What is the pedagogical process. Scientific electronic library. The pedagogical process as a system


Definition of the term "pedagogical process". Goals of the pedagogical process

Components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process




The pedagogical process is a complex systemic phenomenon. The high significance of the pedagogical process is due to the cultural, historical and social value of the process of growing up a person.

In this regard, it is extremely important to understand the main specific characteristics of the pedagogical process, to know what tools are needed for its most effective flow.

A lot of domestic teachers and anthropologists are engaged in the study of this issue. Among them, A.A. Reana, V.A. Slastenina, I.P. Podlasy and B.P. Barkhaev. In the works of these authors, various aspects of the pedagogical process are most fully consecrated in terms of its integrity and consistency.

The purpose of this work is to determine the main characteristics of the pedagogical process. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

analysis of the constituent components of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process;

characteristic traditional methods, forms and means of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the main functions of the pedagogical process.

1. Definition of the concept of "pedagogical process". Goals of the pedagogical process

Before discussing the specific features of the pedagogical process, we give some definitions of this phenomenon.

According to I.P. The mean pedagogical process is called "the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators" .

According to V.A. Slastenin, the pedagogical process is “a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving developmental and educational problems” .

B.P. Barkhaev sees the pedagogical process as "a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils regarding the content of education using the means of training and education in order to solve the problems of education aimed both at meeting the needs of society and the individual himself in his development and self-development" .

Analyzing these definitions, as well as related literature, we can distinguish the following characteristics of the pedagogical process:

the main subjects of interaction in the pedagogical process are both the teacher and the student;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is the formation, development, training and education of the student's personality: "Ensuring the unity of training, education and development on the basis of integrity and commonality is the main essence of the pedagogical process";

the goal is achieved through the use of special means in the course of the pedagogical process;

the purpose of the pedagogical process, as well as its achievement, are determined by the historical, social and cultural value of the pedagogical process, education as such;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is distributed in the form of tasks;

the essence of the pedagogical process can be traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process.

All this and other characteristics of the pedagogical process will be considered by us in the future in more detail.

According to I.P. The mean pedagogical process is built on the target, content, activity and result components.

The target component of the process includes the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task, and the activity component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. The effective component of the process reflects the efficiency of its course, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

Goal setting in education is a rather specific and complex process. After all, the teacher meets with living children, and the goals so well displayed on paper may differ from the real state of affairs in the educational group, class, audience. Meanwhile, the teacher must know the general goals of the pedagogical process and follow them. In understanding the goals, the principles of activity are of great importance. They allow you to expand the dry formulation of goals and adapt these goals to each teacher for himself. In this regard, the work of B.P. Barkhaev, in which he tries to display in the most complete form the basic principles in building a holistic pedagogical process. Here are the principles:

The following principles apply to the selection of educational targets:

humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

connection with life and field trip;

combining training and education with labor for the common good.

The development of means for presenting the content of education and upbringing is guided by the following principles:

scientific character;

accessibility and feasibility of teaching and educating schoolchildren;

combination of visibility and abstractness in the educational process;

aestheticization of all children's life, especially education and upbringing.

When choosing forms of organizing pedagogical interaction, it is advisable to be guided by the following principles:

teaching and educating children in a team;

continuity, consistency, systematic;

coherence of the requirements of the school, family and community.

The activity of the teacher is governed by the principles:

combination of pedagogical management with the development of initiative and independence of pupils;

reliance on the positive in a person, on strengths his personality;

respect for the personality of the child, combined with reasonable demands on him.

The participation of the students themselves in the process of education is guided by the principles of consciousness and activity of students in a holistic pedagogical process.

The choice of methods of pedagogical influence in the process of teaching and educational work guided by the principles:

combinations of direct and parallel pedagogical actions;

taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

The effectiveness of the results of pedagogical interaction is ensured by following the principles:

focus on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior;

strength and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

2. Components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

As noted above, among the goals of the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon, the processes of education, development, formation and development are distinguished. Let's try to understand the specifics of these concepts.

According to N.N. Nikitina, these processes can be defined as follows:

“Formation - 1) the process of development and formation of a personality under the influence of external and internal factors - education, training, social and natural environment, own activity of the person; 2) method and result internal organization personality as a system personality traits.

Education is a joint activity of a teacher and a student, aimed at educating a person by organizing the process of assimilation of a system of knowledge, methods of activity, experience of creative activity and experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world.

In doing so, the teacher:

) teaches - purposefully transfers knowledge, life experience, methods of activity, the foundations of culture and scientific knowledge;

) manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities;

) creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking).

On the other hand, the student:

) learns - masters the transmitted information and performs educational tasks with the help of a teacher, together with classmates or independently;

) tries to independently observe, compare, think;

) shows initiative in the search for new knowledge, additional sources of information (reference book, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

Teaching is the activity of the teacher in:

transfer of information;

organization of educational and cognitive activity of students;

assistance in case of difficulty in the process of learning;

stimulation of interest, independence and creativity of students;

assessment of students' educational achievements.

“Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the inherited and acquired properties of a person.

Education is a purposeful process of interrelated activities of teachers and pupils, aimed at shaping schoolchildren's value attitudes towards the world around them and themselves.

AT modern science“education” as a social phenomenon is understood as the transfer of historical and cultural experience from generation to generation. In doing so, the educator:

) conveys the experience accumulated by mankind;

) introduces into the world of culture;

) stimulates self-education;

) helps to understand difficult life situations and find a way out of the current situation.

On the other hand, the student:

) masters the experience of human relations and the basics of culture;

) works on himself;

) learns ways of communication and manners of behavior.

As a result, the pupil changes his understanding of the world and attitude towards people and himself.

Concretizing for yourself these definitions, you can understand the following. The pedagogical process as a complex systemic phenomenon includes all the variety of factors surrounding the process of interaction between the student and the teacher. So the process of education is associated with moral and value attitudes, training - with the categories of knowledge, skills and abilities. Formation and development here are two key and basic ways to include these factors in the system of interaction between the student and the teacher. Thus, this interaction is “filled” with content and meaning.

The goal is always related to the results of the activity. While not dwelling on the content of this activity, let's move on to the expectations from the implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. What is the image of the results of the pedagogical process? Based on the formulation of the goals, it is possible to describe the results with the words “education”, “learning”.

The criteria for assessing a person's upbringing are:

“good” as behavior for the benefit of another person (group, collective, society as a whole);

"truth" as a guide in assessing actions and deeds;

"beauty" in all forms of its manifestation and creation.

Learnability is “acquired by the student (under the influence of education and upbringing) internal readiness for various psychological restructurings and transformations in accordance with new programs and goals. further education. That is, the general ability to assimilate knowledge. The most important indicator of learning is the amount of dosed assistance that a student needs to achieve a given result. Learning is a thesaurus, or a stock of learned concepts and methods of activity. That is, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that corresponds to the norm (the expected result specified in the educational standard) ".

These are by no means the only expressions. It is important to understand not the essence of the words themselves, but the nature of their occurrence. The results of the pedagogical process are associated with a whole range of expectations for the effectiveness of this very process. Where do these expectations come from? In general terms, we can talk about cultural expectations associated with the image of an educated, developed and trained person that has developed in culture. In a more concrete way, public expectations can be discussed. They are not as general as cultural expectations and are tied to a specific understanding, order of the subjects of public life (civil society, church, business, etc.). These understandings are currently being formulated in the image of an educated, moral, aesthetically mature, physically developed, healthy, professional and hardworking person.

Important in the modern world are the expectations formulated by the state. They are concretized in the form of educational standards: “The standard of education is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal.”

It is customary to separate federal, national-regional and school educational standards.

The federal component determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space in Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

The national-regional component contains regulations in the field mother tongue and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They are within the competence of the regions and educational institutions.

Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and direction of a particular educational institution.

The federal and national-regional components of the education standard include:

requirements for the minimum necessary such training for students within the specified scope of content;

the maximum allowable amount of teaching load for schoolchildren by year of study.

The essence of the standard of general secondary education is revealed through its functions, which are diverse and closely related. Among them, the functions of social regulation, humanization of education, management, and improvement of the quality of education should be singled out.

The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from a unitary school to diversity educational systems. Its implementation implies a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of the unity of education.

The function of the humanization of education is associated with the approval of its personality-developing essence with the help of standards.

The management function is associated with the possibility of reorganizing the existing system for monitoring and evaluating the quality of learning outcomes.

State educational standards allow to carry out the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum required volume of the content of education and set the lower acceptable limit of the level of education.

pedagogical process

3. Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process

A method in education is “an ordered activity of a teacher and students aimed at achieving a given goal”].

verbal methods. The use of verbal methods in a holistic pedagogical process is carried out primarily with the help of the oral and printed word. This is explained by the fact that the word is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of organizing and managing educational cognitive activity. This group of methods includes the following methods of pedagogical interaction: a story, an explanation, a conversation, a lecture, educational discussions, disputes, work with a book, an example method.

A story is "a consistent presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form."

Great importance has a story in the organization of value-oriented activities of students. Influencing the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and norms of behavior contained in it.

Conversation as a method is "a carefully thought-out system of questions that gradually leads students to gain new knowledge."

With all the diversity of their thematic content, conversations have as their main purpose the involvement of the students themselves in the assessment of certain events, actions, phenomena of public life.

The verbal methods also include educational discussions. Situations of a cognitive dispute, with their skillful organization, attract the attention of schoolchildren to the inconsistency of the world around them, to the problem of the cognizability of the world and the truth of the results of this cognition. Therefore, in order to organize a discussion, it is necessary first of all to put forward a real contradiction in front of the students. This will allow students to intensify their creative activity and put them before the moral problem of choice.

The verbal methods of pedagogical influence also include the method of working with a book.

The ultimate goal of the method is to introduce the student to independent work with educational, scientific and fiction literature.

Practical methods in a holistic pedagogical process are the most important source of enriching schoolchildren with experience public relations and social behavior. The central place in this group of methods is occupied by exercises, i.e. systematically organized activity for repeated repetition of any actions in the interests of their consolidation in personal experience student.

Relatively independent group practical methods make up laboratory work - a method of a peculiar combination of practical actions with organized observations of students. The laboratory method makes it possible to acquire skills and abilities in handling equipment, provides excellent conditions for the formation of skills to measure and calculate, process results.

Cognitive games are “specially created situations that simulate reality, from which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process.

visual methods. The demonstration consists in sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form. This method serves mainly to reveal the dynamics of the phenomena under study, but is also widely used to get acquainted with the appearance of an object, its internal structure or location in a series of homogeneous objects.

The illustration involves the display and perception of objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image using diagrams, posters, maps, etc.

Video method. The teaching and upbringing functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of visual images. The use of the video method provides an opportunity to give students more complete and reliable information about the phenomena and processes being studied, free the teacher from part of the technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge, and establish effective feedback.

The means of the pedagogical process are divided into visual (visual), which include original objects or their various equivalents, diagrams, maps, etc.; auditory (auditory), including radio, tape recorders, musical instruments, etc., and audiovisual (visual-auditory) - sound films, television, programmed textbooks that partially automate the learning process, didactic machines, computers, etc. It is also customary to divide teaching aids into those for the teacher and those for the students. The first are objects used by the teacher to more effectively achieve the goals of education. The second is the individual means of students, school textbooks, notebooks, writing materials, etc. The number of didactic tools includes those that are associated with both the activities of the teacher and students: sports equipment, school botanical sites, computers, etc.

Training and education is always carried out within the framework of some form of organization.

All sorts of ways to organize the interaction between teachers and students have found their way into the three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process. These include: 1) individual training and education; 2) class-lesson system, 3) lecture-seminar system.

The class-lesson form of organization of the pedagogical process is considered traditional.

A lesson is such a form of organization of the pedagogical process, in which “the teacher, for a precisely set time, directs the collective cognitive and other activities of a permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the types, means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for so that all students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as for the education and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual strength of schoolchildren.

Features of the school lesson:

the lesson provides for the implementation of learning functions in the complex (educational, developing and educating);

the didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

certain organizational start and setting the objectives of the lesson;

updating the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

explanation of new material;

consolidation or repetition of what was learned in the lesson;

control and evaluation of educational achievements of students during the lesson;

summarizing the lesson;


each lesson is a link in the system of lessons;

the lesson complies with the basic principles of teaching; in it, the teacher applies a certain system of teaching methods and means to achieve the goals of the lesson;

the basis for building a lesson is the skillful use of methods, teaching aids, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of work with students and taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

I distinguish the following types of lessons:

a lesson introducing students to new material or communicating (learning) new knowledge;

a lesson in consolidating knowledge;

lessons on developing and consolidating skills and abilities;

summary lessons.

The structure of the lesson usually consists of three parts:

Organization of work (1-3 min.), 2. main part (formation, assimilation, repetition, consolidation, control, application, etc.) (35-40 min.), 3. summing up and homework (2- 3 min.).

The lesson as the main form is organically complemented by other forms of organization of the educational process. Some of them developed in parallel with the lesson, i.e. within the class-lesson system (excursion, consultation, homework, educational conferences, additional classes), others are borrowed from the lecture-seminar system and adapted to the age of students (lectures, seminars, workshops, tests, exams).


In this work, it was possible to analyze the main scientific pedagogical research, as a result of which the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process were identified. First of all, these are the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, its main components, the functions they carry, the significance for society and culture, its methods, forms and means.

The analysis showed the high importance of the pedagogical process in society and culture in general. First of all, this is reflected in the special attention on the part of society and the state to educational standards, to the requirements for the ideal images of a person projected by teachers.

The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are integrity and consistency. They are manifested in the understanding of the goals of the pedagogical process, its content and functions. So the processes of upbringing, development and training can be called a single property of the pedagogical process, its constituent components, and the basic functions of the pedagogical process are educating, teaching and educational.


1. Barkhaev B.P. Pedagogy. - M., 2001.

Bordovskaya N.N., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - M., 2000.

Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya N.V. Introduction to pedagogical activity: theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 224 p.

Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 450 p.

Slastenin V.A. etc. Pedagogy Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.


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Pedagogical process called the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, the transformation of the properties and qualities of the subjects. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is melted into personality qualities.

In the pedagogical literature of previous years, the concept of "educational process" was used. Studies have shown that this concept is narrowed and incomplete, it does not reflect the complexity of the process and, above all, its main distinguishing features- integrity and community. The main essence of the pedagogical process is to ensure the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and community.

The pedagogical process as a leading, unifying system includes subsystems embedded one into another (Fig. 3). It merged together the processes of formation, development, education and training, along with the conditions, forms and methods of their flow.

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The pedagogical process as a system is not identical to the system of its flow. The systems in which the pedagogical process takes place are the system of public education as a whole, the school, the class, the lesson, etc. Each of them functions in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural, etc. There are conditions specific to each system. For example, intra-school conditions include material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, moral and psychological, aesthetic, etc.

Structure(from lat. struktura - structure,) - this is the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of elements (components) selected according to the accepted criterion, as well as links between them. As components system in which the pedagogical process takes place, B.T. Likhachev singles out the following: a) purposeful pedagogical activity and its carrier - the teacher; b) educated; c) the content of the pedagogical process; d) an organizational and managerial complex, an organizational framework within which all pedagogical events and facts take place (the core of this complex is the forms and methods of education and training); e) pedagogical diagnostics; f) criteria for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process; g) organization of interaction with the natural and social environment.

