Gdz on ikt 8. In what cases will the collection be useful

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №1

"Agreed" "Approve"

Director of MBOUSOSH No. 1, Sovietsky

Deputy Director for Educational Work _________________________A.V. Bricheev

T.V. Didich

Subject program

"Informatics and ICT"

8th grade

2015 - 2016 academic year

Teacher: Kuznetsova Natalya Aleksandrovna

The program is compiled in accordance with the approximate program: Sample program on academic subjects. Informatics and ICT grades 7-9 M: Education, 2011. An exemplary program in informatics and ICT grades 7-9 for textbooks Bosova L.L. M: Binom, 2012

Textbook (a set of textbooks): Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics. Grade 8, BINOM 2014.

Number of hours for curriculum for 2015-2016 academic year: 35 hours

Considered at a meeting of the school methodological council

Protocol No. 1 dated "" August 2015.

G. Soviet


Explanatory note

This program is based on the author's programon academic subjects. Informatics and ICT grades 7-9 M: Education, 2011.

Approximate program in informatics and ICT grades 7-9 for textbooks Bosova L.L. M: Binom, 2012


The study of Computer Science in grade 8 is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice through the development of ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the individual, state, society; understanding the role information processes in modern world;
  2. Improvement of general educational and general cultural skills of working with information in the process of systematization and generalization of existing and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and methods of activity in the field of informatics and ICT; development of independent learning activities schoolchildren (educational design, simulation, research activities etc.);
  3. Education of a responsible and selective attitude to information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination, education of the desire to continue education and creative activity using ICT tools.

The main objectives of the implementation of the content of training are:

  1. To form in students the skills of organizing their own educational activities, including: goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and what needs to be established.
  2. To form in students the skills and abilities of information modeling as the main method of acquiring knowledge: the ability to transform an object from a sensual form into a spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic model.
  3. To form in students a wide range of skills and abilities: the use of information and communication technologies to collect, store, transform and transmit various types of information; mastering the ways and methods of mastering new tools;

General characteristics of the subject

Informatics is a natural science discipline about the patterns of information processes in systems of various nature, as well as methods and means of their automation. Many provisions developed by computer science are considered as the basis for the creation and use of information and communication technologies - one of the most significant technological achievements of modern civilization. Together with mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, the informatics course lays the foundations for a natural-science worldview. Informatics has a large and growing number of interdisciplinary connections, both at the level of the conceptual apparatus and at the level of tools. Many subject knowledge and methods of activity (including the use of ICT tools), mastered by students on the basis of informatics, are used both within the educational process when studying other subject areas, and in other life situations, become significant for the formation of personality traits, i.e., they are focused on the formation of metasubject and personal results. Throughout the entire period of formation of school informatics, it accumulated experience in the formation of educational results, which are currently commonly called modern educational results. One of the main features of our time is the ever-increasing variability of the surrounding world. Under these conditions, the role fundamental education providing professional mobility of a person, his readiness to master new technologies, including information technologies. The need to prepare the individual for rapidly advancing changes in society requires the development of various forms of thinking, the formation of students' skills in organizing their own educational activities, their orientation towards activity. life position. In the content of the informatics course of the main school, it is advisable to focus on the study of the fundamental foundations of informatics, the formation information culture, the development of algorithmic thinking, to fully realize the general educational potential of this course. The basic school computer science course is part of the continuous computer science course, which also includes a propaedeutic course in elementary school and computer science training in high school (at the basic or profile level). This program takes into account that today, in accordance with the Federal state standard primary education, students towards the end elementary school should have sufficient ICT competence to further education. Further, in the basic school, starting from the 5th grade, they consolidate the acquired technical skills and develop them within the framework of application in the study of all subjects. The informatics course of the basic school, based on the experience of constant use of ICT, already available to students, provides a theoretical understanding, interpretation and generalization of this experience.

The place of the subject in the curriculum.

