Frightened by two fools In all likelihood, we would have succeeded in this, but one of the satellites decided to play a trick on him. Used teaching kit

1 Section VII. Control and measuring materials Grade 8 Entrance control dictation 1. Black fox In our forests in winter, a rare guest unexpectedly appeared - a black fox. No fur is valued as dearly as the fur of this extraordinary beast. The hunters did not shoot either squirrels or even sables and began to hunt for this one fox. But the fox was so cunning that she would not let anyone close to her for a shot and did not go into any trap. No matter how hard all the hunters tried to catch her, they did not succeed. And the black fox did this: the hunter follows her, but she does not let him go, gives a circle, goes on his trail and follows him through the forest. As a result, they could not catch her. But one young trapper understood this trick of hers. Without saying anything to anyone, he set traps along the circular path, covering them with snow so that they could not be seen from anywhere. Then, having hidden the crossbows in the bushes, he led the ropes through the path, which lowered the arrow. He walks, and the black fox does not lag behind him. He circled the trapper for a whole day, and spun so much that he did not remember one of his ropes, and accidentally touched it with his foot. The arrow hit him under the knee. This winter he no longer hunted. And the black fox subsequently disappeared. Grammar tasks. 1. Produce parsing Suggestions: Option 1 The hunters did not shoot either squirrels or even sables and started hunting for this one fox. Option 2 But one young trapper understood this trick of hers. 2. Produce morphological analysis words: 1 option for the fox. Option 2 trick. 3. Produce morphemic parsing words: 1 option unexpectedly, appeared, crossbows 2 option having powdered, spun, hunter. 8th grade Control dictation 2 on the topic "Two-part sentences". In the animal world, we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge water-dwelling pangolin has a small brain but powerful jaws and a muscular tail that can break the legs of an adult antelope. The crocodile is a skilled hunter. For hours he can lie motionless in the water, sticking out

2 to the surface only nostrils and bulging eyes. As soon as someone approaches a watering hole and loses vigilance from thirst, he instantly rushes to the victim. In Africa, it is most often antelopes. The size of the crocodile's prey is not at all embarrassing. On land, he does not kill her, but drags her into the water and drowns her. The predator will not immediately tear the victim, but will place it behind a snag or in a cave dug for this in the shore under water, and wait until the prey is "wet". The stomach of a crocodile is an infernal chemical plant that digests wool, horns, and hooves. Even iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach. Crocodile does not avoid sushi. His favorite pastime is to bask on the sandy shore of the reservoir. In case of obvious danger, he rushes into the water, bending his body, throwing his hind legs far forward. Here he is the master. (According to V. Peskov) Grammar assignments. 1. Make a syntactic analysis of the sentence. Write out all the phrases from it. Option 1: On land, he does not kill her, but drags her into the water and drowns. Option 2: Even iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach. 2. In the text of the dictation, underline the predicates of different types by writing at the top. (at least 5 predicates). 3. Graphically explain punctuation marks in sentences: 1st option: 2nd paragraph 1, 2nd sentence. Option 2: 5 paragraph 2, 3 sentences. Grade 8 Examination 3 on the topic "One-part sentences." 1. Specify an incorrect statement. A. In one-part sentences, the grammatical basis consists of one main member. B. One-part sentences can be common. B. Incomplete sentences are those in which the main member. D. The omission of a sentence member in pronunciation can be expressed by a pause. 2. Find one-part sentences. A. The day is clear. B. It's freezing in the morning.

3 B. What would that mean?, D. I'm not feeling well. D. A number of telegraph poles. 3. Specify specific-personal offers. A. Choose your favorite book. B. Will you be from Moscow? B. There is noise in the house. D. Chickens are counted in the fall. D. To be a great storm. 4. Find vaguely personal offers. A. Here is the front entrance. B. I love a thunderstorm in early May. B. There was a knock on the door. G. You can’t take a fish out of the pond without labor. D. They will remember his stories for a long time. 5. Specify impersonal sentences. A. You cannot fill a bottomless barrel with water. B. Soon it will be light. B. Get ready for the lesson. D. A tree was lit by a thunderstorm. 6. Find generalized personal sentences. A. You will not see such battles. B. Work was especially good in the evenings. B. What kind of birds you will not see in the forest! G. If you like to ride, love and carry sleds. 7. Specify nominal sentences. A. I'm cold. B. Here is the factory street.

4 B. This is a house with a tar paper roof. D. Third hour of the day. D. The water is slightly brownish. 8. Find examples that have incomplete sentences. A. It dawns early in summer and late in winter. B. Mind is power. B. It is hot in the hut. D. We are leaving tomorrow for the sea. D. "What's your name?" "Me Anna." 9. In what examples are punctuation marks incorrectly placed? A. On a hillock it is either damp or hot. B. Here is the sea: here are the dense forests of Perm. B. It's bright outside and you can see right through the garden. G. Nowhere you breathe freely, native meadows, native fields. 10. Identify types one-part sentences? (write it down in words). 1) It smells strongly in the ravines of mushroom dampness. 2) Get up, free people, for our honest land! 3) I was bored alone and a little scared. 4) Grasses are mowed early in the morning. 5) A new cinema has been opened in the city. 6) The nightingale is not fed with fables. 7) Good is not sought from good. 8) It hit, it rumbled. 9) Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy. 10) Matches are hidden from children. 11. Make a complete parsing of the sentence. Maksim Maksimych, would you like some tea or coffee?

5 12. Write down the sentences. Find the grammatical basis in them, determine the type of predicate. I felt sorry for the old man. It got brighter and brighter. A warm breeze blew. 13. Write a miniature essay using all kinds of one-part sentences on the topic: Winter. Grade 8 Examination 3 on the topic "One-part sentences." Option Specify an incorrect statement. A. In a one-part sentence, the second main member is not needed to understand the meaning of the sentence. B. In definitely personal sentences, the predicate is only in the form of the 2nd person. B. Nominative sentences have one main subject. D. In incomplete sentences, any member of the sentence can be omitted. 2. Find one-part sentences. A. Run around the door. B. Sister is a doctor. B. The night is dark. G. I miss your tenderness. D. His name was Gregory. 3. Specify a definite personal offer. A. I'm walking along a smart street. B. Wolves howling is not heard. B. The air smells of pine resin. D. Let's serve together. D. At about six o'clock they carried breakfast in the meadows. 4. Find vaguely personal offers. A. Suddenly, suddenly, everything was lit up by the sun's rays.

