The acceptance of documents to universities has been extended. What documents are needed for admission to the university? Additional points for the exam - how to get

After passing the Unified State Examination and the OGE, every high school student knows that the most interesting thing begins with graduation from school - admission to a university or college.

On sites educational institutions you can check out the information below:
✔ about the number of budget and paid places,
✔ about the number of places for targeted reception,
✔ about available benefits for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads at various levels,
✔ about hostels,
✔ schedule entrance examinations(indicating the places of entrance examinations).

We bring you the schedule admission campaign 2018.


Not earlier than 7 July
Completion of the acceptance of documents from persons entering according to the results of additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation.

Not earlier than July 10
Completion of the acceptance of documents from persons entering on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently.

26 July
Completion of the acceptance of documents from persons arriving only by USE results.
Completion of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently.


July 28-29
The stage of priority enrollment of applicants entering out of competition and in targeted areas.

July 29
The university publishes competitive lists(lists recommended for enrollment) applicants for 80% of budget places remaining after priority enrollment.

No later than August 15
The university places information on additional admission (if there are vacancies).

The university establishes the terms of enrollment for distance learning and paid places on its own.


No later than June 20
Start of acceptance of documents in colleges and technical schools.

Until August 10
Acceptance of applications for admission to the specialty (profession) with creative or profile tests.

Until August 15
Acceptance of applications for admission to full-time education in the specialty without entrance examinations.

Until November 25
Extending the acceptance of documents from applicants subject to availability.

The deadlines for accepting applications to colleges and technical schools for part-time and extramural forms of study are established by the admission rules.


The end date of the entrance examinations is the announcement on the official website and information stand admission committee college (technical school) by surname list of persons recommended for enrollment.

Within 5 days after this date, the original documents are brought by applicants who are enrolled without entrance examinations.

Within 7 days, the originals are handed over by applicants who enter according to the results of entrance examinations.

10 days before the start of classes, enrollment for full-time education ends.


The start of the acceptance of documents for admission to the magistracy is determined by the universities independently. Usually coincides with the beginning of the acceptance of documents for admission to the bachelor's and specialist's programs (no later than June 20).

Usually, the acceptance of documents for admission to the magistracy ends in August. At the same time, the deadline for applicants to the correspondence department is set 2 weeks later.

The terms of the entrance examinations and admission to the magistracy are determined by the university independently. As a rule, exams are held in July-August.

Universities can enroll students in certain areas of the master's program even in December-January.

After graduating from high school, many acutely raise the question of entering the university. This is a very important life stage for which both parents and children need to be prepared, because there are a huge number of pitfalls that many do not know about. Let's try to sort everything out in order.

First, consider the process of entering the university via the Internet. Modern technologies allow you to save a lot of time and will be able to simplify such a process as admission to a university. First, you need to decide which school you are going to apply to. If you have already decided this, you need to go to the website of the educational institution of your choice.

On each website of any educational institution you will find an online admissions office through which you need to fill out an electronic application for admission. This application must be accompanied by scanned copies of the documents required for admission, for example, registration certificate. See below for the documents to be submitted for admission. After you send the application, it will be sent for consideration, you will learn about the results later. But you also need to remember that the original documents will need to be handed over personally to the selection committee.

With all the convenience of applying via the Internet, you will still need to go to the university in order to hand over the original documents. Therefore, consider the process of ordinary admission.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to enter a university by giving only copies of documents?
It is best to give the originals to the admissions office, as this increases the chances of admission. Below is a list of documents that you will be asked for at any university:

  1. Certificate of Education. A document that you receive after leaving school containing information about your academic performance and final grades. Of course, without the results of the exam, not a single university will enroll you for training.
  2. Copy of the passport. 2 spreads containing personal data with a photo and registration.
  3. Application for admission. The application can be filled out in advance by downloading it from the official website of the university, or you can fill it out right on admission, at the admissions office, usually everyone does this.

After you are enrolled, you will need to bring the following documents:

  1. Matte photos 4-6 pieces, size 3x4 cm, without corner. Photos can be taken at the nearest photo studio. The cost ranges from 200 to 500 rubles, the shooting process takes 5-10 minutes.
  2. Medical certificate "086-U". A certificate that confirms the suitability of a person for admission to a university or when applying for a job. The best option would be to undergo a medical examination in a private clinic, where you will be quickly examined by such doctors as: a surgeon, a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ENT doctor, and they will give you the necessary
  3. Registration certificate (for boys). The certificate that you receive after a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.
  4. If you are going to enter some kind of creative specialty, for example, a designer. You will most likely need an example of your work, which will be specified in the selection committee.
  5. It is also desirable to attach to the documents various school certificates and diplomas that characterize you with better side. Most often, this is not so necessary, because they mainly look at the certificate, but still it will not be superfluous.