Informatics and ICT are studied in the 8th grade of the basic school for one hour a week, in total 35 hours.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject

Personal educational outcomes

  • broad cognitive interests, initiative and curiosity, motives for knowledge and creativity; readiness and ability of students for self-development and realization creativity in spiritual and subject-productive activity due to the development of their figurative, algorithmic and logical thinking;
  • readiness to improve their educational level and continue their education using the means and methods of informatics and ICT;
  • interest in computer science and ICT, the desire to use the acquired knowledge in the process of teaching other subjects and in life;
  • the foundations of the information worldview - a scientific view of the field of information processes in wildlife, society, technology as one of the most important areas of modern reality;
  • the ability to link educational content with one's own life experience and personal meanings, to understand the importance of training in the field of informatics and ICT in the context of the development of the information society;
  • readiness for independent actions and actions, taking responsibility for their results; readiness to carry out individual and collective information activities;
  • the ability to selectively relate to the information received due to the skills of its analysis and critical evaluation; responsible attitude to information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination;
  • development of a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment;
  • ability and willingness to accept values healthy lifestyle life through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of ICT facilities.

Metasubject educational outcomes

  • confident orientation of students in various subject areas due to the conscious use in the study of school disciplines of such general subject concepts as “object”, “system”, “model”, “algorithm”, “performer”, etc.;
  • possession of the basic general educational skills of an information-logical nature: analysis of objects and situations; synthesis as a compilation of the whole from parts and independent completion of the missing components; choice of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects; generalization and comparison of data; subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences; establishment of causal relationships; construction of logical chains of reasoning, etc.,
  • possession of the skills of organizing one's own learning activities, including: goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and what needs to be established; planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result, dividing the task into subtasks, developing a sequence and structure of actions necessary to achieve the goal using a fixed set of means; forecasting - anticipation of the result; control - interpretation of the result obtained, its correlation with the available data in order to establish compliance or non-compliance (error detection); correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the action plan in case of an error; assessment - students' awareness of how well they solved the educational and cognitive task;
  • possession of the basic universal skills of an informational nature: posing and formulating a problem; search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods; structuring and visualization of information; selection of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions; independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;
  • possession information modeling as the main method of acquiring knowledge: the ability to transform an object from a sensual form into a spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic model; the ability to build a variety of information structures to describe objects; the ability to “read” tables, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc., independently recode information from one sign system to another; the ability to choose the form of information presentation depending on the task at hand, to check the adequacy of the model to the object and the purpose of modeling;
  • a wide range of skills and abilities to use information and communication technology tools for collecting, storing, converting and transmitting various types of information (working with text, hypretext, sound and graphics in the environment of appropriate editors; creating and editing calculation tables to automate calculations and visualize numerical information in spreadsheet environment; storage and processing of information in databases; search, transmission and placement of information in computer networks), skills of creating personal information space;
  • experience in decision-making and management of objects (executors) with the help of algorithms (programs) compiled for them;
  • possession of basic skills of research activities, conducting virtual experiments; possession of ways and methods of mastering new tools;
  • possession of the basics of productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults: the ability to correctly, clearly and unambiguously formulate an idea in a form understandable to the interlocutor; ability to work collaboratively in a team information activity, in particular during the execution of the project; the ability to speak to an audience, presenting to it the results of their work using ICT tools; the use of communication technologies in educational activities and everyday life.

Section 1. Mathematical foundations of computer science (13 hours)

Section 2 Fundamentals of algorithmization (10 hours)

Section 3: Getting Started with Programming (10 a.m.)

Programming language. Basic rules of one of the procedural programming languages ​​(Pascal, school algorithmic language, etc.): data representation rules; rules for writing basic operators (input, output, assignment, branching, loop) and calling auxiliary algorithms; program entry rules.

Stages of solving a problem on a computer: modeling - algorithm development - coding - debugging - testing.

Solving problems of developing and executing programs in the chosen programming environment.

Section 4. Final review (2 hours)

Text documents and their structural units (section, paragraph, line, word, symbol). Technologies for creating text documents. Create, edit and

Thematic planning


Number of hours

Mathematical foundations of computer science

13 h

Analytical activity:

Practical activities:

Fundamentals of algorithmization

10 h

Analytical activity:

Practical activities:

  • compose cyclic algorithms for managing a training executor;

build an algorithm (various algorithms) for solving a problem using basic algorithmic structures and subroutines

Beginnings of programming

10 h

Analytical activity:

  • analyze finished programs;
  • determine according to the program for which task it is intended;
  • identify the stages of solving a problem on a computer.

