Counseling for persons with disabilities Social and pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities

Speech therapist Yalaudinova Yu.A.

Consultative assistance of a speech therapist teacher to parents with children with disabilities

Presentation at parent meeting

In the process of interaction with families, it is quite often revealed how little parents pay due attention to overcoming speech disorder in a child: they do not notice shortcomings in his speech, do not attach serious importance to them, believing that everything will improve with age.

Ensuring a close relationship between parents and the teaching staff is the most important aspect in the correctional and educational activities of the school. Purposeful, systematically planned, integrated work of the teaching staff and the conscious interest of parents - significantly increases the effectiveness of training. The randomness of educational influences on the child in the family and the shifting of responsibility for the child's speech success to the speech therapist and teachers do not contribute to the establishment of a respectful position in communication between teachers and the child, they form a negative or indifferent attitude towards pedagogical influences in the child.

In order to increase the level of speech development of the child, it is necessary to purposefully and systematically work on the speech development of children, which should be carried out not only at school, but also in the family.

Parents themselves are often removed from work to correct speech defects, as they do not have the necessary knowledge and skills and enough free time to work with children at home. Hence the problem arises: parents need to obtain a certain level of knowledge and skills on the speech development of children.

It's no secret that the joint activities of parents and specialists bring more effective results in remedial work. The success of remedial education is largely determined by how clearly the succession of the work of a speech therapist and parents is organized. We must become employees, colleagues, assistants to each other, solving common tasks:

Increasing parental awareness of developmental characteristics and specific educational needs child,

Ensuring the participation of the family in the development and implementation of SIPR,

Uniformity of requirements for the student in the family and in the educational organization,

Organization of a regular exchange of information about the child, on the progress of the implementation of the SIPR and the results of its development,

Organization of participation of parents in extracurricular activities.

In our school, a certain system of work of a speech therapist with parents has developed, which includes:

1. speeches of a speech therapist teacher at school-wide parent meetings;

2. holding workshops and trainings aimed at teaching parents how to correct children's speech within the framework of the "Parents' Lecture";

3. individual consultations;

4. information stands, speech corners in elementary grades;

5. release of memos and manuals for parents on development:

phonemic hearing;

Articulation gymnastics at home;

Teaching children with SAD to storytelling;

On the formation of skills of sound-letter analysis;

Correction of writing and reading.

Parents also receive advice on the need for consultation and treatment with a psychiatrist, psychoneurologist or neurologist.

We place useful information on the stand in front of the office. As reference material, specific tips and recommendations for the development of speech are posted. In the lower grades there are speech corners where the speech profile of the class is posted. Here each parent can clearly see at what stage the automation of the delivered sound takes place, what needs to be worked on at home.

Individual consultations are held at the invitation of a speech therapist or at the request of parents on a certain day. At these consultations, the child and I demonstrate success in overcoming the defect, I explain what kind of help is needed from the parents at this stage.

Parents have the right to attend speech therapy classes during the entire period of study and can hear, evaluate and compare the speech of their own child. The principle of open learning always increases and enhances the effect on speech and on the personality of the child as a whole.

I invite parents to individual sessions with the child, so that they can see how he is doing, what difficulties he is experiencing, what he needs to fix at home, what else to work on.

Features of counseling parents of children with MR

Why is it necessary to consult parents? First of all, the lack of control, weakness of volitional processes in children with mental retardation. Often I come across the fact that in the conditions of a speech therapy room, under the supervision of a speech therapist, the child uses the acquired skills, but cannot transfer these skills to everyday life on his own.

A recurrent type of speech disorder is also possible, when after long absences from classes (especially after summer holidays), acquired skills are lost and work on the elimination and correction of speech at the beginning of each new academic year begins almost from the very beginning.

To attract the attention of parents to the work of children on speech, it helps to make postcards for the holidays with the inscription: “I started working on sound. I am learning to speak. I'm already talking. I pronounce correctly. I try to pronounce clearly,” etc. On postcards there are colorful bouquets of flowers, funny stories, fairy-tale heroes etc. in which the letters of the sounds the child is working on are hidden. Thus, we solve two problems: on the one hand, the child independently evaluates and plans further work, and for parents, this is a recommendation for action to automate the acquired speech skills.

Features of counseling parents of children with SMND

We work with children with a special anomaly mental development, in which there are persistent peculiar violations of communicative behavior, emotional contact of the child with the outside world - atypical autism.

Consultative work with the parents of such children is individual character, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of parents' awareness of the specifics of working with such children, to determine the need for training parents in the correct interaction with the child.

We understand that the efficiency of the work will increase significantly when the mother of a child with developmental disabilities becomes an active participant, who will be well oriented not only in the problems of her baby, but also in the main correctional areas of medical pedagogy.

Consultative work with parents of this category of children is carried out as positive results appear. A close relationship of specialists with a teacher is required, who communicates daily with parents and reports on the progress of children received in the classroom and recommends which specialist should be consulted today.

The main directions of the speech therapist's advisory work to parents with "non-speaking" children are reflected in the program "Alternative Communication for Children with Severe and Multiple Disabilities": this is the establishment of eye contact, emotional contact, activation of speech activity, the formation and development of spontaneous speech in everyday life and play, development of speech in a learning situation, etc.

When establishing contact with an autistic child, we recommend that you follow the rules: address the child at an emotional level accessible to him, do not allow him to feel his failure in contact, in answering questions, exclude situations that require any prohibitions, it is better to contact the child indirectly, using commentary speech, etc. It is also recommended that parents keep a diary of colored behavior, visualize the schedule, and make uniform requirements.

The formation of spontaneous speech in children with TMND, neither in play, nor in everyday life, nor in other situations, is realized, therefore, we advise how an adult needs to comment on his actions and the actions of a child, which will bridge the gap between practice and speech. How to get involved in the game at the speech level, how to carefully take the initiative in the game; how to unobtrusively and strictly dosed complicate the speech design of the game, what verses and songs during the game can stimulate speech activity.

Photos, videos of classes used in consultations, meetings are very helpful.

Such an organization of speech therapy work allows not only to successfully correct the shortcomings of children's speech, but also ensures their successful mastery of educational activities.

When conducting consultations, it is necessary to destroy the illusion, which is very common among parents, about the possibility of a magical, “magic” solution to all problems of the development and upbringing of a child only as a result of attending remedial classes. No matter how significant positive changes in the child's speech occur in the classroom with a speech therapist, they will become important for the child only if they are transferred to a real life situation.

No positive dynamics in the course of corrective speech therapy impact can lead to the achievement of the planned effect if changes in speech development children do not find understanding, response, appreciation from their parents, if significant, authoritative, beloved close adults do not see the true meaning of these changes.

An integrated approach to overcoming a speech defect involves the active participation of parents in it, who are able to consolidate all the speech skills and abilities acquired by children during classes with a speech therapist in the process of everyday life, using walks, excursions, visiting the theater, caring for plants and animals, helping adults at home and in the country.

We are sure that parents need to be in close contact with specialists, to know what the child is learning, and to try to maintain and consolidate these skills at home - this is the main principle of the advisory work of a speech therapist and all specialists, which will allow not only to successfully correct deficiencies speech of children, but also to ensure their successful mastery of educational activities, and parents, having certain knowledge, will be able to do a lot for their child, help him adapt in life.






The relevance of research.The main spheres of human activity are labor and life. A healthy person adapts to the environment. For the disabled, the peculiarity of these spheres of life is that they must be adapted to the needs of the disabled. They need to be helped to adapt to the environment: so that they can freely reach the machine and perform production operations on it; could themselves, without outside help, leave the house, visit shops, pharmacies, cinemas, while overcoming both ups and downs, and transitions, and stairs, and thresholds, and many other obstacles. In order for a disabled person to be able to overcome all this, it is necessary to make his environment as accessible as possible for him, i.e. adapt the environment to the capabilities of the disabled person, so that he feels on an equal footing with healthy people at work, at home, and in public places. This is what is called social assistance to the disabled, to all those who suffer from physical and mental limitations.

You can be born with a developmental disability, or you can "acquire" it, become disabled already in advanced years. No one is immune from disability. Its causes may be various adverse factors external environment and hereditary influences. The severity of a person's mental and physical health disorders can vary from mild (almost imperceptible from the outside) to severe, pronounced (for example, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome). Currently, there are more than 15 million people with developmental disabilities in Russia, which is about 11% of the country's population. More than 2 million children with handicapped(8% of the entire child population), of which about 700 thousand are children with disabilities. Deterioration of the ecological situation, high level morbidity of parents (especially mothers), a number of unresolved socio-economic, psychological, pedagogical and medical problems contribute to an increase in the number of children with disabilities and children with disabilities, making this problem particularly relevant.