Now you know what documents are required for admission to the university. Now we need to decide on the timing of the receipt of these same documents.

The last date for submission of documents in 2017 is July 26. This is if you enter a university only on the basis of USE scores. If you enter a creative specialty, where you need to pass additional exams in the form of examples of your work, then the deadlines for submitting documents are from June 20 to July 8, this applies to such specialties as: Design, Journalism, Acting and so on. Each university has its own creative tests, so be prepared for this.

But as for the timing of their holding, it is approximately from 11 to 26 July. More detailed information You can get it on the website of the university by looking at the relevant documentation, by the way, on the website of the university you can get a huge amount of information regarding training, so use it.

Waves of university admissions

In 2017 there will be 2 waves of enrollment. During the first, the main part will be filled - 80% of budget places. If you want to get into it, you will need to hand over the original documents before August 1, the order for enrollment in the public domain is most often published on August 3.

The second wave will fill the remaining 20% ​​of the places for the budget. The same documents will have to be brought before August 6, the order for enrollment will appear on August 8.

The process of entering the Higher Educational Institution is quite long and laborious. You will need to collect a considerable amount of necessary documents. And also if you enter a creative specialty - pass the necessary exams. We recommend that you be patient and do not hesitate to apply, so you will have a better chance of getting on the budget.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation defines the list of entrance examinations for admission to study in educational programs higher education- Bachelor's and specialist's programs. (Full list).

At the same time, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and in the profile subject for this specialty must be taken into account. Universities are given the right to choose another third exam from several recommended for this specialty.
(The procedure for admission to universities, order No. 890 of 07/22/16)

In 2018, the results of the USE for 2014-2018 will be valid.

Two universities - Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities have special status. These universities have the right to independently make a decision to conduct one additional entrance examination of a profile orientation when enrolling for undergraduate and specialist training programs.

By government decree, the right to conduct their own entrance examinations for certain specialties annually may be granted to some more universities. The form of these examinations (written, oral, testing, interview) is determined by the university.

Right to hold ( in addition to the exam) one own entrance test in a specialized subject was given to 5 universities:

Universities that have the right to conduct additional tests for applicants
(for some specialties)

  1. Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (jurisprudence)
  2. Moscow State Linguistic University (political science, jurisprudence, linguistics, etc.)
  3. Moscow Pedagogical State University(sociology)
  4. National research university "graduate School economics" (philology, linguistics)
  5. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University. N. A. Dobrolyubova (translation and translation studies)

Additional tests can also be carried out by universities for admission to creative and sports specialties. Part of the entrance examinations can be considered by the university according to the pass-fail system, others - as competitive ones. Universities must determine the final list of entrance examinations and conditions for admission by February 1 of the current year.

Admission to universities without entrance examinations

Without entrance examinations (USE results), only winners and prize-winners can enter the university final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international Olympiads in general subjects, for training in the areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Winners and prize-winners of additional Olympiads, the list of which is established by the Olympiad Council operating on the basis of Russian Union rectors, receive benefits at the discretion of the educational institutions themselves, where they enter in accordance with the profile of the Olympiad

Full-time and part-time forms of education

Reception of documents ends:

  • 26 July;
  • for those entering the areas of study for which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are conducted: July 10(except for applicants for training at the Military Engineering Institute);
  • for applicants for training at the Military Engineering Institute: July 18;
  • for applicants based on the results of general education entrance examinations conducted by the university independently: July 10;
  • August 13.

Extramural studies

Reception of documents ends:

  • for applicants for budget places only on the basis of the results of the exam: August 16;
  • for applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently: August 1;
  • for applicants on a paid basis only according to the results of the Unified State Examination: August 21.