The pedagogical process itself is characterized by goals, objectives, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and students, and the results achieved. These are the components that form the system: target, content, activity, and result.

Target the component of the process includes a variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal (comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality) to the specific tasks of forming individual qualities or their elements. Informative the component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task. Activity the component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. This component is also called organizational, organizational and activity, organizational and managerial. Productive the component of the process reflects the efficiency of its flow, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

Modern pedagogical theory presents the pedagogical process as dynamic system. The word "system" (from Gr. Systema - a whole made up of parts) means integrity, is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts. The main features of the system are: a) the presence of components that can be considered in relative isolation, without links with other processes and phenomena; b) the presence of an internal structure of connections between these components, as well as their subsystems; c) the presence of a certain level of integrity, a sign of which is that the system, due to the interaction of components, receives an integral result; d) the presence in the structure of backbone links that unite the components, like blocks, parts into a single system; e) interconnection with other systems.

A systematic vision of the pedagogical process allows you to clearly identify the components, analyze the whole variety of connections and relationships between them, and competently manage the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process as a system takes place in other systems: education, school, class, in a separate lesson, and the like. Each of these systems operates in certain external, including natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural, etc. and internal conditions, which for the school are material and technical, moral and psychological, sanitary and hygienic and other conditions. Each system has its own components. The components of the system in which the pedagogical process takes place are teachers, you and the conditions of education.

What is the structure of the pedagogical process? In educational work, the teacher sets himself the goal of education. In order to achieve it, he concretizes his actions, that is, he defines tasks; for the implementation of tasks applies appropriate pedagogical tools. If, at the same time, regular connections and conditions are sufficiently taken into account, then cooperation is established between the teacher and pupils, the teacher causes and organizes the active activity of students aimed at assimilation of human experience, achieves a certain progress in individual development in relation to the goal of education, potentially manifests itself in results education.

Pedagogical means in a broad sense include: the content to be mastered; methods and organizational forms of education, with the help of which the teacher causes active activity of pupils, establishes relationships, organizes the process.

So, the pedagogical process is characterized by: purpose, tasks, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and pupils, the results achieved(Fig. 6).

Usually, this is the target, content, activity, and resultant components that form the system. Target the component of the process contains the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of certain qualities or their elements. meaningful the component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task; content to be learned. The activity component provides for the interaction of teachers and pupils, their cooperation, organization and management of the process. Productive the component of the process characterizes the progress made in relation to the set goal.

The second important feature of the pedagogical process as a system is the presence in it of an internal structure of connections between the components and their subsystems.

Integrity of the pedagogical process

For the purpose of scientific analysis and characteristics of the pedagogical process, we are talking about this process in general. In fact, the teacher deals with the learning process, many educational processes (moral education, labor, environmental, etc.), the processes of development of individual characteristics of students (abilities, inclinations, interests, etc.). For example, the development of cognitive, labor, heuristic, inventive and other abilities of schoolchildren, which for many years has been successfully carried out by the well-known innovative teacher from Reutov near Moscow, I. P. Volkov, in specialized creative lessons and in extracurricular activities.

The pedagogical process is not a mechanical combination of these processes, but a new high-quality education in which all the constituent processes are subject to a single goal. The complex dialectic of relations in the middle of the pedagogical process consists in the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

The specificity of the processes is due to their dominant functions. The learning process mainly affects the intellectual sphere of the individual, directly forms Her consciousness. Therefore, it makes a special contribution to the learning function. The process of education is addressed primarily to the attitudes, actions and emotions of the individual. It mainly affects the motivational and activity behavioral sphere. In this regard, its dominant function is the function educational.

Each of the processes in a holistic pedagogical process also performs related functions. Thus, the learning process carries out not only educational, but also educational and developmental functions; the process of education - educational and developing. Specially built processes for the development of students' abilities and inclinations significantly affect the expansion and deepening of their knowledge, skills, and the formation of attitudes to the relevant types of activities, behavior. That is, they perform the corresponding educational and educational functions. This nature of interrelations is reflected in the purpose, tasks, content, forms and methods of organically inseparable processes. For example, the content of education is dominated by the formation of scientific ideas, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently have a significant impact on the development of thinking, the formation of a scientific worldview. The content of education is dominated by the formation of value orientations, the experience of relations to the surrounding reality and oneself, motives, methods and rules of socially significant behavior and activity. At the same time, the content of education develops students' ideas, contributes to the formation of knowledge and skills, stimulates interest in learning, their activity in learning.

Methods (paths) of training and education differ in emphasis: if training uses mainly methods of influencing the intellectual sphere, then education, I do not exclude them, uses methods that affect the motivational and activity-behavioral sphere. At the same time, the methods of training and education are interconnected. It is impossible to form any quality of personality, and not by teaching students to master the norms of social behavior, and not by stimulating their teachings.

So, all the components of the pedagogical process, thanks to the interconnections, create a new high-quality education, which is characterized by integrity. It is the integrity of the pedagogical process that provides the conditions for the implementation main goal education - a full-fledged comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

Education is a pedagogical process of moving towards a given goal through subjective-objective actions of teachers and trainees. The formation of a person as a person, his formation in accordance with the social ideal is unthinkable outside the pedagogical process (the concept of "educational process" is used as a synonym).

Pedagogical process - this is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils, aimed at solving educational, educational and developmental tasks. In other words, the pedagogical process is understood as a holistic process of the implementation of education in the broad sense by ensuring the unity of education, education (in its narrow special sense).

In its essence, the pedagogical process is a social process. The social order of society is expressed in the main goal of the pedagogical process - to ensure the comprehensive preparation of people for the successful solution of the tasks assigned to them. In the pedagogical process, the transfer and active assimilation of social experience take place, carried out through purposefully organized activities (educational-cognitive, gaming, industrial, artistic and creative, etc.), through communication between educators and educatees, systematic influence on the consciousness, will and emotions of the latter.

The determining components of the pedagogical process are the processes of education and upbringing, which determine the internal processes of changing education, upbringing and personal development. In turn, the processes of education and upbringing consist of certain interconnected processes: the process of education - from teaching and learning, the process of education - from educational interactions and the resulting process of self-education.

Main functions of the pedagogical process are:

  • a) informational (education of pupils);
  • b) educational (personal change of pupils);
  • c) developing (comprehensive development of pupils);
  • d) axiological (value orientation of pupils, the formation of their attitudes towards objects and phenomena);
  • e) social adaptation (adaptation of pupils to life in real conditions).

The structure of the pedagogical process considered from two positions: the subject composition (participants in the pedagogical process) and the procedural composition.

The subjects of the pedagogical process are pupils and educators, whose composition is very diverse: pupils - from preschoolers to the elderly and old people; educators - from parents, professional teachers to means mass media, customs, religion, language, nature, etc. The interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process has as its ultimate goal the appropriation by pupils of the diverse experience accumulated by mankind.

In the procedural structure of the pedagogical process, the following components are distinguished:

  • target (determining the goals of training and education). The goal, understood as a multilevel phenomenon, acts as a system-forming factor in the pedagogical process;
  • meaningful (development of the content of education). The content reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task;
  • operational and activity (establishment of procedures for training, education and interaction of participants in the process, organization of the activities of teachers and educators in accordance with certain principles, the use of means, forms, methods of work to achieve the goal);
  • emotional and motivational (the formation and development of positive motives for the activities of educators and pupils, the establishment of positive emotional relations between the participants in the process);
  • control and evaluation (monitoring the progress and results of the pedagogical process at all levels, assessment and self-assessment of the formation personal qualities);
  • productive (the effectiveness of the course of the pedagogical process, progress in achieving the goal).

