C military medical academy. Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirova: reviews, passing score. Reviews about the university

Federal state budgetary military educational institution higher education « Military-medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov» of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation conducts educational activities in the field of vocational and additional education in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Academy carries out, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the training of military personnel (specialists) for federal executive authorities.

The conditions and procedure for admission to the academy of citizens of the Russian Federation are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense. The volume and structure of admission of a variable composition for the first year to study at the academy at the expense of the federal budget are established by the Minister of Defense.

In 2020, the academy will organize the admission of graduates of educational organizations of secondary general and secondary vocational education to the faculties of training military doctors and the faculty of secondary vocational education.

Reception is organized in accordance with the license for the right to conduct an academy educational activities by specialties of higher education "Medicine", "Medical and preventive business", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy" and in the specialty of secondary vocational education "General Medicine".


Contingent of trainees

Secondary vocational education, Qualification "Paramedic"

Medical business

graduates of secondary educational institutions general education

Higher education, qualification "Doctor" ("Pharmacist")

Specialist with a term of study of 6 years

Medical business

Medical and preventive business

graduates of educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education

Specialist with a term of study of 5 years


graduates of educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education


graduates of educational institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education

The term for mastering the main professional educational programs is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards and is 6 years for higher education in the specialties "Medicine" and "Medical and preventive care", in the specialties "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy" 5 years, for secondary vocational education in the specialty "Medicine" 3 years 10 months.

Persons who have completed their studies and passed the state final certification in the main educational programs of higher education are issued a state-recognized diploma of higher education, are awarded the qualification of a doctor (pharmacist) and are awarded military rank lieutenant of the medical service.

Graduates of the academy who have completed their studies at the faculty (secondary vocational education) are issued a state diploma of secondary vocational education, are awarded the qualification of a paramedic and are awarded a military rank ensign.

The rights, obligations, social guarantees and compensations for cadets are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, general military charters of the Armed Forces, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense, the Charter of the Academy and other local acts. Ensuring compliance with the norms and standards of social and living conditions of study and residence of students at the academy is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

Quality control of education and compliance with licensing and accreditation indicators at the academy is carried out by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education and science, and the Ministry of Defense.

II. Requirements for candidates for training by cadets

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have state documents on secondary general, secondary vocational education, fit for health reasons, from among:

  • citizens aged from 16 to 22 years old who did not pass military service;
  • citizens who have completed military service, and military personnel undergoing military service on conscription - until they reach the age 24 years old;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) - until they reach the age 27 years,
  • Citizens who have only a secondary general education are considered for the faculty of secondary vocational education for training cadets under the program with secondary military special training until they reach the age of 30 years.
  • Citizens are not considered as candidates for admission to the Academy:
  • against whom a guilty verdict has been passed and punishment has been imposed;
  • in respect of which an inquiry or preliminary investigation is underway or a criminal case in respect of which has been submitted to the court;
  • having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime or serving a sentence of imprisonment;
  • deprived for a certain period, by a court decision that has entered into legal force, of the right to hold military positions for a specified period of time;
  • in other cases determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. The procedure for the preliminary selection of candidates

Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have completed and have not completed military service is carried out by military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, draft commissions created in municipal districts, urban districts and intra-city territories of cities of federal significance, heads of educational organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense , and candidates from among the military - commanders of military units (units).

Preliminary selection activities are carried out in order to send candidates for entrance examinations who meet the requirements provided for in paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 of these Rules, and include determining the suitability of candidates for training:

  • by the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • by level of education;
  • according to the age;
  • for health;
  • by the level of physical fitness;
  • according to the category of professional suitability.

Citizens who have completed and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the academy, submit an application to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (graduates of general educational organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense - addressed to the head of the general educational organization in which they are learning) until April 20, 2020.

Military personnel who have expressed a desire to enter the academy submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit until April 1, 2020.

The candidate's application shall indicate: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, information about citizenship, details of the document proving his identity (including the details of issuing the specified document), information about the previous level of education and a document on education and (or) qualifications, confirming it, the postal address of the place of permanent residence, email address and contact phone number (at the request of the candidate), the specialty of training in which he wants to study at the academy.

