Developments of teachers of physical culture. The use of health-saving technologies in physical education lessons Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons

Fishman Arkady Vladimirovich
Job title: physical culture teacher
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Yablonevskaya school"
Locality: With. Yablonevo, Korablinsky district, Ryazan region
Material name: article
Topic:"Health-saving technologies in the modern lesson of physical culture"
Publication date: 25.03.2017
Chapter: secondary education


at a meeting of the methodical association

teachers of physical culture and life safety

Korablinsky district

physical education teacher of the municipal educational institution "Yablonevskaya school"

Fishman Arkady Vladimirovich

"Health-saving technologies in modern

physical education lesson.


1. Modern lesson - as a form of organization of work on the formation

healthy and safe lifestyle culture

2. Health-saving technologies in the modern physical education lesson


2.1. The main components of health-saving technology.

2.2. Functions of health-saving technology.

2.3. Types of health-saving technologies and conditions for their implementation in

educational process.

3. The system of work on the application of health-saving technologies in

physical culture lessons

4. The main provisions of health-forming education in the classroom

physical culture at school


List of used literature

"Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health".

Arthur Schopenhauer

1. Modern lesson - as a form of organization of work on

building a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle

As you know, good health contributes to successful learning, and

successful education - better health. Education and health

are inseparable. Recently, the catastrophic

deterioration in student health. its share of responsibility for the current

situation is carried out by the education system. We are becoming more aware of our

responsibility for the well-being of new generations. To the fore

promotes the education of children's need for health as a vital

values, a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

A modern physical education lesson should contribute to

health care of the student. Need to ensure

health-saving conditions for teaching children: the load in the lesson should

be individualized, rational, must lead to success without

overwork and loss of health. It is important that in the lessons of physical

culture, there was a real upbringing of a culture of health,

formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, resist

bad habits. To increase motivation for physical activity

culture, it is necessary to create a healthy psychological climate in

lesson, the use of ICT, taking into account the opinion of students in the assessment

(self-assessment, mutual assessment), individual approach taking into account physical

abilities of each student.

As you know, education in our country, being involved in

modern socio-economic transformations are undergoing

serious changes. However, there is one aspect in the system

education, which modern changes have not significantly affected.

Oddly enough, this is the leading organizational form of educational activity -

The lesson should always be the center of attention. This means he must be

interesting, i.e. modern. The modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson

on which the teacher uses the capabilities of the student, his active

mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge for

formation of its moral foundations. The term "health-saving

qualitative characteristics of any educational technology, its

"certificate of safety for health", and as a set of those principles,

techniques, methods of pedagogical work, which complement the traditional

technologies of training and education, endow them with the sign

health saving.

In relation to health, the truth is fully true: “It is better not to

do nothing than do wrong!” But what is right? Teach the child

young person to general principles, modern systems and methods

protection and promotion of health, of course, is the task of educational

institutions. And already for consultations on private issues, for

adjustment of the wellness program, taking into account individual

features, in order to restore the shaken health of a person

can turn to a physician (physiologist, psychologist), a specialist in


The imposition on the school and the teacher of such a seemingly uncharacteristic

tasks - taking care of the health of students - is determined by the following reasons:

First, adults are always responsible for what happens to

children under their care. This also applies to children's health.

It is at school, under the “supervision” of teachers, that students spend

most of the time, and not helping them stay healthy would be

manifestation of callousness and unprofessionalism.

Second, most of the impacts on student health are

desirable and undesirable - is carried out precisely by teachers, within the walls

educational institutions. If, however, one holds the view that

all health issues should be dealt with by physicians, then for each class

You need to attach at least one doctor. - AT-

thirdly, modern medicine deals not with health, but with diseases, i.e.

Not prevention, but treatment. The task of the school is different - to preserve and strengthen

the health of their pupils, i.e. preventive. Therefore, the main thing

actor who cares about the health of students in educational

institutions - a teacher.

The problem of children's health is relevant today more than ever. At present

time, we can confidently say that it is the teacher, the educator in

able to do more for the health of the modern student than a doctor. it

does not mean that the teacher should fulfill the duties of a medical

worker. It's just that the teacher should work in such a way that teaching children in

school did not harm the health of students.

A very large effect on the functional state of the body

schoolchildren renders the structure of the lesson. According to many researchers,

the structure of the lesson should be flexible, but be sure to take into account the dynamics

the performance of schoolchildren. During the working-in phase (the first 3-5

minutes) the load should be relatively small, it is necessary to give

students to get to work. During the period of optimal stability

performance (the next 20-25 minutes) the load can be

maximum. Then the load should be reduced, because fatigue develops.

From this it is clear that the practice is not always justified when the teacher first,

Allocate the most productive part of the lesson for a homework survey:

it is better to devote this part of the lesson to the study of new material, and the survey

move to a second, less productive one.

An important component of the health-saving work of a teacher is

rational organization of the lesson. An indicator of rational organization

educational process are:

The volume of the teaching load - the number of lessons and their duration,

including time spent on homework;

The burden of extra classes at school;

Classes of an active-motor nature: dynamic pauses, lessons

physical culture, sports events, etc.

In order to improve knowledge, skills and abilities in

health care, teachers use various methods and techniques:

practical method, gaming, competitive, active learning methods,

educational, educational and educational programs.

Of course, the health of students is determined by the initial state of their

health at the time of entering school, but no less important is the correct

organization of educational activities, namely:

Strict dosage of training load;

Building a lesson taking into account the performance of students;

Compliance with hygiene requirements (fresh air, optimal

thermal conditions, good lighting, cleanliness);

Favorable emotional mood;

Conducting physical education sessions and dynamic pauses in the classroom.

Do not forget that rest is a change of activities.

Therefore, when planning a lesson, it is necessary not to allow the monotony of work. And

on the contrary - frequent changes from one activity to another require students to

additional adaptation efforts. Must be used in class

methods that contribute to the activation of initiative and creative

self-expression of the students themselves, when they really turn from

"consumers of knowledge" into subjects of action for their acquisition and creation:

1) the method of free choice (free conversation, choice of action, choice

mode of action, choice of mode of interaction, freedom of creativity, etc.);

2) active methods (students as teachers, learning by doing,

group discussion, role play, discussion, workshop, student as

researcher); 3) methods aimed at self-knowledge and development

(intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual evaluation).

An important condition of the modern lesson is the observance of SanPiN:

1) place and duration of application of TCO (in accordance with hygienic

norms), the ability of the teacher to use them as opportunities for initiating

discussions, discussions; 2) postures of students, alternation of postures (observes whether

the teacher is actually at the counter, seating students; do the poses alternate in

according to the type of work); 3) physical education minutes and others

wellness moments in the lesson - their place, content and

duration. The student is able to focus only on what he

interesting, like it, so the task of the teacher is to help the student overcome

fatigue, despondency, dissatisfaction. After all, we often hear from our

students: “Then everything is clear to me when it’s interesting.” So the child should

be interesting in class. From the first minutes of the lesson, from the greeting you need

create an atmosphere of goodwill, because students have developed

intuitive ability to capture the emotional mood of the teacher.

The components of physical culture are: good health, good

physical development, optimal level of motor abilities,

knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture, motives and basic

ways to implement physical culture and health and sports

activities. It is at the lesson of physical culture that

work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. The teacher must

work not only on the development of physical qualities, but also on strengthening

health. We cannot cure children or stop the course of the disease, but in

our power to prevent the occurrence of many diseases. For example, such

as a violation of posture, flat feet, diseases of the organs of vision,

gastrointestinal tract. The teacher must teach the child to respect

attitude towards your health. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle

for younger students it is more expedient to carry out through mastery

theoretical section of the program "Physical education".

The theoretical part of the program includes studying the basics

physical culture:

The peculiarity of the birth of physical culture, the history of the first

Olympic Games;

Health and physical development of a person;

The work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the role of vision and

hearing in human life;

Influence of physical exercises, tempering procedures, personal hygiene

and daily regimen for health promotion;

Physical qualities and their connection with physical development;

Formation of correct posture;

Terminology of the exercises being learned;

Causes of injuries in physical education classes and its rules


This material can be mastered both in specially designated lessons (1-

2 hours per quarter), and during the lessons.

Each lesson of physical culture carries a wellness

task. A necessary condition is to take into account age characteristics

students. In first grade, before starting classes

physical education, it is necessary to conduct a conversation-game with children about the subject

"Physical Education" about what they will learn in this lesson, with

what sports will be introduced. New knowledge is best presented

with the help of riddles, illustrations. unfamiliar words needed

write out on cards to get acquainted with their spelling, and for a better

remembering to speak in unison. For every sport you need to

give an idea about it, and then find out what exercises constitute

sport being studied. Theory should be introduced to children at every lesson,

constantly using new words. Only then will the concepts being studied be

sound in students' speech. Much attention should be paid to the topics: "Mode

day of the student”, “Healthy lifestyle”, “Hardening of the body”,

"Food. Diet”, “Physical activity”, “Diary


Children need to be given creative homework:

Make up your daily routine;

Draw an illustration (factors negative and positive

affecting health);

Write an essay (on the topic "My healthy lifestyle").

In the practical part, students should learn how to compose and

perform complexes of morning exercises, complexes of physical

exercises to develop flexibility, coordination, strength, to form

correct posture. Also, students should be familiar with

exercises to improve vision and hearing. They can

include, both in general developmental exercises, and in the final

parts of the lesson. General developmental exercises should include breathing

exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova. They contribute

prevention of acute respiratory diseases, improve access

oxygen to the brain. Students need to be familiar with

exercises aimed at preventing flat feet and strengthening

muscle corset.

2 . Health-saving technologies - the basis of a modern lesson

physical culture

A number of modern conceptual developments of building

educational systems allows you to outline the leading positions,

determining the need for the introduction of health-developing

(health-saving) technologies in education, which are given the leading

role in the humanization of education and the implementation of the health-centric

paradigms of human health of the third millennium - the heyday of

culture of health (M.O. Zotova, 2009).

The prerequisites for the technologization of education were laid in the works

domestic scientists P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydova, N.F. Talyzina,

I.P. Kaloshina, Z.A. Reshetova, I.I. Ilyasova, L.N. Lando, N.A.

Menchinskaya, M.Ya. Mikulinskaya, L.F. Obukhova, O.S. Anisimova, B.I.

Korotyaeva, S.I. Shapiro, A.B. Naumova, V.V. Belich, V.P. Bespalko, V.M.

Monakhov, as well as foreign scientists B. Bloom, J. Miller, E.

Galanter, K. Pribram, M. Minsky and others.

By definition, V.V. Serikov, technology in any field is

activity that reflects to the maximum extent the objective laws of a given

subject area, built in accordance with the logic of the development of this

sphere and therefore providing the greatest for given conditions

compliance of the result of the activity with the previously set goals.

Health Developing Educational Technologies (HEET), implemented by

on the basis of personality-developing situations, involve active participation

the most trained in mastering the culture of human relations, in

shaping the experience of health saving, which is acquired through

gradual expansion of the sphere of communication and activity of the student,

development of its self-regulation, the formation of self-awareness and active

life position on the basis of education and self-education, the formation

responsibility for their own health, life and health of other people.

Health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of personal

oriented approach. In traditional pedagogy, the concept

health-saving technologies are interpreted in different ways.

Health-saving technology, according to V.D. Sonkina (2003),

The conditions of the child's education at school (lack of stress, adequacy

requirements, the adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with

age, gender, individual characteristics and

hygienic requirements);

Correspondence of educational and physical activity to age capabilities

Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor

N.K. Smirnov (2006) gives the following definition:

“Health-saving educational technologies are a complex,

built on a single methodological basis, a system of organizational

and psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies aimed at

protection and promotion of the health of students.

2.1 Main components of health-saving technology

The main components of health-saving technology are:

Axiological, manifested in students' awareness of the highest value

their health, belief in the need to lead a healthy lifestyle

life, which allows the most complete implementation of the intended goals,

use their mental and physical abilities;

Gnoseological, associated with the acquisition of the necessary for the process

health preservation of knowledge and skills, knowledge of oneself, one's potential

abilities and opportunities, interest in their own health,

to the study of literature on this issue, various methods for

recovery and strengthening of the body;

Health-saving, including a system of values ​​and attitudes,

which form a system of hygienic skills and abilities necessary

for the normal functioning of the body, as well as the system

exercises aimed at improving skills and abilities in

taking care of oneself, clothes, place of residence, environment;

Emotional-volitional, which includes the manifestation

psychological mechanisms - emotional and volitional;

Ecological, taking into account the fact that a person as a biological species

exists in a natural environment that provides a human personality

certain biological, economic and production


The physical culture and health component involves the possession

methods of activity aimed at increasing motor

activity, prevention of hypodynamia.

