Tickets for non-fiction. Robert Sapolsky. “Notes of a Primate. The extraordinary life of a scientist among baboons"

In 2018, for the first time in the history of the international fair of intellectual literature non/fictio№, Italy will be its guest of honor.

Interaction between Italy and Russia will take place within the framework of a special program initiated by the Book and Reading Center and developed jointly with the Italian Embassy in Moscow and the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow. The events held by the Italian side in Moscow are united by a common theme - "Italian Avenue", which is associated with the main thoroughfares of the two Russian capitals and pays tribute to the Italian artistic tradition, which is expressed in a hint of the technique of perspective in painting.

The most famous modern Italian writers are invited to participate in the program of the "Italian Avenue": Antonio "Sualzo" Vincenti, Sandrone Dazieri, Paola Zannoner, Antonia Klugmann, Edoardo Nesi, Roberto Pazzi, Sandra Petrignani, Francesco Piccolo, Tommaso Pincio, Rosella Postorino, Alessandro Sanna, Beppe Severnini, Matteo Strukul, Nadia Terranova, Fulvio Hervas, Helena Janecek. They will be accompanied by their Russian colleagues, as well as representatives of professional communities and officials: Grazia Gotti, Vladimir Grigoriev, Daniela Di Sora, Viktor Erofeev, Irina Zakharova, Andrey Zubov, Flavia Cristiano, Marc Innaro, Ricardo Franco Levi, Alfieri Lorenzon, Titian Mascia, Elena Pasoli, Paola Passarelli, Zakhar Prilepin, Evgeny Reznichenko, Oleg Roy, Olga Sviblova, Evgeny Solonovich, Olga Strada, Oleg Filimonov, Anna Yampolskaya, Guzel Yakhina. The program is built in the form of meetings, readings and dialogues on topical and exciting topics.

Testimony further development and strengthening cooperation between Italy and Russia is the multi-level participation of the Italian side in the International Fair of Intellectual Literature in Moscow. The area of ​​the Pavilion of Italy, the country of honor, organized by the Agency for the Promotion Abroad and Internationalization of Italian Companies (ICE), is 160 sq.m. 29 Italian publishing houses will take part in the work of the B2B business zone, where representatives of the publishing industry of both countries will meet, and in the bookstore, which will be organized by the Trading House of Books "Moscow", about 2000 titles of books will be offered to the attention of visitors, both in the original language and and in Russian translation, while a special section will feature books by Italian authors invited to participate in the fair.

The events of the Italian Prospect program, imaginary and real, can be leafed through like a real literary magazine, consisting of "headings" and presenting a professional review in the form of a dialogue with Russian colleagues, with the help of which you can determine the main characteristics and actors vanguard of Italian literature and culture. Thus, "Italian Avenue" will open to readers " modern detective"- one of the iconic genres of the revival of Italian literature (heading" Big Detective Tour "), will shed light on the biography of one of the great women of the XX century, as well as on other prominent heroes of the Italian historical scene ("Portraits"), will open two sides of writing on example of the experience of two successful Italian writers of recent times (“Writing is ...”) and will talk about some of the many “Wonders of Italy” through the prism of such keywords like the sea, people, food and history. Cases of the intersection of literature, cinema, television and art (“Crossover”) will be explored, with a separate focus on children's literature (“Sprouts of Reading”) and the meaning of the word as a tool for cultural exchange and a source of personal growth (“In Support of Reading”).

The program will be complemented by two exhibitions: a photo report “Where to look for Elena Ferrante. Area, Place of World Literature" - 40 photographs by Ottavio Selitti will guide visitors through the main places of Elena Ferrante's tetralogy "My Brilliant Friend" ("L'amica geniale"), which takes place just in Naples, and "Illustration of Children's Literature. The Best Italian Designs is an exposition that brings together 60 original works by 18 of the most talented and famous Italian illustrators of children's literature, organized by the Institute of Italian Culture in cooperation with the Bologna Exhibition Center (BolognaFiere) with the support of the Region of Emilia-Romagna and in cooperation with the Russian State Children's Library.