Persons with disabilities are people with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development, that is, deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech disorders, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and others, including children with disabilities. HIA-limited health opportunities. Organization socially - pedagogical activity in conditions of developmental disorders, it acquires a specific corrective-compensatory character and is a powerful adaptive factor. An important aspect of socio-pedagogical activity is social rehabilitation, the process of restoring the basic social functions of the individual. The variety of functions of the activity of a social pedagogue determines the variety of its means. Interest in the problem of social protection of children with disabilities, their social problems, as well as the difficulties faced by the family raising such a child, is constantly growing, as evidenced by the increase in the number of studies, monographs, books, articles devoted to these issues. topical issues worldwide. In the system of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, there are special institutions for children and adults with disabilities, in which children and adolescents develop programs for the development of cognitive abilities, self-service skills, everyday orientation, the formation of elements of moral and the foundations of aesthetic education:

at home - boarding schools for children with severe mental retardation;

orphanages for children with severe physical disabilities;

special vocational schools;

nursing homes for the elderly and disabled;

psycho-neurological boarding schools. One of the most disturbing trends of the late 20th century has been the steadily increasing number of people with health problems, including those with disabilities. Depending on the disease or the nature of developmental deviations, various categories of such children are distinguished: blind and visually impaired, deaf and hearing impaired, mentally retarded, with speech disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and a number of others.

objectof this final qualifying work are persons with disabilities.

The subject of this qualification work is the methods of working with this category of persons.


implementation methods and practical solution disability problems.


theoretical and methodological foundations and technologies for organizing psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities in the system of special education;

features and opportunities for training, education and development of people with disabilities from the standpoint of a systematic approach

Hypothesis:An important aspect in the education system of persons with disabilities is the process of successful socialization, meeting needs, training, career guidance - the family.

The methodological basis of the study was the works of: Akatova L.I. Social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Psychological foundations M., 2003, Sorokina V.M., Kokorenko V.L. Workshop on special psychology / ed. L.M. Shipitsionoy-SPB., 2003, Nesterova G.F. psychological and social work with disabled people: rehabilitation in Down syndrome.

Socio-pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities

Currently, 4.5% of Russian children are classified as persons with disabilities. According to the international nomenclature of disabilities, disability and social insufficiency, disability can be considered any limitation or inability to carry out activities in a way or within the limits that are considered normal for a person of a given age. Disability is understood as social insufficiency that occurs as a result of health disorders, accompanied by a persistent disorder of body functions and leading to a limitation of life and the need for social protection.

The status of a disabled child in our country was first introduced in 1973. The category of children with disabilities included children with significant limitations in life, leading to social maladjustment due to impaired development and growth, the ability to self-service, movement, orientation, control of their behavior, learning, work in the future.

Disabled people constitute a special category of citizens for whom additional measures of social protection are provided. According to Social assistance (as defined by L.I. Aksenova) is a system of humanitarian services (law enforcement, health, educational, psychotherapeutic, rehabilitation, consulting, charitable) to representatives of the economically disadvantaged, socially weak, psychologically vulnerable strata and groups of the population in order to improve their ability to to social functioning. Social assistance is provided by social service institutions. b Social services - the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical. Social and legal services and financial assistance, holding social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

Socio-pedagogical activity (according to the definition of V.A. Nikitin) consists in providing educational and educational means of directed socialization of the individual, in transferring to the individual (and mastering by him) the social experience of mankind, acquiring or restoring the social orientation of social functioning.

The socio-pedagogical activities include the following processes:

education, training and education;

internalization (transformation of the structure of objective activity into the structure of the internal plane of consciousness);

exteriorization (the process of transition from internal mental activity to external, objective) socio-cultural programs and social heritage.

The organization of socio-pedagogical activity in conditions of developmental disorders acquires a specific corrective-compensatory character and is a powerful adaptive factor.

An important aspect of socio-pedagogical activity is social rehabilitation - the process of restoring the basic social functions of the individual.

Social integration (according to the definition of L.I. Aksenova) is the full, equal inclusion of the individual in all the necessary spheres of social life, a worthy social status, the achievement of the possibility of a full-fledged independent life and self-realization in society.

Social integration is an indicator of the effectiveness of the organization of socio-pedagogical activities in the field of social institutions of a correctional and compensatory orientation.

Basic position modern system socio-pedagogical assistance - the priority of the individual and family. Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ), social protection of the disabled can be defined as a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide these people with the conditions to overcome, replace (compensate) restrictions on life activities and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in the life of society with other citizens.

As you know, in accordance with the Constitution of 1993, the Russian Federation is a democratic social state that ensures equality of rights and freedoms of a citizen, that is, combats discrimination based on health status. Thus, social policy Russian state should be based on the full social protection of children with disabilities, passing to varying degrees under his care.

Charitable organizations, including the Red Cross Society - material, in-kind assistance, organization of communication; trade organizations - supply of food, children's goods, furniture, appliances, books, etc.

The enterprise of working parents provides material support, improves housing if possible, organizes part-time work, part-time working week working mothers, home work, layoff protection, leave benefits.

Depending on the degree of disorder of body functions and limitation of life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under 18 years of age are assigned the category "disabled child".

The structure of social and pedagogical assistance in Russia:

public sector - institutions, enterprises, services, federal ministries and departments: Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Science. Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications etc.;

municipal sector - institutions, enterprises, services created by public charitable, religious and other non-governmental organizations. Social teacher provides assistance to children with intellectual, pedagogical, psychological, social deviations from the norm that have arisen as a result of a lack of a full-fledged social education, as well as children with physical, mental or intellectual developmental disabilities.

L.I. Aksenova identifies the following innovative areas of the strategy of socio-pedagogical assistance:

formation of the state-public system of social and pedagogical assistance;

improvement of the process of social education (in the conditions of special educational institutions based on the introduction of variability and different levels of education, the continuation of the educational process outside the special school and beyond school age);

the creation of fundamentally new (interdepartmental) forms of institutions for the provision of social and pedagogical assistance;

organization of services for early diagnosis and early assistance in order to prevent developmental disorders and reduce the degree of disability;

the emergence of pilot models of integrated learning;

reorientation of the systemic organization of the management of the educational process on the basis of the formation of subjective relations of all its participants: child - specialists - family.

Rehabilitation of the disabled is defined as a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical and socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or, possibly, more fully compensating for limitations in life activity caused by a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions. Her goal is to restore social status disabled person, his achievement of material independence and his social adaptation. Rehabilitation includes:

medical rehabilitation (rehabilitation therapy,

reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics);

vocational rehabilitation (vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational adaptation and employment);

social rehabilitation (socio-environmental orientation and social adaptation).

In cases when it comes to children with congenital or early acquired health disorders, the concept of rehabilitation is used. Habilitation is a system of measures aimed at the formation of effective ways of social adaptation within the limits possible for a given individual. Habilitation involves the creation, formation of opportunities and connections that ensure the integration into society of people who have practically no experience of normal functioning, and allows you to form the socio-functional potential of the individual on

basis of diagnosis and further development his mental and social abilities. With the establishment Soviet power The state becomes the main and determining subject in the development of state policy and the provision of social assistance to those in need. In 1918, all charitable institutions and societies were closed, all systems of charity were broken, including the complete liquidation of the institution of monastic and parish charity as ideologically incompatible with the monopoly of militant atheism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. New public policy First of all, it was aimed at providing the disabled with material support in the form of pensions and various benefits, first for the crippled soldiers, and later for all types of disability, with the onset of disability. The size and types of material benefits in different historical periods of Soviet power corresponded to the real economic possibilities of the state. Many types of social support for those in need who found themselves in plight people who arose on the basis of charity and patronage.

The first forms of state services for the care of the infirm in Russia appeared only during the reign of Ivan the Terrible (1551). From 1861 to 1899 there was a sharp rise in the charitable movement. During this period, private and estate charitable societies arose, funds intended for the needs of public charity were created. Each estate on the rights of self-government took care of rendering assistance to its disabled citizens.

In the 1930s Funds for public mutual assistance of collective farmers began to be created. The functions of providing various assistance to persons who have lost their ability to work were assigned to the cash desks. In 1932, these funds employed only in the RSFSR in various jobs on collective farms, as well as in the workshops organized by them 40 thousand disabled people.

During this period, a network of homes for the elderly and disabled, neuropsychiatric boarding schools began to be created, a system of specialized educational institutions for people with health disorders developed, the number of training and production workshops and production workshops and industrial enterprises of social security agencies, mutual aid societies for the blind and deaf grew. The prosthetic industry was born. At present, the attitude towards the disabled continues to be ambiguous. With all the compassion and desire of society to help people with physical defects, they are perceived as psychologically incapable of adapting to the environment, sexless, weak-minded, in need of protection and shelter. People usually see a wheelchair, a white cane, or headphones, not the person. They are more likely to show pity or rejection towards people with disabilities rather than perceive them as equals.

disability limited health education

Support and its functions for people with disabilities

The activities of the MU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, according to the charter of the institution, are aimed at social services for citizens, the realization of the rights of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, and the promotion of family stability as social institution, to improve the socio-economic conditions of life of citizens, indicators of social health and well-being of the family and children, the humanization of family ties with society and the state, the establishment of harmonious intra-family relations, in connection with which the Center carries out:

monitoring the social and demographic situation, the level of socio-economic well-being of the family and children;

identification and differentiated accounting of families and children who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need social support;

determination and periodic provision (permanently, temporarily, on a one-time basis) of specific types and forms of socio-economic, socio-medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical and other social services;

social patronage of families and children in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;

social rehabilitation of children with mental and physical disabilities;

participation in the involvement of state, municipal, non-governmental bodies, organizations and institutions (health, education, migration service, etc.), as well as public and religious organizations and associations (veterans, disabled people, committees.