2.2 Functions of health technology

Formative: carried out on the basis of biological and social

patterns of personality formation;

Informative and communicative: provides translation of the experience of conducting

healthy lifestyle, continuity of traditions, value

orientations that form a careful attitude to the individual

health, the value of every human life;

Diagnostic: consists in monitoring the development of students based on

predictive control, provides instrumentally verified

analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the prospective development of pedagogical

process, individual passage of the educational route by each


Reflexive: consists in rethinking the previous

personal experience, in the preservation and enhancement of health, which allows

measure the actual results achieved with the prospects.

Integrative: combines folk experience, various scientific concepts and

education systems, guiding them along the path of maintaining health

the rising generation.

2.3 Types of health technologies

In psychological and pedagogical science, there are various types


Health-saving (preventive vaccinations, providing

motor activity, vitaminization, organization of a healthy diet)

Wellness (physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy,

hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy)

Health education technologies (inclusion of relevant topics in

general education subjects)

Education of a culture of health (optional classes on the development

personalities of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities,

festivals, competitions, etc.).

Characteristics of health-oriented technology as a system,

implies the presence of a structure, elements, its components, their

interconnectedness and subordination to a single goal. In the totality of the main

elements of health-saving technology include the following


1. Informational - includes conceptual provisions for ensuring

implementation of goals and objectives.

2. Instrumental - includes a description of the material and technical base and

educational and methodological support.

3. Social - determines the personnel potential, its competence,

readiness to implement technology in the educational process.

4. Financial - determines the sources, volumes and system of budgetary and

extrabudgetary funds.

5. Regulatory support - use of public

normative acts, conducting office work in this direction.

Among the significant (specific) technological principles (with

subject to observance of general pedagogical principles), which are necessary

take into account when developing a health education system N.A.

Solovyov will highlight the following:

The principle of the unity of the connection between the elements of the health-saving system

technologies (its main components are interconnected and interdependent:

a change in one of them necessarily requires a change in the others);

The principle of goal-setting diagnostics;

The principle of functional completeness and functional interconnection

simultaneously all components and components of the educational system);

The principle of openness of functional and methodological actions (everything that

is done in the process of implementation and development of OST, it should be clear

logically justified and informationally open to all subjects

educational process);

The principle of an objective assessment of the final result (only when performing

this requirement, productive control and correction is possible, search

management methods); -

the principle of continuity and completeness (consists in the consistency of not

activities at different levels of education, both in macro and in


The principle of variability of means, methods and organizational forms

introduction of OST (a wide range and variety of means, methods,

organizational forms and types of health technologies provides

maximum effect)

The principle of optimization (assumes in each case the choice

the best course of action).

Despite the differences in interpretations of the concept of "health-saving

educational technologies” and use by some authors

the concept of "health-developing pedagogical technologies"

(emphasizing the developing, forming potential and functionality

education), the opinions of experts agree on the need

designing a health-forming environment, which is the most important

element of work to preserve and improve the health of students.

N.T. Rylova (2007) defines a health-preserving environment

educational institutions as a set of management,

organizational, training and recreational conditions aimed at

formation, strengthening and preservation of social, physical,

mental health of students, teachers on the basis of psychological

pedagogical and medical-physiological means and methods of support

educational process, prevention of “risk” factors, implementation

a set of interdepartmental measures to create a social

adapted educational environment.

The purpose of the PRT is to provide conditions for the physical, mental,

social and spiritual comfort, contributing to the preservation and

strengthening the health of the subjects of the educational process, their productive

educational, cognitive and practical activities based on scientific

organization of work and culture of a healthy lifestyle of the individual. Based

terms of the TRP and their characteristics, we can say that this system

is a set of organizational, functional and

psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine the multivariate

a set and arrangement of actions, forms, methods, techniques, operations, procedures,

educational and educational tools that provide practical

oriented immersion of students in a specially created environment. it

system of organizational forms and technological units,

focused on a specific result - the health of the individual and society.

Planning and conducting health work, involves

organization of a health-saving space of an educational institution,

uniting phenomena, spheres, ways and processes of realization

health-developing educational technologies, and combined in

several structures according to the nature of these phenomena and psychological

pedagogical characteristics. The impact of this space

students, pupils and teachers takes place directly in

educational institution, but its primary impact is

trigger for further change processes, as

pedagogical space, and the subjects acting in it.

In these educational institutions, maintaining health

students largely depends on the organization of the system of school conditions

environment conducive to the formation, preservation and promotion of health,

introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process.

Among the health-saving technologies used in the system

education, N. K. Smirnov singles out medical and hygienic, physical

health-improving, ecological health-saving technologies,

life safety technologies,

health-saving educational technologies.

The most significant of all listed by the degree of their influence on

health, adaptation and development of students are health-saving

educational technologies, which are divided into three groups:

Organizational and pedagogical, determining the structure of the educational

process, partially regulated in SanPiNs, contributing to

prevention of overwork, hypodynamia and other maladaptation


Psychological and pedagogical technologies associated with direct

the work of the teacher in the classroom, as well as with the psychological and pedagogical

support of all elements of the educational process;

Teaching and educational technologies, including training programs

taking care of their health and building a culture of student health,

motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle, prevent harmful

habits, which also provide for organizational and

educational work with schoolchildren after school, enlightening them


Introduction into the practice of education of a system of health-saving and

health-developing technologies involves, first of all, providing

conformity of the forms and content of the educational process with personal,

intellectual and adaptive abilities of students, taking into account

individual typological features of the organism, sensitive and

critical periods of ontogeny.

In order to provide long-term health and

adaptive-developing effect, it is necessary to create in the educational

establishment of an adaptive and developing educational environment.

3. The system of work on the application of health-saving technologies in

physical culture lessons

The main criteria for the health-saving properties of pedagogical

technologies are:

1. The success of the teaching (the level of development of mental operations, the pace












3. Social adaptability (dynamics of self-esteem, well-formedness






communication skills).

Where to start your work in this direction?

First of all, we establish a relationship with the medical

school employee, get acquainted with the results of medical examinations of children,

we take into account in the work the testimony of health workers in the health sheet of schoolchildren.

It is necessary to draw up a health chart for each child, in which

it is necessary to reflect diseases, psychological and psychosomatic

features and deviations, if any. Based on the map

determine the level of intellectual development (low, medium, high).

The distribution by level makes it possible to choose for each student

individual approach. This will solve the main task of the teacher,

increase learning motivation through the creation of a favorable

educational environment: an atmosphere of goodwill, creating a situation

success for every student. In this case, an important role is played by

emotional component of motivation (encouragement, evaluation of the slightest

positive outcome, establishing good relations between

teacher and student).

Build effective, psychologically comfortable relationships









for example,




TCO funds). Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere in the classroom






performance and reduce fatigue. Changing the format of the lesson

from classic to non-standard, reduces tension in the child, gives

opportunity to find your niche. Conducting non-traditional lessons, especially

associated with the use of computer technology, necessarily weak

small messages are given to the students in advance. It's always a success. Child

begins to feel its importance, self-esteem increases, there are







psychophysical state.

There is an erroneous opinion that "physical education lesson


health saving."

there are principles of health-saving technologies, without observing

which the lesson will not carry a positive content. Among them:

Accounting for age-related individual characteristics;

Accounting for the state of health of the student and his individual psychophysical





students' performance (introductory part, main and final part);





performance and expansion of the functional capabilities of the body


The main goal of pedagogical activity in physical culture

Creation of conditions for physical development, preservation and strengthening

health of schoolchildren.

The main task of educational activity is:

1. Complex implementation of the basic components of the program.










as follows:

The teaching material must first of all meet the requirements

standard and be focused on the end result;

based on the basic level of the content of education, but at the same time

time each student is given the opportunity to choose the content

activities in the lesson, based on the level of physical fitness










in the following way:

Wellness activities

Pedagogical influences

Means of wellness


Knowledge and skills

Consulting and control


Physical education lesson

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies,

the following groups of funds:

hygiene factors;

The healing powers of nature;

Means of motor orientation.

The first condition for recovery is the creation of physical

hygienic culture. The duties of a teacher include the ability and











administration, physicians.

Scheme. Hygienic means of achieving health saving

The second condition is the use of the healing forces of nature, which

has a significant impact on the achievement of health goals

technology in the classroom. Outdoor activities contribute to

activation of biological processes, increases overall performance

body, slows down the process of fatigue, etc.





motor mode at physical culture lessons, which allows

to satisfy





r a z v i t i u

b a n s

d e v e l s



performance at a high level throughout the school day, week



technologies can





taking into account

characteristics of each student and aimed at the fullest possible

p a c r i t e

p o t e n c i a l a.

o f technology






gymnastics, various game technologies.

It is very important for a teacher to properly organize a physical education lesson.

culture, because it is the main form of the pedagogical process. At

planning and conducting a lesson, we rely on the main modern

requirements for a physical education lesson with a complex

health-saving technologies:

Rational lesson density;

Inclusion in the lesson of issues related to the health of students,

contributing to the formation of schoolchildren's values ​​of a healthy image

life and needs in it;

The optimal combination of different activities;

The choice of methods and techniques of training that contribute to the activation

initiative and creative self-expression of students;

Formation of external and internal motivation of students' activities;

Implementation of an individual approach to students, taking into account personal


Creating a favorable psychological climate, a situation of success and

emotional discharge;

Inclusion in the lesson of techniques and methods that promote self-knowledge

capabilities of your body, development of skills of self-assessment of the level

their physical development;

Purposeful reflection of their activities throughout the lesson and in

its final part.

Modern lesson of physical culture and increasing its effectiveness

is impossible without developing the issue of student-centered learning.

The most important requirement for a physical education lesson is to provide

differentiated and individual approach to students, taking into account

health status, gender, physical development, motor

readiness, features of the development of mental properties. Getting Started

working with first-graders, first of all, we determine with what composition

students will have to work for several years. At the beginning

academic year, we reveal the level of physical fitness using

tests (conducted by a psychologist) and the state of health of students (according to

medical records).

Learner-Centered and Differentiated approaches

are important for students, both with low and high results in

areas of physical culture. Low level of motor development

qualities is often one of the main reasons for student failure in

physical culture. And a student with a high level is not interested in

lesson for the average student. In addition to dividing students into

basic, preparatory and special groups, in almost every class

conditionally, children can be divided into several more groups (categories):

Perfectly healthy, but "fat" children who do not want to work;

Children temporarily transferred to the preparatory group due to illness;

Poorly physically developed children who are afraid of ridicule become isolated;

Well physically developed children who may lose desire

to attend classes if it will be very easy and uninteresting for them. That's why

it is necessary to differentiate both tasks, and content, and the pace of development

program material, and evaluation of achievements.

Here we focus on the technology of learner-centered

physical education, which is the main in the educational process.

Personally-oriented physical education is understood as

purposeful physical formation of a person through development

his individual abilities. Person-centered approach -

it is a way to implement the content of a differentiated physical education

education through a system of means, methods and organizational

forms that ensure the effective achievement of the goal of education.

pedagogical technologies of differentiated motor learning

actions, the development of physical qualities, the formation of knowledge and

methodological skills and technologies for managing the educational process,

to achieve physical perfection.

Movement training.

It is carried out by a holistic method with subsequent differentiation

(by highlighting the details of technology and "breeding" them according to complexity) and then

integration (unification) of these parts in different ways, depending on

on the level of technical preparedness of students in order to more

quality exercise. Teaching motor actions

provides for the possibility of choosing operations to solve certain

motor tasks. In this case, each student can master

motor action in its preferred composition of operations, which

will become the basis for the formation of an individual, most effective,

activity style. Students of a strong group, inside the class,

master educational material on average two lessons faster than average and

weak students.

In the lessons, students are given different learning tasks: one group -

preparatory or lead-up exercises performed in lightweight

conditions; the other is complicated lead-up exercises; third - action

in general, but in a lightweight version, etc.

