Teaching methods are the most effective methods and techniques. Methods and techniques for teaching preschool children

Method - this is a system of consistent methods of interconnected activities of teachers and students, aimed at achieving the set educational tasks.

In accordance with the main forms of thinking of a preschooler, which determine the nature of the ways of his activity in the learning process, three groups of methods are distinguished:

a) visual;

b) practical;

c) verbal.

All three groups of methods are used in teaching throughout preschool age, just as the basic forms of thought coexist. Each of the selected groups of methods involves the inclusion of techniques of a different nature (visual display of a sample, mode of action, question, explanation, game techniques - imitation of voice, movement, etc.), as a result of which all three forms of thinking are used in each method in various combinations with the leading, determining role of one of them.

In general, training in the classroom in kindergarten characterized by liveliness and immediacy of manifestations of children, a variety of methods of action, a small educational content, reliance on children's experience, a wide and bright visual basis, the use of playful and entertaining teaching methods, the multifaceted connections of learning with the daily activities of children.


Visual methods and techniques - their use corresponds to the didactic principle of visibility and is associated with the characteristics of children's thinking.

Observation- this is a purposeful, systematic perception by the child of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, in which perception, thinking and speech actively interact. With the help of this method, the educator directs the child's perception to highlight the main, essential features in objects and phenomena, to establish cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies between objects and phenomena.

Different types of observation are used in teaching children:

- recognizing nature, with the help of which knowledge is formed about the properties and qualities of objects and phenomena (shape, color, size, etc.)

- behind the change and transformation of objects (growth and development of plants and animals, etc.) - gives knowledge about the processes, objects of the surrounding world;

- reproductive nature, when the state of the object is established by individual signs, in part - a picture of the whole phenomenon;

The effectiveness of the observation method is ensured when the teacher fulfills the following requirements:

- clarity and concreteness of setting goals, tasks of observation for children;

- systematic, consistent deployment of the monitoring process;

- taking into account the age capabilities of children in the selection of the volume of ideas formed in the course of observation;

- high mental activity and independence of children.

The demonstration method includes various techniques:

- Showing objects is one of the most common teaching methods: children examine doll furniture and clothes, dishes, household items, tools, equipment for drawing, modeling, applications, etc .;

- Showing a sample is one of the techniques used in teaching visual activity, design. A sample can be a drawing, an application, a craft;

- Demonstration of the method of action - used in classes for the development of movements, musical, art activities, etc., it must be accurate, expressive, divided into parts; may be complete or partial;

- Demonstration of pictures, illustrations helps children to imagine those aspects and properties of the studied objects and phenomena that they cannot directly perceive.

Demonstration of filmstrips, films, videos, performances in educational work helps to solve two big problems:

1) expansion of children's ideas and development of their speech;

2) education of a cultural viewer capable of deep perception.

The ability to perceive and understand what is shown on the screen is formed under the influence of an adult. At the same time, the high emotionality of children is also important - they are fascinated by the brightness and dynamism of phenomena, the external side of the actions and actions of the characters. In this regard, there is a need to teach children to deeply perceive the content.

The general methodology for demonstrating educational films consists of the following stages:

- a preliminary conversation with children, during which the experience and knowledge of children about the phenomenon that the educational film is dedicated to come to life. As a result of the discussion, the children are given a new cognitive task, then they are shown a film;

- after watching the film, in a short conversation, the children exchange their impressions with their peers and the teacher. This conversation should not require reproduction of the content of the film. The teacher only asks questions that allow him to find out how the children learned the content, helps them understand ideas, make connections;

- a few days later, the film is shown again, while attention is drawn to those aspects that were insufficiently perceived or understood the previous time;

- after a second viewing, a conversation is held. It includes a retelling of the content, its analysis - the allocation of significant facts and the links between them. During the conversation, it is important to preserve and deepen the emotional impression of the film, the children's empathy with the perceived events and attitudes towards the characters.

It is important for preschoolers to watch performances organized by kindergarten teachers. For this, actors of theaters or theater studios are invited. During the performance, there is live communication between the actors ( actors) with kids. Children emotionally evaluate what is happening, carefully following the course of the performance. In addition to inviting theater actors to preschool educational institutions, it is useful to take children to children's performances in the theater. After all, visiting the theater itself can become a real holiday, give many new vivid impressions and exciting experiences.

The theater can become a source of joy for children, instill in them the talent to be spectators, to understand the performing arts. Watching performances allows you to develop aesthetic, moral and emotional sensitivity, help children comprehend the laws of theatrical art. If the teacher manages to prepare preschoolers for a careful viewing of the performance, then the world created by the author and director of the performance will become available to them, will be able to captivate them, enrich their imagination. The habit of being a spectator will help a preschooler to know the special, imaginative world of theatrical art.

The game of imagination allows you to develop creative thinking. Immediately after the performance, preschoolers answer questions about the plot, about the meaning of the performance shown. At the same time, educators can assess the intellectual level of preparation of children due to the completeness and correctness of their answers, give the children the necessary explanations about the new concepts that they learned during the performance.

Examination of pictures in the educational process of kindergarten is used to solve various didactic problems. First of all, this helps the child understand that painting reflects the reality around us, and also allows the artist to depict the fruit of his fantasy, imagination. In addition, it is very important for the development of the child's aesthetic tastes, moral and emotional assessments and ideas about the environment. Looking at pictures helps to better understand and even feel vivid emotional experiences, teaches you to empathize, form your own attitude to what you see.

In addition to the formation of the artistic tastes of preschoolers, there is an important cognitive moment here - acquaintance with the works of famous artists of the past and present, the ability to distinguish between genres of painting (portrait, landscape, still life). Excursions to fine art museums play a big role here. Excursions should be organized with the participation of a specialist who could most fully reveal the artistic material to the children. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age, psychological and intellectual capabilities of a group of preschoolers.

The use of visual methods ensures the development of perception as a leading cognitive process, as well as the development of visual-effective, visual-figurative forms of thinking and speech, the main activities of a preschooler - games, visual and labor activities.


The group of practical teaching methods in kindergarten includes:


Game method;

Elementary experiences;


At the same time, the cognitive activity of children is based on visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking in interaction with verbal-logical thinking.

An exercise- this is the repeated repetition by the child of mental and practical actions of a given content. The main types of exercises:

imitative nature;

constructive nature;

creative nature;


game methodinvolves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: questions, instructions, explanations, explanations, demonstrations.

Elementary Experience - this is a transformation of a life situation, an object or a phenomenon in order to identify hidden, not directly represented properties of objects, establish links between them, the reasons for their change, etc.

Modeling- the process of creating models and their use in order to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, relationships of objects.


Live communication between an adult and children, which is typical for speech methods, has a great educational impact - it excites feelings, causes a certain attitude to the content of knowledge being formed. Basic verbal methods used in preschool education.

Teacher's stories

The main task of this method is to create in children vivid and accurate ideas about events or phenomena. The story affects the mind, feelings and imagination of children, encourages them to exchange impressions. The teacher must ensure that the interest of the children does not weaken in the course of the story. To do this, the learning side (new information for children, broadening their horizons) must be combined with emotional coloring, dynamism. At the end of the story, the children are asked to answer questions. This will give the teacher the opportunity to more fully imagine how well children learn new knowledge from the words of an adult, and also whether and to what extent they can focus their attention on the course of the story. It has great importance for further study in primary school.

