What does the exam check. How does the exam check. Verification in a single testing center

One of the most pressing questions asked Russian schoolchildren before passing the exam, it sounds like this: "How will the answer forms be checked and how to avoid mistakes when filling them out?". In order to avoid unnecessary anxiety and dot the "and" we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below.

How is the exam forms checked?

After the form with the answers is submitted by you for verification, they are sent to the RCOI (regional information processing centers). Forms belonging to groups "A" and "B" are checked using a special computer program. Forms of category "C" are intended for answers of an expanded type. After filling in the forms, they are sorted and sent to the subject commission, where they will be tested by professional experts.

The main stages of verification

  1. At the first stage of testing, digital processing of the USE forms containing answers of categories "A" and "B" is carried out. After the computer scanning procedure, the answers are checked against reliable data and, in accordance with the results obtained, the work receives a certain evaluation score.
  2. At the second stage of the test, the detailed answers of the "C" group are evaluated. As a rule, these are essays that are tested by two independent experts. After an appropriate analysis, the form (with the points entered into it) is sent to the above-mentioned RCSC.
  3. The third stage of checking the USE forms is centralized control. The work, scanned by a computer and verified by independent experts, is submitted to the FTC ( federal center testing). Here it is re-tested and receives an objective evaluation score.
  4. At the fourth stage, the form that has passed the test is sent to the PES (examination point), where the examinee is informed about the assessment of his knowledge. In the event that you strongly disagree with the score awarded to your work, within three days you can file an appeal, which will be considered by the expert commission.

Given the multi-stage checking USE forms, it is almost impossible to influence the process of evaluating your answers. To successfully pass the exams, you need to prepare well for the future test and carefully read the rules for using each individual form. Their samples can be downloaded on the Internet, printed and practiced in filling them out.

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Who checks the exam papers, what to do if the form is damaged, how to appeal and whether answers can be obtained in advance

Coordinates public observers

Who checks the exam papers

A computer.The forms of the test part are processed using a computer: the specialists of the information processing center scan the work, then the program checks the answers from the form with the correct answers. To avoid errors during automatic verification, write legibly and use black ink only. If you suspect that you have lost a point for a technical reason, such as a poorly marked answer, it is best to file an appeal.

USE experts.Tasks with a detailed answer are checked by the subject commission of teachers of the region. Each work is checked at once by two expert teachers. If the assessments of the inspectors differ significantly, the work is transferred to the third expert.If the difference in scores is small, then the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two experts will be rounded up.

What to do if the exam form is corrupted

Please contact the organizer.If you damaged the form before you started the exam, the organizer will replace it along with a set of tasks. If you spoiled the form when you have already started completing the tasks, you will have to hand it over to the organizer and come to the exam on the reserve day. Keep in mind that errors in answers are not a reason to change forms.

Write your answer in the spare field.Most often, graduates make mistakes when filling out short answers. If you gave an incorrect answer and noticed an error, use the special field at the bottom of the page. In the field for corrections, you need to enter the number of the task and the correct answer.

Learn how to fill out the form correctly. To avoid annoying blots, mistakes and not waste time on formalities, practice at home. Open demo versions of KIMs in your subjects on the FIPI website. Carefully read and memorize the rules for filling out the forms: how to fill out a particular task, which punctuation marks to enter with spaces and which without, which characters to put in one cell, and which between cells.

When Should You File an Appeal?

An appeal is filed in two cases:

  1. Violated the order of the exam.If extraneous noise or the actions of other participants in the classroom interfered with the exam, report it immediately. In case of violation of the procedure for the examination, file an appeal before you leave the PES.
  2. Disagree with the result of the exam.An appeal is filed for disagreement with the points given within two working days after the official announcement of the results. In this case, you write an application addressed to the head of the organization that allowed you to take the exam (school, department of education). The head must submit an application to the conflict commission, which will consider your work.

How to apply for the exam

Appeal results. The appeal may be denied. If the appeal is not granted, you will keep your scores and will not be allowed to rewrite your work. If the appeal is successful, your work will be rechecked, and as a result, points can either increase or decrease.

Is it possible to get exam answers somewhere in advance

It will not be possible to get KIMS 2018.In previous years, there was a theoretical possibility to open KIMs in Vladivostok, solve them and send the answers to Moscow by the time the exam began. This year there are no ways left to get KIMs. The fact is that all forms are brought to the examination points in encrypted form on disks. Paper CIMs are no longer used, it is now impossible to pay someone and solve options in advance.