The pedagogical process is not just a combination of subjective and procedural composition, but a complex dynamically developing system, a holistic education that has new qualitative characteristics that are not contained in its constituent components. A holistic pedagogical process is characterized by both the internal unity of its constituent components, their harmonious interaction, and movement, overcoming contradictions, and the formation of a new quality. The progressive movement of the pedagogical process is carried out as a result of a scientifically based resolution of objective and subjective (resulting from erroneous pedagogical decisions) pedagogical contradictions, which are driving force, the source of functioning and development of the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process has its own special patterns. Patterns of the pedagogical process - these are objectively existing, repetitive, stable, essential connections between phenomena, individual aspects of the pedagogical process.

Among general patterns of the pedagogical process, I. P. Podlasy identifies the following:

  • 1) the dynamics of the pedagogical process. In the pedagogical process, the magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes at the previous stage. The higher the previous achievements, the more significant the final result. This means that the pedagogical process as a developing interaction between teachers and educators has a gradual, "step-by-step" character. This pattern is a manifestation of the consequence of the law: that student has higher overall achievements, who has higher intermediate results;
  • 2) personal development in the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process contributes to the development of the individual. The pace and the achieved level of personal development depend on heredity, educational and learning environment, inclusion in teaching and educational activities, the means and methods of pedagogical influence used;
  • 3) management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on the intensity of feedback between educators and teachers, the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on educatees;
  • 4) stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on the action of internal incentives (motives) of educational activities, the intensity, nature and timeliness of external (social, pedagogical, moral, material and other) incentives;
  • 5) the unity of the sensory, logical and practical in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the intensity and quality of sensory perception, logical comprehension of the perceived, practical application of the meaningful;
  • 6) the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends both on the quality of pedagogical activity and on the quality of the students' own educational and cognitive activity;
  • 7) conditionality of the pedagogical process. The course and results of the educational process depend on the needs of society and the individual, the possibilities (material, technical, economic, etc.) of the individual and society, the conditions of the process (moral-psychological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

From these and other regularities follow principles of the pedagogical process - initial, leading requirements for training and education, specified in a number of rules, recommendations. (The principles of training and education will be discussed in the relevant sections.)

In any pedagogical process, there are stages, those. certain sequence of development. The main stages of the pedagogical process are the following:

  • preparation pedagogical process (preparatory);
  • implementation pedagogical process (main);
  • analysis of results pedagogical process (final).


In order for human society to develop, it must pass on its social experience to new generations.

The transfer of social experience can occur in different ways. In primitive society, this was carried out mainly through imitation, repetition, copying of the behavior of adults. In the Middle Ages, such transmission was carried out most often through memorization of texts.

Over time, humanity has come to believe that rote repetition or memorization is not the most better ways to convey social experience. The greatest effect is achieved with the active participation of the person himself in this process, when included in his creative activity aimed at understanding, mastering and transforming the surrounding reality.

Modern life has put forward a whole range of requirements for a person that determine the range of tasks and several fundamental directions for their implementation. I will name the most significant of them:

  • tasks of mental development, involve the assimilation by children of knowledge, skills and abilities common to all, ensuring both mental development and forming in them the ability of active independent thinking and creativity in social and industrial activities;
  • tasks of emotional development, which includes the formation in children of an ideological-emotional, aesthetic attitude to art and reality;
  • tasks of moral development, focused on the assimilation by pupils of simple norms of universal morality, habits of moral behavior, on the development of moral will, freedom in a child moral choice and responsible behavior in life relationships;
  • the tasks of physical development aimed at strengthening and developing the physical strength of children, which are the material basis of their vitality and spiritual existence.
  • tasks of individual-personal development, which requires the identification and development of natural talents in each child with the help of differentiation and individualization of learning and perception processes;
  • tasks of culturological education based on the highest values ​​of world artistic culture, opposing the destructive development of mass anti and pseudo-culture.

The active implementation of these tactical goals will make it possible to realistically and effectively solve strategic tasks, to carry out the comprehensive development of the individual - the general goal of a holistic pedagogical process.

1. Pedagogical process as an integral system

The pedagogical process is the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is transformed into the qualities of a formed person (personality). This process is not a mechanical connection of the processes of education, training and development, but a new high-quality education. Integrity, commonality and unity are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process.

In pedagogical science, there is still no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In the general philosophical understanding, integrity is interpreted as the internal unity of an object, its relative autonomy, independence from environment; on the other hand, integrity is understood as the unity of all components included in the pedagogical process. Integrity is an objective, but not permanent property of them. Integrity can arise at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear at another. This is typical for both pedagogical science and practice. The integrity of pedagogical objects, of which the most significant and complex is the educational process, is built purposefully.

The pedagogical process is a holistic process

What is meant by integrity?


in extracurricular activities;

Educational ( manifests itself in everything):


The pedagogical process has a number of properties.

The structure of the pedagogical process.

Stimulus-motivational. The pedagogical process is a holistic process.

The pedagogical process is a holistic educational process of the unity and interconnection of education and training, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the individual.

What is meant by integrity?

In pedagogical science, there is still no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In the general philosophical understanding, integrity is interpreted as the internal unity of an object, its relative autonomy, independence from the environment; on the other hand, integrity is understood as the unity of all components included in the pedagogical process. Integrity is an objective, but not permanent property of them. Integrity can arise at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear at another. This is typical for both pedagogical science and practice. The integrity of pedagogical objects is built purposefully.

The components of a holistic pedagogical process are the processes of education, training, development.

Thus, the integrity of the pedagogical process means the subordination of all the processes forming it to the main and single goal - the comprehensive, harmonious and holistic development of the individual.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is manifested:

In the unity of the processes of training, education and development;

In the subordination of these processes;

In the presence of a general preservation of the specifics of these processes.

The pedagogical process is a multifunctional process.

The functions of the pedagogical process are: educational, educational, developing.


implemented primarily in the learning process;

in extracurricular activities;

in institutions additional education.

Educational (manifested in everything):

in the educational space in which the process of interaction between the teacher and the pupil takes place;

in the personality and professionalism of the teacher;

in curricula and programs, forms, methods and means used in the educational process.


Development in the process of education is expressed in qualitative changes in a person's mental activity, in the formation of new qualities, new skills.

The pedagogical process has a number of properties

The properties of the pedagogical process are:

a holistic pedagogical process enhances its constituent processes;

a holistic pedagogical process creates opportunities for the penetration of teaching and upbringing methods;

a holistic pedagogical process leads to the merging of pedagogical and student teams into a single school-wide team.

The structure of the pedagogical process

Structure - the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of components selected according to a certain criterion, as well as the links between them.

The structure of the pedagogical process consists of the following components:

Stimulus-motivational - the teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes their needs and motives for educational and cognitive activity;

The teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes their needs and motives for educational and cognitive activity;

This component is characterized by:

emotional relations between its subjects (educators-pupils, pupils-pupils, educators-educators, educators-parents, parents-parents);

the motives of their activities (the motives of pupils);

the formation of motives in the right direction, the excitation of socially valuable and personally significant motives, which largely determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

Target - awareness by the teacher and acceptance by students of the goal, objectives of educational and cognitive activity;

This component includes the whole variety of goals, tasks of pedagogical activity from the general goal - "all-round harmonious development of the personality" to specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities.

Associated with the development and selection of educational content.

Operational-effective - most fully reflects the procedural side of the educational process (methods, techniques, means, forms of organization);

It characterizes the interaction of teachers and children, is associated with the organization and management of the process.

Means and methods, depending on the characteristics of educational situations, are formed into certain forms of joint activity of educators and pupils. This is how the desired goals are achieved.