Children's stories

This method is aimed at improving the knowledge and mental and speech skills of children.

Reading works of art children

Reading allows you to solve a number of problems: to expand, enrich children's knowledge of the environment, to form the ability of children to perceive and understand fiction, to recreate a verbal image, to form an understanding of the main connections in the work, the character of the hero, his actions and deeds.


Conversations are used to clarify, correct ideas, generalize and systematize them. According to didactic tasks, the conversations are divided into preliminary and generalizing. The first are held when the teacher introduces the children to new skills for them. The final, or generalizing, conversation is conducted with the aim of systematizing ideas, their further deepening and awareness.

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

- Elementary analysis (establishment of cause-and-effect relationships)


- Modeling and design method

Question method

- repetition method

- Solving logic problems

- Experimentation and experiences

Methods for increasing emotional activity

- Game and imaginary situations

- Inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

- Dramatization games

- surprise moments

- Elements of creativity and novelty

- Humor and joke (educational comics)

Methods of teaching and development of creativity

- Emotional saturation of the environment

- Motivation of children's activities

- Study of objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (survey)

- Forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future)

Game tricks

Humor and joke

- Experimentation

- Problem situations and tasks

- Obscure knowledge (guesses)

- Assumptions (hypotheses)


A lesson as a form of education is characterized by a number of features:

At the lesson, children master a certain amount of ideas, skills and abilities in one or another section of education provided for by the curriculum of preschool education;

They are held with all children of a given age group, with a constant composition of children;

They are organized and conducted under the guidance of an adult who determines the tasks and content of the lesson, selects methods and techniques, organizes and directs the cognitive activity of children in mastering ideas, skills and abilities.

Classes are the main form of education. The rest of the forms are used to enrich the experience and prepare children for the assimilation of what is presented in the lesson. The main differences between a lesson and a lesson are in the degree of load, structure, as well as the methods used in the course of teaching.

Classes are given a strictly fixed time in the life of children. As a rule, these are the morning hours, when the mental and physical performance of children is the highest. The number of classes increases gradually, as children move from group to group. When combining classes, the degree of difficulty and the nature of the activities of children in each of them are taken into account.

Occupation Requirements

1. Use of the latest achievements of science and practice.

2. Implementation in the optimal ratio of all didactic principles.

3. Providing conditions for the subject-spatial environment for development cognitive activity.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for the organization of children's activities.

5. Establishment of integrative links (the relationship of various activities, content).

6. Communication with past classes and reliance on the level achieved by the child.

7. Motivation and activation of the cognitive activity of children (methods and techniques).

8. The logic of building a lesson, a single line of content.

9. The emotional component of the lesson (the beginning and end of the lesson are always held on a high emotional upsurge).

10. Connection with life and personal experience every child.

11. Development of children's skills to independently obtain information.

12. Thorough diagnostics, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson by a teacher.

Site materials usedhttp://imk.ddu239.minsk.edu.by

- this is a specially organized, controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, shaping a worldview, developing the mental strength and potential of students, consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set.

Foundation of learning constitute knowledge, skills and abilities.

  • Knowledge- this is a reflection by a person of objective reality in the form of facts, ideas, concepts and laws of science. They represent the collective experience of mankind, the result of the knowledge of objective reality.
  • Skills- is the readiness to consciously and independently perform practical and theoretical actions based on acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills.
  • Skills- components of practical activity, manifested in the performance of the necessary actions, brought to perfection through repeated exercise.

In any always contains elements of learning. Teaching - educate, educate - teach.

Signs of the learning process

Learning process is a social process that arose with the emergence of society and is improved in accordance with its development.

The learning process can be seen as transfer process. Consequently, the learning process in secondary and higher educational institutions can be called the process of transferring the accumulated experience of society to the younger generation. This experience includes, first of all, knowledge about the surrounding reality, which is constantly being improved, ways of applying this knowledge in practical human activities. After all, society cognizes the world in order to improve practical activities, and at the same time improve the reality around us. For constant development, for constant knowledge of the world, society equips the younger generation with ways to acquire new knowledge, that is, ways of knowing the world.

Signs of the learning process:
  • bilateral character;
  • joint activities of teachers and students;
  • teacher guidance;
  • special planned organization and management;
  • integrity and unity;
  • compliance with patterns age development students;
  • management of development and education of students.

Techniques and methods of teaching, their classification

The learning process can be carried out in a variety of ways, depending on the means used, on the conditions under which this or that activity is carried out, on this or that particular environment in which it is carried out.

The effectiveness of the learning process primarily depends on the organization of students' activities. Therefore, the teacher seeks to activate this activity with a variety of methods, and therefore, along with the concept of "teaching methods", we also use the concept of "teaching methods".

learning techniques can be determined by the characteristics of the training system: in problem-based learning, this is a statement problem situations, with explanatory and illustrative - this is a detailed planning of students' actions to achieve specific goals, etc.

The traditional classification of teaching methods includes:

  • verbal teaching methods (or methods of oral presentation of the material);
  • visual;
  • practical.
Verbal teaching methods:
  • work with the textbook (printed word).

Traditionally, these methods are used to transfer educational information. But in the process (a story, a lecture), one can not only transmit information, but also answer the questions that arise from students, and a well-thought-out system of questions from the teacher can cause their mental activity.

Working with the textbook, book, reference literature also can be used in different ways. It can be just a search for the right information, or research, when information is sought to answer certain questions.

The use of cognitive games and programmatic training

Educational games- these are specially created situations that simulate reality, from which students are invited to find a way out.

The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process. The student receives such incentives in the game, where he acts as an active transformer of reality.

Among these games are various mathematical, linguistic games, travel games, games like electronic quizzes, games with thematic sets. In the last decade, simulation games have become increasingly popular, i.e., those that contribute to the reproduction of a certain quality, as well as such varieties of the game method as staging and generating ideas.

Stage method can take various forms, for example, the form of a pre-prepared dialogue, discussion on a specific topic.

Idea generation method borrowed from the arsenal of methods for training creative workers and highly qualified specialists. It is reminiscent of the well-known "brainstorming", during which the participants, having collectively "leaned" on a difficult problem, express (generate) their own ideas for solving it.

Programmed learning methods aimed at improving the efficiency of educational process management and imply a significant increase in the share independent work students, carried out at an individual pace and under the control of special means. The methods used in program learning can be divided into:

  • methods of presenting information;
  • methods for performing programmed tasks;

Methods and means of teaching, their pedagogical possibilities and conditions of application.


    The concept and essence of the method, technique and rules of learning.

    The evolution of teaching methods.

    Classification of teaching methods.

    Means of education.

    Choice of methods and means of training.

Basic concepts: method, technique, teaching rule, teaching aids.

    The concept and essence of the method, technique and rules of learning

Success educational process largely depends on theteaching methods.

Teaching methods - these are ways of joint activity of the teacher and students aimed at achieving their educational goals.ExistingThere are other definitions of teaching methods.

Teaching methods - these are ways of interconnected activities of teachers and students in the implementation of the tasks of education, upbringing and developmentorgy (Yu. K. Babansky).

Teaching methods - these are the methods of teaching work of the teacher and the organizationzation of educational and cognitive activity of students by solving differentdidactic tasks aimed at mastering the studied materialscrap (I.F. Kharlamov).