6 B. Grass is cut early in the morning. B. Children were taught to draw. D. Choose a book to your liking. D. They judge not by words, but by deeds. 5. Specify impersonal sentences. A. It's already quite light. B. And the lanes smell like the sea. B. I hear the sound of falling leaves. G. I'll tell you a story. 6. Find a generalized personal sentence. A. Don't rush to hit the road. B. There is no smoke without fire. B. Yegorushka was given a spoon. D. In the book, look not for letters, but for thoughts. 7. Specify nominal sentences. A. It's getting dark. B. Talk to me, mom. B. Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth. D. December 3rd, 1900. D. Winter. 8. Find examples that have incomplete sentences. A. Must be at home. B. Would you like lemon or jam? B. February. D. Stay at home. D. "Do you see the smoke?" "Now I see."

7 9. In which example are the punctuation marks wrong? A. It dawns early in summer and late in winter. B. She was in her eighth year. B. The storm was heavy and thundered from everywhere. G. The fish would sing a song, but there is no voice. 10. Determine the type of one-part sentences? (write it down in words). 1) It's good to be in the autumn forest! 2) Friends, follow me. 3) It's completely clear outside. 4) Young lindens are still being planted in the parks of big cities. 5) The fox in our area is usually hunted with a dog. 6) Chickens are counted in the fall. 7) They are greeted by the dress, escorted by the mind. 8) It is evening, the beginning of freshness. 9) Field. Midnight. Station. Stars. Dew. Silence. 10) Not everyone is trusted. 11. Perform a complete parsing of the sentence. Winter cold smelled on the fields and forests! 12. Write down the sentences. Find the grammatical basis in them, determine the type of predicate. It became quite light. The storm broke the tree. The village was a lovely place. 13. Write a miniature essay using all kinds of one-part sentences on the topic: Summer. ANSWERS TO TASKS 1 in.: 1 B; 2 B, D, E; 3 A, B; 4 C, D; 5 B, D; 6 C, D; 7 B, D; 8 A, D; 9 B, D. 2 c.: 1 B; 2 A, D, E; 3 A, D; 4 B, C; 5 A, B; 6 G; 7 D, D; 8 B, D; 9 B.

8 Grade 8 Control dictation 4 on the topic " Homogeneous Members suggestions". We settled down in the tent, cross-legged, and began to absorb an incredible amount of tea. A great frost dries as well as heat, there is nothing to drink all day long, and in the evening an unquenchable thirst appears. With the reddish flicker of a comfortably crackling stove, gloomy, weather-beaten faces brighten, severe wrinkles are smoothed out. Firewood was no longer put into the stove, and icy air began to inexorably climb into the tent. I had to put on spare fur socks again and climb into sleeping bags. In the silence and harsh cold of the cooled down tent, the already powerless flame of the dying stove rushed about for some more time, illuminating either the mittens, hats and scarves hanging overhead to dry, or the firewood prepared for the morning for the firebox. The stove went out. Through drowsiness came to consciousness rare sounds the outside world: the distant rumble of settling ice, the crackling of a bursting tree, the running of deer. In the morning light light clouds covered the whole sky. The invisible sun radiated strong light. He smoothed out all the bumps, distorted the horizon line and changed the outlines of objects, making it extremely difficult to move. (146 words) Grammar tasks. 1. Parse the sentence. Option 1: We settled down in a tent, legs crossed, and began to absorb an incredible amount of tea. Option 2: Rare sounds of the outside world reached consciousness through drowsiness: the distant rumble of settling ice, the crackling of a bursting tree, the running of deer. 2. Build diagrams of these sentences. 3. Make a morphemic analysis of words: Option 1: settled down, reddish, illuminating option: smoothed out, powerless, making it difficult. Grade 8 Control dictation 5 on the topic "Appeal and introductory constructions." Frightened by two bad omens, in his opinion, our guide refused to go further. We tried to persuade him. This, in all likelihood, we would have succeeded, but one of the travelers decided to play a trick on him. The guide got angry, turned around and quickly walked back along the path. Detaining him now was, of course, useless. A few minutes later he disappeared into the woods. After discussing the situation, we decided to continue our journey without a guide, but, to our great annoyance, we completely lost the path and could not find it. We headed towards the sound of the surf. But our adventures are not over. We got into very deep ravines with steep slopes. Once, our colleague almost lost his temper. Fortunately, he grabbed the roots of an old spruce in time. This means that it is necessary to keep a short distance from the coast, to hear and see the sea surface. Unfortunately, we still got into a windbreak. Having made a significant detour back, we safely got out of it. After consulting, we decided to go straight to the sea and continue on our way. (150 words) (According to V. Arseniev)

9 Grammar tasks. 1. Graphically highlight introductory constructions in the text of the dictation. 2. Parse the sentences. Option 1: Frightened by two bad omens, in his opinion, our guide refused to go further. Option 2: After discussing the situation, we decided to continue the journey without a guide, but, to our greatest annoyance, we completely lost the path and could not find it. 3. Make a morphological analysis of the word: Option 1: bad. Option 2: the greatest. Grade 8 Control dictation 6 on the topic "Separation of definitions and applications." On an autumn night, bright and quiet, I was returning from hunting along the sandy country roads and stopped for the night at a farm that stood alone behind a mowed rye field. Only the old watchman lived here permanently, and the owner visited only occasionally. The farm had a deserted appearance, and the dwelling itself was just a log outbuilding and a gatehouse hut. Not a soul around. Not even the dog barked when I knocked on the window. He knocked for a long time, but no one came out. Then a short peasant appeared on the threshold, in a tattered sheepskin coat, in an old linen shirt. For a long time he did not understand what I needed. Then he invited me into the house. From the hallway I went into the spacious bedroom. There were only plank floors, walls that had not been painted for a long time, and a wooden bed. At night, I thought for a long time about the alien, unknown to me life of a man, under whose roof chance unexpectedly led me. A surprisingly bright moon shone through the windows and illuminated the bed, which seemed gilded from this. Everything was beautiful in this extraordinary moonlight. (147 words) (According to I. Bunin) Grammar assignments. 1. Graphically highlight separate definitions and applications in the text of the dictation. 2. Write down 3 phrases with different types of communication. 3. Parse the sentence Option 1: On an autumn night, bright and quiet, I was returning from hunting along sandy country roads and went to spend the night on a farm that stood alone behind a mowed rye field. Option 2: Then a little man appeared on the threshold, short, in a torn sheepskin coat, in an old linen shirt.

