How to draw a graphic diagram of a proposal. Building a proposal scheme. An example of parsing a simple sentence

You can learn how to quickly analyze the most complex sentences and draw up diagrams at trainings. Classes are held weekly from September to the end of May. In addition to webinars, you will receive rich material for self-study.

But perhaps this article is enough for you.

So. There are two main types of complex sentence schemes: vertical (it is also called deployed) and horizontal.

Horizontal offer layout

On the horizontal diagram, subordinate clauses are depicted with the help of round brackets, the main ones with the help of square brackets, construction breaks are shown, punctuation marks are put, arrows indicate the subordination (the arrows go from the main clause to the subordinate clause). On such a diagram, the boundaries of sentences are clearly visible, with its help it is easy to explain the placement of punctuation marks between sentences, to show which word the subordinate clause refers to in the main.


I keep remembering that day when you got a job in a flower shop to earn money, when you came home with a bunch of flowers, when you told about more valuable things than money, you were happy that evening and I gave you a flower vase , which still stands on the coffee table, depicting that everything remains the same.

Vertical offer layout

On the vertical diagram, all sentences are depicted by numbered rectangles (sometimes teachers require subordinate circles to be depicted, and main ones - rectangles), the figures are distributed according to the levels of subordination. Sentence links are indicated by straight lines. The main sentences, regardless of their location in the text, are depicted on the first level and connected with lines. Homogeneous sentences are circled in an oval. Such diagrams do not show breaks in structures, do not place punctuation marks. The vertical diagram clearly shows the relationship between simple sentences in a complex one.
Here is the vertical diagram of the complex sentence from the previous example.

Instructions for drawing up a complex sentence scheme

  1. Circle in an oval or mark everything with a marker subordinating conjunctions and allied words. These words will have to be learned. Otherwise, you will not be able to parse complex sentences.
  2. Underline the stems of the sentences (subjects with one stroke, predicates with two strokes).
  3. Number the sentences as shown in the pictures.
  4. Build a horizontal diagram.
  5. Build a vertical layout.
  6. Count the number of sentences on the diagrams and in the sentences. It is important that it matches. Sometimes students get confused when numbering, at which point the error should show up.

Do not deviate from this procedure, otherwise you will get confused.

If the sentence is given without punctuation marks, then first draw the sentence diagrams, then place the signs on the diagrams, and only after that place the signs in the text.

How to show a construction gap in a complex sentence diagram

If the sentence is broken by another sentence, draw as in mathematics (brackets in brackets). Sometimes it is impossible to show the structure of a sentence only with brackets; in these cases, dots are put showing part of the structure. Look at the picture. It shows a diagram of a complex sentence with a construction break.

How to show homogeneous sentences on the diagram

Homogeneous sentences on a vertical diagram circle in an oval. So it will be seen that they are exactly homogeneous, and not just subordinate, for example. On the horizontal diagram, we show homogeneous main clauses and homogeneous subordinate clauses with arrows with questions. If you do not have a subordinate relationship, and the sentences are made homogeneous common word, then on a horizontal diagram you will not be able to show that the proposals are homogeneous. In the proposed example, the main sentences are homogeneous.

How to show direct speech on a sentence diagram

Direct speech is not shown on the diagram of a complex sentence, as it is considered a complication of the structure. simple sentence within the complex. If direct speech itself is a complex structure, its scheme is drawn separately, next to the scheme of the main sentence. The same applies to insert structures. The figure shows as shown complex sentence scheme with direct speech.

    In sentence schemes, homogeneous members are indicated by a circle. Inside the circle, using a graphic designation, you can indicate which members of the sentence are homogeneous words.

    Also often in the schemes you can find an indication of the unions that go before the homogeneous members of the sentence and determine this or that punctuation.

    I remember that at school, different teachers demanded to draw such diagrams in different ways. Some asked to draw a linear diagram, and enclose homogeneous members in sticks, frames: / /, / /, / /.

    Others insisted on drawing circles.

    Here are some examples of charting:

    This is a simple scheme, when homogeneous members follow each other, there can be alliances between them.

