Class hours on social education. How to choose the right theme for class hours for schoolchildren? Approximate class topics

Forms of conducting a class hour and their approximate topics in grades 5-11

in the areas of educational activities

Classroom hour is a form educational work classroom teacher,

in which students take part in specially organized activities,

contributing to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them.

Class hour forms:

Conversation (ethical, moral);


Meetings with interesting people;

Quizzes in various fields of knowledge;

Discussions (may be free or on a given topic);


Interactive games;

travel games;


Reader conferences;

Theatrical premieres;


Subject class hours.

Moral education:

5th grade

1. The game "Who am I? What am I?

2. Journey to the childhood of parents "The door to childhood."

3. Excursion "Me in 5 years".

4. Festive performance "Archive of the 5th A".

6th grade

1. An hour of communication "My interests, my hobbies."

2. Interactive game "I am at home, I am at school, I am among friends."

3. An hour of communication “Windows of my house. What do they mean to me?

4. Conversation “Is it important to have an opinion?”

7th grade

1. Dispute "My" I want "and my" I can "".

2. Interactive game "Tell me who your friend is and ...".

3. Conversation "Up the ladder of life."

8th grade

1. Auction of opinions "Can I love?"

2. Ethical conversation "People without whom I feel lonely."

3. Discussion “Responsibility and irresponsibility. What is behind these


4. Class hour "The country in which I would like to live."

Grade 9

1. Dispute "About friendship and friends."

2. Conversation "On camaraderie and friendship."

3. Holiday "Love began everything ..."

4. Moral exam "Lucky ticket of my destiny."

5. Discussion "Beautiful and ugly in our life."

Grade 10

1. Dispute “And if it didn’t work out? .. What’s next?”

2. Business game "I am among people, people are around me."

3. Ethical conversation “A feeling of adulthood. What it is?"

4. Excursion to the world of professions "My future profession. How do I see her?

Grade 11

1. An hour of communication "What memories will I leave about myself at school."

2. Discussion “There is only a moment between the past and the future…”

3. Self-presentation of the graduate “My professional choice. Am I right or wrong?

4. Conference "My mission in the world".

Intellectual-cognitive direction:

5th grade

1. V.I. Dahl and his explanatory dictionary.

2. Me and my abilities.

3. The world of encyclopedias.

6th grade

1. My strengths and weaknesses.

2. How to develop the ability to listen and hear, look and see.

3. My "whys?" and answers to them.

7th grade

1. Deep secrets of human knowledge.

2. Attention and attentiveness. Words from the same root?

3. How to learn to manage yourself.

8th grade

1. Talent and genius. In what way do they appear?

2. Memory training is the key to future success.

Grade 9

1. Man and creativity.

2. A heart-to-heart talk with yourself.

Grade 10

1. How to learn to control yourself?

2. My linguistic abilities. How do they appear?

3. Disadvantages of a person and their influence on fate.

Grade 11

1. While I am thinking, I am living.

2. Humor in human life.

3. And apple trees will bloom on Mars.

Themed class hours:

5th grade

1. The world of my hobbies.

2. Memorable dates my family.

3. Customs and traditions of the peoples of the world.

4. Who to be and what to be?

6th grade

1. The world of my abilities.

2. Memorable dates of my country.

3. Customs and traditions of my country.

4. Professions of mercy and kindness.

7th grade

1. How to develop my intellect?

2. People you would like to be like.

3. Computer in human life.

4. ABC of politeness.

8th grade

1. A portrait of a friend I would like to have.

2. Coat of arms of my family. What can he be?

3. Do they argue about tastes?

4. Professional. Who is he?

Grade 9

1. simple stories human friendship.

2. Streets, from the name of which it becomes warmer.

3. My professional priorities.

4. How to learn to say "no".

Grade 10

1. How to deal with bad habits.

2. My country on the world map.

3. I have the right, I must ...

4. The house where I live…

Grade 11

1. Love in a person's life.

2. Stepping into adulthood…

3. Family in human life.

4. Morality and law.

5. Let's talk about money.

Information class hours:

5th grade

1. By countries and continents.

2. The main events of the country and the world for the week.

3. Newspapers and magazines of my family.

4. Reading and television addictions of my family.

5. It's interesting, it's useful, it's necessary.

6th grade

1. History of the first newspaper and the first magazine.

2. Profession - journalist.

3. It's interesting to know.

4. Time, events, people.

5. Hot spots of planet Earth.

6. At the map of the world.

7. Profession - reporter.

7th grade

2. Leading newspapers of the country and the world.

3. In large print about the main thing.

4. The main themes of the first page.

5. Newspaper vocabulary.

6. Is it dangerous to be a journalist?!

8th grade

1. Newspaper satire.

2. Journalists in the history of my country.

3. Planet in one week.

4. The world through the eyes of journalists from leading newspapers.

5. What do we know about the creation of a newspaper issue.

6. How to work with an article and a journal publication

Grade 9

1. Favorite journalists about their profession.

2. Reliable information in reliable facts.

3. From the podium of the editor-in-chief.

4. Reliability and falsity of newspaper facts.

5. The main events of the past week.

6. Political Olympus: names and characters.

Grade 10

1. Newspaper controversy: methods and results.

2. History of events in the world in newspaper materials.

3. What to be today's newspaper?

4. In the footsteps of newspaper speeches.

5. The most significant newspaper headings.

6. Who creates the image of the newspaper?

Grade 11

1. The role of the newspaper in my life.

2. Political vocabulary. What does it abound in?

3. A journalist I would like to talk to.

4. The unknown about the known (headings in various publications).

5. Interesting and important newspaper strip.

6. Moral problems on the pages of newspapers.

Tour topics:

