What makes reading. Composition on the topic: Reading - what it gives a person Article reading what it gives a person

Now reading is the most used way of transmitting information, and the book is its carrier. However, it has always been so, at all times. Therefore, it is important and even necessary to get involved in reading, because it is not for nothing that they say: "You own the information - you own the situation." But what is the benefit of reading, and is there any at all? First, constant reading trains the brain. When you read, the way you perceive the world changes: you begin to fantasize, create certain "bookish" images (places, people, events). In addition, books improve memory, broaden horizons, change spelling. Yes, yes, that's right: when you read, it works visual memory, which will not allow in the future to make a mistake in the texts. And yet, frequent reading teaches you to concentrate on a book, and anything in general, increases perseverance, mood. Secondly, reading books increases your vocabulary, a special way of thinking appears, due to which thoughts are clearly expressed and easily formulated. You can verify this yourself: just read any classic. After that, anyone (even those who previously “could not connect two words”) will notice how much easier it has become to express their own thoughts with the help of words. He will notice how it has become easier to express himself, to choose words. He will notice that various parasitic words leave his vocabulary. Thirdly, reading is easy interesting activity. It is thanks to him that you can find yourself new interlocutors, friends, like-minded people or topics for conversation with them. And book lovers are very friendly, it is always easy to communicate with them. You can enjoy your free time while uplifting and inspiring. In extreme cases, just enjoy the conversation with the author or his story, story. Reading does not get boring, it does not become insipid: there are a lot of books, and each of them is unique in its own way. And finally, the fourth: each process of reading, in fact, is a small journey, in time or distance. The book just breaks through various time frames, restrictions. Only with its help you can feel, understand the thoughts of thousands of writers from different eras and times. Isn't it amazing? Reading alone will make it clear how Defoe thought, what kind of outlook Wells had, and what puzzled Jansson. Just reading will allow us to feel, understand, feel the writer, even if he is already dead. It is for this reason that any, even not quite old, book is a real “time machine”, the use of which can change your whole life. In general, reading is an integral process at the stages of formation of an adult personality. A process that begins in infancy, when the child is read aloud by his parents, relatives. And ending in adulthood, during the experience of personal problems and spiritual growth, when literature saves from depression, sets morality and ideals. Books and reading have a huge impact on all of us, shape us. They make us human. That's what they're all about!

What gives a person reading books? Let's fantasize about what if we didn't have books. We will learn the specific practical benefits of reading and try to figure out how to accustom yourself to reading with pleasure.

So let's imagine that all the books suddenly disappeared. Both paper and electronic. There are articles on websites, Wikipedia, videos, everything except books.

I suspect some people won't notice this at first. But the first, of course, to feel the discomfort are librarians, bookstores and those who constantly read. It's hard not to notice the suddenly empty shelves. Teachers, pupils and students will be next. Try to learn a medical student from YouTube videos. Immediately the question is: will you go to such a doctor?

Perhaps this will work as long as there are teachers with a full stock of knowledge. And there are no books. Children will have to tell fairy tales from memory or invent 🙂

Then, I think, chaos will begin. Since there are few people with super-memory, there will inevitably be distortion and loss of information, as in the game "deaf phone". All the knowledge accumulated by mankind will disappear in writing. Do you remember history well? What if there's nowhere to look? You have to fantasize! And in a few generations, reality will approach films about the post-apocalypse.

Perhaps it will be a society divided into groups or communities, each with alternative history, which will be considered true. People with a good memory and knowledge will be someone like the Magi ancient world. Then think for yourself 🙂

What gives reading books?

  • Imagination and creativity

In the process of reading, we begin to imagine what the text says, this is not a movie or a video where someone presented everything for us, the brain has to work, create images. It becomes much easier for you to understand the interlocutors. An image is created faster in front of the mind's eye. Also, the reverse process, when you describe your image or idea to someone, becomes more coherent and accurate, understandable to others. The ideas found in books can lead to your own discoveries and inventions.

  • mental health

A certain rhythm of the text of the book, its fullness, beauty (this may apply not only to fiction) can relieve stress and calm the psyche. Also, brain activity with regular reading can, if not completely prevent, then for a long time push back senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

  • Confidence

Reading books of different genres increases your vocabulary, increases literacy, increases the level of erudition. You become a more interesting conversationalist, and your speech is coherent and beautiful, both orally and in writing.

