Retraining of specialists. Institute for advanced training and professional retraining. Benefits of studying at the Academy

The education received in student years does not always help to find one's place in life. Often schoolchildren, choosing a profession for further development at a university, make a choice unconsciously or under the influence of their parents, and upon graduation do not want to work in the mastered specialty.

In such a situation, do not despair: it is not necessary to spend large sums to receive a second higher - desired - education. Enough to take courses professional retraining which will allow in the shortest possible time to effectively master new specialty and get all the necessary documents for employment. Professional retraining will allow you to get a new professional education and find an interesting job for you.

Who can take vocational training?

You can take vocational training courses experts in all fields who have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education.

On our website you can read more about the areas of professional retraining implemented by our Center for specialists in such areas as: medicine, construction, mining and mining, economics and management, automation, environmental safety, oil and gas business, Information Technology, pedagogy and psychology, logistics, engineering, engineering systems, geodesy and cadastre, etc.

If you did not find the direction you need, call us by phone and we will form a professional retraining course individually for you!

Duration and form of training in professional retraining courses

Volume training courses for professional retraining of personnel may differ for different directions, but is at least 250 academic hours.

It is much more convenient to study at professional retraining courses remotely- then you will not have to break away from your current activities or leave for training in another city. Our Center provides an opportunity distance professional retraining courses. During the course, students will have access to learning portal with everyone necessary materials to take the course. This allows you to choose the time and place for your classes.

Issuance of documents and validity period

After successfully completing a professional retraining course, the student receives diploma of professional retraining of the established sample. This document officially authorizes professional activity on a new profile. Validity of the diploma of vocational retraining - indefinitely.

Also issued to healthcare professionals specialist certificate.

Students of our courses receive all required documents as soon as possible without any problems. (from 1 day) after graduation.

How to enroll in professional retraining courses at EC FPE?

In order to start studying at vocational retraining courses at the EC FVE, you need to:

  1. Leave your contact details and information about the chosen course in a special application form on our website. Attention! When applying online, our listeners receive Guaranteed tuition discount! Professional retraining will be cheaper for you.
  2. Provide the Center with a copy of the existing diploma and a document on the change of surname (if necessary) in the form of scans to our e-mail.
  3. Wait for a call from the operator, pay for the courses and start retraining!

Managers have a responsibility to create the success of projects. Management is a science in which any activity of any organization is described by processes and effectively used resources. If you want to learn how to manage processes, come to MIOC for training and professional retraining in the specialty "Management".

all courses enroll

Upgrading your skills or learning a new profession is easy!

MIOC LLC offers high-quality professional retraining based on higher education in Moscow in person and remotely for all regions of Russia. Effective courses and competent programs will help you change your life: find a new high-paying job or move up the career ladder.

With the growth of professional competition in many areas, the number of requirements for specialists is growing every year. Basic education is no longer enough to be successful and effective work in modern conditions one must actively strive for continuous development and rely on professional retraining. This approach helps professionals different areas to constantly increase their value in the labor market, which means to successfully achieve ever new heights in their careers.

Retraining courses based on higher education offered by MIOC LLC to its clients in Moscow are an excellent opportunity to take distance learning or face-to-face classes and receive not only another certificate, but also, which is extremely important, modern, high-quality, up-to-date knowledge and skills in the right area! We offer a really large selection of programs in various professional areas and topics:

  • accounting and auditing;
  • management;
  • personnel Management;
  • tourism;
  • hotel business;
  • pedagogy.
Retraining courses: new knowledge for everyone

In catalog curricula on our site - useful, interesting, popular topics, among which you will definitely find something that will be useful and interesting for you. In addition to training programs for vocational training, our center offers a wide range of full-time and distance learning for a wide audience in the fields interpersonal relationships, pedagogy, oratory.

You can sign up for any of the directions on the site at any convenient time without leaving your home or office. In addition, it is possible to select and form an individual retraining program, designed for the needs of a particular client or an entire company. This is very convenient and helps to solve a list of questions that is relevant for you.

International innovative Education Centre is a team of brilliant professionals in the field of retraining, advanced training and distance learning. Advantages of cooperation with us:

  • experienced teachers-practitioners;
  • 24/7 access to educational and methodological materials for a distance professional retraining course;
  • webinars on the topics of classes;
  • big choice e-books to improve knowledge;
  • excellent value for money retraining courses in Moscow in person and remotely.

Do you want to achieve new heights in your profession or gain additional qualifications?
Do you understand the value of quality knowledge and are you ready to make such an investment in your own future?
LLC "MIOC" offers a wide range of professional retraining programs based on higher education - remotely and in our center.

