Lomonosov Victor Sadovnichy: biography, activities and interesting facts. Rector of Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov Viktor Sadovnichy: biography, activities and interesting facts MSU biography

Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow State University) is the leading and largest university in Moscow, the center of national science and culture, one of the oldest (founded in 1755) universities in Russia.

MSU includes 9 research institutes, 40 faculties and more than 300 departments. More than 31 thousand students and about 7 thousand postgraduates study at the University. The faculties and research centers employ 4,000 professors and teachers, about 5,000 scientific staff. Auxiliary and service personnel totals approximately 15 thousand people.

The University has at its disposal more than 600 buildings and structures, including the Main Building on the Lenin (Sparrow) Hills. Their total area is about 1 million m². In Moscow alone, the territory occupied by Moscow State University is 205.7 hectares. Further expansion of the territory of the University is planned.

There are branches in Sevastopol (Ukraine), Pushchino, Chernogolovka, Astana (Kazakhstan), Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Since 1988, a branch functioned in Ulyanovsk, which in 1995 spun off into Ulyanovsk State University.


  • Faculty of Physics
  • Chemical faculty
  • Faculty of Materials Sciences
  • Department of Biology
  • Faculty of Fundamental Medicine
  • Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
  • Faculty of Soil Science
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of Geography
  • History department
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Preparatory Faculty
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • Psychology faculty
  • Institute of Asian and African countries
  • Faculty of Sociology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies
  • Faculty government controlled
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Graduate School of Business
  • Moscow School of Economics
  • Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow State University
  • Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, Moscow State University
  • Chernomorsky branch of the Moscow state university(city of Sevastopol)
  • Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University (Astana)
  • Faculty of Military Training
  • Specialized Educational and Scientific Center (SSC) of Moscow State University
  • Faculty of World Politics
  • Faculty of Additional Education
  • Graduate School of Translation (faculty)
  • Graduate School of Public Administration (faculty)
  • Graduate School of Public Audit (faculty)
  • Graduate School of Management and Innovation (faculty)
  • Higher School of Innovative Business (faculty - Corporate University)
  • High School of Modern social sciences(as a faculty)
  • Moscow Region Branch of Moscow University (Chernogolovka). ,
  • Branch of Moscow University in Pushchino.
  • From 1946 to 1951, the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Moscow State University also operated in Dolgoprudny, now -.
  • Until 1944, there was the International Faculty of Moscow State University, later transformed into MGIMO.
  • From 1758 to 1930, the Faculty of Medicine also operated at Moscow University, now the Moscow medical Academy them. I. M. Sechenova (First Moscow Medical Institute).

The work of the International scientific conference"Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics", dedicated to the anniversary of the rector of the university, academician V.A. Sadovnichy. More than 400 delegates from foreign and domestic scientific schools mechanical and mathematical profile.

People of Moscow University, together with the whole country, congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, blockade, prisoners of concentration camps, children of the war with Victory Day.

From April 26 to May 4, 2019, students and employees of the Lomonosov Moscow State University were on the 10th search expedition in the Yelninsky district of the Smolensk region. Together with the International public organization"Vympel" The Moscow State University search squad conducted a multi-day search and field trip to the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War with work on the search, recovery and burial of the fallen soldiers of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

On April 26, traditionally on the last Friday of April, the 69th Great Athletics Relay of Moscow University took place. This year, more than 30 teams participated in the relay, among which the team of the University Gymnasium was represented for the first time.

On April 26, at the Eternal Flame - the Memorial Stele to students and employees of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, who fell in battles for the Motherland, a rally was held dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

With steaming field kitchen, buckwheat and barley porridge, sweet tea ... and good mood, another spring clean-up day passed, bringing students, teachers, employees of the rector's office of Lomonosov Moscow State University to the square between the buildings of the Physics and Chemistry faculties.

On April 27, the 53rd International Mendeleev Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Chemistry ended in St. Petersburg. Representative competitions of young chemists of the world turned into an unconditional victory for the Russian team. She has almost half of all "gold" - 7 medals out of 15 possible.

A team of students from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University entered the TOP-5 winners of the most prestigious student competition in the field of finance CFA Institute Research Challenge. This year, the guys from the Economics Faculty competed with more than 1,100 teams from 85 countries.

April 14-17, 2019 at the North-Eastern federal university named after M.K. Ammosov (Yakutsk) hosted the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Mathematics. The team of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, which was represented by students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Oleg Zaslavsky, Elena Lychagina and Nikolai Yakimansky, under the guidance of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Irina Astashova, won a diploma of the 1st degree.

On April 21, the 53rd International Mendeleev Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Chemistry opened in St. Petersburg. Giving a start to the competition of young chemists representing more than 30 countries of the world, the head of the organizing committee of the Olympiad, President Faculty of Chemistry Moscow State University V.V. Lunin recalled that 2019 was declared by the UN as the International Year Periodic system chemical elements.

Rector: 1805-1807

Strakhov Petr Ivanovich - physicist. From a poor noble family in the town of Shuya near Moscow. Grandfather S. became a village priest, and his father, a village sexton, moved to Moscow. At the age of 11, S. was admitted to the Raznochinsk gymnasium at Moscow University, where, due to poverty, he was enrolled in government support. During his studies, he performed at the university theater and, according to legend, was praised by A.P. Sumarokov. In 1774, Strakhov graduated from the gymnasium among the first students and was enrolled in the philosophical faculty of Moscow University, from which he graduated brilliantly in 1778. For success in science, he was elected an employee of the Free Russian Assembly. Since 1778, Mr.. S. served as secretary of the curator of the university M. M. Kheraskov; living at his house, he was close to Kheraskov's circle, made friends with E.I. Kostrov and N.I. Novikov (on his recommendation, he translated the book of the mystic philosopher L.K. Saint-Martin "On delusions and truth"). In 1785, at the expense of the Moscow Freemasons, S. was sent abroad with a number of assignments; the official purpose of the trip was Kheraskov's assignment to study the educational systems of European universities in order to apply their achievements in Russia. On the eve of his departure, S. was promoted to the rank of extraordinary professor. He visited Bohemia, Moravia, Switzerland, France and Germany, in Paris he listened to lectures on physics by M. Brisson, which influenced the formation of his scientific views. In Berlin, S. attended the funeral of Frederick II. After examining many universities, S. came to the conclusion that “in moral direction” they did not at all correspond to the spirit and customs of the Russian people, but “in terms of the many departments and the wealth of libraries, museums, classrooms and other teaching aids, they had a great advantage over Moscow University ".

