Report: Excursion as a means of professional development of a specialist. Creative interpretation of the literary-excursion orientation in the work of the teacher

Sections: History and social studies

Modern education faces important tasks of forming significant socio-cultural competencies in students. At present, approaches to the educational process have fundamentally changed. The competence-based approach has become a priority, implying, among other things, the formation of the ability and readiness of students to analyze past and present events, identify cause-and-effect relationships, consider alternative options for the course of the historical process, and draw their own conclusions and conclusions based on the study of historical sources.

The task of modern education is to establish a patriotic attitude in the minds of every pupil, to make the educational process meaningful for students, representing a direct, vital interest, to form the desire to conduct independent research work. Competence includes the ability to study, analyze, draw conclusions, etc.

It is important to teach to trace the connection between the history of the whole country and its local characteristics, to identify the mutual influence of events and processes occurring on a national scale and taking place on the territory of a particular region. In the course of the development of historical and local history material, the formation of a civic position, a sense of responsibility and ownership of the fate of one's country, region, city takes place. The achievement of these goals and objectives is the implementation of the discipline "History and Culture of the Sochi Region" in the Sochi College of Multicultural Education, which trains specialists in pedagogical and service specialties.

In addition to classroom studies, the curriculum of the discipline provides for a voluminous excursion block, which includes the following excursions:

  • The past of our city (Appendix 1).
  • According to the historical places of the Lazarevsky district (Appendix 2).
  • Early Christian church in the village. Loo.
  • Matsesta is the heart of the resort.
  • Excursion to the dolmen-monolith in the Volkonsky Gorge.
  • Excursion to the Kudepsta ("Circassian") cult stone.
  • Yew-boxwood grove.

Excursions are mostly combined (bus-pedestrian) or on foot. The length in time is from two to eight hours. Each excursion includes an acquaintance with historical, cultural and natural objects with a mandatory exit to them for direct inspection and study.

The purpose and objectives of the excursion are determined by the content of the educational material on which it is conducted, for example: the dolmen culture of the Caucasus, the spread of Christianity on the Black Sea coast, the Black Sea coastline, the emergence of the resort of Sochi, Sochi during the Great Patriotic War.

The criteria for a successful excursion is its cognitive value and focus on the formation of local history competencies.

  1. The main theme and sub-themes are revealed.
  2. Any excursion has an educational goal - the formation of patriotism, love for the "small Motherland", tolerance.

During the preparation and direct conduct of excursions, special techniques are used - preliminary tasks, research, ritual.

When studying the relevant topic in the classroom, students receive a preliminary task: to collect theoretical material on a particular excursion object. For example, to get acquainted with the history of the study of the dolmen-monolith on the river. Godlik, the history of the emergence of a particular settlement where the excursion will be made (Lazarevskoye, Loo, Nor-Luis), the architectural features of the object (the early Christian church in Loo, the Byzantine fortification on the territory of the yew-boxwood grove, the Winter Theater, the sea station, etc. ). Performing a preliminary task, students involve various sources of information - scientific publications, archival materials, eyewitness accounts, publications in the media, Internet resources. The method of comparative analysis of materials obtained from various sources is used.

Immediately before the start of the tour, students are given tasks of a research nature: to take measurements; determine the orientation of the object (or its fragments) to the cardinal points, take a photograph.

Ritual receptions include a moment of silence at the burial site; laying flowers at monuments. The use of this technique has a direct educational value.

The final part of any excursion includes the processing of the collected material, the preparation of a report in one form or another, the holding of a final lesson or conference at which the results will be heard.

Electronic presentations have been prepared for each of the excursions. On their basis, in case of impossibility for one reason or another to organize a real tour, a correspondence tour is carried out. Presentations are used both by the teacher of the discipline "History and Culture of the Sochi Region", and by the students themselves in the course of pedagogical practices in Sochi schools during local history lessons and class hours.

The practice of work was not only the creation by students of electronic presentations based on the photographs collected during the excursions, but also their mandatory defense at meetings of the Student Scientific Society and student conferences. The use of such forms of work makes it possible to acquaint a wide audience with local history material - schoolchildren and students of all college specialties, increases their motivation to study regional history.

In the course of preparing and conducting excursions, conditions are created for the formation of students' experience of independently solving cognitive, communicative, organizational, historical, moral, legal and other problems that make up the content of education.

The use of excursions as a form of education allows you to form not only local history, but also broader informational competencies:

  1. Query various databases.
  2. Query the environment.
  3. Consult experts.
  4. Work with documents, classify them.
  5. Critically reflect on the information received.

Thus, the excursion is a means of forming local history competencies, making a significant contribution to the formation of personal and professional competencies of the future specialist.

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Natural History Excursions as a Means of Formation of Ecological Knowledge of Junior School Students


ecological schoolchild education excursion

The relevance of research. At present, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, much attention is paid to the education of younger students, both modern pedagogical technologies, and traditional forms and methods of teaching, which should contribute to the formation of independence, creativity, the ability to perform universal learning activities in students.

An important part of the modern general primary education of a younger student is environmental education, which will be more effective if various combinations of forms and teaching methods are used in practice, such as a lesson, practical work, project activity, role-playing game and natural history excursions.

The entire history of mankind is inextricably linked with nature. On the present stage issues of its traditional interaction with humans have grown into a global environmental problem. If people in the near future do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy themselves and the world around them.

In order to preserve nature, it is necessary to cultivate an ecological culture and responsibility, starting from primary school age, since at this time the acquired knowledge can later be transformed into strong convictions.

Environmental education is one of the most important directions in the modern educational process. The formation of a responsible attitude towards nature in children is a complex and lengthy process. Its result should be not only the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, but also the development of emotional responsiveness, the ability and desire to actively protect, improve, ennoble natural environment.

Pupils who have received certain ecological ideas will be more careful about nature and its riches. In the future, this may affect the improvement of the environmental situation in our region and in the country.

Primary school is one of the first links where the foundations of ecological culture are laid. A great legacy in the field of raising children with the environment was left to us by the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. In his opinion, nature is the basis of children's thinking, feelings and creativity.

The teacher closely linked the attitude of children and adolescents to the objects of nature with the fact that nature is our land, the land that raised us and feeds us, the land transformed by our labor. Nature itself does not educate, it educates only active interaction with it. In order for a child to learn to understand nature, to feel its beauty, to protect its wealth, it is necessary to instill this in him from early childhood.

To bring up all these feelings in children, it is necessary to use various methods and forms of work in this direction. One of the leading forms of environmental education for children is natural history excursions.

Natural history excursions are necessary in all those cases when an object or phenomenon must be considered in its own setting. This includes, for example, the study of trees, shrubs, forest grasses, wintering birds, early flowering plants in spring, etc.

Natural history excursions are also necessary in order to trace the seasonal changes in nature.

An analysis of the experience of teachers showed that conducting environmental excursions with an ecological orientation gives positive results in terms of the moral education of children, the formation of aesthetic views, and respect for the environment. So, excursion as a form of education solves a whole range of educational and upbringing tasks in primary school.

The great pedagogical possibilities of natural history excursions, which play an important role in the formation of ecological knowledge about nature, are the justification research topics of this final qualifying work: "Natural excursions as a means of forming ecological knowledge of younger schoolchildren."

Research problem: what are the ways of formation of ecological knowledge of junior schoolchildren in the study of the subject " The world».

This issue defines the purpose of our study: identifying the importance of natural history excursions and determining the conditions for their successful implementation for the formation of environmental knowledge of younger students.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following

Research objectives:

1. To study the state of the theory on the problem of studying natural history excursions and their significance for the formation of ecological knowledge of younger students.

2. To form a positive attitude towards nature in younger students and instill correct behavior in her.

3. To characterize the role and place of natural history excursions in the educational process and determine the pedagogical requirements for conducting them.

4. Outline the ways and methods of working with students during natural history excursions.

5. Develop notes and conduct a series of natural history excursions to form the ecological knowledge of younger students.

Object of study teaching and educational process in the lessons of the world around.

Subject of study the content and methodology of conducting natural history excursions in order to form environmental knowledge among younger students.

Research hypothesis: if during the educational process excursions into nature are systematically conducted with primary school students, this will deepen the system of environmental knowledge, instill interest and respect for the world around.

Solution Methods assigned tasks:

Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature;

Interviews with teachers and students;

Observation of students in the classroom and during natural history excursions;

pedagogical experiment.

The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

In the theoretical part, we analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature, revealed the concept of an excursion from various authors (N.K. Krupskaya,

B. A. Sukhomlinsky, K.P. Yagodovsky, P.A. Zavitaev), examined the organization and methodology of conducting excursions in elementary school, gave an analysis of modern programs in the subject "World around".

The practical part consisted of three stages: ascertaining, forming, control. Questioning and testing of students was carried out. A statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out. The analysis of the conducted excursions is given.

Approbation of experimental - experimental work was carried out on the basis of GBOU School No. 1173 of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow in the 3rd "E" class.

1. Excursion as a means of forming ecological knowledge of younger students

1.1 Russian teachers on the role of excursions in the study of elementarynatural science

AT " explanatory dictionary Russian language" the word "excursion" is understood as a collective trip or a walk somewhere with a scientific, educational or entertainment purpose.

Excursions are extremely great importance in the teaching of natural science. Without them, the study of this subject cannot be conducted effectively. Excursions contribute to the implementation of the connection of the school course of natural science with life, with the surrounding nature.

The specificity of excursions in comparison with other forms of educational work lies in the fact that on them students have the opportunity to visually learn the relationships that exist in nature.

The educational and educational value of excursions is great; they help children "... to expand their horizons by observing wildlife, living people, their work, their relationships."

E.I. highly appreciated excursions into nature. Tikheeva, who made a serious contribution to the development of the methodology for their implementation. Her main requirement is to make the content of the excursion interesting for every child, because "the accuracy of observation and the depth of perception are proportional to interest." The more successful the excursion was, the more it interested and captivated the children, the more diverse they will react to it in the future: remember, ask questions, reflect what they saw and experienced in the game, in visual activity.