The International Fair of Intellectual Literature non/fictio№ is an opportunity for meetings, a factory of ideas and innovative solutions, and at the same time a good platform for finding various ways to develop contacts made possible thanks to the ties between Russia and Italy in the field of culture. This is another confirmation of the commitment to the ideas of cooperation and unity of aspirations, which is a significant contribution to joint activities in the field of the publishing business and the key to its successful development. The great attention paid to the participation of Italy is evidenced by the fact that the Russian literary magazine "Foreign Literature" devoted its special issue entitled "Tales of Italy" to the publication of the works of Italian writers, poets and writers. And the Art magazine, inspired by the title of I. Calvino's novel Invisible Cities, in two of its special issues tells Russian readers entertaining stories about unknown places in Italy.

Italy's performance as a guest of honor at the non/fictio No. 20 fair is ensured by the participation and support of such ministries and organizations of Italy as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Embassy in Moscow, the Ministry economic development, Ministry cultural heritage and cultural activities, the Agency for the Promotion Abroad and the Internationalization of Italian Companies (ICE), the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow, the Italian Center for Books and Reading and AIE - the Italian Association of Publishers, with the information support of the Italian public broadcaster RAI.


On Saturday, December 1, the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the Russian Federation, the Embassy Republic of Lithuania in the Russian Federation, the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in the Russian Federation and the magazine "Foreign Literature" will hold "Baltic Day in the Literary Cafe" - a large-scale program of events dedicated to the literature of the Baltic countries.

The program of the Baltic Day will be opened by the discussion “Historical Memory in the Literature of the Baltic States”, dedicated to the issues of history and memory in the modern literature of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Writers and publishers from the Baltic countries will take part in the discussion, and the journalist of Radio Liberty Elena Fanailova will act as a moderator. The program will continue with the presentation of a special issue of the magazine "Foreign Literature" dedicated to the centenary of the founding of the Republic of Lithuania, in which the editor-in-chief of the magazine Alexander Livergant, translators Anna Gerasimova and Maria Chepaitite, writer Mindaugas Kvetkauskas will take part. Milda Sokolova will present another special issue of Foreign Literature, dedicated to the classical and contemporary literature of Latvia. The Latvian part of the program will also feature writers Daina Sirma and Inguna Ula Tsepitė. Estonian literature will be presented by the writer Maimu Berg, author of the autobiographical book Fashion House, and the historian Igor Korobov, author of the study Immatriculated Estonian Nobility.

In 2016, the International Fair of Intellectual Literature non/fictio№ announced the creation of an annual Book Community Prize. This initiative was born as a logical continuation of the book fair's strategy, designed to support and promote quality literature, as well as independent intellectual publishing houses as the main platforms for the formation of new intellectual trends.

The objectives of the award are to expand the readership of intellectual literature, restore the priority of expert knowledge and evaluation of book production, and consolidate the book world.

The theme of the 2018 Prize is "Women's issue in history and culture". The fair's non/fictio#-2018 award rewards the best research on the role of women in history and culture.

Disputes about the role and purpose of women have not ceased in European culture for many centuries. These debates from the position of morality, economics, politics and art are conducted by the church, the state, and secular thinkers. The "women's issue" has been discussed especially sharply since the middle of the 19th century, when philosophical and artistic movements related to civil rights and women's emancipation arose. Discussions about the place of women in society, about her changing social roles in different civilizational epochs, in different classes and cultures are at the center of attention of the modern world.

The Book Society Prize awards the best intellectual books of the year (ranging from academic research to essays) in the following categories:

  1. Choice of independent bookstores
  2. Choice of Leading Libraries
  3. Choice of Literary Critics and Journalists
  4. Special Award "For Services to the Intellectual Community"

The first three nominations are formed on a competitive basis, the winner in the last nomination is determined by the expert council of the non/fictio№ fair.

The award ceremony for the winners of the Prize will take place on November 28, 2018, on the first day of the non/fictio №20 fair.

Fair of intellectual literature non/fictio№ and the curator of the playground "Territory of Knowledge" Russian State Children's Library hold the Librarian's Day.

On November 30, the fair for the whole day will become a platform for dialogue between libraries, authors, publishers, curators of children's book projects and will allow librarians from Moscow and the regions to discuss pressing problems in the field of children's reading.

For specialists who have registered for the Librarian's Day, on November 30, admission to the fair will be free. Holders of the "library" invitation are provided with certificates of participation in the event from training center RGDB.

