Your educational needs. Plan: The concept of educational needs. The history of the concept of "special educational needs"


A theoretical analysis (within the framework of the pedagogical, sociological and psychological aspects) of the concept of "educational needs" was carried out through the definition of such categories as "need", "personal educational need". We especially emphasize the need to synthesize these approaches when studying educational needs. Since theoretical knowledge about needs is the foundation of the theory of personality, the study of educational needs allows us to analyze the subjective factors that determine the activity of the individual, describe the nature of her educational activity, explore the most significant incentives and conditions for her inclusion in the educational environment, track the formation of mechanisms that regulate the processes of functioning and development individuals both in and outside of education. Based on a theoretical analysis, it can be argued that the education of educational needs is not only possible, but also one of the central factors in the formation of personality.


educational needs

need for education

personal educational need

motivational-need sphere

1. Gershunsky B.S. Philosophy of Education for the 21st Century. - M.: Perfection, 1998. - 608 p.

2. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2005. – 352 p.

3. Makusheva S.L. Formation of the need for education and its implementation in educational institution: dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Yekaterinburg, 1999. - 152 p.

4. Onipko A.A. Educational needs and trajectories of modern youth // Discussion (polythematic journal of scientific publications). - 2013. - No. 2 (32). – URL: (date of access: 03/07/2016).

5. Russian sociological encyclopedia / ed. ed. G.V. Osipov. – M.: Norma-Infra-M, 2008. – 672 p.

6. Philosophical Dictionary / ed. I.T. Frolova. - 4th ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1981. - 445 p.

The study of educational needs is relevant both in the scientific-theoretical and in the practical sense. The theoretical study of educational needs allows you to deepen the scientific understanding of the structure of personality, its activities, lifestyle.

Along with this, the study of the educational needs of individual social groups and communities is relevant. Knowledge of this kind gives an idea of ​​the specifics of group needs-motivational and value-regulatory mechanisms of educational activity, and makes it possible to identify its typological features. In addition, it is advisable to study the educational needs of the group as a factor in the development of a social community, a condition for social differentiation, social mobility, reproduction and change. social structure society.

And, finally, the study of educational needs, which are subjective characteristics of the objective conditions of human life, makes it possible to diagnose the social situation in society as a whole (in the areas of economic and cultural development of the country, the formation of market relations, etc.). No less significant is the study of educational needs as a mechanism for regulating the educational sphere, analyzing the situation that has developed in it, determining the role of public opinion in the development of education, and the dynamics of changes in its individual subsystems.

As for the practical and applied side of the study of educational needs, in the context of a change in the type of social structure in Russia and a change in the attitude of the population towards education, it is especially important to study the nature of the educational needs of various groups. The transformation of the spheres of production and consumption, the dynamics of social mobility, the emergence of new social strata are significant factors in the development of educational needs. An in-depth analysis of the educational needs of representatives of different social strata is an important contribution to resolving the existing contradictions.

The problem of studying needs is one of the most urgent in the system of philosophical, psychological, social, pedagogical, and economic knowledge. The fruitful organization and implementation of the educational process cannot but be based on meaningful ideas about the needs of social actors interacting within the framework of a particular educational society. At the same time, we proceed from the fact that needs act as the initial stimuli for the activity of a social subject, reflecting the objective conditions of its existence and being one of the most important forms of communication with the outside world.

Before carrying out a theoretical analysis of the concept of "educational needs", let us turn to the consideration of the need in general, the need as a scientific category that has a wide scope of application. There is essentially no scientific field - be it philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, pedagogy, etc. - that would bypass this concept. So, in philosophy, the need is defined as a state caused by dissatisfaction with the requirements of the body, necessary for its normal functioning, and aimed at eliminating this dissatisfaction. A need implies a need for an object of need. The need is realized in the process of its satisfaction, active development of the object of need, in the process of consumption. Dissatisfaction of needs can lead either to a change in the normal functioning of the organism, or to its death. Prior to the realization of the need, it exists as an emerging and growing feeling of lack of something, as the need is realized, the tension that has arisen weakens and fades away. Needs are born with the appearance of new needs and in the process of their consumption.

The development of human needs takes place in the process and on the basis of the development of the mode of production. Specific for a person are social needs generated by the development of society - the needs for work, communication with other people, etc. Biological needs are stored in a person in a removed, transformed form, they do not exist completely isolated from social needs, and, in the final analysis, are mediated by social development. The richer, more diverse and developed the life of society, the richer, more diverse, more developed the needs of people.

This is an important characteristic of the need from the standpoint of sociology. Representatives of sociological science are distinguished by their peculiar understanding of this phenomenon. Here it is traditional to look at the need as a contradiction that arises on the basis of specific relationships between the subject and the objective conditions of its existence. The need, in fact, consists of two "requirements" - "requirement for you" (external need) and "requirement for yourself" (internal need). "Demand on you" is a reflection of the social context, external conditions. “Requirement to oneself” is not only the transition of external necessity into internal (their merging), but also an adequate combination of these external requirements with one’s own “internal nature”, given from birth (inclinations, abilities, inclinations, etc.) and conditioned socially, in the process of education and with already established value orientations, stereotypes, ideas, etc. .

It should be noted that the philosophical and sociological approaches to the problem of needs are consistent with the psychological approach. If sociology studies the social needs of people: the need for communication, self-preservation, self-affirmation, self-development, self-expression, then psychology studies the need as a source of activity, the root cause of the behavior of an individual or a social group. In psychological science, attention is focused on the structure and level of development of the needs of the individual.

Need, says A.N. Leontiev, in itself, as an internal condition of activity, is only negative state, a state of need, lack; it receives its positive characterization only as a result of its encounter with the object (the "realizer") and its "objectification".

The state of needing something causes discomfort, psychological feeling dissatisfaction. This tension forces a person to be active, to do something to relieve stress. Satisfying a need is the process of returning the body to a state of equilibrium, relieving stress.

For pedagogy, the analysis of needs as an internal source of purposeful activity of a person and social groups is very important, since it allows you to determine their goal orientation. At the same time, this makes it possible to detect the degree of coincidence of the needs of the individual with social needs.