Control and regulatory - includes a combination of self-control and control by the teacher;

Reflective - introspection, self-assessment, taking into account the assessment of others and determining the further level of one's own learning activities students and pedagogical activity of the teacher.

The principle of integrity is the basis of the pedagogical process

So, integrity is a natural property of the educational process. It objectively exists, since there is a school in society, a learning process. For example, for the learning process, taken in an abstract sense, such characteristics of integrity are the unity of teaching and learning. And for real pedagogical practice - the unity of educational, developmental and educational functions. But each of these processes also performs accompanying functions in a holistic educational process: education carries out not only educational, but also developing and educational function and learning is unthinkable without the accompanying upbringing and development. These connections leave an imprint on the goals, objectives, forms and methods of formation of the educational process. So, for example, in the learning process, the formation of scientific ideas, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently have a great influence on both the development and upbringing of the individual, are pursued. The content of education is dominated by the formation of beliefs, norms, rules and ideals, value orientations, etc., but at the same time, representations of knowledge and skills are formed. Thus, both processes lead to the main goal - the formation of personality, but each of them contributes to the achievement of this goal by its inherent means. In practice, this principle is implemented by a set of lesson tasks, the content of training, i.e. activities of teachers and students, a combination various forms, methods and teaching aids.

In pedagogical practice, as in pedagogical theory, the integrity of the learning process, as the complexity of its tasks and means of their implementation, is expressed in determining the correct balance of knowledge, skills and abilities, in coordinating the process of learning and development, in combining knowledge, skills and abilities in a unified system of ideas about the world and ways to change it.

2. Patterns of the pedagogical process

Every science has as its task the discovery and study of laws and regularities in its field. The essence of phenomena is expressed in laws and patterns, they reflect essential connections and relationships.

To identify the patterns of a holistic pedagogical process, it is necessary to analyze the following relationships:

connections of the pedagogical process with broader social processes and conditions;

connections within the pedagogical process;

links between the processes of training, education, upbringing and development;

between the processes of pedagogical guidance and amateur performance of educatees;

between the processes of educational influences of all subjects of education (educators, children's organizations, families, the public, etc.);

connections between tasks, content, methods, means and forms of organization of the pedagogical process.

From the analysis of all these types of connections, the following patterns of the pedagogical process follow:

The law of social conditionality of goals, content and methods of the pedagogical process. It reveals the objective process of the determining influence of social relations, the social system on the formation of all elements of education and training. It is a question of using this law to fully and optimally transfer the social order to the level of pedagogical means and methods.

The law of interdependence of training, education and activities of students. It reveals the relationship between pedagogical guidance and the development of students' own activity, between the ways of organizing learning and its results.

The law of integrity and unity of the pedagogical process. It reveals the ratio of the part and the whole in the pedagogical process, necessitates the unity of the rational, emotional, reporting and search, content, operational and motivational components in learning.

The law of unity and interconnection of theory and practice.

The regularity of the dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes in the previous step. This means that the pedagogical process, as a developing interaction between the teacher and the student, has a gradual character. The higher the intermediate movements, the more significant the final result: a student with higher intermediate results also has higher overall achievements.

The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and level of personal development achieved depend on:

1) heredity;

2) educational and learning environment;

3) the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.

The pattern of management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on:

the intensity of feedback between the student and teachers;

the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on students.

Pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on:

actions of internal incentives (motives) of pedagogical activity;

intensity, nature and timeliness of external (social, moral, material and other) incentives.

The regularity of the unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the intensity and quality of sensory perception;

2) logical understanding of the perceived; practical application of the meaningful.

The regularity of the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. From this point of view, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

quality of pedagogical activity;

the quality of the students' own educational and upbringing activities.

The regularity of the conditionality of the pedagogical process. The course and results of the pedagogical process depend on:

the needs of society and the individual;

opportunities (material, technical, economic and others) of society;

conditions of the process (moral-psychological, aesthetic and others).

Many learning patterns are discovered empirically, and thus learning can be built on the basis of experience. However, the construction of effective learning systems, the complication of the learning process with the inclusion of new didactic tools requires theoretical knowledge of the laws by which the learning process proceeds.

External regularities of the learning process and internal ones are distinguished. The first (described above) characterize the dependence on external processes and conditions: the socio-economic, political situation, the level of culture, the needs of society in a certain type of personality and the level of education.

Internal patterns include links between the components of the pedagogical process. Between goals, content, methods, means, forms. In other words, it is the relationship between teaching, learning and the material studied. Quite a lot of such regularities have been established in pedagogical science, most of them are valid only when the mandatory conditions for learning are created. I will name some of them, while continuing the numbering:

There is a natural connection between teaching and upbringing: the teaching activity of a teacher is predominantly educational in nature. Its educational impact depends on a number of conditions in which the pedagogical process takes place.

Another pattern suggests that there is a relationship between the interaction between the teacher and the student and the learning outcome. According to this provision, training cannot take place if there is no interdependent activity of the participants in the learning process, there is no unity between them. A private, more concrete manifestation of this regularity is the relationship between the activity of the student and the results of learning: the more intense, the more conscious the educational and cognitive activity of the student, the higher the quality of education. A particular expression of this pattern is the correspondence between the goals of the teacher and students, with a mismatch of goals, the effectiveness of learning is significantly reduced.

Only the interaction of all components of training will ensure the achievement of results corresponding to the goals set.

In the last pattern, as it were, all the previous ones are connected into a system. If the teacher correctly chooses tasks, content, methods of stimulation, organization of the pedagogical process, takes into account the existing conditions and takes measures to improve them, then lasting, conscious and effective results will be achieved.

The patterns described above find their concrete expression in the principles of the pedagogical process.

3. The concepts of educational space and educational system

Social space of the educational process. Any phenomenon of life unfolds in space, and for each accomplishment there is its corresponding space.

The educational process as a socio-psychological phenomenon is constructed, located and developed in a well-defined society, which has its own spatial framework.

In turn, society is located in a geographic space that has a great influence on the physical, mental well-being of people, which means that when speaking about social space, one should not forget about space in general as a certain extent of objects.

The practice of school education freely uses the specific characteristics of natural space: for children living near the sea, school life is connected with the sea life; children live with the sea; schoolchildren born in the steppe have a slightly different content of life: they live in the steppe, interact with the steppe, master, assimilate and appropriate the steppe as vital; urban children, growing up in the stone bags of modern architecture, perceive the world through the prism of urbanization and have a different state of health from a child living in the bosom of nature.

Social space is the extent of social relations that daily unfold in front of the child either in the form of words, actions, deeds of people, or in a certain way of things, interior, architectural ensemble, transport, apparatus and other things.

The multicoloredness of social relations contains historical experience, fixed in traditions, material values, art, morality, science; includes the achievements of human culture, reflected in the forms of behavior, clothing, achievements of civilization, works of individual creativity, lifestyle; stores in itself a real reversal of new relations that are taking shape in the present. And all this overflow of social relations of this moment, which is important for the growing and entering the world personality, creates a social situation for the development of the child. For each child, this situation of development has its own individual version, containing in its special combination universal, cultural, historical, national, family, group elements, and unfolds before the child as a microenvironment, and for the child himself as the only possible and only the existing environment as a characteristic of the life into which it enters.

3.1 Educational system

Many scientists, both here and abroad, have come to the conclusion that upbringing is a special area and cannot be considered as a supplement to training and education. The presentation of upbringing as part of the structure of education belittles its role and does not correspond to the realities of the social practice of spiritual life. The tasks of training and education cannot be effectively solved without the teacher entering the sphere of education. In this connection modern school regarded as a complex system in which education and training act as the most important constituent elements of its pedagogical system.

The pedagogical system of the school is a purposeful, self-organizing system, in which the main goal is the inclusion of the younger generations in the life of society, their development as creative, active individuals who master the culture of society. This goal is realized at all stages of the functioning of the pedagogical system of the school, in its didactic and educational subsystems, as well as in the field of professional and free communication of all participants in the educational process.

