The meaning of the near thought in a large legal dictionary. What does "near thought" mean? Who was a member of the near or secret thought


Council of a Few Trusted Persons of the Tsar (Grand Duke) in Russia XV - early XVIII centuries; in the middle of the 16th century. the actual government (the Elected Rada). In the second half of the XVII century. called Room, or Secret thought.

Big legal dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is NEAR DUMA in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    - the council of a few trusted persons of the tsar (grand duke) in Russia in the 15th - early 18th centuries; in the middle of the XVI century. actual...
    Duma, Secret Duma, Room Duma, council of figures closest to the Grand Duke (and then the Tsar); acted in the Russian state from ...
    council of a few trusted persons of the tsar (grand duke) in Russia 15 - early. 18th centuries; all R. 16th century actual government...
  • THOUGHT in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
    - since 1993, the name of the bodies of representative (legislative) power in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (for example, Moscow city village, regional village in ...
  • THOUGHT in the Big Law Dictionary:
    - since 1993, the name of the bodies of representative (legislative) power in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (for example, Moscow city D., Regional D. in ...
    CITY - see CITY DUMA ...
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - 1) a representative, elective, legislative, deliberative, administrative institution, etc. the building of this institution; 2) meeting, council; 3) since 1993 ...
  • MIDDLE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    DUMA (SECRET DUMA, ROOM DUMA) - a council of figures closest to the Grand Duke (and then the Tsar); acted in the Russian state ...
  • THOUGHT in the Ethnographic Dictionary:
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary of Ethnographic Terms:
    recitative song, mainly of historical content, in ...
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    (Heb.) Angel of Silence (Death) in ...
  • THOUGHT in bible encyclopedia Nicephorus:
    (perhaps - silent or silence): Genesis 25:14 - one of the sons of Ishmael. Joshua 15:52 - City in the tribe of Judah...
  • THOUGHT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • THOUGHT in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    the name of various (representative, elective, legislative, deliberative, administrative) institutions in tsarist Russia. See Boyar Duma, City Duma, State Duma ...
  • THOUGHT in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • THOUGHT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    legislative representative institution in Russia (see Boyar Duma, State Duma) city self-government bodies (City ...
  • THOUGHT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -s, w. 1. Thought, reflection. Duma. about the homeland. Think to think. 2. Kind of Ukrainian folk historical song. Cossack thoughts. II...
    DUMA, the name will present. elected institutions (State Duma) or bodies of the mountains. self-government (City Duma) in Russia. Assembly, council of boyars, zemstvo elected ...
  • MIDDLE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NEAR DUMA, council of a few trusted persons of the tsar (grand prince) in Russia 15 - early. 18th centuries; all R. 16th century …
  • THOUGHT in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    du "ma, du" we, du "we, du" m, du "me, du" mom, du "mu, du" we, du "mine, du" my, du "mami, du" me, ...
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    Thought; meditation (used usually in solemn, poetic speech, singular plural). About great, lofty thoughts. Blessed, noble, big, great, majestic, ...
  • THOUGHT in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -s, genus. pl. doom, w. 1) Thought (usually deep, all-consuming). Painful thoughts. Stay alone with your thoughts. 2) Reflection, reflection. …
  • THOUGHT in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • THOUGHT in the Russian Thesaurus:
    Syn: reflection, reflection (book), thought, meditation, ...
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    see dream, thought, advice || think a thought, immerse yourself in ...
  • THOUGHT in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    State Duma, thought, thought, thought, parliament, song, thought, thought, thought, thought, ...
  • THOUGHT in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. g. 1) Thought. 2) outdated. Thinking, thinking. 2. g. 1) a) Lyrical-epic genre of Ukrainian verbal and musical folklore. b) The product of such ...
    d`uma, ...
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    D`uma, -s (instead of the State ...
  • THOUGHT full spelling dictionary Russian language:
  • THOUGHT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    d`uma, -s (instead of the state ...
  • THOUGHT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    d`uma, ...
  • THOUGHT in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    Genus of Ukrainian folk historical song Cossack Dumas. Duma In the old days and in tsarist Russia: the name of some state institutions is Boyarskaya ...
  • THOUGHT in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    1) the name of representative elected legislative institutions (State Duma) or city self-government bodies (City Duma) in Russia. 2) Assembly, council of boyars, ...
  • THOUGHT in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    thoughts, w. 1. Reflection, thought (poetic obsolete and regional). Heavy thoughts. 2. Kind of Ukrainian folk song (lit., ethnogr.). Cossack thoughts ...
  • THOUGHT in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    thought 1. g. 1) Thought. 2) outdated. Thinking, thinking. 2. g. 1) a) Lyrical-epic genre of Ukrainian verbal and musical folklore. b) The product ...
  • THOUGHT in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. 1. Assembly, council of boyars, zemstvo electors, etc. as a legislative or administrative body; Boyar Duma (in Russia IX ...
    397834, Voronezh, ...
  • NEAR IGUMENK in the Directory Settlements and postal codes of Russia:
    308515, Belgorod, ...
  • NEAR STRAW BETTER FAR SENTS. in Proverbs of the Russian people Dal.
  • SPAIN MIDDLE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Near (Hispania Citerior), a Roman province on the east coast of Spain; formed in 197 BC. e. ( main city- New Carthage). …
  • RUSSIAN PROVERBS in Wiki Quote.
    Data: 2009-07-25 Time: 12:35:57 = A = * Appetite is between the teeth * Ashuga happiness when the wedding, mullahs - when ...
  • SWORD The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    GERMAN-SWITZERLAND - a two-handed knight's sword with a developed guard, the part closest to the shank (300 mm) of the blade has no sharpening and ...
  • in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    Near Polubyanka, Voronezh, ...
  • in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    Near Igumenka, Belgorodskaya, ...
  • SONG 6
    open orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Song of Songs of Solomon. Chapter 6 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • SONG 5 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Song of Songs of Solomon. Chapter 5 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...

