3 functionally semantic types of speech. Functional-semantic type of speech: description, narration, reasoning

The work was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Foundation
(Grant No. 02-04-00414 a/T)

The system of functional-semantic types of speech
in modern Russian
(description - narration - reasoning - prescription - statement)

functional sense types speech (FSTR) - communicatively conditioned typified varieties of monologue speech, which traditionally include description, narration and reasoning. In the history of the development of rhetoric, poetics, stylistics, they had different names: methods of presentation, types of text, verbal and stylistic unities, compositional and speech forms, etc. The term "functional-semantic type of speech" was introduced into the scientific circulation by prof. O.A. Nechaeva (1974). Publication of the monograph by O.A. Nechaeva, devoted to the study of description, narration and reasoning (mainly on the material of literary texts), marked the beginning of an active study of FSTR, functioning in the stylistic varieties of modern Russian literary language.

The development of functional stylistics, the special appeal of scientists to the problem of FSTR, the involvement of the entire variety of socially significant functional varieties of speech as an object of study led to the isolation of subtypes within the FSTR, the identification of new types of speech (the main ones should include prescription and ascertainment - types of speech that are primarily characteristic for official business texts), to significant refinements of the initial ideas of linguists about the FSTR system and its functioning in the Russian language. As a result of the fact that the goals and objectives of communication in different areas communications are different, the processes of evolution of types of speech in the Russian literary language also turn out to be unequal (Trosheva, 1999), and modern characteristics each FSTR. The specificity of the functional varieties of the language determines the variability in the manifestation of the same FSTR in different texts - up to their functional and semantic transformation. Extralinguistic factors also determine the originality of the language expression of reasoning, its structure, quantitative parameters of use in various functional styles. The current level of development of the science of language, the turn of linguistics from a structural to a functional paradigm does not allow ignoring the functional and stylistic specifics of textual phenomena, including when studying them at school.

The process of communicative development of a personality is impossible without the formation of a theoretically clear idea of ​​the functional and semantic typology of speech, without developing the ability to analyze a text in terms of its belonging to a certain type, the ability to create texts in accordance with communicative-functional, logical-semantic, compositional-structural, lexical -grammatical characteristics of one or another FSTR. In practice, mastering such a type of speech as reasoning turns out to be the most difficult, while information about this FSTR and its subtypes in textbooks for high school incomplete, and often inaccurate and contradictory. As a result, a distorted idea of ​​the actual functioning of reasoning in texts of various styles is formed. For example, insufficient consideration of the specifics of a literary text, which causes the leveling of the argumentative function and the semantics of reasoning, the activation of its pictorial, aesthetic function, leads to an incorrect qualification of the FSTR, to an erroneous definition of the functional and semantic dominant of style.

Consider the main FSTR, characterizing each of them in detail. We classified the main types of speech that make up the dominant of one or more functional styles (as a result of the analysis of texts, we made sure that reasoning and description prevail in scientific speech, prescription and statement in official business speech, narration and reasoning in journalistic speech, narration in fiction and description, colloquial - narrative).

Description- FSTR, the essence of which is to express the fact of the coexistence of objects, their signs at the same time. The description serves for a detailed transfer of the state of reality, images of nature, terrain, interior, appearance. For example:

“Kochanovskaya estate stands on the river, opposite the village. The manor is not rich - the house is covered with wood chips, on both sides the gate connects it with the outbuildings, in the left outbuilding there is a kitchen, in the right one there is a barn, a cowshed, a barn. One kitchen window overlooks the river, but you can’t see the river, the old hard raspberry tree props up the outbuilding ... "(K. Fedin. Shepherd);

“... The road, as if not wanting to be intrusive, went somewhere to the right. A barely noticeable path branched off from it, meandered between the pines and died in a clearing near the house. Despite the night twilight, the grass in the clearing was white with strawberry flowers. She, this berry of my childhood, bloomed especially thickly behind the house: I stood in one place, afraid to step over and trample on her white stars ”(V. Belov. Bobrishny eel).

In the content of descriptive texts, the main thing is objects, properties, qualities, and not actions. Therefore, the main semantic load is borne by nouns and adjectives. Nouns refer to specific vocabulary ( river, village, house, gate, outbuilding, window and etc.). Words with a spatial meaning are widely used - the circumstances of the place ( on the river, against the village, on both sides, between the pines, in the clearing, near the house, behind the house etc.). Verbal predicates in a semantic sense are either weakened, erased ( the estate stands on the river; the window overlooks the river; the road turned to the right), or have a qualitative-pictorial value ( the grass was white with strawberry flowers; she bloomed heavily). The verb form of the present tense is often used, expressing the long-term state of the subject or the "timeless" state ( stands, connects, supports). Imperfect past tense verbs indicate the state of the described phenomena at the time of observing them ( whitened, blossomed). Even perfective verbs in descriptive contexts convey a property, a characteristic of an object, and not an active action ( a barely noticeable path branched off from it, meandered between the pines and died in a clearing).

The description is characterized by the uniformity of the forms of the predicate, which is an indicator of the static character of the depicted. The most frequent are descriptions with a single plan of the present tense or with a single plan of the past tense. The degree of static in the descriptions with the past tense plan is lower than in the descriptions with the present tense plan. The structure of sentences in the description is often inherent syntactic parallelism.

The description may include a sequence of nominative and elliptical constructions, which creates a kind of nominative style, most clearly represented in the remarks of dramatic works, film scripts, and diary entries. For example:

“Large room, corner of the house; Vassa has lived here for ten years and spends most of the day. A large work table, in front of it is a light armchair with a hard seat, a fireproof wardrobe, on the wall there is an extensive, brightly colored map of the upper and middle reaches of the Volga - from Rybinsk to Kazan; under the map - a wide ottoman covered with a carpet, on it a pile of pillows; in the middle of the room is a small oval table, chairs with high backs; double glass doors to the garden terrace, two windows - also to the garden. A large leather armchair, on the windowsills - geraniums, in the wall between the windows on the floor in a tub - a laurel tree. A small shelf, on it is a silver jug, the same gilded ladles. Near the ottoman there is a door to the bedroom, in front of the table there is a door to other rooms.(M. Gorky. Vassa Zheleznova).

In such descriptions, objects seem to be captured by a video camera. The sentences are equal relative to each other, autosemantic. They can be grouped in other ways, it all depends on the "reference point".

The enumerative meaning of descriptive text is often conveyed by a parallel connection of sentences. This is clearly demonstrated by the texts of the descriptive sciences (biology, geology, etc.), which include logical units in the form of whole paragraphs, which consist of sentences expressing parallel connected judgments with a single subject and different predicates. For example:

“The common one is already well distinguishable by its dark, almost black color ... It is distributed in the European part of the country, in Siberia east to Transbaikalia and in some places in Central Asia. It keeps along the banks of swamps, rivers, ponds. It feeds on frogs, lizards, rodents, less often insects. Rarely eats fish(S.P. Naumov. Zoology of vertebrates).

A special kind of description is a characteristic - a type of speech used to depict the qualities of a person or object. For example, in a scientific text:

"Let's give brief description listed classes of particles. 1. Photons... participate in electromagnetic interactions, but do not have strong and weak interactions. 2. Leptons get their name from Greek word"leptos", which means "light". These include particles that do not have strong interactions: muons.., electrons.., electron neutrinos... and muon neutrinos... All leptons have a spin equal to 1/2, and, therefore, are fermions. All leptons have a weak interaction… 3. Mesons are strongly interacting unstable particles that do not carry the so-called baryon charge… These include… pions…, kaons… and this meson…”

In the characteristic, as in any description, there may be elements of reasoning. So, in the above fragment (item 2) there is a sentence (“All leptons have a spin equal to 1/2, and, therefore, are fermions”), which is a deductive reasoning with the missing first premise. However, its functioning in this text is subordinated to the main task - to describe the properties of leptons.