Practical activities:

  • to program linear algorithms that involve the calculation of arithmetic, string and logical expressions;
  • develop programs containing branch operator/operators (linear inequality solution, quadratic equation etc.), including using logical operations;
  • develop programs containing the operator (operators) of the cycle;
  • develop programs containing a subroutine;
  • develop programs for processing a one-dimensional array:
  • finding the minimum (maximum) value in the given array;
  • counting the number of array elements that satisfy a certain condition;
  • finding the sum of all array elements;
  • finding the number and sum of all even elements in an array;
  • sorting array elements, etc.

Final repetition

2 h

At the same time, organized practical work on the computer for the formation of user skills.

Calendar-thematic planning

Name of topics

lesson number

Date plan

date fact

Lesson topic

Key Lesson Contents

Characteristics of the main activities

Textbook paragraph

Topic 1: Mathematical foundations of computer science 13 hours

The objectives of studying the course of informatics and ICT. Safety and workplace organization

General information about number systems. The concept of non-positional and positional number systems. Acquaintance with binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems, recording integers in them decimal numbers from 0 to 1024. Converting small integers from binary to decimal. Binary arithmetic.

Computer representation of integers. Representation of real numbers.

Statements. logical operations. Boolean expressions. Construction of truth tables for logical expressions. Properties of logical operations. Solution logical tasks. Logic elements.

Analytical activity:

  • analyze any positional system as a sign system;
  • determine the range of integers in n-bit representation;
  • analyze the logical structure of statements;
  • analyze simple electronic circuits.

Practical activities:

  • convert small (from 0 to 1024) integers from decimal to binary, octal, hexadecimal and vice versa;
  • perform addition and multiplication operations on small binary numbers;
  • build truth tables for logical expressions;
  • calculate the truth value of a logical expression.


General information about number systems

§ 1.1

Binary number system. Binary


§ 1.1

Octal and hexadecimal systems

reckoning. Computer systems reckoning

§ 1.1

Integer decimal conversion rule

to the number system with base q

§ 1.1

Integer representation

§ 1.2

Representation of real numbers

§ 1.2

Statement. Boolean operations

§ 1.3

Construction of truth tables for logical


§ 1.3

Properties of Boolean Operations

§ 1.3

Solving logic problems

§ 1.3

Logic elements

§ 1.3

themes "Mathematical foundations of informatics".

Fundamentals of algorithmization (10 hours)

Algorithms and Executors

The concept of the performer. Informal and formal performers. Training performers (Robot, Draftsman, Turtle, Grasshopper, Aquarius, Doubler, etc.) as examples of formal performers. Their purpose, environment, mode of operation, command system.

The concept of an algorithm as a formal description of the sequence of actions of an executor for given initial data. Properties of algorithms. Ways of writing algorithms.

An algorithmic language is a formal language for writing algorithms. A program is a record of an algorithm in an algorithmic language. Direct and program control of the performer.

Linear programs. Algorithmic constructions related to checking conditions: branching and repetition. Development of algorithms: splitting a task into subtasks, the concept of an auxiliary algorithm.

The concept of a simple quantity. Value types: integer, real, character, string, logical. Variables and constants. Introduction to tabular values ​​(arrays). An algorithm for working with quantities is a plan of purposeful actions for performing calculations with given initial data using intermediate results.

Control, control and controlled systems, direct and Feedback. Management in wildlife, society and technology.

Analytical activity:

  • give examples of formal and informal performers;
  • come up with tasks for managing educational executors;
  • highlight examples of situations that can be described using linear algorithms, algorithms with branching and loops;
  • determine from the flowchart what problem this algorithm is intended to solve;
  • analyze the change in the values ​​of quantities during the step-by-step execution of the algorithm;
  • to determine, according to the chosen method of solving the problem, which algorithmic constructions can be included in the algorithm;
  • split the original task into subtasks;
  • compare different algorithms for solving the same problem.

