List of materials for the book hospital. “Library lesson“ Book hospital. Rules for handling the book

Abstract of labor activity in preparatory group Book hospital. Let's help the kids"

Target: the formation of a positive attitude to work in preschool children.


    Develop the ability to plan the sequence of your work.

    Develop skills to independently perform the necessary labor actions: prepare a place and equipment for work; improve the ability to work with scissors, glue and paper; repeat the rules for working with the book.

    To cultivate accuracy, diligence, responsibility for the task assigned, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction for the work done.

Conduct form: collective.

Equipment: books; algorithm for working with a book, scissors, glue; glue; paper; napkins; scissors, oilcloths.

Region Integration:communication development, cognitive development, physical development, social - communicative development, artistic development.

Preliminary work: learning proverbs about work, repeating the rules for using a book, scissors, glue.

Spatio-temporal resource: group room, duration 30 minutes.

Methods ped. activities: verbal (conversation, proverbs); visual (pictures); practical (work with books).

Lesson progress

Play: Guys, look at our book corner. What books are there? Look at these books, these are kids' books, what's wrong with them? Let's remember how to use the book. (algorithm for using with a book)

Rules for handling the book

    Take care of the book: do not stain it, do not jam the pages, turn them over correctly, do not wet your finger with saliva.

    Don't play with the book, it will wrinkle.

    After you have looked and read the book, do not forget to put it back.

    Properly store the book, in a specially designated place - in a bookcase or on a shelf.

    If you notice that the book is not in order, fix it yourself or with the help of an adult.

Play: Why are books like this? How can we help them?

Play: Guys, tell me what we need for this? (book help algorithm)

Physical education minute

One, two, three, four, five,

We start to rest.

The back was cheerfully unbent,

Handles pulled up.

One and two, sit down and stand up,

To rest again.

Bend forward once and twice

Bend back once or twice.

That's how we got stronger

Healthy and fun!

Play: Now let's remember how to use glue? How to use scissors?

Play: Let's get to work. Come to the tables. First we need to measure the strips on paper. We measure the strip by 3 cm and bend it, cut it off and try on whether it fits or not. We bend it in half and spread one half with glue, and then the other half and glue it.

Play: Guys, who have already done everything, let's remember the proverbs about work:

The work of the master is afraid.

Finished the job - walk boldly.

Skill and work will grind everything.

Handle every task skillfully.

Independent activity together with the teacher. After completing the work, we put our workplaces in order.

Play: Guys, we helped you today junior group, and on Monday we will find out if other kids still need our help. Together with you, we will take the books to them and tell them about the rules for handling the book.

Event prepared GBOU Istra boarding school. Title - Project " Book Hospital". Topic - " be healthy, book!».

Book Hospital project

"Be healthy, book!"

Project " Book Hospital” is very timely and relevant.

The main thing in the project is that students will be able to raise the level of their book culture, they will empathize. It is possible that children the book will be perceived as a living being that endows them with clever thoughts, entertains them without demanding anything in return. At the same time, these silent creatures also need care and attention. Participating in the Book Hospital project children will be able to show kindness, responsiveness and talent. Constantly engaging with children, to captivate them with something new, truly useful, and the children will respond willingly, get involved in the work with desire and interest. The guys in the course of work will feel the importance of their work, they will independently come to the conclusion: books must be protected!

Targets and goals:

  • Formation in children of a caring attitude to objects, including books
  • Creating a situation of success for each child
  • Training in practical book repair skills
  • Do something important and useful
  • Teach book skills
  • Teamwork training
  • Increasing the level of culture
  • Nurturing empathy

Exhibitions of books "sick" and "recovered"

Book exhibitions have a great emotional impact on children. They show old, damaged books. The librarian tells fabulous stories about "sick" books. Children emotionally perceive stories, sympathize with “sick” books, and try to repair them as soon as possible.

Story:“When the night falls and the days off (when the library is closed), the “sick” books begin to cry and complain to each other about their fate: they can no longer stand on the shelf on their own, travel in the portfolios of readers; torn, crumpled pages hurt them. The books are crying and waiting for help from you guys.

Safety briefing.

Before starting work, a mandatory safety briefing is required.

Rules for preparing the workplace before the start of classes

1. Put an oilcloth on the desk, a work board.

2. Cook necessary materials and tools to work.

3. Prepare a rag or napkin for hands.

Rules for cleaning your workplace

1. Put the materials and tools in the box.

2. Collect scraps and debris from the table and floor.

3. Wipe the instruments and desk with a cloth.

5. Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap.

6. Remove all accessories.

Rules for safe work with scissors

1. Keep order in your workplace.

2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.

3. Do not work with loose scissors.

4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

5. Use scissors only at your workplace.

6. Watch the movement of the blades as you work.

7. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.