Despite the various definitions given to this concept by didactics, the common thing is that most authors tend to consider the methodlearning in the way of joint work of the teacher and students on the organizationtions learning activities.

Thus, the concept of a teaching method reflects in the relationship the methods and specifics of the teaching work of a teacher and educational activities.students to achieve learning goals.

Widespread concepts in didactics are alsoconcepts of "learning method" and "learning rule".

Reception training - this iscomponent or separate method sidelearning.The boundaries between the concepts of "method" and "reception" are very fluid and changeable.chichi. Each teaching method consists of separate elements (hourtei, tricks). With the help of the technique, the pedagogical or educational task is not completely solved, but only its stage, some part of it.

Teaching methods and methodological techniques can change places, replace each other in specific pedagogical situations. Samemethodological techniques can be used in different methods. Conversely, one method for different teachers may includevarious tricks.

Thus, the method includes a number of techniques, but is not itselfis their simple sum.

learning rule - this isregulation or instructions on howit is necessary to act in an optimal way in order to carry out the method of activity corresponding to the method.In other words,learning rule(didactic rule)- this is a specific instruction on how to proceedin a typical pedagogical situation learning process.The rule acts as a descriptive, normative model of reception, and the system of rules for solving a specific problem is already a normative-opisatelny model of the method.

    The evolution of teaching methods

The level of development ofdriving forces and the nature of production relations affecton goals, content, means pedagogical process. With their betrayalteaching methods are also changing.

On the early stages community development the transfer of social experience to the younger generations was carried out spontaneously in the process of jointnoah activity of children and adults. Watching and imitating adultscertain actions, mainly labor, children mastered themin the course of direct participation in the life of the social group of which they were members. Teaching methods based on imitation prevailed. Imitating adults, children mastered the ways and techniques tobeing food, receiving fire, making clothes, etc.

At the heart of lesorryreproductive method learning ("do like me"). This is the most ancientmethod of teaching from which all others have evolved.

As the accumulated knowledge expands, the complexity is masteredhuman actions, simple imitation could not provide a sufficient level of assimilation of cultural experience. Since the establishment of schools, there have beenverbal methods learning. Teacher with the help of the wordgave ready-made information to children who learned it. With the adventwriting, and then typography, it became possible to express, ondrip, transfer knowledge in sign form. The word becomes headscarrier of information, and learning from books - a wayinteraction between teacher and student.

The books were used in different ways. In a medieval school, studentsXia mechanically memorized texts, mainly religious contentniya. So arosedogmatic, or catechism, method learning. Moreits perfect form is associated with the formulation of questions and the presentation ofnew answers.

In the era of great discoveries and inventions, verbal methods are graduallybut lose their significance as the only way to transfer knowledge to students. Society needed people who not only knew the laws of nature, but also knew how to use them in their activities. In processteaching included such methods as observation, experiment, independent work, exercise aimed at developing independence, activity, consciousness, initiative of the child. Developmentreceivevisual methods learning, as well as methods to helppractice to apply the acquired knowledge.

On the edgeXIXandXXcenturies took an important placeheuristic me tod as a variant of the verbal one, which more fully took into account the needs andthe interests of the child, the development of his independence.

Conthe concept of "learning through activity" usingpractical methods dove learning. The main place in the learning process was given to manualwork, practical training, as well as the work of studentswith literature, in the course of which the children formed the skills of independent work, the use of their own experience. Approvedpartial but-search, research methods.

Over time, more and more widespreadproblematic methods th learning, based on the advancement of the problem and on selfmovement of students towards knowledge.Gradually society beginsrealize that the child needs not only education, but also the assimilation ofZUN, but also in the development of his abilities and individualdual features. Distribution receivedevelopmental methods learning. Widespread introduction of technology in the educational process, computerizationThe learning process leads to the emergence of new methods.

The search for methods to improve the learning process remains constant. Regardless of the role assigned to one or another teaching method, none of them can be used by itself.No teaching method is universal.greasy. A variety of methods should be used in the educational processlearning.

ATmodern pedagogical practice uses a large number of teaching methods.There is no single classification of teaching methods. This is due to the fact that different authors base the division of teaching methods intogroups and subgroups put different signs, separate aspects of the processlearning.Consider the most common classifications of training methodscheniya.

    Classification of teaching methods by student activity level (Go Lant E.Ya.). This is one of the early classifications of teaching methods. According to this classification, teaching methods are divided intopassive andactive depending on the degree of involvement of the student in educational activities. Topassiveinclude methods in which students only listen andwatch (story, lecture, explanation, excursion, demonstration, observationnie), toactive -methods that organize the independent work of the studentstudents (laboratory method, practical method, work with a book).

    Classification of teaching methods by source gaining knowledge (Verzi Lin N.M.). There are three sources of knowledge: word, visualization, practice. Sootallocateverbal methods(the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word);visual methods(sources of knowledge are observed objects, phenomena, visual aids);practical methodsdy(knowledge and skills are formed in the process of performing practicalactions).verbal methods occupy a central place in the system of training methodscheniya. These includestory, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, workthe one with the book.The second group consistsvisual methods learning, in which the assimilation educational material is in significantdepending on the applied visual aids, diagrams, tables, figureskov, models, devices, technical means. Visual methods conditionallyare divided into two groups:demonstration method and illustration method.Practical teaching methods based on practical activitiesstudents. The main purpose of this group of methods is the formationpractical skills and abilities. Practices includepackexpressions, practicalandlaboratory works.This classification has been widely usedobviously due to its simplicity.

    Classification of teaching methods for didactic purposes (Danilov M.A., Esipov B.P.). In this classification, the following teaching methods are distinguished:

    methods of acquiring new knowledge;

    methods of formation of skills and abilities;

    methods of application of knowledge;

    methods of consolidating and testing knowledge, skills, abilities.

As a criterion for dividing methods into groups according to this classfictions serve as learning objectives. This criterion reflects moreteacher's efficiency in achieving the learning goal.

    Classification of teaching methods by the nature of the cognitive figure students (Lerner I.Ya., Skatkin M.N.). According to this classification, teaching methods are divided depending onsti on the nature of the cognitive activity of students in the assimilation of the material being studied.There are the following methods:

    explanatory-illustrative (informational-receptive);


    problem statement;

    partial search (heuristic);


Essenceexplanatory and illustrative method is thatthe teacher communicates ready-made information by various means, and teachingthose who perceive it, realize it and fix it in memory. Message informations the teacher carries out with the help of the oral word (story, conversation,explanation, lecture), printed word (textbook, additional aids), visual aids (tables, charts, paintings, films and filmstrips), practicalvisual demonstration of methods of activity (demonstration of experience, work on the machine,problem solving method).The cognitive activity of students is reduced to memorizing ready-made knowledge. There is plenty heredefinitely a low level of mental activity.

reproductive method assumes that the teacher reports, explainslearns knowledge in a finished form, and students learn them and can reproduce, repeat the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher. criterionniya is the correct reproduction (reproduction) of knowledge.This method provides the ability to transfer a significant amount of knowledge, skillsin the shortest possible time and with little effort. Thismethod is characterized by the fact that it enriches knowledge, skills,form special mental operations, but does not guarantee the developmentcreative abilities of students.

