Requirements for the office of a speech therapist. Equipment and design of the speech therapist's office. School speech therapist's office

Leitmotif Every morning I come to kindergarten, I go into my office. My office is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate of which creates the conditions for self-realization of the individual. I really like it, but I dream that someday it will be equipped with last word technology…. But it will be later. And now I'm walking down the corridor and catching the glances of my kids, so similar and at the same time so different. They are kind and sympathetic, with amazing eyes catching my every move. They listen to my every word, copy my intonation. And then there are quiet and withdrawn, frightened and indifferent, but someday they will want to communicate, talk about their toys, cartoons. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when you see the sparkle in the eyes of your kids. I'm ready to move mountains, throw away my Bad mood and go ahead. So, I am a speech therapist, it is more correct to say a teacher-speech therapist. Literally, I am a speech teacher. Or rather, the person who corrects this speech. Moreover, the correction occurs at the level of all speech units starting with a sound and ending with a sentence. The purpose of my activity is to promote the socialization of the child in society.

I strive to be a close person, mentor and friend for my speech pathologists, who will not only help correct existing speech disorders, but will also be able to find a “pearl” in every “shell”, teach me to work with full dedication, rejoice in victories and sympathize with each other in case of failures. Therefore, I build relationships with children on trust, respect, exactingness and fairness. The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. It accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture interpersonal relationships, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness, and also a sense of humor helps me a lot in my work. I consider myself a competent specialist who knows not only traditional, but also non-traditional forms of conducting classes, effectively using health-saving technologies. Speech therapy influence, based on the psychophysical and individual characteristics of students, allows me to achieve high results. The main thing in speech therapy is that my work is result-oriented. And I not only teach the child to speak, but also restore his self-confidence. That is why the job satisfaction of speech therapists is very high. Seneca said: "By teaching others, we learn ourselves." I am happy because I have the opportunity to experience the world again and again. I am happy because I give the warmth of my soul. I am happy because I see the results of my work. My priority areas of work

This is an important office. A speech therapist works here. Not everyone knows this word, And the one who knows, respects. It is also a teacher's place. There are a lot of documents here. And here the child is accepted. This is where intelligence is defined. They will find without any doubt All speech disorders. They will find without any doubt All speech disorders. And since the diagnosis is ready, We need work, in a word. And there is a moment, it is the most important For everyone - their own program.

Purpose speech therapy room Examination of children (clarification of the etiology of the mechanisms and symptoms speech disorders) Development of articulation skills Corrective work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation Formation of grammatically correct speech Overcoming difficulties in pronunciation of complex words Formation of coherent speech Development of skills sound analysis and synthesis Consultative and methodological activities for MBDOU employees and parents

Tasks of correctional educational process Examination of pupils of groups and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Examination of pupils of groups and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Studying the level of speech, cognitive, social and personal, physical development and individual typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determination of the main areas of work with each pupil Evaluation of the results of helping children and determining the degree of their speech readiness to schooling Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-developing environment Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among teachers and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged subject-developing environment Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, control over their quality speech work with children Coordinating the efforts of teachers and parents, monitoring the quality of their speech work with children Systematic preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs Systematic preventive and corrective speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs

Methodological support of the speech therapy room I. Manuals and materials for exercises aimed at developing: thinking; different types of memory; different types of attention; imagination and fantasies; visual perception; auditory perception; fine (fine) motor skills of the hands; physiological (diaphragmatic) breathing; sound pronunciation; as well as materials: on teaching literacy; to prevent dysgraphia; on the formation of vocabulary; on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; for the formation of coherent speech. 2. Systematized illustrative material, selected taking into account the passage of lexical topics: subject pictures; action pictures; plot pictures; series of pictures; pictures for compiling descriptive stories; toys (soft, fur, wooden, plastic) for making up stories. 3. File cabinets: word games, game exercises; finger games; games for the development of communication skills; poems; nursery rhymes; riddles; purely and tongue twisters; texts for the automation of the delivered sound (in a syllable, word, phrase, sentence, text); other.

4. Entertaining material: anagrams, rebuses, charades, puzzles; mimic tables; 5. Technical means: tape recorder; audio recordings (sounds of the street, nature, rain, wind, etc.); 6. Materials of children's speech creativity: stories, stories invented by children; magazines, fairy tales, poems are the result of children's creativity. 7. Diagnostic materials. eight. Methodical literature: complex, correctional programs; methods and technologies of developmental education at the choice of a speech therapist. 9. Materials of creative pedagogical experience. Methodological support of the speech therapy room

1. consistency (the material is systematized, a passport of the office is drawn up, listing all the material and equipment); 2. accessibility (visual and didactic material is selected taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren); 3. variability (visual and didactic material and many manuals are multivariate and can be used in different classes in different options); 4. health saving (there is a main and additional lighting (above an individual mirror), a fire alarm is installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for charging the eyes, the office is easily ventilated). Organizing the correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy room, I was guided by the following principles:

Exclusive author's poems How difficult it is to be a teacher, believe me friends. I love my profession, I'll tell you not melting. Every day in frost and heat I hasten to my favorite garden. I have been met by children for many years in a row. I put the sounds to the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days go by, years go by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that at school the guys always had a mark of five. How difficult it is to be a teacher, trust me friends. I love my profession, I'll tell you not melting. Every day in frost and heat I hasten to my favorite garden. I have been met by children for many years in a row. I put the sounds to the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days go by, years go by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that at school the guys always had a mark of five.

Exclusive author's poems I am a teacher - a speech therapist Well, I'll tell you a secret. I love to talk to children, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lyova suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that the lion does not sob. Leva opens her mouth Leva tries so hard. And admire Leva Sounds are obtained. He began to speak beautifully to everyone, surprisingly. I am an excellent speech therapist There is no doubt about that. I'm a teacher - a speech therapist Well, I'll tell you a secret. I love to talk to children, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened, Lyova suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid so that the lion does not sob. Leva opens her mouth Leva tries so hard. And admire Leva Sounds are obtained. He began to speak beautifully to everyone, surprisingly. I am an excellent speech therapist There is no doubt about that.

Exclusive author's poems There are many professions on earth I will tell you friends But all the more important and dearer My profession I am a speech therapist, everyone needs me I am a doctor of sounds, words I will always come to the rescue I am ready as a soldier. Ready always, ready everywhere Like the sun to shine Ready to help the guys Talk beautifully Let the sounds flow like a stream Ringing stones Let joy bring every day Giving hope to everyone I love to help people I will tell you without melting I am proud of myself, my work The family is proud of me!

Svobodina N.G.,
teacher speech therapist, practical psychologist GBOU secondary school No. 913, member of the Organizing Committee Russian Association dyslexia, Moscow

In a huge amount of specialized literature, in journal articles, on the Internet, one can find, it would seem, all the information about what a modern speech therapy room should be like. Read and think - how cool! Everything you need to eat. Beautiful, just a lot, eyes run wide.