8. Feed scissors rings forward.

9. Don't leave scissors open.

10. Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.

11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.

12. Use scissors for their intended purpose.

Rules for safe work with glue

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash the brush and hands well with soap after work.

Role-playing game "Knizhkina Hospital"

Distribution of roles: “Chief Physician” - the head of the library manages the process, “doctors” (“surgeons”, “resuscitators”, “cosmetologists”), “nurses”, “nurses” repair books, “orderlies” perform unskilled work (bringing books, applying pressure, arranging “cured” books.

Selection of "patients": "Medical Commission" selects "patients", books that will be "treated" first.

Establishing diagnoses and choosing the method of “treatment”: erase the inscriptions, glue the pages, repair the cover, etc.

Choice of tools and medicines: glue, tape, paper, eraser, etc.

Book Healing Tools

1. White paper

2. Colored paper

3. Cardboard

4. Eraser

6. Brush

7. Scissors

8. Ruler

9. Simple pencil

10. Colored pencils

11. Paints

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Shriveled and peeled binding
  • Cover came off
  • Pages fell out
  • Pages written
  • Page corners are curled

Sick books prescribed treatment:

  • Straighten folded pages;
  • Erase pencil marks with an eraser;
  • Glue the pages with tape
  • Glue the roots with colored paper (or tape);
  • Update covers.

Choose the right treatment and cure the book!

Chief Physician of the Book Hospital

Head of the library _____________________ / I.A. Borisenko/

Letter from "sick" books:

“Dear students! We live in the library of the boarding school in the village of Sokolniki. For many years, schoolchildren have been taking us off the shelf to read. And from this we have grown old, and once we were young, beautiful, brand new, just a feast for the eyes! And now what has become of us? Just look: our covers are torn, the pages are painted with a pen. We have become ugly, old, torn ... We really want to be the same and that the children love us and treat us carefully. We hope to find good students who can “cure” us and put us in order.

Yours sincerely - Books»

Direct book repair work

While repairing books, children are carried away by a new, truly useful thing, they will join the work with desire and interest. The guys in the course of work will feel the importance of their work, they will independently come to the conclusion: books must be protected!

"Knizhkina Hospital" for children is both a game, and work, and new knowledge. And a little activity - repairing books - turns into an interesting business !!! ”

Exhibition of restored books.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of a general developmental type "Rodnichok"

Pervomaisky district


Head of MADOU


Sukhno N.N.

Book Hospital project

"Be healthy, book!"

Project Manager:

teacher Yudina N.V.

With. May Day - 2015.

Book Hospital project

"Be healthy, book!"

The Book Hospital project is very timely and relevant.

The main thing in the project is that students will be able to raise the level of their book culture, they will empathize. It is possible that children will begin to perceive the book as a living being that endows them with clever thoughts, entertains them without demanding anything in return. At the same time, these silent creatures also need care and attention. By participating in the Book Hospital project, children will be able to show kindness, responsiveness and talent. Constantly engaging with children, to captivate them with something new, truly useful, and the children will respond willingly, get involved in the work with desire and interest.

Targets and goals:

    Formation in children of a caring attitude to objects, including books

    Creating a situation of success for each child

    Training in practical book repair skills

    Do something important and useful

    Teach book skills

    Teamwork training

    Increasing the level of culture

    Nurturing empathy

Exhibitions of books "sick" and "recovered"

Book exhibitions have a great emotional impact on children. They show old, damaged books. The librarian tells fabulous stories about "sick" books. Children emotionally perceive stories, sympathize with “sick” books, and try to repair them as soon as possible.

Story: “When the night falls and the days off (when the library is closed), the “sick” books begin to cry and complain to each other about their fate: they can no longer stand on the shelf on their own, travel in the portfolios of readers; torn, crumpled pages hurt them. The books are crying and waiting for help from you guys.

Safety briefing.

Before starting work, a mandatory safety briefing is required.

Rules for preparing the workplace before the start of classes

1. Put an oilcloth on the desk, a work board.

2. Prepare the necessary materials and tools for work.

3. Prepare a rag or napkin for hands.

Rules for cleaning your workplace

1. Put the materials and tools in the box.

2. Collect scraps and debris from the table and floor.

3. Wipe the instruments and desk with a cloth.

5. Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap.

6. Remove all accessories.

Rules for safe work with scissors

1. Keep order in your workplace.

2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.

3. Do not work with loose scissors.

4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

5. Use scissors only at your workplace.

6. Watch the movement of the blades as you work.

7. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.

8. Feed scissors rings forward.

9. Don't leave scissors open.

10. Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.

11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.

12. Use scissors for their intended purpose.

Rules for safe work with glue

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash the brush and hands well with soap after work.