Problem presentation method is transitional from performingto creative activity. The essence of the method of problem presentation is that the teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, showingthe course of thought in the process of cognition. Students keep track of logs.coy presentation, assimilating the stages of problem solving. In the same timethey not only perceive, realize and remember ready-made knowledge, youwater, but also follow the logic of evidence, the movement of the teacher's thoughts. And although students are not participants, but only observers of the course of reflection, they learn to resolve cognitive difficulties.

A higher level of cognitive activity bringshour typically search (heuristic) method. The method got its name because studentssolve a complex educational problem independently, not from beginning to end, but partially. The teacher guides the students through the individual search steps. Part of the knowledge is communicated by the teacher, part of the students get it on their own, answering the questions posed orsolving problematic tasks. FROMthe essence of this teaching method isleads to the fact thatnot all knowledge is offered to students in finished form, they are partiallyyou need to mine yourself;teacher's job is to manageproblem solving process.

Research method of teaching provides creative assimilationknowledge students. Its essence is as follows:the teacher together with the students formulates the problem;students decide on their own;The instructor will only help if there is a problem.neiy in solving the problem.Thus, the research method is used not only to generalize knowledge, but also to ensure that the student learnsacquire knowledge, investigate an object or phenomenon, draw conclusions and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in life. Its essence is reducedto the organization of search, creative activity of students according to the decisionnew problems for them.The main disadvantage of this teaching method is that it requiresno significant time costs and high level pedagogical quateacher qualification.

    Classification of teaching methods based on a holistic approach to the process learning (Babansky Yu.K.). MTeaching methods are divided into three groups:

    methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activitiesnews;

    methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activitynews;

    methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitivebody activity.

First group includes the following methods: perceptual (transmission and perception of educational information throughyour feelings);verbal (lecture, story, conversation, etc.);visual (demonstration, illustration);practical (experiments, exercises, assignments);logical, i.e. organization and implementation of logical operations(inductive, deductive, analogies);gnostic (research, problem-search, reproductionactive); self management learning activities(independent work with a book, instruments, etc.).

To the second group methods include: methods of forming interest in learning (cognitive games,educational discussions, creation of problem situations); methods of forming duty and responsibility in teaching (encouragingnie, approval, censure, etc.).

To the third group assigned various methods of oral, written and matire check ZUN, as well as methods of self-control over the effectiveness of their own educational and cognitive activities.

At present, there is no single view on the problemclassification of teaching methods, and any of the considered classificationshas both advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account at the stage of selection and in the process of implementing specific teaching methods.

Let us dwell in detail on the individual teaching methods included ininto various classifications.


This is a monologue, sequential presentation of the materialin descriptive or narrative form. The story is used to communicate factual information that requires imagery and presentation. The story is used at all stages of learning, only the tasks of presentation, the style and volume of the story change.

According to the goals are distinguished:

    intro story,whose purpose is toprepare students for learning new material;

    storytelling -used to express intentioncontent;

    story-conclusionSummarizes the material learned.

There are certain requirements for the story as a teaching method.niya: the story should ensure the achievement of didactic goals; contain true facts; have a clear logic; the presentation should be evidence-based, figurative, emotional, taking into account agefeatures of the trainees.In its pure form, the story is used relatively rarely. More often he isuses in combination with other teaching methods - illustration, aboutjudgment, conversation.If the story fails to provide a clear and distinct ponymania, then the method of explanation is applied.


Explanation - it is an interpretation of patterns essentialproperties of the object under study, individual concepts, phenomena. The explanation is characterized by an evidentiary form of presentation based on the uselogical inferences that establish the foundations of truesti of this judgment.How to teach method explanationwidely used in working with people of different age groups.

There are certain requirements for explanation: accurate and evenwhat wording of the essence of the problem; sequential disclosure of causalinvestigative links, argumentation and evidence; use ofnotions, analogies, comparisons; impeccable logic of presentation.

In many cases, explanation is combined with observations, from the questionmi, given to students, and can develop into a conversation.


Conversation - a dialogical method of teaching, in which the teacher, by posing a system of questions, leads students to understand new material or checks their assimilation of what they have already studied.

Distinguishindividual conversations(questions addressed to one student),group conversations(questions are addressed to a specific group) andfrontalnye(questions are addressed to everyone).

Depending on the tasks that the teacher sets in the learning process,content of educational materialallocatedifferent types of conversations:

    introductory, or introductory, conversations. Conducted before studynew material to update previously acquired knowledge and determine the degree of readiness of students for knowledge, inclusion in the upcomingeducational and cognitive activity;

    conversations - messages of new knowledge. There arecatechetical(playpublishing answers in the wording that was given in the textbook orteacher);Socratic(assuming reflection) andheuristicscalic(inclusion of students in the process of active search for new knowledge,formulating conclusions);

    synthesizing, or reinforcing, conversations. serve to summarize andsystematization of students' knowledge and ways to apply itin non-standard situations;

    control conversations. Used in diagnosticpurposes, as well as to clarify, supplement with new information availablestudents' knowledge.

One type of conversation isinterview,which maycarried out with an individual or a group of people.

When conducting a conversation, it is important to correctly formulate and ask questions. They should be short, clear, meaningful; have a logical connection with each other; promote the assimilation of knowledge in the system.

I don't followDo not ask double, prompting questions containing ready-made answersyou; formulate questions with answers like"Yes or no".

Conversation as a teaching method hasadvantages:activates the educational and cognitive activity of students; develops their speech, memory, thinking; has great educational power; is gooddiagnostic tool, helps to control students' knowledge.However, this method haslimitations:takes a lot of timenyh costs; if students do not have a certain stock of ideas and concepts, then the conversation is ineffective. Moreover, the conversation does notpractical skills and abilities.


Lecture - This is a monologue way of presenting voluminous material.

It differs from other verbal methods of presenting the material more strictly.goy structure; abundance of reported information; logic of presentationmaterial; systemic nature of knowledge coverage.

Distinguishpopular scienceandacademiclectures. Popular Sciencelectures are used to popularize knowledge. Academic lecturestions are used in the upper grades of secondary school, in secondary specialnyh and higher educational institutions. Lectures are dedicated to major and princelycritical sections curriculum. They differ inits construction, methods of presentation of the material. The lecture can taketo generalize, repeat the material covered.

Educational discussion

Educational discussion how the teaching method is based on the exchange of gazeus on a specific issue. Moreover, these views reflect eitherthe opinions of the participants in the discussion, or rely on the opinions of others.

The main function of the educational discussion is to stimulate the cognitiveno interest. With the help of the discussion, its participants acquire new knowledge, strengthen their own opinions, learn to defend their position.attitude, to take into account the views of others.To the discussionit is necessary to prepare students in advance, both in content andin a formal way. Meaningful preparation consists in accumulatingnecessary knowledge on the topic of the upcoming discussion, and the formalnaya - in the choice of the form of presentation of this knowledge. Without knowledge, discussion becomesseems pointless, meaningless, and without the ability to express thoughts,to convince opponents - devoid of attractiveness, contradictory.

Work with textbook and book

Work with textbook and book - one of essential methods learning.The main advantage of this method is the ability for the student to repeatedly refer to the educationalinformation.Work with the book can be organized under the direct supervisionthe guidance of the teacher (teacher) and in the form of independent work of the student with the text. This method implements two tasks: students learn educational material and gain experience in working with texts, master variousmethods of working with printed sources.


