It means enrollment without entrance examinations. What is university entrance examinations? Which universities require entrance examinations? Admission to the correspondence form without the exam

You have to take entrance exams. AT last years Universities got more opportunities to choose the form of their conduct. Depending on the specifics of the university, these can be practical tasks, for example, in drawing, or testing knowledge in major subjects.

What is university entrance examinations

Entrance examinations to universities are additional exams that are held upon admission to training in professions, for the successful development of which it is necessary Creative skills or special physical and psychological qualities.

These tests are:

  • on examination tickets orally or in writing;
  • in the format of an interview with representatives of the selection committee;
  • in the form of tests, essays, creative work.

The program of additional tests is formed by the institutes independently on the basis of state standards.

Why are college entrance exams needed?

According to the law, universities must accept students for study based on the results of state exams, but in some cases institutes and universities have the right to appoint additional tests. The list of educational institutions endowed with special powers to conduct additional tests of knowledge and skills is annually reviewed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Additional exams at universities are necessary in order to choose from a large number of applicants who have successfully passed the Unified State Examination, the most capable, talented and most suitable for future work in their chosen specialty. Often they are carried out by educational institutions in which there is a big competition for admission, for example, Moscow State University and MGIMO, as well as military schools, universities and academies of a creative orientation - art, theater, music.

How are university entrance exams

The form of entrance examinations is determined by the leadership of the institute: it can be a test of the level of physical fitness or the depth of knowledge of specialized disciplines, psychological testing, a competition of creative works. One exam is usually worth 100 points.

The results of the entrance examinations are summed up with the marks obtained by school graduates in the Unified State Examination.

The process of conducting additional examinations is necessarily drawn up in the form of a protocol, where questions and comments of teachers are recorded. In some educational institutions, beneficiaries may be exempted from exams, but most universities do not make exceptions even for applicants of special categories.

Entrance examinations can also be conducted using remote technologies. This method is practiced by the leading universities of the Russian Federation, such as the Higher School of Economics, for applicants with handicapped health.

How to prepare

Tutors in majors are not always the best option. Each university that accepts students based on the results of the USE and additional tests, preliminary conducts special training courses in the main disciplines. As a rule, they begin in the fall and continue until the entrance exams.

In the classroom, future applicants receive knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of a particular educational organization, get acquainted with teachers, potential fellow students, the rules for passing exams, the peculiarities of the educational process and other subtleties of university life. Therefore, it is better to prepare for admission at the institute or university chosen for education after school. In addition, sometimes universities award bonus points to applicants who have attended classes in these special programs.

Courses are short-term (from several weeks to a couple of months) and basic (about six months). The first option is less preferable and is intended for those who are late with enrolling in basic programs. But express training will be very useful.

Entrance exams: specialties and directions

All future students must pass a unified state exam, on the basis of which enrollment in a university, institute or academy will take place. The exception is:

  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • universities that provide training in creative, medical and military specialties.

According to the law on education, since 2013, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to conduct additional tests in all subjects that are taken for the Unified State Examination, upon admission to any specialty and direction. MSLU, NGLU them. Dobrolyubov, MGIMO and Moscow State Law Academy, but for enrollment in certain undergraduate and specialist programs.

The list of specialties related to, as well as requiring certain basic knowledge and skills, includes:

  • journalism;
  • Physical Culture;
  • TV;
  • acting art;
  • painting;
  • sculpture;
  • design;
  • choreography;
  • architecture and others.

A complete list of specialties and directions is approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1142.

Additional tests are often held in two or three rounds as a combination of an interview, oral, written, practical professional or creative examination and are always related to the field of future activity. For example, applicants entering VGIK for the specialty "producing" at the first qualifying stage must analyze in writing the proposed problematic production situation related to culture and art in 4 hours in order to find an effective way out of it. On the second - to give oral answers to the questions of examination papers, compiled on topics covering literature, music, fine arts, theater and cinematography. Plus, to complete a practical task, for example, of this type: in an hour of preparation, to schematically develop proposals for organizing an advertising campaign and distributing a feature film.