As we can see, all the above approaches are characterized by the consideration of need as a state of need in some subject necessary for the subject. That is why the need acts as the cause and source of activity.

In the framework of this study, in order to fully study the essence of the educational needs of the individual, we will focus on pedagogical, sociological and psychological approaches. We especially emphasize the need to synthesize these approaches in the study of this concept.

In a broad sense, educational needs act not only as a way of personal development, but also as a means of satisfying other needs. The educational need contributes to raising the cultural level of a person and makes it possible to realize his essential forces. At present, not only self-education, but also the need for it is becoming more and more valuable. However, it cannot be formed and satisfied without adequately developing the education system.

The essence of the pedagogical approach to educational needs is:

1) the need to study educational needs in relation to the main subjects of the educational process (teaching and learning);

2) the need to determine the policy and strategy of internal and external activities of an educational institution based on identified needs;

3) the need to develop pedagogical conditions for the formation and satisfaction of the educational needs of all subjects of the educational process.

Pedagogical study of the problem provides very valuable material for further reforming education, since before continuing it, it is necessary to know the needs of the social communities included in the educational process, and only on this basis to carry out the necessary transformations in it.

In addition, from the standpoint of pedagogical science, the need for education is an element of the motivational mechanism of the subject of the educational process, a mechanism that includes the needs of this subject, his interests, value orientations, motives, and the purpose of the activity. The presence of such a mechanism, in which needs are the basic element, is a factor in the management of the educational process that contributes to the achievement of development and self-development of the individual.

AT modern pedagogy the desire to find and use new effective mechanisms of interaction with the personality has increased. Considering the idea of ​​psychologists that the results of human activity are 20-30% dependent on intelligence and 70-80% on motives (Myasishchev V.I.), we see the need to move from the pedagogy of events to the pedagogy of motives, which considers motivation as the highest form of regulation of personality activity based on its needs. Formed motivation is the energy foundation of pedagogical influence, and the teacher who first motivates, and only then teaches and educates, works effectively.

Within the framework of the sociological approach, an educational need is an active-activity attitude of a social subject to the sphere of knowledge, determined by sociocultural determinants, which is an essential characteristic of its development, self-determination and self-realization.

From the point of view of this approach, the educational need is characterized by multi-level functional diversity. At the personal level, the educational need performs the functions of enriching the individual with new knowledge necessary for various activities; socialization; individualization; self-determination; self-realization; professional and status growth; implementation of continuous education; changes in the structure of the personality, the formation of its educational interests, goals, value orientations, motives, attitudes towards educational activities; formation of a person's lifestyle; stimulating the labor activity of the individual, the effectiveness of labor activity; adaptation of the individual to the social environment through the acquisition of knowledge, information, etc.

At the group and social levels, the educational need implements the functions of the social development of groups, social communities, and the whole society; raising the educational level of the individual, individual social groups and society as a whole; institutionalization of lifelong education; formation of a subculture of a social group, community; means of sociocultural dynamics; broadcasts cultural heritage and social experience of generations; formation information space society; formation of intellectual culture of social groups and society; self-identification of social groups; reproduction of social groups and the institution of the profession; character changes social labor, increasing its efficiency; regulation of social mobility processes; adaptation of social groups, communities to changes in social conditions in society, etc.

Personal educational need is associated with the creation of an image of the surrounding world. This is the system of values, patterns of behavior that allows a person to navigate in the world around him. Society is the educational environment from which the individual receives the information necessary for orientation in the surrounding world. In this sense, a person has needs that go beyond the state education system. The structure of personal needs includes such intellectual socialization as the formation of the "I-concept", its formation cannot be carried out outside the educational environment. Capital, which a person can profitably realize in exchange for some social and material benefits. Factors that determine personal educational needs are: place of residence ( geographic factor); family traditions ( social factor); financial situation(economic factor). The scale of educational need is determined by the number of students who want to enter or remain in the education system. In sociology, it is measured by the size of the contingent of students. The scale of educational needs is influenced by: the demographic factor; geographic factor; internationalization of education.

The educational need has the property of expanded reproduction, that is, the higher the level of education, the higher the need for further education.

Thus, all of the above allows us to see the significance of the sociological approach to the analysis of educational needs, which lies in the fact that the educational need of the individual (its content, structural and functional characteristics) is considered in close connection with:

1) the needs of the social group, the community in which the individual is included;

2) in the system of social factors of the institution of education and the entire educational sphere;

3) in the context of social determinants of other social institutions;

4) in the system of social ties and relations of society as a whole.

From the point of view of the psychological approach, the essence of the educational need, as mentioned above, is expedient to reveal through the concept of the motivational-need sphere of the personality. In order for a person to start acting, he must enter a state of activity, i.e. be encouraged to do something. In psychology driving force, the motivation for activity is called "motive". According to A.N. Leontiev, “the concept of activity is necessarily connected with the concept of motive. There is no activity without a motive, "unmotivated" activity is an activity that is not devoid of a motive, but an activity with a subjectively and objectively hidden motive.

Since the process of satisfying a need (including educational) acts as a purposeful activity, needs are a source of personality activity. If in need a person's activity is essentially dependent on its object-social content, then in motives this dependence manifests itself in the form of the subject's own activity. Therefore, the system of motives that is revealed in the behavior of the individual is richer in features and more mobile than the need that constitutes its essence.

A person performs a lot of different types of activities, but with a different degree of involvement in them: some types have personal significance for him, others do not. The significance of activity for a person is determined by its needs. So, if the need for education is among the priorities of a given student, then the personal meaning of teaching for him is in cognition, acquiring new knowledge about the world. If the need for education is not expressed and social needs dominate, then the meaning learning activities can focus around interacting with peers.

Based on the above, we formulate the most significant conclusions for our study. Needs as a scientific category have a wide scientific scope. In a broad sense, needs act as the initial drivers of the activity of a social subject, reflecting the objective conditions of its existence and being one of the most important forms of communication with the outside world. The educational need is distinguished by multilevel functional diversity. Educational needs act not only as a way of personality development, it is an element of the motivational mechanism of the subject of the educational process, a mechanism that includes the needs of this subject, his interests, value orientations, motives, and the purpose of the activity.