1. Memorable places of the city, which we pass by every day.

2. If stones could talk...

3. Streets, from the name of which it becomes warmer.

4. The history of the temples of my city.

5. Monuments of antiquity and modernity.

6. People who made history.

7. The museum invites you to visit.

8. Professions of our parents.

9. World of plants of my land

1. "Fatherland's faithful sons..." Class hour dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. An important holiday in terms of the formation of patriotism among students and a sense of pride in the country, the promotion of military service. The history of the holiday, the exploits of Russian soldiers in the Great Patriotic War, during the fighting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and local conflicts are covered.

2. Let's say no to smoking! The event introduces students to the harmful effects of smoking on the body. young man(girls), forms a negative attitude towards this habit, motivates students to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of the goals of the classroom is to teach how to maintain their individuality and say "no" even when the student is under pressure from others.

3. What drives us when choosing a profession? career guidance Classroom hour aimed at forming students' ideas about the ways of choosing a profession. The interrelation of the level of professional competence and knowledge about oneself, one's abilities is revealed. The guys learn to correlate the test results with the requirements put forward by a particular profession. The ability to correctly assess oneself and one's capabilities is formed, the level communicative qualities. .

4. "You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen..." Class hour is aimed at the formation of knowledge of legal culture among students, the correction of moral behavior. It highlights not only the rights, but also the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution.

5. Symbols of the Russian state. Students get acquainted with the main state symbols Russian Federation, the history of their creation and significance. The spheres of their application, prohibitions on use are analyzed. The event contributes to the formation of a civic position, a sense of patriotism, respect for historical heritage country, no matter how controversial it may be. .

6. The truth about drugs. The purpose of the class hour is to identify the level of students' awareness of the consequences caused by drug use, increase this level by familiarizing themselves with the risk factors for the health of each individual and humanity as a whole, and show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. .

7. Forgiveness or revenge? A class hour devoted to the moral problems of human choice. High school students learn to understand the content of the concepts of "forgiveness", "kindness", "virtue", "humanism", "non-resistance to evil by violence", "generosity", "nobility" and conclude that they are the eternal universal human values. The script of the class hour is given on our website .

8. Depression and how to deal with it. Youth years Not everyone is happy and carefree. This is a time of change, when you need to decide what you want to get from life and what you need to do for this. Not everyone will have an answer right away. Undecided on the choice, students lose the joy of life and plunge into depression. The class hour is designed to teach ways out of such situations. .

9. "Let the Russian city of Saratov stand for centuries, for centuries, for centuries..." The class hour is dedicated to the 420th anniversary of Saratov. Students' knowledge about history is systematized hometown, the main milestones of its formation. Examples of well-known countrymen who glorified the city are given. It can be held in the form of a holiday using poems, songs by local authors. (Instead of Saratov, you can choose any other city, town, village, village, etc.)

10. Drunkenness and alcoholism. extracurricular activity shows the risk factors for the health of the student and future generations when drinking alcohol. Aimed at the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a culture of behavior in accordance with the norms of morality. Previously received information about the dangers of alcohol is fixed and specified by invited narcologists. The script of the class hour is given on our website .

11. Save our common home! Class hour contributes to the formation of ecological culture of students. Man and nature are presented as a single whole, a system, in case of violation of the development of one link of which its complete destruction can occur. The modern environmental problems and possible ways to solve them. Everyone's contribution to the cause of protection is assessed environment.

12. Thanks to our mothers... Mother's Day class. The goal is to cultivate a sensitive, caring attitude towards the mother who gave life, the main person in life. It is better to spend in the form of a holiday with poetic and musical accompaniment, competitions. Mothers who can be involved in the event are invited.

13. How to resist aggression and resolve conflict? The causes of aggression, its consequences in the form of conflicts are highlighted. Students receive skills to "repay" aggression and conflict prevention, learn to control mental balance. The goal of the class teacher, with the assistance of the school psychologist, is to develop the ability to empathize - empathize and evaluate the event from the position of the opposite side.

14. "We know, we remember, we believe..." Festive class hour dedicated to Victory Day. The class teacher solves the problems of educating a patriot of his Motherland, forming in students a reverent attitude towards the past of the country and the people who won its freedom. It is held in the form of a holiday with the use of poems and songs of the war years, the invitation of veterans.

15. “We celebrate the bright holiday ...” A class hour that introduces students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Russia. It is better to spend it in the form of a holiday using poems, sayings, songs, which will leave a bright emotional mark on the souls of students, instill respect, love, and a reverent attitude towards folk traditions. The script of the class hour is given on our website .