The list of entrance examinations for each specialty or in general in the direction of the universities publish on their websites at the beginning school year, so that applicants have enough time to prepare for a creative or professional exam. The main thing is not to waste it for nothing, then everything will work out.

What are the benefits for admission to universities
The most significant benefit for Olympiads is enrollment without entrance examinations. It is enough to bring a certificate and a diploma to the university, and the student card is already in your pocket. The second advantage is the maximum score for the exam. You show the diploma of the Olympiad, and the selection committee counts 100 points instead of the corresponding USE. The main thing is to remember that this will not work at school, you still have to take a single exam. Sometimes universities conduct an additional entrance test (DWI) for applicants. Only 6 universities can do this this year. In them, olympiads can receive a “maximum score for DWI” benefit for their diploma, while the exam itself will not be required.

What olympiads give benefits
You can get benefits when entering universities by becoming the winner or prize-winner of the finals of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, as well as the Olympiad from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science. There are many other interesting olympiads and competitions in Russia. They do not provide significant benefits for admission, but the university can add from 1 to 10 points for diplomas of such competitions. Including extra points(and only them) can be obtained for success in the first three stages of the All-Russia and the qualifying rounds of the list Olympiads. Winners or prize-winners of the final stage have the right to enter without exams in any university for a specialized direction. At the same time, the university itself determines the correspondence between the direction and profile of the Olympiad.

About the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren
So, with the diploma of the All-Russian final in physics, any department of physics and even some of mathematics are waiting for you. For example, the Mekhmat of Moscow State University accepts diplomas in physics and computer science. So take a closer look at the websites of universities and look for directions close to your subject. If the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren chooses educational program not in the profile direction, then, by the decision of the university, he can get 100 points instead of the USE result in the corresponding subject. For the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the right to the benefit is retained for 4 years. It is not required to confirm the result with the USE score.

Olympics under the auspices Russian Council Olympiads for schoolchildren
Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approves the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, the winners and prize-winners of which receive benefits when entering universities. The list also indicates the levels of the Olympiads - from the first for the most difficult Olympiads to the third for those that are simpler. Each university has the right to approve its own, shortened, list of Olympiads that provide benefits, and leave without benefits the winners and prize-winners of other Olympiads included in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science. The university also determines what kind of benefit to give to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, depending on its level. The right to a benefit can be used within 4 years, as in the case of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. But for the Olympiads from the list, each university can decide for itself in which class a diploma should be obtained in order to provide benefits. Many universities accept only diplomas received for the final class. You can learn more about the requirements of the university from the admission rules published on its official website. Be sure to read them, despite the complex bureaucratic language that inspires boredom and a desire to stop reading immediately. Universities must publish all information about benefits by October 1 of the year preceding admission.

Confirmation of diplomas by the USE score
In order to use the privilege, the winners and prize-winners of the listed Olympiads must confirm their result by scoring a certain number of points on the USE in the relevant subject. As a general rule, at least 75, but the university can set a higher bar. In order to take advantage of the “maximum score for the entrance test” benefit, you need to confirm the Olympiad with the USE score for the subject of this entrance test. Winners and prize-winners who enter without entrance examinations must score the required score on the Unified State Examination in one of the subjects corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, for which one, the university decides.

About diplomas for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads from the list
The originals of the diplomas of the Olympiads from the list are issued by the organizers. Also, winners and prize-winners can print an electronic copy of the diploma on the portal of the Russian Council of School Olympiads. Copies are equivalent to the original. If an error is found in the data printed in the diploma, immediately inform the organizers of the Olympiad and wait until it is corrected.

