Why do students get long vacations in the summer? Why does a child need a vacation?

For children, summer is a long-awaited holiday when there is no strict schedule, no need to get up early, and prepare for lessons in the evenings. Three months of free life, walks in the fresh air, meetings with friends, trips and travels.

Many parents understand the importance of proper rest for children overloaded with all sorts of activities. But they still fear that the child will relax too much and forget what he knew. And since children have a lot of free time during the holidays, the mother is tempted to use it usefully and on business.

Is it worth doing during the holidays, pulling up objects, and what is the most important task of a summer vacation for a child, says psychologist Yulia Guseva.


Vacation! A cherished word for all students and most parents. Indeed, children are waiting for the summer holidays just like their parents and before that their grandparents were waiting for them. But what about the parents?

Yes, on the one hand, joy: you no longer need to study lessons with your child in the evenings, you don’t need to take him to additional classes. On the other hand, will he not forget everything he knew in three months? What will he do? Parents often think that if the child is not properly occupied, then he will play games all day long. computer games or watch movies. How to be? Send to camp? But parents are worried that there, too, children play on the phone for a long time, and without a phone at all (that is, without communication) they don’t want to send them to the camp ... Maybe enroll in courses foreign language Or send to a language camp?

Why are vacations needed at all? The main function of a vacation or vacation is to restore the body from the tension that has accumulated over the entire academic or working year. The school year is a time when a child has many responsibilities that cannot be ignored. Every day you need to go to school, learn lessons and live according to the schedule. This is a stressful situation for the body.

And let's, dear parents, do a little experiment. Let's try to "feel" the holidays for ourselves. Imagine that with tomorrow you have a vacation. Now close your eyes and think about what you want to do. When I offered such an experiment to adults, I received different answers. Someone wanted to read, someone to sort through the rubble in the cabinets, someone to do a hobby. That is, adults wanted to do what they do not have time to do at the usual time, to which "hands did not reach." They wanted to satisfy those needs that are not fully satisfied outside the vacation. This is one moment. And adults also wanted to get a couple of days of respite. Not that they wanted to lie on the couch all day, but it was important to just reorganize for rest.

What about children? Do children need to meet their unmet needs during the school year? Do they need a break? Yes. All this is very necessary and important for children. And do not worry that this respite will drag on for three months. I will share my experience. When the holidays began, I did not offer anything to my son, who graduated from the first grade. No business, no fun. For two days he ran around the street: riding a bike, playing football, volleyball, archery and doing something else that I don’t know about. He didn't touch the books. He ate, walked and slept. On the third day, having run over, the son began to read and draw, on the fourth or fifth day he sat down at the piano, a couple of days later he picked up xylophone sticks. At the same time, he continued to walk a lot. Lots of.

In junior school age it is very important for children to play, to communicate with parents and other children; in middle and older children, the need to communicate with peers comes to the fore. These needs, unfortunately, are often not met during the school year. And unsatisfied needs lead to tension, to stress. It turns out in order not to create an even greater child stressful situation during the holidays, we must provide him with the opportunity to play and communicate with other children.

But what about classes? Is it worth doing during the holidays? It happens that during the holidays parents try to solve the problems that have accumulated over the year. For example, pull up mathematics (physics, English). A tutor comes to the house and ... goodbye free life. It would seem that the child is only an hour a day, but the lessons will be set for two hours. The rest of the time is rest. But then the stress kicks in again. Because again, life on schedule, again duties (lessons). And then the tension does not go away during the holidays, it remains, and in the new academic year a restless child enters ...

It is important to provide the most active rest for the child: a bicycle, roller skates, volleyball, football, towns, etc. During the school year, stress has accumulated, including due to the child's low mobility. Alas, children do not walk enough, move a little. Let's correct this situation in the summer. Go hiking with your children, just go to the forest for mushrooms or berries, ride a bike, raft down the river in a boat. In the summer you can learn many things: put up a tent, make a fire, cook food on a fire, row with oars, make jam, grow vegetables in the garden and much more. And most importantly, this is a full-fledged communication between parents and children.

But how to do it? I would suggest taking a closer look at the needs of the child and thinking about what needs of the child were not met during the school year and how they can be met in a useful way. I'll give you an example. During the year, a first grader wanted to draw. Unfortunately, this was not possible due to the tight schedule. However, on the first day of vacation, his mother gave him a very good book- Tutorial on drawing. The book included lessons that explained step by step how to draw. The child began to draw with pleasure, while reading the explanations. Useful activity? Highly! Spatial representations develop, the child studies proportions, perspective, thinks about the properties of objects and much, much more.

