100 interesting facts about the author Dante Alighieri. Alighieri Dante. Step into immortality

Dante was born in mid-May 1265 in Florence. His parents were respectable citizens of modest means and belonged to the Guelph party, which opposed the government. German emperors in Italy. They were able to pay for their son's education at school, and subsequently allowed him, without worrying about the means, to improve in the art of versification.

As a poet, Dante begins by imitating the most influential lyric poet in Italy at that time, Gwittone d'Arezzo, but soon changes poetics and, together with his older friend Guido Cavalcanti, becomes the founder of a special poetic school, which Dante himself called the school of the "sweet new style" (Dolce style nuovo). Its main distinguishing feature is the ultimate spiritualization of love feelings.

In 1292, Dante wrote an autobiographical story in verse and prose " New life"(La vita nuova), which tells of Dante's love for Beatrice (it is believed that she was Beatrice, daughter of Folco Portinari) from the moment they first met, when Dante was nine years old and she was eight, until Beatrice's death in June 1290. The poems are accompanied by prose inserts explaining how this or that poem appeared. In this work, Dante develops the theory of courtly love for a woman, reconciling it with the Christian love for God. After the death of Beatrice, Dante turned to the consolation of philosophy and created several allegorical poems in praise of this new "lady".

In 1295-1296, Dante was called several times to public service, including participation in the Council of the Hundred, which was in charge financial affairs Republic of Florence.

In 1300, Dante travels as ambassador to San Gimignano, calling on the citizens of the city to unite with Florence against Pope Boniface VIII. In the same year, Dante was elected a member of the governing council of priors - Dante holds this position from June 15 to August 15. Fulfilling it, he is trying to prevent the aggravation of the struggle between the parties of the White Guelphs (who advocated the independence of Florence from the pope) and the Blacks (supporters of papal power).

Around this time, Dante marries Gemma Donati, whose lineage belongs to the Black Guelphs.

In 1301, from April to September, Dante re-enters the Council of the Hundred. In the autumn of the same year, he was part of the embassy sent to Pope Boniface in connection with the attack on Florence by Prince Charles of Valois. In his absence, on November 1, 1301, with the arrival of Charles, power in the city passes to the Black Guelphs, and the White Guelphs are repressed.

On January 27, 1302, Dante, whose sympathies are on the side of the White Guelphs, was sentenced to exile and deprived of civil rights. He no longer returns to Florence.

In the years 1304-1308, the treatise "Feast" (Il convivio) was created, written, according to Dante himself, in order to declare himself as a poet who moved from singing courtly love to philosophical topics. "Feast" is conceived as a kind of encyclopedia in the field of philosophy and art, intended for a wide range of readers.

The name "Feast" is allegorical: simply and clearly stated scientific ideas should saturate not the chosen ones, but everyone. It was assumed that the "Feast" will include fourteen poems (canzone), each of which will be provided with an extensive gloss, interpreting its allegorical and philosophical meaning. However, having written interpretations of the three canzones, Dante leaves work on the treatise. In the first book of the Pira, which serves as a prologue, he passionately defends the right of the Italian language to be the language of literature.

Dante is also working on a treatise on Latin"On Popular Eloquence" (De vulgari eloquentia, 1304-1307), which was not completed: Dante wrote only the first book and part of the second. In it, Dante speaks of Italian as a means of poetic expression, expounds his theory of language and expresses his hope for the creation in Italy of a new literary language which would rise above dialectical differences and would be worthy of being called great poetry.

In 1307, Dante began to write the Divine Comedy, interrupting work on the treatises The Feast and On Popular Eloquence. Dante calls his poem "Comedy", because it has a gloomy beginning (Hell) and a joyful end (Paradise and contemplation of the Divine essence). In addition, the poem is written in a simple style (as opposed to the sublime style inherent in Dante's understanding of tragedy), on in native language, "as women say." The epithet "Divine" in the title was not invented by Dante, it was prefaced by Boccaccio's "Commedia", expressing admiration for the artistic beauty of creation, and for the first time it appears in an edition published in 1555. in Venice.

The poem consists of one hundred songs of approximately the same length (130-150 lines) and is divided into three cants - "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Paradise", thirty-three songs each; the first song of "Hell" serves as a prologue to the whole poem. The size of the “Divine Comedy” is an eleven-syllable, rhyming scheme, tercine, invented by Dante himself, who put a deep meaning into it.

« The Divine Comedy"- an unsurpassed example of art as imitation, Dante takes as a model everything that exists, both material and spiritual, created by the triune God, who left the imprint of his trinity on everything. Therefore, the structure of the poem is based on the number three, and the amazing symmetry of its structure is rooted in imitation of the measure and order that the Lord gave to all things.

Although the narrative of The Comedy can almost always be based on the literal sense alone, this is by no means the only level of perception. Following the medieval tradition, Dante puts four meanings into his work: literal, allegorical, moral and anagogical (mystical). The first of them involves a "natural" description of the afterlife with all its attributes. The second meaning involves the expression of the idea of ​​being in its abstract form: everything in the world moves from darkness to light, from suffering to joy, from error to truth, from bad to good.