    This is an example of sentences with generalizing words. Note that the generalizing word can agree with homogeneous members in gender, number, case.

    If the sentence contains participial and participle turnover, it is also reflected in the scheme.

    With homogeneous members of the sentence, the sentence scheme can have several options.

    At the beginning of the sentence, homogeneous members of the sentence are located, then there is a generalizing word. The scheme will look like this: 1) O, O, O - general. word .... (The generalized word is indicated by a circle with a dot inside, but I cannot display this).

    In the field, in the grove, in the bushes, bird voices were heard everywhere.

    2) The generalizing word can be before the enumeration of homogeneous members, then we draw the following scheme:

    General word: Oh, Oh, Oh-- ....

    We argued about everything: about art, religion, science - and never came to a common opinion.

    3) After a generalizing word, introductory words can be used: somehow, namely, for example. Before these words, a comma is placed, after them - a colon.

    General word, for example: Oh, Oh, Oh--...

    Generalized word, namely: Oh, Oh, Oh - ...

    People have experienced many natural disasters, such as: fires, floods, drought.

    4) After listing the homogeneous members of the sentence, introductory words can be used before the generalizing word: in a word, in one word, in short, etc. Then a dash is placed before introductory word followed by a comma.

    Among the birds of insects, in the dry grass - in a word, the breath of approaching autumn was felt everywhere.

    When drawing up a sentence scheme, all its members are written using symbols. Instead of the subject, a straight line is drawn, instead of the predicate - two parallel lines. The wavy line symbolizes definition, while the dotted line symbolizes addition. With the help of dots and dashes, a circumstance is depicted, and if these dots and dashes are enclosed in vertical lines, then this is already a participial turnover. The wavy line between the vertical lines is the participial turnover.

    Homogeneous members of the sentence in the scheme are drawn in the form of circles.

    To indicate syntactic role homogeneous members, inside the circles you can draw the corresponding lines: dotted or wavy, etc. Generalizing words can be indicated by a circle, in the center of which there is a dot or a square.

    To compose scheme sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence, you need to do the following:

    • Correctly find homogeneous terms in the sentence and make appropriate notes (underlining: subject - one line, predicate - two lines, addition - dotted line, circumstance - dotted line, definition - wavy line.
    • Compose scheme taking into account parsing suggestions.

    For example, in a sentence: Red, yellow, blue flowers grew in a clearing homogeneous definitions will be all adjectives (we underline with a wavy line). And in the sentence: A mighty and sprawling tree stood in the courtyard and dropped its leaves to the ground two rows of homogeneous members: homogeneous predicates (stood and dropped leaves - two lines) and homogeneous definitions (mighty and sprawling - a wavy line).

    • In the diagram, homogeneous members of the sentence we denote circle, inside which is the corresponding underline.

    For example, a sentence scheme with rows of homogeneous members: The most important thing is to read, delve into what is written for a long time and painstakingly;

    Homogeneous members of a sentence are such members of a sentence that have the following features:

    Firstly, we are talking about the same members of the sentence. For example, it can be circumstances, additions or subjects, that is, any.

    secondly, they are interconnected by a compositional connection. It can be unions and quot ;, butquot ;, or quot ;.

    Here is an example of sentences with homogeneous members:

    In the first sentence, definitions are homogeneous (green, yellow, red).

    In the second sentence, the subjects are homogeneous (swifts, cranes, swallows),

    and in the third - predicates (withered, withered, darkened).

    Schematically homogeneous terms are indicated by circles.

    Here are some schemes:

    When compiling a sentence scheme, its members are denoted by various conventional signs, which we will consider below:

    • homogeneous terms - circles ;
    • the subject is indicated as a straight line;
    • predicate - two parallel lines;
    • addition - dotted line;
    • definition - wave (wavy line);
    • the circumstance is indicated by a line, which consists of dots and dashes;
    • and others.

    Using the scheme below, it is very easy to make a sentence containing homogeneous members, and vice versa, from a ready-made sentence, make up the correct scheme. In addition to conventional symbols, do not forget about dividing marks, unions, and intonation.

    Homogeneous members of the sentence are indicated when drawing up the diagram in the form of circles. It all depends on the offer. There can be commas or conjunctions between these circles. They also need to be specified.

