The equipment of the school library according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The activities of the school library in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. IV. Main directions of implementation of the Concept

The transition of the modern education system to implementation educational standards The second generation poses a number of new challenges for the school library. The modern school library should become the guarantor of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, providing conditions for achieving subject, meta-subject and personal results, acting as resource center for all subjects educational process.

New educational standards have introduced the concept of an information and educational environment, of which the school library should become a part, moving into the status of an information and library center (ILC).

The status of the information and library center emphasizes the possibility of fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which means:

Providing access in the school library to information resources of the Internet, educational and fiction, collections of media resources on electronic media, to copying technology for replicating educational and methodological textographic and audio-video materials, the results of creative, research and project activities students;

Information support educational activities students and teachers on the basis of modern information technologies in the field of library services (creation and maintenance of electronic catalogs and full-text databases, search for documents by any criterion);

Staffing with printed and electronic information and educational resources in all subjects of the curriculum: textbooks, including textbooks with electronic applications that are their integral part; educational and methodological literature and materials in all academic subjects of the main educational program main general education in the languages ​​of instruction determined by the founder of the educational institution; additional literature.

The main problems of the development of school libraries in the Vologda Oblast, which prevent their transition to the status of information and library centers, include the imperfection of the regulatory framework, contradictions between the functionality school librarian and the existing staffing of the educational organization, the crisis of funds, staffing problems, poor material and technical equipment of school libraries.

At present, libraries and information and library centers educational organizations do not have the status of a pedagogical structural unit, although, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, they are called upon to form an information culture and become platforms for organizing classroom and extracurricular project activities for students.

There is no standard for staff units in the information and library center, as a result of which there is a serious contradiction between the functionality of the teacher-librarian and the existing staffing of the educational organization. There is a lack of unified approaches in determining the functionality of employees of libraries and information and library centers of educational organizations.

Most school libraries in the region are currently equipped with computers, but this equipment is not sufficient. As a rule, there is no Wi-Fi in the library, which makes it difficult to use Internet resources and electronic content. There is a discrepancy between the material and technical equipment of libraries and the growing requirements of the modern educational process, which is expressed in the lack of space, modern library furniture, computer, multimedia and copying equipment. There is a rapid aging of printed funds, lack of access to digital (electronic) libraries that provide the opportunity to use professional databases, information reference and search systems, as well as other information resources.

The existing system of training and advanced training for librarian teachers and other school library workers requires further development. One of the problems in the development of information and library centers is the unpreparedness of library staff for the widespread use of new information technologies, practical application modern technical means in the activities of the library.

The complex of problems hindering the modernization of school libraries should be systematically addressed. To maintain the unity of the work of information and library centers, it is required to create, on the basis of standard documents, such local regulatory legal acts as:

Regulations and rules for using the information and library center of an educational organization;

Structure and staffing of the information and library center of an educational organization;

Job descriptions for employees of the information and library center of an educational organization;

Technological documentation for the work of the information and library center of an educational organization.

In order to develop staffing for the activities of information and library centers, a system should be developed continuing education, focused on deep humanitarian, psychological-pedagogical and library-information training of teachers-librarians, including the development of modern information technologies by them. As a result of training, ILC employees should understand the role of the information and library center in the educational process, be aware of the opportunities provided to them, should be able to use these opportunities for events, the implementation of educational and research projects, interdisciplinary integration, personal development students, implementation extracurricular activities.

When providing information and library centers of educational organizations with information resources, it is necessary to focus on the transition from printed publications to electronic information and educational resources, including multimedia and interactive. The decisive role in the information and resource support of a modern information and library center will be played by the Internet as a source and means of joint creation of information content, acquisition and provision of open access to resources. All seats in the library must be equipped with free access to the Internet through a content monitoring and filtering system, access must be carried out both via cable via an Ethernet interface and wirelessly via Wi-Fi.

When equipping the premises of the information and library center, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of barrier-free and transformative space.