Researches of scientists, carried out in recent years, convincingly show that excursions create favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of children. Familiarization of schoolchildren with the environment is the first steps in the knowledge of their native land, native nature, in cultivating love for the Motherland.

The multifaceted world of nature arouses curiosity among schoolchildren and causes surprise. “Sincere amazement at the revealed secret of nature,” notes B. A. Sukhomlinsky, “a powerful impetus for the rapid flow of thought.” The inquisitiveness of the child, his curiosity is manifested in cognitive questions that help him navigate the world around him, discover the existing connections and dependencies.

Therefore, teachers, directing the activities of children, should stimulate them cognitive activity, the emergence of questions, the desire to find answers to them, to try to strengthen and deepen interest in nature, its knowledge.

At the same time, they teach children to correctly name objects, natural phenomena, their properties, qualities, develop the ability to express their thoughts and impressions. And as a result, the child's speech becomes richer, more meaningful, coherent; children learn to describe what they observed, to reason.

We will reveal the main provisions of the research of methodologists in natural history and natural science in elementary school.

K.P. Yagodovsky (1877-1943) - the author of a large number of works on the methodology of teaching natural science in elementary school: "Lessons in natural science in elementary school", "Practical lessons in natural science in elementary school", "How to teach natural science in elementary school", "Living Corner at school and at home”, “Corners of nature in elementary school”, “Practice of teaching natural science”, etc.

In the works of K.P. Yagodovsky, for the first time, the psychological need of children of primary school age to study nature was clearly and convincingly revealed. He believed that the decisive factor in building a system for obtaining knowledge about nature in elementary school should be a methodically expedient selection of material for study, as well as educating students in skills in dealing with specific facts.

The result of all his scientific activity is the book "Questions of the General Methodology of Natural Science". In an effort to substantiate the methodology of natural science, the author requires, first of all, to connect it with pedagogy and psychology, rightly believing that without general theories education and training, without taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of children, it is impossible to scientifically build a methodology.

Considering the issue of the formation of concepts, the author pays special attention to the guidance of the teacher's cognitive process in educational work, believing that "the methodology begins from the moment when the teacher becomes the leader of the cognitive process that takes place in the mind of the student" .

K.P. Yagodovsky shows the goals and requirements that apply to the content of natural science material in the programs. Interesting are his arguments that natural science should be studied as early as possible, because this is a necessary basis for the study of future systematic courses.

For the purpose of the general development of students, he considered it necessary to create in children the skills of the simplest generalizations as early as possible, filling the words about nature with the right content through excursions.

K.P. Yagodovsky, using concrete examples, showed the methodology for the formation of primary generalizations in primary schoolchildren, based on a small number of vivid and figurative ideas. He paid special attention to the teacher's work on common development students, conscious assimilation of the studied material.

P.A. Zavitaev (1890-1970) made a significant contribution to the methodology of teaching natural history in primary school. In his works, he sought to show how to form natural history ideas and concepts using methods that are characteristic of the natural sciences. The methodology he developed for conducting observations, experiments and excursions helped to create a concrete, sensual basis for the formation of natural history concepts. P.A. Zavitaev outlined a system of subject lessons, determined their content and methodology (“Excursions and subject lessons in grades I-IV”). He paid much attention to classes at the school site (“Educational and experimental site of I-IV grades”, “Work of students of grades I-IV in the educational and experimental site”), where students acquire skills in growing plants. He believed that natural science constituted the initial stage of the polytechnic education of students.

The success of observations and experiments, excursions and subject lessons is determined by the wide use of various visual aids.

K.D. Ushinsky (1824-1870) - the largest methodologist and teacher in the field of primary education - believed that children's education should be based not on a verbal basis, but on the basis of impressions received by them directly from the outside world.

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that observation of natural phenomena and their generalization should be the main sources of knowledge. He said that nature is a natural environment in which a person deploys his activity, using it for his own purposes.

E.A. Valeryanova (1885-1970) - natural science methodologist in primary school. She devoted a lot of time and energy to working with teachers, emphasizing the great role and importance of the principle of visualization in teaching natural science. She created the "Diaries of Observations on Nature and Human Labor Activity" for students of grades I, II, III, IV, which have not lost their significance at the present time.

M.N. Skatkin (1900) - methodologist for teaching natural science in primary grades and polytechnic education for schoolchildren; author

science programs in elementary school; author of textbooks on natural history for grades III and IV. He pays great attention to the methodology of teaching natural history, especially the methodology of conducting excursions, maintaining calendars, observations in nature, enhancing the cognitive activity of students, extracurricular work in natural history in primary grades, and ways to improve the effectiveness of education. He created a series of visual aids, tables, paintings, collections, films, as well as guidelines for their use in the classroom.

Speaking about the founders of natural science as a science, about methodologists of natural history, one cannot but recall the words of the great Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. He wrote: “It is very important that the amazing world of nature, beauty, music, fantasy, creativity that surrounds children before school does not close the classroom door in front of the student .... The first lessons of thinking should not be in the classroom, not in front of the blackboard, but in the midst of nature…”.

The basic principle of V.A. Sukhomlinsky - education through nature, constant communication with nature. “Go to the field, to the park, drink from the source of thought, and this living water will make your pets wise researchers, inquisitive, inquisitive people and poets. What is lost in childhood can never be made up in the years of youth, and even more so in adulthood. This rule applies to all spheres of the spiritual life of the child and especially aesthetic education. Sensitivity, susceptibility to beauty in childhood is incomparably deeper than in the later years of personality development.

One of the main tasks of an elementary school teacher is to educate the need for beauty, which largely determines the whole structure of the spiritual life of the child, his relationships in the team. The need for beauty affirms moral beauty, giving rise to intolerance and intolerance towards everything vulgar, ugly.

During the tour, we strive to show them the world in such a way that they reflect on the truth that nature is our home, and if we are wasteful and careless, we will destroy it.

Thus, the analysis of various works of outstanding teachers allows us to note the great role of excursions in the development and upbringing of children.

1.2 Forms and methods of environmental education of junior schoolchildren

The main forms and methods of environmental education of junior schoolchildren include:

1. Lesson- a form of organization of training, in which training sessions are conducted by a teacher with a group of students of a constant composition, of the same age and level of training for a certain time according to an established schedule to achieve educational goals. Each lesson is devoted to the study of a specific issue of the program and therefore is complete and at the same time is a continuation of the previous lessons and a support for subsequent ones.

Deepening cognitive interest, fostering love for nature contributes to the introduction of games into the educational process. They help children to learn the qualities and properties of objects, to consolidate the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

2. Didactic game- this is such a collective, purposeful learning activity, when each participant and the team as a whole are united by the solution of the main task and orient their behavior towards winning.

In the didactic game, the main type of activity is learning activity, which is woven into the game and acquires the features of a joint game. learning activities. The rules of the didactic game are carefully thought out and communicated to the children before it starts.

Functions of didactic games:

v activate cognitive processes;

v nurture the interest and attentiveness of children;

v develop abilities;

v introduce children to life situations;

v teach them to act according to the rules;

v develop curiosity;

v consolidate knowledge and skills.

Didactic games of ecological content include games with lotto-type cards, games - quizzes like "Who lives where", games - riddles, for example, to find a plant in a herbarium using a "portrait" on a card

a. Role-playing games environmental content are based on modeling the social content of activities. Unlike a regular lesson, in learning in a game situation, there is an active restructuring and regrouping of concepts, ideas, facts that are associated with the construction of a responsible speech on behalf of the public or a politician, scientist, administrator or technical specialist. For example, the game "Environmental Expertise": they decided to build a gas station with a car wash between the highway and the river. A discussion unfolds between groups of "environmentalists", "engineers",

"motorists". Role-playing behavior enables the younger student to show independence of judgment. It develops their ability to lead a discussion.

b. Simulation environmental games are based on modeling of ecological activity. For example, the game "Who lives where?" reveals the dependence of the distribution of animals on environmental conditions.

4. Ecological tales- these are fairy tales that carry "environmental information", i.e. give knowledge about nature, animal habits, help to expand the ecological horizons, comprehend the world around us and changes in the relationship of people with the environment, form elementary ecological concepts.

They teach to learn about the world around them, to cultivate a sense of belonging to the well-being in nature, to think about the consequences of their actions in relation to the world around them.

5. Environmental issues they activate cognitive activity, expand the scope of natural history concepts, educate a cultural personality capable of loving nature, protecting and preserving it. They not only stimulate children's curiosity, but also contribute to the manifestation of care and concern about the state of nature. These include riddles about plants, animals, natural phenomena, crossword puzzles, rebuses and the actual tasks.

6. Environmental Modeling- this is the construction by children with the help of a teacher of graphic and dynamic schemes (models) that reflect certain relationships in nature. Models make it easier for students to understand connections, serve as a support for remembering and reproducing knowledge about them.

7. Excursion to nature- this is a form of organization of the educational process, aimed at mastering the educational material, but carried out outside the school, which allows you to make observations, as well as directly study various objects, phenomena and processes, in naturally or artificially created conditions. We consider this form in more detail in paragraph 1.3.

1.3 Organization and methodology of conducting natural history excursions with younger students

An excursion is a form of organization of the educational process, aimed at mastering the educational material, but carried out outside the school. When the whole class participates in the excursion and the material of the excursion is closely connected with the science program, it becomes a form of community work. In this case, it is included in the system of lessons and is an important part of the educational process. In addition, the field trip can be a form of extracurricular activity when it is carried out with a group of individual, most interested students.

The text of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education of the Second Generation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1643 “On Approval and Entry into Force of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education”, outlines the features of the modern organization of extracurricular activities in educational institution.

The standard defines the directions of personality development, in which extracurricular activities are carried out in elementary school, namely:

sports and recreation direction;

spiritual and moral;


general intellectual;

general cultural.

The forms of organization of extracurricular activities are indicated: excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and Scientific research, socially useful practices, etc.

