Kuprin white poodle analysis. The image of a dog as an indicator of the moral qualities of a person. Prototypes and description of real events in the story

>Compositions based on White Poodle

Story analysis

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a great Russian writer, who wrote many novels, novels and short stories. Story " white poodle” about the friendship of an old organ grinder with a circus dog was written in 1903 and published a year later. This is a story about the best relationship that can develop between a person and an animal, about loyalty and devotion, about humanity and kindness. Main characters of the story is an organ grinder in years Martyn Lodyzhkin, a twelve-year-old orphan boy named Seryozha and a white poodle Arto. Despite a series of failures that happened to the characters, the work has a happy ending.

From the very beginning, the author introduces us to the course of events and introduces the occupation of wandering artists. All three live on the Black Sea coast and travel from day to day through small villages, showing circus tricks. Grandfather Martyn has a long-aged hurdy-gurdy, which barely plays, and sometimes makes a mournful creak. So Seryozha and Arto show the most interesting things to the audience. Serezha performs acrobatic stunts, and Arto shows all sorts of "fun things". Strong friendship helps them to live and survive. They do not have a very large income, as the audience comes across different. Someone will give a whole gold, and someone will give nothing at all. Therefore, the artists eat poorly and their clothes are worn out.

In the middle of the work, we learn that the artists got to the cottage called "Friendship", where they met a not very friendly family. A boy of eight years old named Trilly lived in the country house, who was looked after by a whole brigade of servants and maids. The boy's mother indulged all his whims, and then his next whim was to take Artaud away from itinerant artists. Lodyzhkin was offered incredible money for a white poodle, and even realizing that he could buy a tavern for himself and Seryozha, he did not sell his friend. As a result, the janitor was given the task of stealing Arto without Lodyzhkin's knowledge. And so he did. While the artists were sleeping, he lured the dog with sausage and stole it.

The author ends his story on a happy note. Seryozha guessed who was responsible for the disappearance of their friend and the next day, after dark, he crept into the dacha of the rich. There he found Artoi in one of the outbuildings and they fled together. It should be noted here that the plot of the story was practically based on real events, since wandering artists often visited Kuprin's dacha in the Crimea. Among them was an organ grinder, an acrobat boy and a circus dog. Taking into account children's perception, the author tried to competently and unpretentiously build the composition of the story. All events took place in a short time and tell about true friendship.

"White Poodle" - friendship is more valuable than money

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870 - 1938) is known as the author of numerous works in which special attention is paid to the analysis of human relationships. The writer also showed great interest in young readers. He is the author of well-known stories for children and about children - “ Kindergarten”, “In the bowels of the earth”, “Wonderful doctor” and others. His works are especially loved by young citizens.

The plot of the story "White Poodle" Kuprin almost copied from life. Wandering artists came to the writer's dacha in the Crimea, whom Alexander Ivanovich sometimes invited to dine. Among the frequent guests were an old man with a hurdy-gurdy, an acrobat boy named Seryozha, and a white poodle. Seryozha and told the story of how a rich lady persistently asked to sell the dog. The poodle really liked her little son. But the old man and the boy refused to do so, for which they incurred the wrath of the rich lady.

This story was very interested in Kuprin. The writer saw two very important themes in a simple plot. Firstly, the theme of social inequality, and, secondly, selfless friendship and concern for "our smaller brothers." In 1903, Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" was published.

Alexander Ivanovich generally sympathized with children "from the bottom." He was bribed by the spiritual simplicity of these guys, their ability to perform noble deeds. Such is the wandering artist Seryozha in The White Poodle, brought up by the old organ-grinder Lodyzhkin. They are confronted by a completely different world, which is personified by a rich lady and her spoiled son Trilly.

The conflict of the story is built on the different attitudes of these people. For wealthy gentlemen, a dog is just a fun thing to buy and sell. For the old man and the boy, their Artoshka is more than a friend. For the sake of his salvation, Serezha even risks his life.

The characters in The White Poodle are drawn by Kuprin very clearly, and taking into account children's perception, even slightly deliberately. This circumstance makes it possible to clearly define the contrast between the children. Trilli perceives nature with complete indifference, while Seryozha with delight. The lady's son is tender and clumsy, while Seryozha is strong and dexterous. Trilly's speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give" ... The words of the young artist testify to his restraint, an adequate perception of reality.

Kuprin builds the composition of the story very competently and without fuss. Events take place in a short time, everything is subordinated main goal- using the example of the story with the poodle, to show that loyalty and friendship are the main wealth in a person's life. At the same time, each part of the story (there are six in total) is a logically complete episode.