Demonstrationas a teaching method involves the demonstration of experiments, technicalinstallations, TV shows, videos, filmstrips,computer programs, etc.Most efthis method is effective when students themselves study objects, processesand phenomena, perform the necessary measurements, establish dependencies, benefitgiving what an active cognitive process is carried out, expandinghorizons, the basis of knowledge is created.

Didactic value has a demonstration of real objects,phenomena or processes occurring in natural conditions. But not alwayssuch a demonstration is possible.

Closely related to the demonstration methodillustrations.Sometimes these methods are identified, not singled out as independent.


The illustration method involves showing objects, processes and phenomena.in their symbolic image using posters, maps, portraits, photographs, drawings, diagrams, reproductions, flat models, etc.

The methods of demonstration and illustration are closely related.Demonstwalkie-talkie,usually used when a process or phenomenon is learningstudents must take it as a whole. When it is required to realize the essence of the phenomenon, the relationship between its components, resort toillustrations.

When using these methods, certain requirements must be observed.bovaniya: visibility used in moderation; coordinate the demonstrated visibility with the content of the material; the visualization used shouldmatch the age of the trainees; the item on display mustbe visible to all students; it is necessary to clearly identify the mainessential in the demonstrated object.

A special group is made up of teaching methods, the main purpose of whichryh - the formation of practical skills and abilities. To this groupmethods areexercises, practicalandlaboratory methods.

An exercise

An exercise - multiple (repeated) performance of training activitiesactions (mental or practical) in order to master them or increasetheir quality.Distinguishoral, written, graphicandeducational and labor exercises. oral exercisescontribute to the development of a culture of speech, logicalthinking, memory, attention, cognitive abilities of students. Main purposewritten exercisesconsists in fixing the knowledgeny, development necessary skills and the skills to use them. Closely adjacent to writtengraphic exercises.Their applicationnie helps to better perceive, comprehend and memorize educational material; promotes the development of spatial imagination. Graphic exercises include work on scheduling, blacktags, diagrams, technological maps, sketches, etc.A special group iseducational and labor exercises,the purpose of whichis the application of theoretical knowledge in work. They arecontribute to mastering the skills of handling tools, laboratorytorny equipment (instruments, equipment), developingut design and technical skills.

Any exercises depending on the degree of independence of studentscan wearreproducing, training or creative character. To activate the educational process, the conscious implementation of studiestasks are used

Teaching methods and techniques

Teaching methods and their classification

Teaching methods, or ways of learning activities. Teaching methods are ways of organizing educational material and the interconnected activities of the teacher and students in the learning process. As the famous teacher M.N. Skatkin, the method is the path by which the teacher leads the student from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to skill, the path of development of his mental powers. Methods answer the question of how to teach. Any teaching method presupposes a goal and a system of actions, means of learning to achieve it, and an intended result. The object and subject of the teaching method is the student.

It is very rare to use any one method in its pure form (they use methods in their pure form only for specially planned educational or research purposes). Usually the teacher combines various teaching methods in his work.

Classification of methods. There are various bases for classifying methods. For example, in the 60s. methods were identified based on logical operations - inductive (from facts - to theoretical conclusions), analytical, etc.; for didactic purposes - methods of studying the material, consolidating, testing knowledge. In teaching history, didactics and methodologists most often characterize methods by sources of knowledge (verbal, visual, practical) and by the degree of independence of students' cognitive activity. Classifications of methods were developed taking into account the levels of cognitive activity of students and the increase in their independence. Let's compare them.

Teaching methods

Reproductive methods involve the presentation by the teacher and the assimilation of ready-made knowledge by the student. All other methods are productive. They are designed for independent search activity of students, which can take place in three directions: 1) the inclusion of search in cognitive and practical tasks and tasks (work with documents, historical maps, statistical data, participation in archaeological excavations); 2) disclosure by the teacher of the cognitive process when proving or presenting specific provisions; 3) organization of a holistic study of students under the guidance of a teacher (research of documents, scientific literature based on analysis and generalization of facts).

Let us consider in more detail the classification of methods by sources of knowledge acquisition.

First of all, the verbal method. The word is the oldest way of communication. Sociologist Wilbur Schramm has calculated that it took humans 500 million years to transition from oral speech to writing, 5 thousand years - from handwriting to the printing press and 500 years - from the printing press to television.

The word is inherent in oral speech and written texts. That's why this method learning is divided into oral and printed-verbal. verbal way used in oral teaching, when the teacher and students work together and communicate with each other using the word. The printed-verbal method involves the use of printed (written) texts in teaching along with the spoken word.

A visual method of teaching can be combined with the word. The visualization method involves, for example, the demonstration and analysis of diagrams, tables, drawings, historical maps, the use of a blackboard and chalk, screen aids. Either way, this method consists of various elements. Thus, the use of a historical picture includes a preliminary statement of questions, consideration and analysis by students of its content, and a final conversation.

The practical method includes actions with educational subjects. In the methodology of history, this is the manufacture of layouts, models, drawing diagrams.

Thus, with all teaching methods, the spoken word is used, but in its pure form - only with the verbal method. In other methods, the word is used together with the appropriate teaching aids - with written sources, educational and visual aids.

Variety of tricks

Receptions as activities. An integral part of the methods are the methods of educational activity of the teacher and students. Methodological techniques are a set of teaching techniques, i.e. ways of the teacher's activity and methods of activity of students adequate to them.

Techniques are understood as actions with objects, as well as verbal or written and graphic actions. The reception itself can be seen or heard. Thus, methodological techniques are actions aimed at solving a specific problem. These are ways of working that are carried out to achieve specific results and which can be expressed as a list of actions. Methods of work (teaching) of students depend on the methods of the teacher's activity.

Writing and graphic techniques include compiling calendars of events, tables, dictionaries of new words, plans, logic diagrams, making drawings, filling out contour maps. There are techniques for working with a textbook, with various printed and verbal texts. For example, students analyze documents in an anthology or in a textbook, compiling a synchronistic table. In order to create an idea of ​​the development of one country for all its periods, the teacher gives assignments to write out the most important events in chronological order along with the main dates.

The structure of historical material
and how to study it

Facts, events, phenomena, processes

Facts in teaching history. The main element of the content of historical education is knowledge. They include information, knowledge in the field of history, concentrating the social experience of mankind. Knowledge creates scientific picture development of society, give an idea of ​​historical reality and presuppose the comprehension of it by man.

Structure historical knowledge includes the knowledge of historical science itself: its content, methods of action with historical material, theoretical and methodological foundations(the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific knowledge). In the process of learning, students master the elements of historical knowledge, operating with such categories as fact, phenomenon, event, process. They, for example, reveal the essence of events, compare them. What do these categories mean?

The very word fact in translation from Latin means done, accomplished. As M. Gorky wrote, "they teach, educate facts, always - facts, ideas accompany facts." In history, a fact is considered as some fragment of reality, a specific situation that has taken place. For example, the fact is that Ivan III annexed Novgorod to the Moscow principality in 1478.

The fact is unique, it cannot be reproduced, observed. This is its specificity. In the process of cognition of history, facts are valuable not only in themselves, they are necessary for determining and comparing historical connections, for their generalization and assimilation in the system. Generalization and systematization of facts is a tool for learning history.