Diploma of one Olympiad will be accepted
at several universities
For the diploma of one Olympiad from the list, you can get a benefit at once in several universities. According to the general admission rules, an applicant can apply to five universities, and in each of them no more than 3 areas of study. Accordingly, the “maximum USE score” benefit can be used no more than 15 times. You can take advantage of the privilege of admission without entrance examinations only in one university and in one direction of training. To do this, along with the diploma, you will have to submit the original certificate there immediately. And by presenting the diplomas of various olympiads to the admissions committee, you can get the maximum scores for several or even all of the entrance tests.

How not to miss anything
The list of Olympiads with levels is published no later than September 1. Until October 1, universities will publish information about benefits on their websites. Be sure to check the university website:
- benefits depending on the diploma and level;
- restrictions on the class in which the diploma was obtained, if any;
- a list of accepted Olympiads, not all Olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science could be included there;
- minimum score Unified State Examination to confirm the diploma of the Olympiad, perhaps it is more than 75;
- compliance with the profiles of the Olympiads and directions.
If you did not find the answer to your question in this material, please contact admission committee selected university.


In 2019, undergraduate and specialist programs at the University are admitted to persons with special rights and benefits in accordance with applicable law:
  • without entrance examinations (according to the results of the Olympiads);
  • within the framework of the quota for the admission of persons with special rights;
  • with priority enrollment.
Admission without entrance examinations:

The winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and some other Olympiads included in the approved List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, in accordance with the regulations for accounting for Olympiads developed at the University, have the right to admission without entrance examinations.

Admission without entrance examinations is possible only in 1 university for 1 bachelor's / specialist's program. When submitting documents, the applicant confirms his status and is obliged to provide the original document on education and a statement of consent to enrollment.

More details about admission without entrance examinations can be found in the Olympiad section.

Admission to study within a special quota:

Admission to state-funded places within the quota for admission of persons with special rights is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Examination or internal exams (depending on the category of the applicant) on the basis of a separate competition.

Acceptance of documents for places within the quota is carried out in the same manner and within the same time frame as for general budget places. When submitting documents, an applicant within a special quota submits documents confirming their belonging to persons of a privileged category:

  • for children of disabled people, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood - a certificate of the federal medical and social expertise;
  • for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care - a birth certificate, a death certificate of the parents or a court decision on deprivation of parental rights, or a certificate from the registry office (if the child was recorded according to the mother);
  • for disabled people due to military injury or illness received during the passage military service- documents confirming the receipt of an injury or illness during the period of military service;
  • for combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 federal law dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" - documents confirming the status of a combat veteran.
Applicants entering the places within the special quota are enrolled at the University earlier than others, therefore, those who did not pass the places within the special quota can participate in the general competition for budget places.

Due to changes in the admission of persons belonging to the category of applicants under a special quota, the original and the application for consent to enrollment may be submitted later: there is NO requirement to provide these documents simultaneously with the application.

Priority enrollment:
The procedure for admission of persons who have a priority right to enrollment in accordance with the current legislation is practically no different from admission to the University of other categories of applicants.

Preemptive right does not give the applicant "special" privileges over other applicants. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that in the case of the same competitive situation, when, following the results of the competitive selection, several applicants have equal amounts competitive points (ceteris paribus), it can play decisive role and will allow the applicant to be enrolled in the University.

Information about the features of conducting entrance examinations for persons with disabilities and disabled people:

The University provides entrance examinations for applicants from among persons with disabilities and (or) people with disabilities (hereinafter collectively - persons with disabilities), taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and the health status of such applicants.

Persons with disabilities, at their request, have the right to take entrance tests conducted on the materials of the University, in accordance with the List of entrance examinations. When organizing and conducting entrance examinations in without fail the fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter VIII of the Rules for Admission to Study at the Moscow State Institute for Strategic Studies-RGGRU is ensured in relation to persons who indicated in the application for admission to study the need to create appropriate special conditions.

Those high school graduates who are not afraid to take an unconventional path will be able to get a higher education without passing exams and the Unified State Exam to the institute. Currently not found higher educational institution, upon admission to which you would not have to pass examination tests. For those who are not confident in their ability to withstand the huge competition for budget places and do not have the opportunity to study on a paid basis, there is an alternative way to get a diploma of the coveted higher education: .