Returning to Moscow in 1786, S. could not, as planned, get the chair of Russian eloquence - during his absence, she was occupied by Kh.A. Chebotarev. Temporarily, S. took the position of chief superintendent of the Noble boarding school, then in 1787 he was appointed inspector of the university gymnasium (he would hold this position for 20 years). Only in 1789, after the death of prof. I.A.Rosta, S. gets the opportunity to become an ordinary professor in the Department of Experimental Physics, for which, having no formal certification in physics, he had to defend a special dissertation "On the motion of bodies in general and celestial stars in particular."

Since 1791, Mr.. S. for the first time at Moscow University began to read a course in physics in Russian, making extensive use of lecture demonstrations. He reorganized the physical cabinet and the physical auditorium. The success of the lectures was greatly facilitated by the professor's oratorical gift, impeccable secular manners. As a notable event in public life Moscow, S.'s lectures led to a rapprochement between noble culture and the scientific sphere, they were often attended by Prince E.R. Dashkova, N.I. Karamzin, V.A. Zhukovsky; "After the lecture, crowds of listeners escorted S. from the audience to S.'s apartment, and on the way they received his explanations for their questions and perplexities." In 1800 - 1803. S. published in Russian textbook of physics by M. Brisson, in 1810 he published his own textbook "Brief outline of physics". S. laid the foundation for experimental research in physics at Moscow University: for the first time in Russia, he conducted experiments proving the electrical conductivity of water and wet earth (1806), and also organized systematic meteorological observations from 1809, which he published in Moscow News.

In 1803, Mr.. S. was elected the first dean of the Physics and Mathematics Department (until 1805, and also in 1809-1811). From July 1805 to August 1807 - Rector of Moscow University. During this period of dynamic changes in the university, associated with the name of M.N. Muravyov, S. is an active participant and conductor of reforms. On his initiative, classrooms and a library were expanded, and the university printing house was transferred to the management of the Board. Through the efforts of S. in 1806, the Academic Gymnasium, which turned out to be out of state, was preserved. With the active participation of S., the activities of all the newly discovered scientific societies at the university took place.

Having resigned his rector's powers due to illness, S. until the end of his life enjoyed great prestige at the university. In the eyes of his contemporaries, Strakhov personified the ideal type of a professor, who equally possessed the scientific qualities and skills of a noble culture: "You rarely see such a person - stately without coercion, stately without pomposity, handsome without pretentiousness, polite without mannerism. The very sight of him inspired respect" (Snegirev) . During his life, S. collected a library of several thousand volumes, collections of annals, letters, coins (who died, along with all the manuscripts and diaries of S. in the fire of 1812). S. was awarded with orders St. Vladimir IV Art. and St. Anna II class, elected an honorary member of many Russian and foreign societies, incl. corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1803). The significance of S.'s activity exceeded the university framework - in fact, he was the first Russian professor who raised the teaching of physics in Russia to a level close to the world one, and he himself was constantly looking for his own paths in science.

During the evacuation of the university in 1812, S., having organized the removal of the most valuable instruments of the physics office, fell seriously ill and died in Nizhny Novgorod, where he was buried. S. had no children; his nephew P. Ill. Strakhov is a memoirist, adjunct of the Veterinary Department of Moscow University.


  1. Brief outline of physics. M., 1810;
  2. Speeches delivered in solemn meetings of the imp. Moscow University by Russian professors thereof with their brief biographies, part 2. M., 1820;
  3. On the properties of air - in the book. M.F. Spassky, P.I. Strakhov. Selected Works in Atmospheric Physics. M.-L., 1951;

A.Yu.Andreev, L.V.Levshin

Anton Antonovich
(1762 - 1848)

Rector: 1819-1826

Prokopovich-Antonsky Anton Antonovich - naturalist, teacher, public figure. From a noble family; but father P.-A. moved to the clergy, becoming a priest. In 1773 he entered the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, in 1782, among the best students, he was transferred to Moscow University as a dependent student of the Friendly Scientific Society, where he studied with the future metropolitans Mikhail (Desnitsky) and Seraphim (Glagolevsky). He listened to lectures at the philosophical and medical faculties, for success in medical sciences in 1784 and 1786. was awarded a silver medal, and in 1785 a silver medal was awarded for success in the philosophical sciences. In 1784 he was made a bachelor of the Teachers' Institute; was a tutor for university students in the Latin rhetoric class. He took part in the student magazines "Evening Dawn", "Resting Hardworker" published by N.I. Novikov at the university; Chairman of the Assembly of University Pupils (1784). In 1787 he was appointed secretary to the curator I.I. Melissino and entered the Noble boarding school as a teacher of natural history. In 1788 he was appointed adjunct of the encyclopedia and natural history (from 1790 - extraordinary, from 1794 - ordinary professor), for some time he was the caretaker of the Botanical Garden. When trying to open the Society of Lovers of Learning (1789) P.-A. on behalf of Melissino drew up his charter and was made secretary of the society. In 1788-1792. P.-A. published the "Shop of natural history, physics and chemistry" - the first natural science journal in Moscow; since 1795 he was appointed censor of the university printing house, since 1803 he was a member of the Censorship Committee.

