School preparation aids. Preparing for school, part 15. We compare objects by their internal features, solve logical problems


Dear parents of future first graders! This page is for you!

Going to school is an extremely important moment for both the child and his parents. Practical experience psychological examination children shows that not all children are comprehensively prepared for a painless and successful entry into learning activities at school.

Understanding the importance of preparing children for school, even months before the start school year you can organize purposeful developmental activities with children that will help them at this new stage of life.

There is much that parents can do for a child in this regard.- the first and most important of his educators.

Psychological readiness for schooling includes the following components:

First of all, the child must have a desire to go to school, that is, in the language of psychology - motivation for learning;

Must be formed social position schoolchild: he must be able to interact with peers, fulfill the requirements of the teacher, control his behavior;

It is important that the child was healthy and fit, otherwise it will be difficult for him to withstand the load during the lesson and the entire school day;

He must have good mental development, which is the basis for the successful mastery of school knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as for maintaining the optimal pace of intellectual activity so that the child has time to work with the class.

Sometimes parents think that if a child can read, write and count before school, then success is assured. However, pedagogical practice shows that often such children, having easily begun to study, suddenly, quite unexpectedly for their parents, begin to reduce their success.

Why? It is very important that by the time the child enters school, such cognitive processes as attention, memory, thinking, imagination, and motor skills have been developed.

Here you will find material that will give you an idea of ​​how much knowledge, skills and abilities a child of 6-7 years old should have by the time they enter school, will help you determine which abilities of your child are best developed, which ones are at a sufficient level, and what else needs to be worked on.

Child preschool age possesses a truly enormous potential for development and the ability to learn. Help your child develop and realize their potential. Do not regret the time spent. It will pay off many times over. Your child will cross the threshold of school with confidence, teaching will not be a heavy duty for him, but a joy, and you will have no reason to be upset about his progress.

To make your efforts effective, use the following tips:

1. Do not let the child get bored during classes. If a child has fun learning, he learns better. Interest is the best of motivations, it makes children creative people and enables them to experience the satisfaction of intellectual pursuits.

2. Repeat exercises. The development of a child's mental abilities is determined by time and practice. If an exercise doesn't work, take a break, come back to it later, or offer your child an easier option.

3. Do not be overly anxious about insufficient progress and insufficient progress.

4. Be patient, do not rush, do not give the child tasks that exceed his intellectual capabilities.

5. In classes with a child, a measure is needed. Do not force the child to do the exercises if he is fidgeting, tired, upset; do something else. Try to determine the limits of the child's endurance and increase the duration of classes each time for a very small time. Give your child the opportunity to do what he likes.

6. Children of preschool age do not perceive strictly regulated, repetitive, monotonous activities. Therefore, when conducting classes, it is better to choose a game form.

7. Develop communication skills, a spirit of cooperation in your child.

8. Avoid disapproving assessments, find words of support, praise the child more often for his patience, perseverance, etc. Never emphasize his weaknesses in comparison with other children. Build his self-confidence.

And most importantly, try not to perceive classes with a child as hard work, rejoice and enjoy the process of communication, never lose your sense of humor. Remember that you have a great opportunity to make friends with a child.

Good luck and more faith in yourself and the capabilities of your child!

Tests and exercises for the future first grader

    General training

Every child should know the answers to these questions.

1. State your full name and surname.

2. How old are you?

3. Name your date of birth.

4. Say the name and patronymic of your mother.

5.Where and by whom does she work?

6. Say the name and patronymic of your dad.

7.Where and by whom does he work?

8. Do you have a brother or sister? How old are they? Are they older or younger than you?

9. State your home address.

10. What city do you live in?

11. What is the name of the country where you live?

12. Do you want to go to school? Why? Do you like to exercise?

Ability to follow the rules.

Methods of "yes" and "no"

You and I are going to play a game where you can't say the words "yes" and "no". Repeat, what words can not be spoken? ("Yes and no"). Now be careful, I will ask questions, and you will answer them, but without the words "yes" and "no".

Trial questions (not graded):

Do you like ice cream? (I like ice cream)

Does the hare run slowly? (The hare runs fast)


1. Is the ball made of rubber?

2. Can you eat fly agaric?

3. Is the snow white?

4. Is the fox red?

5. Is a crow smaller than a sparrow?

Does the frog crow?