Information and library centers of educational organizations should be zoned. The IBC requires at least two rooms. The number of seats in the information and library center (group work area, event area) should correspond to the average class occupancy. When limited area it is possible to combine a zone for collective work and a recreational zone, a subscription and a presentation zone.

The space of the information and library center should include a subscription area designed to receive information resources (both paper and electronic) for temporary use.

The subscription area should contain book depositories that ensure the safety of the book fund, a media library and workplace teacher-librarian, equipped with a modern system of computer accounting of funds and readers (ABIS).

Book depositories should be equipped with archival shelving to store part of the book stock, lockable cabinets for storing study equipment, and open access shelving to house the most requested resources.

The subscription zone provides access to state information resources. The zone should be equipped with open access shelving containing the most popular literature, civil-patriotic literature (including local history literature), subject literature for in-depth study, other relevant literature in accordance with the specifics of a particular educational organization and the conditions of its work.

The subscription space must include an area dedicated to independent work using resources provided by the information and library center. It should be equipped with one- and two-sided fixed racks, as well as mobile exhibition racks. The equipment of the subscription may also include newspaper and magazine cabinets, if required by the specifics of the funds of the information and library center and if the dimensions of the zone allow such placement.

The subscription space must be equipped with several types of seats: chairs, sofas, ottomans, built-in seats. The seats of the open access subscription area must have access to state electronic library resources, as well as to information system horizontal distribution of author's electronic content, including full-text documents, in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation. The seats of the open access subscription zone should provide the possibility of obtaining information about the available resources (catalogue, file cabinets, reference and bibliographic services).

The subscription area must be equipped with one or more places for receiving multimedia information on digital media (media library), equipment for sessions distance learning, equipped with scanning and printing equipment.

The subscription area must include the following types of equipment:

Hardware-software complex of a teacher-librarian, equipped with a modern system of computer accounting of funds and readers (ABIS);

One or more (1-4, depending on the number of students) workplaces for obtaining multimedia information on digital media (media library), distance learning;

Readers or tablets (5-10, depending on the number of students);

Equipment for scanning and printing.

The space of the information and library center should include a space for expositions - a presentation zone.

The equipment of the presentation area should include stands, suspension systems, other exhibition and presentation equipment, as well as interactive equipment necessary for holding exhibitions and expositions.

The ILC should also have a group work zone designed for communication, joint implementation of educational and research projects, work of circles and clubs, extracurricular activities, educational activities and other types of joint activities, group distance learning.

The collective work zone should be used for holding civil-patriotic events, educational events and their preparation. In the zone of collective work, conditions should be created for the formation of a system of values, the versatile education of students.

The zone of collective work should provide the necessary infrastructure for obtaining new knowledge in the form of collective self-study, courses, trainings, seminars, lectures and other forms of collective learning. A mandatory requirement for the zone of collective work is its transformability, the possibility of variable use of space.

The collective work area should include the following types of equipment:

Stationary tables, transforming tables, folding tables, built-in workstations, chairs on casters;

Sensory ̆ screen, interactive whiteboard or projector with screen, flipchart, magnetic whiteboard.

The information and library center of an educational organization should also be equipped with a recreational area designed for leisure, civil-patriotic events, cultural, educational and socially significant events - "literary studios" for adults and children, " library lessons”, literary meetings, etc.

The recreational area should be equipped with ergonomic seats that provide maximum comfort: armchairs, sofas, ottomans in a safe design for children.

The equipment of information and library centers should be carried out in accordance with the conditions of their work: the specifics of the educational organization, the characteristics of the territory.

Information and library centers of educational organizations of a correctional type or providing inclusive education should provide their visitors with the necessary conditions for access to information resources, both in terms of space organization (handrails, ramps, lifts with steps), and in terms of obtaining information (Braille displays and keyboards, speech synthesizers, Braille books).

