Unified collection of digital educational resources. Federal repository "Unified collection of digital educational resources

In 2006, the portal " eatnand Itoollekcand IaboutbRfoundernsReresources” (www.school-collection.edu.ru), which combines resources created within the framework of the project “Informatization of the Education System” of the National Training Foundation.

The purpose of the portal is to concentrate in one place and provide access to a wide range of modern learning tools designed for teaching and learning various academic disciplines.

The repository provides all interested participants in the educational process with free and free (in technical and legal terms) access to educational materials of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources, all resources of which are intended only for non-commercial use in the education system of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the repository of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources, which operates on the basis of the data center of the Federal State Institution GNII ITT "Informika", hosts more than 110 thousand resources in almost all school subjects.

The classification of portal resources is based on the standard developed by the GNII ITT "Informika" and used to classify a wide range of materials placed in the repository. This provides information integration with other components of the Federal System of Information Educational Resources.

The catalog is the basis for categorization and navigation through the portal resources. The collection is formed according to the subject-thematic principle and consists of the following main sections:

    Collections - including subject collections, thematic collections and a collection of cultural and historical resources. It should be noted that users are especially interested in the resources of the last collection of the indicated ones (collections of works of Russian and foreign classical music, collections of digital copies of masterpieces of Russian art from the funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the State Hermitage Museum).

    Tools - includes tools for educational activities and tools for organizing the educational process: educational cartographic systems, time axes, classifiers, subject virtual laboratories, simulators, etc.

    Electronic editions - includes materials from the encyclopedia "Krugosvet" (articles, collections of reference materials) and articles from the journals "Quantum", "Science and Life", "Chemistry and Life", "School Library".

    Teachers' resources - is intended for placement of various types of educational materials, as well as methodological recommendations on the use of collection resources in the educational process, prepared independently by teachers and transferred to the editors of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources with the right to free and free use of these materials by all participants in the educational process.

An important direction in the development of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources is the creation and support of the functioning of regional collections:

    DER sets for textbooks providing the regional component of the curriculum;

    regional thematic collections;

    resources developed by teachers and methodologists in the region.

Regional collections of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources have been created in the following regions of the Russian Federation and cities: the republics of Karelia, Mari El and Chuvashia, the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk territories, the Ivanovo, Novosibirsk, Tver, Chelyabinsk and Yaroslavl regions, the cities of Novosibirsk and Reutov of the Moscow region, etc.

An important circumstance is that all digital educational resources of the portal are provided with licenses for the right to use them in the educational process. In order to comply with copyright and related rights, access to a number of resources is possible only from the territory of the Russian Federation.

Federal repository "Unified collection of digital educational resources"

The purpose of the work was to develop scientific and methodological foundations and the concept of building and functioning of a decentralized system of educational resources based on a system of storages of electronic educational resources to create a unified information space with access and distribution of resources from the supplier to the consumer.

It has been in the public domain since 2006.

  • The "Resource Catalog" is the primary navigation tool that provides access to all types of learning materials. Allows you to quickly find the necessary resource thanks to the developed rubrication, the main axes of which are "Class" and "Subject".
  • "Collections". The section contains various thematic and subject collections. Of particular interest to users are resources developed and supplied by the largest custodians of the cultural and historical heritage of Russia: resources of collections of works of Russian and foreign classical music, collections of digital copies of masterpieces of Russian art from the funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the State Hermitage, as well as objects presented in the exhibition halls of the State Historical Museum.
  • "Tools". The section provides the user with various tools learning activities and tools for organizing the educational process.
  • "Electronic Editions". The section presents digital copies of the popular science magazines "Quantum", "Science and Life", "Chemistry and Life", as well as materials from the encyclopedia "Krugosvet".
  • "Regional Collections". This is a system of "mirrors" of the Unified Collection in the regions, which makes it possible not only to gain access to federal educational resources, but also to create and place regional resources, thereby ensuring the ethno-cultural needs of participants educational process.
  • "News". The section highlights events related to education and science in Russian Federation, as well as publications on the site of new educational materials and collections.

In 2013, software modules were developed to optimize the interaction between the central (federal) repository of the Unified Collection of Electronic Educational Resources and existing regional nodes that provide access to the resources of the regional "mirrors" of the repository. These plug-ins are:

  • repositories,
  • update modules,
  • modules for storing electronic educational resources,
  • modules for the transfer of electronic educational resources.

The unified collection of DER is one of the most popular federal educational resources for educational institutions Russia.

Unified collection of digital educational resources

Work on the formation of the collection has been carried out since March 2005.

The collection is being created in two directions:

  • creation of a repository for a collection of digital educational resources (DER);
  • content of the collection.