Can pigeons swim?

Does the clock have one hand?

Are bears white?

Does a cow have two legs?

Evaluation of the results obtained:

High level - no errors were made

Medium level - one, two errors

Low - more than two errors


Check how your child's attention is developed.

Exercise 1: I will pronounce the words, if you hear the name of the flower, clap your hands.

Carrot, poppy, tit, plane, chamomile, pencil, notebook, comb, aster, grass, rose, birch, bush, leaf, branch, gladiolus, ant, peony, spy, pirate, tree, forget-me-not, cup, pencil case, cornflower.


Medium level - 1-2 mistakes

Low - more than 2 errors

Task 2 : Clap your hands when you hear a sound in the words that I say BUT.

Watermelon, bus, pineapple, iron, hat, bow, fox, wolf, bear.


High level - no errors

Intermediate level - 1 mistake

Low - 2 or more errors

Task 3: I will name four words, and you name two of them that sound similar.

Onion, bear, grass, beetle.

donkey, sled, watering can, banks.

bear, shirt, cone, Birch.


A child's success in school largely depends on his memory. With the help of the tasks below (it is better to complete no more than one task per day), you will be able to assess the memory of your child. Don't be discouraged if the result isn't brilliant. Memory can be improved!

Exercise 1: Listen carefully to 10 words and try to remember them.

Ball, cat, forest, window, mushroom, watch, wind, table, glasses, book.

Ask your child to repeat the words he memorized in any order.


At least 6 words - high level

4-5 words - intermediate level

Less than 4 words - low level

Task 2: Read the phrases to the child one at a time and ask them to repeat each.

1. Mushrooms grow in the forest.

2. It was raining heavily in the morning.

3. Mom reads an interesting book to children.

4. Vova and Sasha carried red and blue balloons.

Result: Well, if the child literally repeated the phrase from the first time and did not change the words in places.

High level - repeated all 4 phrases exactly

Intermediate level - I made a mistake in only 1 phrase

Low level - made a mistake in 2 phrases or more

Task 3: Listen and memorize the poem.

Read the poem to your child and ask them to repeat it. If the child repeated with errors, read it again and again ask to repeat. The poem can be read no more than 4 times.

Snow flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In cold glass


High level - repeated the poem verbatim after 1-2 readings

Intermediate level - repeated the poem verbatim after 3-4 readings

Low level - made mistakes after 4 readings

Task 4:Listen carefully to the pairs of words and try to remember them.

Read to your child all 10 pairs of words. Then call the child only the first word of the pair, and let him remember the second word.

Autumn - rain

Vase - flowers

Doll - dress

Cup - saucer

book - page

Water is fish

Machine - wheel

House - window

kennel - dog

Clock - arrows


High level - 8-10 pairs of words

Intermediate level - 5-7 pairs of words

Low level - less than 5 pairs of words

Task 5: Exercise for the development of the volume of short-term auditory memory "Word Cascade".

Ask your child to repeat the words after you. Start with one word, then name two words, the child must repeat in the same sequence, three words, etc. (intervals between words - 1 second).

When the child cannot repeat a certain word sequence, read him the same number of words, but different ones (for this, another list of words should be prepared).

If in the second attempt the child coped with this verbal row, then go to the next row, and so on until the child can reproduce the specified number of words in the second reading.

  1. Fire.
  2. Home, milk.
  3. Horse mushroom, needle.
  4. Rooster, sun, asphalt, notebook.
  5. Roof, stump, water, candle, school.
  6. Pencil, car, brother, chalk, bird, bread.
  7. Eagle, game, oak, phone, glass, son, coat.
  8. Mountain, crow, clock, table, snow, book, pine, honey.
  9. Ball, apple, hat, carrot, chair, butterfly, subway, chicken, socks.
  10. Truck, stone, berries, briefcase, sled, hammer, girl, tablecloth, watermelon, monument.


The child learns the world and learns to think. He learns to analyze and generalize, to establish causal relationships.

The child may find it difficult to complete these tasks. In this case, explain to him the principle of performing tasks, and then offer him similar exercises.