I look at my office - the sensations are the same. I remember 1980, when I started working in the Volgograd region (today's Kuzminki) in a kindergarten as a speech therapist. The stores did not have the abundance that we see today. They grabbed everything that appeared on the bookshelves. We went for special literature to Minsk and Kyiv, where it was a little better with this. They boasted to each other about books, didactic material that they managed to get. There was some kind of unspoken competition - who has more, better, more interesting. But there was one middle-aged woman among us, as it seemed to me then, who had been working as a speech therapist in a kindergarten for more than 10 years. We knew that many parents asked their child with speech therapy problems to be referred to her. And now she, looking at our throwing in search of literature, once said at a methodological association: “Girls, here I have only one box. It contains everything necessary for the work of a speech therapist: a mirror, a minimum of pictures, improvised means, a book with speech material. The rest I find around us. And you know what the result is.” For a long time I could not quench my thirst to acquire something new for my office. But I still remember her words. And in my, as they say, ideal office, I see books that I bought many years ago, looked through, but never opened again. I find games that I only managed to cut, but never used. There are illustrations for frontal exercises which were never useful.

  • Conclusion one: the most important rule for the cabinet is the “golden mean”. Everything should be in moderation. Excess is not always good.

Time inexorably flies forward. Not only we and children are changing. Things change around. A picture of a teapot from the 70s. XX century., causes bewilderment in the child. In the 90s. 20th century on test drawings with underdrawn objects from a well-known technique that psychologists and neuropsychologists use today, there is a spout from a teapot. Many children called it chicken leg. Today, children do not recognize scales for weighing products from the same time. And that's okay. How many pictures we have that are irrelevant today. Someone cannot part with them, someone got them from senior colleagues. How much space do they take up...

  • Second conclusion: all didactic, illustrative material in the classroom should correspond not only to the age of the children, but also to the time. Rare manuals - for the museum shelf, to sometimes nostalgic, telling young colleagues about how it was not easy for us to work.

Today, which group kindergarten don’t come in, everywhere you can see toys that we didn’t even dream about in childhood, because we didn’t know that there were such. If you want to play in the hospital, please, ready-made kits are at your service, where there is even a wheelchair and a mini X-ray machine. In the store - and counters, and goods, and cash desk, and money. In the "daughters-mothers" - a doll's multi-storey house with furniture, dishes, with family members from three generations and even different skin colors. And so - on all topics. But here's a real life observation...

For two years I have been collecting a doll house with all the attributes. The granddaughter was five, then six years old. When she came to visit, I let her play. But for some reason, the girl did not share my enthusiasm for this toy miracle. She pulled out all the filling from the house, stuffed it with toy animals and depicted something with them. Once I told her how we made doll houses in childhood: we took a big box from under our boots, cut out windows, doors, found beautiful colored pieces of paper and glued wallpaper. Furniture was made from paper and small boxes. Plasticine was used to mold dishes, food, etc. The child's eyes lit up: "Grandma, let's make such a house." After longingly looking at the beautiful three-story doll mansion, I got down to business. For a whole week we were looking for material, making miscellaneous items for our home. And then she played with this makeshift house with much more desire than with my purchased miracle.

  • Conclusion three: one of the prerequisites for the formation of writing and reading in children is the development of abstract methods of activity, which is possible with their gradual transfer from actions with concrete objects to actions with abstraction.

Do not constantly give children toys where there is no place for fantasy. From time to time, give a box with "different things" from which he will choose the necessary things for the hospital, and for the store, and for other games. I also keep such a box in the speech therapy room, because it is impossible to develop a child's speech without developing his imagination.

For many years of work, I have never had a case when a child, thanks to my manipulations with speech therapy probes, received any diseases, such as stomatitis, etc. Once upon a time, in Soviet times, we were prescribed medical alcohol for processing instruments. Very many, according to old memory, continue to process tools, purchasing disinfectants in pharmacies. But this has not yet become a widespread practice. But in vain. Many different sets of speech therapy probes have appeared on sale, both for setting sounds and for speech therapy massage. So there is a demand.

Today, many speech therapists go to speech therapy massage courses. Sometimes you can hear objections: they say that speech therapists do not have the right to do any kind of massage. Those who graduated from “speech therapist courses”, or studied at the institute under an accelerated or simplified system, of course, do not. They can't even call themselves defectologists. But those who really studied, received a high-quality education, not only can, but are obliged to do speech therapy massage. Children with dysarthria, which are becoming more and more, with cerebral palsy cannot do without this type of corrective action. And here is the question for high school— to the quality of special education.

So, instrumentation...

There are a lot of things written on the Internet, but there is no single approach. SanPin is silent about this. There are more and more children in need of speech therapy. Tools for a speech therapist are becoming more and more diverse. There are no processing rules or regulations.

  • Fourth conclusion: it is necessary to develop rules for the processing of speech therapy instruments that are adequate to reality, give recommendations on the application of these rules and procedures for manipulations (how often, for how long), provide a list of certified processing devices that can be purchased for a speech therapy room. Moreover, the rules should be binding on everyone.

Any teacher at any time of the day or night can give a whole lecture on the benefits, necessity, and obligatory development of motor skills, both fine and general, for any child, and a child with a delay speech development- especially. But what do we see in reality?

For the most part, speech therapy rooms, even if it is a separate room, and not a table and a closet in a kindergarten bedroom or a classroom corner at school, are very small. The size of the room only allows a speech therapist with a child to sit in front of a mirror and put two or three tables for subgroup lessons. But what about movement? Where to play? Ideally, only when we sit in front of a mirror, or when we write, draw. The rest of the activity is carried out either on the move, or transferred to another place. But how to do it if there is no space? And they won't give you another study room. Many don't even have that.

If I come to a speech therapist, either as a colleague or as part of a commission, and I see a small room where it is impossible to turn around, I ask the question: “Where do you play games from the Speech and Movement series?” The most common answer is: “Children stand behind the back of their chair and do exercises accompanied by speech.” These are not movement exercises.

  • Fifth conclusion: speech therapists cannot rebuild the building, they cannot expand the premises at their own expense, but they must be prepared for the question: “Where do you play?”. This means that it is necessary to provide for all possible options using other premises, sites in different time year, where you can conduct a full-fledged speech therapy lesson using motor exercises.

I am convinced that today no speech therapist alone can cope with the speech disorders that preschoolers and schoolchildren demonstrate. Many technologies and methods have appeared in educational kinesiology, psychophysiology, psychology, and neuropsychology. Without the help of doctors, we are often simply powerless.

Any speech therapist has two options:

- assemble a team; know to which specialist you can send the child for help, be confident in the competence of this specialist, keep in touch with him. This can happen by the type of mini-conciliums, by phone, Skype, in person - whatever;

- Continue your education. Any specialist is quite capable of getting a second higher education in psychology course. Not year-long courses, but full-fledged training. Knowledge of the age characteristics of children, the problems of child-parent relationships will help to properly build their work, both with children and with parents. And doctors in whom you can be sure, you need to look.