    In some schools (including ours), when drawing a sentence diagram with homogeneous members inside the circles, they indicate with the help of line-dot images which members of the sentence they are:

    There are sentences with generalizing words. In this case, the generalizing word is drawn in the form of a large circle or in the form of a square:

    When compiling a sentence with homogeneous members, it is important to remember that:

    Homogeneous members of a sentence are associated with the same word

    Homogeneous members of a sentence answer the same question

    When drawing up diagrams, each part of the sentence is indicated by certain figures, the corresponding punctuation marks, and they contain a connecting particle (and, or, but, a).

    In our case, we are interested homogeneous members, so the schemes are drawn with circles.

    Before learning how to draw up a sentence diagram with homogeneous members, let's remember what homogeneous members are, what signs unite them.

    To do this, we turn to the diagram.

    Schemes are built very simply. You can already build a scheme based on this proposal, or you can come up with a proposal based on the scheme. For example,

The proposal scheme is not another whim of teachers. Thanks to it, you can better understand the structure and specifics of the proposal and parse it faster. However, not all students know how to draw up a sentence diagram, considering this lesson to be useless. But any scheme is a visualization that allows you to understand the essence. And having understood it, you can apply this scheme to other sentences, which means that you can avoid mistakes in writing in the future.

We draw up a proposal scheme

Before drawing up a graphic diagram of a sentence, it is necessary to start by determining which members of the sentence are words. First of all, it is necessary to determine the subject and predicate, which constitute its grammatical basis. Then you should distribute the remaining words among the members of the sentence, only you need to take into account that each of them refers to the subject or predicate. The subject includes definitions, the predicate - addition and circumstance. It should also be noted that some words do not belong to the members of the sentence: conjunctions, interjections, plug-in and introductory constructions. It may also be that several words together are one member of the sentence: participial and adverbial phrases. After the analysis, you will have the initial scheme of the sentence, from which you only need to remove the words and leave the lines that underline the members of the sentence.

We draw up a scheme of a complex sentence

If everything is quite easy with a simple sentence, then a complex one confuses many. And most students are wondering how to chart a complex sentence. If this is a compound sentence, then the diagram should reflect all the predicative parts that are in it. After that, both parts must be highlighted in square brackets, and between them put a punctuation mark and a union connecting them:, and. If the sentence is complex, non-union, then we also analyze each of its parts separately, and then select them in square brackets.

If you need to parse a complex sentence, then in this case you should show all the relationships between the parts. It should be noted here that the part that obeys is the main one, the one that obeys is subordinate. Thus, the main is indicated by square brackets, while the subordinate clause is indicated by round brackets:, (which ...). After studying the material, you can easily make sentence schemes, and they will tell you how to properly place commas, and you can avoid many punctuation errors.

The ability to draw up a sentence scheme is necessary for schoolchildren and students of philological faculties. Often, when performing parsing, there are problems with drawing up a sentence schema. At the same time, it is thanks to a clear and understandable scheme that you can see parts of a complex sentence, trace the logic of composition and subordination, and visually fix the main members. It is especially convenient to use diagrams when parsing sentences of a complicated structure, with different types of connections. Classes are also held in schools and universities, in which they not only draw up schemes of ready-made sentences, but also compose texts according to given schemes. It is important to master the basic methods in order to draw up a proposal scheme correctly. Then it will help you visualize the syntactic structure of the text.