Practical activities:

  • execute ready-made algorithms for specific initial data;
  • convert the record of the algorithm from one form to another;
  • build chains of commands that give the desired result with specific initial data for the performer of arithmetic operations;
  • build chains of commands that give the desired result with specific initial data for the executor that converts character strings;
  • compose linear algorithms for managing a training executor;
  • compose algorithms with branching for the management of the educational executor;
  • make cyclical algorithms on management of the educational executor;
  • build arithmetic, string, logical expressions and calculate their values;

§ 2.1

Ways to write algorithms

§ 2.2

Algorithm Objects

§ 2.3

Algorithmic construction "following"

§ 2.4

Algorithmic construction "branching"

Full branching form

§ 2.4

Short form of branching

§ 2.4

Algorithmic construction "repetition".

Loop with a specified condition for continuing work

§ 2.4

Loop with specified termination condition

§ 2.4

Cycle with given number repetitions

§ 2.4

Generalization and systematization of basic concepts

topic "Fundamentals of algorithmization".

Start of programming (10 h)

General information about the programming language


§ 3.1

Organization of data input and output

§ 3.2

Programming of linear algorithms

§ 3.3

Branching Programming

algorithms. Conditional operator

§ 3.4

Compound operator. Variety of ways

branch records

§ 3.4

continuation of work

§ 3.5

Programming cycles with a given condition

end of work

§ 3.5

Programming cycles with a given number


§ 3.5

Various Programming Options for the Cyclic Algorithm

§ 3.5

Generalization and systematization of basic concepts

Topics "Beginnings of programming".

Final repetition (2h)


Basic concepts of the course

Final testing

Educational-methodical and material technical support educational process

Educational and methodological support of the educational process

  1. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics. The program for the main school:. 7th-9th grades. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2013.
  2. M.N. Borodin. Methodological guide for the teacher. Informatics. Teaching materials for basic school
  3. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics: Textbook for grade 8. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2014.
  4. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.B. Informatics: workbook for 7th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2014
  5. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Electronic supplement to the textbook "Informatics. Grade 8 "Materials of the author's workshop Bosova L.L. (

The modern school is a school high level informatization, in which teaching of all subjects is supported by means of ICT, a local network and (controlled) Internet are available in all rooms where the educational process takes place.

The informatics room is equipped with ICT equipment and specialized educational furniture. The office has one workplace teacher and 12 computer places for students with Internet access. There are basic user devices that are part of the general school equipment, including a ceiling-mounted projector, an interactive whiteboard.

The software installed on the computers is licensed.

Including the Windows 8 operating system. There is a file manager as part of the operating system or another; antivirus program; archiving program; an integrated office application that includes a text editor, raster and vector graphics editors, a presentation development program, dynamic (spreadsheet) tables, a database management system; optical text recognition system; sound editor; multimedia player.

Educational literature

For the teacher:

  1. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT: Textbook for Grade 8. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2013
  2. Bosova L.L. Computer science lessons in grades 7-9. Methodological guide for teachers. – M.: BINOM, 2011.
  3. Bosova L.L. Informatics: workbook for grade 7. – M.: BINOM, 2011.
  4. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics. Grades 7–9: methodological guide. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2013.

For students:

  1. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT: Textbook for Grade 8. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Lab, 2014

Planned results of studying the subject

The graduate will learn:

  • operate with units of measurement of the amount of information
  • decode and encode information given encoding rules
  • name the functions and characteristics of the main devices of the computer;
  • describe the types and composition software modern computers;
  • apply the basic rules for creating text documents;
  • use the basic techniques for creating presentations in presentation editors.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • deepen and develop ideas about modern scientific picture world, about information as one of the basic concepts modern science, about information processes and their role in the modern world;
  • get acquainted with how information is presented in a computer, including binary coding of texts, graphics, sound;
  • learn to systematize knowledge about the principles of organizing the file system, the main features of the graphical interface and the rules for organizing an individual information space;
  • consolidate ideas about the requirements of safety, hygiene, ergonomics and resource saving when working with information and communication technologies;
  • to learn how to evaluate the possible number of results of information search on the Internet, obtained for certain queries;

Computer science is a discipline that studies information and its circulation in human society, problems of measurement, storage and distribution over communication networks. At the simplest level, ordinary people associate this science with personal computers and laptops, as well as with the Internet.

