Dismissal stress. Psychological assistance after dismissal from work. It's better not to do that

In terms of intensity of passions, it is second only to divorce or death. loved one. Especially when it comes to layoffs.

Experts advise: try to leave with dignity, without insulting others and without destroying yourself. Your future life depends on how you behave during this difficult time.

Will in a fist!

There is a huge temptation to finally tell the authorities everything that you think about him. Or do something nasty: hide the necessary data, take with you the phone numbers of important customers, for some time paralyzing the work of the once native company.

Do not do that! Firstly, the professional circle is very narrow, and when your new boss calls the former, he is unlikely to find at least a couple of kind words addressed to you. Secondly, if you want your boss to really regret your dismissal, you need to act in exactly the opposite way.

Gather your will into a fist and on the last day say goodbye to him warmly, saying the kindest words. Maybe he will not call you back (which, by the way, is not excluded), but he will certainly give an excellent reference. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you've had up to this minute. As you know, the first and last words are most remembered.

Risk group

Losing a job often undermines a person's self-esteem. He has a feeling of resentment and a feeling of loss of control over life: “Why did they fire me?”, “Am I the worst employee?”, “I don’t decide anything in this life.” If you have such thoughts, you need to say to yourself: “Stop! Life is not only work. In such a difficult situation, it is much more constructive to ask another question - why did fate throw you such a test, what lessons can be learned from this?

Practice shows that most often people who have two opposite psychological attitudes lose their jobs. First of all, these are those who, imperceptibly for themselves, began to live by inertia, for whom work has not brought either moral or material satisfaction for a long time. But the poor fellow does not have the courage to put the application on the table himself. And every morning he goes to work, like hard labor. So fate throws him an unexpected solution to the problem - in the form of staff reductions or rotations leading to dismissal.

Oddly enough, people with a different attitude are also at risk of losing their jobs - workaholics who identify their lives with work, putting it in first place in the scale life values. Often fate punishes for such one-sidedness. In addition, a too zealous employee often irritates the authorities: what if he turns out to be more professional than his management?

Vicious circle

Having lost a job, a person gets at his disposal a huge amount of free time. Perhaps at first it even pleases: finally, you will be able to relax! But to relax for real, as a rule, does not work. And an unemployed person begins to experience the emptiness that has suddenly formed in his life. According to psychologists, this situation is culture medium for neurosis.

There is a kind of vicious circle: due to the fact that there is no work, you experience depression, and this, in turn, does not make it possible to find a job. If this condition lasts long enough, it can come not only to depression, but also to severe physical ailments. Psychiatrists often observe such an effect of “psychophysical wear and tear” not only among those who have lost their jobs, but also among those who have retired: an intensively working person suddenly begins to age rapidly, all sorts of sores begin to stick to him.

In order not to bring yourself to this, experts advise: the search for a new place should begin on the same day that you were informed of the dismissal. The more time passes after losing a job, the more difficult it will be to find it. Treat the dismissal as a test of strength, like an exam, passing which you will come to success.

The more action, the stronger the return.

And in order not to destroy yourself during the time “from work to work”, but at the same time relationships with friends and relatives, try to develop a clear strategy:

● Keep the old rhythm and routine of life. Get up, have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time as before. If you are a man, be sure to shave every morning. If you are a woman, comb your hair and wear light makeup.

● Do something daily to find a job: surf the web, send out resumes, read job magazines, go to job interviews. A pattern has been noticed: if today you called not five, but ten companies, then tomorrow you will receive calls twice as many as in previous days.

● Use your free time to take care of your health. Do not watch TV until late, get enough sleep, do not drink coffee and strong tea, be sure to go outside every day. Visit a dentist, other doctors, take a course of treatment, if necessary. Do all the boring but necessary household chores that you never got around to doing before.

Don't shut yourself up

Unfortunately, often during a period of forced inactivity, a person’s relationships with loved ones deteriorate. At first, they sympathize with him, but as he closes, goes into depression, it begins to annoy others.

● Try not to switch off from family life: take on some duties that were previously performed by others, share your thoughts, discuss household problems.

● If friends invite you to visit, do not refuse, referring to Bad mood. Maybe just there you will meet someone who will help you find a job. Despite the progress in the field of employment (the Internet, recruiting agencies), they prefer to hire us, as before, “by acquaintance”.

● Do not neglect the offer of temporary work, continuing to look for a permanent one. If you perform well, it can become permanent.

