Melt water - properties and methods of obtaining. The easiest way to prepare melt water Freezing water and melting ice changes

Water has great importance for the life of all life on earth. Life on our planet owes its origin to water. Melt water is water that has melted after freezing. About its benefits for humans and its healing properties already ...

Water is of great importance for the life of all life on earth. Life on our planet owes its origin to water. Melt water is water that has melted after freezing. Its benefits to humans and its healing properties are already legendary. What is the use of melt water and how to prepare it correctly?

  • Frozen water quality
  • Structure of melted ice
  • Melt water is almost a medicine
    • Other cooking methods
    • Freezing boiled water
  • Tips for those who want to drink melted water

Frozen water quality

Structure of melted ice

Melt water differs in its structure from ordinary water. In texts on alternative medicine, melt water is referred to as “structured water”. This means that the structure of this liquid is changed relative to equilibrium to environment. After thawing, the molecules line up in a certain way, thanks to which the water acquires completely different properties. Structured water, according to the proponents of the method, is able to treat diseases that official medicine recognizes as incurable.

Melt water is obtained following the technology of nature itself. And nature knows only one technology - slow freezing, removal of saline solutions, slow thawing of water.

People have known about the healing properties of melt water for a very long time. But before, the process of obtaining melt water was very simple: they brought a full bucket of snow or ice into the house, waited for it to melt. To this day, melt water is extracted in mountainous areas in this way, because the ideal melt water is melted mountain snow. But how to get melt water in a city apartment, and is it so useful?

Melt water is almost a medicine

It has long been noticed that near melting springs the vegetation is always more luxuriant. Even in the Arctic seas, active life is in full swing at the edge of melting ice. And if agricultural crops are watered with melt water, they will germinate faster and give a greater harvest. Have you seen how eagerly animals drink melt water in the spring? And how do birds bathe in puddles of melted snow?

Melt water is also useful for humans. A sip of the purest water tones better than any juice (especially if it is juice from the pack). A charge of energy, vivacity, lightness, improved well-being - that's what you get if you consume 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. You will reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, soothe pain in the heart, increase stress resistance and virus resistance of your body. You will not be bothered by the change in climate and weather, you will notice for yourself how much the quality of your life has improved. Drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements in a week.

By itself, melt water is not a medicine. It only helps our body to restore self-regulation. Thanks to the use of melt water, the metabolism and vital activity of all cells improves. Melt water cleanses the intercellular fluid, renews it.

Rules for the preparation of melt water

It is useless to look for useful melt water on the shelves in supermarkets. You can only cook it yourself. To do this, you will need plastic containers for freezing. It is best to purchase food containers that are the right size for your freezer. The number of containers is equal to the number of members of your family. If one person needs to drink three glasses of melt water per day, then the recommended amount for freezing is 6 glasses per person. Multiplying this volume by the number of family members, you get the figure of 1.5 liters per person. So, for a family of two, 3 liters of water should be frozen, and for a family of three, 4.5 liters.

Before freezing, tap water should be filtered with a simple carbon filter. At the same time, large impurities are removed - rust from pipes, sand. After pouring water into containers, put it in the freezer (-18 degrees). Containers should be taken out after 8-10 hours. Containers (their bottom) immediately pour boiling water from the tap. Having pierced the crust with a knife, pour out the liquid, which during this time did not have time to freeze. These are harmful impurities dissolved in water. The remaining ice is clean and transparent. If it turned out that the water froze completely, there would be pure ice around the edges, but muddy inside. This dregs must be melted under hot water so that not a single island remains. Only after that you can melt the ice to get melt water. In general, the container in which you need to freeze water, so that it freezes only at the edges, and remains liquid in the middle, is determined by trial and error. Is all the water frozen? Take a large container or reduce the freezing time. The operation of the freezer depends on many factors, even the temperature of the air in the house. Consider this.

You need to defrost a block of ice as follows. Put the ice in an enamel or ceramic dish and let it thaw at room temperature.

Other cooking methods

Many experts do not recommend freezing water in plastic containers, but believe that this should be done only in glass, since water absorbs negative qualities from plastic. The cleaner the freezing water, the better. Many people prefer to use distilled or almost boiled water for this purpose.

The glass jar is not completely filled with water so that it does not burst. If you freeze pure water (distilled), during the process of freezing, a ball is formed in the jar, in which there is heavy water. After piercing a hole with a knife, pour out this water.

Freezing boiled water

Water should not be brought to a boil, but to a “white key” (+94 degrees). After that, it must be quickly cooled (for example, by placing a pot or jar of boiling water in a basin with cold water). After that, the water is completely frozen. When defrosting, wait until an icicle the size of about a walnut remains (from one liter of water) - these are the most harmful substances, they are thawed the last. Throw away this icicle, and drain the water and drink it.

The resulting healing water should be consumed within 5 hours. This is how much water retains its structure and its bioactive properties.

Don't forget to pay attention to how the water freezes. The lightest and pure water formed around the edges of the dish. Water freezes longer, heavier, with impurities. This is a sphere that forms in the center of the vessel. Such "bad" ice is easy to distinguish from "good". It is usually whitish-bubbly, but if you are using poor quality tap water, it may even be yellowish. It is very important when defrosting water to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This is done in one of three ways:

  • Melt under running water. This is the lazy way. Its disadvantage is that melt water loses its quality. Indeed, when harmful impurities are washed out under running hot water, harmful impurities from tap water can get into the ice.
  • Wait for the formation of a floating icicle when melting and remove it.
  • Do not freeze liquid completely.

The greatest effect is given by the water in which the ice is still floating. Drink it in small sips throughout the time you spent thawing this water. Usually it is 3-5 hours.

In no case should you heat melted water or defrost in hot water. When heated, it loses its properties.

If you have never used melt water or used it for a very long time, it is recommended to get used to it gradually. The initial dose of melt water is 100 ml per day. Increase it by 100 ml every three days until you reach the desired volume, which is from 700 ml to 1.5 liters.

Melt water- the most wonderful and amazing stuff that nature has given us. Melt water is pure high-quality water that does not contain or has a minimum amount of heavy or deuterium water, does not contain chlorides, salts, harmful substances and compounds. Melt water is formed as a result of the melting of ice and, therefore, must first be frozen.

At the time of transition to solid state a qualitative transformation of the crystalline structure of water takes place. If you want to always look young, beautiful, full strength and energy, then drink melted water. Yes, melt water! Melt water has unusual properties. Melt water has an amazing ability to accelerate biological processes, restore body cells and thereby rejuvenate it.

Let's first clarify the difference between ordinary and melt water. Almost all chemical processes, providing vital activity are reduced to metabolism. Plain tap water consists of heterogeneous molecules, a significant part of which is not involved in the metabolism due to a discrepancy between the size of the membrane of our cells. If all water molecules were smaller than the hole in the cell membrane and could freely pass through it, chemical reactions would pass faster and the exchange of salts would become more active. In frozen and then thawed water, the diameter of the molecules changes, and they completely fit the size of the hole in the cell membrane. Unlike plain water, melt water is much easier to react with various substances and the body does not need to spend additional energy on its restructuring. Therefore, melt water is ideal for the body of not only a person, but also any living creature on the planet.

Ordinary water has a chaotic structure and a chaotic arrangement of molecules. And melt water has a precisely ordered structure. Melt water itself has great internal energy and provides a person with a good energy supply. The fact is that the molecules that have become homogeneous and equally structured do not interfere with each other and move in resonance, work at the same frequency, producing as a result more energy than during chaotic movement. Let's look at the figures that show the structures of melt water, bottled and tap water (ordinary). As the saying goes: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times."

By the way, I also added an image of the structure of bottled water for those who think that bottled water is good and healthy. As can be seen from the figure, bottled water has not gone far in quality and structure from tap water. Moreover, I want to note that in most cases bottled water is not as high quality and healthy as their producing companies declare. Companies that declare that their drinks are made from melt water either freeze ordinary tap water, at best, artesian, or whether they do not freeze it at all, relying on our gullibility.

