What X-ray radiation is considered hard. All about the doses and dangers of x-ray exposure in medicine. Position on the scale of electromagnetic waves

X-rays are a type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. It is actively used in various branches of medicine.

X-rays are electromagnetic waves whose photon energy is on a scale electromagnetic waves lies between ultraviolet radiation and gamma radiation (from ~10 eV to ~1 MeV), which corresponds to wavelengths from ~10^3 to ~10^−2 angstroms (from ~10^−7 to ~10^−12 m) . That is, it is incomparably harder radiation than visible light, which is on this scale between ultraviolet and infrared ("thermal") rays.

The boundary between X-rays and gamma radiation is distinguished conditionally: their ranges intersect, gamma rays can have an energy of 1 keV. They differ in origin: gamma rays are emitted during processes occurring in atomic nuclei, while x-rays - during processes involving electrons (both free and in electronic shells atoms). At the same time, it is impossible to determine from the photon itself during which process it arose, that is, the division into the X-ray and gamma ranges is largely arbitrary.

The x-ray range is divided into "soft x-ray" and "hard". The boundary between them lies at the wavelength level of 2 angstroms and 6 keV of energy.

Generator x-ray radiation is a tube in which a vacuum is created. There are electrodes - a cathode, to which a negative charge is applied, and a positively charged anode. The voltage between them is tens to hundreds of kilovolts. The generation of X-ray photons occurs when electrons “break off” from the cathode and crash into the anode surface at high speed. The resulting X-ray radiation is called "bremsstrahlung", its photons have different wavelengths.

At the same time, photons of the characteristic spectrum are generated. Part of the electrons in the atoms of the anode substance is excited, that is, it goes to higher orbits, and then returns to its normal state, emitting photons of a certain wavelength. Both types of X-rays are produced in a standard generator.

Discovery history

On November 8, 1895, the German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered that some substances under the influence of "cathode rays", that is, the flow of electrons generated by a cathode ray tube, begin to glow. He explained this phenomenon by the influence of certain X-rays - so (“X-rays”) this radiation is now called in many languages. Later V.K. Roentgen studied the phenomenon he had discovered. On December 22, 1895, he gave a lecture on this topic at the University of Würzburg.

Later it turned out that X-ray radiation had been observed before, but then the phenomena associated with it were not given of great importance. The cathode ray tube was invented a long time ago, but before V.K. X-ray, no one paid much attention to the blackening of photographic plates near it, etc. phenomena. The danger posed by penetrating radiation was also unknown.

Types and their effect on the body

"X-ray" is the mildest type of penetrating radiation. Overexposure to soft x-rays is similar to ultraviolet exposure, but in a more severe form. A burn forms on the skin, but the lesion is deeper, and it heals much more slowly.

Hard X-ray is a full-fledged ionizing radiation that can lead to radiation sickness. X-ray quanta can break the protein molecules that make up the tissues of the human body, as well as the DNA molecules of the genome. But even if an X-ray quantum breaks a water molecule, it doesn't matter: in this case, chemically active free radicals H and OH are formed, which themselves are able to act on proteins and DNA. Radiation sickness proceeds in a more severe form, the more the hematopoietic organs are affected.

X-rays have mutagenic and carcinogenic activity. This means that the probability of spontaneous mutations in cells during irradiation increases, and sometimes healthy cells can degenerate into cancerous ones. Increasing the likelihood of malignant tumors is a standard consequence of any exposure, including x-rays. X-rays are the least dangerous type of penetrating radiation, but they can still be dangerous.

X-ray radiation: application and how it works

X-ray radiation is used in medicine, as well as in other areas of human activity.

Fluoroscopy and computed tomography

The most common use of X-rays is fluoroscopy. "Silence" of the human body allows you to get a detailed image of both the bones (they are most clearly visible) and images of the internal organs.

Different transparency of body tissues in x-rays is associated with their chemical composition. Features of the structure of bones is that they contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. Other tissues are composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. The phosphorus atom is almost twice as heavy as the oxygen atom, and the calcium atom is 2.5 times (carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen are even lighter than oxygen). In this regard, the absorption of X-ray photons in the bones is much higher.

In addition to two-dimensional "pictures", radiography makes it possible to create a three-dimensional image of an organ: this kind of radiography is called computed tomography. For these purposes, soft x-rays are used. The amount of exposure received in a single image is small: it is approximately equal to the exposure received during a 2-hour flight in an airplane at an altitude of 10 km.

X-ray flaw detection allows you to detect small internal defects in products. Hard x-rays are used for it, since many materials (metal, for example) are poorly “translucent” due to the high atomic mass of their constituent substance.

X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence analysis

At x-rays properties allow using them to examine individual atoms in detail. X-ray diffraction analysis actively used in chemistry (including biochemistry) and crystallography. The principle of its operation is the diffraction scattering of X-rays by atoms of crystals or complex molecules. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, the structure of the DNA molecule was determined.

X-ray fluorescence analysis allows you to quickly determine chemical composition substances.

There are many forms of radiotherapy, but they all involve the use of ionizing radiation. Radiotherapy is divided into 2 types: corpuscular and wave. Corpuscular uses flows of alpha particles (nuclei of helium atoms), beta particles (electrons), neutrons, protons, heavy ions. Wave uses rays of the electromagnetic spectrum - x-rays and gamma.

Radiotherapy methods are used primarily for the treatment of oncological diseases. The fact is that radiation primarily affects actively dividing cells, which is why the hematopoietic organs suffer this way (their cells are constantly dividing, producing more and more new red blood cells). Cancer cells are also constantly dividing and are more vulnerable to radiation than healthy tissue.