Exercise 1 : Answer the questions:

1. What is more in the garden - potatoes or vegetables?

2. Who is more in the forest - hares or animals?

3. What is more in the closet - clothes or dresses?

Answers: 1 - vegetables, 2 - animals, 3 - clothes.

Task 2 : Read the stories to your child and ask them to answer a question after each story.

1. Sasha and Petya were wearing jackets of different colors: blue and green. Sasha was not wearing a blue jacket.

What color jacket was Petya wearing? (blue)

2. Olya and Lena drew with paints and pencils. Olya did not draw with paints. How did Lena draw? (paints)

3. Alyosha and Misha read poetry and fairy tales. Alyosha did not read fairy tales.

What did Misha read? (fairy tales)

4. Three trees grow: birch, oak and pine. The birch is lower than the oak, and the oak is lower than the pine. Which tree is the tallest? What is the lowest?

5. Seryozha, Zhenya and Anton competed to see who runs faster. Seryozha ran faster than Zhenya, and Zhenya ran faster than Anton. Who came running first, and who came last?

6. Once upon a time there were three puppies: Kuzya, Tuzik and Sharik. Kuzya is fluffier than Tuzik, and Tuzik is fluffier than Sharik. Which of the puppies is the most fluffy? Which one is the smoothest?

Task 3 : Answer the questions:

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon ...?

3. It is light during the day, but at night ...?

4. The sky is blue, but the grass ...?

5. Cherry, plum, cherry - is it ...?

6. Why, before the train passes, are barriers lowered along the way?

7. What is Moscow, Kaluga, Kursk?

8. What is the difference between day and night?

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ...? The little sheep is...?

10. Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common?

11. Why do all cars have brakes?

12. How are hammer and ax similar?

13. How are a squirrel and a cat similar to each other?

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here next to you, on the table?

15. Football, tennis, swimming is ...?

16. What types of transport do you know?

17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one?

18. Why do people go in for sports?

19. Why is it shameful to shy away from work?

20. Why does a letter need to be stamped?

When possible, try to get the child to give 2-4 answers, asking him the question: “What else?”

The norm is at least 15 correct answers.

Task 4 : Find the extra word:

Read a group of words to your child. 3 words in each are close in meaning and can be combined according to their common feature, and 1 word differs from them and should be excluded. Ask your child to find the odd word.

1. Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.

2. Brave, evil, courageous, courageous.

3. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.

4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.

5. Hour, minute, summer, second.

6. Spoon, plate, bag, pot.

7.Dress, hat, shirt, sweater.

8. Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo.

9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberries.

10. Book, TV, tape recorder, radio.

Task 5 : Mind flexibility exercise.

Ask your child to name as many words as they can for the concept.

1. Name the words for trees.

2. Name the words related to sports.

3. Name the words for animals.

4. Name the words for pets.

5. Name the words denoting land transport.

6. Name the words denoting air transport.

7. Name the words denoting water transport.

8. Name the words related to art.

9. Name the words for vegetables.

10. Name the words for fruits.

    Speech development

By the age of 6-7, the child's speech should be coherent and logical, with a rich vocabulary. The baby must hear and pronounce all sounds correctly. mother tongue. Development oral speech- the main condition for the successful mastery of writing and reading.

Talk more with your child, ask him to retell the cartoons he watches, the books you read. Offer to make up stories from pictures.

If your child has difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or has difficulty distinguishing sounds by ear, then you should seek help from a speech therapist.

Task 1: Determine by ear what sounds the words differ in.

Read a couple of words to your child. The child must give an answer after each pair.

A goat is a braid, a game is a needle, a daughter is a dot, a day is a shadow, a kidney is a barrel.


High level - no errors

Intermediate level - 1 mistake

Task 2: Clap your hands when you hear a different sound.

Read the chain of sounds to the child.





High level - no errors

Intermediate level - 1 mistake

Low - 2 or more errors

Task 3: Clap your hands when you hear a word that differs from others in sound.

Read the word sequence to your child.

Frame, frame, frame, lama, frame.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, Box, Gingerbread Man.


High level - no errors

Intermediate level - 1 mistake

Low - 2 or more errors

Task 4: Choose the correct words that are opposite in meaning.

The child must correctly choose the opposite word for each of the proposed. An error is considered to be a “loud-soft” answer.