16. "Virus of sin". The class hour in the form of a discussion has an Orthodox orientation and solves the problems of moral choice, a healthy lifestyle, prevention of casual sexual relationships, building harmonious relations between the sexes. The script of the class hour is given on our website .

17. "My years are my wealth..." Festive class hour dedicated to the Day of the elderly. The main attention is paid to the respectful attitude towards elders, elderly people, their experience, merits. Poems, songs are used, grandmothers, grandfathers, members are invited public organizations eminent countrymen.

18. "Fathers and Sons". Class hour is conducted in the form of a conversation. The causes of conflicts between generations are revealed, ways out of them are proposed. The event is designed to form students' ability to understand the adult generation, treat them warmer, more sympathetically, and take care. The classroom script is available on our website.

19. New Year. It is better to hold such events in a playful way, which will contribute to a good emotional perception and team building of students. Our website presents scenarios for various New Year's Eve parties and the scenario of the New Year's KVN.

20. The dangers of today's youth. The class hour is held in the form of a thematic conversation. Dangers are identified in the behavior, lifestyle of students that can negatively affect the development of a young person, his formation as a person, harming his successful "infusion" into society.

Target: Moral education of high school students.

The form: Communication workshop.

Members: Class teacher, students.

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

In our time, many young people, as well as quite mature ones, are completely unaware of the rules of behavior in society.

But is it really necessary to know them? What is good manners all about?

Teacher (summarizes after listening to the students' answers): It is necessary to know and follow the basic rules of etiquette, first of all, in order to be able to communicate, establish contact with an interlocutor or partner; not cause avoidable disturbance to others; show yourself as a civilized, well-mannered person, leave the most pleasant impression about yourself. In every culture, in every community of people, there is a kind of code of mutual expectations, models and rules of communication. It is he who forms the basis of etiquette, which permeates all types of official (official, public, civil), ci as well as informal (family, domestic, friendly) communication. The rules included in this code are neither new nor complicated. Their essence is simple: do as you would like to be treated! You smiled and received a smile in return. Showed attention, interest in the interlocutor - he will remember you with warmth and gratitude. Isn't that nice? There is no need to pretend that you do not care what they think of you: every person is more or less concerned about the opinion of others about himself, the impression that he makes. And in order for this impression to be favorable, one must first of all learn a few rules of behavior in public places, which under no circumstances should a well-mannered person violate.

- First of all, of course, no man (except the very elderly and disabled) should sit in the presence of a standing woman and sit down uninvited. In addition, it is unacceptable to start a conversation with a woman or bow to her before she recognizes you. True, in this case there is a small exception. For example, when you pass a good friend on the street or in a service corridor and see that she has not noticed you, you can stop her and gently touch her hand or call her name quietly. In no case should you address a lady by her last name in a public place. If your companion (fellow traveler) turned out to be an elderly person, it is unacceptable for him to hold heavy luggage. If you cannot give him a seat, then you should at least take a heavy bag or suitcase from him. Unless, of course, he doesn't mind.

Of course, it is not permissible to talk about unpleasant things at the table, to criticize someone's religious beliefs, to humiliate or belittle any nationality or country, to laugh at the mistakes or mistakes of other people.

A well-mannered man will never walk into a room ahead of a woman. But this rule should be broken in the case when the room is dark and the light must be turned on there so that the lady does not accidentally stumble upon the furniture standing in the room. Being with a woman on the stairs, a man must follow these rules: when ascending, be behind her, and when descending, in front. Thus, a man will save his fellow traveler from a possible fall.

Any communication begins with a greeting. Who should say hello first? Is it necessary to say hello to a stranger if he is in the room?

- You should say hello in any case, it will never humiliate your dignity, but will only show your respect for to a stranger which is always nice. And no need to puzzle over the question of who will be the first to say “hello”. After all, the rules of etiquette are based on all understandable norms of behavior: respect for elders in age, in position, for women ... Naturally, it is necessary for the younger to greet the elder, the man - the lady. But shaking hands is not necessary, a handshake implies a fairly long or close acquaintance. At the same time, the younger one should not be the first to extend his hand, here the initiative is for the older one or for the lady who is greeted. When shaking hands, always look into each other's eyes, do not shake the outstretched hand too tightly, but never hold your palm limply, motionless: it is always unpleasant.

Is it possible to give a hand in a glove or is it necessary to take it off?

- For a man, definitely. A woman can give a hand without removing her gloves. If she does, take it as a sign of special respect. In any case, when greeting, take your hands out of your pockets, get rid of the cigarette. If you are sitting, it is better to get up, greeting the person entering the room, unless, of course, he is older than you or if this is a lady. A woman, on the other hand, can behave more freely: she may not take her hands out of her pocket, she may not take out her clutch, she may not extend her hands at all, but limit herself to a nod, this is her right.

- Are there situations in which a woman or an elderly person should still greet a young man first?

Yes, if you overtake him or if you join his company.

- What are compliments and how to do them correctly?