Information and library centers in rural areas should compensate for the difficult access to cultural objects with the help of virtual museum tours and an expanded fund of electronic information resources. Information and library centers in rural areas should work with all subjects of the educational process (including parents of students) and residents of the rural settlement.

One of the promising directions for the development of information and library centers of educational organizations located in rural areas is their cooperation with libraries of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, primarily rural libraries. Forms of such cooperation can be:

Creation of a unified reader service system;

Work according to a general plan agreed with the administration of the educational organization and local authorities;

Establishment of boards of trustees;

Making joint decisions on issues related to informatization of libraries;

Development of joint decisions to improve the library and information services for the population.

Today in Russia, as well as throughout the world, there is an increase in the networking of libraries. The Russian School Library Association (RSBA) operates on the territory of the country, with branches throughout the country. In order to effective development Information and library centers of educational organizations are supposed to be united into a network of a national scale with centralized support from a single federal information and methodological center (FIMC), on a regional scale - a regional information and methodological library center (RIMBC).

Information and library centers educational organizations are united in a network according to the territorial principle, grouped around the information and library centers of basic educational organizations. This interaction ensures the completeness of the functions they implement, regardless of the specifics and operating conditions of individual school information and library centers through the exchange of available information and educational resources and methodical experience purchased locally as part of their activities.

A comprehensive solution to the identified problems will help set a new development vector for school information and library centers, which should become the foundation and necessary condition for the implementation of federal state educational standards, a guarantor of equal opportunities for the development of each student.

30 Sep 2013

Information- educational environment children's libraries: creation and development

Information - educational environment of children's libraries: creation and development. This was the name of the seminar - a meeting of children's librarians of the city, which was held on the basis of urban children's
libraries to them. A. Gaidar 25 September.
At the seminar, attention was paid to the work of children's libraries in providing the necessary information to the teacher and student, new educational standards. The creation of an information and educational environment in the library for children ensures the harmonization of the informational influence that the child receives in various information environments, thereby giving young users the opportunity to take place as an information-literate person who freely realizes himself in the future. The information environment surrounding the child acts as a system in the library. The harmonious combination of various sources of information in the library and the optimally organized information retrieval system develops cultural and educational needs child. informational, educational space libraries are built according to personality traits child, enables the child to actively interact with the external information environment and forms socially significant personal qualities. The created information and educational environment should be potentially active, consistent with the goals, objectives, content, principles and methods modern education. Issues related to the provision of new library services, prospects for the development of children's libraries in the new academic year were discussed at the seminar.

Head GDB im. A. Gaidar Tereshina L.N. told children's librarians about the work of the section "For Children about Children" of the X Interregional Festival for the Promotion of Books and Reading "Autumn in Mikhailovsky", about modern creative discoveries in the popularization of reading, about trends in children's reading.

Methodist GDB them. A. Gaidar Koldunova T.I. introduced the calendar important dates on the
calendar year, proposed teaching materials, incl. on electronic media. Made a review of library periodicals, incl. new magazine "Game Library" with event scenarios, open lessons and holidays, quizzes and contests.

Bibliographer Belousova G.V. introduced the librarians to the recommendation lists of the State Children's Library. A. Gaidar for family reading "Reading Together", "Modern Children's Writers"; showed new advertising products of the Gaidar Library (bookmarks: “With a book - to the library!”, “Rules for handling a book”, “Rules for using the library”, a memo for parents “10 tips on how to instill in a child a love of books”).