Slow - (fast)

Day Night)

Hot Cold)

Thick - (thin)

Kind angry)


High level - no errors

Intermediate level - 1 mistake

Low - 2 or more errors

Task 5: Answer the questions.

Read the questions to your child. He must choose the right words for each of the proposed.

What happens: sour, fast, red, soft?

Who can: jump, swim, growl, sing?

What is he doing: fish, plane, frog, car?


High level - no errors

Medium level - 1-2 mistakes

Low - 3 or more errors

Task 6: Explain the meaning of words.

Read the word to the child. Ask them to explain its meaning. Before doing this task, explain to the child, using the example of the word "chair", how to do it. When explaining, the child must name the group to which this item belongs (a chair is furniture), say what this item consists of (the chair is made of wood) and explain what it is for (it is needed in order to sit on it).

Notebook, plane, pencil, table.


High level - the child explained all the concepts correctly

Intermediate level - the child explained correctly 2-3 concepts

Low level - the child explained correctly no more than one concept

Task 7: Listen carefully to the story.

Read the story to your child and ask them to answer the questions.

In the morning, Tolya, a first grader, left the house. There was a blizzard outside. The trees were noisy. The boy was frightened, stood under a poplar, thinking: “I won’t go to school. Scary".

Then he saw Sasha standing under a linden tree. Sasha lived nearby, he was also going to school and was also frightened.

The boys saw each other. They became happy. They ran towards each other, joined hands and went to school together.

The blizzard howled and whistled, but it was no longer terrible.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Answer the questions:

1. Who was mentioned in the story?

2. What class were the boys in?

3. Why did the boys feel happy?


High level - the child correctly answered all the questions

Intermediate - the child correctly answered 2 questions

Low level - the child correctly answered only 1 question

    The world

At the time of entering school, the child must have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. It is good if he has elementary knowledge about plants and animals, about the properties of objects and phenomena, knowledge in the field of geography and astronomy, an idea of ​​time. Below are the basic questions about the world that the child should be able to answer.


Name the seasons and the signs of each season.

What is the difference between wild animals and domestic animals?

What are the benefits of pets?

What kind of predatory animals do you know?

What herbivores do you know?

Name migratory and wintering birds. Why are they called that?

What herbs, trees, shrubs do you know?

How are herbs different from trees and shrubs?

Name garden and wild flowers.

What are the fruits of pine, oak, apple trees called?

What natural phenomena do you know?


List the parts of the day in order.

How is day different from night?

List the days of the week in order.

Name the spring, summer, autumn, winter months of the year.

Which is longer: a minute or an hour, a day or a week, a month or a year?

List the months in order.


What countries do you know?

What cities do you know, in what countries are they located?

What is the difference between a city and a village?

What rivers do you know?

How is a river different from a lake?

What planets do you know?

What planet do we live on?

What is the name of the earth's satellite?

4. World and man

What are the professions:

Who teaches children?

Who heals people?

Who writes poetry?

Who composes the music?

Who paints pictures?

Who builds houses?

Who drives cars?

Who sews clothes?

Who plays in cinema and theater?

What item is needed to:

measure time;

Talk at a distance

Watch the stars;

measure weight;

Measure the temperature?

What kinds of sports do you know?

What sports require a ball? Skates?

What musical instruments do you know?

What writers do you know?

What is honesty, kindness, greed, cowardice, laziness, diligence?

Why do you need to study? Work?

How to cross the road?

5.Properties of objects.

What happens wooden, glass, metal, plastic?

What happens soft, hard, free-flowing, smooth, liquid, sharp?

List of used literature:

1. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L., Toporkova I.G. Shcherbinina S.V. is your child ready for school? Test book. - M .: LLC "Publishing house" Rosmen-Press ". - 2002. - 80 p. - (School for preschoolers)

2. Kovaleva E.S., Sinitsyna E.I. Preparing a child for school. - M .: List New, Veche, KARO 2001.-256s., Ill.

3. Morozova O.V. I'm going to school./A big book about school for small children. Rostov / D: "Phoenix", 2000. - 320s.

4. Chivikova N.Yu. How to prepare your child for school. - M.: Rolf, 2001. - 208s.

Here is a complete archive of free electronic journal Ship.