The report of candidates from among the military personnel, in addition to the above, shall indicate: the military rank and military position held, and instead of the address of the place of residence - the code name of the military unit, as well as the military command body (type of the Armed Forces, military district, branch of the Armed Forces).

The following certified documents shall be attached to the application (report):

  • copies of documents proving the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a copy of a state document on the appropriate level of education (with a copy of the document with the grades obtained during the period of study);
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of study, work or military service in the prescribed form;
  • three certified photographs measuring 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • service card of a soldier;

School students, instead of a copy of the document on secondary general education, attach to the application an extract from the report card for the 10th grade and the first half of the 11th grade. Persons who have completed the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education with state accreditation submit a certificate of study or a period of study reflecting current progress.

Military personnel serving under a contract in other federal executive bodies submit the consent of the relevant department to transfer them to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for training if they enter the academy.

Candidates submit (if available) copies of documents confirming special rights (advantages) for admission to study at the academy and (or) individual achievements.

Submitted documents must be dated by the year of receipt.

Citizens of the Russian Federation living in military units stationed outside the Russian Federation submit an application addressed to the head of the academy until May 20, 2020. The documents listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules are attached to the application.

Citizens residing outside the Russian Federation, where there are no military units of the Armed Forces, arrive at the academy no later than June 28, 2020 with a document on education and (or) qualifications and a document proving the identity of the candidate, for their consideration by the selection committee as a candidate for admission to the academy with registration of a personal file and a decision on their admission to the passage of professional selection.

Documents of candidates from among citizens who have completed and have not completed military service, listed in clause 3.4 of these Rules, as well as a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the absence of grounds listed in clause 2.2 of these Rules for refusing a candidate to participate in professional selection, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of general educational organizations with special names, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense) send to the academy until May 20, 2020.

Documents of candidates from among the military personnel listed in paragraph 3.4 of these Rules, and for military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, in addition, personal files, are sent to the academy until May 15, 2020.

Attached to the medical examination card:

  • vaccination certificate; certificates from anti-tuberculosis, psycho-neurological, narcological and dermatovenerologic dispensaries;
  • an extract from the medical card of an outpatient (about past illnesses, injuries, operations, existing chronic diseases);
  • fluorogram (X-ray) of the lungs in 2 projections, X-ray of the paranasal sinuses; electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise;
  • results of a general (clinical) blood test ( platelet count required) and general urine analysis; research results on drugs, RW (syphilis), HIV infection, hepatitis (B and C).

Medical documents must be dated by the year of receipt.

The selection committee of the academy, on the basis of consideration of the received documents of candidates, determines the compliance of the selected candidates with the established requirements and makes a decision on admission to professional selection. The decision of the selection committee of the academy on the admission of candidates to undergo professional selection is sent to the departments of the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of candidates from among citizens who have completed and have not completed military service, to Suvorov military schools, military units no later than one day from the date of acceptance decision by the Academy's admission committee indicating the time and place of the professional selection or the reasons for the refusal.

On the basis of the decision of the academy’s selection committee on admission to professional selection, candidates from among citizens who have passed and have not completed military service are sent by the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (candidates from among graduates of educational organizations with special names under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense are organizations) to the training center of the academy (Krasnoe Selo) for professional selection.

Candidates from among the military personnel who meet the requirements established by clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of these Rules are sent to the training center of the academy (Krasnoe Selo) by the commanders of military units to participate in training camps in preparation for passing professional selection and subsequent passing of professional selection, regardless of whether they received a military part of the decision of the selection committee of the academy on admission to professional selection:

  • those entering the programs with full military special training are sent to the academy by June 1, 2020, where a 25-day training camp is held with them;
  • applicants for programs with secondary military special training are sent to the academy by June 10, 2020, where they are given a 15-day training camp.

A passport, a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original state document on the level of education and (or) qualifications are presented by the candidate to the selection committee of the academy upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting of the selection committee for making a decision on the admission of the candidate. If available, candidates submit original documents confirming special rights (advantages) for admission to study at the academy, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and (or) individual achievements of the candidate.