Complimenting is a special art, because not everyone can naturally and subtly speak beautiful and pleasant words to others, especially since an ineptly made compliment can be perceived as flattery or insincerity. Do not think that only men give women compliments - this is an erroneous opinion. Of course, women are always pleased to hear kind words addressed to them, but men also need to pay attention. How it's done? If external beauty is especially valued in a woman, then in a man, first of all, intelligence, masculinity. It is these qualities that you can celebrate if you want to pay attention, win friendship, or just make a nice person pleasant to you.

Try to compliment not only when the situation requires it, but also when admiration flares up inside you. These will be the most successful compliments and the most successful praise. Very often, young people and girls feel awkward when they need to say nice words. The ability to speak beautifully and to the place comes with experience. This can be learned, so do not refuse when you are offered to say congratulatory or welcoming words at any event, try, it will come in handy in life.

How to properly communicate with other people?

We live among people, and we alone of all living beings have a unique opportunity to speak, listen, share impressions, argue, express our thoughts, joke, i.e. communicate with each other through speech. You have probably already encountered such situations when the interlocutor did not understand you or misunderstood you. It is quite possible that this happened because you did not know about the rules of communication. With the interlocutor you need to behave politely, benevolently, attentively. The topic for the conversation should be chosen interesting for all those participating in the conversation. It's indecent to talk about yourself all the time. You can not interrupt the interlocutor.

The ability to hear, not just listen, is the most important factor effective communication. A young man came to Athens from afar to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, eager to master the art of eloquence. After talking with him for a few minutes, Socrates demanded double payment for teaching oratory. "Why?" the student was surprised. “Because,” replied the famous philosopher, “I will have to teach you not only to speak, but also to be silent and listen.”

These words, spoken more than two thousand years ago, echo the opinion of the 20th century writer L. Feuchtwanger, who argued that “a person needs two years to learn to speak, and sixty years to learn to keep his mouth shut.” During the conversation, you should show your interest in the person with whom you are talking. The listener must not only perceive information, but also understand the emotions, feelings and experiences of the interlocutor. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say too much. For example, if you know that the word you uttered may offend the interlocutor.

Information for the teacher. effective means moral stimulation of the personality of students can be amateur psychological tests used on class hours for the purpose of self-knowledge, self-analysis by students of certain personal qualities, encouraging them to self-development and self-improvement. Without pretending to absolute objectivity, they give a person information that helps him think about himself, determine the prospects for his personal growth.

Test "Are you a kind person?"

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends?

2. A friend tells you about his troubles. Will you let him know that this is of little interest to you, even if it is?

3. If your partner is bad at chess or another game, will you sometimes give in to him to please him?

4. How often do you talk pleasing to people just to cheer them up?

5. Do you like bad jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you patiently listen even to something that does not interest you at all?

8. Can you selflessly help a person?

9. Do you quit the game when you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent's arguments?

11. Are you willing to comply with requests?

12. Would you tease someone to make others laugh?

Now give yourself 1 point for answering “Yes” to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for answering “No” to questions 2, 5, b, 8, 9, 10, 12.

If you scored more than 8 points. You are kind, like others, know how to communicate with people. You probably have many friends, you are considered a good friend.

From 4 to 8 points - your kindness is a matter of chance. For some, you can do anything, but communication with you is more than unpleasant for those who do not like you. Try to be equal with everyone so that people do not take offense at you.

Less than 4 points - communication with you, I must admit, is sometimes a torment even for the people closest to you. You need to reconsider your attitude towards others.

Test "Are you well brought up?"

This can be verified (but without taking the results too seriously) by answering "Yes" or "No" to the following questions:

1. Do you always greet people in a friendly way, despite your mood?

2. When leaving a building, do you hold heavy doors so that they don't hit the person following you?

3. When moving on the tram to the exit, do you politely address passengers: “Please allow me to pass”?

4. Do you say hello everywhere you go, even in the elevator and in the store?

5. In the theater, do you walk to your seat facing the people who are already seated?

6. Do you think that the index finger is named so in order to point them in the direction?

7. You came to the cinema. Should a woman take off her headdress?

8. Can a left-hander hold out his left hand for a handshake?

9. In the event of a mechanical break in telephone communication, if the conversation has not yet ended, should the person who called again dial the phone number?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then you can consider yourself quite well-mannered person. The main thing is that you always remember the rules of courtesy.

Etiquette quiz

At the table

1. When pouring tea into cups, should they be filled to the brim? (No, the tea level should be 1-1.5cm below the rim of the cup.)

2. Is it possible to eat jam from a common vase? (No. Jam is placed in a special outlet and eaten from it.)

3. How is it customary to eat a lemon? (A slice of lemon is placed in a cup of tea, juice is squeezed out with a spoon, the remains are removed and placed on the edge of the saucer.)

4. How should you eat cakes? (The cakes are taken with a special fork or a teaspoon. Hard cakes that crumble easily can be taken by hand.)

5. Is it possible to take bread from a common plate with a fork? (Bread is always taken from a common plate by hand, trying not to touch other slices, and, putting it on your plate, break off pieces.)

On the street, in transport

1. You were accidentally pushed and apologized. Your reply?

2. On which side of the woman should the man go? (To the left of the woman, the military to the right.)

3. Is it possible to introduce two people by simply bringing them to each other and without naming names, invite them to introduce themselves? (No. The person introducing them to each other is obliged to introduce each.)