We draw up a proposal. General recommendations
To get started, you will need to remember all the basic information from the "syntax" section.
  • You need to know exactly how a simple sentence differs from a complex one, to be able to find parts in a complex sentence.
  • Knowledge of the types of simple and complex sentences is required.
  • Of great importance is the skill of determining the boundaries of the sentence, its grammatical basis.
  • To accurately highlight the grammatical basis, you need to know the types of predicates, the main ways of expressing them.
  • It is necessary to repeat all the complicating elements of the sentence in order to quickly find and distinguish from each other isolated, homogeneous members of the sentence, appeals, introductory and clarifying constructions.
  • One must be able to determine the type of a sentence by the structure of its grammatical basis.
  • It is desirable to freely navigate in the means of communication of sentences, to distinguish unions from allied words. It’s great if you know how to immediately determine the type of connection, the type of subordinate clause by the union.
  • At the moment, special attention is paid to the analysis of sentences of a complicated structure with different types of connections, so you will need the ability to analyze such sentences, the ability to determine parallel, sequential, homogeneous subordination.
If you have the opportunity, please contact teaching aids, parsing samples. At the training stage, it is desirable to make an analysis and draw up diagrams, referring to the samples. Write for yourself a special memo for drafting a proposal scheme: indicate in it different types schemes, notation methods, add examples. So you better remember the necessary information, you can use the memo if there are difficulties in completing the task.

Algorithm for drafting a proposal schema
The proposal scheme must be drawn up according to a specific algorithm. Try to concentrate and not be distracted, take notes on a piece of paper, write a draft. Only after a complete analysis of the proposal, when you check whether your scheme is drawn up correctly, can you transfer it to a clean copy.

  1. Read the sentence carefully 2-3 times. Think about the meaning of each word - this will help not to confuse the role of words in the sentence in the future.
  2. First define grammar basics. Select the subject and predicate. The predicate is underlined with two lines, and the subject with one.
  3. Think about the sentence in front of you: simple or complex. Sometimes there is only one subject, two predicates, and the sentence is complex. Do not forget that there are one-part and incomplete sentences.
  4. Mark sentence boundaries with vertical lines.
  5. Define it all minor members sentences, underline them, observing the general conventions:
    • definition - wavy line;
    • addition - dotted line;
    • circumstance - dot, dash, dot, dash;
    • adverbial turnover - dot, dash, dot, dash, stands out on both sides with vertical lines;
    • participial turnover - a wavy line, distinguished from both sides by vertical lines.
  6. Select the predicative parts in the complex sentence. To do this, you will need to determine the type of connection in the sentence, the notation will depend on it:
    • equal parts compound sentence enclosed in square brackets;
    • in a complex sentence, the main part is indicated by square brackets, and the subordinate clause by round brackets.
  7. Pay attention to unions: in a compound sentence, the union must be left outside the boundaries separating simple sentences from each other. In a complex sentence, the union is included in the subordinate clause. Sometimes unions are double, one part of them remains in the main sentence.
  8. Find a word in the main sentence from which you can ask a question to the subordinate clause. Sometimes the question is asked from the entire sentence as a whole. Thus, there is a difference between a verbal connection and a propositional one. If the connection is conditional, put a large dot above the main sentence, draw an arrow from it to the subordinate clause. Above the arrow, write the question you are answering. subordinate clause. When the relationship is suggestive, the arrow is drawn without a dot.
  9. You are now ready to move the schema. It does not need to rewrite the sentence itself. In the classical scheme, only grammatical foundations are indicated, the boundaries of sentences, complicating elements, the connection of sentences, they indicate an arrow with a question, which the subordinate clause answers, enter unions and allied words. However, do not forget about the specific requirements of the teacher. Sometimes for practical exercises it is necessary to designate all members of the sentence in the scheme.
  10. If you have a proposal of a complicated structure in front of you, your scheme will not be built in one line, but in volume. Determine the type of subordination, build a diagram depending on it.
    • Sequential subordination: first mark the main clause, draw a downward arrow from it, and on the next line graphically indicate the subordinate clause by drawing parentheses. From the subordinate clause, swipe down the arrow to the next subordinate clause, then follow the sequence.
    • Homogeneous subordination - subordinate clauses depend on the main one and answer one question. Designate the main sentence, draw arrows down from it. On the second line, place the designations of all subordinate clauses. Write one general question.
    • Parallel subordination - subordinate clauses answer different questions, depend on the main one. Mark the main sentence in square brackets, draw arrows from it to the subordinate clauses down, next to each arrow write the question that the subordinate clause answers.
    • With combined subordination, different types of communication are combined. The scheme will also be combined: place sequentially subordinate sentences one above the other, and parallel or uniformly connected sentences on the same line.
  11. Mark the levels of articulation with numbers. For example, when the subordination is sequential, the first subordinate clause is on the first level, and the second is on the second. One level is one line, but the main sentence is not taken into account in the numerical designation: these are the levels of division, and not the number of sentences.
Having drawn a sentence diagram, be sure to reread the text again. Pay special attention to sentence boundaries, complicating elements, and link types. After a complete check, proceed to the design of the proposal scheme in a clean copy. Using the algorithm and thinking about the meaning of the sentence, the meaning of all its members, you can draw up its scheme without errors.