Concrete facts achieve the figurative presentation of historical material. Talking about the weapons of the feudal lord under Charlemagne, the teacher gives data on the cost of his weapons, expressed in the number of cows: a helmet - 6 cows; armor - 12; sword with scabbard - 7; gaiter - 6; spear and shield - 2; a warhorse - 12. In addition to weapons, a military campaign required food, a cart with a horse team or a beast of burden to transport this food and a groom with the animal.

Single facts are heterogeneous, they can be subdivided into facts of the first and second order. More complex facts (of the first order) are revealed through less complex (of the second order). For example, the Great Patriotic War belongs to the facts of the first order, the Battle of Kursk belongs to the second order. In the facts of the second order, the primary episodes of historical knowledge can be singled out - a tank battle in the Prokhorovka area.

From a combination of facts of a different order, an image of a historical event arises. Therefore, when preparing for lessons, it is necessary to select the main and supporting facts, to identify those that students must remember for a long time. The main facts that are significant for the knowledge of history and form the leading ideas of the course are revealed more fully and in detail. Non-basic facts are concisely stated. They are needed for communication, for lasting memorization. major events. Thus, the degree of their coverage depends on the significance of the facts. Each fact given in the lesson should reveal the essence of the issue, contribute to the understanding of the main theoretical provisions.

When selecting facts for a lesson, it is also necessary to take into account their scientific reliability; concreteness, figurativeness and emotionality. Facts require more figurativeness for middle-level students, and more documentation, evidence - for high school students. It is necessary to correctly correlate the factual and theoretical material, taking into account age and cognitive abilities. When presenting the content of the lesson in younger students, the very process of the course of events, but not their causes, causes an increase in intellectual and emotional activity.

At the stage of explaining new material, one should not introduce facts that complicate the analysis and distract the student's thoughts. The analysis of the material should be aimed at highlighting the essential features of concepts in it. It is also necessary to take into account the correlation of facts and generalizations. The teaching of history will turn into factology if concrete historical facts prevail without connections and generalizations between them. And vice versa, if there are mainly conclusions and generalizations without reliance on specific facts, teaching will become too sociologized.

Events are significant singular facts. These include, for example, Battle on the Ice, the uprising of Stepan Razin, Civil War in Russia. These events took place in specific conditions, with the participation of a certain circle of people, they are strictly localized in space and time. The study of single, unique facts or events helps to understand and assimilate typical phenomena.

Phenomena are called general concepts(revolution, uprising) regardless of specific facts, without specifying the place, time, participants. AT this case it means that a revolution is a qualitative change in the development of society, and an uprising is a mass armed uprising. Historical phenomena often reflect features characteristic of a certain period of history or era, for example, corvée and dues are characteristic of the era of serfdom.

A process is a successive change of states in development. In history, these are chains of facts interrelated in time; they are connected by cause and effect. For example, the industrial revolution is a process characterized by the transition from manufacture to machine production.

Self-knowledge of history also belongs to the process. It starts with the assimilation of facts. As K.D. Ushinsky, “consciousness is enriched only: a) by multiplying facts and b) by processing them. The more factual knowledge the mind has acquired and the better it has processed this raw material, the more developed and stronger it is.

In order to maintain interest in the lesson in a new topic, in less interesting but necessary material, you can connect more interesting or one that previously left a deep mark on students. The former positive emotional background will help maintain interest in the facts being studied. Interest is also associated with novelty, fascination and entertainment, unexpected comparisons, new aspects of the presentation of material, with a change in methods of activity.

Methods of studying historical ideas, concepts, terms

Representation. On the basis of the facts studied, specific ideas are formed in the minds of students, a certain system of historical concepts is formed. Teaching should be based not on abstract ideas, but on concrete images, on visibility.

Researchers of the 50-60s. 20th century were able to prove that in order to form correct, complete ideas in students, it is not enough just to show images, accompanying them with a verbal explanation. It is also necessary to use techniques that help consolidate and clarify these ideas. Such techniques include verbal description, drawing or graphic reproduction of an object.

Creating images that are adequate to the era is especially important for junior and middle school students. Here there should be the maximum degree of detail in the formation of historical ideas that arise as a result of the imagination, recreating historical pictures and images from elements of knowledge. Otherwise, students modernize the past. In their answers, such phrases are possible: the slaves of ancient Rome lived poorly, walked in torn jeans; The ancient Greeks sailed on steamboats.

Scientists distinguish three types of historical representations. These are ideas about the facts of the past (material, socio-political, historical and cultural life of people, etc.); about historical time (duration and sequence historical events and phenomena) about the historical space (binding events to a specific place of action).

If students learn educational material without relying on specific ideas, images, then this leads to verbalism in teaching (“verbalis” (lat.) - oral, verbal). In verbal teaching, historical facts are reported dryly, without disclosing their meaning and influence on people's destinies, and do not touch students to the core.

Concepts. Historical concepts are necessary for explaining and systematizing facts, understanding other concepts. Methodists pay attention to the gradual mastering of the leading concepts as a result of enrichment and concretization of their content. From lesson to lesson, their new sides, essential features, connections, relationships with other concepts are revealed.

The process of forming concepts proceeds effectively if the typical features of the created images identified by the teacher are comprehended by the students as signs of concepts. Adolescents more easily learn the signs of those concepts that can be visualized. Only later on do they convey their content in a more generalized form.

Psychologists back in the 50s. proved that concepts can be assimilated only in a certain sequence: from visual representations to initial concepts, from less complex to more complex; from concepts that can be broadly specified with the help of visual material, - to concepts that can be concretized only through other concepts. The methods of creating historical representations include a description of the content of a historical picture, an analysis of an event or fact, a plot story, and practical actions of students (drawing, working with plasticine, making models).

For example, in elementary school, students are introduced to the layout of a plow. Pupils learn that a plow is an agricultural tool. The teacher asks the students to draw a schematic drawing of a plow. Then he notices that, in addition to the plow, there are many other tools. Ideas about them are formed empirically on the basis of illustrations. However, the very concept of a tool of labor is actively used not in the initial, but in high school. For kids, this concept is still difficult, as it generalizes too big number representations. So the student passed next path knowledge from representation to concept: plow - agricultural tool - tool (concept). Students are given the simplest definition of a concept: it is knowledge about the essence of an object or phenomenon.

Work with concepts continues in the middle link of students. The teacher demonstrates drawings of tools and invites students to identify their features, i.e. point out how one tool differs from another. Through analysis, students find out the structure of the tool (for example, the purpose of the main parts of the plow, their relationship), the quality of the tool (sharp plowshare).

Thus, as an initial definition, the teacher gives signs of the concept being defined or names its constituent parts. Explaining the complex concept of "culture", the teacher talks about writing, painting, scientific knowledge, without first giving a definition of this concept, since it requires theoretical understanding, connection with social science knowledge and is feasible only for high school students. (Culture is a historically defined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organizing the life and activities of people, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by them.)

Thus, the concepts acquired at the beginning of teaching history are primary and are in close connection with ideas. When reproducing these concepts, reliance on images is necessary. In grades 7-8, the transition from predominantly concrete visual-figurative thinking to abstract-logical thinking begins.