A level of radiation is used that suppresses the activity of cancer cells, while moderately affecting healthy ones. Under the influence of radiation, it is not the destruction of cells as such, but the damage to their genome - DNA molecules. A cell with a destroyed genome may exist for some time, but can no longer divide, that is, tumor growth stops.

Radiation therapy is the mildest form of radiotherapy. Wave radiation is softer than corpuscular radiation, and X-rays are softer than gamma radiation.

During pregnancy

It is dangerous to use ionizing radiation during pregnancy. X-rays are mutagenic and can cause abnormalities in the fetus. X-ray therapy is incompatible with pregnancy: it can only be used if it has already been decided to have an abortion. Restrictions on fluoroscopy are softer, but in the first months it is also strictly prohibited.

In case of emergency, X-ray examination is replaced by magnetic resonance imaging. But in the first trimester they try to avoid it too (this method has appeared recently, and with absolute certainty to speak about the absence of harmful consequences).

An unequivocal danger arises when exposed to a total dose of at least 1 mSv (in old units - 100 mR). With a simple x-ray (for example, when undergoing fluorography), the patient receives about 50 times less. In order to receive such a dose at a time, you need to undergo a detailed computed tomography.

That is, the mere fact of a 1-2-fold “X-ray” at an early stage of pregnancy does not threaten with serious consequences (but it’s better not to risk it).

Treatment with it

X-rays are used primarily in the fight against malignant tumors. This method is good because it is highly effective: it kills the tumor. It is bad because healthy tissues are not much better, there are numerous side effects. The organs of hematopoiesis are at particular risk.

In practice, various methods are used to reduce the effect of x-rays on healthy tissues. The beams are directed at an angle in such a way that a tumor appears in the zone of their intersection (due to this, the main absorption of energy occurs just there). Sometimes the procedure is performed in motion: the patient's body rotates relative to the radiation source around an axis passing through the tumor. At the same time, healthy tissues are in the irradiation zone only sometimes, and the sick - all the time.

X-rays are used in the treatment of certain arthrosis and similar diseases, as well as skin diseases. In this case, the pain syndrome is reduced by 50-90%. Since the radiation is used in this case is softer, side effects similar to those that occur in the treatment of tumors are not observed.

1. Great penetrating and ionizing ability.

2. Not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

3. They have a photochemical effect.

4. Cause the glow of substances.

5. Reflection, refraction and diffraction as in visible radiation.

6. Have a biological effect on living cells.

1. Interaction with matter

The wavelength of X-rays is comparable to the size of atoms, so there is no material that could be used to make an X-ray lens. In addition, when X-rays are incident perpendicular to the surface, they are almost not reflected. Despite this, in X-ray optics, methods have been found for constructing optical elements for X-rays. In particular, it turned out that diamond reflects them well.

X-rays can penetrate matter, and various substances absorb them differently. The absorption of x-rays is their most important property in x-ray photography. The intensity of X-rays decreases exponentially depending on the path traveled in the absorbing layer (I = I0e-kd, where d is the layer thickness, the coefficient k is proportional to Z³λ³, Z is atomic number element, λ is the wavelength).

Absorption occurs as a result of photoabsorption (photoelectric effect) and Compton scattering:

Photoabsorption is understood as the process of knocking out an electron from the shell of an atom by a photon, which requires that the photon energy be greater than a certain minimum value. If we consider the probability of the act of absorption depending on the energy of the photon, then when a certain energy is reached, it (probability) increases sharply to its maximum value. For higher energies, the probability continuously decreases. Because of this dependence, it is said that there is an absorption limit. The place of the electron knocked out during the act of absorption is occupied by another electron, while radiation with a lower photon energy is emitted, the so-called. fluorescence process.

An X-ray photon can interact not only with bound electrons, but also with free and weakly bound electrons. There is a scattering of photons on electrons - the so-called. Compton scattering. Depending on the scattering angle, the wavelength of a photon increases by a certain amount and, accordingly, the energy decreases. Compton scattering, compared to photoabsorption, becomes predominant at higher photon energies.

In addition to these processes, there is one more fundamental possibility of absorption - due to the appearance of electron-positron pairs. However, this requires energies greater than 1.022 MeV, which lie outside the above X-ray emission boundary (<250 кэВ). Однако при другом подходе, когда "ренгеновским" называется излучение, возникшее при взаимодействии электрона и ядра или только электронов, такой процесс имеет место быть. Кроме того, очень жесткое рентгеновское излучение с энергией кванта более 1 МэВ, способно вызвать Ядерный фотоэффект.


2. Biological impact

X-rays are ionizing. It affects the tissues of living organisms and can cause radiation sickness, radiation burns, and malignant tumors. For this reason, protective measures must be taken when working with X-rays. It is believed that the damage is directly proportional to the absorbed dose of radiation. X-ray radiation is a mutagenic factor.


3. Registration

Luminescence effect. X-rays can cause some substances to glow (fluorescence). This effect is used in medical diagnostics during fluoroscopy (observation of an image on a fluorescent screen) and X-ray photography (radiography). Medical photographic films are usually used in combination with intensifying screens, which include X-ray phosphors, which glow under the action of X-rays and illuminate the light-sensitive photographic emulsion. The method of obtaining a life-size image is called radiography. With fluorography, the image is obtained on a reduced scale. A luminescent substance (scintillator) can be optically connected to an electronic light detector (photomultiplier tube, photodiode, etc.), the resulting device is called a scintillation detector. It allows you to register individual photons and measure their energy, since the energy of a scintillation flash is proportional to the energy of an absorbed photon.

photographic effect. X-rays, as well as ordinary light, are able to directly illuminate the photographic emulsion. However, without the fluorescent layer, this requires 30-100 times the exposure (i.e. dose). This method (known as screenless radiography) has the advantage of sharper images.