More prepared children perform exercises in competitive

conditions or changing complicated conditions (application

weights, increased support, various resistances), as well as for them

increases the number of repetitions and the number of passage of the circle. Less

trained students work in standard conditions.

The lesson requires individual work with

students who are unable to complete certain

motor action. These children receive individual tasks, as in

lesson, and homework on this motor action.

Individual work with students at different stages of the lesson contributes to

preservation of physical, moral and social health


Development of physical qualities.

Differentiated development of physical qualities in groups of different

preparedness is carried out using both the same and

different means and methods, but the magnitude of the load is always planned to be different, in

resulting in the level of physical fitness of students

significantly improved compared to baseline. In the weaker

groups, children finish tasks earlier, they have

more time to rest and recover. For students who have

insufficient level of physical fitness, in the near future

In the future, we plan to introduce individual task cards with

indication of exercises, the sequence of their implementation, dosage.

Exercise cards-tasks, respectively, with age will be

become more complicated.

In the lessons we try to use non-standard equipment and small

inventory (gymnastic sticks, jump ropes, hoops, dumbbells, rubber and

spring expanders, etc.), conduct lessons with musical

accompaniment, include elements of rhythm, breathing exercises.

This allows you to increase the motor density of the lessons and make them more


Be sure to control the physical activity of each student according to

heart rate before and after exercise.

To determine the functional state of students in the process

physical activity of a different nature, we not only compare the value

pulse shifts with the nature and magnitude of the loads, but we can also trace

the speed of recovery of the pulse during rest. Children who have before

lesson heart rate above 80 beats / min., and less prepared children when building

put on the left flank. For such students with the help of limiters

can make an inner circle with a smaller radius where they can

perform individual exercises, breathing exercises and

relaxation, walking, jogging, etc. (island of health).

In the preparatory part of the lesson, tasks are performed by all children, but

tasks, their volume, intensity, number of repetitions, pace of movement;

simpler lead-in and preparatory exercises are given,

more frequent and longer rest breaks are allowed.

In the practice of physical culture and health-improving work are widely used

competitive and gaming technologies that help solve not only

problems of motivation, development of students, but also health saving. AT

game and through play communication in a growing child, and

a worldview is formed, the need to influence the world, adequately

perceive what is happening. It is in the game, regardless of the consciousness of the child

different muscle groups work, which also has a beneficial effect on


When conducting exercises in a game or competitive form

weak students are distributed among all teams and replacements are made more often

these players. In relay races, more prepared students start and

finish the relay and, if necessary, do two repetitions. At

performing tasks in pairs, children are selected according to their strengths and they are given different

according to the complexity of the exercise, while you can also use cards with

assignments and exercises.

We pay special attention in the lesson to overweight and weak children.

children who do not want to study because of their awkwardness. Good ones

results can be obtained if such children are involved first

help with outdoor games and relay races. Initially, they help

refereeing, then, being involved in events, take part in the game and

cease to be ashamed of their motor awkwardness. Continuing in this way

engage in lessons, these children gain confidence in their abilities and

are gradually included in regular classes. At this stage, the mode of study

for different groups should be different: training, tonic

or gentle.

Differentiated marking by physical and

technical readiness of students.

When assessing the physical fitness of students, it is taken into account as

maximum result, and the increase in their result. And

individual achievements (i.e. performance gains) are prioritized

meaning. When setting a mark in physical culture, the following are taken into account:

theoretical knowledge, and the technique of performing a motor action, and

diligence, and the ability to carry out sports and recreation

activity. In ours, we use encouragement methods, verbal

approval. Some children need to be convinced of their own abilities,

soothe, cheer up; others - to restrain from excessive zeal; third -

interest. All this creates a positive attitude among students.

to the execution of tasks, creates the basis for social activity. All

We try to justify the marks. Temporarily released

children and students referred for health reasons to a special

the medical group should be present at the lessons: help in

preparation of inventory, judging. In games, they are interested in feasible roles, in

relay races, they can be appointed team captains to organize children and

help with discipline, they can take part in permissible tasks,

get acquainted in the lessons with theoretical information, with the technique of performing

some motor actions that do not require large energy

student work is also evaluated.

Constantly focusing strong children on the fact that they are obliged to help

weak, to offer them to prepare a weaker comrade for a successful

exercise and give them high marks for it.

Comprehensive study of schoolchildren, comparison of various data

allows you to identify the causes of lagging behind children, to establish the main of these

reasons and to carry out pedagogical impact based on the methodology

differentiated learning. This technology facilitates the process

learning, the student approaches the intended goal with a gradual accumulation

stock of motor skills, from which the desired action is formed. From

wealth of exercises, forms and methods of their application, the lessons become

more diverse, and the learning process - more interesting. Students

engaged willingly, with interest perceive feasible and diverse

tasks, perform them consciously, experience pleasure from the very

execution process.

Ensuring a differentiated approach to students, taking into account their

physical development and motor fitness; achievement

high motor density, dynamism, emotionality,

educational and instructive orientation of the lessons; the formation of

learning skills and abilities of independent physical education

exercises - all these are the most important requirements of the modern lesson

physical culture.

Gaming technologies

Game activity in the lessons of physical culture occupies an important





lies in the fact that it takes into account the psychological and pedagogical nature





lies in the fact that it is carried out not under the pressure of vital





move, play. Game forms of work in the educational process can carry

a number of functions:








Particular attention is paid to outdoor games in primary and secondary

link, since at this age the foundations of play activity are laid,

aimed at improving gaming skills and technical and tactical






sports games. And, of course, outdoor games, this is an excellent base for






are used



strengthening and improving the skills of running, jumping and throwing, on






orientation in space, etc. In the section of the program "Sports

games" - games and relay races for mastering tactical and technical skills

studied sports games. In the section "Gymnastics" - outdoor games with


martial arts.


are held

outdoor games for mastering and consolidating the technique of skiing.

All this gives a positive result. positive emotional

mood, a sense of joy among students is one of the criteria for successful

Technology of adaptive gymnastics

Adaptive gymnastics in the system of physical education is necessary

for special medical groups, as well as for working with students,






major health groups also need special correctional

classes that allow you to more successfully overcome training loads.

Nowadays, more and more children with disabilities are coming to school.


Joint actions of doctors, class teachers, teachers

physical education should be carried out a comprehensive diagnosis. The results of this








taken into account



student, on the basis of which the child is sent to individual

and group lessons.

Corrective or adaptive gymnastics - a method of physical therapy




posture. Includes static (70%) and dynamic (30%) exercises. AT

the method is based on the principles of left-right hemispheric interactions

brain and physiological stereotype of movements (circular, cross).

Adaptive gymnastics as a preventive method is useful

to all children, but especially to younger schoolchildren, since upon admission to

school increases physical and mental stress, and this requires

some adaptation on the part of the child. Particularly well adaptable










held 3 times a week for 15 minutes. Exercises that are offered

this gymnastics are aimed at:

To improve and strengthen the spring function of the foot, and hence to

posture correction;

To relieve children of overwork, excitement through the implementation

static and psychophysical exercises;

To strengthen the spine

Group activity technology

Group technologies help to restore physical and spiritual

strength, give rise to sports healthy excitement, team spirit, the spirit of striving for

victory, a sense of pride for a successful competition.

As a result of the widespread use of gaming and group technologies in

physical education lessons at school becomes a change in attitude to the subject.





used team and outdoor games, attend physical education lessons

regularly and with pleasure. Indicators of the success of data application

technologies in the classroom are high results of students' performances

in competitions, subject Olympiads and competitions.

Combination of methods, techniques of physical education









age characteristics of students, to prevent overwork, to guide

their actions and control the load.

In order to fully and accurately describe the technique of exercises, the teacher









physical development and level of physical fitness are taken into account

Students need to be taught the ability to consciously evaluate

own physical development and compose sets of exercises, and

also explain to students that the systematic nature of special exercises and

the sequence of their implementation consolidates the results achieved in







on one's own.

are taken into account

general pedagogical











exercises, learn to analyze and evaluate them.

Particular attention should be paid to homework. Modern



physical education








homework assignments for different levels of preparedness categories


Thanks to


are accustomed


actively participate in the process of self-improvement.

non-traditional lessons.

The main types of non-traditional lessons are role-playing

games, health lessons using adaptive gymnastics. On lessons

health children are divided into groups. In groups of children with poor health

exercises are offered that help to relieve mental

voltage, long-term static loads are excluded. Are used

physical exercises, which are aimed not only at the physical

development of children, but also having a therapeutic and educational effect,

corrective, corrective exercises (for example, walking up stairs

for feet, bumps, rope strengthens and develops the muscles of the foot and

prevents the development of flat feet). Rope and hoop exercises

contribute to the formation of correct posture, have a beneficial effect on

cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

4. The main provisions of health-forming education in the classroom

physical culture at school

1. Creation of such a general educational program that forms and

ensures the health of students.


turn on


the results of medical examinations of children, their registration in the educational

work; Helping parents build a healthy life

students and families in general.

2. Creation of conditions for an interested attitude to learning.

Control tests, assignments, tests, etc. should only give






If this did not happen, then the teacher must make individual

assignments appropriate adjustments. It is of fundamental importance that when

In this case, the student was not compared with others on the principle of “better or worse

others", but compared with himself: today I have become better than yesterday, and

will try

should be realistic and encourage students to work actively. Bye

the evaluation criteria are based on a comparison of the results of mastering knowledge and

skills with some contrived "average" values. In this case

a strong student does not feel the need for daily educational work, but

the weak, feeling doomed, does not desire it. If a










rather quickly forget unnecessary material. In this case, it violates




turns out to be, as it were, torn off from the previous one, independent and even


3. Inclusion in the process of training elements of active recreation





the physical education lesson itself - at other lessons and breaks: physical education minutes,

physical education pauses, dynamic (mobile) changes. Such an active holiday



fatigue and restoration of mental performance by activating


blood circulation




stagnation in the blood circulation and respiratory system by exercises














back muscles responsible for posture and more.

4. Ensuring the necessary hygienic conditions in the classrooms








sanitary and hygienic standards.

The traditional system of physical education, focused on

(I emphasize













physical culture transfers the entire burden of its development to the

program standards, that is, actually transfers the burden of responsibility

for the effectiveness of physical education from oneself to students. Furthermore,






focused on the "average" student, they themselves in the current

interpretations are the most important factor in not educating students

physical culture, but alienation from it. However, the solution to this




no fundamental difficulties.

To the expression “health-saving technologies”, many have already

used to


in my own way.











are limited

herbal tea

vitamin salads, etc. This activity in the school has several













students; proper organization of the motor regime and physical culture









health status and accounting for the results of its conservation.

The main goal of the work of physical education teachers is to provide the student

the possibility of maintaining health during the period of study at school. For this


to develop in students the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities

for a healthy lifestyle;

to teach students to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life

to teach schoolchildren the techniques of mobilization and relaxation and spiritual


The tasks are solved through:

improving the methodology of the lesson,

individual work with the underachieving and physically developed






abilities and natural inclinations,

students' motivation for learning.

The theory and practice of physical education convincingly testify that

















central nervous system and thus general health promotion and

increase the efficiency of the body.








reports and messages on healthy lifestyles.

In some lessons, you can use questions and assignments,




"health saving":

1. Define the concepts of "Health" and "Healthy lifestyle".





implement them in your life?

3. Name 10 reasons to say "No" to drugs.

four . K a k i m i

with p o b a m and

u n g r e n t

with m o c h u s t in e m

do you have the capacity to work?

5. How to breathe correctly:

None of the options is worse or better than the other.

Classes in the classroom, participation in competitions, in a word, physical education -


physical education

help the guys get rid of stooped shoulders and hollow chests, develop their






conditions with a sharply aggravated environmental situation and increased

stressful influences.

However, in physical education there are several typical problems,

forcing teachers to turn to the experience of their colleagues, to innovative

ideas, to science.

Weak material and technical base

Hall congestion.


physical education


extracurricular activities.






walking, running, jumping, throwing, skills in balance make it possible




preparatory, taking into account the dosage of physical activity and age





motor skills and abilities.