A literary text is characterized by a contamination of description with narration. Elements of descriptiveness are present in almost any narrative text.

Sometimes the semantic load in the description falls on the action, in this case they speak of a "dynamic description" - a type of transitional speech bordering on the narrative. The dynamic description conveys the flow of actions with small time intervals in a limited space. The structural content of the description is reduced to the temporal relation of simple following. Due to the fact that all attention is focused on fixing the dynamics, on a number of moments of action, their “step-by-step” nature, such content determines the selection of sentences that have an independent character, auto-semantic. Dynamic description is often used to show external events, being a means of naturalistic reflection of reality (there is a special term for the naturalistic method of a very detailed description of an action with great accuracy in rendering details - “second style”). In addition, a dynamic description can serve as a means of sharp, subtle psychological sketches - when depicting the experience, the dynamics of the hero's internal state.

The dynamic description is also widely presented in scientific texts (along with the static description and reasoning), where it is used for a detailed, accurate depiction of actions performed during the experiment, experiment. The task of the author in this case is not to tell about the events unfolding at a certain time (which is typical for the narrative), but to describe the process, the stages of this process, usually regardless of the specific time. For example:

“They take a prism of Icelandic spar ... The prism is sawn perpendicular to the plane ... Then both halves are glued together with Canadian balsam ...”(A.G. Stoletov. Introduction to acoustics and optics).

Narration- FSTR, designed to depict a sequential series of events or the transition of an object from one state to another. For example:

“And Dr. Startsev, Dmitry Ionych, when he had just been appointed zemstvo doctor and settled in Dyalizh, nine miles from S., was also told that he, as an intelligent person, needed to get acquainted with the Turkins. One winter in the street he was introduced to Ivan Petrovich; we talked about the weather, about the theater, about cholera, followed by an invitation. In the spring, on a holiday - it was the ascension - after receiving the sick, Startsev went to the city to have a little fun and, by the way, buy himself something. He walked slowly (he didn’t have his own horses yet), and sang all the time ... He dined in the city, took a walk in the garden, then somehow by itself Ivan Petrovich’s invitation came to his mind, and he decided to go to the Turkins to see what kind of people they are…”(A.P. Chekhov. Ionych);

“Spring came, coltsfoot and forget-me-nots bloomed, snowdrops appeared under the brown roots of the forest, and a cat suddenly blossomed in a neighboring house. Snowdrops turned blue cat whiskers, coltsfoot and bird cherry leaves gilded eyes, and white willow earrings appeared on paws and chest. Decorated, blooming, he lay down on the new grass, sat on the old fence, his eyes twinkled on the roof of the shed. I kept waiting for some kind of spring tulip, special, catlike, to appear on his tail, but the tulip did not appear ... "(Yu. Koval. Spring cat).

In the foreground in the content of narrative fragments of the text is the order of the action. Each sentence usually expresses some stage, stage in the development of the action, in the movement of the plot. An important role is played by the temporal correlation of predicates, which can manifest itself both as their temporal uniformity and as temporal heterogeneity. The main semantic load is usually performed by perfective verbs, prefixed and non-prefixed ( settled, introduced, talked, went, dined, walked, decided etc.; came, bloomed, blossomed, turned blue, gilded etc.), which denote actions that are limiting, changing. The narrative is characterized by specific vocabulary ( doctor, sick, horses, city, garden; forest, snowdrops, cat, mustache, paws). The course of events is accentuated by the circumstances of time ( just now, somehow in winter, in spring, on a holiday, after receiving patients, then).

By use syntactic constructions and types of connection of sentences, narration is opposed to description, which is manifested, in particular, in the following: 1) in the difference in the aspectual-temporal forms of verbs - the description is based mainly on the use of imperfective forms, narration - perfect; 2) in the predominance of a chain connection of sentences in the narrative - a parallel connection is more characteristic of the description; 3) in use one-part sentences- nominative sentences, impersonal sentences, widely presented in descriptive contexts, are not typical for narration (for more details about the language means typical for description and narration, see: Nechaeva, 1999).

Narration is a type of speech that functions primarily in literary texts and shaping the story of the events, the system of which makes up the plot of the work. In artistic and visual speech ( works of art, texts of some genres of journalism - reporting, essay, informative and expressive notes, texts-stories in colloquial style) elements of descriptiveness and narrative are organically combined. The description is included in the narrative for a visual-figurative representation of the characters, the place of action.

reasoning- FSTR corresponding to the form abstract thinking- inference, which performs a special communicative task - to give speech a reasoned character (come in a logical way to a new judgment or argue what was said earlier) and formalized with the help of lexical and grammatical means of cause-and-effect semantics. The main area of ​​application of reasoning is scientific, actualizing logical, rational type thinking.

Reasoning functions in texts in the form of several communicative and compositional options, the typology of which is a field structure.

The central variety is proper reasoning(reasoning in the narrow sense of the word) - a type of speech that most consistently expresses the causal relationship between judgments: from cause to effect, and not from consequence (thesis) to cause (foundation). The central place of reasoning itself in the system of argumentative subtypes of speech is also due to its role in the communicative-cognitive process. It is this type of speech that formalizes the derivation of new knowledge, demonstrates the course of the author's thought, the way to solve the problem. Structurally, reasoning itself is a chain of sentences connected by relations of logical consequence. For example:

"Under the influence electromagnetic wave an atom with equal probability can pass both to a higher and to a lower energy state... In the first case, the wave will be weakened, in the second it will be amplified. If the paramagnet is in thermal equilibrium, atoms are distributed over sublevels in accordance with Boltzmann's law ... Therefore, the number of atoms in a state with a lower energy exceeds the number of atoms in a state with a higher energy. Therefore, transitions occurring with an increase in the energy of atoms will prevail over transitions occurring with a decrease in energy. As a result, the intensity of the wave will decrease - the paramagnet absorbs electromagnetic radiation, as a result of which it heats up. It follows from the foregoing that electron paramagnetic resonance is a selective absorption of radio frequency field energy in paramagnetic substances in a constant magnetic field.(I.V. Savelyev. Course of General Physics).

The region adjacent to the center, the region of the near periphery, is occupied by subtypes of reasoning, which serve to give the expressed judgments a more reasoned character: proof(communicative-cognitive function - establishing the truth of the thesis), refutation(a kind of evidence that serves to establish the falsity of the thesis), the confirmation(or empirical evidence, the function is to establish the reliability of the stated position by supporting it with facts), justification(establishing the expediency of an action, motivation; unlike evidence, which corresponds to the question “Is it really so?”, Justification gives an answer to the question “Is it really necessary, expedient?”). These subtypes of reasoning are united among themselves on the basis of structural similarity: they all include a thesis, which forms a key part of the construction, and arguments - a commentary part, which is designed to remove doubts (in whole or in part) about the position put forward as a thesis.

Here is an example proof: “The thermal motion of radiating atoms leads to the so-called Doppler broadening of the spectral lines. Let at the moment of emission of a photon, the atom has a momentum ... Therefore, the momentum of the atom changes ... Therefore, the energy of the translational motion of the atom also changes ... Let us replace ... Denote ... The value of this frequency is obtained from the condition ... As a result, we obtain that ... From the formulas ... it follows that ... Substituting the expression here ..., we come to the formula ... Therefore, the expression ... gives the Doppler width of the spectral line "(I.V. Savelyev. Course of General Physics).