The educational needs of the individual, which are an essential characteristic of development, self-determination and self-realization, are determined by sociocultural determinants, the active attitude of the social subject to the sphere of knowledge. So, at the personal level, the educational need performs the functions of enriching the individual with new knowledge; socialization; individualization; self-determination; self-realization; professional and status growth. At the group and social levels - implements the functions of social development of groups, social communities, the whole society; regulation of social mobility processes; adaptation of social groups, communities to changes in social conditions in society, etc.

The educational need of the individual has the property of expanded reproduction, that is, the higher the level of education, the higher the need for further education. The factors that determine a personal educational need are: place of residence (geographical factor); family traditions (social factor); financial situation (economic factor). With full confidence it can be argued that the education of educational needs is not only possible, but also one of the central factors in the formation of personality.

Bibliographic link

Gavrilenko L.S., Chupina V.B., Tarasova T.I. "EDUCATIONAL NEEDS": THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2016. - No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 11/25/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Special educational needs of students with ASD

The development of connections of an autistic child with a loved one and society as a whole is disrupted and is carried out not in the normal way, and not in the same way as in other children with disabilities. mental development in autism, it is not just delayed or impaired, it is distorted, since the mental functions of such a child develop not in line with social interaction and solving real life problems, but to a large extent as a means of auto-stimulation, a means of limitation, and not the development of interaction with the environment and other people.

Distortion of development is characteristically manifested in a change in the ratio of a child who is simple and difficult to learn. He may have fragmentary ideas about the environment, not distinguish and comprehend the simplest connections in what is happening in everyday life, which is not specifically taught to an ordinary child. May not accumulate elementary everyday life experience, but show competence in more formal, abstract areas of knowledge - highlight colors, geometric shapes, be interested in numbers, letters, grammatical forms, etc. It is difficult for this child to actively adapt to changing conditions, new circumstances, therefore, the abilities that such children have and even the skills and accumulated knowledge already developed are poorly implemented in life.

The transfer of social experience to such children, their introduction into culture is a particular difficulty.Establishing emotional contact and involving the child in developing practical interaction, in joint understanding of what is happening is the basic task of special psychological and pedagogical assistance for autism.

Special Educational Needs for Children with Autism in Primary schooling include, in addition to the general, characteristic of all children with disabilities, the following specific needs:

  • in most cases at the beginning of training, there is a need for a gradual and individually dosed introduction of the child into the situation of learning in the classroom. Class attendance should be regular, but adjusted according to the child's ability to cope with anxiety, fatigue, satiety and overexcitation. As the child gets used to the situation of learning in the classroom, it should approach his full inclusion in the process of primary schooling;
  • the choice of lessons that the child begins to attend should begin with those where he feels most successful and interested and gradually, if possible, include all the others;
  • the majority of children with ASD are significantly delayed in the development of self-care and life support skills: it is necessary to be prepared for possible domestic helplessness and slowness of the child, problems with going to the toilet, dining, with selectivity in food, difficulties with changing clothes, with the fact that he does not know how to ask a question, complain, ask for help. Entering school usually motivates the child to overcome these difficulties, and his attempts should be supported by special remedial work to develop social and everyday skills;
  • special support is needed for children (individual and in the classroom) in the development of verbal and non-verbal communication: ask for information and help, express your attitude, assessment, consent or refusal, share your impressions;
  • there may be a need for temporary and individually dosed support by both the tutor and the assistant (assistant) to organize the entire stay of the child at school and his learning behavior in the classroom; support should be gradually reduced and removed as the child gets used to it, mastering the order school life, rules of conduct at school and in the classroom, skills of social adaptation and communication;
  • at the beginning of training, if necessary , along with attending the class, the child must be provided with additional private lessons with the teacher to work out the forms of adequate educational behavior, the ability to enter into communication and interaction with the teacher, to adequately perceive praise and comments;
  • periodic individual pedagogical classes(cycles of classes) are necessary for a child with ASD, even with adequate educational behavior formed to control the development of new educational material in the classroom (which may be difficult for him during the period of getting used to school) and, if necessary, to provide individual corrective assistance in mastering the Program;
  • it is necessary to create a particularly clear and orderly temporal-spatial structure of the lessons and the entire stay of the child in school, giving him support for understanding what is happening and self-organization;
  • special work is needed to bring the child to the possibility of participating in the frontal organization in the lesson: planning a mandatory period of transition from individual verbal and non-verbal instructions to frontal; in using forms of praise that take into account the characteristics of children with ASD and developing the ability to adequately perceive comments addressed to oneself and to classmates;
  • in organizing the education of such a child and assessing his achievements, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of mastering skills and assimilation of information in autism, the features of mastering “simple” and “complex”;
  • it is necessary to introduce special sections of remedial education that help overcome the fragmentation of ideas about the environment, develop means of communication, social and everyday skills;
  • special corrective work is needed to comprehend, streamline and differentiate the child's individual life experience, which is extremely incomplete and fragmented; assisting him in working out impressions, memories, ideas about the future, developing the ability to plan, choose, compare;
  • a child with ASD needs special assistance in ordering and comprehending acquired knowledge and skills, which does not allow their mechanical formal accumulation and use for autostimulation;
  • a child with ASD needs, at least initially, a special organization at recess , in involving him in the usual activities, allowing him to relax and, if possible, engage in interaction with other children;
  • child with ASD to receive primary education needs to create learning conditions that provide an environment of sensory and emotional comfort (no sudden mood swings, an even and warm tone of the teacher’s voice in relation to any student in the class), orderliness and predictability of what is happening;
  • a special setting of the teacher is necessary for the development of emotional contact with the child, maintaining in him the confidence that he is accepted, sympathized with him, that he is successful in the classroom;
  • the teacher should try to convey this attitude to the fellow students of the child with ASD, not emphasizing his specialness, but showing him strengths and arousing sympathy for him with his attitude, involve children in accessible interaction;
  • it is necessary to develop children's attention to the manifestations of close adults and fellow students and special assistance in understanding situations that occur with other people, their relationships;
  • for the social development of the child, it is necessary to use his existing electoral abilities;
  • his learning process primary school should be supported by psychological support that optimizes the interaction of the child with teachers and fellow students, families and schools;
  • a child with ASD already in the period of primary education needs individually dosed and gradual expansion educational space outside the educational institution.

