August Pedagogical Council academic year. City Open August Pedagogical Council. Educational and educational work in schools

Perhaps it will be banal, but not only the educational process is carried out in schools, during which the younger generation receives new knowledge, but also educational. Formation, discussion, adjustment and effectiveness of the educational process is formed during local meetings of teachers - teachers' council. It is quite obvious that such seminars are not held chaotically, but the action itself (education) is subject to certain standards put forward by the Ministry of Education. In this regard, a logical survey arises: what will be the teachers' councils for 2018-2019 academic year?

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the current academic year, the main task is to familiarize the younger generation with the cultural and historical values ​​of their people, universal values, the development of the spirit of patriotism, etc. make notes in the following proportions:

  • familiarization with the culture of the future generation (at least 30% of total number prepared material)
  • ways of forming a civic personality - 15%;
  • approaches to the formation of patriotism - 25%;
  • instilling social communication skills - 15%;
  • laying the foundations of self-development - 15%.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, such a percentage does not require strict implementation and does not carry a doctrine, but, on the contrary, is a recommendation. Moreover, it is also advised to coincide with this process and events.

The changes will also affect the educational work of kindergartens, child development centers and other similar institutions. For these departments of education of the country, special requirements apply, since it is in them that the basis for the further work of teachers is laid. Not a small role will be played by the first meeting of teachers, the main objectives of which will be:

  • overall assessment of the work of the preschool educational institution for the summer period;
  • agreeing on the goals, plan and topics of upcoming meetings;
  • meetings of teachers on the topics of professional development, scheduled safety briefing, discussion of methodological approaches to education;
  • familiarization and study of the innovations of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Those. teachers' councils for the 2018-2019 academic year at the preschool educational institution will be held according to the established schedule at the beginning of August - September, which makes the activities of educators purposeful.

The main vector of the meetings of the employees of the preschool educational institution for this year will concern physical, social and moral education. Therefore, the main topics will be:

  • improving the skills and abilities of teachers in the physical development of children;
  • the course of educational work on laying creative, aesthetic and musical abilities;
  • identification of current shortcomings and their elimination in the work of personnel.

To many, such topics may seem trivial and "hackneyed". However, despite their repetition from year to year, their relevance does not disappear from this, and therefore I would like to hope that in the next year the management and staff of the preschool educational institution will not “fulfill” this work"for show", followed by a census of the results carried out in the past.

Educational and educational work in schools

If in terms of preschool education, especially significant changes are not foreseen for the coming period, then according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in middle level The educational process promises to be somewhat different.

for the 2018-2019 academic year will focus on the following topics:

  • analysis of the work of teachers for the previous period;
  • the formation of a plan for preparing students for and, as well as a discussion of new approaches and methods;
  • creating a plan to adapt the transition of students from elementary to secondary school;
  • innovations in the approach of motivating students, identifying current problems in this aspect and ways to solve them;
  • preparation for New Year's events;
  • report on the preparation for the state. exam;
  • conducting scheduled safety briefings, performance assessment;
  • preliminary assessment of students' knowledge, work with ped. team;
  • holding state attestations;
  • high school graduation.

More than that, each of these topics will include those already listed, but the main burden will fall on meetings dedicated to upcoming events.

Thematic meetings of teachers

Thematic teachers' councils play a key role in the educational work of the educational system. Their key importance is to coordinate the work of the staff in order to achieve maximum effectiveness in terms of the educational process. As a rule, these events are divided into the following types:

  • strategic;
  • tactical;
  • operational.

Based on these requirements, thematic teacher councils for the 2018-2019 academic year at school will have such shades as visibility and the formation of skills in practice. Judging by the statistics, the classic result from the teachers' councils of 2016-2017 was limited to viewing documentaries or an additional class hour with students within the walls of the school. Hence, subsequently, the low result in practice. In simple terms, this year they will have to justify their plan for the formation of personality not only in words, but also in actions. In particular, the Ministry of Education and Science expects that by virtue of visiting museums, historical sites, helping people with the hands of students, a greater result will be achieved than in previous years. Therefore, higher requirements will apply to each council of teachers.

