Course of lectures on ordinary differential equations. Book: Dmitriev V. "Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations Borovskih Pens Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations

This course of lectures has been delivered for more than 10 years for students of theoretical and applied mathematics at the Far Eastern State University. Corresponds to the II generation standard for these specialties. Recommended for students and undergraduates of mathematical specialties.

Cauchy's theorem on the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem for a first-order equation.
In this section, by imposing certain restrictions on the right side of the first-order differential equation, we will prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution determined by the initial data (x0,y0). The first proof of the existence of a solution to differential equations is due to Cauchy; the proof below is given by Picard; it is produced using the method of successive approximations.

1. First order equations
1.0. Introduction
1.1. Separable Variable Equations
1.2. Homogeneous equations
1.3. Generalized homogeneous equations
1.4. First order linear equations and their reductions
1.5. Bernoulli equation
1.6. Riccati equation
1.7. Equation in total differentials
1.8. integrating factor. The simplest cases of finding the integrating factor
1.9. Equations not resolved with respect to the derivative
1.10. Cauchy's theorem on the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem for a first-order equation
1.11. Singular points
1.12. Special Solutions
2. Equations of higher orders
2.1. Basic concepts and definitions
2.2. Types of equations of the nth order, solvable in quadratures
2.3. Intermediate integrals. Equations Allowing Reductions in Order
3. Linear differential equations of nth order
3.1. Basic concepts
3.2. Linear homogeneous differential equations of nth order
3.3. Reducing the order of a linear homogeneous equation
3.4. Inhomogeneous linear equations
3.5. Reducing the order in a linear inhomogeneous equation
4. Linear equations with constant coefficients
4.1. Homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients
4.2. Inhomogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients
4.3. Second order linear equations with oscillating solutions
4.4. Integration via power series
5. Linear systems
5.1. Heterogeneous and homogeneous systems. Some Properties of Solutions to Linear Systems
5.2. Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear independence of k solutions of a linear homogeneous system
5.3. Existence of a fundamental matrix. Construction of a general solution of a linear homogeneous system
5.4. Construction of the entire set of fundamental matrices of a linear homogeneous system
5.5. Heterogeneous systems. Construction of a general solution by the method of variation of arbitrary constants
5.6. Linear homogeneous systems with constant coefficients
5.7. Some information from the theory of functions of matrices
5.8. Construction of the fundamental matrix of a system of linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients in the general case
5.9. Existence theorem and theorems on functional properties of solutions of normal systems of first-order differential equations
6. Elements of the theory of stability
6.2. The simplest types of rest points
7. Equations in partial derivatives of the 1st order
7.1. Linear homogeneous partial differential equation of the 1st order
7.2. Inhomogeneous linear partial differential equation of the 1st order
7.3. System of two partial differential equations with 1 unknown function
7.4. Pfaff equation
8. Variants of control tasks
8.1. Test No. 1
8.2. Examination No. 2
8.3. Examination No. 3
8.4. Test work No. 4
8.5. Examination No. 5
8.6. Test No. 6
8.7. Test work No. 7
8.8. Control work number 8.

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Makarskaya E. V. In the book: Days of student science. Spring - 2011. M.: Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, 2011. P. 135-139.

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Ivanov A.I., Isakov I., Demin A.V. et al. Part 5. M.: Slovo, 2012.

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Mikheev A. V. St. Petersburg: Department of Operational Printing NRU HSE - St. Petersburg, 2012.

This collection contains problems in the course of differential equations, read by the author at the faculty economics NRU HSE - St. Petersburg. At the beginning of each topic, summary basic theoretical facts and examples of solutions to typical problems are analyzed. For students and listeners of programs of higher professional education.

Konakov V.D. STI. WP BRP. Publishing House of the Board of Trustees of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, 2012. No. 2012.

This textbook is based on a special course at the student's choice, read by the author at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 2010-2012 academic years. The manual introduces the reader to the parametrix method and its discrete analog, developed in the most recent times the author of the manual and his fellow co-authors. It brings together material that was previously contained only in a number of journal articles. Without striving for maximum generality of presentation, the author aimed to demonstrate the possibilities of the method in proving local limit theorems on the convergence of Markov chains to a diffusion process and in obtaining two-sided Aronson-type estimates for some degenerate diffusions.

Iss. 20. NY: Springer, 2012.

This publication is a collection of individual articles of the "Third International Conference on the dynamics of information systems”, which was held at the University of Florida, February 16-18, 2011. The purpose of this conference was to bring together scientists and engineers from industry, government and academia to share new discoveries and results on issues related to the theory and practice of information system dynamics. Dynamics of Information Systems: Mathematical Discovery is a state-of-the-art study and is intended for graduate students and researchers who are interested in the latest discoveries in information theory and dynamic systems. Scientists from other disciplines may also benefit from the application of new developments in their fields of study.

Palvelev R., Sergeev A. G. Proceedings of the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov RAS. 2012. V. 277. S. 199-214.

The adiabatic limit in the Landau-Ginzburg hyperbolic equations is studied. Using this limit, a correspondence is established between the solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations and adiabatic trajectories in the moduli space of static solutions, called vortices. Manton proposed a heuristic adiabatic principle postulating that any solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equations with sufficiently small kinetic energy can be obtained as a perturbation of some adiabatic trajectory. A rigorous proof of this fact was found recently by the first author

We give an explicit formula for a quasi-isomorphism between the operads Hycomm (the homology of the moduli space of stable genus 0 curves) and BV/Δ (the homotopy quotient of Batalin-Vilkovisky operad by the BV-operator). In other words, we derive an equivalence of Hycomm-algebras and BV-algebras enhanced with a homotopy that trivializes the BV-operator. These formulas are given in terms of the Givental graphs, and are proven in two different ways. One proof uses the Givental group action, and the other proof goes through a chain of explicit formulas on resolutions of Hycomm and BV. The second approach gives, in particular, a homological explanation of the Givental group action on Hycomm-algebras.

Under scientific edited by: A. Mikhailov Vol. 14. M.: Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, 2012.

The articles in this collection are written on the basis of reports made in 2011 at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov at the meeting of the XIV Interdisciplinary annual scientific seminar "Mathematical modeling of social processes" named after. Hero socialist labor academician A.A. Samara.

The publication is intended for scientific staff, teachers, students of universities and scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences who are interested in the problems, development and implementation of methodology mathematical modeling social processes.

"LECTURES ON ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PART 1. ELEMENTS OF THE GENERAL THEORY The textbook outlines the provisions that form the basis of the theory of ordinary differential equations: ..."

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A. E. Mamontov




The training manual sets out the provisions that make up

basis of the theory of ordinary differential equations: the concept of solutions, their existence, uniqueness,

dependency on parameters. Also (in § 3) some attention is paid to the "explicit" solution of certain classes of equations. The guide is intended for in-depth study course "Differential Equations" by students studying at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

UDC 517.91 LBC B161.61 Preface The textbook is intended for students of the Mathematics Department of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University who wish to study the compulsory course "Differential Equations" in an expanded volume. Readers are offered the basic concepts and results that form the foundation of the theory of ordinary differential equations: concepts of solutions, theorems on their existence, uniqueness, dependence on parameters. The described material is presented in the form of a logically inseparable text in §§ 1, 2, 4, 5. Also (in § 3, which stands somewhat apart and temporarily interrupts the main thread of the course), the most popular methods of “explicit” finding solutions to some classes of equations are briefly considered. On the first reading, § 3 can be skipped without significant damage to the logical structure of the course.

An important role is played by exercises, which are included in a large number in the text. The reader is strongly advised to solve them "in hot pursuit", which guarantees the assimilation of the material and will serve as a test. Moreover, these exercises often fill the logical fabric, i.e., without solving them, not all propositions will be rigorously proved.

In square brackets in the middle of the text, remarks are made that have the role of comments (extended or side explanations). Lexically, these fragments interrupt the main text (i.e., for a coherent reading, they need to be “ignored”), but they are still needed as explanations. In other words, these fragments must be perceived as if they were taken out into the fields.

There are separately rubricated “remarks for the teacher” in the text - they can be omitted when reading by students, but are useful for the teacher who will use the manual, for example, when giving lectures - they help to better understand the logic of the course and indicate the direction of possible improvements (extensions) of the course . However, the development of these comments by students can only be welcomed.

A similar role is played by "justifications for the teacher" - they provide in an extremely concise form the proof of some of the provisions offered to the reader as exercises.

The most common (key) terms are used as abbreviations, a list of which is given at the end for convenience. There is also a list of mathematical notations that occur in the text, but are not among the most common (and / or not clearly understood in the literature).

The symbol means the end of the proof, the formulation of the statement, remarks, etc. (where necessary to avoid confusion).

Formulas are numbered independently in each paragraph. When referring to a part of the formula, indices are used, for example (2)3 means the 3rd part of the formula (2) (parts of the formula are considered to be fragments separated by a typographical space, and from a logical position - a bunch of "and").

This manual cannot completely replace the in-depth study of the subject, which requires independent exercises and reading additional literature, for example, the list of which is given at the end of the manual. However, the author has tried to present the main provisions of the theory in a rather concise form suitable for a lecture course. In this regard, it should be noted that when reading a lecture course on this manual, it takes about 10 lectures.

It is planned to publish 2 more parts (volumes) that continue this manual and thereby complete the cycle of lectures on the subject "ordinary differential equations": part 2 (linear equations), part 3 (further theory of nonlinear equations, partial differential equations of the first order).

§ 1. Introduction A differential equation (DE) is a relation of the form u1 u1 un, higher derivatives F y, u(y),..., = 0, y1 y2 yk (1) where y = (y1,..., yk) Rk are independent variables, and u = u(y) are unknown functions1, u = (u1,..., un). Thus, there are n unknowns in (1), so n equations are required, i.e., F = (F1,..., Fn), so that (1) is, generally speaking, a system of n equations. If there is only one unknown function (n = 1), then equation (1) is scalar (one equation).

So, the function(s) F is given(s), and u is sought. If k = 1, then (1) is called ODE, and otherwise - PDE. The second case is the subject of a special UMF course set out in the eponymous series of tutorials. In this series of manuals (consisting of 3 parts-volumes), we will study only ODEs, with the exception of the last paragraph of the last part (volume), in which we will begin to study some special cases of PDE.

2u u Example. 2 = 0 is PDE.

y1 y The unknown quantities u can be real or complex, which is not essential, since this moment refers only to the form of writing equations: any complex notation can be turned into real by separating the real and imaginary parts (but, of course, doubling the number of equations and unknowns), and vice versa, in some cases it is convenient to switch to complex notation.

du d2v dv 2 = uv; u3 = 2. This is a system of 2 ODEs. Example.

dy dy dy for 2 unknown functions of the independent variable y.

If k = 1 (ODE), then the "direct" sign d/dy is used.

u(y) du Example. exp(sin z)dz is an ODE because it has an Example. = u(u(y)) for n = 1 is not a DE, but a functional differential equation.

This is not a DE, but an integro-differential equation, we will not study such equations. However, specifically equation (2) is easily reduced to the ODE:

An exercise. Reduce (2) to an ODE.

But in general, integral equations are a more complex object (it is partially studied in the course of functional analysis), although, as we will see below, it is with their help that some results for ODEs are obtained.

DEs arise both from intra-mathematical needs (for example, in differential geometry) and in applications (historically for the first time, and now mainly in physics). The simplest DE is the “basic problem of differential calculus” about restoring a function from its derivative: = h(y). As is known from the analysis, its solution has the form u(y) = + h(s)ds. More general DE require special methods for their solution. However, as we will see below, practically all methods for solving ODEs “in explicit form” are essentially reduced to the indicated trivial case.

In applications, ODEs most often arise when describing processes developing in time, so that the role of an independent variable is usually played by time t.

thus, the meaning of the ODE in such applications is to describe the change in the parameters of the system over time. Therefore, it is convenient when constructing general theory ODE denote the independent variable by t (and call it time with all the ensuing terminological consequences), and the unknown function(s) by x = (x1,..., xn). In this way, general form The ODE (ODE system) is as follows:

where F = (F1,..., Fn) - i.e. this is a system of n ODEs for n functions x, and if n = 1, then one ODE for 1 function x.

Moreover, x = x(t), t R, and x is generally complex-valued (this is for convenience, since then some systems can be written more compactly).

The system (3) is said to have order m with respect to xm.

The derivatives are called senior, and the rest (including xm = themselves) are called junior. If all m =, then we simply say that the order of the system is equal.

True, the number m is often called the order of the system, which is also natural, as will become clear below.

The question of the need to study ODEs and their applications, we will consider sufficiently justified by other disciplines (differential geometry, mathematical analysis, theoretical mechanics, etc.), and it is partially covered in the course of practical exercises when solving problems (for example, from a problem book). In this course, we will deal exclusively with the mathematical study of systems of the form (3), which means answering the following questions:

1. what does it mean to "solve" the equation (system) (3);

2. how to do it;

3. what properties these solutions have, how to investigate them.

Question 1 is not as obvious as it seems - see below. We note right away that any system (3) can be reduced to a first-order system, denoting lower derivatives as new unknown functions. The easiest way to explain this procedure is with an example:

of 5 equations for 5 unknowns. It is easy to understand that (4) and (5) are equivalent in the sense that the solution to one of them (after the appropriate renaming) is the solution to the other. In this case, one should only stipulate the question of the smoothness of solutions - we will do this further when we encounter higher-order (i.e., not 1st) ODEs.

But now it is clear that it is sufficient to study only first-order ODEs, while others may be required only for the convenience of notation (such a situation will sometimes arise in our case).

And now we restrict ourselves to the first-order ODE:

dimx = dim F = n.

The study of the equation (system) (6) is inconvenient due to the fact that it is not allowed with respect to the derivatives dx/dt. As is known from the analysis (from the implicit function theorem), under certain conditions on F, equation (6) can be solved with respect to dx/dt and written in the form where f: Rn+1 Rn is given and x: R Rn is the required one. It is said that (7) is an ODE resolved with respect to derivatives (an ODE of normal form). When passing from (6) to (7), naturally, difficulties may arise:

Example. The equation exp(x) = 0 cannot be written in the form (7), and has no solutions at all, i.e., exp has no zeros even in the complex plane.

Example. The equation x 2 + x2 = 1 with resolution is written as two normal ODEs x = ± 1 x2. You should solve each of them and then interpret the result.

Comment. When reducing (3) to (6), difficulties may arise if (3) has order 0 with respect to some function or part of the functions (i.e., this is a functional differential equation). But then these functions must be excluded by the implicit function theorem.

Example. x = y, xy = 1 x = 1/x. You need to find x from the resulting ODE, and then y from the functional equation.

But in any case, the problem of transition from (6) to (7) belongs more to the field of mathematical analysis than to DE, and we will not deal with it. However, when solving ODEs of the form (6), interesting moments from the point of view of ODEs may arise, so this issue is appropriate to study when solving problems (as is done, for example, in ) and it will be slightly touched upon in § 3. But in the rest of the course we will deal only with normal systems and equations. So, consider the ODE (ODE system) (7). Let's write it once in component-by-component form:

The concept of "solve (7)" (and in general, any DE) has long been understood as the search for an "explicit formula" for the solution (i.e., in the form of elementary functions, their antiderivatives, or special functions, etc.), without emphasis on the smoothness of the solution and the interval of its definition. However, the current state of the theory of ODEs and other branches of mathematics (and the natural sciences in general) shows that such an approach is unsatisfactory, if only because the proportion of ODEs that can be amenable to such "explicit integration" is extremely small (even for the simplest ODE x = f (t) known that the solution elementary functions rarely happens, although there is an "explicit formula").

Example. The equation x = t2 + x2, despite its extreme simplicity, has no solutions in elementary functions (and here there is not even a "formula").

And although it is useful to know those classes of ODEs for which it is possible to “explicitly” construct a solution (similar to how useful it is to be able to “calculate integrals” when it is possible, although this is extremely rare), In this regard, the following terms sound characteristic: “integrate ODE”, “ODE integral” (obsolete analogues of modern concepts “solve ODE”, “solution of ODE”), which reflect the previous concepts of the solution. How to understand modern terms, we will now explain.

and this issue will be considered in § 3 (and traditionally much attention is paid to it when solving problems in practical classes), but one should not expect any universality from this approach. As a rule, by the process of solving (7) we mean completely different steps.

It should be clarified which function x = x(t) can be called a solution to (7).

First of all, we note that a clear formulation of the concept of a solution is impossible without specifying the set on which it is defined. If only because a solution is a function, and any function (according to the school definition) is a law that matches any element of a certain set (called the domain of definition this function) some element of another set (function values). Thus, talking about a function without specifying its scope is absurd by definition. Analytic functions (more broadly - elementary ones) serve here as an "exception" (misleading) for the following reasons (and some others), but in the case of DE such liberties are not allowed.

and generally without specifying the definition sets of all functions involved in (7). As will be clear from what follows, it is expedient to strictly link the concept of a solution with the set of its definition, and consider solutions different if their definition sets are different, even if the solutions coincide at the intersection of these sets.

Most often, in specific situations, this means that if solutions are constructed in the form of elementary functions, so that 2 solutions have the “same formula”, then it is also necessary to clarify whether the sets on which these formulas are written coincide. The confusion that reigned in this question for a long time was excusable as long as solutions in the form of elementary functions were considered, since analytic functions can be uniquely extended to wider intervals.

Example. x1(t) = et on (0,2) and x2(t) = et on (1,3) are different solutions of the equation x = x.

At the same time, it is natural to take an open interval (maybe infinite) as the set of definitions of any solution, since this set should be:

1. open, so that at any point it makes sense to talk about a derivative (two-sided);

2. connected so that the solution does not break up into disconnected pieces (in this case it is more convenient to talk about several solutions) - see the previous Example.

Thus, solution (7) is a pair (, (a, b)), where a b +, is defined on (a, b).

Note for the teacher. In some textbooks, it is allowed to include the ends of the segment in the domain of the solution, but this is impractical because it only complicates the presentation and does not give a real generalization (see § 4).

To make it easier to understand the further reasoning, it is useful to use the geometric interpretation (7). In the space Rn+1 = ((t, x)) at each point (t, x) where f is defined, we can consider the vector f (t, x). If we construct a graph of the solution (7) in this space (it is called the integral curve of system (7)), then it consists of points of the form (t, x(t)). As t (a, b) changes, this point moves along the IC. The tangent to the IC at the point (t, x(t)) has the form (1, x (t)) = (1, f (t, x(t))). Thus, ICs are those and only those curves in the space Rn+1 that at each of their points (t, x) have a tangent parallel to the vector (1, f (t, x)). Based on this idea, the so-called the isocline method for the approximate construction of the IC, which is used when displaying graphs of solutions to specific ODEs (see.

for example ). For example, for n = 1, our construction means the following: at each point of the IC, its slope to the t axis has the property tg = f (t, x). It is natural to assume that, taking any point from the definition set f, we can draw an IC through it. This idea will be strictly substantiated below. While we lack a rigorous formulation of the smoothness of solutions, this will be done below.

Now we should refine the set B on which f is defined. This set is natural to take:

1. open (so that the IC can be built in the vicinity of any point from B), 2. connected (otherwise, all connected pieces can be considered separately - anyway, the IC (as a graph of a continuous function) cannot jump from one piece to another, so on this will not affect the generality of the search for solutions).

We will consider only classical solutions of (7), i.e., such that x itself and its x are continuous on (a, b). Then it is natural to require that f C(B). In what follows, this requirement will always be implied by us. So, we finally get the Definition. Let B Rn+1 be a domain, f C(B).

