How to write a good testimonial for a student. A sample of characteristics from the place of study of a student and schoolchild. Characteristics, sample characteristics, student characteristics, employee characteristics, employee characteristics, characteristics from the place of work



3rd year student of the State Budgetary educational institution middle vocational education Kaluga region

"Sosensky Radio Engineering College"

Petrov Petr Petrovich

199 3 years of birth. residing at:

Kaluga region Kozelsky district, Kozelsk, st. Student, d. 51

Petrov Petr Petrovich has been studying at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Kaluga Region "Sosensky Radio Engineering College" since 09/01/2010, specialty 230105 - Software computer technology and automated systems.

During his studies at the technical school, he showed himself to be a hardworking, independent, diligent student. According to the results of intermediate attestations, he has excellent and good results in general education and special disciplines.

Peter is a regular participant in the events held at the technical school, olympiads and competitions, in which he takes victorious and prize-winning places.

Petr actively participates in the social life of the technical school, namely in sports competitions in volleyball, the military sports game "Star", in intellectual games in law, computer science and special disciplines, in city cross-country sports competitions.

As an active member of the "Guards" search squad, he heads the military-patriotic education section of the Student Council.

By nature, Peter is purposeful, sociable, disciplined, reliable, responsible, direct. He enjoys well-deserved prestige among his comrades, is an example for junior students.

Director of GBOU SPO "SRT" L.M. Mayorova

Group curator T.N. Zhuravleva

Student characteristics

The document is similar to drawing up a job description. The characteristic is written on the letterhead of the university and is supported by the seals and signature of the dean.

The document can be drawn up by the dean's office staff, the group curator, the head of practical classes or another representative of the university.

Structure and pattern characteristics

Sample general characteristics

The standard structure of registration of characteristics is reduced to the following points:

  1. Address and details educational institution and the name of the institution at the request of which the student profile is compiled. This information located in the header of the document and may be part of the letterhead.
  2. Indication of personal data about the student, full name, date of birth, period of study in this institution, name of the faculty, specialty, group.
  3. Overall score student's progress, his abilities for different types of learning, attitude to the learning process. This part of the document specifies GPA student achievement. Creative or scientific achievements student, his activity in cultural life, are also indicated in this section.
  4. Assessment of the psychological and behavioral qualities of a person: the type of thinking, the level of culture, the nature of relationships with other participants in the educational process.
  5. In the final part of the document, the date of compilation is indicated and the signature of the dean is put.

Sample characteristics of a student in the military registration and enlistment office (Size: 32.0 KiB | Downloads: 9 167)

Sample Student Profile (Size: 31.5 KiB | Downloads: 26,119)

Outdated form or article? Please click!

Sample characteristics for a student: download ready-made or learn how to write your own for work

Characteristics of a student - a document that indicates personal qualities and the demonstrated abilities of the student in the learning process. Features of writing a characteristic for a student depend on the place of its further provision. This type characteristics are drawn up by the responsible person of the educational institution in which the student is studying.

For characterization, a letterhead is usually used. For the purpose of convenience in educational institutions, a sample of characteristics for a student is being developed. You can download a sample compiled by us for review or for work.

The document is presented upon request. Most often, a characteristic for a student is required for any movement of a student (when moving to another faculty, specialty, to another educational institution), to the military registration and enlistment office. when applying for a job after graduation.

A sample of characteristics for a student includes the following data:

    In the upper right corner, as a rule, the data of the organization from which the characteristic will be provided is placed. Next, the heading “Characteristics” is written in the center. After that, the main (profile) data of the student are indicated - full name, year of birth, in which year he entered the study, at which faculty and the specialty being studied, as well as what course of study is currently in. The next paragraph of the characteristic evaluates the level of student performance - his attitude to the educational process, achievements, degree of study of the course, participation in the public life of the university, etc. (for example: during the training he showed himself ... was an active participant ...). It is also advisable to indicate the level of performance (average score) here. After, usually, there is an assessment of the personal and psychological qualities of the student, which affect relations with teachers and the team. In this part, you can add information about the type of thinking of the student (for example: has an analytical mindset or has imaginative thinking) In conclusion, the date and signature of the dean of the faculty are put.

Download sample characteristics for a student - LINK

It is important that the student reference sample contain objective and truthful information about the student, since these characteristics may affect the perception of the student by the employer and the formation of an opinion about him.