10 Grade 8 Control dictation 7 on the topic " Detached Members suggestions". In the depths of Russia On the lake, hidden in steep banks, lay a green muddy shadow. And in this shadow, silver willows themselves were silver from the dew. A small gray bird in a red waistcoat and yellow tie perched on a branch of a willow that leaned into the water. She made a fractional and pleasant crack, while her beak remained closed. I marveled at this bird and at its cheerful occupation and went on. I had to collect a bouquet of flowers growing in the forest. There were many flowers, and I decided to take one flower and one branch from all the plants that created impassable fragrant thickets around the lake. Near the shore, a yellowish meadowsweet bloomed, smelling of mimosa. Nearby, broad-leaved calamus spread its strong and spicy aroma. Arrowleaf has already produced the first green buds, completely covered with soft needles. Pink panicles of water buckwheat stood above the water in round groves. A little farther on, a high wall rose hawthorn and wild rose, confusing their white and fiery flowers. (148 words) (According to K. Paustovsky.) Grammar assignments. 1. Graphically highlight the isolated members of the sentence in the text of the dictation. 2. Parse the sentence. (No punctuation marks). Option 1: A green muddy shadow lay on a lake hidden in steep banks. Option 2: A yellowish meadowsweet smelling of mimosa blossomed near the shore. 3. Write out from the text words with alternating vowels in the root. Pick up 2-3 single-root words. 4. Analyze phrases: yellowish meadowsweet, pick up a bouquet (1 option); high wall, went further (option 2) Grade 8 Final test in the form of GIA 8. Before you is a test in the Russian language. It consists of tests. Each test contains a question with 4 possible answers. Only one of the four answers is correct. Read the question carefully and choose the correct answer to it. Tasks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 do not contain answers. Write down the answers in words.

Option 11 Which word has more sounds than letters? A) buildings B) take off B) distant D) provinces. 2. What word consists of a prefix, a root, two suffixes and an ending? A) Consider B) unforgettable B) settled D) salty. 3. Which of the following words means "adhering to strict rules"? A) influential B) punctual; B) meticulous; D) disciplined. 4. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable? A) set up B) fame; B) the coast D) Bunin (poem). 5. Which sentence has a participle? A) Without waiting for the return of the owners, Maleev left the house. B) The house, surrounded by a three-meter fence, seemed like an impregnable fortress. C) The city, plunged into darkness, gradually fell asleep. D) There is something Bunin in this town, in its Greek houses and in the finest nets that are spread out on the coast. 6. In which line is the letter e missing in all cases? A) President, spread, suspect, beyond the blue sea; B) pr_clone, freeze, work out_my shift, on the opened forum; C) tell, tell, tell, nut, he's chasing. D) enable, move, command, envious. 7. In which line in all words should you write b? A) Backward, luxurious, eighteen, about sheepskin; B) postich_, six_hundred, solid_, bath_shchik; C) false_, entertain_, backhand_, seven_hundred;

12 D) eat_, unbearable_, baker, raincoat_. 8. In which word is the letter o missing after the hissing? A) cheap; B) pear; B) slum_ba; D) lud. 9. In which word is one letter n missing? A) Surrounded by a fence; B) the grass is sloping a; B) a secluded corner; D) boiled egg. 10. In which phrase is the type of connection adjoining? a) Stop immediately b) looking for something B) stand on the porch; D) spray fountains. 11. In which sentence do you need to put a dash? (The signs are not placed) A) The alphabet is a brilliant invention of mankind. B) Mountains are like lush folds on the rich clothes of the earth. c) Life is beautiful and amazing. D) Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes and thoughts. 12. In which sentence are the punctuation marks correct? A) Iron longing, road whistled heart breaking B) The nineteenth iron age, a truly cruel age! C) Only once a hussar, with a careless hand leaning on scarlet velvet, slid over it with a gentle smile D) At night the wind is angry, and knocks on the window. 13. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences? Tomorrow (1) maybe (2) classes will be cancelled. He can sometimes (3) be (4) a real scammer. A) 1, 2, 3, 4; B) 2.4; C) 3, 4; D) 1.2.

13 14. Which sentence needs only one comma? A) He crawled high into the mountains and lay down there in a damp gorge, curled up in a knot and looking at the sea. B) Streams of smoke curled in the night air full of moisture and freshness of the sea. C) The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. D) He ran headlong down the stairs and ran out into the street. 15. In which of the sentences with direct speech is there a mistake in punctuation? A) “Yes,” Aivaz said, “I can start work right now.” B) “Really, stay, Pavel Ivanovich! said Manilov when they came out onto the porch. Look at the clouds." C) "Well, well, well!" - Aigul laughed: "A deal is more valuable than money." D) "And how to call you?" - asked the landowner. Text (1) Why is the TV now partially replacing the book? (2) Yes, because the TV makes you slowly watch some kind of program, sit back comfortably so that nothing bothers you, it distracts you from worries, it dictates to you how to watch and what to watch. (3) But try to choose a book according to your taste, take a break from everything in the world for a while, sit comfortably with a book, and you will understand that there are many books that you cannot live without, which are more important and interesting than many programs. (4) I'm not saying stop watching TV. (5) But I say: look with choice. (6) Spend your time on something that is worthy of this waste. (7) Read more and read with the greatest selection. (8) Decide for yourself your choice according to the role your chosen book has acquired in the history of human culture in order to become a classic. (9) This means that there is something essential in it. (10) Or maybe this essential for the culture of mankind will be essential for you? (D.S. Likhachev) 16. Write out an introductory word from sentences 7-10. 17. Determine the part of speech of the word more convenient in the sentence From sentences 4-8, write out the particles. 19. From the first sentence, write out the word formed in a suffixal way. 20. From sentence 3 write out a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

14 Grade 8 Final test in the form of the GIA 8. Here is a test in the Russian language. It consists of tests. Each test task contains a question to which 4 possible answers are given. Only one of the four answers is correct. Read the question carefully and choose the correct answer to it. Tasks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 do not contain answers. Write down the answers in words. Option Which word has more sounds than letters? But yesterday; B) five; B) a snake D) sometimes. 2. What word consists of a prefix, a root, two suffixes and an ending? A) the Urals; B) belated; B) shy D) neglect 3. Which of the following words means “very important for the present moment”? A) principled; B) influential; B) up-to-date; D) grandiose. 4. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable? A) occupied; B) start; B) finished; D) leisure. 5. Which sentence has a gerund? A) Suddenly, a herd rushed past me, driven by the boys. B) Thanks to my resourceful friend, I managed to defend my honor. C) The one who lives a real life, who is accustomed to poetry from childhood, firmly believes in the life-giving, full of mind Russian language. D) At such moments, you rejoice immensely when you see a patch of blue sky. 6. In which line is the letter and missing in all cases? A) Follow, shine, adored, behind the blue forest; B) pr_big, locked up, deafened, in front of a frozen lake; C) to think, cucumber, he breathes, above the visible forest; D) enable, move, see, visit the greenhouse. 7. In which line in all words should you write b? A) Cut, backhand, five hundred, in a wolf pack;

15 B) cherish_, lantern_shchik, luxury_, nine_hundreds; C) do not list, hut_, eighteen, rabbit cabbage; D) eat_, minced_, jump_, seventeen, swan_and feathers. 8. In which word is the letter o missing after the hissing? A) Sh_pot; B) well_lud; B) ch_porny; D) black. 9. In which word are two letters nn missing? A) pickled cucumbers; B) heat th meat; B) quai cabbage; D) frozen fish. 10. In which phrase is the type of connection adjoining? A) goes on B) goes on the road; c) get back from school D) note paper. 11. In which sentence do you need to put a dash? A) the Volga is the most big river in Europe. b) Snow is like sugar. C) In the garden there are different pear trees, plum trees, apple trees. D) But the hour has come and you left the house. 12. In which sentence are the punctuation marks correct? A) Neither laughter nor your merry talk drove away dark thoughts. B) The bears continued to walk in single file, without adding a step, and without changing the direction of their path. C) Sometimes a pole or log floats like a dead snake. D) The stars began to fade and the sky began to be covered with clouds. 13. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences?