● No one is immune from dramatic twists of fate. Even geniuses. The example of one of the players of the Madrid football club "Real" is widely known. A ridiculous car accident confined him to a wheelchair for a whole year. In the end, he managed to get on his feet, but had to say goodbye to a brilliant football career. “What to do? After all, apart from football, I can’t do anything!” - the former footballer was tormented. Friends advised him to try his hand at ... the singing genre. And they didn't fail. So the brilliant Julio Iglesias appeared to the world.

● No less significant is the story of another famous person. Before becoming famous in the literary field, he was ... an accountant. Everything changed when an unknown Mr. Porter was accused of embezzlement and landed in jail. From melancholy and hopelessness, he began to write stories. He came out of prison as a popular novelist, known under the pseudonym O "Henry.

7 surefire ways to lose your job

1. Have no plans.

2. Do not maintain at the proper level and do not update your skills and abilities.

3. Provide no results.

5. Surround yourself with sycophants.

6. Forget to give credit to others.

By the way

Layoff stress is more pronounced in men. Women are more resistant to the blows of fate and respond flexibly to a stressful situation. The loss of a job is very painful for people of retirement age, as well as those who step over “dangerous” age limits: the so-called age of first growing up (33-35 / 35-37 years) and mature age - 46-48 / 52-54.

The level of stress experienced depends on psychological type to which the person belongs. Temperamental, sociable people, although they perceive the news of dismissal hard, overcome a stressful situation relatively quickly. As a rule, two weeks are enough for them to get rid of stress. Another thing - people are phlegmatic, closed. Stress develops in them on the rise and stretches for a long period.

Being fired is one of the hardest experiences you can face in your career. As an acting coach, I have personally witnessed the shock, grief, and anxiety that comes with it. Being fired can bring on helplessness and self-doubt in the form of a frightening loss of control and the voice of a merciless inner critic - especially if your colleagues have kept their jobs.

Your perception determines how successfully you will move to the next stage of your career and life. Although being fired temporarily knocks the rug out from under your feet, it won't ruin your career if you learn how to control how you feel about what happened.

In working with senior executives who have been laid off, I have watched some of them pull themselves together, move forward and finally succeed, while others get stuck in a cycle of anger and self-blame. Destructive thought patterns keep them in a morass of failure, making them unable to regain ground under their feet and decide on the future. Below, I offer three ways to quiet your inner critic, increase your resilience, and stay productive after a layoff.

Keep a positive attitude. To bounce back from failure, stop replaying the same thing over and over in your head. It adds more problems than helps to solve them. The way you think affects recovery after a layoff. I will give as an example the stories of two 50-year-old men with whom I worked. Let's call them Owen and Bob.

Owen took the news of his dismissal hard, although it was the result of a merger of organizations and was not based on the results of his work. He kept blaming himself, wondering, “How could I not see where this is going? I'm not fit for science and I'll never get another job in my fifties." Instead of contemplating future plans, Owen spent time self-torturing and randomly looking through vacancies, becoming more and more upset. When Owen came to see me a few months after being fired, he was barely out of bed in the morning. He could not get rid of self-criticism, constantly blaming himself for losing his job, while some colleagues kept it - and as a result, he slipped into depression.

Bob also survived the dismissal, but acted differently. After the initial shock of the news, he updated his resume and LinkedIn page to show that he was looking for a job and began to systematically build connections with his audience. Despite worries about temporary unemployment, he constantly reminded himself, "I have marketing skills, and now is the right opportunity to take advantage of to explore your career opportunities." Within a few weeks, Bob found potential job opportunities. More than thirty of his acquaintances agreed to help find a job.

The key difference between Owen's and Bob's stories is not that one feels better after being fired than the other. Initially, both were equally upset by the loss of their jobs. But, unlike Owen, Bob focused on controlling the situation and did not engage in constant self-criticism.

Don't let negative thoughts take over. After being fired, it's perfectly normal to find yourself in the grip of anger and self-deprecation, and these feelings can settle in your head for a long time. Being aware of the feelings that come with being fired is important, but it's also important to pay attention to what you say to yourself and determine if your feelings are helping or hindering your goals. By questioning your inner critic, you can stop the self-blame cycle that is holding you back.

Here are a few examples of common negative thoughts, paired with questions you can ask yourself to keep your eyes peeled for the future.

Thought:"I could have done more and prevented being fired."

Question:“What reason do you have to believe that I could have prevented the dismissal?”

Thought:“Firing will result in a loss of skills or some other handicap.”

Question:“Why am I sure that this will lead to a deterioration in my abilities?”