We enter the institute without passing the exam and exams

For distance learning, a computer, the Internet and the desire to independently master the educational material will be enough. The teaching staff of such institutes and universities took into account all the features of the everyday life of a student studying, and prepared high-quality teaching material, which is sent to the student in the form of lectures. They can be published in audio or video format, as well as in the traditional version: in the form of text.

The main difficulty for a student in this form of training is self-organization. The speed of the educational process directly depends on the student's ability to master the material and the desire to systematize his work. Documents are accepted to remote universities all year round, completed tests are sent by mail or via the Internet. It is possible to receive advice from teachers in the mode. If a student does not have the opportunity to receive educational materials via an electronic network, he by mail CD-disks with recordings of lectures and seminars are sent.

Leading distance learning centers

Almost every institute has a department that practices correspondence work with students, in which their personal presence is not required to pass the sessions. There are also independent units of these higher educational institutions.

At the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University there is an open distance education for everyone, where you can get a diploma in the specialties: psychology, jurisprudence, social pedagogy and etc.
- Invites students of the Institute of Business, Psychology and Management to study remotely. There is a large selection of specialties, and to start learning you only need payment and access to the Internet.
- Distance Institute at Tomsk State University provides an opportunity to receive higher education remotely in the following specialties: radio engineering, state. management, economics and finance, management, etc.

Thus, for those school graduates who do not want to take exams and the Unified State Examination when entering a university, there is a worthy way out - remote acquisition of all the knowledge and certification documents necessary to build their career.

With the current level of bureaucracy, not only in the highest echelons of power, but in educational institutions, especially universities, budget revenue seems to be something transcendental. But there are applicants who enter universities without money at all. And it's not in a happy case, but in painstaking work on oneself and one's own knowledge.

The most difficult thing for is which university and, most importantly, what specialty he still wants to enter. Here it is necessary to take into account the prestige of the university, and the demand for the future, and personal abilities in a particular area. Go to high school for days open doors, go to their websites to remove unnecessary questions.

If you have decided on an educational institution, it's time to start preparing for the entrance exams. Find out which will be included in the exam program. Honestly answer yourself whether you are 100% sure that you can easily pass this or that discipline. If not, then sign up for courses, preferably at the same university where you plan to enter. Take them seriously. Learn everything they give you. And try to "make friends" with the teachers - it is quite possible that they will take your exam. In general, behave like an exemplary student.

Exams may seem like the hardest part of the Age of Admissions. Partly it is. But you should not worry if you are confident in your knowledge. Don't risk cheat sheets. In this regard, university teachers are even more experienced than school teachers. Keep yourself calm and balanced. More confidence in your voice, and you can add a little more (a little!) a sense of humor when answering.

After the exams are passed, expect the results. If you did not have enough points before admission, do not despair. Usually there are faculties where, with your number of points, applicants are accepted for study. In a year or two, you will be able to transfer to your specialty, since in the first courses many students drop out, freeing up vacancies. But if you passed by points, then you can be congratulated on the title of “student”.

On for full-time department, as a rule, they act in two cases: when a career has just gone uphill, and there is no way to leave a job, or when a person is at the top, but wants to conquer another one.


On the correspondence department you can get both the first and subsequent ones. There are cases when students study full-time and part-time and receive two different ones in one period of time. The first thing you need to do before entering the department, decide why you need it? If you only want to get an education, maybe you should consider a full-time department. But if distance learning is connected with a vital necessity or the inability to leave a job, it is created for you.

The competition for the correspondence department is much lower than for the daytime or evening department, so it will not be difficult to enter. It is much more difficult to decide on a specialization - it should be such that you are able to understand the topic without a teacher and write tests. Of course, no one cancels the installation lectures before exams, but to understand what you are doing, they will obviously not be enough.

You have made a choice and weighed all the pros and cons. Now you can go to the admissions office. For admission to the correspondence department you will need: six photographs, certificate 086 / y, a certificate of secondary education, a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education (if any), an application and a little luck.