A pair (, (a, b)), a b +, defined on (a, b), is called a solution to (7) if C(a, b), for each t (a, b) the point (t, (t) ) B and (t) exists, and (t) = f (t, (t)) (then automatically C 1(a, b)).

It is geometrically clear that (7) will have many solutions (which is easy to understand graphically), since if we draw IRs starting from points of the form (t0, x0), where t0 is fixed, then we will get different IRs. In addition, changing the interval for determining the solution will give a different solution, according to our definition.

Example. x = 0. Solution: x = = const Rn. However, if we choose some t0 and fix the value x0 of the solution at the point t0: x(t0) = x0, then the value is determined uniquely: = x0, i.e., the solution is unique up to the choice of the interval (a, b) t0.

The presence of a "faceless" set of solutions is inconvenient for working with them2 - it is more convenient to "number" them as follows: add additional conditions to (7) in such a way as to highlight the only (in a certain sense) solution, and then, sorting through these conditions, work with each solution separately (geometrically, there can be one solution (IR), but there are many pieces - we will deal with this inconvenience later).

Definition. The task for (7) is (7) with additional conditions.

In fact, we have already invented the simplest problem - this is the Cauchy problem: (7) with conditions of the form (Cauchy data, initial data):

From the point of view of applications, this problem is natural: for example, if (7) describes the change in some parameters x with time t, then (8) means that at some (initial) time the value of the parameters is known. There is a need to study other problems, we will talk about this later, but for now we will focus on the Cauchy problem. Naturally, this problem makes sense for (t0, x0) B. Accordingly, a solution to problem (7), (8) is a solution (7) (in the sense of the definition given above) such that t0 (a, b), and (eight).

Our next task is to prove the existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem (7), (8), and for certain complements. Example is a quadratic equation, it is better to write x1 =..., x2 =... than x = b/2 ±...

under certain assumptions on f - and its uniqueness in a certain sense.

Comment. We need to clarify the concept of the norm of a vector and a matrix (although we will need matrices only in Part 2). Due to the fact that in a finite-dimensional space all norms are equivalent, the choice of a specific norm does not matter if we are only interested in estimates, and not in exact quantities. For example, |x|p = (|xi|p)1/p can be used for vectors, p is the Peano (Picard) segment. Consider the cone K = (|x x0| F |t t0|) and its truncated part K1 = K (t IP ). It is clear that just K1 C.

Theorem. (Peano). Let the requirements on f in problem (1) specified in the definition of the solution be satisfied, i.e.:

f C(B), where B is a region in Rn+1. Then for all (t0, x0) B on Int(IP) there exists a solution to problem (1).

Proof. Let us set arbitrarily (0, T0] and construct the so-called Euler broken line with a step, namely: it is a broken line in Rn+1, in which each link has a projection onto the t axis of length, the first link to the right starts at the point (t0, x0) and is such that dx/dt = f (t0, x0) on it, the right end of this link (t1, x1) serves as the left end of the second one, on which dx/dt = f (t1, x1), etc., and similarly to the left.The resulting polyline defines a piecewise linear function x = (t).As long as t IP, the polyline remains in K1 (and even more so in C, and hence in B), so the construction is correct - for this, in fact, it was done auxiliary construction before the theorem.

Indeed, everywhere except breakpoints exists, and then (s) (t) = (z)dz, where arbitrary values ​​of the derivative are taken at the breakpoints.

In this case (moving along the broken line by induction) In particular, | (t)x0| F |t t0|.

Thus, on IP functions:

2. are equicontinuous, since they are Lipschitz:

Here, the reader should, if necessary, refresh his knowledge of such concepts and results as: equicontinuity, uniform convergence, the Artsela-Ascoli theorem, etc.

By the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, there is a sequence k 0 such that k is on IP, where C(IP). By construction, (t0) = x0, so it remains to verify that We prove this for s t.

An exercise. Similarly consider s t.

We set 0 and find 0 so that for all (t1, x1), (t2, x2) C is true This can be done in view of the uniform continuity of f on the compact set C. Find m N so that Fix t Int(IP) and take any s Int(IP) such that t s t +. Then for all z we have |k (z) k (t)| F, so in view of (4) |k (z) (t)| 2F.

Note that k (z) = k (z) = f (z, k (z)), where z is the abscissa of the left end of the polyline segment containing the point (z, k (z)). But the point (z, k (z)) falls into a cylinder with parameters (, 2F) built on the point (t, (t)) (in fact, even into a truncated cone - see the figure, but it doesn't matter now), so in view of (3) we obtain |k (z) f (t, (t))|. For a broken line, we have, as mentioned above, the formula For k, this will give (2).

Comment. Let f C 1(B). Then the solution defined on (a, b) will be of class C 2(a, b). Indeed, on (a, b) we have: there exists f (t, x(t)) = ft(t, x(t)) + (t, x(t))x (t) (here is the Jacobi matrix ) is a continuous function. So there are also 2 C(a, b). We can further increase the smoothness of the solution if f is smooth. If f is analytic, then it is possible to prove the existence and uniqueness of an analytic solution (this is the so-called Cauchy theorem), although this does not follow from the previous reasoning!

Here it is necessary to remember what an analytic function is. Not to be confused with a function represented by a power series (this is just a representation of an analytic function on, generally speaking, a part of its domain of definition)!

Comment. For given (t0, x0), one can try to maximize T0 by varying T and R. However, as a rule, this is not so important, since there are special methods for studying the maximum interval of existence of a solution (see § 4).

The Peano theorem says nothing about the uniqueness of the solution. With our understanding of the solution, it is always not unique, because if there is a solution, then its restrictions to narrower intervals will be other solutions. We will consider this point in more detail later (in § 4), but for now, by uniqueness we mean the coincidence of any two solutions at the intersection of the intervals of their definition. Even in this sense, Peano's theorem does not say anything about uniqueness, which is not accidental, because under its conditions, uniqueness cannot be guaranteed.

Example. n = 1, f (x) = 2 |x|. The Cauchy problem has a trivial solution: x1 0, and moreover x2(t) = t|t|. From these two solutions, a whole 2-parameter family of solutions can be compiled:

where + (infinite values ​​mean no corresponding branch). If we consider the entire R as the domain of definition of all these solutions, then there are still infinitely many of them.

Note that if we use the proof of Peano's theorem in terms of Euler's broken lines in this problem, then only the zero solution will be obtained. On the other hand, if a small error is allowed at each step in the process of constructing broken Euler lines, then even after the error parameter tends to zero, all solutions remain. Thus, Peano's theorem and Euler's broken lines are natural as a method for constructing solutions and are closely related to numerical methods.

The trouble observed in the example is due to the fact that the function f is not smooth in x. It turns out that if we impose additional requirements on the regularity of f in x, then uniqueness can be ensured, and this step is necessary in a certain sense (see below).

Let us recall some notions from the analysis. A function (scalar or vector) g is called a Hölder function with exponent (0, 1] on the set if it is called the Lipschitz condition for 1. For 1, this is possible only for constant functions. A function given on a segment (where the choice of 0 is not essential) is called the modulus of continuity, if It is said that g satisfies the generalized Hölder condition with modulus, if In this case is called g's modulus of continuity.

It can be shown that any modulus of continuity is the modulus of continuity of some continuous function.

The inverse fact is important for us, namely: any continuous function on a compact set has its own modulus of continuity, i.e., satisfies (5) with some. Let's prove it. Recall that if is compact and g is C(), then g is necessarily uniformly continuous in, i.e.,

= (): |x y| = |g(x) g(y)|. It turns out that this is equivalent to condition (5) with some. Indeed, if it exists, then it suffices to construct a modulus of continuity such that (()), and then for |x y| = = () we get Since (and) are arbitrary, then x and y can be arbitrary.

And vice versa, if (5) is true, then it suffices to find such that (()), and then for |x y| = () we get It remains to justify the logical transitions:

For monotonic and it is enough to take inverse functions, but in the general case it is necessary to use the so-called. generalized inverse functions. Their existence requires a separate proof, which we will not give, but only an idea (it is useful to accompany the reading with drawings):

for any F we define F(x) = min F (y), F (x) = max F (y) - this is monotonic functions, and they have inverses. It is easy to check that x x F (F (x)), (F)1(F (x)) x, F ((F)1(x)) x.

The best modulus of continuity is linear (Lipschitz condition). These are "almost differentiable" functions. To give a rigorous meaning to the last statement requires some effort, and we will limit ourselves to only two remarks:

1. Strictly speaking, not every Lipschitz function is differentiable, as the example g(x) = |x| to R;

2. but differentiability implies Lipschitz, as the following Assertion shows. Any function g that has all M on a convex set satisfies the Lipschitz condition on it.

[For the moment, for brevity, consider the scalar functions g.] Proof. For all x, y we have It is clear that this statement is also true for vector functions.

Comment. If f = f (t, x) (generally speaking, a vector function), then we can introduce the notion “f is Lipschitz in x”, i.e. |f (t, x) f (t, y)| C|x y|, and also prove that if D is convex in x for all t, then for the Lipschitz property of f with respect to x in D, it is sufficient that | through |x y|. For n = 1, it is usually done using the finite increment formula: g(x)g(y) = g (z)(xy) (if g is a vector function, then z is different for each component). For n 1 it is convenient to use the following analogue of this formula:

Lemma. (Adamara). Let f C(D) (generally speaking, a vector function), where D (t = t) is convex for any t, and f (t, x) f (t, y) = A(t, x, y) (x y), where A is a continuous rectangular matrix.

Proof. For any fixed t, we apply the calculation from the proof of the Assertion for = D (t = t), g = fk. We obtain the desired representation with A(t, x, y) = A is indeed continuous.

Let us return to the question of the uniqueness of the solution to problem (1).

Let's put the question this way: what should be the modulus of continuity of f with respect to x, so that solution (1) is unique in the sense that 2 solutions defined on the same interval coincide? The answer is given by the following theorem:

Theorem. (Osgood). Let, under the conditions of the Peano theorem, the modulus of continuity of f with respect to x in B, i.e., the function in the inequality satisfies the condition (we can assume C). Then problem (1) cannot have two various solutions defined on one interval of the form (t0 a, t0 + b).

Compare with the non-uniqueness example above.

Lemma. If z C 1(,), then on the whole (,):

1. at points where z = 0, |z| exists, and ||z| | |z|;

2. at points where z = 0, there are one-sided derivatives |z|±, and ||z|± | = |z | (in particular, if z = 0, then |z| = 0 exists).

Example. n = 1, z(t) = t. At the point t = 0, the derivative of |z| does not exist, but there are one-sided derivatives.

Proof. (Lemmas). At those points where z = 0, we have z z : there exists |z| =, and ||z| | |z|. At those points t, where z(t) = 0, we have:

Case 1: z (t) = 0. Then we obtain the existence of |z| (t) = 0.

Case 2: z (t) = 0. Then if +0 or 0 then z(t +)| |z(t)| whose modulus is equal to |z (t)|.

By assumption, F C 1(0,), F 0, F, F (+0) = +. Let z1,2 be two solutions of (1) defined on (t0, t0 +). Denote z = z1 z2. We have:

Suppose there is t1 (for definiteness t1 t0) such that z(t1) = 0. The set A = ( t t1 | z(t) = 0 ) is not empty (t0 A) and is bounded from above. Hence, it has an upper bound t1. By construction, z = 0 on (, t1), and since z is continuous, we have z() = 0.

By Lemma |z| C 1(, t1), and on this interval |z| |z | (|z|), so Integration over (t, t1) (where t (, t1)) gives F (|z(t)|) F (|z(t1)|) t1 t. For t + 0 we get a contradiction.

Corollary 1. If, under the conditions of Peano's theorem, f is Lipschitz in x in B, then problem (1) has a unique solution in the sense described in Osgood's theorem, because in this case () = C satisfies (7).

Corollary 2. If C(B) under the conditions of Peano's theorem, then solution (1) defined on Int(IP) is unique.

Lemma. Any solution (1) defined on IP must satisfy the estimate |x | = |f (t, x)| F, and its graph lies in K1, and even more so in C.

Proof. Suppose there is t1 IP such that (t, x(t)) C. For definiteness, let t1 t0. Then there is t2 (t0, t1] such that |x(t) x0| = R. Similarly to the reasoning in the proof of Osgood's theorem, we can assume that t2 is the leftmost such point, but we have (t, x(t)) C, so that |f (t, x(t))|F, and therefore (t, x(t)) K1, which contradicts |x(t2) x0| = R. Hence, (t, x(t) ) C on all IP, and then (repeating calculations) (t, x(t)) K1.

Proof. (Corollary 2). C is a compact set, we obtain that f is Lipschitz in x in C, where the graphs of all solutions lie due to the Lemma. By Corollary 1, we obtain what is required.

Comment. Condition (7) means that the Lipschitz condition for f cannot be substantially weakened. For example, Hölder's condition with 1 is no longer valid. Only moduli of continuity close to linear are suitable - such as the “worst” one:

An exercise. (rather complicated). Prove that if (7) satisfies, then there is a 1 satisfying (7) such that 1/ is at zero.

In the general case, it is not necessary to require exactly something from the modulus of continuity of f in x for uniqueness - all sorts of special cases are possible, for example:

Statement. If, under the conditions of the Peano theorem, then any 2 solutions (1) defined on (9) are true, it is clear that x C 1(a, b), and then differentiation (9) gives (1)1, and (1)2 is obvious .

In contrast to (1), it is natural for (9) to construct a solution on a closed interval.

Picard proposed the following method of successive approximations for solving (1)=(9). Denote x0(t) x0, and then by induction. Theorem. (Cauchy-Picara). Let, under the conditions of the Peano theorem, the function f be Lipschitz in x in any compact set K convex in x in the domain B, i.e.,

Then for any (t0, x0) B the Cauchy problem (1) (aka (9)) has a unique solution on Int(IP), and xk x on IP, where xk are defined in (10).

Comment. It is clear that the theorem remains valid if condition (11) is replaced by C(B), since (11) follows from this condition.

Note for the teacher. In fact, not all compact sets convex in x are needed, but only cylinders, but the formulation is made in this way, since in § 5 we will need more general compact sets, and besides, it is precisely with such a formulation that the Remark looks most natural.

Proof. We choose arbitrarily (t0, x0) B and make the same auxiliary construction as before Peano's theorem. Let us prove by induction that all xk are defined and continuous on IP, and their graphs lie in K1, and even more so in C. This is obvious for x0. If this is true for xk1, then it is clear from (10) that xk is defined and continuous on IP, and this is the membership of K1.

We now prove the estimate on IP by induction:

(C is a compact set convex in x in B, and L(C) is defined for it). For k = 0, this is the proven estimate (t, x1(t)) K1. If (12) is true for k:= k 1, then from (10) we have what was required. Thus, the series is majorized on IP by a convergent numerical series and therefore (this is called the Weierstrass theorem) converges uniformly on IP to some function x C(IP). But that's what xk x on IP means. Then in (10) on IP we pass to the limit and obtain (9) on IP, and hence (1) on Int(IP).

Uniqueness immediately follows from Corollary 1 of Osgood's theorem, but it is useful to prove it in another way, using precisely equation (9). Let there be 2 solutions x1,2 of problem (1) (i.e., (9)) on Int(IP). As mentioned above, then their graphs necessarily lie in K1, and even more so in C. Let t I1 = (t0, t0 +), where is some positive number. Then = 1/(2L(C)). Then = 0. Thus, x1 = x2 on I1.

Note for the teacher. There is also a proof of uniqueness with the help of the Gronwall lemma, it is even more natural, since it passes immediately globally, but so far the Gronwall lemma is not very convenient, since it is difficult to adequately perceive it before linear ODEs.

Comment. The last proof of uniqueness is instructive in that it shows once again in a different light how local uniqueness leads to global uniqueness (which is not true for existence).

An exercise. Prove uniqueness at once on all IP, arguing from the contrary, as in the proof of Osgood's theorem.

An important special case (1) is linear ODEs, i.e. those in which the value f (t, x) is linear in x:

In this case, to fall within the conditions of the general theory, one should require Thus, in this case, the role of B is a strip, and the condition of being Lipschitz (and even differentiable) with respect to x is satisfied automatically: for all t (a, b), x, y Rn we have |f (t, x) f (t, y)| = |A(t)(x y)| |A(t)| · |(x y)|.

If we temporarily select a compact set (a, b), then on it we obtain |f (t, x) f (t, y)| L|(x y)|, where L = max |A|.

The Peano and Osgood or Cauchy-Picard theorems imply the unique solvability of problem (13) on some interval (Peano-Picard) containing t0. Moreover, the solution on this interval is the limit of successive Picard approximations.

An exercise. Find this interval.

But it turns out that in this case all these results can be proved globally at once, i.e., on everything (a, b):

Theorem. Let (14) be true. Then problem (13) has a unique solution on (a, b), and successive Picard approximations converge to it uniformly on any compact set (a, b).

Proof. Again, as in TK-P, we construct a solution to the integral equation (9) using successive approximations using formula (10). But now we do not need to check the condition for the graph to fall into the cone and cylinder, since

f is defined for all x as long as t (a, b). We only need to check that all xk are defined and continuous on (a, b), which is obvious by induction.

Instead of (12), we now show a similar estimate of the form where N is some number depending on the choice of . The first induction step for this estimate is different (because it is not related to K1): for k = 0 |x1(t) x0| N due to the continuity of x1, and the next steps are similar to (12).

It is possible not to describe this, since it is obvious, but we can again note xk x on , and x is the solution of the corresponding (10) on . But in doing so, we have constructed a solution on everything (a, b), since the choice of the compact set is arbitrary. Uniqueness follows from the Osgood or Cauchy-Picard theorems (and the discussion above about global uniqueness).

Comment. As mentioned above, TC-P is formally superfluous due to the Peano and Osgood theorems, but it is useful for 3 reasons - it:

1. allows you to connect the Cauchy problem for ODE with an integral equation;

2. offers a constructive method of successive approximations;

3. makes it easy to prove the global existence for linear ODEs.

[although the latter can also be deduced from the arguments of § 4.] In what follows, we will most often refer to it.

Example. x = x, x(0) = 1. Successive Approximationsk Hence, x(t) = e is the solution of the original problem on the whole of R.

Most often, a series will not be obtained, but a certain constructivity remains. It is also possible to estimate the error x xk (see ).

Comment. From the Peano, Osgood, and Cauchy-Picard theorems, it is easy to obtain the corresponding theorems for higher-order ODEs.

An exercise. Formulate the concepts of the Cauchy problem, the solution of the system and the Cauchy problem, all theorems for higher-order ODEs, using the reduction to first-order systems described in § 1.

Somewhat violating the logic of the course, but in order to better assimilate and justify the methods for solving problems in practical classes, we will temporarily interrupt the presentation of the general theory and deal with the technical problem of "explicit solution of ODEs".

§ 3. Some methods of integration Thus, we consider the scalar equation = f (t, x). The simplest special case that we have learned to integrate is the so-called. URP, i.e., an equation in which f (t, x) = a(t)b(x). The formal trick of integrating the ERP is to "separate" the variables t and x (hence the name): = a(t)dt, and then take the integral:

where x = B (A(t)). Such a formal reasoning contains several points that require justification.