Preschoolers are distinguished by curiosity and aspiration. Boring primers and dry presentation of material repels children from further development. The presented magazine was created for a variety of activities with the child, as a help for parents and educators. Bright pictures and interesting exercises are suitable for children who are preparing to go to school. Cognitive tasks allow you to saturate the developing mind with useful knowledge, without breaking away from the gameplay.

The electronic magazine "Ship" has carefully selected tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. Collected exercises activate logical thinking baby, allow and put into practice the existing knowledge. Each edition features fun activities that every preschooler will love. Convenient material supply contributes to quick memorization new knowledge.

A fascinating magazine has collected on its pages useful material that is able to lay the necessary foundation for further education. Together with interesting exercises, the child will develop in the right direction, train his mind and increase his potential.

Summary of the Ship by Numbers magazine:

Preparing a hand for writing, mathematics, the world around.

Mathematics, logic, the world around.

Preparing hands for writing, thinking.

Mathematics, preparation of the hand for writing.

Preparing a hand for writing, mathematics, logical thinking.

Ship No. 6 (download/view in JPEG format)

The development of motor skills of the hand, mathematics, thinking.

Logic, thinking, memory development.

Ship No. 9 (download/view in JPEG format)

Preparation of the hand for writing, development of speech.

Fundamentals of labor education, logical thinking.

Mathematical representations, motor skills of the hand.

Logical thinking, the world around.

Development of attention, mathematics, logical thinking.

Preparation of the hand for writing, mathematical representations.

The development of speech, mathematics, the world around.

Knowledge of the environment, preparation of the hand for writing.

Mathematics, development of motor skills of the hand.

Classes on the development of speech by compiling sentences and stories.

Environment, fun.

Mathematics for kids: classification.

We develop attention, fine motor skills of children's hands.

Compare objects and develop children's attention.

We develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills of the hand, looking for patterns.

We learn to observe, compare and generalize.

We compare objects by their internal characteristics, we solve logical problems.

We teach children the classification of objects.

Classes for the development of intellectual abilities of children 5-6 years old.

Literacy classes for children 5-6 years old.

Articulation gymnastics.

Games and exercises on the theme "Man and his health".

The world around us, ecological education, speech development.

Tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Lessons with letters and syllables.

Children's first steps in mathematics.

Complexes of developing exercises.

Physical education classes for the development of motor creativity of preschoolers.

Mathematics for preschoolers.

Complexes of developing classes for preparing children of senior preschool age for schooling.

We teach children safe behavior, classes on the topic "Winter".

Classes on the topic "Winter".

Math classes for preschoolers.

Tasks for the development of speech of preschool children.

Classes for teaching children to read.

Classes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read through the game.

Reading lessons for 4-5 year olds.

Classes on teaching reading to middle preschool age.

Task cards in mathematics 1st grade.

Classes on the theme "Autumn".

Mathematics, writing.

Exercises for the development of memory, exercises for the development of attention.

Summaries of classes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read and write; exercises for the development of attention, thinking.

Educational exercises for preschoolers.

We develop hand motor skills, develop attention, thinking, mathematics for preschoolers, speech development classes.

Literacy classes, speech development classes.

Riddles games, developing hand motor skills, math problems.

Non-traditional methods of improving children's health, developing logical thinking (lotto), solving crossword puzzles.

Tasks for the development of thinking, tasks for teaching children to read and write, tasks for preparing a child for learning to write.

Cut pictures, crossword puzzles.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 1-10.

Intellectual readiness for school: classes 11-21.

Intellectual readiness for school: classes 22-32.

Games and tasks for the development of a child's attention, thinking, memory.

Tasks for preparing the hand for writing (we draw in the cells).

Exercises and tasks in mathematics for elementary grades.

Target: to give general concept about human speech, the formation of positive motivation for cognitive activity. Formation of graphic skills. Repetition and writing of letters A, O, U, Y, I.

Material: hedgehog, cat, dog, worksheet. Cards with letters A, O, U. Pencils.

- Here-knock-knock! Oh, guys, who is coming to us? (show children a hedgehog)
- Hedgehog, why did you come to us?
- Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu!
- Guys, did you understand anything that the hedgehog said?
- Hedgehog, repeat again.
- Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu!
- Nothing is clear.
- Meow meow meow.
Oh, who came to us? (teacher pulls a cat out from under the table)
- Woof woof woof.
Oh, who else is coming to us? (teacher pulls a dog out from under the table)
- Guys, did you understand what the animals told us? (no) And I didn't understand.
- Do you understand me? (Yes). Come on, let's play on the carpet.
- Let's jump, stomp, clap. You understand me, because we have human speech, with the help of it we communicate with you.

The teacher asks the children to name an action in turn. Children call and perform it together with the teacher (we will dance, spin, etc.).

- You speak and everyone understands you too. Why do we need speech? To communicate. But what if people are far from each other? You can write a letter. Writing is also speech, which we write down using letters. We will learn how to competently master our speech: speak correctly, write words and sentences, and also read!
- Listen to the words that I will tell you now: STORK, ABC, ARKA. What sound do these words begin with? That's right, from the sound of A.
- And this is the letter that stands for the sound A. (The teacher shows a card with the letter A). Circle the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
- Now listen to the following words and name the first sound: CLOUD, DONKEY, WASPS.
- What sound did you hear? Sound O. And this is the letter O, which means the sound O in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter O). What does this letter look like?

- Today we will remember one more sound and letter. Listen to the words and highlight the first sound: UM, DUCK, MUSCLE.
- What sound did you hear? This is the sound U. And this is the letter U, which stands for the sound U in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter U).
- Circle the letter Y with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
- And now we will write all these letters!

Children in the worksheets circle the letters A O U. The teacher makes sure that the children move from left to right and from top to bottom, not skipping letters in the lines.

- Listen to the words that I will now tell you: NEEDLE, TURKEY. What sound do these words begin with? That's right, from the sound of I.
- And this is the letter that stands for the sound I. (The teacher shows a card with the letter I). Circle the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
- Now listen to the following words and name the same sound that occurs in each word: SOAP, BULL, LYNX, SKI.
- What sound did you hear? Y sound. And this is the letter Ы, which means the sound Ы on the letter. (The teacher shows a card with the letter Y). What does this letter look like?
- Circle the letter with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
- Circle the letters Y, Y on the worksheets.

Children in the worksheets circle the letters Y, I. The teacher makes sure that the child's hand moves from left to right and from top to bottom, not skipping letters in the lines.

Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Sound And


The teacher invites the children to name what is drawn in the pictures.

- Color the objects whose names begin with the sound I.
What pictures will you color? Why?
- Pronounce the words so that the sound Yi can be heard well.

Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Place of sound Y in words

Material: worksheet, colored pencils.

- I know, and you know that there are no words that begin with the sound Y.
- But in words this sound occurs often. It can be heard in the middle or at the end of a word.
- Make up your own words with the sound Y, and say where the sound is, in the middle or at the end.
- If the sound Ы is in the middle of the word - put a dot in the middle of the line with a red pencil, if at the end of the word - at the end of the line.
- Thank you guys for introducing Masha to the sounds and letters Y, I.

We draw the attention of children that in the word skiing the sound Ы is in the middle and at the end of the word.

Number row. Count up to 20

Let's count to 20 with you. Get your pens ready. We will clap our hands with you and count together in chorus for each clap.

The teacher counts with the children.

Mobile game. Days of the week

Children become in a circle.

On Monday I swam (depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted. (Depicting drawing)

On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time, (we wash our faces)

And played football on Thursday. (Running in place)

On Friday I jumped, ran, (jump)

I danced for a very long time. (circling in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

I rested all day. (Children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

Mathematics "Equality and Inequality"

Target: to form the ability to understand quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them down using the signs "equal" and "unequal".

materials: a bowl with 5 apples and 5 carrots per child (either wooden or cut out of cardboard), signs = and, 2 plates per child. Bunny is a toy.

1. Harvest.

- Let's help the bunny harvest.
- Place 1 apple on one plate and 1 carrot on the other. How many apples? How many carrots? (One by one). So apples and carrots are equally divided.
- In order to show that the number of items is the same, the "equal" sign is used.

The teacher shows the sign to the children.

Put this sign between the plates.

- It turned out one is equal to one.
- Put another apple on a plate with an apple. Is it possible to leave an equal sign? (Not)
- Why? (Two is not equal to one).
- Correctly. In order to show that the number of items is not equal to each other, the sign "unequal" is used.

The teacher shows the appropriate sign.

What is the difference between the signs "equal" and "unequal"?
- Let's put an inequality sign between the plates now.
- It turned out two is not equal to one.
- Put another carrot on the plate. What sign should be placed? (Equalities)

The children read the text on their own.

- And now put the carrots and apples on the plates yourself and put the desired sign between them, read the entry.

2. The teacher gives out a worksheet.

Look at the task with carrots. Put an equal or inequality sign between the carrots.

The world. Vegetables and fruits

Target: development of mental actions of analysis-synthesis, generalization.

Material: replicas of vegetables and fruits that are in a bag, two bowls.

The teacher organizes the game on the carpet.

Masha decided to make riddles for us, listen to them and answer the questions.
- What is more in the forest: fir-trees or trees?
- What is more in the garden: vegetables or potatoes?
- Whom in kindergarten more: girls or children?
- Masha brought us a bag, let's see what's in it.

The children take it in turns to take the item out of the bag and name it.

- Oh, how many vegetables and fruits were in the bag.
- Let's put the vegetables in one bowl, and the fruits in another.

Children name and sort vegetables and fruits.

- Well done, we all laid out with you.

Massage break. My little finger, where have you been?

We dress and remove the spring ring on all fingers in turn.

My little finger, where have you been?

With the nameless - cabbage soup cooked,

And with the middle - ate porridge,

With index sang.

And the big one met me

And treated me to candy

The big one on the right danced

And he invited me to dance.

Index on the right

He led us on a campaign with the whole crowd.

The middle brother carries a backpack,

The nameless one walks like this.

And the little finger began to play,

Invite brothers to listen. (Clap your hands to the rhythm of the poem)

One, two, three, four, five!

Development of thinking. Combinatorics. Bunny's houses

Target: the development of combinatorial thinking.

Material: worksheet, pencils.

- The bunny has two houses. See how the bunny decided to paint the walls of the houses.
- First, let's look at a house with geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle.
- We will help the bunny to paint the walls of the house, and for this we need to finish the figures so that they do not repeat in the lines. (If the children do not have an idea about the concept of "line", then the teacher explains).

The teacher, together with the children, makes the first line so that the essence of the task becomes clear to them.

Children independently "paint" the walls of the second house.

The development of speech. Unfinished story "Button"

Target: development of imagination, development of speech.

materials: text that is read aloud to children.

“Once upon a time there was a pushpin. Once it fell into the hands of an evil boy, who began to put it on the guys’ chair. When they sat down on the chair and jumped up as if stung, the boy laughed disgustingly. here..."

Think about what you would do if you were a Button. The story should begin like this: "I, Button, came up with this..."

Mobile game. Charging - warm-up

Children stand in a circle.

To begin with, we are with you

We only turn our heads. (Slow head rotation)

We also rotate the body. (turns right - left)

We can do this, of course.

And now we sit down. (We squat)

We understand very well -

Need to strengthen the legs

One, two, three, four, five!

Finally stretched

Up and to the side. (Sipping)

Have caved in. (Leaning forward)

Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Days of the week

Target: the formation of knowledge about the days of the week, the formation of temporary representations.

The teacher with the children repeat the days of the week in chorus, while bending their fingers.

- How many days of the week? Why do you think we need to know the names of the days of the week?

Then the teacher asks each child the name of the days of the week and helps if necessary.

- And now, let's play a little with the days of the week! If yesterday was Friday, then today...
Before Thursday was...
- Every Sunday we go to the park and yesterday we went too. What day of the week is today?
- In the morning I came to work, and I will return home ...

Maths. Equality and Inequality

Target: continue to learn to understand the quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them down using signs.

materials: bowl with 5 circles and 5 squares per child, equal and not equal signs, 2 plates per child, doll.

Let's help the Masha doll lay out the figures.

Place 2 circles on one plate and 3 squares on the other. What sign should be put equal or unequal? (unequal) Why? (Because 3 is greater than 2). Read the entry. (Two is not equal to three).

In the same way, we compose 5 more equalities or inequalities.