The theoretical concept is implemented in three interconnected, interpenetrating, interdependent subsystems: educational, didactic and communication, which, developing, in turn, influence the theoretical concept. Pedagogical communication as a way of interaction between teachers and pupils acts as a connecting component of the pedagogical system of the school. This role of communication in the structure of the pedagogical system is due to the fact that its effectiveness depends on the relationship that develops between adults and children (relations of cooperation and humanism, common care and trust, attention to everyone) in the course of joint activities.

The educational system is a holistic social organism that functions under the condition of the interaction of the main components of education (subjects, goals, content and methods of activity, relationships) and has such integrative characteristics as the lifestyle of the team, its psychological climate

3.2 Education in Russia and global development trends

under the system general education refers to the totality of institutions of preschool education, general education schools, boarding schools, orphanages, institutions for educational work with children, as well as all institutions high school and secondary vocational education.

The principles of building the education system in Russia are as follows:

1. Connection of education with specific conditions and goals public policy during the transition to a market economy. Using traditional General requirements imposed on the school, additional adjustments are made to the content of education, the organizational and managerial structure of the entire education system, the conditions for its financing, the rights and guarantees of citizens to receive education.

2. Preservation of the basic provisions that have developed in Russian school, namely: the priority of the educational sphere, the secular nature of education, joint training and education of both sexes, a combination of collective, group and individual forms of the educational process.

3. Professional self-determination of young people, taking into account social needs, regional, national and general cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, as well as the abilities, national and individual characteristics of young people.

4. The diversity of educational institutions, the diversity of forms of education in state and non-state educational institutions with and without interruption of production.

5. The democratic nature of the education system, the choice by students of the type of educational institution and educational program in accordance with their cognitive needs and social interests.

Trends in the world development of education. These features and trends are very branched and diverse, but one way or another they are reflected in the development of the education system in most countries of the world. The most significant of them are the following:

a) The growing interest of society in involving the population in more high level education as a prerequisite for social and moral progress.

b) Expansion of the network of state secondary general education and vocational schools, as well as higher educational institutions that provide free education. In the US, for example, 90% of schools are public. This opens up the opportunity to receive the necessary education for all interested citizens, regardless of their property status.

c) The trend of paying for education continues to persist in private secondary general education and vocational schools, as well as in individual higher education institutions. educational institutions. In the US, tuition fees private school is from 7 to 10 thousand dollars a year, the payment for education in kindergarten from 40 to 500 dollars per month. In elite universities, it reaches 17-20 thousand dollars a year, which makes many students earn money for their maintenance and work.

d) Financing of the education system at the expense of the state budget is increasing. In the USA, for example, 12% of funds are allocated from the federal budget for the needs of education. In other countries, this percentage is much lower, which, of course, cannot but affect school education and hinders the growth of the quality of teaching and educational work.

e) Raising funds for the needs of education and schools from various sources. In the United States, 10% of funds allocated for the development of secondary education are federal government spending, 50% state government and 40% comes from private property taxes.

f) Expansion of the principle of municipal leadership of the school. The US federal government provides equal opportunity to all schools, providing financial and technical assistance, but does not direct or control their activities.

g) Expansion of different types of schools and their structural diversity. This trend is based on the fact that students have different inclinations and abilities, which are quite clearly defined at later stages of schooling. Naturally, it would be impractical for everyone to go through the same programs equally. Here, the characteristics of the region in which the school is located, as well as the needs of local production, matter. That is why in most countries of the world there is an extensive network of schools various types with a peculiar internal structure.

h) The division of the subjects studied into compulsory and subjects studied at the choice of the students themselves. In many US schools in grades IX-XII, two subjects are compulsory English language and physical education. So, in the Newton Nore school, students are offered about 90 subjects to choose from.

i) The combination of school activities with independent work students in libraries and classrooms. At the aforementioned Newton Nore school, classes per week are 22 hours (on Saturdays, classes are not held at the school). This allows students to work in the library for 1-2 hours daily, independently acquire or deepen their knowledge.

j) Continuity of educational institutions and continuity of education. This trend is increasingly making its way. It is due to the fact that the rapid development of science and technology, fundamental improvements in production technology, the emergence of its new industries require producers to have deeper knowledge, to master new scientific achievements and continuous professional development.

4. Priority directions for the development of pedagogical science in modern conditions

School - social institution, a public-state system (see the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" 1992), designed to satisfy the educational needs of society, the individual and the state. The school is the cradle of the people. The social order given to public education is unequivocal: to educate a creative, enterprising, independent person who actively participates in all public and state affairs.

Today the school is in a very problematic situation. If we proceed from the postulate that the teacher must "transfer" to the children knowledge, cultural norms, i.e. to use the "event" pedagogy of education, then this is a manifestation of terry authoritarianism. But another slogan "children on their own" is also meaningless. Children, left without the guiding activity of teachers, will either by inertia reproduce the dogmas developed by authoritarian pedagogy, or they will develop various forms of protest, indifference to teaching. This is the pedagogical interpretation of the situation. We need new guidelines so that the school does not go by the method of "trial and error", we need recommendations developed on the basis of scientific basis helping to learn democracy already at school, a new didactic system is needed.

The democratization of society determines the democratization of the school. The democratization of the school is the goal, means and guarantee of the irreversibility of renewal, the transformation of the school, which should affect all aspects of school life. Democratization is a turn towards a person whose name is a schoolboy. Democratization is the overcoming of formalism, bureaucracy in the pedagogical process.

This is a humanistic idea of ​​cooperative activities of children and adults based on mutual understanding, penetration into each other's spiritual world, collective analysis of the course and results of this activity, which is essentially aimed at the development of the individual.

The humanization of the democratic system means that the goal of the educational process is becoming more and more complete satisfaction of the cognitive and spiritual needs of students, that the nature and content of the educational work of schoolchildren are humanized, and the opportunities for the participation of all schoolchildren, together with teachers, in managing all school affairs are expanding. Thanks to this, the entire life of the school, all the content of the activities of teachers and students is put at the service of the student. More and more favorable conditions are being created for the harmonious development of the individual. The student acts as a subject of various, internally interconnected types of activity and, above all, educational, playful, socially useful, labor. The practice of the work of innovative teachers and the results of scientific research of didactic scientists show that this contributes to the development of the desire and ability to learn in schoolchildren, the formation of their abilities and responsibility in mastering knowledge, and the fulfillment of socially significant assignments at school and outside it. In the school community, trusting relationships between teachers and students are being strengthened. Everyone's exactingness to their duties, intolerance to shortcomings is increasing: for teachers, this gives rise to joy and pride in the results of their work, the desire to make it even more fruitful; in students it strengthens the sense of independence, confidence in their abilities to solve problems that arise in the learning process in any educational and life situation. And this is due to the fact that the priorities in the current school are not programs, not academic subjects that need to be passed, not rules, formulas, dates, events that need to be remembered, but a child, a student, his intellectual, spiritual and physical development. These priorities should be concretely manifested in students' interest in knowledge, in their social activity, in diagnosing their abilities, in creating conditions for free choice profession, in the protection of the rights of the child. This is the essence of student-centered learning.

The school rests on the joint interrelated activities of students and teachers, focused on achieving certain goals. At the same time, the main face of the transformation of school life is the teacher, but not in the Hegelian understanding of his mission, but a creative teacher, standing on the position of humanistic pedagogy.