IV. The procedure for the professional selection of candidates

The professional selection of candidates entering the academy for training as cadets (secondary vocational and higher education) is carried out by the selection committee from July 1 to July 30 in order to determine the ability of candidates to master educational programs of the appropriate level.

The professional selection of candidates for enrollment as cadets in the academy includes:

a) determining the suitability of candidates for admission to the academy for health reasons (medical examination by the military medical commission), which is organized in accordance with the Regulations on the military medical examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 04, 2013 No. 565, Requirements for the health status of certain categories of citizens, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 20 October 2014 No. 770.

Medical examination of citizens entering the academy is carried out by specialist doctors included in the military medical commission: a surgeon, a general practitioner, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ophthalmologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a dentist, a doctor- dermatovenereologist, and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties.

The results of the medical examination of candidates are announced no later than one day after the conclusion of the military medical commission on the candidate's state of health.

If the candidate is recognized as unfit for health reasons to enter the Academy, the candidate and his legal representatives (parents, if the candidate is a minor) have the right to receive explanations and recommendations from a specialist doctor.

b) determination of the category of professional suitability of candidates on the basis of their socio-psychological study, psychological and psycho-physiological examination is carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2000 No. 50.

In the course of professional psychological selection, the correspondence of professionally important qualities of candidates is assessed in order to predict the success of their training and further effective activity in primary military positions, and one of the following conclusions is made based on the results:

  • recommended first- the first category;
  • recommended- the second category;
  • conditionally recommended- the third category;
  • Not recommended— the fourth category (applicants are informed about the conclusion made individually).

Making a conclusion about the category of professional suitability of candidates on the basis of their socio-psychological study, psychological and psycho-physiological examination is carried out and documented using automated workplaces of professional psychological selection specialists accepted for supply in the Armed Forces.

Candidates assigned to the fourth category of professional suitability are considered not to have passed the professional psychological selection and are not allowed to further pass the professional selection. They are informed about the conclusion made individually, and, if necessary, an individual psychological counseling during which clarifications and recommendations are given.

The results of determining the category of professional suitability are communicated to the candidate or his legal representatives no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates.

in) entrance tests , consisting of:

  • assessment of the level of general education of candidates .

For all specialties of training in higher education (specialist) implemented at the academy, the assessment of the level of general education of candidates is carried out in chemistry, biology and the Russian language. Chemistry is the profile subject for assessing the level of general education of candidates.

The assessment of the level of general educational readiness of candidates entering higher education programs is carried out based on the results of a unified state exam(hereinafter referred to as the USE) received in 2016-2020, as well as for certain categories of graduates of educational organizations - based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the academy independently and evaluated on a 100-point scale.

Candidates from certain categories of graduates of educational organizations can submit the relevant results of the USE as the results of entrance examinations conducted by the academy independently, in one or more general education subjects.

As the minimum number of points for all forms of general education entrance examinations, the minimum number of USE points approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is used.

The results of assessing the level of general education of candidates based on the results of the Unified State Examination are announced to candidates no later than one day after the end of the verification of the reliability of information about the participation of the candidate in the Unified State Examination and the results of the Unified State Examination in the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the main educational programs of basic general and secondary general education , and admission of citizens to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education (hereinafter - FIS USE). results entrance test conducted by the academy independently - no later than the second day after the entrance test.

For candidates entering the program of secondary vocational education (paramedic), when assessing the level of general educational readiness, the results of mastering the educational program of secondary general education, indicated in the documents on education submitted by candidates, are taken into account.

  • assessment of the level of physical fitness.

The level of physical fitness of candidates is assessed in accordance with the Manual on Physical Training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (NFP-2009), approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2009 No. 200, on a 100-point scale based on the results of three test elements (exercises) :

  • for boys: pull-ups on the crossbar, 100-meter run and 3 km cross;
  • for girls: torso bends, 100-meter run and 1 km cross.