In a nutshell

In fact, this year's meetings of teachers will have a fundamental difference - the teachers' council will be responsible for the result. Such a vector of activity may indicate the following:

  • practical significance from teachers' councils in general;
  • focus on results;
  • forced development in approaches to education.

On the this stage it is still poorly understood how the effectiveness of such measures will be assessed, who will assess and what are the prospects for the future, but one thing is known in advance - such an approach will give a clear assessment of the educational work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Nina Ivanovna Vorobieva
Topics of pedagogical councils for the 2017-2018 academic year

Pedagogical Council No. 1(installation)

"The readiness of the preschool educational institution for a new academic year»

Target: activate mental activity teachers, give installation to a new academic year, identify the effectiveness of activities to implement the tasks of the summer recreational period.


1. Summing up the results of summer health work.

2. Familiarization and adoption of annual tasks and work plan for a new academic year

3. Frame placement

4. Familiarization and adoption of the GCD schedule, schedules of musical and physical education GCD, workers curricula , list methodical literature by groups.

5. Familiarization and approval Educational program for the 2017-2018 academic year G.

Pedagogical Council No. 2. "The use of modern pedagogical

Target: the formation of a fundamentally new view of the content, structure and organization of the educator preschool education, about methodological requirements and variety of modern pedagogical learning technologies preschoolers:

Formation of a common culture,

Development of physical and personal qualities,

Formation of prerequisites learning activities,

ensuring social success, preservation and strengthening of children's health preschool age, correction of shortcomings in the physical and mental development children. Help teacher navigate the variety of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.


1. Results of the implementation of the decision teachers' council number 1.

2. The results of the operational audit "Integration of educational areas in the course of direct educational activities»

3 Multimedia presentations:

Modern educational technologies

Development creativity teacher at preschool.

4. Performances teachers.

5. Discussion of the draft decisions. Making a decision.

Preparing for teachers' council:

1. Thematic control"The use of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching preschoolers.

4. Self-education teachers: study of novelties of methodical literature on the problems teachers' council.

5. Consultation "Innovative technologies".

Pedagogical Council No. 3: "Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers in accordance with the GEF DO"

Target: Increase the importance of the priority direction of MBDOU No. 43 in pedagogical activity teachers.

Improve pedagogical skill of educators.

Plan teachers' council.

1. Analysis of the implementation of the solution of the previous teachers' council.

2. multimedia presentation : Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

4. Preparation for the district seminar for educators and music workers.

5. Speeches of educators.

7. Discussion of the draft decisions. Making a decision.

Preparing for teachers' council:

1. The study of methodological literature.

2. Replenishment of creative corners in groups.

3. Conducting a thematic checks: "Organization of conditions in groups for the development of the child in artistic and aesthetic activities"

5. Interaction with parents on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.

Pedagogical Council No. 4

Topic: "The health-saving system of preschool educational institutions as a model of educational space in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the preservation and promotion of children's health."

Target. Development professional qualities teachers Preschool educational institution for the preservation and promotion of the health of preschoolers

Plan teachers' council.

1. Innovative approaches in educational field "Physical development" in accordance with GEF DO "

2. Pedagogical discussion"Physical Methods for Improving Children's Health".

3. Analytical reports on the results of inspections.

4. Business game.

5. Master class.

6. Solution teachers' council.

Preparing for teachers' council: « Various forms and methods of interaction teachers and parents in maintaining the physical health of children "

1. Diagnosis of physical fitness of children at the beginning school year

2. Evaluation physical development children, comparative analysis of morbidity.

4. Organization and conduct of morning exercises and corrective exercises after sleep

6. Thematic control “Organization of sports and recreational work. Introduction to healthy lifestyle life"

7. Participation in the district competition "Healthy child" -

8. Parent meeting "Organization of nutrition and medical and preventive work in preschool educational institutions".

5. "Analysis of the educational work of preschool educational institutions for 2017-2018 academic year»

Target: Analysis and summing up for academic year, defining tasks for a new academic year.

Plan teachers' council.

1Analysis of solution implementation Pedagogical Council No. 4. 2. opening speech "The results of monitoring the development of children's OOP preschool". 3. Analysis of physical culture and health-improving work for academic year 4. Analysis of the preparation of children for school.