School is the origin community development, an institution of education and development, and not a system where they learn and acquire knowledge. The teacher should not so much convey information or advise students according to their spontaneously arising interests in something, but rather organize the learning process. It is no secret that some lessons are held with the full activity of students who help the teacher with their answers, while in other lessons the same students are seized with numbness, fear, negative reactions to the teacher's behavior sometimes reign there. There is no knowledge in such lessons. The style of the teacher's activity, his nature of communication with students completely changes the activity of schoolchildren.

In the pedagogical leadership, two polar, diametrically opposed styles of teachers' work are distinguished: authoritarian and democratic. The predominance of one or the other in communication in the lesson predetermines the essence, the nature of this or that didactic system.

The joint interconnected activity of students and teachers, built on democratic principles, was shown to us by innovative teachers who managed to help students realize the promising goals of learning, make the learning process desirable for children, joyful, build it on the basis of the development of their cognitive interests, the formation of ideological and moral qualities. A clear construction of educational material, the selection of supports and reference signals, the concentration of material in large blocks, the creation of a highly intellectual background are ways to organize successful educational and cognitive activity of students, with the help of which they achieve learning without coercion. The relevance of these and similar approaches of innovative teachers and didactic scientists is great because now, as a result of the inept organization of the educational process, the sparks of knowledge in the eyes of our students are extinguished. What kind of cognitive interest can we talk about if, for 10 thousand lessons in his school life, the student knows that the same thing awaits him day after day: checking homework, questioning the previously studied will be followed by a dose of the new, then fixing it and homework. Moreover, in the presence of the whole class at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will "torture" with his questions one or two children who do not always have an idea of ​​what the teacher wants from them. For some guys, such minutes equate to stressful situations, for others - an opportunity to assert themselves, for others, to gloat over the torment of their comrades.

Such are the features of the practice of teaching in the pre-reform and newly reconstructed schools. Note that if an atmosphere of trust, kindness, peace of mind, mutual understanding, communication is created at the lesson, then in the process of such a lesson a person will not only learn new material but also to develop and enrich moral values.

4.1 Education as a pedagogical process

Note that since education as a subject of pedagogy is a pedagogical process, the phrases “educational process” and “pedagogical process” will be synonymous. In its first approximation to the definition, the pedagogical process is a movement from the goals of education to its results by ensuring the unity of education and upbringing. Its essential characteristic, therefore, is integrity as the internal unity of its components, their relative autonomy.

Consideration of the pedagogical process as an integrity is possible from the standpoint of a systematic approach, which allows us to see in it, first of all, a system - a pedagogical system (Yu.K. Babansky).

The pedagogical system should be understood as a set of interconnected structural components united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process, therefore, is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils (pedagogical interaction) regarding the content of education using the means of training and education (pedagogical means) in order to solve the problems of education aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself. in its development and self-development.

Any process is a successive change from one state to another. In the pedagogical process, it is the result of pedagogical interaction. That is why pedagogical interaction is an essential characteristic of the pedagogical process. It, unlike any other interaction, is a deliberate contact (long or temporary) between the teacher and pupils (pupil), which results in mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships.

Pedagogical interaction includes in unity the pedagogical influence, its active perception and assimilation by the pupil and the latter's own activity, manifested in the response of direct or indirect influences on the teacher and on himself (self-education).

Such an understanding of pedagogical interaction makes it possible to distinguish in the structure of both the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system two most important components of teachers and pupils, who are their most active elements. The activity of the participants in pedagogical interaction allows us to speak of them as subjects of the pedagogical process, influencing its course and results.

The traditional approach identifies the pedagogical process with the activity of a teacher, pedagogical activity is a special type of social (professional) activity aimed at realizing the goals of education: the transfer from older generations to younger generations of culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing for the implementation of certain social roles in society.

The purpose of education as a set of society's requirements in the field of spiritual reproduction, as a social order, is a determinant (prerequisite) for the emergence of pedagogical systems. Within the framework of these systems, it becomes an immanent (intrinsic) characteristic of the content of education. In it, it is pedagogically interpreted in connection with taking into account, for example, the age of pupils, the level of their personal development and the development of the team, etc. It is explicitly and implicitly present in the means, and in the teacher and pupils, the goal of education functions at the level of its awareness and manifestation in activity.

Thus, the goal, being an expression of the order of society and interpreted in pedagogical terms, acts as a backbone factor, and not an element of the pedagogical system, i.e. a force external to it. The pedagogical system is created with a goal orientation. The methods (mechanisms) of the functioning of the pedagogical system in the pedagogical process are training and education, from pedagogical instrumentation, which depend on those internal changes that occur both in the pedagogical system, and in its subjects - teachers and pupils.

4.2 Correlation between pedagogical science and pedagogical practice in the social space

Today, no one questions the scientific status of pedagogy. The dispute moved into the plane of the relationship between science and pedagogical practice. The real achievements of educators turn out to be too ambiguous: in one case they are due to deep knowledge and skillful application of pedagogical theory, in the other case, success is brought by the high personal skill of the teacher, the art of pedagogical influence, flair and intuition. In recent decades, the inconsistency between school practice and pedagogical science has been especially acute. The latter was particularly reprimanded for not supplying the practice with progressive recommendations, out of touch with life, and not keeping up with fast-moving processes. The teacher stopped believing in science, there was an alienation of practice from theory.

The question is very serious. It seems that we have begun to forget that the true skill of a teacher, the high art of education, is based on scientific knowledge. If anyone could achieve high results without knowledge of pedagogical theory, this would mean the uselessness of the latter. But that doesn't happen. Some bridge over a stream or a simple hut can be built without special engineering knowledge, but modern buildings cannot be built without them. So it is in pedagogy. The more complex tasks the educator has to solve, the higher the level of his pedagogical culture should be.

But the development of pedagogical science does not automatically ensure the quality of education. It is necessary that theory be melted into practical technologies. So far, the convergence of science and practice is not going fast enough: according to experts, the gap between theory and practice is 5-10 years.

Pedagogy is rapidly progressing, justifying its definition as the most dialectical, changeable science. In recent decades, tangible progress has been made in a number of its areas, primarily in the development of new learning technologies. There has been progress in the creation of more advanced methods of education, technologies of self-education and self-education. In school practice, new scientific developments are used. Research and production complexes, author's schools, experimental sites - all these are significant milestones on the path of positive change.

Many theorists of pedagogy, following the principles of classification of sciences established by the German philosophers Windelband and Rickert, refer pedagogy to the so-called normative sciences. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the regularities known by pedagogy. Until recently, they were and in many ways still remain broad conclusions expressing general trends in the development of pedagogical processes. This makes it difficult to use them for specific forecasting, the course of the process and its future results can only be predicted in the most general terms. The conclusions of pedagogy are characterized by great variability and uncertainty. In many cases, it only sets the norm (“the teacher must, the school must, the student must”), but does not provide scientific support for the achievement of this norm.

It is not difficult to understand why the issue of the relationship between science and pedagogical skills is not removed from the agenda. Norms, even established on the basis of an analysis of the essence of pedagogical phenomena, are only abstract truths. Only a thinking teacher can fill them with living meaning.

The question of the level of theorization of pedagogy, i.e., of the limit at which it still does not lose sight of a person, but also does not rise too high in abstractions, turning into a collection of “dead”, “deserted” schemes, is very relevant. Attempts to divide pedagogy into theoretical and normative (practical) dates back to the last century. “As far as means are concerned,” we read in one pre-revolutionary monograph, “pedagogy is a theoretical science, since its means lie in the knowledge of the laws to which the physical and spiritual nature of man is subject; as far as goals are concerned, pedagogy is a practical science.

In the course of the ongoing discussion about the status of pedagogy, various approaches have been proposed to the analysis and structuring of the knowledge accumulated by science, to assessing their level and the degree of maturity of science itself. It is important for us that the majority of researchers around the world consider it justified and legitimate to single out theoretical pedagogy from the vast field of pedagogical knowledge, which contains basic scientific knowledge about the patterns and laws of upbringing, education, and training. The main components of the system of scientific pedagogy are also axioms and principles. Through specific recommendations and rules, theory is connected with practice.

