Workshop of the structure and style of the Russian language. Styles of language and styles of speech. Functional styles of the language. §2. Linguistic signs of an official business style of speech

Innovation management is a complex system for managing investments made by owners in the development of all types of innovations. It includes building organizational structures, choosing directions for innovation, optimizing investments, and various aspects of personnel management.

В теории yпpaвлeния инвecтициoнными пpoцeccaми выдeляeтcя тpи ypoвня иepapxии инвecтициoннoгo мeнeджмeнтa в нaциoнaльнoй экoнoмикe: мaкpoypoвeнь (ypoвeнь cтpaны в цeлoм), мeзoypoвeнь (ypoвeнь oтдeльныx peгиoнoв) и микpoypoвeнь (ypoвeнь oтдeльнoй кopпopaции, фиpмы, пpeдпpиятия).

Глaвнaя зaдaчa тeopии, изyчaющeй инвecтициoнныe пpoцeccы, - иccлeдoвaниe пyтeй и нaпpaвлeний иx aктивизaции, paзpaбoткa мeтoдoлoгии aдeквaтнoй экoнoмичecкoй oцeнки инвecтиций нa вcex пepeчиcлeнныx ypoвняx иepapxии инвecтициoннoгo мeнeджмeнтa, пoзвoляющeй oпpeдeлять и oбocнoвывaть для пoтeнциaльныx инвecтopoв нaибoлee эффeктивныe нaпpaвлeния влoжeния иx кaпитaлoв, a для yчacтникoв инвecтициoннoгo пpoцecca, initiating investment projects and proposals and implementing them - options for the most efficient use of investments.

For our country, with its huge territorial dimensions, transport plays one of the leading roles in the economy and social sphere. Therefore, the problem of transport, its improvement has always worried the minds of not only scientists, specialists, but also economists.

The history of transport is not much less centuries than humanity itself. Without transport, many things and even wonders of the world would not have happened, because the Egyptians, according to some scientists, brought huge blocks for building pyramids on carts.

Water transport was the first definitively formed transport system as such. Unlike caravans, rowing boats moved much faster and could cover a week's journey of a caravan in a day. Due to the fact that rowers were often sent as punishment for crimes, wages and reserves for workers were negligible, so the cost of transporting cargo here was much less than when transported by caravan. However, the water transport of those times had a significant disadvantage - a lot of goods, sometimes together with their owners, simply did not reach their destination.

Maritime piracy has been developed for many years and significantly interfered with transport interchanges. Of course, appropriate measures were taken by statesmen, but piracy did not completely eliminate this. And yet, despite the risk of being robbed or simply lost in the sea, until the middle of the nineteenth century, water transport occupied a leading position in transportation.

Currently, the Russian government is paying more and more attention to the development of transport, which in turn makes it and our country more competitive in the world market.

The transport strategy of Russia sets the bar very high, and it requires completely different approaches, as well as human, scientific, technical and technological potential. Unfortunately, until now the government has paid little attention to the introduction of highly efficient commodity-transport logistics technologies. Therefore, our transport product cost is three times higher than abroad.

Transport Strategy Goals Will Improve Productivity transport systems three to five times, and consequently, transport costs will also decrease. This will undoubtedly increase the competitiveness of both transport and domestic goods.

But for this we need to solve several basic problems.

The implementation of the strategy requires that the Ministry of Transport of Russia be given additional functions. In addition, according to the President of the Union of Transport Workers of Russia, it is necessary to create a special agency or service for innovative technologies by analogy with the United States, where the Ministry of Transport has a division (several hundred people) that studies, orders and stimulates the introduction of new technologies.

Specialists in the field of transport management believe that we have a good potential for the construction of transport infrastructure. But there is practically no mechanism for the development, adaptation and replication of "breakthrough" commodity-transport logistics technologies in the new economic formation.