Social and cultural-educational FORMATION OF PERSONALITY

O. N. Krylova

(St. Petersburg)

Study of educational needs


The article substantiates the problem of studying the educational needs of special groups of children and students, identifying the extent to which the subjects of the educational process are focused on inclusive education.

Currently, the professional standard "Teacher" has been approved in the Russian Federation, which will come into force on January 1, 2015. One of necessary skills defined in it for the teacher and educator: “use and test special approaches in order to include all students in the educational process, including those with special educational needs: students who show outstanding abilities; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with handicapped health". The formation of these skills necessitates appropriate training and retraining of teachers.

Within the framework of the joint European project "Tempus-4" SPb APPO is the head of the research program, the subject of which was the educational and social needs of special groups of children and students and the presentation of special groups of children about the possibilities of meeting their educational needs.

As special groups of children and students in this study, the following were selected: children and young people-foreigners (migrants]; gifted children and young people (3 subgroups: intellectually gifted, artistically gifted and gifted in sports]); socially disadvantaged children and young people; children and young people with disabilities (disabled people).

This study was carried out in order to obtain analytical information on the number

laziness and special needs of heterogeneous groups of pupils and students. Among other things, the following were identified: attitudes towards joint learning, awareness of inclusive education, educational needs of students, social needs, types of possible pedagogical support, organizational and pedagogical, educational, methodological and logistical needs, expectations associated with future education, etc. .

The creative team of scientists from St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education (N. B. Bogatenkova, N. B. Zakharevich,

O. N. Krylova and others] developed diagnostic tools for a research program for a heterogeneous group of foreign students.

Inofon is a native speaker of a foreign (non-state] language and a picture of the world corresponding to their socio-linguistic culture. This concept for pedagogical and sociological research in St. Petersburg characterizes the category of students for whom Russian is not their native language, according to the following parameters: the main language of communication in the family - not Russian; in the speech of students there is a strongly pronounced accent or a special dialect.

This study was based on the following methodological principles:

Compliance with the logic of building scientific conclusions;

Determinism (lat. detegminage - define-

Table 1

Correspondence of groups of needs, criteria indicators and indicators

Needs Criteria indicator, indicator

Needs for growth Needs for self-realization (self-actualization) - in obtaining a quality education

AT creative realization

In support of links with national culture

In self respect

Life values

Communication needs Needs for social status (respect) - in considering religious views

In the social status of parents

In approval, recognition

Needs for social connections (belonging to a group) - in social communication

Overcoming the language barrier

Existence needs Safety needs (physical and psychological) - psychological safety

In maintaining health

Physiological needs (food, rest, movement, basic skills of educational activity) - in the organization of rest

In everyday conditions at school (food, medical care, ...]

AT pedagogical support student

In the material and technical providing education. process

In special learning conditions

divide], which involves the establishment of objectively existing forms of the relationship of phenomena, many of which are expressed in the form of relationships that do not have a direct causal character;

Generalizations (generalizations), which implies the separation of the individual and the particular, and thereby the description of the stable properties of phenomena and subjects.

4 questionnaires were developed - for parents, pupils, teachers and students.

All questions of the questionnaires were closed and required the choice of the preferred option from several proposed ones. In some questions, it was possible to select several answers. Each of the questions revealed one of the groups of educational needs (existence, connection, growth] and corresponded to a certain criterion indicator and indicator (Table 1).

Parents became the object of the survey, as they are the main customers of educational services for their children as representatives of their interests. Teachers became the object of the survey due to the fact that they are

are subjects of the educational process that directly interact with students and are directly interested in taking into account the educational needs of students. The main sample of pupils and students was formed from combined (inclusive] groups educational organizations and higher educational institutions, as well as their teachers and parents.

The sample also included pupils and students who develop according to the age norm, as well as parents and teachers who have children who develop according to the age norm and who have gained experience of co-education with various groups of children, which means that they are full participants in the inclusive process.

The result of this study is analytical description quantitative data for each of the criterion indicators and indicators, analysis of data correlations for all methods.

This study is based on the understanding of the need (socio-pedagogical category] as “formed

table 2

Connection of groups of educational needs, their manifestations and means of satisfaction

Groups of educational needs Form of manifestation of needs Means of manifestation of needs

Existence needs Desire to acquire basic learning skills (read, write, count, reproduce information] without difficulty Accessible technical means for children with disabilities: Braille computer keyboard, vocabulary materials for foreign children, creation of the necessary UMMK for gifted children, etc. P.

The desire to prevent dangerous changes, comfort, getting help in solving (psychological, health] Compliance with SANPIN (hygienic requirements), ergonomic environment, creating conditions for getting help in solving personal problems, etc.

The need for connection The desire to occupy a certain place in the team, the desire to establish friendly relations Encouragement of the creation of informal groups, the assignment of certain roles, assignment of titles, etc.

The need for growth The desire for creativity, self-expression, achievement of results Presentation of creative work

the readiness of individuals to expand their capabilities, relationships with society in the biological, social and spiritual aspects.

Educational need is understood as “a type of social need that has a backbone value in modern society and is expressed in the production of a person as a social subject of life, accumulation through inclusion in the education system of a person’s vitality and their implementation. Need in general education understood as a social relationship between certain subjects of the educational process.

In fact, what matters is not what the need means, but why the concept of need is necessary.

A. N. Leontiev tried to single out the criterion of the mental in the need, in the framework of our study it is necessary to single out the criteria of the educational.

The formation of an approach to a need as a need causes a contradiction in relation to aesthetic, cognitive and spiritual needs.

The first methodological basis of this study was the theory of ERG Al-

derfer. He identified three groups of needs - the needs of existence, the needs of communication, the needs of growth - which also reflect the educational needs of students.

“The needs of existence, as it were, include two groups of needs by A. Mas-low - security needs, with the exception of group security, and physiological needs.”

Communication needs are associated with social manifestations of a person: respect, appropriation social status, his involvement in various groups (family, diaspora, class).