It is often difficult for children who have excellent knowledge of subjects to pass the unified state exam. This is due to the fact that in a critical situation a person is subject to stress. Smart kids have a huge responsibility. After all, they must pass the exams best of all!


Students with abilities are often too receptive to stressful situations. Feelings about the highest score overwhelm so much that the child is not able to get together and start doing tasks. But passing exams can be avoided in the following way. First you need to determine the area in which you understand best (language, literature, mathematics, physics, etc.).

Next, take a brochure with a list of educational institutions in your city. Usually, after a story about this or that, there is a small note that tells about all kinds of competitions held on the basis of this institution. Thus, you can find specialties for which the competition. To participate, you must enroll in the institute for courses. In order to receive a certificate after their completion, you will be offered to participate in the competition ( test or something similar). The winner is enrolled in the institute without entrance exams (including those that do not require passing the Unified State Examination).

This method not convenient cost. For courses, most likely, you will have to pay a lot of money. But there is another way to enter a university without exams. Olympiads are held periodically in every school in all subjects. Take it seriously, not as an excuse to skip classes. If you manage to get first place in school day science, then you will be sent to city competitions in this subject.

Now you need to prepare thoroughly. school olympiad it can be easier than ever to win, but there will be no concessions from your teachers in the city, since the inspection commission is from the education department. Here you need to enter the top three winners. If your school knowledge is solid, then there will be no particular difficulties either.

As soon as you find yourself in the top three, the next stage will be the final one. You will be sent to the regional Olympiad. Here everything is already serious and high level. School knowledge alone will not be enough. But if you manage to become a winner in the region, you will be able to enter any classical university in our country based on the results of the Olympiad.


There will be no standardized tasks at the regional Olympiad. All exercises and tasks will be reduced to logical thinking and testing the depth of your knowledge.

Useful advice

There are also all-Russian Olympiads. To take part in such participation, you will need to send an application to the department of education. Just wish your class teacher, and he will help you to participate in this Olympiad.


  • Admission to a university without an exam

It is often difficult for children who have solid knowledge in individual subjects to pass the unified state exam due to emotional instability and unpreparedness for stressful situations. But educational system You can bypass and enter the university without passing exams.


Capable people are often too susceptible to critical situations. This is why most smart kids don't get the high score they can. Experiences about successful delivery are so overwhelmed that the child is not able to cope with emotions and gather at the right moment. But the educational system can be circumvented in the following way. First you need to decide on the subject in which you understand best.

Then purchase a brochure with a list of higher education institutions in your city or where you would like to study. Often after a little introductory story about and about the faculties existing in it, the authors point to the opportunity to take part in various competitions on the basis of an educational institution. The winners in these Olympiads are given privileges for no exams as a prize.

You need to write a statement that you want to take part in the competition. Since it is conducted on a specific subject (for example, Russian language, chemistry, etc.), it is desirable that your knowledge in this area is much wider than school knowledge, which may not be enough. Prepare thoroughly, because in case of victory (or if you take one of the three prizes), you will be enrolled in the institute without first passing the exams.

There is an alternative. Olympiads are often held in schools various subjects. If you take one of the two places, you will be sent to the city competitions. Prepare well for them. Since this is just the second step in achieving the goal. In case of victory in the city, you will be sent to the region. Here, school knowledge alone will not be enough. Since there is a lot of time for preparation, do not be lazy. Take the matter seriously. If you win at the regional Olympiad, you will be offered a list of educational institutions where, upon providing a certificate of victory in the competition, you can be enrolled in a free place without exams.

Correspondence education is a convenient form of education for those who work, who wish to master several specialties at once, as well as for those who do not have the opportunity to receive full-time education due to lack of time. This form of training is available for almost all specialties.


Applicants can be persons who have received a complete secondary education, who will study in a full program of study (as a rule, the term of full study is from 4 to 6 years). As well as graduates, technical schools, persons who graduated from higher educational institutions who have the right to study in an abbreviated form of education (usually 2.5 - 3.5 years).