P.-A. the first of the professors to start teaching natural history in Russian as part of the lectures of the Faculty of Philosophy (at the same time, F.G. Politkovsky continued to read this subject at the Faculty of Medicine). P.-A. expounded mineralogy according to Beaumar, and botany and zoology - according to Linnaeus. At the solemn meeting of the university on July 1, 1791, he read a speech "On the beginning and successes of the sciences, especially natural history", in which he defined the tasks of his science as follows: "The benefits arising from natural history are majestic, numerous and diverse. the truths of metaphysics, without knowing the essence of nature, their structure and harmony, it will not be strong to draw correct conclusions either about the existing things in the world themselves, or about their connection, or about the mutual relationship between them ... "

In 1804, with the introduction of the university charter, which divided the subjects of natural history between the three departments of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, P.-A. was appointed to the Department of Mineralogy and Rural Economics; read mineralogy under the guidance of G. Severgin, also briefly explaining the basics of zoology and botany, and offered "general remarks on rural home economics"; did not make a significant contribution to the development of these subjects. With the award of the title of honored professor in 1818, P.-A. left teaching, and in every possible way contributed to the promotion as a successor in the department of M.G. Pavlov, who would far surpass his teacher.

In 1811 P.-A. became one of the founders and the first chairman (until 1826) of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. He formulated the goals of the society in a speech "On the advantages and disadvantages of the Russian language", in which he set the task of improving literary language, the creation of a domestic theory of literature, in which he assigned an important place to university science, requiring the introduction of precise scientific terminology. The recognition of his merits in the literary field was the election of P.-A. in 1813 a member Russian Academy, and in 1841 - an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the department of the Russian language and literature; In addition, he was a member of the Free economic society(1805), the University Physico-Medical Society (1805), MOIP (1806), OIDR (1807), and many other societies; was also one of the active participants in the Moscow Society Agriculture(1820), where he was in charge of the Agricultural School and the publication of the Agricultural Journal.

Literary and public interests of P.-A. were clearly manifested in the main in his life, the pedagogical sphere, where he was the creator educational system Noble boarding school at Moscow, which he led for 35 years (since 1791 - chief caretaker, inspector, since 1818 - director). With his appointment in 1791, the boarding house acquired a separate building in Gazetny Lane; after the Moscow fire, by the efforts of P.-A. the building was rebuilt (1814), a library was collected in it, a church was opened. According to P.-A. program, boarding school pupils received encyclopedic knowledge in a wide range of university subjects, and also studied foreign languages, dancing, fencing and horseback riding. P.-A. was able to attract the best professors of the university to teaching, among which A.F. Merzlyakov stood out. Particular attention was paid to the development of literary abilities in children, for which, on the initiative of P.-A. the Assembly of the pupils of the noble boarding house was established (1798), in 1800-1816. (intermittently) under his leadership published the magazines Morning dawn, And rest in favor, In pleasure and favor, Calliope. principles of pedagogical system P.-A. outlined in the speech "On Education" (1798): the desire for the harmonious development of the bodily and spiritual aspects of the child's personality, an individual approach to children aimed at the early identification of their talents, the development of a cult of friendship, honesty, mutual assistance among pupils, a wide system of awards and incentives, freedom in games, exercise and walks in nature, at the same time a strict religious upbringing. Pedagogy P.-A. owe their primary education so different public figures as V.A. Zhukovsky, A.I. and N.I.Turgenevs, D.V.Dashkov, P.P.Svinin, M.A.Dmitriev, P.M.Stroev, V.F.Odoevsky, S.P.Shevyrev and others.

In 1808, 1813-1818. P.-A. was elected dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, From February 1819 to October 1826 - rector of Moscow University. In connection with the consequences of the audit carried out in 1826 at the university by Count S.G. Stroganov P.-A. was dismissed from the post of rector and director of the Noble boarding school; in 1833 left M.u. with the simultaneous election of its honorary member. Until the end of his life, he maintained relations with many former pupils; living in a small house of his own in the parish of the church of St. Nicholas in Khlynov, he acted as a church warden. P.-A. rose to the rank of real state councilor (1817), was awarded the Orders of St. Anna, II degree (1808), St. Vladimir, III degree (1811), St. Stanislav, I degree (1846), and other awards.


  1. A.A. Antonsky-Prokopovich. A word about the beginnings and successes of science, especially natural history. M., 1791;
  2. A.A. Antonsky-Prokopovich. About education. M., 1798;
  3. A.A. Antonsky-Prokopovich. "On the advantages and disadvantages of the Russian language" // Proceedings of the OLRS. Part 1. M., 1812.


Ivan Alekseevich
(1771 - 1839)

Rector: 1826-1833

Dvigubsky Ivan Alekseevich - naturalist. From the family of a priest. He received his secondary education at the Kharkov Collegium, after which he was left there as a teacher of rhetoric. In 1793, Mr.. D. entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, in 1796 he graduated with a gold medal and was appointed superintendent of natural history. In 1798, having presented his dissertation "De amphibiis Mosquensis", he was promoted to the post of associate and began teaching natural history and physics at the Noble Boarding School. In July 1802, D. defended his dissertation on "The Beginnings of the Moscow Fauna" ("Primitiae Faunae Mosquensis"), the first attempt to describe the fauna of the Moscow province., And received a doctorate in medicine, after which "for improvement in natural history, chemistry, medical substance "was sent abroad.

Together with IP Voinov, A.I. Galvanic Society. In 1804 he was elected in absentia an extraordinary professor at Moscow University. On the way back D. visited Bohemia, Moravia, Galicia, Hungary and the southern provinces of Russia, where he collected rich collections of insects and plants, donated to them by the university. Upon his return, he was elected a member of the Moscow Medical Physical Society (1805), the St. Petersburg Economic Society (1806), the Moscow Society of Naturalists (1806), and others. D. urged Russian scientists to write scientific essays in Russian. "Until the Russian language is in due respect among the Russians themselves, until then it is difficult to produce anything good. When they write for the Russians, but teach them the sciences not in the Russian language, where can you get knowledge of the native language and affection for it "In the whole of Europe, maybe only Russia is not proud of its language."