4. Who greets you first if the younger and older meet? (Jr.)

5. You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a stranger to you, paused. Do you need to say hello too? (Yes.)

6. You entered the bus from the back platform and saw that your friends were standing at the front door. Do I need to say hello to them, and if necessary, how to do it? (Yes, you can just nod.)

7. It probably happens to you: you meet a person often, for example, in a public garden through which you go to school, but you don’t know him. Is it necessary to say hello in such cases? (Yes.)

8. Can a young man, getting acquainted with a girl, keep his free hand in his pocket? (No, he must take his hand out of his pocket.)

9. Do I need to smile when greeting a person? (A friendly smile is always desirable.)

10. Who greets you first: incoming or present? (The incoming person greets first.)

Communication rules to help you be a pleasant conversationalist

1. In a conversation, try not to talk about things that can hurt the interlocutor unpleasantly.

2. Do not humiliate others, do not hurt the feelings of your interlocutor, do not try to "pin", offend, rise at his expense.

3. Don't gossip. It is indecent to speak ill of those who are absent.

4. Watch your speech. You should not speak too loudly, attracting the attention of others, but you should also not speak too quietly, as the interlocutor will have to strain his hearing with all his might in order to understand you.

5. If you misunderstood or misheard something, ask to repeat: “Sorry, I misheard.”

6. It is very impolite to answer a question with a question.

7. If a third person has joined your conversation, find a topic that will be of interest to all three.

8. In a dispute, do not strive to be right, do not show your offense if your point of view is not accepted by everyone. Take note of the arguments of others. It doesn't mean you have to give up

from your opinion, but the form of disagreement must be correct.

9. Do not litter your speech with swear words. Remember that by using obscene language, you not only cause the disgust of others, but also commit an offense.

Reflection:"Today I realized that..."

Agreed APPENDIX No. 13

I approve

at a meeting of the Department of Education Director of School No. 35

dated 29.08.2011 Badaeva E.N.


In MOAU secondary school No. 35

Name of events

educational impact

Forms and methods of educational influence.Implementation module "Successful STUDENT"

(disputes, meetings with interesting people and specialists, film screenings, round tables, discussions, intellectual marathons, trainings, moral and legal conversations, brainstorming)

First Tuesday


Class hour class meeting.

Development of self-management skills and civic competence

1 – 4


The classroom student meeting discusses all issues of the life of its class and makes appropriate decisions on them. It is at the meetings that more and better than anywhere else, each student is provided with the right to participate in the discussion and decision-making on the activities of the team. At the meeting, the student can play the role of not only a pupil, but also an educator and organizer.

Approximate directions:

"Goal setting"; "Development of rules"; "Meeting for debriefing"; "Solving educational issues"; "Class Improvement", "Meeting to Discover general concepts»;

"School duty."; "Class duty."; "Care for indoor plants.";

"Cleaning the class."; "Compliance with appearance"; "Fast frugality textbooks."; "The post of frugality of school supplies."; "Conducting search work."; "Cleaning school areas."; "Distribution of assignments in the class"; "Behavior in the dining room"; "How to behave and how to work in the library"; How to work with a school diary.

5 - 8 grades

9 - 11 grades

Second Tuesday


Legal Knowledge Day

Formation of students' legal knowledge, law-abiding behavior and the foundations of tolerance, prevention of neglect and delinquency.

1 – 4


Get acquainted with the "Convention on the Rights of the Child"; "Learning to become a citizen"; "Conversation about the rights and obligations of the student"; « What is tolerance”; « Meeting with a traffic police officer.»; "Conversation on the legal aspects of traffic.";"About the culture of behavior at school"; “I am alone at home and on the street”; "Analysis of situations of a legal nature";"Legal Basis for Environmental Protection"; “The health of everyone is the wealth of all!”; "Rules of conduct in emergency situations."“What does love for the Motherland mean?”, “What connects me with my friends, my countrymen, my country, “Which of our ancestors am I proud of?”,

5 - 8 grades

Meeting with a traffic policeman. Conversation about the legal aspects of traffic. "Children's offenses and their consequences"; " The rights, duties and responsibilities of the student. "Education. Right or duty"; "The Duty and Responsibility of the Adolescent".; “I am a teenager. I am a citizen"; "Moral and Law"; "THANK YOU, I DON'T SMOK!" ?”, “What can I do for my class, my countrymen, my fellow citizens?”,

9 - 11 grades

“But you have to be a citizen…”; "Order of my glory".; "Moral and Law"; "Administrative and criminal responsibility"; "Army and military conscription"; "Family in human life"; " healthy image life - is it a personal or civic position? "Rights and duties of a conscript"; "The Duty and Responsibility of a Teenager"; "Illegal actions and their consequences"; "Legal responsibility of adolescents for the use and distribution of narcotic substances»; "The Truth About Drugs"; "Your right to choose"; "Problems modern youth»; “What should I do if I am faced with injustice?”, “How can different peoples live in peace with each other”

Third Tuesday


moral class hour according to the program

G.K. Selevko

Forms a moral position. The technology of self-improvement of the personality directs, focuses the internal forces of the child on self-construction, self-improvement in various fields life activity.


self-improvement of the individual

Topics of conversations

implemented through various forms conducting class hours

1 - 4 grades




regulation of behavior

Good and evil in fairy tales. Attitude towards elders. attitude towards the teacher. Comrades and friends. Rules of life in society; Rules of conduct in the family circle. Relationships with loved ones; Culture of behavior in public places; Features of behavior at school; Rules for conducting correspondence on the Internet.