Council of trustees of the tsar or grand duke in Russia in the 15th-early 18th centuries, in the middle of the 16th century. was the actual government of the country, in the second half of the XVII century. was called the Room, or the Secret Thought.

Watch value Middle Duma in other dictionaries

Thought- Thought; meditation (used usually in solemn, poetic speech, singular plural).
About great, lofty thoughts.
Gracious, noble, big, great, majestic, ........
Dictionary of epithets

Thought- thoughts, well. 1. Reflection, thought (poetic obsolete and regional). Heavy thoughts. 2. Type of Ukrainian folk song (lit., ethnogr.). Cossack thoughts of the 17th century. || Kind of lyric-epic poem (lit.). Thoughts........
Dictionary Ushakov

Thought- -s; and.
1. Thought (usually deep, all-consuming). Stay alone with your thoughts. Heavy, heavy thoughts. lofty thoughts. Thought my mind. All thoughts are only about the past ........
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Boyar Duma- - the political institution of medieval Russia. It arose in the IX-XI centuries. in the form of a meeting of the prince with the retinue, "duma members", boyars. Later, the composition of B.D. expanded by the inclusion of "way ........
Political vocabulary

The State Duma- - 1) B Russian Empire in 1906-1917 a legislative, representative institution with limited legislative rights, established by the Manifesto on October 17, 1905. Elected ........
Political vocabulary

State Duma of the Russian Federation- - one of the two chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, along with the Federation Council, which plays a leading role in the legislative activities of the state. To the exceptional........
Political vocabulary

Thought- - since 1993, the name of the bodies of representative (legislative) power in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (for example, Moscow City D.).
Political vocabulary

— -
advice of the figures closest to the Grand Duke (and then the Tsar); acted in the Russian state from the 15th century. at the beginning of the XVIII century.
along with the Boyar Duma In the middle of the XVI ........
Economic dictionary

Boyar Duma- - 1) in the Kievan state -
council under the prince of members of the pillar squad and other persons close to him, 2) in
period feudal fragmentation- advice of noble vassals ........
Economic dictionary

City Duma- -1) city self-government body in Russia in 1785 -1917 Dealt with issues of urban improvement, health care and other economic affairs; 2) in the Russian Federation since 1993........
Economic dictionary

The State Duma- - 1) in the Russian Empire in 1906-1917. - a representative institution (lower house of parliament) with limited legislative rights; created as a result of the revolution
Economic dictionary

Thought- 1) representative, elective, legislative, deliberative, administrative
institution, as well as the building of this institution; 2) assembly,
Economic dictionary