We know that the body is 80% water. The structure of this water is identical to melt water. Often the question arises: "What water is better to drink for the body?". Of course, the one that is similar in structure to the water in the body - melt water. What happens when we drink plain water? If the body receives non-melted ordinary water from outside, then the body needs to convert it into such water so that the structure of the water meets the requirements of the body, that is, into melt water. And tell me, does every living organism successfully cope with this? Of course not. Moreover, such a transformation requires a huge amount of energy. And what happens if the body does not have so much energy? Then a certain amount of water in the body will not correspond to the norms of the body's vital functions. From here arise various problems health and premature aging. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, only melt water should be used. Melt water is much easier than usual to react with various substances, and the body does not need to spend additional energy to rebuild its structure. Try to replace the use of ordinary water with melt water. Even if not completely replaced, then at least bring it to a ratio of 70% melt water and 30% ordinary. And it is even better to use 100% melt water. Try at least a day to use only melt water and you will see for yourself the positive changes - the body will become more cheerful and active. After all, you saved a lot of energy for the body. And your body will thank you for it. Over time, the color and elasticity of the skin will improve, metabolism will improve, the work of all organs will improve, since in every cell of the body ordinary water will be replaced by melt water, well-being will improve, mood and vitality will increase. And this is not the whole list of positive changes that will happen to you if you replace ordinary water with melted water. Drinking melt water for many years will add many years of youth and life to you. Therefore, melt water is called living water.

From time immemorial, man has been aware of the beneficial effects of melt water on the growth and development of plants, animals, health and life expectancy of people. People took this fact for granted and obvious. There are about a dozen regions on our planet where people live longer than the average age of the bulk of people by 20-30 years. And the Hunza tribes generally live up to 120-140 years. Scientists associate this phenomenon mainly with the use of melt water, which escapes from the mountain peaks of melting ice. From time immemorial, people have called such water "living water".

Although ice, like water, has a very simple composition and is formed from only two elements - oxygen and hydrogen, nevertheless, its properties are extremely complex and are most directly related to the amazingly large number of phenomena surrounding us and our planet. One of the main features of the properties of ice is its ability to give rise to melt water that gives life on our Earth.

Melt water is characterized by extremely high biological activity. Tomsk scientists in 1958-1961 confirmed this truth by conducting a series of impressive experiments with melt water on cells, plants, animals and humans. The sexual activity of mice, for example, increased, and the females showed pronounced multiple pregnancies. Newborn mice weighed 20% more than their counterparts, whose parents drank plain water. From chickens that were fed with melt water, 2 times more eggs were obtained in three and a half months. The yield of wheat increased by 56%, and that of cucumbers and radishes by 250%. Twenty-five patients of different ages used only melt water for drinking and cooking for three months. The results exceeded all expectations: everyone improved their general health, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreased, and their metabolism improved. And this is all in three months.

Melt water plays an extremely important role in life processes, not only as a mandatory component of all cells and tissues of the body, but also as an environment in which all chemical transformations associated with the vital activity of the organism take place. It dissolves and transports plastic, energy and other substances through the blood vessels and capillaries. Water is not only a solvent, but also the medium in contact with which many substances retain the colloidal form necessary for the life of the organism. In addition, no metabolic process occurs without the participation of water. Melt water heals the human body and improves immunity.

People who drink melt water become not only healthier, but also more efficient, brain activity, labor productivity, and the ability to easily solve difficult problems increase. The high energy of melt water is especially confirmed by the duration of human sleep, which in some people is sometimes reduced to only 4 hours.

How does the body rejuvenate due to melt water? Everything is very simple. With an active metabolism, old, destroyed cells are removed from the body, which interfere with the formation of new, young ones. As a result, the aging process slows down and the rejuvenation process accelerates. It is known that the main common feature for all groups of centenarians of our planet is that they drink low-mineralized melt water taken from glacial rivers. For example, the Hunza tribe living in the Himalayas live for 120 years and there are cases when men over 100 years old became fathers. Centenarians are also known in the mountains of the Caucasus and Yakutia. Anthropologists have registered a number of such places. More details about the therapeutic and prophylactic properties of melt water can be found in the article "Prevention and treatment of melt water".

It is also connected with water that birds fly thousands of kilometers to our cold lands from fertile southern latitudes. They return in the spring, by the time the reservoirs open, and drink melt water. Without it, reproduction of birds is impossible.

The benefit of melt water is that, unlike tap water, it does not have or has a minimal amount of deuterium, a heavy element that suppresses all living things and causes serious harm to the body. Deuterium in high concentrations is equivalent to the most powerful poisons. Deuterium is hard to digest, which requires additional energy expenditure. Scientists have found that even partial removal of deuterium releases large energy reserves and significantly stimulates vital processes in the human body.

Melt water can only be obtained using the technology of nature itself. And the technology of nature is simple: slow freezing, removal of saline and thawing. Of course, people here also took part and came up with various ways to prepare melt water. This was due to the fact that the environment is deteriorating every day and thus the quality of water is deteriorating, and it is necessary to get clean water somehow. You can read about these methods in the article "Methods of preparing melted water".

Interesting Facts about melt water:

We know that a person cannot live at a body temperature above 42°C. Therefore, on medical thermometers, the last mark is 42 °. But after all, this is the temperature of the transformation of melt water into non-melt water. Therefore, we would like to ask: is it not because a person dies (in the case when his temperature rises) that the melt water in him ceases to be melt water?

If this question should be answered in the affirmative, then melt water and water in general are not just the basis of life in the biological and philosophical sense. Its transition from the state of melt water to the state of non-thaw water is fatal for life.

In our latitudes, our great-great-grandparents knew about the healing, miraculous properties of melt water. Previously, the process of obtaining melt water was nowhere simpler: they brought a full basin (bucket) of snow or ice into the house and waited for it to melt. But where can you get clean snow now, which, after melting, will turn into clean, healthy water for the body? Is that high in the mountains or at the extreme poles of the Earth.

Melt water rejuvenates the body, restores self-regulation, improves metabolism and the vital activity of each of your cells. And all because it is similar to the structure of the intercellular fluid. The intercellular fluid plays a very important role in the life of the cells of our organisms. Cells dump waste materials into it, including the remains gradually collected there. dead cells, and with the help of this fluid, the cells are maintained in "shape". And melt water helps her in this, cleansing the intercellular fluid from toxins and renewing it. Ask yourself the question: "Why then look for something expensive or complicated to clean the cells and intercellular space, if there is melt water?"

As you know, freezing is more effective method water purification than boiling. When freezing, pay attention to how the water freezes. First, ice forms around the edges of the dishes - clean and transparent. It is the lightest and purest water. I recommend not to prepare melt water in plastic, because it contains dioxin (a very dangerous carcinogen that is released from plastic when it freezes). Water is heavier, with impurities of salts - it freezes longer and collects in the center. This ice is easily distinguished by its color - whitish-bubbly.

When defrosting, you can and should separate clean ice from dirty ice. This can be done by washing the middle of the resulting block of ice with a jet of hot water.

Ready melt water should be drunk immediately, within 5 hours after thawing, while it "remembers" its changed structure. It is impossible to boil melted water, as it will lose all its properties.

tap water

Leafing through another home magazine, I came across a description of the tap water that we consume daily: “Tap water has been familiar to us since childhood. More precisely, even from an earlier period: we encountered it while still in the womb. We drink water from the tap all the way life, but at the same time we do not even know what it contains, and what significance it can have.

Let's think about it, though. For example, one liter of city water contains about 20-25 mg of nitrates. Now multiply this figure by 2-3 liters per day and 365 days a year. It turns out: every year we drink about 20 grams of nitrates, no less.

That is, for 40 years of his life, (take average age person), we manage to absorb almost a kilogram of nitrates alone. And how many more nitrites, chlorides, fluorides, sulfides, sulfates, carbonates, metals, chlorine and chlorine are there organic compounds, pesticides and other poisons ... Does this mean that everything is terrible? After all, each of us has been drinking (or even still drinking) tap water for a long time, only by boiling it. And nothing. In fact, it is not fatal. Even if you do not boil tap water, most likely, nothing bad will happen. In most cases. And only for the time being.