In 1806, Mr.. D. began lecturing at the Department of Technology and Sciences related to trade and factories, created a textbook on chemical technology. From 1808 he was an ordinary (from 1830 - honored) professor, from 1809 for 18 years he was the permanent secretary of the University Council. While teaching physics at a boarding school, D. wrote one of the first Russian textbooks on physics (1808), which became widely known. After the fire, in April 1813, Mr.. D. headed the Department of Physics and actively participated in the restoration of a demonstration course of lectures and a physics cabinet. In 1827, passing the department of physics to M.G. Pavlov, D. was finally able to move to the department of botany, in which he specialized from the beginning of his studies.

In May 1818, Mr.. D. was elected dean of the Physics and Mathematics Department, whose position he held for 8 years. From 1820 to 1830 publisher of the journal "New Store of Natural History, Physics, Chemistry and Economic Information", which was engaged in the popularization of natural science knowledge. In 1830, he replaced A.A. Prokopovich-Antonsky as chairman of the OLRS.

From November 1826 to August 1833, Mr.. D. served as rector of Moscow University. During the period of strengthening administrative and police supervision over students, D. tried not to kindle, but, if possible, extinguish conflicts, but after a number of student stories and on the eve of new transformations, he was forced to resign from the university in 1833 (with the rank of real state councilor).

In the scientific sphere, D. acted as a scientist-encyclopedist, educator. He published about 100 works, mostly of a compilation nature, covering all areas of natural science, including its applied sections. He compiled the first in Russian guide to the wild flora of the Moscow province (1828), as well as a guide to domestic medicinal plants (1828 - 1829), for the first time made an attempt complete description Russian fauna (1817), compiled an encyclopedia of practical information on agriculture in 12 volumes. Of great importance were his textbooks and manuals on botany, zoology, technology and physics, which were used by students for a long time. Activities D. was highly appreciated: he was awarded the title of honorary member of Moscow University (1833), the Order of St. Vladimir IV Art. and St. Anna II class with diamond decorations, many imperial awards.

D. was married and had five children. He died at the age of 68 and was buried in Kashira near Moscow.


  1. I.A. Dvigubsky. The initial foundations of technology, or a brief indication of the work carried out at factories and factories, parts 1-2, M., 1807;
  2. I.A. Dvigubsky. Physics for the noble pupils of the university boarding school, parts 1-2, 3rd ed. M., 1824;
  3. I.A. Dvigubsky. Experience with the image of animals, parts 1-4, M., 1829 - 1832; Lexicon of urban and agriculture, vols. 1-12, M., 1836 - 1839.

L.V. Levshin

Dmitry Matveevich
(1788 - 1880)

Rector: 1848-1850

Perevoshchikov Dmitry Matveevich - astronomer, mathematician, creator of the astronomical observatory M.U. From the family of a petty official. He studied at the Kazan provincial gymnasium, then at Kazan University (1805-1808), where he became close friends with N.I. Lobachevsky, S.T. Aksakov. After graduating from the university in January 1809, he was appointed senior teacher of physics and mathematics at the Simbirsk provincial gymnasium. While working at the gymnasium, he translated into Russian several European manuals on mathematics, and also wrote two essays - "On General Gravity" and " Short Course spherical trigonometry", for which the Kazan University in 1813 awarded him a master's degree. 1818 vice-governor of Moscow, took P. with him. In 1819 he was elected an adjunct of M.U., and was also appointed a teacher of physics and mathematics at the university Noble boarding school, where he worked until 1830.

At the university, P. showed himself as a brilliant teacher who brought up several generations of Russian astronomers, mathematicians, and physicists. Among his pupils were also M.Yu. Lermontov and A.I. Herzen. In 1824, Mr.. P. restored lecturing on astronomy, which, after the death of Professor F. Goldbach in 1811, was practically not conducted at the university. Since 1826, Mr.. P. - ordinary professor of astronomy. For many years he lectured on physics, analytical mechanics and various branches of higher mathematics. He created a number of original university textbooks in physical and mathematical disciplines, including the first Russian textbooks on astronomy - "Guide to Astronomy" (1826) and "Fundamentals of Astronomy" (1842), for which he was twice awarded the Demidov Prize . Author a large number popular science and historical scientific works published in the journals "Ateney", "Moscow Telegraph", "Moscow Bulletin", "Domestic Notes", "Contemporary"; first explored scientific works M.V. Lomonosov. At the end of 1831, under the leadership of P., the construction of the University Astronomical Observatory was completed, which he headed until 1851, when he was replaced by A.N. Drashusov. From 1830 to 1832 - Secretary of the University Council. In 1832 he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1833-1848. was repeatedly elected dean of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, was on the editorial board Scientific notes Moscow University. In 1847, by the Highest Command, he was awarded a diamond ring for his leadership in the installation of lightning rods in the Grand Kremlin Palace. From 1842 to 1844 - Provost of the University. In March 1848 he was elected rector of the university, however, in January 1850, according to the Imperial Decree of November 11, 1849 "On the procedure for electing rectors and deans at the university", which actually abolished the electiveness of these posts, he was relieved of his duties as rector. In 1851, Mr.. P. left Moscow, having received the title of honored professor upon dismissal. At the end of 1851 he moved to St. Petersburg, where in 1852 he was elected an adjunct, and in 1855 an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1858 he was elected an honorary member of M.U.

In St. Petersburg P. mainly engaged in research on celestial mechanics. He was the first to construct a mathematical theory of secular perturbations of the planets of the solar system, taking into account the action of the planet Neptune, discovered in 1846. This theory was presented in the three-volume work "Secular perturbations of seven major planets"(1857-1859), which also became the first original study guide on this issue in Russian. In 1860, Mr.. P. published his translation of the book F. Arago "Biographies of famous astronomers, physicists and geometers", and in 1863-1868. published a 6-volume "Theory of the Planets" - a comprehensive guide to many sections of theoretical astronomy.


  1. D.M. Perevoshchikov. Guide to astronomy. M., 1826;
  2. D.M. Perevoshchikov. Manual mathematical encyclopedia. In 13 vols. M., 1826-1837;
  3. D.M. Perevoshchikov. Foundations of astronomy. M., 1842;
  4. D.M. Perevoshchikov. Secular perturbations of the seven major planets. In 3 vols. St. Petersburg, 1857-1859;
  5. D.M. Perevoshchikov. Theory of the planets. In 6 vols. St. Petersburg, 1863-1868.