In semiconductor detectors, X-rays produce electron-hole pairs in the p-n junction of a diode connected in the blocking direction. In this case, a small current flows, the amplitude of which is proportional to the energy and intensity of the incident X-ray radiation. In the pulsed mode, it is possible to register individual X-ray photons and measure their energy.

Individual X-ray photons can also be registered using gas-filled detectors of ionizing radiation (Geiger counter, proportional chamber, etc.).


With the help of X-rays, it is possible to “enlighten” the human body, as a result of which it is possible to obtain an image of the bones, and in modern instruments, of internal organs (see also X-ray). This uses the fact that the element calcium (Z=20) contained mainly in the bones has an atomic number much larger than the atomic numbers of the elements that make up soft tissues, namely hydrogen (Z=1), carbon (Z=6) , nitrogen (Z=7), oxygen (Z=8). In addition to conventional devices that give a two-dimensional projection of the object under study, there are computed tomographs that allow you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the internal organs.

The detection of defects in products (rails, welds, etc.) using X-rays is called X-ray flaw detection.

In materials science, crystallography, chemistry and biochemistry, X-rays are used to elucidate the structure of substances at the atomic level using X-ray diffraction scattering (X-ray diffraction analysis). A famous example is the determination of the structure of DNA.

In addition, X-rays can be used to determine the chemical composition of a substance. In an electron beam microprobe (or in an electron microscope), the analyzed substance is irradiated with electrons, while the atoms are ionized and emit characteristic x-ray radiation. X-rays can be used instead of electrons. This analytical method is called X-ray fluorescence analysis.

At airports, X-ray television introscopes are actively used, which allow viewing the contents of hand luggage and luggage in order to visually detect dangerous objects on the monitor screen.

X-ray therapy is a section of radiation therapy that covers the theory and practice of the therapeutic use of X-rays generated at an X-ray tube voltage of 20-60 kV and a skin-focal distance of 3-7 cm (short-range radiotherapy) or at a voltage of 180-400 kV and a skin-focal distance 30-150 cm (remote radiotherapy).

X-ray therapy is carried out mainly with superficially located tumors and with some other diseases, including skin diseases (ultrasoft X-rays of Bucca).


natural x-rays

On Earth, electromagnetic radiation in the X-ray range is formed as a result of ionization of atoms by radiation that occurs during radioactive decay, as a result of the Compton effect of gamma radiation that occurs during nuclear reactions, and also by cosmic radiation. Radioactive decay also leads to direct emission of X-ray quanta if it causes a rearrangement of the electron shell of the decaying atom (for example, during electron capture). X-ray radiation that occurs on other celestial bodies does not reach the Earth's surface, as it is completely absorbed by the atmosphere. It is being explored by satellite X-ray telescopes such as Chandra and XMM-Newton.

Radiology is a section of radiology that studies the effects of X-ray radiation on the body of animals and humans arising from this disease, their treatment and prevention, as well as methods for diagnosing various pathologies using X-rays (X-ray diagnostics). A typical X-ray diagnostic apparatus includes a power supply (transformers), a high-voltage rectifier that converts the alternating current of the electrical network into direct current, a control panel, a tripod and an X-ray tube.

X-rays are a type of electromagnetic oscillations that are formed in an X-ray tube during a sharp deceleration of accelerated electrons at the moment of their collision with the atoms of the anode substance. At present, the point of view is generally accepted that X-rays, by their physical nature, are one of the types of radiant energy, the spectrum of which also includes radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays and gamma rays of radioactive elements. X-ray radiation can be characterized as a collection of its smallest particles - quanta or photons.

Rice. 1 - mobile x-ray machine:

A - x-ray tube;
B - power supply;
B - adjustable tripod.

Rice. 2 - X-ray machine control panel (mechanical - on the left and electronic - on the right):

A - panel for adjusting exposure and hardness;
B - high voltage supply button.

Rice. 3 is a block diagram of a typical x-ray machine

1 - network;
2 - autotransformer;
3 - step-up transformer;
4 - x-ray tube;
5 - anode;
6 - cathode;
7 - step-down transformer.

Mechanism of X-ray production

X-rays are formed at the moment of collision of a stream of accelerated electrons with the anode material. When electrons interact with a target, 99% of their kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy and only 1% into X-rays.

An X-ray tube consists of a glass container in which 2 electrodes are soldered: a cathode and an anode. Air is pumped out of the glass cylinder: the movement of electrons from the cathode to the anode is possible only under conditions of relative vacuum (10 -7 -10 -8 mm Hg). On the cathode there is a filament, which is a tightly twisted tungsten filament. When an electric current is applied to the filament, electron emission occurs, in which electrons are separated from the spiral and form an electron cloud near the cathode. This cloud is concentrated at the focusing cup of the cathode, which sets the direction of electron movement. Cup - a small depression in the cathode. The anode, in turn, contains a tungsten metal plate on which the electrons are focused - this is the site of the formation of x-rays.

Rice. 4 - X-ray tube device:

A - cathode;
B - anode;
B - tungsten filament;
G - focusing cup of the cathode;
D - stream of accelerated electrons;
E - tungsten target;
G - glass flask;
З - a window from beryllium;
And - formed x-rays;
K - aluminum filter.

2 transformers are connected to the electron tube: step-down and step-up. A step-down transformer heats the tungsten filament with a low voltage (5-15 volts), resulting in electron emission. A step-up, or high-voltage, transformer goes directly to the cathode and anode, which are supplied with a voltage of 20–140 kilovolts. Both transformers are placed in the high-voltage block of the X-ray machine, which is filled with transformer oil, which provides cooling of the transformers and their reliable insulation.