Tap water is chlorinated at municipal water treatment plants. Thanks to this, we do not get sick with typhus, cholera and dysentery. Chlorine is introduced in quite sensitive concentrations and almost instantly kills bacteria - in the most merciless way. But the medal, it turns out, has a downside. Connecting with organic matter(and they cannot be completely removed from the water at treatment plants), chlorine forms the so-called trihalomethanes. Their list is very long, but everyone has heard, for example, about chloroform. So, apparently, trihalomethanes cause cancer."

We consider pure water to be the best drink. In addition, herbal teas are recommended for sick and weakened people. You need to drink 10 to 15 glasses of water per day (2-3 liters). In summer, of course, they drink more, in winter - less. These liters do not include soups and other hidden liquids. After all, water as a chemical substance is present in any food. It is also formed from other components during the digestion of food. 100 g of fat, for example, gives 107 g of water upon oxidation, 100 g of carbohydrates or proteins - 55 and 41 g, respectively. Remember a camel that can not drink for weeks? He simply burns his fat stored in the "humps" and economically uses the resulting water.

In the heat, water consumption can increase significantly, in the cold it can decrease significantly. In winter, the body automatically reduces the need for fluid. We have already talked about how to drink - savoring every sip, imagining the benefits that it brings. At the same time, life forces are most fully absorbed from the water. It is obligatory to take water in the morning, immediately after waking up, in the evening, before going to bed, and during the day half an hour before meals, about a glass each time. Of course, if 30 - 40 minutes before a meal you eat a couple of apples or drink a glass of juice, then you can not drink water, or drink it earlier - depending on your feelings.

Over time, a cleansed and healthy person acquires a "sense of water", he simply knows when and how much it is needed. But until this is achieved, the first months, and sometimes years, it is better to drink more than less. Exceptions here are only for some disorders of water-salt metabolism, for example, in pregnant women. Edema can also be caused by diseased kidneys, heart, blood vessels. All these violations are usually further aggravated by too much salt. However, there are cases when people specially accustomed themselves to drink 4-5 or more liters a day and then could no longer manage with less liquid. This, of course, is also a pathology.

It is equally easy for a healthy person not to drink all day or to drink a few liters, but a sick person usually cannot drink much (and in some cases, drink little). And just they especially need water (or do not need it). If a person has a sick stomach or intestines (although this is usually related), then it is best to drink warm, almost hot water. This is in winter, and in summer, and in the morning, and in the evening, and before meals. In the morning, it stimulates, instantly drives away sleep. In the evening - soothes, promotes good nighttime digestion and normal recuperation. Half an hour before a meal, water cleanses the stomach of the remnants of the previous meal, prepares it for new food, stimulates appetite. Healthy people can drink both warm water and water at room temperature - as desired. Cold water and drinks are contraindicated for everyone.

People often ask when is the best time to drink after a meal. In principle, sometimes a meal can be completed with a liquid intake - if the food is very spicy, or very fatty, like pilaf, or very dry, for example, bread. In such cases, hot herbal tea (of course, without sugar) or just hot water is most suitable. With normal food, plentiful drinking is not recommended. But if you want, you can drink a little. This liquid will be, as it were, an integral part of the dinner, and the body will figure out what to do with it next. But after that, it is advisable to abstain from drinks for some time. After fruit - half an hour, after starchy food - from one to two hours, after protein - one and a half to two hours. The rest of the time, between meals, water is drunk without restrictions. It is best to keep the decanter right on the desktop and always take a few sips whenever you feel like it. If a significant part of the day is spent on the road, in the summer it is convenient to get a small flask and "apply" when your mouth dries up. And, of course, the water must be good. The quality of tap water, unfortunately, in recent times deteriorated in many places, and it has to be specially cleaned.

living water

Healing water, independently flowing from underground sources, has healing properties not so much because of the minerals or gases dissolved in the water, but because of the special structure it acquires. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that the structured water of "healing" springs has properties that artificially obtained mineral water with an identical natural composition of salts does not have. But this structuring persists for a very short period of time. Such water brings benefits if you use it directly near the sources.

Under a microscope, at a magnification of up to 20,000 times, snowflake-like clumps of water molecules are observed in fresh mineral water for 24 hours. By the way, structured water is very similar to the structure of water, which completely fills the cells of healthy babies. In the cells of adults, such water is also observed, but the concentration of "snowflakes" is the lower, the older the person is (the exception is the cells of fairly experienced traditional healers and true believers in priests, people who are deeply involved in martial arts or yoga (with age, they may even experience increase in the concentration of "snowflakes").

American scientists have proved that any healthy cell has a certain amount of structured water inside. When such a cell enters water containing any harmful chemicals, it immediately surrounds itself with a protective shell of structured water, performing this process on its own at the expense of internal reserves. As for sick, partially damaged cells, they contain enough high percent destructured water and are unable to create a protective shell of structured water, as a result of which, getting into unfavourable conditions, die much faster.

The healing effect of fresh structured natural water consists in replacing cellular water with a partially destroyed structure with individually structured water, which allows you to increase the lifetime and efficiency of absolutely all human cells. It also manifests itself in a beneficial complex informational impact on the entire body as a whole, which allows the body to independently extinguish internal foci of pathologies.

Water, extracted from the earth artificially and bottled, can no longer have all the unique set of advantages of water that seeped to the surface on its own. Consumption of bottled natural mineral waters (especially saturated carbon dioxide), with a long shelf life, at a great distance from the place of bottling, without the supervision of a doctor, unfortunately, does not bring such an effect as a trip to an ordinary local sanatorium with hydrotherapy.

Water has a unique property - information memory. Water is a powerful carrier of information (positive and negative). The more water comes into contact with harmful substances, even if they are then filtered out, the more harm it does to the body. The movers who use foul language in the warehouse also leave their mark on the water. And as a confirmation of this, I would like to note that atheistic-materialistic scientific skepticism, referring to various kinds of "conspiracies" and "whispering" on water, is perceived even by some reputable scientists as echoes of great knowledge that have come down to us in a slightly perverted form.

Every 15 days our body completely renews the blood. Water, the main component of our body, is also periodically completely renewed. That is, from time to time 70% of ourselves are updated. Obviously, the body takes the building material for such a cardinal renewal from the liquid that we consume with food. It is also obvious that the higher the quality of this liquid, the better. You can imagine what kind of shock we expose our body to by offering it as a building material something very remote from what it is ready to accept for processing - a variety of soda. By the way, carbonated water is dead, and so mortified that it is no longer possible to revive it with structurators - neither natural nor artificial. It is very likely that the body is not able to process it, and if it does, it expends an enormous amount of energy.

Fresh melt water really heals the human body and improves immunity. The use of melt water helps to rejuvenate the body. Melt water has such miraculous properties, because its structure is similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. It must be remembered that the healing properties of melt water last up to 5-6 hours.

You can get melt water by freezing pure distilled water or, in extreme cases, ordinary water in the freezer of the refrigerator. For more information about melt water, its properties and methods of preparation, read the relevant articles: "Thaw water and its properties" and "Methods of preparing melt water".

Of course, it is not indifferent what kind of water to freeze. To obtain the healing properties of melt water, it is necessary to freeze only pure distilled water. For example, obtained through a home water treatment system - reverse osmosis.

When buying various drinks made from melt water, you need to know that domestic companies that declare that their drinks are made from melt water either freeze ordinary tap water, at best artesian water, or whether they freeze it at all, relying on our gullibility.

Prevention and treatment with melt water

For the prevention and treatment of vascular disorders, apply 2-3 cups of cold melt water (possible with pieces of ice). The first glass is drunk early in the morning an hour before meals, the rest - during the day, an hour before the next meal. A sufficient dose that has a therapeutic effect is 10 grams of melt water per 1 kg of weight. That is, with a weight of 70 kg, you need to drink at least 700 grams of melt water. In some cases, the dose should be increased (if the disease is running, with obesity, metabolic disorders).