The main idea can be considered the ascent of the soul through the knowledge of the world. The moral meaning implies the idea of ​​retribution for all earthly deeds in the afterlife. The anagogical meaning presupposes the comprehension of the Divine idea through the perception of the beauty of poetry itself, as the language of the Divine too, although created by the mind of a poet, an earthly man.

In 1310, Emperor Henry VII invades Italy with a "peacekeeping" purpose. To this event, Dante, who by that time had found temporary shelter in Casentino, responds with an ardent letter “To the rulers and peoples of Italy”, calling for support for Henry. In another letter, entitled "The Florentine Dante Alighieri, unjustly expelled, to the worthless Florentines who remained in the city," he condemns the resistance offered by Florence to the emperor.

In 1312-1313, a treatise-study "On the Monarchy" (De monarchia) was written. Here, in three books Dante seeks to prove the truth of the following statements:

1) only under the rule of a single universal monarch can humanity come to a peaceful existence and fulfill its destiny;

2) The Lord chose the Roman people to rule the world (therefore, this monarch must be the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire);

3) the emperor and the pope receive power directly from God (therefore, the first is not subordinate to the second).

These views were expressed even before Dante, but he brings to them the ardor of conviction. The Church immediately condemns the treatise and sentences the book to be burned.

In 1313, after an unsuccessful three-year campaign, Henry VII died suddenly in Buonconvento. And in 1314, after the death of Pope Clement V in France, Dante comes out with another letter addressed to the conclave of Italian cardinals in the city of Carpentras, in which he urges them to elect an Italian pope and return the papal throne from Avignon to Rome.

For some time, Dante takes refuge with the ruler of Verona, Can Grande della Scala, to whom he dedicates the final part of the Divine Comedy - Paradise.

Last years The poet spends his life under the auspices of Guido da Polenta in Ravenna.

In the last two years of his life, Dante wrote two eclogues in Latin hexameter. This was the answer to the professor of poetry University of Bologna Giovanni del Virgilio, who urged him to write in Latin and come to Bologna to be crowned with a laurel wreath. The study "The Question of Water and Land" (Questio de aqua et terra), dedicated to the controversial issue of the ratio of water and land on the surface of the Earth, Dante may have read publicly in Verona. Of the letters to Dante, eleven are recognized as authentic, all in Latin (some have been mentioned).

September 13, 1321 Dante dies in Ravenna, having completed the Divine Comedy shortly before his death.

The name of the classic of world literature Dante Alighieri, the Italian poet, the author of the Divine Comedy, the humanist philosopher of the late Middle Ages, the founder of the Italian literary language, is shrouded in mysticism. His whole life is a series of fatal events. January 26, the birthday of the man who described the journey to the afterlife, let's talk about the secrets of his biography.

1. The exact date of Dante's birth is unknown, the official baptismal record is May 26, 1265, recorded under the name Durante. The poet's ancestors came from the Roman family of the Elisei, who participated in the founding of Florence. Kachchagvida, Dante's great-great-grandfather, participated in the crusade of Conrad III, was knighted by him and died in battle with the Muslims. Cacchagvida was married to a lady from the Lombard family of Aldigieri da Fontana. The name "Aldigieri" was transformed into "Alighieri" - this was the name of one of the sons of Kachchagvidy. The poet's parents were Florentines of modest means, but they were still able to pay for their son's education at school, and then helped to improve in the art of versification.
2. In childhood, Dante received a wide knowledge of ancient and medieval literature, the basics of the natural sciences and was familiar with the heretical teachings of that time. He will carry his first love through his whole life. An 8-year-old boy, struck by the beauty of the neighbor girl Beatrice, he will be carried away by her already in his youth, calling the then already married woman "the mistress of the heart."

This platonic love will last 7 years. Beatrice died in 1290, and this shocked the poet so much that his relatives thought that Dante would not survive it. “Days were like nights and nights were like days. None of them passed without groans, without sighs, without copious tears. His eyes seemed to be two of the most abundant sources, so much so that many wondered where so much moisture comes from to feed his tears ... The weeping and grief felt in his heart, as well as the neglect of all sorts of worries about himself, told him the look of an almost wild man ... " He delved into philosophy, seeking questions for his answers from the ancient Romans. You can read about Dante's love for Beatrice in the poet's autobiographical novel "New Life", he also dedicated his sonnets to her.

3. However, Dante did not become a reclusive monk. It is known that he entered into a marriage of convenience (political). His wife, Jema, belonged to the Donati clan, which was at odds with the Cherki party, which was supported by the Alighieri family. It is not known when Dante married, but it is documented that in 1301 he was the father of three children (Pietro, Jacopo and Antonia). During these years, he manifests himself in the state field, he was elected to the city council, openly opposed the Pope, for which he later paid the price.