  • Improving the ability for long-term concentration and attention

By reading regularly, you gain the habit of concentrating on one task for a long time. This skill improves the quality of the result in any other field of activity. Reading also develops objectivity, the ability to abstract and a look from the outside, which helps to make more informed decisions in reality.

  • Memory improvement

There is no need to look far for examples here. Read George Martin or Sapkowski - so many characters, events, storylines! Great training for the hemispheres (brain). We train our ability to think analytically, remembering the connections between characters and events, making assumptions about the course of events. Readers identify patterns and make logical connections faster than TV watchers. The mind becomes sharper (and hence the sense of humor develops).

  • Expanding horizons

Books make it possible to "live" other lives. We get used to real and invented characters, immerse ourselves in their worlds, feelings, actions. Often, the information gleaned from books is applicable in reality and can affect the quality of life, enrich experience, and warn against mistakes.

  • Reading helps you understand yourself.

This applies not only to the special literature on psychology and self-development. Works of art, biographies often raise unexpected questions of the reader to himself and his life. They give you the opportunity to look at yourself from a different perspective.

  • Books can inspire and motivate

Indeed, a good book often raises one to a higher emotional level, and much can be done on this wave. And returning in memory to the most inspiring moments or rereading them, it is quite possible to keep yourself in this state for a long time. Often, especially in adolescence, to survive some unpleasant moments, your favorite books and their heroes help.

So for me, when I was a teenager, the books of Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin had a huge impact. He is considered a children's science fiction writer. But in his works, it is not at all children's problems that are revealed, not fantastic, but completely real. Books about true strong and unbreakable friendship, about honor and justice, about how to follow your dream when the whole world is against you, have become a real salvation for me (and, I'm sure, for thousands of children and adults). To this day, these books are my favorite. I am sure that without them most of my life achievements would not have been possible. Without these books, I would be a completely different person.

  • Reading makes people happier

Definitely yes! In fact, reading is a multifunctional tool for changing and improving the quality of life in all its areas. A person who knows how to use it has more opportunities for growth in the profession, for self-development, for finding solutions to problems, helping themselves and others. Reading trains the ability to switch and be involved. It becomes easier to consciously move from one emotional state in others and in life. Among those who love to read, there are fewer people suffering from depressive conditions.

Why does not everyone love books, if reading them gives so much?

"You just don't know Eat them to cook ”(to the question of cats) 🙂 . I think the reason is the following.

In childhood, we are often told that we need to read, they force us to. But not all adults explain the connection between desires and how books can help them come true. Not everyone is able to interest, show the benefits of reading, set a personal example.

We often reject something, not knowing how to apply it in our lives for our own purposes. As soon as a person understands how profitable and useful reading books can be for him, he begins to read, even if it does not bring pleasure at first.

As a child, my mother told one of my acquaintances that one should be aware of what is happening around, read newspapers. This is for a 11-12 year old. Of course, the girl was unbearably bored and incomprehensible. Although fantasy, adventure and nature books went with a bang.

I think you already understood. For reading to be enjoyable, books must be appropriate to the interests and age of the reader. It is much easier to get interested in a book that can help in something important for a person, at the very moment when it is relevant.

It's great if pleasant associations are associated with reading books. For example, family evenings with reading aloud, or when parents read to children at night. The example of close people who constantly read also influences. But what if it wasn't?

How to teach yourself, already an adult, to read with pleasure?

  • First, always be aware of your goal, for what and what books you choose. Do you need information to develop in your profession, do you want to know more about some new field, do you want to relax and get distracted, do you want to impress someone, experience new feelings?
  • Choose books according to your goals. Scientific or fiction, popular psychology or drama textbook, science fiction or detective story… What will it be? In any case choose good book, the food for the mind should be of no less quality than the food for the body that you choose. You should not overfeed your brains with "literary fast food" such as tabloid novels. Sometimes - why not, but not always. Recommendations of those whom you trust in this will help you make a choice. Also see reviews, read reviews, descriptions.
  • You should not read "binge". It's not very good for memorization. To assimilate information, it is better to divide the reading process into stages and read little by little, but regularly. So you will form a habit of reading, you will not get tired of overloading with information.
  • special and scientific literature, which requires brain work and concentration, it is better to read with a fresh mind, usually this is the first half of the day. Fiction - in the late afternoon, before bed, or when there is a desire to switch and relax.
  • It's a good habit to take notes and jot down thoughts as you read. So the information is much better remembered. It will be enough for you to look through the notes to remember most of the book.
  • Do not force the brain with books that are useless and do not make sense to you. There are many books about nothing. Don't be afraid to walk away from a bad movie, don't be afraid to close a bad book, even if it's a "bestseller".
  • Reading books is a good habit, and, like any habit, regularity and regularity are important for it. Plan which books, authors you want to read and why. Make a list and read regularly. These can be paper books, their electronic versions for reading on the road.

