Account by Zaitsev's method. Methods of teaching children mathematics N.A. Zaitsev. Game exercises for three or four years old

Hello, dear colleagues and caring parents!

Since September of this year, I started working according to the method of Nikolai Zaitsev. If you also work according to this technique or decide to master it, then feel free to read on.

I did 6 classes in September. Now I can say with confidence that the technique works, the process of teaching children to read in warehouses is going well for me, the results are growing with each lesson. In general, I am simply delighted with the methodology of Nikolai Zaitsev!

In addition to the main set of Nikolai Zaitsev, I decided to create additional mini-tables. I think it will be better if parents can also consolidate the skills and abilities of their child at home with the help of mini-tables.

Each mother, with a strong desire, will be able to devote 15 minutes a day to sing warehouses according to the tables, come up with a few words with the child for given warehouses. You can show and name warehouses randomly, and most importantly, write any words on the table.

Each part of the table is in A4 format.

I printed my mini-tables on a color printer and laminated them. The result was a benefit for many years. Even if you use the paid services of a printing company, your costs will pay off, if only because the allowance will serve for a very long time.

Mini-tables can be taken with you on the road. During a long trip by train, train or plane, you can use your free time for the benefit of your child.

Pictures enlarge when you right-click on them.

Table 1 (1) top:

Table 1 (2) top.

Experienced mothers are already familiar with Zaitsev's method of teaching reading. And young mothers just have to get to know her. So, if you are the mother of a one and a half year old baby, this technique is already relevant for you and your baby. With the help of Zaitsev's cubes, which have already become famous, the kid will learn reading, grammar, mathematics and even English.

The essence of Zaitsev's technique

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev is a teacher with a great teaching experience. We can say that his passion for teaching is genetic, because all his relatives were teachers.

Nikolai Alexandrovich worked as an educator, teacher of Russian and English, devoting his whole life to teaching children.
In the process of his work, he created a technique, the essence of which is that you need to study letters in pairs. This is how cubes appeared, on the faces of which warehouses are located. These cubes differ from each other in color, size, weight and sound. Includes 61 cardboard cubes:

  • "iron" cubes - for voiced consonants and their combinations with vowels;
  • "wooden" cubes - for deaf consonants and their combinations with vowels;
  • "golden" cubes are vowels;
  • large cubes - for hard;
  • small ones are for soft ones.

All cubes "sound" when shaken . "Golden" make gentle sonorous sounds; "iron" sound just loud; "wooden" - muffled. It turns out such an association: a brown cube with pieces of wood inside is a deaf consonant or its combination with a vowel, that is, a “wooden” cube. It can be large if the consonant is hard or small if it is soft.

Tables are attached to the cubes. They are positioned so that the baby can clearly see the syllables depicted on them, if he stands with his head slightly raised. This is an excellent posture prevention.

Under the tables there are shelves on which the baby will add words.
Today, Zaitsev's cubes are used as a method for teaching reading in alternative kindergartens and early childhood development groups.

Basic principles of teaching by methodology

Zaitsev's method of teaching reading is based on the following principles.

  • Absence of coercion. Toddlers learn in a playful way in a familiar environment. The presence of desks or tables is not necessary at all, you can study right on the floor. In the process of learning, the baby is drawn into an exciting game. Very often it does not even mean that the educational process is going on.
  • Warehouse reading. Do not confuse with syllables. Warehouses according to Zaitsev is a speech unit of the Russian language developed by him. It can be a single letter or a combination of a consonant with a vowel or with a hard or soft sign. The child works with these warehouses using blocks and/or tables.
  • "Writing" at the heart of reading. To read a word, you need to compose it from warehouses, that is, write it!
  • The sense organs are involved in learning to read. The kid works with cubes, different in color, weight, size, sound.

How is the training

Nikolai Zaitsev's technique is used for children in kindergartens, early development groups, at home. If the technique is applied correctly in compliance with all recommendations and an experienced teacher, then six-year-olds begin to read after a few lessons, children from 4 years old will need up to 20 lessons to master reading, and your two-year-old baby will delight you with independent reading of the first words in 6-9 months.

Regular practice is essential to achieve results. Recommended 2 sessions per week lasting from 30 minutes to an hour. Keep in mind the principle of non-coercion.

If the baby is currently in a bad mood and he is not in the mood to learn, do not insist. Reschedule the activity to a more opportune time. On the other hand, if learning brings joy, you can practice as often as your baby wants.

You can start acquaintance with cubes already at the age of one and a half years. At first, the kid will build pyramids from cubes, rattle them, and over time, you will smoothly move on to learning.

