The scope of the functional variety of the language. The oral form of scientific style is used…. Emotionally colored, evaluative vocabulary cannot be in the texts of official business and scientific styles. But such words can


Stylistics is a section of linguistics about the stylistic varieties of a language, its

visual means, patterns of their functioning and ability

use. Style (Latin stylus "writing rod") - functional

a type of language traditionally assigned to a particular area of ​​public

social life (scientific, political, official business, etc.) and characterized by

a specific set of linguistic and visual means.



In modern Russian literary language usually distinguish five styles: colloquial,

scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic (for more details, see the section

"The Russian language and its place in the language picture of the world" § "Functional varieties of the language").

Each of the styles has a number of specific characteristics, depending on the area in which

communication takes place, and the functions that the language performs in this case.





scientific Informative Science written monologue mass,



informative right written mass monologue,


and pin

journalistic informative and




written and

mass monologue,


and indirectly


conversational exchange of ideas

and feelings

household oral dialogue,


Scientific, official business, journalistic are called book styles. Them

contrasted with colloquial, which is used in informal everyday communication.

Any means of all these styles can be used to create artistic images,

since fiction reflects all spheres of life. So the art style

whose main function is aesthetic, occupies a special place in the system of styles: everything

determined by the specific tasks, taste and skill of the writer.

The specificity of each style is manifested in vocabulary, grammar, text construction, etc.

Conversational style serves the sphere of relaxed relationships in the family, in

everyday life, as well as relaxed relationships in the professional sphere.

Conversational style performs the function of communication, therefore it manifests itself more often

all in oral form, with the direct participation of speakers, i.e. in a dialogue that

designed for preliminary consideration. As a result, one of the characteristics

is spontaneity. Spontaneity generates redundancy of speech, i.e. Full or partial

repetition of what has been said. In addition, the spontaneity of speech leads to the formation of pauses caused by

looking for the right word, so often used introductory words for filling

pauses, and there is also a violation of the syntactic construction.


This functional variety is also characterized by emotionality, since

colloquial speech contributes to self-expression, the manifestation of the individual traits of the speaker.

The emotionality of speech is realized in the use of interrogative, incentive,

exclamatory sentences. Extralinguistic means play an important role here: facial expressions,

Book vocabulary, words of foreign origin are almost absent. Wide

colloquial, everyday vocabulary, words of subjective evaluation, expressive

emotionally colored, vernacular is sometimes used. Therefore, one can speak of

such traits as expressiveness and appraisal.

For example: a reading room, a record book, a hostel, a hard worker, a secretary ...

The norm in colloquial style is what is constantly used in the speech of native speakers.

literary language and is not perceived as a mistake during spontaneous perception of speech.

For example: Kada (vm. when) will you come to visit? o epic colloquial

Stoke (vm. so much) news already. shape

Tax / how to get through? syntactic colloquial

n (vm. How to get to the tax office?) form

Conversational style is dominated by minimizing concern for form.

expression of thoughts, which gives rise to a number of language features of style.



Incomplete type of pronunciation "Hello" = "hello"

phonetics Intonation (quick change of intonations, timbre,

tempo, etc.)

Have you done it already? (astonishment)

Silence! (urge, irritation)

Neutral concrete common-


Dress, sleep, table, pencil

Neutral colloquialism Cashier, knife, accountant

Nomenclature names, public

political and general scientific terms

Administration, governor, bulldozer,


Emotionally evaluative colloquial vocabulary Hard worker, poor fellow

Standardized figurative means Stuck in traffic, stuff your pocket

The use of professionalism, jargon

nisms, colloquial words, etc.

The roof went from so many


Characterized by a developed system of methods



Semantic contractions with

elimination of the determined;

Semantic contractions with

elimination of the determinant;

Verb combinations - contractions;


evening (evening newspaper), minibus


diploma (thesis)

sand (granulated sugar), garden (kindergarten)

enter (in university), pass (examination)

go to Spivakov (go to a concert

Predominance of the nominative case of the name


There's a house... Shop... Entrance on the right...

Predominance of personal pronouns

demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, particles

We arrived in the morning. Sat there for minutes

ten ... me and two other employees. drank

seagull. Here. Well…

Absence of gerunds, rare use

calling the sacraments

Is this dress made or did you buy it ready made?

Use of the tense form is out of place


There we met. We stand and look at each other

friend. Barely found out.


Use of verbal interjections Jump, jump, bang

Short simple sentences We lived in a country house. Always leaving early

dacha. We also had a dog.

Incomplete sentences (with the omission of the main

proposal members).


If I may.

Use of interjection phrases. Oh is it? Well, a rogue!


Free word order (words arranged

are formed in the order of formation of thought, while

everything important moves to the beginning


Well, we, of course, lost wages there.

Because we didn't have education.

They were ordinary workers.

By types of communicative attitudes, by the way partners participate in the communication process,

their role relationships, etc. distinguish the following genres:








A note

A diary

The first clear division of the forms of verbal communication was made by Aristotle.

A major role in the selection of everyday speech genres belongs to M.M. Bakhtin, who

stressed the importance of the role of the addressee, anticipating his response. M.M. Bakhtin

defined speech genres as relatively stable and normative forms of utterance, in

which each statement is subject to the laws of integral composition and types of connection between

propositional statements. He defined dialogue as a classical form of speech.

Conversation. This is a genre of speech communication (dialogue or polylogue), in which, with cooperative

strategy, happens:

a) exchange of views on any issues;

b) exchange of information about the personal interests of each of the participants;

c) aimless exchange of opinions, news, information (phatic communication).

When exchanging views on any issues, the participants express their point of view,

guided by centuries-old priorities and value orientations,

universal universal truths and norms of life. An example of this type of conversation

there may be a conversation between two friends about the merits of this or that direction in painting, about

tastes; polylogue about the quality of products.

The second type of conversation involves praise, approval, compliments, sincere confessions.

The third type of conversation genre is a conversation in which the participants film

emotional overstrain, exercise wit by telling jokes, do

political forecasts, share their worries, seek sympathy, tell jokes and

The genre of conversation is the type of conversation in which, with various tactics, dominated by

strategy of solidarity in opinions and consent.

Talk. In this genre, both cooperative and non-cooperative

strategy. The purposes of communication are:

a) informative conversation;

b) prescribing a conversation (requests, orders, demands, advice, beliefs in something);

c) conversations aimed at clarifying interpersonal relationships(conflicts, quarrels, reproaches,


Purposefulness is a characteristic feature of the conversation. In a conversation of the first type, the initial

the replica indicates the speaker's interest in obtaining the necessary information.

The main condition for the success of an informative conversation is the correspondence of the world of knowledge

addressee and addressee. The role of the leader, participant, directing the course of this type of conversation is played by

asking, with short remarks-questions, repeated questions, clarifications-questions, and

the role of the “slave” is a participant who owns knowledge, with replicas-answers of various

length. The communicative competence of the participants is also important.

conversation, their knowledge social norms etiquette (i.e. the ability of speakers to choose the appropriate

given situation, the form of knowledge representation, interpretation of events and facts, etc.).