The proof, as a rule, ends with a variant repetition of the thesis - a conclusion, that is, a judgment already known to the reader, the new point of which is that its truth has been proven. Between the initial and final sentences, a distant lexical-semantic connection is established, which is a signal of the beginning and end of the statement, performs a special compositional role, organizing the text. The proof is characterized by the use of a typical set of tools. The stereotypical ways of its design include the designation of a sequence of operations using 1st person verbs plural: find, multiply, equate, determine etc. The result of these operations is entered in the words will, we will have, we will receive, where it comes from, it follows from here, then etc. To express causal relationships, unions and union analogues of the corresponding semantics are used: because, therefore, because, therefore, therefore, thus, so. In the proof, carried out with the help of additional assumptions, the particle is used let, performatives suppose, suppose, conditional constructions.

In the area of ​​the far periphery of the field structure of reasoning is an explanation. Unlike the named subtypes of reasoning, the explanation serves primarily not to confirm the validity of the thesis (or establish its falsity), but to reveal the causes of real phenomena. For example:

“It is interesting to note that the sharp edges of the shaped profiles of the holes become smoothed in the fiber, and if the size of the details of the profiled hole is not very large, then the fiber turns out to be of a circular cross section, i.e., the same as with a round hole. This happens because surface tension forces act on the liquid jet ... "(S.P. Papkov. Polymeric fibrous materials).

Reasoning as a textual phenomenon was formed in scientific speech. It is thanks to the scientific style that the Russian literary language in the process of its development was enriched by reasoning in its most “pure” form, in all its main varieties. In the texts of other styles, an adaptation of the reasoning to the specifics of the style is found.

Strictly logical detailed reasoning itself is not typical for artistic, journalistic, official business texts. The subtype "actual reasoning" in literary texts appears in the form of its emotional variant - free thinking, in which the causal connection between judgments as a whole can be traced, but does not unite them with a rigid logical core. The laxity of the form of speech, the ease of reflection help to create an atmosphere of intimate communication between the author and the reader, which is characteristic of the artistic sphere. In journalistic texts, reasoning itself performs the function of preparing, leading the reader to a certain conclusion, but here, unlike scientific speech, this subtype of reasoning, even with its large volume, as a rule, is not a chain of judgments logically arising from one another, but factual information followed by a conclusion.

Literary texts do not use evidence. Logical verification of the truth of the proposed thesis using complex system conclusion judgments is relevant primarily for the scientific sphere of activity, and in addition - the criminal law sphere. For journalism focused on the mentality of an educated, intelligent addressee, argumentative types of speech are fundamentally important, since they ensure the implementation of the main communicative function of journalism - persuasive influence. However, the task of persuasion is solved in journalism not through the actual proof, that is, not through strict logical procedures, as in scientific speech. In journalistic texts, in order to convince the reader of the correctness of the author's judgments, confirmation of their facts is used. In this regard, a large activity of the argumentative subtype of speech "confirmation" is found here. In works of art, confirmation as an argumentative construction, which includes a hypothetical statement of the author and a statement of facts that support this statement, which have not actually a causal, as in the explanation, but a causal-arguing value, is rarely used. Confirmation by arguments of the author's statements in the field artistic creativity not as important as in the field of science or journalism. In addition, confirmation, functioning in literary texts, performs a task different from the task of confirmation in scientific speech. If in the latter it helps to make a scientific guess more reliable, then in a work of art it performs a purely communicative function - it makes the depicted more visual, psychologically more reliable, helps the reader to feel the inner state of the hero. For example: “He stood with his hands on the back of the seat, and, obviously, was very worried: his face was red, and a muscle quivered on his cheek ...”(L.N. Tolstoy. The Kreutzer Sonata).

Explanation and justification are common not only in scientific, but also in journalistic texts, where they serve the task of increasing the reader's understanding of the analyzed problems, the importance of decisions made, actions taken. Explanation is also present in works of art, however, like other types of reasoning, it is distinguished here by a special “aura”, it arises as a result of a creative dialogue between the author and the reader in the process of clarifying the artistic meaning of the text. An open explanation of the events described, the states of the characters, which increases the degree of plausibility of the depicted, is combined with hidden forms of explanation, deliberate understatement, which encourages the reader to think, look for answers to the numerous “why?” in the general context and in the subtext of the work, and thereby helps the reader to get closer to understanding the deep ideological and aesthetic content of the work.

In official business texts, in general, the frequency of using reasoning is insignificant. Due to the specifics of this style, its extralinguistic basis - the appointment in society, regulating functions (in connection with which the precept occupies a dominant position in the texts), reasoning cannot be a systemic constructive sign of an official business speech. Some genres present certain types of reasoning (for example, statements and claims are characterized by substantiation, explanation), but there is not a single subtype of reasoning that would be used in business texts of all genres (at least genres within one substyle). In addition, subtypes of reasoning function here specifically, reflecting the peculiarities of the style. For example, the actual reasoning in the texts of the legal sphere is close to the representing type of speech - the statement (see below).

Functional and stylistic variants of reasoning differ in the means of designing compositional parts. In journalistic and especially literary texts, there is high degree implicitness of reasoning, and not only at the level of means of communication between structural components, but also in relation to the very links of reasoning, which may be in the subtext (see: Trosheva, Kaigorodova, 2002). The syntactic means of reasoning convey its expressiveness in these styles. Exclamatory and interrogative sentences, parceling are widely used. The incompleteness and fragmentation of the argument is emphasized by means of ellipsis. The means of communication of the compositional parts of reasoning in fiction and journalistic works are stylistically more diverse than in scientific and business ones (from bookish, archaic lexical and grammatical units such as union so that, adverbs therefore to colloquial because, once, after all, they say etc.).

prescription- FSTR used to express directives, recommendations. It functions primarily in official business and scientific and technical texts (laws, resolutions, decrees, orders, various kinds of instructions) - texts whose communicative task is to convey instructions that are mandatory for execution or equip the reader with a method of action under certain conditions, knowledge of technological processes .

In official business speech, the main stylistic feature of which is imperative, due to the regulatory, regulating function of law, the prescription is the leading FSTR, expressing the typical communicative will of the creators of the legal norm. The prescription is realized in three main subtypes: obligation, permission and prohibition. For example:

“Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical and cultural monuments”; “Every person arrested, taken into custody, accused of committing a crime has the right to be assisted by a lawyer…”; “Economic activities aimed at monopolization and unfair competition are not allowed”(from the Constitution).

For the design of the structural parts of the prescription in documents, rubrication is typically used. For example:

“It was decided: 1. The dissertation ... to be accepted for defense as the corresponding specialty 10.02.01 - Russian. 2. The degree of reflection of the dissertation materials in published works is considered sufficient ... 3. As official opponents ... appoint ... 4. As the leading organization of the dissertation ... approve ... "(from protocol).

In scientific and technical texts, the prescription also refers to the most frequent FSTR (along with one more representing type - description). Technical sciences are a specific system of knowledge that reflects the process of purposeful transformation of natural material objects into technological processes and artificial material devices. In scientific and technical activity, there is an accumulation of reproductive operations, which the researcher groups, and then develops prescriptions for performing stereotypical procedures. The type of speech "prescription" and serves to express prescription knowledge, is used in instructions designed to present technological recipes that prescribe certain actions to addressees. For example:

“Cutting forces on a sharp cutter when removing large-section chips are usually calculated by the expression [formula] ... The value of tangential forces in relation to the operation of tunneling machines is established by empirical expressions such as [formula] ...”(V.V. Rzhevsky. Physical and technical parameters of rocks);

“When developing a cement slurry, the choice of the optimal formulation must be carried out in strict accordance with specific mountain and hydrogeological conditions. Should be considered chemical composition groundwater…”(E.Ya. Kipko et al. Integrated grouting method in the construction of mines).