Growth needs reflect the needs of self-actualization and development, according to A. Maslow. They reflect the human need for the development of self-esteem, self-affirmation. The connection between groups of educational needs, their manifestations and means of satisfaction is presented in detail in Table 2.

These groups of needs, as well as those of A. Maslow, are built into a certain hierarchy, but here the movement from need to need goes in both directions, and not just from lower to higher. When some needs are met, others become motivators. If it is not possible to satisfy

If the needs of a higher order are met, then the lower needs are intensified, and the attention of a person switches.

“Each living being can live only if there are a number of certain conditions necessary for this creature, that is, any living being must have these necessary conditions, and if they are not there, then the task of finding them arises.” However, it is not the conditions themselves, or their absence, that characterize the concept of need, but the emergence of life tasks, to provide oneself with these conditions. You may not know what you are missing. Thus, the need is not connected with the living being itself, but with its connections with the environment.

“And in order to understand the sphere of needs of a person, it is necessary to analyze the connection of a person with the world, because needs, as life tasks, arise in those real relationships in which a person is included.”

Considering the educational needs, we can talk about the changes that occur in the student's relationship with the educational space. If earlier the educational process was built strictly from the teacher through the educational material to the student, today these relationships have changed. The teacher ceased to be the only carrier educational information, the educational space has become more open. The student himself goes into it, and they, together with the teacher and other students, form this educational space. Therefore, educational needs are formed differently.

The second methodological basis of the study is to understand the essence of educational needs through changing the life tasks that the student solves, through those educational relationships in which he is included.

The third methodological basis is that the educational need characterizes the change in the relationship of the subject with the educational space, thereby expanding it.

The phenomenon of educational needs is associated with a modern understanding of the quality of education. According to Jeanette Colby and Miske Witt, the following components influence the quality of education:

Students are healthy and ready to learn;

There is a healthy, safe, secure

resourceful educational environment;

In the educational process, the interests of the child come first;

Outcomes include knowledge, skills and attitudes and are linked to national targets for education and positive social participation.

This also confirms this approach to understanding the hierarchy of educational needs.

The fourth methodological basis - educational needs are based on modern requirements for the quality of education and should be aimed at improving its characteristics:

Students (their health, motivation to learn and, of course, the learning outcomes that students demonstrate);

Processes (in which competent teachers use active learning technologies);

System ( good management and adequate allocation and use of resources).

The concept of the educational needs of heterogeneous groups of learners is also related to core competencies. The report "Education: The Treasure Within" by the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century argued that lifelong learning is based on four pillars:

Learning to recognize what it means that students construct their own knowledge on a daily basis from external (information) and internal (experience, motives, values) elements;

Learning to do, which means putting into practice what has been learned;

Learning to live together, which characterizes the desire for a life free from any discrimination, when everyone has an equal opportunity with others for their own development, the development of their family and local community;

Learning to be, which highlights the skills that each person needs to fully develop their own capabilities.

The fifth methodological basis of this study is that the special educational needs of heterogeneous groups of students are associated with the key competencies of students, namely, taking into account the special educational needs of students from various heterogeneous groups, and are aimed at the “learning to be” competencies. Only in heterogeneous groups can the competencies “learn to live together” and “learn to be” be formed.

Understanding the essence of the special educational needs of students from various heterogeneous groups and creating conditions for their consideration can make it possible to solve important problems modern education, since “the need encourages activity, and the motive leads to directed activity. A motive is an impulse to activity associated with the satisfaction of the needs of the subject. Taking into account the needs can motivate students to educational activities, which will ultimately improve the quality of education.


1. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).

2. Management of the quality of education in multi-ethnic schools: the experience of Russia and Austria / ed. ed. I. V. Mushtavinskaya. - St. Petersburg, 2013. - 125 p.

3. Asterminova O. S. Need as a socio-pedagogical category // social pedagogy in Russia. - 2010. - No. 4.

4. Federal State educational standard: site / Publishing house "Enlightenment" [Electronic resource]. - URL:

5. Shipovskaya L.P. Man and his needs: tutorial. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 432 p.

6. Ivannikov V. A. Analysis of the need-motivational sphere from the position of the theory of activity // World of Psychology. - Moscow-Voronezh. - 2003. - No. 2 (34). - 287 p.

7. Kolbi, J., Witt, M., et oth. (2000). The definition of quality in education: UNICEF Report. NY. (In Russian).

8. Piskunova E. V. Teacher training to ensure the modern quality of education for all: Russian experience: recommendations based on the results scientific research/ ed. acad. G. A. Bordovsky. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A. I. Herzen, 2007. - 79 p.

9. UNESCO World Education Report, Education for All (UNESCO, 2000).

Educational Needs

"... Educational needs - the scale, nature and degree of interest in certain educational services on the part of society as a whole, territorial communities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, individuals and their associations ..."



Official terminology. 2012 .

See what "Educational Needs" is in other dictionaries:

    Educational Needs- the need to master the knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities provided by the predictive model of competence, which the student needs to master in order to solve vital problems ... Glossary of terms on general and social pedagogy

    SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS- additional educational activities or support needed by children and adolescents with physical or mental disabilities, as well as those children who could not complete school for any reason ...

    EDUCATIONAL SERVICES- a set of purposefully created and offered opportunities for acquiring knowledge and skills in order to meet educational needs. According to their goals and content, educational services are divided into professional ... ... Professional education. Dictionary

    Children with special educational needs- A new, not yet established term; arises, as a rule, in all countries of the world during the transition from a unitary society to an open civil society, when society realizes the need to reflect in the language a new understanding of the rights of children with disabilities in ... ...

    Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen- Coordinates: 59°56′02″ s. sh. 30°19′10″ in. d ... Wikipedia

    Ten main provisions of the new law on education - New law On education in the Russian Federation comes into force on September 1. It will replace the two basic laws on education (1992) and on higher and postgraduate vocational education(1996). Work on the draft law began in 2009, and that's all ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Inclusive education- Inclusive (French inclusif - including, from Latin include - I conclude, include) or included education - a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in general education ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Non-profit scientific and educational institution. Part of the Eidos Group of Companies. Address of the Institute 125009, Russia, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, d. 9, p. 7. Director of the Institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy ... ... Wikipedia

    Jackson (Mississippi)- This term has other meanings, see Jackson. City of Jackson Jackson Flag ... Wikipedia

    Special psychology- a field of developmental psychology that studies the problems of the development of people with physical and mental disabilities that determine their need for special conditions for training and education. Formation of S. p. took place within the framework of defectology. ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary


  • Organization of a developing correctional educational process with preschoolers with special educational needs. Federal State Educational Standard, Kiryushina A.N. The book presents the experience of creating special socio-pedagogical conditions for the development and upbringing of a child in a preschool institution of a compensatory type. The authors describe in detail ... Buy for 503 rubles
  • Teaching literacy to preschool children. Partial program. GEF, Nishcheva Natalia Valentinovna. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool educational organizations, when compiling the main educational program, can use, in addition to the exemplary educational program, preschool ...

Educational Needs of Students(hereinafter - PEP) - social needs in general education, in creating optimal conditions for the realization of the energy, cognitive and emotional-volitional capabilities of students. They affect the interests of all children who have learning difficulties and do not fit into the standard educational framework, and therefore require the creation of special conditions, the use of special programs and materials, and the provision of additional services. SEP are associated not only with the presence of disabilities, but also with the difficulties experienced by students while studying at school.

The concept of "educational needs" without any interpretation is used in the Federal Law "On Education", where it reflects:

  • advanced understanding of human rights to fulfill needs;
  • the responsibility of modern civil society for creating the conditions necessary for the education of children.

The history of the concept of "special educational needs"

The concept of "special educational needs" (SEP or Special Educational Needs) was first proposed by Mary Warnock in London in 1978. Initially, it was invested in a rather narrow sense of working with children with disabilities and systemic disorders, but after a while the concept reached a new level and moved away from the medical model of disability, becoming part of American, Canadian and European culture, where it largely influenced the nature of education at school. . The concept of BEP is actively used in drawing up conclusions about the special needs of students, the formation of individual training plans, adapted programs.

On the international level The rights of minors to special educational needs are enshrined in the Salaman Declaration on Principles, Policies and Practice in Education, which was adopted in 1994. The text of the document fixes the right of persons with special needs to access training in ordinary schools where the necessary conditions must be created for them. The Framework for Action on the Education of Children with Special Needs states that schools should be open to every child regardless of their linguistic, social, intellectual or physical disabilities. Thus, gifted children, students with physical and mental disabilities, working and street children, socially disadvantaged and belonging to ethnic or linguistic minorities have special educational needs.

Save this for yourself so you don't lose it:

Articles will help to learn more about the organization of the educational process for students with disabilities and identify special educational needs. electronic journal"Handbook of the Deputy Director of the School"

- We identify the needs of parents of students with disabilities (planning and organization)
- How to organize an educational space for students with disabilities (students with disabilities)

In Russian pedagogy, the term OOP appeared only in the early 2000s and is not fully borrowed from the Western term, but it expresses the desire of society to help special children find their place in life by receiving a quality education. For the first time in Russia, K. Schneider spoke about special needs, considering this issue in her work on sociology, blurring the concepts of “normal” and “abnormal”. She proposed a triune system of categories: children in adverse conditions, children with learning difficulties and disabilities. Specialists of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, despite the different needs of students with disabilities, were able to identify common ones for different groups of children. educational needs of schoolchildren:

  • in special means of step-by-step learning, differentiation and qualitative individualization of the educational process;
  • in coordinating the activities of narrow diversified specialists, involving parents and family members of the student;
  • in the formation of a special temporary and spatial organization learning environments;
  • in the ultimate expansion of the educational space, going beyond the usual and the boundaries of the educational institution to prolong the educational process;
  • in the introduction of such sections of education that are not in the program of normally developing children, but which are necessary for students with special needs.

Who are children with special educational needs?

Children with special educational needs - students who need the help of teachers, professionals and parents, providing additional support in the learning process. The selection of such a category of schoolchildren indicates the gradual displacement of the concepts of “developmental deviations” or “developmental anomalies” from the public lexicon, the refusal to divide society into “normal” and “abnormal”. That's why individual educational needs of students can occur in children who find themselves in special socio-cultural conditions, adolescents with physical or mental disabilities, gifted children. To acquire knowledge, children with SEN require special conditions that will allow them to study in a comfortable atmosphere. From now on, there is a shift in emphasis from the deviations and shortcomings of children to the identification and satisfaction of their needs for special means and learning conditions, which is a demonstration of the responsibility of society for each of its members.

The concept of "children with SEN" refers to anyone whose educational difficulties go beyond the boundaries of the usual norms. Russian science distinguishes three categories of children with special educational needs:

  1. children at risk (living in adverse conditions);
  2. who have unexpected learning difficulties;
  3. with characteristic disabilities - with hearing, vision, intelligence, speech, musculoskeletal disorders of varying severity, autism, emotional-volitional and with a complex structure of disorders.

As a rule, children with special educational needs have problems with gross and fine motor skills, cognitive activity, they have an insufficiently broad outlook and fragmentary knowledge about themselves and the world, demonstrate lack of communication skills, pessimism, speech retardation, inability to control their words and actions.

Educational needs of schoolchildren

Unfortunately, the concept of special educational needs was not taken into account for a long time when drawing up the curriculum and plan, since the needs of children were not taken into account in Russian methodological and pedagogical developments. At the same time, it is important to realize that special educational needs can arise not only among children with disabilities, because many students face barriers and difficulties in the way of acquiring knowledge, sometimes quite spontaneously and unexpectedly. BPD are not permanent, but manifest themselves to varying degrees with various violations or in different life situations.

Therefore, in order to unleash the potential of students, improve the quality of life of children, giving them the opportunity to receive a decent education, it is important to take into account the opinion of children, their SEN, engaging in a comprehensive study of potential obstacles to knowledge. If at least a few ordinary children do not receive the necessary help and attention at school, you must first support them, and then concentrate on arranging children with disabilities. The problem needs to be solved systematically, without breaking away from the framework of the school or class, since OOP can arise against the backdrop of socio-cultural, economic and psychological factors.