To define a concept, it is important to select essential features, otherwise the object will cease to be itself. It is important to single out the most significant of the many features of the concept under study. For example, the most significant feature of a rural community is that land was considered common property. An essential feature, essence is the most important thing, without which a given event or phenomenon cannot exist.

Such a sign as "ownership" is an integral part of the concept of "feud". To master the concepts of "feud" and "feudal estate" one must know the general essential features of all feuds and all feudal estates. Defining the concept, the student answers the question: what is it? The definition of a concept usually begins with keyword. For quitrent in kind, this word would be "contributions", and for corvee - "work".

2. Set a distinctive (specific) feature.

3. Compose a definition statement from these elements.

The structure of this last logical operation is explained as follows: formulating the definition of the concept of "serf", students find the generic concept of "feudal-dependent peasant" and the specific feature "attaching to the land of a feudal lord".

Here is a fragment of a lesson on identifying the concept of "feudalism" by students:

After listening to the students' story about the main occupations of the population in the ancient Russian state, the teacher asks them:

What was the main value at that time? Livestock? Primitive plow or plow? Housing?

Students: No. Earth. Without land there is no need for a plow or oxen. Where there is no good arable land, there is no need for housing.

And who owned the land?

Pupils: At first, the land belonged to the entire community, and then the best communal lands began to be seized by the tribal nobility. The land became the property of individual, more noble, powerful people. They, capturing more and more land, begin to enslave those peasants who settle on these lands. Such landowners are called boyars.

What is the name of such a system? Where did we meet him?

Pupils: Such a system, when some (feudal lords) own the land, and the bulk of the population, living on their land, becomes dependent on them (enslaved), is called feudal. It dominated in the Middle Ages both in Western Europe and in Asia.

In the senior classes, it is proposed to begin the formation of the most complex historical concepts with students getting used to them. The teacher introduces concepts into the explanation without requiring students to memorize them. Using the concept in the presentation of the material, the teacher conveys its content, concretizes, giving students the opportunity to often hear the concept and delve into its essence. By the time the concept is introduced into the new content, students are already familiar with it, which ensures the success of its assimilation. But even after this, repetition, repeated mention of concepts in training is necessary. If at the beginning the students only reproduce the patterns of the teacher's activity in operating with concepts new to them, then later, on the basis of a generalization of historical facts and events, they single out the essential features of concepts and give their own definitions.

It is not easy to define the concept of "state". In history lessons ancient world in the 5th grade, children are given the following definition: "The state is the force by which the slave owners kept the peasants and slaves in obedience." However, this definition is outdated and it is better to give the following: "The state is a form of self-organization of society." In high school, this definition will be deepened and specified: “The state is a form of self-organization of society, a form that depends on society itself, its structure, the characteristics of its development, on the circumstances that affect it ... This is, first of all, the apparatus for managing society in the interests of the whole society ... ".

When working out the definition of "estate", students turn to reference publications. An estate is a social group that has rights and obligations enshrined in custom or law and inherited. A class organization, which includes several classes, is characterized by a hierarchy, expressed in the inequality of their position and privileges. In Russia from the second half of XVIII in. the class division into the nobility, the clergy, the peasantry, the merchants, and the bourgeoisie was established. With the development of capitalist relations, the destruction of estates occurs.

Terms. Formed concepts are expressed in words-terms. The term is what it means given word(its original meaning). Each new term requires disclosure of content. Only with the same understanding of words in the minds of students will be associated approximately the same content of what is being studied. A specially thought-out system of work is also required to translate terms from the student's passive vocabulary into an active one.

The terms are explained in different ways. So, if they denote objects, then the teacher simply demonstrates their image. Or, demonstrating drawings, he gives an explanation of the origin of the names of objects, weapons. For example, the old Russian horn was given the name by a strong horn fixed at the end of the shaft.

A genetic explanation of the terms is possible: polyudie - the collection of tribute by the prince for people; explanation with the help of a selection of single-root words: tribute - give - alms, fishery - hunt - industry.

Often the teacher gives an explanation of the etymology of the word. So, the Russian word village arose from the words deru, tear. Before building a house, outbuildings prepared a piece of land by tearing out bushes and trees. The word city dweller comes from the word city, the Church Slavonic citizen - from the word hail. The word settlement (settlement of archers, merchants or artisans, free from tax) comes from the old Russian word freedom.

Geographical names, terms can be explained by translating them into Russian. For example, the Hellespont is the "sea of ​​​​Gella"; Thermopylae - "Hot Gate"; Peloponnese "island of Pelops"; Mesopotamia - "Mesopotamia"; progress - moving forward; bankrupt from the Italian banka (bench) and rotta (to break) - a broken bench. If in medieval Italy a money changer was caught cheating, then the bench on which he was sitting was broken on his head. From here it is not difficult to understand the origin of the word bank.

Some terms are explained by the place of origin of objects. For example, the pistol is named after the place of invention - Pistoia in Italy. It is also possible to explain words with the help of synonyms: tournament - competition. Sometimes the teacher refers to the phonetic changes of the word. Since 1519, in the German city of Joachimsthal, they began to mint coins, which, according to the place of manufacture, began to be called Joachimsthaler or simply thalers. From this name, modified in accordance with English phonetics, came the name of the dollar.

The word king comes from the Latin Caesar, and it, in turn, from the personal name of Caius Julius Caesar, which gradually became an integral part of the imperial title. In Russia, the emperors of Byzantium were first called Caesars, then - kings.

The lessons should not use terms that are not consonant with the era. So, speaking of the Russian state of the XIV-XV centuries, one cannot use the terms soldiers, officers. After all, at that time there was no regular army yet. The names of a later time also include the words commander, patrol, gentleman, footman, hall (partially of foreign origin). Instead of them, old Russian words should be used: governor or chief, watch, boyar, landowner, servant, chamber.

Through the words-terms characteristic of this era, its epic features are transmitted. Talking about the battles of the period Ancient Russia, the teacher characterizes the armament of Russian warriors in this way: a treasurer's sword or a damask sword, a scarlet spear, a tight bow, sharp arrows.

First, the teacher introduces students to the origin of the word-term and only then to its concept. So, the term oprichnina was known long before Ivan the Terrible. It comes from the word oprich - except. In the XIV-XV centuries. oprichnina called that part of the appanage property, which, after the death of the Grand Duke, was allocated to his widow, “oprich” of all appanages. This widow's oprichnina, after the death of the princess, was again divided among her sons.

By similarity with this oprichnina, Ivan the Terrible named his destiny with a special territory, army and state apparatus. The oprichnaya part of the city was separated from the Moscow Kremlin by the Neglinnaya River. It included the areas of modern Arbat, Vozdvizhenka, Prechistenka. Later, under the oprichnina, they began to mean the system of internal political measures of Ivan the Terrible in 1565-1572. to combat alleged treason among the nobility.

Having talked about the structure of historical material and methods of cognition, we will focus on the use of the oral teaching method in presenting factual and theoretical material, which we will talk about in the next lesson.

Text 1


Teaching methods -

Reception training - it is part of the method.

For example, in method the following tricks:

So, reception can speak element as a method -

explanation is independent method reception training included in method practical work .

method explanations work with textbook speaks like reception method work with textbook, then the additional explanation .

In this way, .