The registration form and KIMs will now be printed on the printer right during the exam in front of the children. Be sure: if someone offers to buy USE answers, they are scammers. Do not pay anyone any money, believe in yourself and your knowledge.

The USE-2012 has already died down, but there are still many questions about its implementation. Let's try to answer at least some of them. The chairman of the subject commission for checking assignments with a detailed answer to the USE in mathematics 2012 in the Republic of Mordovia, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and theoretical mechanics Moscow State University N.P. Ogareva Syromyasov Alexey Olegovich.

How is the review committee formed? By what criteria are inspectors recruited and who recruits them?

The commission should include school teachers (as a rule, of the highest category), teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions, and representatives of secondary and higher education- approximately on a parity basis. This is logical: schools graduate students, and universities accept them. This side of the process is somewhat reminiscent of the acceptance of work: the commission includes both the handing over side (secondary education) and the receiving side (universities).

In winter, a few months before the exam, the Ministry of Education turns to the departments of education in Saransk, Ruzaevka and districts of the republic with a request to submit candidates school teachers- members of the commission. With the same requests regarding teachers, it applies to universities and colleges. The Ministry also makes a decision on the appointment of the chairman of the commission.

All experts in the spring undergo mandatory preliminary training under the FIPI (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements) programs. It must be immediately clarified that FIPI is the very organization that oversees the preparation of exam tasks.

Most of them pass it remotely, via the Internet - at the request of the Ministry of Education, FIPI provides the necessary number of accounts to enter the training system. The rest of the commission listens to lectures in person. In any case, training takes place on training (exemplary) criteria that are in the public domain, and ends with a test. Experts who have not been trained in one form or another, who have not passed the test, are not allowed to check the work of the exam.

The Chairman will review the submitted list. He can reject any of the candidates or propose someone else's candidacy. But approval of the composition of the commission is the prerogative of the ministry.

All these appointments take place in agreement with those educational institutions where potential experts work.

Who appoints the chairman of the commission? And how did you become chairman?

I'm in my second year as chairman (which is why I speak with such confidence about how things were set up last year). In the winter of 2010-2011, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova turned to the rector of our university, S.M. Vdovin and Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, I.I. Chuchaev, with an official request - to agree on my candidacy. Perhaps the role was played by the fact that at the Unified State Examination in 2010 I was one of the employees of the RCOI.

This offer was unexpected for me. Of course, at first there were serious doubts - I can handle it or not. Judging by the fact that in 2011-2012 academic year The ministry again asked to approve my candidacy, it was satisfied with the quality of the work done.

Most students and even teachers do not have a complete understanding of how assignments are checked. Where are they supposed to get this information from? And how is the audit actually organized?

When the time allotted for completing the USE assignments comes to an end, all forms filled out by schoolchildren are taken to the RCOI (regional information processing center). Only copies of forms No. 2 (that is, forms on which solutions of problems of group "C" are written) are received from the RCI for the commission's verification. Forms No. 1 (with tasks "A" and "B") are checked automatically on a computer, the commission has nothing to do with them.

Here I would like to draw your attention to 2 things:
- The commission checks the copies. The originals are inviolable, so it is impossible to "paint" something on the form during verification.
- Answer forms No. 2 (respectively, and their copies) are anonymous. With registration forms and forms No. 1, they are combined only with a special barcode program. Accordingly, the experts do not know whose work they are checking.

The criteria for checking the tasks of part "C" come to the mail of the RCSC in the evening of the day when the exam was held for the subject (of course, after the exam ends). The commission gets acquainted with these criteria the next morning. They are printed in required quantity and the test starts.

The whole procedure takes place in the same building where the RCOI is located (this is more convenient). A special program automatically assigns works to be checked by one or another expert, then these works are printed out along with the protocol form, where the results of the check are then entered. Those. experts are confronted with a fact: you check such and such works. There are no names or other data of the USE participants in the protocols - only a conditional work code (in my opinion, 12 or 13 digits). Each work is checked independently by two experts, and the experts cannot confer with each other. Further, copies of the papers, together with the completed protocols, are handed over, the protocols are scanned and automatically checked against each other. If the difference in points for the same task is 2 or more, the work is sent to the "third expert". Thus, each work is checked at least twice, and even three times.

In the classrooms where the commission works, webcams are installed, the image is displayed on the screen to the director of the RCOI. Members of the state examination committee(GEK), which in Mordovia includes the deputy. chairman of the government M.S. Sezganov, leadership of the Ministry of Education, rectors of universities, etc. You can also view these videos at any time if you wish. Therefore, the actions of the commission during the audit are under constant control.