Thought:"I was unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Question:“What could have made my work unclaimed?”

Thought:"It's a misfortune from which I can never recover."

Question:“What career opportunities am I currently free to explore?”

Shift your focus from disadvantages to advantages. Typically, when you lose your job, you try to figure out what you did wrong and ponder over all sorts of miscalculations. By focusing on your weaknesses, you are more likely to forget or minimize your strengths.

To replace a demotivating approach with a more positive one, take a look at your entire career. If you are just starting out, think back to your educational experience so far. The purpose of this exercise is to find out what professional and personal failures you have already experienced and what problems you have overcome on the way to your current position. Recall how you suffered from another difficult situation that you eventually overcame.

With this in mind, ask yourself the following questions.

  • What kind strengths you used to solve your problems?
  • What have you learned about yourself in the process of overcoming problems?
  • How can you use your strengths during this transitional phase of your career?

In resilience training developed by psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania for the U.S. Army, participants teamed up and took on tough combat missions using their team skills. After being fired, you can use the same approach, looking back at situations where you have persevered in the past.

With the right mindset and active questioning, being fired is more likely to be an opportunity to succeed than to end in failure. The ability to determine your life course, choose the angle from which you look at the situation, and develop a conscious attitude towards your advantages are just a few of the unexpected benefits that await you after you have dealt with the baggage of anger and frustration. As my former client said when starting a new job, “I wish I had known that I would have been so happy a year from now when I was out of a job.”

Work takes a serious place in life modern man. Belonging to a certain profession and social status, as well as the presence of a permanent workplace can increase self-esteem and self-confidence. At the same time, work is one of the main sources of stress for a person. At work, he spends almost all the time, and professional skills need constant confirmation and improvement. No less serious stress is finding a job or losing it.

Practically from the very beginning of labor activity, and even earlier - from the moment of admission to higher or secondary educational institution work becomes one of the main stress factors for a person. Today, many people are afraid of not finding a job in their specialty, and, having found it, they are afraid of losing it. Labor relations are built on fierce competition, which creates additional stress in the form of relationships with management and colleagues.

Higher education does not guarantee a quick search for a job in the specialty. Moreover, many managers choose employees based on personal subjective criteria and the possibility of their compliance with an established team. Many employers have mutually exclusive requirements for potential candidates, for example, "work experience of 5 years" and "age not older than 25 years". In Russia and the CIS countries, workers already after 35-40 fall into the risk group, and even top managers of large companies and strong sales specialists are not immune from unemployment and stress.

Loss of work occurs for various reasons - the economic crisis, downsizing or a personal conflict with management. Even in major cities job loss is a source of stress, not to mention small towns and small towns. A long and fruitless job search is a common cause of negative emotions, neurosis and depression.

Basics at work include wages, relationships with management and colleagues, overwork, too little or too much work. A rare employee simply sits out the time in the office "from call to call." Most have to leave workplace much later than 18.00 or 19.00. The schedule also has a negative impact on the psyche, in which the employee can be called even late in the evening or at night.

No less serious - excess or lack of duties. Some managers tend to overburden employees without additional pay. Conversely, the lack of tasks also puts significant pressure on the employee's psyche - after all, the manager can ask at any time what has been done.

Even the most advanced and competent specialist may doubt his competence and not know whether his specialty will be in demand in the labor market and whether the current leadership will need him. Losing a job is not always a voluntary initiative of an employee. Many become victims of intrigues or mobbing by colleagues or management, some fall under layoffs.

For many, the invitation of the boss to the conversation, followed by the announcement of the dismissal, is a serious blow. A sense of injustice, fear of the future, resentment - these are negative emotions experienced by the terminated employee. After all, the loss of a job for many means the loss of a source of funding for the family and a depressing feeling of timelessness and uncertainty.

Can dismissal bring positive emotions?

Even if an employee is subconsciously ready for dismissal and it is not a surprise for him, he experiences not the most positive ones. At this moment, the belief in the discovery of new opportunities is not able to console a person - after all, he loses not only a source of livelihood, but also confidence in tomorrow for yourself and your family. Men experience job loss more acutely than women. This leads to dangerous consequences in the form of alcoholism or depression.

A dismissed employee needs to make some efforts so as not to “break down” and not go headlong into addiction. You should not immediately rush to look for a new job, because the applicant in stressful condition will not be attractive to a new employer. If a person “holds the blow” calmly, then he begins to see in his condition not only minuses, but also pluses. One of the positive aspects is more time with family and children and attention to those things that were previously not enough time because of work.