In public schools Russian Federation in the lessons of this subject, they study some computer programs, and also learn the beginnings of programming, i.e. writing the author's program code in some algorithmic language.

A team of experts led by Doctor of Pedagogy Lyudmila Bosova wrote a useful educational and methodological complex for eighth grade students. Books will help you better understand the subject, quickly prepare your homework and get good marks on regular test tests. The course structure is well defined. It's always interesting to work on it. The manual is delivered to the end user by the publishing house BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory.

Why does each student need a computer science solution book for grade 8 from Bosova?

GDZ help the child motivate himself to study independently. Also, with their help, you can constantly monitor the level of progress achieved by solving test exercises. It is easy and convenient to work with the collection without the help of adult family members. Electronic book online has the following advantages:

  • the presence of independent options for solving many exercises;
  • answers are supplied with voluminous and useful methodical instructions;
  • the site works from a computer, tablet and smartphone;
  • the table of license indexes allows you to quickly find the desired task.

The collection is fully consistent with the Federal State Educational Standards and is widely used in the work programs of teachers. With it, you can successfully prepare for control, verification, independent, and diagnostic work, take tests and take external independent testing at the end of the school year.

How does GDZ in informatics for grade 8 (authors: L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova) outperform other textbooks?

To do well in the classroom, you need to accustom yourself to systematic, persistent and thorough work. This concerns, first of all, the understanding of effective ways to solve practical tasks. For example, you need to be able to understand and describe algorithms in the form of flowcharts, and then translate them into command instructions. The collection of discussed authors can provide significant assistance in qualitative understanding and memorization of the following sections:

  • information: discrete form of representation;
  • software, its structure;
  • unit of information;
  • file objects and everyday work with them.

Computer science is a very useful subject. It will also come in handy in the course of extracurricular life, because computers are in every home today. That is why the manual is recommended to the broad masses of students, as well as their caring parents.

2nd ed., rev. - M.: 201 4. - 160 p. M.: 201 2. - 220 p.

The textbook is intended for studying the course "Informatics" in grade 8 secondary school. It is part of the educational and methodical set on computer science for grades 5-9, which includes the author's program, textbooks, workbooks, electronic applications and teaching aids for the teacher. The principle of invariance to specific computer models and software versions is maintained. The theoretical material of the textbook is supported by a detailed apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the studied material, which ensures the preparation of schoolchildren for passing the exam for the course of the basic school in the GIA format. Widespread use of federal resources is expected educational portals, including the Unified Collection of Digital educational resources. Compliant with Federal State educational standard main general education(2010).

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Table of contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Mathematical foundations of computer science 5
§ 1.1. Number systems 5
1.1.1. General information about number systems 5
1.1.2. Binary number system 8
1.1.3. Octal 9
1.1.4. Hexadecimal number system 10
1.1.5. The rule for converting integer decimal numbers to a number system with base q 10
1.1.6. Binary Arithmetic 12
1.1.7. "Computer" number systems 13
§ 1.2. Representation of numbers in a computer 17
1.2.1. Integer representation 17
1.2.2. Representation of Real Numbers 19
§ 1.3. Elements of Algebra of Logic 22
1.3.1. Saying 22
1.3.2. Logic operations 24
1.3.3. Building truth tables for logical expressions 29
1.3.4. Properties of logical operations 30
1.3.5. Solving logic problems 32
1.3.6. Logic elements 34
Test tasks for self-control 41
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of algorithmization 46
§ 2.1. Algorithms and Executors 46
2.1.1. Algorithm concept 46
2.1.2. Algorithm 48 performer
2.1.3. Algorithm Properties 51
2.1.4. The possibility of automating human activities 53
§ 2.2. Ways to write algorithms 57
2.2.1. Verbal ways of writing an algorithm 57
2.2.2. Flowcharts 59
2.2.3. Algorithmic languages ​​60
§ 2.3. Algorithm Objects 63
2.3.1. Values ​​63
2.3.2. Expressions 65
2.3.3. Assignment command 66
2.3.4. Table values ​​68
§ 2.4. Basic algorithmic constructions 73
2.4.1. Follow 73
2.4.2. Branching 76
2.4.3. Repetition 81
Test tasks for self-control 97
Chapter 3 Getting Started 106
§ 3.1. General information about the programming language Pascal. . 106
3.1.1. Alphabet and dictionary of the language 107
3.1.2. Data types used in Pascal... 108
3.1.3. Program structure in Pascal 109
3.1.4. Assignment operator 110
§ 3.2. Organization of data input and output 114
3.2.1. Data output 114
3.2.2. First program in Pascal 116
3.2.3. Keyboard entry 117
§ 3.3. Programming linear algorithms 120
3.3.1. Numeric data types 120
3.3.2. Integer data type 121
3.3.3. Character and string data types 122
3.3.4. Boolean data type 123
§ 3.4. Programming branching algorithms 129
3.4.1. Conditional statement 129
3.4.2. Compound statement 130
3.4.3. The variety of ways to write branches 131
§ 3.5. Programming cyclic algorithms 137
3.5.1. Programming cycles with a given condition for continuing to work 137
3.5.2. Programming cycles with a given end condition 138
3.5.3. Programming cycles with a given number of repetitions 139
3.5.4. Various Programming Options for the Cyclic Algorithm 139
Test tasks for self-control 145
Answers and solutions to questions and tasks for self-study 150
Keys to test tasks for self-control 152