Key Documents

  • Application for admission to study.
    An applicant submits one application for participation in the competition for admission, in which he indicates the directions / specialties / programs (of any institute or branch of SibFU), conditions and grounds for admission.
    See an example of filling in the AIS "Applicant" and an example of its printout from the AIS.
  • Document proving identity and citizenship.
  • Document of previous education.
  • 2 photographs 3×4 in size with the right corner, without headgear (for applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently).
    It is advisable to provide 1 more photo for issuing a pass for those wishing to live in a hostel for the period of entrance examinations and 3 photos for receiving a grade book, student and library cards after enrollment.
  • Documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant, which are taken into account upon admission (section 4 and Appendix 1 to the Admission Rules).
    Provided at the request of the applicant.
  • Application for the provision of a hostel for the period of study (.pdf).
    Optional for non-resident applicants entering the full-time form (see Regulations).
  • TIN and number of the state pension insurance certificate (provide numbers or provide copies of documents).
    Applicants to budget places for full-time education. Please report prior to enrollment. Information will be required to apply for scholarships.
  • Other documents.

Persons referred to in parts 3.1 and 3.3 of Article 5 and Article 6 federal law No. 84-FZ "On the peculiarities of legal regulation of relations in the field of education in connection with the adoption of the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects in the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol" and on amendments to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" are accepted for training in accordance with the features established by the Admission Rules. Upon admission to training in accordance with the specifics established by the Rules for Admission to Training of Persons Specified in Part 3.1 of Article 5 or Article 6 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ, these persons shall submit a document (documents) confirming that the applicant is such a person in accordance with with the conditions for referring to the number of these persons established by Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-FKZ "On the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New Subjects in the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol" and (or) Federal Law No. 84-FZ.

Documents confirming special rights and benefits in admission to study

  • Diploma (s) of the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren or the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (valid for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad).
  • Diploma of the winner (diploma of the 1st degree) or prize-winner (diploma of the 2nd or 3rd degree) of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad, or a document confirming the receipt of such a diploma in the specified period (valid for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad) - if the indicated winners and prize-winners are among the persons specified in part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ.
  • A document confirming that the applicant was included in the number of members of the national team of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general subjects and was formed in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science (valid for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad).
  • A document confirming that an applicant from among the persons specified in part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ was included in the number of members of the national teams of Ukraine participating in international Olympiads in general education subjects (valid for 4 years following the year holding the corresponding Olympiad).
  • A document confirming the status of a champion or prize-winner of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaflympics, world or European champion, winner of the world or European championship in a sport included in the program of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaflympics - upon admission to the directions 03/49/01 " Physical Culture” and 49.03.03 “Recreation and sports and health tourism”.
  • Documents confirming that the applicant is one of the persons entitled to admission within the quota.
    Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military injuries or diseases received during the period of passage military service, orphans and children left without parental care, until they reach the age of 23 years, veterans of military operations from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ "On veterans."
  • A document confirming the preemptive right to enroll, ceteris paribus.
    To use other preferential rights upon admission or create special conditions for passing entrance examinations, the applicant submits supporting documents in accordance with.
  • Document of the established form, issued general educational organization or a professional educational organization that is under the jurisdiction of a federal state body and implements additional general educational programs aimed at preparing underage students for military or other public service- to use the pre-emptive enrollment right specified in clause 33.

Additional documents for certain categories of applicants

  • If it is necessary to create special conditions during entrance examinations - a document confirming limited opportunities health or disability requiring the creation of these conditions.
  • For applicants specified in subparagraph "a" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 21, with the intention to participate in the competition based on the results of general education entrance examinations for certain categories of applicants - a document confirming disability.
  • Citizens of foreign states, stateless persons, compatriots living abroad, before applying for admission, must obtain a Conclusion on the possibility of admission at the protocol department of the Department of International Relations of the Siberian Federal University and submit it to the selection committee.
    A compatriot indicates in the application for admission information about admission to study in accordance with Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ or in accordance with State program. Upon admission to training in accordance with Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ, a compatriot submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 66 of the Rules for Admission, originals or copies of documents provided for in Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ.

In the event that an applicant submits an application that does not contain all the information provided for by the Rules for Admission, as well as in case of submission of an incomplete set of documents or non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements established by the Rules for Admission, the documents are returned to the applicant.

In the case of sending the documents required for admission by mail or in electronic form, these documents are accepted if they entered the university no later than the end of the working day and the deadline for accepting documents established at the university. The application for admission is registered in the AIS "Applicant" after checking its completion.

Lists of persons who have submitted documents (and registered in the AIS "Applicant") will be posted on the SibFU website indicating information about the acceptance or refusal to accept documents.

Documents for admission by e-mail are not accepted:

  • from persons who have a special right during admission, due to the need for an examination of the original documents in the administrative and legal department of the Siberian Federal University;
  • from persons participating in admission to targeted training.