Prescriptions were widespread in the scientific speech of the XVII and the first half of XVIII in. (the so-called recipe style) - in manual texts, which is associated with the general didactic character scientific literature that time. Among the original scientific works, the works that combined the features of educational and scientific-business works prevailed. In our time, prescriptions are also characteristic of educational and didactic literature (see, for example, educational programs, textbooks, guidelines, instructions).

Performing the functions of a regulator of activity, the prescription can act in various modifications - with shades of strict directives, recommendations, guidelines, wishes. In this regard, the degree of expression of imperativeness may be different. For a well-defined expression of imperativeness, the following language means are used:

1) imperative sentences with verb forms of the imperative or infinitive, often a chain of these forms, for example: “Combine the first workouts on the ice with the usual “land” ones. Also, alternate 5-10 minutes of slow-paced ice skating with a short indoor rest. Ride on slightly bent legs ... Tilt your body forward while running. Do not lower your head and shoulders ... "(from the recommendation for beginner skaters);

2) modal words with the meaning of obligation ( must to report, obliged pay, necessary take account of);

There is also a somewhat veiled form of prescription - usually using verbs in the present tense (the so-called present prescription) as part of indefinitely personal sentences (such constructions are typical, for example, for culinary recipes: “The seeds are removed from the pepper, the cottage cheese is wiped, mixed with cheese, semolina and sour cream, then white sauce, beaten eggs, salt are added and everything is mixed ...”), two-part constructions (the tenant is responsible for the damage caused to the rented property ... - that is, he must answer), and in this case the whole context is prescriptive.

Statement- FSTR, which implements a typical communicative task of certifying one or another fact of reality up to the establishment of this fact in the status of a law. The statement forms, as a rule, secondary, i.e., already processed primary information and is widely used in official business style texts. The very name "statement" speaks of the nature of its constituent elements - this is a message in the form of sentences containing statements, statements. For example:

“The Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, hereinafter referred to as the High Contracting Parties, relying on the historically established strong ties between the two states, the traditions of good communication, ... confirming their commitment to the norms international law,.. have agreed on the following…”(from the contract);

“When accepting the goods under the invoice dated May 5, 1990, No. 810, the shortage of ... goods was certified, which is certified by the attached act of May 6, 1990, No. 945, ... as well as the act of opening the container of packing places”(from the claim);

“This Certificate is issued in accordance with the provisions of part one of the Tax Code Russian Federation... and confirms the registration of an individual on March 20, 1997 with the State Tax Inspectorate ... "(from testimonial).

In the statement, two types of logical connection are synthesized: spatial juxtaposition and temporal sequence. The ascertaining nature of the statement, the lack of dynamics in it, the pronounced completeness of thought weakens the temporal sequence in favor of juxtaposition in the transfer of facts. The fact that events are presented in a productive aspect, as facts, allows us to qualify the type of business speech with external signs of narration as a statement. In the statement, “one feels not so much the sequential-temporal nature of the connection as the sequential-enumerative” (Brandes, 1983, p. 64). With an enumerative connection, the logical coherence of the text often does not find linguistic expression in the form of conjunctions, allied words or pronominal adverbs, as a result of which the communicative load of each sentence increases, the boundaries of sentences are clearly delineated. For example:

“We listened: the report of a graduate student ... about the content of the dissertation work ... After the speech ... 12 questions were asked. All questions were answered convincingly by the graduate student. Performed…”(from protocol).

Ascertaining is typically characterized by the functioning of verb forms of the past tense in the meaning of the so-called past of the underlined statement; for example: "We, the undersigned, examined, measured.., compared drawings and accepted single-family panel house "(from act). Perfective verbs are used in texts of specific content (act, conclusion, minutes of the meeting, etc.). Verbs of the imperfective form, as more abstract in meaning, prevail in the genres of business speech more general(Constitution, code, charter, etc.); for example: “The rights and freedoms of man and citizen are directly applicable. They determine the meaning, content and application of laws, the activities of the legislative and executive authorities, local government and provided with justice"(from the Constitution).

Not only the traditional representing types of speech (narrative and description) are transformed by realizing communication tasks business texts, into types specific to a given style (statement and prescription), but reasoning usually acquires a stating character here. So, in some genres (charters, instructions, contracts, etc.), conditional constructions are active, but their large number does not indicate the widespread use of reasoning in official business speech. The structure of the reasoning serves to fix the conditions from which the need for certain actions follows, for example: “If the proposal to revise Chapters 1, 2 and 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is supported by three-fifths of votes from total number members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, then, in accordance with the federal constitutional law, the Constitutional Assembly is convened"(from the Constitution); “If the condition of the returned property after the end of the contract is worse than that stipulated by the contract, the tenant shall compensate the lessor for the damage caused, based on the valuation of the property at the time of the conclusion of the contract”(from the contract). Reasoning of this kind (close in function to a statement) has been known since the time of Russkaya Pravda, a code of laws of the 11th century, that is, they are a sign of a business text starting from the Old Russian period in the history of the language.

Thus, the functioning of speech types in the stylistic varieties of the modern Russian literary language reflects the originality of communication tasks in the relevant areas and the specifics of functional styles.

Bibliographic list

Brandes M.P. Stylistics German language. M., 1983.
Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. 3rd ed. M., 1993.
Loseva L.M. How the text is built. M., 1980.
Nechaeva O.A. Essays on syntactic semantics and stylistics of functional-semantic types of speech. Ulan-Ude, 1999.
Nechaeva O.A. Functional-semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning). Ulan-Ude, 1974.
Trosheva T.B. Formation of reasoning in the process of development of the scientific style of the Russian literary language of the 18th - 20th centuries. (compared to other functional varieties). Perm, 1999.
Trosheva T.B., Kaigorodova V.E. Reasoning in the system of poetics // Stylistyka. Opole, 2002, No. 11.

Outline of the lesson of the Russian language in grade 10
Popova L.Yu., teacher of Russian language and literature

Topic: Characteristics of functional and semantic types of speech. Structure. Linguistic and stylistic features. Function. The semantic basis of the type of speech.

The objectives of the lesson: deepening knowledge about the functional and semantic types of speech, structure, linguo-stylistic features, functions, semantic basis of speech types. Consolidation of text analysis skills of different styles and types of speech, text analysis skills with different types of speech in one text.
Methods and techniques: deepening previously studied material, text analysis; verbal, visual, practical. Application of computer technologies.
Class type: lesson-research, stylistic experiment.
Equipment: multimedia installation, table “How to determine the type of speech (memo).