Middle and high school students regularly face the problem of how to conduct an analysis in the Russian literary language.

Parsing is done in accordance with a certain scheme. This topic in the school course allows identify sentence structure, characterize it, which reduces punctuation illiteracy.

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What parsing shows

There are four main types of parsing: phonetic, morphological, compositional, and syntactic. The latter is understood as the analysis or analysis of syntactic units with paramount highlighting the grammatical basis. The analysis is carried out according to the approved algorithm of actions: underline the members + characterize them + draw a diagram.

Schoolchildren, having studied eleven grades, sometimes do not know what the parsing of a sentence is. They talk about analysis as about analysis by composition. This is not true, since only individual lexemes are parsed by composition. As for a bunch of words expressing a complete thought, then in primary school process is named as analysis of the proposal by members. At the same time, in middle and high school, it acquires a deeper meaning. Based on this, it is necessary to remember once and for all that the analysis of the sentence by composition in the Russian language classes is not performed.

The answer here is obvious - everyone knows the subject, pointing to an object or object, and the predicate - to actions taken first. To make the speech clearer and the statement complete, the main members are supplemented by secondary ones, which have a set of features.

Secondary members of the sentence allow you to reveal a holistic picture of ongoing events. Their purpose is to explain describe the actions of the main predecessors.

At the next stage, you will have to parse the proposal for. Here we mean how its members are expressed. Each has several options, you must choose the correct one by asking the question:

  • mean - noun, local;
  • skaz. - ch., cr. adj., noun;
  • def. - adj., local, num.;
  • add. - noun, local;
  • obst. - adverb, noun with a suggestion.

In view of the above, a more or less clear idea of ​​what parsing a sentence is is emerging. In a word, this is a complex analysis of related lexemes that express a complete thought.

Characteristics of syntactic units

You need to know the criteria that a lexeme has in order to implement detailed description. The characteristic of the sentence in the text assumes a certain algorithm.

Define the view:

  • according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive);
  • by emotional-expressive coloring (by intonation) - exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

Finding grammar.

We talk sequentially about each member of the sentence, the means of their expression.

We describe the structure of the syntactic unit. For a simple suggestion:

  • by composition: one-part (definite-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal, impersonal, nominative) or two-part;
  • by prevalence: common or not common;
  • by completeness: complete or incomplete.
  • what is complicated: homogeneous members, interjections, appeal, introductory constructions.

Determine to which type refers difficult sentence:

  • compound sentences (CSP) - they are indicated by simple parts connected by a coordinating union;
  • complex sentences (CSS) - we establish the main, as well as the subordinate word, based on the question and the peculiarity of the construction (what it refers to, what the subordinate clause is attached to), determine the type of the latter;
  • non-union complex sentence (BSP) - we establish how many simple parts a syntactic unit consists of, determining the meaning of each (simultaneity, sequence, opposition, etc.).

We give the argument for what reason we put these punctuation marks.

If the task involves drawing up a diagram, then we do it.

It is more difficult to parse a complex sentence.

More here parameters for analysis.

After the complex sentence from the examples is disassembled into simple parts, we proceed to the analysis of each of them separately.

Following the algorithm, the student will not have problems with completing the task under the number 4.

How to draw a diagram

It is not always enough to correctly parse a simple sentence to get an excellent mark. The student must also be able to draw diagrams of the described units.

  1. Highlight the subject by underlining with one line, and the predicate with two lines.
  2. Find minor members, underlining them according to generally accepted rules.
  3. Sentences with a turnover or participle are highlighted as follows and are indicated in the final scheme. The adverbial turnover is highlighted on both sides by vertical lines, and a dot / dotted line is underlined. Participial highlighted on both sides with vertical lines, and is underlined by a wavy line.
  4. The union is not included in the scheme of a compound sentence, it is taken out of the framework. But complex sentences include it in the subordinate part. Conjunctions and allied words are enclosed in an oval.