To enroll, you must submit within the prescribed period:

  • for budget places - the original document on education and a statement of consent to enrollment;
  • for paid places - a statement of consent to enrollment and the original document of education or a copy certified in the prescribed manner (by the educational institution in which the original is located), or a copy with the presentation of the original to certify the copy by the admissions committee.

The statement of consent to enrollment indicates the conditions for admission and the grounds for admission (if any) for one specific competition, in accordance with the results of which the applicant wants to be enrolled.

Deadlines for the completion of the receipt of the original document on education and consent to enrollment in budget places

For full-time and part-time forms of education:

  • from applicants without entrance examinations, entering places within the admission quota of persons with special rights, and entering places within the target admission quota: July 28th(issue of the order - July 29);
  • from applicants to the main competitive places included in the competitive list, wishing to be enrolled at the first stage (enrollment for 80% of competitive places): August 1(issue of the order - August 3);
  • from applicants to the main competitive places included in the competitive list, wishing to be enrolled in the second stage (enrollment for the remaining 20% ​​of the places): August 6(issue of the order - August 8).

When enrolling in full-time study at state-funded places, an applicant may, at his discretion, submit an application for consent to enrollment once or twice (but no more). When re-submitting, a refusal to enroll is simultaneously submitted in accordance with the previously submitted (previous) consent. If at the same time the applicant was already included in the enrollment order, then he is excluded from the number of enrolled in accordance with the refusal.

On the correspondence form learning:

  • from applicants without entrance examinations, entering places within the admission quota of persons with special rights, and entering places within the target admission quota, as well as for enrollment by the general competition: August 19(issue of the order - August 20).

Deadlines for the completion of submission of consents to enrollment in paid education

For applicants included in the competitive lists, who have concluded an agreement on the provision of paid educational services, who have paid for the first semester of study in accordance with the terms of the agreement:

  • full-time and part-time forms learning: August 15(issue of the order - August 16);
  • extramural studies: August 22(issue of the order - August 23).

After the exam and the painful choice educational program at the university, it's time to put your thoughts in order and mark on the calendar: when, what and where to take for admission.

For 2016–2017 school year earned new order admission to universities. It also concerns future bachelors, and specialists, and masters: order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147.

What documents to prepare for admission to a bachelor's or specialist's degree:

  • application for admission (check the application form and methods of its delivery on the website of the university);
  • certified photocopies of documents: passports / international passports; certificates of passing the exam; secondary school certificate/diploma vocational education;
  • six photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate form 086-y (for full-time education);
  • portfolio: copies of diplomas, certificates, thanks, letters of recommendation, etc.


FROM June 20 All universities are already accepting documents for full-time and part-time programs. But the deadline for accepting documents depends on the set of entrance tests. If for admission you do not need to take any additional internal exams to the Unified State Examination, then for you the deadline for submitting documents is 26 July.

If your program involves additional professional or creative tests, then be afraid of the date July 7. Universities may extend the date of collection of documents, but this must be obtained from the university itself.

Let's say you did not pass the exam and for admission you have to do internal exams university (this may be, for example, if an applicant enters after a specialized secondary vocational education). In this case, take care to hand over the documents before July 10. The university can set a later date here too, so be sure to clarify the issue on the website of your university.

Before 26 July must pass all internal and additional examinations, and thus this date marks the end of the first wave of admission.

For those who are going to study on a paid basis and / or on correspondence department, the deadlines for submitting documents are entirely determined by the educational institution.

Master's degree

Students enter the magistracy according to the results of internal tests of the university. This may be a portfolio competition or the submission of a core subject, coupled with foreign language. To participate in the competition, you must submit a diploma of higher education.

The only term for the master's program that puts forward a new admission procedure is August 10. The university cannot complete the acceptance of documents before this date.

Deadlines for the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads

It is possible to enter a university without any examinations at all. First of all, this concerns the winners of the All-Russian school olympiads from a special list established by law. Within four years following the year of the Olympiad, the winner or prize-winner of the competition can submit their results to universities and apply for out-of-competition admission.

Additional credits for portfolio

Additional points can be obtained:

  • for high school diploma general education Honours,
  • diploma of secondary vocational education with honors,
  • certificate of volunteer (voluntary) activity,
  • TRP icon.

But not only. It is important to show any achievements that are relevant to the educational program.