Thought- This noun in the meaning of "thought" is common Slavic and borrowed from the Germanic languages ​​(for example, in the Gothic doms means "opinion, judgment").
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

Middle Duma- - the council of a few trusted persons of the tsar (grand duke) in Russia in the 15th - early 18th centuries; in the middle of the 16th century. the actual government (the Elected Rada). In the second half of the XVII century. named........
Law Dictionary

Middle Duma (room)- - in the XVI-XVII centuries. informal body government controlled, which consisted of the boyars closest to the king.
Law Dictionary

Middle Duma (Secret Duma, Room Duma)- - council of figures closest to the Grand Duke (and then the Tsar); acted in the Russian state from the 15th century. at the beginning of the XVIII century. along with the Boyar Duma In the middle of the 16th century, the database was ........
Law Dictionary

Middle Office- - in 1699-1719. body of administrative and financial control over the activities of all state institutions. Has lost its importance in connection with the formation of the Senate.
Law Dictionary

Boyar Duma- - 1) in the Kiev state, a council under the prince of members of the pillar squad and other persons close to him; 2) during the period of feudal fragmentation, the council of noble vassals under the prince ........
Law Dictionary

Bulygin Duma- - in the literature, the name (after A. G. Bulygin) of the highest legislative advisory representative body of the Russian Empire. According to the project developed in July 1905, the majority ........
Law Dictionary

City Duma- - 1) the body of city self-government in Russia in 1785-1917. She dealt with issues of urban improvement, health care, etc. and economic affairs. Headed........
Law Dictionary

The State Duma- - 1) in the Russian Empire in 1906-1917. representative institution (lower house of parliament) with limited legislative rights, created as a result of the revolution ........
Law Dictionary

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation- - one of the chambers of the Federal Assembly (parliament of the Russian Federation). According to Art. 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation participates in the exercise of state power. It belongs to the legislative...
Law Dictionary

Thought- - since 1993, the name of the bodies of representative (legislative) power in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation (for example, Moscow City D., Regional D. in the Vladimir Region. State ........
Law Dictionary

Duma Boyarskaya- - see the Boyar Duma.
Law Dictionary

State Duma- - see State Duma.
Law Dictionary

Regional Duma- - see Duma.
Law Dictionary

Regional, Regional Duma- - the name of the legislative (representative) body of state power in many regions (according to our calculations - in 28), in two (out of six) regions of the Russian Federation. In Stavropol ........
Law Dictionary

General City Duma- - see City regulation 1862
Law Dictionary

Steppe Duma- - in the XIX century. governing body of nomadic and wandering foreigners; consisted of representatives of the tribal nobility.
Law Dictionary

Six-member City Duma- - a link in the system of city self-government. Created as a result of approval Letter of commendation cities (1785). Executive-administrative body at the general mountains. thought. Abolished in 1862
Law Dictionary

Secret thought, Room thought, - the advice of those closest to the led. to the prince, and then to the king of figures; acted in Rus. state-ve at 15 - early. 18th century along with the Boyar Duma. Under Vasily III, approximately 8-10 boyars were included in the E. d. All R. 16th century B. d. was actually the government of Tsar Ivan IV (see Chosen Rada). B. d. did not have a permanent composition, it began to form into an institution in the 2nd half. 17 century, when especially trusted persons (boyars, etc.) began to favor "in the room." The B. d. It was the mainstay of the autocracy in the fight against the reactionaries. boyars and, to a certain extent, a counterweight to the Boyar Duma, which, due to its cumbersome composition, did not fully satisfy the needs of the tsarist government in an executive, small in composition, obedient bureaucratic. organ.

Lit. see Art. Boyar Duma.

  • - Council of a few trusted representatives of the tsar in Russia in the 15th - early 18th centuries; in the middle of the 16th century. actual government. In the second half of the XVII century. called the Room, or the Secret Thought ...