Important! Before you draw up a sentence diagram, you need to learn how to graphically designate homogeneous members. They are enclosed in a circle, and the appeal, which is not a member of the syntactic unit, is indicated in the scheme by the letter "O" and is separated by two vertical lines. Do the same with introductory words.

Offer scheme easy to make with direct speech. Here it is important to separate one part from the other, i.e. the words of the author from direct speech, putting the appropriate punctuation marks between them.

Simple Sentence Parsing Sample

We write down an example and proceed to the analysis.

I have never seen a lake more magnificent than Baikal.

Stage I: analysis of the proposal by members:

  • "I" - mean, pronounced lich. places;
  • “I didn’t see” - simple Ch. skaz., pronounced verb. will express in the form. incl. past vr.;

Stage II: We find out which members of the sentence form the basis of grammar. Here it will be - "I did not see", so we are dealing with a simple sentence.

In a specific example, all minor members joined the predicate:

  • didn’t see (what?) the lake - add., pronounced noun. in R.P.;
  • lakes (which one?) are more magnificent - inconsistent, defined, pronounced adj. in the comparison degrees;
  • more magnificent (what?) Baikal - additional, pronounced noun. in R.P.

Stage III: at the end of the process give general characteristics simple sentence In russian language:

  • by structure - two-part, widespread, complete;
  • according to the purpose of the statement - narrative;
  • by intonation - non-exclamatory, therefore, a punctuation mark is placed at the end - a period.

Stage IV: parsing a simple sentence involves the scheme [- =].

More problems are caused by parsing a sentence with participle turnover. See his examples below.

Sample: Behind the swamp, blazing with birches, a grove could be seen.

Characteristics: narrative, unexcused, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate deep. about.

Scheme: [, I ger. turnover I, = - ].

Syntactic units complicated by homogeneous members, turnovers are parsed in a similar way.

Simple sentences with adverbial turnover should receive an objective assessment. They indicate which member the entire turnover is, then its parts are parsed into words.

Sample: The moon had just emerged from behind the mound and was illuminating translucent, small, low clouds.

Characteristics: narrative, unexcited, homogeneous tales. connected by a non-repeating union "and", therefore, a comma is not placed between them, and commas must be placed between definitions, they have an union-free connection, simple, two-part, common, complicated by homogeneous skaz. and def.

Scheme: [- = and = O, O, O].

Parsing complex sentences

The home exercise in Russian regularly contains a mandatory task under the number 4. There are diverse examples here: SSP, SPP, BSP.

Always, when parsing a complex sentence, you need to start it with finding the grammatical basis.

It is necessary to analyze complex sentences based on the definition of the main and subordinate clauses.

Parsing of syntactic units with several subordinate clauses is carried out according to the general plan, as if done analysis of the composition of the proposal, but indicating the type of subordination and a combination of these types. Below are samples of complex sentences with examples, with diagrams, clearly showing analysis.

SOP pattern with consistent submission: The kids reported that they picked those daisies that grandma loved.

Characteristic: narrative, non-exclamation, complex, allied, its parts are connected subordination with sequential submission, consists of two simple ones.

Scheme: [-=], (which = (which = -).

SSP sample: Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully.

Characteristic: narrative, non-exclamation, complex sentence, has two grammatical bases, allied, compound. The conjunction "and" expresses simultaneity. The 2nd simple sentence is complicated by homogeneous obst. states.

Scheme: [-=], and [=].

BSP sample: Wind howls, thunder rumbles.

Characteristic: narrative, non-exclamation, complex non-union.

Scheme: [-=], [-=].

Parsing a simple sentence

How to parse


If you have before your eyes proposals, examples with diagrams, then it automatically works visual memory. This helps a lot for control dictations and independent. In this way, you can learn automatically and correctly parse suggestions (if the examples are chosen correctly), highlight all the criteria necessary for the analysis.