  • Conclusion six: for successful work, a speech therapist must be aware of new research, methods and technologies in the field of defectology, be able to use the knowledge of related sciences. Subscription to a profile magazine is required. Refresher training every three years should not be a mere tribute to instructions. The acquired knowledge must be used in the work.

There are a lot of interesting, non-traditional photos of speech therapy rooms on the Internet. There is something to learn. But, as a rule, users consider the most successful cabinets, where there are a lot of toys, various bright picture aids on the walls. You go in and your eyes widen. Now imagine that a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder came to you, and now there are much more of them. And how do you keep his attention? How to help focus, concentrate? Until he sees everything that is standing, lying or hanging in your office, he will not calm down.

In the first year of the Defectology Faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin, teachers of special psychology taught us that for children with developmental problems (HIA, as it is customary to talk about them today), it is necessary to create a special environment, an atmosphere in the classroom. Nothing should distract him, especially in the early stages of work. And only much later, having achieved certain results, you can start using the “noise” technique during the lesson.

  • Seventh conclusion: in a speech therapy room on the walls and in the public domain there should be a minimum of illustrations and toys. Only to create comfort, mood. Everything else must be removed. When a child comes to your class, he should not be distracted by extraneous things. I'm not saying that the speech therapist's office is an empty wretched room. Not! Everything in moderation, the "golden mean" - that's how you can characterize the situation around the child.

So, here are a few conclusions that I made based on my experience. I think that there will be more, but for the school office - others. In any case, I have not read about these aspects of the organization of speech therapy work in books and textbooks.

Let's repeat it again.

  • Everything should be in moderation. Excess is not always good.
  • All didactic, illustrative material in the classroom should correspond not only to the age of the children, but also to the time and realities.
  • There is no need to constantly give children games and toys where there is no room for imagination. It is impossible to develop a child's speech without the development of his imagination.
  • It is necessary to develop adequate real rules for the processing of speech therapy instruments, give recommendations on the application of these rules and the rules for these manipulations (how often, for how long), provide a list of processing devices that can be purchased for a speech therapy room. Moreover, the rules should be binding on everyone.
  • The speech therapist should in his plans provide for all possible options using other premises, sites at different times of the year, where you can conduct a full-fledged speech therapy lesson using motor exercises.
  • For successful work, a speech therapist must be aware of new research, be able to use the knowledge of related sciences. Subscription to periodicals is required. Refresher training every three years should not be a mere tribute to instructions. The acquired knowledge should bring the work of a specialist to new stage. And this should be reflected in the work: plans, printed works, presentations, speeches, etc.
  • In a speech therapy room, there should be a minimum of illustrations and toys on the walls and in the public domain. Only to create comfort, mood.

And now about what a speech therapy room should be like.

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, where a lot of attention is paid to correctional education, there is a need to revise some positions regarding the organization of space for speech therapy work.

Despite the fact that in legal documents The programs noted the relevance of the problem of working with children with disabilities, there is no clarity in the requirements. There are no methodological recommendations not only for specialists, but also for other participants in the correctional process: educators, teachers, heads of educational organizations, which creates a false feeling among the latter that such a staff unit as a speech therapist (psychologist) is not necessary.

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education both preschool and school, we will try to transfer them to the correctional area.

The difference in the equipment and equipment of the preschool and school speech therapy rooms is only in the size of furniture for children and the age gradation of didactic aids. Therefore, we will talk about the average classroom, making, as necessary, indications of the age of the children.

One of the main requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions is the creation of a special subject-developing environment.

The subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution is considered as a system of conditions that ensure the completeness of the development of the child's activity and his personality. This is the part educational environment, represented by a specially organized space, materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of shortcomings in their development.

Requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO

  • The developing object-spatial environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of space, materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschoolers in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of shortcomings in their development.
  • The developing object-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, the motor activity of children, as well as opportunities for solitude.
  • The developing object-spatial environment should ensure the implementation of various educational programs; in the case of organizing inclusive education, the conditions necessary for it; accounting for national-cultural, climatic conditions, in which educational activities; taking into account the age characteristics of children.
  • The developing object-spatial environment should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

All these provisions, clothed in "bookish" formulations, were also reflected in the old editions of instructions, reference books and textbooks - in terms of the organization corrective work. But expressed in other words. So, in my opinion, there is almost nothing fundamentally new in this part of the Federal State Educational Standard for us.

However, we cannot take and simply transfer the “old” to the new ground, because the time has changed, the children have changed, their problems have also changed.

The purpose of the speech therapy room is to create the most favorable environment and conditions for correcting the speech problems of a preschooler and problems with the oral and written speech of a student.

Based on today's reality, taking into account not only the growth in the number of children in need of corrective assistance, but also the transformation of disorders towards the complexity of the defect, the presence of concomitant problems of various etiologies, the functions and range of services of a speech therapist as a defectologist (and speech therapists with basic education are initially speech pathologists) are expanding and become more difficult.

It is necessary to take into account, and possibly revise the basic requirements for the equipment, content and functioning of the speech therapy room, as in preschool as well as at school.
Let's see what needs to be preserved from the old arsenal.

First of all - the presence of the cabinet itself, i.e. study rooms. This is the “weakest link” of a speech therapist. There are many solutions for providing a place for the work of a speech therapist: from a corner in the bedroom to 2-3 rooms with a total area of ​​20-40 m2. The latter option, by the way, is recommended in many reference books. But it still remains only a dream for many specialists.

Today it is not possible to solve the problem of providing all speech therapists with the same premises. This is from the realm of fantasy. It should only be noted that the minimum of 10 m2, which is laid down in SanPin for schools, and simply indicating the need for a speech therapist's office in SanPin for preschool educational institutions (without specifying the footage) are clearly insufficient.

It must be remembered that speech therapy work does not come down to “sitting” with a child in front of a mirror and staging sounds, but includes working with groups of 3 to 6-8 people, and conducting frontal classes, and organizing not only outdoor games, but also dynamic motor gymnastics with speech accompaniment. To date, SanPin for preschool educational institutions offers only one way to expand the space indicated in paragraph 1, paragraph 6.14: “In existing preschool educational organizations it is allowed to use the sleeping quarters provided for by the project as group or classrooms for additional education.

This is not enough.

There is only one way out - expanding the space by using other rooms, using moments of "passage" (when children go to a lesson with a speech therapist, sometimes through a long corridor of the building), etc. However, novice specialists and those who still have little experience need not only “advice”, but also clear recommendations: where, when and how this can be done.

A speech therapy room should not be office and academic. All material that is used in a certain period of time: games, toys - should be available for use by children and constantly changes as the lexical topics progress. You should try to avoid overloading the classroom with methodological and didactic materials.

In a speech therapy room, there should be a minimum of illustrations and toys on the walls and in the public domain. Only on the current topic and to create coziness, mood.

The child should have the desire and desire to go to the speech therapist’s office: it’s interesting, unusual and you won’t be bored there! And how to create an unusual interior, what can be its "zest" - it depends on the creativity of each specialist. The office should be clean, comfortable, cozy.