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice

Conclusion of the responsible head of the practice on the work of the student (technical skills, scope of work, quality, activity, discipline)

Examples of characteristics of a student from the place of practice

During the passage industrial practice in the state educational institution of secondary vocational education "College of Arts" student _________________ proved to be disciplined. seeking knowledge. skills and abilities. required in this area of ​​management. The main objective of her practical work was to familiarize herself with the main aspects of the work of the personnel department of the college. Under the guidance of an experienced specialist. the head of the personnel departments of the college studied the main legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on personnel management labor legislation the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise procedure for making forecasts, determining the prospective and current needs for personnel sources of providing the enterprise with personnel state of the labor market systems and methods for assessing personnel methods for analyzing the professional qualification structure personnel procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of an enterprise methods for accounting for personnel movement, the procedure for compiling established reporting the possibility of using modern information technologies in the work of personnel services.

Despite the short period of internship, ___________ proved to be an active, disciplined student, she was able to cover a very large amount of necessary information. Assisted in the processing of personal files of newly hired employees. She studied the basics of working with information and legal systems "Garant" and "Consultant".

______________ treated all the tasks of her work practice very responsibly, carried out orders with documents carefully. The practical work of ____________ is highly commendable.

During the internship, I got acquainted with the structure of the organization, the procedure for conducting personnel records management, accounting and storing documents. Participated in the preparation of documents.

With regard to professional qualities, _____________ proved to be a competent, executive, accurate person, and responsibly treats the assigned tasks. Skillfully applies theoretical knowledge gained during the training period in practice ______________ is attentive when working with documents, easily orients in their content. She has computer skills, which she used in the preparation of various documents.

AT interpersonal relationships polite, sociable, easily adapts to work in a team.

During the internship, ___________________ proved to be a disciplined and responsible employee. Accurately followed the daily routine of the company, followed the given instructions and tasks.

She studied the process of personnel management of the company, applied theoretical and practical skills in her work. In the process, the student had the opportunity not only to study the documentation, but also took part in its preparation, which showed the highest degree knowledge in the field of personnel workflow.

In my opinion, ______________ showed good knowledge theory in practice.

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Sample characteristics for a student

When the turn came to go to work, or luck fell out to take a valuable position. To your attention a template that will leave the production time of a satisfactory document B modern conditions characteristics are called a letter of recommendation. AT Soviet times you replaced the guarantee letter this characteristic. There is a difference to request characteristics, another to compose. Many have had to deal with such a term as a characteristic. The characteristic was not changed. In modern realities, the capitalist concept has come into our everyday life as a recommendation in the form of a letter.

Characteristics, sample characteristics, student characteristics, employee characteristics, employee characteristics, characteristics from the place of work


To the trainee of the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office Ivanov Vladimir Ivanovich, born on 21.07.1982.

Ivanov V.I. completed an internship at the prosecutor's office in Moscow from 10/31/2005 to 12/31/2005.

During the internship Ivanov V.I. got acquainted with all types of prosecutorial supervision, consideration of complaints and applications of citizens, got acquainted with protests, presentations of the prosecutor, refusal materials, suspended criminal cases, supervisory proceedings in criminal cases, got acquainted with the organization of the work of the investigator of the prosecutor's office, with the main documents included in the criminal case. Directly carried out trips as part of the investigative-operational group to the scene of incidents.

Ivanov V.I. showed himself as a disciplined and diligent trainee, as a highly intelligent, educated and well-trained person. He was distinguished by hard work, diligence and diligence in carrying out practical tasks, which were always performed in good faith, in a timely manner, without requiring additional checks.

Very quickly and qualitatively assimilates all the information given to him. He strives to serve the law with great desire.

Ivanov V.I. proved to be a modest and disciplined young man. Sociable, polite with friends. He enjoyed well-deserved prestige and respect in the team.

Intern Ivanov V.I. developed a calm and even character, a strong will and many other positive traits personality. Knows how to choose and set socially significant goals to achieve them.

Senior Investigator of the Prosecutor's Office of Moscow D.V. Petrov

Characteristics for a student writing sample.

Student characteristics - an official document issued by an educational institution and containing information about the student's academic performance and psychological qualities. This document may be required when applying for a job, when passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office, when transferring to another educational institution or to another faculty, and in other cases.