From early spring to late autumn, if possible, classes should

spend outdoors. All lessons must have a high motor


In the classroom, use frontal and group methods. At




The creative atmosphere in the classroom to a large extent depends on the preparation for

to it, which includes carefully thought-out explanations of the training material,

















difficult: the relay race is replaced by dribbling, imitation

exercises - rope climbing, jumping run - passing the ball in pairs.








all kinds

relay races








jump ropes.

Independent activity of students, introduction to hard work






temporary rest to regulate respiratory and cardiovascular



Confidence in your strength.

For individual sections of the program, you can use cards with

exercises of three degrees of difficulty. If the student is not good enough


an exercise,


task card





At the end of the specified period, the student is required to pass the educational standard or



an exercise.






coefficient "3". In addition, cards can be with movement models

and a description of the order of performance of various exercises from all sections

curriculum. This allows for differentiated and

individual approach to learning.


health saving,






healthy lifestyle, teaching self-study physical

exercises using them for leisure and recreation. The boys see clearly






normal physical development in the future.

To ensure an effective health-saving process

it is necessary to observe the sanitary and hygienic conditions of training,







individual characteristics of the child;

It is necessary to create a favorable emotional and










The goal of health-saving pedagogy is to provide the graduate with

schools a high level of real health, arming it with the necessary

baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for maintaining a healthy

way of life, and cultivating a culture of health in him.

Introduction to educational










health-saving technologies cannot be torn out of the general system

education, they contribute to the competent and rational use

other methods and means of training, development and education. At present





technologies that are based on the age characteristics of cognitive









combination of motor and static loads, training in small groups,

using visualization and combining different forms of presentation






formation of positive motivation for learning (“pedagogy of success”), on

cultivating knowledge of health issues among students.

It is very important for a teacher properly organize the lesson, as it





process. From

hygienic rationality of the lesson largely depends on the functional






long-term maintenance of mental performance at a high level

and prevent premature fatigue.

List of used literature:

1. Analysis of the lesson from the perspective of health saving. [Electronic

resource] – access mode: : // school6nojabrsk.narod.

2. Gorohova N.A. Organization of health saving at school [Text] / N.A.

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3. Lushpa L.G., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical and

health-saving technologies KRIPK and PRO. – Health saving


4. Glazyrina L.D., Lopatik T.A. Methods of teaching physical

culture: 1-4 cells, Met. allowance and program. - M., 2003.

5. From childhood to adolescence: a program for parents and teachers on

formation of health and development of children [T.N. Doronova, L.N. Galiguzova,

L.G. Golubeva and others]. - M., 2007.

6. Nazarenko L.D. Health basics of physical exercises. – M.,

7. Certification of teaching staff. Directory. 3rd ed. – M.: IF

"Education in Documents", 2001.

8. Diagnosis of teacher success: Sat. method, materials for

school leaders / Comp. T.V. Morozova - M., 1997.

9. Zvereva V.I. Diagnostics and examination of pedagogical activity. -

10. Shishov S.E., Kalney V.A. Monitoring the quality of education at school. -

Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1998.

11. Fomenko I.A. Certification of teaching staff

educational institutions. - M., Arkti, 2005

12. Antonova L.N. Psychological foundations of implementation

health-saving technologies in educational institutions / L.N.

Antonova, T.I. Shulga, K.G. Erdyneev. - M .: Publishing house of MGOU, 2004. (Regional

target program "Development of education in the Moscow region for 2001-2005

years). 13. Bezrukikh M.M., Sonkin

V.D., Bezobrazova V.N. "Health-Saving School" Moscow,

Pedagogical University "First of September". 2006 14. Weiner E.N.

Formation of a health-saving environment in the system of general education//

Valeology.-2004.-№1. 15. Vashlaeva L.P.,

Panina T.S. Theory and practice of forming a health-saving

teacher strategies in terms of advanced training // Valeology.-

2004.-№4. 16. Zenova T.V. materials

for the preparation of a comprehensive-targeted program "School of Health"//Practice

administrative work in the school. - 2006.-№1. 17. Sokratov N.V., Thyssen

P.P. "Health-saving technologies in the educational process

schoolchildren." Orenburg. OGPU publishing house. 2007

18. Makeeva D.Z., Lysenko I.V. Educational kit

"Magic Lessons in the Land of Health". SPb., Education and

culture, 1999

19. Karaseva T.V. Modern aspects of implementation

health-saving technologies // Primary School, 2005. - No. 11.

20. Kasatkin V.N., Shcheplyagina L.A. "Health. Educational - methodical

manual for teachers of grades 1 - 11, Moscow, 2001

21. Kazakovtseva T.S., Kosolapova T.L. To the issue of health

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22. Mitina E.P. Health-saving technologies today and tomorrow //

"Primary School", 2006, No. 6.

Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons

At present, every teacher should know that education, upbringing and health are inextricably linked and mutually influencing categories.

Orientation to health-saving technologies in education is one of the main and urgent tasks of the entire education system.

This includes the creation of optimal conditions for the implementation of health-saving technologies in physical education lessons and extracurricular activities. As a teacher of physical education, I try to build my work with students, teachers, parents and graduates in such a way that health protection in this activity is the main priority.

Relevance The topic is predetermined by the fact that human health is the main value of a person; it is at school age that the foundations of health-saving thinking and behavior of an individual are laid. On the other hand, the school environment most often does not create conditions for promoting health.

The state of health of children in Russia causes reasonable concern. According to experts, about 90% of children have deviations in physical and mental health; 30-35% of children entering school already have chronic diseases; over the years of training, the number of visual impairments and posture has increased five times, the number of mental health disorders has increased four times, the number of children with diseases of the digestive system has increased three times: up to 80% of young men of military age are not ready for service in the Armed Forces according to medical criteria. Such a state of health is the result of a long-term adverse impact of not only socio-economic, environmental, but also a number of pedagogical factors. For this reason, one of the priority h One of the main problems in my work was the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, the formation of their concept of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Target: summarize the studied materials on this topic; identify ways and means of forming a culture of health and apply in practice.


1. Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience on this topic.

2. Active use of health-saving technologies in the activities of a physical education teacher

3. Teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle and health saving to students in the classroom and outside of school hours through the use of various methods for improving health.

The pedagogical experience of physical education teachers should be based on fundamental priorities:

1. A healthy child is a practically achievable norm of child development.

2. Rehabilitation is not a set of therapeutic and preventive measures, but a form of development of the psychophysiological capabilities of children.

3. An individually differentiated approach is the main means of health-improving and developmental work with students.

Leading pedagogical idea : to motivate children of teachers and parents to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health from an early age, strive to become healthier and more developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.

The protection of children's health can be called a priority for the entire society, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the acquired knowledge and in the future are able to engage in productive and useful work.

In the description of the concept "health" both individual and social characteristics are used.

Human health, first of all, depends on lifestyle. This style is personal. A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the performance of professional, social, family and domestic functions by a person in optimal conditions for health and determines the direction of the individual's efforts in preserving and strengthening individual and public health.

The concept of "health-saving educational technologies" (HEP) has appeared in the pedagogical lexicon in the past few years and is still perceived by many teachers as an analogue of sanitary and hygienic measures. This testifies to a distorted understanding of the term "health-saving educational technologies", primitive ideas about the content of the work that a school should carry out in order to fulfill its most important task - preserving and strengthening the health of students.

This term is understood differently by teachers of educational institutions. Some people believe that the PRT is one or more new pedagogical technologies that are alternative to all others, and therefore you can choose whether to work, for example, on the technologies of S. Frenet, V. Zaitsev, M. Montessori, etc., or on the "technology health care".

Another variant of understanding can be described as “the mythologization of the concept of health-saving technologies”: as if it had never been seen in schools and has miraculous effectiveness.

The purpose of pedagogical (educational) technology - achievement of a given educational result in training, education, development. For example, technology is focused on achieving optimal results in mastering general educational skills by younger students; the goal of the developmental education system is the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality, etc.

Health saving cannot, by definition, act as the main and only goal of the educational process, but only as a condition, one of the tasks associated with achieving the main goal.

By health-saving educational technology (Petrov) he understands a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.).

Functions of health-saving technology:

formative: is carried out on the basis of biological and social patterns of personality formation. The formation of personality is based on hereditary qualities that predetermine individual physical and mental properties.

informative and communicative: ensures the transmission of the experience of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the continuity of traditions, value orientations that form a careful attitude to individual health, the value of every human life;

diagnostic: consists in monitoring the development of students on the basis of predictive control, which makes it possible to measure the efforts and direction of the teacher's actions in accordance with the child's natural capabilities, provides an instrumentally verified analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the future development of the pedagogical process, individual passage of the educational route by each child;

adaptive: educating students to focus on

healthy lifestyle, optimize condition

own body and increase resistance to various kinds

stress factors of the natural and social environment. She provides

adaptation of schoolchildren to socially significant activities.

reflective: consists in rethinking the previous personal experience, in preserving and increasing health, which makes it possible to measure the actually achieved results with the prospects.

integrative: combines folk experience, various scientific

concepts and systems of education, guiding them along the path of maintaining health

the rising generation.

Technology types:

Health saving(preventive vaccinations, ensuring physical activity, fortification, organization of a healthy diet)

wellness(physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy)

Health education technologies(inclusion of relevant topics in the subjects of the general education cycle)

Nurturing a Culture of Health(optional classes for the development of the personality of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.)

The systemic sequence of introducing the school and each teacher to health-saving technologies:

1. Awareness of the problem of the negative impact of the school on the health of students and the need for its immediate resolution

2. Recognition by school teachers of their joint and several responsibility for the unfavorable state of health of schoolchildren

3. Mastering the necessary health-saving technologies (acquisition of competencies) Implementation of the received training in practice, in close cooperation with each other, with doctors, with the students themselves and their parents

Negative trends :

A significant decrease in the number of absolutely healthy children (there are no more than 10-12% of them left)

The rapid growth in the number of functional disorders and chronic diseases, which are registered in more than 50-60% of schoolchildren

A sharp increase in the proportion of pathologies of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, kidneys and urinary tract

An increase in the number of schoolchildren with several diagnoses (20% of senior students have a history of 5 or more diagnoses)

The disadvantages of education, in particular, include :

- Failure to comply with SANPiNA standards

Insufficient classroom lighting;

Bad air in school buildings;

Incorrect shape and size of school tables;

Overload of training sessions;

Dosages for homework.

The main "school" factors that negatively affect the health of students:

Actively studied and discussed:

The traditional system of physical education, focused on the program recommended (I emphasize - not mandatory, but recommended) by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, is designed for a certain provision of premises, specialized equipment and inventory. In the absence of such conditions, the program becomes completely unfeasible and the teacher of physical culture transfers the entire burden of its development to the standards proposed in the program, that is, in fact, transfers the burden of responsibility for the effectiveness of physical education from himself to the students. Moreover, taking into account the attitude towards the standards oriented towards the “average” student that has developed in our education, in their current interpretation they themselves are the most important factor not in the education of physical culture in students, but in alienation from it. At the same time, the solution of this issue, moreover, on the basis of individual guidelines, does not cause any fundamental difficulties.

Many are already used to the expression “health-saving technologies”, although they understand it in their own way. Some introduce the Health Lessons training program, others organize class competitions, others use the universal program recommended by the Ministry of Education, others limit themselves to herbal tea and vitamin salads, etc.

This activity in the school has several directions: ensuring a safe school environment; organization of the educational process in such a way that it does not harm health; use of methods appropriate to the age and abilities of students; proper organization of the motor regime and physical culture and health-improving work; formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle; interaction with medical institutions, analysis of the state of health and accounting for the results of its saving.

The main goal of the work of physical education teachers is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school. For this you need:

To form in students the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle;

Teach students to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

To teach schoolchildren methods of mobilization and relaxation and spiritual self-improvement.

The tasks are solved through:

1) improving the methodology of the lesson,

2) individual work with underachieving and physically developed students,

3) correction of schoolchildren's knowledge on the basis of diagnostics of the development of abilities and natural inclinations,

4) motivation of schoolchildren to study.

The theory and practice of physical education convincingly indicate that exercises aimed at developing endurance (running, jumping, outdoor games, tourism, orienteering) are of particular importance, contributing to the expansion of the functionality of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, improving the activity of the central nervous system and, most, the general strengthening of health and increasing the efficiency of the body.