Leonid Kuzmich

Rector: 1904-1905

Leonid Kuzmich Lakhtin (1863-1927) - Russian mathematician, specialist in the field of solving algebraic equations higher degrees, as well as in the field of mathematical statistics. Student and friend of N. V. Bugaev. Professor of Derpt (Yuryevsky) University, Honored Professor of Moscow University. Rector of Moscow University (1904-1905), Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University (1912-1918).

Lakhtin came from a family of hereditary honorary citizens of Russia. Born in the Tula province, on the estate of his father. He received his secondary education at the Third Moscow Gymnasium. After graduating in 1881, he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, from which he graduated in 1885 and was left at the university "to prepare for a professorship" in the department of pure mathematics.

Since 1887, Lakhtin has been a mathematics teacher at his native Third Moscow Gymnasium. Since 1889 - Privatdozent at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, as well as a teacher of mathematics in the engineering classes of the Moscow Land Survey Institute and in several gymnasiums.

In 1892, Lakhtin took the post of professor at the Yuryev (Derpt) University. Here, in 1893, he defended his master's thesis (topic - "Algebraic equations solvable in hypergeometric functions"), devoted to the study of equations of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and one type of the 6th degree. Since 1896 - again at Moscow University, first as an extraordinary professor, and since 1902 - an ordinary professor; He combined his work at the university with teaching at the Imperial Moscow Technical School and at the Moscow Land Survey Institute. In 1897, he defended his doctoral dissertation (the topic was "Differential resolutions of algebraic equations of higher genera").

Lakhtin was very attached to his teacher and colleague, Professor Nikolai Vasilyevich Bugaev, and often visited him at home. Bugaev's son, the writer Andrei Bely, later recalled Lakhtin as follows: “... modest, quiet, shy, as if eternally frightened ... certainly, his appearance did not have enough stars; but my father spoke of him: "A talented mathematician!" ... Later I saw in him a certain strength of directness and purity ("Blessed are the pure in heart"); let it manifest itself in narrow straightness; he had a tender, quiet heart; and he loved a lot and hid a lot under his sunken chest, in the place of the heart, which is hidden under a frock coat, always tightly buttoned ... And no one could say that under this tin the heart burned; and spun mathematical talents; and how touchingly he was worried during the illness of his wife, when he was young?

In 1903, Lakhtin became an assistant to the rector of Moscow University, and in August 1904, the rector. He was appointed to this position for a period of 4 years, but in August 1905, after the revolutionary events, the "Temporary rules on the management of educational institutions of the Ministry of Public Education" came into force, according to which universities received the right free choice of his rectors, - and Lakhtin, in connection with this, was forced to resign, giving way to the elected professor S. N. Trubetskoy. Lakhtin after these events continued to teach at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, in 1912-1918 he was the dean of the faculty. In 1910, he was appointed director of the 3rd Moscow Real School named after V.I. A. Shelaputina. In 1914 he was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor. AT Soviet time Lakhtin continued to teach and also headed a group of statisticians at the Institute of Mathematics at Moscow University.

He died in 1927. Buried in Moscow Novodevichy cemetery

Lakhtin's research in the field of mathematics is devoted to two main topics: the solution of algebraic equations of higher degrees in special functions depending on integrals differential equations(differential resolutions of the corresponding algebraic equations), - and mathematical statistics, which he studied in last years life. Shortly before his death, in 1924, Lakhtin published a large textbook on probability theory.

Mikhail Mikhailovich

Rector: 1919-1920

Novikov Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in Moscow on Zhitnaya Street, in a house that belonged to his grandfather (and later passed into the possession of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky). His father, who came from a wealthy family of large Moscow cattle merchants, moved from merchants to philistines.

He has written 120 books and articles of natural science and journalistic content in various European languages. Many of his scientific discoveries, for example, a description of the structural features of the visual organs of lower animals, the study of the effect of hormones on the vital activity of the simplest organisms, the theory of the laws of formation of organic forms, etc., received wide recognition in scientific circles.

Rem Viktorovich

Rector: 1973-1977

Born in the city of Livny, Oryol region. In 1943 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, in 1945 he was transferred to Moscow University. Since 1952 - teaching at Moscow State University, in the same year he defended his thesis. In 1962 he defended his doctoral dissertation. Since 1963 - professor. In the 60s R.V. Khokhlov became a prominent scientist, making a serious scientific contribution to the development of nonlinear optics, radiophysics, acoustics and quantum electronics, and the theory of oscillations. In 1964, together with S.A. Akhmanov, he published the first monograph in the world literature devoted to the problems of nonlinear optics.

R.V. Khokhlov put forward a number of fundamental ideas for the creation of new types of lasers and laser spectroscopy. In 1966 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1974 - an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1975 he has been a member of the Presidium, and since 1977 - acting. Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Laureate of the Lomonosov (1964) and Lenin (1970) prizes. Since 1974 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. At the 25th Congress of the CPSU, he was elected a member of the Central Audit Commission.

As rector R.V. Khokhlov paid special attention to the prospect of developing broad interfaculty ties, the creation of laboratories, the organization of multifaceted expeditions, and the opening of problem centers.

Life of R.V. Khokhlova ended suddenly: a climber with more than twenty years of experience, he undertook an ascent of Communism Peak in the Pamirs in the summer of 1977. An emergency situation (rescue work for another expedition) did not allow acclimatization before a difficult ascent. When a few hundred meters remained to the top, they began a forced descent. A few days later, despite the efforts of doctors, Rem Viktorovich Khokhlov died. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Anatoly Alekseevich

Rector: 1977-1992

Born December 30, 1926 in the village. Obsharovka, Privolzhsky District Samara region. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University (1951). After defending his Ph.D. thesis (1953), he worked as an assistant at the Department of Theoretical Physics under the guidance of N.N. Bogolyubov.