Submit a complete set of documents required for admission. Most correspondence universities a set of documents includes: an original or a photocopy of a state document on complete secondary education, secondary or primary vocational education; original or photocopy of the certificate of passing the USE tests (if desired); 4 photos 3x4; document proving identity and citizenship (presented in person).

In addition to the main set of documents, provide documents that give the right, after successfully passing the entrance exams, to enter out of competition. These include: documents giving the right to benefits established by law Russian Federation; those who serve on a contract basis and wish to study at the university must provide the original referral for study; a copy of the work book (if there is work experience). The presence of work experience will be taken into account as an advantage when applying for a budget form of education; certificates of winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads, participants of national teams in international competitions; other evidence of eligibility.

Send documents by mail if you live in the region or another city. Attach copies of required documents instead of originals.

After submitting the documents, pass the entrance examinations. As a rule, they include exams in the form of the Unified State Examination in three subjects: Russian language, mathematics and social studies. Although, depending on the university and the chosen specialty, the number and set of subjects can be changed. The minimum passing score for entrance examinations is set by the management of the educational institution.

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At the moment, passing the unified state exam is one of the main and required attributes successful admission to universities. However, there are several other ways to get an education without a certificate of passing the exam.


One of the most popular options is to enroll in a 9th based. You can finish at the university, improve your knowledge and finish your studies to enter the 3rd year at the university, having previously passed the Unified State Examination. But this approach does not work for everyone. higher institutions. For example, when entering some universities, for admission to the 3rd year, it will be enough for you to pass internal exams. However, before entering, check all the details. After all, every year universities make some adjustments for applicants.

Next option- enroll in specialized courses. In just three months, you will be able to master the profession and boldly go to work. The choice of specialties in such courses is multifaceted, so everyone can find something to their liking. For example, professions such as steward, master, cook or landscape designer are popular today. However, these courses have a significant drawback: most employers want to have employees with university degrees.

Another option is to study abroad. True, it will require significant financial costs. To begin with, you will have to graduate from college, and then go to university. In total, you will spend about 6 years on training.

Many commercial and government educational institutions offer education at paid faculties. This option is especially relevant for those who are going to get a second higher education, and high school graduated before the introduction of the exam. It is easier for such applicants to pay a certain amount than to independently remember and re-learn long-forgotten material.

In addition to these options, you can study remotely, as well as in the evening or correspondence department. In this case, it is allowed to take entrance exams to the university not in the form of the USE. Or you can still improve your knowledge, look like preparatory courses and pass the exam next year with a clear conscience.

Higher education, of course, has always been prestigious. Even now, many graduates of secondary schools are trying to enter a university sooner or later and get a good higher education. People who want to study at a university and at the same time gain professional experience choose part-time education. And where is it better to go to the "zaochku"?

To date, all universities have several faculties, both full-time and part-time. By and large, you can choose any university where there is an interesting professional direction for you. You will need to pay attention to the accreditation of the university, the experience of teachers, as well as employment prospects after graduation.

If in your hometown If there is a university where there is a correspondence course for the specialty you need, then it is better to enroll in such an educational institution. Even during sessions, you can continue to work in peace without registration. During distance learning in another city, you will have to find time every 4-5 months (about 2-3 weeks), as well as money for travel to the city where the university is located, rent an apartment or room, and food. If you study on a paid basis, then you will also have to find money for education. As you can see, it is more profitable to get higher education in your hometown.

In some universities, not all faculties have part-time education. That is why you have to enter the "point" in order to realize the dream of your life.

Requirements for part-time students of universities

In order to enroll in a part-time university, you will have to pass the same exams that full-time students take. The only difference is the delivery time. Usually students take exams a little later than other students. Correspondence students usually submit documents and pass exams in July. Application deadlines and exams can last until the end of August. Depending on how you pass the exams, you will be assigned to a commercial or budget group. It is best to pass the exams well and get on, since the cost of one semester at a university in commerce reaches up to 50-80 thousand rubles. Not every person aged 23-27 can afford such expenses.
Sometimes learn from full-time studying at a university is more profitable than enrolling in a "correspondence" course.