5. Reports of specialists on the work done 6. Results school year.

7. Approval of the work plan for the summer and recreation.


1. Frontal check of the children of the preparatory group

2. Carrying out monitoring of the development of the OOP preschool educational institution by children.

3 Preparation teachers to reports on program implementation for the year.

4. Discussing the readiness of children for school with parents, teachers and caregivers.

5. Questioning of educators following the results methodical work during school year

6. Parent survey "Your opinion about the work of a preschool institution"

7. Drawing up a work plan for the summer-health period

Related publications:

The target section of the work program of the physical education instructor for the 2017-2018 academic year Content section work program PK Instructor Content Section of PK Instructor Work Program (continued) Description.

Annual plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2017-2018 academic year Tasks of educational work for the 2017-2018 academic year Purpose: building educational activities on the basis of modern ones.

Early Years Vision Plan 2017-2018 Socio-communicative development. Tasks: Development of the beginnings of communication, interaction with adults, peers and readiness for joint.

Long-term plan for the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers for the 2017-2018 academic year (preparatory group) No. Month Theme Goals, tasks Form of holding Didactic material, equipment Related forms of work September Diagnostics.

Perspective plan for the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers for the 2017–2018 academic year (senior group)№ p \ n Month Theme Goals, objectives Form of conducting Didactic material, equipment Related forms of work September-September Questioning.

01.09.2017 10:57

Topic of the pedagogical council : "Creating conditions for improving the quality of education and upbringing in conditions of uncertainty"

Dear colleagues!
The teaching staff of MBOU "Lyceum" and PEI "School Intellect-Service" in their work is based on the idea of ​​a student-centered approach in education and upbringing of students.
Education is understood not as the acquisition by students of a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, but first of all as the formation of a personality, finding oneself, one's human image.
Before the teaching staff of the complex was the following methodological goal:
introduce implementation mechanisms modern model education, providing affordable quality education in accordance with the requirements of innovative development and the modern needs of society, the development of a system for assessing the personal growth of students.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

  1. Improving the content and technologies of education:
  • the teaching staff actively introduces modern educational technologies into the practice of teaching, including project methods, ICT);
  • informatization and computerization of the educational process were carried out, the possibilities of introducing distance learning;
  • continued assistance further development lyceum library as resource center improving the quality of education;
  • expanded and strengthened interaction and cooperation with partner universities (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, graduate School Economics, the Academy of the FSB, work has begun with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) with the aim of effectively implementing specialization and career guidance in a specialized school.
  1. Improving the quality of educational services through

Due to the variable part of the curriculum, which takes into account pre-profile training in grades 9 and profile education in a secondary (complete) general school;

Further development of the system of additional paid educational services;

  • improving the system for monitoring the quality of general education (including in preparation for a unified state exam, external final certification of graduates of the 9th grade).
  • - Creation of a single information space.

Computers and basic related services are available for all teachers and students in accordance with their needs: printing, scanning, writing to CD, etc. All computers are connected to the Internet and connected to a local network. The complex operates a system for restricting the use of Internet resources, organizing local network management, and a web data caching service, which improves the security and performance of the local network. An additional server and licensed software have been purchased.

Students are completely denied access to Internet resources, with the exception of the list of sites and portals provided by subject teachers and computer science teachers.

Teachers' computers have full access to Internet resources.

  1. In the field of staffing the education system:
  • conditions have been created to increase social status teachers, in the 2017-2018 academic year, teacher Levashova Natalya Fedorovna became the winner of the competition for the best teachers for monetary incentives, Pedaeva Natalya Vladimirovna, Kamynina Nadezhda Yuryevna confirmed the highest category during the certification, Shipilov Kirill Andreevich, Khomyakova Tatyana Grigorievna received the first category. Shipilov Kirill Andreevich became the winner of the municipal essay contest "My profession is a teacher".
  • a mechanism for forecasting the need for teaching staff and other employees for the complex has been created;
  • conditions have been created for course preparation in order to improve the qualifications of teachers;
  • on the basis of the complex, a seminar and individual consultations were held by Nikolaeva Elena Ivanovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg University.
    Analysis of the quality of the educational process