The "White Poodle" has a happy ending, although in real life it could have been different. But Kuprin subtly feels the child's soul, so he inspires optimism in the young reader. The child must believe that justice will prevail. So the writer formed the moral principle in children.

In addition to the analysis of the "White Poodle", check out other essays on the works of Kuprin:

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Evsina Daria

In relation to the living and to the living - not only people, but also "our smaller brothers" living next to us or preferring a free life - one can judge a person. He who tortures animals can raise his hand against a person. Anyone who takes pity on a defenseless kitten or feeds a hungry dog ​​will not be able to offend his neighbor.



The image of a dog as an indicator of the moral qualities of a person

(on the example of the stories of A.P. Chekhov "Kashtanka" and A. Kuprin "White Poodle")

Evsina Daria Olegovna

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 6"

5 A class

Chapter 3

The image of a dog in the work of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle"

AT fiction the dog usually plays the same role as in everyday life. Basically, this is a faithful companion of a person and his kind of guardian angel. But the dog is also a kind of instrument of fate, which is given to the hero in order to show his true essence.

A lot of works about animals were created by the famous Russian writer A. Kuprin. Kuprin wrote: “Animals are distinguished by their memory, reason, ability to distinguish time, space, colors and sounds. They have attachments and disgust, love and hatred, gratitude, gratitude, fidelity, joy and sorrow, anger, humility, cunning, honesty and downtroddenness. .

Consider the famous story by A. Kuprin "White Poodle". this work events take place in a short time. The life of a wandering troupe of artists is described: grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin, boy Sergei and poodle Arto.

The story depicts two boys who are completely opposite in character. This is Trilly - a capricious, spoiled, rude, impatient child, a hysterical boy, like his mother. Trilly's speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give". (see table number 2) And Seryozha is a hard-working, kind, brave boy. The words of the young artist testify to his restraint, an adequate perception of reality. (see table No. 2) The focus is on episodes in which the fate of the dog is decided. A spoiled child needs another toy - a trained dog. Trilly does not understand that the dog does tricks because the old man and the boy treat her well, because she is the same artist as grandfather Martyn and Seryozha. The troupe of artists refuses to sell the dog. It is in these episodes that the heroes of the story clash: well-fed and hungry, living according to different social and moral laws.

It is no coincidence that the story is called "White Poodle": through the attitude of the heroes of the work to Artaud, the writer reveals the moral superiority of one over the other. The author's sympathies are entirely on the side of the poor street performers, and not the spoiled baby Trilly and his hysterical mother. Neither Sergei nor the organ grinder can even imagine parting with the faithful Artaud, no matter how much money is offered for him.The boy Seryozha nevertheless saves his four-legged friend from captivity, risking his life, overcoming fear, despair. The boy, having heard that the janitor is beating the dog, forgets about his own fear and shouts: “Don't you dare beat! Don't you dare hit the dog, you damned one!" In this act, his true essence is manifested, the main character traits: loyalty to friendship, readiness for a feat for the sake of a friend that the dog has become.

So, Kuprin evaluates his hero through his act, through his attitude towards a four-legged friend, which allows us to identify the characters, advantages and disadvantages of the heroes of the work: the incorruptibility of Lodyzhkin, the immorality of the inhabitants of the dacha, the courage of Seryozha, the lackey devotion and the criminality of the janitor.

Chapter 4

Comparative analysis of the image of a dog in the works of A.P. Chekhov "Kashtanka" and A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle"

Comparing how writers paint the image of a dog, one can find similarities and differences in the stories.

The difference lies in the fact that in the story "White Poodle" we practically do not know what Arto is thinking. Kuprin, through a description of behavior, through intonations of barking, tells us that the dog is caressing or indignant. Thus, eagerly awaiting his performance, Artaud barked "a nervous, staccato bark." And while in captivity, he emits a "groaning screech", "frantic, breaking bark" and "long intermittent howl". At the moment of liberation, a victorious bark is heard. The only episode where we hear Artaud's internal monologue is on the seashore. The dog ran along the seashore, worried about Seryozha, who swam too far, and thought: “Why show your courage? ... There is land - and walk on land. Much calmer."