Losing a job is especially difficult for people over 40. Employers perceive them as not flexible and trainable enough, in addition, the age of an employee can make a younger boss feel an inferiority complex. However, many find a way out of the situation by getting a job where their knowledge and experience will be valued or by organizing their own business.

On the one hand, you should not delay the search for a new job, on the other hand, it is unlikely that an effective solution would be to start it in a depressed state. It is necessary to give yourself some time to understand your expectations for a new job and to go through all the stages of mourning. Also, during this difficult period, it will be useful to work with a psychologist.

Have you been fired from your job? Listen to advice on how to survive and build new life.

You know, there is such a peculiar scale that characterizes the level of a person's feelings in connection with the emergence of a particular stressful situation. So, on this scale, dismissal from a job you love without your own will is one of the most severe nervous shocks for a person, second only to the death of a relative or divorce.

What can be advised in such a situation? How to deal with being fired from a job you love? Try to gather all your willpower into a fist and leave with dignity, avoiding litigation, insults, without destroying your own nervous system, nor their now former colleagues.

It is from your behavior and inner mood during this difficult period of time, it largely depends on how your life path.

Swallow the grudge and leave beautifully!

Agree, leaving work not of your own free will, but at the direction of your superiors, you really want to slam the door, and before that tell your former boss everything you think about him. And somehow to play a dirty trick, remove the necessary information from the database or take the contacts of serious clients with you, which will lead to temporary problems in the work of a once such a native organization.

Don't give in to fleeting desire! This can be harmful in the future, when your new potential boss decides to check in with your previous job and hears far from unflattering reviews about you.

Rest assured, you will be able to survive the layoff. Just swallow your resentment, say goodbye to the team only with warm words, and let just such a bright image remain in the memory of your colleagues before leaving. No wonder they say that the first and last words are usually remembered.

Who is at risk of being fired?

Unfortunately, the sudden loss of a job negatively affects self-esteem. A person has a feeling of undeserved resentment and loss of strength life positions. He asks: “Why did they do this to me?”, "I mean nothing, and nothing depends on me", How to survive being fired from a job you love?. If such thoughts have appeared in your head, try to pull yourself together and convince yourself that life does not consist solely in this lost work. Now it would be more correct to realize the reasons that the situation turned out for you in this way, to do correct conclusions to survive the dismissal, and build a plan for further action.

An interesting fact is that in most cases two absolutely opposite types of people lose their jobs. These are those who for a long period of time simply do not want to change anything in their lives, although the work has long been tired and does not bring any positive emotions and good money. The person himself does not dare to write a statement, but he goes to work like hard labor. In this case, dismissal due to downsizing or other grounds is only good. A person receives the same impetus for change, which he has unconsciously been waiting for a long time.

But the second type is workaholics, for whom the loss of a job is tantamount to the loss of the meaning of life. The reason for dismissal here often lies in the excessive zeal of the employee and the unwillingness of the management to allow more high level someone's professionalism, fear of competition.

Start your job search as soon as possible

Losing a job frees up a fairly large chunk of time that was previously occupied. At the beginning, this is even good, you can relax and redo all those things that you usually put off until later. However, the very fact of why this appeared free time, returns thoughts to feelings of undeserved dismissal, and it is not possible to relax properly. Hence the mental anguish, depression, neurosis, which in turn prevent them from finding a new job. A vicious circle is formed, often observed by psychologists, if you do not destroy which, you can bring yourself to a serious illness. What does this state of being observed not only in those who have been laid off, but also in those who have simply become pensioners, who, having felt their "unloaded" start to get old and get sick various diseases.

The advice of psychologists to avoid this condition is to find a new job as soon as possible. The sooner you find a new use for yourself, the sooner you forget the old activity. Take the situation in which you find yourself as a chance to start a new life, achieve new successes, build a new career.

Live by the rules

It is quite correct during the period of looking for a new job and the desire to survive the dismissal from your favorite job, behavior is built according to the following rules:

Continue to live according to the previously set modes. Get up in the morning at the same time as before, and eat at the previously set hours. If you are a man, be sure to shave in the morning, if you are a woman, do your hair and makeup.

Every day, take action to find a new job - look for relevant ads on specialized sites on the Internet, send out, go for interviews.

In your free time, you go in for sports, do not stick around in front of the TV, get enough sleep, and be more often in the fresh air. If you know about some of your sores, try to treat them during the period of time that you have freed up. Finish all the chores around the house that you used to put off until later due to lack of time and not much desire.