Soon you will be surprised to see how many books you read, how many of them you took for yourself, what goals you were able to achieve. The habit of self-education is very useful, and reading is a way to gain knowledge in those areas in which you would like to develop and improve.

Probably many of you have books that have changed your life or have greatly influenced you. I would be glad if you share in the comments what kind of books they are and how it was. 🙂

Interesting books, discoveries and development!

How often do you read books? Most people read about 1,000 books in their lifetime, but there are those who don't read them at all. Statistics say that only 55% of Russians and 51% of Ukrainians read at least 1 book in 2017. An interesting fact: according to the results of a survey in the Russian Federation, it turned out that people from the villages read the most (on average 6-7 books), and the least (on average 5 books) are residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Why read books

The person who reads can be seen from a mile away. He is comprehensively developed and smart, while being an excellent conversationalist. In life, such people are much easier to cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.

Finally, almost all successful individuals devote a significant portion of their time to reading. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Pavel Durov - they all read from 50 books a year and encourage people to do this in their public speaking and interview. But are books really as useful as people think they are?

How books make us smarter

“Knowledge is power,” they tell each of us from early childhood, but this statement is not entirely correct. Knowledge is only potential power which is worthless until put into practice. This fact explains the fact that out of millions of book lovers, only a few manage to achieve any significant heights. Unused knowledge is useless, and only actions bring results.

Types of reading

However, the books provide more than just a collection of facts. There are several types of reading.

  • Studying. Slow reading in order to fully study and understand what is written. It implies the application of the acquired knowledge in the future. In this way, the most important literature or its individual fragments are read.
  • Introductory. This is how most people read fiction. The reader gets acquainted with the main content of the text, the argument of the author. The degree of understanding of information is about 70%.
  • Viewer. The reader quickly scans the text to determine if it contains the necessary information, and then decides on a deeper study of what is written.
  • Search. The reader is looking for specific information without reading the entire text. The fragment in which the necessary data were found is being studied in detail.

The usefulness of search and browsing reading is limited to getting the right data quickly. Studying and introductory reading in this regard is much more productive. A person not only receives dry facts, but also engages the analytical and creative parts of the brain.

Benefits of reading books

  • Books make people happier. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Liverpool. Based on a survey of 4,000 people, it turned out that people who read suffer less from depression, cope with problems more easily and have higher self-esteem.
  • Books protect memory. The fact was established by researchers from the American Academy of Neurology. The experiment involved 294 people about 6 years before their death. It turned out that reading can slow down the rate of memory decline with aging by more than 32%.
  • Reading increases intelligence. Scientists from King's College London and the University of Edinburgh followed 1,890 pairs of twins for about 9 years. During the experiment, it was found that there is a clear relationship between reading skills and the cognitive abilities of the subjects. In other words, the more a person reads, the better he is developed as a person.

These changes are possible only with studying and introductory reading, when the reader plunges into a kind of trance, remaining alone with his mind. Such mental condition most often occurs when a person has been reading something very interesting for some time. The outside world disappears, and in its place come vivid images created by the imagination based on what has been read. This means that the brain is focused only on the book and is actively developing, involving both hemispheres.

Based on this, it is difficult to divide books into "useful" and "useless". Indeed, in themselves they are only a clot of information, and personal growth occurs mainly due to the reading process itself. Thus, when studying fiction, the right, creative hemisphere of the brain will work and learn more actively, and non-fiction - the left, analytical.

How to read books correctly: effective reading

1. Set a goal. The benefit of reading will be maximum only if it has a clear purpose. For example, if you urgently need to find important information, it makes sense to use a viewing or introductory reading method, and study a useful fragment in more depth. If with the help of a book you hope to learn something in detail, the study method will do.

2. Choose a good book. Reading everything is a bad idea. Choose only high-quality literature. Read reviews and reviews, carefully review the content. Do not start reading until you are sure that the book contains exactly what you are looking for.

3. Read in short sessions. Read "in one gulp" is remembered poorly. If you are going to read a book in a study or introductory way (in its entirety), divide the process into several days or even weeks. Non-fiction is best read in the morning, when the brain is alert and open to new knowledge, while fiction is more suitable for evening sessions.