1 Information and library center of the school as the main resource for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Information and library center of the school as the main resource for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Nina Barsukova, head. educational and methodological office for working with libraries, publishing houses and the media of the Ulyanovsk IPKPRO; Director of ABOUUO (regional representative office of RSHBA) bibliologist, Ph.D. ist. Sciences Nina Arkadievna Barsukova, Head. educational and methodological office for working with libraries, publishing houses and the media of the Ulyanovsk IPKPRO; Director of ABOUUO (regional representative office of RSHBA) bibliologist, Ph.D. ist. Sciences

2 The goal of the IBC: to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for the formation of information competencies of schoolchildren

Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard: Providing access in the school library to Internet information resources, educational and fiction literature, collections of media resources on electronic media, duplicating equipment for replicating educational and methodological textual materials, audio and video materials, the results of creative, research and design activities

6 IBC is a structural subdivision of the school. The main tasks of the ILC: 1. Providing participants in the educational process with access to information, knowledge, ideas, cultural values ​​in accordance with information requests. 2. Providing the educational process with educational and supporting documents and information products. 3. Creation in educational institution information and library environment as a sphere of upbringing and education with special library and information media. 4. Formation of the information and library fund. Organization and maintenance of the reference and bibliographic apparatus 5. Management of the formation of the information worldview of students of the educational institution. 6. Formation of a policy of information and library support of a general educational institution. 7. Improving the services provided by the library based on the introduction of new information technologies. 8. Holding methodical work on issues of information-library and bibliographic services. 9. Coordination with electronic libraries and other institutions. 10. Ensuring the possibility of improving the professional level of the ILC employees. 11. Implementation economic activity in order to improve information and library services.

8 Expected results: - update of the regulatory framework governing the introduction of the position of teacher-librarian and deputy director of the school for IBR; - readiness of pedagogical and managerial personnel to introduce the position of teacher-librarian and deputy director of the school for IBR; - edition guidelines training and educational and methodical manuals on the development and modernization of information and library centers of educational institutions (including - based on the generalization of the positive experience of OS librarians); - creation of a bank of methodological information on the development and modernization of the ILC of the educational institution in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

9 Development Resources: Systematic professional development - Systematic professional development - Development innovation activities- Active promotion of best practices - Strengthening interagency cooperation Development resources: Systematic professional development - Systematic professional development - Development of innovation activities - Active promotion of best practices - Strengthening interagency cooperation

: Regional level Municipal level Educational institution level Pilot site - an information and methodological center for disseminating best practices on the organization and successful operation of an information and library center

11 Information and library center: - the center for the formation of a sustainable interest in reading schoolchildren; - family reading center; -center information support educational process Information and Library Center: - the center for the formation of a sustainable interest in reading schoolchildren; - family reading center; - center for information support of the educational process

Image of a librarian in modern society is changing. Today it should be a person who keeps pace with the development of information technology, today a librarian becomes an information manager who must master not only pedagogical, but also information and communication technologies. The librarian of the new time must change the attitude of schoolchildren to reading and obtaining new information....



School library in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation

Dear colleagues!

Today we are discussing a very topical issue.

The image of a librarian in modern society is changing. Today it should be a person who keeps pace with the development of information technology, today a librarian becomes an information manager who must master not only pedagogical, but also information and communication technologies.

The librarian of the new time must change the attitude of schoolchildren to reading and obtaining new information

Education today is regarded as the most important social unit, as the main means of socialization, ensuring the development and upbringing of the younger generation.

2010 marked the start of the national educational initiative Our New School. The President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev notes that the meaning of the educational initiative "Our New School" is to create a new modern school, such a school that is able to reveal the personality of the child, is able to instill in children an interest in education, in learning, is capable of being a modern educational system adequate to our life.

The Presidential Initiative is based on new educational standards, which were developed in accordance with the Education Development Strategy until 2020.

The fundamental difference of the new standard is that it is a social contract of the family, society and the state. The requirements for the results of education are changing, the main thing in the standards is a personality-oriented approach. Meaning school education, based on the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, is understood as follows: the school should provide knowledge, but it should also form the personality of a citizen of the country, which will ensure its further development.

The initiative "Our New School" encourages the development of such a structure as a school library, its potential has so far been underestimated or not taken into account at all when developing programs for the development of an educational institution, and municipal and regional educational systems. Therefore, the role of school libraries and the school librarian in the implementation of the President's initiative to work according to the standards of the second generation is becoming one of the main ones today.