Stay away from loved ones

Often, during such forced inaction, when a person experiences severe psychological experiences and looks for those responsible for what happened around him, his relationships with friends and relatives deteriorate. At the same time, gradual cooling is observed precisely from the side of loved ones. Who wants to communicate with a person who is in a deep depression and closed in on his problems, who is so hard to survive the dismissal?

Read also:

Therefore, try not to erase yourself from the lives of friends and relatives with your behavior, solve some problems together, do not refuse invitations to visit or travel together, perform some duties that others have previously taken on.

Try to survive the dismissal, find some kind of part-time job, while continuing to look for the main job. After all, temporary, if everything works out well for you, can become permanent.

Learn from others to overcome difficulties

Do not forget that life is unpredictable, today you are in a difficult situation, it is difficult for you to survive the dismissal from your favorite job, and tomorrow everything can turn radically, and now you are already on a horse and ahead of everyone. This happens even to very famous people. An example of this is the world-famous singer Julio Iglesias, who started out as a highly successful soccer player in the Madrid Real Madrid, but having got into a car accident, he lost the opportunity to continue his career. And only having listened to the advice of friends, he took up the art of singing, in which he succeeded so much.

The story of one accountant who was accused of illegal spending of money and put behind bars was not nearly more interesting. In prison, having nothing to do, he began to write stories, and he came out as a famous writer, taking on the pseudonym O "Henry.

It's better not to do that

Try to avoid behavior that will sooner or later lead you to lose your job, namely:

Live inertly, without making plans for the future;
Do not develop your professional skills;
Do not strive to achieve any results;
Be confident in your indispensability;
Have flatterers in your environment;
Do not take into account the merits of others;
Don't let others know about your accomplishments.

By the way

The psychological stress resulting from being fired is much more pronounced in men than in women. The latter are more resistant to difficult life turns and can quickly survive the dismissal from their favorite job. It is extremely hard to endure the dismissal of pensioners, as well as people within certain age limits: at the age of 33-37 and 46-54. Also, the degree of experience directly depends on. Much faster problem people with a temperamental, cheerful, open character endure the loss of a job. They are also worried about this, but they cope with it within a couple of weeks. But it is much more difficult for closed, uncommunicative individuals to survive the dismissal, they can experience stress for a much longer period.

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Being fired can be compared to the stress a person gets after a divorce or the death of a loved one. Hands down, life becomes meaningless, the future does not exist.

At first, it is difficult to objectively assess the situation, especially to see the benefits of such a situation. The idea that everything that is not done is done for the better does not even arise. What good can be in the fact that someone took away the source of income? Someone else has decided that it's time for you to tie your belt tighter, and you are worth nothing in this life. The first desire comes to take revenge, screw up in the end and do everything so that the authorities bite their elbows from such a decision.

You need to leave with dignity. After all, his future life will largely depend on how the dismissed person behaves.

You can go into a steep dive, and you can’t get out of it. Or you can pull off a great trick and emerge victorious. No one is immune from anything, especially from losing a job. Any loss entails a decrease in self-esteem. The husband threw it - it means you are unlucky and ugly. Kicked out of work - so stupid and unreliable. Self-esteem is slipping down with furious force, and resentment is gaining momentum.

  • Why were you fired?
  • Am I the worst employee ever?
  • Always and everything is decided for me.
  • I'm a jerk, a loser and unlucky.

When such thoughts come to mind, you must immediately fight back.

The opinion of one person, even the boss, means absolutely nothing. Does not reflect the true reasons and attitude towards you.

Perhaps the godfather or matchmaker of the boss should just come to your place. Or maybe you are too sexy, and the boss's wife did not like it. Yes, you never know! Often you have nothing to do with it, or nothing to do with it, but indirectly.

Life did not begin with work, and it will not end with it. In any situation, you should always look for a positive experience.

Do not complain about the injustice of life, but ask yourself: “What did life want to show by this?” If you find the answer, you will rise one step higher in your development.

Practice proves that two groups of people most often lose their jobs:

  1. inert;
  2. workaholics.

These are the two opposites.