The study student's special educational needs- top priority modern school which allows:

  • develop an adapted program, create an individual educational route for the student, build a program of work with him, adjust pedagogical efforts and goals;
  • provide psycho-medical-pedagogical support and corrective work with a student;
  • determine a system for evaluating planned results and achievements;
  • increase the level of satisfaction of parents with the quality of education, receive prompt feedback from all subjects of the educational process;
  • raise the level of domestic education, providing state guarantees for equal opportunity for all citizens.

Components of special educational needs that determine the conditions for teaching children (remotely, in inclusive schools, groups of combined or compensatory orientation):

  1. Cognitive - vocabulary, mental operations, knowledge and ideas about the world, the ability to remember and reproduce information.
  2. Energy - efficiency, perseverance and mental activity.
  3. Emotional-volitional - the ability to hold attention, concentrate, motivation for cognition and directed activity.

All OOPs are divided into four large groups:

Group 1. Educational needs associated with the special organization of the educational process

Type of needs Characteristics of OOP
Competence of teachers and narrow specialists They should know the features of the development of children with physical and mental disabilities, using this knowledge to organize the educational process, adapt curricula. Teachers need knowledge of correctional and educational technologies in order to use them in their work.
Individualization of the educational route Education of children with SEN is carried out remotely, at home, in separate classes for children with disabilities, in inclusive schools or classes.
Adaptation of the educational environment Through a visually structured and clearly organized space, the creation of a motivating environment that takes into account the peculiarities of assimilation of information and the interests of the child, an emotional connection with the teacher, the friendly attitude of other students, the involvement of activities and materials that are interesting for the child.
Preliminary preparation before frontal training It is associated with insufficient adaptive abilities of children with SEN, difficulties in communication and interaction, the presence of emotional, mental or cognitive impairments. In this case, children gradually form the skills of learning behavior, social interaction, classes in mini-groups and groups.
Adaptation period Due to the difficulties in adapting to unusual conditions, students with SEN need time to get used to school. At this stage, they should gradually delve into the situation and the life of the class, receive learning motivation find emotional relationships with teachers. For this, a flexible schedule of regular attendance of classes, attendance of the most interesting classes for the child, the transition from fragmentary to complete immersion of the student in the educational process are recommended. The help of a tutor remains relevant, who will support the student in educational, communicative and social situations. When the adaptation period comes to an end, the help of the tutor is minimized so that the student becomes more independent, gets used to the school educational process. Along with help in adaptation period it is important to reduce the requirements for the depth of mastering the program material, which will become an additional source of motivation to attend school.
Availability of an adaptive program or comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support In order for students with SEN to be able to master the educational program, overcoming their characteristic difficulties in mastering general educational programs, they need the help of not only a teacher, but also a tutor, speech therapist, defectologist, social educator and a continuing education teacher.
Interaction between parents and school Only clear coordination of the actions of all participants in the educational process will make it possible to achieve best result Therefore, parents and teachers should develop a unified strategy for the educational process, use unified algorithms and solutions, applying the practical experience of teachers and the knowledge of family members about the characteristics of the student.

Individual assessment of educational results

An individual system of evaluation of results guarantees a child with SEN a situation of success and the opportunity to feel comfortable among typically developing classmates. The criterion for the effectiveness of training should be the achievement of the planned results of mastering the adapted educational program.

Group 2. Educational needs related to the adaptation of the content of the main general education program

Type of needs Characteristics of OOP
Individualization of the content of the adapted basic general education program According to the Federal State Educational Standard, four variants of the adapted program are allowed. As a rule, for children with special educational needs, in order to individualize the content of education on the basis of AOEP, a special individual development program (SIPR) or an adapted educational program (AEP) is developed and implemented.
Formation of social (life) competencies

Students need life skills because:

it is difficult for them to have the skills of everyday life (social, everyday, communicative), which leads to difficulties in solving everyday situations;

children with SEN cannot easily transfer theory into practice, using school knowledge in everyday life, and therefore cannot understand the social context, master social behavioral norms.

The development of life competencies involves the formation of:

  • functional skills necessary for everyday life (communicative, social, social and household, etc.);
  • the ability to use the skills acquired during training in everyday life;
  • life competencies closely related to UUD, the course of classroom and extracurricular activities.
Replacing academic/learning goals with alternative ones Academic learning goals are not always relevant for children with intellectual disabilities, and therefore it is advisable to replace them with more functional competencies applicable to everyday life. Children are not taught literate writing, but the correct expression of thoughts, not arithmetic operations, but the recognition of numbers. which improves the quality of life of a student with SEN.
Simplification of the content of the main general education program Depending on the type of impairment for the child, one of the four options for AOOP is selected. For example, the second option implies a simplification of universal learning activities and communicative results, and the third and fourth options are the simplification of subject results and the reduction of meta-subject ones, basic learning actions replace UUD.

Group 3. Educational needs related to the adaptation of the ways of presenting educational material:

  1. Simplified methods of presenting educational material - teachers adapt methods of explanation using visualization, simplified speech and other methods of delivering auditory information.
  2. Instruction simplification - long multi-step algorithms for performing an action are incomprehensible and difficult for children with OOP, and therefore they need extremely simple instructions that are broken into parts, written on the board, depicted in the form of a diagram, and clearly demonstrate the sequence of actions.
  3. Additional visual support - explaining new material or demonstrating the algorithm for completing tasks, the teacher needs to take into account the prevailing visual forms of thinking of students, and therefore use more reference diagrams, tables, drawings, visual models and pictures.
  4. Refusal of double requirements - unfortunately, children with OOP do not multitask, therefore double requirements are often impossible for them (for example, write words and underline letters, solve an example and write it neatly). In this case, the teacher should prioritize by choosing only one of the requirements on which the student will have to focus his efforts, minimizing additional requirement to the learning task.
  5. The fragmentation of learning tasks, changes in sequence - students with OOP can demonstrate a different pace, quality and speed of processing information, and therefore it is easier for them to absorb large amounts of material gradually and dosed.