  • speech therapy cards for each child (with the results of intermediate diagnostics);
  • annual work plan;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • cyclogram of working time;
  • calendar-thematic planning;
  • abstracts of frontal classes;
  • plans for individual and subgroup classes;
  • notebook for individual work for each child;
  • notebook of interaction with educators;
  • performance report;
  • passport of the speech therapy room;
  • specialist portfolio;
  • legal documents (Law on Education of the Russian Federation, SanPin, a selection of orders and instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Department of Education of Moscow, concerning correctional education).

These are the main provisions regarding speech therapy rooms.

Of course, every specialist, and among speech therapists the vast majority of creative people with an artistic, design “vein”, will find their own zest, their own thing that will make their office desirable for children, parents, and interesting for colleagues.

  1. Wall mirror (at least 1.5 - 0.5 m).
  2. Children's table mirrors (9 x 12) according to the number of children.
  3. Children's tables and chairs for classes.
  4. Table for a speech therapist.
  5. Two chairs for adults.
  6. Additional lighting at the mirror (table lamp).
  7. A table clock.
  8. Cabinets and shelves for methodical literature.
  9. Hanging school board.
  10. Stacked canvas.
  11. Flannelgraph.
  12. Clean towel.
  13. Card file for available benefits.
  14. Boxes or folders of the same size and color for storing manuals.

II. Equipment of the zone of individual work with the child:

  1. A set of speech therapy probes (contained in a clean glass or special medical glass). Perhaps you will find the necessary equipment on the website
  2. Tray.
  3. Medical alcohol.
  4. Metal spatulas.
  5. Cotton wool is sterile.

III. Documentation:

  1. Perspective plan of work with children for a year.
  2. Calendar plan of frontal, subgroup and individual lessons.
  3. A speech card for each child with the necessary documentation:
    a) referral from a speech therapist of a children's clinic to a medical and pedagogical commission;
    b) an extract from the medical history issued by the pediatrician of the polyclinic;
    c) certificates from an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, a psychiatrist;
    d) characteristics for the child, compiled by the educator I / s, from which the child comes.
    An entry in the speech card about the progress of the child should be made at least 1 time in 3 months.
  4. Notebooks for individual work with children.
  5. Schedule speech therapy classes with children (timing of working time for all days of the week).
  6. A long-term plan for preparing the cabinet for the new academic year.
  7. Plan for self-education for the current year.

VI. Literature:

1. Card index for the available methodological literature.
2. List of recommended literature.

V. Benefits:

1. According to the examination of speech and general development children.

a) material for the examination of intelligence:

  • counting material;
  • cut pictures from 2-4-6 parts;
  • pyramids of varying degrees of complexity;
  • exclusion of the 4th extra item;
  • pictures and texts with hidden meaning;
  • joke pictures (what is drawn wrong?);
  • objects for grouping them by color, shape, common belonging to one of the groups;
  • mailbox with geometric shapes;
  • small builder, mosaic;

b) material for the examination of all components of speech:

  • phonetics (self-made albums or subject pictures for all sound phonemes);
  • vocabulary (on all topics, see "dictionary");
  • grammar (plot pictures "- for case and prepositional constructions and for the connection of words in a sentence or home-made albums);
  • coherent speech (2-3 simple texts for children to retell, a series of plot pictures to determine the logical sequence and compose a story based on them).

2. Development of general attention, memory and logical thinking.

a) exercises on the classification of objects and their grouping by color, shape, etc.
b) the development of auditory attention (for example, "What do you hear?", "Rain or sun" and DR-)
c) on the development of visual attention (for example, "Find a couple", "What Petrushka hid" and DR-)
d) the development of speech attention (for example, “Repeat, make no mistake!”, “Who called you?”, etc.)
e) on the development of logical thinking (for example, “Take your subject”, “Pick a picture for the word”, etc.)

3. Formation of sound pronunciation:

a) articulation exercises(cards, screen or stand);
b) a set of aids for working on speech breathing (flying objects, inflatable toys, etc.);
c) subject pictures for all studied sounds for frontal and individual work;
d) albums for the automation of set sounds (like Sokolenko, etc.);
e) board-printed games to automate the set sounds;
f) aids for the formation of the syllabic structure of words;
g) texts for automation of delivered sounds.

4. Formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis:

  • symbols of sounds (optional);
  • signal circles for the differentiation of sounds;
  • schemes for sound-syllabic analysis of words;
  • subject pictures for the differentiation of sounds;
  • aids for determining the position of a sound in a word (a card with three windows and chips for each child;
  • texts on the differentiation of sounds.

5. Diploma:

  • mobile alphabet;
  • alphabet in pictures;
  • cash registers of letters or magnetic alphabets for each child;
  • schemes for the analysis of proposals;
  • sets of subject pictures for dividing words into syllables.

6. Work on the dictionary:

a) subject pictures on topics:

"Vegetables" "Mushrooms" "Fruits"
"Berries" "Clothes" "Shoes"
"Headwear" "House and its parts" "Apartment and its parts"
"Furniture" "Dishes" "Food"
"Fish" "Toys" "Animals and their babies"
"Birds" "Insects" "Transport"
"Family" "Professions" "Tools"
"Toilet items" "Household items" "Seasons"
"Plants" "Trees" "School stationery"
Guidelines to all topics (in groups with FFN these topics are used on
generalization of subjects).

b) word formation aids:

  • suffix (noun and adjective with a diminutive suffix);
  • prefix (additional verbs);
  • relative (wooden table) and possessive (fox tail) adjectives from nouns;
  • single-root words like: cat - cat - kitten - cat.

c) subject pictures for the selection of antonyms (large - small).
d) subject and plot pictures for the selection of synonyms (small - small).

7. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

For groups with ONR:
a) allowances for all case forms of the noun singular and plural(including indeclinable nouns);

b) benefits for all prepositional constructions (composing sentences with simple and complex prepositions: on, z. y, from, for, over, under, from, with / with /, to, by, without, through, about, due to , from under);

c) allowances for all agreements (adjectives, verbs, numerals and pronouns with nouns);

d) aids for the formation of a phrase (work on the sentence structure).

For groups with FFN: a) allowances for the form of a noun, singular and plural; b) allowances for the form of the noun singular and plural of the genitive case;

c) allowances for prepositional constructions (with complex prepositions);

d) benefits for all approvals (see above).

8. Development of coherent speech.

For the group with ONR and logoneurosis:

a series of plot pictures;

plot pictures;

sets of subject pictures for compiling comparative and descriptive stories;

sets of texts for retelling and aids that facilitate this process (for example, reference pictures for restoring texts, thoughtful plans, etc.)

9. Board Printed Games:

(with clarification of program tasks for correctional work with children).

10. Methodical material:

b) material from the experience of speech therapists.

Passport of a speech therapy room, compiled in accordance with modern requirements for the design of pedagogical documentation. The material presents not only the equipment of a speech therapy room, but also a card file of methodological and didactic aids for successful correctional and developmental work with children of different ages.