The educational process in the complex was carried out on the basis of curricula drawn up in accordance with the regional curriculum. Moscow region and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary and general education. In the lyceum in the 2016-2017 academic year, 8 classes were formed, in the PEI "School of Intellect-Service" -12.
From total there are three classes in the lyceum 9 classes of three pre-profiles: physical and mathematical, social and humanitarian, chemical and biological.
Since 2016, the 10th grades have also been taught in three profiles: physics and mathematics, social sciences and the humanities, and chemistry and biology; two 11th grades have been graduated: social sciences and the humanities and physics and mathematics.

In accordance with the concept of specialized education, the study of elective courses for students of grade 10 was organized: "Introduction to the specialty: energy", "Problem solving with parameters", "Remarkable inequalities", "Fundamentals chemical methods research of substances”, “Ethics and psychology family life”, “Cells and tissues”, course “Fundamentals of translation”, “Solution olympiad tasks in physics." In addition, a system of additional paid education has been organized.

The PEI "School of Intellect-Service" continued the study of the subject "TRIZ", the plan is being implemented extracurricular activities in general cultural and general intellectual areas. Developing a new direction in educational space complex "School of Development Intellect +".

Primary school students showed high learning outcomes, and this is a great merit of their teachers.

Taking into account the high level of progress and motivation for learning of students of the PEI "School of Intellect-Service", we consider it necessary to start introducing pre-profile training from the 5th grade. This is the demand of the time!

In 2016-2017, for the first time, graduates of the 9th grade passed all the tests at the examination points in other schools. Lyceum graduates showed high results in most subjects.

Russian language - average mark "5" (teachers Nabatchikova Irina Anatolyevna, Kuznetsova Margarita Sergeevna)

Mathematics - average mark "5" - teacher Levashova Natalya Fedorovna.

English - average grade "5" - teachers Salynskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna, Khomyakova Tatyana Grigoryevna.

With an average score of 4 points and above, elective exams in chemistry, physics, biology, geography, and literature were passed. And this is the great merit of the teachers Kamynina Nadezhda Yurievna, Kuznetsova Margarita Sergeevna, Semkin Grigory Vladilenovich, Varfolomeeva Tatyana Albertovna, Kovalevich Elena Alexandrovna.

Received a certificate of basic general education with honors 5 people: Ivan Larin, Ariadna Kovalenko, Ekaterina Levashova, Leysan Nigmatullina, Golovanov Nikita. ( It should be noted that all these students came to the lyceum from the Intellect-Service School.)

We must not stop at the results we have achieved, and most importantly, we must understand at the beginning of the year what difficulties we will face. The number of students wishing to study with us is growing every year. But very often, even those who have grades “4” or “5” in their personal affairs in the qualifying Olympiad show not low results. Therefore, in the first half of the year in grade 9, we have to eliminate those gaps in knowledge that students have for one reason or another. This, of course, cannot but affect their performance. The psychological component and work with parents are also important here.

The reasons for the poor performance of students in the first half of the year (and sometimes throughout the year), teachers see the following:

  • in the discrepancy between the needs, interests and aspirations of the student with the objectives of learning: students often see the goal of learning only as an assessment;
  • in students' vague ideas about the goals of the activity and the difficulties of achieving them, about themselves and their abilities, about the level of their results and the possible reasons for obtaining them.

There are also cases of an unjustifiably chosen exam by a graduate. As a rule, a graduate explains his choice with the phrase: “I do not need this subject for admission. I just want to try and pass." And with this choice, we have a decrease in the average score in the subject. To avoid such situations, class teachers and subject teachers, with the help of a psychologist, need to explain to students in September that the choice must be responsible.

6 graduates of the 11th grade were awarded a gold medal People: Ivan Vasiliev, Flora Manucharyan, Stepan Barantsev, Anastasia Kaganova, Mikhail Levitsky, Alexandra Pushkina.

The graduates also showed good results in the course of the Unified State Examination. The most pressing issue that worries the whole country.

58% of graduates scored 220 or higher in three exams. This is the second result in the big Balashikha. Only MAOU lyceum was ahead of us.