4. In 1302, Dante was expelled from hometown on a fabricated bribery case and for participating in anti-state activities, his wife and children remained in Florence. A very impressive fine was imposed on Alighier - five thousand florins and his property was arrested, and then a tougher verdict was issued - "burning by fire to death."
5. During the years of exile, the poet writes the "Comedy" of all human life, which subsequently no less famous writer Giovanni Boccaccio will call "Divine". It was with this epithet that she entered the world classics. With his work, Dante wanted to help people, intimidated by medieval scholasticism, cope with the fear of death. The poet believed in the afterlife, in the existence of heaven and hell, in the possibility of purifying the soul.

Dante wandered around Italy for a long time, first finding refuge with the ruler of Verona, Can Grande della Scala (he dedicated part of Paradise to him), visited France in 1308-1309, heated philosophical disputes carried him away. Dante writes a treatise "On the Monarchy" - a kind of "Message to the peoples and rulers of Italy." Returning to Italy, he settled in Ravenna under the auspices of Guido da Polenta, where he completed the work of his life.
6. Dante's death is shrouded in mysticism. Being the ambassador of the ruler of Ravenna, Dante went to Venice to conclude peace with the Republic of St. Mark. Returning back, on the road he fell ill with malaria and died on the night of September 13-14, 1321. The poet was buried in the church of San Francesco on the territory of the monastery "with great honors."

And here the most mysterious begins. In 1322, eight months after his death, the poet made the return journey from the underworld to ours. Then his family lived in poverty and hoped to get at least some money for the Divine Comedy. Dante's sons could not find their father's manuscript, which he completed shortly before his death. The poet lived in exile and in eternal fear of arrest, so he hid his creation in a safe hiding place. According to the memoirs of the eldest son Jacopo Alighieri: “Exactly eight months after the death of my father, at the end of the night, he himself appeared to me in snow-white clothes ... Then I asked ... where are the songs that we have been looking for in vain for so long already hidden? And he… took me by the hand, led me into the upper room and pointed to the wall: “Here you will find what you are looking for!” Waking up, Jacopo rushed to the wall, threw back the mat and found a secret niche where the manuscript lay.
7. Years passed, and the supporters of the Pope remembered the worst apostate Dante. In 1329, Cardinal Bernardo del Poggetto demanded that the monks commit Alighieri's body to public burning. How the monks got out of this situation is unknown, but the ashes of the poet were not touched.

8. When, two centuries later, the genius of Dante was recognized by the Renaissance, it was decided to rebury the remains of the poet in Florence. However, the coffin was ... empty. Probably the prudent Franciscan monks secretly buried Dante elsewhere, presumably in the monastery of their order in Siena. But nothing was found there either. In a word, the Florentine reburial of Dante had to be postponed. Pope Leo X was given two versions of what happened: the remains were stolen by unknown people or ... Dante himself appeared and took his ashes. Incredibly, the enlightened dad chose the second version! It can be seen that he also believed in the mystical nature of the poet Dante.

9. But the miracles did not end there either. To celebrate the 600th anniversary of the birth of the genius Dante, it was decided to carry out the restoration of the Church of San Francesco in Ravenna. In the spring of 1865, builders broke through one of the walls and found a wooden box with a carved inscription: "Dante's bones were placed here by Antonio Santi in 1677." Who this Antonio is, whether he was related to the family of the painter Raphael (after all, he was also Santi, although he died back in 1520), is unknown, but the find became an international sensation. Dante's remains in the presence of representatives different countries moved to the mausoleum of Dante in Ravenna, where they still rest.

10. Mysticism continued into the twentieth century: during the reconstruction of the National Library in Florence in 1999, among rare books workers found an envelope with ... Dante's ashes. It contained ashes and paper framed in black with the seals of Ravenna confirming: "These are the ashes of Dante Alighieri." This news shocked everyone. After all, if the body of the poet was not subjected to fire, then where did the ashes come from. And how did this envelope end up in the library? The workers swore that they went through this rack several times and did not see any envelope. World newspapers immediately trumpeted rumors that the mystical Dante himself thus reminded of himself. Why did he throw up the envelope to joke or scare - here the versions diverged. True, after an investigation, it turned out that in the 19th century, burning took place, however, not of the body, but of the carpet on which the coffin stood. The ashes were sealed in six envelopes, on each of which the venerable notary Saturnino Malagola stamped and inscribed without hesitation: "These are the ashes of Dante Alighieri", sending them from Ravenna to Florence, the poet's hometown.

Love that moves the sun and luminaries - 750 years ago, a poet was born who gave the world the concept of love: Dante Alighieri.

One of the most unusual books in the world is Dante's Divine Comedy, written on a sheet of paper measuring 80 by 60 cm by the Benedictine monk Gabriel Celani. All 14,000 verses can be easily read with the naked eye, and if you look at the sheet from a distance, you see a colorful map of Italy. Chelani spent four years on this work.

Since Italy was fragmented for many centuries into many small principalities and city-states, a large number of dialects descended from popular Latin existed on its territory. AT early XIV century Florentine Dante Alighieri wrote the famous "Divine Comedy", which was read throughout Italy. It was this work that became one of the main reasons that Dante's native Tuscan dialect became the basis of the literary Italian language.