Passport of a speech therapy room

General information about the cabinet^

  • Educational institution: State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution No. 42
  • The total area of ​​the speech therapy room: 15 sq.m.
  • Illumination:
  • Type: mixed (natural and artificial)
  • Sources: natural - window 1 pc.
  • artificial - fluorescent lamps 4 pcs.
  • Number of working speech therapists: 1
  • Number of speech therapy groups: 1
  • FULL NAME. speech therapist teacher: Popova Irina Semyonovna
  • Work experience: 5 years
  • Higher education
  • Rank: first qualifying category

Speech therapy office hours

Rules for using a speech therapy room

Wet cleaning of the office is carried out 2 times a week;
daily airing of the office;
before each use and after it, speech therapy probes and spatulas are treated with medical alcohol;
the office is equipped with a zone for subgroup classes, a zone for individual classes, a game zone;
at the end of the working day, the closed windows are checked, and electrical appliances are turned off.

A subject-developing environment has been created in the classroom in accordance with the requirements of SANPiN and the Federal State Educational Standard and the basic pedagogical principles:

  1. Consistency (the material is systematized, a passport of the speech therapy room was compiled listing all the material and equipment);
  2. Availability( didactic games and toys are stored on the lower open shelves, methodical material and documentation of a speech therapist - on the upper closed shelves);
  3. Health savings (there is a main and additional lighting (above an individual mirror), a fire alarm has been installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for charging the eyes, the office is easily ventilated);
  4. Taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of children (taking into account the age and physical characteristics of children, furniture is adjusted for the children of this group; visual, didactic material and games are selected in accordance with the age of the children and the structure of the defect).
  5. Variability (visual methodological material and manuals have many options for use - depending on the age of the children, learning tasks and the structure of the speech defect).


  1. Regulations on speech therapy group.
  2. Job description of a speech pathologist.
  3. The work program of the teacher-speech therapist.
  4. Register of attendance at speech therapy classes.
  5. Cabinet passport.
  6. Speech cards for each child.
  7. Notebooks of relationship with educators.
  8. Notebook for working with parents.
  9. Perspective plans for individual work with children.
  10. Calendar-thematic planning.
  11. Annual work plan.
  12. Cyclogram of the activities of a speech therapist.
  13. Working hours of a speech pathologist.
  14. Schedule of correctional and educational activities of a teacher-speech therapist.
  15. TV instruction.
  16. Notebooks for individual work with children.
  17. Copies of reports on the results of corrective work, PMPK protocols.
  18. Journal of diagnostics of children supervised by GBDOU.

Zones in the speech therapy room

1. Breathing zone: contains materials for games and exercises for the development of speech breathing.
2. Articulatory zone: a large mirror, small mirrors, photo albums with articulatory gymnastics, tools for staging sounds.
3. Zone of phonal perception (intonation): toys, musical instruments, pictures with emotions.
4. The zone of timbre perception (phonemic hearing) - sounding words in pictures and objects, sounds - little men, vowels and consonants, schemes for characterizing sounds, pictures - paronyms.
5. Literacy zone - schemes for parsing words, sentences, chips, cash registers for letters and syllables, magnetic board, alphabet, etc.
6. Grammar zone - games and pictures for the development of the grammatical structure of speech.
7. Phrasal speech zone - puppet theater, table theater, finger theater, life-size puppet, masks.
8. Zone general motor skills- games for the development of general and fine motor skills, manuals on finger and facial massage, video materials on articulation gymnastics.
9. Motivational zone - symbols for evaluation and self-esteem, items for encouragement.
10. Methodical Zone - plans, abstracts, a library of methodological literature, etc.

Speech therapy room equipment

1. Wall mirror (1.5m - 0.5m) - 1 pc.
2. Children's tables - 2 pcs.
3. Children's chairs - 8 pcs.
4. Table for a speech therapist - 1 pc.
5. Cabinets for manuals - 3 pcs.
6. Mirrors for individual work - 18 pcs.
7. Mini magnetic board - 1 pc.
8. Daylight lamp above the mirror - 2 pcs.
9. Personal computer - 1 pc.
10. Printer - 1 pc.
11. Card file of available benefits.
12. Boxes and folders for storing manuals.

Equipping the zone of individual work with children

1. A set of speech therapy probes - 6 pcs.
2. Alcohol wipes.
3. Cotton wool is sterile.
4. Benefits for individual work.
5. Text material for automation and differentiation of sounds, work on the syllabic structure of the word.
6. Materials for examination oral speech.

Special literature

The library of the office is represented by the personal funds of a speech therapist teacher in the amount of 100 copies.

1 Program and methodological support
  1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V., Tumanova T. V. "The program of logopedic work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children." - M., 2009.
  2. M.E. Khvattsev “Speech therapy: work with preschoolers” - S.-P. 1996.
  3. Zhukova I.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming general underdevelopment in preschool children. - Yekaterinburg, 1998.
  4. T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova. “Children with ONR. Education and training "- M., 1999.
  5. Zhukova N.S. "Formation of oral speech" - M., 1994.
  6. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. "Fundamentals of speech therapy" -M.1989.
  7. Sukhareva E.L. "We learn by playing", - Yaroslavl 1992.
  8. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. "Correctional education and upbringing of children with OHP". The first year of study and the second year of study, M., 1991.
  9. Stepanova O.A. "Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions", - M.2003.
  10. Nishcheva N.V. “The program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten”, S.P., 2006.
  11. Grab L.M. " Thematic planning correctional work in the logo group for children 5-6 years old, ”- M.2005.


  1. Strebeleva E.A. "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age", - M.2009.
  2. Zhukova N.S. "Overcoming of underdevelopment of speech in children" - M., 1994.
  3. Smirnova I.A. "Speech therapy album for examining the ability to read and write", St. Petersburg, 2007.


sound pronunciation,

automation, differentiation.

