Ano VPO Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management. Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management (IEAU). Electronic information and educational portal

Autonomous non-profit organization higher education`Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management`

Institute applies modern methods training, incl. developed by the Electronic Information and Educational Portal, has a highly qualified teaching staff. The Institute has developed and implemented the IEAU quality management system. Great attention is paid to research activities, and international cooperation, as well as social welfare of students. Students can choose for themselves a convenient form of education - full-time education, evening education, distance learning(classic), weekend groups, accelerated programs are possible. IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students state universities, incl. travel benefits. IEAU provides a flexible system of tuition fees. Full-time (full-time) students are granted a deferment from military service and scholarships.

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Autonomous Non-Profit Higher Education Organization

Institute of Economics and Crisis Management

License for the right to conduct educational activities (No. 1821 of December 10, 2015)

State accreditation (certificate No. 1667 dated February 11, 2016).

ince The University of Economics and Crisis Management applies modern teaching methods, incl. developed by the Electronic Information and Educational Portal, which allows you to apply the elements distance learning. The Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff. Among our teachers are leading employees of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, the Ministry Russian Federation for civil defence, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters, the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography, the Moscow Arbitration Court, the Institute of Professional Accountants, the Chamber of Taxconsultants and other organizations.

The Institute has developed and implemented the IEAU quality management system.

In market conditions, the basis for the preparation of a high-quality specialist is constant monitoring of the staffing of the educational process.

Great attention is paid to research activities, and international cooperation, as well as social and welfare provision for students and employees.

Students can choose a convenient form of education for themselves - full-time education, evening education, distance learning (classical), weekend groups, accelerated programs.

IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities, incl. benefits for travel for a year on land transport and the subway. IEAU provides a flexible system of tuition fees. Full-time (full-time) students are granted a deferment from military service and scholarships.

The Institute constantly analyzes the degree of preparedness of graduates, the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the demand for graduates.

Also, feedback from consumers of IEAU graduates is constantly monitored.

Students have the opportunity to attend free of charge any additional education courses offered by the Institute, among them: courses for arbitration managers, courses for accountants, courses for tax consultants.

Educational activity is the basis for high-quality preparation of students.

Upon graduation from the Institute, students have the opportunity to receive not only a state diploma, but also a European diploma supplement - Diploma Supplement.

Benefits of studying at IEAU

State Diploma;

All forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time (including weekend group);

Postponement from military service for full-time students;

Students are provided with nominal scholarships;

Education using distance technologies;



Flexible payment system;

No additional paid services;

The teaching staff is formed from practicing specialists with academic degrees and titles.

Nearest metro stations

764 m
1.58 km
1.93 km
2.04 km
2.13 km
2.21 km

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Founded in 1999. State accreditation until 04/30/2020 (certificate No. 0987 dated April 30, 2014). The Institute applies modern teaching methods incl. developed by the Electronic Institute, which allows the use of distance learning technologies. The Institute is a leading university in training economists, arbitration managers and anti-crisis management specialists. The high-quality work of the Institute in the field of training specialists in anti-crisis management was marked by gratitude from the Bank of Russia and gratitude from the FSFR of Russia. Students can choose for themselves a convenient form of education - full-time education, evening education, distance learning (classical), weekend groups. IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities. Full-time (full-time) students are provided with a scholarship and deferment from military service.

Institute of Economics and Crisis Management

Institute of Economics and Crisis Management - IEAU (

The Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management carries out the educational process at a high level, taking into account the actual, vital, both scientific and practical, modern and promising tasks of economics and management, and trains professionals of the 21st century.

The Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management (IEAU) was founded in 1999. State accreditation (certificate No. 0065 dated November 30, 2009, valid until August 14, 2014) provides graduates with a state diploma.

Rector of the Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management - RYAKHOVSKAYA ANTONINA NIKOLAEVNA, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Housing and Communal Services named after. K.D. Panfilova, Honorary Professor of Kazakh Economic University them. Tuara Ryskulov.

IEAU is a leading university in the training of arbitration managers and specialists in anti-crisis management, tax consultants.

Training of bachelors, masters, specialists in relevant areas and specialties is provided by the Faculty of Economics and Management.

Obtaining a higher education or a second higher professional education is carried out according to a two-level system: The first level of higher professional education is a bachelor's degree. The second level of higher professional education is a master's degree.

One of the main tasks of the activity of the Faculty of Additional Education is the improvement of qualifications and professional retraining specialists, managers and specialists of small and medium-sized businesses, laid-off workers, the unemployed population and unemployed citizens, preparing them to perform new labor functions.

In IEAU, one of the few non-state universities, the Postgraduate School is successfully operating, the main task of which is to train highly qualified scientific personnel.

Training at IEAU is carried out in full accordance with the State educational standards and Federal State Educational Standards. The Institute uses various forms training: full-time, part-time, part-time, day off.