Red Cross societies, associations of large families, incomplete families etc.) to address issues of providing social assistance to citizens and coordinating their activities in this direction;

approbation and introduction into practice of new forms and methods of social services, depending on the nature and need of the family and children in social support and local socio-economic conditions;

carrying out activities to improve professional level employees of the Center, increasing the volume of social services provided, and improving their quality.

The activities of the Center can be adjusted depending on the socio-demographic and economic situation in the region, national traditions, the need of the population for specific types of social support and other factors.

The Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children arose on the basis of the rehabilitation department for children with limited mental and physical abilities "Rainbow", which was opened on March 06, 2002. On January 14, 2008, the Department was reorganized into the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children. On the basis of the Center, the work of 2 departments is organized: the department for the rehabilitation of minors with limited physical and mental capabilities and the department for psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children.

Department of Rehabilitation of Minors with Physical and Mental Disabilities

The department of rehabilitation of minors with limited physical and mental capabilities is created to provide social services to minors with disabilities in physical and mental development during the day, as well as to teach parents the features of their upbringing and methods of rehabilitation.

Minors of school age attend the department of rehabilitation of minors with limited physical and mental abilities in their free time during the period necessary for rehabilitation in accordance with individual rehabilitation programs.

Services provided by the department:


providing the possibility of early diagnosis of deviations in development;

provision of differentiated psychological and correctional assistance to children and adolescents with disabilities;

psychological and pedagogical examinations of children, analysis of their behavior; examination of the intellectual and emotional development of children, the study of their inclinations and abilities, determining readiness for school;

socio-pedagogical counseling for families raising children and adolescents with disabilities; assistance in creating conditions for good rest, active sports, familiarization with the achievements of culture, identification and development of individual abilities of children with disabilities, creative rehabilitation (creative self-expression).


health education work with families;

training relatives of the child in practical skills of general child care;

assistance in sending children and adolescents with disabilities to specialized health care institutions to receive narrow specialized medical care;

organization of training of parents in knowledge, skills and abilities for carrying out rehabilitation activities at home;

Social and social and economic:

assistance to parents in teaching children self-service skills, behavior at home, in public places, self-control and other forms of life;

assistance to parents in the establishment of life;

rental of rehabilitation equipment;

assistance in obtaining financial and humanitarian assistance to low-income families raising children and adolescents with disabilities;

the formation in children of learning skills, general life skills and abilities, preparation for independent living;

labor education, occupational therapy and organization before vocational training.


advising on social and legal issues of children and adolescents, their parents (or persons replacing them);

providing assistance in obtaining and obtaining the rights, benefits and guarantees provided for by law to persons caring for children and adolescents with disabilities.

The staffing of the department for 2010: in total - 6.75 staff units:

department head;

social work specialist;

social teacher;

social worker - 3 (of which 2 are accompanying children with a complex structure of the disorder).



massage nurse.

The day stay group is designed for 15 children from 5 to 18 years old, who do not attend preschool institutions for health reasons, and school-age children who study according to individual programs.

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Families and Children

The activities of the department of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children are carried out in order to increase psychological stability and the formation of the psychological culture of the population, primarily in the areas of interpersonal, family, parental communication.

Specialists carry out patronage of families with unfavorable psychological and socio-pedagogical conditions, assist in the socio-psychological adaptation of citizens to changing socio-economic conditions, prevent emotional and psychological crisis, assist citizens in overcoming conflict situations in family.

Specialists work in families with children, study problem situations, determine the causes of conflicts and provide assistance in their elimination, advise on education and training

children, contribute to vocational guidance, obtaining a specialty and employment of minors.

Young mothers receive psychological and pedagogical assistance, skills in the upbringing and development of children.

The social worker organizes leisure activities for children and adolescents and assists in obtaining legal, psychological, pedagogical, medical, material, as well as food and clothing assistance.

Psychologists conduct various diagnostics to determine the best option for psychological and pedagogical assistance, analyze behavior, and engage in correction to achieve results.

Thus, the analysis of the charter and other documents allowed us to conclude that the main focus of the Center's work is to provide pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents with disabilities in the district and city and their families, in qualified psychological, social and socio-pedagogical assistance, providing them the most complete and timely adaptation to life. In order to carry out comprehensive medical, social and professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities living in stationary social service institutions, in their structure, by decision of the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in the field of social protection of the population, structural divisions and (or) special classes (groups) are created. ) that implement educational programs of the appropriate level, and labor training workshops in the manner prescribed by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

A stationary social service institution corrects the health limitations of the persons living in it, provides consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to their parents (legal representatives) on medical, social, legal and other issues, develops individually differentiated training programs implemented by them independently or with the involvement of state educational institutions implementing educational programs of the appropriate level.

An approximate form of an agreement on the organization of training in a stationary social service institution is approved by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in the field of education.

Taking into account the needs of persons with disabilities, permanent, five-day and daytime forms of stay are organized in stationary social service institutions.

Institutions serving children with disabilities. Disabled children are served by institutions of three departments. Children under 4 years of age with a lesion of the musculoskeletal system and a decrease in mental development are in specialized orphanages of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, where they receive care and treatment. Children with not pronounced anomalies of physical and mental development study in specialized boarding schools of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. Children aged 4 to 18 with over

with deep psychosomatic disorders live in boarding schools of the system of social protection of the population. There are 30,000 children with severe mental and physical disabilities in 158 orphanages, half of them are orphans. The selection to these institutions is carried out by medical and pedagogical commissions (psychiatrists, defectologists, speech therapists, representatives of the social protection of the population), examining the child and establishing the degree of the disease, then filling out the documentation. As of January 1, 2004, there were 70,607 children in 150 orphanages; they were taught self-service skills and work from the age of 12 according to specially designed programs. Mastering some professional skills (seamstress, carpenter, cleaning nurse, janitor, loader, etc.), they received pediatric, neurological, and psychiatric care.

Children who cannot serve themselves, are in specialized boarding schools of the system of social protection of the population, need care. There are only 6 such institutions in Russia, where in 2010 there were 876 children from 6 to 18 years old.

Medical rehabilitation leaves much to be desired. In rehabilitation institutions, children study according to the program of a general education school. In accordance with the federal target program "Children with Disabilities", the presidential program "Children of Russia", territorial rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities and territorial centers of social protection for families and children are being created.

In 1997, there were 150 specialized centers in the system of social protection organizations, where there were 30 thousand children with severe mental and physical disabilities and 95 departments for the rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities. 34.7% of these institutions are engaged in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy; 21.5% - with disorders of mental and mental development; 20% - with somatic pathology; 9.6% - with visual impairment; 14.1% - with hearing impairment.

The federal target program "Children with Disabilities", which is part of the presidential program "Children of Russia", provides for a comprehensive solution to the problems of children with developmental disabilities. It has the following tasks: prevention of childhood disability (providing relevant literature, diagnostic tools); newborn screening test for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, audiological screening, improvement of rehabilitation (development of rehabilitation centers); providing children with technical means for household self-service; strengthening personnel with systematic advanced training, strengthening the material and technical base (construction of boarding houses, rehabilitation centers, providing them with equipment, transport), creation of cultural and sports bases.

Forms and types of assistance to persons with disabilities

State educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, special (correctional) educational institutions and preschool educational institutions that correct health disabilities provide persons with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives) with a comprehensive psychological pedagogical and medical and social assistance aimed at:

) identification, psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnostics and correction of health limitations;

) development of individual curricula and organization of individual and (or) group classes aimed at developing self-service skills, communication, elementary labor skills for people with complex and (or) severe disabilities;

) implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for persons with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives);

) consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities on medical, social, legal and other issues;

) informational and methodological support for pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions in which persons with disabilities study;

) implementation of a comprehensive system of measures for social adaptation and vocational guidance of persons with disabilities.

In 1997, regional programs were operating in 70 regions of the Russian Federation. In a number of regions, quota jobs were created for women raising disabled children (Astrakhan, Kursk); in Moscow, jobs were created for disabled teenagers (vocational education in 13 specialties), etc.

Recently, the level of the material and technical base of orphanages has decreased due to lack of funding, the construction of new orphanages has been suspended.

The experience of the Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center for Children and Adolescents with Severe and Multiple Disabilities, operating as a day (incoming) school, shows that if teaching is understood only as mastering the skills of writing, reading, counting, rethink and consider learning as a process of developing vital abilities in children with profound and multiple disabilities, they can be taught:

make contact and maintain it with others;

navigate in space and learn the world; participate in creative activities.