16 We (1) in his opinion (2) got lost (3) and he (4) to his great chagrin (5) was completely at a loss and did not know what to do. A) 1, 3 B) 2, 3, 4 C) 4.5 D) 1,2,3,4 In which sentence is it necessary to put only one comma? A) He crawled high into the mountains and lay down there in a damp gorge, curled up in a knot and looking at the sea. B) Streams of smoke curled in the night air full of moisture and freshness of the sea. C) The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. D) He ran headlong down the stairs and ran out into the street. 15. In which of the sentences with direct speech is there a mistake in punctuation? A) "And how to call you?" - asked the landowner. B) “Really, stay, Pavel Ivanovich! said Manilov when they came out onto the porch. Look at the clouds." C) "Well, well, well!" - Aigul laughed: "A deal is more valuable than money." D) “Yes,” Aivaz said, “I can start work right now.” Text (1) I have long noticed one sad circumstance: the current impoverishment of nature has by no means increased in people the responsibility for the world entrusted to them, has not made them kinder, more careful towards their smaller brothers and towards a greener life. (2) No one is embarrassed that daisies are among the protected, that is, endangered plants. (3) This is our Russian chamomile, which until recently covered glades and meadows with a white and gold carpet! (4) But, once in nature, people still collect them in bouquets, weave chamomile wreaths, and in the spring they pick off lilies of the valley and night violets, and yet the situation with them is even worse than with daisies. (5) And even if someone thought: what will be left for our children, not to mention grandchildren? (6) Fields without daisies, forests without fragrant lilies of the valley empty, devoid of any beauty and aroma, a bare world. (7) No, it seems that everyone is preoccupied with one thing: to snatch more today, while some flowers are still blooming, something flies in the sky, something floats in the water. (8) Blind poaching greed owns souls. (Yu. Nagibin) 16. Determine the part of speech of the word subject in sentence 2.

17 17. Write out the adverbs from the text in comparative degree. 18. Write out an introductory word from sentences 4-8. 19. From the 4th sentence, write out the word formed by the prefix-suffix method. 20. From sentence 4, write out a word with an alternating vowel in the root. Grade 8 Test on the topic “Repetition of what was studied in grades 5-8” Option 1 (each task has one correct answer) Read the sentences and complete tasks 1-10 A. When the tourists complained: “We came to Japan to watch, and not sit idle in one place”, the Japanese answered politely and showed the program. B. An anecdote about the Japanese (an actual case that sounds anecdotal) has become common knowledge. Q. The Japanese brought European tourists to a clearing with a good view of Mount Fuji and left them there for several hours. G. It was written in the program: from 9 am to admiring. 1. In what order should the sentences be arranged to make a text? 1) C, B, A, D 2) B, A, D, C 3) B, C, A, D 4) C, A, B, D 2. In what word does the number of letters and sounds match? 1) came 2) to watch 3) grumbled 4) the Japanese 3. How is the word “arrived” formed? 1) prefix 2) prefix-suffix 3) addition 4) suffix 4. What is the word “murmured”? 1) historicism 2) archaism 3) neologism 4) dialectism 5. What part of speech is the word "which" in sentence B?

18 1) union 2) allied word 3) interrogative pronoun 4) adjective 6. Which sentence contains a particle? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 7. Which word or combination of words is the predicate in one of the sentences? 1) answered 2) look 3) became well known 4) is clearly visible 8. Which characteristic corresponds to sentence B? 1) complex with different types of connection 2) complex 3) compound 4) simple 9. How many simple sentences in sentence B? 1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) In which word is the stress on the third syllable? 1) more beautiful 2) started 3) intention 4) switch 11. In which row of words is the letter A written? 1. extra_ordinary, order_to understand 2. par_dry, ec_logia, save 3. decrease the value, comp_new 4. oil company, k_vychki 12. In what series of words is the letter E written? 1. freeze, like_, subtraction 2. exercise, irreducible, ax_oma 3. the era of enlightenment, combin_zones 4. later_, in siren_ 13. In what series of words is the letter U (Y) written? 1. hold well, amount of firewood 2. sword spear, accumulator

19 3. trembling with fear, m_kulature 4. whispering, quarreling, swearing 14. In which row of words is the letter Yo written? 1. on black days, duty, ch_lka 2. obzh_ra, pesh_chkom, thick_nka 3. galch_nok, shear_t, speak in general 4. enlightened, small_vka 15. In what series of words is the letter b written? 1. do not quarrel, creep_sya 2. vkol_z, dense forest_, swordfish_ 3. false_sh, church, rope_t 4. small_che, tyur_ma, six_ten 16. In which row of words is a double consonant written? 1. a (p, pp) arat, a (p, pp) lodisments 2. program (m, mm) ka, tro (l, ll) eibus 3. co (r, pp) ectny, ra (s, ss) spend 4. ho (k, kk) ey, dra (m, mm) atic 17. In which row of words is HH written? 1. guests (n, nn) ​​th courtyard, gilded (n, nn) ​​domes 2. not yet coche (n, nn) ​​meadow, cycle (n, nn) ​​floor 3. uniform (n, nn) ​​clothes , ruble (n, nn) ​​trees 4. true (n, nn) ​​meaning, gutted fish (n, nn) ​​18. In which row are words with NOT written separately? 1. (not) decisiveness of character, (did not) come 2. (not) deep, but fast river; (not) sorry 3. answer (not) found, long (not) coming

20 4. (not) dependent on the situation, (not) curable disease today 19. In which row are words written with a hyphen? 1. (half) Petersburg, (sadness) longing 2. (cultural) business, (word) creativity 20. In what series of words is the same letter written? 1. di_comfort, unreasonable, senseless 2. monkey, entrance, two_tier 3. not dependent, to treat otas_we 4. living in Perm, dreaming 21. Indicate the sentence with a punctuation error. 1. It was snowing in patches and already covered the road and the roof of the barn, and the trees of the garden, and the entrance. 2. There was no fever in the village and there was marshy mud. 3. Face, gait, look, voice all suddenly changed in her. 4. Ivan Ilyich felt that all the most important people became indifferent to him. 22. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. At tea, mother said that there was a big frost at night. 2. An owl hooted nearby and Laska, shuddering, began to listen. 3. And today, after three years, the closet was opened to free him. 4. Not remembering how she left the house, Assol ran already to the sea, picked up by the irresistible wind of the event. 23. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. Everything that Eugene still knew, I have no time to retell. 2. Where the vines bend over the pool, where the summer sun bakes, dragonflies fly and dance, and they lead a cheerful round dance. 3. All that is left of the good of past times, we will collect, and our wealth will be higher than all the riches that people knew.