  1. Fomicheva M.V. "Education in children correct pronunciation"- M. 1997.
  2. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. "Individual-subgroup work on the correction of sound pronunciation" - M., 1998.
  3. Rau E.F., V.I. Rozhdestvenskaya “Mixing speech sounds in children” - M.1972.
  4. IN AND. Seliverstov. Games in speech therapy work with children. - M., 1979.
  5. Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. "Learn while playing" - M.1983.
  6. Tumakova G.A. “Introduction of a preschooler to a sounding word”, - M.1991.
  7. Novikova E.V. "Probe massage: correction of sound pronunciation" - M.2000.
  8. Dedyukhina G.V., Mighty L.D. "Speech therapy massage", - M.1999.
  9. Lopukhina I.S. "Speech therapy 550 entertaining games and exercises for the development of speech", - M.1996.
  10. Lopukhina I.S. “Speech therapy. Sounds, letters and words”, - S.P.1998.
  11. Kulikovskaya T.A. “Articulation gymnastics in counting rhymes, - M.2013.
  12. Nishcheva N.V. “Merry articulation gymnastics”, - S.Pb, 2009.
  13. Nishcheva N.V. “Merry mimic gymnastics”, - S.Pb, 2013.
  14. Voloshina I.A. "Articulation gymnastics for boys", - St. Petersburg, 2011.
  15. Voloshina I.A. "Articulation gymnastics for girls", - St. Petersburg, 2011.
  16. Sozonova N., Kutsina E. "Phonetic stories and fairy tales" in 3 hours, Yekaterinburg, 2009.
  17. Sozonova N., Kutsina E. "Poems for fixing sounds", Yekaterinburg, 2009.
  18. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. “Whistle, Zvenelochka”, - M.2009.
  19. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. "Adventures L", - M.2009.
  20. Baskakina I.V., Lynskaya M.I. "R.'s Birthday", - M.2009.
  21. Anischenkova E.S. "Articulation gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers", - M. 2007.
  22. Repina Z.A., Buyko V.I. "Lessons in speech therapy", Yekaterinburg, 1999.
  23. Kulikovskaya T.A. "Articulation gymnastics in verses and pictures", M.2005.
  24. Novikovskaya O. "Funny exercises for the tongue", St. Petersburg, 2009.
  25. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobieva T.A. "Correct pronunciation", St. Petersburg, 2009.
  26. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobieva T.A. "Speech therapy exercises - articulation gymnastics", St. Petersburg, 2012.
  27. Komarova L.A. "Automation of sound L, R in game exercises", - M.2014.
  28. Novotortseva N.V. " Workbook on the development of speech for sounds -Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch, L-L, R-R, S-S, Z-Z, Ts, "Yaroslavl, 1999, 2003.
  29. Bogomolova A.I. "Speech therapy manual for children", - St. Petersburg, 1996.

Correction and development

  1. Novotortseva N.V. " Didactic material on the development of speech in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "-Yaroslavl 1994.
  2. Novotortseva N.V. "Development of children's speech" - Yaroslavl 1996.
  3. Shvaiko G.S. "Games and game exercises for the development of speech. - M .: education, 1988
  4. Bondarenko A.K. "Word games in kindergarten", - M.1974.
  5. Bochkareva O.I. "The Development of Speech. Senior group." - V.2008.
  6. Ryzhova N.V. "Speech development in kindergarten 2-3 years", Yaroslavl, 2008.
  7. Belousova L.E. "Happy meetings. Abstracts of classes on the development of speech using elements of mnemonics, ”- S.P. 2003.
  8. Paramonova L.G. "Poems for the development of speech", - St. Petersburg, 2000.
  9. Shorygina T.A. "Flowers. What are they? ”, - M. 2004.
  10. Koshleva G.A. "Development of speech in kindergarten", Yaroslavl 2009.
  11. Tkachenko T.A. "We enrich vocabulary”, Yekaterinburg 2008.
  12. Arefieva L.N. "Lexical topics for the development of speech of children 4-8 years old", -M.2004.
  13. Z.E. Agranovich. A collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. - St. Petersburg, 2005.


and development

coherent speech

  1. Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 5-6 years old. Summaries of classes on the development of coherent speech in the senior logogroup. Set "An integrated approach to overcoming OHP in preschoolers" - M., 2009.
  2. Gomzyak O.S. "We speak correctly at the age of 6-7. Abstracts of classes on the development of coherent speech in the preparatory logogroup." Set "An integrated approach to overcoming OHP in preschoolers" - M., 2009.
  3. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Development of coherent speech on the topic “Summer” in children 5-7 years old. Scenarios of games and entertainment in the summer, - M.2011.
  4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. "The formation of coherent speech and the development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age with OHP", - M.2003.
  5. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “The development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Man”, - M. 2003.
  6. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “The development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Autumn”, - M.2000.
  7. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “The development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Winter”, - M. 2011.
  8. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “The development of coherent speech in children of the preparatory logo group on the topic “Spring”, - M. 2003.
  9. Bortnikova E. "Miracle-educator" (I read, retell, compose a story based on a series of pictures), Yekaterinburg, 2012.
  10. Sozonova N., Kutsina E. "Stories about the seasons - autumn, winter, spring, summer", Yekaterinburg, 2009.


correctional and educational activities (complex)

  1. Smirnova L.N. "Speech therapy in kindergarten" 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old, 6-7 years old, M-2008-2009


hand motility

  1. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L. “We develop hands to learn and write, and draw beautifully”, Yaroslavl, 1998.
  2. Tsvyntary "We play with fingers and develop speech", - S.P. 1997.
  3. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova "Finger Games", - M.2004.
  4. Krupenchuk O.I. “We train fingers, we develop speech. Senior group d / s. ”, - S.P. 2009.
  5. Krupenchuk O.I. "Ladushki" finger games for kids, St. Petersburg, 2010
  6. Egorov V. "Tell poems with your hands", - M., 1992.
  7. Shcherbakova T.N. "Finger games", -M.1998.
  8. Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A. “Steps to the school. ABC of writing. We train fingers. - M.2000.


prosodic side of speech


  1. "Counting, tongue twisters", - M.1999.
  2. Belyakova L.I., Goncharova N.N. "Methodology for the development of speech breathing in preschoolers with speech disorders", - M.2004.
  3. Kartushina M.Yu. "Logorithmic classes in kindergarten", - M.2004.
  4. Rychkova N.A. "Speech therapy rhythm", -M., 1998.
  5. Anisimova G.I. "100 musical games for the development of preschoolers." Yaroslavl, 2008
  6. Ovchinnikova T.S. "Speech therapy chants", St. Petersburg 2009.
  7. Anisimova G.I. "Speech therapy rhythm" in 3 hours, Yaroslavl 2007.
Preparing children for literacy in school
  1. Novotortseva N.V. “Learning to write. Literacy in kindergarten "- Yaroslavl 1998
  2. Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. "Steps to school - teaching literacy to children with speech disorders", - M.1999.
  3. Gomzyak O.S. “We speak correctly at 6-7 years old. Summaries of frontal lessons in the logo group preparatory to school - 1,2,3 period. Set "An integrated approach to overcoming OHP in preschoolers" - M., 2009.
  4. Tumanova T.V. "Formation of sound pronunciation in preschoolers", M.-1999.
  5. Kozyreva L.M. “We read in syllables. A complex of games and exercises for children 5-7 years old, - M., 2007.
  6. Chetverushkina N.S. The syllable structure of the word. The system of corrective exercises for children 5-7 years old, - M.2003.
  7. Vanyukhina G. "Rechetsvetik", - Yekaterinburg, 1993
  8. Tsukanova S.P., Betz L.L. “Distribution tables” and “I am learning to speak and read”, - M.2012.
  9. Glinka G.A. “I will speak, read, write correctly”, St. Petersburg, 1996.