The atmosphere of home comfort and the presence of relatives (most of the teachers of this school are the parents of these children) contribute to the motivation of the active work of students.

Analyzing current situation in Russia in the field of social and pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities, it is possible to identify innovative areas in its strategy:

formation of a state-public system of social and pedagogical assistance (creation of educational institutions, social services of the state and public sectors);

improvement of the process of social education in the conditions of special educational institutions based on the introduction of variability and different levels of education, the continuation of the educational process outside the special school and beyond school age, depending on the characteristics of psycho physical development and individual abilities of the child;

the creation of fundamentally new (interdepartmental) forms of institutions for the provision of social and pedagogical assistance (permanent psychological, medical and social consultations, rehabilitation and medical, psychological and social centers, etc.);

organization of services for early diagnosis and early assistance in order to prevent developmental disorders and reduce the degree of disability;

the emergence of experimental models of integrated learning (the inclusion of one child or a group of children with disabilities in the environment

healthy peers)

reorientation of the system organization of the management of the educational process on the basis of the formation of subject-subject relations of all its participants (child-professional-family).


AT last years the number of disabled people increased by 15%. Basically, these are neuropsychiatric diseases. The reasons are the environmental situation, injuries, diseases or conditions of the mother during pregnancy.

At first glance, a child with disabilities should be the center of attention of his family. In reality, this may not happen due to the specific circumstances of each family and certain factors: poverty, deterioration in the health of other family members, marital conflicts, etc. In this case, parents may not adequately perceive the wishes or instructions of specialists. Sometimes parents see rehabilitation services primarily as an opportunity to take a breather for themselves: they are relieved when the child begins attending school or rehabilitation facilities, because at that moment they can finally relax or do their own thing. With all this, it is important to remember that most parents want to be involved in the development of their child.

Parents should be in close contact with the social worker and all professionals involved in the process of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. All methods and technologies of social rehabilitation contribute to choosing one line of social rehabilitation together with parents. The experience gained by the department's specialists in working with such families testifies to the low legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and the need for systematic, systematic work with parents and children. Social work with the family should be informal and versatile, it will help children with disabilities in social rehabilitation. Thus, there is a joint training of children and parents in the skills and habits of an independent life.


1. Akatov L.I. Social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Psychological foundations _M., 2003.

Social protection of the population: experience of organizational and administrative work / edited by V.S. Kukushkina_M., n / a, 2004.

Sorokin V.M., Kokorenko V.L. Workshop on special psychology / edited by L.M. Shipitsina-SPB., 2003.

Nesterova G.F., Bezuh S.M., Volkova A.N. Psychological and social work with disabled people: habilitation for Down syndrome.

T.V. Zozulya. Comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled.

Borovaya L.P. Socio-psychological assistance to families with seriously ill children / L.P. Borovaya // Socio-pedagogical work. - 1998. - No. 6. - P.57 - 64.

Mahler A.R. Child with disabilities. Book for parents / A.R. Mahler. - M.: Delo, 1996. - 328 p.

Smirnova E.R. Tolerance as a principle of attitude towards children with disabilities / E.R. Smirnova // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional and rehabilitation work. - 1997. - No. 2. - P.51-56.

Education and medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Dementieva N.F. Starovoitova L.I. Social work.

On the situation of children in the Russian Federation: State report - Kaluga 1997. P 45-488. On the measures of state social support provided by the current legislation for people with disabilities. Information guide. - Petrozavodsk, 2008. - 274 p.

Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. No. 178 - Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" (as amended federal law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122 - FZ). Development / Under. ed. M.V. Belgesova.A.M. Tsarev. Pskov, 2008. - 295 p.

Vasilkova Yu.V. Vasilkova T.A. social pedagogy

Eidemiller E.G., Yustiky V.V. Psychology and psychotherapy of the family / E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Justic. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

. #"justify">. #"center"> Application

Dear parents!

MU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, Juvenile Rehabilitation Department asks you to answer questions and fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous. Your opinion about the work of our department is very important to us.

1. How long does your child visit the department?

less than 6 months;

from 6 months and up to a year;

from 1 year to 2 years;

more than 2 years.

How do you think your child feels about the department?


find it difficult to answer;



How far, according to the scale of your city (district), do you have to get to the department with your child?

the branch is very close, near or almost to the house;

the department is relatively close;

the branch is far away;

branch is very far away.

Are you satisfied with the way the institution organizes the work of specialists with your child?

suits completely;

suits partially;

not satisfied at all.

Are you familiar with your child's rehabilitation plan?

Do you attend your child's classes?


Do you participate, together with specialists, in adjusting measures for the rehabilitation of your child?

It's not important for me.

How do you rate the success of rehabilitation measures for your child?

I see real shifts for the better;

no results;

It's not important for me.

To what extent is the department devoted to working with parents?

work with parents is carried out sporadically;

There is no work with parents at all.

How would you rate your own awareness of the work of the department?

I know everything about the department;

only from the information posted on the stands of the department;

I know nothing;


What do you think needs to be changed to improve the efficiency of the department?

improve the material base of the institution;

improve the qualifications of specialists;

introduce new forms, methods of work;

improve the quality of social rehabilitation of children;

pay more attention to working with parents;

other __________________________________________________

Thank you for your participation!

We associate the third stage of approbation with the provision of consultative and diagnostic assistance to people with disabilities.

Directions of psychological counseling

Currently, there are four main areas that define specialization in the work practical psychologist:

  • psychodiagnostics;
  • psychological counseling;
  • psychoprophylaxis;
  • psychocorrection.

We will focus on psychological counseling, since in the work of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution it is the main one and includes the following particular types of work:

Development and precise wording psychological and pedagogical recommendations arising from the results of the conducted psychodiagnostic examination, and appropriate recommendations should be offered to both adults and children in a form understandable and accessible for practical implementation.

Conducting conversations with those who need advice. These conversations end with children and adults getting the psychological and pedagogical advice they need.

Working with teachers and parents carried out within the framework of psychological general education and advanced training system. The advisory work of the school psychologist is carried out in the following areas:

  • counseling and education of teachers;
  • counseling and education of parents;
  • student counseling.

In turn, counseling can take the form of actual counseling on the issues of education and mental development of the child, as well as in the form of educational work with all participants. pedagogical process in an educational institution.

Psychological education is the formation among students and their parents (legal representatives), among teachers and leaders of the need for psychological knowledge, the desire to use it in the interests of their own development; creating conditions for a full personal development and self-determination of those who study at each age stage, as well as modern prevention of possible violations in the formation of personality and the development of intelligence.

Advisory activity is the provision of assistance to students, their parents (legal representatives), teachers and other participants in the educational process in matters of development, education and training.

The peculiarity of the counseling work of a psychologist in primary school lies in the fact that the immediate "recipient" psychological help(client) is not its final addressee - a child, but an adult (parent, teacher) who has applied for advice. Thus, the psychologist sometimes has only an indirect effect on the child. He only gives advice; to implement them is the task of the client. Despite such specifics of the advisory work of a school psychologist with children of primary school age, their parents and teachers, this direction is fundamentally important in the practical activities of a school psychologist.

The effectiveness of a specialist's work is largely determined by the extent to which he managed to establish constructive cooperation with teachers, parents and school administration in solving the problems of teaching and educating students.

In his consultative practice, a school psychologist can implement the principles of counseling in a variety of psychological areas (diagnostic, existential, humanistic, behavioral and other approaches). However, in working with children, whose personality and psyche in general are still at the stage of their formation, taking into account age characteristics is an indispensable condition for the counseling work of a psychologist.

In general, the task of developmental psychological counseling is to control the course of the child's mental development based on ideas about the normative content and age periodization of this process. This overall objective to date includes the following specific components:

  • orientation of parents, teachers and other persons involved in education, in the age and individual characteristics of the mental development of the child;
  • timely primary identification of children with various deviations and disorders of mental development and their referral for psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations;
  • prevention of secondary psychological complications in children with poor somatic or neuropsychic health, recommendations on mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis (together with pediatric pathopsychologists and doctors);
  • drawing up (together with pedagogical psychologists or educators) recommendations on the psychological and pedagogical correction of difficulties in schooling for teachers, parents and other persons;
  • drawing up (together with specialists in family psychotherapy) recommendations for raising children in the family;
  • correctional work individually and/or in special groups in consultation with children and parents;
  • psychological education of the population through lectures and other forms of work.

Consulting teachers

In advisory work with teachers, there are a number of principles on which the cooperation of a school psychologist with the teaching staff in solving the problems and professional tasks of the teacher himself is based:

  • equal interaction of a psychologist and a teacher;
  • the formation of the teacher's attitude to independent problem solving, that is, the removal of the attitude to the "ready recipe";
  • taking responsibility for joint decisions by the participants in the consultation;
  • distribution of professional functions between teachers and psychologists.

In the organization of psychological counseling of teachers, three directions can be distinguished.