After an electron cloud has formed with the help of a step-down transformer, the step-up transformer is turned on, and high-voltage voltage is applied to both poles of the electrical circuit: a positive pulse to the anode, and a negative pulse to the cathode. Negatively charged electrons are repelled from a negatively charged cathode and tend to a positively charged anode - due to such a potential difference, a high speed of movement is achieved - 100 thousand km / s. At this speed, electrons bombard the tungsten anode plate, completing an electrical circuit, resulting in X-rays and thermal energy.

X-ray radiation is subdivided into bremsstrahlung and characteristic. Bremsstrahlung occurs due to a sharp deceleration of the speed of electrons emitted by a tungsten filament. Characteristic radiation occurs at the moment of rearrangement of the electron shells of atoms. Both of these types are formed in an X-ray tube at the moment of collision of accelerated electrons with atoms of the anode material. The emission spectrum of an X-ray tube is a superposition of bremsstrahlung and characteristic X-rays.

Rice. 5 - the principle of the formation of bremsstrahlung X-rays.
Rice. 6 - the principle of formation of the characteristic x-ray radiation.

Basic properties of X-rays

  1. X-rays are invisible to visual perception.
  2. X-ray radiation has a great penetrating power through the organs and tissues of a living organism, as well as dense structures of inanimate nature, which do not transmit visible light rays.
  3. X-rays cause certain chemical compounds to glow, called fluorescence.
  • Zinc and cadmium sulfides fluoresce yellow-green,
  • Crystals of calcium tungstate - violet-blue.
  • X-rays have a photochemical effect: they decompose silver compounds with halogens and cause blackening of photographic layers, forming an image on an x-ray.
  • X-rays transfer their energy to the atoms and molecules of the environment through which they pass, exhibiting an ionizing effect.
  • X-ray radiation has a pronounced biological effect in irradiated organs and tissues: in small doses it stimulates metabolism, in large doses it can lead to the development of radiation injuries, as well as acute radiation sickness. The biological property allows the use of X-rays for the treatment of tumor and some non-tumor diseases.
  • Scale of electromagnetic oscillations

    X-rays have a specific wavelength and frequency of oscillation. Wavelength (λ) and oscillation frequency (ν) are related by the relationship: λ ν = c, where c is the speed of light, rounded to 300,000 km per second. The energy of X-rays is determined by the formula E = h ν, where h is Planck's constant, a universal constant equal to 6.626 10 -34 J⋅s. The wavelength of the rays (λ) is related to their energy (E) by the relation: λ = 12.4 / E.

    X-ray radiation differs from other types of electromagnetic oscillations in wavelength (see table) and quantum energy. The shorter the wavelength, the higher its frequency, energy and penetrating power. The X-ray wavelength is in the range

    . By changing the wavelength of X-ray radiation, it is possible to control its penetrating power. X-rays have a very short wavelength, but a high frequency of oscillation, so they are invisible to the human eye. Due to their enormous energy, quanta have a high penetrating power, which is one of the main properties that ensure the use of X-rays in medicine and other sciences.

    X-ray characteristics

    Intensity- quantitative characteristic of x-ray radiation, which is expressed by the number of rays emitted by the tube per unit time. The intensity of X-rays is measured in milliamps. Comparing it with the intensity of visible light from a conventional incandescent lamp, we can draw an analogy: for example, a 20-watt lamp will shine with one intensity, or power, and a 200-watt lamp will shine with another, while the quality of the light itself (its spectrum) is the same . The intensity of X-ray radiation is, in fact, its quantity. Each electron creates one or more radiation quanta on the anode, therefore, the amount of X-rays during exposure of the object is regulated by changing the number of electrons tending to the anode and the number of interactions of electrons with atoms of the tungsten target, which can be done in two ways:

    1. By changing the degree of incandescence of the cathode spiral using a step-down transformer (the number of electrons generated during emission will depend on how hot the tungsten spiral is, and the number of radiation quanta will depend on the number of electrons);
    2. By changing the value of the high voltage supplied by the step-up transformer to the poles of the tube - the cathode and the anode (the higher the voltage is applied to the poles of the tube, the more kinetic energy the electrons receive, which, due to their energy, can interact with several atoms of the anode substance in turn - see Fig. rice. 5; electrons with low energy will be able to enter into a smaller number of interactions).

    The X-ray intensity (anode current) multiplied by the exposure (tube time) corresponds to the X-ray exposure, which is measured in mAs (milliamps per second). Exposure is a parameter that, like intensity, characterizes the amount of rays emitted by an x-ray tube. The only difference is that the exposure also takes into account the operating time of the tube (for example, if the tube works for 0.01 sec, then the number of rays will be one, and if 0.02 sec, then the number of rays will be different - twice more). The radiation exposure is set by the radiologist on the control panel of the X-ray machine, depending on the type of examination, the size of the object under study and the diagnostic task.

    Rigidity- qualitative characteristic of x-ray radiation. It is measured by the high voltage on the tube - in kilovolts. Determines the penetrating power of x-rays. It is regulated by the high voltage supplied to the X-ray tube by a step-up transformer. The higher the potential difference is created on the electrodes of the tube, the more force the electrons repel from the cathode and rush to the anode, and the stronger their collision with the anode. The stronger their collision, the shorter the wavelength of the resulting X-ray radiation and the higher the penetrating power of this wave (or the hardness of the radiation, which, like the intensity, is regulated on the control panel by the voltage parameter on the tube - kilovoltage).