Plot- role-playing game"Book Hospital"

Distribution of roles:“Chief Physician” - the head of the library manages the process, “doctors” (“surgeons”, “resuscitation doctors”, “cosmetologists”), “nurses”, “nurses” repair books, “orderlies” perform unskilled work (bring books, apply pressure, arrange "cured" books.

Selection of "patients": The "Medical Commission" selects "patients", books that will be "treated" first.

Establishing diagnoses and choosing a method"treatment": erase the inscriptions, glue the pages, repair the cover, etc.

Choice of instruments and medicines: glue, tape, paper, eraser, etc.

Book Healing Tools

    Paper white

    colored paper







    Simple pencil

    colored pencils



Symptoms of the disease:

    Shriveled and peeled binding

    Cover came off

    Pages fell out

    Pages written

    Page corners are curled

Sick books prescribed treatment:

    Straighten folded pages;

    Erase pencil marks with an eraser;

    Glue the pages with tape

    Glue the roots with colored paper (or tape);

    Update covers.

Choose the right treatment and cure the book!

Letter from "sick" books:

“Dear children! We live in kindergarten"Spring" in the group "Rastishki". Girls and boys take us from the shelf to read or just look at the pictures. And from this we have grown old, and once we were young, beautiful, brand new, just a feast for the eyes! And now what has become of us? Just look: our covers are torn, the pages are painted with a pen. We have become ugly, old, torn ... We really want to be the same and that the children love us and treat us carefully. We hope that there will be good kids who can “cure” us and put us in order.

Yours faithfully - Books»

Direct book repair work

While repairing books, children are carried away by a new, truly useful thing, they will join the work with desire and interest. The children in the course of work will feel the importance of their work, they will independently come to the conclusion: books must be protected!

"Knizhkina Hospital" for children is a game, work, and new knowledge. And a little activity - repairing books - turns into an interesting business !!! ”

Exhibition of restored books.

It is the exhibition of refurbished books that is proof of the usefulness of the work of the Book Hospital. AT All children's works are living evidence of the benefits of this work

Award to the participants of the Book Hospital project

In the course of work on the project, it is necessary to mark children with a diploma, certificate, etc. This makes it possible to fully appreciate the importance of their work.


book doctor


(full name of the child)

Number of “Patients” cured________

Residents at the address of the village of Pervomayskoye, Kltsova street, d / c, "Rodnichok"

Head doctor of the "book hospital" ______________ / N.V. Yudina /


assigned highest rank



(full name of the child)

book treatment professional.

Thanks to the Resuscitator

brought back to life many

and many patients.

Head. doctor of the "book hospital" _____________ / N.V. Yudina /

Game-lesson "Book Hospital"

Target: to form a stable habit of careful handling of books.

Repair materials:brushes, PVA glue, scissors with rounded ends, paper.

The course of the game-lesson:

Educator: Each of you knows well the rules of careful handling of books. Let's remember them now.

Children: 1. Consider books only at the table

2. Take them with clean hands.

3. Do not bend the sheets.

4.Do not bend the cover.

Educator: You are great: you not only know these rules, but also follow them. However, books are made of very fragile material, any careless movement can harm them. Let's check if there are any books in the book corner that need our help. Have everyone take one book and see if it needs repair. (Children look at the books and decide which one needs repair.)

Are each of you ready to become Dr. Aibolit? Then, first of all, you need to determine the disease or, as doctors say, diagnose a sick book. What happened to this book? (One of the sheets fell out)

That's right, this patient urgently needs to paste the fallen sheet. Who else has a patient with this diagnosis? What treatment will we prescribe for these patients? (Suggestions of children.)

Work order:

Cut strips of paper equal to the length of the sheet to be glued (the width of the strip should be no more than twice the width of the margins of the book). Fold the strip in half lengthwise and gently spread glue on the oilcloth. Glue the torn sheet back into place in the book.

Diagnose this book: what happened to it? (The cover came off.) Yes, this patient urgently needs to glue the cover. Who else has a patient with this diagnosis? What treatment will we prescribe for these patients? (Children's suggestions.) What kind of cover do your books have - hard or soft? You see, paperback books don't last long. Let's give them another cover - more durable, solid. Do you remember what a hard cover made of cardboard is called? (Binding.)

To make a hard cover, take colored cardboard that matches the spread of the book, like this (shows). Bend the paper clips, pierce the cardboard in the right place. Connect the book to the cardboard. See, the book got a new hard cover. The cover covers the front and back of the book. What is usually written on the front cover?

Children: On the front side of the cover of the book write the name of the author and the title of the book.

Educator: Design a new book cover with your parents at home. You can cut out the image from the old cover and glue it to the new one, or you can come up with your own design.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Book Hospital"

To form in children an interest in the book, careful handling of it. Introduce children to the rules of using the book.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Contribute to the enrichment of the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline; develop the ability to choose a role, perform several interrelated actions in the game (in ...