2. Weak material and technical base

3. Congestion of the halls.

Physical exercises aimed at mastering proper walking, running, jumping, throwing, skills in balance make it possible to organize the work of children in the main medical group and the preparatory group, taking into account the dosage of physical activity and age characteristics of schoolchildren, to form their vital motor skills and skills.

From early spring to late autumn, if possible, classes should be held outdoors. All lessons should have high motor density. In the classroom, use frontal and group methods. At the same time, the flow-group method proved to be the most effective. The creative atmosphere in the lesson to a large extent depends on the preparation for it, which includes a carefully thought-out explanation of the educational material, setting tasks in the sequence of their implementation and solution, explaining the essence of a motor action, the relationship and interdependence of its elements. The material of the lesson must be arranged in a strict logical sequence from simple to complex: the relay race is replaced by dribbling a basketball, imitation exercises - by rope climbing, jumping - by passing the ball in pairs.

Widely use various options for outdoor games based on competitive elements, all kinds of game relay races with objects. Use small sports equipment: gymnastic sticks, tennis and stuffed balls, jump ropes. The independent activity of students, the introduction of game elements into hard work, the necessary distraction, switching, calming, temporary rest to regulate the respiratory and cardiovascular functions of the body - all this creates a situation of success, instilling self-confidence in the children.

For individual sections of the program, you can use cards with exercises of three degrees of difficulty. If a student does not perform this or that exercise well enough, he receives a task card with a difficulty factor of "1", indicating the deadline for completion. At the end of the specified period, the student is obliged to pass the educational standard or perform the learned exercise. After that, he receives a card with a coefficient of "2", and after completing this task, a card with a coefficient of "3". In addition, cards can be with movement patterns and a description of the order of performing various exercises from all sections of the curriculum. This allows for a differentiated and individual approach to learning.

As for health care, lessons with appropriate content should create an idea of ​​physical development and a healthy lifestyle, teach independent physical exercises using them for leisure and recreation. The guys clearly see the connection of the subject "Physical Education" with the preservation of their health and normal physical development in the future.

To ensure an effective health-saving process, it is necessary to observe the sanitary and hygienic conditions of education, normalize the teaching load and the mode of classes, use health-saving technologies, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;

It is necessary to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the school, as well as by all means to promote the formation of the needs for a healthy lifestyle among students, teachers and parents.

School education today makes great demands on the health of students. Therefore, now, more than ever, health-saving technologies are relevant in the educational process.

Before considering these technologies, it is necessary to clarify which elements of the educational process can have negative impacts on children's health.

This is primarily a large number of subjects in the schedule, six to seven subjects daily; large volume and complexity of educational material, inadequate teaching methods (traditional rigid lesson scheme - daily repetition of the same stages in the same order), stressful situations of control, fear of mistakes, fear of marks (their priority in the classroom).

An attentive teacher will always notice external signs of student fatigue :

frequent change of posture,

ü sipping

o hand shaking


o closing eyes,

ü propping up the head,

a fixed gaze

ü unnecessary rearrangement of objects,

a conversation with a neighbor,

ü an increase in the number of errors in the answers,

ü not understanding the issue,

a delay in response,

ü frequent glances at the clock in anticipation of the end of the lesson.

Preserving a child's health begins with the organization of the entire educational process, in particular, with the lesson schedule.

It would be good to reduce the number of subjects in one school day, that is, the number of student preparations for lessons due to coupled hours, which allow the teacher to organize "immersion" in the subject, and the student to avoid the "stressful kaleidoscope".

We know that the most productive lessons are from the second to the fourth. But the schedule cannot be without the 1st, 6th and even 7th lessons.

In order to preserve the health of students, the teacher must see the system of class lessons on a given day, remember and take into account not only the order of his lesson, but, which is very important, what he is on the account in the educational process of the class.

If your lesson is scheduled outside of productive hours, then lesson planning should be done taking these circumstances into account.

For example, on Monday, in some class, the last lesson is mathematics. How does the teacher achieve the attention and concentration of students in the lesson, the effectiveness of the educational process? Only through the use of elements of Shatalov's technology, which serves to preserve health.

1. Work in pairs or small groups, "turntable", that is, the active movement of students from one group or pair to another.

2. The use of two boards, when students involuntarily make turns from one board to another, move enough, thereby maintaining interest in the lesson and active participation in it.

The use of the game system contributes to the preservation of health . Movement, activity, ingenuity, socialization are embedded in the system itself: show what this letter looks like, draw your perception of the subject, depict your mood, attitude to the lesson, to the topic, etc. Children in these lessons are involved in active cognitive activity, do not feel tired, save energy for the next time of training.

I actively introduce gaming technologies into the practice of my work, helping to solve not only the problems of motivation and development of students, but also health protection and socialization. In the game and through game communication, a growing person manifests and forms a worldview, the need to influence the world, to adequately perceive what is happening. In the game, regardless of the consciousness of the child, various muscle groups work, which has a beneficial effect on health.

Elements of the game are used as feedback and assessment of classmates' answers: clapping, stomping, raising a hand or signal cards of various colors, indicating "yes", "no", "please speak".

During the frontal survey I use a game with a ball or a balloon: the student catches the ball for the correct answer, does not catch it for the wrong one, or catches the ball and gives his own answer. This technology has its variants.

In addition, I conduct mandatory two exercises in one lesson: for the eyes and various muscle groups. Charging is often combined with the subject and even the theme of the lesson.

I use elements of theatricalization with the appearance of literary or theatrical characters, vocabulary work in a playful way, when the children take turns running to the blackboard and writing down words at speed.

Receptions with competitions have a beneficial effect on the health of children.

One of the methods of health saving at the stage of checking homework: three to six students come to the board, which are replaced by the following students. Thus, students make movements during a tense difficult lesson.

The preservation of the physical, moral, social health of students is also facilitated by the individual work of the teacher with students at different stages of the lesson, with gifted children, work on an individual program.

"Lessons-holidays" contribute to the preservation of the health of students. In these lessons, each child is involved in an active shifting activity: either he is an artist, then an artist, then a spectator, then a technical performer. The feeling of the importance of everyone in the preparation and participation in the lesson solves a whole range of educational tasks, including health protection.

Health conservation is served by lessons using the valeological aspect, they form an attentive attitude of students to their bodies, educate an understanding of the value of human life, lay the foundations for a healthy lifestyle, the ability to value their lives and the lives of others.

Consciously and purposefully contributes to the health of students; performance of practical tasks, various muscle groups are included, fine motor skills of hands and fingers are developed.

Health saving, of course, depends on the volume and level of complexity of homework. Harmful to health is a fairly common pedagogical method of punishing homework of increased volume or complexity. Most often, if a child fails to complete homework two or three times, he loses interest in this process. Therefore, the dosage of homework and the degree of complexity must be treated with full responsibility: the volume and complexity must be commensurate with the student's capabilities.

Involve your students in doing homework: give tasks at three levels, that is, let the child choose the amount of the task for himself according to his strength.

Physical education lessons, sedentary games at breaks, counting games at breaks, outdoor games in extended groups, the entire system of physical culture and mass work at school, the system of educational work serve to strengthen physical and moral health: conversations, class hours, "health lessons", work with parents.


1.Antonova grounds for the implementation of health-saving technologies in educational institutions /,. - M.: MGOU Publishing House, 2004. (Regional Target Program "Development of Education in the Moscow Region for 2001-2005").

2., . "Health-Saving School" Moscow, Pedagogical University "First of September". 2006

3. Weiner of a health-saving environment in the system of general education//Valeology.-2004.-No.1.

4., Panina and the practice of forming a teacher's health-saving strategy in terms of advanced training / / Valeology. -2004. - No. 4.

5. Zenova for the preparation of a comprehensive-targeted program "School of Health"//Practice of administrative work at school. - 2006.-№1.

6., "Health-saving technologies in the educational process of schoolchildren." Orenburg. publishing house

OGPU. 2007

7., Lysenko - methodical set "Magic lessons in the country of Health". SPb., Education and culture, 1999

8. Karaseva aspects of the implementation of health-saving technologies // Primary School, 2005. - No. 11.

9., “Health. Educational and methodological manual for teachers of grades 1 - 11, Moscow, 2001

10. S, Kosolapova TL. On the issue of health-creative activity in educational institutions // Primary School, 2006, No. 4.

11. Mitin technologies today and tomorrow // Primary School, 2006, No. 6.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

MKOU "Myureginskaya secondary school"

"Health-saving technology in physical education lessons"

Physical education teacher

MKOU "Mureginskaya secondary school"

Gamidov M.A.

Health-saving educational technologies are many of the psychological and pedagogical techniques familiar to most teachers, methods, technologies that do not cause direct or indirect harm to health (Smirnov N.K.).

Health and a healthy lifestyle do not yet occupy the first places in the hierarchy of human needs in our society. But in accordance with the Law “On Education”, it is the health of schoolchildren that belongs to the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

The issue of maintaining the health of students at school today is very acute. Physicians note a trend towards an increase in the number of students with various functional abnormalities, chronic diseases. Nevertheless, there is only one subject in the curriculum that can to a certain extent compensate for the negative impact of the intensification of the educational process: an increase in physical inactivity, a decrease in the motor activity of students, this is the subject “Physical Education”.

Therefore, every physical education teacher faces questions:

How to organize the activities of schoolchildren in the classroom in order to give each student the optimal load, taking into account his preparedness, health group?

How to develop students' interest in physical education lessons, the need for a healthy lifestyle, given the emergence of stronger interests in the lives of schoolchildren?

How to make an attractive physical education lesson for all children? How to achieve an optimal combination of health-improving, training, educational components of physical activity in a lesson?

How to make the subject "Physical Education" have a holistic effect on schoolchildren, stimulating their conscious self-development, self-improvement, self-realization.

When addressing these issues, contradictions.

On the one hand, a teacher of physical culture in the process of his activity must take into account the multifunctionality of the lesson, on the other hand, an increase in the requirements for its valeological orientation;

on the other hand, a high level of requirements for the physical fitness of graduates, on the other hand, a decrease in interest in physical education lessons.

Therefore, there is problem, relevant for both pedagogical science and practice: how to effectively organize the educational process without harming the health of schoolchildren? It can be answered subject to the approach to the organization of training from the standpoint of the three principles of valueology: the preservation, strengthening and formation of health.

IN AND. Kovalko writes that the success of work on the implementation of health-saving technologies depends on many components:

    active participation in this process of the students themselves;

    creation of a health-saving environment;

    high professional competence and literacy of teachers;

    systematic work with parents;

    close interaction with the socio-cultural sphere.

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every educational institution for school-age children. To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, the following conditions must be taken into account:

    The first condition for recovery is the creation of a hygienic regime at physical education lessons. My duties include the ability and willingness to see and identify obvious violations of the requirements for hygienic conditions for the lesson and, if possible, change them for the better - myself, with the help of the administration, a medical worker, class teachers

    The second is the use of the healing forces of nature, which has a significant impact on the achievement of the goals of health-saving technologies in the classroom. Conducting outdoor activities helps to activate biological processes, increase the overall performance of the body, slow down the process of fatigue, etc.

    The most important condition is to provide an optimal motor regime at physical education lessons, which allows satisfying the physiological need for movement, contributes to the development of basic motor qualities and maintaining a high level of performance throughout the school day, week and year.

Only the complex use of these funds will help solve the problem of recovery.

I understand perfectly well that it is impossible to force all schoolchildren to engage in physical culture and their health, for this we need certain incentives and motives.

To create conditions for motivation for physical education, I use:

1. Valeological education of students and their parents.

At parent-teacher meetings, I widely cover issues related to the state of health, the conditions for its preservation and strengthening, talk about disease prevention, and the need for good nutrition. I include parents in the process of discussing problems, I give statistical data. In the classroom, I practice talking about a healthy lifestyle. When performing various exercises, I explain to the children the meaning of each of them. For the purpose of a more visual representation of a healthy lifestyle, I use computer presentations. This in a special way stimulates the cognitive activity of students, increases interest in the topic, and contributes to the assimilation of the basic rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

2. The main types of non-traditional lessons are role-playing lessons, health lessons. At the lessons of children's health, I divide them into groups, in groups of weakened children I follow the principles and norms for providing children with such exercises that help relieve mental stress, I exclude long-term static loads. I use physical exercises that are aimed not only at the physical development of children, but also have a therapeutic and educational effect, corrective, corrective exercises. For example, walking on stairs, gymnastic sticks, rope strengthens and develops the muscles of the foot and prevents the development of flat feet. Rope and hoop exercises contribute to the formation of correct posture, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

3. I combine game, competitive and circular method. Applying this or that method, I take into account the age characteristics of students, do not allow overwork, direct their actions and control the load. In order to fully and accurately describe the technique of exercises, for clarity, I show the sequence of actions. In my practice, I use the methods of analysis of exercises, I suggest, I help to perform, but at the same time I take into account the physical development and level of physical fitness of the child. I am sure that the methods of persuasion and encouragement have a special impact on children.