  • 1. Consulting teachers on the development and implementation of psychologically adequate training and education programs.
  • 2. Consulting teachers about the problems of learning, behavior and interpersonal interaction of specific students. This is the most common form of advisory work of a school psychologist, helping to solve problems in close cooperation between a psychologist, teachers and the administration of an educational institution, as well as to create the most favorable conditions for the development of the child's personality and his education. Counseling in this direction can be organized, on the one hand, at the request of the teacher, on the other hand, at the initiative of the psychologist, who can offer the teacher to get acquainted with this or that information about the child and think about the problem of providing assistance or support. Organization at the request of the teacher is most effective in the form of individual consultations.
  • 3. Counseling in situations of resolving interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in various systems of relations: teacher - teacher, teacher - student, teacher - parents, etc. Within the framework of such social mediation work, the psychologist organizes the situation of discussing the conflict, first with the opponent separately, then all together. Psychologist filming emotional stress among the parties to the conflict, translates the discussion into a constructive direction and then helps the opponents to find acceptable ways to resolve the controversial situation.

Parent Counseling

Psychological and pedagogical parent counseling, as in the situation of working with teachers, can be organized, on the one hand, at the request of the parent in connection with the provision of advisory and methodological assistance in organizing effective parent-child interaction; on the other - at the initiative of a psychologist. One of the functions of advisory work with parents is to inform parents about the child's school problems. Also, the purpose of counseling may be the need for psychological support for parents in case of detection of serious psychological problems of the child or in connection with emotional experiences and events in the family.

The main stages of individual advisory work

  • 1. Working with teachers, parents of children studying on a specific individual occasion is a rather time-consuming process that requires a certain organization. For a qualified solution to the problem, it is necessary to collect and analyze information on the following sections: information about the history of the development of the child and the state of his health (a conversation with parents about the history of the child's development can take place in the form of a semi-standardized interview).
  • 2. Collecting information about the features of the social environment in which the child grows up, and the nature of his communication and relationships with significant persons (family, peer group in the class, etc.). To obtain this information, in addition to the above methods, it is advisable to use the DIA Parenting Style Questionnaire.

E. G. Eidemiller, V. V. Yustitskis, Rene Gilles’ “Two Houses” technique, tests for joint activities, family drawing, etc.

  • 3. The study of the characteristics of the behavior and activities of the child in different situations. For this survey, it is advisable to apply the observation scheme.
  • 4. Drawing up a differentiated description of the development of the cognitive and emotional-personal spheres of the child. The methodological means and techniques used to obtain this kind of information are very diverse. Their choice depends on the specifics of the problem, the age of the child, etc. The main thing is that a set of methods should be applied that systematically determines the psychological status of the child.

General characteristics of the conversation with parents in the process of counseling

In the process of counseling, the psychologist contacts the parents several times: during conversations to establish the history of the child's development, when examining the child and the parent for the specifics of their relationship, during the conversation based on the results of the examination, in remedial classes (parent groups, parental confidence training).

Each meeting of a psychologist with persons who have made a request has its own main goal achieving the deepest, most versatile and objective understanding of the problems of the child, his personality as a whole.

The prerequisites for a successful outcome of counseling will be the following actions of the psychologist in the process of conducting conversations during the first meetings:

  • his ability to create a trusting, frank relationship with parents (or other persons who asked for help), the ability to show empathy, to show his attitude towards parents as people who are sincerely interested in eliminating the difficulties of the child;
  • discussion of the goals and objectives of counseling, that is, introducing the client to the situation of the upcoming counseling, orientation in general scheme advisory work;
  • the formation of the client's attitude to a joint and versatile analysis of the problems of the pupil;
  • warning the client about possible difficulties, complications and obstacles in the process of searching for forms of psychological assistance, and then in the course of its implementation; removing the mindset of expecting immediate results.

The conversation conducted by the psychologist following the study of the case has several goals:

A detailed discussion of the general state of the mental development of the child, as well as the nature, degree and causes of the identified difficulties, a conditionally variable forecast of its further development;

  • joint development of a system of specific assistance measures or a special correctional program;
  • discussion of the problems of parents related to the child, their attitude to his difficulties;
  • scheduling follow-up meetings or explaining the need for consultations with specialists of a different profile (if necessary).

Depending on the specifics of the particular case, the final conversation between the consultant and the parents can be structured in different ways, but most often there are four main stages in it. At the same time, it is desirable to have a conversation with both parents at the same time, as this helps to get a more objective and versatile picture of the child's life and, in addition, allows them to feel a common responsibility for the fate of the child.

At the beginning of the conversation (the first stage), it is necessary to encourage parents to a free and frank discussion of the child's problems, updating the issues that concern them most. It is also necessary to touch on their ideas about the causes of the child's difficulties and the means of resolution, assistance, to find out the opinion of parents about what goals can be set for the child, what future he should be oriented towards. At the second stage of the conversation, the psychologist is supposed to report and explain the results. psychological examination and their joint discussion. Specific data and illustrations from the survey materials that the psychologist demonstrates usually help parents form a more accurate idea of ​​the nature and degree of the child's difficulties. It is necessary to strive to develop in parents a realistic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis difficulties. After that (at the third stage), a special program of action and specific forms of implementation of the proposed recommendations are discussed. Finally, at the end of the conversation (fourth stage), it is discussed how the attitude of parents to the problems of the child has changed, and subsequent meetings are planned. During the conversation, it is important to show warmth, attention, respect. The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the conversation: will the parents be able to act confidently enough on the basis of the information and recommendations that they received from the consultant.

It is advisable to discuss in as much detail as possible the specific results obtained during the survey, this often gives more credibility to the consultant's conclusions; it is useful for parents to have a psychological report written in a clear, understandable language, or at least write down their own conclusions and recommendations from the words of a psychologist, as this will help them to think over the results of the consultation in the future, look for specific measures of assistance based on the recorded conclusions, check their correctness in the course of the analysis of the further development of the child.

One of the principles of work of a developmental psychologist-consultant is the principle of upholding the interests of the child. However, ideas about these interests and how to advocate differ significantly among different counseling psychologists. These differences are reflected in the methods and subject matter of their work.

If we proceed from the well-established practice of family counseling (and it is by far the most developed) dividing all cases of seeking counseling into family problems proper and problems of parent-child relations, then there are three areas, three ways of working in the field of parent-child relations:

  • increasing the socio-psychological competence of parents, teaching communication skills, resolving conflict situations, improving the style of parental behavior, general educational awareness, etc .;
  • work with the family as a whole in terms of diagnosing the intra-family situation, as well as correction and therapy;
  • work primarily with children.

It is clear that all three areas of work implement the principles of observing the interests of the child. And one of the organizational principles of the work of a psychologist is the refusal to consult parents without examining the child. Thus, the procedure for counseling parent-child relationships in an age-related psychological consultation always includes a fairly detailed psychodiagnostic examination of the child, and not just his interpersonal relationships and even more so not only these relationships according to the parents. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct a psychological examination of the parents.

Terms of psychological counseling

The study of the child's family for psychological counseling should be carried out in stages.

The first stage is diagnostic.

Purpose: collection and analysis of information of diagnostic value.

  • 1. Collection of information about the microenvironment of the family, about the features of family education, the specifics of the work of the educational institution with the family, the organization of interaction between parents and specialists of the educational institution.
  • 2. Drawing up a map of the monographic characteristics of the family: type and composition of the family, age of parents and other family members, occupation
  • (sphere professional activity, skill level). Financial security of the family.
  • 3. Drawing up a description of the family's lifestyle, its cultural potential (availability of a library, cultural leisure, attitude to art, literature, spiritual needs of family members, range of interests, hobbies).
  • 4. Establishing the openness-closedness of the family.
  • 5. Study of intra-family relations: dominant style of relations (democratic, authoritarian, mixed), family microclimate, leadership in the family, authority of adults, problems in family relationships, emotional connection between family members, flexibility or rigidity of the family system, educational position, prevailing methods and forms of education, the nature of relations with the child, the level of pedagogical culture and self-education of parents.
  • 6. Study of the relationship between parents and an educational institution: participation in the life of an educational institution, the nature of interaction with teachers.

Research methods: observation, empathic conversation, interviews, questionnaires, analysis of the products of joint activities of children and parents, the technique of unfinished sentences.

The second stage is communicative.

Purpose: establishing contact with the family, analysis of difficulties in contacts with adults.

Family contact questionnaire

List the activities that allowed you to make first contact with your family. Which of them turned out to be the most successful? What actions, words did not produce the expected effect? Why?

What expectations and anxieties were associated with the first contact with the family? Were they justified?

Describe what, in your opinion, in your behavior, speech, appearance, manner of communication disposed the family to contact, what prevented him?

Was your communication with the family constructive and helpful to its members? For you? What exactly?

What actions do you think will facilitate further contact with the family?

The third stage is informational.

Purpose: mastering the technology of informing parents and creating methodological information materials, taking into account the individual characteristics of parents.