  1. The former live by inertia, work because they have to, without moral or material satisfaction. He does not quit himself, because he has already given up on everything a long time ago, he does not do what he likes, does not develop, but simply serves time, as in prison. And when such a person is fired, then life simply informs through other people's lips and actions that the person has ceased to live, but simply exists, like a plant.
  2. The second (workaholics) replaced their whole life with work. Work for them and mother, and wife, and children. At this time, the Ego weakens, a person tries to be comfortable and better, completely forgetting about his true desires. Life does not know how to joke and endure for a long time, and by dismissal it shows a person that work is far from the whole life. This is a frontal attack so that a person changes his mind. Why is such an employee being fired? And what boss wants to hear someone's frequent breathing in his back? We have no irreplaceable ones, therefore, those who strive to take a higher place are removed.

So what should you do if you get fired?

No tantrum

Resist the temptation to throw a scandal and throw a tantrum for the spectacle of detractors. You should swallow offensive words, “put on” a smile and “march” the last exit.

No need to try to steal, erase, corrupt information on the computer, win over clients and set up the boss, for example, in court, by selling confidential information. All such actions will sooner or later backfire on you with losses:

  • The market segments are actually very narrow and your antics will soon be known to potential employers.
  • If you're waiting for your ex-boss to truly regret firing you in the future, the exact opposite steps should be taken.

Pull yourself together, and on the last working day say goodbye warmly, say that you worked with pleasure, and this experience will be very useful to you. Of course, they may not call you back, but they will definitely give you a good reference.

People are greeted by their clothes, and make sure that you are led by the mind, not by the hysteria.

Sobriety, balance, composure and laconicism are the main qualities of professionals. Therefore, even if you were fired for biased reasons, do not be zealous in righteous anger. Conflict will not lead to good, but will ruin your reputation. "Hot heads" will always lose to "cold mind".

Keep your dignity, go proudly and even affably. The time will come when you will be proud of yourself.

Leave right

Leaving your job is not leaving your wife or husband. Leave all these attacks of pride, they say, I don’t need anything from you, take everything for yourself. It is necessary to work out two weeks according to the law - work it out. You need to get settlement and go around the offices with a bypass sheet - do it.

Dismissal is not a dead end, it is a new step.

Remember that you were fired, not thrown out, your paths diverged, not you were betrayed.

Do not look down at your feet, as if apologizing for the fact that your spirit was not dispelled instantly in the office.

Don't hang your nose

Fired? Wonderful! Now is the time to think and realize childhood dreams. Perhaps you are far from being an ordinary accountant, but an artist. A positive attitude is half the battle on the road to happiness.

There are no hopeless situations, even from the most-most, as a rule, there are four ways out.

Even if you lost in a corporate war and lost your income for a while, this is no reason to doubt your own mind, strength and luck. There will be a holiday on your street, especially now you have time to organize this holiday yourself. Away with depression and despondency.

Remember that sometimes a great flight starts with a kick under the ass. Take a run and forward to new achievements.

Choose your job carefully

If you were fired from the position of financial director, then you should not immediately go to the bakery culinary. Bake pies at home for the sweetness of your family. If your former boss fired you, this does not mean that you are a bad employee and not a professional in your field.

Do not waste your time on trifles, do not settle for crumbs when a whole ruddy loaf is waiting for you.

Think about the area in which you worked, really you like it? Maybe it's time to radically change your life?


Consider that you were not fired, but you took a vacation at your own expense. Vacation is a good thing. So be on vacation, and not overboard life. Read, attend courses, go to the sea, which you have not gone to recent years ten. Engage in needlework, build a bathhouse, or at least clean up the pantry, and make yourself a workshop there.

Don't let the blues steal your free time and inscribe the symptoms of a loser into your character. There will be a lot of free time in your life, and these voids need to be filled with something really worthwhile.

According to psychological practice, such a situation is a nutritional component for the manifestation of neurological diseases, unless, of course, stress, fears for the future and low self-esteem are brought close to the heart. A person can fall into a vicious circle: falling into depression due to lack of work, he cannot find it.

If this mental state lasts for a long time, then depression can be replaced by a physical illness.

This effect is often observed in laid-off and retired people. For example, immediately after retirement, a pensioner begins to age rapidly, as if he allows himself to get sick, because now there is time for this.

cut ties

No one forbids maintaining “hatted” acquaintances. Let it be sometimes superficial. The former team in this case appears in the form of a handkerchief during a cold.

Each time you wipe your tears, you will be charged with the old infection. You were hurt when you were fired, and you will be hurt in the same way every time you live the life of the past team.

You don’t need to find out who came to your place, how things are going at the company, where the boss went to relax, etc. And in the future, settling on best work, do not rush to immediately drag one of the former employees.

Do not take old defeats with you into a new life. Of course, it happens that a true friend can be found in the old team, but this rarely happens.