General information on the verification procedure can be obtained on the official portal of the exam: www.ege.edu.ru.

So summary:
- works are anonymous;
- copies are checked, not originals;
- verification criteria become known only after the end of the exam;
- verification takes place under control from the side.

In your personal opinion, how objectively does the USE show the knowledge of schoolchildren? Is it safe to say that a stronger student is likely to get a higher score?

Let's put it this way: a stronger student, ceteris paribus, will get a higher score. But all sorts of accidents are possible, which are not documented in any way: the night before, he had a fight in the family, put on a new, unworn boot that is too tight, and so on. There can be many reasons for failure, even absurd ones, and all of them will be valid, although you cannot confirm them with any certificate. As with any university exam, however.

In addition, there is a small group of fundamentally unexamined guys. Just because of their psychological organization - they can solve problems very well from the spot and at the blackboard, but they cannot pass the exam (or they can, but they show results worse than their usual ones).

USE is standardization. But it is impossible to standardize a million people, there will definitely be deviations in some direction. Therefore, along with USE results when enrolling in universities, all kinds of olympiads are taken into account.

The question of the objectivity of the USE is also closely related to the question of the content of the verification criteria. By completion of the exam the commission can express its opinion both on the work of schoolchildren and on the criteria themselves. The chairman includes these opinions in a report, which is submitted to the Ministry of Education and sent to Moscow. Thus, FIPI supports feedback with subject commissions in the regions.

And what opinion did the Mordovian commission express about the criteria?

In general, it was suggested that the verification criteria be relaxed somewhat. (This opinion is official, it has already gone to Moscow, and Moscow has taken note of it.)

Were the screening criteria too strict? What was it?

Without going into the specifics of specific tasks: in order to get a certain score, the student needed to reach some control point in his decision and get the corresponding intermediate result. If this result was not achieved due to some mistake (even an accidental typo), the USE participant no longer received the corresponding points. Figuratively speaking, to get 2 points, you need to run 2 km cross-country. But if you run 1 km 900 m, you will get no more than 1 point - after all, the finish line has not been reached!

At the same time, the school, as a rule, evaluates not only the result itself, but also the process of achieving it.

There were cases when, when checking task C3, a student made a single mistake, but it turned 3 primary scores(in which task C3 in mathematics is maximally evaluated) to 1 point. Naturally, this solution was rated 1 point.

Here it must be said that regardless of whether the commission likes the criteria or not, the commission works according to the criteria that were sent from Moscow.

As one of the characters of the Strugatsky brothers said, “When I come to another country, I don’t ask if the laws are good or bad there. I ask if they are followed.”

So, the commission, within its powers, is trying to influence the criteria and content of tasks, but this may be reflected in the criteria for next year. At the end of the audit, we expressed our opinion (see above), and until the audit is completed, we must adhere to the already existing rules.

Is there any control over cheating during the verification process? If, for example, 2 identical works are found, can the commission apply any sanctions?

The question is more theoretical.

Experts, as already mentioned, should not consult with each other and compare works, so it is required that two identical works get to one expert. I do not know how likely this is, because I do not know the details of the program, which assigns copies of forms to review by experts.

When checking papers in mathematics, such situations did not arise.

In the event of some kind of emergency situation, the commission will contact the RTSOI (to eliminate the issue of technical problems) and the SEC. The task of the subject commission is to check anonymous works in accordance with the criteria developed by FIPI.

What is the right way to file an appeal? How successful were the students appealing this year?

As far as I know, less than half of the appeals filed were successful in mathematics (about 30%, I think). At the same time, some experts check the work, and others consider appeals. This is natural: the appeal is a kind of quality control of the check, and this quality is already controlled by other people - not those who participated in the check. Of the members of the subject commission, only the chairman is present at the appeals: in some controversial cases, they can turn to him for clarification.

It makes sense to file an appeal when the USE participant is more or less sure that this can increase his scores. The fact is that during the appeal, the entire work (tasks "C") is rechecked. Therefore, the USE participant can not only increase, but also lower their scores (if a previously unnoticed error is detected during rechecking).

Before you file an appeal (if it comes to that, and before you write an exam), it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the approximate criteria for verification. Of course, the "combat" criteria for checking USE assignments become known even to experts only after the exam. But the type of tasks for each subject, demo version and the so-called specification (description - which task of the USE tests which skills) can be completely freely downloaded from the official website of the previously mentioned Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements from at least December-January. In the same place, in the demo version, approximate criteria are also given, according to which tasks "C" will be checked. Here is their address.