The excursion allows you to combine the educational process at school with real life. On the excursion, the teacher has the opportunity to connect the events of the past directly with specific historical monuments - mute witnesses of those events, which helps students create more accurate ideas about the distant past; excursion helps schoolchildren to become, as it were, contemporaries historical events of the past.

The topics of excursions are varied. It can be represented by the following groups:

Ш Excursions into nature (to the park, forest, pond, field) in order to study seasonal changes, plant and animal life; communities;

Ш Excursions introducing people to the seasonal work (harvesting, plowing, gardening and gardening, cleaning leaves and snow, etc.);

Ш Excursions, revealing the issues of protection and conservation of nature in naturally and artificially created conditions (zoo, greenhouse, nature reserve, biological study, winter garden);

Ш Excursions introducing various professions and the work of people (factory, factory, library, theater, etc.).

Ш Excursions dedicated to the study of the sights of the native land (architectural monuments, museums, monuments to great people, memorials);

Ш Excursions to the historical places of the native land (historical and artistic monuments, battlefields, memorials).

Natural history tours are introductory(by course or topic),

current(as you study the material of the topic), and generalizing(after studying the material of the topic).

On the introductory excursions the student receives general idea about the material being studied, observation tasks on the whole topic, conduct short-term observations. An example of an introductory excursion could be an excursion in grade III on the topic "Spring changes in nature."

Current excursions involve acquaintance with specific objects or phenomena in nature itself. An example of a current excursion can be an excursion on the topic "Familiarization with the features of a local reservoir, its use and protection."

Generalizing excursions are held at the end of the study of a topic or part of it and involve concretization, systematization and generalization of the studied material. They are built in such a way that students find in the nature around them what they studied in the classroom and from the textbook at home, and answer the questions posed by the teacher.

The systematic conduct of excursions develops in students the skills of studying their region.

Let us single out several fundamentally important aspects that the teacher should keep in mind when organizing and conducting an excursion.

1. Emotional side. The teacher should try to encourage the children to emotional condition which is caused by the excursion. This is achieved by eliminating authoritarian leadership: (“Stand here,” “Don’t look there,” “Don’t run,” etc.) freedom; allow a little time to communicate with the observed object. Sharp disciplinary remarks, punishments and direct instructions should be avoided. The style of communication must be necessarily trusting, soft, sincere. Otherwise, the excursion will leave an emotionally negative impression on children.

3. Organizational side. The teacher prepares each excursion carefully and in advance; he determines the topic of the excursion, the presentation and the basic concepts that will be worked out on the excursion; chooses the place of the excursion; develops an itinerary; by all means visits the place of the excursion to get acquainted with it, select the most interesting and typical objects for demonstration and independent observation of students; determines where to rest. This work of the teacher ends with the preparation of the excursion plan. When planning the course of the excursion, the teacher should provide for the following structural elements:

W Brief opening speech teachers or an introductory conversation with students, in which it is necessary to reflect the season, the state of the surrounding inanimate and living nature;

Ш Independent work of students;

Ш Form of reporting of schoolchildren;

Ш Checking the performance of independent work;

Ш Generalizing conversation.

Students must also be prepared for field trips. The teacher introduces them in advance to the topic of the excursion and its tasks, to the questions that students must find the answer to; distributes students into links - groups for better management of them during the excursion, appoints a senior among the group, issues excursion equipment: herbarium folders, jars, nets, a magnifying glass, etc. depending on the content and objectives of the excursion, distributes tasks between groups for independent work, collection of natural material.

Before the start of the excursion, the teacher informs the students in advance about the purpose, plan and route of the excursion, distributes tasks for independent work. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a briefing on the rules of behavior in nature, on the movement on the route. It is best to start any excursion into nature with a description of the natural landscape. The teacher draws the attention of children to the season, to the state of inanimate and living nature in this season, gives a description of the area or conducts a conversation with students based on their direct observation. It is also necessary to divide students into groups to perform independent work and dictate to them the lists of benefits needed for the excursion. General tasks are best communicated individually to each student. It is necessary to explain what and how to prepare for tourists, what lists should be made, how to formalize the results of observations.

So, for example, before conducting an excursion on the topic “Signs of autumn.

Leaf fall” students are offered the following questions and tasks:

1. Do you like autumn?

2. What poets wrote poems about autumn?

3. How has the weather changed by October?

4. Select leaves from one tree so that all transitions from green to yellow to red are represented.

5. Determine which tree the leaves belong to.

6. Which leaves do you like the most? Why?

7. What paints should be mixed to get shades of autumn leaves?

8. What names could you think of for these leaves?

9. At home, children make panels from collected leaves - participation in the exhibition.

How more baby learns about the life of nature, the more opportunities he will have to form the right attitude towards it, to cultivate love for the beauty of his native places.

For the successful conduct of excursions, in order to avoid mistakes and shortcomings, which can greatly depreciate the excursion, a novice teacher should remember some rules.

The main requirement is to organize the active work of the tourists, not to leave them only as spectators and listeners. For this purpose, they should be given individual independent tasks, such as searching for, collecting and distributing material, observing certain natural phenomena, making specific measurements, and others.

Next, it is necessary to organize a review of the collected material, a conversation to explain the reasons for certain observed phenomena. This work is finally completed and summarized already at school. Sometimes a preliminary generalization is done immediately after the excursion, and the final summing up is carried out after the results are presented.

Usually, students are most active in those cases when the research method is used on the excursion. It requires more initiative from the tourists in carrying out work, conducting observations of objects and phenomena, more independent conclusions based on what they saw and studied on the excursion. ,

But due to the need to cover more material in a short time, the illustrative method usually prevails on excursions. However, where possible, research methods of work should be introduced. The teacher should strive for this, improving the methodology for organizing excursions as children gain experience and knowledge.

The second rule, following from the first, is the specificity of the material, the objects and tasks being studied. Long verbal explanations and any digressions from the main topic and objects are best avoided on the tour. If longer verbal explanations are needed, then it is better to do them not during the excursion itself, but before or after it during the processing of the results.

Tourists should also not be overloaded with a multitude of special terms for the names of certain objects. It should be borne in mind that children tend to want to know the name of an object - this is a completely natural desire to correlate the subject and verbal representation of a particular object. But, as a rule, on excursions with younger students it is advisable to consider no more than 8-10 objects. The task of the tour is to reveal those connections and relationships that are observed in nature. This goal, by no means, is achieved by loading the memory with terminology. It is necessary to give names, but in a small amount, so that they do not “clog” the memory and do not tire the students. If desired and necessary, you can offer to read something from popular science and fiction.

The next requirement is the ability to correctly show various objects on the tour, not excluding the smallest ones. When giving any explanation, the teacher must first make sure that the sightseers have gathered around him. Therefore, students get acquainted with the rules of conduct on excursions.

Examination of large, well-visible objects on an excursion does not require special equipment. It is difficult to study small objects, sometimes very small ones (small insects, some details in the structure of plants, etc.) rings.

A study tour should not turn into a walk, so it is necessary to teach students to write down all their observations and work in notebooks, without relying on their memory; otherwise much will be forgotten by them.

Finally, you need to teach the guys to collect only necessary materials and, bringing them to school, process, put them in order; to place living objects in conditions convenient for them. Without this, much will perish - it will deteriorate and by the time it is studied in the classroom it will not be able to be used. The teacher needs to clearly define which objects are to be collected and which must not be collected in any case. This applies to rare and protected plants such as primroses, May lily of the valley, representatives of the labiate family and others. From insects, butterflies are not subject to catching, with the exception of whites, bumblebees, it is also impossible to collect mollusks and some other animals. The collection of any living objects should be worthwhile, and the objects themselves should be used later for supplementing school supplies or detailed study in the classroom. Otherwise, it is enough to conduct an observation on an excursion. This contributes to the development of environmental skills in schoolchildren and environmental education not in words, but in deeds.

1.4 Analysis of modern general education programs in the subject "World around"

Primary school lays the foundations of knowledge about the world around the child. Elements of knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, natural phenomena, rules of behavior in society are included in the integrated course "The World Around", which consists of three blocks:

1. "Man and nature"

2. "Man and society"

3. "Rules for the safety of life."

Thus, for the implementation of the educational component "The World Around" in a four-year elementary school with a basic curriculum educational institutions Russia provides the following number of hours per week:

Y class - 66 hours (2 hours per week, 33 academic weeks)

YY, YYY and YV classes - 68 hours each (2 hours per week, 34 academic weeks)

Currently, the elementary school is engaged in three educational systems: the traditional, developing system of D.B.

Elkonina - V.V. Davydov, developing system L.V. Zankov. All these systems comply with the requirements of the FGOS LEO.

Consider and analyze modern traditional general education programs on the subject "World around"

1 . Etcprogram "The World Around" (EMC "School of Russia") for a four-year primary school A.A. Pleshakova, has a strong environmental focus. It is built taking into account the inherent emotional responsiveness, curiosity and, at the same time, the ability to acquire theoretical knowledge. Its ecological orientation is determined by the idea of ​​the diversity and ecological integrity of nature, the unity of nature and man.

The priority of the course is:

* the formation in students of a single, holistic colored image of the world, their own and common to all people, for all living things;

* the systematization and expansion of children's ideas about objects and phenomena of nature and social life is being carried out;

* development of interest in their knowledge, enrichment of the moral experience of students, instilling in them love for their city (village), for their homeland.

The listed aspects of the content are highlighted in the program as separate topics.

Also in program "Ambient world" A.A. Pleshakova, UMK "School of Russia", students conduct observations of natural phenomena and social life with the help of a teacher. To successfully solve the problems of the course, the author proposes to conduct excursions and study walks throughout the year.

The purpose of this course is the education of a humane, creative, socially active personality, carefully, responsibly relating to the riches of nature and society.

Forms of organization of work in the study of the course "The world around us" are diverse: lessons in the classroom and in nature, excursions, field workshops, homework. The methods, techniques and means of teaching are also varied. Thus, a significant role is given to observations in nature, practical work, demonstration of experiments, visual aids, etc.