Our graduates have shown first place in the city physics (teacher Varfolomeeva Tatyana Albertovna ), (applause)

second place in computer science(teacher Daurkina Marianna Petrovna),

one of the best results in specialized mathematics (teacher Savchenko Natalya Nikolaevna). (applause)

and English language- teacher Salynskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna (applause)

The results in other subjects also remain worthy.

According to the results of the 2016-2017 academic year, the lyceum entered the TOP 100 for the third time best schools Moscow region.

All graduates of 2017 successfully entered higher educational establishments and continued the tradition of the lyceum under the motto "The whole class - to the institute!"

During the year, work was also carried out to develop our system specialized education. In June, students of the 10th grade under the guidance of teachers Nabatchikova Irina Anatolyevna, Salynskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna, Dichenko Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Varfolomeeva Tatyana Albertovna, Kovalevich Elena Alexandrovna underwent a profile practice on the basis of MPEI, PFUR, for students of humanitarian classes it was a museum-excursion practice, acquaintance with the work of the library. A. Bely, practice-oriented classes were held on the basis of the lyceum. We must thank the teachers of the "School of Intellect-Service" for their effective assistance in accompanying students to universities and on excursions, as well as during exams and olympiads. This is a manifestation of the corporate spirit.

Particular attention should be paid to the physical education of the students of the complex. In this direction, a lot of work has been done by the physical education teacher Akopov Ivan Karenovich, eleventh-graders successfully pass the TRP standards. AT educational plans introduced the third hour of physical education. And this can be well used by strengthening mass sports work in our complex.

Improving the efficiency of management in an educational institution:

In the complex, a model of a participatory form of management has been created. Verbatim “participatory management” is management based on the participation of everyone -the ability to make their own decisions and take responsibility for it.

essence participative management is the development of an institution through the development of staff. The work of each individual area is aimed at increasing team and personal responsibility and interaction.

Advantages The participatory form of management is to overcome the alienation of employees from the results of work and to strengthen the corporate culture.
On August 24, Krasnogorsk hosted a forum for heads of schools in the Moscow region modern education- Leadership of the Moscow Region.
The issue of digital education was widely discussed at the forum. Today, knowledge is transferred not only from teacher to student, but also between students. This allows you to create a new level of knowledge, the transition from book content to active content.
In many countries Smart education is already de facto.

smart education in the educational process is carried out with the help of

Electronic diary;
- electronic textbooks and single center access to them;
- open online lessons;
- "Sail" systems (data bank on the entire educational process);
- a unified environment for diagnosing students' achievements;
-links with international communities;
-network creative communities;
-association of educational institutions for the implementation of joint educational activities on the Internet.

Our teachers, such as Kuznetsova Margarita Sergeevna, Tikhomirova Olga Nikolaevna, Levashova Natalia Fedorovna, Savchenko Natalya Nikolaevna, Vasilyeva Marina Vladimirovna, already have a positive experience in the field of Smart Education.
coaching. in education is aimed at revealing the abilities of each student, cooperation in order to reveal human resources, it is work with a “tomorrow” mindset and preparation for life in a competitive world. The coach does not work with the ideal student, but takes the material that is given to him. In schools, a coaching position will be allocated.
Scribing, visualization of meanings - the transfer of complex in a simple way. Scribing involves hearing, vision and imagination at the same time. In childhood, we were all scribers: we learned to draw earlier than to write, we conveyed our feelings with pictures. When we think about the sea, do we imagine the word "sea" or a picture of the sea?
Types of scribing:
-video clip;
-use of 3D pens to create images in volume.

Scribing tools:
- felt-tip pen;
-sketchbook - a book or album with sketches; it is a tool for fixing ideas, experiences, in a word, a storehouse of ideas of a creative person, which he creates himself;
-drawing board;
-a computer.

intuition and creativity- two strong foundations for the development of energy: if you allow yourself to breathe freely, energy will be born inside. As a result, a person can grow and develop.