Since 1956 - deputy. Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences (1959), professor (since 1961). In 1963 he was appointed director of the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Protvino (in 1974 - 1993 - scientific director, since 1993 - director of IHEP again). Under the leadership of A.A. Logunov, a scientific center of world importance was created here and extensive international cooperation in the field of high energy physics was established. Since 1971 - head of the department quantum theory and High Energy Physics Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University.

Since 1968 - Corresponding Member, since 1972 - Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1974 - 1991. - Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since 1978 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in 1986 he became a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

A.A. Logunov introduced fundamental contribution in the development of quantum field theory, established rigorous asymptotic theorems for the behavior of the characteristics of the strong interaction at high energies, created a consistent relativistic theory of gravity.

The rector considered the actual tasks of the university to be a combination of "fundamentality and breadth of training with education in creativity, the tradition of wide participation of students in scientific research", constant growth of personnel highest qualification. With him received further development large scientific schools established at the university.

Since 1991, Anatoly Alekseevich Logunov has been an adviser to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1992 - an adviser to the Rector of Moscow State University. Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970) and two State Prizes (1973 and 1984), Prizes to them. J. Gibbs and awards to them. A.M. Lyapunov, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University since 1992. Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Section of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (1997). Member of the Bureau of the Mathematical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1996). Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1996).

V.A. Sadovnichiy was born on April 3, 1939 in the village. Krasnopavlovka, Kharkiv region. He began his career in 1956 as a loader, a lumberman at the Komsomolets mine (Gorlovka, Donetsk region). He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in 1963 with a degree in mathematics. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1967). After graduating from graduate school, he worked at Moscow State University as an assistant, associate professor, professor, deputy dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics for scientific work, head of the Department of Functional Analysis and its Applications at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (1981–1982). Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1974). Professor (1975). Professor, and about. Head of the Department (1982–1988), Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (1988). First Deputy First Vice-Rector (1980–1982). Vice-rector for educational and scientific work of natural faculties (1982–1984). First vice-rector (1984–1992). Director of the Institute for Mathematical Research complex systems at Moscow State University (1995).

For more than 30 years, he has been reading the main courses of lectures in mathematics at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics "Mathematical Analysis", "Functional Analysis", etc. Founder and leader of the all-Moscow seminar on spectral theory (1967). A well-known specialist in the field of mathematics, mechanics and computer science. Main directions scientific activity: math modeling, mathematical methods of information processing. He made a significant contribution to the development of the spectral theory of differential operators. He obtained final results in the theory of traces of such operators, which were included in the relevant sections of modern functional analysis. Under his scientific leadership, mathematical methods for processing space information were developed, which made it possible to make significant progress in solving the problem of deciphering (pattern recognition) of space images. Obtained significant results on the mathematical substantiation of some approaches in the relativistic theory of gravity. Developed a new direction in the analysis of complex processes - dynamic simulation of controlled flights and movements, in particular, motion control spaceship and aircraft. He owns unique developments of the software for simulators, thanks to which, for the first time in the practice of world astronautics, it was possible to carry out end-to-end simulation modeling of successively all stages of aerospace flight, including weightlessness. More than fifty domestic and foreign cosmonauts underwent pre-flight training on the simulators. Studied the mathematical theory of complex systems - one of the most relevant and at the same time the most difficult areas in mathematical terms modern natural science. Under his leadership, the work “Movement control in case of sensory impairments in microgravity and Information Support maximin quality control of visual stabilization space objects", awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for 2001.

Has prepared more than 65 candidates and 15 doctors of sciences, including scientists from Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Algeria, Egypt and other countries.

Author of more than 450 scientific papers, including 60 monographs and textbooks, widely used in many universities in our country and abroad. Among the most famous works- repeatedly reprinted textbook on functional analysis "Theory of Operators", a classic textbook on mathematical analysis: "Mathematical Analysis" (co-authored), "Course of Mathematical Analysis", a three-volume problem book on the course of mathematical analysis and two problem books with materials of mathematical Olympiads of university students, and also the monographs Math problems flight simulation”, “Spectral analysis of the many-particle Schrödinger operator”, etc.

V.A. Sadovnichiy was elected rector at the first democratic election of a rector in the history of Moscow University by the Council of Academic Councils of Moscow State University on March 23, 1992. In subsequent elections (1996, 2001 and 2005) he was again elected rector of Moscow State University. On December 21, 2009, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1455, he was appointed rector of Moscow State University for a period of 5 years. On December 20, 2014, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 798, he was again appointed Rector of Moscow State University for a period of 5 years.

During the years of rector V.A. Sadovnichy, Moscow University received the status of a Russian self-governing (autonomous) university educational institution(1992), the activity of the Tatian Church was resumed (1995), a new charter of Moscow State University was adopted (2008) and the federal law, fixing the special status of Moscow State University as a unique scientific and educational complex (2009).

During this time, created:

  • Faculty of Fundamental Medicine (1992),
  • Faculty of Public Administration (1993),
  • Higher School of Business of Moscow State University (faculty) (2001),
  • Faculty of Arts (2001),
  • Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics (2002),
  • Faculty of World Politics (2003),
  • higher school of translation (faculty) (2004),
  • Moscow School of Economics (faculty) (2004),
  • Higher School of Public Administration (Faculty) (2005),
  • Faculty of Physics and Chemistry (2006, since 2011 - Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering),
  • Higher School of Management and Innovation (Faculty - Corporate University) (2006),
  • Higher School of Public Audit (Faculty) (2006),
  • higher school of innovative business (faculty - corporate university) (2006),
  • higher school of television (faculty) (2006),
  • Higher School of Contemporary Social Sciences (Faculty) (2006),
  • Faculty of Political Science (2008),
  • Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanitarian Sphere (Faculty) (2011),
  • Faculty of Biotechnology (2013),
  • faculty space research (2017),
  • Science Park of Moscow State University (1992),
  • Museum of the History of Moscow University (1993),
  • stone museum,
  • Institute for Mathematical Research of Complex Systems (1995),
  • branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol (1999),
  • Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University (Astana) (2000),
  • branch of Moscow State University in Tashkent (2006),
  • branch of Moscow State University in Baku (2008),
  • branch of Moscow State University in Dushanbe (2009),
  • branch of Moscow State University in Yerevan (2015),
  • branch of Moscow State University in Koper (2017),
  • Joint Russian-Chinese University MSU-PPI in Shenzhen,
  • more than 100 new departments, scientific centers and institutions
  • Moscow State University opened representative offices in China and the USA;
  • Intellectual Center - Fundamental Library of Moscow State University (2005),
  • Medical Research and Education Center of Moscow State University (2010),
  • Shuvalov Corps (2010),
  • Lomonosov Corps (2012),
  • 3rd academic building (2012)
  • 4th educational building (2012, second stage - 2017),
  • student hostel (2016),
  • University Gymnasium (2016),
  • the complex of university buildings on Mokhovaya Street was reconstructed,
  • health resorts of Moscow State University were restored in Zvenigorod, Krasnovidovo, Sochi, Pitsunda,
  • the sports complex of Moscow State University was reconstructed and expanded.