The international program of illustrators "DNA Books" (curated by Elena Rymshina) as part of the International Fair of Intellectual Literature non/fictio No. 20 is held for the first time with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications for the first time for two whole days - December 1 and 2 in the DNA Hall of the Central House of Artists. From early morning until late at night, leading domestic and foreign masters of book graphics will give lectures, master classes, creative meetings, talking about their work, best projects, favorite books and publishing programs. Among the invited Russian illustrators: Anton Lomaev (St. Petersburg), who illustrated Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick" on a grand scale, Ekaterina Mikhalina, winner of the Grand Prix at international competition illustrations "Ananas Illustration Exhibition & Awards" in Beijing (China, 2018), Masha Titova, the first Russian designer and illustrator to create form style Bologna Book Fair for Children's Literature 2019, Alisa Yufa, whose wonderful books are presented together with the author by the International Festival of Book Illustration and Visual Literature "MORS", Igor Oleinikov, laureate of the Prize. H. K. Andersen 2018.

The program of illustrators was supported by cultural centers, centers for the development of reading and popularization of the book in many European countries. Thanks to international cooperation, it was possible to invite Elena Pasoli (Director of the Bologna Book Fair for Children's Literature) and Grazia Gotti (Italy), the magnificent Italian artist Alessandro Sanna, the British Rob Biddulph, the Polish author and illustrator of children's books Piotr Karski, the fantastically popular author of comics-manga Riyoko Ikeda (Japan), illustrator Falk Nordmann, who is in demand in Germany, wonderful Baltic artists - Regina Lukk-Toompere (Estonia) and Ausra Kyudulaite (Lithuania), the famous Bulgarian book master Yasen Gyuzelev and a young but very actively working Czech artist Vendula Khalankova.

The program is designed for a wide audience of listeners, students and teachers of creative universities in Russia, designers, illustrators and non/fictio№ publishers.


Stands of children's publishing houses and the "Territory of Knowledge" platform will traditionally be located on the third floor of the Central House of Artists. The Russian State Children's Library will be the curator of the non/fictio#20 children's program. The theme of this year's children's program is "THE VISUAL WORLD OF CHILDHOOD".

The importance of illustration in a children's book is very great. A graphic image created by an illustrator makes it possible to see and understand the content of the work, is a means for understanding the world around.

As conceived by the curator, the exhibition design and the program of events at the Territory of Knowledge are designed to show that the illustration is no less important than the text, and the writer and artist are equally the creators of a children's book.

The "Territory of Knowledge" will be divided into five thematic halls.

One of them will be devoted to modern Czech illustration. Works by David Böhm, Pavel Cech, Lucie Lomova, Petr Nikl and others will be presented here. Every work is a specific world of characters and plots, where artists operate not only with words and images, but also turn to other areas of art: cinema, performance, music, theater, photography.

Since in 2018 the laureate of the International Prize. H. K. Andersen for the first time in 42 years was the artist from Russia Igor Oleinikov, a separate room will be dedicated to his new book - the graphic novel "Teremok" (based on the fairy tale "Mouse-Noryshka" by V. Dahl). This room will also show illustrations that are not included in the publication.

Italy will be the guest of honor of the fair, so two Italian exhibitions will be presented at the "Territory of Knowledge" at once - modern Italian illustration (the exhibition is provided by the Bologna Book Fair) and Russian illustration for an Italian children's book.

To the 100th anniversary of the great Russian children's writer and translator Boris Zakhoder, the famous Russian-Finnish artist Alexander Reichstein will present a large-scale interactive exhibition dedicated to his life and work. In addition to illustrations for works and translations by Zakhoder, the Territory of Knowledge will feature huge interactive installations for children of all ages.

Also, specifically for non/fictio#20, the Russian State Children's Library, together with the best children's publishing houses, Embassies and cultural centers, will prepare an extensive program that includes more than 120 events. Famous writers from Italy Paola Zannoner and Nadia Terranova, Czech authors and illustrators Katarina Matsurova and Vendula Halankova, French writer Clementine Bove, writers from Norway Maria Parr and Alfred Fidiestel, British writer and artist Rob Biddalph, American writer Amy Harmon will take part in the program. Particular attention will be paid to master classes and meetings with the participation of illustrators - such recognized European masters as Piotr Karsky (Poland), as well as young, but already well-known Russian illustrators - Yuri Skomorokhov, Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva, Masha Berezina, Timofey Maksimov and etc.