Today there is a great need for open education, for mass open online course ah on new ICT teacher competencies in the digital school. The Institute for information technology in education by UNESCO. In the public domain on its portal is the developed online course for educators on digital education.
In general, the complex is staffed with teaching staff.
Among our teachers:

  • 2 candidates of sciences (Dunin Dmitry Sergeevich, Salynskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna)
  • 4 applicants or graduate students without a defense
  • 2 graduate students.


  • The highest qualification category - 21 people
  • 8 teachers were experts of the subject commissions of the Unified State Examination and the GIA
  • 5 teachers - members of expert groups at the regional attestation commission
  • 5 winners of the competition of the best teachers in Russia and the Moscow region.

An important issue that requires constant monitoring is the professional development of teachers. In accordance with the Law on Education and the Standard, teachers need to take courses at least once every three years. In addition, a prerequisite for compliance with the position held is the passage of courses on the subject of the Federal State Educational Standard, the use of ICT in the lessons, and from this year, courses on working with children with ASD and disabilities.

The main tasks in the field of staffing:

  • Continuation on the basis of a complex of experimental activities and intensification of innovative projects by involving more teachers and creating creative groups of teachers, improving the skills of teachers, and implementing school-wide projects;
  • increase in real incomes of lyceum employees at the expense of municipal allowances, additional payments, etc.;
  • creation of conditions for raising the social status of a teacher, attracting young people to the sphere of pedagogical activity;
  • attracting talented specialists to the school, inviting senior students of higher professional educational institutions for internships at the school in order to secure them in the workplace.

Analysis of management activities

By implementing target management developing system of pre-profile and specialized education, the management team of the PEI and the lyceum used teacher involvement practices into innovative management activities based on the concept participatory management, which is based on the premise that if a teacher is interested in taking part in intra-school activities and receives satisfaction from his work, then he works more productively and efficiently.

Teachers were involved in the adoption group decisions on the planning of curricula, the choice of teaching materials, the creation of projects for the organization of specialized practice, took personal and group participation in innovative activities

The main educational structural divisions of the complex are the scientific and methodological council (headed by Kovalevich Elena Alexandrovna) and methodological departments of subject teachers: the department of teachers of the social and humanitarian profile (headed by Candidate of Sciences Tatyana Vladimirovna Salynskaya) and the department of teachers of the natural and mathematical profile (headed by Varfolomeeva Tatyana Albertovna ), Department of Education, uniting class teachers(head Tobolina Olga Alekseevna)

The main task as methodological council, and departments - organization and implementation on high level educational and methodical work, organization continuing education teaching staff improving their qualifications, maintaining in good condition and improving the educational and material base.

In the 2013 academic year, the lyceum successfully passed the accreditation procedure, confirming its status as a general education institution with a specialized study of subjects in the humanities, physics and mathematics. In November 2017, we will have to undergo a scheduled inspection by the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Defense "Implementation of Legislation" and revise and update local regulatory documents

Analysis of experimental work

At MBOU "Lyceum" and PEI "School of Intellect-Service" joint experimental work continues under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of St. different levels education systems”. In the 2016-2017 academic year, the second stage of the experiment, preparatory, was completed, and the following results were obtained:

Evaluation methods mastered personal development students;
-revealed the possibilities of a comprehensive assessment of the student's personal growth;
-selected the necessary diagnostic material;
- developed regulations and job descriptions;
- written and published articles scientific journals and collections;
- prepared for printing and published a collection teaching materials based on the results of the experimental site.

In the course of experimental work, a monitoring program was created, criteria for achieving educational outcomes and the procedure for assessing their level. Favorable conditions have been created for effective innovative work resulting in a favorable innovative climate in the team, high degree motivation of the main part of teachers, which contributes to the understanding by teachers of the main goals, results and ways to achieve them in the organization of the educational process.

The personal development of the child includes his emotional maturity and the formation volitional qualities. The development of the emotional intelligence of children contributes not only to adaptation at school, but is also extremely important for life in the future. Effective lessons in the development of emotional intelligence in primary school and cool watch with students of grades 5-11, led by a teacher-psychologist Zinovieva Irina Ivanovna.

The task of the teacher is not just to transfer to students a certain amount of knowledge, but to develop their personality, cognitive abilities, including the ability to learn independently and be aware of their own learning process.