1. Division by b(x). We assume that f is continuous, so a C(,), b C(,), i.e. B is a rectangle (,) (,)(generally speaking, infinite). The sets (b(x) 0) and (b(x) 0) are open and therefore are finite or countable sets of intervals. Between these intervals there are points or segments where b = 0. If b(x0) = 0, then the Cauchy problem has a solution x x0. Perhaps this solution is not unique, then in its domain of definition there are intervals where b(x(t)) = 0, but then they can be divided by b(x(t)). Note in passing that the function B is monotonic on these intervals, and therefore we can take B 1. If b(x0) = 0, then b(x(t)) = 0 in a neighborhood of t0, and the procedure is legal. Thus, the described procedure should, generally speaking, be applied when dividing the domain of definition of a solution into parts.

2. Integration of the left and right parts with respect to different variables.

Method I. Let we want to find a solution to the problem Kod(t) shi (1) x = (t). We have: = a(t)b((t)), whence - we got the same formula strictly.

Method II. The equation is so-called. a symmetrical notation of the original ODE, i.e. one that does not specify which variable is independent and which is dependent. Such a form makes sense just in the case we are considering of one first-order equation in view of the theorem on the invariance of the form of the first differential.

Here it is appropriate to deal with the concept of a differential in more detail, illustrating it by the example of the plane ((t, x)), curves on it, emerging bonds, degrees of freedom, and a parameter on the curve.

Thus, equation (2) connects the differentials t and x along the desired IC. Then integrating equation (2) in the way shown at the beginning is perfectly legal - it means, if you like, integrating over any variable chosen as independent.

In Method I, we showed this by choosing t as the independent variable. Now we will show this by choosing the parameter s along the IC as an independent variable (because this more clearly shows the equality of t and x). Let the value s = s0 correspond to the point (t0, x0).

Then we have: = a(t(s))t (s)ds, which after gives Here we should focus on the universality of the symmetric notation, for example: the circle is not written either as x(t), or as t(x), but as x(s), t(s).

Some other ODEs of the first order are reduced to URP, which can be seen when solving problems (for example, according to the problem book).

Another important case is the linear ODE:

Method I. Variation of the constant.

this is a special case of a more general approach, which will be discussed in Part 2. The point is that the search for a solution in special form lowers the order of the equation.

Let's decide first. homogeneous equation:

By virtue of the uniqueness, either x 0 or everywhere x = 0. In the latter case (let x 0 for definiteness), we obtain that (4) gives all solutions of (3)0 (including zero and negative ones).

Formula (4) contains an arbitrary constant C1.

The constant variation method consists in the fact that the solution (3) C1(t) = C0 + One can see (as for algebraic linear systems) the structure ORNY=CHRNY+OROU (more about this in Part 2).

If we want to solve the Cauchy problem x(t0) = x0, then we need to find C0 from the Cauchy data - we easily get C0 = x0.

Method II. Let us find an IM, i.e., a function v by which (3) should be multiplied (written in such a way that all unknowns are collected on the left side: x a(t)x = b(t)) so that the derivative of some convenient combination.

We have: vx vax = (vx), if v = av, i.e. (such an equation, (3) is equivalent to an equation that is already easily solved and gives (5). If the Cauchy problem is solved, then in (6) it is convenient to immediately take definite integral Some others are reduced to linear ODEs (3), as can be seen when solving problems (for example, according to the problem book). The important case of linear ODEs (immediately for any n) will be considered in more detail in Part 2.

Both considered situations are a special case of the so-called. UPD. Consider a first-order ODE (for n = 1) in a symmetric form:

As already mentioned, (7) specifies the IC in the (t, x) plane without specifying which variable is considered independent.

If we multiply (7) by an arbitrary function M (t, x), we get an equivalent form of writing the same equation:

Thus, the same ODE has many symmetrical entries. Among them, a special role is played by the so-called. records in total differentials, the name of the UPD is unsuccessful, because this property is not an equation, but the form of its recording, i.e., such that the left side of (7) is equal to dF (t, x) with some F.

It is clear that (7) is an SPD if and only if A = Ft, B = Fx with some F. As is known from the analysis, for the latter it is necessary and sufficient We do not strictly justify technical points, for example, the smoothness of all functions. The fact is that § plays a secondary role - it is not needed at all for other parts of the course, and I would not like to spend excessive efforts on its detailed presentation.

Thus, if (9) is satisfied, then there is an F (it is unique up to an additive constant) such that (7) is rewritten as dF (t, x) = 0 (along the IR), i.e.

F (t, x) = const along the IC, i.e., the ICs are the level lines of the function F. We get that the integration of the FTD is a trivial task, since the search for F by A and B satisfying (9) is not difficult. If (9) is not satisfied, then one should find the so-called. IM M (t, x) such that (8) is a FDD, for which it is necessary and sufficient to perform an analogue of (9), which takes the form:

As follows from first-order PDE theory (which we'll cover in Part 3), Equation (10) always has a solution, so IM exists. Thus, any equation of the form (7) can be written in the form of an FDD and therefore allows for "explicit" integration. But these considerations do not give a constructive method in the general case, because in order to solve (10), generally speaking, it is required to find a solution (7), which is what we are looking for. However, there are a number of IM search techniques that are traditionally considered in practical classes (see for example).

Note that the above methods for solving the ERP and linear ODEs are a special case of the IM ideology.

Indeed, the ERP dx/dt = a(t)b(x), written in the symmetric form dx = a(t)b(x)dt, is solved by multiplying by IM 1/b(x), because after this turns into the FDD dx/b(x) = a(t)dt, i.e. dB(x) = dA(t). The linear equation dx/dt = a(t)x + b(t), written in the symmetric form dx a(t)xdt b(t)dt, is solved by multiplying by MI

(with the exception of the large block associated with linear systems) are that, using special methods of order reduction and change of variables, they are reduced to first-order ODEs, which are then reduced to FDD, and they are solved by applying the main theorem of differential calculus: dF = 0 F = const. The question of lowering the order is traditionally included in the course of practical exercises (see for example).

Let's say a few words about first-order ODEs that are not resolved with respect to the derivative:

As discussed in § 1, one can try to solve (11) with respect to x and obtain a normal form, but this is not always advisable. It is often more convenient to solve (11) directly.

Consider the space ((t, x, p)), where p = x is temporarily treated as an independent variable. Then (11) defines a surface (F (t, x, p) = 0) in this space, which can be written parametrically:

It is useful to remember what this means, for example with the help of a sphere in R3.

The desired solutions will correspond to curves on this surface: t = s, x = x(s), p = x (s) - one degree of freedom is lost because there is a connection dx = pdt on the solutions. Let us write this relationship in terms of parameters on the surface (12): gu du + gv dv = h(fudu + fv dv), i.e.

Thus, the desired solutions correspond to curves on the surface (12), in which the parameters are related by equation (13). The latter is an ODE in symmetric form that can be solved.

Case I. If in some region (gu hfu) = 0, then (12) then t = f ((v), v), x = g((v), v) gives a parametric representation of the desired curves in the plane ( (t, x)) (i.e., we are projecting onto this plane, since we do not need p).

Case II. Similarly, if (gv hfv) = 0.

Case III. At some points simultaneously gu hfu = gv hfv = 0. Here a separate analysis is required, whether this set corresponds to some solutions (they are then called singular).

Example. Clairaut's equation x = tx + x 2. We have:

x = tp + p2. We parametrize this surface: t = u, p = v, x = uv + v 2. Equation (13) takes the form (u + 2v)dv = 0.

Case I. Not implemented.

Case II. u + 2v = 0, then dv = 0, i.e., v = C = const.

Hence, t = u, x = Cu + C 2 is the parametric notation of the IR.

It is easy to write it explicitly x = Ct + C 2.

Case III. u + 2v = 0, i.e. v = u/2. Hence, t = u, x = u2/4 is the parametric notation of the “IC candidate”.

To check whether this is indeed an IR, we write it explicitly x = t2/4. It turned out that this is a (special) solution.

An exercise. Prove that the special solution concerns all the others.

This is a general fact - the graph of any special solution is the envelope of the family of all other solutions. This is the basis for another definition of a singular solution, precisely as an envelope (see ).

An exercise. Prove that for more general equation Clairaut x = tx (x) with a convex function, the special solution has the form x = (t), where is the Legendre transform of , i.e. = ()1, or (t) = max(tv (v)). Similarly for the equation x = tx + (x).

Comment. The content of § 3 is described in more detail and more accurately in the textbook.

Note for the teacher. When giving a course of lectures, it may be useful to expand § 3, giving it a more rigorous form.

Now let us return to the main outline of the course, continuing the exposition begun in §§ 1,2.

§ 4. Global solvability of the Cauchy problem In § 2 we proved the local existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem, ie, only on some interval containing the point t0.

Under some additional assumptions on f, we also proved the uniqueness of the solution, understanding it as the coincidence of two solutions defined on the same interval. If f is linear in x, then a global existence is obtained, i.e., on the entire interval where the coefficients of the equation (system) are defined and continuous. However, as an attempt to apply the general theory to a linear system shows, the Peano-Picard interval is generally less than the one on which a solution can be constructed. Natural questions arise:

1. how to determine the maximum interval on which the existence of a solution (1) can be asserted?

2. Does this interval always coincide with the maximum interval, on which the right side of (1)1 still makes sense?

3. how to accurately formulate the concept of uniqueness of a solution without reservations about the interval of its definition?

The fact that the answer to question 2 is generally negative (or rather, requires great accuracy) is shown by the following Example. x = x2, x(0) = x0. If x0 = 0, then x 0 - there are no other solutions by Osgood's theorem. If x0 = 0, then we decide it is useful to make a drawing). The interval of existence of a solution cannot be greater than (, 1/x0) or (1/x0, +), respectively, for x0 0 and x0 0 (the second branch of the hyperbola is not related to the solution! - this is typical mistake students). At first glance, nothing in the original problem "foreshadowed such an outcome." In § 4 we will find an explanation for this phenomenon.

On the example of the equation x = t2 + x2, a typical error of students about the interval of existence of the solution is shown. Here the fact that "the equation is everywhere defined" does not at all imply that the solution can be extended to the whole line. This is clear even from a purely everyday point of view, for example, in connection with legal laws and the processes developing under them: even if the law does not explicitly prescribe the termination of the existence of a company in 2015, this does not mean at all that this company will not go bankrupt by this year for internal reasons (although operating within the framework of the law).

In order to answer questions 1–3 (and even formulate them clearly), the notion of a non-extensible solution is necessary. We will (as we agreed above) consider solutions of Eq. (1)1 as pairs (, (tl (), tr ())).

Definition. The solution (, (tl (), tr ())) is the continuation of the solution (, (tl (), tr ())) if (tl (), tr ()) (tl (), tr ()), and |(tl(),tr()) =.

Definition. A solution (, (tl (), tr ())) is non-extendable if it does not have non-trivial (i.e., different) extensions. (see example above).

It is clear that it is ISs that are of particular value, and in their terms it is necessary to prove the existence and uniqueness. A natural question arises - is it always possible to construct an IS based on some local solution, or on the Cauchy problem? It turns out yes. To understand this, let's introduce the concepts:

Definition. A set of solutions ((, (tl (), tr ()))) is consistent if any 2 solutions from this set coincide at the intersection of intervals of their definition.

Definition. A consistent set of solutions is called maximal if one more solution cannot be added to it so that the new set is consistent and contains new points in the union of the solution domains.

It is clear that the construction of the INN is equivalent to the construction of the IS, namely:

1. If there is an IS, then any INN containing it can only be a set of its restrictions.

An exercise. Verify.

2. If there is an INN, then the HP (, (t, t+)) is constructed as follows:

we set (t) = (t), where is any INN element defined at this point. It is obvious that such a function will be uniquely defined on the whole (t, t+) (uniqueness follows from the consistency of the set), and at each point it coincides with all the INN elements defined at this point. For any t (t, t+) there is some one defined in it, and hence in its neighborhood, and since there is a solution (1)1 in this neighborhood, then so too. Thus, there is a solution (1)1 on the whole (t, t+). It is non-extendable, since otherwise a non-trivial extension could be added to the INN despite its maximality.

The construction of the ILS problem (1) in the general case (under the conditions of the Peano theorem), when there is no local uniqueness, is possible (see , ), but rather cumbersome - it is based on a step-by-step application of the Peano theorem with a lower estimate for the length of the extension interval. Thus, HP always exists. We will justify this only in the case when there is local uniqueness, then the construction of the INN (and hence also the IR) is trivial. For example, for definiteness, we will act within the framework of the TC-P.

Theorem. Let the TK-P conditions be satisfied in the domain B Rn+1. Then for any (t0, x0) B problem (1) has a unique IS.

Proof. Consider the set of all solutions of problem (1) (it is not empty according to TK-P). It forms the INN - consistent due to local uniqueness, and maximal in view of the fact that this is the set of all solutions of the Cauchy problem in general. So NR exists. It is unique due to local uniqueness.

If it is required to construct an IS based on the available local solution (1)1 (rather than the Cauchy problem), then this problem, in the case of local uniqueness, reduces to the Cauchy problem: one must choose any point on the existing IC and consider the corresponding Cauchy problem. The IS of this problem will be a continuation of the original solution due to its uniqueness. If there is no uniqueness, then the continuation of the given solution is carried out according to the procedure indicated above.

Comment. The HP cannot be extended at the ends of its existence interval (regardless of the uniqueness condition) so that it is a solution at the end points as well. For justification, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by the solution of an ODE at the ends of a segment:

1. Approach 1. Let the solution (1)1 on the interval be understood as a function that satisfies the equation at the ends in the sense of a one-sided derivative. Then the possibility of the specified extension of some solution, for example, at the right end of the interval of its existence (t, t+] means that the IC has an end point inside B, and C 1(t, t+]. But then, having solved the Cauchy problem x(t+) = (t+) for (1) and finding its solution, we obtain, for the right end t+ (at the point t+ both one-sided derivatives exist and are equal to f (t+, (t+)), which means that there is an ordinary derivative), i.e., not was NR.

2. Approach 2. If, by solution (1)1 on a segment, we mean a function that is only continuous at the ends, but such that the ends of the IC lie in B (even if the equation is not required to be satisfied at the ends), then we still get the same reasoning, only in terms of the corresponding integral equation (see details).

Thus, by immediately restricting ourselves to only open intervals as sets of definitions of solutions, we did not violate the generality (but only avoided unnecessary fuss with one-sided derivatives, etc.).

As a result, we have answered Question 3, posed at the beginning of § 4: under the uniqueness condition (for example, Osgood or Cauchy-Picard), the solution of the Cauchy problem is unique in HP. If the uniqueness condition is violated, then there can be many IS of the Cauchy problem, each with its own interval of existence. Any solution (1) (or simply (1)1) can be extended to an IS.

To answer questions 1 and 2, it is necessary to consider not the variable t separately, but the behavior of the IC in the space Rn+1. To the question of how the IC behaves “near the ends”, he answers Note that the interval of existence has ends, but the IC may not have them (the end of the IC in B always does not exist - see the Remark above, but the end may not exist on B - see below).

Theorem. (about leaving the compact).

we formulate it under conditions of local uniqueness, but this is not necessary - see , where the TPK is formulated as a criterion for NR.

Under the conditions of TC-P, the graph of any IS of equation (1)1 leaves any compact set K B, i.e., K B (t, t+): (t, (t)) K at t .

Example. K = ( (t, x) B | ((t, x), B) ).

Comment. Thus, the IC of the IS near t± approaches B: ((t, (t)), B) 0 as t t± - the solution continuation process cannot terminate strictly inside B.

positively, here as an exercise it is useful to prove the positiveness of the distance between disjoint closed sets, one of which is a compact set.

Proof. Fix K B. Take any 0 (0, (K, B)). If B = Rn+1, then by definition we assume (K, B) = +. The set K1 = ( (t, x) | ((t, x), K) 0 /2 ) is also compact in B, so there exists F = max |f |. We choose the numbers T and R up to K sufficiently small so that any cylinder of the form For example, it suffices to take T 2 + R2 2/4. Then the Cauchy problem of the form, according to TK-P, has a solution on an interval no narrower than (t T0, t + T0), where T0 = min(T, R/F) for all (t, x) K.

Now, as the desired segment, you can take = . Indeed, we must show that if (t, (t)) K, then t + T0 t t + T0. Let us show, for example, the second inequality. A solution to the Cauchy problem (2) with x = (t) exists to the right at least up to the point t + T0, but is an IS of the same problem, which, due to its uniqueness, is an extension, so t + T0 t+.

Thus, the IS plot always "reaches B", so that the interval of existence of the IS depends on the geometry of the IC.

For example:

Statement. Let B = (a, b)Rn (finite or infinite interval), f satisfies the TC-P conditions in B, is an IS of problem (1) with t0 (a, b). Then either t+ = b or |(t)| + for t t+ (and similarly for t).

Proof. So let t+ b, then t+ +.

Consider a compact set K = B B. For any R +, according to the TPK, there is (R) t+ such that for t ((R), t+) the point (t, (t)) K. But since t t+, this is possible only for account |(t)| R. But this means |(t)| + for t t+.

In this particular case, we see that if f is defined “for all x”, then the interval of existence of the IS can be less than the maximum possible (a, b) only due to the tendency of the IS to when approaching the ends of the interval (t, t+) (generally case - to the boundary B).

An exercise. Generalize the last Assertion to the case when B = (a, b), where Rn is an arbitrary region.

Comment. It should be understood that |(t)| + does not mean any k(t).

Thus, we have answered question 2 (cf. the example at the beginning of § 4): the IR reaches B, but its projection on the t-axis may not reach the ends of the projection of B on the t-axis. Question 1 remains - are there any signs by which, without solving the ODE, one can judge the possibility of continuing the solution to the "widest possible interval"? We know that for linear ODEs this extension is always possible, but in the Example at the beginning of § 4 this is impossible.

Let us first consider, for illustration, a particular case of the ERP for n = 1:

the convergence of the improper integral h(s)ds (improper due to = + or due to the singularity of h at the point) does not depend on the choice of (,). Therefore, below we will simply write h(s)ds when we are talking about the convergence or divergence of this integral.

this could already be done in Osgood's theorem and related assertions.

Statement. Let a C(,), b C(, +), both functions be positive on their intervals. Let the Cauchy problem (where t0 (,), x0) have an IS x = x(t) on the interval (t, t+) (,). Then:

Consequence. If a = 1, = +, then t+ = + Proof. (Assertions). Note that x is monotonically increasing.

An exercise. Prove.

Therefore, x(t+) = lim x(t) + exists. We have Case 1. t+, x(t+) + - is impossible by TPK, since x is an IS.

Both integrals are either finite or infinite.

An exercise. Add proof.

Rationale for the teacher. As a result, we get that in case 3: a(s)ds +, and in case 4 (if it is realized at all) the same.

Thus, for the simplest ODEs for n = 1 of the form x = f (x), the extendability of solutions up to is determined by the similarity.

autonomous) equations, see Part 3.

Example. For f (x) = x, 1 (in particular, the linear case = 1), and f (x) = x ln x, the extendability of (positive) solutions to + can be guaranteed. For f(x) = x and f(x) = x ln x at 1, the solutions "decompose in finite time".

In the general case, the situation is determined by many factors and is not so simple, but the importance of the "growth rate of f in x" remains. For n 1, it is difficult to formulate extendability criteria, but sufficient conditions exist. As a rule, they are justified with the help of the so-called. a priori estimates of solutions.

Definition. Let h C(,), h 0. It is said that for solutions of some ODE, the AO |x(t)| h(t) on (,) if any solution of this ODE satisfies this estimate on that part of the interval (,) where it is defined (i.e., it is not assumed that the solutions are necessarily defined on the entire interval (,)).