    Rice. 7 - Dependence of the wavelength on the energy of the wave:

    λ - wavelength;
    E - wave energy

    • The higher the kinetic energy of moving electrons, the stronger their impact on the anode and the shorter the wavelength of the resulting X-ray radiation. X-ray radiation with a long wavelength and low penetrating power is called "soft", with a short wavelength and high penetrating power - "hard".
    Rice. 8 - The ratio of the voltage on the X-ray tube and the wavelength of the resulting X-ray radiation:
    • The higher the voltage is applied to the poles of the tube, the stronger the potential difference appears on them, therefore, the kinetic energy of moving electrons will be higher. The voltage on the tube determines the speed of the electrons and the force of their collision with the anode material, therefore, the voltage determines the wavelength of the resulting X-ray radiation.

    Classification of x-ray tubes

    1. By appointment
      1. Diagnostic
      2. Therapeutic
      3. For structural analysis
      4. For transillumination
    2. By design
      1. By focus
    • Single-focus (one spiral on the cathode, and one focal spot on the anode)
    • Bifocal (two spirals of different sizes on the cathode, and two focal spots on the anode)
    1. By type of anode
    • Stationary (fixed)
    • Rotating

    X-rays are used not only for radiodiagnostic purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes. As noted above, the ability of X-ray radiation to suppress the growth of tumor cells makes it possible to use it in radiation therapy of oncological diseases. In addition to the medical field of application, X-ray radiation has found wide application in the engineering and technical field, materials science, crystallography, chemistry and biochemistry: for example, it is possible to identify structural defects in various products (rails, welds, etc.) using X-ray radiation. The type of such research is called defectoscopy. And at airports, railway stations and other crowded places, X-ray television introscopes are actively used to scan hand luggage and luggage for security purposes.

    Depending on the type of anode, X-ray tubes differ in design. Due to the fact that 99% of the kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into thermal energy, during the operation of the tube, the anode is significantly heated - the sensitive tungsten target often burns out. The anode is cooled in modern X-ray tubes by rotating it. The rotating anode has the shape of a disk, which distributes heat evenly over its entire surface, preventing local overheating of the tungsten target.

    The design of X-ray tubes also differs in focus. Focal spot - the section of the anode on which the working X-ray beam is generated. It is subdivided into the real focal spot and the effective focal spot ( rice. 12). Due to the angle of the anode, the effective focal spot is smaller than the real one. Different focal spot sizes are used depending on the size of the image area. The larger the image area, the wider the focal spot must be to cover the entire image area. However, a smaller focal spot produces better image clarity. Therefore, when producing small images, a short filament is used and the electrons are directed to a small area of ​​the anode target, creating a smaller focal spot.

    Rice. 9 - x-ray tube with a stationary anode.
    Rice. 10 - X-ray tube with a rotating anode.
    Rice. 11 - X-ray tube device with a rotating anode.
    Rice. 12 is a diagram of the formation of a real and effective focal spot.

    1. Bremsstrahlung and characteristic x-rays,

    basic properties and characteristics.

    In 1895, the German scientist Roentgen first discovered the glow of a fluorescent screen, which was caused by radiation invisible to the eye coming from a portion of the gas discharge tube glass located opposite the cathode. This type of radiation had the ability to pass through substances impenetrable to visible light. Roentgen called them X-rays and established the basic properties that make it possible to use them in various branches of science and technology, including medicine.

    X-ray is called radiation with a wavelength of 80-10 -5 nm. Long-wave X-ray radiation overlaps short-wave UV radiation, short-wave overlaps with long-wave g-radiation. In medicine, X-ray radiation with a wavelength of 10 to 0.005 nm is used, which corresponds to a photon energy of 10 2 EV to 0.5 MeV. X-ray radiation is invisible to the eye, therefore, all observations with it are made using fluorescent screens or photographic films, since it causes x-ray luminescence and has a photochemical effect. It is characteristic that the majority of bodies that are impenetrable to optical radiation are largely transparent to X-ray radiation, which has properties common to electromagnetic waves. However, due to the smallness of the wavelength, some properties are difficult to detect. Therefore, the wave nature of radiation was established much later than their discovery.

    According to the method of excitation, X-ray radiation is divided into bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation.

    Bremsstrahlung X-rays are due to the deceleration of fast moving electrons by the electric field of the atom (nucleus and electrons) of the substance through which they fly. The mechanism of this radiation can be explained by the fact that any moving charge is a current around which a magnetic field is created, the induction (B) of which depends on the speed of the electron. When braking, the magnetic induction decreases and, in accordance with Maxwell's theory, an electromagnetic wave appears.

    When electrons decelerate, only part of the energy goes to create an X-ray photon, the other part is spent on heating the anode. The frequency (wavelength) of a photon depends on the initial kinetic energy of the electron and the intensity of its deceleration. Moreover, even if the initial kinetic energy is the same, then the deceleration conditions in the substance will be different, therefore, the emitted photons will have the most diverse energy, and, consequently, the wavelength, i.e. the X-ray spectrum will be continuous. Figure 1 shows the bremsstrahlung spectrum at different voltages U 1


    If U is expressed in kilovolts and the ratio between other quantities is taken into account, then the formula looks like: l k \u003d 1.24 / U (nm) or l k \u003d 1.24 / U (Å) (1Å \u003d 10 -10 m).

    From the graphs above, it can be established that the wavelength l m, which accounts for the maximum radiation energy, is in constant relation to the limiting wavelength l k:


    The wavelength characterizes the energy of a photon, on which the penetrating power of radiation depends when it interacts with matter.