In the kit, in addition to cubes and tables for teaching reading according to the Zaitsev method, there is an audio CD and a textbook for parents, educators, and teachers.
The cubes may be ready to use, or you may need to cut, fill and glue them.

Tables must be laminated for ease of use. For group lessons, you will need a pointer. You can also use a pointer to create a back to school game house.

There are 35 tunes recorded on the disc, to which children sing warehouses. Such singing improves the child's speech, corrects minor problems with the pronunciation of sounds.
The manual provides basic guidelines for conducting classes. It contains tasks and games for an exciting and interesting learning.

It is very important when learning to combine pronounced sounds with images on tables or cubes. So you will form an associative array.

Pros and cons of the technique of Nikolai Zaitsev

The undoubted advantage of the technique is its effectiveness. Children begin to read fluently without exhausting themselves or their parents. In addition, the technique has such advantages

  • competent writing - learning to read takes place with the help of ready-made speech units, the baby learns not only to read, but also to add words;
  • improvement of memory, development of logic;
  • singing warehouses improves the quality of speech;
  • the correct arrangement of the tables contributes to good posture;
  • due to the fact that the baby looks for the right warehouse with the eyes in the tables, the eyes are trained, which leads to an improvement in vision;
  • there is no need to sit at a desk, physical activity is very useful for children;
  • the method forms the skills of independence;
  • even unprepared parents, with due perseverance, can teach children to read;
  • the method is variable: there are developments for teaching children mathematics and arithmetic, as well as English using the Zaitsev method;
  • the method can be used for adults for whom Russian is a non-native language.

Disadvantages of the method

  • having learned to read according to Zaitsev's method, the kid is faced with the harsh school reality, where he has difficulty with phonetic parsing of words;
  • the color representation in traditional teaching differs from the colors used by the Zaitsev method;
  • there are also situations when an already fluently reading kid is bored among peers who have just started learning;
  • the allowance is not affordable, it is quite expensive; in addition, if you buy a kit with cubes that need to be glued together, it will take a lot of your time;
  • not every parent is able to teach a child using this technique, an experienced specialist achieves success in 100% of cases.

Zaitsev's technique - video

Learning to read from an early age is possible. From the video you will learn about the principles and essence of teaching reading according to the Zaitsev method. You will be informed about the main stages of training, the pros and cons of the methodology.

The technique is as popular as

The method has proven to be effective. Learning from it, children learn to read in a playful way, along the way they learn to write correctly, train memory and logical thinking. It will appeal to any parent-innovator. Share your impressions of the method in the comments, do you think its advantages are more significant than the disadvantages?

The section presents manuals on teaching reading, calligraphy, mathematics, grammar of the Russian language, English language according to the methods of N. Zaitsev.

To familiarize yourself with the manuals in the catalog, a brief description is given for each section and each title. Here you can find out the current cost of the benefit and make a purchase in our store.

Please note that only in the manuals themselves a complete and detailed description of the theoretical, didactic principles and methods of work according to the methods of N. Zaitsev is given.

A generalization of many years of experience of parents, educators, teachers says this:

  • Many parents are able to teach their children themselves. For those who are especially impatient, words are made up of cubes and even two-year-olds begin to read and count.
  • Children familiar with Zaitsev's Cubes speak faster, take sounds more clearly.
  • Preschoolers of four to five years old begin to read and count within a hundred after 10-12 lessons.
  • Children with developmental disabilities are successfully rehabilitated.
  • First graders begin to read, add and subtract within a hundred in the first week.
  • Learning Russian from a difficult and boring subject can be made easy and exciting.
  • Vision and posture are not only preserved, but even improved (there are opinions of serious scientists), the number of problems associated with physical inactivity is sharply reduced.

The last observation is related to the peculiarities of educational materials and methods of organizing classes. Tables located on the walls and, as it were, surrounding students, are used when introducing new material, explaining it, consolidating it, and repeating it.

Each of the tables is a system reference signals(V. F. Shatalov) or enlarged didactic unit(P. M. Erdniev), which allows a minimum of signs to convey maximum information and has the properties fast recall(P. M. Erdniev) the necessary knowledge.

Any teacher's question can be answered, any assignment can be completed using tables as a support. The one who makes optimal decisions is successful, i.e., performs actions with the least number of steps, based on qualitative inferences: purposefully selects the desired table, in it the desired column, line or cell containing the answer.