The shift in requirements from knowledge to the personality of the student and his ability to learn is associated with the peculiarity of time: knowledge becomes obsolete too quickly, while learning skills contribute to a more efficient and flexible adaptation of a person in a rapidly changing flow of information.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, preparations for the implementation phase will begin

pilot work to be completed in January 2019

Analysis of work with gifted children

In the 2016-2017 academic year, systematic, purposeful work was carried out with gifted students.

Forms of organization of work with such children were diverse:

  • work on abstracts;
  • scientific and practical conferences;
  • creative competitions;
  • excursions and classes in museums, libraries;
  • conferences, rallies and competitions with exhibitions of creative works of students;
  • Olympiads and tournaments in various fields of knowledge;
  • organization of intellectual games to develop cognitive interests and creativity and etc.
  • Work learned societies and organization of specialized practice in the form of a summer "School of the Intellectual"

In the 2016-2017 academic year, all-Russian and regional olympiads were held on the basis of our complex: the Lomonosov tournament, the regional olympiad in cryptography, physics and mathematics for students in grades 8-11 from the Academy of the Federal Security Service (IKSI), "Hope of Energy". In addition, interschool scientific and practical conferences were held students attended by MPEI teachers.

This year, the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in general subjects were 11 students of the PEI "Intellect-Service" and 34 students of the Lyceum, 17 students represented our city at the regional Olympiads.

According to the results of the regional Olympiads in the 2015-2016 academic year, 4 students of the complex received a scholarship from the Governor of the Moscow Region: Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Varfolomeev, Vasilisa Rudometova (transferred to the Orthodox gymnasium), Artem Kozlov. In 2017-2018, Alexander Varfolomeev won the right to be presented for the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region. Redkina Arina, Fatkullina Vladislava and Kozlov Artem .

A student of grade 11-1 Alexander Varfolomeev was invited to Yaroslavl to the All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia", where he will represent our educational institution.

The result of successful educational work is the admission of graduates to prestigious universities and, most importantly, the attitude of graduates to the teaching staff and educational institution. Everyone will remember for many years the words of deep gratitude uttered at the graduation party by Tim Smirnov, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Dmitry Arsenyev to the lyceum and the entire system of lyceum education.

Tasks for the 2017-2018 academic year:

  1. Further improvement of the educational and upbringing system of MBOU "Lyceum" and PEI "School of Intellect-Service".
  2. Conclusion of an agreement with Russian University friendship of peoples as part of the introduction of a chemical and biological profile and the organization of specialized practice on the basis of one of the medical institutions of the city.
  3. Organization of seminars on the study of professions of the future with the involvement of specialists from relevant areas.
  4. Conducting a municipal seminar with the participation of Nikolaeva E.I., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg University.
  5. Improving the work of the team on the introduction of digital education in the educational process.
  6. Increasing the motivation of children for classes in the field of technical design and modeling.


Sergei Sobyanin: Dear friends! Every year before Knowledge Day, we meet with you to discuss the problems and challenges of Moscow education. This year we have gathered not in the most central district of Moscow - in Nekrasovka, which not so long ago was considered one of the most depressed areas. Today, kindergartens, schools, a polyclinic have been built here, and the metro will come here next year. A large sports cluster is being designed and built. So Nekrasovka is getting better. This is facilitated by the opening of the school in which we are located.

The education of children, the opportunity for education are key factors for assessing the urban environment of any area. Moscow education has come a long way in a few years, faced with no less complex and profound problems. A few years ago we had about 4.5 thousand educational institutions- individual legal entities, most of which did not have sufficient financial resources or material base, and ultimately all this limited the ability of schoolchildren themselves to receive a quality education, the possibility of entering best universities Moscow. In addition, over the past few years, the number of students in the Moscow education system has grown by almost a quarter.

Educational standards and requirements have changed most seriously. Other regions also did not stand still, and the competitive environment in the field of education has seriously intensified, which is also noticeable in the results of admission to higher educational institutions. If you and I had not done anything over the past years, had not changed and left that rather opaque system of funding and control over the admission, enrollment of our students in schools and preschool institutions, I think that today Moscow education would be different . And it would differ not for the better, but for the worse.