But it turns out that the presence of AO guarantees that the solutions will still be defined on all (,) (and therefore satisfy the estimate on the entire interval), so that the a priori estimate turns into a posteriori one:

Theorem. Let the Cauchy problem (1) satisfy the TK-P conditions, and for its solutions there is an AO on the interval (,) with some h C(,), and the curvilinear cylinder (|x| h(t), t (,)) B Then HP (1) is defined on all (,) (and hence satisfies AO).

Proof. Let us prove that t+ (t is similar). Let's say t+. Consider a compact set K = (|x| h(t), t ) B. By TPK, as t t+, the point of the graph (t, x(t)) leaves K, which is impossible due to AO.

Thus, to prove the extension of a solution to a certain interval, it is sufficient to formally estimate the solution on the entire required interval.

Analogy: the measurability of a function according to Lebesgue and the formal evaluation of the integral entail the real existence of the integral.

Here are some examples of situations where this logic works. Let's start by illustrating the above thesis about "the growth of f in x is rather slow."

Statement. Let B = (,) Rn, f satisfy the TK-P conditions in B, |f (t, x)| a(t)b(|x|), where a and b satisfy the conditions of the previous Proposition c = 0, and = +. Then the IS of problem (1) exists on (,) for all t0 (,), x0 Rn.

Lemma. If and are continuous, (t0) (t0); for t t Proof. Note that in the neighborhood (t0, t0 +): if (t0) (t0), then this is immediately obvious, otherwise (if (t0) = (t0) = 0) we have (t0) = g(t0, 0) (t0), which again gives what is required.

Suppose now that there is t1 t0 such that (t1). By obvious reasoning, one can find (t1) t2 (t0, t1] such that (t2) = (t2), and on (t0, t2). But then at the point t2 we have =, - a contradiction.

g is any, and in fact only C is needed, and wherever =, there. But in order not to overwhelm our heads, let's consider it as in the Lemma. There is a strict inequality here, but a non-linear ODE, and there is also the so-called.

Note for the teacher. Inequalities of this kind as in the Lemma are called Chaplygin type inequalities (NC). It is easy to see that the Lemma did not need a uniqueness condition, so such a "strict NP" is also true in the framework of Peano's theorem. "Non-strict LF" is obviously false without uniqueness, since equality is a special case of non-strict inequality. Finally, the “non-strict NP” is true within the framework of the uniqueness condition, but it can only be proved locally, with the help of IM.

Proof. (Assertions). Let us prove that t+ = (t = similarly). Suppose t+, then by the Assertion above |x(t)| + for t t+, so we can assume that x = 0 on . If we prove AO |x| h on ) (the ball is closed for convenience).

The Cauchy problem x(0) = 0 has a unique IS x = 0 on R.

Let us indicate a sufficient condition on f under which the existence of an IS on R+ can be guaranteed for all sufficiently small x0 = x(0). To do this, suppose that (4) has the so-called a Lyapunov function, i.e. a function V such that:

1. V C 1(B(0, R));

2. sgnV (x) = sgn|x|;

Let's check the fulfillment of conditions A and B:

A. Consider the Cauchy problem where |x1| R/2. Let us construct a cylinder B = R B(0, R) - the domain of the function f, where it is bounded and of class C 1, so that there exists F = max |f |. According to TK-P, there is a solution to (5) defined on the interval (t1 T0, t1 + T0), where T0 = min(T, R/(2F)). By choosing a sufficiently large T, one can achieve T0 = R/(2F). It is important that T0 does not depend on the choice of (t1, x1), provided that |x1| R/2.

B. As long as the solution (5) is defined and remains in the ball B(0, R), we can make the following argument. We have:

V (x(t)) = f (x(t)) V (x(t)) 0, i.e. V (x(t)) V (x1) M (r) = max V (y) . It is clear that m and M do not decrease; r are discontinuous at zero, m(0) = M (0) = 0, and outside zero they are positive. Therefore, there is R 0 such that M (R) m(R/2). If |x1| R, then V (x(t)) V (x1) M (R) m(R/2), whence |x(t)| R/2. Note that R R/2.

Now we can formulate a theorem, which from Secs. A,B deduces the global existence of solutions (4):

Theorem. If (4) has a Lyapunov function in B(0, R), then for all x0 B(0, R) (where R is defined above) the IS of the Cauchy problem x(t0) = x0 for system (4) (with any t0) defined to +.

Proof. By item A, the solution can be constructed on , where t1 = t0 + T0 /2. This solution lies in B(0, R) and we apply item B to it, so that |x(t1)| R/2. We again apply item A and obtain a solution on , where t2 = t1 + T0/2, i.e., now the solution is built on . We apply item B to this solution and obtain |x(t2)| R/2, etc. In a countable number of steps, we obtain a solution in § 5. Dependence of ODE solutions on Consider the Cauchy problem where Rk. If for some t0(), x0() this Cauchy problem has an IS, then it is x(t,). The question arises: how to study the dependence of x on? This question is important due to various applications (and will arise especially in Part 3), one of which (though perhaps not the most important) is the approximate solution of ODEs.

Example. Let us consider the Cauchy problem. Its IS exists and is unique, as follows from TK-P, but it is impossible to express it in elementary functions. How then to investigate its properties? One of the ways is as follows: note that (2) is “close” to the problem y = y, y(0) = 1, the solution of which is easily found: y(t) = et. We can assume that x(t) y(t) = et. This idea is clearly formulated as follows: consider the problem At = 1/100 this is (2), and at = 0 this is the problem for y. If we prove that x = x(t,) is continuous in (in a certain sense), then we get that x(t,) y(t) at 0, which means x(t, 1/100) y( t) = et.

True, it remains unclear how close x is to y, but proving that x is continuous with respect to is the first necessary step without which further progress is impossible.

Similarly, it is useful to study the dependence on parameters in the initial data. As we will see later, this dependence can easily be reduced to a dependence on the parameter on the right side of the equation, so for the time being we restrict ourselves to a problem of the form Let f C(D), where D is a region in Rn+k+1; f is Lipschitz in x in any compact set in D convex in x (for example, C(D) suffices). We fix (t0, x0). Denote M = Rk | (t0, x0,) D is the set of admissible (for which problem (4) makes sense). Note that M is open. We assume that (t0, x0) are chosen so that M =. According to TK-P, for all M there is a single IS of problem (4) - the function x = (t,) defined on the interval t (t(), t+()).

Strictly speaking, since it depends on many variables, we must write (4) as follows:

where (5)1 is satisfied on the set G = ( (t,) | M, t (t (), t+()) ). However, the difference between the signs d / dt and / t is purely psychological (their use depends on the same psychological concept of "fix"). Thus, the set G is the natural maximal set of the definition of a function, and the question of continuity should be investigated precisely on G.

We need an auxiliary result:

Lemma. (Gronwall). Let the function C, 0, satisfy the estimate for all t. Then, for all, true Note for the teacher. When reading a lecture, you can not memorize this formula in advance, but leave space, and enter it after the conclusion.

But then keep this formula in plain sight, because it will be necessary in ToNZ.

h = A + B Ah + B, whence from where we obtain what is required.

The meaning of this lemma: differential equation and inequality, connection between them, integral equation and inequality, connection between all of them, Gronwall's differential and integral lemmas and connection between them.

Comment. It is possible to prove this lemma under more general assumptions about, A and B, but we do not need this yet, but will be done in the UMF course (thus, it is easy to see that we did not use the continuity of A and B, etc.).

We are now ready to state the result clearly:

Theorem. (ToNS) Under the assumptions made about f and in the notation introduced above, we can assert that G is open, but C(G).

Comment. It is clear that the set M is generally not connected, so G may not be connected either.

Note for the teacher. However, if we included (t0, x0) in the number of parameters, then the connection would be - this is done in .

Proof. Let (t,) G. It is necessary to prove that:

Let, for definiteness, t t0. We have: M, so that (t,) is defined on (t(), t+()) t, t0, which means that on some segment such that t the point (t, (t,),) runs through the compact curve D (parallel to hyperplanes ( = 0)). This means that the set of the form Definition must be kept in front of your eyes all the time!

there is also a compact set in D for sufficiently small a and b (convex in x), so that the function f is Lipschitz in x:

[This assessment must be kept in front of your eyes all the time! ] and is uniformly continuous in all variables, and even more so |f (t, x, 1)f (t, x, 2)| (|12|), (t, x, 1), (t, x, 2).

[This assessment must be kept in front of your eyes all the time! ] Consider an arbitrary 1 such that |1 | b and the corresponding solution (t, 1). The set ( = 1) is compact in D ( = 1), and for t = t0 the point (t, (t, 1), 1) = (t0, x0, 1) = (t0, (t0,), 1) ( = 1), and according to the TPK, for t t+(1) the point (t, (t, 1), 1) leaves ( = 1). Let t2 t0 (t2 t+(1)) be the very first value at which the mentioned point reaches.

By construction, t2 (t0, t1]. Our task will be to show that t2 = t1 under additional restrictions on. Let now t3 . We have (for all such t3, all quantities used below are defined by construction):

(t3, 1)(t3,) = f (t, (t, 1), 1)f (t, (t,),) dt, Let's try to prove that this value is less than a in absolute value.

where the integrand is evaluated as follows:

±f (t, (t,),), rather than ±f (t, (t,),), since the difference |(t, 1) (t,)| just there is no estimate yet, so (t, (t, 1),) is unclear, but for |1 | exists, and (t, (t,), 1) is known.

so that |(t3, 1)(t3,)| K|(t, 1)(t,)|+(|1|) dt.

Thus, the function (t3) = |(t3, 1) (t3,)| (this is a continuous function) satisfies the conditions of Gronwall's lemma with A(s) K 0, B(s) (|1 |), T = t2, = 0, so by this lemma we get [This estimate must be kept in mind at all times! ] if we take |1 | 1 (t1). We will assume that 1(t1) b. All our reasoning is correct for all t3 .

Thus, with such a choice of 1, when t3 = t2, still |(t2, 1) (t2,)| a, as well as |1 | b. Hence, (t2, (t2, 1), 1) is possible only due to the fact that t2 = t1. But this means, in particular, that (t, 1) is defined on the entire interval , i.e., t1 t+(1), and all points of the form (t, 1) G if t , |1 | 1 (t1).

That is, although t+ depends on, but the segment remains to the left of t+() at sufficiently close to. In Figure Similarly, at t t0, the existence of numbers t4 t0 and 2(t4) is shown. If t t0, then the point (t,) B(, 1) G, similarly for t t0, and if t = t0, then both cases are applicable, so that (t0,) B(, 3) G, where 3 = min (12). It is important that for a fixed (t,) one can find t1(t,) such that t1 t 0 (or t4, respectively), and 1(t1) = 1(t,) 0 (or 2, respectively), so that the choice of 0 = 0(t,) is clear (since a ball can be inscribed in the resulting cylindrical neighborhood).

in fact, a more subtle property has been proved: if an IS is defined on a certain interval, then all ISs with sufficiently close parameters are defined on it (i.e.,

all the slightly perturbed HPs). However, and vice versa, this property follows from the openness of G, as will be shown below, so these are equivalent formulations.

Thus, we have proved item 1.

If we are in the specified cylinder in space, then the estimate is true for |1 | 4(, t,). At the same time |(t3,) (t,)| for |t3 t| 5(, t,) due to continuity in t. As a result, for (t3, 1) B((t,),) we have |(t3, 1) (t,)|, where = min(4, 5). This is point 2.