Meanwhile, in the 1990s, Russia had technologies that were three to five times more efficient than foreign ones, and they could well be adapted to market conditions. Take the so-called Pavlovian method: this technology ensured the unloading and loading of wagons, the storage and delivery of goods to the client within the period fixed in tripartite agreements. At the same time, productivity increased four times, which made it possible to increase profits and reduce transportation costs.

It is worth recalling the regional transcontainer systems. Almost all industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as regional centers, for example, in the Gorky region, had container terminals. 5,000 containers with a capacity of 125 kg to 10 tons were used in the region, and they continuously ran between senders and recipients. The duties of the cargo owner included placing their goods in a container, sealing it and putting it on the container platform. The performance of transport systems and the speed of delivery of goods increased five times! And there were many such technologies.

Today we are talking about the creation of research and development centers. But in the past there were such centers even in the regions. So far there are no such centers. Often we do not know our competitors, how they manage to deliver goods "door to door" at a speed three to five times faster than us. Perhaps this is where we should start.

Thus, we see that transport management requires direct attention from the government, as it is driving force, especially in our country, to bring it to a new economic level.

Special conditions for the implementation of the production transport process put forward special requirements for its management.

Management is understood as a set of actions selected on the basis of certain information and aimed at maintaining or improving the functioning of the process (object) in accordance with the purpose of its functioning.

In our country, transport management issues are resolved in the following departments: Ministry of Transport Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (MPS of Russia) - for the railway transport of Russia and the Interdepartmental Commission. Work in the field of transport in the CIS is regulated by the Coordinating Transport Conference.

The management of pipeline transport and energy transport is not concentrated in the transport ministry, but in the relevant departments - the Ministry natural resources RF and Russian joint stock company energy and electrification (RAO ʼʼUES of Russiaʼʼ).

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has created departments for each type of transport. The allocation of an independent ministry to manage railway transport is due to historical tradition. The railway network is located in such a way that it links the whole country into a single whole.

The structure of railway management in Russia is distinguished by a four-level structure: MPS-17 railways - branch-linear enterprise. There is a two-level construction on the Trans-Siberian Railway: MPS - the Trans-Siberian railway. The Federal Aviation Service has a two-level structure: the center - the regions.

The role of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation in market conditions is to conduct public policy for complete transport support for all sectors of the economy and the population while reducing transportation costs. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation coordinates the work of different types of transport and their interaction.

The Federal Aviation Service was separated from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in 1996 ᴦ. for the purpose of flight safety control, execution of legislative and other legal acts relating to the activities of civil aviation. The Service licenses the activities of civil aviation, provides a feasibility study for projects for the development of aviation facilities, including traffic management systems, forms the transportation market, coordinates the fulfillment of obligations under international treaties in the field of civil aviation, etc.

The Interdepartmental Commission deals with the issues of organizing and ensuring the rational distribution of airspace in the interests of the economy and defense of the country, improving methods of traffic control, considering programs for equipping the bodies of the Unified Traffic Control System with technical means in peacetime and wartime.

The Coordinating Transport Conference and the Council for Railway Transport, formed after the collapse of the USSR, determine common principles for setting tariffs, coordinate the development normative documents on traffic safety, contribute to improving the efficiency of various modes of transport͵ conduct an economic analysis of the work of transport for the CIS countries.

In Russia, all means of communication of any type of transport belong to the state. Throughout the world, it is customary to concentrate transport issues in one body, as a rule, the Ministry of Transport, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ does not regulate the production activities of private enterprises.

The issues of managing the operational activities of transport enterprises are directly related to the features of the production process and transport products.

characteristic of various types of communication. Each style has its own set speech means, appropriate in a certain area, has its own genres, purpose of use.

What are the speech styles? Let's take a closer look at their classification.

Colloquial. which we communicate in everyday life. He has a large set of emotionally colored words (for example, "kid", "cool", etc.). Permissible use incomplete sentences, the meaning of which is clear from the context, informal calls. Style genres can be conversation or conversation (oral forms), notes, letters (written form).