Group 4. Educational needs associated with overcoming difficulties in development, socialization and adaptation

Correctional work in the process of psychological and pedagogical support helps to overcome the difficulties of socialization:

  1. The development of socially acceptable behavior and activities - adaptive and social skills in children with SEN are not sufficiently developed, which provokes the consolidation of maladaptive forms of behavior that can only be eliminated by the formation of the correct communication and social skills.
  2. Support and development of communication - group and individual remedial classes will form dialogue and communication skills, teach the child to act in situations of refusal and consent, expressing requests, greetings and others. Children are taught to maintain a conversation, to initiate a conversation.
  3. Formation of social interaction skills, social and self-service skills - individual and group lessons, correctional work will help to form the skills of social interaction with peers and adults (skills of playing, communication, interaction in the classroom or outside of school), as well as life support and self-service skills.
  4. Accumulation and expansion of social experience - in the classroom and extracurricular activities in the course of purposeful work, children acquire social and communication skills, accumulating which they expand their social experience.
  5. Expansion of ideas about society - to comprehend and systematize the experience of interaction with others in the course of corrective work, which will be focused on the assimilation of social rules and norms.
  6. The formation of adequate ideas about emotions and ways of expressing them is a psychological correctional work aimed at understanding by children with mental retardation of their experiences and emotions, adequate ways of expressing them (facial expressions, gestures) contributes to social development.
  7. Formation of holistic ideas about themselves and the world around them - specialists help students to systematize and streamline their ideas about themselves and the world, which in children with OOP are often incomplete or fragmented.

Implementation of the special educational needs of the student

Today, some features of the implementation of inclusive education for children with SEN are distinguished:

  1. Special education should begin from the moment developmental disabilities are identified.
  2. Education should use special tools (methods, materials, programs) that will allow individualization and differentiation of the educational process, including after graduation. So, to improve motor functions, additional classes are held physical therapy, modeling or drawing circles work, and propaedeutic courses are held to master new academic disciplines or skills. In this case, only those teaching aids are used that do not tire the children.
  3. Compliance of educational activities with the needs of students- the content of training should correspond to the psychophysiological needs of children, therefore it includes classes on the development of visual or auditory-visual perception, fine motor skills, communication and adaptive skills, social orientation, and others.
  4. The maximum expansion of the educational space by prolonging the educational process not only until graduation, but also after that (the study of information and the formation of the necessary skills is carried out at a slow pace that is comfortable for the student).
  5. Activation cognitive activity, a positive attitude to learning, independence in decision-making, ensuring the comprehensive development of the individual and laying the foundations of a scientific worldview.
  6. In working with such students, not only experienced teachers and parents, but also psychologists, defectologists and other specialists, whose actions are carefully coordinated.

Who is involved in creating and organizing an inclusive environment?

Inclusive education for children with SEN involves the work of a large team of specialists and parents aimed at:

  • taking into account and studying the educational needs of consumers of educational services (students and their parents) to the quality and content of education;
  • formation of an individual educational route and an adapted training program;
  • systematic monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational process with subsequent adjustment pedagogical tasks and goals;
  • establishing feedback and stable interaction with family members of students.

Not only subject teachers, tutors and class teachers developing working materials and programs, but also auxiliary specialists - assistants who physically help schoolchildren with disabilities to overcome the difficulties of the environment. Together with them, specialized workers are involved in the work - defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists, whose special knowledge and skills help children better adapt to learning, help them achieve great results, and reveal their potential.

Functional responsibilities of specialists working with children with SEN

  • Teacher - with the support of a psychologist, develops an adapted program, work program on the subject, adapts extracurricular activities and training sessions to the needs of a student with SEN, forms a base from special technical means and teaching aids.
  • Tutor - ensures the adaptation of a child with disabilities in a regular class, develops an individual educational route, taking into account the abilities, interests and characteristics of the student, designs an open learning environment, teaching aids, adapts the educational process.
  • Assistant - support workers who provide physical and adaptive assistance to children. They help them use cutlery, dress and undress, make infrastructure facilities accessible, and provide first aid in emergency situations. Assistants create comfortable conditions for learning at school, help to overcome physical disabilities.
  • Defectologist - promptly reveals psychophysiological disorders in children, recommending corrective support for them. He chooses the type of correctional assistance and the optimal educational program, plans individual and group correctional work, controls the process of mastering educational programs, contributing to the successful development of social skills and the adaptation of students with special educational needs in society, optimizes the efforts of all specialists, ensuring the progressive effect of school inclusive education.

Educational needs of parents

Educational needs of students and parents- expectations associated with educational activities, are aimed at schools and teachers in it and are satisfied through the choice of courses, subjects, programs, extracurricular activities or the system of additional education.

At the same time, gender division, the level of education and the socio-economic situation of the family matter. Male parents more often associate educational needs with science, the socio-political and professional and labor spheres, and female parents - with nature conservation, self-improvement, culture, the moral sphere, and art. As a rule, the educational orientation of parents is influenced by the problems they encounter in everyday life. Therefore, men focus on the issues of business organization, car management, and women - effective financial management, additional education.

The financial situation of the family also affects the educational needs of parents: knowledge of moral and religious life is relevant for 3% of families whose financial situation is assessed as excellent, and for 60% of families whose financial situation is extremely difficult.

The expectations of the parents of students, as customers of educational services, are related to the interests and abilities of children, which must be satisfied in the chosen educational institution. The experience of conducting surveys and questionnaires for parents confirms that family members of students expect from the school:

  • quality primary and secondary general education;
  • comfortable conditions for free communication, extracurricular and educational activities;
  • modern material and technical base, including for obtaining computer literacy, and optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions;
  • conditions for the diagnosis and development of creative, sports and intellectual abilities of children in accordance with age characteristics through a system of circles, sections, clubs;
  • promotion of health, promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle;
  • familiarization with the general cultural values, history and culture of the country;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety standards.

Since each participant in the educational process matters in the provision of special educational needs, the role of parents and their educational expectations remains consistently high. If a educational institutions will only partially satisfy the special educational needs of children, do not fully use the potential and actual opportunities, the effectiveness of learning will decrease, and the communicative, creative and intellectual potential students with OOP will remain undiscovered. In order not to delay the development of other students, it is possible to realize special educational needs only in conditions of special education - from deep differentiated to inclusive, which will ensure the successful integration of the child into adulthood, adaptation in society.