Lesson progress
Organizing time. Communication of the topic of the lesson, acquaintance with additional literature on this topic, handouts, table.
Examination homework. Analysis of the figurative means of the language in the proposed text (According to Belov). Blitz survey on the topic studied in the previous lesson “Descriptive and expressive means of language, stylistic figures. Stylistic coloring of the word (stylistic connotations).
Learning new material.
Consolidation of the studied material.
Summary of the lesson.
-Our speech (theme, compositional and linguistic design, etc.) depends both on the goal, motive, circumstances of communication, and on the situation being described. All the diversity of the content of our statements can ultimately be reduced to three types:
the world in statics, perceived objectively, at the same time;
the world in dynamics, perceived in motion, in time;
world in cause and effect relationships.
In the first case, the statement is realized in the form of a description, in the second - in the form of a narrative; in the third - in the form of reasoning.
Consider character traits these functional-semantic types of speech.
(Students write notes)


Description - a functional-semantic type of speech, which consists in depicting a number of signs, phenomena, objects or events that must be imagined at the same time.
The world is static. To the text, you can ask the question - what is the object?
The basis of the description is a list, enumeration of signs, properties of an object, phenomenon. The purpose of the description is for the reader (listener) to see the subject of the description, to present it in his mind.
Description structure:
general idea about the subject;
list of distinguishing features of the subject;
author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion.
Main types of descriptions
Most often they talk about scientific, business and artistic descriptions. A scientific, business description is a description that gives a list of essential features of an object, a concept of its properties. In descriptions of a scientific nature, the main thing is accuracy, logical consistency. Business descriptions are instructions, announcements. Artistic descriptions are descriptions where images of images and impressions predominate. The main thing here is to give a vivid idea of ​​the subject, while not necessarily exhaustive, complete.
Description functions
Descriptions can be portrait, landscape, event. An important function of description is the creation of figurative pictures: the situation, the atmosphere of events, which is often achieved by the selection of bright details, a long enumeration of them.
Linguistic and stylistic features of the description
The relationship between sentences is usually parallel. First - the first sentence or paragraph as the starting point. All other sentences are related in meaning to the first one, concretizing it. These sentences are less closely related or not grammatically related at all. Each sentence is relatively independent.
The unity of the species-temporal forms of verbs-predicates is characteristic. Verbs are most often in the form of an imperfect form, more often the past tense, and for special clarity - in the form of the present tense. In the description, verbs do not denote a successive change of events, but the simultaneity of what is happening. If the verbs are of the perfect form, then usually with the meaning of a sign, and not an active action. Syntactic parallelism is characteristic. Frequency use nominal predicates, nominal and impersonal sentences. The description uses more words denoting qualities, properties of objects. Widely used synonyms, definitions, incomplete sentences.
An example of an artistic description is an excerpt from the story by I.A. Bunin “ Antonov apples". Working with this text It is necessary to prove that the text is of type description.
(In the process of joint analysis of the text with students, we conclude that the text is a type of speech description)
The aunt's garden was famous for its neglect, nightingales, doves and apples, and the house for its roof. He stood at the head of the yard, near the garden, - linden branches hugged him, - he was small and squat, but it seemed that he would not live forever - he looked so thoroughly from under his unusually high and thick thatched roof, blackened and hardened with time. Its front façade always seemed to me alive: it was as if an old face was looking out from under a huge hat with hollow eyes, windows with mother-of-pearl glasses from rain and sun. And on the sides of these eyes were porches - two old large porches with columns. Fully fed doves always sat on their pediment, while thousands of sparrows rained from roof to roof And the guest felt comfortable in this nest under the turquoise autumn sky.
M. Prishvin "The First Frost". Working with this text It is necessary to prove that the text is of type description.
The night passed under a large clear moon, and by morning the first frost fell. Everything was gray, but the puddles did not freeze. When the sun came up and warmed up, the trees and grasses were covered with such strong dew, the fir branches looked out of the dark forest with such luminous patterns that the diamonds of all our land would not be enough for this decoration. The pine queen, sparkling from top to bottom, was especially beautiful. Joy jumped in my chest like a young dog.


Narration is a story, a message about an event in its temporal sequence.
The world in dynamics - tells about actions and events in a certain time sequence. The narrative text develops in time, has a plot, characters. You can ask the question to the text - what happened?
The basis of the narrative is a story about events, actions, deeds. To narrate means to tell about what is happening, to report events in a certain sequence.

Text structure:
The plot is the beginning of a contradiction (conflict) that forms the basis of the plot, the initial episode, the moment that determines the sequential deployment of the action.
The main part: the development of the action, the climax is the highest point of tension in the development of the action.
The denouement is the outcome of events, the resolution of contradictions (conflict).
Narrative functions are diverse, associated with the individual style, genre, subject of the image.
Linguistic and stylistic features of the narration
The connection between sentences is chain. Sentences are maximally dependent on each other, especially adjacent ones: they are related to each other on the basis of either lexical repetition, or with the help of demonstrative and other pronouns, or synonymous replacement.
The story can be told in the first person or in the third person.
We find the author's narration, for example, in A.I. Kuprin's story "Olesya". Working with this text It is necessary to prove that the text is a narrative type.
(In the process of joint analysis of the text with students, we conclude - a text of the type of speech is a narrative)
I was writing a letter one day and suddenly I felt that someone was standing behind me. Turning around, I saw Yarmola approaching, as always, soundlessly in his soft sandals.
- What do you want, Yarmola? I asked.
- Yes, I'm surprised how you write. If only I could. No, no, not like you,” he hurried in embarrassment, seeing that I was smiling. - I would only have my last name
-Why do you need it? - I was surprised. Why do you need to be able to write a surname?
And you see, what a deal, panych, ”Yarmola answered unusually softly,“ we don’t have a single literate person in our village. When you need to sign some kind of paper, or it’s a matter in the volost, or something no one can do, the headman only puts a seal, but he himself does not know what is printed in it, It would be good for everyone if someone could sign.
Such solicitude of Yarmola - a notorious poacher, a careless vagabond, whose opinion the village assembly would never even think to consider - such concern for the public interest of his native village for some reason touched me. I myself offered to give her lessons. And what hard work it was, all my attempts to teach him to read and write consciously.


Reasoning - verbal presentation, clarification of any thought; aims to clarify some concept; develop, prove, or disprove an idea.
The world in cause-and-effect relationships - the causes of phenomena and events are outlined. In general, a thesis is proved or refuted, a conclusion or generalization is made. To the text, you can ask the question - why?
The basis of reasoning is a listing of facts, arguments that substantiate the conclusion to which the author seeks to lead the reader.
Reasoning structure:
thesis is the main idea.
proof (or refutation) of this idea, i.e. arguments with examples.
conclusion or conclusion.
The main area of ​​use of reasoning is scientific, popular science speech. However, reasoning is also widely encountered in fiction, especially in intellectual, psychological prose. Reasoning can be constructed as a proof of the truth or, conversely, the falsity of the thesis put forward. The argument may contain all the elements (thesis, proof, conclusion), or there may be no conclusion that is already contained in the thesis.
Linguistic and stylistic features of reasoning
In the text between the thesis and arguments, as well as between individual arguments, a logical and grammatical connection is established. All facts presented must be convincing and confirm the thesis put forward.
The relationship between sentences is mixed. Characteristic is the use of verbs in the form of the present or future tense, perhaps the presence in the text of impersonal verbs or personal verbs in impersonal form.
An example of reasoning is an excerpt from the story of K.G. Paustovsky “The Art of Seeing the World” (book “ Golden Rose"). Working with text, it is necessary to prove that the text is a type of reasoning.
(In the process of joint analysis of the text with students, we draw a conclusion - the text of the type of speech is reasoning)
The knowledge of poetry enriches the language of the prose writer most of all.
Poetry is amazing. She returns the word to its original, virgin freshness. The most erased, completely “spoken” words by us, having completely lost their figurative qualities for us, living only as a verbal shell, in poetry begin to sparkle, ring, and smell sweet!
How to explain this, I do not know. I suppose that the word comes to life in two cases.
First, when he gets back his phonetic (sound power). And to do this in melodious poetry is much easier than in prose. Therefore, both in a song and in a romance, words act on us more strongly than in ordinary speech.
Secondly, even an erased word, placed in verse in a melodic musical sequence, is, as it were, saturated with the general melody of the verse and begins to sound in harmony with all other words.
And finally, poetry is rich in alliterations. This is one of her precious qualities. Prose has the right to alliteration.
But that's not the point.
The main thing is that prose, when it reaches perfection, is essentially, genuine poetry.