The document is similar to drawing up a job description. The characteristic is written on the letterhead of the university and is supported by the seals and signature of the dean. The document can be drawn up by the dean's office staff, the group curator, the head of practical classes or another representative of the university.

Sample General Specification

The standard structure for issuing a characteristic is reduced to the following points: 1) an indication of the address and details of the educational institution and the name of the institution at the request of which the student's characteristic is compiled. This information is located in the header of the document and may be part of the letterhead. 2) Indication of personal data about the student, full name, date of birth, period of study in this institution, name of the faculty, specialty, group. 3) General assessment of the student's progress, his abilities for different types of learning, attitude to the learning process. This part of the document indicates the student's average grade. Creative or scientific achievements of the student, his activity in cultural life, are also indicated in this section. 4) Evaluation of the psychological and behavioral qualities of a person: the type of thinking, the level of culture, the nature of relationships with other participants in the educational process. 5) In the final part of the document, the date of compilation is indicated and the signature of the dean is put.

The document must contain only objective and truthful information about the student. Characteristics from the place of study can affect the perception of the student by the employer or the new supervisor.

Sample characteristics of a student in the military registration and enlistment office (Size: 32.0 Kb | Downloads: 6 703)

Sample Student Profile (Size: 31.5 Kb | Downloads: 19,793)

Characteristics from the place of study - the portal of students of the seventh bit

A characteristic from the place of study may be needed in several cases. Sometimes an employer asks for it when you get a part-time job, wanting to combine work and study. Or it may be required at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

But whatever the reason, the form of the document and its typical content remain roughly the same.

Unlike a student's autobiography, the characteristic is compiled by a responsible person from the institute. It should reflect the following points:

  1. Full name, as well as basic information of the questionnaire plan.
Data where the student is studying, in which course and department.
  • Characteristics of educational and professional qualities.
  • Characteristics of the personal qualities of the student, his relationship with teachers and classmates.
  • Conclusions and an indication of where the characteristic is intended
  • It is also customary to evaluate the psychological and moral qualities of the student, his characteristic inclinations and abilities. Now let's look at examples.

    Sample characteristics from the place of study


    on the student Venediktov Anton Pavlovich, a graduate of the St. Petersburg GPU

    Student Venediktov Anton Pavlovich is a second-year student at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, at the Department of Nanotechnology and Quantum Mechanics. During his studies, he showed himself as a responsible student.

    Took part in cultural events organized by the university: the day of the freshman and the day open doors. Member of the institute team of KVN.

    He completed an internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Marine Physical and Technical Systems, established himself as a responsible trainee.

    He shows special abilities in physics, he had an educational practice in the departmental laboratory of optics and photonics.

    In contacts with fellow students, Anton Venediktov shows leadership skills, non-conflict, always ready to help friends and buddies.

    In 2010, he was nominated for a scholarship from the Governor of St. Petersburg following the results of two examination sessions.

    Teachers characterize Anton Venediktov as a capable student who can further reveal his engineering talent in the professional field, subject to intensive training.

    The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of requirement. Seal. Signature.

    Form template characteristics of a student from the place of study

    Full name, date of birth, studied at the evening department of _______________________ (name of the institute) from September 2005 to July 2010.

    In the process of studying, __________________ (full name) showed himself to be a purposeful, disciplined and capable student. Successfully mastered educational material in specialized disciplines.

    In general subjects, semester and term papers, he received good and excellent marks. The thesis in the specialty _________________ on the topic: ____________________ is novel and reflects the high vocational training author.

    During the internship at ___________________ and the production practice at __________________ ________________ (full name), he showed good knowledge of engineering, programming skills in high-level languages ​​and the ability to apply in practical work knowledge acquired at the university. During the internship, he successfully completed all the assigned tasks, showing himself on the positive side.

    Has a penchant for innovation. good manufacturing and training confirmed by the characteristics and reviews from the places of passage of ___________________ (full name) practice.

    ___________________ (full name) was a member of the student scientific circle, made presentations at scientific and practical conferences and was nominated for a grant based on a number of published papers. _________________ (full name) easily finds mutual language with others, always benevolent, in controversial situations looking for a compromise, prone to creative activity.

    The qualification degree _______________________ (full name) fully corresponds to his knowledge and skills, which allows him to be recommended for admission to graduate school in the specialty _______________.