Synopsis for the leadership of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group

A plot-role-playing game is an activity of children in which phenomena are reflected real life, life, work, relationships between people, as well as social phenomena ...

A child in the hospital: how to behave with a child in the hospital

A child in the hospital: how to behave with a child in the hospital 1. The child is afraid of the unknown. Never deceive a child. Do not hide from him that you are going to the clinic to see a doctor. Ina...

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Hospital for Toys" according to the leadership of the role-playing game "Hospital for Toys" in the 2nd junior group

Tasks: 1) to acquaint children with the work of the hospital, to form children's ideas about the profession of a doctor and nurse, to develop interest in the work of the hospital; 2) the formation of gaming activities: ...

Anna Gvaladze
Project for children senior group"Book Hospital"

Project for older children

« Book Hospital»

"If a book"got sick", pages fell out,

She will always heal « Book Hospital» .

Carefully "the doctors"- good kids

Pages stick together easily!

Be healthy, book

Relevance project:

In order to instill in preschool age love for the literary heritage of their people, the ability to listen and understand what they read, it is necessary to help the child fall in love with the book and treat it with care. That's why in kindergarten we teach not only to listen literary works, consider illustrations for them, but also "treat" books.

Project« Book Hospital» very timely and relevant. Chief in the project is that children can improve their book culture, will empathize. Perhaps children will begin to perceive the book as a living being that endows them with smart thoughts, entertains them without demanding anything in return. At the same time, these silent creatures also need care and attention. Participating in project, children will be able to show kindness, responsiveness and talent.

Constantly engaging with children, captivating them with something new, truly useful, they will readily respond, get involved in the work with desire and interest. In the course of work, the guys will feel its importance and will independently come to conclusion: Books must be protected!

« Book Hospital» for the guys - this is a game, and work, and new knowledge; Book repair is a lot of fun!

Target project:

Formation of a careful attitude to the book in preschoolers.

Tasks project:

1. Develop cognitive activity children.

2. Contribute to the development of accuracy, perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

3. Form the ability to independent activity finding ways to get the job done.

4. Teach practical book repair skills.

5. Cultivate a sense of empathy, mutual assistance.

6. Raise the level of culture of preschoolers.

Type of project- informative - practical.

View project- medium duration.

Members project - children of the senior group, caregivers groups

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1 (Preparatory)

1. Excursion "Temple of Books, Dreams and Miracles".

2. Conversation "A miracle whose name is a book".

3. Game - conversation "What is the book made of?"(cover, cover, title page, table of contents, illustration, etc.)

4. Game situation "From the mail bag of the postman Pechkin".

5. "Shelves, racks, bookcases» .

6. D\u "What? Where? When?".

Stage 2 (Main. Joint activities with children)

1. “To make books last longer. Book advice» .

2. "Bookmark for order"(bookmark making).

3. Plot - role-playing the game: « Book Hospital»

(Getting to know the reasons "diseases" books; formation « First aid kit» ; distribution of roles - chief physician, doctor, nurse, orderly)

4. D\u: "We treat books"(Repair of books - the cover is dirty, the sheets are wrinkled, torn, scribbled, etc.)

5. Lesson - conversation: « Knizhkin sanatorium» (Information about bookstore cosmetics - cover design).

6. "Making clothes for the cover".

Stage 3 (Final)

1. Exhibition of refurbished books: "Live, book!"

2. Final lesson: « Book the world reveals secrets"

3. Rewarding - presentation diplomas: « Book Doctor»

4. Making a book: “Rules for kids. How to take care of books.

results project:

« Book Hospital» opened in senior group"Sun". The children selected and sorted the books in need of help (in "treatment"). There were not many of them; the guys glued them, updated the covers, erased the inscriptions, made bookmarks. "Cured" books placed in group library.

In the course of work, the guys felt its importance and independently came to conclusion: Books must be protected!

"Come out books from the hospital:

Repaired their pages

Bindings, spines,

Labels stuck on.

And then in the spacious hall

Each regiment was indicated.

Live book! May all our books have a long, long life. And readers are advised to take care of books and textbooks.

Related publications:

If you want to swim - read, If you want to live - read, Learn the world from the book. Make your dreams come true and you will believe in yourself. The book is true.

Educational project "Book Week" (best timed to coincide with April 2nd. "International Children's Book Day" and H. H. Anderson's birthday).

“Love this book with all your heart! She is not only your best friend, but also a faithful companion to the end. M. Sholokhov. The purpose of the project: - the formation of interest.

Project "Book Week" "Goal: to bring children to the fact that "books are ships of thoughts, wandering along the waves of time and carefully carrying.

Project "Book Week" "Children's books are written for education, and education is a great thing - the mind decides fate" VG Belinsky Introduction.