Who to be and what to be? The house we are building”;

Journey into the world of your I + I + I. I am the first: to know yourself. I am the second: educate yourself. I am the third: to find myself”; "Columbus own I"; “Tree of knowledge of good and evil”;

6 classes

Make yourself



My interests, my hobbies - an auction of hobbies and interests of students. I am at home, I am at school, I am among friends; Windows of my house. What do they mean to me. Is it important to have an opinion? My strengths and weaknesses; What is my character?

7 classes

Teach yourself to learn



The world of my abilities; How to develop your intellect? School of Intellectual Development.

People you would like to be like

Computer in human life. - How to develop the ability to listen and hear, look and see;

My "why?" and answers to them. - Memory training is the key to future success.

8 classes.

assert yourself


Tastes could not be discussed? Professional. Who is he? Talent and genius. In what way do they appear? Disadvantages of a person and their influence on his destiny. problems Who am I? How to manage impressions about yourself? Self-improvement technology. Life strategy. The boundaries of my "I". Me and others. What is loneliness? My peaks: vocation, the right to choose. Subcultures - a different life? Way to yourself. Difficult situations: honor and dignity of an insecure person. Simple stories of human friendship. How to learn to say "no". Is kindness always an action? What do you think?

9th grade





The lucky ticket of my fate is a moral exam; The beautiful and the ugly in our lives;

And if it didn't work out?.. What's next? I am among people, people are around me; Feeling of adulthood. What it is? My future profession. How do I see her? The joy of communication.. Correcting the sad mood... Human values. What is happiness? Time belongs to the young, what does that mean? “What is an ugly act?”, “Creation and destruction of beauty - in a word, gesture, action”, “How to say it right?”, “Beauty mother tongue»;

10 classes

Manage yourself


My "I want" and my "I can"; "Tell me who your friend is and..."

"Up the ladder of life." my moral values

My professional priorities How to learn to manage yourself. How to avoid problems in communication with people close to you.

Conflict person. What is he?

People I have no right to forget. . Cruelty and compassion. Causes of cruelty.. How to learn to empathize. About those who are devoted to us, "People's killers - tobacco, alcohol, drugs", "Diseases that give rise to hobbies computer games, television”, “Is it possible to help a person with a word”

11 classes.




What memories will I leave about myself at school - a class meeting; There is only a moment between the past and the future... ;My professional choice. Am I right or not? My mission in the world; Professions of mercy and kindness

How to become a genius. Life strategy of a creative person.

What does the coming century have in store for us? The feeling of adulthood, what is it? Your personal time, how to manage it?

Fourth Tuesday of the month

class hour on the topic of self-education of the class teacher.

Develops and forms a backbone type of activity of the "class image" class

The subject and direction of spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, economic,

legal, artistic and aesthetic, creative, environmental,

sports, health and educational. for class hours and work with a class team choose class teachers together with parents and pupils within the framework of their topic of self-education.

Form the image of the class.

Direction "I am I"

Since 2010 The educational process towards « I am me » lining up as a logical ascent from age to age, each new step is a step up in the spiritual and physical development. The process of a phased study of the theory of self-improvement of the personality based on the ideas of G.K. Selevko studies in each cool team

education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for the rights, freedoms and duties of a person(values : love for Russia, one's people, one's land, civil society, multicultural world, personal and national freedom, trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society, social solidarity, world peace, diversity and respect for cultures and peoples);


As part of the study of subjects: history, social studies, literature, life safety.


spiritual and moral;

School History Museum

sports and recreation;



School of social theater "Motoria";

An association " living word(school newspaper "Trinashka")";

Association "Young Tour Guide";

Teenage club "Patriot"

general intellectual;

Intellectual club "Constellation of talents"

general cultural

School-studio of vocal and choreographic skills;

Association "Paper plastic"

Association "Hour of Law";

Association "Web Designer";

Studio pop singing"Fantasy"

III block EXTRA CLASS ACTIVITIES(events, competitions, class hours, promotions)

school events

Holiday "Knowledge Day"

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Holiday-festival ("Christmas Star" grades 5-9)

Courage Lessons

Radio minutes dedicated to the days of military glory

School tournament "Constellation of talents" "Do I know the law" (grades 8-9)

Quiz My rights and obligations (grades 5-7)

Holiday "Dad, mom, I - together a friendly family"

Festive concert "For our dear mothers"

Holiday "Pride of the School"

Last call


Holiday dedicated to Children's Day "Let there always be sunshine"


Competition of drawings and photos "My Samara" (grades 5-9)

Drawing competition "My first teacher" "(5-9 grades)