The minimum number of points based on the results of the candidates' performance of physical training exercises, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations to assess the level of physical fitness of candidates (with the exception of officers), is:

  • for each individual exercise - 26 points;
  • in total, based on the results of the three exercises - 120 points.

Candidates from among the officers take the exam in accordance with the standards for their age groups.

Exercises are performed in sportswear.

If the minimum threshold for one of the exercises or the sum of the results of the three exercises is not overcome, the requirements for the candidate are considered not fulfilled, the candidate is recognized as unfit for admission in terms of physical fitness and is removed from further professional selection.

Performance exercise in order to improve the obtained assessment is not allowed.

The results of assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates are communicated to candidates or their legal representatives no later than one day after the entrance test.

Candidates from among the winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren held in the manner established by the federal executive body responsible for developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education, within four years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad, the results of the general education entrance test corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad are equal to 100 points if they have in this subject USE results not less than 75 points.

Individual achievements of candidates for study at the academy in educational programs of higher education, documented, are taken into account by accruing points for the results of individual achievements, in accordance with the procedure for their accounting approved by the academy.

The selection committee monitors the accuracy of the information specified in the application for admission (on the participation of the candidate in the Unified State Examination and the results of the Unified State Examination, on participation in schoolchildren's Olympiads, on the candidate's individual achievements, etc.), and the authenticity of the submitted documents. When conducting this check, the selection committee has the right to apply to the relevant state Information Systems, state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

Appeal based on the results of the entrance test conducted in USE form, in chemistry, biology, the Russian language can be submitted locally conducting the exam, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The response to the appeal must be provided by the candidate to the secretariat of the selection committee no later than one day before the final meeting of the selection committee to decide on the admission of candidates. Otherwise, the result obtained by the selection committee from the FIS USE is applied. If the USE result is below the established minimum value, the candidate is not allowed to be considered in the competitive list.

Candidates and their legal representatives (parents, if the candidate is a minor) on the day of the announcement of the results of the entrance examination conducted by the academy independently, or within the next working day, have the right to familiarize themselves with their work (with the work of the applicant), and also apply to the secretariat of the selection committee with an application on the explanation of the grade given in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the academy.

The appeal is filed in writing on the day of the announcement of the results of the entrance examination or within the next working day. Consideration of the appeal is carried out no later than the next working day after the day of its submission. Candidates and their legal representatives have the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. Appeals from third parties, including from relatives, are not accepted or considered.

Consideration of the appeal is not a retake or retake of the entrance test. During the consideration of the appeal, only compliance with the established procedure for conducting the entrance examination and (or) the correctness of evaluating the results of the entrance examination is checked.

Appeals, applications, complaints of candidates and their legal representatives are accepted for consideration at the secretariat of the selection committee in person, as well as through postal operators common use or in the form electronic document. When conducting a personal reception of candidates and their legal representatives, officials of the selection committee are involved in accordance with their competence. The procedure and terms for their consideration correspond to the procedure and terms for consideration of citizens' appeals determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Candidates who have received an unsatisfactory mark in the exams (who scored below the established minimum score) or who, without good reason, did not appear at one of the exams at the time appointed by the schedule, are not allowed to further professional selection events and drop out of the competition for admission to the academy. The applicant is obliged to inform the secretariat of the selection committee about the impossibility to take exams for health reasons or other documented reasons before the start of the exam.

Repeated holding of professional selection events with the candidate is not carried out.

V. The procedure for enrolling candidates entering for training as cadets

Candidates who have passed the professional selection are included in competitive lists for the enrollment of candidates as cadets in the academy and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled for training.

Competitive lists for enrolling candidates as cadets in the academy are compiled according to the levels of professional education and training specialties.

Candidates entering higher education programs (specialist) are placed in the competitive lists depending on the sum of points that determines the level of general education (scores are summed for each general education subject of entrance examinations), the level of physical fitness and individual achievements.

Candidates entering the programs of secondary vocational education are placed in the competitive lists depending on the value of the average score of the certificate of secondary general education.

At the same time, candidates classified according to the results of professional psychological selection to the third category of professional suitability are placed in the competitive list after candidates classified to the first and second categories of professional suitability, regardless of the amount of points received.