Conversations of the second type, as a rule, take place between participants who have different

social role characteristics. The motives of the conversation are revealed by the verbs: I ask, I demand,

a conversation based on a non-cooperative strategy and the inability of speakers to comply with the conditions

successful communication, various tactics are possible for refusing to perform an action and

respectively, tactics of influencing the addressee, systems of threats and punishments. The structure of this

the type of conversation is determined not only by the speech rules for introducing replicas of consent or refusal,

but also the behavioral reactions of the participants in the communication.

A conversation aimed at clarifying the relationship is based on a non-cooperative

strategy of quarrel, conflict, reproaches, squabble. Here, often in a verbal form of expression

aggression becomes mockery, irony, allusion.

Story. This is a genre of colloquial speech in which the monologue form prevails.

speech within a dialogue or polylogue. The main strategic line of speech communication is

solidarity, harmony, cooperation. The topic of the story can be any event, fact that

happened to the narrator or anyone else. The course of the story can be interrupted by remarks -

questions or remarks-assessments, to which the narrator answers with varying degrees

A characteristic feature of the genre of the story is the integrity of the transmitted information, providing

connectedness of individual fragments. In the story, the sender acts as the author,

arbitrarily, from his point of view, evaluates them.

Support for the communicative initiative of the narrator and the interest of the listeners

can manifest itself in interruptions, replicas, repetitions, exclamations not addressed to the speaker.

Story. This genre of colloquial speech is predominantly monologue speech.

An important factor of speech in telling a "story" is memory. This factor determines the structure

storytelling and content. Typically, stories

do not include the addressee himself as a character.

The communicative goal of history is not only the transfer of information about past events.

events, but also summarizing the semantic outcome, summary, comparison with the assessment of modern

events and facts.

Unlike other types of verbal communication, storytelling and history are planned

types of speech "allowed" by the participants of communicative interaction.

Letter. A necessary condition for this genre of verbal communication is sincerity,

which is possible with the internal proximity of related or friendly people.

Ease of relations with the addressee is the main condition for correspondence. Regularity of correspondence

determined by a number of factors:

a) the relationship between the participants in this type of speech communication;

b) the external circumstances of the correspondence;

c) topic relevance for the addressee;

d) frequency of correspondence.

Solidarity and harmony in the genre of writing find their formal expression in

"formulas" of greetings and farewells.

A note. This genre of written colloquial speech in a large

degree is formed by the general world of feeling-thought of the addresser and the addressee, the relevance of some and

the same circumstances. Therefore, the content of the note is usually brief; detailed reasoning

can be replaced by one or two words that play the role of a hint. The addressee of the note guesses

the relationship between addresser and addressee makes possible the free expression and


In a note, as in a letter, it is possible for the addressee to self-check the way of his expression, the way

thoughts. In addition, a note, like a letter, may not be a spontaneous flow

feelings-thoughts, but processed, written off from a draft, a variant in which "softened"

irregularities of improvisation, the unexpected appearance of meaningful elements in the mind


A diary. Diary entries are texts of addressed colloquial speech,

and therefore all have stylistic features texts. The addressee of the texts of the diary -

“the highest instance of reciprocal understanding” (in the terminology of M. M. Bakhtin), which helps

the writer to express his thoughts, feelings and doubts. Diary entry style

conditioned by all hypostases of personality (I-intellectual, I-emotional, I-spiritual, etc.).

d.); depending on the predominance of one or another beginning, the nature of the presentation changes.

Diary entries are divided into two large categories:

(listing what has been done, the result, reflections, analysis of feelings and thoughts, plans, etc.);

b) a diary - a “talk” about yourself in time, reflections on what worries you, a kind of “flow

consciousness” with associative subtopics of the “main” thoughts of the day (such diaries can be kept


The field of communication in the field of science and technology requires the most accurate,

logical, unambiguous expression of thought, but the main form of thinking

is a concept. Therefore, the dominant of the scientific style is the conceptual

accuracy, emphasized logic of speech.

The scientific style is heterogeneous, depending on the specific tasks and scope of use in

substyles stand out.


substyles proper












The functions of scientific style are:

1) transfer of logical information and proof of its truth;

2) activation logical thinking reader (listener).

General specific features of the scientific style are abstract generalization and

emphasized logical presentation, as well as semantic accuracy (uniqueness),

objectivity of presentation, ugliness.

Abstract generalization requires the use of abstract vocabulary, verbs with

the generalized meaning of an action or state. Since science expresses abstract thought,

the word should name not a specific object, but a class of homogeneous objects, phenomena.

For example: meaning, attention, exist, are used, consist…

Objectivity is manifested in the use of passive voice verbs, verbs with

weakened lexical meaning, present tense verbs with the meaning of constant


For example: expressed, used, refer ...

At the syntactic level, objectivity manifests itself in the direct order of words, in a large

the number of "reference" turns, in the use of impersonal sentences and passive

passive structures.

For example: as the professor points out, according to the academician;

it should be noted, we can conclude, we noted;

opinion has been expressed many times...

Accuracy involves the selection of language tools that have the quality of unambiguity and

ability the best way express the essence of the concept, and various figurative

means to achieve accuracy are not used. Contribute to the manifestation of accuracy

terms, the predominance of the name over the verb, a large number of denominative prepositions.

Logic is expressed in the preliminary thinking of the message and in strict

sequence of presentation. The purpose of any scientific communication is the presentation of scientific information.

and their proof. Logic differs at the level of the whole text, at the level of its individual

compositional parts, at the level of a coherent text. Logic at the level of the whole text is created

its composition and, above all, a detailed, clear plan. 17 Logic at the level

individual compositional parts and at the level of a coherent text manifests itself in a consistent

the transition from one thought to another, in the presence of means of communication between units. eighteen

Ugliness is manifested in the absence of emotionally colored and reduced vocabulary.

17 All wording of the plan should accurately express the thoughts of the author: the plan should reflect what issues will be

be considered and how they will be considered, in what direction.

Means of communication can be pronouns, adjectives, participles; introductory words and sentences,

expressing the relationship between parts, indicating the sequence of development of thought, adversative

relationships, causal relationships, transition from one thought to another, result, conclusion. In addition, connection

between sentences can be done by repeating words.

For example: data, this, such, named, great importance, as already mentioned, it is obvious, first of all,

firstly, then, firstly, secondly, however, meanwhile, so, nevertheless, as a result of this,

therefore, in addition, it is necessary to dwell on ..., which means, as we see, summing up ....




Terms are the exact name of a

concepts of a certain field of science and technology

precedent, roll over, analogue,

paradigm, basis, restitution, offer,

General scientific vocabulary, book vocabulary

abstract meaning

Function, element, process, being,

required, consists, comprehension

Predominance of the noun

(frequency of forms in I.p. and R.p.)

Sources (I.p.) of Roman law (R.p.) are

ways (I.p.) of expression (R.p.) and

consolidation (R.p.) of norms (R.p.) of law (R.p.).

Use of abstract nouns


Quantity, education, change, phenomenon,

attitude, development, expression

Use of participles and gerunds Possessing, characterized by having done,


The predominance of NSV verbs of the present

The custom is not fixed in writing,

he lives in people's memory, in legends,

rituals, legends and is orally transmitted from

generation to generation.

Using the form 1 l. plural when you specify

We conclude that...


Use of demonstrative pronouns This, that, given

Grammatically complete sentences

narrative non-exclamatory

sentences with direct word order.