Art style. Its purpose is to influence readers, to form their feelings and thoughts, using a variety of images. The genres of this style are prose, drama, poetry. In order to convey images, writers use all styles of speech, all the richness of the Russian language.

The scientific style is intended to explain scientific works, and its scope is a distinctive feature of scientific speech is the abundance of terms - words that have a single, most accurate, exhaustive meaning. The genres of science include reports, textbooks, essays, scientific works.

Designed for communication between citizens and institutions or institutions among themselves. For this, protocols, official letters, laws, regulations, announcements, etc. are used. There are a lot of stamps in this style ( set expressions), business vocabulary, official addresses.

Publicistic style has a strictly defined purpose. Translated from Latin, the word means "state", "public". It is needed for:

  • propaganda of ideas;
  • influence on public opinion;
  • transfer of the most important information with simultaneous influence on a person;
  • suggestion of ideas, views;
  • incentives for certain actions;
  • agitation.

The scope of this style is cultural, social, economic, political relations. It is used in the media, oratory, campaigning and political sphere. Features of the journalistic style of speech are

  • the logic of the story;
  • imagery of speech means;
  • emotionality of speeches;
  • appraisal of the story;
  • inviting speeches.

It is quite natural that no less emotional linguistic means correspond to the emotional coloring of the style. Political and social vocabulary, various types of syntactic constructions are widely used here. The use of appeals, slogans, incentive offers is allowed.

Journalism genres:

  • interview;
  • essays;
  • reports;
  • articles;
  • feuilletons;
  • speeches (oratory, judicial);
  • speeches.

To some extent, journalistic and scientific styles of speech are close. Both should reflect only verified facts, be reliable, strictly justified, specific.

Some articles or journalism speeches are even built in the likeness of a scientific text. A thesis is put forward, followed by arguments, facts, examples. Then a conclusion is made. But, unlike the scientific style, the journalistic style is characterized by high emotionality, tension, and often a personal attitude to what is happening.

Unfortunately, modern journalists do not always fulfill the requirements that are obligatory for publicists. Often their articles are based on unverified data, and some publicists use deliberately false information to create sensational material.

Building your speech, addressing someone, creating an artistic or scientific text, you need to remember: they were not invented by chance. The ability to convey one's thoughts accurately and appropriately characterizes a person as an educated, cultured person.

2. Purpose: deepen work on the definition of speech styles; learn to find elements in texts that indicate style; independently draw conclusions and justify their answers; develop the ability to use socio-political vocabulary, means of journalistic style, emotional impact on the listener, reader;

3. Learning objectives:

The student must know:

- develop logical thinking, memory, ability to analyze; develop self-control skills; develop the ability to highlight the main thing from the text and generalize the material received; develop vocabulary skills.

The student must be able to:

- practical knowledge of the modern Russian literary language in different areas the functioning of the Russian language, in its written and oral varieties; mastering new knowledge and skills in this area and improving existing ones, deepening the understanding of the main characteristic properties of the Russian language as a means of communication and information transfer;

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. general characteristics functional styles of speech.

General characteristics of functional speech styles

Functional speech styles- a historically established system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; variety literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

scientific style

Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The scope of this style is science, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, training, etc. Its main function is to communicate information, as well as to prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and real nouns.

Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (uniqueness), clarity, and generalization.

Formal business style

business style used for communication, informing in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used to draw up documents: laws, orders, decrees, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, jurist, diplomat, just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative and legal relations. This style is more common in writing speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue.

Style features - imperative (dutiful character), accuracy that does not allow two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, accurate selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is information (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabbreviated words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Journalistic style

serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, appraisal, invocativeness. This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee. It is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving). The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, form a certain attitude to public affairs

Art style

The art style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. Emotionality artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

Conversational style

The colloquial style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. Differs in great semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness.

Usual form of implementation conversational style- dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Language means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with subjective evaluation suffixes; using incomplete sentences introductory words, word-addresses, interjections, modal particles, repetitions, inversion, etc.

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