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION NATIONAL RESEARCH NUCLEAR UNIVERSITY "MEPhI" T. I. Bukharova, V. L. Kamynin, A. B. Kostin, D. S. Tkachenko Course of lectures on ordinary differential equations as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions Moscow 2011 Course of lectures on ordinary differential equations : Tutorial. - M.: NRNU MEPhI, 2011. - 228 p. The textbook was created on the basis of a course of lectures given by the authors at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute for many years. It is intended for students of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI of all faculties, as well as for university students with advanced mathematical training. The manual was prepared within the framework of the Program for the Creation and Development of NRNU MEPhI. Reviewer: Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences N.A. Kudryashov. ISBN 978-5-7262-1400-9 © National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, 2011 Contents Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I. Introduction to the theory of ordinary differential equations Basic concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Cauchy problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 11 II. Existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem for a first-order equation Uniqueness theorem for first-order OLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem for OLE of the first order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuation of the solution for first-order ODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. The Cauchy problem for a normal system of the nth order Basic concepts and some auxiliary properties of vector functions. . . . Uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a normal system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . The concept of a metric space. The principle of compressive mappings. . . . . . Existence and uniqueness theorems for the solution of the Cauchy problem for normal systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 14 23 34 38 38 43 44 48 IV. Some Classes of Ordinary Differential Equations Solved in Quadratures Equation with separable variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linear OÄCs of the first order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homogeneous equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernoulli equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equation in total differentials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 55 58 63 64 65 V. 67 First-order equations not solved with respect to the derivative Existence and uniqueness theorem for a solution of an ODE not solved with respect to the derivative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special solution. Discriminant curve. envelope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parameter introduction method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lagrange's equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clairaut's equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI. Linear ODE systems Basic concepts. Existence and uniqueness theorem for the solution of the problem Homogeneous systems of linear ODEs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vronsky's determinant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Complex solutions of a homogeneous system. Transition to real dsr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-homogeneous systems of linear ODEs. The method of variation of constants. . . . . Homogeneous systems of linear ODEs with constant coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An exponential function of a matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 67 70 77 79 81 85 Cauchy 85 . . . 87 . . . 91 . . . . . . 96 97 . . . 100 . . . 111 Non-homogeneous systems of linear ODEs with constant coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 VII. High order linear ODEs Reduction to a system of linear ODEs. Existence and uniqueness theorem for the solution of the Cauchy problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homogeneous linear high-order ODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Properties of complex solutions of a homogeneous high-order linear ODE. Transition from complex ÔSR to real. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-homogeneous linear high-order OÄDs. The method of variation of constants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homogeneous linear OÄDs of high order with constant coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-homogeneous high-order linear ODE with constant coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 VIII. Theory of sustainability Basic concepts and definitions related to sustainability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stability of solutions of a linear system. . . . . . Lyapunov's theorems on stability. . . . . . . . . . Stability at first approximation. . . . . . . Behavior of phase trajectories near the rest point 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 128 136 139 142 150 162 168 172 182 187 IX. First integrals of systems of ODEs 198 First integrals of autonomous systems of ordinary differential equations198 Non-autonomous systems of ODEs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Symmetric notation of OÄC systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 X. First-order partial differential equations Homogeneous first-order linear partial differential equations The Cauchy problem for a first-order linear partial differential equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quasilinear equations in partial derivatives of the first order. . . . The Cauchy problem for a quasilinear partial differential equation of the first order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4-210. . . . . 210 . . . . . 212 . . . . . 216 . . . . . 223 . . . . . 227 PREFACE In preparing the book, the authors set themselves the goal of collecting in one place and presenting in an accessible form information on most issues related to the theory of ordinary differential equations. Therefore, in addition to the material included in the mandatory program of the course of ordinary differential equations taught at NRNU MEPhI (and other universities), the manual also includes additional questions that, as a rule, do not have enough time in lectures, but which will be useful for a better understanding subject and will be useful to current students in their future professional activities. Mathematically rigorous proofs are given for all the statements of the proposed manual. These proofs, as a rule, are not original, but all have been revised in accordance with the style of presentation of mathematical courses at MEPhI. According to the widespread opinion among teachers and scientists, mathematical disciplines should be studied with full and detailed proofs, moving gradually from simple to complex. The authors of this manual are of the same opinion. The theoretical information given in the book is supported by the analysis of a sufficient number of examples, which, we hope, will make it easier for the reader to study the material. The manual is addressed to university students with advanced mathematical training, primarily to students of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. At the same time, it will also be useful to everyone who is interested in the theory of differential equations and uses this branch of mathematics in their work. -5- Chapter I. Introduction to the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1. 1. Basic Concepts Throughout this manual, by ha, bi we denote any of the sets (a, b), , (a, b], , we get x0 2 Zx ln 4C + 3 u(t)v(t) dt5 Zx v(t) dt.log C 6 x0 x0 After potentiating the last inequality and applying (2.3), we have 2 x 3 Zx Z u(x) 6 C + u(t)v (t) dt 6 C exp 4 v(t) dt5 x0 x0 for all x 2 [ 1, 1]. , y) 2 G. Thus, f satisfies the Lipschitz condition with L = 1, in fact, even with L = sin 1 in y. However, the derivative fy0 at the points (x, 0) 6= (0, 0) does not even exist. The following theorem, which is interesting in itself, allows us to prove the uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem: Theorem 2.1 (On the estimate of the difference of two solutions) Let G be a domain 2 in R and let f (x, y) 2 C G and satisfy the Lipschitz condition in G by y with constant L. If y1 , y2 are two solutions of the equation y 0 = f (x, y) on the segment , then the following inequality (estimate) is valid: jy2 (x) y1 (x)j 6 jy2 (x0) y1 (x0)j exp L(x x0) 6 y1 for all x 2 . -19- y2 Proof. By definition 2. 2 solutions of equation (2.1), we obtain that 8 x 2 points x, y1 (x) and x, y2 (x) 2 G. For all t 2 we have the correct equalities y10 (t) = f t, y1 (t ) and y20 (t) = f t, y2 (t) , which we integrate with respect to t on the segment , where x 2 . The integration is legal, since the right and left sides are continuous on functions. We obtain the system of equalities Zx y1 (x) y1 (x0) = x0 Zx y2 (x) y2 (x0) = f t, y1 (t) dt, f t, y2 (t) dt. x0 Subtracting one from the other, we have jy1 (x) y2 (x)j = y1 (x0) y2 (x0) + Zx h f t, y1 (t) i f t, y2 (t) dt 6 x0 Zx 6 y1 (x0) y2 ( x0) + f t, y1 (t) f t, y2 (t) dt 6 x0 Zx 6 y1 (x0) y2 (x0) + L y1 (t) y2 (t) dt. x0 Denote C = y1 (x0) y2 (x0) > 0, v(t) = L > 0, u(t) = y1 (t) j 6 jy2 (x0) y1 (x0)j exp L(x x0) y2 (t) > 0. for all x 2 . The theorem has been proven. As a corollary of the proved theorem, we obtain a uniqueness theorem for the solution of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2). Corollary 1. Let a function f (x, y) 2 C G and satisfy the Lipschitz condition in y in G, and let the functions y1 (x) and y2 (x) be two solutions of Eq. (2.1) on the same interval , with x0 2 . If y1 (x0) = y2 (x0), then y1 (x) y2 (x) on . Proof. Let's consider two cases. -20- 1. Let x > x0 , then it follows from Theorem 2. 1 that h i i.e. y1 (x) y1 (x) y2 (x) 6 0 exp L(x x0) , y2 (x) for x > x0 . 2. Let x 6 x0 , make the change t = x, then yi (x) = yi (t) y~i (t) for i = 1, 2. Since x 2 , then t 2 [ x0 , x1 ] and the equality y~1 (x0) = y~2 (x0) holds. Let us find out which equation y~i (t) satisfies. The following chain of equalities is true: d y~i (t) = dt d~ yi (x) = dx f x, yi (x) = f (t, y~i (t)) . Here we have used the rule of differentiation of a complex function and the fact that yi (x) are solutions of equation (2.1). Since the function f~(t, y) f (t, y) is continuous and satisfies the Lipschitz condition with respect to y, then by Theorem 2.1 we have that y~1 (t) y~2 (t) on [ x0 , x1 ], i.e. y1 (x) y2 (x) to . Combining both considered cases, we obtain the assertion of the corollary. Corollary 2. (On continuous dependence on initial data) Let a function f (x, y) 2 C G and satisfy in G the Lipschitz condition on y with constant L, and the functions y1 (x) and y2 (x) are solutions of Eq. (2.1) defined on . Denote l = x1 x0 and δ = y1 (x0) y2 (x0) . Then for 8 x 2 the inequality y1 (x) y2 (x) 6 δ eL l is true. The proof follows immediately from Theorem 2. 1. The inequality from Corollary 2 is called the estimate of the stability of the solution with respect to the initial data. Its meaning lies in the fact that if at x = x0 the solutions are “close”, then they are also “close” on the final segment. Theorem 2. 1 gives an estimate, which is important for applications, for the modulus of the difference of two solutions, and Corollary 1 gives the uniqueness of the solution to the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2). There are also other sufficient conditions for uniqueness, one of which we present now. As noted above, the geometrically uniqueness of the solution to the Cauchy problem means that no more than one integral curve of Eq. (2.1) can pass through the point (x0 , y0) of the domain G. Theorem 2.2 (Osgood on uniqueness). Let a function f (x, y) 2 C G and for 8 (x, y1), (x, y2) 2 G the inequality f (x, y1) f (x, y2) 6 6 ϕ jy1 y2 j , where ϕ( u) > 0 for u 2 (0, β], ϕ(u) is continuous, and Zβ du ! +1 when ε ! 0+. Then at most one integral curve (2.1).-21- Proof.Let there exist two solutions y1 (x) and y2 (x) of equation (2.1), such that y1 (x0) = y2 (x0) = y0 , denote z(x) = y2 (x) y1 (x).dyi dx dz = f (x, y2) f (x, y1) jzj 6 ϕ jzj jzj, i.e. Then z dx 1 d the inequality jzj2 6 ϕ jzj jzj, from which, for jzj 6= 0, it follows that 2 dx double inequality: Zjz2 j Zx2 dx 6 x1 2 d jzj 6 2 jzjϕ jzj Zx2 dx, (2.5) x1 jz1 j i = 1, 2. By assumption, z(x) 6 0 and, moreover, is continuous, so there is such a segment, choose it and fix it. Consider the sets n o X1 = x x< x1 и z(x) = 0 , n o X2 = x x >x2 and z(x) = 0 . At least one of these sets is not empty, since z(x0) = 0 and x0 62 . Let, for example, X1 6= ∅, it is bounded from above, so 9 α = sup X1 . Note that z(α) = 0, i.e., α 2 X1 , since assuming that z(α) > 0, due to continuity, we will have z(x) > 0 on some interval α δ1 , α + δ1 , and this contradicts the definition of α = sup X1 . From the condition z(α) = 0 it follows that α< x1 . По построению z(x) > 0 for all x 2 (α, x2 ], and since z(x) ! 0+ is continuous for x ! α + 0. Let us repeat the arguments in deriving (2.5), integrating over the segment [α + δ, x2 ], where x2 is chosen above and fixed, and δ 2 (0, x2 α) is arbitrary, we obtain the following inequality: Zjz2 j Zx2 dx 6 α+δ d jzj2 6 inequality, we tend to δ ! 0+, then z(α+δ) ! z(α) = 0, from Zjz2 j d jzj2 ! +1, by the continuity condition z(x), and then the integral 2 jzjϕ jzj of the theorem jz(α+ δ)j -22- The right side of the inequality Rx2 dx = x2 α δ 6 x2 α is bounded by α + δ from above by a finite value, which is simultaneously impossible. that the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2) is understood as the following problem of finding the function y(x): 0 y = f (x, y), (x, y) 2 G, y(x0) = y0 , (x0 , y0 ) 2 G, where f (x, y) 2 C G and (x0 , y0) 2 G, G is a domain in R2 Lemma 2. 2. Let f (x, y) 2 C G Then the following assertions hold: 1 ) any re the solution ϕ(x) of Eq. (2.1) on the interval ha, bi satisfying (2.2) x0 2 ha, bi is a solution on ha, bi of the integral equation Zx y(x) = y0 + f τ, y(τ) dτ ; (2.6) x0 2) if ϕ(x) 2 C ha, bi is a solution of the integral equation (2.6) on ha, bi, 1 where x0 2 ha, bi, then ϕ(x) 2 C ha, bi and is a solution of (2.1 ), (2.2). Proof. 1. Let ϕ(x) be a solution to (2.1), (2.2) on ha, bi. Then, by Remark 2.2 ϕ(x) 2 C ha, bi and 8 τ 2 ha, bi, we have the equality ϕ 0 (τ) = f τ, ϕ(τ) , integrating which from x0 to x, we obtain (for any x 2 ha , bi) Rx ϕ(x) ϕ(x0) = f τ, ϕ(τ) dτ, and ϕ(x0) = y0 , i.e., ϕ(x) is the solution (2.6). x0 2. Let y = ϕ(x) 2 C ha, bi be a solution to (2.6). Since f x, ϕ(x) is continuous on ha, bi by assumption, then Zx ϕ(x) y0 + f τ, ϕ(τ) dτ 2 C 1 ha, bi x0 as an integral with a variable upper limit of a continuous function. Differentiating the last equality with respect to x, we obtain ϕ 0 (x) = f x, ϕ(x) 8 x 2 ha, bi and, obviously, ϕ(x0) = y0 , i.e. ϕ(x) is the solution of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2). (As usual, a derivative at the end of a segment is understood to mean the corresponding one-sided derivative.) -23- Remark 2. 6. Lemma 2. 2 is called the lemma on the equivalence of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2) to the integral equation (2.6). If we prove that a solution to equation (2.6) exists, then we obtain the solvability of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2). This plan is implemented in the following theorem. Theorem 2.3 (Local existence theorem). Let the rectangle P = (x, y) 2 R2: jx x0 j 6 α, jy y0 j 6 β lie entirely in the G domain of the function f (x, y). Function f (x, y) 2 C G and satisfies the Lipschitz condition for n y ov G with constant L. Denote β M = max f (x, y) , h = min α, M . Then there exists a solution of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2) on the interval P. Proof. Let us establish the existence of a solution of the integral equation (2.6) on the interval. To do this, consider the following sequence of functions: Zx y0 (x) = y0 , y1 (x) = y0 + f τ, y0 (τ) dτ, ... x0 Zx yn (x) = y0 + f τ, yn 1 (τ ) dτ, etc. x0 1. Let us show that the 8 n 2 N functions yn (successive approximations) are defined, i.e., let us show that for 8 x 2 the inequality yn (x) y0 6 β holds for all n = 1, 2, . . . We use the method of mathematical induction (MMI): a) induction basis: n = 1. Zx y1 (x) y0 = f τ, y0 (τ) dτ 6 M0 x x0 6 M h 6 β, x0 where M0 = max f (x , y0) for jx x 0 j 6 α , M0 6 M ; b) assumption and step of induction. Let the inequality be true for yn 1 (x), let us prove it for yn (x): Zx yn (x) y0 = f τ, yn 1 (τ) dτ 6 M x x0 So, if jx x0 j 6 h, then yn ( x) y0 6 β 8 n 2 N. -24- x0 6 M h 6 β. Our goal is to prove the convergence of the nearest 1 successor yk (x) k=0 , for this it is convenient to represent it as: yn = y0 + n X yk 1 (x) = y0 + y1 yk (x) y0 + y2 y1 + . . . + yn yn 1 , k=1 i.e. sequences of partial sums of a functional series. 2. Estimate the terms of this series by proving the following inequalities 8 n 2 N and 8 x 2 : x0 jn yn (x) yn 1 6 M0 L 6 M0 Ln n! Let's apply the method of mathematical induction: jx n 1 1 hn . n! (2.7) a) induction basis: n = 1. y1 (x) x y 0 6 M0 x0 6 M0 h, proved above; b) assumption and step of induction. Let the inequality be true for n, let's say it for n: Zx yn (x) yn 1 f τ, yn 1 (τ) = f τ, yn 2 (τ) 1, up to dτ 6 x0 Zx i yn 6 by the Lipschitz condition 6 L h yn 1 2 dτ 6 x0 h Zx i 6 by the induction hypothesis 6 L n 2 M0 L jτ x0 jn 1 dτ = (n 1)! x0 M0 Ln 1 = (n 1)! Zx jτ n 1 x0 j M0 Ln 1 jx x0 jn M0 L n 6 dτ = (n 1)! n n! 1 x0 Rx Here we have used the fact that the integral I = jτ x0 for x > x0 for x< x0 Rx I = (τ x0 Rx I = (x0 n 1 x0) τ)n 1 dτ = dτ = x0 (x (x0 x)n n Таким образом, неравенства (2.7) доказаны. -25- x0)n и n = jx x0 jn . n x0 jn 1 dτ : hn . 3. Рассмотрим тождество yn = y0 + ним функциональный ряд: y0 + 1 P n P yk (x) yk 1 (x) и связанный с k=1 yk 1 (x) . Частичные суммы это- yk (x) k=1 го ряда равны yn (x), поэтому, доказав его сходимость, получим сходимость 1 последовательности yk (x) k=0 . В силу неравенств (2.7) функциональный ряд мажорируется на отрезке k 1 P k 1 h числовым рядом M0 L . Этот number series converges k! k=1 by the d'Alembert criterion, since M0 Lk hk+1 k! ak+1 = ak(k + 1)! M0 L k 1 hk = h L ! 0, k+1 k ! 1. Then, according to the Weierstrass test of uniform convergence, the functional 1 P series y0 + yk (x) yk 1 (x) converges absolutely and uniformly on the interval k=1 ke , therefore, the functional sequence 1 yk (x) k=0 converges uniformly on the interval to some function ϕ(x), and since yn (x) 2 C , it follows that ϕ(x) 2 C as the limit of a uniformly convergent sequence of continuous functions. 4. Consider the definition of yn (x): Zx yn (x) = y0 + f τ, yn 1 (τ) dτ (2.8) x0 is a true equality for all n 2 N and x 2 . The left side of equality (2.8) has a limit as n ! 1, since yn (x) ⇒ ϕ(x) on , and therefore the right-hand side of (2.8) also has an Rx limit (the same one). Let us show that it is equal to the function y0 + f τ, ϕ(τ) dτ , x0 using the following criterion for the uniform convergence of the functional sequence: X yn (x) ⇒ ϕ(x) for n ! 1 () sup yn (x) y(x) ! 0 for n! one . x2X X Recall that the notation yn (x) ⇒ ϕ(x) for n ! 1 is usually used for the uniform convergence on the set X of the functional sequence 1 of the function yk (x) k=0 to the function ϕ(x). -26- Let us show that y0 + Rx X f τ, yn 1 (τ) dτ ⇒ y0 + x0 here X = . To do this, consider f τ, yn 1 (τ) f τ, ϕ(τ) dτ 6 x2X x0 Zx h i yn 1 (τ) 6 by the Lipschitz condition 6 sup L ϕ(τ) dτ 6 x2X x0 6 L h sup yn 1 (τ) ϕ(τ) ! 