There is a misconception among admirers of literature about the expression “divine comedy”. The author Dante Alighieri himself gave this famous work a very simple name - “Comedy (“La Commedia”). The word "Divine" was first introduced by publishers only 200 years after Dante's death with the aim of commercial success of the book, which was published from under the printing press in the printing house of Lodovico Dolci in 1555.

The attentive reader may notice other structural features of the Divine Comedy. For example, each canticle ends with the word "stars", the names of Christ and Mary rhyme only with themselves, they do not occur in the chapters devoted to hell.

The Divine Comedy has been translated into many languages. It appeared in Russian for the first time in the 19th century, the translation was carried out several times different people. The translation made by Mikhail Lozinsky in 1945, for which he received a state prize, is considered a classic.

When Dante was nine years old, a meeting took place in his life that changed the history of all Italian literature. On the threshold of the church, he ran into the little neighbor girl Beatrice Portinari and fell in love with her at first sight. It was this feeling, according to Alighieri himself, that made him a poet. Before last days Dante devoted his life to his beloved poetry, idolizing "the most beautiful of all angels." Their next meeting took place nine years later, by this time Beatrice was already married, her husband was the wealthy signor Simon de Bardi. But neither marriage nor the subsequent children of Beatrice could prevent the poet from loving her all his life. Dante survived Beatrice - she died in 1290. The autobiographical confession of the writer "New Life" became a poetic document of this love.

Dante himself entered into one of those politically calculated business marriages that were accepted at that time. His wife was Gemma Donati, daughter of a wealthy man, Manetto Donati. When Dante Alighieri was expelled from Florence, Gemma remained in the city with her children, preserving the remnants of her father's property. Alighieri does not mention his wife in any of his works, but Dante and Beatrice have become the same symbol of a love couple, like Petrarch and Laura, Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet.

The first mention of Dante as public figure refers to the years 1296-1297, when he took an active part in political life Florence. After an armed coup in 1302, he was expelled and deprived of civil rights, and then sentenced to death penalty. Then the poet began to wander around Italy, and he never returned to Florence.

The Divine Comedy, a poetic encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, is an unsurpassed example of art as imitation, where Dante takes as a model everything that exists, created by the triune God, who left the imprint of his trinity on everything. The style of the poem combines vernacular and solemn book vocabulary, picturesqueness and drama.

Dante worked on the greatest poem for almost 15 years, having managed to complete it shortly before his death. Alighieri died of malaria on September 14, 1321. The last poet of the Middle Ages left behind a significant mark in world literature and laid the foundation for new era- Early Renaissance.

Presentation for the lesson on foreign literature in grade 9

Dante Alighieri. "The Divine Comedy"
“Earthly life having passed to half,
I found myself in a dark forest
Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.
What was he, oh, how to pronounce,
That wild forest, dense and threatening,
Whose old horror I carry in my memory!
He is so bitter that death is almost sweeter.
But, having found good in it forever,
I will tell about everything that I saw in this more often.
I don't remember how I got in there
So the dream entangled me with lies,
When I lost my way.”1. Biography of Dante Alighieri. Interesting facts from life
2. "Divine Comedy"
3. Structure of "Hell"
4. Description (1-9) of the circles of Hell
1 circle "Hell"
2 circle "Hell"
3 circle "Hell"
4 circle "Hell"
5 circle "Hell"
Guardian; languishing; Type of punishment
6 circle "Hell"
7 circle "Hell"
8 circle "Hell"
9 circle "Hell"
5. The Divine Comedy as an inspiration to many
6. Once again about the poem and the poet

Dante Alighieri. Interesting facts from life

Dante Alighieri (real name Durante
Alighieri) (1265-1321) - italian poet and
political figure.
Born in Florence, in an aristocratic
family. His ancestors took part in
second crusade. About father and mother
Dante knows almost nothing, as well as about
circumstances of his early youth. Dante
got the usual for that time
education, but he himself recognized it
inadequate. In 1291 Dante married
Gemme Donati by political calculation.
There were seven children from this marriage, six
sons and daughter. In 1302 Dante was in absentia
accused of misappropriation
public money and sentenced to a fine.
He moved to Rome, but he was found there too. poet
sentenced to be burned for political

Dante's life

Dante belonged to
Florentine Party
Cherki, who was at enmity
with the Donati party. In 1298
marriage between him and Gemma
Donati. At this time Dante
wrote songs praising
Beatrice, but about Gemma he didn't
wrote not a word. In 1296
Dante began to participate in
public life
Florence, and in 1300
became one of the leaders
Gemma and Dante
Beatrice and Dante
Dante Alighieri

last years of life

From 1316 Dante
stops in Ravenna, where
he was received by the lord of the city
Guido da Polenta. Here he is
continues to work on
"Divine Comedy" AT
1321 Dante as ambassador
ruler of Ravenna
heading to Venice
making peace with
Republic of Saint Mark.
On the way back he
contracted malaria and on the night of
13 to 14 September 1321
died. Buried Dante
Alighieri in Ravenna.
Poet's grave
Guido da Polenta
Dante Alighieri

"The Divine Comedy"..