    The characteristic is given for presentation to graduate school ____________________.

    Characteristics of the student. example and sample characteristics for a student from the place of practice

    The principle of writing a characteristic for a student depends on the purpose of its further use (as well as characteristics from the place of work). Most often, this document is drawn up in two cases, each of which we will consider separately.1. General characteristics of a student An example of writing a general characteristic of a student Usually required for presentation at the place of demand. Written and compiled by an employee of the dean's office, on the letterhead of the university.

    This type of characteristics can be used both within an educational institution (for example, when transferring a student to another specialty, another faculty, encouraging or imposing administrative penalties on him), and in third-party organizations or institutions (for example, when transferring a student to another university, when distribution at the end of training or for the military registration and enlistment office). In all the above cases, the form of writing the characteristic is the same. The structure will be as follows:

  • header - it contains the details of the educational institution, the name of the organization (institution) where the characteristic will be provided
  • questionnaire part - the first paragraph of the document. The surname, name, patronymic of the student (in full), year of birth, year of admission to the university, current course of study, faculty
  • performance characteristics - in this section, it is necessary to assess the overall academic performance of the described ( for example: with curriculum doing great), its relation to the learning process ( for example: is a conscientious student, does not allow discipline violations and absenteeism) and GPA. Also in the section you can indicate the most significant achievements and hobbies of the student related to social life university.
  • personal and psychological qualities - the section assesses the character of the student, the level of his general culture, relationships with classmates, teachers.
  • the final part - the date of compilation of the characteristics, the signature of the dean of the faculty.
  • 2. Characteristics from the place of internship A sample of the characteristics for a student from the place of internship Compiled by an employee of the personnel department or the head of the department of the organization in which the student had an internship, on letterhead for presentation to the educational institution. In the description of the internship provided from the place of internship, the general level professional knowledge and training of the student, which he showed and applied in a particular area of ​​the enterprise. Depending on the course of study, a student can undergo introductory, industrial or pre-diploma practice in one or another period. In all these cases, the form and structure of the document will be the same. The procedure for writing a description of the internship is as follows:
  • heading - the heading contains the full details of the organization, below the date of the document
  • introductory part - last name, first name, patronymic of the trainee (in full), type of internship, name of the organization, period of internship
  • the main part - a list of duties performed and acquired skills ( for example: During the internship, the student has studied. , . actively participated in the work of the enterprise department, viz. etc.)
  • conclusion - the general, final assessment of the trainee is indicated ( for example: At the end of the internship, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was rated excellent).
  • Download Sample characteristics for a student for presentation at the place of requirement Example of a characteristic form for a student from the place of internship Sample characteristics of a student from pre-diploma practice

    Student characteristics

    Ivanov Alexei studied at the KhVNGI Institute from 09/01/2005 to 05/30/2010. How a student is able, has good memory, Ivanov Alexey is diligent in mastering knowledge by profession.

    Inclined to the study of natural and exact sciences. At the sessions he was active and attentive, worked systematically.

    Mastered with ease exact sciences. For the results of study showed high level knowledge. Attended classes regularly, missed classes without good reasons did not have.

    Alexey was inclined to mutual understanding, camaraderie, respect for senior teachers, and never had a problem with discipline.

    In extracurricular activities, he was an active participant in various hobby groups. He was a participant in sports competitions from football and tennis.

    I enjoyed attending the circle of information technologies. Interested in technology.

    The character is light. Easily finds a common language with peers, respects elders.

    Ivanov Aleksey is a good interlocutor, well-read, has a simple balanced character.

    The characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of demand.

    Dean of the Institute (Surname Name Patronymic)

    Head of Faculty (Surname First Name Patronymic)

    Group leader (Last name First name Patronymic)

    Based on the purpose of writing, the characteristics of the student are compiled by a representative of the educational institution (class teacher, group leader, head teacher, director of the university). Characteristics for a student-trainee is compiled by the mentor, to whom the student was assigned.

    Characteristics of the student writes to the court classroom teacher or the head of the group, after which this characteristic is signed by the director of the educational institution or the head teacher. The characteristic of a student for an employer should contain the professional features of the student, his level of knowledge, diligence and character traits.

    In such a characterization of a student, focus on the activity and independence of the student, and not on his professional skills, since he has not worked much in practice yet.