4. Write down what you read. When reading specialized literature, write down the most important theses. So you will remember them much better and will be able to quickly find them if necessary.

5. Give up perfectionism. Do not read simply because it is "a pity to quit." If the book was useless for you, there is no point in it. Leave her alone and do the really necessary literature. It doesn't matter how much you read if you don't remember and learn anything.

6. Read regularly. Accustom yourself to daily reading and soon you will notice how your life will begin to change in better side. You will become more confident, smarter, witty, more sociable, and difficulties will life path stop scaring you.

Just imagine that you can learn absolutely any skill, communicate with great people who died millennia ago, learn almost any fact known to mankind. Whatever your question, the answer is in the books, as many hundreds of people have asked it before you. In a word, in the battle on the fronts of life, books are the best weapon. Arm yourself!

Why our future depends on libraries, reading and fantasy

A great article by writer Neil Gaiman on the nature and benefits of reading. This is not just a vague reflection, but a very clear and consistent proof of seemingly obvious things.

If you have mathematician friends who ask you why read fiction, give them this text. If you have friends who convince you that soon all books will become electronic, give them this text. If you remember going to the library with warmth (or vice versa with horror), read this text. If your children are growing up, read this text with them, and if you are just thinking about what and how to read with children, all the more read this text.

It is important for people to explain whose side they are on.. A kind of declaration of interest.

So, I'm going to talk to you about reading and how reading fiction and reading for pleasure is one of the most important things in a person's life.

And I'm obviously very biased, because I'm a writer, an author literary texts. I write for both children and adults. For about 30 years I've been making my living with words, mostly creating things and writing them down. Undoubtedly, I am interested that people read, that people read fiction, that libraries and librarians exist and promote the love of reading and the existence of places where one can read. So I'm addicted like writer. But I'm much more biased like reader.

On the benefits of reading. social video

Nikolai Grigoriev: National security and the benefits of reading

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

On the benefits of books recent times it is said more and more often in connection with a noticeable decrease in the number of readers in general. There are suggestions that the current generation does not pay due attention to reading. But in vain, because it is simply necessary for the spiritual development of the individual.

In this article we will tell you what a book gives a person.

Books as a source of information

First, the book is an invaluable source of various knowledge. It is through reading that a person learns a lot of what he encounters in real life impossible for him. For example, when reading fiction about past centuries, a person enriches his knowledge of other eras. He learns how people lived in other times, what were the traditions and customs, and draws important conclusions for himself. Thus, the reader acquires information on history. If he gets into the habit of reading such works all the time, he will learn to sort and analyze this information: he will have something to compare what he has read with.

What gives reading books that do not belong to fiction? These can be books on psychology and archeology, economics and sociology, scientific, popular science and many others. Such books, as a rule, assume a smaller audience, since they are designed for a certain sector of readers. However, reading them contributes to the acquisition of specific knowledge in certain areas, which a person will (or is meant to) apply in the future.

With the help of manual books, many people acquire valuable information regarding various areas. For example, with the help of a cookery book, you can learn how to cook and bake perfectly, in psychology - to behave correctly in certain situations, in the art of origami - to make interesting gizmos out of paper, etc.

Thus, the book significantly expands the reader's horizons, makes him smarter and more educated (after all, it is not for nothing that the words “well-read” and “educated” are often used as synonyms), gives the necessary knowledge and enriches the vocabulary. In addition, reading books develops memory much better than all other methods used to improve it.

Books as a way of spiritual development

Naturally, when asked what books give, it is impossible not to mention the enrichment of the inner world of a person. The book, undoubtedly, inspires the reader, gives him new views, makes him think and experience completely new feelings and emotions. For example, when a girl has not yet experienced love, she probably already read about it in some work of art. She begins to think about this feeling, empathize with the characters, analyze their actions and, therefore, she already forms her own opinion about what she did not experience in reality.

By the way, it is very important to note the psychological factor here. Reading allows us to look at various situations from the side. We observe what is happening in the work, but at the same time we try it on in our own life. In individual characters we recognize our acquaintances, in other heroes - ourselves. That is why reading cannot leave a person indifferent, unless, of course, we are talking about worthwhile book. This is how we learn psychology: we observe, compare, evaluate, and finally understand and accept. This enriches our spiritual world and allows us to reconsider many wrong attitudes and principles. No wonder they say that one book can change a person. Powerful works are actually able to fundamentally change the worldview of the reader.