    Short-wavelength X-rays usually have a high penetrating power and are called hard, while long-wavelength X-rays are called soft. As can be seen from the above formula, the wavelength at which the maximum radiation energy falls is inversely proportional to the voltage between the anode and cathode of the tube. Increasing the voltage at the anode of the x-ray tube, change the spectral composition of the radiation and increase its hardness.

    When the filament voltage changes (the filament temperature of the cathode changes), the number of electrons emitted by the cathode per unit time changes, or, accordingly, the current strength in the tube anode circuit. In this case, the radiation power changes in proportion to the first power of the current. The spectral composition of the radiation will not change.

    The total flux (power) of radiation, the distribution of energy over wavelengths, and also the boundary of the spectrum on the side of short wavelengths depend on the following three factors: the voltage U that accelerates the electrons and is applied between the anode and cathode of the tube; the number of electrons involved in the formation of radiation, i.e. tube filament current; atomic number Z of the anode material, in which the electron deceleration occurs.

    The bremsstrahlung flux is calculated by the formula: , where ,

    Z-serial number of an atom of a substance (atomic number).

    By increasing the voltage on the x-ray tube, one can notice the appearance of separate lines (line spectrum) against the background of continuous bremsstrahlung radiation, which corresponds to the characteristic x-ray radiation. It arises during the transition of electrons between the inner shells of atoms in a substance (shells K, L, M). The line character of the characteristic radiation spectrum arises due to the fact that accelerated electrons penetrate deep into the atoms and knock out electrons from their inner layers outside the atom. Electrons (Fig. 2) from the upper layers pass to free places, as a result of which X-ray photons are emitted with a frequency corresponding to the difference in the transition energy levels. The lines in the spectrum of characteristic radiation are combined into series corresponding to transitions of electrons with a higher level at the level of K, L, M.

    The external action, as a result of which the electron is knocked out of the inner layers, must be strong enough. In contrast to optical spectra, the characteristic x-ray spectra of different atoms are of the same type. The uniformity of these spectra is due to the fact that the inner layers of different atoms are the same and differ only energetically, because the force effect from the side of the nucleus increases as the ordinal number of the element increases. This leads to the fact that the characteristic spectra shift towards higher frequencies with increasing nuclear charge. This relationship is known as Moseley's law: , where A and B are constants; Z-order number of the element.

    There is another difference between X-ray and optical spectra. The characteristic spectrum of an atom does not depend on the chemical compound in which the atom is included. So, for example, the X-ray spectrum of the oxygen atom is the same for O, O 2 , H 2 O, while the optical spectra of these compounds are significantly different. This feature of the x-ray spectra of atoms served as the basis for the name "characteristic".

    Characteristic radiation occurs whenever there are free places in the inner layers of an atom, regardless of the reasons that caused it. For example, it accompanies one of the types of radioactive decay, which consists in the capture of an electron from the inner layer by the nucleus.

    2. The device of x-ray tubes and protozoa

    x-ray machine.

    The most common source of X-ray radiation is an X-ray tube - a two-electrode vacuum device (Fig. 3). It is a glass container (p = 10 -6 - 10 -7 mm Hg) with two electrodes - anode A and cathode K, between which a high voltage is created. The heated cathode (K) emits electrons. Anode A is often referred to as the anticathode. It has an inclined surface in order to direct the resulting X-ray radiation at an angle to the axis of the tube. The anode is made of a metal with good thermal conductivity (copper) to remove the heat generated by the impact of electrons. At the beveled end of the anode there is a plate Z made of refractory metal (tungsten) with a high atomic number, called the anode mirror. In some cases, the anode is specially cooled with water or oil. For diagnostic tubes, the pinpointness of the X-ray source is important, which can be achieved by focusing the electrons in one place of the anode. Therefore, constructively, two opposite tasks have to be taken into account: on the one hand, electrons must fall on one place of the anode, on the other hand, in order to prevent overheating, it is desirable to distribute electrons over different parts of the anode. For this reason, some X-ray tubes are manufactured with a rotating anode.

    In a tube of any design, electrons accelerated by the voltage between the anode and the cathode fall on the anode mirror and penetrate deep into the substance, interact with atoms and are decelerated by the field of atoms. This produces bremsstrahlung X-rays. Simultaneously with the bremsstrahlung, a small amount (several percent) of characteristic radiation is formed. Only 1-2% of the electrons that hit the anode cause bremsstrahlung, and the rest cause a thermal effect. For the concentration of electrons, the cathode has a guide cap. The part of the tungsten mirror on which the main electron flow falls is called the focus of the tube. The width of the radiation beam depends on its area (focus sharpness).

    To power the tube, two sources are required: a high voltage source for the anode circuit and a low voltage source (6-8 V) to power the filament circuit. Both sources must be independently regulated. By changing the anode voltage, the hardness of the X-ray radiation is regulated, and by changing the incandescence, the current of the output circuit and, accordingly, the radiation power.

    Schematic diagram of the simplest X-ray machine is shown in Fig.4. The circuit has two high voltage transformers Tr.1 and Tr.2 for powering the filament. The high voltage on the tube is regulated by an autotransformer Tr.3 connected to the primary winding of the transformer Tr.1. Switch K regulates the number of turns of the autotransformer winding. In this regard, the voltage of the secondary winding of the transformer, supplied to the anode of the tube, also changes, i.e. hardness is adjustable.

    The filament current of the tube is regulated by a rheostat R, included in the primary circuit of the transformer Tr.2. The anode circuit current is measured with a milliammeter. The voltage applied to the electrodes of the tube is measured with a kV kilovoltmeter, or the voltage in the anode circuit can be judged by the position of the switch K. The filament current, regulated by the rheostat, is measured with an ammeter A. In the scheme under consideration, the x-ray tube simultaneously rectifies a high alternating voltage.