The stylistic rule refers to

general language as particular to the general.

Passive structures (structures with

reflexive verbs and short

passive participles) and impersonal


The linguistic means of the law are used

lawyer in the performance of

professional functions: when compiling

various rulings and indictments

conclusions, contracts and agreements,

making judgments and judgments. Such

documents such as wills, notices,

summons, request, undertaking not to leave, etc.,

the duty function is clearly expressed.

Complex sentences and complicated

homogeneous, separate members


A patent is a document

certifying state recognition

technical solution by invention and

attaching to the person to whom it was issued,

exclusive right to this invention.

A preferred share is a share that does not give

giving the right to a fixed dividend,

paid on a priority basis.


For example, so, thus, firstly, by

Introductory words and constructions

As already mentioned ...., first we will try

analyze ..., what was said, of course, is not


Various means of communication

paragraphs into one compositional unity

Science is characterized by the following forms of communication: oral and written; for oral

communication is characterized by the following genres - report, lecture, discussion, for written

communications - monograph, textbook, article, review, abstract, theses.

The monographic genre in scientific speech is the most difficult. This complexity

depends, first of all, on the content of the text, which is divided into a number of topics and subtopics.

The monograph is designed for visual assimilation, repeated reading, careful

study of individual sections. It is addressed to a person who has the same level

intellectual development, the same interests as the author. The main purpose of the monograph is

"convince, prove to the interlocutor that the content presented in the text is true",

"inform that the phenomenon is taking place", etc.

A genre related to the monograph is the dissertation. The most important difference

dissertations from a monograph is their form of existence: a monograph is a printed text,

published for public reading; dissertation is a handwritten text created for the purpose of

narrow, limited, but more competent. The dissertation is different from the monograph

structural rigidity, compositional clarity.

A scientific article is the freest genre, since its parameters do not limit

subject of speech, neither in the choice and structuring of the content of the material, nor in the logical

organization of the text, neither in its development, nor in the choice of subject. The article highlights one main

topic, but there are several of them in the monograph.

The general purpose of a textbook, a study guide is to "teach". This goal is the main

determining factor that ultimately affects the structure and typology of the textbook

and tutorial in general. The general goal facing the author of the statement is divided into

a number of smaller installations: transmission, consolidation of information, motivation for action,

expressed in understanding, assimilation and consolidation of information, facilitating perception.

The general goal of the addressee is to "learn". It includes such intentions as: to perceive,

understand, remember, interpret information, as well as reproduce it with maximum

accuracy. A textbook is a book that helps the addressee to understand the content of a certain

course; the textbook helps to master any fragment of this course, a special course,

optional. The composition of the textbook is subordinated to the solution of the main goal facing the author -

"teach by making the content material as accessible as possible for perception." Structure

each section, chapter, paragraph of the textbook is of a given nature and includes

the following elements: qualification, characteristics of the object based on the description;

explaining qualifications through illustrations, demonstrating the inference of knowledge,

based on communication and reasoning; generalization, expressed in formulations, assessments,

presented in evidence and comparisons; content commenting and

ways to obtain the presented conclusions, etc.

The annotation should be characterized as a direct, direct description of some

or text. Its purpose is "to inform objectively about some other text", and therefore

it must be considered only in relation to it. Compositional abstract

is a short text, the type of which is most often descriptive.

The abstract contains detailed information about any text. Abstract composition

contains a description (or narrative) and a conclusion of a generalizing nature. First part

is an abstract with predetermined topics, the second half is

description of the text itself (reveals the topic, problems, composition of the text, description

The review on compositional features is close to the article, but on particular

characteristics is significantly different from other genres, since its purpose is to assess the significance

any text or group of texts. The review is dominated by subjective modality,

which is hidden behind such types of objective modality as "true - false". Any

the value judgment of the review is extremely restrained in relation to the actual

Special purposes of the conversation, topics often encourage people to switch to

professional language, which is saturated with special words and expressions. AT

Linguistics introduced a term to designate this variety - "special language".

A special language is a natural language with elements of the symbolic languages ​​of science.

(mathematics, computer science, linguistics, economics, etc.). At the same time, along with verbal

(verbal) elements, such elements as independent terms,

which are a formulaic analogue of a verbal term (for example: H 2 O), and term elements

(for example: α-rays, constant K). In addition, the special language is the national language with

a trend towards its internationalization 19 , since terms in all languages ​​must mean the same and

Same. For example: exchange, broker, mortgage, business, etc.

The term is the main lexical and conceptual unit of a special sphere of language.

Terms are:

General scientific - designed to express categories and concepts, fundamentally and productively

applicable to all areas of scientific knowledge,

for example: system, element, function, model, program, method;

Interscientific - names of generalized basic concepts common to the whole complex of sciences,

e.g. appliances,

as well as terminological units, the use of which in the terminologies of several

areas of knowledge and practice are not related to common object activities;

Highly specialized - concepts, categories, specific for each industry,

for example: abstracting, operations research methods, ecologist, geneticist.

A special language performs the most essential functions of a language:

Reflection of reality and storage of knowledge (epistemic function);

Obtaining new knowledge (cognitive function);

Transfer of special information (communicative function).

Such a polyfunctional system has the ability to be polystructural in order to

meet different communication needs. Yes, at the content level.

special language breaks down into specific professional languages. For example, language

historians differs significantly from the language of physicists, the language of philologists - from the language of economists and


Each scientific work consists of three parts:

1) introductions;

2) main (main) part;

3) conclusions.

The introduction should address the following questions:

1) importance (relevance) for science and practice of the chosen topic;

2) the degree of development of this issue in science (here it is necessary to find poorly studied

or conflicting aspects of this issue);

3) definition of the purpose, objectives of the study.

The main part contains the data obtained as a result of the study, their

systematization, explanation. The main part is divided into chapters and usually consists of three chapters.

The first chapter is theoretical in nature: the subject of research is defined,

the history of the issue under study, different points of view of scientists are compared. In the first chapter

statement and refutation are given. The second and third chapters present the actual

several paragraphs preceded by a short introduction. At the end of each chapter

a conclusion is made. This design of the material implements the main style feature - consistency.

In conclusion, general conclusions are formulated, suggestions can be made on

improvement in solving this problem. The conclusion must be related to

It should be remembered that the scientific text is perceived in the direction from the particular to the general,

and is created - from the general to the particular.

precedes each scientific work table of contents, list at the end of the work

used literature.

19 Internationalisms (lat. inter - "between", natio, nationis - "people") - words and expressions that coincide in

its external form and lexical meaning in many unrelated languages ​​(at least three). main

Functional varieties of the literary language: the language of fiction, colloquial speech, functional styles (scientific, business, journalistic). Interaction of functional styles.

The language of fiction.

It is known that people enter into verbal communication with different goals and there are many factors that determine the success of communication. And if the means of transmitting information in verbal communication is language, then the success of communication depends on the ability to use the language. Of course, it is necessary to have a large stock of language tools: to know a lot of words, to be able to build a variety of phrases; but it is also important to master speech, that is, to know when it is appropriate to use this or that word, this or that language construction.