Choose, ask questions, sign up!

    Odinokaya Maria Alexandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

    Having been studying at the online advanced training courses "website" for more than three years, the first thing to note is the wide choice of courses. The second point is that the acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in practice. The issued certificate of the form established by the Law on Education in the Russian Federation is a decisive moment! It should also be noted the positive attitude, prompt support of all persons involved in the educational process, which, in turn, contributes to the implementation of the opportunity to recommend "" to their colleagues and acquaintances as a reliable partner. I express my heartfelt gratitude, all the best to you. Low bow to you!

  • Korogod Alina Yakovlevna, teacher primary school MBOU "Secondary School No. 28" Smolensk

    Dear My University! I've been with you since November 2010. It was you who first told me about AMO and I began to implement them in my work, introducing my colleagues into a stupor. During these years of our friendship, you gave me creative ideas, made me think, move on in non-standard ways! Further development to you! Let more and more caring teachers be united by the roof of your university!!!

  • Sukhanova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, educator of DO-2, GBOU School No. 657, Moscow

    Thank you very much! You help us as teachers keep up with the times! Here everyone can find the course he needs, right at the moment, to improve his pedagogical competence. modern education constantly poses new challenges for us, and your portal helps us successfully cope with them. Once again I express my gratitude and wish you success in your work!

  • Kulichkova Galina Anatolyevna, IMC methodologist municipal institution Department of Education of the Administration of the Tarasovsky District, Tarasovsky settlement

    Dear colleagues! You have created a wonderful educational portal"My University", which helps all teachers to find the right one during the transition of kindergartens to the Federal State Educational Standard educational path development. Many thanks for your work and further success in our joint work with you.

  • Natalya Alexandrovna Osipova, instructor in physical education, MADOU "DS "Riddle"

    Once I got to the virtual pages of the educational portal "My University". With great curiosity, I became interested in the activities of this virtual educational space and found a lot of new and interesting things for myself. First of all, I subscribed to free mailing lists, began to study the methodological materials offered on the pages of various faculties, got acquainted with interest with the features of the organization project activities, studied AMO, reviewed interesting articles for teachers and many others. In my opinion, the educational portal "My University" is a unique virtual platform for self-education and improving the professional literacy of specialists different levels preparation. I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who organized the modern virtual educational environment for active and ready to self-education people!

  • Solovieva Elizaveta Alexandrovna

    I am very satisfied with communication with MU, all competitions, courses. The team is well-coordinated, active, modern. I'm always surprised when you get everything done. There are so many positive things from studying at MU that I can’t even write. Free competitions, award diplomas - all this is so nice! Thanks a lot to the portal and everyone who participates in its work! Although I have known MU for a little over a year, it feels like an eternity! How did you live without it before?

  • Idrisova Kumys Ramazanovna

    I am infinitely grateful to my senior colleague for the advice to contact your site, and I myself share your address with colleagues. Thank you for the relevant, accessible, very timely materials! At a time of great change in the education system, we as teachers need support in methodological plan, you give a sense of confidence in our actions. Thank you for the courses, teaching materials! Good luck, great success and new faithful cadets!

  • Kostornova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, teacher of GBPOU SRMK

    Hello. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I have been a teacher for over 40 years. The site attracted me with a variety of courses, articles, competitions, projects, information about innovations in the field of education. In college, I am responsible for the work of TPG (creative pedagogical group) and often take information from your site. Using information about the AMO technology, I, with my colleagues of the department, conducted a master class “Let's fill the education with colors”. I recommended your site to my colleagues not only to teachers of the college, but also to teachers of the region, since the Festival was held on the basis of our college pedagogical ideas. Thanks!!!

  • Mazuleva Olga Ivanovna, teacher of mathematics, Petropavlovsk Main comprehensive school” Krasnozersky district of the Novosibirsk region

    I want to express my gratitude to everyone who participated in the development of the distance learning course "Education of children with a delay mental development in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, ”especially to the course teacher Olga Nikolaevna Sokolova. The lessons were intense and interesting. The knowledge gained on the course, skills and abilities are significant, relevant, practically applicable, necessary in everyday teaching activities. All the information received in your course will be very useful in my further activities. I can say with confidence that all the knowledge and theoretical skills presented in this course will be applied by me in practice in full. I will be glad to take part in the new courses that you will conduct.