Finger gymnastics. Animals

Good animals are friends (the fingers of the hands are connected in a "castle").

Small hares are friends (rhythmic touch of the little fingers of both hands).

Beavers are friends in the lake (rhythmic touch of the ring fingers of both hands).

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky (rhythmic touch of the middle fingers of both hands).

Cute hedgehogs are friends, (rhythmic touch of the index fingers of both hands).

Even cubs are friends (rhythmic touch of the thumbs of both hands).

That's how they played

Run through the forest! (hands down, shake hands)

Preparing the hand for writing. Wavy lines. beds

Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

Material: worksheet (see above), pencils.

Outline the wavy lines.

The teacher asks homework children.


Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again

Goodbye, goodbye, you are very good.

Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again.

Goodbye, goodbye - let's have fun!

Tasks and exercises for the development of memory will help the future first grader to better absorb any useful new information.

The task "Chain of words: listen and remember"

Out of ten spoken words, an older preschooler (6-7 years old) is able to remember about seven. Let's check how well your child's memory is developed?

Chain of words to check: bedroom, vase, tiger, oval, square, rhombus, wolf, fish, winter, hare, house, sun, hedgehog, cloud.

Task "Pairs of words"

Read all pairs of words. Then call only the first and wait for the second in response:
autumn - rain; vase - flowers; doll - dress;
cup - saucer; book - page; water - fish;
car - wheel; house - window; clock - arrows.

Good to know. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky advised teaching a child several tricks that will help him remember information easier:

Repeat out loud and to yourself;
- mentally fix some objects through others, creating associations;
- combine objects into groups, highlighting their similarities or differences.

Exercise "Remember and describe"

After a joint walk, remember what interesting things you saw on the street. Perhaps it was a bright sign or a passer-by with a funny dog. Ask the child to describe the object in detail.

Exercise "Repeat the figure"

Take counting sticks, lay out an intricate figure from them and give the preschooler time to memorize it. Suggest from memory to depict the same composition of counting sticks.

Online games for training memory and attention

Develop the speed of perception, reaction and visual memory you can play. Invite your child to try our game "Master Schulte".

We develop thinking

Children with developed thinking more easily absorb new knowledge and figure out how to apply it.

Start with age-appropriate tasks

  • 5-6 years
  • 6-7 years old
  • 1 class

It can be difficult for a preschooler to figure out all the variety of tasks and exercises on their own. To make the first steps easier, we recommend doing 5-7 tasks from each category with your child.

"What, why and why?"

Reflect together on the following questions:
In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon - ...?
Why, before the train passes, barriers are lowered along the track?
A small cow is a calf, a baby lamb is ...?
Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common?
Why do all cars have brakes?
Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?

"Which word is missing?"

In each row you need to find an extra word:
old, decrepit, small, dilapidated;
Brave, evil, courageous, bold;
Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, bag, pan;
Dress, hat, shirt, sweater;
Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberry;
Book, TV, tape recorder, radio.

The fourth extra task

On the platform LogicLike you can perform similar and other tasks for the development of thinking in an interactive format. Example from our database:

To complete tasks, click Start classes!

Exercise "Who is more?"

Invite your child to name as many words as possible that represent specific concepts: trees, flowers, modes of transport, sports, etc.

Exercise "Important words"

Name one concept (garden) and add accompanying words to it (plants, gardener, fence, earth). Ask the child to choose from them the two most important, without which the main subject cannot do. Ask questions to understand why he chose certain words. Examples of other pairs: shop - seller, milk, counter, money; water park - inflatable circle, slides, water, bathing suit.

Tatiana Brodskaya

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations" with in-depth study for children in the preparatory group.

Tasks for individual work with every child.

materials: a notebook in a large cell (12-18 sheets, a ballpoint pen, colored pencils.

preschooler performs the exercise and, together with the teacher, checks for correct execution, which allows in the future to select tasks difficulty or repetition.

Data tasks allow the teacher to observe the dynamics logical thinking,development motor skills of the hands of preschoolers.

These fun activities are great for kids!

Exercises included: writing numbers, the order of sequences of numbers and signs, connecting numbers by dots, "find the number", hatching in geometric shapes and much more.

This is an exciting journey that preschoolers look into the world"Schools".

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