21 4. According to I.S. Turgenev, he “never printed a single line in his life in a language other than Russian.” 24. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. Residents of the house did not sit idly by, appealed to all authorities. 2. The colonel's face, frozen, impassive, seemed to be a mask carved from wood. 3. Ice like ice, desert like desert. 4. The wasp sat on the red flesh of a watermelon, hurriedly crawled along it, and its wings worked quickly, like small propellers. 25. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. Already in the days of the first successes of aviation, Russian people were famous at home and abroad as the most courageous and resolute pilots. 2. He closed his eyes and, realizing that he was losing consciousness, gathered his strength and grinned. 3. In order to implement large-scale aviation production, it is necessary to have in advance many necessary elements. 4. I tried to walk, my legs buckled. 26. Find an impersonal offer. 1. You love to ride and carry sleds 2. The reason for the ice age is seen by some scientists as a decrease in the initially high temperature of the planet. 3. But it has been proven that both oceans were separated during the Ice Age. 4. Deprive a truly intelligent person completely of his memory, but at the same time he will retain susceptibility to cultural values. 27. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. Making grammatical errors in speech, the speaker cannot count on success. 2. Thanks to the timely warning of meteorologists, people avoided danger during severe flood. 3. This shampoo helps to maintain the color of dyed hair. 4. We met at the Pushkin monument. 28. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms.

22 1. Most of the 1673 traffic accidents this year were caused by pedestrians. 2. While in Athens, Cicero was asked to deliver a speech in Greek. 3. Your youngest son is very smart. 4. The firm manages to produce competitive goods. 29. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. Contrary to the above provisions, safety precautions are violated at the enterprise. 2. Owners of plots pay land tax, established in accordance with the law. 3. The lesson will be held in the four hundred and seventh auditorium. 4. The characters of M. Gorky's play "At the bottom" are people who have sunk to the bottom of life and who have lost all hope of getting out of there. 30. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. The head of the educational department invited representatives of all classes to his place. 2. I ask you to answer a question that worries not only me, but also many others. 3. In a society, everyone needs confidence in tomorrow. 4. At a scientific seminar, the author outlined the essence of this book. Grade 8 Option 2 (each task has one correct answer) Read the sentences and complete tasks 1-10 A. Let's say this: a young man was caught in a reserved forest, he was flogged, and he, unable to bear the shame, went aimlessly B After all, there are reports that Shakespeare "was very unlucky in stealing deer, and Sir Lucy drove him out of his native places." Q. They were looking for some specific reason for this, because Shakespeare's fate looked romantic. D. What caused the son of a prosperous craftsman and merchant, William Shakespeare, to leave Stratford at about twenty-five years of age and head for London, a large metropolitan city?

23 1. In what order should the sentences be arranged to form a text? 1) A, D, B, C 2) D, B, C, A 3) D, C, A, B 4) A, B, C, D 2. In what word does the number of sounds and letters match? 1) a person 2) messages 3) fate 4) go 3. How is the word "prosperous" formed? 1) prefix 2) prefix-suffix 3) suffix 4) addition 4. Indicate the correct description of the word "after all" from sentence B. 1) particle 2) preposition 3) adverb 4) interjection 5. Which word or combination of words is NOT a grammatical basis one of the suggestions? 1) flogged 2) he went aimlessly 3) Shakespeare was unlucky 4) fate looked romantic 6. Which characteristic corresponds to sentence B? 1) complex with different types of connection 2) complex 3) complex 4) complex with allied and unionless bond 7. Which sentence has a clarification? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 1) agreement 2) management 3) adjoining 4) this is not a phrase 9. Which sentence contains a phraseological unit? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 10. In which word is the stress on the third syllable? 1) switch 2) prettier 3) intention 4) provision 11. In which row of words is the letter O written? 1. clean_, infra_red, air_flight 2. distribution, pro_image of the hero

24 3. pok_lenie, obr_mlenie 4. b_nalny, ignore 12. In what series of words is the letter I written? 1. in comparison with you, as a result of this 2. greek, bitter, apple, soy sauce 3. subsequently, entrepreneurial 4. theoretical, pr_legii and benefits 13. In which series of words is the letter A (I) written? 1. se_t grass, hate deceit 2. whip jets of rain, tremble with fear 3. everyone praises him, bees sting 4. roaring thunder, sluggish fish 14. In which row of words is the letter Yo written? 1. a clear answer, to collect people, young people 2. the question is resolved, a small mansion 3. sh_rty, slums, kryzh_vnik 4. support shoulders, crush nuts 15. In which series of words is the letter b written? 1. rush galloping, frost crackling_ 2. chiffon_er, nine_hundreds, village_d 3. pension, zone_tic, request 4. cut into pieces, impeccable 16. In which row of words is a double consonant written? 1. new cro (s, ss) oves, co (l, ll) number of places 2. co (m, mm) unique, co (r, rr) ida 3. pie (s, ss) a, fight co ( p, p)option

25 4. and (m, mm) imitate with a voice, gu (m, mm) anism 17. In which series of words is HH written? 1. axis (n, nn) ​​th waist, wind (n, nn) ​​th girl 2. boots zashnurov (n, nn) ​​s, moose (n, nn) ​​th 3. marinova (n, nn) ​​mushrooms, heat ( n, nn) ​​rabbit meat 4. not yet groin (n, nn) ​​field, traditional (n, nn) ​​18. In which row are the words with NOT written separately? 1. (not) everyone knows, (not) need to hurry 2. (not) ventilated room, (not) worn hat 3. (not) completely, the film is very (not) interesting 4. (not) repeating the lesson, very (not) ) Expensive 19. In which row of words are hyphenated? 1. (in) bearish, (all) the same, (a little) a little 2. (in) a little, (eccentric) eccentric, (barely) barely 3. (quickly) soluble sugar, (half) seconds 4. (some) where , (sour) sweet, (railway) road 20. In what series of words is the same letter written? 1. hypocritical, slippery, German 2. dry, passionless, and attract 3. subjective, trans-Japanese 4. pre-history, artless, truly 21. Indicate the sentence with a punctuation error. 1. It was snowing in patches and already covered the road, and the roof of the barn, and the trees of the garden, and the entrance. 2. We were surrounded on all sides by a continuous age-old forest, equal in size to a good principality. 3. In order to implement large-scale aviation production, it is necessary to have many necessary elements in advance.