"The Divine Comedy" arose in a disturbing early years 14th century from
the depths of national life seething with intense political struggle
For future - near and far - generations, she remained the greatest
monument of the poetic culture of the Italian people. "Severe Dante" - so
called the creator of the "Divine Comedy" Pushkin - made his great
poetic work during the bitter years of exile and wanderings, to which she condemned him
triumphed in 1301 in the bourgeois-democratic Florence
the party of "blacks" - supporters of the pope and representatives of the interests of the nobility-bourgeois elite of the rich republic.
Dante stands on the threshold of the Renaissance, on the threshold of an era "... which
needed titans and who gave birth to titans by the power of thought, passion and
character, versatility and learning. Creator of the Divine
Comedy" was one of these titans, whose poetic legacy remained
through the centuries by the majestic contribution of the Italian people to the treasury of the world

The Divine Comedy is divided into three parts
Part 1 - "Hell"
("kantiki"): "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Paradise". Poet with
conscientiousness of the geometer draws
spatial parameters: in Hell - nine
circles, in Purgatory - two prepurgatory and
seven ledges of a mountain that rises to
heaven, and in Paradise - nine celestial spheres.
The composition of the Dante poem is built with
Part 2 - "Purgatory"
taking into account the so-called magic of numbers, according to
which the sacred numbers are 3, 9 and 10.
Dante's world is exceptionally holistic and
harmonic, that's amazing
union of mathematical precision
thinking with the irrepressible fantasy of a poet. AT
depiction of a journey to the beyond
the world amazes with the unification of certainty
pictures transferred from earthly existence, and
allegoricalness, which brings to these
paintings a certain encryption.
Part 3 - "Paradise"
Reading a poem has always needed
comments that decipher
common to medieval culture
Hell is the embodiment of the terrible and ugly.
Purgatory - reparable shortcomings and
quenched sadness.
Paradise is an allegory of Beauty, Joy.
Each form of punishment in Hell also has its own
allegorical perspective, like every test
in Purgatory and every form of reward in Paradise.

Hell, Purgatory, Heaven

According to Catholic tradition, the afterlife consists of hell, where
forever condemned sinners, purgatories - the abodes of those who redeem their
the sins of sinners, and paradise - the abode of the blessed.
Dante details these ideas and describes the structure of the afterlife with
graphic certainty, fixing all the details of its architectonics. Introductory
song Dante tells how he, having reached the middle life path, got lost
once in a dense forest and like the poet Virgil, having delivered him from three wild animals,
blocking his path, invited Dante to make a journey through the afterlife
the world. When he learned that Virgil had been sent to Beatrice, Dante's deceased lover, he
awe is given to the leadership of the poet

The meaning of comedy
Following the medieval tradition, Dante invested in
his work four meanings: literal,
allegorical, moral and mystical. First of
of them provided for a "natural" description
the other world with all its attributes - and
the poet did it so convincingly, as if he saw
with my own eyes what was only
a work of his extraordinary imagination.
The second meaning provided for the expression of the idea of ​​being
in her abstract form: everything in the world moves from darkness
to the light, from suffering to joy, from lies to truth, from
bad to good. The third, main meaning, the ascent of the soul through the knowledge of the world. Moral
meaning provided for the idea of ​​retribution for all earthly
affairs in the afterlife. Dante sincerely believed in
that every human act is necessarily
will have divine gratitude and
divine punishment, hence the idea of ​​cruel
payment to tyrants, and the idea of ​​gratitude "eternal
light" saints. The poet considered himself obliged to be
as specific as possible and in the description of otherworldly
paintings. And the fourth meaning is
intuitive comprehension of the divine idea through
perception of the beauty of poetry itself as a language also
divine, though created by the mind of a poet,
earthly person.

10. The concept of Hell in the Divine Comedy. First round

1st circle (Limb). Unbaptized babies and virtuous non-Christians.
Guardian: Charon
Yearning: Unbaptized Infants and Virtuous Non-Christians
Type of punishment: Painless grief
Here are:
The greatest poets of antiquity are Homer, Horace, Ovid, Virgil, Lucan;
Roman and Greek heroes - Electra, Hector, Aeneas, Caesar, Penthesilea,
queen of the Amazons, Camilla, Lavinia with her father Latin, Brutus, Julia (wife
Pompey), Lucretia (dishonored by the royal son Sextus Tarquinius).
Scientists, poets and doctors - Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Democritus, Diogenes,
Thales, Anaxagoras, Zeno, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Seneca, Orpheus, Lin, Mark
Tullius Cicero, Euclid, Ptolemy, Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna...