Memo on informing parents

1. Study in detail the information needs of parents (use the system of pedagogical monitoring).

  • 2. Divide the entire amount of information into semantic blocks (for example, general information, information for groups of parents, information for individual parents). Think over the ways and forms of presenting information for each block.
  • 3. Provide information in a language parents understand.
  • 4. Always offer parents only true and accurate information.
  • 5. Never present negative information about a child in public.
  • 6. Remember that it is inappropriate to inform parents about conflicts within the teaching staff, about diseases of teachers, their personal income, marital status.

The fourth stage is corrective.

Purpose: optimization of solving the problems of dysfunctional families, correction of family education.

Position consultation analysis

1. The expediency of using techniques (methods) in family counseling.

Non-reflective listening This is the ability to remain silent without interfering with the speech of the interlocutor.

Reflective listening techniques. Reflective listening serves as an objective feedback for the speaker and a criterion for the accuracy of perception of what is heard (clarification, paraphrasing and further development of the interlocutor's thoughts, reflection of feelings, interpretation, confrontation, generalization):

  • encouragement and reassurance techniques are important for creating and strengthening the counseling contact;
  • The technique of asking questions is one of the most important methods of conversation. Closed questions are used for the purpose of orientation in specific information. In the main points of counseling, it is desirable to use open questions, since open questions stimulate the motivation of the interlocutor, his involvement in the conversation, the opportunity to answer them in more detail, in detail.

structuring technique. Structuring counseling is a specific organization of the relationship between the consultant and the client: highlighting the stages of this process and evaluating their results, providing the client with information about the progress of the consultation, and jointly determining what has been achieved. The ability to pause. Structuring occurs throughout the consultation.

  • 2. Were special tasks, exercises, and tests used in counseling that reveal the actual and potential capabilities of the participants and allow them to understand their problems more clearly and clearly?
  • 3. What was done by the counselor to contact the family?
  • 4. Did the consultant at the stage of collecting information receive answers to the questions:

Why did the counselor come?

How does he see his problem?

What is its ability to solve the problem?

What does he want to have as a result (what does he want to achieve?)?

  • 5. How was contact with the family maintained during the counseling?
  • 6. How did the counselor encourage the family member to tell the story further?
  • 7. Determine the family member's locus of complaint (whom (subjective locus) or what (objective locus) the client is complaining about), self-diagnosis, problem, and request.
  • 8. Formulate a hypothesis (hypotheses in psychological counseling are options for a more constructive position of the client in a situation, probable ways of reorienting him in his attitude to problems).
  • 9. Was there an analysis of specific situations from the client’s life that clearly demonstrate his relationships with people, behavior in problem situations, features of the chosen patterns of interaction.
  • 10. How was the conversation completed? Summing up the conversation.

Discussion of issues related to further client relations

with a consultant or with other necessary specialists.

Farewell of the consulted to the consultant.

The fifth stage is design.

Purpose: development of skills in designing information and educational correctional programs for working with parents.

A map of the project of psychological and pedagogical support of a particular family is being compiled.

Most effective ways establishing and maintaining contact with the family.

The parental position formed in this family; parent type.

Found problems, vulnerabilities of the family.

Forecast of the further development of the child and the family as a whole.

What are the most important areas of work of a teacher and psychologist for the timely correction of undesirable trends in the development of the child and family?

What information does the family need? What would be the best way to provide it?

Consultation topics that will interest family members.

As a result of testing the model, we determined that the factors influencing the successful adaptation of children with disabilities are: family rehabilitation; psychological and pedagogical support and consulting and diagnostic work.


1 3. Discipline Psychological diagnostics and counseling of persons with disabilities 4. Type of tasks Tests, abstracts 5. Number of stages in the formation of competencies (MU, sections, topics, etc.) 15 List of competencies PC 5 ability to organize and carry out psychological and pedagogical examination of persons with disabilities in order to clarify the structure of the disorder for choosing an individual educational trajectory PC 6 the ability to analyze the results of a medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of persons with disabilities based on the use of various (clinical, psychological and pedagogical) classifications of developmental disorders, including for differential diagnosis PC 8 readiness to provide advisory assistance to persons with disabilities, their relatives and teachers on the problems of education, development, family education, life and professional self-determination Criteria and indicators for assessing competencies Knowledge: scientific foundations psychodiagnostics and counseling for persons with disabilities, the principles of constructing diagnostic methods for persons with disabilities, the patterns of the process of psychodiagnostics and counseling for persons with disabilities, areas of use and application of psychodiagnostic methods for persons with disabilities Skills: organize the process of psychological testing and counseling of persons with disabilities, choose methods and consulting technologies in accordance with individual and age characteristics persons with disabilities, work with computerized psychodiagnostic methods, predict changes and dynamics in the level of development and functioning of the psyche of persons with disabilities, professionally influence the level of development and features of the cognitive and personal sphere of persons with disabilities in order to harmonize mental functioning, compose psychological characteristics persons with disabilities Skills: use the methods of psychological examination of persons with disabilities based on the principle of ontogenetic development, criteria for choosing psychodiagnostic methods, conducting qualified psychological counseling for persons with disabilities, analyzing their activities as a professional psychologist in order to optimize their own activities Experience: adequate use psychological techniques when diagnosing persons with disabilities, methods of counseling persons with disabilities within the framework of educational and research practice Stages of competence formation

2 4.Diagnostics of the intellectual development of persons with disabilities 5.Diagnostics of the personality of persons with disabilities 6.Diagnosis of interpersonal relations of persons with disabilities 7.Diagnostics of the dynamic aspects of the behavior and activities of persons with disabilities 8.Correctional possibilities of psychodiagnostics 9.Introduction to psychological counseling 10.Theoretical foundations psychological counseling for persons with disabilities 11. The structure of psychological counseling 12. Psychological counseling techniques 13. Psychological counseling for parents of children preschool age with disabilities 14.Psychological counseling for younger students and their parents 15.Psychological counseling for parents of adolescents with disabilities, boys and girls with disabilities Grading scale (1 point is given for the correct answer) "2" 60% or less "3" 61-80% " 4" 81-90% "5" % Typical control task Option 1 1. The source of psychodiagnostics is a) experimental psychology b) general psychology c) philosophy d) dianetics 2. A natural experiment introduced into psychology a) G.I. Rossolimo b) p.p. ) A.P. Boltunov 3. It is not a poorly formalized technique a) observation b) conversation c) test d) analysis of activity products 4. The accuracy of psychodiagnostic measurements, as well as the stability and stability of their results in relation to the action of various extraneous factors a) standardization b ) reliability c) validity d) objectivization 5. Visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking is assessed using a) verbal intelligence tests b) projective techniques c) psychophysiological techniques d) non-verbal intelligence tests

3 6. The ethical norm of a psychodiagnostic, the obligation of non-disclosure of information received from the subject, or limiting its dissemination to a circle of persons about whom the subject is aware in advance a) ethics b) humanity c) confidentiality d) empathy 7. The average range of values ​​on the scale of the measured property a ) percentile b) mode c) statistical norm d) median 9. Method for studying the subjective picture life path and psychological time of the personality a) semantic differential b) scaling c) causometry d) modeling b) client's spontaneity c) client's responsibility d) client's assertiveness 12. In counseling, the best expert on personal problems is a) consultant b) psychotherapist c) client d) psychiatrist psychological problem b) the resolution of a psychological problem c) a decrease in the intensity of emotions in a psychological problem d) a change in attitude towards a psychological problem must first contain

4 a) emotions of the consultant b) characteristics of the subject c) judgments about the client d) comparison of the characteristics of the client with the norm the possibility of self-understanding 17. The advisory hypothesis is put forward a) at the first stage of counseling b) at the second stage of counseling c) at the third stage of counseling d) at the fourth stage of counseling 18. It is not a parameter of the consultative alliance a) emotionality b) confidentiality c) manipulativeness d) intensity 19.Model active listening does not imply a) the concentration of the psychologist on the interlocutor b) accepting the feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor as they are c) the consultant building his own concept of the interlocutor's inner world d) the consultant's mental attunement to the client 20. In group counseling, the most common a) existential groups b) t - groups c) self-help groups d) gestalt groups Methodical materials defining procedures for assessing knowledge Keys to test tasks Option 1 Correct answer 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 d 6 c 7 c

5 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 13 b 14 to 15 b 16 a 17 b 18 to 19 to 20 b 21 c Questions for the exam 1. Psychodiagnostics as a science. 2. Main directions of application of psychodiagnostics. 3. The main stages in the development of psychodiagnostics. 4. Development of psychodiagnostics within the framework of psychotechnics. 5. Little formalized and strictly formalized psychodiagnostics. 6. Observation as a psychodiagnostic method. 7. Interview in psychodiagnostics. 8. Psychophysiological methods. 9. Tests, their characteristics, classification criteria. 10. Questionnaires and questionnaires. 11. Projective techniques. 12. Ethical norms for the work of a psychodiagnostic with persons with disabilities. 13. Distribution of diagnostic techniques. 14. System of moral and ethical requirements for psychological counseling. 15. Code of professional ethics of a psychologist-consultant. 16. Syndrome of professional burnout of a psychologist-consultant. 17. Basic approaches to measuring intelligence. 18.Non-verbal intelligence tests, their features and purposes of application. 19. Tests of action when working with persons with disabilities. 20. Verbal intelligence tests: advantages and disadvantages. 21. Domestic research in the field of diagnostics of mental development. 22. Modification of the Binet-Simon scale. 23. Questionnaires when working with people with disabilities. 24. Psychosemantic methods for diagnosing a person with disabilities. 25. Projective methods for diagnosing a person with disabilities. 26. Requirements for psychodiagnostic methods. 27. The problem of validity and reliability of projective methods. 28. Projective drawing methods in working with children with disabilities. 29. Interpersonal relations as an object of psychological diagnostics. 30. Sociometric method in the diagnosis of persons with disabilities. 31. Questionnaires in the diagnosis of interpersonal relations of persons with disabilities. 32. Diagnosis of parent-child relations in families with a child with disabilities.