    The characteristic of the student differs from any other characteristic in that it exhibits several grades associated with the direction after the academic professional activity. The characteristics of the student should contain maximum reliable information about the student, this can help to avoid various troubles and misunderstandings in the future.

    There have been many cases in life when, thanks to a characterization, a person was acquitted in the courts. If the characteristics of a student are compiled by law enforcement agencies, then its content and the entire emphasis is placed on the personality of the student, and in the background, his performance in an educational institution (school, institute, college, college, etc.)

    The text of the characteristic consists of four parts:

    1. Personal data of the person on whom the characteristic is formed (placed in the center of the sheet or in the column on the right).

    2. Information about activities or studies (since what year has he been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery, or possession of educational material).

    3. Evaluation of business and moral qualities: information about the promotion (recovery): relationships in the team.

    4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

    For example, below we provide sample characteristics.

    Characteristic (sample)

    Sample Teacher Profile

    An example of a document for a student

    Sample Characteristics of a Bad Worker

    An example of a document for a doctor

    An example of a document for a programmer

    Sample characteristics of a company employee

    An example of a document for a teacher primary school

    An example of a document for a primary school teacher (2)

    An example of a document for a teacher of foreign literature

    An example of a document for the work of a teacher

    An example of a document for a school graduate

    An example of a document for a school graduate (2)

    An example of a document for a school graduate

    An example of a document for a student

    An example of a document for a graduate

    An example of a document for a graduate 2

    An example of a document for a graduate 3

    An example of a document for a graduate 4

    An example of a document for a graduate 5

    An example of a document for a graduate 6

    An example of a document for a graduate 7

    Graduate Characteristics Example

    Characteristic (zrazok) learn 10 class

    Zrazok Graduate Characteristics

    Butt characteristics uchniv class 5

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the 6th grade

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student, weak to the point of violation of law

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

    Psychological pedagogical characteristics of the student

    Characteristics of the teacher of cob classes

    For admission to work, to the military registration and enlistment office and in many other cases, you may need a characteristic of a student from the place of study. With this document, the educational institution where the student used to be gives him psychological characteristics and characteristics in terms of academic performance and discipline. At its core, it is similar to a similar document from the place of work. But in this case, it must be prepared on the letterhead of the educational institution and contain its seal, and also have the signature of the dean or rector of the educational institution. The characteristic of the student is compiled by the leader or curator of the group, an employee of the dean's office or other representatives of the educational institution.

    Example of student characteristics

    Characteristics of a student from the place of study is compiled according to the following rules:

    1. It must contain the details and the exact address of the educational institution where the student studied, as well as its full name. Sometimes this information is indicated on the form. In any case, it should be located in the header of the document.

    2. Complete information about the student. They mean not only the data on the questionnaire (date of birth and full name), but also the period during which he studied at the institution, the name of his group, specialty, faculty.

    3. based on his academic performance, attitude to learning, abilities in certain areas of knowledge. Here it is also necessary to indicate his points for training, achievements, participation in the life of the institution outside of school.

    4. Characteristics of his personality traits: both behavioral and psychological. Here it is necessary to indicate the type of his thinking, what kind of relationship he had with the team, his level of culture.

    5. The last part of the document is reserved for the date of its compilation and the signature of authorized persons - the dean.

    Please note that only information that corresponds to reality should be indicated in the characteristic. Because characteristics of a student from the place of study gives general idea about a student at a new job.

    As detailed as possible, the characteristic reflects the student's qualities common to any type of activity - activity, responsibility, independence, his labor abilities.

    All data must be 100% objective so that the person receiving the person has a correct idea.

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    Under what circumstances should all this be written?

    • so that the student can "report" about his stay in the educational institution. This is necessary for military registration and enlistment offices;
    • to be able to get a permanent / temporary job as a main employee or part-time worker;
    • the head of the organization where the student is sent as a trainee;
    • in other cases provided for by law.

    However, in all these cases, the characteristics may not be in demand. But deans' employees must be able to write them correctly.

    As a rule, this document is compiled by a teacher, who is part-time curator of the study group. But such an employee of the university does not always have reliable information about all his wards.

    So, to summarize the information, the head of the group can be involved - from among other students, who also knows quite well the data on the progress and personal qualities of each student in the group. Then the curator only signs the testimonial and brings it to the dean for approval.