0 for n! 1 τ 2X X 1 convergence yn (x) ⇒ ϕ(x). Thus, passing to the limit in (2.8), we obtain for all x 2 the correct equality Zx ϕ(x) = y0 + f τ, ϕ(τ) dτ, x0 in which ϕ(x) 2 C . By Lemma 2.2 proved above, ϕ(x) is a solution to the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2). The theorem has been proven. Remark 2. 7. Theorem 2. 3 establishes the existence of a solution on the interval . By Corollary 1 of Theorem 2.1, this solution is unique in the sense that any other solution of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2) defined does not coincide with it on this interval. Remark 2. 8. Represent a rectangle P as a union of two (intersecting) rectangles P = P [ P + , (Fig. 2. 3) where n P = (x, y) n P = (x, y) + x 2 ; x2; -27- jy jy o y0 j 6 β , o y0 j 6 β . Rice. 2. 3. Union of rectangles Let f (x, y . M − = max − f (x, y , M + = max + P P ) we obtain the existence (and uniqueness) of a solution on the segment n o β + + , where h = min α, M + or, respectively, on , n o β − Note that in this case, generally speaking, h+ 6= h− , and h h = min α, M − from Theorem 2. 3 is the minimum of h+ and h− . Remark 2. 9. The existence of a solution to problem (2.1), (2.2) is guaranteed by Theorem 2. 3 only on some interval . In such a case, the theorem is said to be local. The question arises: is not the local character of Theorem 2.3 a consequence of the applied method of proving it? Perhaps, using another method of proof, it is possible to establish the existence of a solution on the entire interval , i.e. globally, as was the case with the property of uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2)? The following example shows that the local nature of Theorem 2.3 is connected with the "essence" of the problem, and not with the method of its proof. Example 2. 1. Consider the Cauchy problem 0 y = −y 2 , (2.9) y(0) = 1 n o in the rectangle P = (x, y) jxj 6 2, jy − 1j 6 1 . The function f (x, y) = −y 2 is continuous in P and fy0 = −2y 2 C P , so all the conditions of Theo1 β , α = and Theorem 2. 3 are satisfied, and M = max f (x, y) = 4. Then h = min P P M 4 -28- Theorem 2. 3 guarantees the existence of a solution on the interval 1 1 . Let's solve - , 4 4 this Cauchy problem using "separation of variables": - dy = dx y2 () y(x) = 1 . x+C 1 is the solution of the Cauchy problem (2.9). x+1 The graph of the solution is shown in fig. (2.4), which shows that solution 1 for x< x = − покидает прямоугольник P , а при x 6 −1 даже не 2 существует. Подставляя x = 0, найдем C = 1 и y(x) = Рис. 2. 4. Локальный характер разрешимости задачи Коши В связи с этим возникает вопрос об условиях, обеспечивающих существование решения на всем отрезке . На приведенном примере мы видим, что решение покидает прямоугольник P , пересекая его «верхнее» основание, поэтому можно попробовать вместо прямоугольника P в теореме 2. 3 взять полосу: o n 2 A 6 x 6 B − 1 < y < +1 , A, B 2 R. Q = (x, y) 2 R Оказывается, что при этом решение существует на всем отрезке A, B , если f (x, y) удовлетворяет условию Липшица по переменной y в Q. А именно, имеет место следующая важная для приложений теорема. Теорема 2. 4. Пусть функция f (x, y) определена, непрерывна и удовлетворяет условию Липшица по y с константой L в полосе Q = (x, y) 2 R2: A 6 x 6 B, y 2 R , -29- где A, B 2 R. Òогда при любых начальных данных x0 2 , y0 2 R т.е. (x0 y0) 2 Q существует и притом единственное решение задачи Êоши (2.1), (2.2), определенное на всем . Доказательство. Áудем считать, что x0 2 (A, B). Проведем рассуждения по схеме теоремы 2. 3 отдельно для полосы o n + 2 x 2 y 2 R и Q = (x, y) 2 R n Q = (x, y) 2 R2 o x 2 y 2 R . + Если x0 = A или x0 = B, то один из этапов рассуждений (для Q или, соответственно, для Q) отсутствует. + Возьмем полосу Q и построим последовательные приближения yn+ (x), + как в теореме 2. 3. Поскольку Q не содержит ограничений на размер по y, то пункт 1) доказательства теоремы 2. 3 не проверяем. Далее, как в предыдущей теореме, от последовательности переходим к ряду с частичными суммами yn+ (x) = y0 + n X yk+ (x) yk+ 1 (x) , где x 2 . k=1 Повторяя рассуждения, доказываем оценку вида (2.7) x0 jn x0)n n 1 (B 6 M0 L 6 M0 L (2.10) n! n! при всех x 2 ; здесь M0 = max f (x, y0) при x 2 , откуда yn+ (x) yn+ 1 n 1 jx yn+ (x) как и выше в теореме 2. 3 получим, что ⇒ ϕ+ (x), n ! 1, причем ϕ+ (x) 2 C , ϕ+ (x) – решение интегрального уравнения (2.6) на . Возьмем полосу Q и построим последовательность yn (x). Действуя ана логично, получим, что 9 ϕ (x) 2 C , ϕ (x) – решение интегрального уравнения (2.6) на . Определим функцию ϕ(x) как «сшивку» по непрерывности ϕ+ и ϕ , т.е. + ϕ (x), при x 2 , ϕ(x) = ϕ (x), при x 2 . Отметим, что ϕ+ (x0) = ϕ (x0) = y0 и потому ϕ(x) 2 C . Функции ϕ (x) по построению удовлетворяют интегральному уравнению (2.6), т.е. Zx ϕ (x) = y0 + f τ, ϕ (τ) dτ, x0 -30- где x 2 для ϕ+ (x) и x 2 для ϕ (x), соответственно. Следовательно, при любом x 2 функция ϕ(x) удовлетворяет инте 1 гральному уравнению (2.6). Тогда по лемме 2. 2, ϕ(x) 2 C и является решением задачи Коши (2.1), (2.2). Теорема доказана. Из доказанной теоремы 2. 4 нетрудно получить следствие для интервала (A, B) (открытой полосы). Ñледствие. Пусть функция f (x, y) определена, непрерывна в открытой полосе Q = (x, y) 2 R2: x 2 (A, B), y 2 R , причем A и B 2 R могут быть символами 1 и +1 соответственно. Предположим, что f (x, y) удовлетворяет в полосе Q условию: 9 L(x) 2 C(A, B), такая, что 8 x 2 (A, B) и 8 y1 , y2 2 R выполняется неравенство f (x, y2) f (x, y1) 6 L(x) jy2 y1 j. Òогда при любых начальных данных x0 2 (A, B), y0 2 R т.е. (x0 y0) 2 Q существует и притом единственное решение задачи Êоши (2.1), (2.2), определенное на всем (A, B). Доказательство. Для любой полосы Q1 = (x, y) 2 R2: x 2 , y2R , где A1 >A, B1< B, лежащей строго внутри Q и содержащей (x0 , y0), справедлива теорема 2. 4, так как при доказательстве оценок вида (2.10), необходимых для обоснования равномерной на сходимости последовательности yn (x) , используются постоянные M0 = max f (x, y0) при x 2 и L = max L(x) x 2 . Эти постоянные не убывают при расширении (A, B). Возьмем последовательность расширяющихся отрезков , удовлетворяющих условиям B >Bk+1 > Bk for all k 2 N; 1) A< Ak+1 < Ak , 2) x0 2 при всех k 2 N; 3) Ak ! A, Bk ! B при k ! 1. Заметим сразу, что S = (A, B) и, более того, для любого x 2 (A, B) k найдется номер x 2 . N (x) 2 N, такой, что при всех -31- k >N holds Let us prove this auxiliary assertion for the case A, B 2 R (that is, A and B are finite; if A = 1 or B =+1, then similarly). Take x A B x , arbitrary x 2 (A, B) and δ(x) = min , δ(x) > 0. By 2 2 the number δ from the convergence Ak ! A and Bk! B we get that 9 N1 (δ) 2 N: 8 k > N1 , A< Ak < A + δ < x, 9 N2 (δ) 2 N: 8 k >N2 , x< B δ < Bk < B. Тогда для N = max N1 , N2 справедливо доказываемое свойство. Построим последовательность решений задачи Коши (2.1), (2.2) Yk (x), применяя теорему 2. 4 к соответствующему отрезку . Любые два из этих решений совпадают на общей области определения по следствию 1 из теоремы 2.1. Таким образом, два последовательных решения Yk (x) и Yk+1 (x) совпадают на , но Yk+1 (x) определено на более широком отрезке . Построим решение на всем (A, B). Возьмем и построим ϕ(x) – решение задачи (2.1), (2.2) на всем (по теореме 2. 4). Затем продолжим это решение на , . . . , . . . Получим, что решение ϕ(x) определено на всем (A, B). Докажем его единственность. Предположим, что существует решение ψ(x) задачи Коши (2.1), (2.2), также определенное на всем (A, B). Докажем, что ϕ(x) ψ(x) при любом x 2 (A, B). Пусть x – произвольная точка (A, B), найдется номер N (x) 2 N, такой, что x 2 при всех k >N. Applying Corollary 1 of Section 2.1 (i.e., the uniqueness theorem), we obtain that ϕ(t) ψ(t) for all t 2 and, in particular, for t = x. Since x is an arbitrary point in (A, B), the uniqueness of the solution, and with it the corollary, are proved. Remark 2. 10. In the corollary just proved, we first encountered the notion of extending a solution to a wider set. In the next paragraph, we will study it in more detail. Let's give some examples. p Example 2. 2. For the equation y 0 = ejxj x2 + y 2 find out whether its solution exists on the whole (A, B) = (1, +1). Consider this equation in the “strip” Q = R2 , the function p jxj f (x, y) = e x2 + y 2 ∂f y = ejxj p , fy0 6 ejxj = L(x). ∂y x2 + y 2 According to statement 2.1 from Section 2.1, the function f (x, y) satisfies the Lipschitz condition with respect to y with the “constant” L = L(x), x is fixed. Then all the conditions of the corollary are satisfied, and for any initial data (x0 , y0) 2 R2 the solution of the Cauchy problem exists and, moreover, is unique on (1, +1). Note that the equation itself cannot be solved in quadratures, but approximate solutions can be constructed numerically. is defined and continuous in Q, -32- Example 2. 3. For the equation y 0 = ex y 2 find out whether there are solutions defined on R. If we consider this equation again in the “strip” Q = R2 , where the function ∂ f f (x, y) = ex y2 (x, y1) 6 L(x) jy2 y1 j for all y1 , y2 2 R. Indeed, f (x, y2) f (x, y1) = ex jy2 + y1 j jy2 y1 j, and the expression jy2 + y1 j is not bounded for y1 , y2 2 R. Thus, the corollary does not apply. We solve this equation by “separation of variables”, we obtain the general solution: " y(x) = 0, y(x) = 1 . ex + C For definiteness, take x0 = 0, y0 2 R. If y0 = 0, then y(x ) 0 is a solution of the Cauchy problem on R. 1 is a solution of the Cauchy problem, for y0 2 [ 1, 0) ex it is defined for all x 2 R, while for y0 2 (1, 1) [ (0, +1) the solution is not y0 + 1 can be continued through the point x = ln More precisely, if x > 0, then y0 1 the solution y(x) = y0 +1 is defined for x 2 (1, x), and if x< 0 x e y0 y0 < 1 , то решение определено при x 2 (x , +1). В первом случае lim y(x) = +1, а во втором – lim y(x) = 1. Если y0 6= 0, то y(x) = x!x 0 y0 +1 y0 x!x +0 -33- Для наглядности нарисуем интегральные кривые при соответствующих значениях y0 (рис. 2. 5). Рис. 2. 5. Интегральные кривые уравнения y 0 = ex y 2 Таким образом, для задачи Коши 0 y = ex y 2 , y(0) = y0 имеем следующее: 1) если y0 2 [ 1, 0], то решение существует при всех x 2 R; y0 + 1 2) если y0 < 1, то решение существует лишь при x 2 ln ; +1 ; y0 y0 + 1 . 3) если y0 > 0, then the solution exists only for x 2 1; ln y0 This example shows that the constraint on the growth of the function f (x, y) in the corollary of Theorem 2.4 proved above is essential for extending the solution to the whole (A, B). Similarly, examples are obtained with the function f (x, y) = f1 (x) y 1+ε for any ε > 0; in the above example, ε = 1 is taken only for convenience of presentation. 2. 3. Continuation of the solution for the first order ODE Definition 2. 5. Consider the equation y 0 = f (x, y) and let y(x) be its solution on ha, bi, and Y (x) its solution on hA , Bi, where ha, bi is contained in hA, Bi and Y (x) = y(x) on ha, bi. Then Y (x) is called an extension of the solution y(x) to hA, Bi, while y(x) is said to be extended to hA, Bi. -34- In Section 2.2 we proved a local existence theorem for a solution to the Cauchy problem (2.1), (2.2). Under what conditions can this solution be extended to a wider interval? It is to this question that this section is devoted. Its main result is as follows. Theorem 2.5 (on the continuation of the solution in a bounded closed domain). Let a function f (x, y) 2 C G and satisfy the Lipschitz condition with respect to y in R2 , and (x0 , y0) be an interior point of a bounded closed domain G G. Then the solution of the equation y 0 = f (x , y) extendable up to ∂G of the boundary of G, i.e., it can be extended to such a segment that the points a, y(a) and b, y(b) lie on ∂G. ∂f (x, y) is continuous in a bounded ∂y closed domain G convex in y, then the function f (x, y) satisfies the Lipschitz condition in G with respect to the variable y. See the corollary of Assertion 2. 1 ∂f from Subsection 2.1. Therefore, this theorem will be true if it is continuous in ∂y G. Remark 2. 11. Recall that if Proof. Since (x0 , y0) is an interior point of G, then there is a closed rectangle n o 2 P = (x, y) 2 R x x0 6 α, y y0 6 β , which lies entirely in G. Then, by Theorem 2. 3 of n 2.2 there exists h > 0 such that there is a (and unique) solution y = ϕ(x) of the equation y 0 = f (x, y) on the interval. Let us first continue this solution to the right up to the boundary of the domain G, dividing the proof into separate steps. 1. Consider the set E R: n o E = α > 0 the solution y = ϕ(x) is extendable, there exists a solution y = ϕ1 (x) of the equation y 0 = f (x, y) satisfying the Cauchy conditions ϕ1 ~b = ϕ ~b . Thus, ϕ(x) and ϕ1 (x) are solutions on the interval ~b h1 , ~b of the same equation that coincide at the point x = ~b, so they coincide on the entire interval ~b h1 , ~b and, therefore, ϕ1 (x) is an extension of the solution ϕ(x) from the interval ~b h1 , ~b to ~b h1 , ~b + h1 . Consider the function ψ(x): ϕ(x), x 2 x0 , ψ(x) = ϕ1 (x), x 2 ~b ~b , h1 , ~b + h1 ~b h1 , x0 + α0 + h1 , which is a solution of the equation y 0 = f (x, y) and satisfies the Cauchy condition ψ(x0) = y0 . Then the number α0 + h1 2 E, which contradicts the definition α0 = sup E. Therefore, Case 2 is impossible. Similarly, the solution ϕ(x) extends to the left, to the interval , where the point is a, ϕ(a) 2 ∂G. The theorem is completely proven. -37- Chapter III. The Cauchy Problem for a Normal System of the nth Order 3. 1. Basic Concepts and Some Auxiliary Properties of Vector Functions In this chapter, we will consider a normal system of the nth order of the form 8 > t, y , . . . , y y _ = f 1 n 1 1 > ,< y_ 2 = f2 t, y1 , . . . , yn , (3.1) . . . > > : y_ = f t, y , . . . , y , n n 1 n where unknown (desired) functions are y1 (t), . . . , yn (t), while the functions fi are known, i = 1, n, the dot above the function denotes the derivative with respect to t. It is assumed that all fi are defined in the domain G Rn+1 . It is convenient to write system (3.1) in vector form: y_ = f (t, y), where y(t) y1 (t) . . . , yn (t) , f (t, y) f1 (t, y) . . . , fn (t, y); We will not write arrows in the designation of vectors for brevity. Such a notation will also be denoted by (3.1). Let the point t0 , y10 , . . . , yn0 lies in G. The Cauchy problem for (3.1) is to find a solution ϕ(t) of system (3.1) that satisfies the condition: ϕ1 (t0) = y10 , ϕ2 (t0) = y20 , ..., ϕn (t0) = yn0 , (3.2) or in vector form ϕ(t0) = y 0 . As noted in Chapter 1, by the solution of system (3.1) on the interval ha, bi we mean the vector function ϕ(t) = ϕ1 (t), . . . , ϕn (t) satisfying the following conditions: 1) 8 t 2 ha, bi the point t, ϕ(t) lies in G; 2) 8 t 2 ha, bi 9 d dt ϕ(t); 38 3) 8 t 2 ha, bi ϕ(t) satisfies (3.1). If such a solution additionally satisfies (3.2), where t0 2 ha, bi, then it is called a solution of the Cauchy problem. Conditions (3.2) are called initial conditions or Cauchy conditions, and the numbers t0 , y10 , . . . , yn0 are the Cauchy data (initial data). In the special case when the vector function f (t, y) (n+1) of the variable depends on y1 , . . . , yn linearly, i.e., has the form: f (t, y) = A(t) y + g(t), where A(t) = aij (t) is an n n matrix, system (3.1) is called linear. In what follows, we will need properties of vector functions, which we present here for convenience of reference. The rules of addition and multiplication by a number for vectors are known from the linear algebra course, these basic operations are performed coordinate-wise. n If we introduce the scalar product x into R, y = x1 y1 + . . . + xn yn , then we obtain a Euclidean space, also denoted by Rn , with length s q n P of the vector jxj = x, x = x2k (or the Euclidean norm). For a scalar k=1 product and length, two main inequalities are true: 1) 8 x, y 2 Rn 2) 8 x, y 2 Rn x+y 6 x + y x, y 6 x (triangle inequality); y (the Cauchy-Bunyakov inequality - From the course of mathematical analysis of the second semester, it is known that the convergence of a sequence of points (vectors) in Euclidean space (finite-dimensional) is equivalent to the convergence of sequences of coordinates of these vectors, they say, is equivalent to coordinate-wise convergence. This easily follows from the inequalities: q p max x 6 x21 + . . . + x2n = jxj 6 n max xk .16k6n 16k6n Similarly to the scalar case, the derivative and integral of a vector function are defined, and the properties are easily proved by passing to coordinates. Let us present some inequalities for vector functions, which will be used in what follows. 1. For any vector function y(t) = y1 (t), . . . , yn (t) , integrable (for example, continuous) on , the following inequality holds: Zb Zb y(t) dt 6 a y(t) dt a -39- (3.3) or in the coordinate form 0 Zb Zb y1 (t) dt, @ y2 (t) dt, . . . , a 1 Zb a Zb q yn (t) dt A 6 y12 (t) + . . . yn2 (t) dt . a a Proof. Note first that the inequality does not exclude the case b< a, для этого случая в правой части присутствует знак внешнего модуля. По определению, интеграл от вектор-функции – это предел интегральn P ных сумм στ (y) = y(ξk) tk при характеристике («мелкости») разбиения k=1 λ(τ) = max tk стремящейся к нулю. По условию στ ! k=1, N Rb y(t) dt , а по a неравенству треугольника получим στ 6 n X Zb y(ξk) tk ! k=1 при λ(τ) ! 0 y(t) dt, a (здесь мы для определенности считаем a < b). По теореме о переходе к пределу в неравенстве получим доказываемое. Случай b < a сводится к изученному, Rb Ra так как = . a b Аналоги теорем Ролля и Лагранжа отсутствуют для вектор-функций, однако можно получить оценку, напоминающую теорему Лагранжа. 2. Для любой вектор-функции x(t), непрерывно дифференцируемой на , имеет место оценка ¾приращения¿: x(b) x(a) 6 max x 0 (t) b a. (3.4) Доказательство. Неравенство (3.4) сразу получается из (3.3) при y(t) = x 0 (t). При доказательстве теоремы разрешимости для линейных систем нам понадобятся оценки с n n матрицами, которые мы сейчас и рассмотрим. 3. Пусть A(t) = aij (t) n n матрица, обозначим произведение Ax через y. Как оценить y через матрицу A и x ? Оказывается, справедливо неравенство Ax 6 A -40- 2 x, (3.5) где x = p jx1 j2 + . . . + jxn j2 , A 2 = n P ! 12 a2ij , а элементы матрицы i,j=1 A и координаты вектора x могут быть комплексными. Доказательство. Для любого i = 1, n, ai – i-th row matrix A, then: 2 2 2 yi = ai1 x1 + ai2 x2 + . . . + ain xn = ai , x 6 h i 2 6 by the Cauchy-Áunyakovsky inequality 6 jai j2 x = ! ! n n X X 2 2 aik xl = , k=1 [email protected] 2 2 l=1 2 x , k,i=1 which implies (3.5). Definition 3. 1. Let us say that a vector function f (t, y) satisfies the Lipschitz condition with respect to the vector variable y on the set G of variables (t, y) if 9 L > 0 such that for any t, y , 2 t, y 2 G the inequality f t, y 2 f t, y 1 6 L y 2 y 1 is satisfied. As in the case of a function of two variables (see Assertion 2.1), a sufficient condition for Lipschitz property in a domain G “convex in y” is that the partial derivatives are bounded. Let's give a precise definition. Definition 3. 2. A domain G of variables (t, y) is called convex 1 2 in y if for any two points t, y and t, y lying in G, the segment connecting these two points belongs entirely to it, i.e. e. set n o t, y y = y 1 + τ y 2 y 1 , where τ 2 . Statement 3. 