Computer science is far from the last school subject, so studying it can be useful GDZ in informatics for grade 8 Bosov's workbook. The information gleaned in the lessons helps teenagers not only learn something new, but also use the knowledge gained in the classroom in other disciplines. AT recent times students high school addicted modern technologies and programming, very often they choose computer science for passing exams in the OGE format. As a preparation, they solve various tasks.

  • mathematical foundations;
  • information about various number systems;
  • logical operations;
  • algorithms, their properties;
  • programming languages;
  • summary final tests.

To solve the exercises, you will need to familiarize yourself with a large amount of theoretical information.

In what cases will the collection be useful?

The presented ready-made homework will demonstrate its usefulness for students in such situations as an incomplete understanding of a topic, the presence of gaps in knowledge, problems in finding the key to the task, self-checking of the completed exercises.

For effective training the student must use manual with the right decisions in computer science for grade 8 Bosova's workbook, since in the case of simple copying, the necessary information will not be stored in the child’s memory, and this will harm the learning process.

The collection may be useful for parents and teachers. This tool will show its worth in the hands of adults who want to control the learning process of their child or ward. Teachers will also receive valuable material on the basis of which they can create their own versions of work and exercises for school classes, as well as for preparatory courses exams and individual tutoring.

Computers have firmly entered our lives. The ability to handle them is an integral characteristic of modern educated person. There are many daily activities that require computer science knowledge to be successful. Fortunately, in modern Russian school such information can be obtained in special lessons.

Informatics is one of the natural sciences that studies the patterns of information processes in systems of various nature. Also, this science considers methods and means of their automation. The teaching of the school course is focused on the use of an educational and program-methodical complex, which includes:

  • textbook, workbook;
  • a book for the teacher, which offers ways and methods of implementation;
  • digital educational resources.

The course structure is well defined. Doing it is interesting and useful. The manual is delivered to the end user by the publishing house BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory.

What is the use of a collection from the GDZ in computer science for grade 8 from Bosova?

work with this type methodological literature very simple. It is enough to know the number that the teacher asked for at home. It is easy to find it in the table on the site and see the right solution. Received guidelines should be carefully considered and make the most of the benefit. Answers are given in the form of GDZ. The student has a full-fledged opportunity to see “how to do it”, and then work out the correct algorithm in practice. Among other significant advantages of using the solver, it seems important to note the following:

  • each task has a specially allocated number in the table of contents;
  • the answers are provided with detailed explanations;
  • a smartphone, tablet or computer with Internet access allows you to fully engage at any time of the day;
  • several similar solutions are given.

Regular classes will soon have a positive impact on academic performance and help the student to feel self-confidence. With this collection, you can understand that computer science is not as difficult as it seems to some students.

What paragraphs are considered in the computer science solution for the eighth grade (authors: L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova)?

  • information: discrete form of representation;
  • software, software structure;
  • measuring information;
  • creation, naming, saving, deleting file objects.