2 . EtcProgram "World around"A.A. Pleshakova, M.Yu. Novitskaya, UMK "Perspective" created based on cultural principles, concepts, categories that harmoniously combine natural science knowledge and experience of the humanities. Leading, in terms of content organization, is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture. From this principled position, the surrounding world is considered as a natural and cultural whole, and man as a part of nature, as the creator of culture and as its product, i.e. also a natural and cultural entity.

The program defines the concepts necessary for the perception and study of the surrounding world by younger students:

· nature and culture, whole and part, common and different, external and internal, living and non-living, space and time as the most important parameters of being;

· the natural rhythm of human life as the basis of physical and mental health of a person;

· the world as a hierarchy, order, harmony, as the interconnection of everything with everything.

Thanks to the culturological attitude, the program plays an integrating role in the system of education and upbringing of younger students. Almost all topics of the program can receive a special interpretation in the classroom. visual arts and music, literary reading and the Russian language, as well as in physical education lessons. In accordance with the program material on the "World Around", extracurricular and extracurricular activities, work with the family, in extended day groups, a full-time school system for younger students can be built. Therefore, at the end of each section in the content of each class, a “Block of extra-curricular, out-of-school work” is proposed with an approximate topic; any teacher can transform it according to the regional, local conditions in which a particular school is located.

The approach to structuring the educational material used in the program makes it possible to identify individual aspects (aspects) in those generalized formulations from year to year. So gradually, step by step, from the standpoint of a culturological approach and taking into account the increase in the age opportunities of students, the consideration of the value-semantic potential inherent in the content of the course "The World Around" deepens. The spheres of natural and social life appear in their unity and close mutual connection.

3 . EtcProgram "World around"N.F. Vinogradova, G.S. Kalinova, EMC "Primary schoolXXIcentury" offers the study of natural science and social science issues in a single course throughout all four years of study. This integrated course is of particular importance in shaping students' holistic view of the social and natural environment around us, the place of man in it, his biological and social essence.

The main goal of the subject is the formation of the social experience of the student, the awareness of elementary interaction in the system "man - nature - society", the education of the correct attitude to the environment and the rules of behavior in it.

Studying the subject allows you to:

Establish a closer relationship between the knowledge of nature and social life;

Ensure real continuity and prospects for the study of the surrounding world;

To create conditions for a smoother and more expedient formation of moral and ethical attitudes;

The course is based on the linear-concentric principle of studying educational material.

Taking into account the importance of expanding the sensory experience of younger students and the need to connect learning with life, the program provides for excursions and practical work available to children at this age. It is advisable to conduct generalization lessons. Their goal is to revive the knowledge of the student, to systematize and generalize the ideas received. The study of this course requires the use of non-traditional forms of conducting lessons, organizing classes outside the classroom (in a corner of nature, in a park, museum, gym, etc.).

4. The main feature of the course content programs

"The world"FROM. Poglazova, UMK "Harmony" is its integrative nature. In a single course, knowledge about nature, man, society, and the most important events in the history of the Russian state are combined.

In accordance with the general didactic principles of consistency, accessibility, visibility, continuity , taking into account the local history, ecological, seasonal principles of teaching, a picture of the living and inanimate nature surrounding them in its versatility and diversity unfolds before the students. They learn about the diversity of plants, fungi, animals, land forms, types of water bodies, about the Earth as a planet in the solar system, about natural communities and natural areas, about seasonal changes in nature and in human life. They study the properties of air, water, soil, substances necessary for all life on Earth, discuss the problems associated with their pollution and realize the need for careful attitude to environment. They receive initial ideas about the development of a plant organism, about the stages of development of certain groups of animals, about how the human body functions and develops, on which its health depends.

Much attention is paid to identifying changes in the surrounding world associated with human life, in the process of direct observation of objects and natural phenomena by students during excursions and walks to monuments of architecture and modern architecture, to parks, to museums. At the same time, short walks (grades 1 and 2) and subject or complex excursions(grades 3 and 4) to study objects of nature or human creations in their natural conditions.

5. Course content program "World around"I.V. Potapova, G.G. Ivchenkova, E.V. Saplin, A.I. Saplin, EMC "Planet of Knowledge" allows you to organize purposeful work on the development of aesthetic perception of the world. The program consistently reveals not only the scientific and practical significance of the studied objects, but also their aesthetic value for a person and society as a whole.

The development of thinking is ensured by the inclusion in teaching aids of various tasks for comparing objects, identifying their essential features, classification, establishing cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies.

6 Essential feature program "World around"HE. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov, EMC "Promising elementary school" lies in the fact that it lays a substantive basis for the broad implementation of interdisciplinary connections of all disciplines of elementary school, which gives the student the key (method) to comprehend personal experience, allowing you to make the phenomena of the surrounding world understandable, familiar and predictable, find your place in the immediate environment, predict the direction of your personal interests in harmony with the interests of nature and society, thereby ensuring in the future both your personal and social well-being.

The subject "The World around" uses and thereby reinforces the skills acquired in the lessons of reading, Russian language and mathematics, music and fine arts, technology and physical culture, together with them accustoming children to rational, scientific and emotionally valuable comprehension of the world around.

Thus, the course creates a solid foundation for the study of a significant part of the subjects of the basic school and for the further development of the individual.

7 A different situation will develop when using the course program "World around"A.A. Vakhrusheva, D.D. Danilova, A.S. Rautiana, S.V. Tyrina, to which the integrated course belongs within EMC "School 2100". Schoolchildren are introduced to broad ideas about the world, which form a system that covers the entire world around them. At the same time, the most important concepts studied in detail (“islands of knowledge”) explain only a small part of the surrounding world, but the zones of proximal development formed around them allow answering most of the questions that the children have. The presentation of a relatively complete picture of the world will make it possible to give a creative research character to the process of studying the subject, forcing students to ask more and more new questions that clarify and help comprehend their experience.

In this case, and uses the traditional for textbooks "Schools 2100" minimax principle. According to this principle, textbooks contain redundant knowledge that children can learn and redundant tasks that students can complete. At the same time, the most important concepts and connections that are included in the minimum content (standard) and make up a relatively small part of the course should be learned by all students. Thus, textbooks differ significantly in the amount of material that students can and should learn.

Analyzing the programs, we have compiled a summary table No. 1 natural history excursions offered by the authors of the above programs.

natural history Excursions in the course "The world around"



1.EMC "School of Russia".

Etc. "The World Around", ed. A.A. Pleshakov



Excursion to the zoo.



Visiting autumn. Welcome to winter.

Welcome to spring.

"Nature and Us"

Variety of nature Excursion State Darwin Museum.

Excursion to the Agrokombinat

"Moscow". Excursion to

"Ethnographic Museum

on dolls"

"We and our

What is growing at the school.


Etc. "Ambient

"Our class"

peace", ed.

A.A. Pleshakov,

"Spring and Summer"

Excursion to the forest. Autumn excursion to the park.

M.Yu. Novitskaya.

Winter walk.

Spring walk.

Excursion to the forest.

"What does it teach us


A tour of the studio

shoe workshop.



Walk to school

yard (square) for

Etc. "Ambient

the study"

objects observation

peace", ed. FROM.

the environment and


collection of natural


"The beauty

Excursion to the winter forest.


Reservoirs of the native land.


"The beauty

Excursions to




m of the city, historical

or local history

4. UMK "Initial

Natural phenomena:

school of the 21st century.


September-first month

Etc. "Ambient

autumn; October already


peace", ed.

N.F. Vinogradova, G.S. Kalinov.

In December, in December all the trees are in silver; January - the beginning of the year, the middle of winter; March - drip; April - Aquarius;



Forest and its inhabitants; Meadow

and its inhabitants;



Excursions in nature

different seasons

5.EMC "School 2100".

Etc. "The World Around", ed.

A.A. Vakhrushev, D.D. Danilov, A.S. Rautian, S.V. Tyrin.


Excursion to the park: Autumn nature.

Winter nature.

Spring nature.

"Ecological system"

Tour the inhabitants of the lake, forests, meadows.

Live Members


Excursion of plants and their role on Earth.

"Promising Primary School". Etc. "The World Around", ed. HE. Fedotova, G.V. Trafimova, S.A. Trafimov.

"Nature and its seasonal changes"

Lesson-excursion to the local reservoir. Lesson - excursion: Observation

for bud break.

"Sources of information about the environment

The world of animate and inanimate nature of the native land (for the school


"The planet that

Excursion acquaintance with the main forms

surface native

7. UMK "Planet of Knowledge".

Etc. "The World Around", ed.

I.V. Potapov, G.G. Ivchenkova, E.V. Saplin,

A.I. Saplin.

"The nature of life


Excursion Botanical Garden

"How do people

know the world"

Excursion to the forest.

Excursion to the reservoir.

"Diversity of Animals"

Excursion to the zoo.

The analysis of Table No. 1 made it possible to conclude that each of the programs is based on the basis of various principles, in accordance with which their material is built. And the scientific material itself covers all the main topics studied in elementary school.

Cognition of the natural environment begins in a sensual way, with the help of sight, hearing, touch, smell. Nature, with its richness of colors, sounds, smells, forms in development and change, provides great opportunities for this. All types of perception can be activated to the maximum extent. Thus, the richness of the colors of nature activates visual perception child. The sound saturation of natural space stimulates auditory perception.

2. Pedagogical experiment on environmental education of junior schoolchildren through natural history excursions

2.1 Identification of the level of environmental knowledge among students 3« E"class

A pedagogical experiment was conducted at school No. 1173 of the South Administrative District in grade 3 "E" to confirm the above hypothesis: if during the educational process excursions into nature are systematically conducted with primary school students, this will deepen the system of environmental knowledge, instill interest and respect to the surrounding world.

The experiment involved 26 students aged 9-10 years, 16 boys and 10 girls. The class is very friendly and developed. All students have a well-developed speech, they easily make contact with a new person. Such a composition of students made it possible to trace both the general dynamics of the age development of children of primary school age, and to see more clearly the formation of new natural science concepts.

The pedagogical experiment consisted of three stages: ascertaining, forming and control.

The methodology of pedagogical research provided specifically

A well-thought-out series of lessons on the surrounding world and natural history excursions.