V. A. Sadovnichiy

  • Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education,
  • member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation,
  • President of the Russian Union of Rectors (1994),
  • President of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (2000).
  • Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Arts.
  • Honorary foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other foreign academies.
  • Honorary doctor and professor of many domestic and foreign universities, including:
    • Amur University,
    • Kuban State University,
    • Pomeranian International University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
    • Russian University Friendship between nations,
    • Rostov State University,
    • Saratov State Socio-Economic University,
    • Tomsk State University,
    • Chelyabinsk State University,
    • Bashkir State Pedagogical University them. M. Akmulla,
    • Baku State University,
    • Belarusian State University,
    • Eurasian national university named after L.N. Gumilyov,
    • Kazakh State National University named after Al-Farabi,
    • Tashkent State University,
    • Samarkand State University,
    • Vietnam National University,
    • Mongolian State University,
    • University of Nottingham (UK)
    • Soka University (Japan),
    • Istanbul University (Turkey),
    • SUNY University (USA),
    • Tokai University (Japan),
    • Kindai University (Japan),
    • Hokkaido University (Japan),
    • International Solvay Institutes (Belgium),
    • University. St. Cyril and Methodius (Macedonia).

V.A. Sadovnichiy is a member of the editorial boards of many leading domestic and international scientific journals in mathematics and computer science.

Awarded with orders:

  • Labor Red Banner (1980, 1986),
  • "For services to the Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees (2005, 1999, 2009),
  • Alexander Nevsky (2014).

Awarded with orders of the Russian Orthodox Church:

  • Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree,
  • Saint Innocent II degree,
  • Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna,
  • Reverend Sergei of Radonezh I and II degree.


  • medal "For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,
  • gold medal to them. M. V. Keldysh for a series of papers on the spectral theory of operators,
  • name gold medal Lev Nikolaev,
  • silver medal of VDNKh of the USSR,
  • commemorative medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Author scientific discovery»,
  • medal "Peter Lesgaft"
  • Sign of Tsiolkovsky (award of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)),
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Chuvash Republic"

He has awards from foreign countries:

  • Order of the Legion of Honor degree "Commander" (France, 1997),
  • Order of the Legion of Honor (France, 2005),
  • Order of Merit I, II and III degree (Ukraine),
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (Belarus),
  • Order "Dostyk" (Kazakhstan),
  • Order "Danaker" (Kyrgyzstan),
  • Order of Merit of the Diplomatic Service (Korea),
  • Cavalier of the Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition",
  • order " rising sun» II degree (Japan),
  • commemorative medal on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of China,
  • Order of Barys III degree (Kazakhstan),
  • jubilee medal to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • USSR State Prize (1989),
  • State Prize of the Russian Federation (2001),
  • Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2006, 2012),
  • Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2011),
  • State Prize of Bashkortostan in the field of science and technology (2011),
  • State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2004),
  • Prizes for Peace and Spiritual Harmony of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998),
  • Prizes of the National Revival Fund "Barbary" (Yakutia, 1995),
  • H. Aliyev Prize (Azerbaijan, 2012),
  • "Tashir 2013" awards (Armenia, 2013),
  • public recognition awards of the Moscow City Organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education (2014),
  • Honorary National Ecological Prize of the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky (2017).

Honorable Sir city ​​of Moscow (2008).
Honorary citizen of the Kharkov region (2010).

He is married, has three children and four grandchildren.

It was originally located on the site of the current State Historical Museum on Red Square.

History of University

Role driving force taken over by the greatest Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. Mikhail Vasilievich conceived an ambitious project to create a university for gifted students. However, it turned out to be difficult to implement the idea: officials invariably responded with a polite refusal to his proposal. In the end, Lomonosov had to use a cunning "workaround": he handed over the project and the charter of the university to the favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov. An influential courtier, subtle and clever man, Shuvalov was looking for fame as a patron of the arts and was able to get the Senate to approve the charter of the new educational institution proposed by Lomonosov. On January 25, 1755, the decree on the creation of the Imperial Moscow University was signed by Empress Elizabeth (by the way, it is from here that the student tradition originates - to celebrate Tatyana's Day).

At first, the university was located in the Apothecary House at the Resurrection Gate on Red Square (now the Historical Museum is located on this site). There were three faculties: philosophical, medical and legal. Partly due to the fact that Lomonosov himself was a nugget "from the bottom", a very democratic policy was pursued at the educational institution: everyone was accepted except for serfs, provided that the person passed the necessary entrance tests. Lectures were given by the best professors, often classes gathered a huge audience, since everyone could come to the lectures. Such a democratic policy soon led to a significant development of the educational institution. In the 19th century, the number of faculties was growing; more than 1,000 students were studying at the university in the middle of the century.