    It is easy to see that such a tube radiates only in one half-cycle of alternating current. Therefore, its power will be small. In order to increase the radiated power, many devices use high-voltage full-wave X-ray rectifiers. For this purpose, 4 special kenotrons are used, which are connected in a bridge circuit. An x-ray tube is included in one diagonal of the bridge.

    3. Interaction of X-ray radiation with matter

    (coherent scattering, incoherent scattering, photoelectric effect).

    When X-rays fall on a body, it is reflected from it in a small amount, but mostly passes deep into. In the mass of the body, radiation is partially absorbed, partially scattered, and partially passes through. Passing through the body, X-ray photons interact mainly with the electrons of the atoms and molecules of the substance. Registration and use of X-ray radiation, as well as its impact on biological objects, is determined by the primary processes of interaction of an X-ray photon with electrons. Three main processes take place depending on the ratio of photon energy E and ionization energy AI.

    a) coherent scattering.

    Scattering of long-wavelength X-rays occurs mainly without changing the wavelength, and it is called coherent. The interaction of a photon with the electrons of the inner shells, tightly bound to the nucleus, only changes its direction, without changing its energy, and hence the wavelength (Fig. 5).

    Coherent scattering occurs if the photon energy is less than the ionization energy: E = hn<А И. Так как энергия фотона и энергия атома не изменяется, то когерентное рассеяние не вызывает биологического действия. Однако при создании защиты от рентгеновского излучения следует учитывать возможность изменения направления первичного пучка.

    b) Incoherent scattering (Compton effect).

    In 1922, A. Compton, observing the scattering of hard X-rays, discovered a decrease in the penetrating power of the scattered beam compared to the incident beam. The scattering of X-rays with changing wavelength is called the Compton effect. It occurs when a photon of any energy interacts with the electrons of the outer shells of atoms weakly bound to the nucleus (Fig. 6). An electron is detached from an atom (such electrons are called recoil electrons). The energy of the photon decreases (the wavelength increases accordingly), and the direction of its movement also changes. The Compton effect occurs if the X-ray photon energy is greater than the ionization energy: , . In this case, recoil electrons with kinetic energy E K appear. Atoms and molecules become ions. If E K is significant, then electrons can ionize neighboring atoms by collision, forming new (secondary) electrons.

    in) Photoelectric effect.

    If the energy of a photon hn is sufficient to detach an electron, then when interacting with an atom, the photon is absorbed, and the electron is detached from it. This phenomenon is called the photoelectric effect. The atom is ionized (photoinization). In this case, the electron acquires kinetic energy and, if the latter is significant, then it can ionize neighboring atoms by collision, forming new (secondary) electrons. If the photon energy is insufficient for ionization, then the photoelectric effect can manifest itself in the excitation of an atom or molecule. In some substances, this leads to the subsequent emission of photons in the visible radiation region (X-ray luminescence), and in tissues, to the activation of molecules and photochemical reactions.

    The photoelectric effect is typical for photons with an energy of the order of 0.5-1 MeV.

    The three main interaction processes discussed above are primary, they lead to subsequent secondary, tertiary, etc. phenomena. When X-ray radiation enters a substance, a number of processes can occur before the energy of an X-ray photon is converted into the energy of thermal motion.

    As a result of the above processes, the primary X-ray flux is weakened. This process obeys Bouguer's law. We write it in the form: Ф =Ф 0 e - mх, where m is a linear attenuation coefficient, depending on the nature of the substance (mainly on density and atomic number) and on the radiation wavelength (photon energy). It can be represented as consisting of three terms corresponding to coherent scattering, incoherent scattering, and the photoelectric effect: .

    Since the linear absorption coefficient depends on the density of the substance, it is preferable to use the mass attenuation coefficient, which is equal to the ratio of the linear attenuation coefficient to the density of the absorber and does not depend on the density of the substance. The dependence of the X-ray flux (intensity) on the thickness of the absorbing filter is shown in Fig. 7 for H 2 O, Al, and Cu. Calculations show that a layer of water 36 mm thick, aluminum 15 mm and copper 1.6 mm reduce the X-ray intensity by 2 times. This thickness is called the half layer thickness d. If a substance attenuates X-ray radiation by half, then , then , or , ; ; . Knowing the thickness of the half layer, you can always determine m. Dimension .

    4. The use of x-rays in medicine

    (fluoroscopy, radiography, X-ray tomography, fluorography, radiotherapy).

    One of the most common applications of X-rays in medicine is the transillumination of internal organs for diagnostic purposes - X-ray diagnostics.

    For diagnostics, photons with an energy of 60-120 keV are used. In this case, the mass absorption coefficient is determined mainly by the photoelectric effect. Its value is proportional to l 3 (in which the large penetrating power of hard radiation is manifested) and proportional to the third power of the number of atoms of the substance - absorber: , where K is the coefficient of proportionality.

    The human body consists of tissues and organs that have different absorbing capacity in relation to X-rays. Therefore, when it is illuminated with X-rays, a non-uniform shadow image is obtained on the screen, which gives a picture of the location of internal organs and tissues. The densest radiation-absorbing tissues (heart, large vessels, bones) are seen as dark, while the less absorbing tissues (lungs) are seen as light.

