Hungary post tracking. South Africa Post Mail Tracking South Africa Post Mail Tracking

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South African Post Office official customer service

South African Post Office contact no: 27 12 649 7000
South African Post Office website

Typical South African Post Office tracking number:


SA Post track service and the Portfolio of this company

It's hard to imagine present days without a post. Also, it happened to the citizens of South African countries. All of them even once have a necessity to use any postal services such as money transferring, sending or receiving mails, etc. And only the one carrier can satisfy this requirement there - the South African post. This carrier is the national postal company operating in the South Africa region. On this website, you can use an SA Post tracking service to see the location of every parcel. Our South African Post tracking is always working, so you can keep on your item any time you want.

About SA Post

It stands to mention that the first notes about this company appeared more than 500 years ago. It was a pioneer of postal services on Africa's territory. In 1501, sailors used to put their reporting letters under the postal stones. The first person who guessed to do this action was the captain Pedro D'Ataide. He needed to inform his country that three ships in his fleet sank during the storm. A chosen harbor was popular among the Portuguese sailors. Their ships were regularly stopped there to stock up with food for a journey. After a while, sailors from other countries found his letter and reported Portugal about the wreck.
However, the first office was opened by the governor of the Cape almost 300 hundred years later. It was the first office of SA post. The mail wagon ran every week. In 1919 the company could boast with a motor car and air-mail service.
Surely, in that times there was no sense to talk about South African Post tracking service. The delivery time was long, and sometimes the customers waited for their letters for several weeks.Each delivered mail was a surprise for its receiver. Luckily, the age of modern technologies offers you an excellent capability to use the SA post tracking service and see all the whereabouts of your mail or package. Thanks to the parcel tracking ability every customer of the carrier’s company can easily find out the exact delivery time for his valuable cargo.

The Spectrum of Services

All the company service's range can be subdivided into the next categories:

· Virtual Post Office;
post bank.

All of the services mentioned above has request a high level in South Africa. domestic services operate countrywide. The company deals with all types of correspondence like bulk mail, faxmail, email, informmail, fastmail, etc.
The spectrum of international services is also rather extensive. It includes letters, parcels, postal cards, registered mails, etc. The information about the delivery process is available for any client by dint of SA Post track service. It is so easy to check the location of a package.
Besides, the company also offers digital postal services. It allows business owners to communicate with their clients with a dint of a secure platform. Individual customers have access to work with their mails or payments without the necessity to change digital postal box.

SA Post Track or How to Monitor the Delivery Process

k2track is a portal containing the information about all the leading postal services and express companies. It lets you check the locality of a package or mail online, using the SA Post tracking number. The website works rapidly, and the service is available round the clock.

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If you enter the tracking number in the search bar and click on the "Find by track number" button.

South African Post is the state postal service of South Africa, which provides delivery of international mail and internal correspondence for individuals and legal entities. It also provides emergency services. postal service and delivers EMS shipments. Rates for EMS delivery by South Africa Post will be higher, but this is justified by the high speed of delivery.

The international postal regulations strictly prohibit the shipment of drugs, psychotropic or explosive, flammable or other dangerous substances and objects in the mail. The South African Post website contains full rules for forwarding, also related to restrictions on dimensions, weight and mail attachment.

What tracking numbers does South Africa Post use?

Postal items are of two categories and the main criterion for separation is the weight of the item: up to 2 kg - small packages, over - parcels. Shipments from South Africa up to 2 kg may not be tracked, but parcels and fast delivery of EMC items South African Post always registers and gives them a tracking number.

A single track number format for registered international mail has been approved. The track number of the South African Post has the same form and consists of 13 characters:

  • For small packages weighing up to 2 kg - Rx123456785ZA;
  • For parcels weighing from 2 to 20 kg - Cx123456785ZA;
  • For EMS shipments - Ex123456785ZA.

The first letter R indicates that the small package is registered, the letter C will be for the parcel, EMC mail begins with the Latin E. The numbers guarantee the uniqueness of the number. But the last letters determine the country of the postal service from where the parcel was sent.

South Africa Post tracking

The longest pause in tracking parcels from South Africa occurs between import and export. In order not to worry about your shipment and imagine where the parcel is at the moment, you can track the shipments of the South African Post on the site with a Russian translation of all tracking statuses.

By the status of "Received shipment", the recipient can verify that it was sent. Then the parcels of the South African Post for processing arrive at the sorting center, where they are distributed and sent to the international postal exchange point. South African Post shipments are cleared through customs and handed over to the designated postal operator of the recipient's country. This is reported by the tracking status "export". And after import, approximately the same path is already in the country of the recipient. The last tracking status notifies you that the package has been released.

To track your package, you need to follow a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track the postal item"
3. Click on the "Track package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. Estimated delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not hard ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by companies", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text "Translate to Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track code information" block, where you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame, with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the country of destination, in this case tracking parcels becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the country of destination / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery deadlines calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, and the parcel travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Email notification received" does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by clicking on the link:.

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new package takes more than a month, this is normal, because. parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for dispatch by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the parcel left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries a parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, be scanned, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you did not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until complete enlightenment;)