The relevance of speech depends on the following factors: the addressee, the topic of communication (everyday or scientific), the purpose of communication (to convey or receive information, to encourage the interlocutor to act), the typical situation of communication (official or informal), the social relations of the participants in communication (the age of the interlocutors, the degree of acquaintance , the nature of the relationship: friendly, partner, family, professional), the form of communication (oral or written), the number of participants in communication, etc.

In each specific situation, a native speaker who knows how to take into account all these factors chooses a special standard set of language tools. Thus, the speaker builds his speech in a certain style.

The concept of "style" appeared in ancient times. Originally style [lat. stylus Exemplary Latin was also not homogeneous, it distinguished three styles of literature, each of which was associated with one of the genres (genre - a historically established, stable variety of a work of art (in literature: a novel, a poem, etc.); a form of text organization) Virgil's cycles of works: "Bukoliki" (lit. shepherd's poems), "Georgics" (lit. agricultural poems) and "Aeneid". In these works, not only words corresponded to the genre, but also objects, symbols, and names.

The “three styles theory” existed for a long time (not years, but centuries!). To speak in a high style meant to speak high words about high subjects. The ability to speak in a high style testified to a high social status speaker. In Europe, this theory was especially relevant in the era of classicism. In Russia, the theory of three styles was developed and reformed by M.V. Lomonosov, who presented the results of his reflections on the historical development and stylistic organization of the Russian language in two Rhetorics (short - 1743 and "lengthy" - 1748).

In the 19th century, during the formation of the modern Russian literary language, the criteria for distinguishing style changed. Comprehension of the diverse linguistic functions of a person led to the emergence of a typology that includes artistic, newspaper and journalistic, scientific, colloquial and official business styles. This classification is taught in schools today. The concept of "style" is considered primarily as a linguistic adaptation of a person to the social environment, as a generally accepted manner of performing speech acts. Here is the most famous definition of style given by academician V.V. Vinogradov: “Style is a socially conscious and functionally conditioned, internally integrated set of methods of using, selecting and combining means of verbal communication in the sphere of one or another nationwide, nationwide language, correlative with other similar ways of expression that serve for other purposes, perform other functions in the speech practice of a given people". Style is a set of methods for using the means of a common mother tongue to express certain ideas, thoughts in various conditions speech practice. Currently, there are many definitions of style, but an important feature that unites them is the principle of selection and combination of available language means, their transformations.

In the second half of the twentieth century, linguists came to the conclusion that the differences between some areas of communication are great and it is incorrect to use the term style in relation to them. In the 80s of the twentieth century, D.N. Shmelev introduced the concept of a functional variety of language, that is, the stratification of language means to perform various social functions. In accordance with this theory, three functional varieties are distinguished in the literary language: colloquial speech, the language of fiction, and functional styles (scientific, official business, and journalistic).

At the same time, functional styles are considered as a kind of language, including three styles, which all together in their linguistic organization have significant differences from the language of fiction and colloquial speech. All functional styles have common features:

Pragmatic orientation, since an oral or written text exists and is created based on the addressee of the speech. Any statement is designed for effective / effective communication in a certain communicative situation.

Selection of linguistic means due to extralinguistic reasons. This determines the peculiar use of the means of the national language (phonetic, lexical, morphological, derivational, syntactic).

Functional varieties of language are directly related to various genres of speech. Genre diversity is characteristic of both oral and written speech. Genres such as a scientific report, university lecture, scientific message are naturally associated with the scientific style of speech, while political, rally, propaganda speech reflect the journalistic style. It is customary to distinguish genres oral speech depending on the type of eloquence:

Kind of eloquence Genres
Socio-political eloquence - Report on socio-political topics

Reporting report at a meeting (conferences, congress)

political speech

Review (review)

Rally speech

propaganda speech

academic eloquence - University lecture

One-time lecture

Scientific report

scientific message

Judicial eloquence - Prosecutor's (accusatory speech)

Advocate (defensive speech)

The speech of the accused, or self-defense speech

Social and household eloquence - Anniversary speech

table speech

Gravestone, memorial speech

Theological and ecclesiastical eloquence - Sermon

Speech at the council

The types of social eloquence also include such "small genres" as farewells, congratulations, wishes, information about health, business, etc. In the twentieth century, new genres of oral speech arose, for example, speeches delivered on radio and television, speeches for " round table" etc.

Thus, the style is characterized by the unity of content and form. Since in each of the spheres of communication there are general principles for the selection and use of the means of the national language in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, a peculiar organization of language means is being created, which is a functional style. M.N. Kozhina gives the following definition: “Functional style is a peculiar character of speech of one or another of its social varieties, corresponding to a certain sphere of social activity and a form of consciousness correlative with it, created by the peculiarities of the functioning of language means in this sphere and specific speech organization.

Analyzing each of the functional styles, we can conclude that all styles are interrelated, most language units are neutral and can be used in different situations of communication. It is important to remember that in a certain communicative situation a general, predominant tone of speech is created.

A special functional variety is the language of fiction. It should be noted that the language of fiction and the literary language of the phenomenon are not identical. The literary language is the language of the entire nation. Along with economic, political and some other factors, the literary language is the basis for the unity of the people. The literary language covers both the language of fiction and “language implementations in the field of journalism, science, government controlled, as well as the language of oral presentations and a certain type of colloquial speech (oral form of the literary language).

The language of fiction is a unique form of language existence, which was formed earlier than the literary language. Thus, in ancient Greece there was no literary language, and the language of the Homeric poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey", which is not associated with any territorial dialect, acts as a special "supra-dialect" form of speech. Such was, as researchers suggest, the language of the most ancient Indo-European poetry.

At present, the language of fiction is included in the system of literary language as a special phenomenon, which is opposed to both functional styles and colloquial speech. These functional varieties of language, for all their dissimilarity, are focused on objects of real life, and the language of fiction reflects aesthetic reality. It is in the language of fiction that the poetic function of language is most fully realized. In works of art real life is the reason for the creation of a new, aesthetic reality.

To achieve the desired aesthetic impact in work of art can be used all vocabulary Russian national language; literary words and expressions, as well as colloquial, highly specialized, slang, dialect vocabulary and phraseology (“The practice of weekly Monday “letters” and weekly Friday “five minutes” was introduced” - professionalism). Imitating oral communication, writers widely use not only lexical and phraseological units, but also syntactic features (“My friend has been married since childhood” - inversion; “I need to write everything down. For myself. Or maybe for Tanechka” - parcellation ). It should be noted that in the language of fiction, not all, but only individual means of literary and non-literary variants of the existence of the national language are used.

It must be remembered that the use of any element of the national language in literary work corresponds to a certain artistic task, for example, characterizes the hero, shows the author's attitude towards the hero, etc. Thus, language means, getting into the system artistic text, acquire the status and functions of an aesthetic sign, that is, they can be considered in the categories of beauty - ugliness.

The complexity of describing the language of fiction is also explained by the existence of individual styles of writers.

The special position of the language of fiction is also determined by its role in the formation of the literary language, which, as it were, grows out of the language of works of art.

The identification of functional varieties of language is also associated with the form of speech: oral or written. Conversational speech, which, unlike other functional varieties of the language, is realized mainly in oral form, has specific characteristics:

Unpreparedness (spontaneity);

Dialogue (polylogue);

Direct participation of speakers.