Marina Aromshtam, Maria Buras, Jakob Vegelius (Sweden), Mikhail Wiesel, Alexander Gavrilov, Artur Givargizov, Sergey Dmitriev, Andrey Zhvalevsky, Ekaterina Zhdanova, Irina Zartaiskaya, Maria Kabanova, Asya Kravchenko, Maxim Krongauz, Alexandra Litvina, Natalia Lomykina, Olga Mäeots, Evgenia Pasternak, Olga Posuh, Anna Rastorgueva, Ekaterina Stepanenko, Sarah Schwardt (Sweden), Tamara Eidelman, Galina Yuzefovich and other respected writers, literary critics, translators, teachers and scientists.

Features of the national cuisine of a particular country are inextricably linked with its historical and cultural traditions, and the task of the section is to trace this relationship. "Gastronomic book" is an attempt to learn the national cuisine through the history and culture of the country, and vice versa, history and culture - through the culinary arts.

During the days of the fair non/fictio No. 20, the Gastronomy discussion platform will become a place for presentations of gastronomic, regional studies and cultural programs different countries. Authors of popular cookbooks, professional chefs, travelers, restaurateurs, bloggers and other interesting storytellers take part in the program every year.

Cecile Rog, founder of the Art of Living French school, will talk about the intricacies of the French family feast, the traditions of which are still observed and are an informal part of the cultural heritage of France. Chef Tomasz Kourek, who received the 2015/2016 Chef of the Year award in the Czech Republic in 2015, invites you to his presentation Czech Cuisine Today. Nicholas Xu, Head of the Cultural Department of the Taiwanese Representative Office in Moscow, will talk about the gastronomic preferences of the inhabitants of the island of Taiwan through the prism of the culture and history of their people. Center german book in Moscow / the representative office of the Frankfurt Book Fair in Russia and the publishing house of Ivan Limbach will organize a presentation of the book “An End to Abstinence! A book about bars, cocktails, self-aggrandizement and the delights of decadence” is a publication designed to become a companion on a journey through Dante's seven circles of sophistication.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Anna Pavlovskaya, Head of the Department of Regional Studies, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and President of the Academy of Gastronomic Science and Culture, will give a lecture “Russian Cuisine as a World Brand. Is it possible?". Journalists-influencers Nika Makhlina and Ivan Bolshakov will talk with the audience about how to talk about food and travel in a modern way, and share their experience in creating their most interesting cases in the field of food and travel. Ivan Shishkin, co-founder of the Delicatessen and Yunost restaurants, author of the book Under the Apron, and Sergey Leonov, chef of the Daily Bread cafe chain and author of the book Food as a Holiday, will talk about the secrets of the profession and discuss with the audience various culinary experiments. And the founder of the culinary and educational club Samovar Cook & Chat Club and co-founder of the social business My Sisters Anna Kharzeeva will speak at the fair twice - with lectures “Can I add more? Culture, language, history and more - without leaving the table" and "Khachapuri and friendship for lunch in a Georgian village".

Anastasia Zurabova, Olesya Kuprin, Anastasia Ponedelnik, Andrey Tulsky, Irina Chadeeva and other respected experts will also take part in the section program.

The Book Antiquarian Fair, first held in 2005, is a permanent non/fictio section. Despite the fact that the field of book antiques remains rather narrow and isolated from other areas of the old art market, the Book Antique Fair managed not only to survive, but also to strengthen its position. During its existence, the fair has gained popularity and trust of connoisseurs and collectors of old books.

The symbiosis of an elite secondhand event (secondhand books traditionally belongs to the most authoritative areas of collecting) and the largest exhibition of contemporary literature turned out to be very successful. In the halls of the Central House of Artists, one can simultaneously appreciate the history and current state of publishing, which makes it possible to realize the role of Russian literature in the development of national culture.

Simultaneously with non/fictio#18, Vinyl Club will take place for the 15th time - a fair of vinyl records, CDs, vintage equipment and accessories. For a number of recent years in the last days of November, the Central House of Artists receives not only admirers of high-quality literature, but also music lovers who collect rare musical documents of the era, many of which are unique.

The format of combining the literary and musical components within the framework of a single event during this time turned out to be extremely in demand among an impressive number of visitors to the Central House of Artists. Unique and rare editions presented in the halls of the Central House of Artists, on the one hand, small and independent book publishers, on the other - by vinyl collectors, as a result, perfectly complement each other on the shelves of music lovers and lovers of literature.