Teacher: It should be noted that the types of speech considered are rarely found in isolation. Most often in the text fragments different types speeches are presented in conjunction, and sometimes in such close proximity that it is difficult to distinguish between them. Consider an excerpt from A.P. Chekhov's story "A House with a Mezzanine".
Task: It is necessary to determine the type of speech of the given text. Work with text.
(The context begins with a declarative sentence and immediately turns into a description).

One day, returning home, I accidentally wandered into some unfamiliar estate. The sun was already hiding, and evening shadows were stretched on the flowering rye. Two rows of old, closely planted firs stood like two solid walls, forming a gloomy beautiful alley.
(Next follows the narration again):
I easily climbed over the fence and walked along this alley, sliding along the spruce needles, which here covered the ground by an inch.

(Then again the description):
It was quiet, dark, and only high on the peaks in some places a bright golden light trembled and shimmered like a rainbow in the webs of a spider. There was a strong, stuffy smell of pine needles.

Work on the table "How to determine the type of speech" (memo), we use a multimedia installation.


The function of speech (description - describe; narration - tell; reasoning - prove).
The semantic basis of the type of speech (the simultaneity of phenomena, signs - in the description; the sequence of phenomena, actions - in the narrative; causal relationship - in reasoning).
The nature of the message (an enumeration of simultaneous, permanent signs, phenomena - in the description; a message about changing, successive actions - in the narrative; a message in the form of a conclusion, evidence - in the argument).
Characteristic features of the type of speech:
static - in the description;
dynamism - in the story;
the presence of a provision that needs to be proven.
Language signs:
verbs in one form of tense, definitions - in the description;
verbs of different forms of tense, moods - in the narrative;
introductory words, conjunctions, impersonal verbs - in reasoning.
Description - WHAT IS IT?

Summary of the lesson. Generalization of the studied material.
Homework: determine the type of speech of the text (According to Belov).

Source text for homework

(1) The winter, defeated by April, is gone, worn out. (2) Here, in the disturbing darkness, the universal, no longer layered, but tight, dense heat was born and moved, turning itself into a powerful and even wind. (3) The trees ready to bloom trembled, the clouds darkening in the sky collided with their broad foreheads. (4) Dim spring lightning fell into the warm darkness of the forest, and the first crackling thunder boldly swept.
(5) A terrible silence languishes in the forest after this roar. (6) The wind does not blow, but presses completely, everything freezes.
(7) The rain hissed in the night profusely and briefly. (8) Everywhere in the scurrying, disappearing crown of the head, the earth smelling of roots is snuffling: grass sprouts are stirring in myriad numbers, raising and plowing open last year's leaves, needles and rotting twigs.
(9) In the morning, golden pillars of vapor rise in the clearings of the forest; like good signs, they silently and quickly change their gigantic contours. (10) On the birches, the branches come to life barely audibly; from bursting buds, they also change. (11) The sun comes out very quickly. (12) Furiously new, with indefinite outlines, it warms the still pale, but thickening with every minute green birch forest. (13) The birds sing excitedly, the earth continues to sniff and squeak, everything changes its image every minute. (14) Everywhere in the world life and freedom, and the heart sympathizes. (15) May there be no end to freedom and joy! .. (According to Belov)

Oratory is heterogeneous in its composition, since in the process of thinking a person tends to reflect various, objectively existing connections between objects, events, individual judgments, which in turn finds expression in various functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning (thinking ). Monological types of speech are built on the basis of reflecting mental diachronic, synchronic, cause-and-effect processes. Oratorical speech in this regard is a monologue narrative - information about developing actions, a monologue description - information about the simultaneous features of an object, monologue reasoning - cause-and-effect relationships. Semantic types are present in speech depending on its type, purpose and on the speaker's conceptual intention, which determines the inclusion or non-inclusion of one or another semantic type in the general fabric of oratory speech; the change of these types is caused by the speaker's desire to more fully express his thought, reflect his position, help listeners perceive the speech and most effectively influence the audience, and also give speech a dynamic character. At the same time, in different types of oratory there will be a different ratio of these types, because in reality they all mix, interact, and their isolation is very conditional.

Narration is a dynamic functional-semantic type of speech that expresses a message about actions or states developing in a temporal sequence and has specific linguistic means. Narrative conveys changing actions or states that unfold over time. This type of speech, in contrast to the description, is dynamic; therefore, temporary plans can constantly change in it.

This type is resorted to if it is necessary to confirm the statements made by the speaker with specific examples or when analyzing some situations. The speaker's task is to depict the sequence of events, to convey this sequence with the necessary accuracy. Thus, meaningful and factual information is transmitted, and it is clothed in different forms. Firstly, the speaker can speak as a participant in the events, secondly, state the events from the words of a third person, and thirdly, model the series of events without indicating the source of information. The speaker conveys events that take place as if before the eyes of the listeners, or introduces memories of events developing in the past.

It is possible to single out specific, generalized and informational narration. Concrete is a narrative about dismembered, chronologically sequential concrete actions of one or more actors, for example, in a judicial speech; generalized - about specific actions, but characteristic of many situations, typical for a certain situation, for example, in a scientific presentation; informational - a message about any actions or states without their specification and detailed, chronological sequence; it most often takes the form of a retelling of the actions of the subject or the form of indirect speech.

The narration in speeches can be built according to the scheme of the traditional three-hour articulation, i.e. it has its own plot, introducing into the essence of the matter and predetermining the movement of the plot, the deployment of the action and the denouement, containing an overt or covert emotional assessment of the event by the speaker.

Usually, there is a distinction between extended and non-extended narration. An extended narrative is a speech that reflects successive, sometimes simultaneous, but developing actions or states. A non-expanded narration is either expressed by a separate remark in a dialogue, or, when used in a micro-thematic context, serves as an introduction to a description or reasoning.

Description - this is a stating part, as a rule, giving a static picture, an idea of ​​the nature, composition, structure, properties, qualities of an object by listing both its essential and non-essential features at the moment.

Description can be of two types: static and dynamic. The first gives the object in statics, the signs of the object indicated in speech can mean its temporary or permanent properties, qualities and states. For example, a description of a place, an action in a court speech, or a description of an object in a political speech. The description of the second type is less common; Thus, any experience in scientific speech usually appears in development, dynamics.

Descriptions are very diverse both in content and form. They can be, for example, figurative. The speaker, trying to inform listeners, required amount information, provides not only detailed description object, but also its characteristics, assessment, recreating a certain picture, which brings speech closer to description in fiction.

The center of the description is nouns with objective meaning, which give rise to a specific image in the minds of listeners, and informatively it can be very rich, since nouns with objective meaning cause a number of associations.

In the description, as a rule, the forms of the present, past and future tenses are used. For judicial speech, the use of the past tense is most typical, for academic speech - the present.

Descriptions are more or less homogeneous in their syntactic structure. As can be seen from the previous examples, it usually represents an enumeration of key words or words denoting the features of a describing object, in a direct or figurative sense, which causes an enumerative intonation, resulting in a complete image of the object.

In a dynamic event description, relatively equal, complete actions or facts are depicted in the form of changing parts, which gives the statement an enumerative character. This type of description has a designated start and end.

The description can be expanded, detailed and concise, brief; objectified, for example, a description of an experience in an academic speech or a crime scene in a judicial speech, and subjective, in which the speaker expresses his attitude to the object, for example, a description of a situation in a political speech. Most often, of course, the speaker does not hide his attitude to the object, giving him a hidden or explicit assessment.