The building of the university quickly becomes cramped, and for classes they rent and then buy out the courtyard of Prince Repnin on Mokhovaya Street, then six more manor estates. In 1785, Catherine II releases 125 thousand rubles from the treasury for the construction of a university building designed by architect Matvey Kazakov. Alas, the very first building did not reach us: a fire in September 1812 destroyed it along with the museum, library, artistic and scientific values. But five years later, the charred skeleton began to be restored, funds for the construction were collected by the whole world. Reconstruction work ended in 1819 under the direction of the architect Dementia Gilardi. The solemn and elegant building took on the majestic appearance familiar to us, and classes began there.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, studying at the Imperial Moscow University was both difficult and interesting. Lectures began at nine in the morning, there were seven couples in the schedule. Faculties were not as clearly demarcated as they are now - it was possible to attend classes of famous professors in various specialties. For the course of study, it was necessary to pay 28 rubles 57 kopecks in banknotes, but this did not apply to low-income talented students: there were still scholarships for them, as well as compensation for renting a room. In addition, a bonus system was introduced, and one could receive up to 300 rubles for excellent studies, and the competition prize for outstanding scientific work was 1500 rubles. In those days, when the average salary of a worker was 25 rubles a month, it was very decent money.

In the reign of Nicholas I, students received a mandatory uniform: a frock coat, a cocked hat and a sword.

However, soon dramatic events took place in the country: a revolution, a change political system, the execution of the imperial family. All this could not but leave an imprint on the way and policy of the university. It should be noted that a serious split occurred within the team: there were those who were “for” and those who were “against”. Students and professors who did not accept the new political power, were forced to leave the university, besides, under the pressure of the new government, entire scientific areas in philosophy, biology, history and philology, which did not correspond to the revolutionary ideology, were closed.

Nevertheless, all these tests did not prevent Moscow University from maintaining its place as a leader. high school. Already in 1934, the first PhD theses in the USSR were defended at Moscow State University, but as soon as the learning process began to gradually improve again, hard times came again. During the Great Patriotic War, more than five thousand students and teachers went to the front. Learning activities is suspended. Although already in the first post-war years there was a new upsurge in education, the country needed scientific personnel and qualified specialists. In 1947, on the day of the 800th anniversary of Moscow, the city received eight gigantic construction sites on the Sparrow Hills. Among them is a new complex of buildings for Moscow University with a high-rise building of Moscow State University. The main building was built from 1949 to 1953, and now it is he who is the symbol of the university.

In the 50s on entrance exams there was a real stir at MSU. The budget increased five times compared to the pre-war period, which made it possible to equip scientific laboratories and classrooms, open new faculties and specialized laboratories. The Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, the first Faculty of Soil Science in the country, the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(since 1972, the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University) appear. Today, Moscow State University has 39 faculties, 15 research institutes, 4 museums, about 380 departments and more than 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Moscow State University is the only one in Russia that has brought up 11 Nobel laureates.

The university is in the top three Russian universities having special status: a presidential decree of 2008 enshrined academic independence, which gives the right to establish their own educational standards and programs.

Library of Moscow State University

The Moscow University Library, opened in 1755, was the only secular, free and publicly accessible library in Moscow for more than a hundred years. AT mid-nineteenth century, restored after the fire of 1812, it consisted of more than 7500 volumes. Today, the unique fund is 10 million books, manuscripts and periodicals. Its services are used by about 65 thousand readers.

student theater

Russian stage art owes its flourishing to the first student theater. In 1756, students of Moscow University under the guidance of the rector, poet M.M. Kheraskov, showed the public the first performance. Subsequently, the Russian theater troupes consisted almost entirely of university graduates, and one of them became the basis of the Imperial Moscow Theater, the predecessor of the cultural heritage of Russia - the Bolshoi and Maly theaters.

Church of Saint Tatiana

After the Kazakov building and the first university church of Tatiana the Martyr burned down in a fire in 1812, Nicholas I bought Pashkov's house on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street for the university. Architect E.D. Tyurin rebuilt this building for the new auditorium building, the left wing - for the library, and the right one from the former state theater turned into a church. Tyurin surprisingly harmoniously connected the new building with the Main Building of Kazakov - Gilardi. The graceful semi-rotunda with a colonnade received murals by Anton Claudi and a unique sculptural iconostasis by I.P. Vitali. In 1837, the holy martyr Tatiana became the patroness of Moscow University, and then of all Russian students.

High-rise building on Sparrow Hills

The main building of Moscow State University on the Sparrow (Lenin) Hills was designed in the studio of architect L.V. Rudnev. The selected construction site, a high plateau at the bend of the Moskva River, provided unique opportunities for the project. Moving the high-rise building away from the shore, the architect emphasized its grandeur and size with a solemn approach, decorated with green alleys and squares with fountains. The building of Moscow State University is the tallest among the "Stalin's sisters". The central span has 36 floors, so until 1990 it was the highest in Europe. The construction of a 240-meter skyscraper required more than 400,000 tons of steel, 175 million bricks, 111 elevators. The department of Lavrenty Beria oversaw an unusual construction site, thousands of prisoners worked on the construction and decoration of the building. In the central part there are three faculties, the administration, a library, a palace of culture and a museum of geography. The 19-story buildings of the side buildings house a student dormitory and apartments for teachers.

The high-rise of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills was chosen for life by a couple of rare peregrine falcons.

The biggest myth associated with the Main Building is that the solid jasper columns on the 9th floor were supposedly brought here from the destroyed Cathedral of Christ the Savior. But actually it is not.

Famous professors of the university...

The creator of aerodynamics Nikolai Zhukovsky, the inventor of the gas mask, the chemist Nikolai Zelinsky, the great physiologist Ivan Sechenov, the naturalist Kliment Timiryazev, the surgeon Nikolai Sklifosovsky, the creator of biogeochemistry Vladimir Vernadsky and many other luminaries who taught at Moscow State University are confirmation of his level and prestige.

...and no less famous graduates

Playwrights Denis Fonvizin and Alexander Griboyedov, poets Vasily Zhukovsky and Fyodor Tyutchev, revolutionary writers Alexander Herzen and Nikolai Ogarev, writers Ivan Turgenev and Anton Chekhov, philosopher Pyotr Chaadaev, theater figures Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko and Vsevolod Meyerhold, artist Vasily Kandinsky.