Those who suffer from headaches, hypertension, as well as anyone who wants to prolong youth and maintain health are recommended to drink melt water more often.

Melt water not only increases the body's physical resources, but also slows down the aging process, preventing the decrease in water content in cells, which usually occurs in old age. People over forty years old note that drinking melt water makes work easier. internal organs human, affects the composition of the blood, which ensures the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, normalizes the work of muscles, improves overall well-being.

Giving the human body additional energy, melt water reduces fatigue, makes it possible to get by with less food and sleep duration than usual, vital processes are noticeably stimulated, this is especially manifested in an increase in the body's resistance to both viral diseases and cancer.

Recovering the immune system, revitalizes and rejuvenates the body. In operated patients, wound healing and the healing process are faster. People who drink melted water during fasting practically do not feel hunger. I personally experienced it myself. It is much easier to starve and satisfy feelings of hunger with the help of melt water. For the same reasons, quitting smoking, I always advise not to fill the stomach with various nonsense, but to drink melted water throughout the day. In this case, it is not collected excess weight and perfectly cleanses the body of the effects of smoking.

Melt water also has a positive effect on brain processes, since the brain consists of almost 80% water. Therefore, taking melt water improves memory, attentiveness, concentration, susceptibility to new information increases vitality and performance.

Melt water is so energizing that it even treats migraines, colds, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and allergies.

With melt water it is very wonderful to rub the face and the whole body. Pieces of ice can wipe the skin on the face, which improves blood circulation and the skin begins to be better supplied with oxygen and regenerative processes are stimulated. Thus, various redness and swelling disappear. It will be very good if you accustom yourself to wash yourself with melt water or pieces of ice. Pieces of ice also cure severe bruises and swelling, rubbing these places in a circular motion.

For cardinal and stunning changes in the body, such as rejuvenation, improved digestion, improved condition of all organs and blood vessels, you need to take melt water for at least 3 months (90 days). Better yet, take this water for life. During these 3 months, the process of complete replacement of water in the tissues of the body will occur and the blood will be completely renewed.

I don't think proof is needed, because real examples enough already. For example, A.D. Labza, it was with melt water that he literally pulled himself out of the grave, refusing ordinary tap water. In 1966, his kidney was removed, in 1984 he almost did not move as a result of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. He began to be treated with purified melt water, and the results exceeded all expectations: his general health improved, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreased, and his metabolism improved. And this is all in 3 months.

Methods for preparing melt water

Melt water It is water that has melted after freezing. Melt water differs from the usual one in its structure, which is more similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. Melt water can only be obtained using the technology of nature itself. And the technology of nature is simple: slow freezing, removal of saline and thawing.

Our ancient ancestors knew about the healing, miraculous properties of melt water. Then the process of obtaining melt water was nowhere easier - they brought a full bucket of snow or ice into the house and waited for it to melt. Of course, in our time, melt water is extracted in this way, but not in cities, but in the mountains. The ideal melt water is mountain snow.

How does melt water from ordinary water acquire miraculous and rejuvenating properties? When water freezes, it turns into ice, and as we know, ice has a crystalline structure built from water molecules. In such a crystal structure, foreign impurities, in the form of salts, inorganic substances, heavy metals there is no place. Therefore, due to the special thermophysical properties (the freezing point of pure water and the salt solutions contained in it are different), as they form crystal cell as if displacing impurities. If this process takes place in a container, for example, in an ice mold, then as a result all impurities are concentrated in one place (for example, in the middle, if the volume of water was cooled evenly from all sides).

Melt water helps to rejuvenate the body. Rather, this explains the phenomenon of the Hunza tribe. This is a small 50 - thousandth people living in the Himalayas, does not know disease and old age. The average lifespan of the Hunza people is 120 years. 50-60-year-old women are slim and beautiful, century-old men are light and mobile. The effect of the longevity of the Hunza people is explained by life in the mountains among the eternal snows and the Hunza River. The source of the river is ancient glaciers with blue ice. This means that such water is very pure and, like distilled water, does not contain mineral salts, unlike spring water and water from deep wells. This water literally heals. There are only 2 places in the world with such water: it is in the Hunza area in the Karakoram mountains (northern Pakistan) and Vilcabambia (Ecuador).

Melt water itself is not a medicine..However, it helps our body to restore self-regulation, improves metabolism and the vital activity of each of our cells. And all because it is similar to the structure of the intercellular fluid. The intercellular fluid plays a very important role in the life of the cells of our organisms. Cells dump waste materials into it, including the remains of dead cells gradually collect there, and with the help of this fluid, the cells are maintained in "shape". And melt water helps her in this, cleansing the intercellular fluid from toxins and renewing it. Ask yourself the question: "Why then look for something expensive or complicated to clean the cells and intercellular space, if there is melt water?" You can read more about melt water in the article "Thaw water and its properties".
Methods for preparing melt water

Method one. If you live in the mountains, you can melt the snow. In this case, the snow is taken clean, dry, freshly fallen. You need to thaw it in an enameled bucket, closed with a lid. To speed up the process, you can put a bucket in a basin of hot water, but not on the stove. The bucket should be perfectly clean and there should be no sediment on the walls of the bucket. Otherwise, such water will not be suitable for drinking. To get rid of motes, the resulting water must be filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze. Then the water can be drained into a glass dish and tightly closed. Shelf life - no more than one week.

Method two. Pour cold distilled water into a glass jar (not to the top). It is obligatory to prepare melted water only in glass! In metal and plastic, water loses positive traits and absorbs the negative from them. Of course, you can pour water from the tap, but the effect will be weaker. I take distilled water, obtained through a household water purification system (reverse osmosis). In any case, the cleaner the water is poured, the better.

And so, we collect clean water in a glass jar and close it with a lid. Next, put in the freezer of the refrigerator on a lining, for example, made of cardboard (for thermal insulation of the bottom) and it is better if at this time there are no various products in the freezer, especially of animal origin.

When the water begins to freeze, remove the newly formed crust of ice. It's deuterium, it freezes first.

When the water freezes in about half the jar or in a ratio of 2/3, take out the ice, and what is left, throw it away, pour it out (it is this part that contains unwanted impurities).

If you freeze pure distilled water, then as the water freezes, you will see how a ball is formed in the center of the jar, in which there is heavy water with unwanted impurities, heavy metals. Then I do this - I easily pick out a hole in the center of the jar and pour out water containing harmful impurities. Or you can also bring to a complete freeze, and when the ice melts, wait until the formation of a floating icicle the size of a walnut. This will be our frozen heavy water in the center of the can. This icicle contains poisonous and harmful water impurities. Therefore, it must be caught and thrown away.

Method three. Water (preferably pure - distilled) quickly bring to +94 ... +96 degrees Celsius, i.e. up to the temperature of the so-called "white key" - when small bubbles form, but the water does not boil yet. After reaching this temperature, remove the container from the heat and quickly cool it, placing it, for example, in a bath or pot of cold water. You can also immediately after reaching the desired temperature, pour into glass jars and place them in a pot of cold water or a bath. Just in this case, there is a risk that the bank will burst. But on the other hand, water does not have to be poured into different containers, such as metal pans, which are not desirable for healing water. Such water will practically repeat the natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, precipitation, freezing and thawing. Then the chilled water is poured into a glass jar and frozen.

I use this method, and in my opinion, this is the most effective way to get healing melt water. Such melt water has a huge internal energy.

Method four. There are many other ways to prepare water modified and based on the above methods. For example, in winter, you can prepare melt water either on the street if you live in a private house, or on a balcony if it is not glazed, which is a rarity these days. The advantage of this method is that it is possible to prepare melt water in large quantities - it all depends on the volume of the vessel or pan taken.

From almost all methods of preparing melt water, the following basic step-by-step steps can be taken out:

We take clean water and bring it almost to a boil.
We cool it sharply with the lid closed in cold running water to 20 C and below.
Pour water into glasses or jars.
We freeze water, for example, in a freezer.
After the water is completely frozen, we take it out of the freezer and put it in a container, for example, in a pan for slow melting of ice.