We are convinced that modernschool library- this is study library, which provides information and documents for the educational process, this is a special library that serves the teaching staff, and a public library that provides students with the necessary resources for project and creative activities. It is a library that supports extra-curricular and extra-curricular activities, especially as the school transitions to full-time second generation standards. In this regard, one cannot fail to recall the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky that the school library should be “room number 1”, above subject cabinet, where schoolchildren receive a complete map of the world using the available media. Today, it is obvious to us that the activities of the library are aimed at the harmonious development of the reader's personality, and contribute to the accumulation and multiplication of human capital. It is difficult to imagine a more noble task in our world.

There is a clear concept that the library should contribute to the formation of a highly cultured, humane and moral personality, develop civic qualities and teach civilized norms of communication, be able to live in a rapidly changing world in a spirit of harmony and tolerance. Here are some areas of work school library for the implementation of second generation standards:

Research activities;

Information activity;

Project activity;

Literary and cognitive activity;

multimedia technologies;

Work with UMK;

Work with the fund of fiction.

Work in these areas is possible only in close cooperation with class teachers and subject teachers.

These are, first of all, theatrical holidays, competitions, literature review. The school library is doing a lot of work to attract children to reading. The priority areas of work of our library are: patriotic, spiritual, moral and artistic and aesthetic education of children.

Designed and developed a system for moral education students In grades 3a and 5b there are clubs of connoisseurs and book lovers. In the classroom, students get acquainted with the norms of morality and morality. There are lessons of kindness, morality, culture, as well as conversations about the life and work of great people, virtual excursions to the museum..

The second generation standard defines a “portrait of an elementary school graduate”, and one cannot do without the help of books and a librarian.

An inquisitive, actively learning about the world reader with great pleasure takes an active part in the monthly games “What? Where? When?" with video questions, blitz questions and a black box.

Young readers have the opportunity to master the basics of the ability to learn in different directions receive information on various media, both paper and electronic. There are 3 computers in the library, 2 are connected to the Internet, it is possible to work with netbooks and an interactive whiteboard.

Librarians are trying to awaken love for their native land, the desire to see the beauty and uniqueness of our nature, learn more about plants and the living sea of ​​fields and forests. Program patriotic education in our school is inextricably linked with the library and shows that it is impossible to form children's consciousness without historical memory

The library works in close cooperation with parents, they are our friends and helpers. Parent meetings in the school library have long become commonplace, traditional for the conference on the topic "What I and my family read."

I really want our children to be ready to act independently in society and be able to be responsible for their actions. Favorite book characters will help them do this in an interesting, non-edifying way.

Popularization activities healthy lifestyle life is aimed at educating the need for physical education, the desire to create a family, the fight against bad habits, the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction.

The school library has a good niche - to help in the selection of high-quality information, to teach how to assess the degree of reliability and completeness of sources, to develop information competence schoolchildren. And help to become benevolent in life, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, argue their position, express their opinion.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “The process of reading without joy and without sadness, without a smile or a tear, only dries the soul that has not yet flourished, makes it blind to the world of education, deaf to the surrounding life.” The task of the school librarian is to reach the heart of every reader. To interest, captivate, teach to empathize - this is the goal of any event.

Then the graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • perceive fiction as an art form;
  • comprehend aesthetic and moral values artistic text and express your own opinion;
  • consciously choose the types of reading (introductory, studying, selective, search) depending on the purpose of reading;
  • determine the author's position and express their attitude to the hero and his actions;
  • write a review of a book you have read;
  • work with the thematic catalog;

The new standards highlight the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program. The requirement for the information and educational environment is one of the main parts of the Standard. To make the school library a competent tool for modernization secondary school, systematic and constant replenishment of the library fund is necessary.

The fund of our school library is: in total - 22899 copies.