1. If the domain G of variables (t, y) is convex in y and the partial derivatives ∂fi are continuous and bounded by a constant l in G for ∂yj of all i, j = 1, n, then the vector function f t, y satisfies in G to the Lipschitz condition on y with the constant L = n l. 1 2 Proof. Consider arbitrary points t, y and t, y from G and 1 2 the segment connecting them, i.e. set t, y , where y = y + τ y y1 , t is fixed, and τ 2 . -41- Let us introduce a vector function of one scalar argument g(τ) = f t, y(τ) , 2 1 then g(1) g(0) = f t, y f t, y , and on the other hand Z1 g(1) g (0) = d g(τ) dτ = dτ Z1 A(τ) d y(τ) dτ = dτ 0 0 h = due to y = y 1 + τ y 2 y i 1 Z1 = A(τ) y 2 y 1 dτ , 0 where A(τ) is a matrix with entries ∂fi and ∂yj y2 y 1 is the corresponding column. Here we have used the rule of differentiation of a complex function, namely, for all i = 1, n, t is fixed, we have: gi0 (τ) = ∂fi ∂y1 ∂fi ∂y2 ∂fi ∂yn d fi t, y(τ) = + + ... + = dτ ∂y1 ∂τ ∂y2 ∂τ ∂yn ∂τ ∂fi ∂fi , ..., y2 y1 . = ∂y1 ∂yn Writing this in matrix form, we get: 0 2 1 g (τ) = A(τ) y y with n n matrix A(τ) = aij (τ) ∂fi ∂yj . Using the integral estimate (3.3) and inequality (3.5), after substitution we obtain: f t, y 2 f t, y 1 Z1 = g 0 (τ) dτ = 0 Z1 6 A(τ) y 2 Z1 y1 A(τ) y 2 0 Z1 dτ 6 0 A(τ) A(τ) dτ y2 y1 6 y2 y1 6 n l 0 6 max A(τ) since 2 y 1 dτ 6 2 2 n P ∂fi = i,j=1 ∂yj 2 y2 y1 , 2 6 n2 l2 for 8 τ 2 . The assertion has been proven. -42- 3. 2. Uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a normal system Theorem 3. 1 (on estimating the difference of two solutions). Let G be some domain Rn+1 , and the vector function f (x, y) be continuous in G and satisfy the Lipschitz condition with respect to the vector variable y on the set G with constant L. If y 1 , y 2 are two solutions of the normal system (3.1) y_ = f (x, y) on the segment , then the estimate y 2 (t) y 1 (t) 6 y 2 (t0) y 1 (t0) exp L(t t0) is valid for all t 2 . The proof repeats verbatim the proof of Theorem 2.1 from Sec. 2.1, taking into account obvious renotations. 2 From here it is easy to obtain the theorem of uniqueness and stability of the solution with respect to the initial data. Corollary 3.1. Let the vector function f (t, y) be continuous in the domain G and satisfy the Lipschitz condition in y in G, and let the functions y 1 (t) and y 2 (t) be two solutions of the normal system (3.1) on the same segment , and t0 2 . If y 1 (t0) = y 2 (t0), then y 1 (t) y 2 (t) on . Corollary 3.2. (on continuous dependence on initial data). Let the vector function f (t, y) be continuous in the domain G and satisfy the Lipschitz condition on y with constant L > 0 in G, and let the vector functions y 1 (t) and y 2 (t) be solutions of the normal system (3.1) defined on . Then, for 8 t 2, the inequality y 1 (t) holds, where δ = y 1 (t0) y 2 (t0) and l = t1 y 2 (t) 6 δ eL l , t0 . The proof of the corollaries repeats word for word the proofs of Corollaries 2.1 and 2.2, taking into account obvious renotations. 2 The study of the solvability of the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2), as in the one-dimensional case, reduces to the solvability of an integral (vector) equation. Lemma 3. 1. Let f (t, y) 2 C G; Rn 1 . Then the following assertions hold: 1) any solution ϕ(t) of Eq. (3.1) on the interval ha, bi satisfying (3.2) t0 2 ha, bi is a continuous solution on ha, bi 1 Through C G; H is customary to denote the set of all functions continuous in the domain G with values ​​in the space H. For example, f (t, y) 2 C G; Rn components) defined on the set G. is the set of all continuous vector functions (with n -43-integral equation y(t) = y 0 + Zt f τ, y(τ) dτ ; (3.6) t0 2) if the vector -function ϕ(t) 2 C ha, bi is a continuous solution of the integral equation (3.6) on ha, bi, where t0 2 ha, bi, then ϕ(t) has a continuous derivative on ha, bi and is a solution of (3.1), (3.2). Proof. 1. Let 8 τ 2 ha, bi satisfy the equality dϕ(τ) = f τ, ϕ(τ) . Then, integrating from t0 to t, taking into account (3.2), we obtain dτ Rt 0 that ϕ(t) = y + f τ, ϕ(τ) dτ, i.e., ϕ(t) satisfies equation (3.6). t0 2. Let a continuous vector function ϕ(t) satisfy equation (3.6) on ha, bi. Then f t, ϕ(t) is continuous on ha, bi by the composite function continuity theorem, and therefore the right side of (3.6) ( and hence the left-hand side) has a continuous derivative with respect to t on ha, bi. For t = t0, from (3.6) ϕ(t0) = y 0 , i.e., ϕ(t) is the solution of the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2). Note that, as usual, the derivative at the end of the segment (if it belongs to it) is understood as the one-sided derivative of the function. The lemma is proven. Remark 3. 1. Using the analogy with the one-dimensional case (see Chapter 2) and the assertions proved above, we can prove the theorem on the existence and continuation of a solution to the Cauchy problem by constructing an iterative sequence converging to the solution of the integral equation (3.6) on some interval t0 h, t0 + h . Here we present another proof of the existence (and uniqueness) theorem for a solution based on the contraction mapping principle. We do this to acquaint the reader with more modern methods of theory, which will be applied in the future, in the courses of integral equations and equations of mathematical physics. To carry out our plan, we need a number of new concepts and auxiliary assertions, which we shall now consider. 3. 3. The concept of a metric space. The principle of contraction mappings The most important concept of limit in mathematics is based on the concept of “proximity” of points, i.e. to be able to find the distance between them. On the number axis, the distance is the modulus of the difference between two numbers, on the plane it is good famous formula Euclidean distances, etc. Many facts of analysis do not use the algebraic properties of the elements, but rely only on the concept of the distance between them. The development of this approach, i.e. the separation of the "being" related to the concept of a limit leads to the concept of a metric space. -44- Definition 3. 3. Let X be a set of arbitrary nature, and ρ(x, y) be a real function of two variables x, y 2 X, satisfying three axioms: 1) ρ(x, y) > 0 8 x, y 2 X, and ρ(x, y) = 0 only for x = y; 2) ρ(x, y) = ρ(y, x) (axiom of symmetry); 3) ρ(x, z) 6 ρ(x, y) + ρ(y, z) (triangle inequality). In this case, the set X with given functionρ(x, y) is called a metric space (ÌP), and the function ρ(x, y) : X X 7! R satisfying 1) – 3), – metric or distance. Let us give some examples of metric spaces. Example 3. 1. Let X = R with distance ρ(x, y) = x y , we obtain MT R. n o n xi 2 R, i = 1, n is Example 3. 2. Let X = R = x1 , . . . , xn is the set of ordered collections of n real numbers s n 2 P x = x1 , . . . , xn with distance ρ(x, y) = xk yk , we get n1 k=1 n dimensional Euclidean space R . n Example 3. 3. Let X = C a, b ; R is the set of all functions continuous on a, b with values ​​in Rn , i.e. continuous vector functions, with distance ρ(f, g) = max f (t) g(t) , where f = f (t) = f1 (t), . . . , fn (t) , t2 s n 2 P g = g(t) g1 (t), . . . , gn (t) , f g = fk (t) gk (t) . k=1 For examples 3. 1 –3. The 3 axioms of MP are directly verified, we leave this as an exercise for the conscientious reader. As usual, if each natural n is associated with an element xn 2 X, then we say that a sequence of points xn MP X is given. Definition 3. 4. A sequence of points xn MP X is said to converge to a point x 2 X if lim ρ xn , x = 0. n!1 Definition 3. 5. A sequence xn is called fundamental if for any ε > 0 there exists a natural number N (ε) such that for all n > N and m > N the inequality ρ xn , xm< ε. Определение 3. 6. МП X называется полным (ПÌП), если любая его фундаментальная последовательность сходится к элементу этого пространства. -45- Полнота пространств из примеров 3. 1 и 3. 2 доказана в курсе математиче ского анализа. Докажем полноту пространства X = C a, b ; Rn из примера 3. 3. Пусть последовательность вектор-функций fn (t) фундаментальна в X. Это означает, что 8 ε >0 9 N (ε) 2 N: 8m, n > N =) max fm (t) fn (t)< ε. Поэтому выполнены условия критерия Коши равномерной на a, b сходи мости функциональной последовательности, т.е. fn (t) ⇒ f (t) при n ! 1. Как известно, предел f (t) в этом случае – непрерывная функция. Докажем, что f (t) – это предел fn (t) в метрике пространства C a, b ; Rn . Из равномерной сходимости получим, что для любого ε >0 there is a number N (ε) such that for all n > N and for all t 2 a, b the inequality fn (t) f (t)< ε, а так как в левой части неравенства стоит непрерывная функция, то и max fn (t) f (t) < ε. Это и есть сходимость в C a, b ; Rn , следовательно, полнота установлена. В заключение приведем пример МП, не являющегося полным. Пример 3. 4. Пусть X = Q – множество рациональных чисел, а расстояние ρ(x, y) = x y – модуль разностиpдвух чисел. Если взять последовательность десятичных приближений числа 2 , т.е. x1 = 1; x2 = 1, 4; x3 = 1, 41; . . ., p то, как известно, lim xn = 2 62 Q. При этом данная последовательность n!1 сходится в R, значит она фундаментальна в R, а следовательно, она фундаментальна и в Q. Итак, последовательность фундаментальна в Q, но предела, лежащего в Q, не имеет. Пространство не является полным. Определение 3. 7. Пусть X – метрическое пространство. Отображение A: X 7! X называется сжимающим отображением или сжатием, если 9 α < 1 такое, что для любых двух точек x, y 2 X выполняется неравенство: ρ Ax, Ay 6 α ρ(x, y). (3.7) Определение 3. 8. Точка x 2 X называется неподвижной точкой отображения A: X 7! X, если Ax = x . Замечание 3. 2. Всякое сжимающее отображение является непрерывным, т.е. любую сходящуюся последовательность xn ! x, n ! 1, переводит в сходящуюся последовательность Axn ! Ax, n ! 1, а предел последовательности – в предел ее образа. Действительно, если A – сжимающий оператор, то положив в (3.7) X X y = xn ! x, n ! 1, получим, что Axn ! Ax, n ! 1. Теорема 3. 2 (Принцип сжимающих отображений). Пусть X полное метрическое пространство, а отображение A: X 7! X является сжатием. Òогда A имеет и притом единственную неподвижную точку. Доказательство этого фундаментального факта см. , . -46- Приведем обобщение теоремы 3. 2, часто встречающееся в приложениях. Теорема 3. 3 (Принцип сжимающих отображений). Пусть X полное метрическое пространство, а отображение A: X 7! X таково, что оператор B = Am с некоторым m 2 N является сжатием. Òогда A имеет и притом единственную неподвижную точку. Доказательство. При m = 1 получаем теорему 3. 2. Пусть m > 1. Consider B = Am , B: X 7! X, B - compression. By Theorem 3.2, the operator B has a unique fixed point x . Since A and B commute AB = BA and since Bx = x , we have B Ax = A Bx = Ax , i.e. y = Ax is also a fixed point of B, and since such a point is unique by Theorem 3.2, then y = x or Ax = x . Hence x is a fixed point of the operator A. Let us prove uniqueness. Suppose that x~ 2 X and A~ x = x~, then m m 1 B x~ = A x~ = A x~ = . . . = x~, i.e. x~ is also a fixed point for B, whence x~ = x . The theorem has been proven. A special case of a metric space is a normed linear space. Let us give a precise definition. Definition 3. 9. Let X be a linear space (real or complex) on which a numerical function x is defined, acting from X to R and satisfying the axioms: 1) 8 x 2 X, x > 0, and x = 0 only for x = θ; 2) 8 x 2 X and for 8 λ 2 R (or C) 3) 8 x, y 2 X is nick). x+y 6 x + y λx = jλj x ; (the triangle inequality) Then X is called a normed space, x: X 7! R satisfying 1) – 3), is called a norm. and function In a normed space, you can enter the distance between elements by the formula ρ x, y = x y . The fulfillment of the MP axioms is easily verified. If the resulting metric space is complete, then the corresponding normed space is called a Banax space. It is often possible to introduce a norm in different ways on the same linear space. As a result, a concept arises. Definition 3. 10. Let X be a linear space, and let and be two 1 2 norms introduced on it. Norms and are called equivalent 1 2 norms if 9 C1 > 0 and C2 > 0: 8 x 2 X C1 x 1 6 x 2 6 C2 x 1 . Remark 3. 3. If and are two equivalent norms on X, and 1 2 the space X is complete in one of them, then it is also complete in the other norm. This easily follows from the fact that the sequence xn X, which is fundamental with respect to, is also fundamental with respect to, and converges to 1 2 the same element x 2 X. is used when a closed ball of this space is taken as a complete n space o Br (a) = x 2 X ρ x, a 6 r , where r > 0 and a 2 X are fixed. Note that a closed ball in a PMP is itself a PMP with the same distance. We leave the proof of this fact to the reader as an exercise. Remark 3. 5. Above, the completeness of the space was established from the example n measure 3. 3. Note that in the linear space X = C 0, T , R, we can introduce the norm kxk = max x(t) so that the resulting normalization will be Banach. On the same set of vector functions continuous on the space 0, T, we can introduce an equivalent norm by the formula kxkα = max e αt x(t) for any α 2 R. For α > 0, the equivalence follows from the inequalities e αT x(t) 6 e αt x(t) 6 x(t) for all t 2 0, T , whence e αT kxk 6 kxkα 6 kxk. We use this property of equivalent norms in proving the theorem on the unique solvability of the Cauchy problem for linear (normal) systems. 3. 4. Existence and uniqueness theorems for the solution of the Cauchy problem for normal systems Consider the Cauchy problem (3.1) – (3.2), where the initial data t0 , y 0 2 G, G Rn+1 is the domain of the vector function f (t, y ). In this section, we will assume that G has – some n the form G = a, b o , where the domain is Rn and the ball is BR (y 0) = The theorem holds. y 2 Rn y y0 6 R lies entirely in. Theorem 3. 4. Let f (t, y) 2 C G be a vector function; Rn , and 9 M > 0 and L > 0 such that the following conditions are satisfied: 1) 8 (t, y) 2 G = a, b f (t, y) 6 M ; 2) 8 (t, y 1), (t, y 2) 2 G f t, y 2 f t, y 1 6 L y 2 y 1 . Fix a number δ 2 (0, 1) and let t0 2 (a, b). Then R 1 δ 9 h = min ; ; t0 a; b t0 > 0 M L such that there also exists a unique solution of the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2) y(t) on the interval Jh = t0 h, t0 + h , and y(t) y 0 6 R for all t 2 Jh. -48- Proof. By Lemma 3.1, the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2) is equivalent to the integral equation (3.6) on the interval , and hence also on Jh , where h is chosen above. Consider the Banach space X = C (Jh ; Rn), the set of vector functions x(t) continuous on the segment Jh with the norm kxk = max x(t), and introduce a closed set into X: t2Jh SR y 0 n 8 t 2 Jh = y(t) 2 X y(t) n = y(t) 2 X y y(t) o 0 6R = o 0 y 6R is a closed ball in X. The operator A defined by the rule: Ay = y 0 + Zt f τ , y(τ) dτ, t 2 Jh , t0 takes SR y 0 into itself, since y 0 = max Ay Zt t2Jh f τ, y(τ) dτ 6 h ​​M 6 R t0 by condition 1 of the theorem and the definition of h. Let us prove that A is a contraction operator on SR. Let us take an arbitrary 0 1 2 and estimate the value: Zt 6 max t2Jh f τ, y 2 (τ) f τ, y 1 (τ) dτ 6 t0 6h L y2 y1 = q y2 y1 , where q = h L 6 1 δ< 1 по условию теоремы. Отметим (см. замечание 3.4), что замкнутый шар SR y 0 в банаховом пространстве X является ПМП. Поэтому применим принцип сжимающих отображений (теорема 3. 2), по которому существует единственное решение y(t) 2 X интегрального уравнения (3.6) на отрезке Jh = t0 h, t0 + h . Теорема доказана. Замечание 3. 6. Если t0 = a или t0 = b, то утверждение теоремы сохраняется с небольшими изменениями в формуле для h и отрезка Jh . Приведем эти изменения для случая t0 = a. В этом случае число h > 0 is chosen according to R by the formula h = min M ; 1L δ ; b a , and everywhere we must take -49- Jh = t0 , t0 + h = a, a + h as the segment Jh. All other conditions of the theorem do not change, its proof, taking into account the renaming, R is preserved. For the case t0 = b, similarly, h = min M ; 1L δ ; b a , and Jh = b h, b . n Remark 3. 7. In Theorem 3. 4, the condition f (t, y) 2 C G; R , where G = a, b D, can be weakened by replacing it with the requirement that f (t, y) be continuous with respect to the variable t for each y 2 , with conditions 1 and 2 preserved. The proof remains the same. Remark 3. 8. It suffices that conditions 1 and 2 of Theorem 3. 4 hold 0 for all t, y 2 a, b BR y , while the constants M and L depend, 0 generally speaking, on y and R. restrictions on the vector function f t, y , similarly to Theorem 2.4, the existence and uniqueness theorem for the solution of the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2) on the entire interval a, b is valid. n Theorem 3. 5. Let a vector function f x, y 2 C G, R , where G = a, b Rn , and there exists L > 0 such that the condition 8 t, y 1 , t, y 2 2 G f t , y 2 f t, y 1 6 L y 2 y 1 . Then, for any t0 2 and y 0 2 Rn, there exists on a and b a unique solution of the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2). Proof. Let's take arbitrary t0 2 and y 0 2 Rn and fix them. Let us represent the set G = a, b Rn as: G = G [ G+ , where Rn , and G+ = t0 , b Rn , assuming that t0 2 a, b , otherwise one G = a, t0 from the stages of the proof will be absent. Let us reason for the strip G+ . On the interval t0 , b, the Cauchy problem (3.1), (3.2) is equivalent to equation (3.6). We introduce an operator for the integral n A: X 7! X, where X = C t0 , b ; R , according to the formula Ay = y 0 + Zt f τ, y(τ) dτ. t0 Then the integral equation (3.6) can be written as an operator equation Ay = y. (3.8) If we prove that the operator equation (3.8) has a solution in the PMP X, then we obtain the solvability of the Cauchy problem on t0 , b or on a, t0 for G . If this solution is unique, then by virtue of equivalence, the solution of the Cauchy problem will also be unique. We present two proofs of the unique solvability of equation (3.8). Proof 1. Consider arbitrary vector functions 1 2 n y , y 2 X = C t0 , b ; R , then the estimates are valid for any -50- t 2 t0 , b Ay 2: Ay 1 Zt h f τ, y 2 (τ) = 1 f τ, y (τ) i dτ 6 t0 Zt y 2 (τ) 6L y 1 (τ) dτ 6 L t t0 max y 2 (τ) y 1 (τ) 6 τ 2 t0 6L t t0 y2 y1 . Recall that the norm in X is introduced as follows: kxk = max x(τ) . From the obtained inequality, we will have ) dτ 6 L2 t0 Zt y2 y1 6 t0 6 L2 t t0 2! 2 y2 y1 . Continuing this process, we can prove by induction that 8 k 2 N Ak y 2 Ak y 1 6 L t t0 k! k y2 y1 . Hence, finally, we obtain the estimate Ak y 2 Ak y 1 = max Ak y 2 L b t0 Ak y 1 6 L b t0 k! k y2 y1 . k Since α(k) = ! 0 for k! 1, then there is k0 such that k! that α(k0)< 1. Применим теорему 3. 3 с m = k0 , получим, что A имеет в X неподвижную точку, причем единственную. Доказательство 2. В банаховом пространстве X = C t0 , b ; Rn введем семейство эквивалентных норм, при α >0 (see Remark 3. 5) by the formula: x α = max e αt x(t) . -51- Let us show that it is possible to choose α in such a way that the operator A in the space X with the norm for α > L will be contractive. Indeed, α Ay 2 Ay 1 α Zt h f τ, y 2 (τ) αt = max e 1 f τ, y (τ) i dτ 6 t0 6 max e αt Zt y 2 (τ) L y 1 (τ) dτ = t0 = L max e Zt αt e ατ y 2 (τ) eατ dτ 6 y 1 (τ) t0 6 L max e αt Zt eατ dτ max e ατ y 2 (τ) y 1 (τ) = y2 α t0 = L max e αt Since α > L, then q = L α 1 1 αt e α e e αt0< 1 и оператор A – сжимающий (например, с α = L). Таким образом, доказано, что существует и притом единственная вектор + функция ϕ (t) – решение Коши (3.1), (3.2) на t0 , b . задачи Rn задачу Коши сведем к предыдущей при Для полосы G = a, t0 помощи линейной замены τ = 2t0 t. В самом деле, для вектор-функция y(t) = y 2t0 τ = y~(t), задача Коши (3.1), (3.2) запишется в виде: y~(τ) = f (2t0 τ, y~(τ)) f~ (τ, y~(τ)) , y~(t0) = y 0 на отрезке τ 2 t0 , 2t0 a . Поэтому можно применить предыдущие рассуждения, взяв b = 2t0 a. Итак, существует и притом единственное решение задачи Коши y~(τ) на всем отрезке τ 2 t0 , 2t0 a и,следовательно, ϕ (t) = y~ 2t0 t – решение задачи Коши (3.1), (3.2) на a, t0 . Возьмем «сшивку» вектор-функций ϕ (t) и ϕ+ (t), т.