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Achkasova Galina Leontievna. Literary excursion as a means of forming the aesthetic susceptibility of a schoolchild reader: silt RSL OD 61:85-13 / 1036



I. Literary excursion in the system of methods of teaching literature (from the history of the problem) 20

2. Labor beginning in the literary and excursion work of schoolchildren 39

3. Development of aesthetic susceptibility of students in grades 4-6 in literary and excursion work 57

4. Formation of aesthetic perception of reality as the basis of literary creativity (grades 7-8) 83

5. Excursion as a means of introducing schoolchildren to the process of the creative activity of the writer (grades 9-10) 107


I. A complex of excursion forms in the process of studying a literary theme 134

2. Creative interpretation of the literary-excursion orientation in the work of the teacher 152

3. Perception of a literary excursion for schoolchildren! 174

4. Interaction of excursion with different systems of teaching literature 184


Introduction to work

The education of an aesthetically sensitive, artistically developed reader is the most urgent task not only of the literature course at school, but, in a certain sense, of the entire school curriculum. pedagogical process because reading "as work and creativity" (Asmus, 1968) is one of the foundations of learning.

The development of the mass media (film art, television art, etc.) did not diminish, but even higher raised the importance of the book in general, the art book in particular, as a means of shaping the human personality. Literature remains an inexhaustible and indispensable source of spiritual activity, and reader susceptibility now acts as one of the most reliable criteria for creative activity and the level of personality development. The Decree of the April (1984) Plenum of the IIK CPSU "On the main directions of the reform of the general education and vocational school" speaks of the need for a significant improvement in art education and aesthetic education of students. The importance of purposefulness and unity in this work is especially emphasized: "It is necessary to develop a sense of beauty, to form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, monuments of history and architecture, the beauty and richness of native nature" (Materials of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, April 10, 1984 , 1984, p.31).

Meanwhile, fundamental studies of reading activity (Soviet reader, 1968; Book and reading in the life of small towns, 1973; Book and reading in the life of the Soviet village, 1978), as well as observations accumulated by many language teachers, show that, along with an increase in the number culture-

4th, thoughtful readers remain, sometimes aggravated conflicts in the development of schoolchildren as readers.

    Between the broadest and ever-growing opportunities for reading and the lack of a student's sustained interest in reading.

    Between the possibilities of a school literature course on the formation of a student's personality and a low reading level that does not allow realizing these opportunities. At the same time, the student's reading activity can be high, even stormy, but not aimed at the best works. The choice of books for reading in this case is often random, chaotic, there is no system in reading.

    Between the reading activity of the personality and its attitude to reality. The reader can be distinguished by high activity, the presence of a system in reading, the choice interesting authors. But at the same time, with a book, he "isolates himself" from life, does not correlate what he read with either his own position or with reality in general. Experiencing sharp and stormy experiences in the process of reading,

he remains indifferent and callous to the phenomena of reality.

Despite the difference between these conflicts, a connection can be seen between them. Their common basis is that in all cases the work is not perceived as a vital value, and reading is not recognized as a vital labor. There is a break in the connection between reading and other activities: the system of interactions between the perception of verbal art and the attitude to reality has not been formed.

The problem of interaction between art and reality is studied by many scientists: philosophers (V.F. Asmus, N.M. Afasizhev,

~ 5 -Yu.B.Borev, V.V.Vanslov, M.S.Kagan, I.F.Smolyanlnov, L.N.Stolo

hiv); psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, P.V. Simonov); literary critics (A.S. Bushmin, D.S. Likhachev, P.M. Medvedev, B.S. Meilakh, M.B. Khrapchenko); teachers (I.F. Goncharov, B.T. Likhachev), etc. We are interested in it in terms of finding such methodological ways that would bring the student closer to the position of the artist.

It can be argued, based on research on aesthetics, on pedagogical experience and observations, that the level of fruitfulness of human activity in the field of knowledge, culture, art, production depends on his ability to see beauty in life and act in accordance with ideas about beauty.

Nowadays there is no doubt that one of the main conditions of an artist's creativity - the aesthetic perception of reality - should also be a condition for creative reading. A full and fruitful perception of a work of art is possible only in accordance with the laws by which it was created, "as a system of stimuli, consciously and deliberately organized in such a way as to evoke an aesthetic reaction" (Vygotsky, 1968, p. 40). Consequently, the task of educating the reader presupposes the formation and development of a certain ability that has the character of a support for his reading and, more broadly, artistic activity, namely, aesthetic susceptibility.

In the scientific literature, the term "aesthetic susceptibility" has been used for a long time and quite widely (V.A. Gerd, 1928; R.F. Brandesov, 1978; D.S. Likhachev, 1984). At the same time, it is used to refer to various phenomena associated with the process of aesthetic education, and does not have the limitation in content that is necessary for a scientific concept. We made by

attempt to clarify the content of this concept, taking into account modern works on aesthetic perception (I.F. Goncharov, L.M. Gulyaeva, M.S. Kagan, N.I. Kiyashchenko, B.T. Likhachev, M.F. Ovsyannikov, L .N.Stolo-: _"HIV and others).

Aesthetic susceptibility is understood by us as the ability of a person to comprehend the world according to the laws of beauty, i.e. in accordance with the ideal of harmony and perfection, which is formed socio-historically, mastered and refracted personally. The aesthetic susceptibility of a schoolchild, like his other creative abilities, can be awakened and developed. At the same time, as it seems to us, in relation to other creative abilities, it is basic.

Aesthetic susceptibility, as you know, is not an innate property of an individual (see, for example, N.A. Dmitrieva, N.I. Kiyashchenko, A.G. Kovalev, N.L. Leyzerov, V.P. Shatskaya and others). By nature, a person is endowed only with the makings of such qualities that contribute to the formation of aesthetic susceptibility. To develop these qualities means to create the foundation on which the formation of a person's ability to aesthetic perception of the world takes place.

In science, in the experience of work on aesthetic and artistic education, the most important conditions for the development of those personality traits that contribute to the formation of aesthetic susceptibility have been identified: concrete-sensory knowledge of various life phenomena; perception of the world in the unity of the logical and emotional; constant replenishment and expansion of the experience of life impressions and emotional experiences; the presence of a certain atmosphere in which the emerging personality lives: interest in the surrounding reality, in the inner world of cognition;

7 - this reality, benevolence, sincerity, frankness of attitude in the team, of which the student is a member.

In the search for specific ways of forming aesthetic susceptibility, it is important to discover not only new means of work, but the use of traditional ones, taking into account modern conditions, their rethinking, filling with new content.

An excursion can be such a tool.

Pedagogical experience revealed many advantages and features of a literary excursion, thoroughly developed the methodology for its preparation and conduct (meaning the works of N.P. Antsiferov, B.S. Gabo, V.A. Gerd, R.M. Glazkova, Ya.S. Dukhan, G.A. Prokofieva, M.A. Rybnikova, L.S. Skepner and others).

But, in our opinion, the possibilities of a literary excursion are far from being exhausted.

The excursion can be understood as a kind of "creative laboratory", in which the student masters the artist's approach to the world, learns to extract and creatively rebuild the impressions that he receives from living reality. This makes it possible to comprehend the "aesthetic attitude to reality" as the basis of artistic creativity, to understand that life is not copied, but transformed by the artist in the light of aesthetic and artistic ideals, by the power of his talent, as a result of his hard work. Then the thought of N.V. Gogol will be close to the readers: “My imagination has not yet given me a single wonderful character and has not created a single thing that my look in nature has not noticed somewhere” (1952, v. 8, p.447).

It is also important that schoolchildren at the time of their reading

formations will understand the closest relationship between the book and reality, which A.M. Gorky pointed out: “The writer lives among books, but he can suffocate in them. He must love them very much, because they are the source of life. But even more he must love these very sources If they die or dry up, then the soul of poetry dies..." (Bihali-Merin, 1984, p. 109).

The sooner the reader experiences the world as an area of ​​beauty, the more beneficial it is for his development. It is the impressions of childhood, which A.T. Tvardovsky called the "gold reserve", that become the basis for development creativity further: "I know for sure that if I managed to say at least a word about native nature, so this is because I have been walking behind a plow since childhood, and in my youth I knew how to sow a cornfield myself "(N. Rylenkov, 1966, p. 17).

Tse for our research- to develop a methodology for a literary excursion that would help form the aesthetic susceptibility of schoolchildren-readers - seems to us to be fundamentally new. The problems of aesthetic education of students in connection with the excursion, the researchers touched before. Moreover, the expression "aesthetic education" in connection with excursions and other types of work in methodological theory and school practice has become familiar. But, as a rule, it is tacitly assumed that this happens by itself, simply due to the fact that students encounter the beauties of nature and works of art. The very process of awakening and developing the ability to perceive the world aesthetically was not considered. To a large extent, this is precisely why, for all the value of a variety of literary and excursion work at school, its aesthetic impact is the least manifested.

Excursion in this regard provides great opportunities, but not as a single, episodic phenomenon, but as a permanent direction in the teacher's work, acquiring the character of a system of aesthetic exploration of reality.

Research hypothesis. It is possible to consider the excursion as the leading and defining beginning in the whole complex of ways of working, based on direct contact with reality and its aesthetic experience: collective and individual observations, walks, visits, meetings, memories, etc.

We assume that schoolchildren at all stages of their development, in relation to a particular age, are able to follow "the path of an artist." This does not mean the reproduction of a creative act, which is impossible in principle, but two interpenetrating processes. "Immersion" with the maximum possible fullness under the given conditions in the atmosphere of the creative activity of an artist and comprehension of reality "according to the laws of beauty."

We proceeded from the fact that with the help of excursions and related forms, it is possible to teach schoolchildren to look at the world through the eyes of a certain author, an artist in general, while feeling in themselves a born artist with their own view of the world.