From the very beginning of the story “Kashtanka”, A.P. Chekhov draws our attention not only to the external features of Kashtanka’s behavior, but also to the visible or hidden signs of her state of mind: “from the shot she was delighted”, “sad”, “woke up from fear, terribly wanted to bark, it was scary”, “swarmed in the eyes and in the soul”, “I could not utter a sound from horror”, “froze with surprise and delight” etc. (see table No. 1)Chekhov identifies Kashtanka's feelings with human ones.

The writer Kashtanka thinksas a person, chooses his future fate: it is better fora carpenter or a circus performer.

In order to convey to the reader the inner world of his heroine, Chekhov uses not only adverbs and nouns of the “feelings” group, special words that convey the state, but also describes dog dreams. In them, Kashtanka is sad about past life, forgives Fedyushka all insults, in dreams the dog idealizes his former life.

The attitude of dogs towards their owners is similar. Both Artaud and Kashtanka have someone and something to compare. Arto, of course, is happy to return to the owners who gave him love and care. And Kashtanka returns to the world in which she was born and raised. Attachment, devotion of a dog are more important than a well-fed life, dog devotion makes Kashtanka forget all insults and abuses against herself.

Both Chekhov and Kuprintak somehow show us the feelings, experiences, thoughts of dogs. With this subtle artistic device, writers help to penetrate into the sensual and rational world of the animal, and we understand that both Kashtanka and Artaud are attached to their owners.

So, the works "Kashtanka" and "White Poodle" are works not only about faithful and devoted dogs, but also about evil and good people, as well as about the mutual understanding of the "two worlds": man and nature.


Great human and social tragedies are hidden behind the history of dogs. Penetrating deeply into the psychology of the animal, the author shows the world of good and evil. Each writer interpreted the image of a dog in his own way, drawing the reader's attention to the fact that in any situation a person should not forget about our smaller brothers. But both works are permeated with the thought of the immorality of human actions, the commercialism of his existence. Showing the life of a dog, the authors works of art emphasize the moral, spiritual state of the person who is next to her.

Our hypothesis was confirmed: we see that the image of the dog is indeed very important in the work, because the attitude towards the animal is a test of human worth. Man lives not only among people, but also among animals that have their own wisdom, and people have a lot to learn from them. Any contact with the world of animals warms, teaches generosity, kindness and devotion, which is sometimes so lacking. human society. People should be able to take care not only about themselves, but also about those whom they have tamed, if they do not want to the world became cruel and unjust.

In relation to dogs, the most human feelings: kindness, love and affection. These moral qualities are becoming scarce in our society, and books about dogs can help to educate them. Morally well-mannered person will never do anything bad to "our smaller brothers."

List of used literature

  1. Abramovich G.L. "Introduction to Literary Studies" Textbook for students. M., Enlightenment, 1979
  2. Esin A. B. Principles and methods of analysis literary work: tutorial/ A. B. Esin. M.: Flinta, Science, 1998.-248s.
  3. Journal "Russian Language and Literature for Schoolchildren".-2014.-No. 3.-p.21-28.
  4. Kostyukhin E.A. "Types and forms of the animal epic". M.: Nauka, GRVL, 1987.
  5. Kuleshov V.I. Life and work of A.P. Chekhov: Essay. – M.: Det. lit., 1985
  6. Kuprin, A.I. Stories /A. I. Kuprin. - Moscow. -1976. – 123 p.
  7. Kurbatov, V. Ya. Moment and eternity / V. I. Kurbatov. - Krasnoyarsk. - 1983. - 168 p.
  8. Literary encyclopedic dictionary. / Ed. M. V. Kozhevnikov and P. A. Nikolaev. M. - 1987. - 345 p.
  9. Literature and art: Universal encyclopedia of the schoolboy. /Comp. A.A. Vorotnikov. Minsk. - 1995. - 167 p.
  10. Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia in 2 volumes - II volume - M. -1987. – 378 p.
  11. Semanova M.L. Chekhov the artist /M. L. Semanova. - Moscow. - 1986. - 112 p.
  12. Sokolov Z.P. The cult of animals in religions /Z. P. Sokolov. - M. - 1972. - 109 p.
  13. Chekhov A.P. "Kashtanka" and other stories. –M.: Samovar, 2004

Tasks: To trace the origins of the appearance of the image of a dog in literature Determine moral lessons, which the authors give to readers through the image of a dog in the works of A.P. Chekhov's "Kashtanka" and A.I. Kuprin's "White Poodle" To reveal the ideological content of the stories through a comparative description of the animalistic images of the works. Purpose: to reveal the role of the image of the dog in the stories of A.P. Chekhov "Kashtanka" and A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle".