Reasoning (or reflection) is a type of speech in which objects or phenomena are examined, their internal signs, certain propositions are proved. Reasoning is characterized by special logical relationships between its constituent judgments, which form inferences or a chain of inferences on a topic, presented in a logically consistent form. This type of speech has a specific linguistic structure, depending on the logical basis of reasoning and on the meaning of the statement, and is characterized by cause-and-effect relationships. It is associated with the transfer of content-conceptual information.

N.I. Kondakov’s “Logical Dictionary” gives the following definition: “Reasoning is a chain of conclusions on some topic, presented in a logically consistent form. Reasoning is also called a series of judgments relating to a question, which follow one another, in such a way that others necessarily follow or follow from previous judgments, and as a result, an answer to the question is obtained. When reasoning, the speaker comes to a new judgment.

Reasoning allows you to involve listeners in the process of speech, which leads to the activation of their attention, causing interest in what is being reported.

It is possible to single out the actual reasoning - a chain of conclusions on any topic, presented in a logically consistent form, its goal is to derive a new meaning (most often, the commenting part comes first, then the key, or main part); proof, the purpose of which is to substantiate the truth or falsity of the statements made (the key part usually precedes the commentary); an explanation, the purpose of which is to reveal, specify the stated content, establish the reliability of judgments regarding some obscure case (as a rule, the key part also comes first, then commenting). Let us give an example of the actual reasoning from the words of V.S. Solovyov, said at the grave of F.M. Dostoevsky: “We all came together here for the sake of our common love for Dostoevsky. But if Dostoevsky is so dear to all of us, it means that we all love what he himself loved most of all, what was dearest to him; so we believe in what he believed and what he preached. And why would we come here to honor his death, if we were alien to what he lived and acted for? But Dostoevsky loved, first of all, the living human soul in everything and everywhere, and he believed that we are all God's family, he believed in the divine infinite power human soul triumphant over every external violence and over every internal fall. This reasoning begins with a commentary part: the reasons that led everyone to the grave are revealed; then comes the main (key) part: what was Dostoevsky like, what did he believe in, and, consequently, what prompted him to come to say goodbye to him.

A special case of reasoning is common places- abstract reasoning, inspired by the topic, speeches that are not fixed for a specific situation, which reinforce the argumentation of the main presentation, are used to emotionally strengthen the arguments and provisions. These are discussions on general topics, for example, about honesty and decency, justice and humanity, about treating people, etc.

A well-chosen general idea serves as one of the main elements of the composition and a support for a particular material; the connection of common places with specific material increases the content orientation of speech. Thus, commonplaces are a kind of reasoning.

So, the functional and semantic types of speech in a speech usually alternate, one way or another replacing each other, which creates a special compositional and stylistic dynamics. For example, reasoning can prevail in an academic lecture, while description and narration occupy a large place in a legal speech.

As we can see, description, narration and reasoning have constructive-stylistic and semantic differences that determine the use of these types in speech.

In functional and semantic terms, oratorical speech is regulated and systematized; the choice of one or another functional-semantic type depends on the object of speech and the purpose of the statement.

Oratorical speech is polemical in nature, because it reflects the contradictions of modern life and the conflicts of communication.

Two types of polemic can be distinguished: implicit (or hidden, internal) and explicit (or open, external). The first type of polemicalness is manifested in almost all speeches, since the speaker has to convince the audience that he is right, without naming possible dissenting listeners or opponents who may be in this audience or outside it.

Explicit polemicism is associated with open defense of one's views and refutation of opponents. One can speak of an unreal opponent when the speaker, in an effort to express his views, refutes the existing ones, fights with an imaginary opponent. About the real - if the opponent is personified, meanings are formulated on his behalf that are subject to refutation.

Since explicit polemic is directed at a specific, real person, a controversy may arise between the speaker and this person if the latter publicly defends his views. Controversy is a bilateral (multilateral) public communication of speakers, an exchange of views, a dispute in the process of discussing an issue at a meeting, conference, and also in the press in order to best solve the problems under consideration.

The polemical form of speech involves a thorough analysis of the original factual material, statistical data, scientific problems, opinions. various people etc., based on this strict argumentation, as well as the emotional impact on the listener, necessary in the process of persuasion.

All texts are divided into three semantic types: description, narration, reasoning.

Description- the semantic type of the text, which describes the signs of objects, phenomena, animals, humans:

Autumn has come. The small foliage has almost completely flown from the coastal vines, and the branches show through in the turquoise sky. The water under the vines became clear, icy and as if heavy. And the black sky is drawn with fiery stripes by shooting stars (I. Bunin).

Purpose of description- show the reader or listener the subject of the description so that he visually represents it in his mind.

Description composition elements: general idea of ​​the subject, individual features of the subject, author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion.

A description of nature is called a landscape, a description of a person is called a portrait.

Descriptive tex t can be in the form of any style.

Narration– a semantic type of text that describes events in a certain sequence:

But then the shooting began to subside and then completely stopped. Black shadows rushed to the side, ran into our fire and disappeared behind the trees. The enemy has left! This most difficult and terrible night fight in the forest is over. (M. Fortus)

Narrative text comes in the form of artistic and colloquial styles.

The literary narrative text has a certain structure - composition(from lat. compposito - composition, compilation, connection). It is customary to single out: exposure(situation prior to the start of the action), eyeballs(what the action begins with), the development of the action, climax (highest point action development) interchange(end of event).

Events can develop in chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and then about the development of the action.

The narration can be in the third person, this is the author's narration, or in the first person.

reasoning- the semantic type of the text, which affirms or denies any phenomenon, fact, concept.

The reasoning is built as follows: thesis, arguments proving it, conclusion. The thesis must be clearly formulated and provable, the arguments must be convincing. It is important that a logical, semantic and grammatical connection be established between the thesis and arguments (introductory words are often used: first, so, therefore):

Russian language is one of the greatest languages ​​in the world.

Firstly, it is distinguished by the richness of vocabulary, secondly, by the extraordinary flexibility and plasticity of linguistic forms, and thirdly, by the variety of stylistic means.

So, A.S. was right. Pushkin, arguing that our language is not only not inferior to European languages, but has superiority over them.

(A. Dudnikov)

Reasoning differs from description and narration by a more complex construction of sentences (with participles and participle turns, various types allied and non-union connection), vocabulary (words denoting abstract concepts: good, truth).

Reasoning can appear in different genre forms: letters, articles, reports, political speeches.

"Determine the functional-semantic type of speech of this passage," - such a task is often present in the exam in the Russian language. This article will be helpful in preparing for this exam. Also in several chapters we will talk about the difference between this classification of texts and some others.

The main functional and semantic types of speech

As the name implies, this classification of texts is based on their purpose for certain purposes.

The main functional-semantic reasoning and narration. Each of them has its own distinctive features and depending on the style of the text, it can have certain expressive means.

It's worth remembering!

Sometimes in the answers to a similar question in the USE, along with the really existing functional-semantic types of speech, there are also text styles. Therefore, it is necessary to draw a line between these two concepts.

Types of speech characterize the text in terms of its functional purpose, and styles are systems of certain artistic linguistic expressive means. The latter include such varieties of speech as scientific, journalistic, artistic, colloquial and some others. For the sake of clarity, each of these styles of speech will be briefly discussed below.

The language of science and documents

As a rule, such texts are extremely compressed, concise expression of the author's thoughts. For example, in scientific papers any subjective judgments are unacceptable, but on the contrary, their authors should strive for absolute objectivity, which is manifested in the proof of each controversial statement. In such works, there is usually no emotionality. Therefore, reading them for a person who does not belong to certain circles is not quite usual.