    In many cases, it is possible to judge their normal or pathological state. X-ray diagnostics uses two main methods: fluoroscopy (transmission) and radiography (image). If the organ under study and the tissues surrounding it approximately equally absorb the X-ray flux, then special contrast agents are used. So, for example, on the eve of an X-ray examination of the stomach or intestines, a mushy mass of barium sulfate is given, in which case one can see their shadow image. In fluoroscopy and radiography, an x-ray image is a summary image of the entire thickness of the object through which the x-rays pass. The most clearly defined are those details that are closer to the screen or film, and the distant ones become fuzzy and blurry. If in some organ there is a pathologically altered area, for example, the destruction of lung tissue inside an extensive focus of inflammation, then in some cases this area on the x-ray in the amount of shadows can be “lost”. To make it visible, a special method is used - tomography (layered recording), which allows you to take pictures of individual layers of the area under study. This kind of layer-by-layer tomograms is obtained using a special apparatus called a tomograph, in which the x-ray tube (RT) and film (Fp) are periodically, jointly, in antiphase moved relative to the study area. In this case, X-rays at any position of the RT will pass through the same point of the object (changed area), which is the center relative to which the RT and FP periodically move. The shadow image of the area will be captured on film. By changing the position of the “swing center”, it is possible to obtain layered images of the object. Using a thin beam of X-rays, a special screen (instead of Fp) consisting of semiconductor detectors of ionizing radiation, it is possible to process the image during tomography using a computer. This modern variant of tomography is called computed tomography. Tomography is widely used in the study of the lungs, kidneys, gallbladder, stomach, bones, etc.

    The brightness of the image on the screen and the exposure time on the film depend on the intensity of the x-rays. When using it for diagnostics, the intensity cannot be high, so as not to cause an undesirable biological effect. Therefore, there are a number of technical devices that improve the brightness of the image at low X-ray intensities. One of these devices is an image intensifier tube.

    Another example is fluorography, in which an image is obtained on a sensitive small-format film from a large X-ray luminescent screen. When shooting, a lens of large aperture is used, the finished pictures are examined on a special magnifier.

    Fluorography combines a great ability to detect latent diseases (diseases of the chest, gastrointestinal tract, paranasal sinuses, etc.) with a significant throughput, and therefore is a very effective method of mass (in-line) research.

    Since photographing an x-ray image during fluorography is performed using photographic optics, the image on the fluorogram is reduced in comparison with the x-ray. In this regard, the resolution of the fluorogram (i.e., the visibility of small details) is less than that of a conventional radiograph, however, it is greater than with fluoroscopy.

    An apparatus has been designed - a tomofluorograph, which allows obtaining fluorograms of body parts and individual organs at a given depth - the so-called layered images (sections) - tomofluorograms.

    X-ray radiation is also used for therapeutic purposes (X-ray therapy). The biological effect of radiation is to disrupt the vital activity of cells, especially rapidly developing ones. In this regard, X-ray therapy is used to influence malignant tumors. It is possible to choose a dose of radiation sufficient for the complete destruction of the tumor with relatively minor damage to the surrounding healthy tissues, which are restored due to subsequent regeneration.

    X-ray radiation, from the point of view of physics, is electromagnetic radiation, the wavelength of which varies in the range from 0.001 to 50 nanometers. It was discovered in 1895 by the German physicist W.K. Roentgen.

    By nature, these rays are related to solar ultraviolet. Radio waves are the longest in the spectrum. They are followed by infrared light, which our eyes do not perceive, but we feel it as heat. Next come the rays from red to purple. Then - ultraviolet (A, B and C). And right behind it are x-rays and gamma rays.

    X-ray can be obtained in two ways: by deceleration in the matter of charged particles passing through it and by the transition of electrons from the upper layers to the inner layers when energy is released.

    Unlike visible light, these rays are very long, so they are able to penetrate opaque materials without being reflected, refracted, or accumulated in them.

    Bremsstrahlung is easier to obtain. Charged particles emit electromagnetic radiation when braking. The greater the acceleration of these particles and, consequently, the sharper the deceleration, the more X-rays are produced, and the wavelength becomes shorter. In most cases, in practice, they resort to the generation of rays in the process of deceleration of electrons in solids. This allows you to control the source of this radiation, avoiding the danger of radiation exposure, because when the source is turned off, the X-ray radiation completely disappears.

    The most common source of such radiation - The radiation emitted by it is inhomogeneous. It contains both soft (long-wave) and hard (short-wave) radiation. The soft one is characterized by the fact that it is completely absorbed by the human body, therefore such X-ray radiation does twice as much harm as the hard one. With excessive electromagnetic radiation in the tissues of the human body, ionization can damage cells and DNA.

    The tube is with two electrodes - a negative cathode and a positive anode. When the cathode is heated, electrons evaporate from it, then they are accelerated in an electric field. Colliding with the solid matter of the anodes, they begin deceleration, which is accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic radiation.

    X-ray radiation, the properties of which are widely used in medicine, is based on obtaining a shadow image of the object under study on a sensitive screen. If the diagnosed organ is illuminated with a beam of rays parallel to each other, then the projection of shadows from this organ will be transmitted without distortion (proportionally). In practice, the radiation source is more like a point source, so it is located at a distance from the person and from the screen.

    To receive a person is placed between the x-ray tube and the screen or film, acting as radiation receivers. As a result of irradiation, bone and other dense tissues appear in the image as clear shadows, look more contrast against the background of less expressive areas that transmit tissues with less absorption. On x-rays, a person becomes "translucent".

    As X-rays propagate, they can be scattered and absorbed. Before absorption, the rays can travel hundreds of meters in the air. In dense matter, they are absorbed much faster. Human biological tissues are heterogeneous, so their absorption of rays depends on the density of the tissue of the organs. absorbs rays faster than soft tissues, because it contains substances that have large atomic numbers. Photons (individual particles of rays) are absorbed by different tissues of the human body in different ways, which makes it possible to obtain a contrast image using x-rays.

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