5. The pedagogical process of the moral culture of the individual in the social space

In the process of educating a personality, the formation of its morality is of exceptional importance. The fact is that people, being members social system and being in a multitude of public and personal ties with each other, they must be organized in a certain way and, to one degree or another, coordinate their activities with other members of the community, obey certain norms, rules and requirements. That is why in every society a wide variety of means are developed, the function of which is to regulate human behavior in all spheres of his life and activity - at work and at home, in the family and in relations with other people, in politics and science, in civic manifestations, games and etc. Such a regulatory function, in particular, is performed by legal norms and various decrees of state bodies, production and administrative rules at enterprises and institutions, charters and instructions, instructions and orders of officials, and, finally, morality.

There are significant differences in how various legal norms, laws, administrative rules and instructions of officials, on the one hand, and morality, on the other, influence people's behavior. Legal and administrative norms and rules are binding, and a person bears legal or administrative responsibility for their violation. Violated, for example, a person this or that law, was late for work or did not follow the relevant official instructions - bear legal or administrative responsibility. Even special bodies have been created in society (court, prosecutor's office, police, various inspections, commissions, etc.) that monitor the implementation of laws, various resolutions and mandatory instructions and apply appropriate sanctions to those who violate them.

Another thing is morality, or morality. The norms and rules that relate to its sphere do not have such a binding character, and in practice their observance depends on the individual himself.

When one or another person violates them, society, acquaintances and strangers have only one means of influencing him - the power of public opinion: reproaches, moral censure and, finally, public condemnation, if immoral actions and deeds become more serious.

Comprehending the essence of the morality of a person, it should be borne in mind that the term morality is often used as a synonym for this concept. Meanwhile, these concepts must be distinguished. In ethics, morality is usually understood as a system of norms, rules and requirements developed in society that apply to a person in various spheres of life and activity. The morality of a person is interpreted as the totality of his consciousness, skills and habits associated with the observance of these norms, rules and requirements. These interpretations are very important for pedagogy. The formation of morality, or moral upbringing, is nothing more than the translation of moral norms, rules and requirements into knowledge, skills and habits of behavior of the individual and their steady observance.

But what do moral (moral) norms, rules and requirements for the behavior of a person mean? They are nothing more than an expression of certain relations prescribed by the morality of society to the behavior and activities of the individual in various spheres of public and private life, as well as in communication and contacts with other people.

The morality of society covers a great variety of these relations. If we group them, then we can clearly imagine the content of educational work on the formation of morality of students. In general, this work should include the formation of the following moral attitudes:

a) attitude to the policy of our state: understanding the course and prospects of world development; correct assessment of events within the country and in the international arena; understanding of moral and spiritual values; striving for justice, democracy and freedom of peoples;

b) attitude towards the motherland, other countries and peoples: love and devotion to the motherland; intolerance to national and racial hostility; goodwill towards all countries and peoples; culture of interethnic relations;

c) attitude to work: conscientious work for the common and personal benefit; observance of labor discipline;

d) attitude towards the public domain and material values: concern for the preservation and multiplication of the public domain, frugality, nature protection;

e) attitude towards people: collectivism, democracy, mutual assistance, humanity, mutual respect, care for the family and raising children;

f) attitude towards oneself: a high consciousness of public duty; self-esteem, integrity.

But for moral education it is necessary to be well versed not only in its content. It is no less important to comprehend in detail what kind of person can be considered moral and in what, in fact, the real essence of morality in general is manifested. When answering these questions, at first glance, the conclusion suggests itself: a moral person is one who, in his behavior and life, adheres to moral norms and rules and fulfills them. But you can do them under the influence of external coercion or in an effort to show your "morality" in the interests of a personal career or wanting to achieve other advantages in society. Such external "moral plausibility" is nothing but hypocrisy. At the slightest change in circumstances and living conditions, such a person as a chameleon quickly changes his moral coloring and begins to deny and scold what he used to praise.

In the conditions of social circumstances being renewed in the country, democratization and freedom of society, it is extremely important that the individual himself strives to be moral, that he fulfills moral norms and rules not due to external social incentives or coercion, but due to an internal attraction to goodness, justice, nobility and deep understanding their need. This is what N.V. had in mind. Gogol, when he stated: “Untie everyone's hands, and not tie them; it is necessary to stress that everyone should control himself, and not that others should hold him; so that he would be stricter to himself several times the law itself.

5.1 Professional activity and personality of the teacher

The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which is called pedagogical. She is a special kind social activities aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

Obviously, this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, as well as, to a certain extent, the media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second, general pedagogical, which, voluntarily or involuntarily, each person carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity as a professional activity takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

To penetrate into the essence of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to turn to the analysis of its structure, which can be represented as a unity of purpose, motives, actions (operations), results. The system-forming characteristic of activity, including pedagogical, is the goal (A.N. Leontiev).

The purpose of pedagogical activity is connected with the realization of the goal of education, which is still considered by many today as the universal ideal of a harmoniously developed personality, coming from the depths of centuries. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.

As the main objects of the goal of pedagogical activity, the educational environment, the activities of the pupils, the educational team and the individual characteristics of the pupils are distinguished. The realization of the goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, and the development of an individual's individuality.

The main functional unit, with the help of which all the properties of pedagogical activity are manifested, is pedagogical action as a unity of purpose and content. The concept of pedagogical action expresses the general that is inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursion, individual conversation, etc.), but is not limited to any of them. At the same time, pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual. Appeal to the forms of materialization of pedagogical action helps to show the logic of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical action of the teacher first appears in the form of a cognitive task. Based on the available knowledge, he theoretically correlates the means, the subject and the expected result of his action. The cognitive task, being solved psychologically, then passes into the form of a practical transformational act. At the same time, some discrepancy between the means and objects of pedagogical influence is revealed, which affects the results of the teacher's actions. In this regard, from the form of a practical act, the action again passes into the form of a cognitive task, the conditions of which become more complete. Thus, the activity of a teacher-educator by its nature is nothing more than a process of solving an innumerable set of problems of various types, classes and levels.

A specific feature of pedagogical tasks is that their solutions almost never lie on the surface. They often require hard work of thought, analysis of many factors, conditions and circumstances. In addition, the desired is not presented in clear formulations: it is developed on the basis of the forecast. The solution of an interrelated series of pedagogical problems is very difficult to algorithmize. If the algorithm still exists, its application by different teachers can lead to different results. This is explained by the fact that the creativity of teachers is associated with the search for new solutions to pedagogical problems.

Traditionally main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.

Educational work is pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing a variety of activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of the harmonious development of the individual. And teaching is a kind of educational activity that is aimed at managing the predominantly cognitive activity of schoolchildren.


The pedagogical process is a holistic educational process of the unity and interconnection of education and training, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the individual.

This means that, summarizing all of the above, we can conclude the following:

The teacher should focus not on individual principles of teaching, but on their system, providing a scientifically based choice of goals, selection, content, methods and means of organizing students' activities, creating favorable conditions and analyzing the educational and educational process.

It is advisable for the teacher to consider each principle and their system as recommendations on the implementation of the system of basic laws and strategic goals that make up the core modern concept school education(all-round harmonious development of personality, individuality, activity and personal approaches, unity of training and education, optimization of the educational process.

The teacher must see the opposite sides, conjugated, interacting elements of the pedagogical process (mastery of knowledge and development, elementarism and consistency in knowledge, the relationship between the abstract and the concrete, etc.) and skillfully regulate their interaction, based on the laws and principles of teaching and achieving a harmonious pedagogical process.