Of course, this should contribute to the whole process literary education: the study of the biography of the writer in the context of the era, the analysis of the work, creative works, etc. However, it seems especially effective to bring students closer to the living conditions in which the creative act is carried out, to join the movement of artistic thought. It is assumed that a student of literature is able to learn not only where, when and how a work arose, but can, with the help of knowledge, imagination and empathy, feel himself in some

at least a participant in the same creative process. Entering the field of creativity, the student can cross the border between everyday contemplation of reality and its aesthetic comprehension in the light of the ideals of beauty. To follow the "path of an artist", to look at the world through the eyes of an artist - all this requires purposeful and active contemplation, however, it cannot be limited only to contemplation, but needs various types of creative work that has an aesthetic character.

The movement of the growing reader to this level of cognition of reality must take place throughout the entire course of literary education, but at each stage it will have its own peculiarities, which must be determined.

Hypothesis defines object of study- excursion work constituent part school literary education and subject of study- the role of a literary excursion in the formation of the aesthetic susceptibility of schoolchildren-readers.

Testing the hypothesis required solving the series tasks;

    To study the history and current state of school literary excursion work from the point of view of its impact on the development of the aesthetic susceptibility of schoolchildren-readers, to determine the possibilities for the development and improvement of this work.

    To develop a methodology for literary excursion work that would allow organizing a systematic, consistent, taking into account the age capabilities and interests of schoolchildren, their assimilation of reality in the light of an aesthetic ideal and familiarizing them with an artistic view of the world.

    Check this technique in personal teaching and in practice.

tic of other teachers, to find out its impact on the development of the student-reader.

Our research has been conducted since 1971 and had a phased character.

1st stage (I97I-I978). The work of a dissertation teacher with a student of the same class. For 7 years (from grades 4 to 10) this team has been searching for means that form aesthetic susceptibility as the basis for the development of a school reader.

II stage (I978-I98I). Theoretical understanding of what has been done, experimental verification and adjustment of the developed methodology.

III stage (I98I-I984). Checking the corrected and refined methodology, new options for excursions and, at the same time, transferring the developed methodology to the practice of the school, to the process of teacher training.

Methodology and research methodology. The methodological basis of the study was the provisions of the dialectical-materialistic epistemology, in particular, the Leninist theory of reflection, as well as the statements of the classics of Marxism-Leninism on issues of aesthetics, art, literature, public education.

Methodologically important for us were the ideas of materialistic aesthetics, psychology, art criticism, literary criticism, related to the siver of aesthetic and artistic perception of reality and artistic creativity, in particular, the idea of ​​the dialectical unity of the subjective and objective in artistic creativity, the idea artistic world as a world of reality, translated by the artist in the light of historically; and socially determined and personally

12 -expressed ideals.

The constant guidelines in our study were the theory of activity developed by Soviet psychology (the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev), the theory of set by D.N. Uznadze and the theory of dominant by A.A. Ukhtomsky.

During the study, the following methods were used in interaction:

theoretical analysis of publications, materials of experience and experiment;

personal teaching and long-term participant observation;

purposeful study of the experience of teachers;

methodical design (in particular, various types of excursion work);

development and conduct of an experiment (indicative, transformative, control), taking into account its long-term results;

transfer of research results to the work of other teachers.

Criteria for aesthetic development

The formation of the aesthetic susceptibility of the student reader required the advancement of certain development criteria. This is one of the most difficult questions methodological research, since the number of various indicators characterizing the aesthetic, artistic, reader's perception is very large, they are interconnected, mobile, and difficult to distinguish.

We took into account what has already been done in this regard by the methodology (works by L.G. Zhabitskaya, V.G. Marantsman, N.D. Moldavskaya

- 13 and others). But due to the peculiarities of our study, which traces the path from the perception of reality to the perception of verbal art, the need arose for a new development and interpretation of the criteria applicable to this study. They were gradually defined, corrected, refined in the course of the study and ultimately took the following form:

1. Aesthetic observation, i.e. replacement ability
tit, select, interpret the phenomena of life with a certain -
aesthetic - position and then be able to correlate these vital
phenomena with a work of art, to understand their relationship,
interdependence. Reader's vigilance should be transferred again to
communication with reality and be able to look at life
"artistic vision". This means that the observation
duration becomes sharper only if it is stimulated
is governed by certain attitudes, aspirations, ideals of a person
ness, if the facts rise to the level of generalizations.

In this process, the role of the imagination is great: conjecture allows you to see the phenomenon more fully, vividly.

    Associativity of aesthetic thinking: the ability to see a vital phenomenon, and on the basis of this - a work of art in diverse connections and mediations. At the same time, the development of aesthetic susceptibility implies the "branching" of associations, the transition from local connections to wider and more distant, unexpected ones. Such associativity is enriched by contacts with reality, transferred to the reader's activity, helps to comprehend the internal connections and integrity of the work, its relationship with life.

    Comprehension of the specifics of the aesthetic and artistic

Tve., the transition from everyday perception of the phenomena of reality

14 arts to their perception from the point of view of aesthetic ideals and laws of art, comprehension of the special, otherwise irreplaceable role of the "aesthetics of life" and works of art for a person, for society.

4. The personal nature of the aesthetic and artistic deed
in all its manifestations - from observation to one's own
creativity: the interaction of thoughts and feelings., the activity of reaction
tions, in which the unity of the individual and typical
th, "capture" of the whole personality by aesthetic and reader

One of the important components of the personal nature of activity is the stability of the acquired attitude to life and verbal art, the preservation and enrichment of this attitude in the future.

5. Aesthetic plasticity and dynamism, i.e. ability
rebuild, improve their reactions to the world seen
"through the eyes of an artist", on art, to become more sensitive,
responsive to the beautiful, more active in co-creation and creativity
honor. This ability presupposes the work of self-consciousness, self
education in the field of aesthetic and artistic activities,
applying a learned approach to life and art to other lives
periods, in new areas of activity.

experimental base and The research served as the school of Kursk: No. 16 (the work was conducted by the author of the study); $17 (teacher S.P. Katamadze); W 30 (Honored School Teacher of the RSFSR N.N. Pakhomova); $ 43 (teacher A.R. Erygina). In total, experimental work was carried out in 7 classes (226 students).

theoretical value research we see that

put forward and substantiated a new understanding of the literary excursion work at school as a dynamic complex, interrelated forms, the essence of which is the aesthetic development of reality, the comprehension of the artistic view of the world.

This understanding, which expands the existing scientific ideas, makes it possible to make the formation of the aesthetic susceptibility of schoolchildren in the process of learning about reality one of the permanent aspects of teaching literature.

On the basis of the study, experimentally verified new types of aesthetic contacts with reality (in particular, those that form the aesthetic perception of color, sound, space, time), new types of creative work during the excursion, etc., are proposed. in its footsteps ("journeys" into a fairy tale, into the environment of the existence of folklore, to the pages of writers' manuscripts, etc.).

Practical value The results obtained are determined by the fact that the proposed literary excursion system, due to its versatility and plasticity, turned out to be organic in the work of teachers with different creative personalities, applicable in different conditions and in the study of practically: - all topics of the school literature course.

Basic provisions for defense:

    The understanding of a literary excursion that has been established in methodological science and in school practice can be expanded and presented as a system of aesthetic knowledge of reality, as a permanent aspect of school teaching of literature.

    A literary excursion, subject to a broad understanding of it, becomes effective tool the formation of the aesthetic susceptibility of the student as the basis of his reading and, more broadly, artistic activity.

Such an understanding of the excursion makes it possible to create and apply a complex of types of work, the essence of which is contact with reality, perceived in the light of aesthetic ideals, familiarization with the laws of the artistic transformation of reality in general, with the process of creative activity of a certain writer or the process of creating a particular work.

3. We include in the literary excursion system
observations, excursions, travel. different in time
duration (from minute observation to many days)
travel), at the place of organization (in the school office,
at home, on the street, in the field, in various parts of the country),
by tasks in each specific case, they have a common
purpose: enrichment of aesthetic experience, formation of chi
Tatel and artistic culture.

The variety of forms and their common focus make it possible to make the work systematic, one way or another combined with all the topics of the school curriculum.

But the point is not in the frequency of the use of these forms, but in their skillful, natural use, taking into account local conditions, the peculiarities of the class, and the individuality of the teacher.

    Such a system dramatically expands the possibilities of spiritual communication among schoolchildren, fosters a humanistic aspiration of the individual, creates conditions for collective empathy, and at the same time awakens the need for individual self-expression and attention to the experiences of another person.

    The condition for the effective use of excursion work in order to form aesthetic susceptibility is the combination and development of various types of students' activities.

This refers to the need not only for contemplation as an active spiritual process, not only the awakening of associations, the acquisition of knowledge related to art, but also various types of socially useful activities:

promotion and protection of the values ​​of art and nature;

labor that acquires an aesthetic character;

own creativity (writing essays, self-expression in a drawing, the desire to capture the beauty of the world in a photograph, etc.).

6. Paramount for awakening and developing
tiya aesthetic interests and needs, aesthetic
the susceptibility of the individual acquires collective labor,

having a humanistic, socially valuable character.

Such work is stimulated by a moral orientation

advanced literature and helps to comprehend this trend, sharpens benevolent attention to a person, contributes to the comprehension of literature as "artistic human science" and as "artistic self-awareness".

7. Literary and excursion work acquires
of paramount importance in preparing students to comprehend
personal beginning art, inseparable from its special

Following "the way of the writer", schoolchildren more organically and more fully perceive him as a person, citizen, artist, and begin to feel their reader's responsibility to him.

8. Forms of organization of the educational process that have ex
course orientation, expand the possibilities of cognition
reality in its manifold connections: the richer
these connections, the more successfully in the mind of the child is created
"a single picture of the world, dialectical interaction is a
of nature and society" (M.M. Bakhtin).

The idea of ​​the world as a whole is a condition for the formation of the aesthetic susceptibility of the individual and allows us to understand many life processes, including literary ones, in their dynamics and complexity.

9. Literary and excursion work, which has become a system
mine, acquires greater educational efficiency:
contributes to the formation of creative, civic
swarm personality capable of self-knowledge and self-education
niyu, sensitive to art, responsive to
to a person endowed with social activity.