    Big Law Dictionary

  • - the circle of the closest persons of the Grand Duke in the Russian state of the 15th - early 18th centuries. acted along with the official Boyar Duma. In the middle of the 16th century, it was actually the government of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - Secret thought, Room thought, - the advice of those closest to the led. to the prince, and then to the king of figures; acted in Rus. state-ve at 15 - early. 18th century along with the Boyar Duma ...
  • - body adm.-finance. control over the activities of the state. Russian institutions; was the office of the Boyar Duma. Established by Peter I. Headed by N. Zotov...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • province of Rome in Spain...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - existed for a short time under Peter the Great. It was opened even before the establishment of the Government...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Secret Duma, Room Duma, council of figures closest to the Grand Duke; acted in the Russian state from the 15th to the beginning of the 18th centuries. along with the Boyar Duma ...
  • - the body of administrative and financial control over the activities of state institutions of Russia, founded by Peter I. B. k. was the office of the Boyar Duma. From 1701 it was headed by N. Zotov...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Roman province on the east coast of Spain; formed in 197 BC. e. . Under Augustus in 27 BC. e. was renamed Tarraconian Spain...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - council of a few trusted representatives of the tsar in Russia 15 - early. 18th centuries; all R. 16th century actual government. In the 2nd floor. 17th century called the Room Thought or the Secret Thought...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Close relatives: in one sun they dried onuchi ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - NEAR, -ya, ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Wed. The grandmother of this rich man and the grandmother of the sailor, as they say, dried stockings in the sun alone, and because of this immediate circumstance, the sailor considered the rich man to be her uncle. Leskov. bypassed. 13...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Cm....
  • - See FAR -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FAR -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"NEAR THOUGHT" in books

Dacha in Zubalovo and "Middle"

From the book Conversations about Stalin the author Sergeev Artem

Dacha in Zubalovo and "Near" Svetlana, Beria, Stalin, Lakoba at the dacha, though not in Zubalovo, but in Abkhazia. Much has been said about Stalin's dachas. People are different. Most of them in these dachas are not like under Stalin, but even after that they didn’t even come close, which, however, does not bother them to talk about

Dacha in Zubalovo and "Middle"

From the book How I lived, worked and raised children I. V. Stalin. eyewitness testimony author Sergeev Artyom Fedorovich

Dacha in Zubalovo and "Blizhnaya" Much has been said about Stalin's dachas. People are different. Most of them in these dachas, not only under Stalin, but even after that they didn’t even come close, which, however, does not prevent them from talking about the dachas themselves and those summer residents. The dacha is now a subject of worship: everyone has a dacha, everything


From the book Stalin author Balayan Lev Ashotovich

"NEAR" AND OTHERS In the midst of the anti-Stalin bacchanalia in the early 90s of the twentieth century, a small book of an honest man appeared, who for almost a quarter of a century had the great happiness of protecting I.V. Stalin, seeing him in an informal setting in everyday life, knowing him

Far and Near Taiga

From the book Essay on Gold author Maksimov Mikhail Markovich

Far and Near Taiga In 1863, along the river. In the north of the Irkutsk province, the Blagoveshchensky mine was registered by rolls, to which “leadership” passed for many years. In the same year, applications were made for mines along the rivers Bodaibo, a tributary of the Vitim, and Bodaibokon. Winter 1863- 1864

Essay forty-second The formation of the Union of the Russian people. The First Duma and the pogrom in Bialystok. Second Duma. Mass exodus of Jews from Russia

author Kandel Felix Solomonovich

Essay forty-second The formation of the Union of the Russian people. The First Duma and the pogrom in Bialystok. Second Duma. Mass exodus of Jews from Russia

Essay forty-fourth Third Duma. Application of restrictive measures. Fourth Duma. The murder of P. Stolypin

From the book Jews of Russia. times and events. History of the Jews of the Russian Empire author Kandel Felix Solomonovich

Essay forty-fourth Third Duma. Application of restrictive measures. Fourth Duma. The murder of P. Stolypin “Yaroslavl. A group of students from the Demidov Lyceum burst into one of the restaurants and, shouting “beat the Jews,” severely beat the person sitting in the common room

Near blockade and offensive attempts

From book naval war on the Adriatic Sea author Tomasi A

near dacha

From the book Stalin in life author Guslyarov Evgeny

Neighboring dacha Hardly experiencing separation from his wife Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva, I.V. Stalin in the first years after her death avoided communicating with friends, went into solitude and in 1934 left the Kremlin for the Moscow suburbs, continuing to leave behind the Kremlin

Near Jurmala and far

From the author's book

Near Jurmala and distant Everywhere abroad, where at some point there are many Russian rich people, they are treated in two ways. On the one hand, other people's big money has never interfered with anyone, on the other hand, this money provokes a rise in prices, and soon the natives feel