How much does tuition for a part-time student cost?

If you failed to pass the exams, gaining the required number of points, then you will be offered to study on a commercial basis. Each university will have different tuition fees. For example, the cost of 1 year of study at Moscow State University, according to the latest data, can be 270-330 thousand rubles. Agree, this is quite a serious amount even for people living in Moscow. It should also be noted the trend of annual growth in tuition fees in universities. From this we can conclude: you can study for free, but well, or you can just get a "crust", but for a large amount.

Students Russian schools pass the Unified State Examination. It is needed to obtain a certificate of secondary education, and its results affect the opportunity. If a student does not gain even the lowest score in one or more subjects, the school cannot issue him a certificate. Such a student leaves the school saying that he attended 11 classes. You can try to retake the exam for the next year and then go to college.

But is it possible to get a higher education without the USE for those who do not want to take exams in this form? After all, the USE is not only painful hours of serious preparation, money spent on tutors and courses, but also a rather subjective assessment of a student's knowledge. Evaluation, which, nevertheless, affects his success in life. Not to mention that passing the exam This is a terrible hassle for students and their parents.

Getting higher education without the exam

Such prospects are tempting for any child. However, how feasible are they? There are several options when it is not necessary to pass the USE for higher education, or its results will not be significant for entering a university:

1. Win or become a prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or a university Olympiad held for applicants. The received diploma of the All-Russian Olympiad will mean that a student can enter any university in the country without exams and without taking into account the USE certificate. You will need to have such a certificate only to receive a school certificate. Winners of the Olympiad of a particular university are enrolled without exams only in this university.

This, of course, is a great outlet for many talented guys. But not all students have great talents to win in such events.

2. After that, you can go to college, and after it, enter a university for an abbreviated form of study in the same specialty. Such a system does not operate in all higher educational institutions, but it is quite possible to find universities that accept an abbreviated form without the Unified State Examination. True, it is possible that the future student will have to take internal university exams in order to confirm the specialty. Besides, learning programs universities and colleges are different, and when a student is enrolled in 2-3 courses, he has to take the academic difference. And it can reach ten exams or tests.

3. You can enter a university abroad, or one that operates under a license from a foreign educational institution in Russia. The results of the exam will not be needed there, but the results of exams that students take in this country may be required. What is also important is that getting an education abroad or in a foreign university on the territory of our country is rarely free. A Russian applicant will not be able to enter the budget form, and scholarships are issued to our students extremely rarely.


It is up to each student to decide whether or not to take the exam. Russian system education does not force every person who wants to get a higher education to take exams in this form without fail. There are better options for everyone.

Higher education is one of the most important attributes of a successful career, opening up new perspectives. However, not all people have time to get higher education on a full-time basis, especially if they are already working. Correspondence education becomes the way out.

Most people sooner or later face the need to receive additional or basic higher education. Naturally, not everyone has the opportunity to enter the full-time department of the university, especially if we talk about budget places. Many people choose to postpone their higher education and instead start working, providing themselves with a stable income and seniority. However, sooner or later, higher education will still be required, for example, to take a higher position or be able to change the field of activity.

Extramural higher education is a good option for those who cannot attend classes every day, since here the main emphasis is on self-training. However, other attributes of training: lectures, seminars, practical classes, laboratory work and, of course, sessions are also present, they are simply concentrated in one or two months a year.

If you are studying by correspondence in your major, you are entitled to annual paid study leave.

As a rule, correspondence education is received either because a higher education in a specialty is required to move up the career ladder, or to change the field of activity, or simply for the sake of a diploma. As for the first option, here, most often, there is no question of where exactly to go to study, since a person knows exactly what specialty he needs for the profession. It is easiest for such students to study, because they receive basic knowledge about the specialty in the course of work, and they just need to be supported by some theoretical training.