The organization that won the competition for the creation of a repository for the DER collection is the Federal State Institution GNII ITT "Informika". Currently developed: software and a set of regulations that ensure the functioning of the repository.

Collection address on the Internet: http://school-collection.edu.ru.

Today, there are about 42,000 digital educational resources in the open access collection, including:

  • trial sets of DER for textbooks and curricula;
  • resources of the collection of Russian classical music;
  • resources of the collection of foreign classical music;
  • resources of the collection of foreign fiction
  • materials (tasks, animation resources, video recordings of lectures, lesson development notes, reference dictionary) in mathematics;
  • interactive multimedia resources on natural sciences;
  • video experiments on inorganic chemistry;
  • video experiments on organic chemistry;
  • electronic editions: encyclopedia "Krugosvet", magazine "Kvant", magazine "Science and Life", magazine "Chemistry and Life";
  • audio recordings of artistic reading of works of Russian poetry;
  • resources developed within the framework of the FTP REOIS (educational CDs for general education and training CDs for primary vocational education);
  • tools for organizing and planning the educational process (programs "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5" for administering the activities of a general educational institution and "ChronoGraph 3.0 Master" for planning and operational management of the educational process).

The collection is formed on the basis of the list of needs of the education system in digital educational resources, which is developed by the Prosveshchenie publishing house, the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods Russian Academy education and the Institute of New Technologies. In addition to the lists of needs, within the framework of this contract, a subject-thematic rubricator was developed, on the basis of which the structuring of the collection resources is carried out, a navigation and search system for the DER is built.

The collection implements resource search tools that allow you to quickly find various types of materials that are recommended for use in a particular class in lessons on a selected subject, topic.

Also implemented is the ability to perform a more accurate search for a wide range of parameters.

The unified collection of DER will include the following types of resources:

  • information sources (for example, digitized texts literary works, digital copies of paintings, recordings of musical works, models of physical and physical experiments),
  • information tools (for example, text graphics, music editors, virtual laboratories, interactive geographical and historical maps),
  • regulations and regulations(for example, educational and thematic plans, job descriptions, draft orders and directives)

The resources of the collection are addressed primarily to teachers and students. Potential users of the collection will also be other subjects of the educational process: parents, administrators of the education system, etc.

The sources of replenishment of the collection are:

  • resources developed and procured in the ISO project,
  • resources coming from other sources (REOIS, FTsPRO, etc.),
  • resources transferred to the collection by state organizations-right holders (museums, archives, libraries, funds, etc.),
  • teacher-developed resources; and regional materials.

One of the most important sources of replenishment of the collection can be DER arrays accumulated by organizations producing digital educational resources in the course of the implementation of the federal target program REOIS and own commercial activities. These objects will make it possible to lay the foundation for subject collections in all the main subjects of the basic curriculum, therefore, the NFPC is negotiating with the organizations-developers of the DER, the purpose of which is to reach agreements on their transfer to the Unified Collection.

Websites for elementary school teachers

Uroki.net (For elementary school teachers): http://www.uroki.net/docnach.htm

To help the teacher: http://school-ppt.3dn.ru/

Extracurricular activities for any holiday: http://schoollessons.narod.ru/

Extracurricular activities: http://school-work.net/

Newspaper "Pedagogical Council", newspaper " Last call", the newspaper "Pedagogical creativity": http://www.ped-sovet.ru/Default.aspx

Magazine "Primary School": http://n-shkola.ru/

Elementary School Teachers Club: http://www.4stupeni.ru/

Early development methods: http://www.7ya.ru/articles/2.aspx

Teacher's methodical piggy bank: http://www.zanimatika.narod.ru/index.htm

Primary school: learn, play, relax: http://www.nachalka.info/about/

Educational system "School-2100" http://www.school2100.ru/

Educational environment of primary school: computer science, mathematics, music, speech development and natural science: http://www.int-edu.ru/nachschool/soft.html

Open class (Network community of educators): http://www.openclass.ru/weblinks/25292

Teachers Council su ( pedagogical community): http://www.pedsovet.su/

Presentations for teachers: http://prezentacya.my1.ru/

Creative Teachers Network: http://www.it-n.ru/

Teacher's newspaper: http://www.ug.ru/

Teacher portal: http://www.uchportal.ru/

The festival pedagogical ideas "Public lesson": http://festival.1september.ru/

http://www.ed.gov.ru - Site of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

http://www.km.ru - Portal of the company "Cyril and Methodius"

http://vschool.km.ru - virtual school Cyril and Methodius.

http://www.maro.newmail.ru- Site of the International Association "Developing Education" MARO (Elkonin-Davydov system)

http://www.meeme.ru - Site of the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education.