To provide quick access to any table, desks are placed around the perimeter. Students spend a significant part of the study time in motion (there is no time to sit down), with their heads held high (but not excessively). In an effort to quickly (a natural competitive effect) give the correct answer, they begin to read information not only from close, but from medium and long distances, thereby involuntarily training and strengthening vision.

The elimination of immobility, physical enslavement, inevitable when working in a sitting position, allows students to think more actively, to keep their attention on learning tasks longer and without much stress. Classes are held in the form of a game. Hundreds of games have been developed and described in methodological manuals for manuals. The pace of work, development and consolidation of information is so high that it makes it easy to get ahead of any traditional standards. So all fives! Everyone is successful! Consequences: removal of complexes and stresses, improvement of the psychological climate in the group (class), elimination of conflicts student-parent, student-teacher, parent-teacher.

70-80 percent of children by the age of seven without any overload and even with the strengthening of psychophysical characteristics can be prepared for classes according to the programs of the current third-fourth grades.

All parents strive to give their child a happy childhood filled with adventure and fun. One of the ways to develop a baby and have an interesting time is counting according to the Zaitsev method. You can conduct training at home or enroll your baby in a mini-group.

Many adults, having mastered Zaitsev's 100 count with a child, do not know what to do next. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the correct principles for working with cubes and tables.

Principles of the technique "Zaitsev Cubes: Score"

The changes in pedagogy proposed by N. A. Zaitsev became the basis for a completely new perception of information. After all, before the teacher transmitted most of the information by ear, and children do not always acquire knowledge in this way. Therefore, the methodology of the Russian teacher consists of the following principles:

  • visual perception. The child can look at the cube and play with it.
  • Sounding of all actions.
  • The material is systematized and should always be in front of your eyes. Therefore, it is very important to hang tables on the walls.
  • The guys learn 90% of the information presented.
  • You can work with babies who have difficulty seeing, hearing or not speaking.
  • The system is not tied to a specific age, but it is recommended to start learning to count from the age of 4.
  • The technique is not aggressive towards children. In groups there are no laggards and losers, because the kids just play.

Counting according to the Zaitsev system cannot be attributed to lessons, since in the process of learning, kids can lie on the floor, dance, practice on sports equipment or walk.

How much to practice according to the technique?

Cubes for the development of mathematical abilities begin to be used after the little man masters the "100 count" and learns to mentally carry out simple addition and subtraction operations. A week for training is allocated from 30 to 60 minutes. Achievements with the correct use of the program:

  • Four-year-olds are perfectly oriented in the number tape and cards after 20 lessons.
  • Six-year-olds require up to 10 lessons.
  • Large cubes (2 pcs.) - hundreds.
  • Medium cubes (2 pcs.) - tens.
  • Small cubes (2 pcs.) - units.
  • Table with data.
  • From left to right, cubes are laid out from largest to smallest. By turning them, the child can write down any three-digit number.
  • The teacher shows the table and says that it is necessary to say not one dozen (middle column), but ten, twenty, and so on. Similarly with hundreds (left column).
  • Together with the children, you should name the number of cubes in the figure in the right column - 1, 2, 3, etc., in the middle - 10, 20, 30 and the left - 100 and the rest.
  • By naming and showing numbers, children see how many hundreds, tens and units it contains.

To consolidate knowledge on the score, a dictation is carried out. The mentor pronounces three-digit numbers, and the kids lay them out with the help of cubes. After that, the teacher writes the numbers on the board, and the guys call them.

Advantages of the technique

Adherents of the system note:

  • Children are well versed in numbers and symbols. The account is perceived as a game, not a tedious duty.
  • Improves memory and logical thinking.
  • Correction and development of speech with the help of constant pronunciation of these tables or a numerical tape.
  • Vocabulary expansion.
  • There is a constant training of vision.
  • Lessons are not harmful to health. Children do not sit at desks, and they do not need to monitor their posture.
  • Zaitsev's manuals are made of environmentally friendly material.
  • Learning to work independently.
  • The program can be used at home, but manual preparation is required.

The negative point of using the account according to Zaitsev is the inconsistency with the preschool education program. Indeed, many children who studied according to this system are significantly ahead of their peers by the first grade, and they will have to learn the basics.

Zaitsev's cubes are a qualitatively new teaching method. The basic principle is to give the child "everything at once." How? See for yourself. When learning to read, the child learns all the warehouses of the Russian language at once, and not one letter at a time, as is customary in the usual education system.

When learning to count, the baby is offered all the numbers up to a hundred, and then up to a million. Isn't such an abundance of information at once harmful? Not! Contrary to fears, the child does not get tired and does not get lost from such an abundance of information.