Approbated research was held at scientific conferences in Leningrad in 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, at scientific conferences of the Kursk Pedagogical Institute in 1982, 1983, 1984, at the interuniversity scientific conference in the city of Kursk (1984); in 1982-1984 Special seminars were held on the subject of the research at the Kursk Pedagogical Institute.

The research materials were reflected on the pages of the city and regional periodicals.

Literary excursion in the system of methods of teaching literature (from the history of the problem)

An appeal to the history of the methodology of teaching literature convinces us that the excursion as a form of organization of the educational process has always aroused the interest of teachers and methodologists. The process of development of the excursion business in Russia, including in connection with literary education, has been studied extensively and thoroughly. Separate paragraphs of studies by R.M. Glazkova, T.V. Gogiashvili, special chapters of dissertations by Y.S. Dukhan, V.S. Parygina and others are devoted to this.

Nevertheless, we considered it necessary to once again turn to the history of the development of the excursion method in teaching literature and look at it from the standpoint of our topic: how the issue of the formation of aesthetic susceptibility, the aesthetic development of students in general, was solved in the process of excursions. To do this, we turn to the analysis of two periods of development of this direction in the methodology: the 20s and 60-70s of our century.

These are the periods of the greatest interest of the school and science - to the educational excursion in general and literary - in particular. It is advisable to see how the orientation of excursions towards the aesthetic education of schoolchildren-readers was manifested precisely at the moments of the highest rise in excursion activity. These upsurges undoubtedly arose in an atmosphere of intense methodological and pedagogical quests. -21-20s. Huge changes are taking place in the country, including in the field of education. The issue of compulsory primary education is being addressed. An intensive search for ways and methods of teaching begins, allowing the school to solve the problems facing it. It was necessary, taking into account the positive experience of the pre-revolutionary education system, to get rid of scholasticism from enlightenment, to bring the school closer to life.

The end of the 60s, the beginning of the 70s was a time of no less important transformations in the field of education. A problem of historical importance is being solved - secondary education is being carried out. The search for new, more effective ways of teaching and educating the younger generation continues even more intensively. All this serves as a preparation for the reform of the general education and vocational school, carried out since the 80s.

Let us dwell on the analysis of the two stages we have named. The 1920s was a time of rapid development of excursions as a form of cognition of reality. There is a practical development of specific excursions and theoretical understanding of the experience gained empirically. There is also some hyperbolization of ideas about excursions. MANY recognize excursion as a kind of universal form of education, which belongs to the future. The idea is expressed that the time will come, "when necessary element correctly delivered education will be a round-the-world trip "(Grevs, 1923, p. 1). Recognizing the paradoxical nature of this statement, some teachers see in it the moment of truth. I.M. Grevs, considering the excursion "an inspired journey of a person into the world", writes: "Not certainly around the world, but a lot of travel. After all, in a journey, in fact, the whole person merges with the wide world, and they richly interact with each other. Travel is one of the greatest factors in the development of culture "(1923, p. 1). A.A. Yaroshevsky writes that on the threshold of that new era, which "fabulously brings together for a person different countries world, in the development of excursion practice, signs of the coming revolution in the plans of school work begin to appear" (1921, p. 28).

During this period, the journal "Excursion Business" (1922-1923) was created, and many collections were published. In 1921, a scientific-research excursion institute was organized in Petrograd, the Excursion Bulletin became its special body. The first issue of this edition (1922) defines the task of the institute: "... a comprehensive study of excursion studies in all areas of the life of nature and human culture, both in the field of theoretical, fundamental, and practical, in the desired depth and completeness, in the types of creation integral educational system" (1922, p. 3).

A complex of excursion forms in the process of studying a literary theme

An excursion aimed at shaping the aesthetic susceptibility of a schoolchild reader and understood broadly as a way of organizing "aesthetic contact" with reality can and should have the character of a system. This will increase the effectiveness of all work on the formation of creativity in the student-reader.

Speaking about the system, we will keep in mind the inclusion of excursion work in the educational process in its diverse manifestations: in the activities of the teacher, in the activities of the student, the class team, in the implementation of the main tasks of literary education, defined by the school curriculum.

The purpose of this section is to identify possible options and patterns of inclusion of excursion forms of work in the system of studying one topic of the school literature course. We will try to do this on the material of the 8th grade topic "A.S. Pushkin".

On the eve of its study, an excursion was made to Pushkin's places: Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye. The program of excursions included visiting Pskov, Svyatogorsky monastery, a monastery in Pechory.

By the eighth grade, students are widely familiar with the work of A.S. Pushkin. Nevertheless, the upcoming excursion requires preparation. Which one?

In search of an answer to this question, we thought about what is better during the tour: meeting with the unusual, unknown or recognizing the familiar and close. We came to the conclusion that in this case, "recognition" of what is already known will give a greater effect. Located among the plains and hills, the Pushkinsky Reserve in many ways resembles the Central Russian strip: the same trees, meadows, hills, copses, which do not amaze with the unusual architecture and richness of the decoration of the house. There is nothing that could strike a person who is not ready for a meeting. This means that if the students imagine in advance the places where they will go, this will not interfere with the excursion impressions, but, perhaps, will enhance them. That is why, in the preparatory period, we considered it necessary to familiarize schoolchildren with the geography of Pushkin's places, with episodes of the poet's life in the Mikhailovsky period, with works written at that time.

A wide variety of methods and techniques were used at this stage of the work: conversation, storytelling, reading memoirs, expressive reading of the poet's works, etc. A correspondence tour "Invitation to Mikhailovskoye" was held. With the help of photographs, the eighth-graders saw the linden alley in Mikhailovsky Park, the nanny's house, Onegin's Chskamya, the house of P.A. Hannibal in Petrovsky, the Sorot River and much, much more. Domovoy", "V.V. Engelhardt", "Village", "I visited again" and others. In addition to photographs that convey with actual accuracy the landscape of Pushkin's places, the interior of Pushkin's house, we used a series of drawings by the artist B. Shcherbakov depicting Mikhailovskoye It was important for us to show how the paintings depicted in the photographs are transformed, transformed in the mind of the artist.

Such a general attitude - to prepare eighth-graders for the perception of the Pushkin Reserve as a place of acquaintance, closeness - justified itself.

The upcoming excursion (we have already paid attention to this) is always one of the incentives for the work of schoolchildren during the period of preparation for the trip. It can play a significant role in reassessing the motives for the knowledge of an artist, in the formation of a steady interest in his work, a personal attitude to the life of a poet, writer, and his works. To show what happened in the classroom, consider the impact of the field trip on one particular student.

Oleg B. is a boy who grew up without a father. Mother is a conductor on long-distance trains. The teenager was often left to his own devices for weeks at a time. At the same time - complete material security (the mother believed that this was precisely what her parental duties consisted of). Oleg was drawn to what is prestigious. At home, outside of school - to luxury in everyday life, in clothes. In the classroom, it is prestigious to be knowledgeable. It was this that sometimes prompted him to memorize an extracurricular poem, to read a book, the knowledge of which can be shown off in the classroom.

Creative interpretation of the literary-excursion orientation in the work of the teacher

Excursion, understood broadly, which is a complex of forms with a single focus, can receive different interpretations, being realized in the individual creative manner of different teachers.

A study of the work experience of a number of teachers in the city of Kursk confirmed the correctness of this assumption. Our observations allow us to say that the main thing in using the excursion is not a quantitative indicator, but its organic, natural inclusion in the system of teaching literature, which is basically determined by the program, but concretized in the original style of a particular teacher, "captured" by her personality ( if we use the expression of V. G. Belinsky).

We will try to show the personal nature of the excursion work by analyzing the experience of the teacher Alla Romanovna Erygina (school B 43 in Kursk). She has been a teacher for 28 years. Every year its graduates become students of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. More than 40 of her students followed in the footsteps of their beloved teacher - they became philologists, about 20 people became professional actors.

A.R. Erygina has been a participant in our study for five years. At the same time, her experience, with which we have long been familiar, served as one of the sources of research. A.R. Erygpna, accepting the main idea of ​​our work - the idea of ​​developing the aesthetic susceptibility of schoolchildren with the help of diverse excursion forms, implements it in her own way.

What determines the features of the methodological system of this teacher? A passionate love for literature is complemented by a deep knowledge of theater, music, and painting. Possessing acting talent, being a passionate, lively person, Alla Romanovna infects with her love for art, for life, everyone who enters into communication with her. The commonwealth of literature, music, painting in her lessons is organic and natural.

In the practice of Alla Romanovna, excursions in the usual, traditional sense are episodic in nature, while excursions in a broad sense - as aesthetic communication with various aspects of reality, with different types of art - take on unusual and interesting forms. She believes that there is nothing in the surrounding life that could not be forced to "work" for the development of the reader's personality as an artist. After all, creative imagination, which is an indispensable condition for the development of the reader, is manifested in the richness and "mobility" of the imagination, in the ease of forming associations that are based on auditory, visual, and olfactory representations. The excursions organized by Alla Romanovna serve to transform acute sensory sensitivity into a synthetic property of the personality - artistic responsiveness.

Starting from the fourth grade, Alla Romanovna's students talk not only about literature, but also about music, theater, and painting. Or rather, about literature in its connections with music, theater, and painting. The teacher believes that the student's aesthetic sensitivity to color, sound will develop his ability to understand a work of art, where color and sound are always present, even if there is no direct indication of them.

Very organically, an interesting form of work was born, which Alla Romanovna called "florist". Let's state its essence. The perception of literature, as, indeed, of any kind of art, should take place in the unity of the logical and emotional. It is less difficult to identify the level of logical perception than emotional. Self-expression in the word contributes to the formation and identification of both. Speaking aloud his own thoughts, trying to convey his inner state in words, a person thereby sharpens his thought, becomes more definite and accurate in sensation. How to help a student express his emotional state? In search of ways to resolve this issue, Alla Romanovna came to the "color book".