In some cases, for professional growth, it is more profitable to take short-term refresher courses and pass specialized exams than to receive a full-fledged education.

If distance learning is a way for you to change your specialty, then you need to carefully consider what exactly you want to do. If you already have a diploma in the humanities, then it might be better to enter a humanitarian university for. The situation is similar with the exact sciences. Having decided on cardinal changes, keep in mind that most of educational material you will have to learn on your own, and doing it without a basic foundation is quite difficult.

Finally, if you are going to unlearn just for the sake of having a diploma of higher education, you can be guided only by the simplicity of admission and study. If you are not faced with the task of acquiring new knowledge, then you should choose a university based on the price of education and the exactingness of teachers: the smaller they are, the better. However, it is worth considering whether you need to spend money and time on obtaining a diploma that you are not going to use.

Since 2009, all graduates of grade 11 must pass the Unified State Examinations, which not only provide them with a certificate, but also form the basis for entering a university. Preparing for the exam takes a lot of time and effort - students begin to prepare for tests several years before graduation.

Without tutors and additional courses, it is almost impossible to score the required number of points, so most graduates experience real stress on the eve of exams. But is it possible to enter a university without an exam? It would seem that this is impossible, but there are a number of cases when it is still possible to avoid passing exams.

Ways to enter a university without USE results

According to the law, a certain category of applicants can enter without the Unified State Exam, provided that all the necessary documentation is submitted to the university in a timely manner:

To a university without an exam with a college diploma

If you do not fall under the above conditions and wish to enter the institute without the exam, then you can go the other way. After the 9th grade, you have the opportunity to apply to a college or technical school, where they are accepted on the basis of the OGE. After studying for three years in a secondary school, in the future you can enter a university for an accelerated program of study in a specialized specialty.

It should be borne in mind that many institutions in 2016 cancel this benefit for graduates of colleges and do not consider candidates without USE results. However, some commercial universities will still accept applicants under these conditions. Unified exam in this case, you will not have to pass, but you will need to pass internal tests at the institution.

When applying for a bachelor's degree in a specialized specialty, you have a chance to be enrolled without the Unified State Examination and the opportunity to skip the first year of the university, thereby reducing your study time to three years. In order to enter for sure, study the list of educational institutions that provide college graduates with such a chance. You can look up information on the Internet or contact the educational institution directly.

Additional option

Why are most applicants so afraid of the exam? Because he is afraid of not getting enough points for the desired specialty and losing the chance to enter a higher educational institution. If all of the above options do not suit you at all, then in any case you will have to take the exam, because this is a prerequisite for obtaining a school certificate.

Let's say you are well versed in social studies, but dream of entering the Faculty of Foreign Languages, where this subject is not counted when enrolling. At the same time, you are afraid that your knowledge of English (or another) language will not give you the opportunity to score a sufficient number of points.

Then you can do the following: choose a university with the desired faculty, but apply for a completely different specialty that requires disciplines in which you are well versed. In this case, it is most correct to choose a direction with a small competition and the lowest passing score.

Then you enter a university and study for a year in a specialty that is not at all interesting to you, but at the same time you are preparing to transfer to the desired faculty within the framework of this institution. Of course, in order to change your specialty, you will need to pass an exam in a specialized subject at the faculty itself. Remember, you have a whole year to thoroughly prepare for the test. In addition, with a successful combination of circumstances, you will immediately enter the second course.

Such a scheme is possible, since first-year students of different faculties study identical general education subjects, such as history, computer science, Russian, etc. But, of course, you need to clarify in advance the conditions for transfer to another faculty in the dean’s office, find out the list of necessary documentation, and also find out the specifics of the upcoming profile exam.

All methods of admission without the exam require special status or they involve a large expenditure of effort and energy. Therefore, think carefully: maybe it would be more correct to direct all your time to thorough preparation for the exam?