Prevention of dysgraphia

  1. Milostivenko "Methodological recommendations for the prevention of reading and writing errors in children" - S.P. 1995.
  2. Goldin Z.D., Kolidzey E.A. "ABC riddle"

Formation of mental processes

  1. Dyachenko O.M., Agayeva E.L. “What doesn’t happen in the world?”, M.1996.
  2. "Mysteries", M.-2005
  3. A series of notebooks "Smart kid", Kirov (Opposites, Logic tasks, Classification, Find what doesn't fit, etc.)
  4. Zemtsova O.N. intellectual development children "Gramoteika" 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old, - M. 2009
  1. Conceptual and terminological dictionary of a speech therapist, ed. IN AND. Seliverstov, - M.1997.
  2. Defectology. Dictionary - reference book, ed. Puzanova B.P., -M.1996.

Card file of benefits in a speech therapy room

Didactic games and manuals

Development of attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, visual-spatial relations, emotions. “Guess”, “Find the shadow”, “Guess what it is?”, “More-less”, “Look and remember”, “Hide and seek”, “Electronic fly”, “Find similar”, “Find differences”, “ Snails, Logic Train, All About Time, Ponder, Logic Chain, Fold Square, Miracle Crosses, Fold Pattern, Numbers, Mailbox + kit geometric shapes, mosaics of various configurations and complexity; “The Fourth Extra”, a pyramid, a set of containers of various sizes and colors, counting sticks, “A wonderful bag”, “What the artist mixed up”, “Part and whole”, “Build a path”, “What first, what then”, “Pair picture »; test tasks episode "Are You Ready for School?" - memory, thinking, the world, speech development; pictograms, folders with the selection of material for the examination and development of the corresponding mental functions.


sound pronunciation

"Speech therapy lotto - Z-Z, S-Sh, Sh, F", "Games in pictures s-sh”, “Labyrinths”, “Sound snail”, “House of the bee Zhu-zhu”, “Finish the story”, “Walkers”, “Soap bubbles”, “Collect the leaves”, “Visiting the frog”, “Name the general sound in words”, “Snowman”, “Rocket to start”, “Fishing”, “Make a proposal from the pictures”, “Help Luntik”, “The frog runs away from the heron”, “The frog catches mosquitoes”, “Make a path”, “Ringing- doesn’t ring”, “Unusual flowers”, “Find an extra picture”, Speech therapy loto “Pick and name”, sound tracks, magic rope, file of subject and plot pictures for sounds; texts for automation and differentiation of delivered sounds; complexes articulatory gymnastics, sound profiles

Formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills.

A set of sounding objects (rattles, tambourine, whistle, whistle, drum, bells; “What I heard, what I saw”, “Magic rug”, “Give gifts”, “Sound lotto”, word schemes for determining the position of sound in a word, sentence scheme (strips of various lengths, with a corner); sound models,
“Guess the words by the first sounds”, “Divide the words into syllables”, “Ding-Don”, “Read-count”, “I am learning letters” - 2 pcs., “Smart phone” - 2 pcs., test tasks “Are you ready are you to school? – literacy, reading”, “We read ourselves”, Magnetic alphabet, cash desk of letters, books “ABC”, syllabic cubes, cubes with letters, syllabic tables, Zvukovychki, Zvukovyzhka-Bukvoozhka, Princess-Glasa and Consent, boxes for classes by quantity children, picture material, task cards, etc.


lexico-grammatical structure of speech

Subject pictures on the topics: "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Clothes", "Shoes", "Furniture", "Hats", "House and its parts", "Dishes", "Food", "Animals and their cubs”, “Fish”, “Birds”, “Toys”, “Insects”, “Transport”, “Family”, “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Transport”, etc.; games for the development of word formation skills; task cards for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure; games for the selection of antonyms "Contrasts", "Compare and find out", lotto "In the world of animals", "Animals and their cubs", "Harvest", Lotto "Zoo", Lotto "All works are good", "Who does what ”, “Who lives where?”, Magnetic transport, “Rhymes”, “Whose house?”, “Whose house is this?”, “Who is arranged?”, “Seasons”, “Four seasons – summer”, “Walk around the city”, “Little housewife”, “Pyramid”, “What is missing?”, “Rhymes-non-rhyming”, “Vegetable Lotto”, lotto “Where what grows”, “What is made of what?”
Connected speech Schemes for compiling stories, plot pictures, series of plot pictures, sets of subject pictures and toys for compiling comparative and descriptive stories, sets of texts for retelling; set "Puppet theater", "Fairy tales", "Stories in pictures" -2 hours,

The development of fine motor skills of the hands

spinning top, mosaics various kinds, cubes, constructors, massage balls, wooden massagers-2 pcs., lacing-lacing tablet, shoes-2 pcs., Decorate the Christmas tree, liners, "Collect beads", "Magic knot", balls-Sudzhok-18 pcs., rings massage-30 pcs., puzzles - simple, complex, stencils, patterns, contours, "Lay out of sticks", "Collect monkeys", "Get on a tree"
Formation of speech breathing “Blow off a snowflake, a leaf, a fleece, a feather”, “Blow on a flower, a spinner, butterflies, birds, a boat”, whistles, soap bubbles, “Kick the ball into the goal”.

Consultations for teachers and parents



"Formation of phonemic hearing in children of younger and older preschool age", "Requirements for the teacher's speech", "An integrated approach to the formation of correct, competent coherent speech and speech culture in preschool children",

"A toy as a means of developing the speech of children in kindergarten",

"The game, its significance in the life of a child", "The art of talking with children",

"Creating a book corner in the DOW group",

"The Development of Speech and speech communication children through works of fiction”,

"Creation optimal conditions upbringing and education of children with speech disorders in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard,

"The development of speech in ontogenesis and dysontogenesis",

"What is OHP and why is a compensatory group needed",

"Features of the work of a teacher in a speech therapy group",

"The order of acquisition of logogroups",

"Integration of specialists of preschool educational institutions for working with children with disabilities",

"Articulation gymnastics, rules of conduct",

"Prevention of speech disorders",

"The Development of Speech Breathing in Preschoolers".

"Problems mental development and self-development,

"Organization of speech therapy assistance within the framework of the preschool educational institution",

"The relationship and interdependence of the development of fine motor skills of the fingers and the development of speech."

"Methods of teaching literacy under the 2100 program";

"The Personality of a Child with Stuttering".

"Speech disorders and their causes"; "The role of articulatory gymnastics in the correction of sound pronunciation"; "Interaction between the kindergarten and the family in the development of speech", "Fine motor skills in the psychophysical development of preschoolers"; "Peculiarities of children's mastery of sound pronunciation"; "Features of teaching children to read at home"; “Introduction to the articulation apparatus” “What toys do children need”, “Why do I need a speech therapist?”, “Should I wait for 5 years of age?”, “Charging for the tongue from 1.5 years old”, “When should I contact a speech therapist?”, “If a child speaks badly”, “We develop fingers – we stimulate speech development”, “Why does a child develop speech with a delay?”, “Advice to parents whose child does not speak”. "Stages of speech development", "Signs of speech disorders", "Formation of fine motor skills of hands", "Prevention of stuttering", "Causes of sound pronunciation disorders at the age of 2 to 5 years", "How to talk to a child". “Typical age-related features of sound pronunciation”, “Conditions for the development of speech are normal”, “Prevention of speech disorders”, “Why does the child speak unintelligibly”, “Characteristics of children with ONR, causes of underdevelopment of speech”. " Brief information on the development of a child’s speech by age”, “Prevention of disorders

Reading and writing in older preschool children”, “Speech games and exercises”, “Reminders on preparation for mastering elementary reading and writing skills”. "Formation of coherent speech", "Formation of the sound side of speech", "Formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language". ( 9 liked, GPA: 5,00 out of 5)

In the process of implementing correctional and developmental activities, a speech therapist solves typical professional tasks for the corresponding types of activities.