26 4. Alyosha gave him a small folding round mirror. 22. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. The sun, which has not yet entered into force, warms carefully and gently. 2. An owl hooted nearby and Laska, shuddering, began to listen. 3. And today, after three years, the closet was opened to free him. 4. It was already dawn, the sky, however, remained gray. 23. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. Everything that Eugene still knew, I have no time to retell. 2. Where the vines bend over the pool, where the summer sun bakes, dragonflies fly and dance, and they lead a cheerful round dance. 3. All that is left of good things from past times, we will collect, and our wealth will be higher than all the riches that people knew. 4. Radda and says: “You play well Loiko! Who made you a violin, so sonorous and sensitive? 24. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. The colonel's face, frozen, impassive, seemed to be a mask carved from wood. 2. I noticed that you can find something wonderful everywhere. 3. The wasp sat on the red flesh of a watermelon, hurriedly crawled along it, and its wings worked quickly, like small propellers. 4. The entire area where the missing planes could be was carefully combed, but nothing could be found. 25. Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error. 1. Not remembering how she left the house, Assol was already running to the sea, picked up by the irresistible wind of the event. 2. At tea, mother said that there was a big frost at night and the water in the tub froze in the hallway. 3. Large stars shimmer with blue, white, gold lights. 4. Things did not fit into the car; passengers with things sat on the platforms. 26. Find an impersonal offer. 1. Deprive a truly intelligent person completely of his memory, but at the same time he will still retain susceptibility to cultural values.

27 2. The purpose of each person is to develop everything human in himself. 3. It is sometimes believed that in the age of rockets and lasers, new means of communication and information will push the book aside. 4. It is difficult to imagine astronauts flying on a ship through outer space, deliberately destroying a complex and delicate life support system designed for a long flight. 27. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. The village is one and a half miles from here. 2. In an effort to shield accomplices, his testimony contains contradictions. 3. Against my father's wishes, I entered building institute. 4. The patient has diseased gums. 28. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. It was bad, because the heel of the right shoe also broke. 2. I was at the wholesale market today. 3. There was a beautiful nylon tulle on the windows. 4. In "News" this event was interpreted in a peculiar way. 29. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. The main thing that the author pays attention to is the careful selection of language means. 2. Add eight hundred to four hundred and five. 3. On bus stop There were three men and two women. 4. After some time, you can return to this issue again. 30. Indicate a sentence with a violation of speech norms. 1. The head of administration distributes and manages property and finances. 2. In the evenings, the professor gives lectures to students correspondence department. 3. The bank manager rejected this offer. 4. I celebrated Christmas at a colleague's dacha. Answers

Dictation on the topic: punctuation marks in constructions that are not grammatically related to the sentence.
Without conductor
Frightened by bad omens, Vandaga, our guide, suddenly refused to lead us. According to him, to go further would be to be exposed to clear danger.
We decided to continue the journey without a guide, but, to our great annoyance, we completely lost the path. One of us said: “Oh, you, woe - travelers! Let's go through the ravine to the sea and get on the right path. Troubles awaited us on the road: firstly, we got into a windbreak, and secondly, into deep ravines. We had to look for another way. After weighing all the pros and cons, we decided to go straight ahead.
Yes, traveling in the mountains without a guide is certainly difficult and dangerous.
Sometimes it happens that the mountains and the forest have an attractive and cheerful look. So, it seems, and would remain among them forever. But sometimes, on the contrary, the mountains seem gloomy, wild.

Examination on the topic: complex sentence.

I. DISTRIBUTE THE NUMBERS OF THE OFFERS IN COLUMNS without writing down the sentences:
1. According to his rank, he should only be called “Mr. ensign”, but once and for all he ordered to call himself “your honor”.
2. In the entryway, the door slams and something rumbles as it falls.
3. It was a cheerful, pleasant and eerie feeling familiar to the Emerald.
4. His legs and body were flawless, perfect forms, so he always slept standing up, swaying slightly back and forth.
5. The horses recoiled from the bars and became alert.
6. It was a pity, and sad, and disgusting to look through the muddy muslin of rain at this miserable belongings, which seemed so worn out, dirty and beggarly.
7. It turned out well that the name day coincided with summer time.
8. When I see the sea for the first time after a long time, it excites me, and pleases, and amazes me.
9. For eight years I kept him in the apartment, and he seemed to me not a lodger, but my own son.
10. Vera gathered her strength and opened the door.
11. You know the law: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction.
12. He is a page, he is a servant, he is a slave.
II. Determine the type of the subordinate clause without writing down the sentence:
1. It seemed to me that between words, in a conversation, he promised to help with seed potatoes.
2. Yuri Andreevich had the feeling that he was getting to know the city, standing at one of its crowded intersections.
3. He managed to see everyone invited, so this was not their first meeting.
III. Determine the type of subordination by constructing diagrams without writing sentences:
1. He will understand because he is able to understand everything that is expressed logically, simply and without foreign words.
2. In vain they explained to him with all sorts of meekness that he was going to the wrong place, that he needed to go there, that he should submit such and such papers, that he would be informed of the result.
3. Although he had his own reserve officer's passport with him, for some reason he found it necessary to declare that his papers were still in the commandant's office.
I.Y. Write and punctuate in BSP:
1. Swallowed if you please.
2. I felt hypnosis shackled my muscles.
3. Here is the answer for you: a rabbit swallowed by a boa constrictor can become a boa constrictor.
4. It's better to keep them to yourself when you're sick of it.
5. If he recovers, we will appoint him to the post.
Dictation with a task like the exam. Grade 11
1. Dictation
(1) Do you know that there are many varieties of how to argue? (2) Watch your comrades during a dispute, discussion, polemic - you will, of course, see that they behave differently.

(3) Some, for example, behave respectfully towards each other, do not resort to dishonest tricks and tricks, and do not allow a harsh tone. (4) They carefully analyze the arguments that the opponent offers, and thoroughly argue their position. (5) As a rule, during such a dispute, the parties experience deep satisfaction, a desire to understand the issues under discussion.

(6) Others, having entered into an argument, begin to feel like they are at war, so they use impermissible tricks. (7)Main - utterly to break the enemy, putting him in a disadvantageous position, from their point of view. (8)3 starts, and you need to be on alert.

(9) Finally, there are such unfortunate debaters who behave in the most inadmissible way. (10) They rudely cut off the opponent, humiliate him with insulting attacks, speak in a dismissive or contemptuous tone, mockingly exchange glances with the audience, in a word, behave like ill-mannered people.

(11) Thus, the behavior of polemicists certainly affects the success of the discussion, therefore, understanding the features of the manner of arguing, the ability on the fly to catch the changes taking place in the behavior of opponents, of course, allows you to better navigate the dispute, most accurately choose the option of your own behavior and determine tactics in the dispute.

(201 words)

(According to L. Pavlova)

2. grammar task.
1 option

Indicate the numbers of sentences in the source text (from 1 to 8) that contain introductory words.