  • textbooks - 3794
  • methodical literature - 700
  • fiction - 18300
  • CD media library - 105

Combining all resources, including the Internet, in the library gives the school the opportunity to really modernize school education.

The interesting life of the library is its books. In our daily struggle for readers, the IBA helps us a lot. Together with the children's library, we hold various events, arrange exhibitions, and review new products. These books help us a lot in our work, but they are not on the shelves of the school library. I would love to have them on hand.

In our time, when moral guidelines are lost, the importance of Russia in the development of the modern world community is leveled, it is necessary to create among young citizens a positive image of their Fatherland and develop in them a sense of ownership with the fate of Russia, because it is for them, today's boys and girls, to continue its path to Future.

School is not only lessons, homework, test papers andparent meetings. Many stories are connected with the school about girls and boys who quarrel, make up, fall in love. Lots ofnaughty storyov, telling about the life of high school students and schoolchildren - the same age as today's elementary school students. The preface "For the Curious Reader" will tell about what the school was like 100 years ago, about the heroes of the Second World War, about how to behave and much more, the reader will learn from a series of books Without dictionaries and reference books it is very difficult to study, and here as the first dictionaries for For kids, we would buy Olga Ushakova's dictionaries for our fund. In our fund, specifically for a younger student, there are only 5 dictionaries, and so we have to be content with middle-level dictionaries.

Good students are not born - they are made in good lessons. What are good lessons? Those that do not look like a lesson: fun, like a game. Such as the teacher Valentina Vasilievna Volina. This is not a new name, and more than one generation of children have grown up on these books. And the school library is experiencing a shortage of books by this author.

A reading child is a hope for the future of Russian culture. But in order for a child to become a reader, it is necessary for him to have something to read, so that beautiful interesting books are waiting for him on the shelves of the school library, and not patched, albeit very interesting, publications of the 70-90s. Without such masters of the artistic word as Ushinsky, Prishvin, Paustovsky, Bianki, Snegirev and many others, it is impossible to instill in a child a feeling of love for everything that surrounds him. But if the book was published long ago, then it will remain unnoticed by the young reader.

The school library has a special place in the library space.

As a school leader, I really want to draw attention to the problems of school libraries that you encounter in your work.

Resolving the issue of the status of a school librarian. A person working at a school with students must bear the title of teacher. And hence to have the appropriate vacation and teaching experience,

The central problem of the school librarian and school administration is the problem of funding,

The issue of personnel policy should be taken seriously. In many educational institutions in staffing there is simply no librarian position, I'm not saying that in large schools there should be 2-3 of them.

It is extremely important to resolve the issue of certification of librarians, now their salary depends on the school's payment group, and not on the result of their work and skill.

For the successful organization of the work of the school library, of course, this issue of the leader himself is of no small importance. I think this direction at school is quite serious and large-scale, so if this work of the leader is taken into account when assessing the leader, he will have additional points.

I would like to end my speech with the wonderful lines of Marina Boroditskaya.

Librarian, open your ark for me,

Your catalog, which sounds like a poem, -

We will go to sea with Captain Nemo,

Rush to the stars in the twenty-third century.

I wish you all success, health and prosperity.

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 3" of the city of Pikalevo

Lyudmila Ivanovna Grishkina

We are reading the new Federal State Educational Standard: what should the school library see in it?

A modern school library is one of the main conditions for the implementation of federal educational standards.
If you make an excursion into the recent past, it should be noted that in the documents of federal significance for many years the presence of a library in educational institutions was not indicated in any way. The Law “On Education”, with numerous additions and amendments, did not introduce the mention of libraries into the educational documentary environment. The document, approved by the Government of Russia, describes in detail the medical care of the participants in the educational process and their nutrition. The school library is not mentioned. Only now, in new documents, school libraries are not ignored.
What changes are (or should be) happening in school libraries?
1.School libraries are needed by the school as library and information centers(BIC), which are an important component of the educational process. What is the difference between a library and an information center? The library, serving its readers, uses only its funds. In addition to traditional funds, the IC also has access to remote resources of the largest information centers and book depositories in the world. Selected Internet resources make it possible to use it most fully for the development of schoolchildren, for expanding their horizons, choosing for reading the best works literature. Is an electronic encyclopedia really necessary if children in the library have not mastered the traditional reference funds, which have their own irreplaceable advantages? No Internet can replace a smart reference book, because working with it requires solving a bunch of intellectual tasks that a machine is not capable of.