Competition of the military-patriotic song "Aty-bats, there were soldiers"

Drawing competition "This Victory Day"

"Human rights through the eyes of children" presentation competition

"War in the history of my family", "Military order in your family" presentation competition

Competition festival of national creativity "Wreath of Friendship" (grades 5-9)

Competition for young jurists (game-travel through the stations) (grades 5-6)

Stock, dedicated to the Day elderly person "You are not alone"

Action "Veteran"

Campaign "One Hundred Things for the Good of the City"

Campaign "Let's clean the memorial plaques of the Samara region"

Stock " George Ribbon»

Round table"The country in which I would like to live" (grades 7-8)

Debate "Why don't laws work?" Grade 9


"Here the rear was the front"

"Museum of the history of the city"

P. Alabin Museum

cool watch

Grade 5

"What does it mean to love the Motherland?";

"My Samara land";

"Spiritual heritage of Russia";

“I love you, my Samara, I am proud of people, your history”,

"Samara - a fortress on the Volga" (History of the foundation and development of the city of Samara from a fortress to a provincial center)

6th grade.

"Holidays of the Russian people";

"Father, Fatherland, Fatherland";

“Defending the Motherland is an honorable duty”; "Power and City" (history and modernity);

"Warrior, Chronicler, Citizen" (Life and work for the benefit of Samara Governor P.V. Alabin).

7th grade.

“How can I help those who need my help”;

"The people and I are one family"

"Art of Russia and the Samara Territory"; "The Great Patriotic War on the Samara Land"; "What does it mean to be responsible"; “Here the rear was the front” (Chronicle of the life and labor feat of Kuibyshev, the spare capital of the country during the years of the Great Patriotic War 1941-45);

"Samara streets names"; " honorary citizens Samara.

8th grade.

“Am I a Russian citizen?”;

"Russians abroad";

"The city that stepped into space" (History of achievements of Samara as a city of designers of the first spacecraft and rocket engines);

"Temples"; "Samara is a theatrical city".

Grade 9

"Children in defense of the Fatherland";

"Family holidays and traditions"; "Obligation, duty and oath"; "Samara is a theatrical city";

"Melodies of sweet Samara";

"Samara - a city of flowers and fountains";

"Samara - a city of new buildings";

"Samara is a junction station of the country's railways and waterways";

“Samara is strong with the friendship of peoples!”.

IV block

Project "Let's Preserve Monuments"

Project "Walk of Glory"

Project "Meeting of Generations"

St. George Ribbon Project

Project "Letter to a Soldier"

Project "Book of Fates"

Project "Virtual Museum" A graduate of our school is a hero of the Great Patriotic War ""

Campaign "Veteran lives nearby"

Action "Streets of the city" information leaflets at bus stops public transport

Charitable actions "Action of Kindness" (on the day of the elderly person), "Sending to a soldier",

"Soldier's scarf", "Toy in the orphanage", "New Year's garland", "Spring

Good Week”, “Flowers to Veterans”

education of social responsibility and competence ( values: constitutional state, democratic state, welfare state, law and order, social competence, social responsibility, service to the Fatherland, responsibility for the present and future of one's country);


As part of the study of subjects:

II block

Association Leader School

School student self-government State "SOTY"


school events

Elections of the President of the state "SOTY"

self-government day

cool watch

"What do we know about the Constitution";

“I am a teenager. I am a citizen";

"Criminal law. A crime. A responsibility"; "Children's rights are the concern of the state"

"Heroes of our time";

"Rights and obligations of students";

“I am a citizen of Russia”;

"About the culture of behavior at school"

"I and the right";

"Crime and Punishment";

"Rights and duties of a person";

"My Convention"

"About the culture of behavior at school"

"Moral and Law";

"Action and inaction";

"Labor Law and Minors";

"Why does a teenager commit a crime?";

"Hooliganism Trial"

"About the culture of behavior at school"

“Citizenship. What is the meaning of this concept?

"I and the right";

"Criminal liability of minors"; "The rights of the child in modern world. Guarantees of the rights of the child”;

"Teenager in Society"

"About the culture of behavior at school"


education of moral feelings, beliefs, ethical consciousness(values: moral choice; life and the meaning of life; justice; mercy; honour; dignity; respect for parents respect for the dignity of another person, equality, responsibility, love and fidelity; caring for seniors and juniors; freedom of conscience and religion; tolerance, understanding of secular ethics, faith, spirituality, religious life of a person, values religious outlook formed on the basis of interfaith dialogue; spiritual and moral development of the individual);


As part of the study of subjects:



school events

Competition-festival "Christmas Star" (grades 5-9)

Competition-festival "Easter souvenir" (grades 5-9)

Holiday-festival "Shrovetide has come"


Competition of drawings, crafts "Christmas souvenir"

Poetry Tournament "Christmas Star"

cool watch

"Honor (reputation) of the class";

"What does it mean to be friendly?"

"Wise Commandments of the Ancestors"

"Books teach .. (correctly understand the world)",

"What is culture?"