This year, according to the long tradition of the non/fictio№ fair, there will be award ceremonies for the laureates of literary awards and finalists of competitions:

  • Presentation of the All-Russian literary award "Reader's Award", established by the Russian State Library for Youth
  • Presentation of the Andrei Bely Prize
  • Presentation of the "Moscow account" award for the best poetic book of the year
  • Presentation of the awards of the French Embassy - the Maurice Waxmacher Prize and the Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu Prize
  • Science Fiction Award Ceremony "Future Tense"
  • Speeches of the winners of the "Enlightener" award

Several special projects will be presented at non/fictio#20:

  • Exhibition "Happiness is a fox" (2nd floor of the Central House of Artists, hall No. 13)
  • Exhibition of posters by Andrey Logvin "I would hug you, but I'm just a text" (2nd floor of the Central House of Artists, hall No. 15)
  • Exhibition "Nadar: when I was a photographer" (2nd floor of the Central House of Artists, hall No. 14b)
  • "Literary payphone" from Storytel and Garage, with which the visitor can ask the writer a question and get an answer (on the street in front of the main entrance to the Central House of Artists)


On the website of the fair, you can purchase electronic tickets for non/fictio No. 20 to avoid queues at the box office. There are different types of tickets for visitors:

  • regular ticket, giving the right to one visit to the fair;
  • subscription, designed for five visits to the fair. Ideal for those who plan to attend program events every day, as well as for visiting the fair with the whole family or a group of friends.

The MMS courier service will operate at the fair, organizing the delivery of books to the nearest metro station or directly to the buyer's home (throughout Moscow and the Moscow Region within a radius of up to 30 km).

International Fair of Intellectual Literature non/fictio№20

Central House of Artists (Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10)

Press conference:

The opening ceremony:

Fair opening hours:

Twenty countries will take part in the fair. Illustration became the key theme of the playground

Text: Year of Literature. RF
Photo: fair website

November 28 to December 2 Anniversary International Fair of Intellectual Literature Non/fiction will be held at the Moscow Central House of Artists. The twentieth fair - twenty participating countries, including Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Norway, USA, Taiwan, Ukraine, Faroe Islands, France, Japan and others.

Italy was the guest of honor.

More than 300 publishers and booksellers are on the list this year. The exhibition-fair will be divided into thematic sections. Separate sections are provided for humanitarian and educational literature, publications on art, design and architecture, as well as for business and fiction and books from small publishers. The Gastronomy section will present the best novelties of gastronomic publications.

Own space will be allocated for representatives of children's book publishing. On the playground "Territory of Knowledge" the key theme will be "Illustration".

“I think that the hit of the fair will be the new book by the author of “Waffle Heart” Maria Parr “The Goalkeeper and the Sea”, - predicts children's writer and journalist Daria Dotsuk. - Sarah Schwardt will arrive, who, as a teenager, corresponded with Astrid Lindgren, and this correspondence came out a separate book. In addition to the exhibition, Astrid Lindgren's speech No to Violence! will be published as a book. - there will be a round table with the participation of psychologists. British writer and artist Rob Biddulph, author of The Wrong Dog, shares how he creates picture books. A master class for children will be held by the Polish artist Piotr Karski, author of the books “To the Mountains!”, “On the Sea!”. It will be possible to visit the interactive, which was previously held at the Russian State Children's Library. From Vladivostok, an interesting project "Brodsky's Cat: Teens Say" will come and arrange a book stand-up.

By the way, the only participant in the children's program from the guest country was Paola Zannoner. Her book Zorro in the Snow, translated from Italian by Yulia Gimatova, was published by the KompasGid publishing house.

A detailed program of the fair in all directions can already be

Opening the forum, the deputy head of Rospechat, Vladimir Grigoriev, who ran in only from the cold, cheerfully remarked: “On cold days at the junction of autumn and winter, this, perhaps, the best fair will warm us readers. A stellar galaxy of domestic authors and, of course, a powerful team await visitors writers from Great Britain - a country that has become an honorary guest of the forum for the first time".

Irina Prokhorova said that this year the non/fiction fair is establishing its own book award.

There are four nominations in the book award: "Book trade", "Librarianship", "Media" and "For merit".

“We forget that books do not grow on trees, publishers, book distributors, booksellers, etc. do this. Without these people, no book publishing exists,” Irina Prokhorova noted, further turning her attention to the readers languishing at the “red ribbon”: - Every time I open a fair, I feel embarrassed: everyone wants to go for books, but we keep talking and talking."