It is on the interest of children in classes that it is necessary to build lessons, thereby forming skills and abilities that provide motivation for health. In my lessons I try to create such conditions so that the child “has an appetite” to engage in physical culture and sports, so that he understands the usefulness of movements for his health.

But only at the lessons of physical culture, we will not be able to solve the problem of organizing the physical activity of students, the prevention of physical inactivity. And here an important role is played by extra-curricular forms of physical culture and health-improving and sports-mass work.

Prevention of physical inactivity largely depends on the position of the family to this problem. That is why I place great emphasis on involving families in various extracurricular activities.

To analyze my activities, I conduct an annual monitoring of the state of physical fitness of students in order to:

    To identify the state of physical fitness and health of schoolchildren.

    To analyze the effectiveness of work on physical education, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students at school.

Analyzing the results of my work, I note that the introduction of a system of work on health-saving educational technologies has made it possible to:

1. Increase academic performance in the subject.

2. To increase the dynamics of the growth of physical fitness of students.

3. Increase students' interest in physical education and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

4. Increase the dynamics of the health status of students

Health-saving technologies should undoubtedly be used in the process of improving the health of schoolchildren, in particular, in physical education lessons.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Savaslei Secondary School"

Generalization of experience on the topic

“The use of health-saving technologies

at the lessons of physical culture "

Completed by: Snorovikhin I.V.

Physical education teacher

With. Savasleyka

year 2014

    The main characteristics of experience……………………………………………..

    1. Essence of experience………………………………………………………………..

      Relevance of experience…………………………………………………………….

      Conditions for the formation of experience……………………………………………………

      Novelty of experience…………………………………………………………………..

      The complexity of experience……………………………………………………………….

    Theoretical base of experience………………………………………………………

    Experience technology……………………………………………………………….

3.1 Goals and objectives……………………………………………………………………

3.2 Means and methods…………………………………………………………………

3.3 Conduct health monitoring and

physical fitness of students……………………………………...

4. The effectiveness of the experience…………………………………………………………..

5. References……………………………………………………………...


1. The main characteristics of the experience

    1. Essence of experience

The essence of the experience is to ensure the physical health, healthy lifestyle of students through the optimal combination of theory and practice, the choice of modern means, methods and forms in the process of teaching physical culture.

    1. Relevance of experience

Health and a healthy lifestyle do not yet occupy the first places in the hierarchy of human needs in our society.

Now you almost never meet a completely healthy child. The intensity of students' educational work is very high, which is a significant factor in the deterioration of health and the growth in the number of various deviations in the state of the body. The reasons for these deviations are a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity), the accumulation of negative emotions without physical discharge, as a result of which psycho-emotional changes occur: isolation, imbalance, excessive excitability. Anxiety for the result and its expectation lead to an increase in mental stress, nervous shocks, school stress and discourage the desire to be active.

All of the above reasons lead to the fact that the child not only has health problems, but he also has personal problems. Lack of persistent interests and hobbies associated with expanding one's horizons, apathy, closeness - these are the few symptoms that are associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Due to the deteriorating level of health of the younger generation, there is a need to organize a physical education lesson with an emphasis on solving the health problems of physical education, without violating the educational component of the process.

In accordance with the Law “On Education”, the health of schoolchildren is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. The issue of maintaining the health of students at school today is very acute. Physicians note a trend towards an increase in the number of students with various functional abnormalities, chronic diseases. Nevertheless, there is only one subject in the curriculum that can to a certain extent compensate for the negative impact of the intensification of the educational process: an increase in physical inactivity, a decrease in the physical activity of students - this is the subject “Physical Education”.

Therefore, every physical education teacher faces questions: how to organize the activities of schoolchildren in a lesson in order to give each student an optimal load, taking into account his preparedness, health group? How to develop students' interest in physical education lessons, the need for a healthy lifestyle, given the emergence of stronger interests in the lives of schoolchildren? How to make an attractive physical education lesson for all children? How to achieve an optimal combination of health-improving, training, educational components of physical activity in a lesson? How to make the subject "Physical Education" have a holistic effect on schoolchildren, stimulating their conscious self-development, self-improvement, self-realization. When addressing these issues, contradictions. On the one hand, a teacher of physical culture in the process of his activity must take into account the multifunctionality of the lesson, on the other hand, an increase in the requirements for its valeological orientation; on the one hand, a high level of requirements for the physical fitness of graduates, on the other hand, a decrease in interest in physical education lessons.

Therefore, there is problem, relevant for both pedagogical science and practice: how to effectively organize the educational process without harming the health of schoolchildren? It can be answered subject to the approach to the organization of training from the standpoint of the three principles of valueology: the preservation, strengthening and formation of health.

The relevance of the experience lies in solving this problem of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, it can be achieved by implementing the following tasks:

    Creation of conditions conducive to the development of schoolchildren's motivation for physical education and a conscious attitude to health.

    Providing students with the necessary reliable information and technologies in the field of forming a healthy lifestyle.

    Prevention of misunderstanding of the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle.

1.3 Conditions for the formation of experience

The experience of working on the topic “Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons” has developed gradually. The experience was formed in an ordinary secondary rural school. I have been working at the Savasley secondary school for 7 years. I've been working on this problem for two years. The topic I have chosen is consonant with the problem that the teaching staff of our school is working on: “Humanization of the learning process is an important condition for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.”

1.4 Novelty of experience

The novelty of the experience lies in the implementation of innovative health-saving technologies in physical education lessons:

The use of valeological techniques to motivate a healthy lifestyle;

Using ICT to better demonstrate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

1.5 Labor intensity of experience

The main problem that confronted me was the creation of conditions for the physical development, strengthening and maintaining the health of children.By conditions, I mean increasing the motivation of students for physical education lessons, creating a material base for classes.

Pupils of the school, especially girls of the senior classes, attended physical education classes without much desire, often skipping classes under any pretext.

The presence of a good sports base of the school made it possible to work on a comprehensive program of physical education at school.

The system of work for the implementation of a comprehensive program can be presented in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 1).


Medical checkup

Implementation of a comprehensive program

Physical education lesson

Extracurricular forms of work



2. Theoretical base of experience

The theoretical substantiation of the presented experience can be found in the works of V.I. Kovalko. The handbook of a well-known teacher contains theoretical and practical information about the current state of health preservation pedagogy, a specific program of a healthy image is given. Also, at the basis of the proposed experience, I use the work of N.K. Smirnov, the main content of the concept of "health-saving educational technology". The experience is based on a comprehensive program of physical education for grades 1-11 of the authors, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.I. Lyakh, and candidate of pedagogical sciences A.A. Zdanevich.

2.1 Health-saving technologies at school

One of the serious tasks that has not yet been fully resolved is the training of teachers to work on the introduction of health-saving technologies in schools. Health-saving educational technologies are many of the psychological and pedagogical techniques familiar to most teachers, methods, technologies that do not cause direct or indirect harm to health (Smirnov N.K.). Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every educational institution for school-age children.

Causes leading to a violation of the health of children (see Scheme 2).

Student Health


Disease of the musculoskeletal system.

Violations of posture, flat feet.

Reduced vision.

Neuropsychiatric disorders.

The reasons

Sedentary lifestyle

Wrong habit. Ignorance of means, forms.

Insufficient illumination. Study overload.

accumulation of negative. emotions

Scheme 2. Causes leading to health problems.

IN AND. Kovalko writes that the success of work on the implementation of health-saving technologies depends on many components:

Active participation in this process of the students themselves;

Creation of a health-saving environment;

High professional competence and literacy of teachers;

Planned work with parents;

Close interaction with the socio-cultural sphere.

The whole process of learning in the conditions of health-saving pedagogy includes three stages, which differ from each other both in particular tasks and in the features of the methodology.

The first. The stage of initial acquaintance with the basic concepts and concepts.

The goal is to form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for the student and to achieve the implementation of the elementary rules of health saving.

Main goals:

    To form a semantic idea of ​​the elementary rules of health saving.

    To create elementary ideas about the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle.

    Achieve the implementation of the elementary rules of health saving (at the level of the initial skill).

    Prevent misunderstanding of the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle.

Second. Stage of in-depth study.

The goal is to form a full understanding of the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Main goals:

    Clarify the idea of ​​the elementary rules of health saving.

    Achieve conscious implementation of elementary rules of health saving.

    Formation of practically necessary knowledge, skills, rational methods of thinking and activity.

Third. The stage of consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities for health protection and their further improvement.

The goal is the ability to translate into a skill that has the possibility of its targeted use.

Main goals:

    Achieve stability and automatism in the implementation of health-saving rules.

    To achieve the implementation of the rules of health saving in accordance with the requirements of their practical use.

    Ensure that the rules of a healthy lifestyle are used in a variety of ways, depending on specific practical circumstances.

3. Technology experience

    1. Goals and objectives of educational activities

I consider the creation of conditions for the physical development, preservation and strengthening of the health of schoolchildren as the main goal of pedagogical activity.

The main task of educational activity is:

    Integrated implementation of the basic components of the program.

    Solving the main tasks of physical education at each stage of education.

When selecting content, I am guided by a comprehensive program of physical education.

My task as a teacher is to implement the basic components of the program. When planning training material, I am guided by the following:

The teaching material must first of all meet the requirements

program, goals and objectives of the lesson and focused on the final result;

I take as a basis the basic level of the content of education, but at the same time

Each student is given the opportunity to choose the content of the activity

at the lesson, based on the level of physical fitness of his motor

abilities and health.

I definitely plan the material

It is in this that I see the creation of a health-saving space in physical education lessons.

To implement a health-saving space, consider Scheme 4

Physical education lesson

Scheme 4. The impact of physical education lessons on schoolchildren

3.2 Tools and methods

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies, the following groups of means are used:

    hygiene factors;

    healing forces of nature;

    means of propulsion.

The first condition for recovery is the creation of a hygienic regime at physical education lessons. For clarity, we use scheme 3. My duties include the ability and willingness to see and identify obvious violations of the requirements for hygienic conditions for the lesson and, if possible, change them for the better - myself, with the help of the administration, doctors.

Scheme 3. Hygienic means of achieving health saving

The second use of the healing forces of nature, which has a significant impact on the achievement of the goals of health-saving technologies in the classroom. Conducting outdoor activities helps to activate biological processes, increase the overall performance of the body, slow down the process of fatigue, etc.

The most important condition is to provide an optimal motor regime at physical education lessons, which allows satisfying the physiological need for movement, contributes to the development of basic motor qualities and maintaining a high level of performance throughout the school day, week and year.

Only the complex use of these funds will help solve the problem of recovery.

I understand perfectly well that it is impossible to force all schoolchildren to engage in physical culture and their health, for this we need certain incentives and motives.

To create conditions for motivation for physical education, I use:

    valeological education of students and their parents;

    non-traditional lessons;

    modern means of physical culture;

    combination of methods, techniques of physical education.

    extra-curricular forms of physical education

1. Valeological education of students and their parents.

At parent-teacher meetings, I widely cover issues related to the state of health, the conditions for its preservation and strengthening. I include parents in the process of discussing problems, I provide statistical data.

In the classroom I practice conversations about a healthy lifestyle. When performing various exercises, I explain to the children the meaning of each of them.

For the purpose of a more visual representation of a healthy lifestyle, I use computer presentations. This in a special way stimulates the cognitive activity of students, increases interest in the topic, and contributes to the assimilation of the basic rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Presentation of one topic (see Appendix 1).

In the process of all lessons I instill the hygiene skills of the child, I provide for his participation in the regulation of the general regime of the day, in particular, the regime of movements during the day. I bring up the correct attitude of children to the hardening of the body. To this end, I practice classes in shorts and T-shirts, skiing, outdoor games, walking barefoot, rubbing after school, etc. etc. I teach children proper breathing, massage techniques (self-massage).

