at the level of the children's eyes. Children are very fond of playing such role-playing games as "Barbershop", "Hospital", "Shop", "School". AT free time the guys love to sit in the play corner with a book, play lotto, dominoes, checkers, etc.

4. Correction (social) zone.

One of the tasks of the school is the correction of violations of the mental processes of students. Correctional work conducted both in class and outside of class. The correctional zone or the zone of developing games occupies several shelves of the furniture wall. Here are various games for the development of sensorimotor processes, didactic games, developing cognitive processes, lacing, mosaic, puzzles, games with bulk materials. Children themselves choose the game or the game is offered by the teacher, taking into account the individual needs of the student. Games are designed for both individual and group work. Children play, complete tasks, design while sitting at a desk or in a play corner.

5. Recreation area.

Most children are at school until 2.30 pm and 5 days a week. In order to make the playroom space more homely, so that students can more easily endure the adaptation period, the problem of creating a recreation area arises. In the recreation area there is a TV, DVD-player, tape recorder. While watching, children sit at their desks or on soft chairs. Students love to watch cartoons, educational films about nature.

At the lessons of drawing, applied arts, you can turn on pleasant music, perform musical physical exercises. Children love to sing karaoke, listen and sing along to children's songs. All this can be arranged in this room.

6. Zone "Crazy Hands"

The Crazy Hands zone is an exhibition of children's crafts and drawings. Works can be exhibited on special shelves, updated as needed.

The creation of this zone helps the child to feel his importance, increases his self-esteem.

The furniture is light - desks with chairs, a three-section wall, two-leaf and three-leaf cabinets, shelves for flowers.

The design of classrooms contributes to the activation of the artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development of the child. The design was kept in modern style, simplicity of form, comfort and convenience achieved through a well-thought-out solution. The artistic side of the design is characterized by a harmonious ratio of individual elements, their subordination to the whole.

Children learn best through activities that satisfy a child's inherent curiosity - play, exploration, creative modeling and construction.

The playroom should have good ventilation and lighting, and be regularly wet cleaned.

Inflatable balls are very popular with children. Beautiful appearance and extraordinary durability, variability of ways of application for various games and activities make the balls one of the favorite types of sports and gaming equipment.

Universal children's furniture is designed to create comfortable conditions in the playroom. A special manufacturing technology, brightness, lightness and attractiveness contribute to the creation of conditions for relaxing on sofas.

The trampoline is a fascinating and safe exercise machine. Helps not only physical development children, but also entertains, creates the possibility of playing a circus theme, makes children more courageous and self-confident. Trampoline develop orientation in space and balance.

7. Zone "World of Nature"

Here it is necessary to place material that contributes to the formation of schoolchildren's ideas about the formation of life on earth, about the adaptation of living organisms to the environment, about the growth, development and reproduction of living beings, about natural communities (ecosystems)

Looking back at the past, we must bow our heads with respect, and looking into the future, roll up our sleeves.


1. Exemplary basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / (compiled by E.S. Savinov). - M .: Poosveshchenie, 2010.-191s. (Standards of the second generation)

2. Federal state educational standard elementary general education/ Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - M.: Education, 2010. - 31 p. – (Standards of the second generation) the embodiment of new standards of school education. Didactic requirements for a modern lesson


Requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

1. The developing object-spatial environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of space and materials, equipment and inventory for the development of children

2. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults

3. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide: Implementation of various educational programs used in educational activities; In the case of organizing inclusive education, the conditions necessary for it; accounting of national-cultural, climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out.

4. The developing subject-spatial environment should be: rich in content; transformable; polyfunctional; variable; accessible; safe

5. The saturation of the environment should correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

The educational space should be equipped with expendable gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory;

The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and inventory (in the building and on the site) should provide: play, cognitive, research and creative activity, experimentation with materials available to children (including sand and water); motor activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills participation in outdoor games and competitions

The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.