The presence of functional varieties of the literary language is associated with the difference in the functions performed by the language. Extralinguistic style-forming factors are singled out - essential circumstances that, when creating a text of one or another functional variety, consistently set its lexical, grammatical, syntactic parameters. For example: the scope of communication, the purpose of communication, the function of speech, the forms of social relations between participants in communication, types of production and other activities, etc.

The ability to distinguish between functional varieties of a language, to freely use any of them, having a clear idea of ​​which of the varieties of the language should be chosen in accordance with the tasks of communication, is an important competence for any native speaker.

Thus, relevance as one of the most important requirements of speech culture depends on many factors. Already in the ancient period, special variants of speech were identified that correspond to certain conditions of communication. These options are called style. Currently, style is defined as a variety of literary language that has developed at a certain time in a particular society, which is a relatively closed system of linguistic means that are constantly and consciously used in various fields life.

In the twentieth century, the theory of functional varieties of language became widespread in Russian linguistics, according to which the stratification of linguistic means of the literary language occurs in accordance with social functions performed by the language in typical communication situations. It is customary to distinguish three functional varieties: colloquial speech, the language of fiction and functional styles (scientific, official business and journalistic).

The language of fiction is a special linguistic phenomenon, which corresponds to the entire national language, including territorial and social dialects. The specificity of the language of fiction does not allow us to consider this functional variety in detail in the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech", addressed to non-philologists.

The study of functional styles and colloquial speech in a non-philological student audience is due to the widespread use of these functional varieties of language in socially significant areas.

The use of different stylistic language means within the same text, the inappropriate use of clericalism, the abuse of special terms in a non-scientific text, the use of jargon and colloquial vocabulary in book texts indicate a low level of speech culture of the speaker/writer and are often the main cause of communication failures.

Questions for control and self-control

1. What is style?

2. What is a genre?

3. Where and when did the doctrine of styles first appear?

4. What areas of communication do you know?

5. Why did academician D.N. Shmelev introduce the concept of a functional kind of language?

6. What genres of social eloquence do you know?

7. What features are characteristic of colloquial speech as a functional variety of language?

8. What features are characteristic of the language of fiction as a functional variety of language?

9. What are style-forming factors?

10. List the objective style-forming factors operating in each functional style.

11. What components make up the system of each functional style?


1. Dictionary of foreign words / Ed. Lekhina I.V., Lokshina S.M., Petrova F.N., Shaumyana L.S. - M.: Russian language, 1988.

2. Vinogradov V.V. The results of the discussion of questions of stylistics // Questions of linguistics, 1955, - No. 1.

3. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary / Ch. ed. Yartseva V.N. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990.

5. Bakhtin M.M. Problems of speech genres // Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - M., 1975.

6. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

7. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary / Ch. ed. Yartseva V.N. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990.

8. Russian speech culture / Ed. edited by V.D. Chernyak. - St. Petersburg: SAGA, ABC Classics, 2006.

9. Solganik G.Ya., Dronyaeva T.S. The style of the modern Russian language and the culture of speech. - M .: Academy, 2002.

Russian literary language

The purpose of the lecture is to form
understanding of the main
varieties of Russian
literary language and that
choice of specific
variety depends on
communication situations.

Lecture plan

Diagram of speech communication
Language Features
Functional varieties
literary language
Functional styles of literary
Neutral and stylistically
colored vocabulary
Evaluative vocabulary

Basic concepts

book speech
scientific style
Formal business style
Evaluative vocabulary


Russian national language consists of
several parts:
territorial dialects;
social dialects;
literary language.
Only literary language counts
correct and prestigious language.

Man speaking in
literary language,
choose those speech
funds that
fit the situation

Voice communication

People communicate through language and
interact. situations in which
there is communication, a lot and everything
they are very different. But it is possible to distinguish
three components present in
every situation. it

The sender is a person
who speaks or writes.
Text is speech, oral or
The recipient is a person
who listens or reads.

Diagram of speech communication


Perception is the process of understanding
The addressee listens (reads) and tries
understand the text.
The sender observes the perception
addressee, that is, carries out
If the addressee does not understand, then the addressee
adds or changes text.

Communication can be direct or remote.


If the addresser and the addressee are separated in time (for example, in the process of reading an old book or a historical document), then

control of
perception is absent.

The recipient may be...


The recipient may be...

person or team

Text can be...


Language Features

Everything that is created by man has its own
appointment. Language also has its own
Appointment, duties we call
The language has several functions.
In the process of communication, language is always
performs one or more

Language features:

communicate an opinion
feeling what
beautiful flower!
impact on
thoughts, feelings
other people you
the flower is called
must understand that
lotus is very beautiful

rejoice in beauty
words and expressions
I thought my heart forgot
light ability
suffer, I said:
What was, is no longer
to be! not to be!
The excitement is gone and
sorrows, and gullible
dreams... But here again
trembled before
powerful power

communicate with
Hello! You
already seen this
another person
Look at this

Functional varieties of language

Functional varieties
language are parts of the literary
languages ​​that differ from each other
other language function and set
used speech means (words,
grammatical forms of words,
syntactic constructions, etc.).

Functional varieties of literary language


Comparative characteristics

The joy of beauty
words and expressions
One or two people
friends or acquaintances
All people
Form of speech
The form

Colloquial speech and the language of fiction

used when
communication (often
friendly or
household), has
oral form. Her
main function -
The language of art
Literature - In language
literature can
used all
language tools, including
number of elements
dialects and vernacular.
The language of art
literature has
huge impact on
literary language in
in general. It is the writers
form in their
norm products
literary language.

Colloquial speech is used in such situations ...


book speech

book speech
Communication of information; message
thoughts and feelings; impact
One person, team, all people
direct, remote
Form of speech
Written, oral
Text shape
Monologue, dialogue, polylogue

Book speech is used only in
official situations.
There are many such situations, and they are different:
it is business, science, and social
activities and mass media
information (television, radio,
newspapers). Therefore, book speech is very
varied and heterogeneous.
Usually, inside book speech, they distinguish
three functional styles.

Functional styles of literary language


Thus, the Russian literary language
consists of five parts:
1. Conversation
2. The language of fiction
3. Official business style of speech
4. Scientific style of speech
5. Journalistic style of speech
There are two functional varieties and
three functional styles.
Functional style is part of the book
varieties of literary language

official business

The oral form of the formal business style is used ...

… at meetings and negotiations

Written texts of an official business style are statements, explanatory notes, contracts, reports, orders - in a word, everything

the documents.

The main functions of texts of this style are to communicate information and encourage another person (or people) to act.


The oral form of scientific style is used…

…on the scientific conferences during lectures,
seminars and exams.

Written texts of the scientific style are dissertations, theses, textbooks, scientific articles and reports.


The main function of texts of this style is the communication of information.


The oral form of the journalistic style is used ...

… on television and radio, during public
speeches on socially significant topics.

Written texts of journalistic style are articles in newspapers and magazines.


The main functions of the texts of this style are the communication of information and the impact on the thoughts and feelings of people.


How are functional styles different from each other?

Functional styles are different
friend, first of all, vocabulary.
There are words in Russian that can
be used in any situation, in any
style. They are called neutral.
words. And there are words that can
limited use. Such words
called stylistically colored.