6 33. B.M. Teplov's concept about the study of the basic properties nervous system(OSNS). 34. Basic requirements for monitoring the formal dynamic characteristics of persons with disabilities. 35. Reliability and validity of psychophysiological methods. 36. Instrumental methods for diagnosing OSNS in persons with disabilities. 37. Blank methods for diagnosing the strength and lability of the nervous system of persons with disabilities. 38. Basic diagnostic methods mental states persons with disabilities. 39. Correctional and developmental work in the activities of a special psychologist. 40.Principles of building correctional and developmental programs. 41. Evaluation of the effectiveness of correctional and developmental programs. 42. Place of counseling in psychological practice. 43. Main characteristics of psychological counseling. 44. Requirements for psychological counseling of persons with disabilities. 45. Forms of psychological counseling. 46. ​​Limits of responsibility of the consultant and the client. 47. Professional and personal reflection. 48. Stages of psychological counseling. 49. Approaches to psychological counseling in foreign psychology. 50. Approaches to psychological counseling in domestic psychology. 51. Constructive and destructive customer complaints. 52. Short-term goals and objectives of counseling. 53.Basic principles of counseling. 54. Basic orientations of psychologists regarding the structure of the consultative process. 55. Electric model of the counseling structure (B.E. Gilland). 56. Dynamics of the consultative process. 57. Rules for conducting a consultative conversation. 58. Stages of conducting a consultative conversation. 59. The relationship between the techniques of psychological counseling. 60. Control by the consultant of the implementation of recommendations by the client. 61. Causes of problems associated with the upbringing of children with disabilities in the family. 62. Stages of work of a consultant with parents of a preschooler with disabilities. 63. Consulting on the main problems of preschoolers with disabilities. 64. Consulting on the preparation of preschool children with disabilities to enter school. 65. Increasing the social competence of parents of a preschooler with disabilities. 66. Adaptation to the school requirements of younger students with disabilities. 67. School maladaptation of younger students with disabilities. 68. The relationship of a child with disabilities with a teacher and peers. 69. Psychological counseling for teachers working with younger students with disabilities. 70. Psychotechnologies and psychotechnics in counseling adolescents and young men with disabilities. 71. Scheme of counseling a teenager with disabilities. 72. Consulting on problematic behavior of adolescents and young men with disabilities. 73. Consulting about emotional relationships in families with adolescents and young men with disabilities. 74. Consulting teachers working with adolescents and youths with disabilities. 75. Consulting adolescents with disabilities on school problems. 76. Consulting parents of adolescents, boys and girls with disabilities.

Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of SPiSP 2. Direction of training 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education

1. Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of SPiSP 2. Direction of training Special (defectological) education

1. Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline: General information 1. Department of SPiSP 2. Direction of training Special (defectological) education 3. Discipline


Annex 3. Annotations of the work programs of the main practice educational program higher professional education Direction of training 37.03.01 "Psychology" Training profile "Psychology of development"


Annotation of the work program of the discipline "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of persons with disabilities"

FUND OF EVALUATION IN THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE Fundamentals of psychological correction (name of discipline) 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (code and name of the direction of training) Psychology

Statistical annual report of the teacher-psychologist MBOU secondary school 6 for the 2014-15 academic year. Total appointments 310 Age groups of consultations boys Parents 8 girls 5-7y 7-10y 10-12y 12-15y St 15y primary 32

Municipal community educational institution"Mikhailovskaya secondary school 1" Work plan of the teacher-psychologist for 2017-2018 academic year. The purpose of the work of a teacher-psychologist is to provide a full-fledged

The purpose of the work: the creation of favorable psychological conditions for the development of all students, the work of school teachers; providing psychological support to parents and teachers in the upbringing and education of children

I approve: Director of MAOU secondary school 16 O.V. Knor September 1, 2017 The work plan of the teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year The goal of the work of the teacher-psychologist is to ensure a full mental and personal

Work plan for the 2018-2019 academic year (preschool department) Responsible psychologist: Egorova O.G. Areas of work Planned activities Terms 1 With pupils 1. adaptation of children in the conditions



Annotation of the work program of the discipline 1. The purpose of the discipline: Formation of ideas about the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of children with speech disorders. Mastering the criteria of not only logopedic diagnostics,

Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of psychology 2. Direction of training 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education,

The content of the work in the areas of support Timing Responsible Social rehabilitation (to ensure the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the child, and try to

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education"Perm State

FUND OF EVALUATION IN THE DISCIPLINE 1. Department General information 2. Direction of training 3. Discipline (module) 4 List of stages of formation of competence (sections, topics of discipline) of Special Pedagogy

Annotation to the work programs of the practices of the OPOP "Psychology" in the direction of preparation 37.03.01 "Psychology". B.3.17 Practice in children's preschool institutions and the family of the child (internship) development

Analysis of the activities of the teacher-psychologist Politova N.O. for 2013 2014 The work of a teacher-psychologist is carried out within the framework of social psychological service. According to the service plan, the goal of the work of a school psychologist


Work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year (preschool department) Responsible psychologist: Egorova O.G. Areas of work Planned activities Terms With pupils 1. adaptation of children in the conditions of the


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Murmansk State humanitarian University» (FGBOU VPO

Graduate qualification: Bachelor's Field of professional activity: Education and science (in the field of preschool, elementary general, basic general, secondary general education, vocational training,

The goal of the teacher's work is to ensure the full mental and personal development of children and adolescents in accordance with individual capabilities and characteristics. Main tasks: formation of a developing

Psychological service in the Khiva school Main functions and directions of work

ANNOTATION of the work program in the discipline PSYCHOLOGY The main educational program of higher education of the bachelor's program in the direction of preparation 44.03.01 - " Teacher Education» Qualification

Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of psychology 2. Direction of training 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education,

1. The goals of mastering the discipline

The work plan of the school psychologist of the International School PIOO for the 2017 2018 academic year


Annotation of the work program of the discipline B1.B.08 ORGANIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL DIRECTION for the direction of training 44.04.02 Psychological and pedagogical education

5. Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information


Long-term plan of work of a psychologist teacher 2016 2017 academic year Purpose of activity: creation of psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological conditions that allow students to successfully learn and develop

Annotation of the main educational program in the direction 050400.62 Psychological and pedagogical education Graduate qualification Bachelor Form of study full-time Normative term for mastering the main educational

AGREED APPROVED Head of MBDOU 310 2016 Work plan of the teacher-psychologist MBDOU 310 for 2016-2017 Tasks of the educational psychologist: 1. Preservation and strengthening mental health children; 2. Creation

Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology 2. Specialty / direction

WORK PLAN OF THE PSYCHOLOGIST-TEACHER for the 2015-2016 academic year DIRECTIONS OF WORK: I approve the Director of the school: T.N. Udalova 2015 I. Psychodiagnostic: research in the field of cognitive, emotional-volitional,

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Murmansk Arctic State University» (FGBOU VO "MAGU") WORKING PROGRAM

ANNUAL WORK PLAN of the teacher-psychologist Evlashkina N.M. for the 0-0 academic year Purpose: creating conditions for the harmonious development of children in the process schooling, psychological and pedagogical support of the child

Long-term work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year Purpose: creating favorable socio-psychological conditions for the successful upbringing and psychological development of a child, taking into account

EXPLANATORY NOTE Direction of preparation of higher education: 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education Orientation (profile): Psychology of sports Graduate qualification: Bachelor CHARACTERISTICS

Plan of individual work with children with disabilities Purpose: to create conditions for optimizing the mental and physical development of children with disabilities (HIA). Tasks: 1. Identification of special educational

"I approve" Head of "Toguchinsky Kindergarten 2" I.A. Shipovalova From 2016 Perspective-calendar plan of work For the 2016-2017 academic year of the Teacher-psychologist Zhukova I.V. Purpose: Creation of conditions directed

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute" "I approve"

Analytical report of the teacher-psychologist MKOU "Boarding School 2" Borisova S.S. for the 2016-2017 academic year Reporting period from 09/01/2016 to 05/31/2017 Purpose: Development of a set of measures for psychological, medical and pedagogical

1 Goal: Improving the efficiency of the educational institution by harmonizing the mental development of students, ensuring successful socialization, maintaining and strengthening health, protecting

Purpose: accompanying the process of psychological development of children by creating certain conditions in the educational sphere of the preschool educational institution. Objectives: 1. To promote personal and intellectual development pupils

Private institution general education organization school "Personality" ACCEPTED pedagogical council PIOO school "Personality" Protocol 1 dated 30.08.2018 APPROVED Director of the PIOO school "Personality" (Leonova Yu.A.)