Rodionova Irina Alekseevna

teacher of special disciplines
highest qualification category
OGBPOU "Kostroma Polytechnic College"

Annotation: the article deals with the issues of professional development of a specialist in the system of free software through educational excursions to production organizations. Provides information about the study tour, its functions and methodology. The effectiveness of excursions for the educational process, their role in shaping the motivation of future specialists is shown.

The professional development of a person is a system of social properties that allows a person's social life to function not only in a collective, but also in an individual form. Becoming is usually understood as a set of techniques and methods of social influence on an individual, with the aim of creating in him a system of certain relations, value orientations, beliefs, and cultivating professionally significant qualities. Predicting himself in the future, the student forms himself. The professional development of a student is a holistic, dynamically unfolding process in time from the formation of professional intentions to the full realization of oneself in professional activities. College education is associated with the period when a person embarked on the path of commitment to the profession, and masters it in the process of professional and cognitive activity.
In order to combine the educational process in college with real professional life, we actively use thematic excursions in the learning process. This form of education allows to develop the cognitive abilities of students (attention, perception, observation, thinking, imagination), to show the features of the acquired profession. Excursions have a strong impact on the emotional sphere of the future specialist.
Educational excursions are a form of organization of training that allows you to make observations, as well as study various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions. Excursions provided for by the curriculum are mandatory and are held within the study time allotted for the study of a particular subject. Like other organizational forms of education, excursions didactic principles(science, connection of learning with life, visualization, etc.), contribute to the consideration of the studied phenomena in their interconnection and interdependence, the formation of cognitive interests, collectivistic relations and other personality traits, the preparation of students for practical activities and professional orientation.
The connection of excursions with the previous and subsequent presentation of educational material, illustrated by visual aids, gives an idea of ​​the practical use of knowledge in production. During the excursion to the production, students get acquainted with the enterprises, which forms vivid images and contributes to a stronger assimilation scientific foundations productions that the students did not have the opportunity to observe directly. Therefore, the relevance of excursions as a means of shaping future specialists is beyond doubt.
The teacher independently decides which objects to visit, what educational topics to consider, how often to conduct excursions, whether to involve students in the preparation and analysis of the case, whether to use various methods. Thus, the teacher determines the place of various organizational forms of educational activities, including excursions, in the formation of the student's general and professional competencies.
We assumed that the leading professional competencies will be successfully formed if the excursion as a type of educational activity is carried out purposefully and systematically, and makes up at least 10-15% of the study time, if the social partners representing production, describing production processes, focus on the prospects professional growth, the importance of the profession, will additionally provide an increase in students' motivation.
The word "excursion" comes from the Latin "excursion". This word entered the Russian language in the 19th century. and originally meant "running out, military raid", then - "sally, trip". Later, this word was modified according to the type of names to "iya" (excursion). An excursion is a specific educational activity transferred to an enterprise, construction sites, exhibitions, etc. in accordance with a specific educational or educational goal. Like a lesson, it involves a special organization of interaction between the teacher and students.
The study tour is organizational form training, which allows you to study various objects, phenomena and processes based on their observation in natural conditions, this is a training session in production conditions with the aim of observing and studying various objects and phenomena of reality by students. So, the excursion is a visual process of human cognition of the world around at pre-selected objects in natural conditions or located in the premises of enterprises, laboratories, research institutes, etc.
When considering the concept of "essence of excursion" it is necessary to keep in mind the conditionality of the excursion process by objective requirements. Each excursion represents a special process of activity, the essence of which is determined by specific patterns (thematic, purposefulness, visibility, emotionality, activity, etc.). The excursion acts as something complete, integral, having its own specific functions and features, a kind of individual methodology. To a large extent, it has been enriched in content, forms of conduct and methods of presenting the material and is characterized as an integral part of the educational process, educational and cultural work.
One of the objectives of the excursion is to develop students' attitude to the topic of the excursion, to the material of the excursion in general, and to give it their own assessment. To give an assessment means to get an idea of ​​​​something, to determine the meaning, character, role of something, to recognize someone's merits, positive qualities. Evaluation of an excursion is the conclusions of students, to which the teacher and guide (specialist) leads him.
In a brief form, the essence of the excursion can be defined as follows: the excursion is the sum of knowledge communicated to a group of people in a specific form, and a certain system of actions for their transfer.
One of the functions of the excursion is the function of broadening one's horizons. Each excursion contributes to the expansion of a person's horizons. Quite often, an excursion concretizes students' knowledge, helping them to see what they knew from written sources. The function of forming a student's professional interests is also a function of an excursion. The task of the tour is to convey knowledge to the audience and arouse people's interest in a particular field of knowledge.
The tour has its own characteristics in the organization and methodology. Its signs speak of similarities with other forms or emphasize its fundamental difference from them. The excursion is a purposeful, visual process of cognition. This process takes place using pre-selected objects that are in production and takes place under the guidance of a qualified specialist-guide in accordance with a predetermined theme. So, a wide range of display objects, multifaceted topics, the development of a methodology for conducting excursions, and the professional skills of guides allow excursions to perform certain functions , each of which plays an important role in the upbringing and education of the student. But the effectiveness of this form of conducting educational and extracurricular activities will only be if each excursion is carefully planned and methodically developed and built. Therefore, the organizers of such classes need to know the methodology for conducting excursions.
The technique got its name from Greek word“method”, which literally means: “the path to something”, as well as the path of research or knowledge; theory; teaching. Methodology in broad sense words - a set of ways to expediently carry out this or that work, solve a problem, achieve a goal, and in a narrower sense, it is a set of specific methodological techniques for conducting lectures, conversations, excursions on a specific topic and for a specific group. Any technique is the ability to perform certain work in strict accordance with the most optimal rules, recommendations and ensure its high efficiency. In practice, this is the sum of certain skills and abilities to carry out work: develop a new excursion, prepare for the next excursion, conduct a tour using the recommended technology, consolidate the knowledge gained by students.
The method of conducting excursions is aimed at helping students to more easily learn theoretical material. This is done with the help of methodological techniques, which are divided into two groups - demonstration techniques and storytelling techniques.
Display on excursions is a multifaceted process of extracting visual information from objects, processes, during which students' actions are performed in a certain sequence, with a specific goal. A feature of the show is the ability to detect, reveal this or that quality of the observed object, the ability to make explicit, obvious what is imperceptible at first glance at the object. The effectiveness of visualization depends on the organization of the display of objects, their correct observation by students. A person on an excursion learns to look and see, observe and study correctly. This is the purpose of the show. Showing in the tour is a two-way process that combines: the leader's active actions aimed at revealing the essence of sensually perceived objects; student activity.
The guide's story performs two tasks: comments, explains, complements what he saw; reconstructs, restores what the student cannot see at the moment. The story is a sounding individual text of the guide, performed by him in compliance with the requirements of oral public speech and representing a sample of monologue speech. The main requirements for the story: thematic, specificity, persuasiveness, accessibility of presentation, completeness of judgments, connection with the show, scientific character. The following can be distinguished as the main features of the story:

  1. The dependence of the story on the speed of movement of the group. The story is subject to the rhythm of the movement of students, the route of the excursion.
  2. The subordination of the story to the show. The guide's story cannot be abstracted from the display objects that are located on the route. The content of the story is subordinated to the task of observing objects. The story accompanies the display of objects, complements and explains what students see, and is aimed at visually recreating the picture.
  3. The use of visual evidence in the story. The peculiarity of the story is that it lacks oral evidence. Their role is played by visuals. This is achieved through a figurative story, skillful display, demonstration of visual materials.
  4. The targeting of the story, that is, the binding to the objects observed by students. The targeted character of the story lies in the fact that, when telling the guide, he means a specific construction object, architectural and construction department, etc.
  5. Concreteness of the excursion story. Concreteness is not only the formulation of the topic, but also the facts themselves, the interpretation. The concretization of the material in the excursion is an expression of thought, a presentation of a certain position in a more precise, concrete form.

The method of conducting excursions in a broad sense is a system of tasks and requirements, methods and techniques of showing and telling in the course of studying the topics of excursions, which are very different in their goals. The methodology for conducting a specific excursion is the program of the guide's action in demonstrating objects, organizing their observation by tourists, using certain methodological methods of showing and telling.

In the process of vocational training for students of the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" in the Kostroma Polytechnic College, educational excursions to industry enterprises in Kostroma are organized and conducted. The goals of these events are:

  • the formation of a sustainable interest in one's own future profession;
  • formation of professional and personal qualities, positive motives for self-realization and self-improvement with an orientation towards future professional activity;
  • acquaintance with the work on planning the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise during construction and installation works, current maintenance and reconstruction of construction sites;
  • obtaining additional knowledge in the field of development of architectural and construction drawings and a project for the production of works using information technologies;
  • training of a qualified specialist of the appropriate level, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, able to work effectively in his specialty at the level of state standards.

For each excursion, a methodological map is drawn up, which reflects the stops, the object of the show, the time and the main content of the information. After the completion of the educational excursion, the results are summed up, and reflection is organized by various methods: self-assessment, INSERT, questionnaires. During the survey, it turned out that students learned about the work of design organizations, how projects are developed from start to finish, highly appreciated automated design and the opportunity to study the program for making drawings, decided to get higher education and engage in design work in the future. Students give high marks to educational excursions, they themselves suggest topics for the next events, choosing objects of study.

The results of each study tour were analyzed by teachers, as well as teachers together with students. Discussion of the results, analysis of the questionnaires allow us to conclude that students see the practical significance of excursions in mastering the specialty. They show interest in continuing to get acquainted with real production, and are also ready to participate in the development of topics for future excursions, which indicates the successful professional development of future specialists.

Monitoring of the process and results carried out as part of the excursion project showed that excursions really concretize existing professional knowledge, contribute to the formation of new ones, show the demand for professional skills, which ultimately contributes to the formation of general and professional competencies, increases interest in the specialty being mastered, and increases motivation to learning.

Analysis of work experience has shown that the use of active forms of conducting classes (excursions) in the educational process contributes to the development of the educational component of the educational process, the formation and development of general and professional competencies of students. The alternation of extracurricular work with theoretical knowledge allows achieving high results in the development of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, provides more effective independent work of students.


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