  • Zabelina Irina Rashitovna, lecturer vocational trainingvocational training workers and employees under the program "Food Seller" MKOU DO "Training Plant" City of Degtyarsk, Sverdlovsk Region

    This was my first time taking a course online. I really liked it. Good lecture material, sufficient time to complete assignments. Satisfied with the form of organization of the completed distance course - it allows you to set a convenient pace of work for everyone, adjust it to your life rhythm and personal circumstances and needs. I give the teacher the highest mark - 10 points. The system of work was very clear, understandable, accessible. There was a lot of information and everything you need. The course is thought out, a clear control system, there is a current one, final control. The modules are well supported both in theoretical and practical terms, and the acquisition of new knowledge is monitored. The role of each participant of the course in a remote form for conducting a dialogue on the forums is also carefully thought out, which increases the attractiveness of the course, because in addition to discussing the proposed issues, students (we, teachers) learn various forms interactions, seek together the path to truth. Also, each participant played the role of an expert in evaluating work, which not only contributes to the development of critical thinking, updating knowledge, newly acquired knowledge, but also allows teachers (curators) to take a fresh look at their "wards", determine the level of their training. I would definitely recommend my colleagues to take this course.

  • Saraeva Natalia Valerievna, township Sherlovaya Gora, MU DO "House of Creativity, urban settlement Sherlovaya Gora”, teacher of additional education.

    The results are fully in line with expectations. I am taking distance courses for the first time, I am completely satisfied with their organization, the knowledge gained, communication with colleagues. Everything is very well thought out, systematized, accessible. I will definitely recommend this course to my colleagues. A lot of useful necessary information set out in accessible form. Well, in terms of cash costs, of course, a big plus. Many thanks to the organizers of the courses for the opportunity to improve their skills without leaving home. I wish you creative success!

  • Savvateeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, MKU DO AGO "Achitsky CDO" p. Achit Sverdlovsk region, Achitsky district

    I am the director of the Achita Center for Additional Education. My teachers of additional education are taking this course, because. theoretical and practical material corresponds to the stated topic, there is an opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues, the forum allows you to discuss issues of interest. For more than 25 years I was a teacher of Russian language and literature, but after the school closed, I was offered the position of a teacher of additional education. I discovered for myself wonderful world children's creativity. All the material presented on the distance course helped me a lot. Thanks a lot! I was also captivated by the politeness of the teacher, professionalism. Thank you!

  • Shulzhenko Nina Ivanovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Krutoyarsk General Education School" Nazarovsky District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

    I am satisfied with the form of organization of the distance course I passed. There are no shortcomings in the development of the course system. Clear, understandable and accessible information was offered, everything on the topic - nothing more. Thanks a lot! This course offers approaches to successful preparation students to pass the OGE in the Russian language, a system of exercises and exam preparation classes is offered (both by the teacher himself and by colleagues), and approaches to teaching poorly performing children are also presented. To prepare everyone! To all the teaching staff and to you, thank you very much. I wish you creative success!

    The results obtained in the distance courses are fully in line with my expectations before starting the training. This course has been very helpful for me personally. The organization is very good. Convenient form of communication with the teacher, sufficient volume methodological material. Opportunity to work at a convenient time for you. Thanks to the head of the course for the respectful attitude and patience, timely verification of the work. I would recommend taking this course. Firstly, a convenient form of work in all respects. Secondly, the available information provided in the required volume. Thirdly, the opportunity to get qualified advice from a teacher.

The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining is a structural subdivision of Moscow State Educational Institution, it implements programs of additional vocational education. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining was established to train highly qualified specialists, improve professional knowledge and competencies of specialists, improving business qualities, preparing them to perform new labor functions in accordance with the demands of the region's economy.

System continuing education MGOU responds flexibly to changes taking place in education and the economy of the region. Conditions have been created that provide students with the opportunity to show personal activity and interest from the formation of the need for education in advanced training and professional retraining programs to building individual trajectories professional development. The peculiarity of this system is to support the professional development of representatives pedagogical community Moscow region and after completion of training:

Model of the system of continuous education of MRSU

Approaches to the choice of forms and methods of professional development in the system of continuous education have changed. Today the most popular are:

Competitive advantages of the system of continuous education of MRSU are:

  • high qualification of the teaching staff, which allows not only to maintain the system of continuous education at a high level, but also to develop it through the implementation of new relevant programs
  • growth in the effectiveness and demand for further vocational education programs (increase in the number of students)
  • increase in the demand for teaching staff in the conduct of consulting activities, examination of educational programs
  • increasing the role of employers in the design and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs
  • trainee training and team training based on municipalities Moscow region

To get acquainted with the full list of advanced training and professional retraining programs: