Reading literacy 4. We form basic skills reading literacy results and

Final reading. 4th grade
Option 2
In the summer of 1951 in ancient city Veliky Novgorod, not far from the Volkhov River, they fenced off several plots and began to dig the earth. But it was not builders or repairmen who worked here, but archaeologists. These are scientists who study the past on subjects that have remained from the life of ancient people.
In places where people lived for a long time, there are a lot of such objects in the soil. The layer of earth that keeps traces of human life grows by about one centimeter per year, and is called the cultural layer. In Novgorod, it is very thick - eight meters, more than a two-story house! After all, Novgorod is three hundred years older than Moscow. AT Ancient Russia it was a rich trading city, it was even called "Lord Veliky Novgorod", almost the entire Russian North was subordinate to it. That's where the cultural layer has accumulated! Just dig and search!
And archaeologists began to search. They dug up the remains of wooden pavements, a wooden water supply system. It was found out that most of the inhabitants did not wear bast shoes1, as in other places in Russia, but in leather shoes. For a thousand leather shoes, only a couple of bast shoes were dug up.
And on July 26, 1951, archaeologists came across a scroll of birch bark (birch) with scratched letters. And there were many such notes on the bark (they were called birch bark letters)! The soil in Novgorod is very damp, and therefore objects that have fallen into it
do not collapse, as in other places. Historians were shocked. They thought that in ancient Russia only princes and priests were literate. And the diplomas showed that everyone in Novgorod knew how to write! On the letter found on July 13, 1956, for example, a drawing of a boy was found. He depicted himself on a horse with a spear, under the horse's feet he painted a defeated enemy and signed: "Onfim." Onfim was seven years old and he lived about 700 years ago.
If people in Novgorod knew how to read and write, then everyone went to school from childhood? Indeed, already in the eleventh century, a school for three hundred students worked at the main temple of the city. There must have been others. Children studied in them from the age of seven.
But there were very few birch bark letters with school exercises. How did the children learn to write? And what did they write on birch bark anyway?
Archaeologists have answered these questions as well. They found boards the size of a notebook sheet, in which the middle was deepened, and there was a small rim along the edges. It turns out that wax was poured into the middle of such planks and leveled with a spatula made of bone or metal. The spatula had a long handle with a sharp end. The wax solidified, and with the sharp end of the pen, the guys scratched letters and numbers on it. When it was necessary to write something else, the wax was again leveled with a spatula (as you now erase chalk from the board with a rag) and wrote again. A tablet with wax was called cera, and a spatula with a sharp end was called writing. With these writings, adults and children scratched texts on birch bark letters. It is more difficult to write on birch bark than on wax, and at school it was the second stage of training.
And you know, the Novgorodians wrote without mistakes: there are almost none in birch bark letters. Readers!
That's what archaeologists have dug up!
Based on the book by R. Aldonina
1 Bast shoes look like deep slippers, they are woven from bast - a thin inner layer of linden bark.
Surname, name _________________________________________________ student ____ 4th grade ____
in the nominative case
school (gymnasium, lyceum) No. _____ of the city (village, settlement) ____________________________________
1. What is the main focus of this text? Circle the number of your chosen answer.
1) About how archaeologists conduct excavations.
2) About how schools were organized in ancient Novgorod.
3) About the discovery made by archaeologists in Veliky Novgorod.
4) About why almost the entire Russian North was subordinate to Novgorod.
2. How did scientists find out the name of the boy who painted on birch bark?
3. In what century did the boy Onfim live? Count and write down the answer.
In the _____ century.
4. Why was writing on birch bark the second and not the first stage of education in the schools of ancient Novgorod?
5. What did schoolchildren of ancient Novgorod learn to write at the first stage of education?
6. The text says that during excavations in Veliky Novgorod a lot of leather shoes and few bast shoes were found. What does it say? Circle the number of your chosen answer.
1) Veliky Novgorod did not trade with other Russian cities.
2) The inhabitants of Veliky Novgorod were not poor people.
3) There has always been bad weather in Veliky Novgorod.
4) Many foreigners came to Veliky Novgorod.
7. Why did scientists begin to look for ancient Russian correspondence in Veliky Novgorod? Give at least two reasons.
1) _____________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________
8. In the text you came across words and expressions that you may not have seen before, but their meaning from the text is quite clear.
For each word (expression) from the first column, find the correct interpretation of its meaning from the second column, indicated by a number.
A) cultural layer 1) a layer of earth cleared of debris and weeds
2) a layer of earth with the remains of ancient objects
B) archaeologists 3) scientists who study the past according to the events described in the annals
4) scientists who study the past by objects found in the ground
Answer: A - ________ B - ________.
9. What were bast shoes woven from in Ancient Russia?
10. Which statement corresponds to the content of the text? Circle the number of your chosen answer.
1) A letter with a drawing of the boy Onfim was found on July 26, 1951.
2) In ancient Novgorod, children began to study later than now.
3) Veliky Novgorod was founded before Moscow.
4) Veliky Novgorod is an ancient southern Russian city.
11. There are two items from ancient Novgorod in the photo, which you read about in the text. What are their names?
12. How can you explain the expression "what they got to" in the sentence "That's what the archaeologists got to!"? Circle the numbers of the two possible answers.
1) These are the deep layers that the excavations have brought to!
2) These are the persistent archaeologists!
3) Here's what the archaeologists found out!
4) How slowly the archaeologists worked!
13. At different depths, archaeologists found several fragments of birch bark letters. How to find out which letter is older?
14. Read the following passage from the history report. What needs to be corrected in it? Underline the errors in the text and write the corrected sentences below.
“Writing originated in Russia more than a thousand years ago. But only the rulers of the city, priests and wealthy citizens were literate. Simple people they didn't know how to read."
15. Spatula-wrote are found in many Russian cities, and birch bark letters - mainly in Veliky Novgorod. Sasha concluded: “So, in other cities, ordinary residents could not write and read.” Olya did not agree: “No, perhaps the birch bark letters were not found there for other reasons.”
Which of the guys do you agree with? Mark with a  the chosen answer:
□ with Sasha
□ with Olya
Justify your answer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Formation of reading competence of students in elementary school through the use of modern methods and teaching methods in the direction of "reading literacy of schoolchildren" in the practical activities of the teacher

Abedchanova Gulsara Murzabaevna

teacher primary school,

Erdenova Nazgul Babashevna

teacher Kazakh language and literature

school - lyceum No. 1, Kostanay

"People stop thinking

D. Diderot

Modernization of the education system in Kazakhstan mainly involves ensuring High Quality educational services provided by educational organizations.

The success of schoolchildren's education is determined not only by national exams, but also by international comparative monitoring studies of students' educational achievements, independent of the country.

The State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020 indicates the participation of Kazakhstani schoolchildren in the International Project "Studying the quality of reading and understanding of the text"PIRLSprogressinInternationalReadingLiteracyStudy.

phrase"reading literacy" appeared in the context of international testing in 1991.In the study PISA"reading literacy - the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and capabilities, and participate in social life.

Revealing the concept"reading literacy" we can conclude that in order to rely on reading as the main view learning activities at school, school graduates should have formed special reading skills that are necessary for full-fledged work with texts.

A developed reader should have both groups of skills:

    skills, entirely based on the text, to extract information from the text and build simple judgments on its basis:

    the ability to find information and formulate simple immediate conclusions:

    find explicit information in the text;

    draw simple conclusions based on the text; skills based on one's own reflections on what has been read: to integrate, interpret and evaluate text information in the context of the reader's own knowledge":

    establish connections that are not expressed directly by the author;

    interpret them, correlating with the general idea of ​​the text;

Reading Literacy Levels associated with the qualitative characteristics of the reading independence of graduates elementary school.

High level Reading literacy indicates the student's readiness for further education at the next educational level. Such students almost do not need help to understand and appreciate the messages of artistic and informational texts that do not go far beyond their speech and everyday experience and knowledge. High-level readers are ready to master those components of reading that will allow them to expand and transform their own experience and knowledge with the help of new information, thoughts, experiences, reported in writing.

Average level comprehension of texts is typical for readers who have not yet fully mastered the basics of reading. To read text messages and build on it eigenvalues they all need help. This is help in understanding those messages of the text that do not contradict their own experience and help in mastering written communication and cooperation with interlocutors whose life experience and views of the world diverge from their experience.

Low level understanding of texts makes it impossible for students to accept the teacher's help in using written forms messages about human feelings, thoughts and knowledge for self-education.

The most important task of the modern Kazakh school is the development of humanistic trends in education, the restoration of the multicultural functions of the language. Language education is part of the system liberal education, the essence of which is the study of man in his relation to the world. The attitude of a person to the world is manifested in his speech.

The increasing openness of our country, the development and strengthening of interstate, political, economic and cultural ties, the internationalization of all spheres of life contribute to the fact that multilingualism is becoming really in demand in society. Ignorance of languages ​​will lead to the fact that future generations will not be able to fully participate in the dialogue of cultures.

One of the most important tasks modern school– the formation of functionally literate people. What is "functional literacy"?Functional literacy is the ability of a person to enter into relations with the external environment, quickly adapt and function in it. The foundations of functional literacy are laid in elementary school, where intensive training takes place various types speech activity - writing and reading, speaking and listening.

Today, teaching reading and writing at school cannot be limited to academic goals, it must include functional and operational goals related to everyday life and work. The new state curriculum orients teachers towards the development of students' functional literacy. When learning mother tongue emphasis is placed on textual science, the communicative approach is updated and the features of the multicultural environment are taken into account.

In the program on the subject cycle "Language and Literature" in the section "Linguistic and Literary Competence", skills and abilities are duplicated at different levels of education, without which today it is impossible to cope with the solution of vital tasks:

    be able to extract information from different sources;

    learn to find and critically evaluate information from the media and the Internet;

    be able to use sources and refer to them;

    implement different reading strategies when working with text.

The school should teach its students to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life. In the direction of "reader literacy" a special place in the educational process is occupied by the text. It helps to carry out not only educational, but also educational tasks. In the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual. Artistic text serves as the basis for exercises in the development of coherent speech. The main method in improving the ability to perceive the text is text analysis.

In today's conditions, there are many methods and techniques for working with text. For example, the method of discussions, debates can be introduced into the practice of working with students in grades 3-4. In senior adolescence the proposed method is the most interesting, as it contributes to the formation of the skills to make contact with any type of interlocutor and maintain contact in communication, observing the norms and rules, listen to the interlocutor, stimulate the interlocutor to continue communication, change speech behavior if necessary

Vision of reading literacy as one of the intended outcomes primary education sets the task of choosing a method for the formation of reading skills in educational practice.

In modern approaches to learning, the importance ofas a result of training, changes have occurred in the child, which are determined not only by the acquired life experience, not only by the knowledge that he has acquired in the learning process, but also by the nature of his activity, attitude towards it, the level of cognitive interests, readiness for self-learning and self-education. At the same time, at this age, the communicative sphere of the development of the child's personality is the main one. He needs positive communication from others. In this regard, the communicative-activity approach becomes relevant., which implies such an organization of the educational process, in which the active communication of students with the teacher and among themselves, the educational cooperation of all participants in the lesson, comes to the fore.

In grades 3-4, when students have developed the reading skill, the content of the lesson becomes the very literary work and its meanings. The implementation of the communicative-activity approach is ensured by filling the lesson with specific content, the choice of technologies and methods of mastering the work that are adequate to the task, allowing the formation of the necessary reading skills.

This approach allows students to freely express their thoughts, their opinions, point of view, as well as to make a connection with life.. In the lessons, you can also use the method of projects, protection of presentations, creation and demonstration of computer presentations that help overcome difficulties associated with personal experiences, feelings of embarrassment, insecurity. The individual form of work in the classroom using the techniques of "Fishbone" (fish bone), "Insert", "Evaluation window", "Sinkwine" helps students interpret, systematize, critically evaluate, analyze information from the position of the problem being solved, draw reasoned conclusions.

A special place in the development of students' speech belongs to the work with the text.

In Russian Language and Literature lessons we use the following active learning strategies:

"Thick" and "thin" questions; "Hot chair"; "Only one minute"; "Three-step interview"; "Six Hats"; "Think! Find! Share!"; "Listening Troika" and others.

These strategies are used in lessons with children, motivating them to act, to work on the word. We work with text on the best examples literature and associate it with such concepts as text, means of communication, speech design.

The Six Hats strategy can be applied mainly in working with text. It provides independence, activity of students in their joint work in the process of educational activities, develops critical thinking, helps in mastering the culture of working with text.

This method is proposed to be used throughout the lesson: from beginning to end. Entering the class after organizational moment, psychological mood and warm-up, where the students are divided into groups, the following is offered to the guys:

- Guys, today we will consider our whole lesson from the position of six thinking hats.

Each group receives two hats. Students know how to work this strategy. Under the white hat are the facts that we know. Under the green - what are the creative ideas for application, under the yellow hat - pluses, positive points. Under the black hat - negative aspects, under the blue one - control whether all statements corresponded to the declared hat: generalization and conclusions.

The group that received the "white hat" throughout the lesson should collect information and facts, figures. Students who receive a black hat should write down any difficulties they encounter. The group with the "yellow hat" reveals the positive aspects of the course of the lesson, and the "red hat" at the end of the lesson expresses their emotions and feelings. "Green Hat" gives a creative idea, changes something, goes beyond the old ideas. The guys under the "blue hat" manage the process of perception, make generalizations and conclusions.

The use of active learning strategies in the classroom gives good results: it develops the creative, research abilities of students, increases their activity; contributes to a more meaningful study of the material, the acquisition of self-organization skills, increases interest in the subject, contributes to the formation in children of the above universal learning activities. It also makes the level of teaching of the teacher meet the modern requirements of education.

When used in class literary reading of these forms and methods of work, students develop the skills of thinking and reflection, which are important components of the concept of "reader literacy".

In conclusion, I would like to say that the use of various methods and techniques in the direction of “reading functional literacy of schoolchildren” in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading makes it possible to teach students to look for patterns, reason by analogy, which undoubtedly increases the motivation for learning, children read more, learn control their results, learn to cooperate, independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning, feel responsible for the behavior and actions of themselves and others, argue their point of view, listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue. Such methods of work allow to activate the creative activity of students, to develop an active life position, to form a creative personality.

EThe effectiveness of this work, first of all, depends on the teacher, whose task, acting as the organizer of educational activities, is to become an interested and interesting partner in this process. Then he can confidently say:« My students will learn new things not only from me; they will discover this new themselves” ( I.G. Pestalozzi).


progress in International Reading Literacy Study PIRLS - international monitoringstudy of reading literacy. Comparison of the level of understanding of the text by fourth-graders.

Algorithm - this is a clear sequence of actions with information aimed at achieving a goal or solving a problem.

Competence - This is the highest level of literacy that allows you to solve problems in various fields life on the basis of acquired theoretical knowledge. In other words, the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities, independently develop practical skills based on such knowledge.

Critical thinking - the ability to analyze information from the standpoint of logic and a personal-psychological approach in order to apply the results obtained to both standard and non-standard situations, questions and problems, the ability to raise new questions, develop a variety of arguments, make independent thoughtful decisions.

Reading culture - possession of the methods of the most rational and thoughtful use of publications, which implies a good knowledge of the components of the publication, the ability not only to perceive what is printed, but also to comprehend it, highlight the main thing, compare it with what was read earlier, remember the essence of what was read, make extracts; bibliographic literacy and the ability to use it in order to select the necessary publications, draw up a reading plan, knowledge of the working conditions of libraries and in libraries, their catalogs, file cabinets, reference and bibliographic apparatus.

functional literacy - this is the level of education, which makes it possible, on the basis of practice-oriented knowledge, to solve standard life tasks in various fields of activity.

functionally literate person is a person who is able to use all the knowledge, skills and abilities constantly acquired throughout life to solve the widest possible range of life tasks in various areas of human activity, communication and social relations

Reading literacy - the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and capabilities, and participate in social life.

Reader Interest Directed interest shown in the active attitude of the reader to the human experience contained in books, and to his ability to independentlyget this experience from books.

Reader's independence - this is a personal property, which is characterized by the presence of the reader's motives that encourage him to turn to books, and a system of knowledge, skills, abilities that enable him to realize his motives with the least effort and time in accordance with social and personal necessity (N. Rubakin. )

Under Reading Competence understand the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that allow the child to navigate in a variety of books, bibliographic literacy, a positive attitude to reading.

Reading cognitive activity, the main purpose of which is the understanding of the written text.


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Methods of work for use in educational activities

1. Active reading techniques:

Reception "Reading with marks"

While reading the text, you should ask readers to make notes in the margins,

"V" is what I know

"+" is new to me

"-" - I think otherwise

"?" - needs clarification

"!!" - This got me very interested.

Reception "Thick and thin questions"

(For more successful adaptation in adult life, children need to be taught to distinguish between those questions that can be answered unequivocally (thin questions) and those that cannot be answered so definitely (thick questions). Thick questions are problematic questions that require ambiguous answers ).

Reception "Reading with stops"

This technique contains all stages of technology:

Stage 1 - challenge. At this stage, based only on the title of the text and information about the author, children should guess what the text will be about.

Stage 2 - comprehension . Here, having become acquainted with a part of the text, students clarify their understanding of the material. The peculiarity of the reception is that the moment of refining one's idea (comprehension stage) is at the same time the stage of a call to get acquainted with the next fragment. Mandatory question: "What will happen next and why?"

Stage 3 - reflection . Final conversation. At this stage, the tex again represents a single whole. Forms of work with students can be different: writing, discussion, joint search, theses, selection of proverbs, creative work.

Such work with text develops the ability to analyze the text, to identify the connection between individual elements (themes, images, ways of expressing the author's position), develops the ability to express one's thoughts, teaches understanding and comprehension.

2. Techniques for activating previously acquired knowledge:

Reception "Association"

What can be discussed in the lesson?

What association do you have when you hear the phrase: "---"?

Students list all the associations that have arisen, which the teacher also writes down on a piece of paper or board

Reception "Keywords"

After announcing the topic of the lesson, students are invited to make a sentence or a mini-story from the proposed words. They must use their previous knowledge on the topic under study, make their predictions and, in general, determine the goals of their future work.

Reception "Yes - no", or Universal game for all

"Yes - no" teaches:

    connect disparate facts into a single picture;

    organize existing information;

    listen and hear fellow practitioners.

3. Methods of graphic organization of educational material:

Reception "Clustering"

The cluster can be used at various stages of the lesson.

At the challenge stage - to stimulate mental activity.

At the stage of comprehension - to structure the educational material.

At the stage of reflection - when summarizing what students have learned.Reception "Confused logical chains"

Correct and incorrect quotes are written on the board, students should

4.Techniques that require student creativity:

Reception "Sinquain" and "Diamond"

Writing poems according to the algorithm is one of the interesting methods of working in the lesson. This is a universal technique, because its use is possible not only in literature lessons, but also in any other subject. It is more appropriate to use at the end of the lesson or as homework to comprehend what was learned in class. In my class I use two algorithms for writing such poems.

Reception "Color painting"

The techniques of psychodrawing make it possible to express understanding abstract concepts, inner world through visual images. You can give the task to draw the character of the heroes, conscience, revenge, good, evil, and then explain your drawings.

Reception "Five Minute Essay"

This type of written assignment is used at the end of the lesson to help students summarize their knowledge of the topic being studied. The meaning of this technique can be expressed in the following words: "I write in order to understand what I think." This is a free letter on a given topic, in which independence, manifestation of individuality, debatability,

originality of problem solving, argumentation. Usually an essay is written right in the class after discussing the problem and takes no more than 5 minutes.

5.Methods and techniques used in group work:

The Six Hats of Critical Thinking Method

The Six Hats is based on the idea of ​​parallel thinking. Traditional thinking is based on controversy, discussion and clash of opinions. However, with this approach, it is often not the best solution that wins, but the one that was more successfully promoted in the discussion. Parallel thinking is constructive thinking, in which different points of view and approaches do not collide, but coexist.

The Six Hats is a simple and practical way to overcome these difficulties by dividing the thinking process into six different modes, each represented by a hat of a different color.

The goal is to ensure the development of critical thinking through the interactive inclusion of students in the educational process.

Reception "Educational Brainstorming"

The main goal of "educational brainstorming" is the development of a creative type of thinking. Therefore, the choice of a topic for its implementation directly depends on the number of possible solutions to a particular problem.

Reception "Letter in a circle"

Assumes group work. Children need not only to reflect on a given topic, but also to coordinate their opinions with group members.

6. Marking tables:

Reception "I know - I want to know - I found out"

This is work with a table. When studying the topic, at the call stage, students can be asked to break into pairs, confer and fill out 1 column of the table "What do I know" on this topic. These may be some associations, specific information previously obtained in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Then the question is asked:"What do you want to know?" In the column "I want to know" are written (without ratings!) And these formulations. The notes remain on the board until the end of the lesson.

At the reflection stage, a return to the challenge stage is carried out: adjustments are made to the first column of statements and the answers to the second column of questions are checked. You can write out the third column "Learned" separately, if necessary, or arrange the entries in the form of a separate table.

Reception "Reading with marks and table INSERT".

It is a "self-activating" system markup for efficient reading and thinking."

Working on reading technique.

1. Children should be encouraged to love reading.

2. Their vocabulary should be constantly expanded; When children understand the meaning of words, they are interested in reading.

4. Do not rush children when reading. It is necessary to take into account the capabilities of each child.

5. In the 1st grade, a student should not be questioned by individual reading in front of the whole class.

6. Homework should be creative: draw a picture based on the material covered in the lesson; make an application, learn a riddle, proverb, sayings.

7. it is important to raise parents to read to children short stories about the life of animals (Sladkova, Charushina.) Why is it necessary to read about animals? It will be easier for children to make sentences, it will be easier to describe animals. In addition, the child is happy to talk about what he has read to the class. Interest in reading is the key to high reading technique.

8. You can not replace reading with lessons in mathematics and the Russian language, which often happens before tests in these subjects.

9. At the lessons of speech development, you can discuss and correct oral answers.

10. Starting from the 2nd half of the year, students of the 1st grade should read library books.

11. In grades 2-3, parents should read articles from magazines, newspapers and discuss together.

12. You can not ask for large texts at home. At home, you need to read what was worked out in the classroom: you can’t overwork children by reading whole large texts.

13. Always work creatively: let the children express their opinion about the characters, talk about how they would act themselves.

14. More often it is necessary to carry out selective reading.

15. Even in grade 3, you don’t have to break with reading in chorus, you need to read the whole class, in columns, in pairs, one at a time.

16. Conduct reading contests or literary quizzes.

17. Conduct exhibitions of books and posters by various authors on a common theme.

18. Make posters or albums on the topics: "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" where children put poems or fragments of poems and stories of classics, their portraits, drawings.

19. Staging of poems, stories (Dragunsky, Chukovsky)

20. Conduct costumed musical and literary evenings, entertainment on topics with the invitation of parents.

Exercises to improve reading technique.

    sound workout, which includes work on articulation:

vowels: A, O, U, Y, I, E.

combinations: A-U, A-O, Y-I, E-A, I-O.

consonants: Г-С-Ж, Ш-Ж-С;

consonants and vowels: SAME, CHE, SCHA, ZHRA, ZHRI;

tongue twisters: Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

These exercises improve mobility speech apparatus serve as a warm-up before reading.

    "Photo eye": in the allotted time, the student must “take a picture” of a column of words and answer the question of whether there is a given word in it.

For example:

city ​​lesson

forest change

school road

book beautiful

pen wealth

teacher car

learning to play

3. Find an extra word .

Birch Knife

Flowers fork

a spoon

Aspen plate

Edge saucer

grass cow

briefcase cup

Using this technique helps students learn to read whole words.

The purpose of the exercise: the development of the field of reading, visual perception of words.

4. Reading "Sprint"

At maximum speed, reading an unfamiliar text to yourself, you need to find answers to questions. In this case, you need to tightly compress your lips and teeth while reading.

The purpose of the exercise: training in speed reading.

You can also apply exercises to improve the reading technique of the I.G. system. Palchenko.

Reading after the speaker contributes to the development of articulation and the development of the skill of reading words together.

Reading in pairs trains the ability to distribute attention and has a positive effect on improving the reading quality of weak students.

Repeated reading contributes to the daily accumulation of visual images of words in the student's memory, teaches the correct, quick and expressive reading. Repeated reading of one sentence is carried out in this order:

1-time - slow reading with the teacher, clear pronunciation of syllables;

2 times - repeated reading without a teacher;

3-times-smooth, continuous reading of words;

4 times - reading at the pace colloquial speech;

5,6,7 -raz- the proposal is re-read with a turn-by-turn statement logical stress on every significant word;

8,9,10 - the pace of reading is brought to the level of a tongue twister.

According to the professor's methodI. T. Fedorenko, you can use visual dictations to improve reading techniques.

Each of the 18 sets contains 6 sentences.

6 sentences of one of the sets are written on the board, and covered with a sheet of paper. Then the sheet is shifted down so that the first sentence is visible, and the guys read to themselves for a certain time, trying to remember this sentence.

After this time, the proposal is erased and it is proposed to write it down on pieces of paper. It takes 5 to 8 minutes for 6 sentences of one set.

It also develops the field of view very well.Schulte table.

The job is done in 10 seconds.

Each student has a card, each cell of which contains numbers from 1 to 10 and from 1 to 20 (grade 1) and from 1 to 25 (grade 2.3). When working with tables, a memo is used:

1. As soon as possible, name all the numbers in order, indicating them with a pencil.

2. Try to remember the location right away two or three consecutive numbers.

3. Remember: the eyes look at the center of the table and see the whole of it.

Also conduct weekly five-minute reading sessions. Any lesson starts with five minutes of reading.

Reading reserves .

    What matters is not the duration, but the frequency of training exercises.

The human memory is arranged in such a way that it is remembered not what is constantly before the eyes, but what flickers: that is, that is not. This is what creates irritation and is remembered. Therefore, if we want to help children master certain skills and bring them to automatism, to the level of skill, we need to do small exercises with them every day, at certain intervals.

    Buzzing reading.

Buzz reading is reading when all students read aloud at the same time, in an undertone.

3. Weekly five-minute reading.

Each child has a book on the desk (an art book with a bookmark). And any lesson, whether it be reading, Russian, mathematics, work, start with the fact that the children open the book, read for 5 minutes in the buzzing reading mode, mark with a pencil to what point they have read, put a bookmark, close the book. And then there is the usual lesson.

5 minutes per lesson. 4 lessons a day. 5 days a week. 5x4x5=100 (minutes)= 1h.40min.

4. Reading before bed .

The fact is that the last events of the day are recorded by emotional memory, and those 8 hours when a person sleeps, he is under their impression. The body gets used to this state.

5. If the child does not like to read, then a mode is needed.gentle reading. Indeed, if a child does not like to read, this means that he has difficulty reading.

The gentle reading mode is such a mode when the child reads one or two lines and then gets a short rest. This mode is automatically obtained if the child views filmstrips: I read two lines under the frame, looked at the picture, and rested. If the child gets tired, then you can continue to read to parents.

It would be nice to combine the fourth and fifth recommendations, that is, to watch filmstrips before going to bed.

Reading games.

1. Help the word find the last letter.

Equipment: box of letters and syllables.

Game description: The teacher writes on the board in two columns the beginning of words and their last letters.








The student, on the call of the teacher, connects the beginning of the word with the letter and reads the resulting word.

2.Syllable or word .

Game description: The teacher writes three-letter syllables and words on the blackboard. Children should read the material as quickly as possible and write out only the words in the notebook.

For example: GARDEN








3. Each word has its own syllable

Game Description : the teacher calls the word, the children determine the first syllable, compose it or find the corresponding card in the box office of letters and show it.

Equipment: box of letters and syllables.

Description of the game: 4-5 words are written in a column on the board. Next to each of them, behind a vertical line, this word itself and several words close to it in letter composition are written in a line. The called student reads the word and finds it among those placed behind the line and underlines or circles it.

For example:

FOX linden, fox, lyre, fox, kitty
LAK onion, varnish, bough, poppy, cancer, varnish

PAWS linden, paw, papa, fox

5. Word or no word ?

Equipment : syllabic word schemes, cards with vocabulary material.

Game description: the teacher shows a card with a word written on it or a meaningless set of syllables. Children read the material presented on the card and either shout "Word" and raise the strip with the corresponding syllabic pattern if the card contains a word, or shout "Not a word" and do not raise the strip if the letter combination on the card is not a word.

6. Duty letter.

Game Description : the teacher shows the letter, the children read it in unison. At the teacher's signal, everyone writes in block letters the words that begin with the indicated letter. After 2-3 minutes, the teacher gives a signal to complete the work. The winner is the one who wrote more words with a given letter.

7. Find a word.

Game description: Three columns of words are written on the board. The student called to the board must find in the indicated column the word named by the teacher.

8. Pick up the words.

Equipment: word cards.

Game description: two columns of words are installed on the typesetting canvas, in the first - nouns, in the second - adjectives. You need to make up phrases from words that are suitable in meaning.





The student called to the board puts up another pair of words: a blue bow, a deep river, an interesting book, a tall tree.

9. What has changed?

Game description: words are written in pairs on the board that differ from each other in the order of syllables or letters (for example: horse-kino, sleep-nose, linden-saw) or letter composition (elephant-groan, cancer-poppy, crayfish-hands). The called student reads a couple of words and explains what has changed in the second word compared to the first.

10. Let's find a mistake.

Game description: on the typesetting canvas there are sentences about how animals give voice, but the names of the actions are mixed up: "The cow barks", "The dog meows", "The cat crows", "The rooster mooes", etc. the called student corrects a mistake in one sentence. A correctly composed sentence is read by the class in unison. The work of correcting mistakes is continued by another student.

11. Lightning reader.

Description of the game: 4-5 words are written on the board in a column, which are covered with a screen. The teacher opens the screen for 4-5 seconds and closes it again. Students must name the words of the read column in the order in which they were written on the board.

International Student Assessment Program Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - Center for EQO (Quality Assessment in Education)

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. What is reading literacy? Historically, the term "literacy" means the possession of a tool (cultural tool) that allows you to receive and transmit information in the form of a written text. Speaking of reading literacy, we want to emphasize the active, purposeful and constructive nature of the use of reading in different situations and for different purposes.

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. "The coachman is sitting on the irradiation, in a sheepskin coat, in a red sash." Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. "someone is sitting on something wearing something red...". Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. The great Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky made a huge contribution to the development of Russian geographical science. Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. The great Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky made a huge contribution, i.e. provided financial support (invested) in the development of Russian geographical science. Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. ... I was on the information shift, and I formulated a message for the broadcast. The followers of my twitter, where during the days of my information duty there is a feed of interesting and significant news, I think they remember this day, since the publication of the survey caused a considerable number of retweets and replays.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. The family, together with the school, is a means of creating the most important set of factors and conditions of the educational environment for determining the effectiveness of the entire educational process. Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. The glistening kuzdra shteko has bobbed up the beak and curls the beak. Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy includes a much wider range of competencies, from basic decoding, knowledge of words, knowledge of grammar, knowledge of text structure to knowledge of the world. …I break the text into easy phrases. More points! Each phrase is one thought, one image. The paragraph is especially great. It allows you to easily change the rhythm. Isaac Babel, Russian writer Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy also includes metacognitive competencies: understanding one's misunderstanding, the ability to restore and maintain one's understanding at the proper level. The desired level of understanding depends on the task that the reader sets for himself.

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. Why is the term "reading literacy" used instead of the term "reading"? Reading (especially in a pedagogical context) is often understood as decoding - the translation of letters into sounds. Reading skills are often associated with reading aloud. Reading literacy also includes metacognitive competencies: understanding one's misunderstanding, the ability to restore and maintain one's understanding at the proper level. The desired level of understanding depends on the task that the reader sets for himself.

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. Written text may include: drawings, diagrams, graphs, maps, tables, comics with verbal captions Written texts are all those connected texts where language is used in graphic symbols: handwritten, printed, electronic. Handwritten texts are included in this definition for the sake of completeness only: they practically do not differ from printed texts in structure and require the same reading skills and strategies. To define reading literacy in the PISA test, not the word “information”, which is often used for reading definitions, was chosen, but the word “text”, because it includes both fiction and any other texts.

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. Electronic texts differ from printed texts in many respects: different physiological conditions of reading, different amount of text available to the reader at every moment of reading, different links between parts of the text and different texts (hypertext links) and a different way of including the reader in reading. From the reader of electronic texts, striving to perform and complete any reading task, much more autonomy is required in blazing their own path through texts.

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. A developed reader not only knows how to read, but also appreciates reading, actively uses it in solving a variety of problems. The purpose of education is to cultivate both the skill and the desire for reading. We are talking about reading motivation, which includes a group of emotional and behavioral characteristics of the reader, such as interest, pleasure in reading, a sense of freedom to choose a circle of reading, varied and frequent reading practices, inclusion in social relationships ...

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. ... to indicate in full the situations where reading cannot be dispensed with. These are situations both private and public life; and civil, and business, and educational - from formal education to lifelong self-study. Reading literacy helps a person to "achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and capabilities", providing, for example, the opportunity to complete educational institution find a job to satisfy less specific and intimate desires - to expand and enrich personal life.

Reading literacy is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, to reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life. ... to indicate in full the situations where reading cannot be dispensed with. These are situations of both private and public life; and civil, and business, and educational - from formal education to lifelong self-study. For example, it is easier for literate people to navigate complex institutions - medical, legal, banking. It is easier for them to make reasonable decisions in civil elections, as reading literacy makes a person more critical and independent, creating conditions for personal freedom.

The purpose of education is to cultivate both the skill and the desire for reading. We are talking about reading motivation, which includes a group of emotional and behavioral characteristics of the reader, such as interest, pleasure in reading, a sense of freedom to choose a circle of reading, varied and frequent reading practices, inclusion in social relationships ...

So we have the following facts. 1. Russian fourth-graders (according to the PIRLS International Monitoring 2001 and 2006) have extremely high level readiness to read for learning. 2. Basic reading for education (first of all - teaching from textbooks of history, geography, biology, etc.) begins in grades 5-7. 3. By grades 9-10 (according to PISA 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009), the reading literacy of Russian students is significantly below world standards. During the transition from primary to secondary school, it is necessary to ensure the conditions for the transition from students' readiness to read for learning to the formed reading ability - reading for learning.

In the PIRLS international monitoring, domestic education demonstrated the extraordinary success of primary school graduates. PIRLS examines the reading literacy of students who have studied for four years. The fourth year of study is considered to be the most important milestone in the formation of the main result modern education- the ability to learn. Favorable educational environment between the third and fifth years of schooling, a qualitative transition occurs in the formation of the most important component of educational independence: learning to read (reading technique) ends, reading for learning begins - the use of written texts as the main resource of self-education. International study"Learning the quality of reading and understanding of the text" (PIRLS) Text by Roeld Dahl "Inverted Mice"

1. The key words of the question and the answer contained in the text are practically the same. Significant synonymous transformations of the content of the question and answer are not required. In other words, one can learn the formal methods of finding an answer to a question (keyword search). In some cases, the answer to the question obtained in this way will be formally correct, but not indicating that the student understood the question and will be able to explain his answer. The first reading skill: to find and extract information from the text The nature of the questions that Russian students answered better than their peers: 2. To answer this question, it is not necessary to understand its meaning (for example, to understand the meaning of the words and terms used in the question). It is enough to localize the place in the text where the same keywords, which is in the question. 3. It is not necessary to understand the piece of text that objectively serves as an answer to the question. Enough to quote him. 4. The answer to the question contained in the text is located compactly, in one paragraph of the text. In order to answer the question, it is not necessary to extract from the text several units of information located in different places in the text.

The second reading skill: to integrate and interpret the messages of the text 1. Questions with which Russian students coped better than their peers: relate to continuous texts, where there is no need to combine verbal and graphic information. 2. Establish causal relationships between units of text information, distinguish the main from the secondary - these and similar mental operations with text information Russian students perform quite successfully where the text does not contain contradictions and possibilities for different interpretations. 2. Reading tasks that caused difficulties: to answer a question that has several correct answers, to find similarities in opposing points of view, to distinguish between the generally accepted and the original, author's interpretation. 1. What turns out to be significantly worse or what is the weakness of domestic training in the ability to interpret the text? The ambiguity of information causes significantly greater difficulties for Russian students than for their peers.

The Third Reading Skill: Understanding and Evaluating Text Messages Thinking about the information conveyed in a text involves a dialogue between the reader and the author of the text. Having understood the author's position, the reader may agree or disagree with it, based on his personal experience or on knowledge not contained in the text. A significant part of the test questions that diagnose the reader's ability to think about the information contained in the text involves the use of extra-textual knowledge (prior knowledge) of the reader in a situation that allows different, mutually exclusive points of view of the reader (motivated agreement and disagreement).

The third reading skill: comprehending and evaluating text messages With half (48%) of questions of this type, Russian students coped significantly worse than their peers. Difficulties: 1. in an uncertain, contradictory situation (when it is impossible to guess which answer is correct, "Yes" or "No", because there are arguments both "for" and "against" the author's point of view). 2. Everyday experience and the reader's own knowledge must be applied to a formalized testing situation (express one's own opinion based on both the read text and extra-textual knowledge). In such difficulties, students often have an attitude: knowledge from life and knowledge that is acceptable in school-type situations (for example, during testing) do not intersect. Alas, the "apples of the task" still do not obey the same laws as the "apples of life."

So we have the following facts. 1. Russian fourth-graders (according to PIRLS 2001 and 2006) have an extremely high level of readiness for learning to read. 2. Basic reading for education (first of all - teaching from textbooks of history, geography, biology, etc.) begins in grades 5-7. 3. By grades 9-10 (according to PISA 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009), the reading literacy of Russian students is significantly below world standards. It is logical to assume that during the transition from elementary to basic school, pedagogical conditions should be provided that turn students' readiness for learning into reading skills that ensure self-learning of young people outside the school. Was there an analysis of the texts of school textbooks: which ones? By whom? When? By what criteria?

TELECOMUTING This will be future world Just imagine how wonderful it would be to use "telecommuting" - without leaving your home to be transferred to work via electronic channels and perform all your duties using a computer or phone! No more jostling in crowded buses or trains or spending endless hours commuting to and from work. You could work wherever you please - just imagine the possibilities! Maria Mir on the brink of disaster Reducing travel time to and from work and reducing energy costs is certainly a good idea. But this goal must be achieved by improving public transport or by bringing jobs closer to where people live. The bold idea that telecommuting will become part of the lifestyle for everyone will lead to the fact that people will be more and more divided. Do we really want to completely lose the sense of belonging to the human community? Novel ________________________ “Telecommuting” is a term coined by Jack Niels in the early 1970s to describe a situation in which workers do their work using a computer located not in the central office, but, for example, at home, and transmit data or documents to the central office. telephone office.

Question 1. How do the texts “This will be the world to come” and “The world is on the brink of disaster” relate to each other? A. They use different arguments to reach a common conclusion. B. They are written in the same style, but on completely different topics. C. They express the same common point perspective, but come to different conclusions. D. They express opposite views on the same topic. TELECOMUTING This will be the world of the future Just imagine how wonderful it would be to use "telecommuting" - without leaving your home to be transferred to work electronically and perform all your duties using a computer or phone! No more jostling in crowded buses or trains or spending endless hours commuting to and from work. You could work wherever you please - just imagine the possibilities! Maria Mir on the brink of disaster Reducing travel time to and from work and reducing energy costs is certainly a good idea. But such a goal must be achieved by improving public transport or by bringing jobs closer to where people live. The bold idea that telecommuting will become part of the lifestyle for everyone will lead to the fact that people will be more and more divided. Do we really want to completely lose the sense of belonging to the human community? Novel

Question 7. What kind of work would be difficult to do in a telecommuting environment? Give one example. Justify your answer. TELECOMUTING This will be the world of the future Just imagine how wonderful it would be to use "telecommuting" - without leaving your home to be transferred to work electronically and perform all your duties using a computer or phone! No more jostling in crowded buses or trains or spending endless hours commuting to and from work. You could work wherever you please - just imagine the possibilities! Maria Mir on the brink of disaster Reducing travel time to and from work and reducing energy costs is certainly a good idea. But such a goal must be achieved by improving public transport or by bringing jobs closer to where people live. The bold idea that telecommuting will become part of the lifestyle for everyone will lead to the fact that people will be more and more divided. Do we really want to completely lose the sense of belonging to the human community? Roman Construction. It is difficult to work with logs or bricks, being away from them. Sportsman. Sports require a physical presence on site. Locksmith. It's impossible to fix someone's sink sitting at home! Dig ditches because you have to be there. Nurse - You can't check how a patient is feeling on the Internet.

Question 4. Which statement would both Maria and Roman agree with? A. People should be allowed to work as many hours as they like. B. It's not good to spend too much time commuting to work. C. Telecommuting may not be for everyone. D. Forming social bonds is the most important part of the job. TELECOMUTING This will be the world of the future Just imagine how wonderful it would be to use "telecommuting" - without leaving your home to be transferred to work electronically and perform all your duties using a computer or phone! No more jostling in crowded buses or trains or spending endless hours commuting to and from work. You could work wherever you please - just imagine the possibilities! Maria Mir on the brink of disaster Reducing travel time to and from work and reducing energy costs is certainly a good idea. But such a goal must be achieved by improving public transport or by bringing jobs closer to where people live. The bold idea that telecommuting will become part of the lifestyle for everyone will lead to the fact that people will be more and more divided. Do we really want to completely lose the sense of belonging to the human community? The novel Distractor C is in line with the common sense and life experience of many readers. However, neither Maria nor Roman reflect on this. Meanwhile, the question addresses the reader precisely to their point of view. In other words, in answering this question, the reader must very clearly distinguish between his own point of view and the point of view of the authors of the text.

Question 4. Which statement would both Maria and Roman agree with? A. People should be allowed to work as many hours as they like. B. It's not good to spend too much time commuting to work. C. Telecommuting may not be for everyone. D. Forming social bonds is the most important part of the job. TELECOMUTING This will be the world of the future Just imagine how wonderful it would be to use "telecommuting" - without leaving your home to be transferred to work electronically and perform all your duties using a computer or phone! No more jostling in crowded buses or trains or spending endless hours commuting to and from work. You could work wherever you please - just imagine the possibilities! Maria Mir on the brink of disaster Reducing travel time to and from work and reducing energy costs is certainly a good idea. But such a goal must be achieved by improving public transport or by bringing jobs closer to where people live. The bold idea that telecommuting will become part of the lifestyle for everyone will lead to the fact that people will be more and more divided. Do we really want to completely lose the sense of belonging to the human community? Roman Number of students (in %) who chose different answers Distractors: Russia OECD A 6.9 7.0 B (right answer) 47.6 60.1 C 28.1 19.6 D 13.1 9.8 No answer 4.4 3.6

Problem: the formation of reading literacy as a universal learning skill Objective reasons of the 1st level: Availability of alternative sources of information and ways to obtain it; The absence of the need for reading, as an activity that contributes to the self-realization of the individual, its socialization; Lack of need for reading, as an activity that contributes to solving problems in situations of social life, domestic, business, educational and others; …

Problem: the formation of reading literacy as a universal learning skill Objective reasons for the 2nd level: Absence (?) / presence (?) at school of systematic work on the formation of the need for reading, the development of interest in reading; Absence (?) / presence (?) in the family of systematic work on the formation of the need for reading, the development of interest in reading; … If one factor does not work? …two factors? …no factors?...

Purpose of reading: obtaining information for its reproduction; obtaining information for work on the search for new knowledge; getting instructions to complete a task...? Problem: the formation of reading literacy as a universal learning skill Which ones prevail?

Building basic skills. Reading literacy: results and assessments, problems and solutions G. S. Kovaleva October 20, 2015

Contents: 1. What is meant by reading literacy 2. From the experience of assessing reading literacy. Results and assessments 3. Main approaches to the development of measurement materials for the assessment of reading literacy 4. Interpretation and use of the results of the assessment of reading literacy

Reading literacy (PISA study) is the ability of a person to understand and use written texts, reflect on them and engage in reading in order to achieve their goals, expand their knowledge and opportunities, and participate in social life.

Reading for learning When moving from elementary school to primary school, as G. A. Tsukerman writes, learning to read ends and reading for learning begins - the use of written texts as the main resource for self-education, obtaining new knowledge and new ideas with the help of information texts. It is in connection with the special importance of mastering conscious reading among the system of "learning skills" in the study period under consideration, among all the metasubject results, that conscious reading and work with information was singled out as the main object of assessment. G. A. Tsukerman, G. S. Kovaleva, M. I. Kuznetsova. Are they good at reading Russian schoolchildren? // Questions of education. No. 4, 2007, p. 245.

d e s u c t i o n s d u n d e d e n t t o r t o n t e t o n t e t o n t e t o t

Text reading and comprehension (PIRLS) Reading literacy (PISA) Text reliance 1. find and extract (information) Rely on non-textual knowledge 2. integrate and interpret (text messages) 3. comprehend and evaluate text content text form

Distribution of students into groups depending on their range of reading and mastery of learning strategies for working with text

From the experience of assessing reading literacy ü International comparative studies PIRLS, PISA; ü "Pull-Push" method ü Complex work in primary school ü Assessment of reading literacy in primary school

Summary of the PIRLS and PISA studies w PIRLS - Assessing the quality of reading and understanding of the text by elementary school students (Grade 4) w PISA - Assessing the functional literacy of 15-year-old students in mathematics, reading and science w PIRLS&PISA: Detecting dynamics in results (PIRLS: 2001, 2006, 2011 - 2016; PISA: 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015) w PIRLS&PISA: Identification of factors that explain differences in results w assessment of the quality and effectiveness of education, equality of access to education

Reading literacy PIRLS PISA the ability to understand and use written texts to build one's own meanings on the basis of a variety of texts and engage in reading IN ORDER TO learn to expand one's knowledge and opportunities to participate in reading communities at school and in everyday life participate in social life

Primary 4th Grade Outcomes (PIRLS/TIMSS) Math Reading Science Countries GPA Countries Hong Kong 571 (2, 3) Singapore 606 (3, 2) 587 (2, 0) Russia 568 (2, 7) 605 (1) , 9) Finland 568 (1.9) Republic of Korea Singapore 583 (3.4) Singapore 567 (3.3) Hong Kong 602 (3.4) Finland 570 (2.6) Taiwan 591 (2.0) Russia 552 ( 3, 5) Japan Russia 585 (1, 7) 542 (3, 7) Average score PIRLS and TIMSS average of 500 45 countries 35 countries 44 countries

Reasons for success: Russian teachers effective activities are used in reading lessons The data show that 82% of the Russian students who participated in the study learn from teachers who often use effective activities. More than half of Russian students, according to their own assessment, consider themselves active participants in the reading lesson, while only 5% of students practically do not participate in the educational process in the reading lesson, as expected, the results of these students are lower.

Reasons for success: use effective methods learning PIRLS data show that 82% of the Russian students who participated in the study learn from teachers who often use effective activities. More than half of Russian students, according to their own assessment, consider themselves active participants in the reading lesson, while only 5% of students practically do not participate in the educational process in the reading lesson, as expected, the results of these students are lower.

Reasons for Success: Motivated Students “For which of the following reasons do you read? How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 1) I like to read things that make me think 2) It is important to read well 3) My parents like it when I read 4) I learn a lot while reading 5) I need to read well, it will be useful to me in the future 6) I like it when a book helps me imagine other worlds."

Results of 15-year-old students in reading literacy Russian Academy education Leading countries and territories: Shanghai (China), Hong Kong (China), Singapore, Japan, Republic of Korea 35 countries, GPA which are statistically significantly higher than the average score of Russia 6 countries, the average score of which does not differ from the score of Russia (Israel, Sweden, Slovenia, Lithuania, Greece, Turkey) Perm region– 482 points 23 countries, the average score of which is statistically significantly lower than the average score of Russia

A sharp decrease in the level of reading literacy during the transition from primary to secondary school (PIRLS-2006 - PISA -2012) Russian Academy of Education

What is supposedly happening in the primary school (2010-2011) Main losses (for this instrument) in skills: integrate and interpret text messages reflect on and evaluate text messages Ability to integrate and interpret text messages

Dynamics of the formation of reading literacy of students in the YNAO, 2014 100% 80% 47.9% 60% No dynamics 40% 46.8% 20% 0% Positive dynamics 5.4% Dynamics of grades 7-9 Negative dynamics

The composition of the group of students with negative M+Sd dynamics is the most successful readers (the total result of their answers to the questions of the "Pull-Push" methodology in the 1st dimension is above the average + standard deviation). M+ - successful readers (student score above average within standard deviation) M- - less successful readers (student score below average within standard deviation) M-Sd - least successful readers (student score below average standard deviation)

Semantic reading and working with text Popular science texts historical issues “Alexander Nevsky” General understanding, orientation in the text search and identification of various types of information direct conclusions and conclusions based on facts understanding of the main idea Detailed understanding of the content and form of the text natural science issues “Entertaining experiments” , “Amazing animals” social science problems “Family” analysis, interpretation and generalization of information complex conclusions value judgments Going beyond the text, its use to solve various problems without involving additional information with additional information 32

Assessment features: semantic reading and work with information Focus on identifying students' skills: - read and understand various texts, including educational ones; - work with the information provided in different form; - use the information obtained in the text to solve various educational and cognitive and educational and practical tasks.

The first results of the introduction of the GEF: Comparison of the results of the final work on semantic reading by students who studied and did not study according to the new GEF

Things to Consider When Designing a Toolkit ü Reading literacy cannot be tested with traditional subject tests! ü Reading literacy is formed if they are demonstrated on different materials! 36

Peculiarities of complex work for the assessment of reading literacy (basic school, grades 5-9) Each version of the complex work includes blocks related to four content areas (Russian language, mathematics, natural science, history and social science). Each block includes a text (texts) with tasks aimed at assessing the formation of reading skills. For example, demo version for the 5th grade included the following blocks: Our country (history and social studies) Word in the text (Russian language) Small spool, but expensive (mathematics) Garbage management (natural science) 37

The composition of the set of manuals 1. A book for a teacher containing methodological recommendations for conducting work, as well as an application on CD with a computer program for entering and processing results 2. Handouts in the form of a notebook with two options for complex work (for students) 38

Requirements for measuring materials 1. The main purpose of CMM must comply with the concept of metasubject educational outcomes and cover the content of the main subject areas within which meta-subject actions are formed. 2. The skill framework for which measurement materials are being developed should integrate the core reading skills required for conscious reading, as well as take into account the objectives of the current stage of learning, in which reading is considered as the basis for learning. This means that one of the areas of measurement should be an assessment of the ability to use the information obtained from the read text to solve educational and cognitive problems. 3. The quality of the developed measuring materials must meet the requirements for standardized measuring materials (the structure of work, the number of tasks, as well as the number of points for each subject area or each group of skills that are assessed, should allow building a reliable scale as a whole for the combined construct "semantic reading and work with texts", and on individual indicators for which the results are presented. When developing measuring materials, reliable correlations between the selected groups of tasks should be identified and confirmed. 4. As a basis for developing measuring materials, scientific and popular or informative texts.

Features of complex work The work evaluates the formation of three groups skills: The first group of skills includes working with text: general understanding of the text and orientation in it. Example: What is the text talking about? » The second group of skills also includes working with text: a deeper understanding of the text and the identification of detailed information. Example: "How did you understand the following words from the text." . » ? » The third group of skills includes the use of information from the text for various purposes Example: «Analyze the proposed situation and explain the behavior of people by answering the question: Why? » 41

Focus on 5th grade! Primary school potential Transition to a more “adult” level New teachers Still willing to learn Educational material– starts with a repetition New textbooks with a lot of texts

Topics of texts in mathematics in complex work: Grade 5: “From smart bees to beautiful parquets”, “Small spool, but expensive”, “Crystals”, “Egyptian fractions” Grade 6: “Neper's sticks”, “Roman numerals”, “ In the worst case ", "Gregorian calendar" Grade 7: "Pascal's Triangle", Tracing lines and building bridges "," Figures of constant width ", Number systems" Grade 8: "In the highest circles ... of mathematics", "History of the ferris wheel", “What connects dead languages ​​\u200b\u200bwith dancing little men”, “Golden Ratio” Grade 9: “Diophantine Equations”, “Girih Formula”, “Yin-Yang Labyrinths”, “The Enemy of My Enemy”

Examples of tasks: mathematics, text “In the worst case”, group 2 Read the task: “In the pocket are caramels that are the same to the touch: 6 apple and 2 cherry. How many caramels must be taken out of the pocket without looking, so that among them there must be at least one apple caramel and at least one cherry? » Does this task match any of the tasks described in the text? Circle the answer number. 1) corresponds only to Task 1 2) corresponds only to Task 2 3) corresponds to both Task 1 and Task 2 4) does not correspond to any of them

Examples of assignments: history, text "Judicial duel", group 3 Roma believes that the judicial duel indicates that in the Middle Ages people trusted God's judgment more than the law. Tanya believes that in the Middle Ages there were few laws, so they had to resort to a duel. Whose point of view do you share? Mark your answer with a sign and justify it using the text. Rationale:

The main indicators according to which the results are presented 1. The success of the formation of reading literacy 2. The success of the formation of individual groups of skills to work with the text: general understanding of the text, orientation in the text; deep and detailed understanding of the content and form of the text; using information from the text for various purposes.

Evaluation of the formation of reading literacy in individual educational institutions ). Zones 4 -7. 15-20% of the classes can be attributed to successful in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, their average results are statistically significantly higher than the average results for all participating classes. Zone 10. 10% -25% of classes can be attributed to risk groups. On average, students in these grades 54 completed less than half of the basic level items (Zone 3).

Interpretation and use of results by groups of students with different levels reading literacy (from the report (FGOS NO, L. A. Ryabinina, T. Yu. Chaban) The data presented on the completion of the final work on reading literacy (including the data provided by each educational organization) enable teachers of the main school already at the start to receive an idea of ​​which reading skills have already been formed in each student (respectively, they can be relied upon in the learning process), and which skills still require special work.

Increased level of reading literacy (39.9%, grade 4, 2015) Achieving an increased level means that the student can: find specific information in the text, presented both explicitly and implicitly; link information from different parts of the text, including visual information (photos, drawings) into a complete message; set the sequence of events; causal relationships; interpret information from the text; use the text to prove your opinion; understand the allegorical meaning of the message; highlight the main thing, determine the main idea and topic of the statement; correlate the read text with a certain range of literature; use information from the text to think about other situations, including those related to personal experience. Difficulties: Students who have shown an increased level experience difficulties in performing individual tasks, as a rule, associated with the correlation of information presented in different forms, with the formulation of a hypothesis, 56 with the subtraction of implicit information and its correlation with personal experience.

Basic level of reading literacy (51.8%, Grade 4, 2015) Pupils who have reached only the basic level are able to: extract explicit information from the text, as well as implicit information that can be obtained through direct inference; highlight the main idea and topic of the statement; link information from different parts of the text, including visual information (photos, drawings) into a complete message; correlate the text with one or another circle of literature. They find it difficult to determine the sequence of events; retain details, link them to major events and actors; establish causal relationships; to distinguish between the literal and allegorical meaning of the message, to understand metaphors; connect information from the text with another situation, modern life, personal experience; Express and justify your opinion in writing. 57

Reduced level of reading literacy (6.1%, Grade 4, 2015) Students who showed a reduced level of semantic reading and working with information are able to: find and extract information explicitly formulated in the text, understand main idea and the topic of the text, understand, based on the context, the meaning of unfamiliar words from the passive stock. These students find it difficult to relate information from the text to other situations and their own experiences; combine the disparate information they read about into a coherent picture; set the sequence of events; relate details to events and actors; express and justify their opinion in writing (they are unsuccessful in almost all tasks where you need to give a detailed answer). 58

Insufficient (for further learning) level of reading literacy (2.1%, Grade 4, 2015) Students with insufficient reading and information processing skills can subtract individual factual information from the text, which is reported explicitly. 59

Using the results In the basic school, the main task of the administration and the team of subject teachers working with the class is to build such work with texts that will not always return the student, on the one hand, to what he has already mastered, and on the other hand, to entrenched problems. This is a new stage, with new teachers and new system relationship that gives the weak student the chance to “start fresh.” Of course, it is very difficult to correct the deficits of primary school at the basic level. But probably. The first condition for this is support learning motivation, creating situations of success for students. For example, you can: - ask questions on the text, to which the child is able to give a short answer; - give tasks to search for explicit information; - include in the work of a group where the child can express himself, - organize participation in the discussion and receive recognition and help from classmates, etc. The second is a differentiated selection of learning methods and learning tasks themselves to make progress in the subject possible. 60

For 5th grade students with reduced or insufficient reading ability They should not be asked to read aloud in front of the whole class. The children of these groups should be actively involved in the joint work of reading information from the text, which is reported explicitly. Students should receive assignments based on their interests and abilities: if the class is working with a large text, for example, a paragraph on history, they should be assigned to work with a smaller text, perhaps one of the parts of the paragraph, while the assignment should also be different in form. This may be the preparation of a chronological table, underlining key information in the text, etc. It is necessary to regularly ask the student to reformulate the task, the question, in order to see what he understands correctly and what is inaccurate. These students need help understanding the logic of the text. These can be special questions with which the student will see and hold the causal chain, as well as group work with classmates with whom the student is psychologically compatible, where he could build educational cooperation, see the ways others work, receive advice and practical support. . Each student's success must be noted, emphasized, so that their self-esteem and the attitude of their classmates towards them change.

For students with basic and advanced levels of reading literacy Students with a basic level, as a rule, have difficulties associated with some particular skill: someone has problems in summarizing what they have read; someone cannot work with information in tables; someone has problems with writing. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully plan targeted support for such students in the classroom. It is advisable to form individual learning trajectories for students who demonstrate an increased level, taking into account the interests of these students, to include research-type tasks in the lesson plan, tasks when the information read needs to be transferred to a new situation, to offer different hypotheses, different variants problem solution. For students with basic and increased level preparation, such forms of work and such texts are needed that would require the development of reading skills that are in the formation stage. This means turning to texts in which you need to follow the author's thought, and questions, the answer to which is not limited to the search and reproduction of factual information. 62

For the development of each student When planning lessons, it is necessary to take into account how many children with basic, advanced, reduced and insufficient levels of semantic reading and working with information study in the class. The lesson should be organized as a space for such cooperation, which opens up opportunities for the manifestation of one's achievements and sets the zone of proximal development for each student. 63

Test B

Read the text and do the tasks for it. Text #1

(1) I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, one needs not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but also communication with pastures, forests, districts, old willows, with the whistle of birds and with every flower that nods from under the hazel bush. (2) Everyone must have their happy time of discovery. (3) I also had one such summer of discovery on the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer abundant with thunderstorms and rainbows. (4) This summer, I learned anew - by touch, by taste, by smell - many words that until then, although known, were distant and unexperienced. (5) Previously, they evoked only one ordinary meager image. (6) But now it turned out that every word contains an abyss of living images. (7) What are these words? (8) There are so many of them, more than enough, that it is not even known what words to start with. (9) The easiest, perhaps, from the "rain". (10) Of course, I knew that there are drizzling, blind, continuous, mushroom, spore, rains in stripes - striped, oblique, heavy round rains and, finally, downpours. (11) But it is one thing to know speculatively, and another thing is to experience these rains for yourself and understand that each of them contains its own poetry, its own signs, different from the signs of other rains. (12) Then all these words that define rains come to life, grow stronger, are filled with expressive power. (13) Then behind each such word you see and feel what you are talking about, and do not pronounce it mechanically, out of one habit. (14) By the way, there is a kind of law of influence of the writer's word on the reader. (15) If the writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he writes about, then the reader will not see anything behind them. (16) But if the writer sees well what he writes about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire novelty, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him. (According to K. Paustovsky)

1. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

A) The text formulates the law of the impact of the writer's word on the reader.

C) The writer must be able to describe vividly, figuratively, even what he has never seen.

C) The writer can influence the reader only if he himself has felt, experienced everything that he writes about.

D) In order to perfectly master the language, you must constantly communicate in it.

E) Only those words have the power of impact that are felt, realized by the author, in which the author sees living images.

2. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

A) Propositions 15 - 16 contain the proof of what is said in sentence 14.B) Sentences 1-2 contain reasoning.

C) Sentences 6-7 indicate the reason for what is said in sentence 5.

D) Sentence 11 - 13 contains a narrative.

E) Sentence 10 contains a description.

3. Indicate the phraseological units used in sentences 4 - 10.

A) More than enoughB) Learned anewC) Abyss of living images

D) Lean imageE) Until then

4. Match the sentences with their grammatical errors.



1.I. S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the "test of love" - ​​and this revealed the true essence of his hero.

2. Everyone who visited the Crimea, after parting with him, took with him vivid impressions of the sea, mountains, southern herbs and flowers.

3. At the heart of the work "The Tale of a Real Man" are real events that happened to Alexei Maresyev.

4.C. Mikhalkov argued that the world of the merchant Zamoskvorechye can be seen on the stage of the Maly Theater thanks to the magnificent play of the actors.

5. In 1885 V.D. Polenov exhibited at a traveling exhibition ninety-seven sketches brought from a trip to the East.

6. The theory of eloquence for all kinds of poetic compositions was written by A.I. Galich, who taught Russian and Latin literature at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

7. In I. Mashkov's landscape "View of Moscow" there is a feeling of the sonorous colorfulness of a city street.

8. Happy are those who, after a long road with its cold and slush, see a familiar house and hear the voices of their loved ones.

9. Reading classical literature, you notice that how differently the “city of Petrov” is depicted in the works of A.S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, F. M. Dostoevsky.

A) Violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

C) Error in construction complex sentence

C) Violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

D) Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) Violation of the types of temporal correlation of verb forms

5. Among sentences 4 - 13, find those that are related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun.

A) 11 B)5 C)4 D)6 E)12

Read the text and do the tasks Text No. 3

(1) There is nothing more beautiful than wild rose bushes! (2) Do you remember them, dear reader? (3) My question is not too impolite; for it is true that many and many pass by many marvelous things standing or moving along the way. (4) Past trees, bushes, birds, children's faces, seeing us off somewhere on the threshold of the gate ... (5) A red narrow bird spins in all directions on a branch - do we see it? (6) The duck tips over head first into the water - do we notice how humorous and charming this movement is, do we laugh, do we look back to see what is happening with the duck?

(7) She is not! (8) Where is she? (9) She swims under water ... (10) Wait, she will come up now! (11) She surfaced, throwing away such a handful of sparkling drops with a movement of her head that it is even difficult to find a metaphor for them. (12) Having surfaced, she makes movements with her head to shake off the water, and it seems as if she wipes herself after bathing with the whole sky!

(13) How rarely do we pay attention to the world! (14) So I allow myself, therefore, to remind the reader how beautiful the dog rose is. (15) On that day, he seemed to me especially handsome. (16) Maybe because I haven’t met him on my way for several years.

(17) What is really the most beautiful thing I have seen on earth?

(18) Somehow I wanted to answer this question, that the most beautiful thing is trees. (19) Maybe these are really trees? (20) Some of them are really beautiful. (21) I remember a pine tree on some hill that swept past me in the car window. (22) She was slightly tilted back, which was great at her height, was lit by the sunset - and not all, but only at her top, where the trunk became ruddy from the sunset, and the needles were deep green ... (23) This trunk left obliquely, as the stairs go, into the sky. (24) This needles - a crown - darkened in blue and, as it were, walked there, forming a circle. (25) I remembered this tree for the rest of my life, which, in all likelihood, still stands on the same hill, still leaning back ...

(26) I often walk alone, and yet my connection with a certain station is not broken. (27) Obviously, with every step I take since I appeared in the world, the external environment controls me, obviously the sun that moves me is my eternal charging station.

(28) What is this - the sun? (29) There was nothing in my human life that could do without the participation of the sun, both real and metaphorical. (30) Whatever I do, wherever I go, whether in a dream, awake, young, old, I was always at the tip of the beam.

1. Which of the statements do not correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

2. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

A) Sentences 22-24 contain a description.

C) Sentences 1-3 contain reasoning.

C) Sentences 13-16 contain the narrative.

D) Sentences 26-29 contain reasoning.

E) Sentence 18-20 contains a narrative.

3. Which sentence has antonyms.

A) 11 B)30 C)4 D)24 E)28

4.Amongoffers 18-26find those that are related to the previous ones using personal pronouns.

A) 19 B)20 C)23 D)21 E)26

5. What types of speech are presented in the text?

D) reasoning E) description with narrative elements.

Read the text and do the tasks Text No. 3

(1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves. (2) The same happens with language. (3) It changes. (4) But we do not feel how this happens. (5) Now in our history a moment has come when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We so want to move away from the previous era of our life at all costs, to build new public relations, new economy that we would even like to have a new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance”, we are tired of the expression “go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone”. (9) Or the word “meeting” didn’t like it, they began to say “party”. (10) The Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, "receptive and sociable", he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with that when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) In our speech, “sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear. (14) Usually they change 20-30 words a year, and now we have maybe 20 words a week. (15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “disassembly”, “freebie”. (17) Many print media use "unprintable" words, which, by the way, are called that because they do not need to be printed. (18) In the Duma, the "Law on the Russian Language" was discussed for several years. (19) The law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we talk seriously about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishing its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological militia, to establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language, seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language makes the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey the administrative norms regarding the language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts. (24) At one time, in the 19th, and even in the 20th century, fiction provided an exemplary language. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that forms our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now set primarily by television and radio. (28) This also applies to the pronunciation of sounds, and stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And the youth begins to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading god knows what and how he says, but people like it. (32) And this, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. (33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to understand here whether the language is to blame or something else. (34) After all, the language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (According to V. Kostomarov)

1. Which statements correspond to the author's point of view expressed in the text?

A) It is necessary to dissociate ourselves from the previous era and create a completely new language.

C) It is necessary to protect the language from any changes and keep it the way it was in the previous era.

C) Negative changes in society lead to negative changes in the language.

D) Negative changes in language lead to negative changes in society.

E) Language adapts to the needs of society.

2. What types of speech are presented in the text?

A) narrative B) description C) reasoning and descriptionD) Reasoning E) description with narrative elements

3. Indicate the meanings of the word VAIN in sentence 23.

A) aimless B) unsuccessful C) diligentD) harmful E) useless

4. Among sentences 30 - 35, find those that connect with the previous one using pronouns.

A)32 B)34 C)35D)33 E)30

5. Specify phraseological units.

A) The roof wentB) SociableC) go crazy

D) dissociateE) Distance

Read the text and complete the tasks Text No. 4

1) It was one of those autumn days when debilitating melancholy crushes the heart, when dank dampness penetrates the soul and there, as in a cellar, it becomes dark and cold. (2) The wind blew impetuously, and the still-heavy water in the puddles began to become covered with black pimples. (3) White icicles, similar to gnawed fish bones, rang thinly on the edges of the asphalt. (4) Sagging cement-colored sky, frozen aspens wrapped in dirty gray bandages of morning hoarfrost, whitewashed by the night cold cheekbones of buildings ... (5) On such days it seems that the sun will never appear again, that the light has faded forever, that our life will be joyless smolder in the midst of this stupefyingly gray, sciatic twilight ... (6) I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop, returning from a business trip: in a small Volga town, I inspected the safety of the gas equipment of the city boiler house. (7) There was a whole bunch of prescriptions in my portfolio, and this check threatened someone with dismissal from work. (8) That's why I was met and seen off with a doomed-sour half-smile, as if I were an anthrax bacillus, from which it is impossible to escape. (9) They timidly tried to hand me a package with a souvenir and invited me to a family holiday that supposedly coincided with my arrival, but I categorically refused. (10) Although I carried out all my checks in strict accordance with job descriptions, on the soul lay a stone. (11) The people at the bus stop, as if prisoners bound hand and foot, froze in place and looked apathetically in the direction from which the late bus was supposed to appear. (12) No irritable word, no funny joke, no laughter ... (13) We have all become an integral part of the dreary bad weather. (14) Suddenly, from somewhere in the alley, a tall, plump man came out, who led two chubby girls by the hands. (15) They circled around their father, clapped one another on the shoulders and laughed selflessly. (16) The father laughed with them, straightening the girls' hoods, which now and then slipped over their eyes. (17) This merrily humming trinity came to a stop. (18) Fighting off the children, the father looked at the schedule, then glanced briefly at the clock and, apparently realizing that he still had time, completely devoted himself to the game. (19) They noisily ran after each other, circling with a clatter around concrete slabs piled in a heap. (20) The children laughed so that they sometimes stopped and, bending over, grabbed their father so as not to fall. (21) He, big and fat, with a wide, fleshy face, hurriedly, almost excitedly, told them something funny, and they, clasping their hands, began to laugh even harder. (22) An elderly woman, hiding her face from the wind, looked askance at this jubilant family and shook her head reproachfully: (23) - Well, is it really possible ?! (24) And I looked at them and envied. (25) You envy people living in a cozy and warm village, past the lights of which you rush on a train on a frosty winter night ... (26) A bus approached, one of the girls, after reading the sign on the windshield, happily waved her hand inquiringly nodding to her father :( 27) - Not ours! (28) Let's play! (29) We sullenly got on the bus and drove off, and they stayed, chasing each other around the empty stop with a blissful squeal. (According to I. Novikov)

1. What statements contradict the content of the text?

A) Looking at the jubilant family, the hero of the story would also like to enjoy life.

C) Autumn bad weather filled the souls of people with despondency.

C) A man approached and his two daughters annoyed some people standing at the bus stop with their unbridled merriment.

D) The hero of the story is in a depressed state due to the fact that during the check he violated the job description.

E) The hero of the story dreams of traveling.

2. Which answer options list the types of speech presented in sentences 14 - 25?

A) narration B) description and reasoning C) narration and reasoning

D) description E) reasoning

3. Indicate the numbers of proposals that have participial phrases?

A)3 B)22 C)25D)14 E)1

4. Among sentences 19 - 25, find those that are connected with the previous ones using pronouns.

A)19 B)23 C)21D)20 E)25

5. What was in the narrator's briefcase?

A) documents B) prescriptions C) booksD)instructions E)acts


Text #1


2-A, B

3-A, B


AT 9


D)- 2



Text #2


2-A, B


4- D,E


Text #3






Text #4


    A, E

    A, C

    A, C

    A, B