Candidates who have scored an equal number of points are entered into the competitive list in the following sequence:

  • first of all- Candidates enjoying a priority right when entering military educational institutions;
  • in the second place- candidates who received a higher score in a specialized general education subject - chemistry (candidates entering secondary vocational education programs - who received a higher score when assessing their level of physical fitness);
  • in the third place- candidates who received a higher score in the general education subject - biology.

Candidates who have not passed the professional selection are not included in the competitive lists. They draw up lists of candidates who are denied admission to the academy, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

The reasons for not passing professional selection include:

  • receipt by the candidate of the results of the Unified State Examination or an entrance examination conducted by the Academy independently, in a general education subject (chemistry, biology, Russian language) less than the minimum number of points approved for the year of admission in the declared specialty of training;
  • recognition of the candidate as unfit for health reasons to enter the academy;
  • assignment of the candidate to the fourth category of professional suitability;
  • getting an unsatisfactory mark in physical fitness;
  • refusal by a candidate to enter the academy after the start of professional selection;
  • failure to appear without a good reason at the scheduled time for the professional selection event (entrance test);
  • failure to submit the original document on education within the prescribed period;
  • refusal to the candidate in the further passage of professional selection due to indiscipline.

The Military Medical Academy is the oldest among the military academies and medical schools countries. It was founded on December 18, 1798 by the Decree of Emperor Paul I and from the moment of its creation it was called the Medical-Surgical Academy.

The Academy was subsequently renamed several times: in 1808 - into the "Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy", in 1881 - into the "Imperial Military Medical Academy".
The history of the academy for more than two centuries has been immortalized by architectural monuments, buildings that were worked on by best architects Russia.

Shortly after its establishment, the academy was elevated to the rank of "First educational institutions Empire” and until 1917 combined the functions of an educational institution and the Academy of Medical Sciences.
In 1918, the academy began to bear the name "Military Medical Academy", and in 1935 it was renamed the "Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov.

The academy simultaneously performs 3 interrelated functions: educational, scientific and medical-diagnostic.

The Military Medical Academy is the main center vocational training military doctors in terms of the quality of the educational and material base, the provision of clinics with modern equipment and the selection of thematic patients, where training is concentrated in the most high-tech and costly medical specialties of the current nomenclature.

Academy includes:

—4 central institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Central Military Medical Commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Central Pathological Anatomical Laboratory of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Center for Quality Control and Certification of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Center of Pharmacy and Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

—5 centers: Center (educational and methodological, scientific work and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel); Research Center; Pharmaceutical Center; Clinical Center for Extracorporeal Detoxification; Engineering and technical center (operation and maintenance of medical equipment).

—4 independent departments: clinical department; department of medical supply; combat department; Human Resources Department.

— 6 faculties for the training of military personnel and 1 faculty for the training and improvement of civilian doctors (on an off-budget basis).

— Medical Squad ( special purpose) (training).

-Medical College.

—63 departments (28 military, 35 civilian), of which: 17 surgical; 14 therapeutic; 3 preventive; 29 theoretical.

—4 subdivisions of support: the base for support of the educational process; Military Medical Museum; editorial board of the journal (military medical); military band.

—Research Testing Institute (Military Medicine).

The academy contains 13 positions of chief medical specialists of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. All officers and civilian personnel have a level of education and training appropriate to their position.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2012, the Military Medical Academy operates as a federal state state military educational institution of higher professional education.

How does the educational institution of the Military Medical Academy carry out undergraduate and postgraduate training of medical specialists for all types of the Armed Forces, other power structures and civil health care of the Russian Federation, as well as for a number of foreign states. Educational process conducted in almost the entire spectrum of medical specialties.

The system of training military doctors at the Military Medical Academy is considered to be the optimal model of military medical education in the armed forces of the country. This is a very time-consuming and long-term process: 6 years of study at the faculties training of doctors with a diploma, then another year in the internship of the academy with a primary specialization.