    Main types of characteristics:

    • an employee who is newly hired;
    • a preschooler staying in an institution of preschool education;
    • student (or schoolchild) staying/departing in educational institution or from it;
    • student, information about which is sent to the military registration and enlistment office or law enforcement agencies.

    The last three categories can be conditionally combined into one large group of young students. Such documents are usually operated in the field of education - preschool, secondary general, secondary special, higher.

    For what purposes is a characteristic for a student compiled?

    1. Employment. In general, students are, by definition, a non-working community whose members are temporarily studying in a higher or secondary educational institution. However, such forms as part-time, evening education, and external study involve part-time employment of the student and give him the opportunity to earn extra money. Therefore, when applying for a job, especially in a state institution, it is advisable for him to have a “guide” document with him, since he does not yet have a diploma (certificate) of higher / secondary special education in his hands.
    2. The student is also periodically obliged to “check in” at the territorial military registration and enlistment office: he brings information about the faculty, the terms of continuing education, thereby he delays his conscription into the armed forces. Therefore, the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office should especially contain detailed information about the student's progress.
    3. It may also happen that a student, for whatever reason, may be brought to administrative or criminal liability. At the same time, his educational institution, at the request of special authorities, provides the fulfillment of all necessary requirements.
    4. Another important role is played by the characteristic when transferring a student from one university to another or when moving within an educational institution, changing the faculty, department, form of education, etc.

    Characteristic structure requirements

    There are a few simple rules for writing a characteristic:

    1. It is written using computer typing (Word text editor);
    2. It has a clear logical structure: introductory part, main part and conclusion.
    3. It is desirable to maintain the volume - 1 page of printed text (14 size, single line spacing, standard indents). If the document takes more than 1 page, then it already becomes less readable.

    There is no strict framework for writing, but a certain sample can be taken as a basis and constantly used.

    1. header characteristics is the name of the document, the full name of the student, information about his course, faculty, university.
    2. Questionnaire part is devoted to information about the date of birth of the student, as well as about admission.
    3. Academic Data- this is general information about how he studies, what grades he passes sessions for, has / does not have academic debt, and is / is not on academic leave. Examples of personal awards for scientific disciplines that they have mastered. This can be a list of diplomas, thanks, reviews, etc.
    4. Personal qualities- this is a listing of the main positive / negative qualities, character traits. Separately, emphasis is placed on those qualities that favorably characterize a person.
    5. Final part contains recommendations of the faculty management for further activities student, and also contains a mandatory indication of where the characteristic is provided. This is convenient, first of all, for the employees of the dean's office, who record all outgoing documents.
    Main sections Example Compilation comments
    header Characteristic_______________ (Last name, first name, patronymic (genitive case), Students of ____ course ____________ (name of the university), studying in the specialty "_______________________" The text is printed in the center. Do not put a full stop at the end of a heading sentence. It is recommended to indent 1 line after the title
    Questionnaire part ____________ (Surname, name, patronymic of the student (Nominative case)), "__" _______ 19____ b. (date of birth), studying at _____ (name of university) from "__" _________ 20__ These items are logically related parts
    Academic Data Throughout the course of study, he showed himself (a) to be a responsible student. Disciplines at the end of the sessions are handed over on time with "good" and "excellent"
    Personal qualities According to her personal qualities, she is responsible, punctual, purposeful, has self-organization skills, etc.
    Final part Thus, it is worth recommending the student __________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic (accusative)) to undergo an internship. The characteristic is provided by ______________ (name of the workplace) at the request of the employer.

    Sample spelling


    Kuzmenkova Anna Eduardovna, 5th year student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Voronezh State Pedagogical University

    Kuzmenkova Anna Eduardovna, 09/12/1994 studying at the Voronezh State Pedagogical University since 09/01/2010 in the specialty "Teacher of Mathematics".

    Throughout the course of study, he passes tests without debts, and exams for "good" and "excellent" (a certified copy of the record book is attached). The student has a good command of the necessary knowledge in the subject "Mathematics", successfully passed tests and exams in age pedagogy and psychology. She also studied modern pedagogical technologies, as well as the methodology of work according to the Federal State educational standard main general education. Thus, Anna Eduardovna has a basic level of knowledge and skills necessary for the work of a secondary school teacher.