The origins of the appearance of the image of a dog in literature

Kashtanka's life at the carpenter's Kashtanka's life at the Stranger's Table, workbench, a pile of shavings, planers, chisels, saws ... (poor) apartment Armchair, sofa, lamp, carpets (rich) Place under the workbench Small mattress Tobacco, klester food Pieces of meat, good food Kashtanka name Aunt Angrily shouting attitude Calling by name, conversation, stroking torment tricks training Fearfulness, fear behavior Confidence no friends cat named Fyodor Timofeevich; goose Ivan Ivanovich and a piglet. The image of a dog in the work of A. Chekhov "Kashtanka"

Characteristics of the hero Luka Aleksandrych The stranger asserts himself through the humiliation of those who cannot resist him. kind, cheerful, hardworking

They live according to different social and moral laws.

The qualities of the hero Lady, Trilly, the janitor Lodyzhkin and Seryozha Callousness, immorality, lackey devotion and crime Incorruptibility, fidelity to friendship, readiness for a feat for the sake of a friend

Similarities Differences The attitude of dogs towards their owners is similar. In the story "White Poodle" we hardly know what Artaud is thinking. Chekhov, on the other hand, identifies Kashtanka's feelings with human ones. Comparative analysis of dog images

Literature grade 4. Subject: A.I. Kuprin. White poodle.

Lesson Objectives:

Learn to characterize the main characters.
Develop speech, analyze the work.
To cultivate a culture of feelings through the analysis of the work.

Equipment:portrait of A.I. Kuprin, plot drawings, handouts.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Psychological mood for the lesson .

Guys, sit comfortably, close your eyes, remember your loved ones and friends. I see a lot of smiles on their faces. Open your eyes, if there are your friends in the class, smile at them.

Now imagine that your little pet is sitting on your lap. Pet him. What a fluffy, cute guy he is. Is it really nice? Do you love them?

2. Socialization.

Take white flowers and write your name in the center. And on the petals are the names of their loved ones. What feelings do you have for them? Have there been times when you, sacrificing your time or safety, helped them in some way. (Children's answers) Well done!
- Name the values ​​in a person's life. (children's answers - life, health, loved ones, devotion, fidelity, friendship, education, family ... ..)

3. Conversation about the biography of A.I. Kuprin


4. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

5. Work in pairs. Restoration of the sequence of events of the work.

Restore the outline of the story.

2. Bad day.

5. "Artaud is stolen."

1. Wandering troupe of artists.

3. "I want a dog!"

6. Rescue of the dog.

4. "Not everything ... is sold, what is bought."

6. Conversation. Questions about the content of the story (at the same time, students use texts and prove their answers with quotes)

1. How many artists are in this troupe? (an old man, Sergey, a poodle Arto and a goldfinch in a cage, trained to pull papers with predictions of the future from a drawer)

2. Who is Sergey the old man? (stranger)

3. What are the 3 most expensive creatures (or things) of the old man? (Sergei, Arto, hurdy-gurdy)

4. Where do the events of the story take place? (in Crimea)

5. How does Sergei feel at the beginning of the story? What is his mood? (he admires the beauty of nature, carefree and happy)

6. How does the work begin? (a strange sight at the dacha. Trilly demands Artaud)

7. Who is Trilly? How do Sergei and the old man feel about him? Read. ("Shamashed"; "Stinging, however, the little boy. How was this raised? Well, if it were in my power, I would ... prescribe Izhu for him”)

8. What did the old man say when the lady asked how much he would sell the dog for? (“Dogs, mistress, I don’t trade - s”)
9. Why did grandfather refuse to sell the poodle? Who was the dog for grandfather and Seryozha?

10. What can be said about the character of the old artist? (a proud, noble, honest man, a true friend. He does not try to please the mistress and her capricious son. It is enough for him to earn his bread by honest labor)

11. How did he explain his refusal to the janitor? How do you understand such an answer? ("Not everything is sold that is bought")

12. Name the highest moment of experience. (missing poodle)

13. Why was Sergei angry with the old man when Artaud disappeared? (For his helplessness, "What do we do now, Seryozha?")

14. When did Sergey stop getting angry and took pity on the old man? Why? (When he told about someone else's passport)

15. In what part of the story did you feel relief, joy for your friends? What feelings did Sergei experience when he ended up in the manor's garden? Find in the text and read. (Chapter 6 "Never in his life did the boy experience such an agonizing feeling of complete helplessness, abandonment and loneliness, as now")

16. What makes Sergey save the dog? (Love for a dog, for an old man; the realization that now only he can change the situation ....)