Try to ensure that your child has the opportunity to do the activities that he wanted to do during the school year! It can be modeling, designing, sawing, knitting, etc. Someone will make a birdhouse, and someone will learn how to bake a pie. But in order to bake a pie, a junior high school student must first read the recipe (here is the reading lesson), measure out all the necessary ingredients (mathematics), follow the process. And the birdhouse? You need to read the instructions, measure and count everything. Why not development?

Let's get back to work. If you are still planning to study mathematics with your child, I ask you to first watch (or remember) the new cartoon that came out last year - The Little Prince. When I watched this cartoon, and it was just on winter holidays, I was struck by the schedule that my mother made for her daughter for the holidays. A schedule in which games with a girlfriend were allotted half an hour a week and only from next year. A board with chips still scares me when I remember it. Check out this cartoon. He is not only about little prince. It's about our whole life. About communication and relationships, about joy and sadness, about the fullness of life and its emptiness, about achievements and motivation.

It was about younger students. What about high school students? They are not very ready to go hiking with their parents, and even more so to relax in the country with their grandmother. For them, the main thing is communication with peers. Just in time for camp. And yes, the pleasant can be combined with the useful. A language international camp, for example, will appeal to many teenagers. Sports camps are good for those who like to relax. Actually, it's not worth listing. A teenager himself can choose a place of rest from those offered to him by his parents.

Vacations are very important. As is vacation. It's just that many adults do not know how to fully relax. Start with yourself. Spend your vacation to the fullest. By learning to rest yourself, you will teach children to rest. Have a nice vacation!

According to materials:


Often teachers give homework during the holidays, even though they shouldn't. Sometimes teachers simply recommend some parents to work with a child on an additional specific topic that the child missed due to illness or simply did not learn. Therefore, parents have to sit down for textbooks themselves, or hire a tutor for their child.

Of course, it is very difficult for a single parent to resist the temptation to do something useful with a child during the holidays, especially if the child really has difficulties in some subject. After all, the next quarter will come very soon, when there will definitely be no time to deal with the missed material. AT ideal school there is no such thing, of course. Children should not be given any lessons during the holidays. We do not live in an ideal world, but, nevertheless, we can listen to the opinion of experts.

It is known that child psychologists recommend not to study during the holidays, they say and write that children need a good rest, so that the change of cycles "study - holidays" is adjusted, in order to avoid overload in children, you can not load them with mathematics, writing and other subjects and on holidays. Books, of course, can and should be read, but there is a big difference between extracurricular reading according to a specific list and reading for fun.

Many parents feel sorry for their children and want them to rest. What to do? Postpone textbooks with last lesson Or, after all, try to "pull up the tails"? Try following a few simple tips:

1. As soon as possible, try to talk with the teacher about what tasks he can recommend for your child, understand and evaluate the amount of work.

2. Together with the teacher, determine what is really vital to do during the holidays. Situations are different. For example, a child was sick a lot and completely missed the topic of what units, tens and hundreds are. You may have to figure this out on your own, although nothing prevents you from asking the teacher if he can explain to him the basics of what was missed a couple of times a week, after class. Still, this should be done by a professional, not a parent.

3. If you see that the proposed tasks for the holidays consist mainly of reviewing the material covered, consolidating what was covered in the lessons, or generally of additional tasks, then try to negotiate with the teacher to reduce this list. It is necessary to reduce the amount of what you have to do as much as possible.

4. All tasks that, nevertheless, need to be completed, it is better to divide into small parts and try not to do it every day. Completely free from school weekends. Children really need rest and this is not a joke! Make a lesson plan with your child. If there are too many lessons and you can’t make it so that you study only 2-3 times a week, you can, for example, devote Monday, Wednesday and Friday to mathematics, and Tuesday and Thursday to Russian.

5. Be sure to discuss with the child how he will be more comfortable - first do homework, and then relax the rest of the day, or vice versa, play and have fun in the morning, and sit down and work out in the afternoon. A child needs a choice, but the choice is limited. Yes, the lessons must be done, but he himself can choose when and how.