The main thing. The melting of ice is carried out until the formation of a floating icicle the size of a walnut. This icicle contains toxic and harmful water impurities, including high levels of deuterium and tritium. Therefore, it must be caught with a spoon and thrown away.
It is advisable to use the healing melt water obtained in this way within 5 hours, because melt water retains its bioactive properties only during this time. Therefore, you need to use it immediately and in an amount of 2 to 4 glasses during these 5 hours.

For all methods of preparing melt water, general rules and recommendations can be distinguished:

For best effect I recommend using distilled water;

In order for melt water to have enormous internal energy, it must be brought almost to a boil (+94 ... + 96 C)
It is obligatory to prepare melted water only in glass! Do not freeze water in metal or plastic containers. Plastic contains dioxin (a very dangerous carcinogen that is released from plastic when it freezes). Also, in metal and plastic, water loses positive qualities and absorbs negative ones from them;

The container for freezing water must be tightly closed. Do not fill the dishes full, it will simply "tear". I recommend filling the vessel 2/3 or half;
To improve the healing properties and qualities of melt water, before freezing, you need to say out loud or to yourself kind words or a prayer-appeal so that the water can read this positive information from you. We do this: we take a jar of water and hold it in our hands until you feel that the glass has become warm at the point of contact with the palms. Further, in order for the water to acquire more quality and useful properties, we tell her a couple of kind and positive words so that she can read this information from you. You can also say a prayer-appeal to the water. After prayer, the water acquires the properties of holy water. Yes, exactly the holy water that the ministers of the church use for baptism, consecration, worship and other church activities. Of course, you can also mentally improve the properties of water - you just need to tune in positively, smile and say a couple of good words to yourself to the water. It was by the power of thought that Jesus Christ and Moses could push the water apart or walk on it by turning;

When freezing, pay attention to how the water freezes. First, ice forms around the edges of the dishes - this is the lightest and purest water. Heavier water (with impurities of salts) freezes longer and collects in the center forming a sphere. This ice is easy to distinguish by its color - whitish-bubbly, sometimes even yellowish when using very poor tap water. When defrosting, you need to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This can be done in two ways. The first - when the ice melts, wait until a floating icicle forms, which will need to be caught and thrown away. Such an icicle will be approximately 2 cm wide and 3-5 cm high, of course, it all depends on the volume of the vessel taken. The second is to freeze not completely all the liquid, but by 2/3, and pour out the remaining non-frozen liquid. There is a third way, but I don’t particularly like it, and I would call it the “lazy way” - completely freeze the water in the vessel, and before defrosting, rinse the center of the ice with hot water. The method is fast, but not of high quality, since hot tap water is very polluted and contains a lot of harmful impurities that will get when washing the ice.

You also need to remember:
Melted water retains the acquired structure for about 5-6 hours, but freshly melted water has the greatest effect, when individual ice floes are still floating in the dishes. Therefore, I recommend drinking melted water in sips throughout the entire time spent on defrosting water. Approximately and it turns out 3-5 hours;

In no case do not heat the melted water and do not defrost it in hot water. Melt water loses its properties when heated;

If you have never or for a long time not consumed melt water, then you should start taking it in portions so that the body does not experience a shock from oversaturation. Therefore, the dose of melt water can be started with 100 ml per day, and increased by 100 ml 1 time in 2-3 days, until you reach the desired volume of 700 ml - 1.5 liters. In the future, for prevention, fresh melt water should be taken in half the dose. I really love melt water and do not limit myself in its quantity. The more, the better for health, it definitely won’t be worse.

Choose any method of preparing melt water and be healthy!

The invention is intended for obtaining purified melt water. The method includes freezing water and melting ice in the same vessel, in which, when the ice melts, the first portion of pure water obtained from the outer layer of ice flows by gravity from the overflow hole in the side wall of the vessel. The water containing salts, impurities and sediment, which is obtained from the interior of the last melted ice, remains in the vessel below the level of the overflow hole. At the same time, one or more overflow holes are made on the side wall of the vessel at a level corresponding to 60-90% of the volume of the vessel, and before the process of ice melting, the vessel is turned over. The method provides a simplification of the process of obtaining pure water with a reduced content of mineral salts. 2 ill., 1 tab.

Drawings to the RF patent 2404132

The invention relates to the field of water purification with simultaneous giving it the properties of melt water and can be used in the food, pharmaceutical, medical industry and in everyday life.

A known method of water purification [Method of obtaining high-quality drinking water with a reduced concentration of dissolved salts and an improved structure of water enriched with oxygen, by the wall crystallization method. Application 2005126970. Russia. IPC C02F 1/22/ Glazunov V.G. Appl. 2005.08.26, publ. 2007.03.10], in which the effect of negative temperatures from the side of the walls of the vessel is carried out until the formation of pure and transparent ice on the walls of the vessel, after which the brine is poured out, and the ice remaining on the walls of the vessel is melted and used as water with a reduced concentration of dissolved salts with an improved structure water.

The disadvantage of this method is that during the cleaning process it is necessary to control the interruption time of the freezing process to perform the operation of draining the water.

Closest to the proposed method is a method of water purification [Method of improving the quality of drinking water by freezing and thawing / Pat. 2186033. Polezhaev Yu.M., Rusinova A.A. Application 2001109787/12. Appl. 2001.04.11, publ. 2002.07.27], in which the source water is frozen in a vessel with a ratio of height to a linear cross-sectional dimension of 2, ice is melted in the same vessel at a temperature of up to 30 ° C and the upper purified liquid layer with a volume of 75% of the total volume of frozen water is drained ( siphon), while thawing is carried out so that the vessel is motionless in a vertical position, and the draining of purified water is carried out no later than a day after the end of thawing.

The disadvantage of this method is the complex operation of siphoning without violating the steady concentration gradient of the solution, as well as the need to ensure the immobility of the vessel during the entire time from the beginning of the ice melting process to the siphoning process.

The objective of the invention is to simplify the process of separating water into pure and containing a high concentration of salts and impurities.

The following method and device for water purification is proposed. It is proposed to freeze water in a vessel, in the side wall of which an overflow hole is made. Before the process of melting ice, the vessel is turned over. When ice thaws, the first portion of pure water of a given volume flows by gravity from the vessel through the overflow hole as the outer layers of ice thaw. Water with a high salt concentration and sediment remain in the vessel below the level of the hole. The share of the volume of clean water in the total volume of frozen water to be treated, and hence the degree of water purification is determined by the height of the overflow hole.

The proposed method of water purification by freezing is based on the fact that the freezing temperature aqueous solutions below the freezing point of pure water (0°C). When water freezes in a vessel, when exposed to negative temperatures from the side of the walls of the vessel, the outer layers of purer water first freeze. With further cooling, deeper, inner layers of water in the vessel freeze through, which have an ever higher concentration of dissolved substances. Thus, during freezing, spontaneous separation of water into layers with different concentrations of dissolved substances occurs. In the process of thawing ice, when heat is supplied from the side of the vessel walls, the outer layers of ice first begin to melt, forming pure melt water.

The method can also be used to increase the concentration of solutions.

Figure 1 shows the first version of the device for implementing the proposed method. The device contains a vessel (1), in the side wall of which one or more overflow holes (2) are made at a level corresponding to 60-90% of the volume of the vessel (1). Depending on the level of the location of the overflow holes, the degree of water purification changes. Water to be purified is poured into the vessel (1) to the level of the overflow hole (2) and completely frozen. Before the ice melting process, the vessel (1) is turned over. When ice melts, the first portion of pure water, obtained from the outer layer of ice and having the properties of melt water, with a volume of 30-90% of the total volume of frozen water, flows by gravity from the overflow hole (2) in the side wall of the vessel (1) and is used for its intended purpose. At the same time, water containing salts, impurities and sediment, obtained from the inner part of the ice that melted last, remains in the vessel (1) below the level of the overflow hole (2).