Stylistically colored vocabulary

AT explanatory dictionaries Russian
language next to
stylistically colored
a special word is put
Razg. - Speaking
Book. - book talk
Official - official business style
Specialist. – scientific and formal business style
High - the language of fiction and

hard times

Neutral Razg.
forever and ever
by chance
money possessor
a lot of

Compare texts

- I want to introduce
you with a partner.
He is a human
monetary. He has in
jar full of greenery.
book speech
- I want to introduce
you with your
business partner,
which the
belongs to
the class of the haves. AT
he has a lot of bank
US dollars.

Emotionally colored vocabulary

Emotionally colored vocabulary is
words expressing feelings and emotions.
For example: excellent, excellent, bad,
Along with emotions, these words express
The score can be:
1) positive (excellent, excellent);
2) negative (bad, bad).


About a good person:
smart girl,
a lion.
About a bad person:


He has a wonderful
She has excellent
sense of humor.
My brother -
real hero.
Yes, you are an eagle!
He has an ugly
She has
sense of humor.
My brother -
real coward.
Well, you and the crow!

Emotionally colored, evaluative vocabulary cannot be in the texts of official business and scientific styles. But such words can

emotionally tinged,
evaluative vocabulary cannot
be in the texts of official business and scientific styles.
But such words may be
journalistic style texts
and in colloquial speech.


The means of the Russian literary language are distributed
unevenly. There are three varieties: language
fiction, colloquial speech and book
speech. Within the framework of book speech, there are functional
styles: scientific, journalistic and official business.
Styles and varieties have a number of differences, primarily in
vocabulary. For example, emotionally colored vocabulary can be
use only in everyday communication and in speeches at
television, radio, newspaper articles, etc.
In the following lectures, you will learn in detail about the signs
each variety of literary language, with the exception of
the language of fiction, which we consider
we will not.

Questions for self-examination

What are the components of speech?
What features of the language do you know?
What is a functional kind of language?
What functional varieties of language do you
What is functional style?
What functional styles do you know?
What is neutral vocabulary?
What is emotional vocabulary?
What is evaluative vocabulary?
49Culture of Russian speech. Ed. prof.
L.K. Graudina, 1998.
Berdichevsky A.L., Solovieva N.N. Russian
language: spheres of communication. Tutorial on
stylistics for foreign students, 2002.
Balykhina T.M., Lysyakova M.V., Rybakov M.A.
Learning to communicate: training course Russian
language and culture of speech for students of higher
educational institutions of Russia, 2004

Functional style, or functional kind of language, functional type speeches

- this is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a specific character (its own speech consistency- see), formed as a result of the implementation of special principles for the selection and combination of linguistic means, this is a variety corresponding to one or another socially significant area of ​​communication and activity, correlative with a certain form of consciousness - science, art, law, etc. See: F. s. scientific, off.-business and others - according to A.N. Vasilyeva, "macrostyles". In other words, it is a historically established type of language functioning, deposited and existing in the minds of speakers, which, being realized in speech in the process of communication, is a large compositional type of speech with specificity. F. s. created under the influence of a complex of basic extralinguistic style-forming factors(see): along with activities and forms public consciousness– language functions; typical content characteristic of the respective sphere of communication; the goals of communication associated with the appointment in society of a particular form of consciousness and type of activity, etc. (These two formulations are based on the understanding of style by V.V. Vinogradov, M.M. Bakhtin and B.N. Golovin). According to Vinogradov, F. s. - the phenomenon of the literary language.

In the Russian linguistic and Czechoslovak traditions, the following F. with .: scientific(scientific and technical - see), journalistic(or newspaper and journalistic, political - see), official business(legislative - see), colloquial(everyday colloquial - see), art(fiction - see), religious- see These F. s. are presented in almost all modern European (and not only) languages. At the same time, the regularities of the functional-style system (F. style) are of a probabilistic-statistical nature. They are created not so much by means of stylistically marked means ready in the language, but by the different frequency of use of certain linguistic units and their organization. speech consistency(see), which is formed under the influence of its own in each F. s. dominants(or otherwise: constructive principle- cm.). For example, for office work. F. s. the dominant is imperative; accuracy that does not allow for interpretation; speech standardization; for the newspaper public. a combination of expression and standard, vivid social appraisal, attitude towards the novelty of expression.

In Russian studies, there is no consensus on the status (the possibility of singling out, along with others, as F. s.) artistic style speeches(cm.); To a certain extent, this applies to conversational style(cm.).

The probabilistic-statistical style model was developed by B.N. Golovin, O.B. Sirotinina, G.A. Lesskis, M.N. Kozhina, A.Ya. Shaikevich and others). It has predictability in relation to the use of certain units of the language (including grammatical phenomena).

In Russian and Czechoslovakian linguistics, F. s. is usually considered as a speech (textual) phenomenon, i.e. as a style of speech. But there is also a t. sp., according to which F. styles are varieties of lit. language (language structure) - (D.N. Shmelev; N.A. Kozhin, A.K. Panfilov, V.V. Odintsov, etc.). Obviously, it is legitimate to combine both positions: F. s. speech is the realization in live speech communication of the potentialities of the language (the presence in the linguistic consciousness of speaking ideas about the rules for creating F. language styles). True, in the process of using the language in speech, additional "increases" appear. Wed M. Yelink's words about F. s. as a speech phenomenon (1965).

F. s. is not monolithic, it can be considered on different levels abstractions: higher - as a macrostyle (F. style) and lower, more specific (substyles and other more particular varieties). In this regard, we should talk about the core of the style and its periphery, in connection with which it is advisable to model F. with. in the aspect field structure C.(cm.). Taking into account not only basic, but also other extralinguistic factors, F. s. Thus, they are subdivided into sub-styles, genres, into others, including peripheral varieties, reflecting the interaction of styles (border "areas" of F. s.), since in real speech reality styles interact and intersect. Thus, in the stylistic side of speech (text) can be found as invariant for a given F. s. (main) (see), as well as features "coming" from the extra-foundations of a substyle or genre; in addition, in some peripheral ones there are stylistic features and elements of other phrasal styles.

F. s. - a historical and social phenomenon; their formation and development is associated with changes in the socio-cultural conditions of society and the use of the language. F. s. implemented in written and oral forms, but in different ways. There is a special point of view (O.A. Lapteva) about the existence oral public speech(see) regardless of F. s., i.e. uniting a number of styles in their oral form. Another position on this issue belongs to E.A. Zemskoy, E.N. Shiryaev, O.B. Sirotinina.

Scientific study of F. with. - the central concept of modern stylistics - begins in the 20s. 20th century in the works of scientists of the Prague Linguistic Circle, in the works of G.O. Vinokura, V.V. Vinogradova, M.M. Bakhtin and later - Yu.S. Stepanova, V.P. Murat, T.G. Vinokur, A.N. Vasilyeva, B.N. Golovina, V.G. Kostomarova, M.N. Kozhina, K.A. Horny, N.M. Razinkina, O.B. Sirotinina, G.Ya. Solganika, T.V. Matveeva and many others. other development of the doctrine of F. s. contributed to the turn of linguistics from the structural paradigm to the communicative-functional, which in turn was facilitated by the funkt. style.