Member expert council Boris Kupriyanov believes that non/fiction gives hope and changes the attitude towards the book as such: "Many publishing houses returned to the fair after a long absence. there were not just talks: from January 1, the trading tax is canceled.

294 participants from 20 countries and almost 400 events - all this is already waiting for you at the Central House of Artists at the non/fiction book fair

Mikhail Shvydkoy recalled that the participation of Great Britain is the culmination of the Year of Language and Literature of Great Britain and Russia: "It is important that during this period British literature was widely represented at Russian fairs. The year was successful. But it does not end. For example, we will erect a monument to William Shakespeare in 2017. By the way, next year we are planning a cross year of science and education between the UK and Russia."

On the first day of the fair, the winner was announced all-Russian competition"Most Reading Region". Voronezh was proclaimed the literary flagship of Russia in 2016. “Most of all, I am pleased that, along with the satisfied winners at the end of last year, there were also offended regions,” said Mikhail Seslavinsky, head of Rospechat. we don't, but the book is a good doping that we develop and support so that reading becomes a serious humanitarian platform for all subjects."

Sergei Stepashin, head of the Book Union, suggested that, judging by the number of people at the fair already now, the Year of Literature, held in 2015, has not ended. However, he had to scold one Russian region: the only subject of the Federation that did not take part in the competition was Magadan. And for its governor, Stepashin found a separate sign of a kind of honor - the painting "Again a deuce" by Fyodor Reshetnikov, which will be sent to Magadan any day now.

An excellent book navigator on non/fiction has always been and remains the Book Top List. This time there are 179 books in the top list for adults and 79 for children. If we talk about adults, then these are, of course, the luxurious editions of "Natalia Goncharova" and "Edouard Manet" from the publishing house "Art - XXI century", "Beauties of the centuries. 100 female portraits of Anatoly Zverev", "Lace: From intimate fashion to ideological panels " from the publishing house "Kuchkovo field", the latest book from Pavel Basinsky "Leo Tolstoy - a free man", which can be found at the stand of the publishing house "Young Guard", the book "After Tarkovsky", published by the magazine "Seance", a novelty from the English guest of the fair Jonathan Coe "Number 11" from the publishing house "Phantom Press". Be sure to pay attention to the children's top list, here is a book where 33 writers tried to intelligibly explain complex concepts to children - "Great Feelings", "The History of the Old Apartment", which tells about the history of the country through the life of the Muromtsev family, Anna Nikolskaya's charming book "Martha and fantastic airship" from "Rosman", "What Shukhov came up with" from "ART Volkhonka" and many more books worthy of attention.

294 participants from 20 countries of the world. 9 discussion zones and almost 400 events. All this is already waiting for you at the Central House of Artists at the International Non/Fiction Intellectual Book Fair. The main thing is that you come - the books are waiting for a meeting with their reader.

Moscow hosts the 18th International Book Fair of Intellectual Literature. Five days in the Central House of Artists meetings, discussions, round tables. You can see the full program of the exhibition, but the most important thing, of course, is books. Those books that will be read and talked about all next year. Pravmir chose seven books in different genres that are worth paying attention to.

1. Archimandrite Savva (Mazhuko). Orange Saints. Notes of an Orthodox Optimist. Moscow: Ripol classic, 2016.

Archimandrite Savva (Mazhuko), a resident of the Gomel St. Nicholas Monastery, wrote a book about joy in Orthodoxy. “Among our saints, the majority are monks and bishops, but in fact, before the eyes of God, our land has given birth to so many saints that no hymns can contain them. I think that among those who have the talent of a tireless traveler, a scientist in love with science, an entrepreneur who creates new jobs, an educator who teaches children boxing or football, a professor who infects students with a passion for reading and thinking, an actor who comforts millions of people with his game, there are true saints,” he writes.

"Orange Saints. Notes of an Orthodox Optimist” is a light and joyful book, not superficial in content. The author cannot be denied a sense of humor, but at the same time he also has a sense of proportion. Reasoning and everyday stories - in the new book "Pravmir".

  • Buy e-ticket- there may be queues, especially on weekends, quite comparable to the famous "queue on Serov". It is better to print the ticket, although controllers may allow you to show the QR code on your smartphone.
  • The second line is waiting on the way to the wardrobe. There are often no numbers and you have to wait almost half an hour. If possible, you can take your clothes with you.
  • Please support Pravmir, sign up for a regular donation. 50, 100, 200 rubles - so that Pravmir continues. And we promise not to slow down!