6. If possible, find a museum or exhibit on a topic the child is going through, a play based on a book they have been asked to read, a workshop, a lecture, or other entertainment to help the child form positive associations with a subject, such as math or reading. Children always like it when after reading a book there is an opportunity to watch a play, musical or cartoon. After repeating the topic of electricity, you can watch a demonstration of experiments in the museum, and if you had to study history, you can play board game, visit a museum or do tasks in a book with stickers and puzzles on the topic. Of course, parents will have to find a museum, buy tickets for a play, buy a game or a book, but the stress from lessons during the holidays will be much less.

Of course, this approach takes time, but without such a preparatory work of strength and nerves, homework will have to be spent many times more.

Natalya Albertovna Lepilkina

Classroom hour. Topic: « Why are holidays necessary?.

(for students in grades 3-4)

Lepilkina N. A.

elementary teacher classes

St. Petersburg GBOU lyceum 126

Target: - development of the student's reflection with the help of a special

Create an atmosphere of academic cooperation and greater

involvement students in the learning process;

Developing students as independent thinkers

acting personality;

Progress. First block.

The conversation began with the question of why do you need holidays.

- Why does a person need a vacation??

Has anyone thought?

Then to…

The children finish the phrase themselves, naming the action that took place in holiday.

Who would like to talk about their holidays?

The children were asked to first talk in a group, learn about their friends' summer impressions and tell about their impressions.

At the same time, the rules of communication in the group were reproduced, the order

speaking and listening to everyone.

After that, the children choose one person from the group, who summarized the performances of the group members and briefly told class about who spent their summer holidays. So everyone could get acquainted with the summer events of their classmates. During the presentation of each of the groups, speakers can talk first about themselves, and then about others. This situation leads to a conversation about an attentive attitude towards each other. Next, the teacher asked the children to choose a word that would characterize holidays from their point of view.

vacation! vacation!. it's time!

Each group was given a piece of paper, where for a certain time, discussing, they wrote down the characteristics of their emotional state summer. Here's what can turn out:

Joyful time;

It's time for rest;

Interesting time;

Favorite time;

It's time for the sun, etc.

Then one person from the group read out his list of words and explained the meaning of the concept that is embedded in it. "For us holidays were ... sometimes ...»

Along the way students asked for clarification of some characteristics of summer. "What did you mean when you said?", "What do you mean... it's time?".

For example:

Why nervous time?

Summer is a nervous time not for children, but for parents. After all, they worry about their children, because the children are alone at home, suddenly they will do something.

It was concluded that holiday- a fun time for children and experiences for parents. The same time is different for different people. The teacher asks question:

Could it be done in such a way that it was good for everyone?

Next, the teacher invites students to express all their sensations, feelings, moods in the form of colored daisies. Children work individually on landscape sheets with paints. Those who wished to explain their range of colors and the sequence of leaves in chamomile. Each color is associated with certain events in the student's life and the moods arising from them. Thus, it turned out to be much easier to tell students about yourself than to answer the question - how did you spend holiday?

Then the teacher invites the children to look at the summer in another form:

A magical garden grew on the board. Why magical? The trees in it are special. One "joyful", other "sad", "amazing", "thoughtful", "happy".

But they don't have leaves! Now let's try "put on" leaves. Remember all those events of the summer, moods and thoughts. Choose the tree where you would like to stick your leaflet, on which you will describe the event that causes you the corresponding feelings.

Children glue their leaves, someone "dresses" two trees at once.

The first stage of reflection was completed with an assessment of the children's motivation, where the children were asked to evaluate themselves according to five rulers.

1. My desire to go to school.

2. Parents make you go to school.

3. I go to school for knowledge.

4. I go to play and run.

5. Chat with classmates and friends.

After that, all levels were marked by children. (see photo)

Set the kids up for learning activities decided for everyone and everyone. The teacher thanks students for work and each other's children.

The second block can be done on the same day as the first block or the next day. This block is more related to the content side. holidays. Suggested question:

Can summer be called summer useful at times and why?

The teacher asks the children, using pantomime, to show what they have learned to do in the summer. Everyone guessed.

And there are questions that "torment" you? What questions would you like answered?

All those who wished to speak their questions. The questions indicated that the students still had much to learn. The entire set of questions was divided into three blocks. The teacher together with the children identified tasks for learning in the new academic year. To do this, first in groups, and then together on the board write down:


1. When did our planet originate?

2. I want to know Russian better

3. Last digit


1. Solve problems

2. Write test papers better

3. Write well


1. Literate

2. Strong

4. Policeman

From the entire list, in each column, the most real and significant tasks for us today stand out. "Informative" reflection is carried out on subjects. It will reveal the level of knowledge subject class, successes that can be relied upon while continuing the course, difficulties that need to overcome.