Text 3

Verbal teaching methods

(methods of verbal transmission and auditory perception of information)

verbal methods occupy a leading place in the system of teaching methods. In the course of their application, the teacher through the word presents, explains the educational material, and students through listening actively perceive and assimilate it. Verbal methods involve active teaching activity.

Verbal methods allow the shortest time hand over large in volume information put before trainees Problems and indicate ways to solve them. With the help of the word, the teacher can bring to mind children bright pictures related to educational material. Word activates imagination, memory, feelings of students.

Verbal methods are divided into the following types: story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book, instruction.

Story. The story is a method of narrative presentation of the content of the studied material by the teacher. Most often it is used in the presentation of such educational material, which is descriptive in nature. For example, it can be a story about a person (writer, composer, etc.), place or situation.

During application storytelling method such methodological techniques are used as: presentation of information, activation of attention, methods of accelerating memorization, methods of comparison, juxtaposition, highlighting the main thing, application of examples.

Explanation. The explanation is to be understood verbal explanation, analysis, proof and interpretation of various provisions of the material presented. Explanation is used in the process of observing phenomena and examining objects, pictures, during exercises, etc.; with his help improves direct perception children. As a teaching method, explanation is widely used in working with children of different age groups.

Lecture. In contrast to the story and explanation, which are used in the presentation of a relatively small amount of educational material, lecture is a long oral presentation of educational material. The lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, with more capacity than a story greater complexity logical constructions, images, proofs and generalizations. This method is used, as a rule, in high school and takes up the entire or almost the entire lesson (20-30 minutes).

During lectures methods are used to ensure logical memorization, beliefs, arguments, evidence, methods of enhancing the cognitive activity of students (writing out the main idea, taking notes, drawing up a schematic model of the material being presented), etc.

Conversation. Storytelling, explanation and school lecture are among the monologic, or informing, teaching methods. Using these methods, the teacher delivers a monologue and does not include students in the interaction. Unlike them Conversation is a dialogic teaching method in which the teacher encourages students to reason by asking a carefully thought-out system of questions and leads students to understand new material or checks the assimilation of what has already been studied. Conversations are possible in which students recall, systematize, generalize previously learned, draw conclusions. Conversations are possible during which students, under the guidance of a teacher, looking for possible answers for problematic tasks.

During application conversation method methods of posing questions (basic, additional, leading, etc.), methods of discussing the answers and opinions of students, methods of correcting answers, methods of formulating conclusions from the conversation are used.

Working with a book - one of the most important teaching methods. The essence of this method lies in the acquisition of new knowledge, when the student studies the material and comprehends it, and in parallel with this acquires the ability to work with a book. Thus, two interrelated aspects are distinguished in this method: the development of educational material and the accumulation of experience in working with educational literature.

Most commonly used the following ways to work with the book : reading, writing off the text, drawing up a plan for the text, preparing theses, taking notes, compiling a basic synopsis of the text and others.

The success of the interviews largely depends on the correctness of the questions. Questions are asked by the teacher to the whole class so that all students prepare for the answer. At the same time, questions should be short, clear, meaningful and formulated in such a way that they awaken the student's thought. As little as possible, you should use prompting questions and questions that require unambiguous answers such as “yes” or “no”.

Efficiency work with textbook depends on its proper organization. It is necessary to select material that is feasible for students. Work with the textbook and educational literature should begin with the explanation of the teacher. You should set the main tasks for the students to complete the assignment, as well as determine the order of work.

conditions effective application the story and the lecture is a clear thinking through the lecture, a logically consistent presentation of all points of the plan, the selection of examples and illustrations, maintaining the proper emotional tone of the presentation. it is important to ensure accessibility, clarity of presentation, select examples and illustrations, use a variety of visual aids.

Visual teaching methods

(methods based on observed objects, phenomena)

The use of visual methods and techniques meets the didactic visibility principle and connected with the peculiarities of children's thinking.

Visual teaching methods are understood as methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on those used in the learning process. visual aids and technical means. The source of knowledge is observable objects, phenomena, visual aids. Main role in applying this method is left to the teacher. His tasks include explaining the material using illustrations, diagrams, tables, experiments, experiments and various visual aids. Students in this method are given passive role perception and fixation of the received information.

The peculiarity of visual teaching methods is that they necessarily imply in one way or another combining them with verbal methods. How separate view the visual method of teaching simply makes no sense. Show illustrations helps children to imagine those aspects and properties of the studied objects and phenomena that they cannot directly perceive. Using visual methods makes it more understandable the material offered for study makes the learning process more attractive. Visualization is especially important and even necessary when teaching. in the lower grades.

Visual teaching methods include: observation, illustration method and demonstration method.

Surveillance - This is a purposeful, systematic perception by the child of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The method consists in the fact that students observe a phenomenon or object and, under the guidance of a teacher, highlight its most significant features, main features, establish causal relationships between objects and phenomena. This method is one of the simplest and most interesting for preschoolers and elementary school students. Most often it is used for a walk or on an excursion.

illustration method suggests showing students illustrative aids: posters, tables, maps, sketches on the board, paintings, portraits of scientists, etc. last years practice has been enriched by a number of new visual aids. The practice of teaching included LETI devices, overhead projectors, which make it possible to show drawings, diagrams, and drawings made by the teacher on transparent film in the daytime without darkening the classroom. At preschool age, techniques are often used: showing objects (children look at doll furniture and clothes, dishes, household items, tools, equipment for drawing, modeling, applications, etc.), showing a sample when teaching fine arts, design. A sample can be a drawing, an application, a craft.

Demo method usually associated with a demonstration of instruments, experiments, the operation of technical installations, and various types of apparatus. Demonstration methods also include the display of films and video films and filmstrips. Showing the mode of action is one of the techniques accompanying demonstrations. It is used in classes for the development of movements, musical, art activities, etc. In the course of applying visual methods, tricks: providing better visibility (screen, tinting, lighting, lifting devices, etc.), discussion of the results of observations, demonstrations, etc.

Text 3

Text 3

Text 1

Concepts: teaching methods and techniques

Method(from Greek word metodos - literally "the way to something") means a way to achieve the goal.

Teaching methods - these are ways of organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students, ways of achieving didactic goals.

Reception training - it is part of the method.

For example, in method organizing the work of students with a textbook and a book the following tricks: taking notes, drawing up a text plan, preparing abstracts, citing, annotating, reviewing, writing a dictionary of the topic covered, drawing up a schematic model of the text.

The relationship of methods and techniques:

1. Individual techniques may be part of various methods. So, reception drawing up a schematic model can speak element as a method work with textbook or book when students make a model of the read text, and an element of another method - explanations by the teacher of the new material, when students draw up a schematic model (reference note) of the new lesson material.

2. One and the same method in some cases can act as independent method, and in others - as a method of learning. For example, explanation is independent method learning. However, if it is only occasionally used by the teacher in the course of practical work to explain the causes of students' mistakes or to reveal the logic of solving a problem, then in this case the explanation acts only as reception training included in practice method.

3. Method and technique may be interchanged. For example, the teacher is presenting new material method explanations, during which, for greater clarity and better memorization, draws students' attention to the text or graphic material in the textbook. Such work with textbook speaks like reception . If during the lesson you use method work with textbook, then the additional explanation the teacher of some term is already not as a method, but only as a small additional technique .

In this way, any way of learning can act both as a method and as a method of learning .