Near and far prospects for development

From the author's book

Near and long-term prospects for development an action plan that looks to the future and is associated with thinking through the route of formation personal change and neoplasms. The near and far perspective of development determines the periods of the category of time and their boundaries in

Middle thought

From the book Return Stalin! author Balayan Lev Ashotovich

"Near" and other Memoirs of A.T. Rybin, Stalin's bodyguard, are unique, because for the first time they give a completely objective and very truthful portrait of Stalin the man in different life situations, false evidence and outright slander are exposed

NEAR DUMA - council of a few trusted persons of the tsar (grand duke) in Russia in the 15th - early 18th centuries; in the middle of the 16th century. the actual government (the Elected Rada). In the second half of the XVII century. called Room, or Secret thought.

  • Zabolotsky- Zabolotsky - Russians noble families. Ancestor Z., Prince Alexander-Vsevolod Glebovich Smolensky, in the first half of the XIV century. left for Moscow. About Alexei and Konstantin Z., see resp. articles. Son of the last...
  • Nizhyn Council- Nizhyn Rada "black or black" - Zaporozhye Cossacks, which took place on June 17 and 18, 1663 in the city of Nizhyn - see Bryukhovetsky, IV, 799-800. Wed Art. A. Vostokova, "N. Rada 1663" ("Kyiv Starina",...
  • Kalantaevs- Kalantaev - Russian court. a genus originating, in all likelihood, from Poland. Ivan Mikhailovich K. Ivelishevsky served as a tenant in the second half of the 17th century. His offspring are included in the VI and III hours of the genealogy. book. ...
  • Partes singing- Partes singing - polyphonic choral singing Orthodox Church divided into votes or parties. Came from the West to Russia in the 17th century. and appeared in the southern Russian brotherhoods; more developed in the second...
  • Pereyaslav Rada- Pereyaslav Rada - a meeting of Little Russian Cossacks on January 8, 1654 in the city of Pereyaslavl. Here, the adoption of Little Russia under the patronage of the Moscow Tsar took place.
  • funny ward- Amusement Chamber (old) - this was the name of the room in the sovereign's palace, which kept all the items (and all the "stirrups") of palace amusements. The first reliable evidence of the P. chamber dates back to the...
  • Rechenberg- Rechenberg - noble family, originating from Brandenburg and dating back to the beginning of the 16th century, and in the second half of the 17th century. moved to Russia. Pyotr Astafyevich von R. was a Nizhny Novgorod k...
  • Stoat, Lithuanian genus- Ermine, Lithuanian family - an ancient Lithuanian family, its ancestor, G. Romanovich was in 1487-93. governor of Ovruch. Of his sons, Ivan († in 1558) was the voivode of Novogrudok and a treasurer...
  • MIDDLE DUMA- NEAR DUMA, the council of a few trusted persons of the tsar (grand duke) in Russia in the 15th - early 18th centuries; in the middle of the 16th century. the actual government (the Elected Rada). In the 2nd half of the 17th century. called Room...
  • BOYAR DUMA- BOYAR DUMA, 1) in Old Russian state council under the prince of members of the senior squad, close relatives, etc. 2) During the period of fragmentation of the princely possessions, the council of noble vassals under the prince. 3) In...
  • CITY DUMA- CITY DUMA, 1) city government in 1785-1917. Engaged in issues of urban improvement, health care and other economic affairs. Headed by the mayor; use...
  • THOUGHT- DUMA, 1) the name of representative elective institutions (State D.) or city self-government bodies (City D.). 2) Assembly, council of boyars, zemstvo elected in Russia (Boyar Duma, Zems ...
  • IVAN IV the Terrible- IVAN IV the Terrible (1530-84), Grand Duke Moscow and "All Russia" since 1533, the first Russian tsar since 1547, from the Rurik dynasty. Son Basil III and E. V. Glinskaya. In the late 40s - 50s. 16th century managed...
  • CHOSEN RADA- CHOSEN RADA, the unofficial government of the Russian state in the late 40-50s. 16th century (A.F. Adashev, Sylvester, Macarius, Prince A.M. Kurbsky and others). According to a number of historians, members of the I. p. were st...