2.Another requirement for libraries: they must be equipped with high-quality sources of information, moreover, these must be information resources on different media. These are different types and types of electronic publications: interactive courses on the subject, tests and problem books, electronic encyclopedias, interactive whiteboards on the subject, teaching aids. In the GEF section “24. Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of secondary (complete) general education "it is directly stated that" The material and technical equipment of the educational process should provide the possibility of "... access in the school library to Internet information resources, educational and fiction literature, collections of media resources on electronic media , to copying technology for replicating educational and methodological textographic and audio and video materials, the results of creative and research and project activities of students.

3.The school library is more than just books. In the context of the development of Internet technologies and their mass use by teenage schoolchildren, this is also the formation of information literacy and culture. Our understanding of IS is becoming hypertrophied and somewhat miserable. It all comes down to the fact that a person must be able to look for a book, or work with a dictionary, or press buttons. In fact, information and communication competence is a much broader concept.
When we studied, we took a lot of notes on primary sources and through these notes we learned to work with texts, we knew what a plan, a thesis, an abstract are ... Modern children (and not only children, unfortunately) not only write a summary, read a short dictionary entry do not want. They ask you to photocopy it. No copier - trying to take a picture on the phone. If he does not take small texts, they recite on the phone, as if on a dictaphone ... They are refined as best they can. Anything, just to not work. Some adults encourage them to do so.

4. The following thread runs through the entire GEF: use of ICT and their implementation in schools is seen as educational technology, as the development of skills to work with information, and not as a separate subject "informatics". Already in primary school children must master the basics of searching, sorting information, organizing and storing it - using computer technology! Undoubtedly, it is necessary to teach the child to independently obtain information, look for it in encyclopedias, work with reference books, access the Internet. In addition, when organizing access to information, it should be cleverly limited, protecting children from the “bad Internet”. The virtual world should not become a substitute for the real one.

5. Another point, which is also mentioned in the Standard: information should be available equally to absolutely every child, regardless of social status or on whether he or this child is healthy handicapped etc.
We often hear the library needs to change. But the library is an inanimate entity. Does this mean that should the librarian change? It's no secret that the knowledge gained in educational institution, become obsolete rather quickly. The library, like any other institution, is interested in specialists who improve their professional level throughout life. But the forms of advanced training of a librarian do not always meet the requirements of the present. The main problem of Russian school libraries is the crisis of funds and the crisis of personnel. The second problem is the social insecurity of librarians.

6. Of the innovations, it should be noted emergence of extracurricular activities in curriculum schools. Librarians, obviously, will not remain outside of it. Active participation in extracurricular activities of children can serve to raise the status of the library and promote quality reading. To extracurricular activities work in the reading room and participation in its mass events should be attributed, when personal results of education are achieved through a book, reading, which should reflect, according to the standard, “Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness their ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society; formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations”.

So, let's sum up. The new generation standard obliges libraries to significantly restructure their work:
school libraries are needed by the school as BI Centers, which are an important component of the educational process, contributing to the implementation of educational standards;
Bicenters should be equipped with high-quality sources of information on various media;
qualified library personnel must meet the requirements of the time, strive for innovation in the professional field, and be ready for a continuous education process;
Bicenters should become the embodiment of the attractiveness, comfort, and friendliness of the educational environment.

P.S. Everything written is modern, timely and true. But how far is it from the time when all our school libraries can meet the requirements that are placed on them? Question open...