Undergraduate training of military doctors is carried out at the faculties of primary training: the faculty of training doctors (for the Missile and Ground Forces), the faculty of training doctors (for the Air Force), the faculty of training doctors (for Navy), Faculty of training and advanced training of civilian doctors, Faculty of training doctors (military medical specialists of foreign armies).

Postgraduate training is carried out at the Faculty (postgraduate professional and additional education), the Faculty of the leading medical staff, the Faculty for the training and improvement of civilian doctors and the Faculty for the training of doctors (military medical specialists of foreign armies).

The leading, historically established domestic principle of training doctors at the academy involves “learning at the bedside” - the practical assimilation of elements of knowledge and practical skills of professional activity, primarily those categorized curricula"Own!" and “Have experience (skill)!”.

An important component of educational activities is the conduct of all types of (educational and industrial) practices at the academy.

In the process of training, cadets and students of the academy participate in a command-staff (tactical-special) military medical exercise under the code name "Frontier", during which issues of organizing the work of medical units for receiving the wounded and sick, providing them with first, medical and qualified medical care, practical skills are acquired as junior medical personnel in subdivisions and parts of the medical service in search and removal of the wounded and sick from the battlefield, loading (unloading) the wounded and sick onto vehicles.

Up to 1000 people take part in the final exercise, conducted on the basis of field training in Krasnoye Selo, more than 20 departments of the academy are involved, from which about 100 teachers, all faculties, representatives of military and civil health care are allocated.

The right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education and issue state diplomas was granted to the Military Medical Academy by license No. 0231 dated October 5, 2010 and accreditation certificate No. 0893 dated April 11, 2011, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Faculty of Medical Training (for the Missile and Ground Forces)
Military registration specialty of graduates "Medicine in the ground troops". Provides specialized training in the specialty of higher professional education "Medicine" qualifications "Doctor" and military vocational training to carry out official duties head of the medical service (medical center) of the regiment (brigade) in the Rocket and ground forces Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, parts of the Airborne Forces, other power ministries and departments.

Faculty of Medical Training (for the Air Force)
In the course of their studies, cadets study the issues of medical support for flights and monitoring the health of the flight crew, assessing the functional state of pilots in hypoxia, practicing practical speech skills in an oxygen mask under excessive pressure, testing the protective effect of a high-altitude compensating suit, etc.

Faculty of Medical Training (for the Navy)
Specialized departments enable students to study the issues of naval training, organization and tactics of the medical service of the fleet in peacetime and war time organization and conduct of medical control over the living conditions of military sailors in peacetime and wartime, ensuring radiation safety at coastal facilities and ships with nuclear power plants, get acquainted with the medical aspects of liquidation of the consequences of radiation accidents at various facilities of the Navy.

In the training centers, cadets practically work out the issues of rescue support, physiology of naval labor and medical support for diving. Practical special knowledge is worked out during the period of naval and military training, as well as naval and military practice on ships and in parts of the Northern Fleet.

Faculty of training doctors (military medical specialists of foreign armies)

Type of training


Duration of study

10 months

Primary training of doctors:

Medical business in the ground troops

Medical business in aviation

Medicine on ships

Medical business


Training of leading medical staff

Clinical Residency

Improvement and professional retraining

from 1.5 to 5 months



Competing for academic degrees

A soldier of a foreign state who wants to study at the Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirova addresses the national command of her country, which in turn submits an application through the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Training of foreign military personnel is conducted in Russian. For foreign military personnel who do not speak Russian or have a poor command of it, a preparatory course of up to 10 months is being introduced.

The faculty has a hotel to accommodate foreign military personnel. Payment for accommodation is made in accordance with the concluded contracts.

The stay of foreign military personnel on the territory of the Russian Federation and migration registration is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Federal Migration Service of Russia with the support of the command of the academy and the management of the faculty.

Faculty of Training and Improvement of Civilian Doctors
The main goal of the faculty is to solve the main tasks defined for the faculty by the academy:

– training of specialists with higher medical education in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty 060101 “Medicine”;

– postgraduate professional education of civilian doctors in the form of internship and residency in accordance with the State educational standards of medical specialties;

– additional professional education in the form of professional retraining, advanced training, internships and certification of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education;

- organizing and carrying out work on the military professional orientation of young people, their patriotic education and preparation for entering the academy.