Figure 2 shows the second version of the device for implementing the proposed method. The vessel (1) also has one or more overflow holes (2) at a level corresponding to 60-90% of the volume of the vessel (1). For the convenience of filling the water to be purified, a filler neck (3) is made in the upper part of the vessel (1), on which a plug (4) is installed.

To test the proposed method and the operation of the device, a number of experiments were carried out with various forms and the volume of the vessel, the size and location of the overflow holes. Freeze and thaw modes were tested. Experiments were carried out with tap and artesian water, as well as with solutions of table salt, sugar, baking soda and a solution of potassium permanganate. Qualitative results were obtained for water purification in a wide range of design and technological parameters. Stably obtained water with improved organoleptic properties.

In the bacteriological laboratory, analyzes of the source water and water purified according to this method. The results are shown in the table. The table shows that the proposed method provides a significant reduction in salt content.

Sample nameMPC, no more source waterPurified water
1 Total mineralization (dry residue), mg/l 1000 490 156
2 Iron, mg/l 0,3 0,13 0,09
3 Chlorides, mg/l 350 46 25
4 Sulphates (SO 4 2-), mg/l 500 77 32
5 Hardness, mmol/l 7,0 8,3 2,6


A method of water purification, including freezing water and melting ice in the same vessel, in which, when the ice melts, the first portion of pure water obtained from the outer layer of ice flows by gravity from the overflow hole in the side wall of the vessel, and the water containing salts, impurities and the precipitate formed from the inner part of the ice that melted last remains in the vessel below the level of the overflow hole, characterized in that one or more overflow holes are made on the side wall of the vessel at a level corresponding to 60-90% of the volume of the vessel, and before the process of melting ice, the vessel is turned over.

Ordinary water (tap, spring, etc.) consists of: fresh water(the so-called "live"), its freezing point is 0 ° C, "heavy" water (or the so-called "dead", which contains deuterium and tritium atoms instead of hydrogen atoms), its freezing point is + 3.8 ° C and brine (impurities in the form of soluble salts, organic compounds and pesticides), its freezing point varies depending on the concentration of substances from -5 to -10 ° C.

With slow cooling, heavy water freezes first, then fresh water, and lastly brine with all impurities. This makes it possible to separate heavy water and clean fresh.

Melt water is melted water after freezing. Melt water differs from the usual one in its structure, which is more similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. Melt water can be obtained by slow freezing and thawing. If the first ice (heavy water) is removed during the freezing process, and ice with impurities is removed during defrosting, then we will get pure protium melted water.


Modern Scientific research confirmed the amazing structure of melt water. When water freezes, it acquires a special structured ice-like structure. When ice melts, this structure remains in the melt water for some time, the duration of which directly depends on temperature. If we study melt water under a microscope, we will see that it has the structure of regular crystals.

The molecules that make up melt water are much smaller than the molecules of tap water, respectively, they penetrate the cell membrane much easier, contributing to the activation of the metabolism in the human body. And this, in turn, leads to the displacement of old, obsolete cells, which will be replaced by new, young cells. Hence the rejuvenation of the whole organism as a whole.

Water during its journey absorbs all information, including negative. To remove all this negative information, so that the water becomes energetically clean again and acquires its natural structure, it must be frozen and thawed, i.e. get THAT WATER. After freezing, the water, as it were, "resets" - it again restores its original structural, informational and energy state. The most important property of melt water is purity. In every sense of the word.

If you add a small amount of "holy water" to melt water, then it will immediately become "holy" all over. It is possible to give structure to melt water the right person medicines. It is enough to lower a test tube with a tablet into it, tapping on it with a pencil, and it will take on the structure of the original medicine.


Melt water improves the functioning of all human organs. It increases the physical resources of the body, prevents the reduction of water content in the cells and slows down the aging process. The main common feature of all centenarians on our planet is that they consume melt water from glacial rivers.

Useful properties of melt water:

1. Rejuvenates the human body.
2. Cleanses our body of toxins and toxins.
3. Normalizes and accelerates metabolism.
4. Increases the physical activity of the body, efficiency and productivity.
5. Melt water is involved in all processes of hematopoiesis, makes our cells healthy and blood clean. Melt water is pure blood, no cholesterol plaques, healthy blood vessels and a healthy heart.
6. Increases immunity.
7. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
8. Promotes the dissolution of fats. If you just drink enough melt water, you can quickly and painlessly lose weight.
9. Increases the body's resistance to stress and viruses.
10. Accelerates recovery processes, especially after operations, diseases and injuries.
11. Helps to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
12. Increases brain activity, shows the ability to easily solve difficult problems.
13. Helps to eliminate dermatological diseases and allergies.
14. Increases the body's resistance to climate and weather changes.

Melt water has some special internal dynamics and a special "biological effect". The high energy of melt water is especially confirmed by the duration of human sleep, which in some people is sometimes reduced to only 4 hours.

The benefit of melted protium water also lies in the fact that, unlike tap water, it does not contain deuterium, a heavy element that suppresses all living things and causes serious harm to the body. Deuterium in high concentrations is equivalent to the most powerful poisons. It is difficult to digest, which requires additional energy consumption.

Heating fresh melt water above +37°C leads to the loss of its biological activity. Preservation of melt water at a temperature of +20 - 22°C is also accompanied by a gradual decrease in its biological activity: after 16 - 18 hours it is reduced by half.


A sip of melt water tones better than any juice. A charge of energy, vivacity, lightness, improved well-being - that's what you get if you consume 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. It is advisable to drink the first portion on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. The amount of melt water that you need to drink daily can be calculated based on the fact that 5 grams of melt water is needed per 1 kg of weight. Drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements in a week.

Indications for the use of melt water are: cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetative dystonia, thrombophlebitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, intestinal atony), functional disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders.

Therapeutic effect of melt water:

1. Normalizes the state of the body, because a person needs a certain amount of fluid to maintain his health.
2. The skin is smooth, soft, elastic, after washing there is no feeling of tightness.
3. Mucous membranes are moist, pink.
4. The eyes are clear, shiny.

With prolonged use of melt water, many chronic diseases are cured in the most miraculous way, the body is cleansed of toxins, radionuclides and other harmful substances, as a result of which the functions of all internal organs are normalized, the emotional background is stabilized and many diseases recede. Thus, the regular use of melt water for any person will help maintain youth and health.

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, prepared on the basis of melt water, become a truly life-giving remedy. Melt water greatly enhances the healing effect of plants, reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

The use of melt water and ice in the treatment is divided into the following types: compresses, dousing, washing, drinking water, ice massage. Recipes for the treatment of certain diseases:
Treatment of warts with ice: Pour 3 tablespoons of celandine herb or mistletoe herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Freeze the resulting infusion. Use ice for applications on the affected area.

Treatment of indigestion and acute gastritis: take 1/2 cup of melt water before meals 2-3 times a day slowly, in small sips.
Treatment of heartburn: after eating, slowly drink 50-100 ml of melt water until the heartburn disappears completely. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus: take melt water 50-200 ml 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

Hair loss. Ice is used to treat alopecia (baldness). Massage the scalp with a piece of ice for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day, depending on the reaction. Course 20 - 30 procedures. If indicated, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months. For procedures, you can use ice from herbal infusions with burdock root, nettle leaf, celandine grass. The results are often pleasantly surprising - hair begins to grow. Ice procedures in this case play the role of a trigger mechanism for the body's regenerative capabilities, normalize disturbed hormonal status. Blood circulation becomes more intense, as a result of which the nutrition of the hair follicles improves.

Washing with melt water will refresh and smooth the skin, contributing to its healthy appearance and natural rejuvenation.
It is recommended that athletes drink melt water after long breaks in training, caused, for example, by injuries, to quickly restore their previous form.