This reflection of summer holidays- emotional, personal and meaningful state, set the children up for the new school year and helped the teacher clarify the program of their own pedagogical actions.

07/30/2015 at 13:12

The health of today's children is a concern. Someone blames the environment for this, someone blames the modern way of life, but the fact that today children need active rest remains indisputable. How to improve the health of a child over the summer, our readers were told by the head physician of the Center for Medical Prevention Natalya Nikolenko.

- Natalya Mikhailovna, is it necessary for children to rest in the summer?
— Holidays and rest during them are absolutely necessary for modern children. After all, everyone knows that during their studies, schoolchildren lead a sedentary lifestyle: a big load at school, but they are still at home sitting at the phone or computer in their free time. This is facilitated by the fact that the younger generation is doing a lot of work through the Internet. Such a sedentary lifestyle often leads to impaired vision, posture, delayed physical development including puberty. This way of life of schoolchildren reduces the protective forces and immunity. That is why children loaded with studies and classes often get sick. Schoolchildren of elementary grades say that they have no time to walk along the street, go to the sections, because there are many lessons and tutors.

- What are the rules for improving the health of children during the summer?
- Summer holidays should be fully used for the improvement of schoolchildren. During this time, children and adolescents need to have time to get stronger physically, unload nervous system, strengthen immunity.

The rules of the summer holidays are simple: sleep as much as you want, run a lot, eat more vegetables, fruits and berries. A lot of time to be in the fresh air, apply water procedures, walk barefoot. To give children more freedom in everything, not excluding the complete control of adults. During the summer, you must follow healthy lifestyle life, but without rigid boundaries.

- Some parents are afraid that their children will start certain disciplines, and they force them to study with tutors. How do doctors look at such holidays?
- The question of summer classes arises today for parents. Indeed, some mothers and fathers are afraid that during the holidays the child will fall behind in certain subjects. But doctors believe that lessons in the summer are contraindicated, otherwise there may be a feeling of dissatisfaction with the rest. But to read fiction even helpful. It is not for nothing that for many decades schoolchildren were “prescribed” lists of art books for the summer. Such an activity will be a good addition to an active lifestyle and informal communication during the holidays.

— Do Biysk children have to spend the summer outside the city?
- During the holidays, it is advisable to take the child out of the city from the hustle and bustle of the city air. A country camp or a grandmother's garden is perfect. The main thing is fresh air and organic food. If the child stayed in the city, then you need to carefully plan his leisure time, although this is not easy.

- You recently returned from a trip to health camps. What are your impressions?
- Pediatric doctors have long known that in the conditions of staying in country camps, children improve their metabolism, strengthen the activity of all organs and systems, and increase the strength and endurance of the body as a whole. We recently returned from the camps. And we can say for sure that in the Biysk country camps the children are all tanned, cheerful and strong. There is a whole system of pluses in such recreation facilities. First, it's charging. In urban everyday life, it is forgotten, but there it is fun and unforgettable. It is important that the camps have proper and organized meals. If you take the "Seagull", then there is fruit every day, and they feed the children in general 6 times a day. But in any other camp, the food is right, without harmful products and fast food, which is very important! And the kids do a lot of things together. During the season, the guys find common friends and it's great!

- But in country camps they take only up to 15 years. Where do teenagers go?
“Recreation for teenagers is really a problem, and at the age of 15-17, rest is essential, so the parents of such children should definitely organize a holiday for them. It can be some kind of summer training, camping trips, trips to relatives in the village or in the country. In any case, teenagers should not be left in the city for the summer and deprived of active rest outdoors. The load at school on such children is maximum. In addition, at this age there is a restructuring of the body, and especially carefully you need to monitor your health and be sensitive to all possible complaints. Therefore, rest is simply shown to such children by doctors.

In general, it is important for doctors that vacations can be a great time to prevent many diseases and awaken children's interest in a healthy lifestyle. As our work shows, today many children willingly choose a healthy lifestyle and understand that bad habits are in no way compatible with it.

In the spring, the question arose of reducing summer vacations in Russia. As representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science explained, in many developed countries, children go to school much longer, not only due to the period of 12-13 years, but also due to shorter vacations. But while this issue in the ministry decided not to raise. But Biychans should listen to this information. And while there are long summer vacation, you need to use them at full capacity to improve the health of children, and yourself too.