I approve the Director of MBOU "Lyceum 17" S. I. Kharchenko Order 187 of August 31, 2017 Work plan of the teacher-psychologist of MBOU "Lyceum 17" for the 2017 2018 academic year Perspective-calendar work plan of the teacher-psychologist

"AGREED" Director of MBOU "Secondary School" TsO "Kudrovo" Solovyov I.Yu. 20 WORK PLAN FOR THE 2018-2019 ACADEMIC YEAR OF THE PSYCHOLOGIST TEACHER - GUSCHINA V.N. Familiarized Gushchina V.N. Signature Date Goals: 1. Creation of a system of psychological and pedagogical

The work plan of the teacher psychologist for the 2014/2015 academic year Purpose of activity: psychological support for participants in the educational process, providing the psychological conditions necessary for a full-fledged

AGREED APPROVED Head of MBDOU 310 2017 Work plan of the teacher-psychologist MBDOU 310 for 2017-2018 Objectives of the work: 1. Preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children; 2. Creation of favorable

REGULATIONS on the socio-psychological service in the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary School 6" of the municipality of the city of Noyabrsk Appendix to the order

Analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year Teacher-psychologist T.V. Velichko. Analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year. Psychological support is a system of professional

Teacher-psychologist: Eliseikina L.I. The system of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in MDOU secondary school 3 Sasovo The purpose of support is to create socio-psychological conditions


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

ABSTRACT of the additional professional educational program (advanced training of specialists) "Psychological foundations of socio-pedagogical families with children" Planned learning outcomes

Director of the GB Work plan of the psychological and speech therapy service for the 2019 2020 academic year. The content of the work Timing With whom Responsible specialist is carried out I. Diagnostic direction of work 1. Monitoring



1. Fund of assessment tools for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of SPiSP 2. Direction of training Special (defectological) education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute" "I approve"

Section 10. Education and upbringing: sociological aspects Social support of the family through family counseling Mayzel A.S., teacher-psychologist of the State Educational Establishment of Moscow CPMSS "South-East" The family as a social

The main goal of the work: Creation of conditions conducive to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, free and effective development of the abilities of each

An important element of psychological assistance in special education is psychological counseling (lat. consultation - advice on any issue). In order to clarify the content of the concept, it should be noted that in practical psychology psychological counseling is considered as one of the methods of psychological assistance, which has a recommendatory orientation, in contrast to psychotherapy and psychocorrection, which are psychological impact and are corrective.

Psychological counseling is a complex, multifaceted process, and depending on the dominant goal, it can be carried out by different specialists. These can be psychologists, in which case the psychological model of counseling is taken as the basis, and diversified specialists in correctional pedagogy, when the pedagogical model of counseling is taken as the basis. Each of these specialists has the knowledge to help solve certain problems that are in the field of his competence. However, regardless of the specialist of what profile conducts a consultation, it is necessary to observe the ethical principles and methodological approaches of psychological counseling, since this aspect should always be taken into account in a counseling situation. The determining factors in advisory work should be: a friendly and non-judgmental attitude towards the client, help and understanding; the manifestation of empathy in assessing the value orientation of the client - the ability to take his position, look at the situation through his eyes, and not just tell him that he is wrong; confidentiality (anonymity); the client's involvement in the counseling process (T.A. Dobrovolskaya, 2003).

At present, the main task of psychological counseling is to help a person to identify their problems, which, being a source of difficulties, are usually not fully recognized and controlled by them.

Psychological counseling is a complex dynamic process, the content of which depends on the subject of counseling (a child, an adult, a healthy person or a patient, etc.), on the goal and theoretical base that the specialist is oriented towards in his work. Based on this, several models of counseling are conventionally distinguished.

Pedagogical model is based on the hypothesis of insufficient pedagogical competence of parents and involves providing them with assistance in raising a child. Diagnostic model proceeds from the hypothesis that parents lack information about the child and involves providing them with assistance in the form of a diagnostic report that will help them make the right organizational decisions (send the child to the appropriate school, clinic, etc.). Psychological (psychotherapeutic) model takes into account the assumptions that the problems discussed are related to improper intra-family communication, with personality traits family members, with a violation of interpersonal relationships. In this case, the help of a specialist is to mobilize the family's internal resources to adapt to a stressful situation.

Psychological counseling as one of the areas of practical psychology arose relatively recently, in the 1950s, i.e. much later than the emergence of other branches of practical psychology - psychological diagnosis, psychological correction, psychotherapy. It is impossible to draw a clear line between the concepts of "psychological counseling", "psychotherapy", "psychological correction": their goals, objectives, methods are closely intertwined.

Psychological correction, according to the most common definition in our country (and there are many of them, like the definitions of psychotherapy), is the activity of a psychologist to correct the features of mental development, which, according to the accepted system of criteria, do not correspond to some optimal model (A.S. Spivakovskaya).

Psychotherapy is considered by many as a narrower concept, as a method of treating mental and psychosomatic (i.e., caused by mental factors) diseases. However, now this concept is expanding, and the psychological model of psychotherapy (unlike the medical one) involves helping people with psychological means in a wide variety of cases of psychological distress (internal conflicts, anxiety, impaired communication and social adaptation in general, etc.). With this understanding of psychotherapy, it is very closely related to psychological correction and psychological counseling, and it is no coincidence that many psychologists use these terms as synonyms.

Within the framework of our proposed conceptual model of a system of psychological assistance to persons with disabilities (I.Yu. Levchenko, T.N. Volkovskaya et al., 2012) psychological counseling is considered as a special technology aimed at transmitting information to parents, teachers and persons with developmental disabilities themselves. In order to carry out psychological counseling, it is necessary to obtain information about the psychophysical characteristics of a child with developmental disabilities, so the counseling procedure is always preceded by its diagnostic stage, during which the necessary information is collected. Since psychological counseling includes three areas (counseling parents, counseling teachers and counseling persons with disabilities), it must be taken into account that each direction has its own characteristics.

The most developed direction parent counseling, having children with developmental disabilities. Basically, this direction was developed by E.M. Mastyukova, I.I. Mamaychuk, V. V. Tkacheva, etc. The main feature of counseling parents raising children with disabilities is the need to prepare them for productive cooperation with specialists from the service of psychological and pedagogical support of the correctional educational process.

The leading method of counseling family members is a conversation, during which the necessary information is transmitted. When organizing such a conversation, it is necessary to follow the sequence of steps:

  • 1) preparatory, which establishes a trusting relationship between the psychologist and the client;
  • 2) the main one, on which the necessary information is transmitted;
  • 3) final, during which a program of activities for parents, a psychologist, and teachers is jointly developed.

For the procedure to be effective, certain rules must be observed that relate to both ethical and substantive aspects of counseling: the attitude towards parents must be correct, respectful, aimed at creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding, information for counseling must be carefully selected. Information that is incomprehensible to parents and information that can lead them astray should be avoided; when transmitting information, a negative assessment of the activities of other professionals should be avoided.

Compliance with these rules allows the specialist to avoid common mistakes parent counseling, including:

  • the use of negative assessments of the child;
  • exaggeration of the capabilities and abilities of the child, unnecessarily

optimistic forecast of its development;

Attempts to take any action other than stating


Counseling can be independent view activities of a special psychologist, and the stage preceding corrective work. In the course of counseling, based on the analysis of parental behavior, participants in future correctional groups can be selected.

Personnel consulting developed so far is extremely insufficient. Technologies are not defined. In general, counseling is carried out at the initiative of the teacher. It can be carried out in the form of a conversation, in the form of a written text. The second is more informative. Recently, group counseling for teachers has become practiced and has proven itself well, when information about the characteristics of children is reported to their teachers in the form of a lecture or during round table(T.N. Volkovskaya).

Counseling for adolescents with developmental disabilities begins at age 12. There are three areas in which adolescents seek advice. Career guidance - a question of choice future profession. Most teenagers have unrealistic professional needs, without regard for special features. Therefore, before counseling, it is necessary to study professional intentions and inclinations, discuss the results with the doctor and teachers, and during counseling, reorient the adolescent from unrealistic professional intentions to the profession available to him. For many teenagers, unrealistic professional intentions are formed in the family, so it is necessary to consult the parents after counseling the teenager. The second question is the experiences associated with the defect. In this case, the main method may be a confidential conversation, during which it is necessary to provide information about the positive aspects of the child's personality, strive to increase his self-esteem, provide the necessary information about the causes of the defect, level its significance. The third direction is counseling adolescents on interpersonal relationships with parents and peers. Such counseling should be preceded by a conversation with parents, teachers of the class.