Modern teaching methods are actively used, incl. distance learning. Interactive courses have been developed, including video lectures, an innovative testing system, and a modern educational and methodological base. Distance courses (seminars) for accountants and financiers are in great demand, and they are supposed to eventually be converted into full-fledged distance learning, including WEBINARS as the main element of full-fledged communication with the teacher.

The quality of the education received is ensured by a qualified teaching staff, which includes highly professional teachers, doctors and candidates of sciences, managers large organizations, as well as the use of modern teaching methods.

For high-quality work in the field of training specialists in anti-crisis management, the staff of the Institute has more than 60 Diplomas, Certificates of Honor, Acknowledgments, including those from the Bank of Russia, from the Federal Financial Federal Service of Russia, and other awards.

The Institute works in close cooperation with partners - leading universities of the country, leading scientific institutions, large industrial enterprises, has the resources necessary for comprehensive broad international cooperation.

The annual analysis of the results of employment shows a high demand for our graduates. More than 90% work in the specialty received at IEAU. Among the IEAU graduates are Presidents of self-regulatory organizations, arbitration managers, employees of: banks (Vnesheconombank of the Russian Federation, Vneshtorgbank of the Russian Federation, Sberbank of the Russian Federation, etc.), Administrations municipalities, Governments of Moscow and the Moscow region, etc. More than 60% of graduates work in the regions.

Applicants are invited to take Training courses, focused primarily on preparing for the Unified State Examination (a unified state exam) in Russian language, mathematics, history and social studies.

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The Institute accepts students for educational programs:


Qualification "Economics" - Bachelor of Economics

Qualification "Management" - Bachelor of Management


"Economics" qualification -

Master in Economics

Master's programs:

"Management" qualification -

master of management

Master Program:

Anti-crisis strategies and risks

Today the Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management is an educational and science Center in the field of economics, finance, anti-crisis and arbitration management. For the training of arbitration managers and specialists in anti-crisis management, the university was awarded the gratitude of the Central Bank of Russia and the Federal Service for Financial Markets.

The Institute applies modern teaching methods, incl. the developed Electronic Information and Educational Portal, which allows using elements of distance learning. The Institute has developed and implemented a quality management system.

Innovative education of students is provided by highly qualified specialists with academic titles and degrees and possessing practical experience, on the basis of a modern educational and methodological complex.

The student can choose a convenient option for studying - daytime, evening or correspondence form, as well as weekend groups or training in accelerated programs. In addition, students are given the opportunity free education in additional education courses - courses for the preparation of arbitration managers, accountants, tax consultants, etc.

Great attention is paid to research activities, and international cooperation, as well as social welfare of students. Today the university has scientific schools in the following areas: "Anti-crisis management" and "Investment and tax policy"

Among the partners of the university are such large companies as Rostec, Rosneft, Sberbank, as well as the Committee for Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow and other government agencies.

IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities, including travel benefits and deferment from military service, as well as nominal scholarships.

Upon graduation from the Institute, students have the opportunity to receive not only a state diploma, but also a European diploma supplement - Diploma Supplement.

Benefits of studying at IEAU:

State Diploma;

All forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time (including weekend group);

Postponement from military service for full-time students;

Students are provided with nominal scholarships;

Education using distance technologies;

Employment upon graduation;

Flexible payment system;

No additional paid services.

The teaching staff is formed from practicing specialists with academic degrees and titles.

License for the right to conduct educational activities(No. 1821 of December 10, 2015)
State accreditation (certificate No. 1667 dated February 11, 2016).

The Institute of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management applies modern teaching methods, incl. the developed Electronic Information and Educational Portal, which allows using elements of distance learning. The Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff. Among our teachers are leading employees of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography, the Moscow Arbitration Court, the Institute of Professional Accountants, the Chamber of Tax Consultants and other organizations.
The Institute has developed and implemented a quality management system.
In market conditions, the basis for the preparation of a high-quality specialist is constant monitoring of the staffing of the educational process.

Great attention is paid to research activities and international cooperation, as well as social security for students and employees.
Students can choose a convenient form of education for themselves - full-time education, evening education, distance learning (classical), weekend groups, accelerated programs.
IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities, incl. benefits for travel for a year on land transport and the subway. IEAU provides a flexible system of tuition fees. Full-time (full-time) students are granted a deferment from military service and scholarships.
Students have the opportunity to attend any courses for free on an additional basis. professional education implemented by the Institute, among them: courses for arbitration managers, courses for accountants, courses for tax consultants and others.

Educational activity is the basis for high-quality preparation of students.
Upon graduation from the Institute, students have the opportunity to receive not only a state diploma, but also a European diploma supplement - Diploma Supplement.

Benefits of learning:
- State Diploma;
- All forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time (including weekend group);
- Postponement from military service for full-time students;
- Students are provided with nominal scholarships;
- Training using distance technologies;
- Employment upon graduation;
- Flexible payment system;
- Lack of additional paid services;
Students of the institute enjoy all the preferences provided by Russian law for accredited educational organizations.