11. The second circle of "Hell"

2nd circle "Lust"
Guardian: Minos
Yearning: The Voluptuaries
(fornicators and adulterers, just
passionate lovers)
Type of punishment: Torsion and
torment by the storm
Here are: Semiramis,
Dido, Cleopatra, Helena
Beautiful, Achilles, Paris,
Tristan; Francesca and Paolo

12. The third circle of "Hell".

Guardian: Cerberus
Languishing: Gluttons, gluttons and
Type of punishment: Rotting under the sun and
rain. Torsion and torture
hurricane, blows of souls on the rocks
Here is Chacko, a resident
Florence, more voracious than which
was never

13. The fourth circle of "Hell".

Guardian: Plutus
The Languishing: The Miser and the Waste
(inability to make reasonable
Type of punishment: Wall-to-wall
(eternal dispute) Dragging with
places in place of huge
weights; souls colliding
with each other, enter into
furious fight

14. The fifth circle of "Hell".

Eternal fight in the dirty swamp of the Styx,
where the bodies of the bored serve as the bottom.
Pretty dark and gloomy
a place guarded by the son of Ares himself.
His name is Phlegius. For the fact that in life
Phlegius burned the temple of Apollo, he is tormented
eternal hunger in hell. To hit 5
circle of hell, you have to be very angry,
lazy or dull. Better yet, all at once!
Went - killed a bunch of people, too lazy
clean up the corpses and saddened. So, in
the fifth circle of hell happens eternal
fight. The place of the fight is the swamp of the Styx.
The darkest thing in that river is the bottom. It
consists of those who are discouraged and bored at
life. So keep smiling
a little...

15. The sixth circle of "Hell".

Type of punishment:
Lie in smoldering graves.
The tombstone is open, inside the grave is burning
fire - it heats up to redness
the walls of the tomb.
Here are
Epicureans are people who give
preference for material pleasures
life: Farinata degli Uberti,
Cavalcante Cavalcanti, Frederick II
, Cardinal Ottaviano degli Ubaldini,
Pope Anastasius II

16. The seventh circle of "Hell"

7 circle of hell. It is divided into three zones. The main inhabitants are people who
committed violence. But in every belt live different kinds rapists:
1 belt is called Flageton. Those who committed violence against their neighbor, over
its wealth and wealth. So tyrants, robbers and
robbers spend their time in the first belt. They boil in the moat
red-hot blood, and if someone emerges, centaurs shoot at him. By the way, by
According to Dante Alighieri, Alexander the Great and the tyrant Dionysius, it was there that
swim, splashing in the warm waves of the blood of their victims.
2 belt is the Forest of Suicides. Those who have committed violence against themselves languish there. Easier
say suicidal. Also those who wantonly squandered their wealth are gamblers and the like. Spenders and gamblers are tortured by hounds.
Unfortunate suicides are turned into trees and torn to shreds by Harpies
(pre-Olympic creatures) notorious for suddenly appearing and kidnapping
human children and human souls. Harpies are associated with the storm. It's believed that
the number of harpies ranges from 2 to 5.


3 belt - Combustible sands. Blasphemers spend their time there, having committed
violence against deities. Also, those who have shown violence against their nature are Sadomites. The punishment is to stay in an absolutely barren desert, the sky
which drips on the heads of the unfortunate fiery rain. Well, Buddhist hell is not
very far removed from all this.
Protects those languishing in the 7th circle of hell and its belts - the Minotaur. The creature that
happened after the connection between the wife of King Minos - Pasiphae and the bull donated
Poseidon. Pasiphae seduced him by lying down in a wooden model

18. The eighth circle of "Hell"

8 circle of hell. This circle consists of 10
ditches. And this is the most popular
all circles. It also bears the name
Evil Slits or Evil Slits.
The guardian of the 8th circle of hell is
Geryon - a giant with six arms,
six legs and wings. This
the monster consisted of three human
tel. In three left hands, as in three
right, were spears. Nobody killed him
other than Hercules! Although he
there were few. He not only killed
unfortunate Gerion with one arrow,
He also built a sanctuary for him.


1 ditch Seducers sit there and
pimps. All these sinners go
two columns towards each other
friend. They are constantly tortured
driving demons. Incidentally, among
there is a famous thief and
cunning Jason. He stole the fleece and
made many other small
dirty tricks. By the way, here is a little
bad logic. For everyone knows Jason committed suicide
suicide. Well, maybe
Dante Alighieri's own version.


2 ditch Filled with flatterers. They have
the punishment is cal. mired in
foul-smelling stool flatterers quietly
while away their time.
3 ditch 8 circles of Hell, according to Dante
Alighieri, busy with high-ranking
clerics who traded
church positions. They are the Simonists.
The Simonists got their name from
the attempt of the Jew Simon to buy the gift of creation
miracles of the Apostle Peter and the apostle


22. The ninth circle of "Hell"

In the heart of the underworld - an icy lake
Cocytus. Like Viking hell, in this place
incredibly cold. Here rest
frozen in the ice renegades, and the chief of
They are Lucifer, the fallen angel. Judas Iscariot
(who betrayed Jesus Christ), Brutus (who deceived
trust of Julius Caesar) and Cassius (also a member
conspiracy against Caesar) personal ice floes are not
honored - Satan torments them in his three
Guardian: Giants (Briareus, Ephialtes, Antaeus)
Type of punishment: frozen in the ice up to the neck, and their faces
turned downward.