е. вектор-функцию ϕ (t), при t 2 a, t0 ; ϕ(t) = ϕ+ (t), при t 2 t0 , b . d dτ Как при доказательстве теоремы 2.4, устанавливаем, что ϕ(t) – это решение задачи Коши (3.1), (3.2) на a, b . Единственность его следует из следствия 3.1. Теорема доказана. -52- Замечание 3.9. Утверждение 3. 1 дает достаточное условие того, что векторфункция f t, y в выпуклой по y области G удовлетворяет условию Лип∂fi шица. А именно, для этого достаточно, чтобы все частные производные ∂yj были непрерывны и ограничены некоторой константой в G. Аналогично следствию из теоремы 2.4 получаем такое утверждение для нормальных систем. Ñледствие 3.3. Пусть вектор-функция f (t, y) определена, непрерывна в открытой полосе o n n Q = (t, y) t 2 (A, B), y 2 R , причем A и B могут быть символами 1 и +1 соответственно. Предположим, что вектор-функция f (t, y) удовлетворяет в полосе Q условию: 9 L(t) 2 C(A, B) такая, что 8 t 2 (A, B) и 8 y 1 , y 2 2 Rn выполняется неравенство f t, y 2 f t, y 1 6 L(t) y 2 y 1 . Òогда при любых начальных данных t0 2 (A, B), y 0 2 Rn существует и притом единственное решение задачи Êоши (3.1), (3.2) на всем интервале (A, B). Доказательство проводится повторением соответствующих рассуждений из п. 2.2, оставляем его добросовестному читателю. В качестве других следствий из доказанной теоремы 3. 5 получим теорему о существовании и единственности решения задачи Коши для линейной системы. Речь идет о задаче нахождения вектор-функции y(t) = (y1 (t), . . . , yn (t)) из условий: d y(t) = A(t)y(t) + f 0 (t), t 2 a, b , (3.9) dt y(t0) = y 0 , (3.10) где A(t) = aij (t) – n n матрица, f 0 (t) – вектор-функция переменной t, t0 2 a, b , y 0 2 Rn – заданы. n 0 Теорема 3. 6. Пусть a (t) 2 C a, b , f (t) 2 C a, b ; R , ij t0 2 a, b , y 0 2 Rn заданы. Òогда существует и притом единственное решение задачи Êоши (3.9), (3.10) на всем отрезке a, b . Доказательство. Проверим, что для функции f t, y = A(t)y + f 0 (t) выполнены теоремы 3. 5. Во-первых, f t, y 2 C G; Rn , где условия G = a, b Rn , как сумма двух непрерывных функций. Во-вторых, (см. неравенство (3.5)): Ay 2 Ay 1 = A(t) y 2 y 1 6 A 2 y 2 y 1 6 L y 2 y 1 , -53- поскольку A n P 2 ! 21 aij (t) 2 – непрерывная на a, b функция. Тогда i,j=1 по теореме 3. 5 получим доказываемое утверждение. Теорема 3. 7. Пусть aij (t) 2 C (R), f 0 (t) 2 C (R; Rn) заданы. Òогда при любых начальных данных t0 2 R, y 0 2 Rn существует и притом единственное решение задачи Êоши (3.9), (3.10) на всей числовой прямой. Доказательство. Проверим, что выполнены все условия следствия из теоре мы 3. 5 с A = 1, B = +1. Вектор-функция f t, y = A(t)y + f 0 (t) непрерывна в полосе Q = R Rn как функция (n + 1) переменной. Кроме того, L(t) y 2 y 1 , f t, y 2 f t, y 1 6 A(t) 2 y 2 y 1 где L(t) – непрерывная по условию теоремы на A, B = 1, +1 функция. Таким образом, все условия следствия выполнены, и теорема доказана. -54- Глава IV. Некоторые классы обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений, решаемых в квадратурах В ряде случаев дифференциальное уравнение может быть решено в квадратурах, т.е. для его решения может быть получена явная формула. В таких случаях методика решения, как правило, следующая. 1. Предполагая, что решение существует, находят формулу, по которой решение выражается. 2. Существование решения затем доказывается непосредственной проверкой, т.е. подстановкой найденной формулы в исходное уравнение. 3. Используя дополнительные данные, (например, задавая начальные данные Коши) выделяют конкретное решение. 4. 1. Уравнение с разделяющимися переменными В данном параграфе применим уже использовавшуюся выше методику для решения уравнений с разделяющимися переменными, т.е. уравнений вида y 0 (x) = f1 (x) f2 (y), Áудем предполагать, что f1 (x) 2 C (ha, bi) , x 2 ha, bi, f2 (y) 2 C (hc, di) , y 2 hc, di. (4.1) f2 (y) 6= 0 на hc, di а следовательно, в силу непрерывности функции f2 (y), она сохраняет знак на hc, di . Итак, предположим, что в окрестности U(x0) точки x0 2 ha, bi существует решение y = ϕ(x) уравнения (4.1). Тогда имеем тождество dy = f1 (x) f2 (y), dx y = ϕ(x), 55 x 2 U(x0). Но тогда равны дифференциалы dy = f1 (x) dx f2 (y) мы учли, что f2 (y) 6= 0 . Из равенства дифференциалов вытекает равенство первообразных с точностью до постоянного слагаемого: Z Z dy = f1 (x) dx + C. (4.2) f2 (y) После введения обозначений Z F2 (y) = Z dy , f2 (y) F1 (x) = f1 (x) dx, получаем равенство F2 (y) = F1 (x) + C. (4.3) Заметим, что F20 (y) = 1/f2 (y) 6= 0, поэтому к соотношению (4.3) можно применить теорему об inverse function , due to which equality (4.3) can be resolved with respect to y and the formula y(x) = F2 1 F1 (x) + C , (4.4) can be obtained, which is valid in a neighborhood of the point x0 . Let us show that equality (4.4) gives a solution to equation (4.1) in a neighborhood of the point x0 . Indeed, using the inverse function differentiation theorem and taking into account the relation F10 (x) = f1 (x), we obtain y 0 (x) = dF2 1 (z) dz z=F1 (x)+C F10 (x) = 1 F20 ( y) y=y(x) F10 (x) = f2 y(x) f1 (x), whence it follows that the function y(x) from (4.4) is a solution to equation (4.1). Consider now the Cauchy problem for equation (4.1) with the initial condition y(x0) = y0 . (4.5) Formula (4.2) can be written as Zy dξ = f2 (ξ) Zx f1 (x) dx + C. x0 y0 Substituting initial condition (4.5) here, we find that C = 0, i.e., the solution of the Cauchy problem is determined from the relation Zy y0 dξ = f2 (ξ) Zx f1 (x) dx. x0 -56- (4.6) Obviously, it is uniquely determined. Thus, the general solution of equation (4.1) is given by formula (4.4), and the solution of the Cauchy problem (4.4), (4.5) is found from relation (4.6). Remark 4. 1. If f2 (y) = 0 for some y = yj , (j = 1, 2, . . . , s), then, obviously, the solutions of Eq. (4.1) are also the functions y(x) yj , j = 1, 2, . . . , s, which is proved by direct substitution of these functions into equation (4.1). Remark 4. 2. For equation (4.1), the general solution is determined from the relation F2 (y) F1 (x) = C. (4.7) Thus, the left side of relation (4.7) is constant on each solution of equation (4.1). Relations like (4.7) can also be written when solving other ODEs. Such relations are usually called integrals (general integrals) of the corresponding ODE. Let's give a precise definition. Definition 4. 1. Consider the equation y 0 (x) = f (x, y). (4.8) The relation (x, y) = C, (4.9) where (x, y) is a function of class C 1 , is called the general integral of equation (4.8) if this relation is not satisfied identically, but is satisfied on each solution of equation (4.8 ). For each specific value of C 2 R, we get a partial integral. The general solution of equation (4.8) is obtained from the general integral (4.9) using the implicit function theorem. Example 4. 1. Consider the equation x (4.10) y 0 (x) = y and the initial condition y(2) = 4. (4.11) Applying the separation of variablesõ method described above to solve equation (4.10), we obtain y dy = x dx , whence we find the general integral for equation (4.10) y 2 x2 = C. The general solution of equation (4.10) is written by the formula p y= C + x2 , and the solution of the Cauchy problem (4.10), (4.11) is written by the formula p y = 12 + x2 . -57- 4. 2. Linear ODEs of the first order A linear ODE of the first order is the equation y 0 (x) + p(x)y(x) = q(x), If q(x) 6 If q(x) x 2 ha, b. (4.12) 0, then the equation is called inhomogeneous. 0, then the equation is called homogeneous: y 0 (x) + p(x)y(x) = 0. (4.120) Theorem 4. 1. 1) If y1 (x), y2 (x) are solutions of the homogeneous equation (4.120) , α, β are arbitrary numbers, then the function y (x) αy1 (x) + βy2 (x) is also a solution of equation (4.120). 2) For the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation (4.12), the formula yon = yoo + ych takes place; (4.13) here yо is the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation (4.12), yн is a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation (4.12), yоо is the general solution of the homogeneous equation (4.120). Proof. The first assertion of the theorem is proved by direct verification: we have y 0 αy10 + βy20 = αp(x)y1 βp(x)y2 = p(x) αy1 + βy2 = p(x)y . Let us prove the second assertion. Let y0 be an arbitrary solution of equation (4.120), then y00 = p(x)y0 . On the other hand, 0 ych = p(x)ych + q(x). Therefore, 0 y0 + ych = p(x) y0 + ych + q(x), which means that y y0 + ych is a solution to equation (4.12). Thus, formula (4.13) gives a solution to the inhomogeneous equation (4.12). Let us show that all solutions of Eq. (4.12) can be obtained from this formula. Indeed, let y^(x) be a solution to equation (4.12). We put y~(x) = y^(x) ych. We have y~ 0 (x) = y^ 0 (x) 0 ych (x) = p(x)^ y (x) + q(x) + p(x)ych (x) = p(x) y^ (x) q(x) = ych (x) = p(x)~ y (x). Thus, y~(x) is a solution of the homogeneous equation (4.120), and we have y^(x) = y~(x) + ych, which corresponds to formula (4.13). The theorem has been proven. -58- Below we will consider the Cauchy problems for equations (4.12) and (4.120) with the initial condition y(x0) = y0 , x0 2 ha, bi. (4.14) Regarding the functions p(x) and q(x) from (4.12), we assume that p(x), q(x) 2 C (ha, bi). Remark 4. 3. Put F (x, y) = p(x)y + q(x). Then, in view of the conditions imposed above on p(x) and q(x), we have F (x, y), ∂F (x, y) 2 C G , ∂y G = ha, bi R1 , and, consequently, for the Cauchy problem ( 4.12), (4.14) the existence and uniqueness theorems for the solution, which were proved in Chapter 2, hold. exist on the whole interval ha, bi. Consider first the homogeneous equation (4.120). Theorem 4. 2. statements: Let p(x) 2 C (ha, bi). Then the following are true: 1) any solution of Eq. (4.120) is defined on the entire interval ha, bi; 2) the general solution of the homogeneous equation (4. 120) is given by the formula y(x) = C e where C R p(x) dx , (4.15) is an arbitrary constant; 3) the solution of the Cauchy problem (4.120), (4.14) is given by the formula Rx y(x) = y0 e x0 p(ξ) dξ . (4.16) Proof. Let us derive formula (4.15) in accordance with the method given at the beginning of the chapter. First of all, we note that the function y 0 is a solution to equation (4.120). Let y(x) be a solution of Eq. (4.120), and let y 6 0 on ha, bi. Then 9 x1 2 ha, bi such that y(x1) = y0 6= 0. Consider equation (4.120) in a neighborhood of the point x1 . This is an equation with separable variables, and y(x) 6= 0 in some neighborhood of the point x1 . Then, following the results of the previous paragraph, we obtain an explicit formula for the solution Z dy = p(x) dx, ln y = p(x) dx + C, y -59- whence R y(x) = C e p(x) dx , c 6= 0, which corresponds to formula (4.15). Moreover, the solution y 0 is also given by formula (4.15) for C = 0. By direct substitution into equation (4.120), we see that the function y(x) given by formula (4.15) for any C is a solution to equation (4.120), moreover, on the entire interval ha, bi. Let us show that formula (4.15) defines the general solution of equation (4.120). Indeed, let y^(x) be an arbitrary solution of equation (4.120). If y^(x) 6= 0 on ha, bi, then repeating the previous reasoning, we obtain that this function is given by formula (4.15) for some C: namely, if y^(x0) = y^0 , then Rx p( ξ) dξ . y^(x) = y^0 e x0 If 9x1 2 ha, bi is such that y^(x1) = 0, then the Cauchy problem for equation (4.120) with the initial condition y(x1) = 0 has two solutions y ^(x) and y(x) 0. By Remark 4. 3, the solution of the Cauchy problem is unique; therefore, y^(x) 0, and hence is given by formula (4.15) for C = 0. Thus, we have proved that the general solution equation (4.120) is defined on all ha, bi and is given by formula (4.15). Formula (4.16) is obviously a particular case of formula (4.15), so the function y(x) it defines is a solution to equation (4.120). In addition, x R0 p(ξ) dξ y(x0) = y0 e x0 = y0 , so formula (4.16) really defines a solution to the Cauchy problem (4.120), (4.14). Theorem 4.2 is proved. Consider now the inhomogeneous equation (4.12). Theorem 4. 3. Let p(x), q(x) 2 C (ha, bi). Then the following statements are true: 1) any solution of Eq. (4.12) is defined on the entire interval ha, bi; 2) the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation (4.12) is given by the formula Z R R R p(x) dx p(x) dx q(x)e ​​p(x) dx dx, (4.17) y(x) = Ce +e where C is an arbitrary constant; 3) the solution of the Cauchy problem (4.12), (4.14) is given by the formula Rx y(x) = y0 e x0 Zx p(ξ) dξ + q(ξ)e x0 -60- Rx ξ p(θ) dθ dξ. (4.18) Proof. In accordance with Theorem 4. 1 and formula (4.13) yon = yоо + yн, it is required to find a particular solution to equation (4.12). To find it, we apply the so-called method of variation of an arbitrary constant. The essence of this method is as follows: we take formula (4.15), replace the constant C in it with an unknown function C(x) and look for a particular solution of equation (4.12) in the form ych (x) = C(x) e R p(x) dx. (4.19) Let us substitute yn (x) from (4.19) into equation (4.12) and find C(x) so that this equation is satisfied. We have R R 0 ych (x) = C 0 (x) e p(x) dx + C(x) e p(x) dx p(x) . Substituting into (4.12), we obtain C 0 (x) e R p(x) dx + C(x) e R p(x) dx p(x) + C(x)p(x) e R p(x) dx = q(x), whence R C 0 (x) = q(x) e p(x) dx . Integrating the last relation and substituting the found C(x) into formula (4.19), we obtain that Z R R p(x) dx ych (x) = e q(x) e p(x) dx dx. Moreover, by virtue of Theorem 4. 2 R yоо = C e p(x) dx . Therefore, using formula (4.13) from Theorem 4.1, we obtain that Z R R R p(x) dx p(x) dx y(x) = yoo + ych = Ce +e q(x)e ​​p(x) dx dx, which coincides with formula (4.17). Obviously, formula (4.17) gives a solution on the entire interval ha, bi. Finally, the solution to the Cauchy problem (4.12), (4.14) is given by the formula Rx y(x) = y0 e Rx p(ξ) dξ x0 +e p(θ) dθ Zx Rξ p(θ) dθ q(ξ)ex0 x0 dξ. (4.20) x0 Indeed, formula (4.20) is a special case of formula (4.17) for C = y0 , so it defines a solution to equation (4.12). In addition, x R0 y(x0) = y0 e x0 x R0 p(ξ) dξ +e p(θ) dθ Zx0 Rξ q(ξ)e x0 x0 x0 -61- p(θ) dθ dξ = y0 , so initial data (4.14). We reduce formula (4.20) to the form (4.18). Indeed, from (4.20) we have Rx y(x) = y0 e Zx p(ξ) dξ + x0 Rξ q(ξ)e x p(θ) dθ Rx dξ = y0 e Zx p(ξ) dξ + x0 x0 Rx q( ξ)e p(θ) dθ dξ, ξ x0 which coincides with formula (4.18). Theorem 4. 3 is proved. Corollary (on estimating the solution of the Cauchy problem for a linear system). x0 2 ha, bi, p(x), q(x) 2 C (ha, bi), and p(x) 6 K, q(x) 6 M Let 8 x 2 ha, bi. Then the solution of the Cauchy problem (4.12), (4.14) satisfies the estimate M Kjx x0 j Kjx x0 j y(x) 6 y0 e + e 1 . K (4.21) Proof. Let first x > x0 . By virtue of (4.18), we have Rx Zx K dξ y(x) 6 y0 ex0 Rx K dθ M eξ + dξ = y0 eK(x x0) Zx +M x0 = y0 e K(x x0) eK(x ξ) dξ = x0 M + K e K(x ξ) ξ=x ξ=x0 = y0 e Kjx x0 j M Kjx + e K x0 j 1 . Now let x< x0 . Тогда, аналогично, получаем x R0 y(x) 6 y0 e x K dξ Zx0 + Rξ M ex K dθ dξ = y0 eK(x0 x) Zx0 +M x = y0 e K(x0 eK(ξ x) dξ = x M x) eK(ξ + K x) ξ=x0 ξ=x M h K(x0 x) = y0 e + e K M Kjx Kjx x0 j e = y0 e + K i 1 = K(x0 x) x0 j Таким образом, оценка (4.21) справедлива 8 x 2 ha, bi. Пример 4. 2. Решим уравнение y = x2 . x Решаем сначала однородное уравнение: y0 y0 y = 0, x dy dx = , y x ln jyj = ln jxj + C, -62- y = C x. 1 . Решение неоднородного уравнения ищем методом вариации произвольной постоянной: y чн = C(x) x, Cx = x2 , x 0 C x+C 0 C = x, x2 C(x) = , 2 откуда x3 , 2 y чн = а общее решение исходного уравнения y =Cx+ x3 . 2 4. 3. Однородные уравнения Однородным уравнением называется уравнение вида y 0 y (x) = f , (x, y) 2 G, x (4.22) G – некоторая область в R2 . Áудем предполагать, что f (t) – непрерывная функция, x 6= 0 при (x, y) 2 G. Однородное уравнение заменой y = xz, где z(x) – новая искомая функция, сводится к уравнению с разделяющимися переменными. В силу данной замены имеем y 0 = xz 0 + z. Подставляя в уравнение (4.22), получим xz 0 + z = f (z), откуда z 0 (x) = 1 x f (z) z . (4.23) Уравнение (4.23) представляет собой частный случай уравнения с разделяющимися переменными, рассмотренного в п. 4.1. Пусть z = ϕ(x) – решение уравнения (4.23). Тогда функция y = xϕ(x) является решением исходного уравнения (4.22). Действительно, y 0 = xϕ 0 (x) + ϕ(x) = x 1 x f (ϕ(x)) ϕ(x) + ϕ(x) = xϕ(x) y(x) = f ϕ(x) = f =f . x x Пример 4. 3. Ðешим уравнение y0 = y x -63- ey/x . Положим y = zx. Тогда xz 0 + z = z откуда y(x) = 1 z e, x z0 = ez , dz dx = , e z = ln jzj + C, z e x z = ln ln Cx , c 6= 0, x ln ln Cx , c 6= 0. 4. 4. Уравнение Áернулли Уравнением Áернулли называется уравнение вида y 0 = a(x)y + b(x)y α , α 6= 0, α 6= 1 . x 2 ha, bi (4.24) При α = 0 или α = 1 получаем линейное уравнение, которое было рассмотрено в п. 4.2. Áудем предполагать, что a(x), b(x) 2 C (ha, bi). Замечание 4. 4. Если α > 0, then, obviously, the function y(x) 0 is a solution to equation (4.24). To solve the Bernoulli equation (4.24) α 6= 0, α 6= 1, we divide both sides of the equation by y α . For α > 0, we must take into account that, by virtue of Remark 4. 4, the function y(x) 0, is a solution of equation (4.24), which will be lost in such a division. Therefore, in the future it will need to be added to the general solution. After division, we obtain the relation y α y 0 = a(x)y 1 α + b(x). Let us introduce a new desired function z = y 1 α , then z 0 = (1 hence we arrive at an equation for z z 0 = (1 α)a(x)z + (1 α)y α)b(x). α y 0, and (4.25) Equation (4.25) is a linear equation. Such equations are considered in Section 4.2, where a general solution formula is obtained, due to which the solution z(x) of Eq. (4.25) is written as z(x) = Ce R (α 1) a(x) dx + + (1 α )e R (α 1) a(x) dx 1 Z b(x)e R (α 1) a(x) dx dx. (4.26) Then the function y(x) = z 1 α (x), where z(x) is defined in (4.26), is a solution to the Bernoulli equation (4.24). -64- In addition, as indicated above, for α > 0, the solution is also the function y(x) 0. Example 4. 4. Let's solve the equation y 0 + 2y = y 2 ex . (4.27) Divide equation (4.27) by y 2 and make the change z = we obtain a linear inhomogeneous equation 1 y. As a result, z 0 + 2z = ex . (4.28) We first solve the homogeneous equation: z 0 + 2z = 0, dz = 2dx, z ln jzj = 2x + c, z = Ce2x , C 2 R1 . The solution of the inhomogeneous equation (4.28) is sought by the method of variation of an arbitrary constant: zn = C(x)e2x , C 0 e2x 2Ce2x + 2Ce2x = ex , C 0 = e x, C(x) = e x , whence zn = ex , and the general solution of the equation (4.28) z(x) = Ce2x + ex . Therefore, the solution of the Bernoulli equation (4.24) can be written as y(x) = 1 . ex + Ce2x In addition, the solution of equation (4.24) is also the function y(x) We lost this solution when dividing this equation by y 2 . 0. 4. 5. Equation in complete differentials Consider the equation in differentials M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy = 0, (x, y) 2 G, (4.29) G is some domain in R2 . Such an equation is called a complete differential equation if there exists a function F (x, y) 2 C 1 (G), called a potential, such that dF (x, y) = M (x, y)dx + N (x, y )dy, (x, y) 2 G. Let us assume for simplicity that M (x, y), N (x, y) 2 C 1 (G), and the domain G is simply connected. Under these assumptions, in the course of mathematical analysis (see, for example, ) it is proved that the potential F (x, y) for equation (4.29) exists (i.e. (4.29) is an equation in total differentials) if and only if My (x, y) = Nx (x, y) -65- 8 (x, y) 2 G. Moreover, (x, Z y) F (x, y) = M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy, (4.30) (x0 , y0) where the point (x0 , y0) is some fixed point from G, (x, y) is the current point in G, and the curvilinear integral is taken along any curve connecting the points (x0, y0) and (x, y) and lying entirely in the domain G. If equation (4.29) is the equation