Teaching and educational activities:

– implementation of the learning process in accordance with the educational program;

– planning and conducting training sessions, taking into account the specifics of the topics and sections of the program and in accordance with curriculum;

– the use of modern scientifically based and most adequate methods, methods and means of training, including technical means, information and computer technologies;

– the use of modern means of assessing learning outcomes;

— the formation of spiritual, moral values ​​and patriotic convictions based on an individual approach;

— application of modern pedagogical technologies.

Diagnostic and analytical activities:

- conducting differential diagnostics to determine the type of violation;

– conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination in order to determine the level of mental development, its compliance with age norms.


— implementation of correctional education for children with speech disorders;

— implementation of a personality-oriented approach to the education, upbringing and development of children with speech disorders;

- Implementation of the prevention of speech disorders.

Socio-pedagogical activity:

- planning and carrying out activities for social prevention in the process of education and upbringing;

- establishing contact with the parents of pupils, providing them with assistance in family education;

- assistance in the socialization of children.

Scientific and methodological activity:

- performance scientific and methodological work, participation in the work of scientific and methodological associations;

— analysis of one's own activity in order to improve it and improve one's qualifications.

Advisory activities:

— advising parents of children with speech developmental disabilities, teachers on learning and development issues;

– carrying out psychoprophylactic work aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate in educational institution, family.

Cultural and educational activities:

— the formation of a common culture of pupils.

Organizational and managerial activities:

- rational organization of the educational and correctional process in order to strengthen and preserve the health of preschoolers;

– ensuring the protection of the life and health of children during the educational process;

- maintaining the necessary documentation, speech cards;

- organization of control over the results of training and education;

– management of the teaching staff in order to ensure the implementation of educational programs;

— compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

To implement professional tasks and organize more effective work with children of preschool age to overcome speech disorders, a speech therapist needs a specially equipped workplace- speech therapy room

The speech therapy room is designed for:

1. Conducting a diagnostic examination of the speech development of preschool children.
2. Conducting subgroup and individual lessons of a speech therapist with children.

Tasks of corrective work:

1) Development of general voluntary movements. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements, the speed and smoothness of switching from one movement to another.

2) Development of fine differentiated movements of the hand and fingers.

3) Formation of the psychological base of speech. Development of cognitive mental processes: attention, perception and memory of different modality, thinking, imagination.

4) Development speech apparatus. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory, respiratory and vocal sections of the speech apparatus, coordinating their work.

5) Development of mimic muscles. Normalization of muscle tone, the formation of expressive facial expressions.

6) Formation of the correct sound pronunciation. Staging, automation of sounds, their differentiation.

7) Development of phonemic processes. Learning to recognize, distinguish, highlight sounds, syllables in speech, determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

8) Formation of the syllabic structure of the word. Training in pronunciation and analysis of words of various syllabic structures.

9) Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. Formation of the ability to understand sentences, logical and grammatical constructions of varying degrees of complexity, clarification, consolidation, expansion of the vocabulary lexical topics, activation of the use of prepositional constructions, word-formation skills, inflection, making sentences and stories.

10) Preparing for literacy. Formation of the ability to establish a connection between sound and letter, the skills of sound-letter analysis, continuous reading with an understanding of the meaning of what is read.

3. Consultative work of a speech therapist teacher with parents (conversations, demonstration of methods of individual corrective work with a child).
4. Consultative work of a speech therapist teacher with teachers.

Equipment for a speech therapy room

1. Cabinet equipment:

Wall mirror (50 100 cm) with additional lighting lamp;

Mirrors for individual work (6 pieces);

Floor carpet;

Cabinets for storing manuals;

Tables for children;

Chairs for children;

Table, chairs for the work of a speech therapist with documentation.

2. Teaching aids:

a) for corrective speech therapy work:

by sound pronunciation(speech profiles of sounds, cards depicting symbols of sounds, picture material for automating delivered sounds, workbooks for fixing sounds, speech dominoes, speech therapy loto, speech houses);

by phonemic awareness(sets of pictures, notebooks for the development of phonemic hearing);

by vocabulary(didactic games, sets of pictures);

in connected speech (sets of subject, plot pictures and a series of pictures for compiling stories of varying complexity, texts for retelling, algorithms, reference diagrams for compiling descriptive stories);

methodological literature by sections

b) for examination of intelligence, development of memory, attention, thinking:

counting material;


cut pictures of different configurations;

a set of pictures "The fourth extra";

a set of cards on general topics;

sets of pictures for the games "Whose silhouette", "What first, what then", "Confusion", "Nonsense".

c) file cabinets:

articulation gymnastics in pictures;

finger games;

breathing exercises and games;

sets of subject pictures on lexical topics;

riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters;

relaxation exercises

d) manuals and materials:

- for the development of breathing:




- for the development of fine motor skills:

nesting dolls




- teaching literacy

wall alphabet

cash registers of letters and syllables

subject pictures for each letter


sound articulation patterns

material for sound-letter analysis and synthesis

3. Pedagogical documentation:

  • Speech therapy cards for each child;
  • Annual work plan;
  • List of children of the compensatory group;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • Cyclogram of working time;
  • Calendar-thematic planning;
  • Summaries of frontal studies;
  • Plans for individual-subgroup classes;
  • Notebook of interaction with educators;
  • Report on the results of work;
  • Passport of a speech therapy room
Safety Instructions for a Speech Therapist

Introductory part:

1. A speech therapist must know and follow the instructions for protecting the life and health of children, safety precautions, and strictly observe labor and production discipline.

2. Study and improve safe working practices.

3. Strive prompt elimination deficiencies in work that cause accidents.

4. Strictly follow the instructions for the safe use of electrical equipment, sanitary rules, fire safety rules and personal hygiene rules.

Before starting work, you must:

- wash your hands thoroughly;

- prepare everything necessary for work;

- sterilize speech therapy probes by boiling in a sterilizer, or by treating with ethyl alcohol.

During work it is necessary:

1. Fulfill the requirements of the doctor related to the protection and promotion of the health of children.

3. Use disposable wooden spatulas.

4. Inform the doctor about your observations of the health of children.

5. Keep the necessary documentation.

6. Ensure that during classes, children do not have sharp metal objects in their hands.

7. Medicines, disinfectants, matches should be stored in a closed cabinet, out of the reach of children.