7. Characteristics of the heroes of the story.

1. How does Sergey change from the beginning to the end of the story? (Students are given sheets for a written characterization of the hero; they work independently 2-3 minutes)

Characteristics of Sergei

At the beginning of the story

At the end of the story

Checking the self-characteristics of the hero (students read out their options)

Possible outcomewritten on the board:

Characteristics of Sergei

At the beginning of the story

At the end of the story

Carefree, fun...

Resolute, courageous, serious,
Feels responsible for others
Growing up..

2. Guys, let's make up comparative characteristic heroes: Sergey and Trilli.

trilly- a spoiled, rude, impatient child.

Sergey- hard-working, polite, devoted, loyal friend.

8. Continuation of the conversation.

1. Why did Trilly need a poodle? (for fun)

2. Tell me again who Arto was for grandfather and Seryozha? (devoted, faithful friend, breadwinner...)

3. What is the theme of the work? (On the relationship between people and animals)

4. And the main idea? (Loyalty, fidelity, friendship is the most important thing in a person's life. The author teaches readers to be humane, kind, noble towards each other and towards animals; condemns the callousness and heartlessness of people.)

9. Homework

Article menu:

A. Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" is one of the stories focused on the formation of a moral principle. An optimistic plot and the rise of the concept of friendship - these are the concepts that have become key in the story.

Prototypes and description of real events in the story

It was then, in the summer, that Alexander Ivanovich visited with his family in the Crimea - in Miskhor. On one of these days, the Kuprins' house was visited by unexpected visitors - an old man, a young boy and a poodle dog. The guests turned out to be itinerant artists. The old man played the hurdy-gurdy, the boy was an acrobat, and the dog was trained and knew how to perform various tricks.

We invite readers to familiarize themselves with A. Kuprin - in the table.

Soon these guests became regular visitors to the Kuprins - the owners always welcomed them cordially. As soon as the first sounds of the hurdy-gurdy were heard, people began to converge on the Kuprins' house - they were also working people - masons from the neighboring dacha, nannies with children and other people passing by.

After a short performance, the Kuprins always invited the artists to dine - visitors never sat down at the table, but they never refused food. It was at this time that Kuprin managed to communicate with the artists.

The old man did not differ in sociability and talkativeness, the boy was his opposite - he willingly talked about their wanderings and travels.

Once they happened to go to Odessa, and there Seryozha (that was the name of the young acrobat) visited a real circus. After this incident, the boy had a dream - to learn and become a real acrobat.

Once Seryozha told Kuprin interesting story about how one rich woman wanted to buy a dog from them, but, having been refused, she unleashed her anger on itinerant artists.

Why the story is called "White Poodle"

Alexander Ivanovich became interested in this story - and after some time he wrote a story about these events from the life of wandering artists. The story was called "White Poodle".

This choice of name can be explained in two ways. The first of the bottom lies in the concept, which later became winged: "friendship is more valuable than money."

The second is the essence of the conflict. As in real life, a trained poodle becomes a stumbling block and development of the conflict - the whole story is built on the situation of the possibility of buying a dog. Based on this position, the choice of name seems justified.

Plot Features

Alexander Ivanovich made some changes to Serezha's story - like the events of real life, acting characters of the story are the old organ grinder Martyn Lodyzhkin, his assistant - the boy Seryozha (whom the organ grinder borrowed from his friend, shortly before his death) and a trained poodle named Arto.

We invite thoughtful readers to analyze the story of A. Kuprin, as well as to find out the meaning of his name.

These heroes do not have their own homes - they wander from city to city, from village to village, showing small performances in the hope that they will be given something as payment. Not everyone welcomes artists - many drive them away from their yards, but artists are no strangers. Only one lady gave them a dime, and even that turned out to be full of holes.

At the Druzhba dacha, the artists had a reason to distinguish themselves - a family with a child lived here - a capricious and fastidious boy named Trilly. The performers arrived at the house just in time for Trilly to take her medication. The child really did not want to do this and did not succumb to persuasion. The performance of the artists helped to correct the situation - the boy was delighted. Particularly impressed by his poodle Artaud. Accustomed to the fulfillment of all whims, the child demanded that a dog be bought for him. The artists refused, they said that it was impossible because Arto, first of all, was their friend. Unable to get a dog in an honest way, Arto steal, luring sausage. However, the story ends optimistically - Seryozha managed to free the dog and friends began to travel together again.