Faculty of leading medical staff
Provides training for officers with higher military operational and tactical training in the specialty "Management of medical support for troops (forces)", as well as training in internship and residency. Primary specialization in the internship of graduates of medical training faculties is carried out according to 30 main professional educational programs of the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the healthcare sector of the Russian Federation.

Postgraduate professional education in residency is carried out according to 89 main professional educational programs of the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the healthcare sector of the Russian Federation.

The high-quality training of graduates is facilitated by the participation of students in the annual tactical-special exercises "Frontier", the final command and staff military medical exercises, the deployment of field military medical institutions in the training center of the Military Medical Academy, internships in the medical service management bodies, practical work in academy clinics.

The faculty pays great attention to scientific activity trained officers. Students take an active part in all Russian and international scientific and practical conferences held in St. Petersburg.

Every year 5-7 students successfully defend dissertations and receive the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Faculty (postgraduate professional and additional education)
At the faculty (postgraduate professional and additional education) the following types of training of doctors in the system of postgraduate and additional professional education are carried out:

– professional retraining of medical specialists;

- general and thematic improvement of medical service officers and civilian personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense in medical and pharmaceutical specialties;

- thematic improvement of the leadership of the medical service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, branches and types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, fleets;

- thematic improvement of the teaching staff of higher military educational institutions, training centers and departments of military and extreme medicine of universities.

The term of study of students at the faculty for professional retraining, advanced training 1 to 4 months.

Medical College of the Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov
Basic level of education and advanced training in specialties:

060501 "Nursing":

Qualification: "Nurse (brother)" based on secondary general (complete) education; term of study: full-time training - 2 years 10 months, part-time form preparation - 3 years 10 months;

Qualification: "Nurse with in-depth training" in the following areas:

— organization of nursing;

— anesthesiology and resuscitation;

Based on secondary medical education (basic level); term of study: full-time training - 10 months, part-time training - 1 year 6 months.

060604 "Laboratory diagnostics"

Qualification: "Medical laboratory technician", based on secondary general (complete) education. Duration of study: full-time - training 2 years 10 months; part-time form of training - 3 years 10 months.

Department of advanced training medical college The Military Medical Academy conducts postgraduate training, attestation and certification of nursing staff in all specialties of the nomenclature of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Research work at the Military Medical Academy, it is conducted in all major areas of military and clinical medicine. At the same time, the main task is to strengthen and develop scientific schools academy as a fundamental basis for research and training of highly qualified military medical personnel at all levels of education.

A number of fundamental and applied areas of research are implemented in the latest developments of departments and research units.

The academy has a well-organized system of training scientific personnel. Much attention is paid scientific work, including the work of cadets and students. For more than 50 years, the military-scientific society of cadets and students (VNOKS) has existed at the academy.

Well-known scientists work at the Military Medical Academy, including 5 academicians Russian Academy Medical Sciences (RAMS), 8 Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 25 Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, 94 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 52 Honored Workers high school RF, 15 laureates of the State Prize, 12 laureates of the Government Prize, 105 academicians and 46 corresponding members of domestic and foreign academies.

The training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel at the academy is carried out in doctoral and postgraduate studies, as well as through the registration of a job seeker degree doctor and candidate of sciences.

13 dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations in 33 scientific specialties have been created and are actively working at the Academy.

Clinical base of the academy has a regular bed capacity of 2616 beds, and is represented by 16 surgical clinics (including 7 general surgical clinics and 9 specialized clinics), 13 therapeutic clinics (including 7 general therapeutic and 6 specialized clinics), a clinical center for extracorporeal detoxification and 5 clinical divisions ( including reception departments Nos. 1 and 2, a blood transfusion station, etc.).

Work continues on the development of new types and the provision of high-tech medical care. Of the 137 types established by the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, 90 are now in the clinics of the academy, which is more than 65% of the total.

More than 350,000 people annually receive various types of treatment at the academy.