F. s. - an essential feature of lit. language; historical development the latter is associated with the expansion of its functions and, thereby, the formation of various f. styles, their gradual "crystallization" (more pronounced stylistic features of each f. s., the natural nature of the stylostatistical frequencies of language units, the stylistic "purity" of its speech consistency, as well as sub-styles and other more particular stylistic varieties). Specific speech system F. s. found in the text; style, thus, acts as a property of the text, so the study of F. s. should not be limited to the analysis of the functioning of pre-text units in speech. Thereby (see) is one of the sections functional style(cm. ). See also .

Lit.: Vinogradov V.V. Results of the discussion of questions of style. - VYa. - 1955. - No. 1; His own: . Theory of poetic speech. Poetics. - M., 1963; Vinokur G.O. On the tasks of the history of the language // Fav. works in Russian language. - M., 1959; Kozhina M.N. To the foundations of functional style. - Perm, 1968; Her: On the specifics of artistic and scientific speech in the aspect of functional stylistics. - Perm, 1966; Her: On the speech system of the scientific style in comparison with some others. - Perm, 1972; Her: Stylistics of the Russian language. - 3rd ed. - M., 1993; Development of functional styles of the modern Russian language. - M., 1968; Kostomarov V.G. Russian language on a newspaper page. - M., 1971; Sirotinina O.B. Modern colloquial speech and its features. - M., 1974; Rogova K.A. Syntactic features journalistic speech. - L., 1975; Vasilyeva A.N. A course of lectures on the style of the Russian language. General concepts stylistics, colloquial-everyday style of speech. - M., 1976; Her: A course of lectures on stylistics. Scientific style of speech. - M., 1976; Bakhtin M.M. The problem of speech genres // Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - M., 1979; Vinokur T.G. patterns stylistic use language units. - M., 1980; Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. Ch. II. - M., 1980; Odintsov V.V. Text style. - M., 1980; Solganik G.Ya. Newspaper vocabulary. - M., 1981; Kozhin N.A., Krylova O.A., Odintsov V.V. Functional types of Russian speech. - M., 1982; Colloquial speech in the system of functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Vocabulary. - Saratov, 1983; Grammar. - Saratov, 1992; Matveeva T.V. Functional styles in terms of text categories. - Sverdlovsk, 1990; Functional styles and forms of speech / Edited by O.B. Sirotinina. - Saratov, 1993; Salimovsky V.A. Genres of speech in functional and stylistic coverage (scientific academic text). - Perm, 2002; Havranek B. Studue about spisovnem jazyce. Prague, 1963; Jelinek M. Definice pojmu "jazykovy styl" // Sbornik praci filosofické faculty Brnĕnske university, 1965, A 13; Hausenblas K. Výstavba slovesných komunikatů a stylistyka // Československé přednašky pro VI mzn. sjezd slavistů. – Praha, 1968 (see ibid. Art. Jelinka M.); Fleischer W., Michel G. Stilistik der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. – Leipzig. 1975; Mistrik I. Štylistika slovenského jazyka. – Bratislava, 1985; Tošovic B. Funkcionalni stilovi. – Sarajevo, 1988; His own: Functional style. – Beograd, 2002.

M.N. Kozhina

Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. - M:. "Flint", "Science". Edited by M.N. Kozhina. 2003 .

See what "Functional style, or functional type of language, functional type of speech" is in other dictionaries:

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) A historically established, socially conscious speech variety that has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special principles ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) Historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    functional style- and. A kind of literary language, due to the difference in the functions performed by the language in a certain area of ​​communication. The concept of f. With. is central, basic in the differential division of the literary language, a kind of starting point for ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    - - one of the central directions of stylistics, which studies the patterns of the functioning of the language in various spheres of speech communication, corresponding to certain types of activity and representing, first of all, functions. styles (see), as well as ... ...

    - (from Latin stilus, stylus - a pointed stick for writing, then - the manner of writing, the originality of the syllable, the warehouse of speech). In linguistics, there is no single definition of the concept of S., which is due to the multidimensionality of the phenomenon itself and the study of it with various points… … Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    - - one of the functional styles (see), characterizing the type of speech in the aesthetic sphere of communication: verbal works of art. The constructive principle of H. s. R. – contextual translation of the word concept into the word image; specific stylistic trait - ... ... The stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language is one of the stylistic and speech varieties of scientific. funkt. style, allocated (in comparison with the actual scientific one) on the basis of the implementation of additional communication tasks - the need to translate a special scientific. information into non-specialized language ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    France- (France) French Republic (République Française). I. General information F. state in Western Europe. In the north, the territory of F. is washed by the North Sea, the Pas de Calais and the English Channel, in the west by the Bay of Biscay ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Normative aspect of speech culture.

A culture of speech. Normative, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech.

The concept of culture of speech is closely connected with the literary language.

Under culture of speech refers to the knowledge of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form.

The culture of speech contains three components:




The culture of speech implies, first of all, the correctness of speech. Language norm is the central concept speech culture, and the normative aspect of the culture of speech is considered one of the most important.

The communicative aspect of speech culture. The culture of speech develops the skills of selecting and using the language tools necessary for this purpose. In accordance with the requirements of the communicative aspect of the culture of speech, native speakers must be able to functional varieties of language.

speech accuracy. The accuracy of speech is most often associated with the accuracy of word usage. Speech accuracy is determined by:

knowledge of the subject,

Logic of thinking,

The ability to choose the right words.

Violation of the accuracy of speech as a result of insufficient knowledge of the features of the Russian language is the use of words in an unusual meaning for them; ambiguity not eliminated by the context; generating ambiguity; mixture of paronyms, homonyms.

Each significant word performs a nominative function, that is, it names an object or its quality, action, state. This obliges speakers to pay attention to the meaning of words, to use them correctly.

Reduces the accuracy of speech ignorance of the existence of paronyms and homonyms in the language, the inability to neutralize these phenomena in speech.

Paronyms Words that are similar in sound and spelling but different in meaning are called. The presence of paronyms in the language leads to the fact that in oral and written speech one word is mistakenly used instead of another.

Homonyms name words that are different in meaning, but the same in spelling and sound (key). The use of homonyms in speech can also lead to semantic inaccuracy, ambiguity of the statement.

Intelligibility of speech. The general comprehensibility of a language is determined, first of all, by the selection of speech means, namely, the need to limit the use of words that are on the periphery of the vocabulary of the language and do not have the quality of communicative validity.

From the point of view of the sphere of use, the huge dictionary of the Russian language can be divided into two large groups - the vocabulary of an unlimited sphere of use, which includes commonly used words that are understandable to everyone, and the vocabulary of limited use, which includes professionalism, dialectisms, jargon, terms, i.e. . words used in a certain area - professional, social, etc.

Professionalisms- words and expressions used by people of the same profession (journalists, electronic engineers, etc.). They are characterized by great detail in the designation of special concepts, tools, production processes, material.

Dialect vocabulary- words limited in territorial terms, included in the vocabulary of individual dialects, understandable only to a resident of a given area ( veksha-squirrel, kuren - house).

jargon- words and expressions belonging to any jargon. In modern linguistic literature, the word jargon is usually used to refer to various branches of the national language, which serve as a means of communication for various social groups.

Terms - these are words that are the exact designation of a certain concept of any special field of science, technology, art, public life(speech defect, ontogeny), etc.

concept- this is the idea of ​​general essential properties, connections and relations of objects or phenomena of objective reality.