The child immediately establishes the necessary connections between warehouses or numbers. Zaitsev assures that children get tired just from primitive entertainment. According to the method of Zaitsev, the entire Russian language is given to the child in warehouses on cubes and wall tables.

Zaitsev's cubes are a Russian language that you can play with: you can pick it up, examine it, twirling it in your hands, and feel its weight. The author of the methodology pays special attention to tables.

The most complex rules and laws, thanks to his systematization of tables, become clear, understandable and easy to remember. In addition, the table can be called a simulator for vision and posture.

No need to sit still, you can walk and run along the tables in search of a solution. Learning is like a journey. The table is like a map on which many discoveries can be made. The table is always in front of the eyes, the information works constantly, it is repeated as many times as the child looks at the table.

Zaitsev's cubes, a method of teaching reading

To understand Zaitsev's technique, let's remember that in Russian there are consonants and vowels, together they form warehouses (do not confuse with syllables!).

What is a warehouse in the Zaitsev method?

So, there are consonants and vowels, hard and soft, voiced and deaf sounds. No, no, you don't need to explain this to the child, it's just not necessary. You need to remember these terms a little, as they will sometimes appear in the descriptions of the cubes.

Warehouses may coincide with syllables, but may differ. For example, in the word "MAMA" - two warehouses and two syllables, and in the word "ELEPHANT" - one syllable, but three warehouses - C-LO-N. Or the word "SUDDENLY" - one syllable, but four warehouses - V-D-RU-G.

As you can see, the warehouse may consist of:

  • from a consonant and a vowel (BA, VU, PE, MA, etc.);
  • from a consonant and soft or hard signs (Pb, DB, Vb, Sb, etc.);
  • only from the consonant: (N, P, S, etc.);
  • only from a vowel (A, O, U, etc.);
  • warehouses never form two consonants together or two vowels (SD, OU, VD, etc.).

Try to break the words into warehouses yourself: HE, CHILDREN, BOOK, CAT, STORK, and now check yourself: o-n, de-ti, k-ni-ha, ko-t, a-and-s-t.

Warehouses are written on the faces of Zaitsev's cubes.

Zaitsev's Cubes is a game aid for learning to read

The game set consists of:

  • cubes (or, from a cardboard scan, which must be folded into a cube);
  • fillers for cubes (metal corks "wooden sticks");
  • tables;
  • books - manuals for parents;
  • audio cassettes with songs that are used in teaching.

These original cubes differ in 46 ways, including weight. Cubes are divided into large and small, "iron" and "wooden", "golden" cubes with vowels.

  • Small - "soft" warehouses.
  • "Iron" are "voiced" warehouses.
  • "Wooden" are "deaf" warehouses.

There are five double dice separately. These are warehouses with those consonants that do not combine with all vowels (for example, “zh”, “h”)
Zaitsev's warehouses perfectly fit the melody. The author of the technique proposed to sing warehouses, and then he released an audio cassette, on which warehouses are sung to different melodies.

Having memorized the chants, over time the child will easily find the desired warehouse by singing (pronouncing) and following the warehouses in the table with his finger or turning the faces of the cube itself.

Of course, only children of older preschool age and adults can turn the cubes correctly, but kids are able to look for the necessary warehouses on the table as early as two or three years old.

Warehouse reading technique

Have you ever heard from friends that a child knows all the letters, but does not read yet? Or “reads” by letter, without putting it into a word. The warehouse method avoids such problems, since the child immediately sees the warehouse and pronounces it.

For example, a baby does not read “ke-o”, but “ko” and does not ask questions why it is “be” and “yu”, but for some reason “bu” is read together. If the material is presented correctly, then the warehouse is easier to remember and recognize than a letter.

Cubes and tables are presented all at once. And they immediately show up in action. Words begin to form that can be written with a pointer on the table.

Why all at once? Zaitsev is an opponent of a phased acquaintance with letters, a long “playing out” of the same thing. All cubes at once - this is one of the basic principles of his technique.

Can children absorb this amount of information at once? This question is the most popular among parents. The author of the methodology believes that they not only can, but also learn everything with ease. As an example, he cites, oddly enough, playing cards.

Many children of four or five years old enjoy playing "The Fool", "The Drunkard" and other games on both 36 and 52 cards. Cards are taken and remembered by them all at once. Why can't 33 letters be learned in a few months?

The fact is, according to Zaitsev, that the cards are "an ingenious design and methodological development." The letters are small, all black. Of course, they are not similar to each other, but looking for differences in them is boring and difficult. And the cards are easy to remember, they are bright, instantly deposited in memory.