Divine Comedy as inspiration
for many artists
The Divine Comedy has been the source of
inspiration for many artists, poets and philosophers. Author of several translations and
adaptations of Dante, Geoffrey Chaucer directly refers to
the work of Dante.
He repeatedly quoted and used references to the work of Dante in his
works of John Milton, who is well acquainted with the works of the poet. Milton
interprets Dante's point of view as a separation of temporal and spiritual power, but
in relation to the period of the Reformation, similar to the political situation,
analyzed by the poet in the XIX song "Hell". Moment of Beatrice's condemning speech
attitude towards corruption and venality of confessors (“Paradise”, XXIX) is adapted into
poem "Lucidas", where the author condemns the corruption of the clergy.
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle Create Modern Sequel to Dante's Comedy
the novel Inferno (1976), in which the author of a science fiction book dies during
while meeting with fans and ends up in hell, where Benito Mussolini is in charge. Later
a sequel was published - the novel "Escape from Hell" (2009).


Gloria Naylor, author of Linden Hills (1985), uses Dante's Inferno in
as a model for the journey of two young black poets,
earning a few days before Christmas in the homes of the rich
African Americans. Young people soon discover what the price is
paid by the people of Linden Hills to make the American dream come true.
Irish poet Seamus Heaney publishes on the front page of The Irish Times (18
January 2000) one of his poems, which begins with a translation of 5861 STRAF XXXIII of the song "Paradise"
Nick Tosches, author of Dante's Hand (2002), tells the story of finding
manuscripts of the Divine Comedy, in parallel telling about the last years
Dante's work on his poem.
The history of writing and the plot of The Divine Comedy is one of
central storylines Dan Brown's novel Inferno (2013).

25. Once again about the poem and the poet

Representing a grand synthesis
medieval culture
, "Comedy"
simultaneously carries a powerful breath
a new culture, a new type of thinking that prophesies
humanistic era of the Renaissance. A person who is socially active
Dante is not content with abstract moralizing: he
takes his contemporaries to the other world and
predecessors with their joys and experiences, with their
political tastes, with their actions and deeds - and rules over
them a harsh and inexorable judgment from the position of a sage-humanist. He
appears as a comprehensively enlightened person who
allows him to be a politician, a theologian,
moralist, philosopher, historian, physiologist, psychologist and
astronomer. According to the best Russian
translator of the poem by Dante M. L. Lozinsky,
The Divine Comedy is a book about the universe and
a book about the poet himself, which will forever remain for centuries as forever
a living example of a brilliant creation.



The project was made by:
Teacher of Russian language and literature Kuznetsova Marina
9th grade students:
Rzayev Ramil
Puzina Evgenia
Aleshina Aigul
Gasimova Khanym
Avtaev Maxim
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Dante Alighieri - the greatest and famous person, born in the Middle Ages. His contribution to the development of not only Italian, but also the entire world literature cannot be estimated. To date, people often search for Dante Alighieri's biography in summary. But to take such a superficial interest in the life of such a great man who made a huge contribution to the development of languages ​​is not entirely correct.

Biography of Dante Alighieri

Speaking about the life and work of Dante Alighieri, it is not enough to say that he was a poet. The area of ​​his activity was very extensive and multifaceted. He was interested not only in literature, but also in politics. Today Dante Alighieri, whose biography is filled with interesting events is called a theologian.

Beginning of life

The biography of Dante Alighieri began in Florence. Family legend, which for a long time was the basis of the Alighieri family, said that Dante, like all his relatives, was a descendant of a great Roman family, which laid the foundation for the foundation of Florence itself. Everyone considered this legend true, because the grandfather of Dante's father was in the ranks of the army that participated in the Crusade under the command of the Great Conrad the Third. It was this ancestor of Dante who was knighted, and soon died tragically during the battle against the Muslims.

It was this relative of Dante, whose name was Kachchagvida, who was married to a woman who came from a very rich and noble family - Aldigieri. Over time the name known kind began to sound a little different - "Alighieri". One of the children of Cacchagvid, who later became Dante's grandfather, often endured persecution from the lands of Florence in those years when the Guelphs constantly fought battles with the peoples of the Ghibellines.

Biography Highlights

Today you can find many sources that briefly talk about the biography and work of Dante Alighieri. However, such a study of the personality of Dante will not be entirely correct. A brief biography of Dante Alighieri will not be able to convey all those seemingly unimportant biographical elements that so strongly influenced his life.

Speaking about the date of birth of Dante Alighieri, no one can say the exact date, month and year. However, it is generally accepted that the main date of birth is the time that Bocaccio named, being a friend of Dante, - May 1265. The writer Dante himself wrote about himself that he was born under the Gemini zodiac, which suggests that the time of Alighieri's birth is the end of May - the beginning of June. What is known about his baptism is that this event took place in 1266, in March, and his name at baptism sounded like Durante.

Education Dante Alighieri

Another important fact that is mentioned in all short biographies Dante Alighieri, was his education. The first teacher and mentor of the young and still unknown Dante was a popular writer, poet and at the same time a scientist - Brunetto Latini. It was he who laid the first poetic knowledge in the young head of Alighieri.

And today the fact remains unknown where Dante received his further education. Scientists studying history unanimously say that Dante Alighieri was very educated, knew a lot about the literature of antiquity and the Middle Ages, was well versed in various sciences and even studied heretical teachings. Where could Dante Alighieri get such wide knowledge? In the biography of the poet, this has become another mystery that is almost impossible to solve.