Freezing is carried out in glass or porcelain containers, as well as in enameled pans. Concerning plastic opinions of experts differ. Some believe that it is necessary to prepare melt water only in glass. Do not freeze water in metal or plastic containers. Plastic contains dioxin (a very dangerous carcinogen that is released from plastic when it freezes). Also, in metal and plastic, water loses its positive qualities and absorbs negative ones from them. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is better to freeze in containers made of food-grade plastic, and not made of metal and glass. It is better if it is a special tray with a lid, which can be purchased at any supermarket. The volume of the tray depends on the number of people who will use the melt water. The choice is yours.

Method number 1. We fill the container with ordinary, unstructured water, close it with a lid and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a lining, for example, made of cardboard (for thermal insulation of the bottom) and it is better if at this time there are no various products in the freezer, especially animal origin. After about 5 hours (the time is determined empirically), an upper frozen crust of ice appears in the container, under which there will be unfrozen water.

This upper crust of ice (deuterium ice turns out to be about 150 ml per liter) must be thrown away, since it contains heavy water. After that, put the tray back into the freezer. This time our task is to freeze the water by half or in a ratio of 2/3. After a certain time (also determined empirically), we take out the container from the freezer, open the lid and the water that remains unfrozen inside, pour it into the sink - it contains undissolved harmful impurities and heavy metals.

The ice that remains, if it is transparent, is the future melt water that we want to get. If in some places the ice remains opaque, this means that we have overexposed the water in the freezer and after the purest water has frozen, which freezes first, the process of freezing of water with impurities, which freezes last, has begun.

As a rule, the bottom may have some turbidity. If this is so, then the bottom in the form of an ice layer can either be carefully beaten off, or substituted under a stream of hot water and thus thawed. All that is left is to thaw at room temperature. It is necessary to drink melted water immediately after it has become such. In this case, it is "living water". After 5 - 6 hours after thawing, it will also be useful, but not as much as in the first minutes after thawing.

Method No. 2. Quickly bring the water to +94 ... + 96 ° С, i.e. up to the temperature of the so-called "white key", when small bubbles form, but the water does not boil yet. After reaching this temperature, remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid and cool quickly, placing, for example, in a bath, in a pot of cold water or under cold running water. After that, the chilled water is poured into the desired container and frozen in accordance with method No. 1. The melt water obtained in this way will practically repeat the natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, precipitation, freezing and thawing. It is especially useful because has a lot of internal energy.

Method number 3. Pour water into a container and put it in the freezer. After about 5 hours, remove the top crust of ice. We put the container in the freezer and finally freeze the water. When defrosting, you need to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This can be done in two ways. The first - when the ice melts, wait until a floating icicle forms, which will need to be caught and thrown away. Such an icicle will be approximately 2 cm wide and 3-5 cm high, of course, it all depends on the volume of the vessel taken. This icicle contains poisonous and harmful water impurities. The second - before defrosting, rinse the center of the ice with a stream of hot water. The method is fast, but not of high quality, since hot tap water is very polluted.

The container for freezing water must be tightly closed. It should not be filled completely, it will simply "tear". I recommend filling the vessel 2/3 or half.

To improve the healing properties and qualities of melt water, before freezing, you need to positively tune in, smile and say out loud or to yourself a couple of good words to the water so that the water can read this positive information from you. You can say aloud or silently a prayer-appeal. After prayer, the water acquires the properties of holy water.

Ice should be thawed at room temperature, in the same sealed container in which it was frozen. In no case should you heat melted water or defrost in hot water. When heated above 37 degrees, it loses its healing properties.

The greatest effect is given by melt water, in which ice floes are still floating. Drink it in small sips throughout the time you spent thawing this water. Usually it is 3-5 hours.

If you have never used melt water before, or have used it for a very long time, it is recommended to get used to it gradually. The initial dose of melt water is 100 ml per day. Increase it by 100 ml every three days until you reach the desired volume, which is from 500 ml to 1.0 liters.

Make melt water at home, drink at least 2-3 glasses a day and you will significantly improve your health.

Ordinary water (tap, from a source, etc.) consists of: fresh water (the so-called “living”), its freezing point is 0 ° C, “heavy” water (or the so-called “dead”, in which instead of atoms hydrogen contains atoms of deuterium and tritium), its freezing point is +3.8 ° C and brine (impurities in the form of soluble salts, organic compounds and pesticides), its freezing point varies depending on the concentration of substances from -5 to -10 ° C.

With slow cooling, heavy water freezes first, then fresh water, and lastly brine with all impurities. This makes it possible to separate heavy water and purify fresh water.

Melt water is melted water after freezing. Melt water differs from the usual one in its structure, which is more similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells. Melt water can be obtained by slow freezing and thawing. If the first ice (heavy water) is removed during the freezing process, and ice with impurities is removed during defrosting, then we will get pure protium melted water.

Structure of melt water

Modern scientific research has confirmed the amazing structure of melt water. When water freezes, it acquires a special structured ice-like structure. When ice melts, this structure remains in the melt water for some time, the duration of which directly depends on temperature. If we study melt water under a microscope, we will see that it has the structure of regular crystals.

The molecules that make up melt water are much smaller than the molecules of tap water, respectively, they penetrate the cell membrane much easier, contributing to the activation of the metabolism in the human body. And this, in turn, leads to the displacement of old, obsolete cells, which will be replaced by new, young cells. Hence the rejuvenation of the whole organism as a whole.

Water during its journey absorbs all information, including negative. To remove all this negative information, so that the water becomes energetically clean again and acquires its natural structure, it must be frozen and thawed, i.e. get THAT WATER. After freezing, the water, as it were, "resets to zero" - it again restores its original structural, informational and energy state. The most important property of melt water is purity. In every sense of the word.

If you add a small amount of "holy water" to melt water, then it will immediately become "holy" all over. It is possible to give melt water the structure of a medicine that a person needs. It is enough to lower a test tube with a tablet into it, tapping on it with a pencil, and it will take on the structure of the original medicine.


Melt water improves the functioning of all human organs. It increases the physical resources of the body, prevents the reduction of water content in the cells and slows down the aging process. The main common feature of all centenarians on our planet is that they consume melt water from glacial rivers.

Useful properties of melt water:
1. Rejuvenates the human body.
2. Cleanses our body of toxins and toxins.
3. Normalizes and accelerates metabolism.
4. Increases the physical activity of the body, efficiency and productivity.
5. Melt water is involved in all processes of hematopoiesis, makes our cells healthy and blood clean. Melt water is pure blood, no cholesterol plaques, healthy blood vessels and a healthy heart.
6. Increases immunity.
7. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
8. Promotes the dissolution of fats. If you just drink enough melt water, you can quickly and painlessly lose weight.
9. Increases the body's resistance to stress and viruses.
10. Accelerates recovery processes, especially after operations, diseases and injuries.
11. Helps to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
12. Increases brain activity, shows the ability to easily solve difficult problems.
13. Helps to eliminate dermatological diseases and allergies.
14. Increases the body's resistance to climate and weather changes.

Melt water has some special internal dynamics and a special "biological effect". The high energy of melt water is especially confirmed by the duration of human sleep, which in some people is sometimes reduced to only 4 hours.

The benefit of melted protium water also lies in the fact that, unlike tap water, it does not contain deuterium, a heavy element that suppresses all living things and causes serious harm to the body. Deuterium in high concentrations is equivalent to the most powerful poisons. It is difficult to digest, which requires additional energy consumption.

Heating fresh melt water above +37°C leads to the loss of its biological activity. Preservation of melt water at a temperature of +20 - 22°C is also accompanied by a gradual decrease in its biological activity: after 16 - 18 hours it is reduced by half.


A sip of melt water tones better than any juice. A charge of energy, vivacity, lightness, improved well-being - that's what you get if you consume 2-3 glasses of melt water daily. It is advisable to drink the first portion on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. The amount of melt water that you need to drink daily can be calculated based on the fact that 5 grams of melt water is needed per 1 kg of weight. Drinking a glass of melt water 30 minutes before meals (3 glasses a day), you will feel significant improvements in a week.

Indications for the use of melt water are: cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetative dystonia, thrombophlebitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, intestinal atony), functional disorders of the nervous system, metabolic disorders.