    According to her personal qualities, student Kuzmenkova A.E. distinguished by benevolence, activity, ability to build business relationships. In addition, she is distinguished by responsibility, punctuality.

    The characteristic is provided to the office of the municipal budgetary educational institution, secondary school No. ___

    Group curator ______________________________________________

    Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics _______________________

    In addition to the basic documents, a passport and an application for conscription, a characteristic from the place of study is required, which the university provides to the military registration and enlistment office for the student. This type of document must be provided on letterhead and with all the seals of the institution where the recruit is being trained. This type of document cannot affect the choice of the type of troops, but a general idea of ​​​​the conscript in the draft commission will be obtained. Also, this document is paid attention to when selecting at the recruiting station at the time of the arrival of representatives from the military unit.

    What is the characteristic for?

    In theory, this document is required for distribution at the recruiting office, but in practice everything is different. Basically, the characteristics of the student are required by the psychologist of the draft board, when passing draft events. According to it, a psychological portrait of a young man is compiled in the military registration and enlistment office in addition to psychological tests that are carried out with a conscript.

    The characteristic of a student can be useful in the selection at the military registration and enlistment office for elite troops. These include the Presidential Regiment, the Airborne Forces and Marines. If the conscript does not have everything in order with this document, the road to such troops will be closed. Pay attention to the characteristic when it comes to. It is from this document that one can get an idea of ​​the pacifist inclinations of the conscript.

    How the document is compiled

    Characteristics from the university for the military registration and enlistment office is compiled in the dean's office of the educational institution, its employees. It takes into account various aspects of the recruit's personality. These include:

    • personal information;
    • information about the composition of the family;
    • psychological portrait of a conscript;
    • behavior and inclination to something at the place of study;
    • personal successes and achievements;
    • habits and hobbies.

    The certificate from the university should reflect reliable information that is important for the military registration and enlistment office. It must show not only positive sides student, but also his negative, if any.

    If there are drives to the police, this information must be indicated in the document. Conflict and other aspects of character can also be taken into account in the distribution at the recruiting station.

    A sample of the characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office for a student is given below, for a visual acquaintance with it.

    What information should be provided

    The characteristic from the place of study of the conscript must be drawn up in accordance with a certain structure. All items must be present in the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office.

    1. Title. The title should indicate the name of the educational institution from which the document is being issued, as well as the address and name of the institution for which it is issued. In some cases, the phrase "provided at the place of demand" is indicated.
    2. Student profile data. In this paragraph, it should be indicated in what year the student was enrolled in this educational institution. His full name and place of residence. Sometimes the place of his birth may be required. It is also indicated on which course and at which faculty the student is studying, indicating the specialty.
    3. Student achievement. An assessment of the student's progress, his visit to an educational institution is given. How many absenteeism is listed for him. An analysis of his attitude to learning is made. Participation in social activities educational institution. Various achievements in the Olympiads and other participation in the life of the educational institution.
    4. Description of the student's personality. This part describes the personal qualities of the student, his ability to communicate with fellow students, the ability to cope with conflict situations. For the military registration and enlistment office, it is appropriate to indicate in this part the student's sporting achievements, his awards and participation in various competitions.
    5. Final part. The conclusion indicates the date and list of officials with signatures. Most often, the signatures of the curator of the group in which the young man is studying and the dean of the faculty are required.

    If the characteristic is printed on letterhead, then the name of the educational institution is not indicated. For a college student, a characteristic is provided to the military registration and enlistment office similar to that described above.


    In the upper right corner, the name of the university or college is written (full name with the address of the institution), the institution to provide characteristics.

    Characteristics per student

    Zaitsev Stepan Igorevich, born in 1998, studies in Samara Industrial University since 2014. Currently studying at the 4th year of the Faculty of Management in the Hotel Business.

    During his studies at the university, he conscientiously coped with the mandatory curriculum and attended all the required educational events. Student performance on good level. Absences are not allowed. He has no complaints about violations of discipline. He takes an active part in the public work of the university. Conducts events as a host and leads an active lifestyle. He has a sports category in shooting sports and numerous awards for participating in competitions.

    Zaitsev Stepan Igorevich is distinguished by a calm character. With others in good friendly relations. He does not like to enter into conflicts and tries to avoid them.
    Has a positive attitude and is able to make independent and responsible decisions.

    At the bottom is the date, the signature of the curator of the group and the dean of the faculty.