http://www.freepuzzles.com - Website containing math puzzles.

http://suhin.narod.ru - Site "Entertaining and teaching materials from the books of Igor Sukhin: from literary inventions to chess.

http://library.thinkguest.org - Origami site for kids and parents.

http://playroom.com.ru - Children's playroom.

http://historic.ru/cd/artyx.php- art library

http://www.uroki.net/ - free lesson development, scenarios, planning GeoMan.ru: Geographic Encyclopedia

Archive curricula: http://rusedu.ru/

Fed. State. Portal Standard: http://standart.edu.ru/catalog.aspx?CatalogId=223

Website "Basket of fairy tales": http://www.lukoshko.net

Online Resources for Teachers primary school: http://konstantinova.21416s15.edusite.ru/p33aa1.html -

"Russian Bear": http://www.rm.kirov.ru/index.htm

"Kangaroo" - International Olympiad in Mathematics: http://center.fio.ru/som/RESOURCES/KARP... ENGURU.HTM

Cognitive portal: http://clow.ru/

Electronic encyclopedia "The world around us": http://www.bigpi.biysk.ru/encicl/

Mathematics in primary school(articles, problem book, abstracts, games): http://annik-bgpu.km.ru/index.html

Figure 1.7. Site "Single collection of DER"

Unified collection of digital educational resources ( http://school-collection.edu.ru) was created in the period 2005-2007. within the framework of the project "Informatization of the education system" (ISO) (Fig. 1.7).

The purpose of the creation of the Unified Collection is to concentrate in one place and provide access to a full set of modern educational tools designed for teaching and learning various academic disciplines in accordance with the Federal State educational standard basic general education.

The collection is formed according to the subject-thematic principle and consists of the following main sections: catalog, collections, tools, electronic publications, regional collections, news.

One of the advantages of the Unified Collection as an educational Internet resource is the availability of methodological support for the use of its resources in the educational process.

The bulk of the digital educational resources of the Unified Collection can be used when various methods, pedagogical technologies, in teaching materials with a different paper component, at various stages of the school transformation process - both in accordance with modern standards, and in teaching in accordance with new standards. All DER Collections are provided with licenses for the right to use them in the educational process.

The Unified Collection contains the following types of resources:

1. Information sources for the education system:

· elementary information sources(graphic image, description text, photographs);

· information sources of simple structure(educational text, explanatory texts);

· information sources of complex structure - IISS(Hypertext: links to resources can be included in the text);

2. Information tools:

· educational activity tools - resources intended for creating, editing and arranging text documents, graphic objects, arrays of numerical data, sound and video, computer laboratories.

· tools for organizing the educational process - resources for methodologists, teachers and school administrators, the use of which will automate the preparation and maintenance of the schedule, control and analyze the knowledge of students and the progress of the educational process, etc., i.e. carry out informatization of the management process educational institution;

3. Educational and methodological materials focused on achieving qualitatively new educational results:

· innovative educational and methodical complexes - IUMK.

Demo materials:

poster - illustration (Fig. 1.8);

Figure 1.8. poster illustration

poster-scheme (Fig. 1.9);

Figure 1.9. Poster diagram

· interactive table (Fig. 1.10);

Figure 1.10. interactive table

presentations (Fig. 1.11);

Figure 1.11. presentation slide

Video clips (video clips, video tours, animations) (Fig. 1.12);

Figure 1.12. Video clip

Materials for practical classes:

tasks-constructors (Fig. 1.13);

Figure 1.13. Constructor tasks

tasks (Fig. 1.14);

Figure 1.14. Math problems

Materials for control and certification (Fig. 1.15)

Figure 1.15. Materials for control and certification

On the website of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources under the heading "Innovative educational materials» there are several information sources of complex structure. Let's consider some of them.

IUMK "Graphics plus. Technology for creating and processing graphic and multimedia information” (CJSC "E-Publishing") (Fig. 1.16).

Figure 1.16. IUMK "Graphics plus"

The main purpose of this resource is to provide students with an understanding of digital video, digital audio, 3-d modeling technologies, as well as practical skills in sound, video and graphics processing.

The complex covers the following topics: the basics of computer graphics, color representation in a computer, raster graphics, digital video, digital sound. The complex includes licensed software (Fig. 1.17).

Figure 1.17. Screensaver of the "Graphics Plus" complex

Information source of complex structure "Fundamentals of Computer Networks"(JSC "E-Publishing") supports the teaching of the course "Telecommunication Technologies" with the help of sets of animated audio lectures, slides, illustrations, tests, etc.

The resource includes a lesson constructor for a teacher, as well as a school website constructor (Fig. 1.18).

Figure 1.18. Screensaver IISS "Telecommunication Technologies"