2. The main types of non-traditional lessons are role-playing lessons, health lessons (see Appendix 2). At the lessons of children's health, I divide them into groups, in groups of weakened children I follow the principles and norms for providing children with such exercises that help relieve mental stress, I exclude long-term static loads. I use physical exercises that are aimed not only at the physical development of children, but also have a therapeutic and educational effect, corrective, corrective exercises. For example, walking on a ladder for feet, bumps, a rope strengthens and develops the muscles of the foot and prevents the development of flat feet. Rope and hoop exercises contribute to the formation of correct posture, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Complexes of exercises (see Appendix 3).

I regularly use special complexes that form elegance, grace, plasticity. Be sure to include exercises for psychoregulation and relaxation in each lesson (see Appendix 4). I include story games and game tasks in the lessons.

3. I use modern means of physical education. I use these tools in my work with high school girls.

Working with girls occupies a special place in my pedagogical activity. How to create conditions conducive to the motivation of high school students for physical education and a conscious attitude towards their health? I found the solution to the problem in the choice of means of physical education:

    Rhythmic gymnastics;


    shaping lessons;

    workouts in the gym.

To increase interest and emotional mood in my lessons, I use technical means: a tape recorder, a computer.

4. I successfully combine game, competitive and circular methods. Applying this or that method, I take into account the age characteristics of students, do not allow overwork, direct their actions and control the load.

In order to fully and accurately describe the technique of exercises, I show the sequence of actions clearly. In my practice, I use the methods of analysis of exercises, I suggest, I help to perform, but at the same time I take into account the physical development and level of physical fitness of the child. I am convinced that the methods of persuasion and encouragement have a special impact on children.

I teach you to consciously evaluate the physical development of your own body and make up sets of exercises. Students themselves monitor their own state of well-being during classes and make up their own sets of exercises. I explain to students that the systematic nature of special exercises and the sequence of their implementation consolidate the results achieved in the course of classes. This causes interest in classes, activity and a desire to work on oneself on one's own.

When choosing methods and techniques, I take into account general pedagogical and methodological requirements. Explaining new material, learning and consolidating it, I draw the attention of children to the main mistakes in the technique of performing exercises, teach them to analyze and evaluate them.

I pay a lot of attention to homework, I have developed and assembled homework complexes. Thanks to them, students learn to be independent, actively participate in the process of self-improvement.

It is on the interest of children in classes that it is necessary to build lessons, thereby forming skills and abilities that provide motivation for health. In my lessons I try to create such conditions so that the child “appears an appetite” to engage in physical culture and sports, so that he understands the usefulness of movements for his health.

    Extracurricular work on the subject

Schoolchildren need to master the basics of personal physical culture, which is understood as the unity of knowledge, needs, motives to achieve the optimal level of health, physical development, versatile development of motor abilities, the ability to carry out their own motor, health-improving and sports activities. And here an important role is played by extra-curricular forms of physical culture and health-improving and sports-mass work. They allow to increase the volume of motor activity and contribute to a more complete realization of their individual abilities and motor potential.

In order to increase the motor activity of students, extracurricular work is organized in a certain sequence. It is aimed at consolidating the skills and abilities acquired in the lessons. All events, as a rule, are held according to the sections of the curriculum. The main forms of physical education are (see Scheme 5).

Gymnastics before class.

Outdoor games during breaks.

Physical education minutes.

Sports hour in extended day groups

General - physical training.

Sport sections.

Days of health and sports

Tourist gatherings and

Sports holidays

Intraschool competitions

Scheme 5. Forms of physical education

The school organizes and conducts sports holidays, Health Days, friendly meetings, tourist rallies, and organizes the preparation of teams for school and district competitions. We try to involve as many children as possible in sports events and competitions. Taking part in competitions at the school and district levels largely contributes to the involvement of schoolchildren in sectional classes.

For the fifth year I have been leading the cross-country skiing section. Work in this direction has an effective impact on the physical development, preservation and strengthening of the health of schoolchildren. My pupils, as a rule, do not get sick and show a high level of physical fitness, fulfill all the standards for passing tests and tests.

Together with students, we conduct active propaganda work to promote physical culture and sports, arrange sports corners: “Health Corner”, “Sports Life of the School”, issue informational newspapers. We have developed and approved by the school administration the “Regulations on the best sports class”. At the end of the academic year, the best sports class is awarded a diploma and gifts.

3.4 Monitoring the state of physical fitness


Monitoring tasks:

    To identify the state of physical fitness and health of schoolchildren.

    To analyze the effectiveness of work on physical education, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students at school.

Technology for monitoring the state of physical fitness(see Scheme 6).

Scheme 6. Model for monitoring the state of physical fitness

To control and identify the level of physical fitness, I test students. The control execution of tests allows you to more effectively manage the educational process, draw conclusions in time and make adjustments. To the generally accepted control tests offered by the program, I add tests of presidential competitions, I conduct them not twice a year, but every quarter.The tests are aimed at developing basic motor qualities: flexibility, endurance, strength, speed, coordination abilities.

According to the testing data, groups of students that need to be corrected are identified, and I carry out correctional work with them. To do this, I develop sets of exercises aimed at developing lagging physical qualities.

I enter the test results of each class in the Health Passport. The level of physical fitness of students is derived from the results of testing under the program of presidential tests and is determined in general for the school at the end of the academic year.

4. The effectiveness of the experience

Analyzing the results of my experience, I note that the introduction of a system of work on health-saving educational technologies made it possible to:

1. Improve academic performance in the subject.

    To increase the dynamics of the growth of physical fitness of students.

    To increase students' interest in physical education and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Improve student health dynamics

Health-saving technologies should undoubtedly be used in the process of improving the health of schoolchildren, in particular, in physical education lessons.


1. Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and health lessons. Moscow

"WAKO", 2004.

2. Kovalko V.I. Health saving technologies. Publishing house "VAKO",


3. Kodzhaspirov Yu.G. Developing games in physical education lessons.

LLC "Drofa", 2003.

4. Mishin B.I. Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. AST Arstel

Moscow 2003.

5.Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. Comprehensive program of physical education

students in grades 1-11 Moscow "Prosveshchenie" 2007.

6. Smirnov N.K. "Health-saving educational technologies in

modern school”, Moscow, 2002


Synopsis of a lesson in physical education in grade 2

Program section:"Gymnastics", "Fundamentals of Knowledge"

Goals: To acquaint students with the concept of "daily routine"; to introduce students to regular physical exercises for the purpose of physical development and a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson objectives:

    to fix the exercises in balance;

    improve the skills and abilities of climbing exercises;

    cultivate discipline, diligence, collectivism.

Organization method: individual, frontal, flow.

Location: gym

Inventory and equipment: multi-projector, tape recorder, audio cassette, gymnastic mats, 2 foot ladders, 4 gymnastic benches, 18 wet towels, 18 balloons.


Preparatory part

15 minutes

Construction, communication of lesson tasks

Slideshow. Conversation with children.

    What is the daily routine?

    How do you start your daily routine?

    Waking up, doing morning exercises, we ... (children continue)

    We had breakfast, and then ... (children continue)

    After returning from school, we ... (children continue)

    What do you do in your free time?

    What time do we guys have dinner and go to bed?

    What you need to remember, observing the regime of the day?

    Why is daily routine important for a person?

Put the kids on benches

slide 9, 10

slide 11, 12

Poetic exercises for morning exercises

Now guys, stand up!

Quickly raised your hands up, (hands through the sides up)

To the sides, forward 2p

Turned to the right, to the left, (torso turns, arms alternately forward)

Right left

1-2 Well done

And to the right and also over the left shoulder

Stomp with your right foot, (side step to the sides, arms forward to the sides)

Stomp with your left foot.

Again with the right foot

Again, left foot

After - right foot

After - with the left foot,

Leaned to the left, to the right (tilts of the torso to the sides, arms above the head)

Left, right

Turns out to fame

Left, right, left, right

Bent over heartily (lean forward)

One - bent over, two - bent over, (tilt forward, backward, hands on the belt)

Raised hands to the sides,

To reach the sun

You need to get on your toes. (stretch up on toes, arms through sides up)

One, two, three, four, five (jumping in place, hands on the belt)

We want to become stronger (lunges to the side, hands clench fists)

Good! Well done

Stretched from the heart (tilt forward, hugging your knees)

Rebuilding in a column

Musical accompaniment.

Stretch on your toes.

Palms on yourself.

Raise your head.


Reach for your hand

Follow your posture

Stretch up.

Arms straight


On tiptoes, hands up

On your heels, hands behind your head

Run with game tasks

Earth (squat)

Air (climb the gymnastic wall)

Water (arm forward rotation)

Breathing exercise

Back straight

Elbows apart

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth

Main part

25 min

Walking on the narrow rail of the gymnastic bench.

a) Walking towards each other, when meeting, disperse without leaving the bench.

b) While walking, take a certain pose at the sudden signal of the teacher.

Foot exercises

a) Catching a small ball with the feet.

b) Walking stairs for feet.

Incline bench climbing

a) crouching emphasis

b) Kneeling

Game "Mode of the day"

Students stand in a circle depicting a clock face. The teacher calls the activity “wake up”, the children say “7 hours” and clap their hands 7 times. Students who stand on the numbers "7" and "12" raise their hands up, showing that they are ready to run and, after waiting for the teacher's signal, the number "12" catches up with the number "7", etc.

Follow your posture

Watch your back

Follow the execution technique

Game "Rules of Hygiene"

Children form a circle. The teacher gives each task:

What do we do in the morning when we wake up?

The player selected by the teacher answers and shows.

We do exercises, wash our faces, brush our teeth. (performs in motion and everyone repeats his movements)

The next player does the next task... and so on.

Game for psychoregulation and relaxation

with balloons.

"Walk in the Meadow"

(Music is calm)

We are walking in the meadow

Leaves rustle, birds sing

Movements are smooth and slow

Creates a joyful mood

We smile at each other

(Music is more fun)

To cheerful music, various movements with balls are performed.

Musical accompaniment song "Smile"

Everyone sings the chorus of the song "Smile"

Final part

5 minutes

1. Homework.

2. Lesson summary.

3. Rubbing with a damp towel to the waist.

Create your own routine for everyone.

Rubdown in the locker rooms

Lesson summary

Topic: Rhythmic gymnastics, shaping.


    Formation of posture and its correction.

    Improvement of coordination abilities.

    Teaching the elements of self-massage and psychoregulation.

Location: gym.

Inventory and equipment: tracks, video recording, tape recorder, chairs - 9 pcs.

Duration: 45 min.

Parts of the lesson



I hour

II hour

Building a class.

Lesson objectives.

Conversation about the formation of posture and its correction.

    What is posture?

    How to improve posture?

    What exercises to improve posture do you know?

Transition to the place of employment, building in a checkerboard pattern

    Rhythmic gymnastics:

a) Varieties of walking on toes, sharp step, high, side, cross.

b) Varieties of running and jumping: simple, on toes, high, with straight lines to the sides, forward, backward, overwhelming the lower leg back.

c) Breathing exercise, relaxation.

Shaping(video recording).

I part

a) Standing exercise for the upper, lower torso.

b) Exercise with a chair.

c) Exercise for relaxation, breathing.

II part

Path preparation.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles.

    1. Self-massage of the legs (shins, thighs) stroking with the edge of the palm, one hand on the other, patting, shaking.

I. Breathing exercises

a) Breathing through one "nostril".

b) Rapid breathing.

c) Cleansing breath.

    Autogenic training(psychoenergetic version)

a) Mentally see light spots: red, green, blue, black, select one of them and keep it in the field of view

red - warm

black - sadness

blue - cold

green - peace

b) See yourself from the outside, imagine yourself on the seashore, in the forest.

Lesson Summary:

D / s

1) Continue independent rhythmic gymnastics.

2) Prepare for the body lift test

Organized care.







1 minute.

each exercise is repeated 10 times

3 min.


2 times

2 times


Pay attention to the form.

Application No. 1

Musical accompaniment

Raise your head, straighten your back, spread your shoulders, pull your stomach in.

Start moving to the right.

Follow your posture.

Pull the toe.

Breathe through your nose.