Several years ago, we decided to actively develop and change the situation. Over the years, hundreds of new children's preschool institutions and schools. The material base of existing buildings has been seriously updated, the systems of financing and motivation of our schools have changed, and the organizational structure has changed. All these changes were extremely difficult, but nevertheless they give their results.

In addition, we used all the possibilities of the city and last year set the task of integrating school education with the programs of universities, colleges, the possibilities of our industrial enterprises, technology parks. Per Last year dozens of engineering classes, medical classes, a cadet class were created, academic classes, pre-universities appeared. It has become easier for our children to understand what profession they should choose in the coming years, where to enter, determine their life path. They have additional opportunities to enter the leading universities of our city.

The results that we have achieved are outstanding results. This is also an assessment of international experts who included Moscow education in the six best educational systems in the world. This and USE results, which are twice the average level around the country. This is a third of the awards for All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren. This is also half of the Moscow schoolchildren in the team that represents the country at international Olympiads. Students have already won 14 awards at international olympiads. All this shows that we not only overcame the difficulties faced by education, but also achieved very high, high-quality results. Congratulations on this!

This year we set ourselves a new task - by September 1 next year, we will almost completely update the information base of Moscow education. These are new laptops, and new computers, and new interactive whiteboards, and Wi-Fi, and high-speed Internet, and so on and so forth. And most importantly, the creation of an electronic platform for lesson scenarios, plans, teaching aids, the most up-to-date educational materials. When we first approached this task, about 1.5 thousand lesson scenarios were created, but over the past six months, together with you, with Moscow teachers, with school staff, several tens of thousands of such educational aids, lesson scenarios, and the most modern materials have already been created. which are popular not only in Moscow schools. Today we are preparing an agreement with the Ministry of Education, according to which the experience that we are accumulating should be in demand in other Russian regions.

I want to say that everything that has been achieved, the successes that are in Moscow education, of course, became possible thanks to both organizational and financial changes, but most importantly, they became possible thanks to your everyday work, your efforts, your ability, your talent. Thank you very much for your work!

I would like to congratulate you on the coming holiday of knowledge and City Day: this year the city turns 870 years old. Education should play one of the key roles in making our city young, modern and attractive. Thanks again for your hard work! Happy holiday!

Sergei Sobyanin: Isaac Iosifovich ( Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Education of the city Isaac Kalina), first of all, I want to ask you to pay special attention to school No. 2048. The builders commissioned the school half a year ahead of schedule, making it as modern, comfortable, and unique as possible. And it is important that, in addition to the technical component, the material school provides very high-quality knowledge. To do this, it is necessary to provide methodological, organizational assistance, provide personnel, so that the school in Nekrasovka becomes one of the best in the city. This is an example of how we work in the regions.

It was rightly said - regardless of the area of ​​Moscow, the location of Moscow schoolchildren should have the same opportunities to receive a quality education. This school is not for the elite, not a paid school, this is a school for ordinary Muscovites.

I would like to ask school principals, school staff not to stop there in terms of integration with city institutions higher education, high-tech enterprises, technology parks, academic institutions. This is a very important direction.

Yes, dozens of specialized medical and engineering classes have been created today, but less than half of the schools have them. Therefore, we still have work to do, and I ask you to actively move in this direction. In order to make it easier to integrate with the scientific, industrial and cultural institutions of the capital, from September 1 this year we are making the city's museums free for Moscow schoolchildren. I hope that you will take full advantage of this opportunity so that schoolchildren go to museums and get acquainted with the history of the capital.

Tomorrow we are holding a big meeting on the development of the Moscow Electronic School. I repeat once again that without your active participation this project would not have taken place and would not have been able to develop. We need tens of thousands of scenarios, various teaching materials in order to move forward. And without you, without your creativity, this is impossible, impossible without the participation and creativity of those specialists who are engaged in information technology.

Together with high-tech companies, we want to make this a citywide project, in which teachers, students, and the entire city community would actively participate. I hope that the Moscow E-School will be another big, serious step in moving the metropolitan education forward.

Thank you! Happy holiday!