Indicate the numbers of sentences in the source text (from 1 to 8) in which there are adverbial phrases.

Give the number(s) of the incomplete sentence(s) of the original text.

Indicate the number of the sentence with the verb in the imperative mood.

Write out from the 1st paragraph the word formed by the prefix-suffix method.
Option 2

Indicate the numbers of sentences in the source text (from 9 to 11) that contain introductory words.

Indicate the numbers of sentences in the source text (from 6th to 11th) in which there are rows of homogeneous members of the sentence.

Indicate the number (s) of the sentence (s) of the source text, in which (s) there is a participial phrase.

Specify the number of the complex unionless proposal, between the parts of which a dash is placed.

Write out from the text the word formed by the method of adding words.

1 option

Option 2


2, 3, 8


9, 10, 11


6, 7


10, 11












unfortunate debaters

Text No. 3 (According to S. Dovlatov)

(1) It is said that the writer Vladimir Nabokov, lecturing young American Slavists at Cornell University for years, struggled to explain to them in “his own words” the essence of the untranslatable Russian concepts of “intelligentsia”, “vulgarity”, “philistinism” and “rudeness”. (2) They say that he eventually coped with the “intelligentsia”, “vulgarity” and “philistinism”, but he could not explain what the word “rudeness” means. (3) Turning to synonyms did not help him, because synonyms are words with the same meaning, and the words "impudence", "rudeness" and "impudence", which Nabokov tried to use, are decisively different from "rudeness" in their meaning. (4) Insolence is, in general, a way of action, that is, pressure without moral and legal grounds for that, impudence is the same arrogance plus the absence of shame, as for rudeness, it is rather a form of behavior, something external, not affecting basics; rudely one can even express oneself in love and generally act with the best intentions, but rudely in form - sharply, noisily and pretentiously. (5) As it is easy to see, rudeness, impudence and impudence, without decorating anyone and even deserving all kinds of condemnation, nevertheless do not kill on the spot, do not overturn and do not encourage once again to think about the hopelessly deplorable state of mankind as a whole. (b) Rudeness, arrogance and impudence injure others, but still leave them some chance, some hope to cope with this evil and oppose it with something. (7) I remember that I was riding in a Leningrad tram, and an elderly man was sitting opposite me, and some punks came in at the bus stop and started to offend this old man rudely, impudently and impudently, and he objected to something, and someone from these insolent people says: “You, grandfather, it’s time to go to the grave!” (8) And the old man replies: “I’m afraid that you, with your impudence, will get there before me!” (9) There was general laughter, and the hooligans somehow faded away. (10) That is, there was rudeness, impudence, but the old man turned out to be sharp-tongued and opposed this impudence. (11) With rudeness, everything is different. (12) Rudeness differs from rudeness, arrogance and impudence in that it is invincible, that it is impossible to fight with it, that you can only retreat before it. (13) And so I thought about this for a long time and finally formulated what rudeness is, namely: rudeness is nothing but rudeness, arrogance, impudence, taken together, but at the same time multiplied by impunity. (14) It is in impunity that the whole point is, in the notorious feeling of impunity, lack of jurisdiction of acts, in that feeling of utter helplessness that embraces the victims. (15) It is precisely with its impunity that rudeness kills you on the spot, you have nothing to oppose to it, except for your own humiliation, because rudeness is always “from top to bottom”, it is always “from the strong to the weak”, this is the helplessness of one and the impunity of the other, rudeness is inequality.

(According to S. Dovlatov)
Grading system.

Based on evaluation criteria learning activities students are supposed to have objectivity and a unified approach. With a 5-point assessment, general didactic criteria were established for all.

Rated "5" set in case:

1. Knowledge, understanding, depth of assimilation by students of the entire volume of program material.

2. The ability to highlight the main provisions in the studied material, on the basis of facts and examples to generalize, draw conclusions, establish inter-subject and intra-subject connections, creatively applies the acquired knowledge in an unfamiliar situation.

3. The absence of errors and shortcomings in the reproduction of the studied material, with oral answers, the elimination of individual inaccuracies with the help of additional questions from the teacher, compliance with the culture of writing and oral speech, design rules written works.

Rating "4":

1. Knowledge of all studied program material.

2. The ability to highlight the main provisions in the studied material, on the basis of facts and examples to generalize, draw conclusions, establish intra-subject connections, apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

3. Minor (non-rough) errors and shortcomings in the reproduction of the studied material, compliance with the basic rules of the culture of written and oral speech, the rules for the design of written work.

Grade "3"(level of representations combined with elements scientific concepts):

1. Knowledge and assimilation of the material at the level minimum requirements programs, difficulty in self-reproduction, the need for little help from a teacher.

2. Ability to work at the level of reproduction, difficulties in answering modified questions.

3. The presence of a gross error, several minor errors in the reproduction of the studied material, a slight non-observance of the basic rules of the culture of written and oral speech, the rules for the design of written works.

Rating "2":

1. Knowledge and assimilation of the material at a level below the minimum requirements of the program, separate ideas about the studied material.

2. Lack of skills to work at the level of reproduction, difficulties in answering standard questions.

3. The presence of several gross errors, a large number not rude when reproducing the studied material, significant non-observance of the basic rules of the culture of written and oral speech, the rules for the design of written works.

4. Placed for complete ignorance of the studied material, lack of elementary skills and abilities.
The dictation is evaluated with one mark.

Grade "5" is given for an error-free work, as well as if it contains 1 non-rough spelling or 1 non-rough punctuation error.
The mark "4" is set if there are 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors in the dictation, or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors, or 4 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors. Grade "4" can be set with 3 spelling errors, if among them there are the same type.
Grade "3" is given for a dictation in which 4 spelling and 4 punctuation errors are made, or 3 spelling and 5 punctuation errors, or 7 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors. In grade IV, it is allowed to give a mark of "3" for dictation with 5 spelling and 4 punctuation errors. Grade "3" can also be given if there are 6 spelling and 6 punctuation errors, if among those and others there are errors of the same type and not gross.
Grade "2" is given for a dictation with up to 7 spelling and 7 punctuation errors, or 6 spelling and 8 punctuation errors, 5 spelling and 9 punctuation errors, 8 spelling and 6 punctuation errors.

With some variability in the number of errors taken into account when grading a dictation, one should take into account the limit, the excess of which does not allow this grade to be set. Such a limit is 2 spelling errors for grade "4", 4 spelling errors for grade "3" (for grade V - 5 spelling errors), for grade "2" - 7 spelling errors.

In a comprehensive test, consisting of a dictation and an additional (phonetic, lexical, spelling, grammatical) task, two grades are given (for each type of work).

When evaluating the performance of additional tasks, it is recommended to be guided by the following:

A score of "5" is given if the student completed all the tasks correctly.