Borrowing- these are words that appear in the language as a result of communication of some peoples with others, as a result of political, economic and cultural ties between them. This is a normal, natural phenomenon for any language.

Clarity and intelligibility of speech also depend on the correct use of foreign words in it. The place of foreign words in the Russian language, their further fate is not the same and is determined by their purpose.

Borrowings according to the degree of their penetration into the vocabulary of the Russian language can be divided into three groups.

first and of which are foreign words firmly established in the Russian language. They have been borrowed for a long time, assimilated by all the people and are not perceived as foreign languages ​​(deviation).

second group make up words that are widespread in the Russian language and are also the only names for the designated concepts, but are recognized as foreign languages ​​(tolerance, creativity).

To the third group includes foreign words that are not widely used. These include words that have Russian parallels, but also differ from them in volume, shade of meaning or scope of use.

In the process of communication, people often have to explain how to understand what is being discussed, to clarify what meaning this or that word or expression has. Speech practice has developed several ways of explaining words.

Ways to explain words.

1. The most rational way of interpreting words is considered boolean definition , i.e. definition of the concept through the nearest genus and specific difference.

2. Common is synonymous way, i.e. explanation using words that sound different but have a common meaning.

3. Quite often, when explaining words, they use descriptive way, in which its meaning is conveyed by describing the very object, concept, phenomenon.

4. Explaining the meaning of a word, sometimes it’s good to turn to it etymology. Etymology teaches us to understand the true meaning of the word, clarifies it. Science not only establishes the original meaning of the word, its original meaning, but also explores the history of its application, the reasons for the changes that it has undergone.

Richness and variety of speech. The richness and diversity, the originality of the speech of the speaker or writer largely depends on how much he realizes what the originality of the native language is, its richness.

The richness of any language is determined, first of all, by the richness of the dictionary. The lexical richness of the Russian language is reflected in various linguistic dictionaries, is determined by the semantic saturation of the word, i.e. its ambiguity. Most often, one of the meanings of a polysemantic word is realized in speech. If it were otherwise, then people would often not understand each other or misunderstand. However, polysemy can be used as a method of enriching the content of speech.

Our language is very rich synonyms those. words that are close in meaning. Each of the synonyms, thus, differing in a shade of meaning, highlights some feature of the quality of an object, phenomenon, or some sign of an action, and together the synonyms contribute to a deeper, more comprehensive description of the phenomena of reality. Synonyms make speech more colorful, more diverse, help to avoid repetition of the same words, allow you to figuratively express an idea.

There are many words in the Russian language that convey a positive or negative attitude of the speaker to the subject of thought, i.e. possess expression.

There are a lot of words in Russian emotionally charged. This is due to the fact that our language is rich in various suffixes that convey human feelings: affection, irony, neglect, contempt. The Russian language is unusually rich in figurative phraseology.

The dictionary of the Russian language is constantly enriched with new words. Compared to other languages, it compares favorably in the variety and number of ways in which new words are formed.

New words are created with the help of prefixes, suffixes, alternating sounds at the root, adding two or more stems, by rethinking, splitting words into homonyms, etc. The most productive is morphological way education, with the help of which dozens of new words are created from the same root.

The grammatical structure of the language is also distinguished by richness, flexibility and expressiveness. The richness, diversity, originality and originality of the Russian language allow everyone to make their speech rich and original.

Expressiveness of speech. The expressiveness of speech enhances the effectiveness of the speech: a vivid speech arouses interest among listeners, maintains attention to the subject of conversation, and has an impact not only on the mind, but also on the feelings and imagination of the listeners.

The expressiveness of speech largely depends on the situation of communication. Help the speaker to make speech figurative, emotional special artistic techniques, figurative and expressive means of the language, traditionally called tropes and figures, as well as proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions, winged words.

Before analyzing the various visual means of the language, it is necessary to clarify what properties the word has. The concept of figurativeness of a word is connected with the phenomenon of polysemy. Words that name only one any object are considered unambiguous, and words denoting several objects, phenomena of reality are considered polysemantic. (a pen).

The first meaning with which the word appeared in the language is called direct, and the subsequent ones are figurative.

Direct values are directly related to certain objects, the names of which they are.

portable values, unlike straight lines, they denote the facts of reality not directly, but through their relation to the corresponding straight lines.

The concept of figurative use of words is associated with such artistic means, how metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, widely used in public speaking, oral communication.

Metaphor based on the transfer of the name by similarity. Metaphors are formed according to the principle of personification, reification, abstraction, etc. Metaphors should be original, unusual, evoke emotional associations, help to better understand, represent an event or phenomenon.

Metonymy unlike metaphor is based on contiguity. With metonymy, two objects, phenomena that have received the same name, must be adjacent. The word adjacent in this case should be understood not just as a connection, but somewhat broader - closely related to each other.

Synecdoche- a trope, the essence of which lies in the fact that a part is called instead of a whole, or, conversely, a whole is called instead of a part, plural- instead of the only one.

Comparison is a figurative expression built on a comparison of two objects or states that have common feature. Comparison presupposes the presence of three data: an object, an image, and a sign.

epithets- artistic definitions. They allow you to more clearly characterize the properties, qualities of an object or phenomenon and thereby enrich the content of the statement. In the scientific literature, three types of epithets are usually distinguished: general language (constantly used in the literary language, have stable connections with the word being defined); folk - poetic (used in oral folk art); individually - author's (created by the authors).

To enliven speech, give it emotionality, expressiveness, figurativeness, they also use the techniques of stylistic syntax, the so-called figures: antithesis, inversion, repetition and etc.

A technique based on a comparison of opposite phenomena and signs is called antithesis (at a party it’s good, but at home it’s better). Antithesis widely represented in proverbs and sayings. Antithesis is an effective tool speech expressiveness and in public speech.

A valuable means of expressiveness in a speech - inversion, i.e. changing the usual word order in a sentence with a semantic and stylistic purpose.

Often, to strengthen the utterance, to give speech dynamism, a certain rhythm, they resort to such stylistic figure, how repetitions. Start several sentences with the same word or group of words. This repetition is called anaphora, which in Greek means unity.

In oral speech, repetitions are also found at the end of a phrase. As at the beginning of a sentence, individual words, phrases, speech constructions can be repeated. Such a stylistic figure is called epiphora.

Techniques have been developed in the practice of oratory. One of these methods is question-answer move. In addition to the question-and-answer technique, the so-called emotional or rhetorical question(Judges - who?). The rhetorical question enhances the impact of speech on the listeners, awakens in them the corresponding feelings, carries a great semantic and emotional load.

The means of expression include direct speech. Literally transmitted someone else's speech is called a quotation. As a form of transmission of someone else's statement in a speech, indirect speech is also used, which conveys someone's words from a third person.

Rich presentation material folklore. A real treasure for the speaker - Proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings are clots of folk wisdom, they express the truth, proven by the centuries-old history of the people - the creator, the experience of many generations.

To create figurativeness and emotionality of speech is used phraseology of the Russian language.

It must be remembered that the correctness of our speech, the accuracy of the language, the clarity of the wording, the skillful use of terms, foreign words, the successful use of visual and expressive means of the language, proverbs and sayings, winged words, phraseological expressions, the richness of the individual vocabulary, the effectiveness of communication, enhance the power of the spoken word.