"The role of knowledge, skills and abilities in acquiring a profession"

"Human! Help yourself!" (Beethoven);

“It is beautiful where there is mercy” (Confucius); "Laziness - a helper or an enemy?";

"Take care of your tongue" foul language: why did it spread)”;

"Family Rites";

“Conscience is our inner judge” (P. Holbach);

"Who do I want to be and why?"

"World of Good Deeds";

"How to develop your abilities (perception, memory, thinking, imagination, ...)";

"Why do we study?";

“Values. What should a person appreciate?

"Why do people lie?";

"My family is my treasure".

"To be understood";

"How to know yourself and develop your abilities";

"Why is it lonely?";

"Habits and will?";

"How is resentment arranged?";

"The nature of the power of personality";


"Internal contradictions";

"Why does a teenager commit a crime?"; "Family values";

"How to choose the right profession"

“How to get along with people (love, build relationships, find understanding with adults, make friends with comrades)”;

“What does it mean to be an adult. What is the difference between adults and children?

“Honor and dignity are the strongest” (F.M. Dostoevsky);

"Self-education. Self-improvement goals. Optimism. The ability to forgive";

"Difficulties of professional self-determination (classification of professions for orientation in the world of work, algorithm for choosing a profession.)";

“Citizenship. What is the meaning of this concept?

education of ecological culture, culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle(values: life in all its manifestations; environmental Safety; environmental literacy; physical, physiological, reproductive, mental, socio-psychological, spiritual health; ecological culture; environmentally sound healthy and safe lifestyle; resource saving; environmental ethics; environmental responsibility; social partnership to improve the ecological quality of the environment; sustainable development of society in harmony with nature);


As part of the study of subjects:



school events

Sports holiday " We are the future Defenders of the Motherland"

Competitions of readers, essays, drawings on the topics:

cool watch

Grade 5 "Healthy children - in a healthy family", "Healthy habits - a healthy lifestyle"; “I protect my health, I will help myself”; "Who are our enemies"; "Oh sport, you are the world"; "Diet".

6th grade. "Diet"; "Bad habits and their overcoming"; "While the candle burns"; “A healthy lifestyle is the main condition for preventing the emergence of bad habits”; Memory: how to train it”; "Features of the influence of nicotine and other toxic substances on the development of the human body."

7th grade. "Create yourself"; "No Drugs"; “About HIV infection”; "Nutrition and Recovery"; "Food supplements and vitamins"; Stress and its impact on health.

8th grade. "Dependence of human health on the environment"; "Bad habits and human health"; "Health of a person of the XXI century"; "Harmony of body and spirit"; "Eat for health."

Grade 9 "Eat for health"; "The charms of" free love ""; "The ability to manage oneself"; "Cry for help"; "Farewell, drugs!"; "Quit smoking - you're not little anymore."

Education of industriousness, conscious, creative attitude to education, work and life, preparation for a conscious choice of profession (values: scientific knowledge, the desire for knowledge and truth, scientific picture world, the moral meaning of teaching and self-education, intellectual development personality; respect for work and people of work; the moral meaning of labor, creativity and creation; purposefulness and perseverance, thrift, choice of profession);


As part of the study of subjects:



school events

Competitions of readers, essays, drawings on the topics:

cool watch

6th grade. Conversations about professions; "Protect our Earth";

"About Accuracy".

7th grade. "Work in our life"; "His Majesty - Bread";

"I'm in the world of professions."

Grade 8. "The world of professions and your place in it"; "Division of labor. Classification of professions"; "Journey to the City of Masters".

Grade 9 "The influence of temperament on the choice of profession"; "Professions we choose"; “What do crafts smell like”; "New time - new professions".

Education of a value attitude towards beauty, the formation of the foundations of aesthetic culture - aesthetic education (values: beauty, harmony, spiritual world of a person, self-expression of a person in creativity and art, aesthetic development of a person).


As part of the study of subjects:



school events

Competitions of readers, essays, drawings on the topics:

cool watch

Grade 5 "Music and us"; “The beauty of appearance. My gestures"; "Blue flowers of Gzhel"; “Journey to the country of “Pure words”; "Culture of behavior at school and school etiquette".

6th grade. "On beauty and courage"; "Musical family"; "Zhostovo bouquet"; "What is a smile for?"

7th grade. "Golden Khokhloma"; "The Bird of Happiness"; “A guest in the house is a joy to the owner”; "Russian traditions. Pancake week"; "The golden grove dissuaded";

"How to become an interesting conversationalist."

8th grade. "Beauty and labor go together"; “Man and creativity. Great creations of mankind"; "Russian traditions. Christmas"; "Secular etiquette"; "Language, facial expressions, gestures as a means of communication".

Grade 9 "Language, facial expressions, gestures as a means of communication"; "Music and us"; "The history of the development of tourist songs in Samara. The best authors and performers. Grushinsky festival"; "Our friend is cinema."

All areas of education and socialization are important, complement each other and ensure the development of the individual on the basis of domestic spiritual, moral and cultural traditions. Educational institution may give priority to one or another direction of spiritual and moral development, upbringing and socialization of the personality of a citizen of Russia, specify tasks, types and forms of activity in accordance with the indicated main directions and system of values.