A score of "4" is given if the student completed at least 3/4 of the tasks correctly.

Grade "3" is given for work in which at least half of the tasks are correctly completed.

A mark of "2" is given for work in which more than half of the tasks have not been completed.

Note. Spelling and punctuation errors made during the performance of additional tasks are taken into account when deriving a grade for the dictation.

Essay-reasoning is evaluated according to the criteria of the exam.

Used teaching kit:

1. Goltsova N.G., Shamshin I.V. Russian language grades 10-11. Textbook for educational institutions. - M .: Russian word, 2007.

2. Goltsova N.G., Mishcherina M.A. Russian language. 10-11 grades. A book for a teacher. - M .: Russian word, 2012.

3.N.N.Budnikova, N.I.Dmitrieva. Lesson developments in Russian to the textbook by N.G. Goltsova, I.V. Shamshin.- M.: Vako, 2014.

1) Frightened by two bad, in his opinion, omens, our guide refused to go further. 2) We tried to persuade him. 3) In all likelihood, we would have succeeded, but one of the travelers decided to make fun of him. 4) The guide got angry, turned around and quickly walked back along the path. 5) Detaining him now was, of course, useless. 6) A few minutes later he disappeared into the thicket of the forest. 7) Having discussed the situation, we decided to continue the journey without a guide, but, to our greatest annoyance, we completely lost the path and could not find it. 8) We went to the sound of the surf. 9) But our adventures are not over. 10) We got into very deep ravines with steep slopes. 11) Once our colleague almost broke. 12) Fortunately, he grabbed the roots of an old spruce in time. 13) So, it is necessary to keep a short distance from the coast, to hear and see the sea surface. 14) Unfortunately, we still got into a windbreak. 15) Having made a significant detour back, we got out of it safely. 16) After conferring, we decided to go straight to the sea and continue on our way. (150 words)

(According to V. Arseniev)

grammar task

1 option

Option 2

5. From sentences 4-6, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: ““ If in the form of the 1st person singular of the present or simple future tense the verb ends in -YVAYU / -IVAYU, then in an indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix -IVA-/-YVA is written.

10. Among sentences 1-6, find a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates. Write the number of this offer.

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - 15-14 points

"4" - 13-11 points

"3" - 10-8 points

"2" - 7 or less points.

1 option



7-in the forest thicket

8- the conductor refused to go

Option 2



7-smooth sea

8-we tried to persuade

1 option

1. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with an introductory construction that conveys the meaning of uncertainty. Write the number of this offer.

2. Among sentences 6-10, find a sentence with an introductory construction. Write the number of this offer.

3. In the sentence below, all commas are placed. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the introductory construction.

Frightened by two bad, (1) in his opinion, (2) omens, (3) our guide refused to go further.

4. In the sentence below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) representing the comma(s) in a particular circumstance.

After discussing the situation, (1) we decided to continue the journey without a guide, (2) but, (3) to our greatest annoyance, (4) we completely lost the path and could not find it.

5. From sentences 1-5 write out the word, the number of H in the suffix of which obeys the rule: “In full passive participles past tense is written NN.

6. From sentences 5-7, write out the word, the spelling of the prefix in which depends on the subsequent consonant.

7. Replace the phrase IN THE THICKET OF THE FOREST, built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.

9. Specify quantity grammar basics suggestions 7.

10. Among sentences 1-7, find a compound sentence. Write the number of this offer.

Option 2

1. Among sentences 12-16, find a sentence with a water word denoting the order of thoughts and their connection. Write the number of this offer.

2. Among sentences 8-12, find the sentence with introductory word. Write the number of this offer.

3. In the sentences below, all commas are placed. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) at the introductory word.

The guide got angry, (1) turned and quickly walked back along the path. Detaining him now was, (2) of course, (3) useless.

4. In the sentence below, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) in a separate definition.

Frightened by two bad, (1) in his opinion, (2) omens, (3) our guide refused to go further.

5. From sentences 4-6, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: ““ If in the form of the 1st person singular of the present or simple future tense the verb ends in -YVAYU / -IVAYU, then in an indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix -IVA-/-YVA is written.

6. From sentences 13-15 write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the subsequent consonant.

7. Replace the phrase SEA LIFE, built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 2.

9. Indicate the number of grammatical bases of the sentence 3.

10. Among sentences 1-6, find a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates. Write the number of this offer

Through the eyes of an artist

During his stay in London, the famous French artist Claude Monet was amazed by St. Paul's Cathedral and, of course, decided to paint it.
As you know, London is a city of fogs. That day, the fog was so thick that you could barely see the outlines of buildings through it. Monet, of course, portrayed everything in this way.
Londoners who saw the painting at the exhibition were annoyed: the fog on the canvas, to their surprise, was not gray, but pink.
The fact is that London is a city of old brick buildings. Red brick dust hangs in the air and, mixing with the fog, gives it a red tint. The artist saw what others did not notice. Since then, Monet has even been called the singer of the London fog.
Often people pass by the most curious phenomena, but do not notice them, remaining indifferent to them. But an artist comes and reveals to us the unusual in the ordinary. (127 words)

(By A. Volovik)

Frightened by two bad omens, in his opinion, our guide refused to go further. We tried to persuade him. This, in all likelihood, we would have succeeded, but one of the travelers decided to play a trick on him. The guide got angry, turned around and quickly walked back along the path. Detaining him now was, of course, useless. A few minutes later he disappeared into the woods. After discussing the situation, we decided to continue our journey without a guide, but, to our great annoyance, we completely lost the path and could not find it. We headed towards the sound of the surf. But our adventures are not over. We got into very deep ravines with steep slopes. Once, our colleague almost lost his temper. Fortunately, he grabbed the roots of an old spruce in time. This means that it is necessary to keep a short distance from the coast, to hear and see the sea surface. Unfortunately, we still got into a windbreak. Having made a significant detour back, we safely got out of it. After consulting, we decided to go straight to the sea and continue on our way. (150 words)

(By V. Arseniev)

The science of nutrition, like the art of cooking, has its own history. Without a doubt, the first man was also the first cook. So the art of cooking is older than other arts?
Even in the Stone Age, people cooked food using fire. Animal carcasses were roasted on hot coals or on a spit.
During excavations of ancient settlements, clay pots are found, which are considered the venerable ancestors of modern pots. However, before the advent of clay vessels, food was cooked in troughs carved from stone. Hot stones were poured there, thus bringing the water to a boil.
This food was heavy! At the mere thought of what our ancestors ate, it becomes somehow uncomfortable. But the man of those distant times constantly struggled with everything: with harsh nature, with enemies, with diseases. Presumably, such rough food was just right for him.
Asia is the birthplace of sophisticated culinary art, as scientists say. Subsequently, constantly changing, enriching, influenced by fashion and obeying local traditions, it spread throughout the world. (149 words)

(By V. Kudasheva)