Watch your posture and breathing.

Perform the exercise smoothly.

Monitor correct execution. Massage is performed from the bottom up. Application №2

Application number 3.

Watch your back, head.

Follow your belly breathing.

First, do the exercise with your eyes closed, and then with your eyes open.


Posture exercises

Flat back exercises

1. Tilts back, bending over from a kneeling position.

2. Lying on your stomach, grabbing your feet with your hands, try to pull them up to your head (“basket”); the same alternately with the right, left foot.

3. Standing on the right, grab the left by the foot and, bending it at the knee, try

pull back-up; the same with the other leg.

4. Bridge from a prone position.

5. Hanging on the gymnastic wall.

6. Mixed hangs arched.

Eliminations for increased lumbar flexion

1. Tilts back, kneeling. Maintain a straight line from knees to head; the same, successively touching the heels with the hands, then the floor.

2. Sit on your heels, hands forward, shoulders touching your knees.

3. In a sitting and standing position, grabbing the foot, pull the knee to the shoulder; the same with the other leg.

4. Sit cross-legged, lean forward, alternately touching your head to your knees.

5. From the stop, crouching the extension of the legs at the knees, hands at the toes.

6. Hanging, bending the legs with their turns to the right, to the left, with the extension of the legs into a corner.

7. Lying on the floor, touch the floor with as much body area as possible.

8. Raising the legs while sitting.

9. Alignment of the body against the wall (tighten the stomach).

Exercises with increased chest bend

1. Kneeling, arms along the body, lean back, bending, reach

heel hands.

2. Kneeling, tilt the torso to the right, reaching the heel of the left leg with the right hand;

the same to the left side.

3. Lying on the stomach, bending over, circling with arms outstretched to the sides.

Complex of general developmental exerciseswith short ropes "Sun"

I. I.p. - main stand, four-folded rope in pubescent hands. Stretching the rope, raised your hands up and lowered.

2.I.p. - standing legs apart, doubled rope in bent arms behind the head. Pulling the rope, turning the body to the left and right.

3.I.p. - standing on the rope legs apart, hold the rope by the ends. Tilt the body to the left, pulling the rope with your right hand. The same on the other side.

4. I.p. - standing, the rope folded four times in front of you. Without resting their hands on the floor and without lowering them, they sat on the floor, straightened their legs. We got up without the help of hands.

5. I.p. - standing, folded four times the rope behind the back in lowered hands. Tilt the torso forward, arms back to the limit. We returned to the I.P.

6. Jumping over a rotating rope from foot to foot.

A set of special exercises "Smooth back".

1. Dispersed around the hall.

I.p. - stand against the wall, touching it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels and elbows.

Maintaining the adopted position, take a step forward, then a step back; repeat a few

2. I.p. -Same.

Walking around the hall in different directions; return to i.p.

Get into place in two lines.

3.I.p. - main stand. Bend the right leg forward, arms to the sides, clap

behind the back, cotton under the foot; return to ip; the same, bending the left forward.

4.I.p. - main stand.

Squat on toes, knees apart, back straight, arms forward - to the sides - position

jump landings; return to i.p.

5. I.p. - main stand.

Half squat, arms back, swinging your arms forward a small jump up, soft squat while maintaining balance; return to i.p.

6. The same exercise, but jump up and half a step forward.
Rebuilding in one line - the second line takes two steps forward.

7. Running in alternation with walking.

A set of special exercises "Beautiful posture".

1. Disperse around the hall.

I.p. - stand against the wall, touching it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels and elbows. sliding

hands on the wall, hands through the sides up, then through the sides down. Keeping the right

posture, stand in place.

2.I.p. - too. Touching the wall with the back of the head and back, raise your hands in front and half-squat;

Related report: « Health-saving technologies in physical education lessons »

Domestic scientists (A.P. Matveev, V.I. Lyakh, L.B. Kofman, V.S. Kuznetsov) theoretically substantiated the meaning, content of physical education classes, worked out the issues of the method of conducting, based on their different types and forms. All this formed the basis of various physical culture programs, providing a solution to the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, based on the requests of the state at a certain stage in the development of society. “Health does not mean simply the absence of disease: it is something positive, it is a cheerful and willing fulfillment of the duties that life places on a person.”

Based on the foregoing, I consider the goal of my professional activity to be the search for the most optimal means of preserving and strengthening the health of students, the creation of favorable conditions for the formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children. This work should form a personality from the child, developed comprehensively and harmoniously. My main areas of focus are:

1. Strengthening discipline and instilling a conscious attitude to physical education and sports;

2. Increasing the general average level of physical fitness of students;

3.Popularization and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

4. Stimulating the participation of children in competitions in various sports.

There are principles of health-saving technologies, without which the lesson will not carry a positive content. Therefore, I build my work methodology according to the following principles:

1Accounting for age-related individual characteristics;

2. Accounting for the state of health of the student and his individual psychophysical characteristics when choosing forms, methods and means of education;

3. Structuring the lesson into 3 parts depending on the level of performance of students (introductory part, main and final part)

4. The use of health-saving actions to maintain working capacity and expand the functional capabilities of the students' organism.

Due to the age characteristics of schoolchildren, the use of strength exercises in physical education lessons is limited. They must have a speed-strength orientation, with a limitation of static components. Based on this, I use speed exercises taking into account age characteristics.

At primary school age, I use a variety of tasks that require quick short-term movements and local movements. These are exercises with a short and long rope, relay races with running, exercises with throws and catching the ball, etc.

In middle school age, I use speed-strength exercises: jumps, multi-hops, jumps and jumps at a pace, variable accelerations in running, throwing, as well as repeated overcoming of short distances (from 30 to 60 m) at maximum speed.

At senior school age I use a complex of actual speed, speed-strength exercises and exercises for the development of speed endurance. I increase the running distance to develop speed to 80-100 m.

I combine speed exercises in children with muscle relaxation exercises: I teach them the ability to relax muscles in the course of the exercises (for example, in running after repulsion, you need to relax the muscles of the lower leg).

Teaching motor skills and abilities is the most important task of the lesson in physical education. At the initial stage of training (the stage of knowledge and skills) in the technique of sprinting, I use the frontal method. When teaching the work of the hands, I explain to the students the technique of the starting position and starting acceleration. The next stage of training is distance running and finishing acceleration. When teaching distance running, I focus students on the straightness of movement (the shortest path), as well as on the correct setting of the foot when running and the work of the hands.

One of the conditions for successful teaching of gymnastic exercises is the constant improvement of physical qualities, so I pay a lot of attention in the lessons to their development and improvement, including in the lessons of teaching gymnastics. These are general developmental exercises with stuffed balls: for example, lifting a stuffed ball 4-5 times with each hand individually up and lowering it.

In autumn and spring I conduct monitoring (test) on the basics of physical training, includes:

1.Speed ​​abilities - run 30m, s

2. Coordination abilities - shuttle run 3x10m, s

3.Speed-strength abilities - long jump from a place, cm

4. Endurance - 6-minute run, m

5. Power - pulling up on a high bar from the hang, the number of times (boys), the press, the number of times in 30s (girls).

One of the problems is how to build work with children who are overly slender or, conversely, overweight? How can such children be involved in full-fledged physical education, what should I pay special attention to in the first place? Here are a few specific examples of work in the various sections of the curriculum:

During running training, I always make sure that both overweight and thin, like all weakened children, do not run “through strength”. When running for endurance, especially at the initial stage of training, they always follow the premise: Tired - you can take a step, but never abruptly stop running, do not stop.

In the sprint, I try to complete the races in such a way that there is not too much difference in the speed training of the guys.

I organize jumps and throws in groups formed according to the motor fitness of students. In high jumps, I often use an inclined rope. For those who find it difficult, and it can be both overweight and excessively thin, they overcome the rope from the end where it is stretched closer to the ground. When throwing, I always emphasize the physical strength of overweight guys and good coordination of thin ones.

Depending on the tasks to be solved and the physical condition of the students, I vary the length of the distance covered, the number of repetitions, the duration of pauses in relay races and games.

At the end of each lesson or part of it, I reflect on the state of the child, his attitude to what is happening, his experiences in the lesson.

The most important component of health-saving activity is the rational organization of the motor regimen, which can include outdoor games. The inclusion of games in a lesson or training session in extracurricular activities always causes positive emotions in children, a special interest in learning and improving certain skills and abilities.

Taking into account the age characteristics of students is important when choosing a game in the lesson. I use the most accessible games: pioneer ball, shootout, folk outdoor games. Their positive side is: a minimum of time spent on learning the technique and a maximum of time for the game itself. This approach gives a real opportunity to get out of the most difficult situation of immobility of children.

Introductory part - 8-10 min. I use methods of frontal or circular training.

The main part - 20-25 minutes. In it, we solve the educational tasks set for the lesson.

Game - 10-12 min. For younger children, I offer games with a story, relay races, outdoor and folk games. For middle school age - mobile and sports (pioneer ball, football, basketball), relay race games. For senior school age - mainly sports games (volleyball, basketball, football).

The final part - 1-2 minutes. for summing up the lesson, reflection.

As a result of conducting lessons according to such a scheme, against the background of emotional activity, indicators of the physical fitness of students improve. The cohesion of the guys has noticeably increased, their relationships have improved, friendships have strengthened, and interest in independent physical exercises has increased.

When conducting lessons in elementary school, I use exercises of the same type for all classes, but with different complexity and dosage of their implementation. When preparing a lesson, I select the appropriate program material and differentiate it by class. For example, we perform exercises with the ball like this:

2nd grade students toss the ball and catch it after clapping their hands behind their backs 6-8 times; 3rd-4th grade students toss and catch the ball with one hand or throw the ball with one hand and catch it with the other after hitting the ball on the floor 10-18 times .

In order not to overly expand the range of training tools, I gradually complicate any of the exercises already mastered by introducing various obstacles, additions to the rules, and changing the way of movement. For example, I allow 4th graders to pass the ball to partners with only two hands or only one hand from the shoulder, in the 5th grade - to perform passes with a step, and then carry out this exercise with two balls.

With the help of relay races and outdoor games such as "Day and Night", "Jumpers", "Pass and sit down", aimed at developing a certain motor quality or improving one motor skill, I regulate the duration and intensity of work, the duration and nature of rest.

When teaching schoolchildren to play basketball for the development of speed-strength abilities in outdoor games, I use stuffed balls, weighing from one kilogram in grade 4 and up to 3-4 kilograms in grades 8-9. The essence of the health-saving technology is that the game must end at the moment when the students are still passionate, but the first signs of fatigue are already visible. According to my observations, these signs are manifested in a decrease in the interest of the players, the appearance of lethargy in movements, inattention, more frequent violation of the rules, an increase in the number of technical errors during throws and passes, as well as reddening of the skin, a sharp increase in breathing, sweating, etc.

To relieve excessive physical stress during the game, I periodically take breaks, filling them with an analysis of technical or tactical errors, clarifying certain points of the rules, scoring or introducing additional obstacles and requirements for the players.

The end of the game should not be unexpected for the participants, for this I warn the players: “We play for 1 more minute”, “We play until the ball is scored in the basket”, or if the score is equal, I say: “The team that made two accurate throws into the opponent’s basket earlier won” .

In high school I use additional tasks. For example, before the start of a two-sided game, I set the condition that those players who do not have time to return to their own half of the court (or to the free throw area) with a productive fast break of the opponents must make 5-10 jumps in place with pulling their knees to their chest or jump on one foot to their shield (front line) and only then join the game, while their partners, in the meantime, organize a retaliatory attack, being in a numerical minority.

In grades 9-10, with the help of basketball, I solve various problems of comprehensive physical training of students. So, I offer high school students a game with the task of putting pressure on defense all the time and attacking as quickly as possible (for this, I limit the time of possession of the ball to 10 seconds). At the same time, each student spends 3-4 shifts on the site for 2 minutes each, and in 4-5-minute pauses he is engaged in juggling and throws. This task contributes to the directed education of high-speed abilities of high school students.

The work of a physical education teacher is unthinkable without the implementation of extracurricular activities, which contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among students. In order to implement the Healthy Lifestyle school program, I organize and conduct school-wide sports holidays and competitions: monthly Health Days, Sports Games, Fun Starts.

A differentiated and individual approach to students allows us to create a situation of success for children with different physical abilities.