In addition, the scientific style of literature suggests the presence of numerous terms, most often of foreign origin (most of these words came from Greek or Latin), each of which requires separate consideration and interpretation. This is explained by the fact that in Europe the first scientific research, as a rule, was undertaken by Catholic monks, and the language of worship, which was also considered the most acceptable for all official literature, was Latin.

For this reason, education in the first universities, which were founded in the Middle Ages, was conducted on this basis. ancient language. In addition, the basis of the training course in any subject was the works of ancient Greek and Roman scientists, which were read by students in the original.

In addition to this style of speech, there is also a formal one, which is intended for the preparation of various official documents. It is an even more ordered variety of scientific style. For such texts, as a rule, various clichés are characteristic, the observance of which is a prerequisite for compiling business papers.

Such documents also lack any emotionality, the judgments of the authors. And the creators of these texts themselves, as a rule, are not indicated. This style is the most impersonal of all existing.

The papers say...

Journalistic style can be called an intermediate link between artistic and scientific. Here, as well as in the latter, there is a certain clarity and consistency in the presentation of thoughts, vocabulary typical of academic works is often used. However, in magazine and newspaper articles, as well as in advertising brochures, there is much more freedom for the author. He can express his personal opinion about certain phenomena, use lexical means characteristic of colloquial speech, as well as rhetorical questions.

All this gives the press materials the necessary emotionality, which helps to attract the readership.

Literary and non-literary language

For novels, short stories, short stories and other genres of literature, it is characteristic art style speech. It is the richest in terms of lexical diversity, as well as the presence various means expressiveness, which are often used by authors in order to make their works more vivid.

Literary works may also contain elements of all other styles of speech. For example, to give the statements of a character more vitality and reliability, words characteristic of the colloquial lexicon are used.

This type of speech is the least structured and logically built. Here, elements of other styles can be mixed in one sentence.

Also, in such texts, the phrase is often constructed according to a scheme that is not typical and is even considered erroneous in scientific fiction.

Purpose of texts

Having considered the various styles characteristic of the language of certain works, it is necessary to return directly to the topic of this article and characterize each of the functional and semantic types of speech. Since now the readers of the article should not have problems distinguishing between these classifications.

Item Description

The functional-semantic types of speech, as already mentioned, include narration, description and reasoning. This chapter will deal with the first of these. Description as a functional-semantic type of speech is their most static variety. In texts where it is required to characterize a particular object or phenomenon, it is the description that is used.

Moreover, the style of such literature can be anything: from scientific to colloquial, because in every sphere of human life, a situation may arise when one person must convey information about something to acquaintances or strangers.

This functional-semantic type of speech is characterized by the following structure. In the presentation of the material, there must be a mention of an object or phenomenon, followed by the disclosure of its characteristic properties. If we turn to the formal style of speech, then the description may be present, for example, in the operating instructions for household appliances and other equipment.

As a rule, such texts do not contain information about the author, they are extremely impersonal. Their structure is quite clear. In such literature, as well as in scientific literature, the description includes only confirmed information that is logically proven. The properties of objects and phenomena that are mentioned are only essential features.

In a conversational style of speech, the description may not contain any mention of the subject of the conversation. For example, when two people communicate near a building, and one tells the other about what organizations are inside the building, he does not have to name this object, but can use it as a subject pronoun, or simply point to the house with a gesture, which is currently being discussed.

Most often, philologists classify the description as a static functional-semantic type of speech, but it can also be produced in the process of development. For example, when the author describes how nature changes when the time of day changes.

In any case, most often speaking about an action, imperfect verbs are usually used. For example, not "done", but "did", and so on. As a rule, a certain object is considered as something that exists at the present moment. Therefore, there is no indication of its change over time, which means that the use of various supplements is minimized. Sentences are usually interconnected by a parallel connection, that is, one of them is not a consequence of the other. All items are described according to the "snowball" principle, that is, from the beginning of the story to its completion, the reader gradually receives more and more information about the topic of interest to him. As a result, he should get a fairly complete picture.

In fiction, this functional-semantic type of speech, as a rule, is found when describing the appearance and inner world of the heroes of the work. In works built according to the classical principle, such fragments are placed in expositions.

The language of memoirs and explanatory notes

The functional-semantic type of speech narration, in contrast to the type described in the previous chapter, is an integral attribute of texts in which it is necessary to display any process. For example, a person's life - his growing up, changing his worldview - is often reflected in memoirs. As a rule, this genre of fiction is replete with verbs. They are necessary to describe the numerous actions that a particular character has performed. The verbs here are often used in perfect form to show the sequence of events. However, they can also be used in imperfect form to give the reader a sense of presence. It is achieved due to the fact that such a verb gives the story the effect of the duration of the action.

In addition to fiction, as well as description, the functional-semantic type of speech narration can be used in any other styles.

For example, in such an unpleasant document for all employees as an explanatory note, a person sets out the reason for his unseemly act. He lists the events that prevented him from fulfilling his duties.

For these purposes, narrative is used. It can be both personally colored and impersonal, depending on the characteristics of the text within which it exists. For example, in historical encyclopedias, the description of certain events, as a rule, does not contain their moral and political assessment. They are usually narrated in the third person. And in fiction, on the contrary, the author often acts as a narrator, placing in the work a description of personal experiences and assessments.

When to draw conclusions

The functional-semantic type of speech reasoning also deserves detailed consideration. Texts of this type are impossible without the presence of a subjective component in them. Such literary works, or samples oral speech, always contain the author's thoughts about certain circumstances or any subject.

The functional-semantic type of speech reasoning is one of the most regulated and structured types. If we consider it in its classical form, then the scheme of such texts is usually as follows: introduction, thesis, proof, conclusions. The reader may notice that this principle is typical for scientific works containing elements of research. Indeed, in such works, as a rule, the relevance of the described problem is first stated, and the history of its study is given. All of this is introductory. Then comes the thesis. What does he represent?

Under this concept is meant the formulation of a question. When the problem is indicated, then the ways of solving it are given, that is, the answer. All this is included in the concept of "thesis". Most of the volume of the text written using this functional-semantic type of speech is the part where the proof of the correctness of the chosen answer takes place. It is worth noting that instead of confirming the thesis, it can be refuted.

This part is usually followed by conclusions.

This scheme in its classical form is present only in scientific works and sometimes in fiction. In colloquial speech, such parts of it as introduction and conclusions, and sometimes the statement of the thesis, are usually omitted. After all, the participants in the conversation can be aware of the essence of the problem under consideration in advance.

Unlike the functional-semantic types of speech of description and narration, reasoning is divided into several subspecies. The main ones can be called such as clarification, proof and conclusion.

The first is a confirmation of a position. As a rule, such a functional-semantic type of speech (narration is inappropriate here) is just what is used in scientific literature.

An explanation can include such fragments of speech in which one person brings another person up to date.

This may occur in the condition of a conversational situation, so all parts, except for the evidentiary part, can be omitted here.

The conclusion, as a rule, contains not one thesis, but several, used in a logical sequence.


In this article, such functional and semantic types of speech as reasoning, description and narration were considered. There are few works of literature that contain only one single species. But some of their passages can be characterized unambiguously. The article may be useful for students and schoolchildren to prepare for exams. It is known that one of the questions of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language is often this: "The functional-semantic types of speech include ...". You need to choose the correct one from the given options. Or, for example, such a task: "What is the functional-semantic type of speech in this passage?". The above material may help in performing this test.