Therapeutic effect of melt water:
1. Normalizes the state of the body, because a person needs a certain amount of fluid to maintain his health.
2. The skin is smooth, soft, elastic, after washing there is no feeling of tightness.
3. Mucous membranes are moist, pink.
4. The eyes are clear, shiny.

With prolonged use of melt water, many chronic diseases are cured in the most miraculous way, the body is cleansed of toxins, radionuclides and other harmful substances, as a result of which the functions of all internal organs are normalized, the emotional background is stabilized and many diseases recede. Thus, the regular use of melt water for any person will help maintain youth and health.

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, prepared on the basis of melt water, become a truly life-giving remedy. Melt water greatly enhances the healing effect of plants, reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

The use of melt water and ice in the treatment is divided into the following types: compresses, dousing, washing, drinking water, ice massage. Recipes for the treatment of certain diseases:
Ice treatment for warts: Pour 3 tablespoons of celandine herb or mistletoe herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Freeze the resulting infusion. Use ice for applications on the affected area.
Treatment of indigestion and acute gastritis: take 1/2 cup of melt water before meals 2-3 times a day slowly, in small sips.
Heartburn treatment: after eating, slowly drink 50-100 ml of melt water until the heartburn disappears completely. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
Treatment of diabetes: take melt water 50-200 ml 3 times a day for 2-3 months.
Hair loss. Ice is used to treat alopecia (baldness). Massage the scalp with a piece of ice for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day, depending on the reaction. Course 20 - 30 procedures. If indicated, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months. For procedures, you can use ice from herbal infusions with burdock root, nettle leaf, celandine grass. The results are often pleasantly surprising - hair begins to grow. Ice procedures in this case play the role of a trigger mechanism for the body's regenerative capabilities, normalize disturbed hormonal status. Blood circulation becomes more intense, as a result of which the nutrition of the hair follicles improves.
Washing with melt water will refresh and smooth the skin, contributing to its healthy appearance and natural rejuvenation.
It is recommended to drink melted water for athletes after long breaks in training, caused, for example, by injuries, to quickly restore the previous form.

Melt water for weight loss

If melt water is used for weight loss, you need to drink at least 4 glasses of such water - one before each meal. Water should be cold, with a temperature of 5-10 degrees. It is good if small pieces of ice float on it. Such water, as already mentioned, has the highest biological activity. But the point is not only this, but also the fact that the body spends a decent amount of calories on heating water to the desired temperature. It would be very nice if melt water was the only way to lose weight. But any problems require a comprehensive solution, and being overweight is no exception. Melt water will help the body get rid of excess cargo and activates the metabolism. But a sensible approach to nutrition, physical activity, in a word, healthy lifestyle it will not replace life. This applies not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the body as a whole. Melt water will help to gain health, but, of course, it is not enough to solve all problems.


Freezing is carried out in glass or porcelain containers, as well as in enameled pans. Concerning plastic opinions of experts differ. Some believe that it is necessary to prepare melt water only in glass. Do not freeze water in metal or plastic containers. Plastic contains dioxin (a very dangerous carcinogen that is released from plastic when it freezes). Also, in metal and plastic, water loses its positive qualities and absorbs negative ones from them. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is better to freeze in containers made of food-grade plastic, and not made of metal and glass. It is better if it is a special tray with a lid, which can be purchased at any supermarket. The volume of the tray depends on the number of people who will use the melt water. The choice is yours.

Method number 1. We fill the container with ordinary, unstructured water, close it with a lid and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a lining, for example, made of cardboard (for thermal insulation of the bottom) and it is better if at this time there are no various products in the freezer, especially animal origin. After about 5 hours (the time is determined empirically), an upper frozen crust of ice appears in the container, under which there will be unfrozen water.

This upper crust of ice (deuterium ice turns out to be about 150 ml per liter) must be thrown away, since it contains heavy water. After that, put the tray back into the freezer. This time our task is to freeze the water by half or in a ratio of 2/3. After a certain time (also determined empirically), we take out the container from the freezer, open the lid and the water that remains unfrozen inside, pour it into the sink - it contains undissolved harmful impurities and heavy metals.

The ice that remains, if it is transparent, is the future melt water that we want to get. If in some places the ice remains opaque, this means that we have overexposed the water in the freezer and after the purest water has frozen, which freezes first, the process of freezing of water with impurities, which freezes last, has begun.

As a rule, the bottom may have some turbidity. If this is so, then the bottom in the form of an ice layer can either be carefully beaten off, or substituted under a stream of hot water and thus thawed. All that is left - set aside to thaw at room temperature. It is necessary to drink melted water immediately after it has become such. In this case, it is "living water". After 5 - 6 hours after thawing, it will also be useful, but not as much as in the first minutes after thawing.

Method number 2. Bring the water quickly to +94...+96°С, i.е. up to the temperature of the so-called "white key", when small bubbles form, but the water does not boil yet. After reaching this temperature, remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid and cool quickly, placing, for example, in a bath, in a pot of cold water or under cold running water. After that, the chilled water is poured into the desired container and frozen in accordance with method No. 1. The melt water obtained in this way will practically repeat the natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, precipitation, freezing and thawing. It is especially useful because has a lot of internal energy.

Method number 3. Pour water into a container and put it in the freezer. After about 5 hours, remove the top crust of ice. We put the container in the freezer and finally freeze the water. When defrosting, you need to separate clean ice from dirty ice. This can be done in two ways. The first - when the ice melts, wait until a floating icicle forms, which will need to be caught and thrown away. Such an icicle will be approximately 2 cm wide and 3-5 cm high, of course, it all depends on the volume of the vessel taken. This icicle contains poisonous and harmful water impurities. The second - before defrosting, rinse the center of the ice with a stream of hot water. The method is fast, but not of high quality, since hot tap water is very polluted.

For the preparation of melt water, one should not take natural ice or snow, since they are usually polluted and contain many harmful substances.

In no case should you get melt water by melting a snow coat in a freezer, because. this ice may contain harmful substances and refrigerants and, in addition, have an unpleasant odor.

Ice is defrosted at room temperature in the same closed vessels, immediately before use.

Frozen vessels can be put out of the freezer before going to bed, and in the morning it turns out required amount such water.

Melt water retains its healing properties for 7–8 hours after snow or ice has been defrosted.

If you want to drink warm melt water, remember that it cannot be heated above 37 degrees.

Nothing should be added to fresh melt water.

It is better to drink melted water on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals and 1 hour after that do not eat or drink anything.

For therapeutic purposes, fresh melt water should be taken half an hour before meals every day 4-5 times for 30-40 days. During the day, it should be drunk in an amount of 1 percent of body weight.

The nominal rate of melt water is 3/4 cup 2-3 times a day at the rate of 4-6 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. An unstable, but noticeable effect can be observed even from 3/4 cup 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach (2 ml per 1 kg of weight).

If the body weight is 50 kilograms, then every day you should drink 500 grams of fresh melt water. Then the dose is gradually reduced to half the specified. For prophylactic purposes, fresh melt water should be taken in half the dose.

The container for freezing water must be tightly closed. It should not be filled completely, it will simply "tear". I recommend filling the vessel 2/3 or half.

To improve the healing properties and qualities of melt water, before freezing, you need to positively tune in, smile and say out loud or to yourself a couple of good words to the water so that the water can read this positive information from you. You can say aloud or silently a prayer-appeal. After prayer, the water acquires the properties of holy water.

Ice should be thawed at room temperature, in the same sealed container in which it was frozen. In no case should you heat melted water or defrost in hot water. When heated above 37 degrees, it loses its healing properties.

The greatest effect is given by melt water, in which ice floes are still floating. Drink it in small sips throughout the time you spent thawing this water. Usually it is 3-5 hours.

If you have never used melt water before, or have used it for a very long time, it is recommended to get used to it gradually. The initial dose of melt water is 100 ml per day. Increase it by 100 ml every three days until you reach the desired volume, which is from 500 ml to 1.0 liters.

Make melt water at home, drink 2-3 glasses a day and you will significantly improve your health.