For a long time scientists from all over the world tried to find the answer to this question. Many facts indicate that Dante Alighieri could have received such extensive knowledge at the university, which was located in the city of Bologna, since it was there that he lived for some time. But, since there is no direct evidence of this theory, it remains only to assume that it is so.

The first steps in creativity and tests

Like all people, the poet had friends. His closest friend was Guido Cavalcanti, who was also a poet. It was to him that Dante devoted a huge number of works and lines of his poem "New Life".

At the same time, Dante Alighieri is known as a fairly young public and politician. In 1300 he was elected to the post of prior, but soon the poet was expelled from Florence along with his comrades. Already on his deathbed, Dante dreamed of being on native land. However, throughout his life after his exile, he was never allowed to visit the city, which the poet considered his homeland.

Years spent in exile

The expulsion of their hometown made Dante Alighieri, whose biography and books are filled with bitterness from separation from his native land, a wanderer. At the time of such large-scale persecution in Florence, Dante was already among the ranks of famous lyric poets. His poem "New Life" had already been written by this time, and he himself worked hard on the creation of "Feast". Changes in the poet himself were very noticeable in his further work. Exile and long wandering left an indelible imprint on Alighieri. His great work "The Feast" was supposed to be the answer to the 14 canzones already accepted in society, but it was never completed.

Development in the literary path

It was during his exile that Alighieri wrote his own famous work"Comedy", which began to be called "divine" only years later. Alighieri's friend, Boccaccio, greatly contributed to the change of name.

There are still many legends about Dante's Divine Comedy. Boccaccio himself claimed that all three canticles were written in different cities. The last part, "Paradise", was written in Ravenna. It was Boccaccio who said that after the poet died, his children for a very long time could not find the last thirteen songs that were written by the hand of the great Dante Alighieri. This part of the "Comedy" was discovered only after one of the sons of Alighieri dreamed of the poet himself, who told where the manuscripts were. Such a beautiful legend is actually not refuted by scientists today, because there are a lot of oddities and mysteries around the personality of this creator.

The personal life of the poet

In the personal life of Dante Alighieri, everything was far from ideal. His first and last love was the Florentine girl Beatrice Portinari. Having met his love back in Florence, as a child, he did not understand his feelings for her. Meeting Beatrice nine years later, when she was already married, Dante realized how much he loved her. She became for him the love of his life, inspiration and hope for a better future. The poet was shy all his life. During his life, he spoke only twice with his beloved, but this did not become an obstacle for him in love for her. Beatrice did not understand, did not know about the feelings of the poet, she believed that he was simply arrogant, therefore he did not talk to her. This was precisely the reason that Portinari once felt a strong resentment towards Alighieri and soon stopped talking to him at all.

For the poet, this was a strong blow, because it was under the influence of the very love that he felt for Beatrice that he wrote most of his works. Dante Alighieri's poem "New Life" was created under the influence of Portinari's words of greeting, which the poet regarded as a successful attempt to attract the attention of his beloved. And Alighieri completely devoted his “Divine Comedy” to his only and unrequited love for Beatrice.

tragic loss

Alighieri's life changed a lot with the death of his beloved. Since at the age of twenty-one Bice, as the girl was affectionately called by her relatives, was married to a rich and influential man, it remains surprising that exactly three years after her marriage, Portinari died suddenly. There are two main versions of death: the first is that Bice died during a difficult childbirth, and the second is that she was very ill, which eventually led to her death.

For Alighieri, this loss was very big. For a long time without finding his place in this world, he could no longer feel sympathy for anyone. Based on the awareness of his precarious position, a few years after the loss of the woman he loved, Dante Alighieri married a very rich lady. This marriage was created solely by calculation, and the poet himself treated his wife absolutely coldly and indifferently. Despite this, in this marriage, Alighieri had three children, two of whom eventually followed the path of their father and became seriously interested in literature.

Death of a great writer

Death overtook Dante Alighieri suddenly. In 1321, at the end of the summer, Dante went to Venice to finally make peace with the famous church of St. Mark. During his return to his native land, Alighieri suddenly fell ill with malaria, which killed him. Already in September, on the night of the 13th to the 14th, Alighieri died in Ravenna, without saying goodbye to his children.

There, in Ravenna, Alighieri was buried. The famous architect Guido da Polenta wanted to build a very beautiful and rich mausoleum for Dante Alighieri, but the authorities did not allow this, because the poet spent a huge part of his life in exile.

To date, Dante Alighieri is buried in a beautiful tomb, which was built only in 1780.

The most interesting fact remains that the well-known portrait of the poet has no historical basis and authenticity. This is how Bocaccio represented him.

Dan Brown in his book "Inferno" writes a lot of biographical facts about the life of Alighieri, which are really recognized as reliable.

Many scholars believe that Beatrice's beloved was invented and created by time, that such a person never existed. However, no one can explain how, in this case, Dante and Beatrice could become a symbol of great and unhappy love, standing on the same level as Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Isolde, no one can.