The cubes created by Zaitsev differ in 46 features. Show them to your child like cards - all at once, and not 1-2 cubes per lesson.

  • First, you will need almost all the blocks to start writing words. This can and should be done already in the first lesson.
  • Secondly, when playing with all the cubes, it is easier for a child to remember them - those same 46 signs - signals - are included in the work.

Zaitsev against!


Zaitsev opposes numerous alphabets, where the names of the letters are tied to pictures: watermelon - A, banana - B, bucket - C, goose - G, etc. Having met the word CHAIR, for example, a child will remember an owl, a tiger, a duck, a frog, which need to be recoded into a piece of furniture. Not an easy task, right?


“Letters have not yet been introduced, but the terms have already been laid out: hard, soft, voiced, deaf, vowels, consonants,” writes Zaitsev.

It turns out that learning does not go from the concrete to the abstract, but vice versa.

Methodical tales

In addition to confusion in the head, wasted time on stupid fairy tales and unnecessary terms, such "literature" does not give anything else. “ABC studies”, “A mistaken place”, “Mistake”, “Mysterious Phoneme”, “Bukvinsk”, “Skladisk”, “Chislyandiya”, etc., according to Zaitsev, should not surround the child.

Acquaintance with Zaitsev's cubes

The first acquaintance is only with the name, says Zaitsev. Write the name of the baby in cubes, show, twist the cubes - the name may change.

Wrote a name. Now you can make it out of cubes and write with a pointer according to the table MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BU-SH-KA, KO-T, KU-K-LA, the names of mom, dad, friends.

Now the child himself chooses the word that you write to him in cubes, and then show it on the table. Everything is fast, neat, no board, no chalk, no pencils and paper is required.

And most importantly - write the cubes themselves!

Mathematics according to Zaitsev's method

The trouble with all initial mathematical programs and the manuals and textbooks that follow from them, Zaitsev believes, is their general attitude to first separate “one” and “many”, then count for a long time within 10, then 20, etc.

Zaitsev does it easier. His manual "A Thousand Plus and More ..." teaches children to count within a thousand.

This is a four-color tape made of cardboard with numbers from 0 to 99 in numbers and in the form of grouped objects - circles and squares. Even three-year-olds pretty soon from the beginning of classes begin to find any named number on the tape. Even and odd are distinguished by color. The composition of the number is also clear to everyone: the number of tens, units.

Split cards represent a number in relation to a hundred (for example, in a 10 x 10 matrix, there are 54 filled squares and 46 unfilled ones).

Children of four or five years old easily move on to addition and subtraction within a hundred.

Six cubes and the second table will help children learn to write and read three-digit numbers, create figurative ideas about their composition - the number of hundreds, tens, units.

The third table introduces children to the entry and name of multi-digit numbers.

The most important thing, Zaitsev warns, is not to bother the child with allegedly methodical approaches: what is more, what is less, by how much, the composition of the ten, the composition of the number, etc. But walk along the tape, count along it, transferring the pointer to the next right when naming the next number cell, it is absolutely necessary for children to look for the given numbers.

What is interesting about Zaitsev's technique

Zaitsev's cube training methodology is certainly interesting and unusual. The “warehouse principle” of teaching reading is interesting in itself. Indeed, the baby will not need to break the word into syllables (there are a lot of syllables, and it is not always possible to distinguish them accurately), add letters to get a syllable, wondering what will come of “p”, “a”, “p”, “a ".

Zaitsev includes all channels of perception of information in the child, and the child himself chooses the “suitable” ones for him. Visuals can examine the material, kinesthetics - touch, twist in their hands, auditory - listen and pronounce (sing).

While doing mathematics, the child quickly moves on to operations with two-digit numbers, thanks to mathematical tables from the first lessons they get acquainted with tens.

Doubts and shortcomings of Zaitsev's methodology

There is an opinion of a number of teachers that children taught to read according to the Zaitsev method subsequently experience difficulties in morphological parsing of words (by composition). It can be difficult for them to distinguish prefixes and roots, suffixes and endings.

For many, this entails a misunderstanding of spelling and illiterate writing. This fact has not been proven, however, an opinion exists and is often cited by opponents of Zaitsev's method.

The disadvantages in the performance of visual material using this technique include the fragility of the cubes. Even cubes reinforced with additional liners in the hands of a two-year-old can quickly become unusable. Hence the reluctance of many parents to give the material into the hands of the crumbs, which contradicts Zaitsev's approach of "giving everything at once."